THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC , tfEBKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY B, LONG A W. W. HALL. ' -- ....... . THE ROANOKE NEWS AliVKRTISINU RATES. f 2 00 1 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OBO. W. HARTMAN, Surgeon Dentist. OaHs over W. n. Brown'i Dry CJoods Store, W3UX)N, s. c. Will tlt parttr sit their homes when desired, Tsrcril Reasonable. octMly M. ORIZZAHD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Olllnn In the Cnart House. Strict attention jrlven to all brunches of the profession. Jan 18 ly E T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LA1Y. EH FIELD, N. C. Practloea In th" enmities of Halifax, Nash Bilffecombe and Wllion. Collections made In al parts of the State. jan 12 tf LULL, ATTORXEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N.C. Ipeelal attention Riven to ttmlttanoes promptly made, may ltf. collections and Hill M. XCLLIN. iOUH k. HOOKK. pLLII A MOORE, ATTOKXEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C.- Practice In the counties of Halifax. Northamp ton, Bdwiwilw, Pitt and Martin In the Knurr-ma cnnrt of the State and In the. Federal Courts of the Km'ern District. Collections made In any part of the State. Jan 1 ly TAMES E. O'lIAR A, ATTORNEY AT LiW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In the conrts of Halifax and adjoin ing counties, and In tho Supreme and Federal eourts. Collections made In any part of the State. Will attend at the court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each weeK. jan ra t R OBBRT O. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. Praetlces In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin lnr counties. In the Supr'tiio court of th) fltnte. and In the FVilenl courts. Will (five special attention to the collection ef claims, and to adjiistlmr the accounts of ex- cators, administrators and guardians. dee 15tf t. A T I BT L. HTMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoln taar counties, and In the Supreme and Federal onrts. Claims coll "i-teil In all parts of North Carolina. Ofllce in the Court House. juiyirr T a. MAS X. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. "!. Practice In Halifax and adjoining counties anri UA.lni.-il atft Mil lirnill. courts. Will be at Scotland Neck, onee every fort aight. " TO. B. BATUHEL'JR. ATTUXY AT LAW, RALEian, x. c. Praetiees In the courts of the (Uh Judicial District and in the Federal and Supreme Courts. marUU. W. MASON ATTOBHEY AT LAW, JART33TJRQ, X. C BracMees In the courts of Northampton and aolnlnsr counties, also in tn reuerai aim petno courts. J"1"" 8 V. 1. AY. J)AT k A. C. inLMCUFFIIR. lOLLlCOFFKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. 0. Practice In the eourts of Halifax and adjoining unties, and in the supreme and rv.l.'rai court. Claims KniUxta,! Iii iinvr nart of North Carolina Oueofthe nrua will always tie found In the omce. June so i jr 0 R. S. U I1UNIK K, VROEIflEJITIST Can be found at his office in Enfield. Para Nitrous Ox de O.ts lor the Pain- Extractlug of Teeth always ou hand. June 22 tt. A. K D R E W J. BURTON, ATTOKYEY AT LAW, WELDON, N, C. "tleet In the courts of Halifax. Warren and wnlnir counties ami In the Supreme and Fed-50"r,s- Claims collected In any part of WU Carolina. juneJ7If H. SMITH, JR. ATTORYEY AT LAW, omano Nkck. Halifax Count M. C .," ln th entity of Halifax and adjoin- llAfcr""UB aauJU tin! .sapjouie court "i Ois Tear, In advance, git Months, -" fbree Months, " VOL. VIII. Wcn.ive Bocu Fiiiwiria Together. We have been friomls together, In sunshine and In shade, Slnon thst beneath th cliostnut-trecs In Infancy wo played. But oolducss dwells wilhin thy heart A olnud is on thy brow j We have bnen friends tocrethor- Sball a light word patt us now f We have boon gay tcgothor ; We havo laughed at little Jests, For tho lound of hope was Ktialiinir, Warm and Joyous in our breasts. But laughter now hath fled thy lip, And sullen glooms thy brow j We bav been friends together bhall a light word part us now 1 We have been sad together A'o have wnpl with bitttir tears, O'er grass-grown graves slumbered Tho Impes of early years, Tho voices which are silent tboro Would bid thee clear thy brow ; We h ive been sad togoth r Oh! wlial Khali part lis now f IRENE'S LOVER. Tin re bad been a large tmbezz emcnt in the ertat I at king house nl Blatsdul & Rog r-, and Blai'dtl was lurinus. T ao weeks ticloto, Hurtv Traverse, the tall, geutlemanly manager, had culltd for his (lu-chirsje. stattnr as bis rca- lon his rapi ilj lailing hcalib ; and look ing in his pale lace, do one tloubtc.l his i.ttenHiit. Blaisdcl wa just slatting on a pleasure trip with his vule and daughter, but this affair would keep him at home. He in sisted on their going without him, how ever, as a party nf Iriends went the same roule in a few days. John Dillon, the head e'etk, was id stalled in Traverse's stead; he was an in tenor person in stature, with pomc'lnn disagreeable lurking in bis restless gray eyes. So til luglit pr-tty Ire'C Bl tisdtl, for al though only a clerk, be was often invittd to accompany Travere to the hospitable homes nl his employer.", the laMer bi-ing nmeihing of a f .voriie, cjpcciiilly at Blais . lei's. His (amilv ha I been gone two weeks, when Blaidel sal in the tray dawn ol morning, poring over the flies of hall a itez 'n account hooks, with all anils ot pspers in disorderly contusion about his desk. Thrre was an air ol n gleet about Mb person, like tin; apoesrame ol a man, ho ha been up all nitht, and his lace wore a pi:7.z I'd rxniesnion, us he i-hut the cover witli a bang over the dsncins! flgnr-, and svo the bi il a pnil that broiighl a sliepy looking olli :e-lioy to tlie door in some Ireoiilaiions. It was as muh as a elik's place was worth to offttid B!ni-(tel, and sotnebody h id clTende I him with a vengeance. Who it as, he ha In't a doubt, and sent post-ha-te lot Rogers. Some tide' n minutes1 Inter, tint gentle man came puffing into the offlne vtiry rd in the lace from the extra exertion he hal lound it no esfary to make, his usually placid temper jotnewliat ruffled as be in q tired : What1.! uo now t'1 E .(nigh, I hould think.1 was the an swer. 'Look at these hoi k ! That rin Cilly villun. Traverse, has cleared Us out ol ten thousand dollars, and been gone ihese two weeks. We dercrvo to lo-e every dollar to pay lor our ctiteles.-i ers and neglect.1 'Traverse I1 exclaimed Rogers, incredu lously. But there it was; no one c'?o hsd acrcs9 to thf ho ki and it hid all been done a few davs belore he lett. Alter a briel consultation, I);tectie Fstely was sent for, iiattirs explained, snd with a picture Blais lei hal no com puootion in Inking Irom his ilsughlet's album, Farley was set 10 work lo Irace oct the guilty man, A gay party ef ladies and gentlemen were vtijiing the grand scenery and racing air in a tidy .looking camp on the f holes of Lake Chain plain. Some were plajing rr qiliit, others strolled lii-ntfly away,' explo.lng the wonders along Hie slmte, and the grren boughs of the cool, lark woo Is. Irene Bh isdel i t on a huge rocky bowlder, watching, the restless waves at her leet, and the lowering outlinrs nl the Adirondack-", which r-se so abruptly Itoia the other shore. Several l.oala weie moored near her. and Inicgagool rower Irom lotmcr experience, she did not hesi tate to appropriate one of them to h;r own use, and ws aooti out on tuu oroud Uk. The skv was partially ovcreast, but Irene apprehended no danger, continuing tn row from camp, until l lie freshening Prc Z! warned hir to ret mn. The t-kv grew darker, and the waves, were crested witb foam, but not until the roll ot (lis tant thunder sounltd on her ears did file lul'y reai'Z'! her rianjer. Bud although sin was a brave till, her die k was blanched wiib a deadly pallor, as she bent to the nan. s ndiiu the trail boats thnmli the loniiliig waters was a tpced she would have b. en Incapable of in calmer mu mcnta. The ih'indrr became one ince-sant roar, and (1. all alter dish lit up the ial k fkv ind s etliin: u-'eol waters wheie lo-S' d a Iran unit, nttti us paie, iuo iu:iu.nni. Oilier bo.ts were putri.ig out, manned by strong, willing Lands, but one liom a nearer point than her friends was laid ncaring I he exhausted girl. The rain poured down in totents, and a su.ld- n ler rilic i'Ut tanjht the trail craft, ami the tnxt of lightning reviahd a golden he d in t lie mad waters ; but a sirong arm reached out, grasping the weary, sl'Uugliii" lorm, and liene was avi d. She gave o e gl til i iy of 'Hirry. It IS l' her eves Itll on litr luce, then I he nied he. d sink on h s br. a-t in pcrfert nteiit. while he bent every energy n earn a lauuiug inate ivu me burden. . , When at Ia4 the boat touch -d I lie lend and they lo k.d ehiuieringiv oik. h ,u.n.d to them no living thing miiipi Iwetst lin e mad waters lor a moment and the ia-eal who mull afp'0riale n,.'her iimil's furnls without ro.npu.iclinn. .I,..- nale. d fiichid eirl dow n beneath .1 n,r I o iehs of a triend y tree ..if.T.d h liMveiit nraver ol lliarks- :..! Him uli i had saved them liolh fr, m a crave in the waters. I .. . i nb.wlv toward camp, .j in that walk through' the woo !s, will) the holing storm all ahr.ut them. Ihf' two came lo perf t t nndnslanding. He i..... ,1 m haw nu loll iwed her. and ii,,n in. hii abo le at a hold utar nbere i r rv 1 a, Ibej were eDcampeJ. WELDON, N. The jny ol Mrs. Blaisdcl, is herdailing wag restored to her, can be better imag. imd than described. Trnverse was the bero ol the heur, but be declined the loan of a dry suit, hurrying back to his loom at the hotel. The nrxt morning Irene awoke with an aching heart, but bur heart was light with a great happiness, and tho was out on the shore at an early hour. Traverse, wh came to inquire afier the girl he ha I save I, found her there, an I together they strolled away from observation, to talk over their new-found happiness, I lie week winch followed was one ol such qtiist content to the lovers, that the awakening, which camo so abruptly, renn d too cruel and pitiless to be Hue. rhey bud Inst returned Irotn a row on the lake, one lovely alttnio in, when a horse man rode into (amp, Inquiring for Tra verse, wlin instantly recognized Farley, and went Inrward to meet In in ; that olli i r I'ljilaincl in a low lone, his business, with as lew words as possible, Traverse was for a moment dumb with amazement. 'There is nmo terriblo mistake here. I nevtr can submit to thoto.' be add. d, quickly, wiih a look of patn on his ta.-c , 8 Farley produced a pair of handculR 'I pledge you my honor 1 And I lien he lemembercd how little he had left now, Farley r aine lo his relief. 'If ou will come with me q l'ctly, I will not put tin in on ; hut I must do my duty, paint I as it may be. And through this is a tr (1 s out ol my line, I came myscll, instead of sending a subordinate, to spare you as much ns possible.1 Traverse thanked him, aod obtained leave to bid Irene goo lbyo. This i xplunation ant leave-taking was a very painltil all iir, and I enu sat in be wil lemicnt, long urter he was gone, trying to think what il was best to (lo, lor the did not lor an instant believu him guilty. Then at Ia4 she nude up her mind. She sought out Mrs. Iilaisdul, whose lace ni l liorc traces ol tears, and told her of b.r trouble, and her love for this man. The two 1 die left camp uixt day, en route tor home, where tiny arrived dustv and tired, in the gay dawu of the next morning, surprising Mr. Blaisdcl out l liis sell conl ml. Irene was closeted with him a long lime. Topi I her they went over the Iiooks, and the result was a nms8ts!e tn Dalton, whote face tiew ghastly, and who dropped the inkstand he wa holding, when the mi s sa.'er r q irtcd him to come immediately to B ais.iel's private ulliee. IIu whs charge ) point lnank with llie fraud, and thinking himself tonne, out, con'etsed his guilt, even to the purloin'ng ol the r fli e keys from Traverse. Th it gcniii-inan was liberated, and in Hie autumn there was a quiet welding, to which a lew paitiiular Irimds were invited, and Traverse became the husband ol the j'u he ha saved, and h pa-tner in Ilia banking-house ol Ulaisdel & Rogers. "Itcautiliil I Ivcn." In thif wilderness world of ours, which has lin n morbidly renrei tited ns strewn with wie ks S' (I fl mded with tears, w here crime and i ilatnv walk haml in ha'id, and d-ceit is siainpi d on every lare, tlure are still "limn of the benulilul il we woo d but stnp lo entire llit ui Yes, in this age of, where Ma nn.on reigns supreme in the heatts ol in a. Ihere arc t-t il! those who cling to Ihe low ly N z .rer.e. ai d whose lives are s apples ol g"M in pictures ol cilvir.'' lJut how many ol us v.inl? imagine that true hcuty and sulilimi'y ol character consists in onquering empires, or suhdiiing rin. ipslities, startling a sleeping world with fcienlilic inve-tiga-tions, or thrilling it with deeds ol heroism I And with these fancilul views, they llsllc'sly told their hands and com placently wait lor some invtltrinus ageul to afford tbem ail opportunity lor promo tion. Thi'V seem lo lorgit lint he who wins the laurel must first run the nee, and totally disregard Ihe tact ili tt 'on dowery path leads lo glory." Ah, this insatiable thirst lor lame 1 What sh'pwreck it hai mad.) of bappi. ness 1 He who would make lis life b autilul. mu-t learn first not to spurn tl e day ol sin ill things, bl.arc the burdens with him who.-e loolstcps are laltetinj. Gladden Ihe heart ol the widow and nrph in, and quicken the St. DS ol the way weary with pictures of a biigbt benaUer. Ah, vbo can Irll Ihu value ol an approv ing smile '.n thoi-e who are wetk and way ward ! How many rou's have been snatched as "bram b lr in Ihe buruin11 by a tear of sympathy, a word ul cbr, or a smile ol spnrov d I B 'autilul lives are those whose records are replete with deeds ol charily, unsul'lid by contnet with sin, un.laoiiie.l ny tiu on, and nspl. ndent wi b the hope ot eteni'ty. It ma'teia not il they liavo not be n nestled in the lap ol uxurv. nor crowned Willi oriitisi.t sue- 3 . . , . ... I Cese. nor Ililslitil Willi unr.viiu.i nun n.a. Il mailers not ll no proud sculpture nihl'.Z'ins Iheir deeds to posterity, lor Uiev have a lar more enduring monument in the Imuils and niemoiy ol their lillow men. Think not, because V' ur sphere is limited b adversity, that Ihireiore you can do nothing to alleviate Ihe mllertng of your Itll.iws. 8. an h nut the "l lestiai Empire ' or Ihe arid wastes ot vines tor your splice ol uselu'iiiss. Look around you, aye, t V' ll at your sm hearthstone, and you will lin.l a field ot labor that 's brave. ei nest nil 1 tine. I iU win mm minis lliir-ling lor knowlcdgn, hearts longing for armpsibv. and 'oula hunger- f ir heavenly manna. V it will linn th re Ir.nn whom the vigor ol mammon has I'liarle.l. and whose ! ves hsve be- . . . ... t..:.l Conor as te.r.lliis as a i n icu pilgrims wlin are foot "ie an I weary; and ten thoussud other inslnncrs, in w lin h we could glalden the beans of oilier and then by ado-n our lives with those griefs which make them be utilul indue I. Serin.' then. 0 friends! that these things are h t I'f arise, thake ofl the a.ihv mi,l i ir Iiiil' on our aunor nfrcsli. Ho lorth lo do all 1 dare, re oieinbei ing the wlmlr that Hcaulifnl lives arc thoao that bloaa slii'iit rivers ol'biippiness, WboM hidden tnuMircs but few may guess. LITTLE iliinES are often important What would a fortv-cciit ci"tir ttiiiouut lu if yuu bad ua tcatcb? C, THURSDAY, 'FEBRUARY 12, 1880. Herp Cool. Reader, do try and carry a cbeerlul fare. What if your path lie beset will) perpKxi. ties-dtm't fret. There's uo us-i In fretting though you are in debt, and business is dull and tho banks won't di-couut and friends can't lend. OcltlDg vexed w ith yourself and everybody else won't help the matter no, not a bit. You may tret your, sell into fiddle strings, but you will only make yourself wretched not cure the evil. II you jam your Anger in the crack of a door, or stumble against a pile of bricks, lilt carelessly on the side walk, or are hull a minute too lale for the curs, take it cool'y-lretting won't heal the mischief ll Ihe girl you love gives you the mitten, or il you have got married and found yourself cgregtously ''taken in," keep coo1, fritting won't bung bnrk Ihe one, nor an angel of the oilier. If yrur um brella ''comes up uiisiing" when you es pecially need it, or you get caught in a rain storm with your Sunday clothes on -it you want to be captain ot a military company and can't, or run at an election tor pound keeper, and get deleated if your trunk is lost in travelling, or some gentlemanlv pickpocket reli. ves you ol your superfluous bank hi Is, take it easy fri tting may elongate your lace, but won't afford any consolation for your troubles Learn lo be patient for your perplexity. It is scand .lous tor any mat, however un fortunate, lo be a'ways IMgetling and fus sin ', growling and grumbling. One mend limit is worth ten tind-laults, all the world over. Why with a lever will a man put hi in sell into to-day about something wbi h he will only laugh at to morrow and et, perhaps, the next morning you will find Ihe same individual in a p. ilect phreiizt ol passion about some other matters ten times more trifling. Keep cool, th.n, and don't be r eedlesly worried. R. m mbrr tint care once killed a cat, and it may kill you jet, il you are not caielul. "Tlure's nothing," says a contemporary, "like Moi nes ; it never hteaks things m its imps titnee Coolness did von eier see it turn ble up stans, or do it-ell a mischici? S inly to be cool ive. even if the house is on fire, or your horc runs away. Dangeis retreat when coolly they're confronted." Too Miirli irltliinetle. An old pioneer was hu.jgiiu ihe his toric stove in Judge Iviiei's coiirt-riom last i v. riintr. ami. as is usual wi'h ihe ol ' li ners who vnit that temple of jutticc, was in a run in-ccnt frame ol min i. Thnnifli poor now, he hat, as a matter ol course, I e. n once rich, I wa" a leadin1 ctHZ'n of Muckallsmv Hill in '52," lie said. "In them days I was in lint du-t-biiyin' business. I had mv sign out, re Compra Oro Aqii-up s'airs, you know, and all Ihat sort ol Ihlii:'. I tell you il lakes a smart mao to get along in thai 'ere tia 'e Jenkins it Co. was the boss at it when I wen! into it at Muck a' I -my Hill, but it wasn't n months a loir I'd took hall their trade away. 1 had to rti-t'e to do it. You fee the boys was alius anxious to se'l. and lh first that ol lered the coin made the I I1K Jenkins it Co. w as putty hiuh-t n. d, an' used lo watt every night lur lhar man to go down the hill to the i x press olli e and Ining up their money in a l and-ca t I saw my i hanee and used io I e on hand h n the staue come i i an' j i' ' I.'re.l mi own C in when ihe driver llnowe I It . (T N ck M inkitis wa the driver in Ihcin days. He was alter war 1 killed by ma '-agents. Mint's i be time Nn k' ihrowed down my sat k w th a clean if 1)0 000 in gold coin in'o it an' I've chin ke I livr cro-s my sliouliler u'i' Ir.itti'd up that ' re bill, an' ha I everr bit l d Ml b -iiglit up alore Jen k.ns A. t'o's hiiini-cart nrriv. il. ' 11 w much did you say you packed up the lull on your shoulder I" a. ked Jude Knox's clirk. "Four bun Ired thousand oiler er thun less," replied 'be pioncu, with mc!anclioly pri e. ' See here." s. id Ihec'eik. figuring rap idly, "gold it worth about 18 an ounce, and th r.-'a twilve ounce to lh poind, Tutv weight ll.atninkesa pound woith $i!0. Now. 210 i-tio 400 0U0 leaves s me thi'ig over 1 811 pounds - pretty nearly a ton. How lar up the hill did you carry that, di i ymi ssy " The old pioneer Iroked t thee'erk wiih coiitempl for a moment, then merely (ty ing : "You're a damn Johnny Come Lately, that's what you ate !" arose and lett the court room. Virginia (Nev.) Cbioliicie. Itcii.l TltiH Young l.uil'O. We heard a very pretty incident I lie oilier day, which we run int help relating A young lady Irom tho 9 u!li, it seems, wa9 wooed an t won by a yor.ihlul physi ciau liiing in California. When the en L'agement was made Ihe d. c.'or was rich, having li'tn very successful at S.n Fran cisco. It had not ixisle.l six months, however, whi n, by an iinloitunato invesl mctit, lie lost bis entire "heap," This event Came upon him, it may he I. lid, jurt u lie V.&A about to ct'iiii bit b idn. tt hut dot s he do Why, lue an honorable an I chivalrous young lellow, nj le is, lie sits down an I wnlis the l.dy every pariiculsr id Ihe unhappy turn which has taken p'ac.r in his lortulies.iissuring her that, il the fact produced any C auge in her leehngs Inward hit.!, she is I from every promise flic has made him. And what does I lie dear, go A girl! Why, she takes a lump ol pure gold, which her lover had sent her in Ins piosperily as a keeps!;.', and having it m mutaclured into a lino, lorwarded It lo him with the following Bible inn-nplion en if r. vol in distinct cliaiacters i n (lie out ide : "Eiitn at me not to lea e thee, or roturn Irom lollowii g al'er th te; tor w hither thou gocst will I go, and wither Ihon lodge-t will I lodge; thy people will be inv people, and thy my (Jod; wheie thou will 1 die, and there will I be biirif J; the Lord do so lo me, and more ils il aught but dea'h pari me an 1 thee " The lover idoliz'd his seet heart more th n ever, when lie uciiVHil this precious evidence ol her devotion to him both in st ir.n an I sunshine We may hope that lor tune soon smiled upon the young physi cian, and Ihat he suhsiqiii ntly returned to the South lo wed ihe sweet girl he loved. and who loved him with such undying alliclion. Header. Ibis is all 1 1 tie. Young la U I who read Ihe Bible as closely as the Ixroine of this incident seems to have done, are pretty sure to make good sweethearts aud letter wiyie.-l lUaburgii loninicrciai. The. Itlght Mori ol Man. You will find as a rule that the ire. who are favorites with men are the best and truest in their relations to women. Yes, the meo who like sonn times to turn their backs on all women and go nil "with the other lellowa," and have a good boyish time on the water, or the mountain, or in ime other man's "iten.1' Wmnrn need never be alraid to trust Iheir happiness to those whom other good men estu. in good tell nws. but il a man is avoided by men. however much women admire him, shun him. It is he who has fl italions tint come to nothing, and lias ''not been very nice" to the girls who have broken their engagements with linn; when be marries, wrings bis wiles hen l, if she Ins one and spoils her temper if shu is naturally an aiig. I, Manly men are the best loyms, the hi st husbands, the best companions lor woraeu, just as woman y women are the besi sweelhcartt and wives Whit do we think ol women who shun their own sex. however c'lanning men may find them ?' Is seldom, it ever, that your in-n's lavoritc ill-uses his wile. IVrhap" it may be ex plained in this wa: Friendship ol a sob limer sort is what love becomes alter year or so of marriage, u I he who is Iri. nd y lo the very depths of bis soul en'ers iuto this state happily and is resdy 'or all the deliithts that follow. But a man who is capable ot nothing but a IWiing affection which ri'T pursues a new object, and cirrs for no wotnuu w lieu she is won, hates the domestic lies and Inc. lines detestable in conscq iencn. It is the man who w..ul I dio lor Ins Irien.l and lor whom his Irlen I would die, who makes a miraculously happy wile of the woman to whom he scarcely knew h w to make love wbeu be courted her. Matrimony in Tlir.e l life rr nt Light. The ruarriaue liie is always an insipid a vexation-, or a happy condition. The lirst is. wli n tvn persons of no ta-te nif.t log.-i in r, upon mic i a Sfttleoirnt as has hern t'ioiiLht reasonable by pa rnts and c invecnut'cs, from an iq.ct va'uutioii ol the land iii 1 c ish ot h dh parties, 1 1 tins esse, tiii! yo nig lull s p. r-on la no ir.oie refill ile I than I bo liou-e an I improve ments In puicliaie ol an es'ate; but she goes nnh lu r I o'une radier than her lor tune w ith In r Th- se make no the irowd or vulgar ol 'he 'l.'h. and till up ill ruin Per i.l the 1. 1 ....'I ia:'e, witli'int benrflien-i towards Mi. i : i'i w i In in or rupee! tn- warl- ll o e lUove ihem, snd lead a .le- pn a' le, iii'l p-n enl and useless lile, with- nul sen-e .1 the lms ol kill tlliss, goo. uature, uiuiliil . Ilii'.'S and the decant sat- nUcnon which ll.iws Irom rtuson am viilue, The vex t (l is lile arises from a cor junc tion oi I wo p. i-ons ol q lii'k taste and re sentrnent, put togi tin r lor reasons well known to iheir friends, iu which especial care is taken to avoid (hat they think the chi.'l ol cvns ) poverty, and eiisuin to them riches witheytry evil beside. These good people lire in a ronstant restraint belore mini any, and when alone revile en h other's person and cm met. In com pany they are in purgalo y ; wheu by thin-elves, in torment. The happy maniage is where two per sons meet and volu ilnrily mare choice eh other, without tort line or beauty Ihe e may still lovu in spite ol adv. r-itv or st. kne-s. Tl e former we may in some nic'i-iire deb n I nuisulvi'S fiotu; lie otlu r is the couiinon lot ot liuil.anily. L vc has notbing to do with liches or stile. Soli tude with tl e peisoti, beloved ha a p'etisiire, even in a w oniiiti's mind, bi yond show or iom;i. In liie "Ity-Mini Hi?.' On'y three little words, yet ho much ol lnpc, joy or so row may be wiappe 1 up in them by an libye We heart it as . nig a. o as we can lemeinber when our l.uhy feet wnh tottering slept made a slioit but perilous journey fin n chair to chair. We In aid it uot long ago, when I a o part, d that wete near and dear friends one to a ek a new home in lar awiy T x i-. the o b. r iu deep t. til oti 'u to her lonely loui.e. Kveryhodv says it snue time and tome bow. Sometimes it comes to us like a song ; sow' times there is a sin" or a sob in it. It comes to ut like a ciy of anguish, as we watch the lading awa al a loved one, and ibiu. by-and bye they ai l ha gone, ail I we be lilt -oh, so But, when llie last hour comes, and wo. with aching hearts and tcurnil eves, watctt the lite-light going out of the ilea' one's eycl, it!) o ir hands tendeily sod lovnuly cl s oiug no growing n.'l 'neal ll the icy tout ll of death, we bend our cars lo catch 'lit la't lo words (l lilering on the p le lips, and "by-un I bye we'll inert auain'1 is whispered, and falls like healing balm on our gruviug hearts. Ir con es lo us again, when weaty and worn with . a'tli's cares and trials, and lile la ilarl; an) dre iry, Clearing us with tl.j thought Ihat lile will be brighter someliiiie, ai d ma be our dearest, swelett hopes he rial r. d. It is lairly liko Ml t ling like a dm brain o'er tho dewy shadow l years," yet we wouldn't give it up O'ten I lie by-and bse tor which we so eugerly look an I long ; nev con ei lint, til -.iik Coil, ' iheie is a sweet by an: by awuitnig all ol I, oils laitbli.l ones. Ati, inn lor tn it, now ut'er y tieso- Ih iu woiioi some lives be. We know that when all earth s battles have been fought ; rach hea l-page written u'ir Willi libV j.n 's and soiruws, and be who has said ' C.nue unio roe all ye that labor ami are heavy lailell, and I will give yon rest,11 has ealle ! us unlu Him ; il, tlirnu h all ti e changing scenes or lite, our footsteps have la Irn n er the shining way marked out by unr loving Saviour il we havo I e "0 faith till lollowers ol ihe meek and lowly Jesus, we she I liien real se io ihe greatest ex'ent the joy and peace ol that "sweet by-aod-be " Whi n a writer swears because bis article- are refused, it's proof that evil uoinoiuiiiciilioiis corrupt good manners. Tiik lust lin.o a graveyard he muo goes into a not laugh at tbe style ol the tonub-iones A poetes sin: e ; Til ' I were deid.nij heart won d best I he- . Tins would certainly b -a ' .1. a ! I), .1," and ll tlnk ut the portro aUi,tt too much poeti license. NO. 40. A I.axt Dollar nixMapptlttl. The other day. says the (Ni v) Appeal, a straager might have been not ce I in I lie rear of the Mint, watclrng an old woman plrk ng up sticks. Bin' must hni! been about eighty year of age. H-r old calico dress was Iii'l ol holes, her face was as wrinkled as tnfe and as brown leather, time she stooiinl to pick up a stick "he was obliged to do so with a piinlu1 elTort She raked over the dry leaves with pal-icl bands, and all the worth'ess little pieces wrnt into basket. A heap ot garbage ami ashes o 'copied her attention lor some bo minutes. The man who was watching her finally walkel tip behind her and droped a dollar inro her baket, and ih"n stole away iinno ired. An at'sche ol the Mint, who was n"ar, hailed him as he passed I ar. d d you tire a dollar to the o'd lad. t" ' l es, I did, altho'igh it was about, the last I had. I can't bear lo see poverty and old arc combined. I had a mother onre aln o t as ol I . i she and as weak nd palsied. I feel lor an old woman like that, and she ran have a dollar from me if it's the st I've got." "Do V"U bee that block over there ?M Yes." ' With houses on it I" Ye.." "The bouses snd lot he'ong to her." An (xple'ive. was all the stranger had to fl r as he turned away and wa'kei rapid up Carso street. It was bis last dollar. The CriiNheil neremtdrr, Yoidr ItiUius went to serenade In gul o.i V .n Ne.s av nue. The amateur orelie irt ot which he is a member had hardly sq elche I nut the flr-t lw ban of Come Where My Live L'cs Dreaming ' when the secanrt story window w o' up and old B .ggs. Amelia's lather, stuck li's head out and lemarke I : I' there no way ol compromising this hiiiL' f'1 'What w what t' gasped B' kins. 'I say, can't we make some arrangements to get out ol tnis matter I How il ici f, u d .liars and tn o'd gas-stove itiik" you I' 'Why lis this Is a serena le,1 ex clsluied 11 Ikios. 'Kxicti;so I see. N'w, suppose I wete to -land the b-er and ca'-fa:r all round w .uldn't you go out in the 8 ib urbs somewreie and woiki fT (he lest ot it In tront ol some deaf and dumb asylum or other !' Will, I'm blowed ?' ijiculated the crushed luver, I should think you would lie, bit lied to the end ol that big tio ii'ioiu. I) oft point il this way, for he i Veil's sake; it ui'ghl go .'If.' 'C one down here and say ilia' like a man.1 roared ihe big drum, who was lull of Bmlweiier and lury. You bald hesiied old pelican, Come down.1 'I -I think we tut I better better go b .ys, at it were,' murmured the nioriiliid liilkins and the iisguted band walked sadly ii(T. scr. rntiilly ignoring Mr. B g paning injunriion to let .rm and lei d better lives a'ler things hew over. Stu Fiancisco New- L-tter. .. . .. Big mid MHIo Allrnct ion. A young man took Ins sweetheart to the exjo.-itinn with a e dd -blonde I deteniii. uation. He -lioweil her Hie dog sh iw. Thi..1 sai l he. 'is oni' ol Ihe li. st thing in the cxpositioii.' He cinduclei her to a place wh. ru beauiilul B niii-o A poll. held lor'h. 'T li-,' said he 'is one of t';.e sights hire which '8 very inierc.-iing 1 lie then explain, d the two grc. t engines seen in the iudu-trial part ul the build ing. He showed her the art gallery and that pretty pictur in the press loom, which is called Kirewell lo Ike finest." and which every la. ly who sett it wirb.8 to cany tl. 'This picture,' hr explained, 'rxhihiti's a gem ol female luveltoi ss, and lew thingt could bj priii i. r. Tne g'eatest attraction I have reserve ! lor ib list. It is by lar I In- nnial uuq le thing iu the building. 'I he young .a ly became vry much ir. teristed as he led her up stairs an- duali st. d on (ho beauty ol the unkowa ol.j et Soon they fetood be ore the large mirror ; he paused, and so did she. Thru, with a cni.l-bloo Jd explanation worth a better ctus. be pointed into the n.irror at the young lady's n flection, and said : 'That. 1 think, is the best attraction ol the elposilioii ' 'li is s'rungi,1 sho mururirrd. among In r It'll lies, 'tit . I one gl ist shun .1 mirror both the greatest and bus' attraction at the same Hu e Itamlctl Out Iu lllt.i. A he wa k. d imo the uroie y store the lerli I. ane I ovei the coutitir and asked I. no what he wanted. D I look as though in med of any thing f I i h.oi. b; perhaps you wanted some poly tors,' I he clerk said, spo'euo' ica'ly. I there anything p.uullsr about my ryes imae or teeth winch seem to suggest a la' k ol potatoes on my hart I1 I don't know that there I-.' 'Can yon c .iisittin ihe appraranc ol be lobe ol mv lett er into an admission that i th- present moment I am out ol wiue- - ly and cucumbi rs! Cau you itdi r Irnm the disheveled state of my hair Ihat my child. en are ut home crying lr suit ctabs and tomatoe-1 Well, I ilidu't suppose mu ri'iiM. I don't wrut lo buy anything ; but I'll he oblige I to you il you'll I. n I mu ynnr coat shove for an hour or two.1 II w as h in. led out to him. Tbe UitmiiiK lliiwh. One ol Hie'e customs that ln.s been perinilted toix at in Knul'ah hum I S lice llie time of the Druid, flmlt rspresv'on in the "kis-init luh." It itKetierally a mat botiiib ol mistletoe, and when ill house bold decorations are jininu up it is tareU t'frr forootten. especially whe n there are younj men and mat rns. It ha 'CS in the hall, and llie charm Hi t in Ira. Iiiil' your lairlrienl beneath it and kissing tier. Among the mi.lilU class this Irature ol the ho idsa it nev.-r nettle ted, and al Iri.ndlf and la.nilv reunion It occasions m i h mTiimcn'. In th town tl. hoeer, the tree b is been dis -sr. led. The war to d i 'n Id.d yi'nr trieod b'nratb a trie nd kist her there, but to kiss her whr e the i-; tor n n tin es o it al ten, when the gsts under thelrcfl he'll change her mini'. I'r rr atinatioo it t I . of uiaT tucli au oppurtuoity. a a I a SPACE S n I Ona Squares 8 00 I 8 CO 14 00 10 (X) Two Squares, 6 00 1 0 On 20 00 SO M Throe (squares, 8(H)! 15 00 30 00 4 00 Four Square, 10 00 i W Of) 36 M 48 0 Fourth 'ufn, J 5 00 20 00 40 00 Ml 00 $ Hair t'oliimn, 20 00 I 30 00 CO 00 65 00 I Whole (JoliiiD n, One Year, 75 00 , TAI.HU 11 v Koaiet BHOCKUK MACHINE W0IUC8, RICHMOND VA. Matiiir.iolurera ot I'orlnblo and Stationary Koglnea and Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mill", Shafllnir, Hanger and Pul leys, Turbine Water Wbools, Tobacco lis ehinei y, Wmught Iron Work, Lirass and Iron Castings, Maoliluery of Every Doe nriptiou. CilNMNO AND TllKilSIUNO MACHINES A SPECIALTY. ItopalrluK l'rouipllt- A t'arelall Iuc. TAI.IIOTT'S PAPRST rsPARK-ARU ESTER, The Invrutlou ol the Age. It does not dnstroy tho draft. It docs not interlrre with cleaning the tubes. It will not cb kn up, and ri quires no clean ing. It requires no direct dampers to bo opened when raising steam (dampera be ing objielionabln, as they may be leltopen and allow a- ark lo eseaj o ) It require no water to extinguish sparks, wbli'ii, by condensation, ilotroy (bn draft. Itosidnx, boo water is used, if neglected, tho ('faciei cy Is dfHtroyed by evaporation of the WBler, and ibo boiler is kept in a Olthy coiiditi'ir. It Is s inploand durable nnd ran be re lied upon. It ran he attached tn any boiler. No plantor alionUl be witiiout ono ol'tl-em. Insiirancn coinpanies will insiirr gin and barna uhero the Tallinn I'.ngiiiea and Spark-Arrostora ai used at anno rate a cliaruo l for water nr liorso pow er. r-OrSon.l lur iliustnucJ circulars and prloo list. Jtrani'h boun. O.-ldaboro, N. C. J. A. li A USK.K. (onornl Managor, T. A. (jJlANtiKK, Local Managir. may 8 tlin IRON BITTERS, A Oreat Toule. IRON BTTTERS, A Sure Appcllzcr. ironbWers, IRON ETffERS, A Vfclubblf SleJii'tio. Diftrlily rpfim Bonded tn thp public fur mil dl I'fiHtsr -jmrltignrvrtttn ami .'flh-litnt TOHMi'l OKpecUtliyln inttium foils Mv pe imia, intermittent rr? . I f Apm petite, M.OH9 of ttre$t0th, M uch tif t-'.netgy, . ll eti r I rh t'K I ti bl ood, itrvilKtlit UH ItltJ Ullrtr- clt - .tint tflvrs nf ll V Iu tin' iii rwn. lo ihe titptl. Lull-';, ait 1 cbii tli.n rt'Tiiiting iwnpfr- l.ifiti. H.U.thl9 rt".aeii iHti n"i tni loo ;iny T iiiiim'ii'1yi1. it uctmllkc a ehartt till IIu- dlf !t(4vt uumm, A it'ii-tptMrnful I-(era i.n'.ili will ninovo Kit i.j i,t'i1o sj inpioaiA, TRYJT. i!i by ill Drj'ists, THEnitCtVIl dIEuTALC9L EALTIMORE, d. IRON BITTERS, Not h'tUl Dcf vtn IRON BITTERS, For Pe!ift r'et:.l(.i. irn,r,.iiv.r.u-ki'i.'v.'--v tvsw llm- 1.1 1 V AV. ll V1CK t'AUKIAUKS AKU It IG tiltS MADE TO ORDER OR K2PA1EID AT LO'.V TlilCEd. All kinds of wood work and trlminlnf done in (-oii.l at y lo. Itlacksinilli work done at abort nniiee hii.) wiib neatness, Alt new work warranted. Kino painting for ou.ritlos (lone ut low r'os,i rst paint lined. H ? M'l A L A I I i; .NT 1 0 SI C 1 V CS T THE UNDiSUTAKlSa UTAIlTMEMr. 3 ' !5.7"v?rJt v.-s7,sw i. CoiTlusauJ Caaaaofall aitoa constantly on baud. Cai'ria,'0 Materials kept oubnnd at prlo below i'etorabuiii market. Weldon JJ. a June 6 ly j HO. T. ruuu, TakeH pleaniue in amioiiiiclng that be) cau alill bo lound at bia stand ou FIR9T STREET, i, ii limn in, moo x 2hi . .sa ?w(e Whore be bat ou band full lino oi tho finest WINKS, WHJSKTKS and BKANI'IKS. TOBACCO, CIGARS, and HNUFF, OKANUJiS. ATPLKS, mid CON FECTION KKIES Ills stock nfCauned Qooda and Urocer. ioa is unusually )( rail and Couplets Cabinkt Wiiisket A FrtciAilrT..'s!."',t PRKSH tAOKR BKKR OK PRAi:(IU,, o. Ha giiarauteet satlafaction. Cal. Mich, see him. Not 2 "I I.Ih, .Irh The 1 i'r