THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY k,M. IiOMO W. W. II ALL One Tear, in advance, git Months, " rbffl Month, " f 2 no i no 75 eta. D W . 1 ' " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. It. (J B 0. W. TI A R T M A N , argeou Dentist. Ofle over W. n. Brown's Dry Goods Store, WBLnOK.U.O. yill visit parties t their homes when desired. Terms Reasonable, oct 23 ly M. Q R I Z Z A. R D, ATTOKN'EY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. 0!Tlc In the Court House. Rtrlet attention fflvmi to fill lirmicHoH of thn profession, jan 12 ly E T. BRANCH, VOL. VIII. WELD ON, K C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1830. NO. 50. Ntisue it done. With a heart forsaken I wander, In sdlence, grieCnid a'one, On a form departed I ponder For Susie, sweet Suaio Is gone. G mo when Iho loses have faded. Gone when the meadows are barn. To a land by orange blossoms shaded, A ml snminer ever lingers In Iho air. When I view the chill blighted bowers And roam over Hnow covered plains, How I lung for springs budding flowers To welcome her bright smilos hack again Way do the earth seem forsaken, Time will this sadness remove At her voice the moadows wtllswakon To melody, verdue anil love. ATTOKHEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practteea In thx counties of Halifax, Nash Mneeombe aim Wilson. Collections niacin In al parts of the Niat . Jan 12 tf W. HALL, ATTOaXEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Kpeclal attention (riven to promptly made, nay Itf. collections and tlKIl K. MPI.I.EN. JOHN A. MOORE, JJ U L L B N & MOORE, ATTOUXEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. 1 Practice in the ennntiesnf Halifax, Northamii .. ftilmwnmhft. l'it.t, anil Martin 111 the U- prerat onnrt o( tho State and in the Federal Courts of the'Eu'ern District. Collections made ia any part of the Mate. an 1 ly 1 M B 9 E. 0 1 II A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. EN'FIELD, N. C. nM..ltnna In thn nni'tH of TTflllfax and ftdloln 'inir counties, and in the- Supreme and Federal 'Courts. Collections made in any part "f thn State. Whl attend at the court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of cacti week, jaii 1 12tf OBBRT 0. BURTON JR- ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. 'Practices in the courts of Halifax, and adjoin Mnir counties. In the Hnpr-ino court of til" 'State, and in the Federal courts. Will (five special attention to thn collection of claims, and to adjustinif tlie accounts of ox- tcntora, administrators and guardians. declfitf (QATI'If L. HYM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Trastlccslnthe courts of Halifax an.! adjoin V.r counties.' arid in the Supreme anil Federal 'soiirts. Claims collected In all carts of North sEarolina. Olllcc in the Court House fao.VlAS X. HILL, julyltf Attorney t Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties and Federal and Mtipr-m-i courts. Will bs at Scotland Neck, oneo every fort' night. ; nutf " JOS. B. BATCUELOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, X. C. t..iina In tlm courts of the llh Judicial (strict and In the Federal and Supreme Courts, may U tf. W. il A 8 0 N ATTORXEY AT LAW, xJARYSBURO, V. C ...u...i.e,. o.-mru of Northampton and adoinlnir counties, also In tin Federal and Sit preiac courts. ' w. a. at. " .oi UCOKKKR. TjA-i" lOtLICOFFER. ATTORNEY! AT LAW, WEI. DON, N. C. rr..',.. In thaminrts of HtliitllX and ildj.illllllsf ,,,,. i... ....i i.. . i... u,,i,f .in mid Federal courts ii.i...1 '.... i i.. .. ..-..I ,,r North Carolina n. .,n.. ii.... win urn-Hi's tm fount In tnc cilice. June 261 y 0R 1. Is UUNTKK, IUBQEOK DENTIST "Caa be found at his ofQce in Enfield. Tr nun,.. nw' 0.m (or the Pain- tew Extracting of Teeth always ou hand. juoezitt. A K b K U VT ' J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices In thn c inrts of Halifax. Warren and sjuiiiiii counties and In IlieSmireiueana reu rl courts. Claims collected in any part o "xrtu Carolina. June Htf H.SMirU.JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlano Nkck. Halifax Countt N. C lWtlccs In the county of Halifax and adjoln- A MAN'S PRIDE. Entlc Trevors stood upon the ycranluh in the Iresliness nt the sntnmer mottiitiL' and watched the girl gathering (lowers In the paub n. She d i J out know that be was watchmo; hir, lor an old lilac bunh fcreened httn ; thereloro sho was licr own natural eiit, and hid not that n ir ol te- atraint and fhvncsi which she usual); man- itartteil when he was with her. Her rheiks were b:iaht a? any ol the roses the was gathering, an 1 Earl eonlil not help think- itiK that her lacu was like a tl iwer in its brightness ami color ; ashy, will fljwcr that was all the Bwteter lie-n use it had not been subjcctutl to the lint-house treat ment ol city lile iiiul lashtonable ways. It she were educated and could have the advantages of rt lined society she would ttake any mau a wile lo be proud ol,'' voung lie vote thoueht. as he watched her. lie had taen a luncy fo Suiie Dins mote's (nee the firt time lie had feen il It w ss so d njrent Irom the la ei Irj w as used to Hint it hall laecinaled him. He had k no iv u her three weeks now, and th charm her lace held for liim at first hn not worn eft. 8 inietimes l e almost Inn oi il he was cctti n in love with the giil Her frank, shv wts fee I ovel (nnu"li to any one ho wa used to the hollow ar tine a dies ol Imhiiinnble Ire, and tliev ehuriiied him. VVhco she said a tiling she una, it it. How many ladies of his ae q lainlatii'e in fashionable uircles of city lne could he sav that ol ? He rather felt inclined to believe that what they said they did not mean. Sometimes lie thought that socie'v Ai all a sham, and lie wislit- ho whs nd ol it. Hut alter all, society' opinion was too stroni; to be iirnored, or he wis too weak to brave !t. He hardly km w which A bird lie .v 'u from Iho June rose bush (by the gate, and sang his sweetest as he eoaro I away up in the blue. Susie stop ped to lis en, and the bird itsell was a mere r-pt-ck overhead, sb ; heaan to sinu. Her sonn vas soim thing like the loril s, lull ol runs and thrills ami plaintive little mtes that set all'tlui air to ringing nli their melody. She made a beaiitilul pic ture a she sto I tho-c, with her hands lull ol 11 iwers, her hut lallen f'lT, and her hrown hair blowini; all about her late. I'he gray stone wall with the June rosis clambering over it, and the wide, urecu meadow bevond made a tctin back ground lor it all. Earle Trevors keeps tnat picture in his heait to thin day. Il ib one ol the things hu will never tor- ' You have outdone tns nrn, no sin i. when file ha I finished her M)ii!. ' He will ardly dare lo sitifj again ll he la wte. Slie CHve a startled lo k, and a deeper color dyed tier cliei ks. I diil.i't kuow jou were listening, ! said. "I am c'ad to say I was,'' he answered, I never knew you sitii.'- Now thai 1 lia-e mind out that v"U do. I sha.ll k J"0 "' sing lr mo ottm. lour voce ki uiit be your fortune il jou ihootu to make it so.' "I d iu'l know anything about singing," she said, pleased at his admiration. I don't smppoMJ a bud does, it you re- Iiicb his kno.vlediie to ru'es and theories, and yet, uio-t ol ns would be c!;ul to sing a well ai tho bitd docs." ho answered, (niii)i down the path wheie she stood. L';t me help jou gather jour roses, won t you i O itlurinz rt 9 'S with a girl whoie lace has a!iead fsscinat.d you is a rather dan- Hcrous ixpetimcut if you would keep heart-whole. It would have I c. n Lifer. Ir btt. r tor LVule Tievots il lie had gone his w.iy that morning and lelt Susie 1) ns- more to her old lilr ; ne nugiu nave mr .'ottcii he: lute in lime, ai d her voice wo ild have cca ed to I) unit bun. But we never know when we ought to do that which wOH-ecUaily must be done some time. He knew, or he niit-hi hao known it ho had slotiocd to think about It, Ilia' t uns mil talc I t hmi U I n .cr here with ii,;. hn int riMed him as no other oiecver'ha l. That which wo call inter mt inn cis like tii'. is art to become imtiHtliiti!' ir.nt) thin ni'jre int. ret. Il he unh could have loriu lien what the ,..slt nl his Min.mi i's Idl.nj tonld be how much na n he could have rave I htm- silt'. 5 lt he did not It rcsie it. and m tl c siiiiiiiier .tiilnd by wild its rves and in robins, and tirmigtit, nt lit, ihc time wticn he must leave the gitl whose lace had Kru vn m dear t " linn. Then he I ad a bulllc to fuht; a t attle In twee n love and Irs pride, llu knew the tune ca.ue to go a y, that lie love 1 this gnl with the laoe ol all.Wer. sod he asked himsell il he co il I give her u, ; or ia her a kcl that qvstion ot ,.;. A .nl tlicu bin pitilul pride took aniH an I afk"d him it lie roam ura.e i.,n nl sncietv by niatryng this girl who-c lace and voice wee her on'V "' ... il ., . irele iu which 11 B mtlVcd I'"'" ' . -.1 ..,..1 .i-i.. lL..r unr 1 UI IUItb i;ui " ' weighed ajai. st her la k ol c'dnire ...ii ;u.,.Ih? Ahsolirdf nothing in in i'n"j i' - ... . . ,,,l,,.n ii ill;. Ml WIH I i. i . .1 to lie felt ho weak he St-i lie in-"n - . . a on tut a III .)U J in in Willi 1" tii." - - i I... mi I ii he were to "'any i -n,l si I lie suiie tl 'lie ne K'ie , h a ulsvo he w is t l Hie opinion he cm IcS'Ci. nuiift-M. m In iva- s'rniigcr inati xio ler up eas cr piople would pay. , . 1 ... 4 nil,) l. '.Ill 1 II It shevveic otiiyum , meatlleg oi mi; t, and h mutt '' "r. the go-sin ot ti""c " : Kil- t- i I il.... in, null . il tiotlilPi tor " ' "" - o do it. Wlint Slaves oi ure? We t.nght lo no 1 . a 1 1 .l.till 1. - 1 ..I IT 4 1111 1 1IIIK naiiu iiif - hor good-bye. Ho had told her nothing a' e it his io:ng away. He dtialo l o speak of it. Ho felt that he had not acted q lite honorably with her: km wiiz that she could bj more to him th to 6ho was now, he should have gone away btlorc she began to care iar him. To have dune th it would have saved her all that his going away would cost her now. I his has been a pleasant summer." he said, as they itoid there atnnn the late lillics and carnatious. "A very pleasant summer," and a sigh broke across bit lips as lie looked away to tho dbtant lulls, bathed in the mellow unthiiie of the Sep- tcnitier dav, "It has been the happiest summer I ever knew," she said, s lily, anil ho knew well enough what ha I made it bo. Her love ireatn had come to her in it. Then there was a silence which neither cared to break. She wa too lull of happy, rcstlul q Mft, and he was too lull of sortow to speak just then. By and by she hioko off a spray ol car nations Irom their stalk and gave them to him with a smile. It was a simple little act, lint It touched the mil us heart in its tecdcied spot, For a moment Inve was up in arms again, stronger than ever ; but the cold, cruel pride stood ready to crush it wn. He dared not trust himsell longer. "G tod-bye," he sail, suddenly, bnldini nut his ban I. ' I shall keep these flowers in memory of t lie giver, and the su i m r that has gone the mi miner that has been such a hippv one I I wisdi we could bnth lorget it ! hu cried, p .smoniitcly. He was cursing himsell for bis pitilul weak net-B You ore not going away?' she said, wotideritigly, her lace more like thu lillics than c ir n ii' ions now. 'Yes I am going now. Uood-bye," and then lie turned au.i Went awav. He looked back oueo, ami saw her standing there, white, Htirlcfs, likii a H ure cut Irom mar ble, an l his heart w is lull ot pity lor the giil win had learned what it is to lovo so soon. Two years went by, and years ol constant turtle to He had thought that h,t could woman he loved, in a measure they were two Kirle Trevors lorget the whin he was away Irom her, but he found out his mi.-tukc. He could uot keep lit r face out of sight. At the strangest times and places lie heard h r voice, and the sound t it, would set hi., heart to thiohliing, and at such times it s imcd to him that In most go to her and ted hi r that she wac mine than the world to him. So tur t vo yea1? he lought iijaiost his heart, and thin he gave up. Lovu conquered pndu at list. VVh-n he up his mind to lace the opinions ol society, he wondered how I t evi r could have been weak cnou.h to put his lovo beneath h's ptide. U'h it was the opinion of the world compared to tin- h ve he bore lor the girl with thu 11 wet I c-? He would go to her at once, and claim her as his own. And so no he ftarled on his journey. It was nltcrnooti when he reached the villige, A in i 'f avsy win the one wmiim i-i Hie world to hi n. He w is lull ol levcrish l inpaticcce to see her. to heir her voice, to tell her that lie loved her. His path lay by the old chuuli. There was a new made grave in the corner nl the chitrehvaid. Tho a- iton was covering it with -o Is. He could not tell why it was. lint something made him ttop and lean ucio-s the in isy fence an I watch the man at his woik. Suddenly the rcxton I oked up from hi:- taK and saw him. "Whose grave is that?" Tu-vo's aktd woi fieri' r.'s he did m.whiit possible mlti- est that grave could have lor him. The man r c tgn z -t him ' It's Susie's g'ave," he answered. You remember her, don't you !" 'Itemeni'ter h-i ? As if he ever could forget her 1 1-Vr a m nin'tit it see. nod as il the w' erls of th world clog-i-d and stood still. He hit coma bin k lo find the worn in he loved, an I hire in the rrass ot the church. ard he lound-her gtavc I Ills First Drank. . ' AN INFI.rRNCK THAT THK (IOVKKNOK9 'OF NollTIl AND SOUTH CAROLINA HAD. From the Little Rock (Ark.) (lazzMt.J "I im sixty years old, and . never got drunk till day befo e yesterday," remarked old Uncle Jisse While, as he Sat on a salt batrel in front ot a grocery slorc. "I have lived in Atkansas for fort year cum hesr from East Tenmssy and the thought that I got drunk in the evening ol my life, when I can just ice my gray hairs shining in the twilight, is enough to make me throw niyscll into thu river." "Till us how it nc.uricd, Uncle Jesse," nuked a bystander, "Well, Kiine tim a,'n, op In our te'gh hoihood," and he stopped talking and drew Ins pipu vigorously to see if tho Hie was out, "a Good Templar's lodgo was org iii z d. All the young people in the community jiued. and pretty soon they came alter me. My son Ike was thu lead in' man, and he says to me, 'Pap, I want you to jme this thing.' 'Ike,' says I, 'I don't know the taste of I q lor, and I dou'l see the use ol jmen.' 'P .p,' says he, 'we want your influence. Wo are gwine to vote on the local option law protty soon and we wiin'. you publicly idcutilii d with the work.' Then my daughter Susan, she i nine around and begged me to jine. 'Susan, says I, 'you never seed your old lather take a drink.' 'No, pap.' sa s she, Mutt we want you to help us Iro vn down the cur e ol iii'etiipe-auce.' IN' Xt our parson came nrouti I and sot my wilo on urn, and when they all got to drummin' I ha t to jine. I j'.ued on a Friday night and on ttie foMoaing Saturday I got on the boat coiiiu ilowu here. Somcthiii ailed me. Sometime kept suytir Jesse White, voil ain't a Iree man. It b ilhere mc, and wheo I saw one ol the .dec it hands turn up a lug . I won lered it lie had ever taken the pledge, and when Ii set down the jug I walked around am looke I at it, took hold ol the cnui col stopper, wu'kid sway nil smelt tnv llneeis. I wen uu on deck and sat down in Iront. Pretty mm.-, two men came out and sat down. Alter a while one ol liiem n marked : "The (Inventor ol North C iro lina said t" the (lovernor ol South Caro lini.' an I without finishing the senium both I inked at II c laughed and d ank out of a big Id n k bottle. Tnar w as omethiu' to Hint li verunr business that tuoK tie . I ha I lu aid my I .tln-r talk about it and laugh. 1 hid nlteti heard It, but uo one iiad ever lit-, n positive what it was that the Uovenci sal I, only that the tune betwe. n hail bin rather Imig. Pretty soon one ol thu men reiichc-l down, to ik up the bottle, took out Ihc coik. and said : 'The Governor ol Ninth t'arolina said to the .' Then tint h tin n laughed nnd drank. I never f I s i curious in ni) life. I look, tl aioun I at Hie ttcts o:i the Hank, and at women who waved their hall tkc'Chiels lit US i s we a-sc'l. Those Governors had a rin .' ah int tin-in that muled through mi old lilooil. .lust then oil" of t lie men turned. h., the I'oille toward n,e, nod said: - The Govi rnor id North .' lictoie I knew it I had hold of tho tintile. 1 I 'line I it up and drank. All I tln'iijit about was Hie O..veil'or. and when the ha lows ol Ike, Su-sn, the parson, mi I m wile II tied through my brain, the two Govi itior, tall and grand, stakul right up an I ran over them, '1'lie Govtnor ol Ninlh Caiolina' an I I ha I taktn aii-lhct pull, and a lung one. I began to Governors in llieir tiiie light. 1 that liny wire the hrit lellows world. The boat secitnd to hit a mile a mii iie, and I didn't care -lie ill I s: li ng us the Gnvniiois S 3 I f SPACE I - I m 'no Squnrn, 3 00 8 00 14 00 SO CO Two ,Siiiari-s. & on 10 (i 20 00 SO Three Sijiiares, 8(1(1 15 00 .'tO 00 4( 00 l-'our Squares, 10 00 , IS 00 ?.8 00 ir 0 Fourth Corn,-. IA K) 20 ik 40 00 f.O 00 Hall 'Column, ) 00 1 30 (KI (10 00 85 W Whole (J, ilu m n, dim Year, 75 CO J 1 1 '' 11 .L,-JJ n'.iiul Tom. Blind Tom's lunhpl icij is i i Omrgia and he began to ix ite a'tention as a mu sician at tiie age nl lour vcar. All sounds aft ir. led Inm t.cligh'; even the crung of a child caused him to dance about in a sta'e ol testacy. Wh.'ii at home he olteu bit and pinched his brothers and sist rs to make them emit iri sol pain II kept away Itiitn a p'atio, lie won' I bent ai atn t the wall. drug ch lirs about 'he room and make nils siuis nl noisis. When in Lui 1- n. a ll ii i o was pto l.ued for him of a very icm plicatcd pattern at:d having twenty two k 'ys 11.; Ir-qii-tnly ri-es up a night and plays thisin tiuimnt iiuitiliiu upon it ail suits ol sounds which he may hear at the time. () cc whe i the agi iit altt tiip'c l t ' in ke him fop p'aiing a piano in a high ton.1,! holt- I. at. Ihltc n'l In k ill tho III nil inc. Ton) ii-'z-d bun and threw htm tiiroiiuh the dour. Ii w. inn thicw a tii'iti down stairs who came in Id room. When at Ins l im e, in drnrgia he livisiua bii'diLut n'"'''-t to l.uut'Cil da irmn ll'.e tn-u f. and there r-maiiis alone with Ins piano, plaiing mi nay night. I ke one pos-csed ol ma-ness. weather Ins m iff ct upon his nnisic rh-ndv. rainy sos-un, he iilays somin-r sic in iniuor choids, anil wticn me shims au I the b rds sing, he indulg-s widtzes nnd light mtlS'C S miclnties see the Ihoileht in I in-niMiiti' what etc withi!.i. i II, Inns, the (iiveinois kept a ri-itiatkiii' and I kctit a I'tilliu , and t time I got lo'le K ick I was as il'tnil; as nil owl. Oh, I was hs drunk as a mule a mink. I got nlf the boat and yelled. Hoorah l-r Ihc Governor ol North lina I' ami the first thing I, nnd m v sell in a snrt nl a time I ever was drunk, and odd years old." How to 1'rcMfi-vc Ileal (H. SOX VAI.DAni.K 1DKAS ON THIS BCIUKCT. "Hills Manuel of Social and Ilusineis Forms," gives the lolluwiug excclltut ad yicc on Health : The first great secret of good health is good bald's, an I the ni xt is regularity ol habits. They arc britfly summed up in the billowing rules : 1. Give yoursell the necessary arliount ol s'eep. Some mm n quire live hours ol the iwenty-lour; others ini-d eight Avoid leather beds. Sleep in a garment not worn during thu day. To maintain robust health, sleep with a person us healthy as pi ursell or no one. Dhkhs. In cold weather, tins- warmly, with underclothing, remove muller, overcoat, overshoes, etc., when remaining any considerable length ol time in a Warm room. Keep your leet watm au I dty. Wash them in warm water, two or three turns a wnl. Wear warm stockings, large boots, and overshoes when in snow or wet. Wear a light covering on the bead, keep ing it always c -ol. 3 t'l.KANl.lNKss Have alway. a pint or quail of water in the sleeping room. In the morning, alter washing the lim'ls and lace, Iher- wet wilh the hands every part of the body, ('old water will not be di a- grecablc when applying it with thu bare hands. ipe immediately; lollow by tirisK rubbing over the body. The wh de oper ation mcd n d take over live minutes. Thu result ol this wash is, the blood is I rought to Hie surlace ol the skin and made to cir. cul tie evenly throughout the body. Y tl have opened the pores of the skin, hIIhw inj imputilius ol the body to pass i ll', and have given yoursell in the operation, a good vigorous morning exeici-e Puisne this habit r- guli.rly, and you will seldom take c d i. 4. Inflation or ritit Lunos. Five min utes spent in the open air, alter ilicsMitg. in II il m the lungs, by inhaling us full a breath as possible, iiiul pouii ling the breat during thu mil .tioti, will gtcatly enable the chest, strengthen the lungs power, and verv i ll'i'cl'iall ward oil' consumption. 5. iMkT. 11 inclined ti be dyspeptic, a'oid in i pie, sausage, and other -ea-o c I lood, llcware ol rating too Ireilynl soups; belter to eat lood drv enough lo employ thu natural saliva of tie iiiou h in n (listening It. Il itic'ined to over eat, pimike leely ol rice, ciackid wheat, ami other articles that are easily dig- sled. lv.tne. lyo! ripe fruit, and avoid ex ce-Mve u ol meats. Kit at tegular hours, and lightly near the hour nt going In bed. Kit slowly. 'I horoiig ly masticate Hie loud. Do not wash it down with dm linu'il drink while eutiug. Te'l your luunicst stories while at tho tabls, and lor an hour nltei wards, Do not mgage in si vere in nlal labor directly after hearty eating. 0 Ex 'ltd ne E-vri i-e.not too violently but selli i 'lit ly to produce a gentle per spiia'ii-u, shoul I be had each day iu the opi u air. 7. Ci'Niu rioN ok Tint Mind. The con dilioii nl the mind h 'S mui h to do with li e hca'lh. It'- hnprlul and joyous. To I US'), avoid business entanglements that in iy causr pel ph x.ty and anxiety. Keep out n debt. Live wt'hill jour iniiiiHC Atten I chii'di. Wa'k, n le in X In jovial coinpiiiy. )o as nearly rigiu as you know ho'. Thus cuii-i iciica will always bent ease. Il mc sKioilly disappointed, rem. tnlier that there is no w ithoiit a Ihn.ll, an I that the (111 k t clouds haVH a siliei lining ; that sumhitie storm, and bei.utitul spiiug lollons the dreary wintir. I,i your duty, and leave thu test In Ii id who docth all things well. The Loiat Nunlii ani. A home can hanllf be called a hnnic without a sun In am it it. Llian Grey wa- ppirtuellc in ditng little girl with light blue cyi a and gol Ico curls. She was an only i' hi d, and mie of i Iii:kj tender 8 ' si live linle creatine-, much loved, much loving. Thepitcnts lived in a country village, thnuigrioiit whicli the briglil.braii tilul-like looking little biiin; w as bclovi d and kn iwn Sim wa c uii tcted thu pro perty uf the town, all loving the pretty wiiisonic little crcii'tne. ll there wcro a lew choice pea, lies upon a neigh hut's tree, tin re were sine to be a mil put a ide f r the ilttic blossnm, tl e village pet. And when the old Snitch nei hlwr ( I'Dotttii I's cow h id her I'nst rail, 'lie just,' to ne his oivn liiiigu igc. 'took a walk over to Mr. Grey's c.Miagc, as he h nl a wee bit ol ti in to brink, the bonny bairn over to look a' It' S'le was so oil I shinned, neighbor lirown piopliestcd with In r wise Bi y ng, 'sure tln re v. us none like In"; and added, shaking hei leid signillcanliy, 'Mrs. Grey will never raise her, sh- is too fund lor this wor d, so tender. he irted wi ha!, and be idi-s she is not strong. ' Tlnsc words siimel lines in nlv rtenlly tell upon Hit tin thi-t's w an 1 ll led her heart with fore bodings. Tlier auumlcd like clods upon a i o lio lid. mid in her agony nn i alarm she I rayed that herdirling might tie spared. In the meantime the little Im I was un folding into a K-autitul fl wcr. Iu every linii-c in the village she had an ititeresl; with her blight blue eyes and i;0 ten emit she went scatiering sunsihine everywhere. There wetc no ch u Is across her ski; the c were no Ihorns aernsi her (intl ; her young Hie was a shott summer day. The whole vill .ge was in a state ol alarm when lit lit Lilian was taken down wuh the lever, each considering the child be longing, ns it were, to him or her, all vied wilh each other in aiding the alarmed part tits in their care Even Tommy Green tho idiot hoy, carrinl her llowcrs, of whidi she was so loud, and with whom she ln.d shared her ginger bread on the way home Irom the stme. 'Give her then-.' saitl the cluinsv. cviigtown bin. adding : 'She hs always good to me, she was, I want to her know that I like her, ton' No medi cal skill could save tho little snll-rer, and alter sis ik-h pain, one bright summer day win n naluie w is at its height ol l eaiity ami loveliness, In r spirit wen led ils way hi-avenwaid. The be uiiliil head lay upon the pillow a broken snow-iltnp, whilst the golden hair lormed a halo around her btoiv. The June ll iwtts sci n'cd the air with their Ita giance, yet thvre were none so lair ns that brnki n i,ly that sh pt within that ihiiin Ikt. As I stood nnd watched the funeral pro cession w ii.dn g Us w ay along the (lusty road , soli mo nnd slnw, I thought w as it well to grieve lor those tiikm before the slot ins nl life had time to blow over them. Slioitlf- alter, I vlsdted Mia. Gtcj's cot tage home, from whicli the sunbeam bad dernrteil flic tl nvcrs bloomed in the wind ows, the pet canary sang swietly o Its perch, nnd all km nn d the same, but when 1 saw the pale tace of Ihe broken hearted mother my heart sank within me, and winds , c mil irt refused to come nl inv bidding I took her thin hand and nointcd up vard. Nevei shall I forget her lace of an as slits opened a diaci and look out a tiny shoe and a velvet Ii it wilh blue ribbons, that lulnngid to the loved nnd hot. Tin V I' l l the tad, (ml story, and tinning in wind- the tunny iky I hid my hue an I wept. mi mmm I'AI.UO I X A HOKH bUOCKOI-: MACHINB WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Matitifiiclitri-rK ol Portable nnd Stationary Engluci and Hollers, (saw Mills, Corn aud Wheat M ills, Slialinig, Hangers and Pul leys, Tiiiluiin Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma chine! V, Wi might I mil Work, Urn.i a jd linn t'.i.-tiniis, Machinery of Every Vea nription. (ilSNINU AND TllltESHINO MACUiWEJ 1 Sf'ECIA I.T Y. Itopnirlnc rroiuplly A t'urclallj Done. TAl.TtOTT'-i V.VI'ENT srAKK-ARRESTBR, Tlir Iiivoiidon ol the Age, U iIoqm not ilnstrov the draft, tt doc not intorforfl with clnining tho tuber. It will not choke up, and requires uo clean ing- It reiiniros no direct dampers to be oppiit-d when raising steam (dampers be ing oiiiuctioiiuhln, as they may beleltcpoa and allow s- arks to escape ) It requires no water to extinguish spark t, which, by condensation, destroy, thn draft. Itcsi'les, when water Is Ufed,"if neglected, tin- cllbuencv la destroyed by (ivupiiriitiiio of thn water, and the boiler '. kept in n tiltliy condition. It is Hitnplo and diirulilo and can bo re lied upon. It can lie attached to any boiler. No plan tor should bo without one of tLcm, Iti"tirufu-n ci'iiipanicH will Insure ginrs end Inn im where the 'lalliott Engines end Spark A t rustors are used at Hame rate a ehareol for water or horso-powor. jr-M-Setid fur iliustrutej elroulr-rs soil price. lisU lliaucli house, (iniiisiioro, n. U. .1. A. II A USER, (.oni-rnl Manager. T. A.liKA-Nl.r.K, Local Mauagec. may 8 tltn Ail O u a it. i-nt lo I bo I'ri.lcsi-ilon tlATURElSCWH RfZMCCY VEGLTABLE MEDICINE FORTHE BL00D,UVER0tKIDNEYS. CURATiNF, CUBATIKE, t.r t in r Culu taluU CURAT!!. l'-i K.Jiu-y Ui." wi'.. 1 kno pil-oll I atu Caro wed I . Pu-t sixiy- Aiiuid aasirt it e l how mile society, anil -bain.-. I hat his i"'l. l,i., love. Ho could than to brave what the socie'v B .t she was H" or faro s'liii ho car. nut man enough opinion mo-t ol us i w hat hrr to and In inn sun i in he will hummer away lor bouts pronuing the liio-t linniUe discord imaginable. Sod ! nly a chalii-e conies over him n l he in lu'ges in mag in 11 wit Inirsts ol harmnny taea Irom the In si pro "ucti-m of '.ho mas l, rs. Since hi.- childhood he has been an niot ..nd l e nl iied nearly a- well at the ,ge ol bi vi n as he .bus now; i ut now n reticrto'ie is lunch lurg-t, ss ho can play anything lie has ever lit-ml. He now plays ub.n.t si veil thousan I pieces, and picks up HfH' ' ins eieiyahcre. I' is a cuiloiis tact that he will not plav Suudty pohool rotnic il he can help n.tiavmg a great uibiiac )-. it. - Ihe tie JJ"Ucs.andliHlio i-iuiu-uiu court othc the Ici t. . .i... ...!),, r in it.. in.,lf.i,l a I over the papers on i ews--tnd coiner. ,.nd i ot linding what l, wanted, he - id in ll e plump. '-'HJ gill cletk ; I want En'side Companion. .ivi.,.1 ..I" ihe blil-lnd T want a lie repiaiui. ami she chewed ... n .i.. ,,;r llirotl " S t Well - no .... .1 . i . It 1. i.,n,,.,l out jou tliiuk 1 wouiu 'iui i i."v- Uppi'y. p. reside Coiiip uiion,' yes, sir; I hiar 5. n no, the come: ' h t vv dor. Giils wear boys' yesi up Hi s way, but down in Ti xia you cau sec boy with a GaW s'on. We see lip salve adveitisel. Wo p-e-snme it is applied with the lips but wt doubt if keeps thn '.itlle chaps . If There tie two things that a lellnw can't do at the sauic lime-hold a good looking girl nn Ins la 1 and not kiss her. Salt water will prevent tho hair Irom lallin.- out, but to preVeut its biiu; pulled cut gi t heme early. A lishciman is a vtry irrcftlu'e and un reliable person. lie won't tviu sit down ou his own I.) ok. A 1 1t 1 1 fill who was sent cut to look for c,.gs came tun k unsucrcslit, an 1 coin plained that 'there were lots of linns stand ing around doing nothing.' A yoii'ig laly up in Ilnkshi-e county. Ma a . was hIiiii.! 011 tin-lip bv a bee III" nihil day. Ye c itigraliliatc that bee on knowing j 1st where the lion y was. What I twi nlv-llve cents a pound for sausage ? VV h v. I can get 'em down at Schmidt's lor twenty rents. cd den. vy iliiln'l viu ?' 'Cause Schmidt was out of 'em.' 'V.-ll. UV 1 was oit 01 tm l sen 'cm lur tw niily cends too.' At a christening, while the minister was making his certil'n a'c. he ir qiibc I the dav ol the linmlh, and happened to say. f.'l me see. this Is the thirtieth J' 'The thiitiilh V exclaimed the indignant mother, in, bad, but it's only the ihiitccntli.' At Ilewbniyport the other day. an Eng lishman and a Yankee enaagc l iu a game c,f luag. Wei1," sai John IVd1, we can beat voil on gtins. 7u have a gun ul Ilia WnoUit h harsenal lht when it is fired tin- report is 'ear I in Au-lralia. iun 1 said Hie Yankee, becoming rxcitol and jumping to his lei-l. ' guns I wh wo have a inn hire in America that was fired (iff in 1770, ami you Englishmen liaiu't lirard the last ol it yet." A co'ornl minis'cr in ("n-ntgia was brought on Itial belote tho dt aeons ol hi' chinch for striding bacon, AMer a num lend wil'C-scs had been tximined ihe desi.ons tctitel, and a'terwaf'a rel'itncd the following vctdict; "Ihe Ibv. ,iiocs llled-o aurnowittcd of the sicuition dat 1... u. 1,1,, I stole tho imrk. as 'twas not .lio.l.. dat siimhodv tl"i- mitten'! have been .v.nrin' his tl 7. -. hut th- bru ldfr is bi-icbT '..,.ei!onate!v wstne d dat iu lulutc lie must bo aiore kccrlul. Koiir Hut ( tirial. Thousand' had In en gathered in the large hall, lift (ll 111 1 In the eaiticst p-ncla n.a'ion ni the gosiicl. It was the thlni oi louilll wcik ol a great evangell.tio move ment in u e nl our l irg-si cities; and ilii eviiiuig the inqiiiry-'ooiu was nin e than usually ciowded. A minister w s asked to do nhal h- could I i Ihe way nl i nlue. ni tl one wlin went tlnre men It foi cuii sity In go away lie went to a plcasanldonk'ng lady with white hair, ipi au nily abutit sixty ycats of age, and ai-knl whether she v i-hed to be ol n-tvict in ta'kiug with Hie anxious. N .' she said ; T am at xioiia myself, and witititijj for some oue to rpiak to me.' 'Have you never,' laid the minister 'un.le'Stood the wav ol peace with (Jul? Never brlievrd on the Siviotir?' 'Oh, ves ' sai I the old Ivdy. I do trust in nud lovo (.'iiti', I In p ; but I m n-' hanpy. I mcd to have much joy and coiiilort, to e j 'j almost constant pea'-c and lo have nanv hsppy seasnni of lellow 'iip with n y S y in ; I ut now all that i gone. I s e iimny young l ent Vers Iniglii and lull n! hiip, but 1 csnnot ge l ii 1; my ol.l Iccln gs,' Would ou,' asked the minister, (pile c iitcnt it you could get back ii i lin.'S yon "peak ol I 'Yes. yes ; that is ju-t what I am ing. Then.' s-a'd he. 'if you are nncofChri- prople, it is d likely, Ut mo tell you fiat you will get them again.' Tin- dear old lady onk-d surnri.ed and the minister wuit nn to say 'Kor, dou'i mui 'i c, you wi u'd just be putting Ihcsi ol yours in the room ol Christ, listing volt In-art on thciu instead of on Him t I am sure yon do not rcnily wish In do that. Il Is no wonder, thrn, that II.' docs not iio yon what jnu crave, what, hi voir present state ol mind, would only keep V"U awav from Ilimtcll and true peace.' 'Can t'.iat bo it )' laid she, half smiling. '1 have l.ttlu doubt that it is ioat the cause ol your yohappiiicss ; you aie not Icaiunig simply enough on your lie ove l. Tliev piayrd together, shook hands and parted quick,., imver to meet again. The minister koew nothing whatever nl the lady, but his nam ha I becu known to her. About eighteen mouths later, a liieud of his. who lihtqieni-d to be a'so a Iriend of hen. brought huu a toe-sago Imin her death bed to say ill at liis'simplo wor Is h id been he nieaoa nl setting her leet nn Ihc rock, that she ha I ri.joyid uubrokell pence ir believing since that night in thn inqiiiry-room. and wa now entering the valley ol Ihe shadow ol death, tearing uo evil bicaii e her Saviour was with hrr. lathe seek A stsilen' up 'ii .t the other d iy to i ne nl the ilisiini citins li-r -iiliniss-on to prncticr, an I an i x iiiimnimi noiuuilllie nf one ws np;iointed by Ihe J ft ij.t ta s'0 taut his qual ti -atioi B. The i turns ion hciati with - Do jnu smoki', sir ?' '1 do, sit I' 'Have you a spa-c fii: i' 'Yes.' 'Now. sir, w hat is Iho fust duty ol a law yet t' To cnllec' Id s,' 'lilgllt, hat is HiC H'Coi.d.' To itn ica e H'e number nl his c ienls.' -When lines jnur pu iliim towaid jinn cl rnt change ?' ' hen making a blli nf C' s!j.' 'Explain.' We ars then antnro lis'ic I sssun e the cliarvi' lcr ol plainlill an 1 he becomts the dclcndant.' 'A .nit dicide), how tin y-ni stand wilh the I w-t r Conducting the other side V 'Clink, l-j jowl.' 'Enough, s ' : yen nrnmi-e to Income ai lunnil i nl 'o vimr r 1 1 Ii s nil , an I I wi h v u sc. c. S. N '. aie .oil awaro ol the di tv i- u owe me ?' Pet'lVtiy ' IV M illie it.' 'I; is to invite you to dri, k.' I. ill Otil'O.e 1 iliclil i- (' Ciiinl date n ratebe Ins head, 'There is no in -ta nee td that kin i iu the hooks.' Y u ate liglii; nd the con II let' cc with which you nnd-- the sw-tmn shows V'UI have fad the law attentively. Let's I ike a il. ink, and I'll s't-n your certifi eate.' 1 r r.iit'Uiiiii'-sui. CURATfHF, t F.'i--ru' liiM-tiitfi. CURATSNi, lot ri.-'l'-'n. Iimil. Hlus..., .!(. .Ice Iv A ni.allrlual coui- t-,um1 of k iiiiwu value iiiOii.tieB iuvusprai- malum lbs rurauvd linwrrs tur tlie ttvlls wtllell iirislliee ftll ll--,n.fn nf lln illo4, lilt, Hrrr, tin' liiituru H.irtiOisiH in aellun mU'l;li In llu e.Vol. II I. uni'tei-tlMl fur tbtt i ui.' of nil MiMMf IHm titMrm -ueli as rA i.r.f. 7-ittitucw. Ilolls, f flier. Stilt Rhruwt, iiirirf.HiliMili. n r- :il.n Cnji-llprif iuu, ,rir'i. ItidS-ff-llnll. Suitf MlulM ltrt. I.etvHiiOH f I rOic, t(. ASK VOtn DRUGSIST FCR IT. THF. BROT! LUIliCAL CO. ULTIUORE. Md. 'What bo rate a a day in Jane1.' sings th" pi rt. A day in Jiuuary la not ouly rater, but atluilly (aw. Jrntt(inlt ol is si i:icjilianl. A stnty come lr.-m Tc.buiy, England w In re a mtuagtrii- h is bu n paiitig a visit wliivh lllus'itit.s the well k"owii cllalact.t d the elephant lor hti-xaiio Id lings in re in a k ilde degree Ani'ti'I Ihe animals a us. -k very line ih pliant, culled "iw..c, which was alt'-cked with a Violent fit (it colic, nnd snll rid itilctistly. A local Chemist, whose sue ess as an animal doctor is well known, trea't d "L IX e'' and saved the animal's lile. On tin-proce-non pa ing the C'lu mist's simp i n Pi id iv, thu e!c' .limit iuiniidiali ly iceogtn, d lierbttiefac (or, who was -landing at the door nf ih slum. aud. going to It t ill grnce'iilly placed her ttiiiik in his baud. Thu Chemist vii led t In ixiiihtiino ut uight, uud met with an un- xpi' ted rcccptiuii Irmn his tourer naiieiit- Ginlly st'i-.iiig the doe'nr with licr trunk. H e e cphatit encitclcd him wi it, t-i the t' tror oi tin- auntincc, who ex Heeled to See hi III Crushed til lloa'll, but 1 1. 1.7. e" Iiad no such iulen'.ion, and a le having thu ib monstra'ed hcrgr t tude by acts nunc eloquent than words, she iu leised the docior lor licr embrace and pm reed.d with ln-r appointed I -sk. Til J tie pliant cim to possess a hir n-use ( I jjr illu Ic tbiu ioiiie pccplc d . AY. 11. V10K AiCHI .E1 m uigg:es WSADE TO ORDER Oil UKrAiusn at low mum All kinds of wood work and Irlmniln lone in guild stylo, ItlacUsmilh work done at abort iintiio and with neatnoas. All new work warranto I. 1'iiin painting for buggies dni.ti at low prics.liest paint used. SWA IAI. tllKVIIti; .IVKSTO THE UNDEIirAliING DEPAUTMENT. Collins mid Cases of all sires constautiy on baud. Cirri-to ?.f itori itskopt onhand at prio below Pt'torsliutg m.irk-'t. Wcldon N. a Juno f ly pnr-T-: FUKD, Takes pleasii'p In Hii-ioiuicing tbat ba can till be tnuiid at his atatid ou FIRST 8TKKET, Whrro be has on band a full line ot the Elnest WINES. WI.I -IKIES and HKAM'IKs. TOBACCO, CIUAKS, and ISNCPt'-, OltAN(il. APPLES, and CON EKCTIOJa ISR1ES Ilia s ock cf ('untied Goods And UrocsM iea is uuoMunlly Full land Complete Oto CintvcT WntsKKV A sM-niAjirr. KIIKSII I.AiiKH US DRAIUIHT. llo guarantees H.'.Hsf.ii-tiini. Ca'.l n? oo him. Novil ly.