fHE ROANOKE NEWS. A- bEMOCRATIC f B E L Y . NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY , M LONG A ff.ff. n,VLL. Tear, in advance, it Months, " 'rt,r(,e tfontln, " f 2 00 I 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 0 B O. w. a A K i a a a , nrfeon Dentist ipfflct ovr W. H. Brown's Dry Goods Store, WELDON, K.C. tfjl! visit parties at their homes when desired, Terms Reasonable, oct my M. ORIZZ A.K1), ATTOKEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. nfTle.e In the Court House. Strict attention tlteiitoall branches of I tie profession. E T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT L1W. ENFIELD, N. C. Praetlc.es In th counties of Halifax, Nash li.lirecombe anil Wilson. Collections male In n jortsof the Slate. Jau H tf ff. W. H4.LL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. n.Alitl attention Riven to collections and remittances promptly madd. 17 1". I1MII H. MULLEN. JOHN 1. MOORE. U I L B If MOORE, ATTOK3JEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Praetlcn In the counticsof Halifax, Northaimi- ton, KdffeeombA, Pitt anil Harttn In the Hn ureinn court of the State and in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District. Collections made In any part of tho State. Jan 1 ly TAMES E. 0 1 H A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KMFIELD, N. C. PMetlcM In the conrts of Halifax and adjoin ln counties, anil in tho Supreme and Federal emirta. rinl. rations martu In any part of the State. Will attend at the court house in Halifax ou Monday aud Friday ol cadi ween. wan uu JOBBRT O. BURION JR. ATTORNEY AT L4W. HALIFAX N. C. Prsntlcm, In the courts of Halifax, and ndjoln- h"t counties. In the Supr -me couu or in male, mid In the Federal courts. Will nlva special attention to tin collection ot claims, and to (MinKl'iK inn aeeoiiuiH ui e.v editors, administrators and guardians. dec 13tf QATIM L. HYMAJf, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' HALIFAX, N. C. PriM. in , emirfu nf Halifax and adjoln- lT counties, and III the Hupi-eme and Federal court. Claim collected In nil parts of North Carolina, offlco In the Court House. julyltf rJU:lAS JJ1LL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adjoining counties and FederaJ and Supr.'in' ci.urU. Will ba at Seoiuua aeca, ouee ei-ry alglit. " " JOS. B. B ATI! HE LOR. ATTOUSCY AT LAW, E1LEIQH, X. C. P.utleea In the court of the dth Judicial SiMrict aiid la ttta Federal aud rtupreiai! Courts. ny U tt. T W. MASON. ATT9BICY AT L1W, AIIT3BUR(J, V, C Practices In tha citirts of Norlhampton and ilolnliiir counties, also in tin Federal and Su reaecourts. June N if. v. I. BIT. JJAT A. C. XOLMCUFKBIt. ZOLLICOFFER. ATTORNEY! AT LAW, WBLDO.T, V. C. Prartlce In the courts of Halifax and adjoining Want les, and In t'.is Supreme and Federal e.i.irts. Ciitiis collected i.i any eacl f N.irth Carnlma. lloeuf the llriu will always be found in tno OOC8, June ' J D tt, JE. I.. UUJfTEK, HUQE9N DEN TUT Ca be found at his office iu En field. Fare JfitrousOf:d9 Oas lor the Pain- Extraotiiig of Teetu always on hand. Juua 22 tt. X SKI VT J. BURTON, ATTOKSKY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Trarllres In thee uirts of Halifax. Warren and lloliiluir counties and In the Supreme and r'1'''" ri court. tMnlms collected in any part of ""rth Carolina. inn" 17tf M.BMirU.JK. AT TOUEY AT LAW, Scotund Ksok. Halifax Coont? N. 0 . Tractlcea In tha i ir..nt- .,,,1 mlloln biCuutles ",d ,llB t(lli'K'Qi0 court jjfjy1" K hi fir M fllrWrrtr cl "' fYrtf wsx j ' its F . ;t ii i a n is e i! 4 s a ha r r it ' a us t-,-. VOL. VIII. Wc Khali Heft and Host. WliPro tho f,ulod flower shall freshen Freshen novor to fade j Whore the shaded skv shall brigbton- Brightiu nevermore to shade ; Where the sun-blaze never scorche, Whore star beams cease to chill, Where no tempest spiis the echoes Of the wood, or wave, or hill j Where no shadow sliall bewilder, Where life's vain parade Is o'er, Where theMtep of sin is broken, And tile dreamer dearrus no more i Where tho bond is never severed Partings, eltspinir-i, soli and n'o.tn, Midnight waking, twilight weeping, Heavy nooniido all are done. Where the child lias found its mother, Where the mnthi.r tlnds the child j Where dear families aio (pal here I Tbat wore scattered on Uio wild . Where the hidden wound is hn.iled, Whsre the blighted tiro reblooms, Where the Hmltton lio.i t, the freshness Of its buoyant vouth resumes: Where we find tho joy of loving, As we never loved beforo Loving or., unchill 'd, unhindered -- Loving once, toreverraore. THE COUSIN FROM OMAHA 'Company I' Hiid Miltv (Jarvor, with her baDJi lit cd towaul !ho ceilinir, as il invoking some unknown power. 'And come to dinner I An J not a tiling in the house to eat 1 Lucilla, I do think we are the unlackiest people in the world?' Mitty Carver was nt;in in the midst nt a whiil pool ol red merino cuttings and clippings lor Matty Carver was nl terior her 'sweet suit' over, lor t lie third time and the great Worth himself, in bis studio, in the ct of cnatini! a new d'. Sinn, was never moie absorbed an I intent ihun tins village girl iu her 'breadths, ami pipp ngs,' and 'bias tiiminings' 'JVla'ty,' sai l Lucilla, anlcmaly, hut 'put away that dicst ! W e must contiiva a do. cent dinner as soon as we can.' 'I wou't, ta'd Matty, with an omintious llisliol her I1lz d tyes. '1 mnl linisli this dress, or I -lull Inve no'.liing to fi.ig in at the ronccri.' 'Bdt reflect! argued tho elder tistor. 'It's our cousin Imm Omaha I' 'Oil, bother our cousia Ironi Omaha!' tartly responded the little bmtrjtte, stitch ing away u itil her needlo seemid to glance in and out ol the ru iv-rcd material I ke miriiiituro ligh' ning. 'What business have cousins In tn Omaha to rorne pnunc ing in urou people in this sort ol va;. without a word ol wammg? People, too. wliom one has never 'een ! I date say he's a gnat, akard U;d, with a liecki led lace and r. d hair, aud what's that J' as the souo I of something tailing, iu the iuin apattme.'it, atticttd ' her atttn lion. 'It's tlie ct.' said Lu-iilla. who wi'h i pair ol intent lntle wrinkles lutwctn her hro9, ha I been counting out 'ho contents ot a somewhat slenderly luruiihcd portc monnnle, No. it isn't,' said Malty, turning red sn I pale, as she Btartcil Irntn her work; 'It's our coiiin from Omaha!' 'Nonsense. I' Miid dumure Ln::illa. 'I li lt him lo k'ng at tlie honeysuckles in the Iront po-ch.' 'But I lell you I caw hi coat tails.' 'It is jour guiltv conscience,' said I.u rilhi, I tngliing. -N iw, look here. M ittv h rt'B i do'lar in change, llii nut i h that little Covered backet, an I buy a po I aud a hall ol btelstake, an 1 a i( ait ol 4eet potatoes i.nd a halt a pound ol K, (flM the very best Java, mind Iresh gioun I and stop at M i. Mix's lor a pint of milk and I'll stir up a ens'ard lor desert. And be ure yon mnke hasle.' Matty loi.k-d l.mginglv at the blight little circlets ol iiivcr, as they lay in her hand. Lucilla,' mid fIic, 'this was to buy rib. boos lor my dress.' We can do without the rib'inns,' re torted L'lcilia 'nut we ti.ust trcal compa ny decently.' I hate company !' faid Ma'ty; 'and I know I shall sceam out, to -co that ha k woodman, eatin ; no mt nl)''on loons in t e shape ol CJ- a d, tad swallowing n j . repe li S'j lulls in ins c line 1 Must I get Java, Lucilla ? Maiacaih.i i- good enouh for ui.' D make haste I said Luril'a, with a liitle iiiipeiutive nod of the bead. And M .tty caught up ber cherry-rib-bonot hat. a id went out, only pau-ing to say on the thn sbol.l : I ha'e cousins Horn uinana i ani me red iiv rino dtess wo ,'l be fit to be tteu without the cardinal loops.' While M . Julius Hirgovne compose Hy snioking his cigar, un ier the honcyu kle trail- in the Iront porch, smiled (pnetiy lo himsell at this peep into the domestic eco'jomy ol the orphaned sisters. He had uonsiJeiat. ly walKtil out oi uiu parlor to avoid bc-oirirg sil Itivolunlary py upon the d imestic dialogue; but the porch, clo-e to the i'n n sitting room wm (I ,w, was t il l all y ol j c ionable. i'. .or and proud,' lie sai I lo himsell, as he watchel the H .tier ol Hie (he ry lib bons ilisautieariug il i.vn the liack path. t u il.o I have a'anvs h'sid id the C nver girls 11 .t the little one is as I tun tllul and spirt a I'ci blly hl.'S mn and I ralUi liku l.U way si fsprc M'-j heisilf And Mr Bdnjnync flrolle.l in a leisute I. tt.itiiil the te't'graph i lli'e. am o:,. ed in a1 the Un ted Sia'es lintel as s ', and si e I'tir her lin e he te urii. d lo ghc an old. r oi glance at the icg'sUr. Where is he J' said Matt!, as riod hie.atll'o-ldV lack, 1 1 Tl j(k r b.-ket under I er rni. h't past iiomi,' sai I Lut illi, reproach lolly. Bhe had biei Hnti stairs biilitening up I he last temna'ds ol lao.ily silver vim chamois leat'J.r and wlmipg in older thai lliey mi-lit pust iit a (uedit line nticu. 1 know i..' said Matty, l ut ir the notl'ee to be giouod I hal to . and Mrs. M x wasn't in, nnd -oh. Lr.cill.l ( n.tii ,ach a Handsome unrig Mlo in Hie nark with diam'l iids. aud he picked up my sort, and He wear diamons i!' siad Lucilla, so. VhoJlhe cousin irom wmaia i " , he isn't this sort ot person at all I I his 0ie las love y almond-shaped eyes, and a Ion" si ky niMti-tai he. aod Dostop rattling Matty,' satd Lucilla billing. store ol de-pair. 'and hep g ' the table set. It's late now, and- But t the utter amaz-nitnt of batli ot " ' . . i ,m a white. the sisteis, a noioreu wniii.t - itiu ,i .1 v.., - . . P'nn' MA !: u. T. o. .7M.l teetu i - ..rrojimnd auiieared, just I of itio stairs, aanounciu : WELDON, N. 'D. oner's ready ladies it you please I' . j Matty looked at Lucilla. Lucilla re. turned her gnza with one ol equal aston ishment, 'What does he mean f said Matty. 'I'm sure I haveu't the least idea,' said Lucilla. Up in the little dinnir.g-roorn an unex pected eight met their eyes. The table, all spred ith glUtenirg glass and china, an epergue of (1 .wets, ferns and tropical Iruit ; in its centre, cold roust lowls, deli cate salids, steaming tureens ol oysters, and a huge boiled ham, stuck all over with cloves. While M', 3urgo?ne, enter, ing from an opposite door, ni'ibeJ his hands comp'acently, Lpm my wenl, rnnsin Lucilla," taid he, 'this looks goo 1 1 Y u must live like aldermen here I' Hut it isn't our dinner!' gasped Lucilla. thinking ol the pound and a half ol bed- steak, snd the quart I sweet potatoes on tne ki chen table I olow Whose is it, then?' calmlf di minded Mi. Riirgnyno. It's some mistak ' fallercJ poor Lu cilla. No mistake at all, lady,' grime I the waiter, who stood ready, with a doubled (lama k napkin over his arm, to to vn ou' th oytors and p ifs nrntini' the bea I. O dered at de Unilid Slates Hotel lor Miss Carver.' Then Lucilla introduced Matty, and Matty, shrinking an I coloring, recogn z d in oivr 'cousin Irmn Omaha.' the very gm- tleman wi: b the (I n.iion I studs and s'lkv mous.ache wno had re t red h'r lost "car', and hadn't triilnl ut her maiket ba-ket. And it was i-tirpnsieg o know how 8' on tl.ev all beca.ne excellent Iriends, an I lorgol the, hule. tip'.iarrassiiient inuideut to their fi; at lut odu: linn. When tne grapes, ami bannns, snd vel.i vety liot-lioiini eai his were brought on the ti.b'e. and the bottle ol cliainpnene was opened, it ttaespirel that Mr. Il.ir goyne was ah"iit to slay in ton on buti niss seve'l weeks. 'Youillhe our gest, will you not V ciied out Ma'ty. lajeily. with a dash id rose eolor on either chi ek, ami great datk eyes all lum.uogs will) pleased excite ment. Hut this invitation Mr. llnigoyne smil ingly declitied. Un would see them as ollen us he could ; hi! would be a most futpient visitor at theco'tai,e, they might be nsured, but bis Imsimss loibade his being a sojourner theie. Am! he smiled to lnme'l to tee ilic prt Ity I ttle brunette's evident disap.m ntimnt at his wi.r Is. 'Mie is gitting uconciUd to cuustr.s bom Oiuaha,' be thought. Day nnd weeks crept on. Sir. Bui coyne's lull figure haunttd the little tot lage like a shadow, mi I pr tty Matty grew to watch lor his to i::ng will) a leverish it tentness. The mystery of the hotel banquet still remained unsolved. Mine host ol the United States Hotel, whin questioned upon the, subject, was ft impertmhahly uncommunicative as I lit; Sphinx itscM. and at lftt Lucilla and Muttt Carver were ' a : 11 to iba'uh ii the f, ui less q ie-t. l)d on the day ol the concert Ma'tv, be it remembered, was 10 sing in one o' the quaittttes a inystciioiu pastchoa'd b 'X artive.l Irom New Yolk, (1 r.cted to Mi-s Md'y Carver.' 'What can it be J' cried M.tty, all in a 1 1 cm hie, 'You' I ncv r know if you don't open it and see.' said the more philosophical Lu cilia. 'Ilerp, I'll cut tho siring.' And there, shrouded In innumeriihle lavers ol oiled silk aud tissue paper, up p.aiedan exquii-i'e diesa el ruby silk with a train ol glistening ruby Si'io, mil such lace on the bodiiu as our poor lit' If village maidens had only d eiined of, never seen ; while a card la'n'le i 'Mis Matty C uver, to weir ;it the concert !' na laid among the lolds. Matty was very p do, with red eyes an I b-avy la-hes, whe" Mr. Iliirgoyno dropped casually in that nltcruoon. Julius,' said flio, 'I have f mini you out. Found tne out, eh?' sai I Mi. Iluruotn-, hilf iniiliog. 'Am I so like a couuu- driun.' It was vou that tent me that dress !' flafhed Ma'ty. liec.iuse I knev ton would lo k like a pru.ciss in it," siid Julius, coolly. 'An 1 it was you that mdire I the dinner that first day you came I' 'Do ton suppose I wanted to cat up yislir libbon loops, and swallow your ccpe lisse I'll s?' reloittd the gcptlciiiiiu, with a rojui.-h twinkle in lilsei.es. I never, never will sne 'k to ton sgain. at long as I live!' sobbed Mu'h. 'it it, In the heaven that is abovo us you shall I' s .id the c m-iii bom Omaha, lesoluicly po.si n ng bin. sell ol both her lut'u tol l bun Is 'You hill tell tii' that yo I will one d iy leatn to love me! You tha'l piounc to go bark lo the Wis with me a my cl.eii-lie l bnde! Mittv, i , own ilar ing no t ol nun vnur lose bil l I ice aw i)' 'root ine ; bit I love i u an I my liiu will e but hull a li'e unb-s y. u pli.dnu yotirsell to ehatu it with me.' An i, almost lie'oie Matty knew it, she was emae I to her coiimii lio; Omaha 'An t to th'nk.' said 1. 1 lil i, hall lau :h. in.', hall rrviog, 'that all thn come Ir 'in I) to X peete l con. can. Mllty, I thellghl jou said you b ti d cousins.' So I did,' said M iitv, he king cl a'm inglj conttl-cd. It it -but then I've chanced ui v mi il sini'-.' A H :! "1 ltfst. The mnnv lempeu I in mi uiakts honie ...,i thl v : iili-e hita bles-in; is a mi'iry. i beei nil iie--iuie urao ..t ..ll-. ieil bv rainy w cat lit r or spit it llltle oikiiopoiiitiiieiitf ! Such a woman in the daikest Hours bnuhteiis the house like a I'd tie pice ol sunshiny weather. 'IM.e in tiiiitl'lii ol her looks nil I move menis. b icel i veiyone. T1 e cluldr-n go lo sehoid ivi'ii a sense ol soaiilhiog great to he neliievrd ; her htlball I goes into Hit ootid in a col (I leioi's spuit. No niattei how peop'e ninny and worry him till dav. Inr ill her prt sence shines, ami I whisper lo bin. sell : "At home I shall llml leit." Bo day by 'lay she liteially it'D"W b ir.nitilt und eneri'V : nnd il yoi know man with a I earning bice, a ami ueau, , unri n iiiiiyoeious ii'isiino-, mie cases i out .i. .cu jou ili tl,l be hs a wi'o ol , i UUV 14 I ihii kiji J. C, THUJISDAY, ' Proofing. Dear Jiome circle. Once more I knock at the door of Ibis beautiful home. Olve me a choir by the fireside, sn I lot me- joiu in your tiloru to please nt d instiurt. To Rfther let us talk of life and its meaning Together let us set k lo understand aright its dutie; to bear aright its responsihili . . - . . tie,, .as tarnesi, loving women, let us take up lilt's tangled Ihieadsand winye. ol them a web ol beauty and haimony. Li t us learn lo see It's guntling hand m all things in our sorrows as id our j a, in the shadows as in the sunlight. Let us 1 arn to lilt ourselves more ami more above the sordid cares and perplexities of moik- lay life, nnd be pattent and true, and womanly every wheie. Our walks u 1 1 to may te diflcrent. but we nil have one common object that id miking our homes good ami imie, rur ves above reproach. Separated Ihou h we aie, and unknown to oach other, exiept at w.t n e t hi re, we may join bands in winking loi tht good, the true and the beautitiil join hearts in love and good will to all. Wheiever our homes may be, whitlur in tlm "gloiious West," tlie ' ouuny Smith,'' or ftmong the iui.gid bills ol the Ni.rth ami Kast, there are those sroun I us in need ol help and enc leragi iiieiit., Theie are weak i lies we may help to stiengtlien. rrir.g ones to be lei back In paths i: vii tue anil uprightness, desponding ones to Cieer. He it ours to 11 lp wherever tin re i in t il ol lit- ; mirs to dispid dark t louds ol iboibt antl umest, and hi the blis-td sunlight shipu thiou,,h and Ir.uih rath hi a-1. Angels tire the ra'her's heayeniy m ys-ngers. but we may be His rarililv ones. Ulaillnllie iirmor ol luiilly, wi ll his love us n shield nu t hi linel" here inty not worn in venture, what may not woman ai'i ompl tih? L' ye hbe'ever so ipiietly, B ' tbutBhe lives puiely, her iuQuenca and power are untold. Wherever a pure woman d arils, there rests His sure bh ssings, there hi li si iinge s hover. The crystal slieumlet ti nts n it mere surely Irom the lull spii ig. leuing snnlit'ripples upon its sur'acf, ttking hie and noinishmcnt to I he 11 i.virs snd c r s st's. ill-stately ttees lining its banks, lb in good itdl P nces flow from a true li'e iih benliiig balm and lilc-Llving iKiuiishii.cut for the great world beyond "All my soul g'ves luanurtnd humble itverenee." I wouhl not uiwlerrate i's great worth and beauty; hilt woman is the m.'ther ol nations. She it is who, moie than any other, iiptul la the I ves a. il char f.c'eis ol eieli t.iher, gives the slender twig the l.enl wh'cii coming yt ars (auiint lake away. (Mi, that we could leal.Z'i morn lullv the s.creilniss ol our cailing ! To the reverent eyes ol childhood, moth er is the L'fd. A innlhi t's 1-tint' prtueia nnd saeriliees, a sish-r's pleatlitigs, a wile's ileyotiou, are tilings winch suu too tbep in the iieai t to he lorgotiru Live When slit) may in town or country. In humble cot or palace, the true, woman is quctti. Lit us not lo.'get this. liiit'iiliu it KiriiiiiiHt'r. TIIK l'l.KASANI' MiillT II K I'AsSI'.U IN MAPI SON, INDIANA. He was a diuniiner, but he would not come mbi. re Imm the mail-boat, said he'd not s'op iu M i toon. Ind , but go on lo the next city, i'he reisous he (jate ut wire at lo'lows : I was in Milison some yea s ngo. and my tuoll cti m ol th it, liip (I was then a Mrnminci') unikes me shiuitb I ; I had cn uiu mill lor about U u d.as, mil in me good s ilea, un I II i I also in ide the ai q un'. ance ol some good fellows (as I III' u lit) i.i the ccnliiil part itt the town 1 whs with a pint, at Mayi r's II del, talk ni; snd jotting, wnen one ol cm said to inc: 'lmi il be' ler leniaio to-uljjtit antl j on o.ir belovet nidcr The Mv-Iimouh Hi othei hood. It'll be a great help to ton in your travels. I'.'a the best society in the State, and you Can make Iriends by being known as a member in tru minutes alter you stop al a c ,y or u villuge.' I. like a sticker, took the cork under aud staved mi I joined, Tiiu Mi'siciiniis II o heihood t 1 e i met in a hall nt ar the mnyoi's t lli. e. A widinv k-pt a saloon below thi lob.e loom. I'licie wtie about eight y me .nbeis ol the loiUe, au I ni itt of them were p cs. nt lo assist iu in v Initiation- The llicc s wci-'i A High Moul, S cond High Mopul. See.ieinry and Trt a urer. I iiide and Oil side Sentinels, and a Comi I, with three A-tis an'8. The iiiitintion leo wa anv thing the ludgi; c uld get, Iro.u one dollar to live, I i nceived into the ante roi tn by a ina-kcd guiirtl. I htatd a gruii Voice iusidu say : 'Is there any ei-nn iu waiting lo be iiiit ated into our beloved older I' Another said: 'Ttnru Is on tt hard cii-lo'ip r, my lord, who has il 'posited the blunt act'oi Hug to the in nremeot of our sacred omIci. A hell lapped, and the whole order nisi ie yclleil, 'Amen ! Au.t n I' I was led in. Tile whole as co'lily were in long gow in, rt i.ehe.l to their bit, ol Van, us (-ui, is. nnd had lln ir lace- uiit-ke 1 I was blind:'.!, led ia I h: I filco tlillvn around the n inn, wl l'e they all sang: '.Should you fool inn'incd t c o amo Knults you oniv In otlutrs viw, Ask yiiiirowii bum I in o vou vouluio II il has uot ftgpga too!' The bell tapff'il af I was haHt'd before the High Molll. near linn slood Hie Cnii.et slid lime aids with slii'I d clubs tlitee leet long. I w as swoin lo snswer all qilisl'ons tiuthlully, ami keep ihe setiets ol llie orihr. hvtry lime 1 In). l lo answer qit-stidi) hnme liutely, a stulleil club tii"k ma an aw ill belt 'lur belo ihu btlt' in ihe m.r. The billow in" d iet ons cre put ami answeied : II ojh Mogul : 'Aie you a nunicd man i' l iiudidtie : 'les. lliah Moeu'. 'How many chillies have you t btate their ages, sex au I com- f 1 1 XI'Ul.' Itelore I could answer half he hal n-ked mo 1 win lairl lilted b the ttnlTed clubs. Hi di M tanl. 'Aie you iu the habit ol lunuiog around nights V I answeiul 'No!' ri.'ht qiiuk, ami ihoii'hl it was exactly ibu tiutb. 1 efcapud the clubs. The devils had a big plunk in the lo ir riogrd on liessels. Willi one end seven Jeet hiih. Near the center ol this plank was a hini'i! that wolked with trigger, but I knew nothing id Ibis until la'er iu tin nroctfcdiims. I heaid all the while tun oing water, ss il the reservoir was being iDipticd. The Lell lapped aud I nan FEBRUARY 20, 1880. in a re bin nround again. The 0 and M gM asked : How much water is there In the lank V The mi.wer ws : 'four leet.' The Mogul said : 'Let it he deeper.' Then he aked me : 'Have yen any money, watches, notes, papers, rings mul precious stones that will be damaged bv water V I said 'No.' He then unj; out : 'How much water in tho tank t' ' 'S'x leet,' was the answer. I was next led to the pla k at d coin pelled In siowly ascend II. I ba t reached the end (.' it and was nn my knees when the Mni: ill rallrd out again: 'li tw much water in Ihe tank now V The answer came: 'Ni'ie bet.' The bell tupped, thn end ol tho pla k flapped liow u, unit I tveul heaillong - not into a tank oi water. I was caught in a larga piei e of stoui cauva-s, supplied with hind holds mound the edges aud con.eis. and ninuni d by eight or leu stout lell. iw s. No soon r had I struck thccanvia than I was li'-ved H tue air several limes. 'I hey sho'i e I a i very toss, 'Oici nimi ! orce more I' till final. y I stmck Ihe ceil oi then thev ijui'. Tne bit. Utp'.l, slid I w swak.'tl pp to a colliu wti tin guiiirs around it an i in them were coloied ralcii.m lighls. The bu.iduge w.i temoved Ir.r.n my eyes. In ;!.ia coflin was oie of lint mi mbe s, painted nu in ss g lastly coitus as poss.b e, sn I t'le li II w r.-iueseul rg the corps Had his month nib ollltur. I ill ntknow it ol . ouise, till they made me take aiotheroath m l stoo,i to Jkiss the cotpse. The cust I lew t ol y a b neap lull oi fl nir in my hire nnd eyes ben 1 had cb aned and wiped iff imv countenance, aud the Mysteiious R.oth'ir- all c mie nround me to slink. i haui.s, I shook ol course, but I really lull that il 1 had two six shooters the popil'alion of Madison would have been leduce l lu the extent ol twelve. A I,ttu livfry lny. The longest lite is made up of simple days lew or many ; but tho days grow into tears, and gives tlie meiiS llo ol cur live, at the last The lile is at the last what the days have been. Let the children, therefore, ook alter the (lays one day nt a tune and put into each ote some'hieg that will U t, something wnrih doing, somi'ihiitg worth rt inenil'ering, sonii thliig wotth im ilatu g by thoso who billow us. 1. Kverv day a little knowledge. O e 1'iet ion diy. How stiuill a th'tig is on. del! Only one! Tin yeas pass by Tlire thoiis nd six hundred and lilty tacts are sot a su all thing. 2 Iv.i'iv ilnv a litfo self denial. The ihlt o ttiat is oiffieu't lotlo lo-dav. will be an eisy thing to do th ce hondrel and s xty live days hence, if e u h day it shall have been repea'ed What power ol self maslcry shall he enjoy who, locking to (l"d lor Ills grace, seeks every day to practice the giacc he prays lor 1 II Kvirvday a little hopelulness. Wo live loi the good m others, il our living be In any no se I' ue living. It is not 1 1 the tj'eai deeds of philanthropy that the only b'c sing is Inuntl. Ia "I.ittlo deoils of kindness1," lep' Vcd eviiv d iy. we li id line h ijipi"i s. Al lion e. at tihool, in the slreet, in ti c neigll' or's h nisp, on ho pbiy gioiintl, we shall find opportunliM eveiy day for use- IlllllVS. 1 lively day a li'l'e loi k inlo the P.ihlc. One chapter a titty. What a treasure ol iiiiile knowledge one tn y acq lite i l en yufs. Kverv day a verse commi't'd to iiiei.ioiv. What a voh.nit! in Ihe tulnd at Ihe end ol Iwrii'y I'ue yn.ts! Little lilJtlreii. We think Ibein the poetry of tho world. Ihe Irish fi. i teis ol our healths ami I on c ; little conjurors, with their 'natural magic.' evk'.iii by their spell what deligl ti iw d enrichi s all tanks, and tqu I z s the d:l f cut clas c ol socic'y. Olten as they bring with them anxieties nnd r.me, and live t occasion sorrow an I giiff, weshiuld get on wiy badly wi bout lliem. Only thirl. H Ihrte wmb invir auvw In re lo be srei but. great grown up me.) n I women, how we shoulJ long for the s'.ght ol a lit t'o cln'd ! Kve.y infant comes into Ihe world like a dil-g itid iroji'tet, llpi harbinger nn I In r il I ol mood li'lm ;s. whose ollice it is to tin u the hearts of the lathers to the chi I Iren " and draw "the disobedient to I ho wisdom ol the j'is" A child soften" nnd purities) the besrl. wanning an l nu lling it by its gentle pres net; it enriches the soul by ii' W leilinus and It wakens witlti ' It whit is Invotable in viitue. It is a bi-niu ol light, a founa of love, a te.ic'ur whose lessons le v can sis'. Inl.in's up ill us liit'n much that i ngm Ts mid i n 'our g. s si liisline a.th it Ire. r. 't Ihe afi'i ctions. lotighens Mie tiiuniu rs. m lor tles Ihe In- t ' ; they luigliien the lii-ine, In i) ii lot', ituijoiaie txrrtion, inlnsi inuige. nnd tivily and sUoUiu the c.haii t ts ol lilu. "Ktruiii lu The oilier day " aaitl 111 lit." Norman Macleod, I was riiinesteil hy a biother nuni-tir, who was unwell, to po ami visit a dying lubl. lie tol I n u some rrmiik ible thinos of Ibis hoy eleven years id age. who dui ing three U'sro sickness hud nianitetted e uio-t am nl anl. mis-ion lo the will ol U '. with a singular culighteiin-ciil ol Ihe Spiiil. I wi iii li vmit him. Tho child had sufTiT.'il i teinciating pam : for years he had not known one day's rot. Af el diawing near to him, and speak ing s oiie wolds o' sympathy, he lot kid al me nh his blue eve lie ;onld not nitve, It was l'e ni.h' be'oto he died and lire thed in mv far die wind- ; " I alll Sluing ill ll'.lll.' " "The wolds etc lew, anil utieied fetbli thev weie the notila ol a I. elde rhil t, in a poor houie, wheie the only ol iiaoient an t lint ol ii met k. and quiet, and alTiCiioiiatc mi'lhei ; utit llnse winds seemed to lilt the t'U.dt n limn the vcty hi art ; tin y seemed to in .,l,u I iiu woild tnoro beautilul than ever it was hcloie; thev biought home lo my he.tit a g't'tt and ble-sed tru'h. M.ty all id us be si ong in him 1' " L t the limid trembling Sutiday-tchool tciu'her lukti com ge Irom ti ls thinught. weak in sel,. but ' strong in him." What aie our tliiU.-.lties with such a louudati in us this lur btrcuoL. NO. 51. Mollici'M Hot) ill, Model's room was ever a haven nl rest hii I cooilori to her children. Her con slant illur was lo make il cosy, lie-h and blight ; leebng amply repaid when sin knew lli. it was lite ' dearest spot on earth'' lo us During Ihe ai'Stnce ol ant d us Irmn home the v.oi I i take such an imets in having a stii i li e awaiting us in mmiiu new oiiihiiii nt. And what a buth every one would be In on be day of nui letuiu, Iryn g to make hon o ..s a'tiaciive as possible. At d sho had her reward; lor a- long as they lived, eveti after they bad pleasant homes ol llieir own ihe hearts of my brothers would tuin toward bon e anl "mothers room," beling, when tliej got I hi-re. pel feet content. Since I had a lamiiy of my own my liiglie-t aim has been It) lollow ia hti loolsteps ; and I thank you. nnd all other piipi'ts pulilislied Inr the same purpose, lor tie cond ii 11 lemo you have ix.-rted in l e ping us to mil.: Ihe beautilul Ihipiis m boii'itillllly si altered around us oy a loving Kit her, in making our homes attractive, and the e 'V adding to our happness. lint to my Mt' j'Ct, 1 1 my tfTirts to tender "m v loom" attractive to my childicii I alwnis have used a lew fl (Wtr ; would taliu such out of my pit as lo iketl pic'tiust, or wi re bloomi tg, am! set Ihe pots on some shelves I hud made aenss the south windows; hut the heated and dry air would injure them so thai iu a short time liny would ceasa to give plcasur. So a lew wititen ago I ton eluded to try ihe iff- ct of glass doers In shutting them i fi Irom such huitlul in ll lei ci s. I set mi old hookca 0, w ith the back lakei off against a Window; took out some ol the shelves, li'led the lemain ing m S w tb 11 iwi ts, kept the Iront doors rinsed. My plants II.) rislied bi autllully, and were such a ijou.ee nl delight to mi hu-band ilia! he declared we mu-t have a permanent ai r.mgement, that we would feel was a Mart ol the room itsell So lor my mxt win'cr's ' Cliti-iinas giU" be hal the sotit windows, which was a un ens m nt l er. as the ih u.tiev is lull inside the hoi se. nnd a. I tt nl wi.s ruiitreil was n iun a lac:ng or pm' Hon urinst from carh si le of tho chimney to the wall, making n kind of cloat liirnlshed with shelves and glass doors. But I it'sure yntl no closet eyi r gave hull the pleasure (hut our "w ti low conserva'orj (as we call it) gives us. It hal been our habit lo havt our Minis clo n I the first thing after nip. it. bo'h to secure us liciii praying eyts ou.tile. nti.l b.causo we felt a great'T sense ol co'idort and snug- ioss wiih'i) I'.ut we soon detiiled tin si b inds must not be c ocd, lor we cou d not bear to miss the dear pltasure ami lelight of seeing the first morning light diining through tho beautilul grei n, and the (1 iweis, which Si em friends and in mates of our home, in their smiling gieeting, seive to lilt our thoughts above the cures o' lile. I lie childrt n hurry to get in early, so they C-n ate Ihe henutitul ttacery ol the vim s photographed upon Ihe outside win Inw-palos by the mial o l.o.t. and each ne hud is the occasion ol a Inni'lv parly hi ing lormed lo discuss its beauties and w o ult ra. I firmly belli ve that my husband, children and imseif Would be willing to Live tip hall nl tho h one rather than be without ' our windows." Another ixpedient for making homo attiaelivtt is. lo light up emly nnd we 1, 1 o not close it i v blinds unill alter ,lml, ami alw .ys leel tt.it the bright glow within chilis my l.u.li.iud and hojs, who are Compelled to be oiil-of-tloors t h tor. An ol I linlv. w h has no laughtus, said to me in t Ioul ago " Win n tlm k approaches;, 1 always go 10 t'le door and look up lowui I tour hoi-e your light looks to bright mi I ch eilul." I lelt pleased that I coulJ aid some cheer to Iter heart, lei It be ever so little. Cabl int. Kcniiiitlcd lliniwl Home. The lollowing ii an t R liiip; illustration ol the Hi' mul lr ugin-i'.ig lor what in de .rest lo us that tonus to the beuit in the hour of death : S. me years ago a native Uicenlatider came to England. So he in i.le up Ilia mill I lo ictU'il In me an I look pas.iio. oil a ship that was going ill t way. lie w.is lukiil rii k, and as he was dying be lu ned lo llm-e who wcie -la.i.ln g aioiiti 1 hun, and said : (lo on dick, and sis if you can see Mieti ihat man was s I uhy, the first thieg he saw, ut.er his tnolhii, was ice His house was 1 1 h . t of ice ; he was crudled lii ice ; the water he dutnk was iii"ltid ice, Il he iVui tal ut a table, it was a lablc ol lie. Tho mountains wciu o( ic' ; the tioMt we e ol Ice: and wliei, be lie, nine a num. he hud a sb i. ll and I we ve d gs tbat lau ti 'y miltt a day ovir the ice. And in any a diy he atooped over a hole hi tne ice ii idv-loiir hoiiis ai il put bl ur in the litJ ot i.;;y it. I t;ul ui'.ht Collie I till f. lie had al as been ai ciHtomed lo set- Hie ice nnd he knew ihat if his compan ions on the ship could see H e, It would be eo ll it ui mat ne wis mar iiontc. tue ilioughi ol ice was iliu veiy la t ihuiight ii his mind. l.li'o Aiiiisi. Every one sh .ul I tiy to l)t Iter his co:. tilt tun H be can. The poor man sin u' I ,rv to incri'iist: his meuiis; th sick man lo improve his health; tlie ignorant man to iiciuiil- knowb ilgn, and the loolish man to get limit is amiiitg In such matters the gnat n'lesiiou is. whuther the desired 01 proveuieiit is within mir re i ll To long lor what we cannot attain, or to gueve be a use it is un it.ainalile. is simply tn piay the purl ol a child ihat ciies lor ihe moon. Let us know nuiselvts and our position Let ns ku iw what we have and what wi want; and then li t us licit inqune whethn what we taut can be gol by airivtu i for il It it can not be got, let us think of it no n ore, or eutlea-or lo compensate lor the want in some other way. A short man may wi h to bo tall, but he cm nut add an inch any moie than a cubit to his statue Ho in v. ho a i vi r, be very worthy an ri speclable man lor a'l that, il he conduc's himself wi'h pioptlety aud simplicity, and does not, as rh,rt men somtlimis do, ri ti ler his diminutive moru ccuspicu LUa hy touccit and utlcctiuu. THE ROANOKE NEWS AIlVritTISINO KATKS. 'AC'K M co It 00 id 00 SO 00 iifl IX) 411 00 lino Sqnnro, Two Nqiiures, Three ."-(iiiares, I'our SipiHrea, Knurl h t'ol'ii, Hull Ci iiiiriii, Whnbi Column, 3 on 6 tit) 8 00 li) INI l.'i IMI 20 W 00 lo 00 Jo 00 IH 00 "II (Ml :to no X) 00 an w to oo 45 K IQ 00 5 eo 7j OO 110 ou Oiih Year, T4LBOI T at SJO Js N SHOCKOH MACHINE W0ItK(, RICHMOND VA. Maniifm turera ol Portable and Stationary engines ninl Hoilers. fSa-.v Mllla, Corn and Wheat Mills, Siiitriioir, Hangers and Put. Ihvm, Tin bine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ms ebii, it v, Wioiik-lit Iron Work, Hrasa and Iron ('aHliiis, Maebloery of Every ilea I'liption. filNNINil AND TllKKStllXa MACUtaikf" A Hi'KCIALTY. Kcpsiirliig I'ruiitl) A Carciullj ii r-p 3 IIUIIR, TALUOIT S I'APK.NT St'ARK AHRESTKIV Tlie Invention ot the Age, Il does not destroy the draft. It do ..a. not interfere with cleaning the tubes. Ib aM w ill not cuoRo up, and requires uo cleu-r.u I rrnuiroa no direct dampers to &. ojniond when raising aleant (dampers be- mg ot. I'km ionable, as they may beleltopea ami allow s' arka to eseuj.e ) IbU, ll n ii uirost no water to extinguish sparks, w hich, by condensation, detroy ion oiiiii. iMjsioiiM, w uuu water is useu. r neglected, the I'llieienoy Is destroyed by evaporaiioii of thn water, aud tho bollor is) "' kept in a filthy condition. It is simple ami tluriibln and can be ra nd upon. It can he attached to anv boiler. No planter should tin ithout one of tLetn. lusiirmico companies will insure gins and burna where thn Talbott Kngines and Spark-Arrosiers aro used alsaine rat sta clinrco I for water or horse power. 7itroiui ior inustraioj circulars ana price list. llranrb boiisn, (.ojdsboro, N. C. J. A. H AUSKK. 1-enoralManaRer. T. A.UKANUKK, Local Manager, may 8 Oin SSk Lm ' s'l Ulflhlj won: mtndl tn tht public fr nil fit t'titiiKH n-oiilrlit(ii'riftia mni m it nt rovK f iKMMnlly In tHHttrm Hon, Jjm ipimt Mrn. II nut mf A0 i c H i f , l.omm mf stMtnth, LarsV mf i net yu o. Il o rlchcn th blood tn'tinthiTi th ntutv cU . Mini i VMS nw ll tm In (lie iirvi8. To tb u hp-I, liulhu. and ohll iinn rtMiulrlng nru(r- llllnii this VAlUst)l rvii'My i'kii not ! ttnj h'Bhly ivrnmniftitiltl. it nctm lik n finrtw ii llio illttfstlvt or ti A tttJiMtonfiil baftir inOiiU v.111 n niovf all tlyinpttc symptoma. TRY IT. Sold by all Druistt, THEBPracniMICALCD. BALTIMORE, Ud IIOl A tlreut Tunic A Isuro Api'eltfor. IRON BITTERS, A Ci'm.lrl Strt Dflbincr. IRON BITTERS, A Vi'.unblo Mo-ltcoo. IRON SITTERS, Kul nlil A 1tVTf. IRON BITTERS, For Uflicitf Fftiialti. ac is w w. n. vick CAUKI KiKI AXD ltlUiitaEii MADE TO ORDER Oil RtTAIBSU AT LOW PRICE All kind of wood work and trim ml at; iloim in goud Mylo. IthiokNinitli work dona al Hliort imtieo and with neatnestn. Aft now work warranted. Kine painting lor buggies tlm b al low pr.enB.bral pilot uaed. M ! Ft 1 1 1. A I I i: I'ltrX GITKX TO Tin: r.NDi.itr.YikiNu departmext. Collins and l' hoi of all alecs conMMiU on bund. C.irrla.-o M ttorials kept onhani at psHtf below l'l'torab'jrjj market. Weldon N. a Juno A ly J NO. T. K O It 1) , Tukea pleasure in announcing that bfl can still be lound at his stand ou ' FIRST STREET, Where be has on baud a full Una ot th finest WINKS, WlilSKIKS and IK.M1KJ. TOBACt'O, CIGARS, and SNUKK, OKANliBs, AFPLKS, and C0.SKKCTIOiNERIE3 Ills stock of Canned Goods aud Qrooar tea is unusually Full mid Complete Oi.u Caiuskt Wiiiskkt A SFScuurr, . KKKMl L All Kit BKKll OS PRACGHT. . Ho Kuarautoea suUsfaotiou. Call and sou hiui, Npt2I It. to n araw

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