THE r.OANOKE NE'S TUL'IWDAY, FKUUUAIiY 2(5 1S80. Thk Wilmington Rer'ew n: The grral haste that Ins hen mmfe hv those in authority to cm-iiler the p'o iilina to buv the W. N. ('. It H. which coul.i well have been pst iioneti twiltc inuntli looker, until ihs- rea nwnrts ol the road, the people therrivlves. could have fpnken thrmyh thitr rcprcent'ive' ' the next election upoi th s f u i jcl, is To say the leat-t, in very bad tat-. Tns D.-mncratic Nit'orwl Kiectilive Omnittee bar.) calif J the N iti"t)l C'or ventino to meet in Ciocioeati on June 10 h DiXt. Bejond filing the time nd p'ace ol meetinj the committee did Dothin.'. The qiestioo ts between 9'. Looij nrni Ciuciooat'.i u one ol convenience to del. elates. That belog taken into corifkl ra tion more tbm any thing e'w. SaTS the Ouwrvrr : Attention Ii called h tVe lart thattfei Le(i'ti)ie ol N 'rth CVolim will inert on j March lVh to const 1 r p'o, o-;t:i'ti! tori t t pii clie 3 i cotnp tttoo ol the Wis. I tera Nor'h I'aroliea lNilr.nt. Tht Ran- ro.d ,iei;'D at s?aiii,i;rf and it tiui.t.ed j practically to Aneti lr, a lii-'ance 'out 117 mile. Fr -m Asietti'e tail branrhrj i are U l built, one to IVr.t I!:. c I Tircliag Willi the Cincinnati, t'-' -w erlnri t ii p and Oiire-t m ra.l ; the other run-; unit! West tii U'lektown, loa ds C'eve ! U"(l and C'Lattano "' The I'aint R r j b'anch. fort? m les in le-'u'h. vir s nrj opening to Cincinnati mid l.oji-ville to I the ta coast either through C'tiiiibeilan.'l (lap or liy way o' Kioivi le tnr u-h j Emory 0 ip. No one can doubt tint will become in the lu'ure a very unportav foad conne-ting the West with tho Sea board. Wheu it li finished. Cliiittano.iL'a nd Atltiit.i will be completely (link d &n ! their iini o ttoce as s'ntco c Rulioid points will disappear. Much of this an:h is alrcaly graded, and the State ot wiN'ith Carolina wi I probacy lurnish all v ' e convict labor desired to build the road ,inuut delay. Tll Wiibhinytou correspou lent ol the Raleigh New says : The wish lias o'ten been rijireeil that jour o lur Senator (Vance) would "shake up Ihinua" now and then. II:s 'few re marks" at the extra tea-ion created a a a desire amongst sttancrs and all to hear Inn giin ; liut he has been Isbnrions'y a d aluio.t continnou-ly ennae i on com mittee wink durini; th s scssiun. and per hapa the ocuision has not yet con e lor bun to open.' When it does, N nth Carolinians mm erect their crests, curl their c mdsl up peii'tajes, ciow load and Btep hih ! Your fctate has, SO far as I have been able to see and lei'O, leafing nut the Yeates-Martm case, which likely to rest t in the tiiumrh ol rij;ht and jtntice by Hiving M .jor V., thefi'it to which he was eltctel, no'lnny to be ashamed of in her Senatorial oi House icpresentalive-; with the single hii I abominable ex-pption of the Vilminoton district. Personally, I neither cm or would not say auyht against Jude Rus sell ; but politically oh! the shuttle and degradation, the (kip and mortilytni; regrets that the ptople of th whole Slate, nf the whole country, 1 mtijlit sav, feel us they see the ylorious old Cape Fear ilis trict represented by a ileep dyed, uegro elected radic4l I Shame ! shame ! Where is the gall iot and gilted Wad dell t L'ft at home, sole'y and entirely by the apathy an I nver-contld' n : ot those who should have b en constantly nt weik lor biin. It is their lault, not km. NT.IXIMNU Tit FAT. The social habit of driukiug at bars, where each member ol a party, having n-n "tteated" by another, considers it ne Crssury to treat t-vcry other membei, has at lait attracted ttie attention ol lawmak ers. The I wa Legislature has a bill be foie it t i abolish the cus:om an I make It a punishable nffence ; and, although such proposition ctu never become a Itw. it is siniticint as homnj pu'ilic dislike of a custom which no dunking man wants t he the first to disregard Tins habit nl Handing treat is tli-i cau'e o! more plifsi ral and mental discoinlmt than evey ii bf r convivul custom com'dne 1 ; a r- peciable iian who Ire's the need ol a gla-s d wine or ppiiits and there are bun ire Is l thnu-ao Is ol nurli men, in spit- of all that the teinptreuce people fay t ihe tun trary ai pronclies a br, and fitols. per baps, fev rsl arq'iaiotances whi i e Iniik'nif an l wh i invite him to i i;n them When In lias done so, and drsi k ail le Came lor, Ins spirit nf in b -pen lenre prompts bin to ntmn tic iiiiianoe, which is aciep'el by the oil. i ts l. ciu e it would S' ern dis.'' ur'e'ij to rtfu r ; ibi d those who hve Irea el make ha-'c t i re turn the c impltinent lor tear ol efmmi nit-ao, ami the end is that to ir "r five riien, each of w hoin raoie f"r a rnle k's 'I liquor, retite with seve-al tim as mm h s thty ni f li'J or wi,te t. A n lier hsb t Iocs not tiitt a unrig lon-i'.le men. 1 a man's r piitatioti is so Irel le that its ix tstrncr ilrprn I upon ti-e price ol cvral irla"e ol liq ior that nobody wsn's It i Dot worth saving. The man who hasn't the moral courage to drink ha' he w- int, anil only thai, gets tnr more l"l 1'y 'ban I merit Irom bis pot-it ('tis. New Y ik Herall. THK ISKfllK'K TI4' I'llllV. Wa have more than t nee eip cse' ur f iewi on the importance ol early or R 'Dilation ol the Democratic party in ill' district ami the county ; and the more we think about it the more wc are convinced that nothing can be lost an I much gltinei by ir, We do not mcau that a long can fats is necessary, we rather think a shott. ibarp red hot campaign il best, li it complete oigani7.ition is separate and die distinct Irom the canvass. k great deal is to bo done, and it takes time to d it. A convention Is to be railed, and a county executive committee is to be appointed, and then the wmk of rxiztion commcnc.s. Tim committee wilt bive most of the wnrk to do, an t in justice to thvo who may be appointed it ii right that plenty ol time should be given for tbem lo consult aud agree on the best plan. The retponsibilitj will rest on the com mittee and though If iuccss !io i d crown their efljita they will have only a small 0 J ol praise yet if we suffer (Ideal ihey will bave to bear all I lie b'ame whether deierfedly or no. For that rea-on we say they abotil I bafe plenty ol time to do Mietuselfes, and the party justice. There is n immiaeqin"'y "I work to Lc done blre the canvass brgi's. Township co i ii in t ' -t- sre to be Hi"iii'e I, c lbs ate to tie lormeil, ib cumi n's are to be printed an I circulate I, I i la t every tli ns; is to be done to yet the e o' letlnri;? whic.b In n l litre is httlo or pie out of that state nece-muly lolluas n ) political i xcite- meit. We call tne attention ol tin; party loit ers to tht itnpnr'aire ol early nromiz.ti D and h' pe the q'lc-tmn will at 'east lie d:s-CU-se.i and af t-.-r c in-nl'in,' if it is thanght best tl renu;nyet awhile intctiv". we will ac i ilccc in their bitter j idj-ii' nt. i r col j ;i. n - are hUhvs open to the disci-iion ot this or any other q lest ion ol Ui iuterert. lll ltTrl I. IttltlllKi. Alal t'ook, n-.a;-!"'. ne. or mwspaprr, is as dangerous to Vnur ilitld a a viciou companion, and will as surely contipt his m Tsls and lea I bun a sy f'o n the pa h oisa'ety. K ry par nt ftould nt tins thouuht cosily belore h:s mir.d and ton del It wel'. Lo. k tow) at jour childntl rea I. n I especially to tl e k lid ol pspei tnat kiet into th ir Lands, lor lime are no . u'oisr-e I s.orr" ot wn'klv papers, w I'll a1 tractive a id 'i'"-ii n il hi rt ions . that s-r s-i I t:r ill 'o yo irg n I innn rent sroils as po'snn 'o a hi x ' r f bo'y. Mii.v -d thue paprrs have attain d lare i i-eal i' ion. and a'e s owing inoahast the suds ol vice n l it nu', on die very b )i iir nf c ncy, they cor rupt the morals taint the I inj natioo an I allure the weik a'l.l tl' l'U i' 'e I from the paths ot iin'Ttnce. Tie d..nger t' youn p' r-itns troin this c i wre never s urt a' as t this t nie, ant every f-i'her and m ithet should l ou their guard again-t n cnemv tl at is Hire to th- ir i-hil I. Look to it. thin, that children are kept Iree as OrdHc this taint N ver lirinu into tour no cr your Iri'm hoU'e a piper or periodical ttiat is I ot ft ictl? pure See to it tl at an ihun lance ol the purest Mid he'ltlne t rea I ng is p'a ed belore four children. Hur.yiy Uu.ns wih eat p d-on. I. in il wili led on good loud, tin y let the poison alone If you wish to save your own cliildien nn I the c'dldreii ol others do all y il eHn to sustain and eiicu ate healthy religious literature. Ex WKM'F.KX X. V. KVII.KOAI. Thi Lrgirsliitni-n l allcil in Exlra bt'MaioM. A ntTI.AMATI IN IIV TIIH OOSKRSOH. liy mill with the advice id the Council ol State. I. Thomas J. J itvis, (! ivern r ol North Carolina, in the ( X rrcise of Ihe piMer c.m'erted upon tnu liv the C' nstitu tion, do issue this in v 1'ioclumation, con vei ing the (jencrul Assembly in extra ces sion on Moi d iy, the tlfieeiith day ol March, in the yi ar ol our I, od o ic thon-and eight Imnilrel und eighty, f.n which flay nt twelve oVIoi k. mi" ilinn. te Senators and Me nbers ol the Mouse ol Representatives ol the General A'seinhly ol North Cvo 1 1 n n , me In rehy u "tilled und ! quested to meet in their respei Hulls In the Capir tol, in the City ol Ibileijh, for the purpose of considciiig ii proposition lor the ttr chase ol the Sta'e's interc-t in, and Ihe completion of the Western North drolina Kiulroad. noule by W..I, Hist. J N Tap pan, W. II Grace und .linns I) Fish, ol City nl Ne-v Y itk, ol whose financial responsibility and persona' integrity I have titislactory as-uran1 . es, and lor cousnler ing mi'h other propositi' ns as may be inn le lor the tame purpose Iu Witness Whetiof, I Thomas .1 Jar vis, Governor and Commander in Chi'l, hive hereunto set my band and caused ti bu ullixud thereto the Great Seal ol St a'e Done at our City ol Ra'ei h this the twenty-first tl .y il February, in the year ol our Lird, o e thou fnml eijht huudied and eighty and in the one hun trrd and filth year nl American In lepimdenre. Tiiumas J. Jahvu, By Ihe G ivernor : Govenior, U. L Dl'Dl.KY Piivate Senetarv. ADVERTISEMENTS. (iittYM M'Kdiir lis nn I TRADE MARK Tio: liiiriT Kn-TRADE MARK ClIMI KMIKI'V. All il ll t il l I i li if eure forrseiuiiial W'eiiUllt'SS. Spi-r-limforelieri, Itn pot. ney. Hint nil .li-.-ase t tint ful- ns a . ,,t Self AI-iit4'HM Itivia BEfGRE TAKlMB.' f M- in rr. i n, AFTER TAKINQ v. r-al I iim! inle. pain iu ttie llaefc. Illinuess ot Vision. Preiinitiir'' i I -1 Au'e. nnt inativ olln-r Ills. e i -s Hint It-ail to Inbuilt) or roii.-uiiiptinu, ami a Premature lir:ii '-. Kull i'art:etilars in our pamphlet, wtileti we ,.--ire to i il rr-ts py inuil to . ry one. Tin' sp. Title M-tieiiH-1- -o .1 l.y all .lniif:.'i'-tsat tl p-r l.'ieKB,'e, or -1 p:n k:l re- tor V or W ill lie sent fr-1 t y mail oh r'-ei ipt o' i hi- iie-nry aU'tres--UK I II K t.K MI.I.H l.NKl H. M'-el lin e-- lllo.-k. Il. lroit, Mn h. -sol l In W et ion, ami everyahein t,y all tru.--i-'s il.elily FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will O'lf W 1.1 lloRK mil il TM. II tlt'l I'1" ' ' !' .irf' I'liw'tus ' ' "oi f.i.l I' .sr . i ..I I ' fo'il's I'on lim r r, I i n m Iw. lit) l-r ernl. i nl map. nr. Ii"i nr Li no Fa- I in I hit ri 1 lo 1,1 llool II0I.II14 . lit litl'KS IS low l.s. to- tli. iiniitlll of lull St met niNkr Hie ImltiT firm n!p.-el. f..,il I'ow I'-m w I eiirr Ar fr Il.slt-I I" t.l II H""" "n'l 1 1 e 1' oi r.mis win. 1 1 v r. v.i.l slniost ivtst 'II :ifi- Sitl'jerl. . risrseTloH. UAV1U B. KOV1Z ProrrlMnT, BAL11MUUK, M4 I'OIC SlI.K IIV Ml. A. K.7. iI.I.KUKKKtl BHD. 't ! I y S..i,.'ii, . c. o'1'K. E OF DIShOl.C riuN. Tbo'-blp brri'toforn minting betwusii K itehin and itliieliil.l has b en by inot'iiil eonient dissolved. Tbo ilnlilo nf ttie old llrm will tin paid liy W. II. Kitebiii. Jan. lull iSsn. W. I'. KITt'lllN'. I. 10) I CIJ I U). 1.1 tl Y INK II I Mi AHA It KM Y. NCOTL VND NEC li, N. C. Tbn Hprinir torni npna third Monday In Jannarv Tim prion of hoard and tui tion In fti.1 to (70 per no-sion of twonty woeka. r'oi eireiilar anil jnrt ioulorH mlil re-H tho I'rlneinal. 1.. W. HAtlLKY, llt'O N 0TUB. IlaviiiK qiiHlllled aa Ailinlnlatrator nl VT. I'. Hull, all peraona holding rlaiina airalnit bin estato arn lieri.hv not, fled In pri'Mint tliflin to inn dnlv nut lion t united on or liotorn the 3Hli ilav January Insi. Tbla lUlb Jan. Io. W. A. DUNN. Admr of W. P, I1p!I, Se-.tUtnl Neck, N. C bin I j iv ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST REMEDY Diseases of ttie Throat and Lip. Oyer's In diseases of thfl piilinonnry organs u sale and reliahlo remedy is inval uable." Ay mi's t'llKliilV I'KITIUIAL ia ueh a remedy. . It is a seientilic com hi nut ion of the uifilieiiial princi ples and curative virtues of the finest driiK'. chemically I united, of such power as to Insure the createat possi- I'W ble etticiency, and -u-na fk n t lllllloriuiiv in n- fLClUKML. suits. It strikes at the foundation of nil pulmonary diseases, uifordini; prompt relief mid rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. lteing very palatal'le, the uMinuest ehildreti take it readily. In i.rlimirv ( oukIis, t olds, Soro Throat, ltroiu bills, Inlliiena, ClrrKynmn' Sore I broot, Astlniia, t'roup, and Catarrh, the iffeels of Avm's CiiKliiiV I'r.r ii. aro inauii al, and multitudes nre annually preserved from serious ill ness l.v its linielv und faithful use. It should be kept ai hand in every honsc holil ..r i ho proteetiou it nlTords in sud den iittaeks. In Whooidiijr-coiiKh ami ( unsiiioptloii there Is no other remedy so t-ilirai ions, hid 'tiling, ami helpful. Low prieis are iinlueeiiieiits to try some of tho many mixture, or syrups, ni.ule of cheap ninl Ineffective ingredi ents, now olTered, whieh, as they eon ton no i iirativu iiialities, can afford i .ti ! v teiiiirarv relief, and are sure to ih.s.ipMunt tbo' patient. 1 Mseases of tlui throat and lungs demand active and i lTi etive treatment ; aud it Is dangerous i xk ruiieiiting with unknown and cheap tin i!i in s. from the great liability that these disi ases may. bile so trilled with, ie oine deeply Seilted or iin iiralile. L'so Avm's Ciii:i:iit' I'm ron u ami you lnav eolilideiillv exiH'i t the best results. It is of acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and line ingredients will allow. Kini lient phvsiciaiis, knowing its conii lion, prescrilie it. The test of half a century has proven its certainty to euro all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER L CO., l'raetleal unit Aimlvtii nl Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD IIV A IX IIIUUIllsTS Evruvwuisni. M. E. KULL ItS SYCAMOHK siT. 1'ETKIlMiBl KG FALL ritOSl KCTS, 1 8 7 9. Foolinc it dun to my friend and cus tomers!, to pUoe before them the thanks of iii Hoir Hint Mrs. M. II. K nil. for their liberal patroimgn aecordod to uh, I take th. si method of doing so, and ask a conlin iiaoi'H ii your appreeii'tod lavor in the Iu tore, i.o my t Xtnusive stoct of READY MADE CLOT. IINC all maniifaotiirod by myself In this city, tborebv stippon it g many ol our own peo ple : also ho atiraelivfl aMHortmeot, of Cl.oril.S, CS.S1MKKKS and TAII.OU.S' TIUMMINtiH, logodmr wita a lull line of r asiuonauie lry Good ami Kotlont of every discretion for the Wholesale acd Kouil trade. The KXTKNSIVK MII.I.IXKItY PKI'ARTMKST OF M S. M. E. HULL U in the same building, being cpecially tilled up lor tbo liraoclies of tradn, vir.: lM.OTIII.V(, DKV UOOOS, NOTIONS AM) MIL1.1NKIU. Pledging to sell all goods as low as can be bought noi'U) All orders will iHi-nive piompt attention. i i.ii i ij i it nir aik-x ami lioxs' wear made t.) order in lieu manner r . low rate. Ladies' Drenst' mailn lo .(Jei complete llrnlal oulti's urni hed ai khort notice. Hep it ta lioiii all hociioos a io a gradual revival oi Ikoici' lures, ami a m ii ii ol on. luia .eiiient .'eina l-ilde i i every dirc lion, Pn .Ida b.sis I iter i icrea-wl faciK iiiesloIlK Icon, nui' congi.iU'laU you an Imving succesMnii'y oveicomo the gloomy past. Send in your orders and call aud see us when y u visi'; ur city. Oct Z it gU.K OK V A IjU KL. I j , L IN In pursuance of a decree of tin Superior Court of ilahlas c.unty, Seple nber Term Hilt, 'be ii!iilfrlKned is l'ominisi-i iners ap, ointed bv said court, will el jor di- f Isinn amoiiKst leiratees, nn Monday tho 1st cay of March issu at the Court I nun dikir iu the town id Halifax, that faluable tract ni laud lo Halifax county, latolv owned and occiininl by the lata Capt. Kice ii i r Ttii" land is ait.iated fmr mibs Irnm the town ol ll.ilif.ix, and live miles Irom Weliloii, ia liili y luiproved, ami is well adipinl tn tbe growth of all cropi rai el in Hits sertbdi, it contains b"twetu ail ii m veu onoorpn nrrea. aon la con snlert d one ul tho be t c 'ttoi. farms in the county, it is als i wilt timbered and well watted. I here is upon il commodious dwell'iiit two ( llb-e. and all neresiarv mil h nixes for farm purposes, good on harda, (rood Willi r the neilhhorhooil h allliy and the people lolelllgnnt and refined. I bis land will be divided in parcels to suit puri'h:surs, aud a map show im loca tion end lioiiiKlarlea will ho exhibited on tim day or sjle. Iir. A. It. Pierce, and Mr. tieorise i;. Piereo, who live near, and 'apt. A. H. Lynch hri rb-ides upon tbe plantation, will show the land to any per son who ilesi res to see it, and any ntber inf .r mutton itmired can be had hy a. litres situr tl.u o lUiuiiaslniiera at Halifax or Weldon. Terms of the sale will lie twenty Ave per cent, nl the purchase money In rash, the balance in three equal installments payable In six, twelve and eiuhleen months, for the deterred pavmenta tbe purchasfli will be required to give bonds well secured beartnu; eiulit per rent, in tetesl fmm ilav nf sale, and tlia tile will be retained until all II e purchase money is pain. i- ii n i V , i ki (:i'iiin Commissioners liallt'X, N. 0. January 27th 18H0. Jan 20 M N OTICE. For sale, one half Interest In a Oriat Mill and Cotton Oin nn Clmckaynlte Creek, ene mile from Weldon. Tbe mill and gin bave a gs d run ol cuatx m. Apply to A. 8. BASS, or J.T. UOtWd. Js.n Citf CHERRY j . rSS-2 H NEW ADVEUTISEMEFTS. A Preparation of IRON ind CALISAYA BARK, EndorMd by the 51tllcl rroft:ion, im Drpepir 6ntral Debility, Femalt Diieaici, W P. HlU.. Cmrkrtt &-ttim, Tmm., write! vvu'u Iixim TitNir hm tlint- wniHlcrs hi-re. A Uulv who h.t hen floctorvtl m arly t tt nil fir IIAIITKHI HUM l"''i't rniiwl her from her ImmI, wlnrc -h lmt bvtn lylnjr for many IUUIUHS Three nur Trln slit- ever mk, H.r.,, rlr., rmim jm m m r , mm in KWZZ. za.r mum m mm jbw 13.114 .lilt WJt 5- I i I I IIJ.UM5Tr I 1 I KILKS "X'INTllEVIIXIt. TKA. J!. A. 1 llllt-ivv". 4 MANOTACTUBED BT So. 813 KOBXH MAIN February 19-Iy DR. M. W. CASE'S TOIO RADICAL RECULATOR FOlt CONSTIPATION. IJILIOUdNES!?, DYSI'EPSI.V, LIVER COMPLAINT AND ALL UINf. AXES OF TflE BLOOD. AN ELKUANT (OMPOl'SD OF EUCALYPTT8. FODOPUYLLIN, SAUSPARILLA. V 1 TCH-IIAZEL AND HOrS. ir I TONIC, ANTI KILIOlfU, ALTEKATIVF, AND KESOLVENT. POPULAR P It IC E S: Single Bottle, Large KIze, 50 i tn. For aale by PR. A. R. ZOLMroFFF.R. it BRO., Dbuouits. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS. MVMONH' 1.IVKK KKIH I.ATOHOK MKIIICINK. In einliienlly a Family Medicine; ami ty tielnir kept reaily fur Itnuirfil late ri-Hort will lave many mi Imiir i.) HiilferiiiK runt limn a (1.1 lur III time ami iloetor'a liilln. After over Forty Years trial It In Htlll, receiv ing ttie most iiii'iunltlleit tentlmonlnlH to itn vir tues fnnii ei-Huiis of Hie lilirlient eharacter amt reniHiiisiliilily. Kmiiient iliysleln cuiuineiiil It for all ill.sea.sen nf the I.iver AH AN EFFKlTL'AL SPECIFIC OPINION OF THE LEUtiV. SlmnionH' Liver Keiriilator'la cer tainly a H"-ciilc for that elaaa of romi'lainis wliieli it eliilins to eure If any of mir fellow lieincs an- nut ferine fnnii heiatie ilisonlem and bave noiilits in re hit inn to the eltlcscy ul this popular tirepara tion, we can only otter them the nimple ami eiimied amimeiit of rinlip to iNiitlinniel, "Come and w." Try the propoaed remedy and then you can jinlir" for your-M'-Ivch .r-Itef. David Willis, Ph lor of FivMiiyterian ( liureli, Ma con, da TAKE KltiyiOVM LIVER R E 6ULA T 0 R . The Symptoms of liver complaint are uiieriHlneHH urn! pain iu the Hide. SometimeH the ":lio Ik in the Hliouliler. and li Ml.itakeu for rhi'umiitlHin. The Htouiaeh la af fected with Loss of Appetite and Hlekne.n, Ikiwi'IIh ill ,'fenorul Con livn miuictiinc alterlliK with lax' The head n trouliled with pain, and dull, heavy Herniation, cotiHid enttile Iohh oi memory accompan ied with painful aeiiMatiouotJiav Injr lert linilone muiethliif which ou.'flit lo tiave been done, Often complaining of weakness, debility and low aplritn. Soinet linen many of ntiovi Hymptouis at tend, the disease, and nt cthei limes very few of them lint the I'ver is i;ener ally tlieuran most Involved. Thk CnEACEST, 1'i kfst asii Bkkt FAMiLviMKnt- l INK IN TIIK WOULD. For Dyspepsia, constipation, Jaiinillce, Bilious nttaeks, Mick Meailaehe, Colic, Depn'ssion of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Hum. c. UlllUI.N.M, AMI HK.U1.J, SI ANLKAl Tl'KKtl OM.V BV J. 11. ZKII.IN 4z CO.. ln i i.Ai'Ki.rin a. Fa. rrico, 1.00 Hold by'all Druifiiista. Jau Id ly FTJRNITUBE. We hayc Just placed In our Warcrooma A Large Stck of New Farnitare OF ALL KINDS 0k THK LATEST DESIGNS MATTRESSES VERY CHEAP F01SITUBI AT KOEFOLK AND PETERSBDBO PBICES. All (oris of furniture sold CUEAPEU TIIAN EVER. Call and lie convinced II. BORS r. WELDON, N. C. nov Mtf O T I C K ! NOTICE! READ t HEAD!! READ lit J. 1. BASS CO. have removed their RES TAUR ANT from their old place on First afreet to Ihe GREEN FRONT, Between W. II. Brown's store and Preseott a Oooch'ii store. MUM, AT Al b U'"iH Or OAT FOlt 51 CT3. Passenirers on the trains can get meals cheaper Pleasant rooms, polite servants, etean services, and everything- In nrst-4daM atyle. , ALL TtlR DKLIOAO OP THK HKASON. Meals nn the Kuropean plan. You pay for what you fret. JAS.U BASS, 4 CO., Washington Avenue. oet-ly AT HOME ACAIN. R. F. MLEDUEACo., ., ltt Slrret, Weldon, N. tl. We desire to Inform nur friends and tin public, generally, that we have a coinplcti .i'i", vi'iimmiug iji Bsoon, Flour, Meal, Laid nutter, Fish vuensn, i.raeKers, i:akes, ('onlectlone riee, Starch, tsoap, Tobacco, Ciiiara, 8nulr, (ilnner, Pepper, Hploe, Pickles, Jelll a. and Brandy Peaches, OuratockiiC liquors embrace in part, French, Apple Blackberrv, and lngei Brandies, Old Kye and Corn Whiskies Port aud Sherry Wlnea, Gin, ' Ruin, Ac. Our Immense trade already enables us to sell goods very cheap, and we onrdiallv Invite our many friends tn Rive us a call Our maxim Ii to treat all right, Life arm 'ft I'lTe. sept, ffivtf lo combination with the Phosphates 51 recoinn. - iiK., ... ... Want of Vitality, Ac lit. HAn- Mr. .tames llroiviior oiircolllltv. has reuilenleu tn li'iiilrr von his irnilel'U aeknowleilirmeiiis f"'r Hie Rreut hene- lltB tils wife r iveil Irom llie life "i yi' r I110N 'losli'. He tells iis Unit , alter liuviiiirpaiu or liiiirlniii.lre.l ilulliirsiliK-torn' I. Ills, tno Hollies I110N TuMi: illil her more g I tliail nil oilier ineii- useil. .she os Irniihleil with lhcl " from wlllrll slic is UlUell rillele STREET, LOUIS. ALWAYS 8ZXSCT THS BEST. irTvi nuntnii H A r. rmr, 'n;h '1C! 1 1,, mi nsAD? rax nrnnruiATa usa. Is enAinM by every PRACTICAL PAINTER. cove?.:n-o capacity & dxiabilitt F.XCFED ANY KNOWN PAINT, liuildinea I'jintcd with ourf rcparcd Painn, if nr lory.wiil be Eopaiatcd at our ixj . if not saiisfac- Exionse, FOR SALE BY A R. Z0LLIOOFFER A BRO., Weldoii, N. C. June 2 1 y yALUABLK LANDS FOR SALE. We liRvn for sale and nn eav and reason able le tns, the following valuable tracts of land mi anted in HaliUx county, N. C: 1. That tract formerly belonitinu tn VV. P. Solomon, deceased, 'known as "Elm wood," eontaininir, about 3H0 acres and ad joining, lands of Dr. Macon, deceased and others. 2. The tracts formerly belonging to Jno. C. Randolph, and located near Crovvells X Koarts, one tract known as th'' Rodgers tract and containing about llri acres, the other trant known as the "Cockran" or "Mullen" tract and containing about 300 acres. 3. A tiact situated in Warren county about three fourths of a mile from Little ton on Ihe public leadinc from that place to Wiirretiton, am) containin( about 210 acres, and aoj Mtiins; t,i lauds of Mrs. Jjr. ( has. Mkinner tnd otlinrs. 4. The tract purclmsril bv W. IT. Shields from the adminiLralor of Jacob Eiges, deceased, contiiiiiing about 3d acres and adioinliiK me lands oi W. II, Mnelils, lien. V. rope anil others. Panies seeking in forniation as to ibis I rant, can call udou us nr John ("!. Ranilnlph E-q. All ttiee iHinis are tn ha.illhy sections. If not disposed ol olv before that time, we t-liall olfor said laoils at public auction nn the first Monday in October. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call upon us for information. MULLEN A MOOKE, Atts. Halifax N, C. aprlOtf ACENTS WANTED, THE NEW STYLE "FAMILY," "1KWIHB wc Jl A t ll I M E 1 1 The Usual $65 Machine Reduced fa. TUKCflKAPEST AND DKST IN TIIK W01ll.ll, Too Loiir In Use to DoiiM Its Superior Merita No Money to pay until the Machine Is delivered lo you aim i-x.-iniiii. il. It inrikea the shuttle, double-thread, lock stltrh. Itue ssiiiii on liotli Minos of Die worLl whieh received the hiirliest award at the Centen nial Plillaili'lplile, I'a . 1K7C And is complete with larcer assnrtment of attai-h- inents for line wm k tlian anv ether uiaelilne. and Itedui-ed to only jr. It Is an easy and Pleasant maeli ne to onerate. n-qiitn s ttie least can', proiluees every variety i.i nitrii, nun win uiuii ine iii'x. eeiiiury ne Kins. KtrollK, Sllllple. ..nil Kill lit. lise it oner anil you will n-n no nilit-r. The money eiieerruMy refiiniletl ir ,; will imt out wor an 1 outlast any luacii ic at douldc the price. Aifents sc. I ttioin faster than any other in eon 'illleliee of their ln'inir "Ihf lli-st . t tlu I,ik.i t-rire. Karh niaetoue thoniuirtilv wnr'Anted with n riiienuiiarantee Tor live years. Kept In onli ireeni enariri': uiooev ri-fiindeil nt nun. If iu.t sattsfnrtnry. li is the most sotiii, n'linlile, and sritisfaetory niaeliliie ev. r lureiited fur nil kinds of family work. It is an aekuow ii .) -I'll iiii.-iuiiv.irnl m... ehaulral sueei-ss. tlioroiu'hly tested, nod used iu lllousaiiils nl Imtiies. An llli-l.'iit silent rsp relialde, and ever ready helper to the wearv wife nr seamstress. It will do the wnrk nf n fanrlvfor llfe-lluie, or it will earn from 'l lo ri per duv fur anyone who wishes to sew for a livin-. Tills machine cost less than half the price of any new mai'liliiesof like ninthly. 11 is extra lonir. larire-stxeii stmt tie. easily removed. Hwrn larire- sneii in. 1. 1. ins, in .i.i msr inn yards nr thread dnlnir away with the freiiuent ri'Wludhiir id Imlitilns. ll is tiiilll forstri'iiiflli .llnl eohstiuit hanl work, lllterehailireat.le wnrkiier nnrlu mnimr ...i of fine iMilished steel. Will run for years with- ..iii n-pnirs, is simple in learn, easy to uianairi' niinersioou perfectly Iu nu hour, nint always ready In a moment tn ilo every deseriptlnii of heavy or flue work at less cost nr troulile than any other u aehtues at any price ever did. or can do. H will sew anytlilu-t a needle can pierce, from lace orcauil.rlc to lienvv elnili or bn.,... with any kind of thread, and will run ott twenty yards per minute; It uses atrmnr, Ktrnwlit nee. lies, ami never l.reaks them. It canrot miss or .in.. a siueii. ravel or nri'aK tne tlin-a 1. If yon tiai e any niaeliliie. luir this and have a better iiii-enseanu rapidly or Its motion and i..iiif in ns wnra, are ns nest reeoniineinla tloiis. It will lie.ii, feu, tuck, hnild. cord, Mud wainer, quilt, rutlle, pleat, fold, fci.llnp, shirr ron, naste, eiiiiiMl.ler. run nn liremlihs .- mio, ease ami iiiilekiicaa, unsurpassed l.y any inaehlno ever invented. Ilvviiareol Impnaillon. i ne prices for, onrtiew machines are less than those asked liv dealers In secoinl-liand, rebuilt and retlnlsheil machines, or si lllnir out nld "ofktoelnse np business, inativ such inferior tnd old style inai liinm l. I.,,. i . ediieeil prices; beware of Imposition and only ....nines ouer.'d as low as the "Family." bv many dollars. MACniNKS SKNT KOll tX AMIN AVION MKNTOK llll.t,. BKI'IIHK TAV Kxfraonltnarv Indneemmif. nit..i.A irt r.i.-.. men, Teaehen., storekeepers etc: to act as aven'ts ...nv nun i.K,..i innosneii tree. Kor t-stlmn-nlsls see descriptive lsioks mailed free with ,.,.. ...ra, 1 1 iT-mi ii-rms, circulars, etc. Address, FAMILY KKWIN'OVACHlNKro oct li, ly. iv, l;r.ailvy, Mew York. N, V. T- I llll. I StaW - Bit 1 m IM?' "lisvr- . f I n ss w to ADVERTISEMENT. gTILL THEY FLOURISH! DB. A. . Z0LLIC0FFEB BROTHER, DRUCCISTS, WELDON N. C. Have lust received and are daily receiv inc, fresh supplies of DKUtJS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYESTtjFF, PEaFUMEttr, SOAPS, STATIONARY, COMBS, BRUSH-. ES, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, RED AND WHITE KEROSENE OIL. . Also a full line of confectiouoriea corslst- lng of PLAIN and FRENCH CANDIES, APPLES. OR A NOES, NUTS. CAKES, to. Ac. They are the sole Agents bere lor the RED C OIL ISO DEGKEF.S HUE TEST. They always keep on liana the largest atsr rtinent nl the finest fi, 10, and lr cents riirars to be loiint1 in the town nf Weldon, wiitcti inev Kuarantee in nn equal to anv in the market, and are sure they can please any Jndne of a k ,0l oinr at any price running from 2 to 25 cents. They also keep tho best article ol Smoking aud chew ing Tobacco, Mr. I. B. Zollinoffer, one of the the firm will remain tlnrl g the winter in Haiti more, where be will hve an opportunity m select gooo.3 oi me Desi quality at Dot torn prices. T ey respectfully invite tbe public Ron- erally to call aud examine their stock No charges for looking. They will take great pleasure in showing their goods and quoting orioes. Kespeotliilly, DR. A. K ZOLLICOFFER, t BRO. Look lor Sign West side Wash. Ave, Weldon, N. C. Prescriptions carefully tilled and pa tients treated under the immediate super vision ol Dr. A. R. Zl lien tier, who witb thanks lor past patronage continues tbe practice ot medicine as ueretolore and van be fout d at ', Ilicofler'H drug store at ail hours night and day, when not profession ally engaged, oct. Dbun. 1857 L00 I ESTABLISHED Jttunary 1st, 1S57. RUFE W- DANIEL His stork of Liquors, Groceries and Confec tioueriea embrace in part FRENCH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY and WILD CHERRY BRANDY, WHISKIES, PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA and CHAMPAGNE WINE. tllOARS, BACON, -FLOUR, MOLASSES, LARD, GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, APPLES,.IELI.IES, PICKLES, BRANDY PEACHES aud CONFECTIONERIES Appolllnarfs, Seltzer, German U ron thai Natural Waters. And many other articles too numerous to men lion. R. W. DANIEL, 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldon, N. C. oct t ly IVEKY BUOY LOOK HEItE ! I wish to inform the citizens of Halifax county, and tbe public get erally, tbat 1 keep a first class bouse iu tbe town uf SCOTLAND NECK, If. C. I bave a complete stork ( t GROCERIES & CONFECTIONERIES, My bar is stocked witb tbe choicest French, Apple, and Peach Rrandies, also all knots of whiskies, Wines, Uin, Kuai, and (Juainpague. BEST BRANDS OF WHISKIES A 8PECIALTIY Lairer Beer in Bottles and on Drausbt Families supplied at lower rates by tbe uozen unities. 10,000 Cigars of the Best Brand I bave a first class RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD PAL00N attached to the bouse. I will endeayor lo please, all who will honor me witb ibeir liaironsKe. Air. j . li. Mftion is witii me. ana will be pleased to serve his old friends. My servants are polite and attentive. O. OPEN H KIM KR, Sigu Central l-'alaon, Oct 23 8m. Scollaad Neck kTOTH'K. Itnvlnir duly qualified aa administrator of Kleharil Alsbrook, all persons having claims airauist nis esiate are nercny noniieii ami re- iiieHteii to pr.iseni tli.'ln tn me only aiithent ea ted on or tiofore Oct 1st. 18KII. Persnns indebted to the sain estate are requested to make limne mate settlement. i. I. alsuhook, Admr. nf Kit-hard Alsbrook, By Kiteliiu 4 Dunn. atty. oct i tf ESTABLISHED 1831. Old Bellable Jrwelry More of ARTHUR C. FREEMAN HAS REM0VKD TO 171 MAIN ST. NORFOLK, VA Where can be lound a full line of Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Glasses, Buttons, Silver Ware, Wedding and Engavnment Rings, at prices d'jfyinn competition. Address ARTHUR C. FKEEMAN. Norfolk. V. Watches and Jewelry repaired and war ratiieo. uooasscnton approval, cetsniy. " ADVERT1SEMKNTS. LOOK HER!?' READ THIS! READ THlSf And Stop at the Corner, and buy ,00Y r o wsj iiUU4 w n BROWN. THE LEADER or LOW PRICES. He keeps always on hand a full li.. general raeahandise, such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv tJooda. Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoisory, && Also full line of irrocarinii. nh... . Cash. ' """t' ,or Corner 1st 8t. and Wash. Avenue mr27Iy W.ldo,,, N.c. A. WRENN & SON. Manufacturersofand Dealers In all kind) of CAKBIAOES, IIAKKE3S, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, WHEELS, AXLE", FARM WAGONS, HORSE CLOTH ISO, LAP ROBES, Ac. Nos. 14, 16, 24, and 2d Union Street sep,81y NORFOLK, VA. F OR SALE. The following valuable real estate Ivins nrar Tillery's Mill, in Halifax enuntf about nine miles from the town or Halifax About 860 acres including steam engine saw mill and fixtures, ein. ein bonus fixtures, ailjoiniug tbe residence of J. B. liuerjr. r.llk WilUlns, tbat contains about it acres. Pope place contal Ing about 150 acres. 1 interest in Wade H '."illerv trt ih wbolu containing about 377 acres. Apply .' r. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N.C.. nly Sltf 3 llOUTBERS HOTEL, HALIFAX N.C. J. W. MULLEN, PROPRIETOR. Table well supplied, clean rooms and attentive servants. Meals bile Lodging Wc. A Livery Stable also kept where team may be hired. Horsas red and well attended to, bj experienced hostlers. Tbe travel ng publie will do well tostoa at tbe Southern Hotel. June 5 1 y. R. W. BltOWa'N OLD RELIABLE D B U 0 IIOBE.. Ia always supplied with Fresh Drags and Mrdieinrs. NEW GOODS RECEIVED EVERT WKEH The stock of ' FANCY GOODS. TOILET ARTICLES, LAMP GOODS, ILLUMIN ATINU and LUBRICATINU OILS, PAINTS, LEADS. LINSEED OIL, and all Palntera Materials will be alwaya fao to be full. Garden Seeds and Field Reeds la seaaoa. Choice pure Wlnea, Whiskies and Bratun lor Nemcai use. r me i.ik. v .. -and SmokliiK Totiacco. Prompt Attrntlon to bjr 91 l. all Order. O-Physlclans prescrlptlma rarefnllr IMiuued by coiiUM'tent elcrks at all hours, nay ornlg-ht. Call and ace in". m.n-v it. "" ., oetetf WioNjJ'jJ O 1 It AH Tn fOOOO a year, or J" to t-i 0 1 UUU d.ty in you. o n locality. No risk. Women tine-well as men. Many make moie ill. .i M e amount stalesi MyJ'' So one can tail to n..ik money fast. A"T one can do tbt wo U You can make Ir 50cts. lo Si an bour by devoting ymirevfu inga and snare lime to the business.. Heists nothing lo try the buaineas. Noinj ins like i . fo- money rr.ekl"K ever ' nerea belore. P.ulness pleasant and slriciiv honorable. Header. It you want to know .ii .1...... r.. i,a..i naninir hiihincaa beiora the nub o. send us vour address and will send full particulsrs and private. terms free- samples worth f S also ire., can tben mat e up your mind for yJjr' Address GEOHUE 8TINS0N A CO., Port land Maine. jOUIS HILLIARD Co. COITOK C0MMISSI05 MEKCHAHH. NORFOLK VA. Full prices and quick returns guaranteed. 11- F- BUTL1U, jlgrnl. lire na Lite lnnrnce Places ofall kinds In first o' Companies as low aa safely will perum. me before Insuring elso- Call and where, at BR0WVS DBUO STORE WeldoPt N- ! July 131 y.