THE ROANOKE" NEWS. TtfE ROANOKE NEWS , ADVErtTJSIXa RATES. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, iM7 '3A33 ?IHT .a.-? PUBLISHED BY 'si- M GO (SPACE o s O a es - wmtiaiKiff b i W. II At I,. On Tar,ln4ivAUfc J I $2 00 I 00 "J cts. nil miriibin, fbree Monthe,t" PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 7T QUO. D W BART A'it,' Inrjjttn dVa tit; . Offlot over W. H. Brown's Dry aoods.Slore,, " i WHt vlalt partlsa at tWr Uwn whan flsHlrcd, Trnn Reasonable. ' ocf:l1y . . . a;EaA fctV', 1 . vi ..BAUTAJ,ff.a 1 " ' f f ' J' i'4PI l ' times in'thor.iHrflfoHscv Strict, attention (tItbii to ll branches ortheprofoii.slou.. . I Jaii IS ly - y j W I. BSAHCH, . - , attokVey AT L 11V. , - ' . 1 Tractlana In thi' iiunti of Hll(nx, Nnsh BdnecomtjcMirt WUson. Cyllflctioiw m ! lu al pH oJ the fittrt. - 1" 1 tt W. U4.LL, ; rfTTOltyST AT I.tV, WELDON, N. 0. . t .1 tj. us, IpMlal ltontlnn glTtn to rmlttntNH promptly binUu coUctioiiS &nfl lillU H. MDUSMi JOHN A.VoUHE. " ,' , , i , 4.1. . 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice IrtllrcoirSrl's' tfattfit, NorthMni- ton.. Ei KJKswmW.jPilt' Mul JMiiriiuIn .U- fin firoJrt 'ths, t fcnd -i niie T ci1r:il rmf!"roirtji'ths, Ait itit'-il Coiirtu of thp KiiatiTU restrict. Colloclli'im inula In tuy Pirt of tUoetat. ' ' - Janlly TAMES K. O ' II A K A, " ATTORNEY. AT. LAW. 'i?spibli,k. c. ' I Tractions In tbo cfinrti of Halifax and adjoin tnf rouiitli'a, ami In iie u irt'ino ami KiMliM-al courts. roliprf)i). luafl 1iJniiy vxA oftho ttrtn. Will atti'ini at tint court lmu in HoMftix on Monday and Friday of each week, j.m l'itf ob sar o. btjb roii jr. ATTOKKEY AT LW. HAllPAxifc. frafttlooa In thn entire of Halifax, and adjoin ing countlRS. In til" fnpri'tho joiuirt of Hiu Stale, and In th Fcdoral court v Will lr )rcl1 at ntliiii fn tn trt'rctlon o? claim and toat)uUK il iKrmima of i-x-calor,Juilullntnri and gnardiuu.i. (lctlUtf 1ATUL aiMAII, . ATTORNEY AT LAW.' HALIFAX, N. C. Traeticcsln thaconrla oMWitat ail adjoin Bonntl. and In I tin Supremo and Kworal MionrH. uiilina nllorM In all irti-f North Carollua. Oillcc In the Court Hou-o'. Juljltf Attorney t Lw, - ,HA.UIFA.X, N. C. Prartleoa In IlaliUt and rd)olnln conntiof and Fedrral and 8mirMiw courts. ' win h. it HcoiJaud Nuck. " ('Very fort' a an W If JOH. B. BATCHELOR. . ATTOBV8Y AT LAW, . XAiEiait, x. a tl(- In th rourH of the (Ith .Iiidlclat latrlrt a In tlia Federal and SuprguioCuurts. ay J1U. ', , t; W. U A S U N ATT4BHET AT LAW, vnrtli-n In tha courts of Northampton and adloluluif couutlca, aliio in tin Kodoral and Ju reum.cuna,. , , J"1"' 9 t'- . i. sir. k. C. toUICOf'tEIl. I9HICOFFKK. ' . D AT k ATTORNEYS AT LAYr . WKLilOS. N. C. , fraMIri1 fn tin conrta of tlHIfnt and ad)olriln' niitlon.and tn i i-'in'roiiK'i mi "i" . I'lftini MllMilwd iii an v iMICkiif NrllM:arolina Qua uf Llie lliiu will uli '""II I In. Hio flca. jiini'Mly D B. Z. I, UU-NTER, 4UBGEON DESritT. Cd b found t bis olBoe In EnfleUI, fr Nitrous Qx'Ua J.n (ot,,tha Vna Rrtrartlug of Tcath alway on Tain k- B E It W J. BURTON, T ! 1 ( ' ' .J 4' ' 'attorney at law, weldon, n. c. ,1.. . . ! t . ' t Tractlrea In the courta of Halifax, Warren and :ad)oluliiK oountlcK anil in nuproiur nl r -rral cuurta. Claiuia collrtitcd In any part ol North lrollua. juuciiu R H. 8MITU, Jit. , ,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, . SootlasdUkck. Halifax Cofntt K, riwtlca In the county of Halifax and adjoln- lr, eniinlloil. And ill Ihi! 3ulK'Ult) COUl't of 1 110 .11 ly. .VOL. IX. ; ,,,t I trpn at the Dour. As we know familiar vuiron, - ' . Knry near ami ilrar nnd'acnU, , , , . , Coining tliroiitib thfl ilodt nhtuikMrs, WaKinu owlic e in tm liU ;. S9 with iiiNrinct alL uniirciiiK, Kor atronRthiwiiuti nire ami more Wo can road the varied Iiiwjuuko Of tlio lbiitiilpp" at tlio iluor. ' GrnrTpa'a faltorinn troml, now heavy , ,t Wjb tho wlalrt (if friittfnl ytnrn, KoariiiK vendor, u-ililan pU.v-r i ,i ; . Birmi(i lliis iitin of (oarj fcStoarn.iHt foot that nevor Irtlti rod, Bravoiy gonu m bofnra i I Bv and bv we'll miss t hoi r inusio i , .ilfrvtoiir Aiip ml lh tor I' I : flisn tbn patlnr of Iba olilldmn,' Uaftpv dai lini( I dm (mil In, J.lli huitnrllluaHiid aniibaniia ' . Willi no ili.iiiKlit or .'nrs nraln ' -..lillU fol tli at nod aura Knldlng - I'tml the pillulla on iliaabnro, ,'Jidns tboy turn hk1.I to Uiiaohlof - a itlusai-i footKtppa at the (lour ! Thnn tlio inntrnn (('nil iind ohooryi ' , Jlims her k"1 niiiii drawing inli; 'A.dc1 tho I'liil.lii n lioai tliH inothof lii ilmy IboIMotM fly; Jloiioohnl ! imisloT Vni all' hour it I Wliilo wo lovo It ilinro and moro, And wo liopo to woloom i with II i ' Angl I'lot-ttopM at the dnnr. sftLLA THE WANDERER. 't!uts(i uu, vjirl, yon cliiill hiiik.' . 'I.cancot sins I niu liti d ofit, fiunory and sicrt,' answond a p'nintiv voioc that would have uliuik a chord of sviiirutliy in any beirt. ' , ' " . ' 'Jl jou do, not tinf I wilj licat you, (or I will not, lose the uinucy you could puiii bure,' aaid a Ointi'o voicr, liarsh and aDstry, Tbe apeakeH ptond in frnnf of a lordly mnnVinti, on ol the'St c'ot iii llio "jni trojrtis, aud thoy wore a nnu, joul'Ii anl CfiitjUoiikiufi, ImldiBu' iu fii linn u violin; and a younj; girl Frarcely mno than twelve yonranf i-o, It'imini! wearily upnD a small luup which 6 lie bud placul upon the rurli. Aiiain the man stil : 'Sin, o I saaM-Mi'iltT,A ' 'Tuen, with a ml'Ii, the maiden run hor ftnvrrs liuhtly oyer ibe ))ari Ftritifja, and I Lore burst I o r ; b ujimi the midnight air a floof of (jitlish mflody that. ttim-ii from a half rHoA.alr-rtrtry -vrin, a younu mini who eat jut within the Club window, and concealed frntn outaidd view by the heavy r.utUin. 'My heavens ! whai a voice I and a mem child, too,' he exclaimed, as the song ocaed. H Then nuain tha man said harshly ; '8in, Carta Diva.' I caonot sip;; in ire ; pity me, for I aai very tiled and hnnury.' 'Cuise you, I'll make on s'nf ; pre, tiny have not heard ynii.'for ihcy are plt3 inj oaf It in the back mo n vn-f acain.' 'Iu'leed 1 catiDot,' iifain raid the plain tire v nee. , With a miittcre Ucursb thq mn raised a leather it. a p. o'tic.kly It di-eendid. and a groan escaped the tjiil's Ifpi ua it fell with cruel foiceupiio her shoulders, A taiii it nijcetidcd, nn 1 she one 1 out : 'Yes I'll ,rJ "J slut ! lor'e sake dq not. biat me. But a-ain the s'rap wis dscendini;. when fiom out the nuia.-ive portal ,1 uted tall form, a heavy blow lell in tho luc j llheciuel enntnre, and he WHa hniled backward iou Hinlicet,vilh a taroa iut jtunned tim, ; . Oh, air, have vnu kilkd biui : cried Ine y o u n a (iirl, in dialu n. Mo, indeed, ami H i.nan hm lirut'ility Bill Iho ileseVved it is he v'onr lal'.'.er V eatli iiian w ho hid so puuiiptly piini-hvd -, - the Inhum lOtP'in. , , No, sir, ho is not my iitht'i 1 neifir knew mv parents hut ke tolj uiu tbir It it I J i not believe it you are not of l.u (lino, neti her were' vour partutti. ' Are you an Amefietn V 'No sir; 1 am nu IMian.' The Uiue, bcautilul. blaek eves, with llieir.twciiuf hi!n: xait taj0't to tho e beloie he', and wian perlett trust, Inr her vre'e'ver she luheld a youno uyan of uerhiiH iwcoty-fl), t'lll, splendidly formed, dresstd liishiopalily, and with a ce f X eedianly bamls nnd nonle. 0 iX'iii down upon i li -" niaufco, he' be held a f.ica and form Inch he had never seen aq l fir tH-anlv. and hl i;iH-Ii, olaintifC. thouuli txflll .it ' Voicu, scraiii)eiy yell cullivatert loi,4iutt w youni, haj hl- eaiy toucnen nn urui, , The ui'to who hud hioa si uncxprcteillv punt-bed bid lu tjie Bicat.timu icyuiu- his leet, and was rtamiing near too two, ttV"H sullenly iiiontheiii, while he at- feetiOBaiely "atioked his.iiiis-e, whicli had felt the full lorrc o) the blow. Mv child, this man h.s no claim upon ju,n.-il i)e1ljnaJ,letlii, lyWy, it. tbiouah the courts. rhavono sister, and. my (jjotuer has only metolovg, 81 she will irladly wel cme ymi to hei1 lfai V and ln r linme. Ooiua, wuvt iH tokc a vtb aud tiiive mote. 1h the lni 0'ii ?' lie oave it to mi' sir. - ILM him havii'i;, and Ton ahall have a liandtomcr ouc.' . Tfis i iiiti'a civs '11 ishcd with -joy, and Door litllti WiO li'tl'f that she was. how klulliy sue arcpteil the kind oirer of lit r jjrw -found Itien 1, , 4 i u d . . ui : t.-,n : rT-.a'.'j n " i. aud'jAu'lkU'prni it, Jiiun lelluw, if yon rkke hajfc.utl,' . . Kn.- . ' . ln!nilt Ui.'.voiina man turueJ upon th . iow, hi ,cyts flailing, a be an swtren : . , ' . . .'Vou are a miserable lirulc, aijij have no liuhtfo lhairtrT'lf Vou have, pioveal be- fire 8 court juMico oiy name is L'O PiCiton, ftod aiiyona. will teJI you here I lie-laud tatde, lor wa wotdd pa.' . ,'Oh, sir, he wiU kiU you.' crioi the c'ri, ahe'aw h'ef ' je'riK'louk' 'inafler Jra a ,iijfiiel ttftldenlf sprini 'M' liro" BuUhe vllll&B :jal mistaken his ftlsn, lor, spnuaing Ous side, Li u Tfrttoti deall him a suotung blow upon tho lu t temple, which'. auaih . aeut bun ree'.int; to tht erou id, wliili-kia klllle tail w ilU R ringing' rat'leupun the pavement. , k , ; Come 911 no(v .heiu, ca' t TanH f- o Pieiton hailed basin vthlcle anil In tweuty minutes more lb li'tlo wanderer loun l luT'lf wltlMM Ana iiU-ho .. , nt lotlllf houtos In the metro)iriia. where a aita welcome mrt bar in .in .Mr, l'lestoii the favinc mother of til Raliant Levy who. o tew wotJi, lo'.d hi:' all tbitt lu1 Ulia) nired. . ' j " - ' From that olifbt, Stella, . tlnj . wauJerer. found a biiwe in the Predion nunsion, and bet life BluUJ'-bajuSljr 04 far .'', lot WELDONlliTXy, luirdiwf auttfupt tjrreain hue, di.ubtlei't .koowiog i tliuw i Birluis it would ha to conteit the uac in luw, . . . J . , , r nnr years' pajswt away, alley iBe Cora- K ol bttUa -U Irte ' Urcton'"Huttt6'.t iad I ni; one niiiht she sat ulone in byrsnirtuouaJi-j liitai&ue.ii touiu I'ut her riiainer j you, uud tea8 eyes. wis pot briilhj anil dunked fief bc'iutifil M I M ! ' 1 What a wonderful eh&Sge 'hul' tome over hei s. nee that nlchtheo Lro'TrtH.' ton proved hot p ; bc-r lurm 'had tltiodt'tiiW4voaiMllKitdv toil vsa irtoe- ful and ilicnilled, while her faofl bad, be ciimn Y"ujl'r(iull' beautillil. 'N I cnhot ' rcinai'B Inujjcr here, for the tilth at school. tell luc Lain but ruvut. east, picked up (if tlie ! strref: afUllnit' V lov Leo fif liU loiluaw, '" i i'Oud knowt tUuy wroii(j m bufl I . Jiiv Ut Uvea nis, and I lore Mrs wjth a . ,ty heart. : , 'Tes, this niitht I will leave, anil civ letters lo Leo and his mother will ciplaiu why I take this step, , ' 'Hut what art) I to dot 'Hal 1 have it 8lnnr Galncp-1, my good old niunift teacher at Madam H n da n't. told ins if I ever wanted a Irlemt i coma to film, and he would out upoo the operatic ataea yes, be tails to. moirow lor Ettrnpa, to ta.te charni) ol tho Vieons Opera HouSls I will aecoitpany b'ni.' . Havine made np her mind wlint Cotirso she would pUisllu, ijtella 'triVi and wn.tu two letters, one to .Mrs, Pieston, tho oilier to L o, and then mkcd her tiunk q netly, slid sent a servant loi a h'ir'c. Ij.'O and his mother Were absent in the couutiy, .having none to , their country liorpe on (Tie II mis u, for a day .or two, to Stella hud (in ouu to iinolor bcr ilepa tme. anil was f-aoa diiviiiii mpidlv away from the linme, where for four years alio had known ta much bf happiness. " ' A '.'iiia (i i yea: s liuvc gone Ry, am) all London 'i in txc.teineiit river the new Prima D ina, til it has appeared bclora tbt fooiln-lit ol llie opurntio At the elalis everywhere, and In every snri if i;alherinc; her prai't i are sunij In the highest krins, and i)iiihtly tlio K'nu I old build in;, wheie she appears, is crundud to nvc flowing, to bear the tweet notes that flout irom her lis, ' ' , The new star is advertised' to appear in 'Faust.' and during the garden scent) In tli.itwlieii,.UifJl opera two fceiitltroen enter ouc ol tbu boxes and turn their eyes upon too hiaulilul Impersonation . of 'Mai Kiieriie.' ' Oneof the ffctitlcnen is an I'dL'lish ol ficer, the other wenis the nnilorm ol an lUliuu colonel, and Is a ilaik'uutd, hand some man of perhaps lurty-two. . udiltn'v lh touicnur ataits, his breath Is drawn hard betwieil his shut teeth, im.l his whole S7, i is liveted upon the love'y Prima I)onna. ' , ,'IIoly Yirnin I can such likenesses ttV he criedi and then, turniB! Jo his chip pan ion, lib, excitedly: Colonel. Uraimird, 1' nmst sec yonder lirnuiilul woman come, I willseud in our cards.' ( i i, i t The I'tifilijlmian hi Stated, aud thru S ii.i : ,-. '1 think, Siyonr Duk that wo bid I bet ter call oo her lioiel lo-uiono v.' 'Taie, it Mu!d be best,' replied the other, and at one o'clack tho billowing day the ff.ilian called lor hii EnHhsh friend, btit fonnd hltu cnuaocd, ntui so i nntind on alona, to ' vUit tht woiimu in whom lie bad become so dSVply in tcriisted. '. . '. . ' The P.-irja Bonnii sat alone in hi r sump tunua li oinf. I lly, claovinrj , over the no tices, ,ol her (uV the nmriiiii;; papCT. f ' Sudderily bet maid. tuUtcfl, bringing a ca.d: - ' Taking M'he read llieiron ;v . Vll'TOK 34kH!oo, , , Duke ol Alvinli. 'I do not rcou'inbei t have e vor met the P ike and vet the Dan e secun strangely fa miliar. Yea, I will f e him. Nanneti. A mon, ent after thu Italian dllieer en tered the iiiiiin, ttud with courtly .,i;tuce lis adv.uco I aud, bowing low, said : 'Par Ion my intrusion, lair ludy, hut I lame to fee ton unasked, nn aro tint ol your ruinatkablo resemhlatice to a dearly loved siiiter'ol mine, the Lady Y'c'oriai Men licio.' 'You htp welcome, sinnor, and I must say your name seems strangely tamiliar to ue Victonui Slendi.'.ml burelv.A uave hear,. thaMiame also,' and iho beantilul mm('.eu-.0T aha seemed scarcely moto than taentv veais of age ppeared lost in ihoucht, I 'You speak Italian ptrlectlf. though yours is not an I'iilan name,' mjges'.cd thu Duke. I am Italian.' , . 'Indue I ; tuen, by the ll ily Vlroii, yon are a Mi-ndigio. Listen lo - me, please, while I Ml y.oi the at' fy of my 6iter"s lilt,' mid thu Italian spoke (xeitcdlv, and In a tew words bd I tha maiden haw h.s liuatililul ai"ter had marriel ft young noblu ol Itily, who bad pIcMtcTl anamst his Rv eriiraeut, t.een dcticted. n i ha t to fl lor Ins hlu to Auieiici, whither hit devoted wile went with him. '.' Since that tun the Kuan had l..-"vr heard fioin them, si'd believed I hem both dead -' . " - .Then llie- maiden told tho story of her life, l.o tier parents had died, ol starva tion u!iuot. in a poor parrel, and lelt her to thu lender tncicits ot an itinerant mus ciun, their only Iriuud, wlicu sh was but nine ycats ot aire, and that lie maUu money out id her. ..through Jier wonderful voice, forcing her toiniig upon ine streeta. and Ihirt all she had '.utt in Iho!J were the tiro niiii'atjre ol her parents, lakon from thu uold locket, which her cruel master h1 stolen. Then she t"fd ol Jier finding a protector in L- 0) Pr!!!. he happy life at his mag n ticeiit home, her flight from there, and how her old inu-ie. teacher , had adopted hur aad In on -lit befoul as a songstress, &riing. btella for the Priora Donua t'tt mm Ailt.-r that flic litttn wanderer went tf) herdrsk.tnd totik Iheieironi. th mluuturt. wlilob she hat hid haniUomcly re-ct, aui wHth one glance at them D-ik Mendiuio ucoiiDiz.'d bit sisler and her hu ban'. "': Inloouool the .moU rlulis in London strolled two gentlemen one ol llie.u Colonel liiaiuard, the oUir an American, Li:o l'aolou nlw liai ua; iwl tntpfa; tTuRiflcttt IniiTfioBj.ip.' iiudtliinly.tiiey:i eonfmnted "bjt the Duke Mendiyio, and (jolonel Bminard, allct iUcCLliH! Uuu, picuaUid klS-AtuiiOan Wricnch f ) , Ml! B Tlio Aaliatx was partithlaily Rra-io ,s niomrn s townuls jtya, in a lew" said ', 'tyonnr .liitpn, hottl. agj wnu'l I I am on my way to my lotjl. aaj wnul I bo pleased to have your oiijpnJ,aii;,iJilJ see you upon an ira bWaht matter.) Leo'fttd'nri rjifaijement, and willingly consented, and in hall an hour wan ushuied inja tho ll: krfsiaia tineatst .-. 'Walk : ifcroagh into tho other room, plea e, rinor P'Citonlan,ii,wjU,iniii you . LuadliiikS jilit itud-und bcfiuld himself VLUILUU. . . .. Then, line t,lrou upjn her, ftnd he rec ogii'm I Utella. the wanderer, Ai ipilckly was ho tccou i d, and then he! n ten the two pa.-sid long eiplann ions and In taking his 1("ive alti r a few hofir' cad, iu which thu Duke, Stella's uui'lo' had wisely kept away, Lon leaned over pressing his lips 10 the beiulilul lore . said eoltli : 'Srvll., Wn; linve P ionght 'yi'", f ted I would never find you on eaiili. 1 had heard of tho beautihil Prima I) iiHiii, upou luy ar.ivul limn America yes tiird if, and was gaiog to tee her to night, 'II I reonr;n;z d you on the slagn I fear 1 would b ivu mada a fool ol my e.f. . Hut thank God I have totvid you, and, ritfll k. must I lose you ugaiu V 'No. Lao, lor you only have I loved, since the niht you l.iun I n:e poor liUle Stella, 1I10 w.Mitltfrttr. ' r r iliimri ii I I ' , i f i, " f i ;,. ! :i -.r tFium.m,Jiiv i.'w.ii.a.'iuieai . There is uiucli diversity of opinion 9 to whether youug ladies Cnu pn puly iu dtilgo in thu spoil id coa.lni, or, ss the boys ol the last generatinn used to call it, sliding tlowu hill. In kmio coinmiinities, thu youth ot both tt-xes coat in the winter evcnlnga without siau.lal, though lor some iusoriiiablu leason it is hel l thai the iiruiiscnicnt must not be indulged in tiy daylight, or even nn uioonligiil nights. In other coinmiinities, roasting is regarded by all well couductud young liulics a a ;,.osa iiuproprit ly, and Is even publicly pu nched ogiiiusl by Talinag'nu I'linisu rs, as ouc ot the sp.jibi that kill. Tins latlet npt'iiioii pri vails in West Meredith. N. II, and the ntuit tragedy which occutrcd at thai placj is by soinu people Uullived lo have been Iho illicit result id the lonal condemnation ol Uuiiniiiu cousting. Ii n only it to s-ay ttiaa q uit another inbT pfotution may lie giwu lo it, and it may be arg'icd I hat bad public, seutiiueiit ill Wc t Mtr. dub bin n in lavor ol leiniiiiuu ciustiog tint If'ig.My .woft'd not ' H ive ha-piietie'd. f:i f let. It ii ilrflitult to say w here the responnidity I ir il n a ly ie.-ts, r.n 1 there are those who insist that-it was entirely owing to the lart that Mr. Hopkins was to an utipieccdcitod extent a cni-ccitHiiis 'in.1 good young man. The blameless Mr. H.ipktutl was a mode! (or all the local young in' n, ii.iismuc.h as he was absolutely without llic IniiitcHt trace id an obiectiotmble habit. Ciiiiouslv vnouh, the, young m n dtcjjiy d to jnjnb I 'ihei'i, selves li'i.oii hllu, , the yotmg women, in spite ol the tact. that his respect for wouiuii iu thu utaiijct uud. tbu con crete was simply unparalleled, did not look upon him with lavor. Miss II own . to.fV1l'M', '! ttnt. nj'ei ,n Mv Itileralf I lr. Hopkins lo siu'li mi extent that l.e lell nii'dcstly in love with her. I'l.e two were nut positively on the fo d in.; ol lovt rs, since trie young mini's if sped lor her wis so gnat he luver vtptured to iniike a loiin d piopnsal, but it was eeurrally understuort that ho would ultimately Inace hiiusell up te that point. line evening, or, to In. i x n't, last Weil in s lay evening, MUt Urown "ftske I Mr. Hopkins to take her' to the lop td LiUiain'H in I. and let her ilidti down it jjsi once. The proposal sin eked the young mi'i's I'mer insiincts. but tha young lady priiisied, and dually kktd Uiiu il be was so lekng iu itvpect I'.r her as lo believe .thut.slie could propose any thin:; Ihat auriiot UriU'l' p Vaer. Of ceur-e. aiu'r this Iheie was noftin g to he sml, and Mr. Hopkins, ru ieplilitiusly. borrow lug Master t'hai tes Iliown's fled, iscotted th.1 rash young lids hv tht-bittA load to the top ol I. a' haul's hill. The hi 1 was a long aud a IKcp one a id, as it ti o'fjock, nt soul 'aa-fis'luiclfi'thu- c!t"ir' fiioonniJht.''' Mr. wis' Hopkins sat down on the lorward part of the sled and Mips Hrnwn kneeled behind ste.itlyiug heisell by placing her hands lightly on his shoulders. '. bvoi y Ihme being, Mr. Hopkins BUiteu the sled, a lew seci.n.ta they wer-i Tiiy;"(l irtirtlll hill at t Sbtrtl fbUuut n tv mil. a an lioir. Near the bottom olllie hi 1 Mr, Hop" kin K!it'' ived a boat J wh.ob I. a, I appa reinly l.illtn liom a wagon, aid lav diieetW acioss tho road. I'o i-trilin il wrral I insuie u dinsler, and Mi II ikilis tun e I '.e tied out ot thu direct co nso lo avo- i 1. I he icsiilt was a lti".ht.iil one The sh d stiitck a ttone, and Miss llrown was slm' -lh Icnlul Velocity river her eoil llicloi's head, and landed heal down ,. - I.-. .. .i...w Win n thr young man came lo himsil', and dltentsup,le. hit- livaJ Jrom nn wseckeil inoneietil the sled, lie wnt an lling sueetacU'. I' roui the surlace q'. a snow bank what to hi nslnuiMied eyes seemed to bo tt)) beautifully lolored burliers poles iiioj etc t.a.'U f unin u in o ith a lit II alll hinlidne Inml.' "He calleil u fly nu thtfame ol 'Ihe inTored Miss lj own, lut no ono answered, nnJ lie btgan to' tehr that some "acoldtnt hat hatipenetl to lur. -'. Mr. Hopkins aat dowi. in the snow aim asked himself whst was the dull of tUc hou-. To p.ill M'f-s ll.own rut was not t.i )ie Ihoughl o( without a shbddt r. Il " o ei: to bit ihmci tt at no muss rescue uw in such a way that sha oecd' never kuo that tho oioonllght had shpue upon -In abort, that sue should never know an lidna about tt.' Altar lne Ipouiriltl r ol reflection, he dtcidrd to go to a neighbors in bonoav a shovel, and to Knell the Hei and thoulrteia ol Mirt Piown by. driving tunnel thiough the loweT pait ol the suow bank, by ineaiu ot which he couhf extri cate her withotU putting her to any incou veiiionce, . , It took tome time lor Mr. llopkiot to obtaia a shovel, but his feircli wai linaliy tuecesalul, sfiJ UeUuu to dig Lib tuuuel. MARCH 4, 1880. Tlif !, a ok aarj T'B'Oioas one; .nod he foirpar thjt ho Thould ha-to' Woik long lime before ho could strike Id ins Iliowc in paying nnantiiies. , Ue worked on steadily and silently. Not a tout iU came' bom (he imprisoned young lady, though he icpeatcdly becd her to make hrrsull coniluitiible uud to rely upon his devotion and shovel. Fully twenty minutes from the time the acci lci t had elapsed when young Pmedlcy, from the poaloflioe, approached the scene, on his way bom. To hit question, Mr, Hopkins replied byeiplalning in th moBt delicate way, .the dirD-alty auder which Hi Hiown labored, aud the means by , which he wai emloavoiing u extricate'' lnr. Young Smodley he-rd him through, and then, with a toia'ly irrelevant remark, expressing an Inexplicable confl lencu that iu the In, urg ho would bu personally ai d emtiptcelT "darned," ho climbed the snow. brink, sei.ed that is lo say, took hull of in fact, pulled Miss I!:own suddenly mid violently lium her snowy tuiiiW. I he young hnly, as every one knowt recovcied consciousness in tha course ol thu evening thanks to Dr. Sabiu's ptompt mid skilllul attentions. Strange to say, however, she conreivrd all unac coiinialilc h illed lor Mr, Hopkins, Mi l cariied it to such au extent that tho is now uud, r mo I to bo engaged to marry young Smeilley. The most painful feature ol ihe hfl dr ii this rurions incapability on tho young lady's part to appreciate the delic-cy and lespcct with which Mr l'opkius ticiled hui. Ilu would have eug her out in the cniiisc ol an hour and te le ied her without subjecting her feeling to t he sliuliltst wound, but she actually preli rn d the rough and brutal tieatmeiit lo which you SmtJii'V suhjected her. Can it be that Mr. Ooldwiu riiinth is riglil, and that, wc ale on tbu,' Verge of a moral jfotericgnum t' " " ' An Aim iu Mli', We tll cauuot bt'Kri'ajt in this world of ours. Philosophers who hold alolt thu torch ol knowledge ami wisdom; poets, w liose songs echo loiever iu the huinau hi ait; warriors, whose mark the boundary liirs of oations arise very sel dom in t liu world's history to grasp those talisiuauio wet pout "by which mau masters meu." An I yet wcthould all have sumo noble aim in lile-soino purpose, whose ncconi p ishmeut, allhough nevur greeted by the appl .ihc of lame, may win lor us, in the lar t il luturc, thu golden crowo ol perlect happiness In the great drama of lite we havo all some put to play, and our gtaudest auibi I ion thou d be to jdajj it wellv ''N'.it enjoy Miout and Hot aorrow Is our ih-tiiiod end or way ; Uut to not licit each to-iiioi riiw h ind us lui thor tb.iu to-tlny." To act -to et rive-to work this Is, in deed, our trti iiim in life. Iu tho wonts ol Adelaide Procter : "F.vory hour that llool ao alowly lias its l ivk lo do t r Icar : lnnuinouK Iho urow n, ud holy, Whim tach gem la sot with euro." And there in joy iu labor, lor it means to lighten the liur.lcus ol III 'xo who uro li oir to ip; to smooth thu wrinkles from ihtibrnw of a 'li.'d mnhor; o kiss the lesrs Irom the bright eyes ot childhood; to aid some we try ,wntj. n r ou the pil grimage, t.) heaven. "Tboro is inanv H gem in the path of life, W Iii h wc puss in our Idle ploisnro, i. richer lnr than llio j. wrlod crown, Or Iho inisei 'h b, undi d troasnio, it in iv bo tho lovo ot'u litllo child, Or a uioihor'a prayers to hoavon, Or only a's gru eiot lliiuiks For cup of water tlven." Ah, many of us yield lo despair, mail" fall and benmth tho weight ot tbo ei.i-a of disappolutrjicnl ! Pouie, weary of the alrilu, complain, ant! flinging don tin ir waapnns ill tl(C bent of lile'f hard battle, bumnan their late, even while Ibuir br tluen are pfesmng on t victory. Hut though clouds lron o'er our path way, though tleti -t us i", nur.uced, uud liom the load ul duty luxury lurot us to repose, lit us lusolvo lo perscveru ami aim in life which will guile lit ever on ward, like a id n! I'o line, ! and rrmrmbcro always, in the wortls of the pott: "Tis m ter to weave in tho wob of llfo, A briglit and U'.ldon Piling, And lo do'a will with a roii ly In art, Wltft hands that are awltl and willing, Than tn snap the dclieato, slender threads Of our cnrl.iiHllve aaiioder, Then blame Imavrni for tha tangled end, And sit, mid grieve, and wonder."" A 1 -- Year ri. A IMmiter who was out in the country the othur day to look alter some poultr,' gt stock in a mud holv, at'hough having il lirht loiggv ami a siring hoito lie got out, look a i nil oil the It nee, and trying to prv the vehicle) out, Vibea along r.n mo a aliaopitig yciniig woman ab nit twemy-ix year's id ngr. bhe haullc I, surve,d the situation, and s iid : ' , ''You stand by the horse while I heavr on thu mil, and 'don't be alitid ol getting mud OU VOUI lieUils lid .tmi'lS." The i unitud rirnts leleawd the vehicle, ami 'the lMM'trr winintd llui.ri. auu kskrd her to tut in and ri.hj. tlw hi.sita- i t l,i, dee. 1 no uud down the road and r'n.llv a id : j. Stranger, I'm bluut tpoaou. no arc tout'' ' . . . . 1 11 o cave h is name anil resilience, ami she rmiiinned: "I'm over twCiilv-flve,'' worth f iOO in ciih, kco v all about bouse woiK, and una in h a:l uj "Yia I know; but lor heaven's take don't ask me lo marry you! ' be leplitd, at be si the diltt. ' See bere," she Con'iDilcd, looking , him siiuaTc io the eye, ' Pin sliaight girl, weui a . 7 shoe, and I hke the looks ol you. '.'Yes, but don't talk that wav to mid' 'StrsPger, it's lcapyeur, and 1 in geing to pop. V ill you havo me or no! 1 -1 in already married!' he UltcreJ. 'II meat Injun!' , Yes.' . 'Will, that Settlct mo, ml I won't ride, I'll lake a cut acmts the iiuHl over to o,l Spnoiier't. -lie's got l ur sons and a foi l neidiew. an I'll bt gin i n tho, old man aud pop the crowd eleir down to the idiot lor I've sJumiuixi-d around this wotld just as long as Pui going to! (loo l-bc s'r, uo harm d,uiT D-'.roit i'icu I'tusa, NO. 1. A Woudtrlii! Clock. The tuosl astonished Ibing in tbe wij of a timepiece is a clock desciibud by a Hindoo rajah, as belonging to a native ptiucu ol Upper India, aud Jealously guaidcd at tho rarest treature of hit luxu rious palace, la trout ol tbo clock diik was a gong, ewuna upon poles, and uer it w-.s t pile nfaUillcitl human limbl. Tie pile was made uu of the full number nl pa ts f ii two've ef ro: bodies, but all lay heaped togcthai lu teeruing contusion. Whenever tho hands ol tbe clock Indicated the hour ol one, i at of the pilo crawled just the iiuinber ul pans needed to. lorin thr name ol one tunu, pait jolnlne lUeli to pait with quick, metallic click; and wheo coiiiplcted, the flguiejsurang up, seizod a mallet, uud while walking up to tuo ffonu, stunk One blow that scut the sound peel iug thiuugb cvciy loom and corridor ol that Btately C ist!i. This done, he returned to the pilo and lull to pieces again, vVbrn two o chirk name, two nu n aioae" and did likewise; and ao through all the hours ol tha dav, Ihe number ol tigurcs being thu hi ui e as the number ol the boui, till, at noon and miduight, the entire heap sprang up, hud, marching to the gon, aruck, one alt-r anotlur, each his blow, making twelve, in all, aud tuen lull to pieces. (Wiled. Poverty roveals sin, but wealth hides it If a rich man is a bad husband, or a gam tdur, or a glttttou, the world is charitable enough tosiy that in his position the gen eral tone ol tits surrotiudtngs is such lb it temptations Ucst t him on every side, and it is quite a marvel that be it at well be have, I as he is. How beaulilul a thing is charity! Hut in the saroo I tile to be ap pile I ill the cao ol a convicted pickpocket who has been b-oiight no to' hit profet- niiii Irom his eaily childhood ! " Thu rich arc said to sow wild oats. Do wo hi' in much cf this talk iu police courts) Wo believe it is there unknown. But every ono excuses the Blips of great folks. Their temptitiont are so great, you knowl Indued, despite bis indiscretions, the rich mau can buy aicputalion lor virtue on woinleilul cheap tclins. II lo Walks thiough a hospital, he is ft saiul; if he spends a tbiitleth part of hit inoome on chaiilies, he is a paragon ol liberality. II Ina wile haunts placet ul worship, rather Irnui want ot occupation than fiotu devo tion, she is such a religious woman; while the poor, who put themselves ta inconven ience to go to churc'i ptrhaps once a week uru thought ncglectert of tbo tue.rn ul gtiv'c. Truly, lichus, like chanty. blJo a multitude of sins llouuil lor lli-ven. Home tunc aco one of Arkansas' most widely known st'itesmen, whs is now dead was passing along a street in Little Hock when an old colored man, who had once belonged to hi in, anproached, took t II bin hat anil passed a baud over bis whltowool as he a-kc.l: Mar.dt r gin do old man fifty ccuts. Pan, you are a robber. How? asked the astonished ing bis cyui, ii ouu'i which rough shod u(,c had walked. D.du't you toe me put my hand inl my pocket! Yui sail. Well you old rnscal, you tob me of the pleasure of giving you uioiuy without uo lllg asked. Tue old man tereivei a dollar. B wing ul most lo the groaud, while tears camuiiut auJ coursed through lliuagc piinta around Ins ey es, he replied: M n.-ttr. wid such a heart as yon bah, and wid Abraham and Isiac, and do L"itl on your su e. rau't see what can keep jeu out ol Healieo. A OIIHl'IClKlOUM Nou-iii I, HW. The other day, over iho Alameda bolht. a timid and ' retiring-looking man aited unit! the superintendent was . dm cuated and then said to bim : ' I do hatu to mve any one trouble, but avo you ii long stick or pole ol tnj kind you count lend me, ( 'No, sir ; I told you so ten luioutcs ago,' inaliped the overdiiveu oflioial. So you did, replied Ibu mln, 'but J thought I'd just ask otico mure. I guess, now I've done my duty in the matter. Don's yon think so i What ma' tor T Uat ou carta are you tilkinn about V VVhy, you Ke, my mrlher-iulaw Uiveu all down there al tho deep end about hall an hour hour ago, and at she hasoi come on set I thought I'd like lo tell my wile that I had si. iter iat bed round on the bill, in for her awhile but way. but if 1 m't. wbv I suppose I can't, that a a And nensivt'lv writing her add es on tig. to be tied to the old lady when the csme nn. the conscieutiout man walked thoughtfully away. 'A riolilirr'H I'ropoanl A tonfii' i.lli 'or was daiii'ing a set of Lanciuis in a rrowded diawing room with an ixtrcmelv putty girl, to wh un he oiidi. biiiisi lf most agicealile. After the slice wjis over, he to. k her to a chair n l .eatin ? i mstll beside. her, began to niioiin bit celilutcv. 'It is excec linglj ensy to remedy tbat, laid she. I d, n't think so at all : in tact 1 do not know a g'rl that would marry me,' Him hinirhfd. and r,i;,ld . I, lit un and ak mme one here to-pit hi and I v dure 10 lay yen will us accepted bv I lie tli st.' J . . .... .,. T1 ... Aii 1 am not sura aoooi uiai. jiui will y.,U take me I With plev-me.' And a lew months later they were murricl. Cure lur l.uu &)trit. Take one ounce id the aeudt of ri solutic mixed Willi IHC on in cooscieuc ; in una is . . .. :.. i. into a large fponplul of lalta Ol patience, lisii verv I'lirelullV a computing pisni railed 'fHlicr wnet, which you will liinl iu every Vart ol the garden ol lata, growing under tilt) I road leaves ai nisguise.. aun tmsll nu intitv. and 'it vvlll C'ettly assist the silitol patience in their npetulion Oathct a haodlul ol tho blossom ol hope i her, awee'en tlieni propeily with tho balm nl nrudenct and II vou can get my ol the eels ol true friendship, you will havo Ihe most valuable medicine that cm be ad minis'erid. He rarrlul to get Ihe seeds ol nn,, Iriendshii). as there is a seed. Very much like It railed it ll-illterrst. which mil snml ilia wholu composition" Mako the in oil' dientt into- nitl nnd take One uigl" aud luoiuiug, uud ibeeute will ho ill el Ono Square, Two Squaw, Throe tsiiiarea, Four Squares, Fourth I h. I'm, Half Column, Whole Column, 3 00 5 00 8 00 10 (10 JS 00 20 00 . 8 00 10 Oil IS 00 14 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 sola) 30 00 30 64 40 00 45 00 SO 00 63 00 7S 00 18 Of) 20 00 30 00 eo oo One Year, TALUOIT at HOJali 1 SnOCKOK MACHINE WOIH RICHMOND VA. Manufaotnrera ot Portabls and Stationary Knginee and Hollers. Haw Mlila, Corn an4 Wheat Mills, Nlmfllng, 1 1 angora and Pul lnya, Turbine WHler Wliela, Tobacco Ma chinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brans aud Iron CaallngN, Mnohlnery of Every Doe orlplion. " GlNNINO AND TlIItCSIIIKO MAClOnf A SPECIALTY. v Itrpatrlug Prnuipily A Carelnlly -Duuc, TAI.DOTT'S PAl'ENT PPAUK-ARRESTBSW Tlie Invention ol (be Age), . It duos not destroy tha draft. It doan not interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not choke up, aud requires no clean ing. It roqnlroa no dlrot dampors to ' be opened whan raialng steam (darnpera be ing objectionable, as tboy may be felt open and allow hi nrks to oaeiipo.) It rciuirea no. water. to oxflDgnlah , sparks, w hlcii, by condensation, tieslroya ' the draft. HnHidss, when wator la need. If neglootod, tlio elUcieoey la destroyed by f eviipnrntion of the water, and the bolloru kept In a filthy comliilon. . It la Himpln and durable and oan be re- lied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. Pig pianmr atiouid be without one or them. IiisurnnoR cnmpanlna will insure gna and barna wbere the Talbott Knainet and Spark-Arrostora aro used attauia rate an barijnii inr walor or Horse-power, -Seiiil for illustrated clroulara and price lint. llrancu noose, uoirlaboro, IN. u. J. A, IlALSlCK, (-oiieral Manager, T. A. CiKAN'UEH, Local Manages. may 8 dm A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLQ0D.1MR&K1DHEYS. C:JRAT!:!E, A piMllClDIkl OOU3-T tMUiniluf known Tiu (wml)lntni lButpr) trial tou the eur&U V9 xmtr tor U Vfiii wblrb iiriulitcfi all dJft HM i if Ihc UlrtfMl, lit f iivr, tli H idiim, iiurniiiMii In ariluB tuid It ii uurvrtih-i to Ut nu of All Jlfdwtf fM nuoii M frla. Tttutmn, BoUm 1 ettrr, Unit rSetw, itwWal iStimmningp ft 1 10 ftltlW IafftWa, I M d i prmltoH, Sour ! ai, Mtwtmntimm V ASH, YOUR DRUDBKT f oa it. TlEBEOTanHlL(S. BALTIMORE, Hd. If 0t Blfiutl UutlAioA. CUBATINE, Far Lit-af Con i Witt. CURATIVE, rr smuej vutoM.. CURATIVE, Jot HbtiUuivUn. CURATINE, CURATF.E, Fot IhIaa, nai iM, Jllchb.a, tU. ESS dee IS ly W. 11. VICK X AURIAliEs) AND It UU GILS MADE TO ORDER Oil BAPAIBEQ AT LOW MUC2A All kinds of wood work and trimming done in good atylo. Itlacksuilth work dona al abort nwiro and wun nearneM, ab new work warranto,!. Fine painting fur buggies dope at low palbt used. S!'.( I II. A I I KKTIOM GIVEMTO THE UNDE11TAKINQ DEPARTMENT. 'iff '.TiNt- ; r-''' i ,r '"i t r " riA'" ColTlnaanJ Cruel of all sliet oontHactrf ou baud. Cirrhn Miterbtlx Went onhaud alprttrt bulow l'olorabuig market. Wuldou N. a Jniift A ly J NO. T. KOltl), T.ik'.K pleiisiiro 111 nnnoiinolng on still Ih tound at bia stand on that ha FIRST STREET, "?iwtFil HI B 1 n 1 I r 11 ni m a..ji Whore he baa ou band a full lino ol tlio Finest " i . WISES, v '. ' WHISKIES, and " : . IlKAM'tKH. TUUAI CO, CIQARS, , ; and SNUFF, . , . OKA NHEs. Al'PLEV 4 1 and CONH'Al'RiNEUIES II is stock of Canned Goods aud Urocar i lea is uuuaually full aad (.' o la p I a Oi.n Ciiim:t WutsiT A KKKll hAUKll BE Kit OK Ho guarantees aatlsfit' rtnd see hi iu 7 '.. - ' if"....- . -1. r ' Vl ' V ' r : ' . J " .iifaUi. " h nn ii , 7 -tKTS. V

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