J III I J t-.. I THE ROANOKE NEWS. ''" A. DEMOCRATIC ' : WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, it.;. , ', .j ' PUBLISHED BY IM. LOBIU & W.W.JIAIiIi. One Your, in advance, Bit Months, " fbroa Months, " f 2 0(t 1 1X1 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. (J B O. W. II A K T M A N . Barfeon DtntUt. Offlct ove r W. II. Browns Dry (ood Store, WBI.POS.N.C. Will Tltlt partlm attbctrhusnsawrH'niViBlH'iJ. Triui Kfanmi.il.lc, t" H ly M. QHIZZAKD, ATTOKftKY.AT LAW, nALIKAX, IT. C. Ofni-K 1h the Court House. Htrlct attention irivn I t all bniiirlu'M of the pr.ifcs.slun. Jan U ly J T. B a A M C II, ATTORNEY AT L.1W. EXPIELI. tf. C. 1rrt1ei In tti counties of Halifax, Nah iurmsitnlsnil Wilson, l.'ollnotloiis nia.li In al pari of the State. JaiiUtf HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . WELDON, K.C. tpcclKl r.tent1on tflvAn to collection! ami reintttanm -4 promptly mailt). to ay Hf. . WW. . JOUN k, X00BB. M TJX LI X A M 0 0 ft B, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. . D . '?. ' . Vractico In the cniintloKof ICnlifaT, Northamp ton. Brt)rniilir, Pitt nmt Mnrtlii In Mi'- Mli premfl court of the stall" ami in (ho Federal HtourWof tlw KiHem District. Collections) nude lu any part of the Htate. -Jan.l ly JallBS B. O'lURi, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HXFIEI.P, S. C. Practices In the conrts of Halifax ami ail.inln lnr counties, ainl in the Hiiiroini! anil hVilural courts. Collections mailt' in any iart of t ti State. Will attend at tin' court home in Halifax on Monday ami Friday of each week. Jan ltf B BUT O. BURTON J H. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices In th courtaof Halifax, ami adjoin Inir counties. In the Supremo court of til' State, and In the Federal courts. Will Hive special attention to the collection of claims, and to adjusting the accounts, uf ex cntora, administrators and guardians. dec Tit f L. II I M A IT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In the conrta of Halifax and adioln tnif counties, and In the Supri'iui' and Federal courts. Claims collected In all parts of North Carolina, omen In the Court House. Julyltf rP SOMAS X. U1LL, Attorney at Lair, HALIFAX, N. P. Practices In Halifax and adjoining counties fcnd Federal and Supp'tni' courts. ' Will bo at Scotland Neck, unco every fort ftigut. auxiBtf j JOS. B. BATCH KLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAXY. RALEIGH, N. C. Practice In the courts of the th Judicial f- 'istrlet aud In tin) Federal and Supremo Cuurts. i, mJ U tf. W. MASON. it' ' r t. " ATTOZKEY AT LAW, 3 ARYUBUK'J, M. C. y," i Practices In tha courts of Northampton and V Adjoining counties, also in th Federal ami s u 1 ' areiu.) oilrl.s. June tf. f ! . W. Y. . C. Zol.l.H'OKFKK. t J) 11 ZOtLICOFFKK. ATTORNEYS AT L1W( ' , wblhox. n- c. practice in the courts of Halifax and a ljolnln fvuntles, and In tlit'Siipreniti and F' d 'r il courts. X a-Clalius collected In any part of North Carolina. -Out) of the llnu will aluaya lie (n in l In tin: 'fflc. June ally. D B. K. I: UUNTEK, VBUEON DENTIST. 1 i t'aa be found at bis otllee la Kiifieltl. Far Nitrous Oxide (Is lor tha Tain leas Extracting of Teuth always oil limitl. Jutm 'i! U. .. X 1) li W J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. :' Tractlcea In thfc.iurls of Halifax, Warren and t , ladjolulnif counties and In the Supremo nnd Fed It ral courts. Claims collected in any paid of J jlSorth Carolina. June Htf T H. HMirif JR. 11 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scotland Nkck, Halifax Coonti N. C Practices intlio county of Halifax and adioln lmr counties, and iu tin) Supruiuu court of the Btatu, 1 ly. VOL. IX. Farewell 'Tin tmnl to part fr-m fritMitln wii lti- Witliniit a t h':n, IJu fri'iiil-lt ill t'fl'-h f-'flinffiiidTef, Ant) ItIiii," tli1 iil-eiit iii'ar, Simo fpiftudy worl.l nf iyK"tt( l,y. Oi In v wr 1 - f r iMisi-'U.-n, Still nillMt-ti t.r-tlri' rn t lie rye, AlN'ftlt'la'S llt'Hr-'Ht tnlvii. Thii;rh far In oMiap ln1 vec n-am Kritm tlmmi v- li'Vf anl cIhtNIi, Foinl ni'Miii'rv'M wrt'alliJt irt'iui! tli'iu tilonui, Tht' hlnl dii!h lint i-f pl-li : Huf livi'rt.i'iilipliii'il willilnfhi heart Wh'-h Ih'h it-lf tia' fl-'l. Mhrnii Hwrft ijnwMp witli rtprijrfl Rikd MootiiH U'it frii'iuiMliiii'H early Wm. Korurivc in- If I coiiM imt "nk Tin wonl if hnrtfelt h-itppw, To rrT' risl s I'm parting Willi I '!', Aixl iiifi't H"t on tin' morrow. iwi MftMir o I'lcnsiii t spring to vk'W, H"iu'-u. 1 .iiii'W th'in last, A rul nif nit-ry holN may i.ll ijf you, Now rvfkoti with I In ph( . But yfl, sIidmM li;iiiji,T li-'tirs ni'rln-; up, Ami fitrt inn vr.v' but kimt. Ml ftiiatrti tu' Joy from H-rrow' Thou rh Hnilnt'-tH rule i tin', mlml, V'". !, 1 t rust wi-'ll mi'-t ntraiu, Willi ln-itrls I'oth warm ainl tni'1, No in. -IV li U tins pari in.; pmii, Or ns'nln aihcu. THE EMERALDS. One wintty itlUrunou in January away Up in I liu tiKuU attic ol a wtttJiuil tuiic-ineiit-liDU-e, a pule, tail tynl woiiinu tat owing. '1' lie i' hi in out upua which stiu w eniiuiil was a very rich Am. 'I Ini twilielit cli9tj iu tapiiily. will) a til'tuiing fall nl suow, a liitur, wailing blutt Hint malo lliu windows rattle in I lie ('aniiieiiU Still tli i:ilc-luccil woiuitu tliicbvil uu, 'Mother,' piped a awett Voice Itoiu the C it teneath lliu windmv, 'will VUU aet the fine ilress done ? Oil, niotlier, I'm fo hun grj 1 II I only luJ snuii; tea aud a bit of tauaHe.' blia woikcil on R'ci1ily for a time, pans ma fluiy to biuch a tear Irom her nhite cliftk, lieu arose unil shook out the glim eting roiie. 'lis ilono at la-l,' t-he paid. 'Now mother's little Kill ran have her nipper; only le pi! ii nt a little lunger, t'lorn. llot, come, my hoy ' A man' y liillu lullo-.v curric out from the rjciln (in tu'roud. The line iltesa is ilinie, Kora. niit! you must run home will) it as 1 1-1 at you can. Miss Oracle will he out ol paHcinc, I know. Tell her I iiuliln't liiui!i it one moment sooner, ami a-k her in nivo you the mo lev. We imi.-t have it to niuht Ami you can doii at Mr. II is V, as you come hack, a'lil huv muio coal; anil we iiiil't h ive .-o'tie liry pl ui'l tea, ami a mile o Iniiter, and ydi imifl yet a snusioe, Ko-s, lor poor little F o a ' '1'il et them all. mother,' he naiil, 'anil he hack in tiiiic. Veil ehall have a hii; HHUS'ine, little he adikil, turning to. wanl the ,:ot. The i;irl noililtil her cut ly lu ail ami her Croat wistlul eyes Fjiuiklett with ile liKlit. Anil you shall have half of it, Uoss,' she pipeil, in her splen.litl bml voice, 'Hailn't you lieltir put on your thick jacket, my ho; f continue.! his mother. The winil cuts like a liinli. I'shaw, lit'lc mother, I rlnn't mini! the wind,' anil away hi) went ilonu the creak ina til aim nn. I out into the Btorm. Mi-s Urncio FoDtcpny was in a pcr'ect lurore ol impatience anil anoer. Her iltar live tiuii'tied frit nits weic as-n mhle I in the hulls beloiv ami her han isonm ilres had not come homo. What did tint War woman meau by di-appointim; ht r ?' At that moment there was a ring at the door and a voice in the ha I. 'I'lease tell Miss (Jiui'ie my mother could not linish it loouer, the wuntii the money tnanilit.' The servant took the Imnd.-orue i!ru-8 and me'sac. I'll never pivo her another stitch u' wo k,' cried the anjjry beauty ; -I ouyht tn have h id it three hours a'O line, l'Vi Chun, d ess me at once Iherir'n not a ami U'e tn loose. No, I can't p iy lo-iiiylit ; I IniVt'u't time. He must call to-morrow.' li .t we've no li e and nothing In eat, and my little siitet is sick,' c tlle l the boy, pus'iieif up the griind rtairway. 'Shut the door, r.inehnul' coninnnded Miss Grade- And the do f was closed iu his fae.e. Krom the tiorch at tha parlor window Paiu e wh l)fd the wde i,e, her violet eyes I stc'icd witii 1 1 1 i 1 . 1 : -1 1 iiurzniint. T'oor lit le i)"y ' slie sai l, as H'-a dis appeared ilonn the i-tnirwav ; 'sifter (Iruc e mioh: to p.ty him. I' mil t be dri atllnl to hive no lire and uvthitio to eal. She s'oo I lor a moment, bihmrinsj her "el' on the tip ol i no ilainty lool ; her rose hud tare L'rave and reflective ; th-n a m l den thought fl mde I her blue eyes wi ll suushine, and nti hint; sonie1 lnno Iroui the table be d rle ! ilown et iirs. Thu ser vant ha I j ist cioseil ihe hturt door, hut she lint nil p,st him like a hunmlu bird and opeuid it. On the steps (at U i-s, bravo little fellow t!ial l.e was, his lice iu hia luml, sob hill)! al it hi heatt wou'd break, Whul's the matter, litile hoy ?' ('ic tioie! I'ari'io. o- looked up hall believing that it wastiirlae of an tin U'4 1 looking doAn upon hi n Ih oiih ihe whirling snow. O'l. I cannot home without the money,' he nibbed ; 'poor m oher woiked liar 1 mi 1 F or i is so k a n! so huiurv.' Ilo'i',' he said, Jo lak- this, little hoy, and bu hei lots nl nice thinm. 'Tn worlli a ( ui'ila1; P'l 'l t'O'tol t u lor inv biilli (lay pni-eiit, Out d.i jou take It and wel come.' Si:e exiended hi r dimpled hind a, and tnmeihiiiir like a uliowet ut alma fell nt the boy's ii-jt. He caught it up iu nin-ijw a nuiklace ol euierulds. luslroii", uleainin tllinus, s t iu t ii w ii v, Indian uM. 'No, uo.'.he ;ried, ruuuiuu up to where -he attind. I caunut taic this ueckUi'tl tuke it buck.' Vou shall take it.' she continued, int pvriwuily.. '1 tiuve loU ol j welry uti I II le thinus run noma now an I buy your sis ter a 'inclhiui: to r at ' Sheelnsid ihedoor with a bun?, and Ko.s loud iiresolutu iu tlie ttoruiy nlonin. rthoiil! hu rin'i ihe bell and I ft u Ml the ji we s lo I'ansie'a lather, or shoul l lie do as sl.u built) him f Uu tiioiiitit nt his inolher anil po.'r little Flora wateliiii wisilully f ir his return. He eoiiM not Ko back and see them starve. .With a luddeii letliiij ol ilesperalioii he thruit the ulitteiiu necklace in hia pocket and lia-hcd down I he street. Thu t!sliifht blaiv I brilliantly Id a lab" iooablo jewelry es'ablishment, and Us bland proprietor looke I down imiuiiinuly on little Hons as be approached tin tit tering couuier. "Wwclil jou like to buy this, sir ?' mmi$m WELDON, There was a tremor in the boy's voice us he asked Ihe tpir stiiiu, and lliu hand that beM the cmetald necklace shook visih y. TI.elapiiary teok the Rcm, examininu them i lo-elv fur a moment, and then sin t a sharp ulnnce at the child. 'See here,' ho said, presently. Lis vo!cd slcrti anil commanding, 'I want to know !smv you came by this 1' The boy's clear ryes fell ; ho blushed and stammered, evidently embarrassed. The jeweUr put aside the eineiaMs, an l taking the la I's arm Id him Into a small ante-mom. 'You arc a thief, sir,' he said. 'That nerkl.ee titling! to Mr. Fontenay be bnu.'ht it of mo not a month aoo. You sto'e it ; you arc a thiet.' Tho lit t tu lellow stra'ghtenrd himself, anl his bruwo eyes Id zed. 'I am uo third,' he iplotted. 'A litlla girl tae it to nie. anil I know it was wionR to Iske it, hut but my uiolhcr anl sister are starv ing.' The jeweler hesitated. 'You don't look like a thief,' ho said; 'hut I will rend for Mr. Fontenay j that will settle ibo matter at once ' He dispatched a nussenjjer accordingly and Ross sat down iu a corner and sohbc I bitterly as he heard I lie driving winds ant! thought of his mother and poor little Flota. Tn half an hour Mr. Fonttnav came bringlne bis little daughter I'aiu.ie with him Tim little creature darted to ward Ilo'fl like a humming-bird, her cheeks abla7,., ber eyes flishiiii; I ke litht nin.. 'He didn't alea' my emeralds !' site cried, I nave 'em tn him to sell 'em, aud buy bread for his little sts'er.' lloss sprani! to his fect, ftruggling hard to ke-p buck h s tears. Ha put out his liltlu t roivn hand, which l'au-ie iustauily cia-n d io her chubby palms. '1 am not a thief, sir,1 he laid at lust, ad Ires.-ino Mr. Fintrnay; "I never stole anytbiti in my life. I know it was wrong to take the necklace but but, sir, tuv liltlu sifter is starling..' . The mtrthaut diew his hauls acroti his eyra. You're a manly lit tie li l'ow, ho sa'd. putting, the lad's lira 1, 'and I do not i the learst blame you. but I will take I'aii siu'r eui'ialis, and she shu'd givu you something mole available. 11 re, I'auaie. give this to your lit'lo Inend.' Hi; put a gnU piece into I'anaie's handn, which she tendered to IT w ith the in junction that lie should inn straight home and buy loin ot goodies lor Ins sis'.ei a co in ill tn ) he was not slow to obey. T think wo shall not hue ii!ht of the little lellow,' continue I Mr. Foiitenav, ns Mono disappeared iu the Mutiny (liikmi-B. 'Shuil we, pit? L t's see what we can do 10 help hiiu. lie's a lirolliitiug young bid and au hom st one, I'm suie. Mr. I.ei ox, you're in me I ol an erni'id boy ; why in t Iry him ? 1 wi-h you would.' The jeweler consented, to l'ansie'a gn at delight, and on thu billowing day was duly installed us an etiand boy iu the 1,1'liioniiblo (Stablishment. Filtein yeaiB alter, one blustering Match moruiiu, a youto; man sat tnlnnd ihe roiinter id a thriving jeiclry es!a!li h ineiit in one nl the Northern cities. Hi was a h u ii 4 -1 in i) man, a traveler, a man id taste, intellect and money, lor he was junior partner in the Bun, which was a prospi'toiis one. Hut itcpite an his go.nl loiluiie. lioss Dunbar was not happy. Hi mother and Ins little Flora had gone to their loiisj homo, and he was utteily alone, without kith or kin hi the wide anil. Silting a'onc ore morning with ti e mar of the Maiib viqds in his ears his tlimi'dits were running ba'k to Ihe days of his boy hood, to bis mother's litimhle home. II iw viid ihe p ist seemed; and bow dear and sacred, despite, ils priiatioiiB and soriows. His eyes grew dim un I his heart sweilel. All were gone over the wido wattra ol lime and change. A tender smile softened hia sad lace is he leeiille I the stoiiny ni'jbt when he sat Kib iing on Ihe pteps ol Mr. FoLlcum's uian'Kiii. And lull.1 I' uisie ; ihe ri liii'tn br iio e of lui sweet face, as l.e saw it lliioiigh the snow wreath, haii'ited him Con-tantly. Iu all thellttien eus never firiiinhourh.il hu lorgol i n lor. lint I'll' was .oiie lost to linn b,i ver. His ii". ur.ie wa- br iketi by ihe entrance ot a f u-tomir, a I idy c'oiely c'oihed and villi d She approached thu counter with a jewel ri se in her hand. Would you buy these 1' she a-kid, simply, i.i a clear sweet voice that slirmd the youno man's heart an uo nth ; woman's voice had powit to do. lie took lliu caket, i.p nel it, an! spiei 1 out ;is couti : I. A w t h, an fie gut t and costly diamoiiii ring, two mines mil an CUHI..M niik'uee lots Dunhnr barely suppnssid li ery ol surprise as los ejea It-1 1 upon it. lie tun. e l it over with e i.'er. tn nibling tl igeis sud there on the c!a-n was the namu Hist bad lived in his heai t lor so inmv yens 'Little I'aiis'e' You w i-h to M II them all?' he asked, stiiving In steady Ins voice and thu wild llirolilrii j "I Ins hent. The lady hesitated an itis'ant and then the put mil her slender hand and drew the emeralds mil hi r, T di-bkti lo put with this,' sho !tid : 'it was my latin r s gilt and -and but ni ma'ti r, tiiku I he in all; I must have the lllolleV .' In her eagerness she bad throxu asile her veil, revealing a blly luce, lit by His trous, snpplnre )cs. l(os Dunbar stood silent a mouiinl, every neivu iu bis luaulv form Ihiilliiig wllb supieaie delight. He had Ion ml hit at last, the idol uf Ll lliu They are verv due gems.' he said, niter a mnuitttit, 'aud I am w iiliug lo give you a lair pnee suuporu we say one thou-und dollars will til it do ?' Tlie girl Hashed a daz.ling glance ol sur prise Ironi beneath h r bra' y "ell. 'So much an that (' shu sitnl, truiuiilously. You are veiy k:n I, sir. Oil, you cannot know how much this money will help me.' The young man in i In a polite reply and proceeded lo put aside liio jewels and draw a check lor thu money. The Ma ch winds were still b ustcung without, and 'ho gill shivered and diew her wrapper closer as she started out. 'Won't you lit nie run down to the bank lor you)' said the jeweler, catchiug up bis hat. 'Youcau play shop lady thu while; it wou'l bo but a iniuutu or two. 'liu I am troubling you so,' 'Not a bit ; just luko this 'narin seal, please ; you'll uot bo likely tu bayo any N. C, THURSDAY, custiul fs. And scaling tier beside the doit, ho took the cluck ami buirhd i u . fautiti Foutenay threw hack ber vsiil aud leaned htr head upon ber hands, a pliz.'ed, rtticctivo look upon her aweil snd lace, ' A'hcn have I seen this lace ?' die asked hcrscll over and over again. 'It is so la miliar ; who iu the woil I can it be Ilia return bioke in open her meditation, and alter lecetving her moiey sho Lurried away to bet humble lodgings. The lollowiug olteinoon was even more blu.terlng anil Manny; I ha wind ri ateJ aud the sluet tinkled ngaiu-t the wimlows ol the little room in which. I'aiiair and her lather sat. Several rri-ioituuis sud re versn I a 1 rediii ril them to poverty, and the aid man biiug an invalid, ali thu cm tell upon I'ansies shoulders. .-lie rat down with her tather reading aloud Itnlu a new book w hii.h shu hu I bought fur linn wit li lome ol I he ilouc" ln-ilviil lot lur jewels, ller sweet lace was wan au l -a I, and ber liituiu stie'chc l bcinru her sad hopeh ss and gloom y. Ti cie is a ling at the door, ami a ser vant brought up a pn-k-ige lor Miss Fun ten'iy. An t Xij iisitf hunch id paiirle-, In ,Miut noil golden hearlid, done up in li-sue paper, ami at ached to ibeni a caul, biaiing tlie simple words 'Uuss IJimbar his not forgotten little I'ansic ' IVin-ie sat uiun oil lor a inomi nt, and then a nib bloom darted into her white chei k.. 'Oil, father.' she said, 'I knew ti i lit I kne.v him 1 Oil, wo have I uu n if l!o,-i at last.' An in-tant later Hops its in th.1 roem. cla-ping hei fluttering 'hands in his, and into hei blue i Tes looked Willi a gl iliie that brought lh" tov blonin to her face. A 'id a It iv wtiks later, w In n Hie blu-ier ing winds were over, mid the gold, u hear c I paiHita ij'oonin I on th'i git l-n boidios, utile I'ati'ic became Hn-s Dun bar's bilde, and lor her bridal gilt he g .ve her back her Mi ing ol mm raids. - - - - l'lio Id nlu'iiiuii at ( Inirrli, W II AT II li I IliHOIIT OK 1 II li 111- NOMINA! ION', (In lle to id once mure, w ith I.idntmn laiui.: away in Ihe distance, ihe lilt iMissi ngi r di ii'iiniing idly on the window pane, the cross iioseng"r suU'id a-'ei p. mid i he tall, thin passrrger reading "llm, li. ant's Tt ur Aio.in I ine World," no I a o io b tii o why ' ti ' ee n 's Augii-t Flowei 1 -hould be p'luled u'linc door, ol "A linl ll.it' T. tnp'e at Hei ate-.." To tlie conies I he biakeiuan. and seating biins"'.f on the arm ol the se it, 'ays : "l w nt to ehuicli i-'eidav.'' "Yes ?" 1 sud, h nil til it iinere.-ting in llection ill it inks tor more. ' And wha' ehuicli til l ul uttenit ! ' "Which do you gin-s i" he udicd. "tiome Uidoil. Mis-iou Ciiuicli,"' I llli.irded, "Nn," he said. ,'I don't like to run on ihe b'lincli mads veiy ni'iih. 1 don't often go to church, and when 1 do I w .et to run on li e main line, wheie your inn :s tegular and yell go nil seh' dule tune and don't have to wait O-i coimte'iotts. I don' like to run on a bisui'li. t! ii i iiough. but I don't like it." "Kii-Copal '(" I gili vsM'd. "I.i inttt tl e.xpn s-," hi. said, nil na'aec cat- and i- exlri lor a scat, last time and only stop at big stat Ions, Nice line,- but Inn exhaustive .'or a brakeiino. All ti ll! men in li n 1 1 1 'Mil. coii.lucl'U'a punch ami huilein silvi r-p'att tl. and no train boy allowed. Then the pu--cn :t is ale ill " ii i d to talk hack ut Ihe cuu lui'.tor, and it iiiakei them loo Ine and easy. N i, 1 cn.'t slatid Ihe paliiio cms. liiell load, though Diiii'tolti ii heur of a lee. ivir I'tiiig uppoiiitul lor 111 it line Some mijhty n ce p' op e travel on it, loo." L'uivcisaliht I' 1 su.".ilc I. 'liroad guaoe,' said Ihe hieik'iian, 'does loo much complimentary business. F. eri body tiavel- uu a pas', t'on l'ietor doesn't gel a laic mice in li ty miles S o; .it Hil' sta'ions, and won't run into anything but a union depot. No smok ing car i n the trtin. Train inslcrs are rath r vugm", ntui the Iraio men get ulung wed w lib the p is-ciigers." 'I'.c by't t h i V I It I 'N'imow tl. eh i' S'lld the brake man ; "pretty track, itr ,;l,t as a nile; t ioiiel.right throiigh a in 'indnin rutin r than (.o around it, spinlhvel guide, pa-setij;i rs have lo show their Helots bcioic Ihey eit on Ihe t'tnn. Mighly stunt load, but tho cars an' a little n itron ; have to sit iu inn' ed, ar-d no mum in (he ai.l.' tn dance. Then there is no Mop. over tick ts allnwid ; cot to git siiiiiuld llinniidi Id the u I inn you ate t eketi d lor. or yo'i c in'i get on at a'l. A he'i III cat's lull no i i;i'a e-'iches; cai built id Ihe shops lo hold ju-t mi maev, and nitboily else allowed on, H 1 1 yn don't i It' ll he ir id an accident eu that ma I. It's run light un to i lie inlis " '.Maybe you joined the Fiee Tlinkeis?' I sunt. 'ri. rub mad,' s lid tlie lir-.kni'.ati ; Mill o id bid mid no balLst ; t o inn - card Htnl train (ii-pstrhi s. Ail I ruins run will, and i Vi I . eiigun er makes h;s ihmi lime, 'pi-t us In p'cascs. la-nnke il vou want to; kind ol a go as-yon pboi-e mad Too many sole tracks, ami i veiy sivnch wide npeii nil Ihe 1 1 ii it-, wi;b the swinhiiiiu snundiislcp olid Ihe talgi t lump dial ir.t. II '' "n as you plia.-o ui.d i;et oil w hen yo w ant to. Don't have to show your tn k' Is, and the cooduelor isn't ex pected to do noMliing but iiiiiU-e the pins' n::ets. No, sir. I w s nlleretl a p iss, but I 'i like lliu line. I don't like to travel or a real that lias no Iciiiiinm Now vou see, sir, I'm a railroad man, and I don't care to ion nil u lo t I that has no i me, makes no connti Itoiis, nn a nowhere and ha. no siiii riutt udeiit, Ilunybe all tight, but I've laiiioiidcil too iiing, tn unilerstsnd it.' 'Maybe you went to thu Congregational church ?' I said. 'l'lipuiur road.' saitl the hrakuiian 'en old road. I ,io i ne of tho veiy oldest in litis country. Omul mad-bnl and couilort able cars well managed mad, too; direc tors don't inti rlnre with division supciiio. tendinis and tiain or lets. Hoatl's mighty popular, but it's pretty independent, loo. l!ut it's a ninthly pleasant road to t ri vol (mi. AUavs has such a plca-ant clasi ol pasrugers.' T)iil yo'u Iry tho Mothndist V I said. 'Now yoii'r shouting,' he said with some riithus'iasm. 'Nice mad, tdi ? Fist time and plenty of pn-scngi rs, E igities Carry a power of steam ; and don't yu forget it ; steam gauge shown u liuuUied MARCH 11, 1880. and enough all thu lime. Lively roitil, when the conductor shimls 'all aboar .' Vou can bear him to the next slstloi, Fvcry train light shines like a headlight. Stop over checks are givm on all through tickets ; passengers can drop i -ft' the rnn lis ol'eu as they like, do the station two or three rtaja and hop on Ihe next M'-iv 1 tra '1 that cms thuudeiiug along, tloou, whole-souled ' o 'ii pa ii io ti ati I c co'i:laclor : uii.'i a mad in tho country where I e pa-scngcrs 'eel mi ro at homo. No passe- j every pa-seneer pays (nil Ira flic rates lor his ticket, WeslcyuHliouse air biake on all trains, too ; pretty sale road, but 1 didn't ri'le over it yesterday.' T'erh ips you tried thu Uiptist !' I gticssi il nnne more. 'Ah, ha.' sa d tint biakcman, 'she's a daisy, isn't she? River road; bfanli'ul curvts ; sweep around anything to keip Close to the nver, but il' ali steal rail ai il lock ballad, s ngle hack all the way, and not a si 'c I nn k Ir-nn tho round Imii-o 0 the terminus. Takes it heap of w t r to run it thmiigh, doublu tanks at evety station, and lliere isn't an epgiuu in tie shops H! c,n null a pound or uiu a mile with less than two gaiiuc flut il runs tlnoiigh a lovely country ; Ihose liver-bods always do ; nvt-r on ono sole in d hills uu the o'ln r, and it's a slea y climb up gia call the wav till the iuii mils w here (lie liiuutaili Ilea 1 ol the river begins. Yes, an, I'll lake the river mud evei y time lor a lovely trip, gate connections and good time, and no plane dust blow ing 111 at the windows. And yesterday, when till" r.Midiictnr ratlin around lor the tickets with a little basket punch, 1 didn't a-k him to pass me. till I pud my tare hk a liltlu niaii 20 cents lor an hour's run ainl a lil'lo concert by lite p ixc ngum ihiosvcd in. I till you, ii!gii-ii, you take the river roi l when you want---' lint jii-t bete the long whi-lle Irom the engine aim 'ii.ii t d a stat'on, and the biakeui'iu Iritned to the don, shouting: '7. 'ii-vi I :t I The tiain makes no stops In two u heie aud ludi iiiapolis !' liur liiig'nti llawkcic. Itoamnci' anil ICrnlilj'. Snt.'shiuo and sirnmer, youiii a id h pe. w i tl 1 1 tin iiuN ! Ilo.v deep and iintioiintlcil lliu lull) ol tli v VidaMi'S. w In Ihcl le lulu g ciittiieoed nVtl g iiMi-i ha I nude revel in; in swt 1 1 i ur--' ! -huts out bi-V-'li i ! I in y a ill imiu and -i is ni ,b:c v the mvstii: pagi; ' III il gnlilit'i with i;s glow," or i iy-ilreiuns.wdiose ;am an' ti e cold mi l stern rmlitv all too soon, Ihose gruve in. n hell Cominoii si use will liug'i io scorn Ibo ei't lolly i I the p.-; and th oigl t. all I anxie' v. aud labor take I lie pia 'e ol happy, c trelcss idleness Iiul 'lis pit a-.nl, ' in the bushed mind's niysteiioiH lar away," to ictuin In those glidtlivs ol youth, whose midiciying tn in..'-1 line e in licit her w i'. her nor tlc-i my. Ili.vl pity the town-bred elnMitn, whoso young lives ate passed inn id Ihe whirl an 1 dltl ol s line huge luauubictuiiiig pi ice, to whom a lotcst-licc is almost un known ami a liiinllul of wild bowers a rare!i:h ! tor il is our early surroundings tha' ci'iiliibutc so much to the roiuiueo ol 5 u'li I would descriloa gir'en, whose fl.iw its weic in-ire t'eitititul an I iragrnit Ihiu any evi r alter kmnni. "I'M iinrs by li'n i ; :ut ; r's -Hi nu" e.iiiitl imt siirpi-s those lo-. -. There sn m i,i be evii vth iig In that sweet wildt rue-s -a s'uubbi iy nl liiacs and sy;i i is, tli tiiue Voile's Ini.i ig un th ru' m(Ii a r-ii kt-ry ol marvctoii- tica-uns lioin cutii'.- yiehllii'.! mines, iivetgrn A'li by iioi-ei an I licli mi li n piss by, ft r Scien tis', . u ii i dtt ' o - igi.uto our miiiftalogi.al sin ei tiieiis nii-it' i uniiis-'i. Tot io w as, to. i, a little Ir me summer him e, w hose archlHci me was ol a mixed onltT, Willi limbic intlows and a pa 'o la -style ol ro it, but the bees were not critical ami they loved thea,veet hninyso kie I lint twine I and clung there; while within, legends weic nd ,ie I p.n lry leciti d.diaiina acini i s, aiitl sometimes w nlten ulso. " ' I' .Via Ml t!lt' I illl.' of C"Ses V f tui'll 'tl t ,i'-oi as we '.i.-se.l.', lit-yonil our lilt e nlot Ol land were gnat woods, silent. SVti for the songs nl birds, and "the echo id the axe 'mid I. nest swifg.'' And purple bids stretched bn a v iv. until they .-iciued lo nieigo into the C.oll l-lalld alioVO. lint a lnile shady diii 'le Hunt bo rc I'ordt I. It was o'l the way to uoivhcre. 1 1 seldom Vl-itt d, ami s'nin.what Uiear anil loin y; and Ihi le stood a well, hau'ited, sud the cnunty-lolks, by lairy lontstcps ; but tin. iuii watched ainl waited lor many a moonlight night, the elves, billed to ap pear "l'' tr falrl.'" have nrolietiie watels, All. I Wl-tl.'l.-r ll.-l.a lo-! its power." A grand event .Itstuibcl the scene mo notony ol In me romance A voyage to an n'lirr cotnitiy, who!) siimv-c apped moun tain?, viiic-i i-id valleys, aud deep, blue lake', fin ti r . II. d ihe 1 ivcia of thu wrinl an I woiidttliil, while tiie old, bull-ruined uistle- p. ss"--e I a magic a spell unknown bi toie. Mi in n v I ngers with thoso past scenes w b 1 1 h . s ' x b it ii y.ius, in ti ilo eatlli appiai i;iy-nnn; loit I wo nioie decades Willi the uoil.l's co'.lui:! have won and tailed their benu'y. Some ol youth's lliu-iills ale latter' d lo I lie wind-; nihil a, buiitd in the gmve id a sa lib r liereavenieiii; w hile a lew lliu best and purest lira walled awy I it '-n mi,, r-Uiitl. Tne labor ol ban I an 1 toil ol b'ain by whic'i io aiii Ihit 'drots id eatth' the aeramble f r it lo.-t-hold amid thu world's crowd tlia-o ale FjIc's d Cm; and 'lis thou alone, oh stum rea'ny, whom thy slave bent clorih must scivel Tho very latest stmy of tt'i-eut inlnded u i ss I as hu its hern a Massachuaetls cli r gym iu. who one day drove un to a black 8 null ihop an I a-ke l how long it would l..ko to shou ids h use, ' An hour," said thu smith ''Very well, I II leavo bin) ttud call lor him ;" and unhitched tho animal ami leading him into the shop, thu patsi u climbed b o k lulo bis carnage, picked up tho reins winch had been lelt resting en thu dash board, and there sat until bin hoisc was shod and ho was aroused Irom his tnoivu study by a shout bum tho black' smith, The my.leries nl a biby'l toilet wuro al together new to a liilto lour-year-obl, aud lui c trelully w utcheil the badiing aud dress ing of his little I'onslu When the liltlu powder box was open aud tha Huffy btush was about to bo Used, underneath the baby's chin, hu exclaimed-; Ob, ttuuty, hi uiu ice you suit her. NO. 2. .Tleiiiory'M Tr"aNurt'. "Sweet are Ihe r-.-y lu-'lllorii-a of (he llt'S '!".'.. I Iirs! ki.-M'.l ioii-s, tnilioin.il lliey Ivisa no more ; Swe.-t is Ihe MM of siinsi-t Nailllit; slili's. Alliiomrh they leave us on the l..neli shore." um i; Mnu. i. II II. Many and valines are the tie isiirn w blch the iie nt ol man holds dear, an t n.oit precious than all are those ol m moiy. I'eihaps iu Ihe silicco id mir moms, looking over old Icfers tied wllh a laded libii.'ll. or lUiinug the b aVi s ol ill ttlhtlui. or ruiiiinagiiig lliroiioli tlie drawers id sou.e dusty cabinet, the rest'ess heart will suddenly look luck, f.iretljl ol tin: pres ent, to the lur-ntl past - in the winds ol an unknown wriur 'with a iru.v, or with saddi lied joy : "To unine foliil sinil.. Iii l.ejnity iilowtinr, llulilit thai aliu'i-have I hi uetl lo eliiy ; 'I'o -..nn- sa.l l.-ar tu -t.rrow tl.'wiiur. Kroiu eyes w hose IkM Uas pa -S---I away." He who has sinned, will retiicuiber thf ill in cell I hours of eh ildhonil, when lie km It to lisp his tir-t prao ts hc-idca lib motheis knee, Hu whim wca'tli ha smiled upon and lion or luvme I, will won tier 1 1 he weie in. I hu ppu r ns a In tie r.igg. inch. n in his ii .live v.l.ai; he wh '-e haii is nlvi red, w ill think ol (lie iHi.nun r ve A In li li: -t In) told his love, and kisse : sweet, blushing lips iu sunny bojhood. Ah, yes! soiuotiun a at least, in spile ol "the wcauness, the It ver, and the liet" ol lilu, wc wid look luick to "Where o'er loll aiitl .alley flays The sunllKhl of our eai ly tin;, s. ' We recall Ihe. Icatuies ol a tic ir Mend, gone 1 1 in us birevei; tho kiss or snub: ol one wo loved; (In; hall-lorgotten joy the tun well remembered sorrow. Ami we may well icpr-it (he pslsiunato wnrls ol 1 liny son : "Hear in re:i,.'inii.'!-.'il lil's-."s afl"r .leatli. An. I sweet as tho-..- I.y li..pi-li-,-s fancy ft'n.-urit l III ll S I lull ace I.ii- tti l,..s;ih'eli II-. love. 1 . .ih i! ral ..ve, an I il l with all r.-itcl. ii'i, peaih in Life, llm thijs dial are uo more!" N iw, let us look to (he lutuie; and w hen that lutiiro becomes tho past, (hen other heaps id uieiinnj'b treaMlles Will be locked up ni mir hearts. At pres. nt, wha'ever cares or tiiula lal, 'o our lot we may thank (loil that '11...,.. will I .ri -lit --Il .lays lo t ie, An. I lie-in' r) K'l'l Hi'' I'lisl.'' Aii liilifor'M Jft-niii. He led aalei p alter a tune, and lo ! hi dr.-ati cd agaii , And it leemcd to linn in a vision that, having aimed himsrlf with ceitaiii pupeis u li i i books, ho turned hi. stt.ps oiit'ii inoro lowiiitls Ihe place and knocked at the ga'e. llillo, is tin.:. you again ? sai I 8t. l'et- r. Wind tin you wish I.n t'ml lei.Si iia nrai i c:'no fin ll re plied tile eiluor, and 1'iter this tl ... m lllide them all pass lluougi, tia, utu and Bt.iinl oulslde. I hey ciuui as before, nuil uttcrel the same cries. Why didn't, you notice that big egg I gave you ? yelled the liist. I w as lot Irn. reph u.l (he edit r. Why didn't you write up my boil a feuu tain i crie I the duiggnt. You Innl your tickets piintid id the other nllice, itihuly replied the local nil!), Why did you write i buit ni l lonlii" sou's hi (is and never speak id my in w gal, 1 sltoute I Ihe thud. li'il Toinlinsoii pant tor his uilvettisiug aid you d. Jul lure s the b II, sail the etlUor. Why did you spell my name wrong iu Ihe programme? gioaiinl the local tah ill. Tike a look at this tn in-n-ri pt of yours ami sio loi yein-i II, said the editor, with a gi nn smiie, The reM of tin' company yrllcd their com l.ainls ill unison, ainl- tho editor calmly soiled out a uirics ol bills for unpin I subscriptions, ami prist nidi each with one. And it was so that when tliev Dad iu lived them, tin v all lore their hair and rushed violently d uvu a steep 1 tic into the sea ; anil St. lVler, taking the hand, lui him w ithin the gate, s .jing : t'oinc, Iritn I ; ihiie cIiuds inaiiagi 1 to slip llir.-iuii here iu spite ol us, but, hank! lo (ho pie.-s, wc know what sod id It Hows they are. Cniiu in and May ; wc need a lew such men as you In here. Tho Yoiiiih l.uil.v :r:iitniife. Wh il (l.e Yaledi.'t ry Slid -Kind teach ers, ever shall wo look baik to (In! happy il-f. a win n, under your patient and loving pilotngc.we climbed the lull ol kunwlcdgi; i v. r 'ia!l we hold the r Collection of your sell loiill-ii.g dev 'ti. n among our holi.st ri iii -iii In itni'in. And eli-smati's, tlinugh the links are at last hiokui Unit have so long tn.i'id is in ttnir tinder chain, yet arc wc still icruii'tc l in ni 'mnry's forge to ri-weld the sc I'lereil Ir igini uta, and live once again ill fancy the hippy cxi-l nco th it bus bei u nurs, and which wc prize mote Ibaiitvi.r imw that it can be lived in reality no moto What thu Valelii'toiian Thought Tnai.k the Lord. 1 shall somi sie tho la-t 1. 1 old Smith! Ihi never was fit lor a teach: r any wav, the erosa t II beat! Ami then he shims mini dilv so! 1 never cnul '. e what he tin, Is in Sal Slelilnuis li a' iraclivi". Nn matter what aim dtii, he's good as pin lo lier. 1 guess I'd have t ' lake It II 1 should rung In school with lessons no belter than Iiik. And Miss Joins! 'Htn ! tho old maid! She' just ha'ebi!! And M is Blow n. too! What a low d y she i! No under noboil 'II have bur. Thi.nk l.iuVHi! I'm Iret' " ibsiu all now! I don't believu I'd sneak to una ill III. in :l I should meel them nn thu street, tie I 'a seo I lii'l-t cut that lYrtw inkle gill right away. I iliih't Want to be dogged round by her uuy longer, and what's mole I won't. I shall have to kei ,) on good terms with Sieve Stowcis' si-tif, tliougb I do ha'c her so; lor Stive's got a jolly team ami hu always dresses nobby, aud all the gii'if envy uiu ant bttvo when wc go riding along, Aud I'm going to gi.'e Sal Sibl ings a bit ol uiy iiui,d,aiid then good byu to her, the uiiuxl Well, I'm glad its all ovei; I never waut to think td school a:in ot ice a ic niol-book. What a life I have led, to be surtl Hut I shall go into loc ety now, thuik loitjue, while I bu loni;! Somebody is always making tmu'do for until k in J . Now an epicure says that oys ters are not lit to be ealen uutil they aro at least three years nil, and wo suppose we'll have to look Into every oyster's mouth be fore wo swallow him, to see il be baa ar rived a', tho proper talable ago. Whom tho guds would destroy Ihey first fill lull of coutidenct) thai it it uot loaded. THE ROANOKE MEWS A DVKRTISINd RATEH; ' WA,,i i j i a'l j i j Duo Stiiaro, 3 00 H 00 11 fin 20 0(1 Two .s.iiari'M, 5 nil 10 (SI "o 0.1 .'to to Thren Ni'lures, S I'll I.i (III 3.1 (ill 40 (,( l-'our Sijuari's, loc.lilS P3 do 4f DO Fourlli 1' I'll, 1 ." 1 :t f lit s no 411 w) fo 00 Half Column, "ll (M 1 a.l 00 CO 00 r)S 00 Vt bole I'.tlniiin, (loo Year, 75 Oil Haiti. .1 tm IISMillll.MCTHMMMPMWa TtLliU lT V SOAS SIIUCKOH MAC11IXK WORXti RICHMOND VA. Miliiufiielur.'R ol l'ni'tiiblo and Statiooary K tginos innl linilers. Saw Milbt, Corn and Wheal Mills, Sbalimg, ILinrori and l'lil leys, Tuibiiio Water WIumiIm, Tobaeco M t bint 1 y, t'i ougii t I roil Work, brass aud Iron t'lihtlns, Mitt hlnery of Kvery l)oa I'l iplloll. 1 1 INNINU AM) TlIKbiill I Nil M.U irtNa A St'i:cl A LTV, itt'intiriiig I'roniiilly A Curclully Illlllf. TAI.HOT I' S I'.U'KNT SPA UK-A ItKUsTlill, 'l ite Iuvciilloii ol tho Age, Il il ma not ib'-slrov tho draft. It doa not niterloro will) eloaning Ibo tubes. It will uol i ll . ko up, ami reijuirea uo clean ing. It reiilir"s 110 ilireet danipora to ba opened wbon raising stiiain (dam pes bt mg oi'ji'i'tiiiiinbln, as they may be loll open and allow sr arks lo o.seapo. ) Il reiiilri'a no waler to extinguish, sparks, wuieii, by coiidoiiMilinri, i!i!airoy llm Jralt. linaidos, vv lion w aler la used, if nogleeied, tho el'lt'ioni'V is desirnyril by iivaponiiioo oftha wninr, and thu builor la kept In a liliby I'onditior. Il is hinipln and durable and can bn re lied upon. Il cuu bo iittitehed to any bniler. No plantm' .-.lioult) bti vvithniit nne ol'tl.i'ui. insiirant'o ivnuioiniea w ill in-iin ulna and liarni wbcro the 'lalbott, Knginea anil Sp.irk-Arro-liira ai 1 uxml nl aaiuo rate aa tO.urLo'l for wilier ur hoiMi power. pif-Sioid lor iliii-tritlod oirouliirs and prico li-'. liiaiii-li I: iiso. ii. blsboro, N. C. .1. A. I! i;,-'i;it. ' i noral Mauagor. T. A. ( i It A.N'vi Li!, Local Manaijcr. may f 'I'll V r rr:- I AS W M-iU i ie -Tu- a t - 11- - 1 '1 mi -.Lil - SI IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IHlitr rwammrnrtM to (lie iMtttik- fur nil illtv .im s Mtiiir1HK n evnma lllKl t ill. ,clll 4t14 f vi 1 1 1 y lit imtiftem thtn, iti vpmlmt tittfitnttlvnt rtf'M, Mini ttfAp lvtite. Loon tf frHftth, i.ttrk a I lU't tif. itc It 11 I t r Ii i M t Ii w bl ox1( Hln n:;lln it ihif luun. I'll s, fl Hit K'tWI I1WVV II fw I tin- I IViM. iu lit a in I, In.'!.'. mM t'lnl ''n n ti'ijiiit iiii ri't UM-r ntluli, tl)I' YuUiuhltj) ti'.-niiy ci.u um Ih' Itsa Itirhlv it'tiiiimu'iiiUvl. It tit-tn titi i r(!i-tr u 1 in' (I K"tivt. mikhiih. t-'iini-tvinfiii i.-i..r iii.'.tN Mil n'lmu Ji .1 ( oyn 'loins. TiTY IT. A Sure, Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A L. Ri.rte Stii (i:.iurr. IRON OITTERS, A .tiai.i: t.,1,0. IRON' BITTERS, fffl ! ! ai a His 1 1, IRON BITTERS, 1'nr Ilrlirit, r I i-lli-l tit In I v Sol.i by a'l PnctTirt!, v. n. vioiv ( IK It lit.' I'. Itl'CiilIEK MADC TO ORDER OJl iirrAiacu at low rimm AI I kinds of wood tvoiknod trlmmlnn iloiiK io K""d itylo. libteksriiiih work dona at short notice mi l with ne.itimai. At new work warranto,!. I'nin palntttitr for buuioMlono ai low prices, best p.tint imed. Sl'Ht l 1 Ii A'l l'I iMUD ;a EMTO TIIK UN'DKIiTAt'INQ DEfAUTMEKT. t'ofdna an J Cases of all sites coiistiititry on band. Cirri 1 :n M 'rr!:li k"pt onhand ntpriis , below i'ntoraUui j uiaik-i. Widdon N. 0. J 11 on tt ly T. F U K D 1 Taki'N ploaiiirn in aiinniinoln:; (bit bfl cau null bo luu ml at hia alaud 011 FIKHT STREET, 1 atqj;iMKs4Kag Ml Slf- -J f Whoro bo baa on band a full 11ns ot tb t'iuost WIN'KM, WlilSKIKS, and UK AN I'l I':-!, Tti It A CCO, CIOAIiS, nml SNUFF, OHAXt.'SS. AIPLF.S, and t'OMFKCTlOMiKIES Ills) Mtook of Cniiiiod Uooda and Urocei Ion la iiuuaiially Fall and Complete Ol.n CllllNKT WUISKKV A Pl'KCUllrT. PKKSH I.AOKK HKKR OM DUAOHHr, ' llo Biiurautoes autlafuction. Call and 80U lliul. 1 , Nov2i iv ' j