THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS - ADVKKTISIXO RATES. V ! !A 'DEMOCRATIC ' . V I J I . ,'''.! WEEKLY NEWSPAPER : '"'" ptTBLTSUKD BY ' ' ' SPACK a ta K m LOKU W. W. HALL 1 J 1 31 $2 on 1 00 75 cts PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 030. W. H 4. R TM A 3f, Anro DtntUt. Offle over W. U. Brown' Jlry Good Store, WttUlON.N.C Will visit partita at tlioir liooirs when d-slred. T"rni Kcas.inani. grw.ii AT TO)l EY AT LAW, .; 4 " 3 ' ' ..a HALIFAX, N. C. ft lit fiVivmrt Moo- mrlvt.rliiMon "riven to all lraiiclift-l lli i Jan HI ly E T. B II A "1 C II, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , ENFIF.LD, N, 0. ,-' Practices la th" counties of Halifax, Nash Rdifrcombp and Wilson. Collection nm I.' In nl Turjjorf the Hutu. Jan 12 tf .ff, UAL.L, ' i ,;'AtrrMEVATUW, yVELDOtf, N.C. .1 Infr.lal attention i?lo tu collection n.l riiltfnce i.nwtiptly ma.i. 1 nay ltf. IMIM M. HULL. . A01M A. IIO0KX. JJO-LLIM (SeORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , ' - I . HALIFAX N.C. r 1 " . -. . ' 1 1 Practlcn tn-tli-! r AaiirtvsnnfaflfaV, (Jortliami ton.ueco'iibi., Pitt vi'l Mart In In 1le Nu alTf;, enarf) M In Sti and'tn tlir FMer1 Courts of til Kastern District.. Collections made lrfirirtof tlioMt&tc. I an 1 ly B. 0' HA It A, ATTORNEY AT L.1W. , Ona Tbv, Id fc()vanCB, 8i Months, ' " ' ' Threa Month, " " -! " ENFIELD, N. C. Ti-actrleesn thr ronrts of Halifax and arthiin- Ini counties, and in the. Supreme and Federal court. Col celions maiH la y parM.f 10 ? Htat. Will att.Mi.t at (ho court k.!ise in Halifax, on Monday and Friday of each week. Jan lilt 6 OBftftT 0. BUR TO X Jit. ATTORNEY AT LIW. "flALIFAXNC Fraatlrea In th courts nf Halifax, and adjoin In counties. In Ihe Suit inn court of t li j Hute. and In the Fodenl curia. Will (jive pelal at teal ion to tV) collection of claim. uiltoailJnt4iur the aromnils vt ex eator, atjutnlatratur and guardians. a. . are. im f l a L'l I M A S, . ATT0KY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. ' " Prartlcn In thr-cnurta of Halifax and a.lloln lair eounti, and In th. Sii.rcni. and Vilirat onrU. Claims olli'ci.'.l III all t.artH of North .Carolina, orfici In tin' Court . Iloiin. Julj tif 1 rpiiONIAS X. U1LL, , : r .Attorney t Lw, HALIFAX, N. r. i 1ractlca In Halifax and adlolnln romitlca ! and Pcdiral and Ar.rf in- coin a. Will hi at Scjfaul Neck, ua every fnrt aJual. autfUHtf. ;J0S- B. BArCUKLOR. ATTUSKY AT L4W, RALKK3U, V. C. Traelleea In thi f.mrti of the tlth Judicial Diatrict and In tlni Kaicral and Supreme Courts, at ay II U. M A O M ATtHf:T AT LW, ... I' v' TraetlcM In th cuirti of Nortlianpton and rlolnln cuiint lea, also In tilt) Federal and Sn yraina cour(M. June tf. m w. tit. . r. ioi.LiciryF.H. A I k lOLLICdFFBH. m ATTORKEYN AT LW, ,,' wetnox, C. , ' ' Pfaetlra In tticronrta of llallfat and adlnlntnir o,rtle.aad lnthSiiMnni and Federal eourlM. ,lllaim rjullei lo.l In any pari ..I I'ari.llnn. Una ul the ilriu will U a'4 l' (oun l In I ho orBc. i'lKi' S 1 n R. 1. I.. hlXTIIR, HIROEIN DKirllT Cn b found at his ollle in Krifiel!. Tr !itriiuaOt:(1fl (J for thn Pain- oi HxtrnctlBft f Teeth always on1 Imnd Juua aa tl, A KOKB V7 J. BURTON, 1 I ATraUVKT AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practlcea In the e mrta of Halifax. Warr-n and adjolnlnif eounilea and In I lie supremo ami re.i ral courla. I'luluii collected III any .a-t . orth Carolina. June Kif .. . i , . It H. SMITH, JK, ATTOUXKY AT LAW, BOOTLaND HKCK. II.VMFA CuUNTT N. Vractjceu In the county of ftallfax and adlolu. ini rnuutlf. nd lu I lie fupieiun court if tlm iBUlte. Illy. VOL. IX. , One Lift". Oar life to lire and Mi' how fair Ttie puire, If ynu will write with enre, (Hie lite t.. live-live Unit sn wnH That nn. I pence will Willi tlico dwell. Blot n.t thy mniihond with regret, Tl.nt ..iitlitul pleasure oft li.'uvts, And l.'nves ihc of Irue U-aulv Hlinrn, JiKt hnvinir p:iasc.J life's dewy niuru. Vol. I of all nchleiii'ss, and why ? Wl ni.M'ii present.! a el. ii. Hess ky, And nnttire t.ivisli-'s Iots. urn. Till uvari. fuouUI nsk no more? .The worMai a raji.l eafket st:inds, Willi Ji-av.J.stiiic.iyd.m'powiihaiida' -Inipt.iriiiK ev.-ryr.iil lo slMre The ru-li.-s he lms ffnilicr.-d ilicre. do. fin- ler for thvieif pure (r.. I: 'tisns. for nee, Hiyi If f.. mcdj, . ' I'fe t.i live ..h' linke il r Ur wrlt'l. ("every line willirari. "A L I C E MAY-"" " Ncrersaw o niiiij t'i In in? tile bo- fofvt'oMii'iTcil Iluiry K'nur, itmin a. ruuml at llic jthtlvcp, 'Piil i,ot know it juailiU lu uiuku 'em into to iiiunj dill- viciit liniu.' Anil, in until, llic rxcliimtUiou wus tint alttiftt'thet tinciillfii lor, tl i.nt r.impiinti vnst'S ul icil cliy hto.'J In tow mi Ibr 11 mt Iiiuh thouUicfi'J Etiutan Vse, with nlvmltr necks un.l pictiiiciiii twittcil han. dlt-s, were nrraj. d ou aliclvci Btieri: Urtn k OUlliDCl vusis ciowiicil the wiudowa, mid (lrxdon-lliBpt'd si9 clbontd ntiu another in tbi uonk aiiil coiner. And oil r Into, Inokioij Ci..''iusL'iJly arouud. with'lus han. in in Ins piickuU liean aliuu.t to fuel as il hu wue clitiugioK itito potti ry liimscll. Is It for a isri ( BHid thu biik little shniiinan. 'Il is fof my aioter,' said Unify E!mer. A. palr'ol vases Inr boudoir ' A Li!' said tlic alioptuitn, divino inlo a wilderness ol ic I cjay uiouUlri, 'heie in the very thine - iiinMnvl..-d un.l laU. Kijual. ly uuitntile lor a biackct, a Inltlc, or a dHjin! miwitel.' - - ' ' " II try Elinor atarpd ' liefplcsslj at tlio I ant jiioturtia tin , Cbem,' e; id lir. Buds, flowi'ii, licct't's, or aoi.'irllni).;!1 The idiiipaian shook Ins hek.i tit this. 'We only keep plain wait.' faid lie 'lilt 1 c n give you thn address o a young person uto jviints tliciu to order.' Aud he Ji'iu.'eJ card across tlio coun ter. 'All light,' said Hvry Elmer. 'Give mo the runes. ' And iti lfs9 th in tire minntes he was in Bcair.b ut iliu pl ice dcs.nntcd ou his caul, 'Oh, yes,' the baker's wile ou I lie lir.t floor a-si iite.l, clieetilv; 'llic j'Hn; woman who punted vasri did live t here. the reo ed the third story back room, nn 1 woikcd very b ird, pour tltinjr. If !he cen tlcuian would walk up Mails, and knock t the door on the left, at the top ot the sicoud flifjht ol stairs, it would be all rij-ht.' Aud Il ir.j Klmer utumblcd up tlio dark stairway. ''C.iiuy ii.V And wito a line stumble, our hero found himsill in a li 1 1 lu rodiii where, the sunshine siremicd Ihioaj-h iv and wax-plants, ami a table in th? niidd.e wus heaovd with hall-dtcoratcd chum, tubes of Color, sheaves nf brashes, and porltolio.i ol eketchis. Ol course it w is Lie ui'iiJiit little utelicr ol an uopre'cnduiK ai list one cou'd have pro nnuice.l tint at a uln. o. And, wntkin j awuv at a sketrli ol a fcsrle .whilom! bird, as il tier Very lile depended on it, sal n slender jounii n'lrl, with a t-c-i. f laliing away frurn her shoulders, aud a vol til flaked liMir dioiipm over her Inc.e. She laid down In r hair briiili at this apoarition l the tini','( r. 'I hen V'tir pardeii,' stutnmcied H ifty. with nu unaccouuttlilu ati'atiiui ol 'nunrw rasiincn'; Mint are you 'the youn Woman th it ptjuts v io ?' ''01 couise I nmV said the golden-haired little artist. 'Don't juu fee me paiutiug one now!' 'I wmit thepo decorated,' said II irrv. 'Can I fcet lArntr done heri ' '01 cVurae you Can,' fai I the ylrl, Dili veyin iliem niCratlv. 'A nice s!' ipp p'.tty wan! Suitable lor blue b'.ds, on- b'es. I shi'iml think.' An l what shall u cliir'i)' 'Five dolUis en ii ' Isn't that a uood J-a'?' s.,id Hirry. Not lor a piece M aitiatic work', (aid the girl. 'Ol c .n se II ynu don't like thn prioe you fii en el- .hero.' loll re Very in 'ipndent f ir an arils'; said llnliy, miiilin,' in spite ol IiiiiimII. Wli shouldii t an artitt he as hi Irpeud- cnt - 8 any ne elsi (' jai.l tue v mi m uiil. Well, and II .'iy, 'I il Invo uiu.n, un.l I'll enll lor them in s week ' Very well,' rai l die T..unc lady. 'They slisll be icu ly.' bo eur hero took Ins drpnriitte. with thu deep, blue ejis ol t he VoUiil' a.iijt hauhtino him us he wi hV. ' " It in n -t he a wav ol enrninj ones living,' said he to himself. 'And aiii.taare alwtya poor, I ii -ei.' Ilieie's a mot Her at hoiiie, an 1 pcihnps a ihcmnatic old lather, and a swarm ol hrlple-g 1 , 1 1,- bioth cr an I sistets. Alter a' I 1 duu't know as live doilais a vaso is loo much to , pay aud she is veiy piet.!' At the end ol a wci k ho ralPid for his vasi s. I hey wcte icnijr and puekeil, but the iioMen hinted pirl not thini Where s the oitil demaii.led lunv, cuuii.ler abi? ilisapeoiule I . 'She n'li i h'-re io-ilv ! 1 a lad, who was drum ni ti with hit Ihrors on the window. T.n 'lendinir t.i the il e In-rs ' And lla rv K iner paid his money aud went away m dii.ust. . V 'Jlrnt Hsirv, it's so lucky that you came up here junt just now,' laid his fi.ler ti lianily. Hhe was i-ittiii? at the window, and limy Sim t-r sat oppoile her, sunbuiiitd, hnnihwipe and elaiwait. 'Didu't know what t'l.p to do,' ya.vne.1 Harry.' 'ltvervb dt ws hut ol towh'.'sn.i thwa wf'l a oul tu rpeak to,' ' 'Mini Mavne Is !d b here n.xtweek,' inle. Mipii-. 1 M nv Klmer, br.-atlilely. And who is Mi-s Monrl' 'Dou't you kuowt I ne . Iiei.i s Hit h.aiiiy llio giil who owus hall of a town ' 'I don't 8'0 how that concerns me,' said Harry. 'Oh. Ilarri! w'nv shoulJu'l you bu th nue to nuriv hu)' Harry Klmer made no answer, but he thought ol the cnlilen haired younii artut. with the sea blue eves ami the ikin liki velvet. 'I won ler what has become cl licit' pon der, d he. And all M.rv's clmtler about the heiress 'ho owned half a town' was I brown away ( n his inattentive tars. JJut, cuily the ocjit uioruu g nbco lis WELD ON, wnniU-icd out to emcke bis cinar on the s'liHe-nf (lie lovely lake, wri-n t lit mits weic just be-jinnitii; to be tinted Willi rose ,S"'1'.. ru' per. ctved a lilit liaure whose fljatinj; wtiite rnbe fcemed almost a pail ol the .oiling vapms-tt yirl wi'.ti both hands lull of r.'Fc?. 'I!y .I.iviT he ixcUimed, invntutitarilj; 'It's tin art'sil' And at tlie sinie time she recognifed bitu with a smile. 'I don't know your name.' sni I she; 'but I bel evu you aic tlio urntlrmstl Who wanted the ves pai-led.' '.My name is Klmer,' lie aJranciri", with a kU.I I ice. 'And ymi'i.?' They i" .11 me M-iy,' tnud the pitl with co'p.1 Ii nVn.-.n. Isn't it si, mi! o thai wo should chance to ineit lu re, M im. Mavf said Klmi r. bold in) the l t tss Mule hand longer Hum wan ut"lutely nce( ssary, 'Tii( d do hnpiiin a'rangrly in this world,' said ilie, lauhiiii;. Tnka cue, ynu will make me drop my roars.' 'I Mippofo you're neiline n'.mlirs, skc chs, and tliiii(,s for your painiiii(j (' lis, irds Harry. And so they wandered o(T Into the wnods, where 'lie Irvul iuy ol sunrise wete liijhtiny: up the leilv ai.les with knli id.ocnpic filler and the birds were war hlins joyesiily. 'rhe'll be lieie at the ball to niylit,' said Mis Klmer, with the St. Mitchtis.' 'Do you tn.Mn ' 'I mean tlm heiri'fS, ol course-' 'Oil, hnii the heiirts 1' exclaimed II irrv Klmer, iinpnticntlv. 'I, .ink he 0 ?nm. tiling to Icll you ; I'm enijiio, ,! I've to b: murrle 1 .' 'To Miss Miy, llic sweetest little ni;el you evi r im.' Is the neb ?' 'Well, no -nut In 'i money point nf vieiv, hut I love her '' Who is .-In. ?' 'She is nn artist, I believe.' 'JU'iy, aiu you mud?' shriiked Miss Klmer. 'Not in Hie lcat.' To th'.ow jour-elf nmiy on n nitre no body a (jiil without a piiiuv-a eie-iture wn h no social connections whatever.' '1 love liil,' said HaiiT. puHiiu s.-renely away a' Ilia sea 'T, 'and that's enmiyfi.' And his s'Jter'! tenrs ad' eted him no more tlnn it he had been a figure ols'ouc 'I will introduce him at all event,' Mos Elmer declared to hcrscll, 'whether he likes it or not. And the bruucht her brother, reluctantly enou;h, inio the instil circle which su rouniHd (he beiics iu the nr. nt hiI.mhi. Miss Mivue sioo.l I here iu a dre a ol paid blue tiri-ile, looped lip With blufhull-. with iluuion is enciritlini; Jier tliroal and spaiklinj in her eats a beuitiful blonde with hair I k: coiled sunshine, and lnrj;' is"ul eyes. ' V ' u net I not iiitiDiture us, Mi.k Klmer' sai .1 tihe with a smile. 'V oir brother and I are old Uicids, iu lacl' cdofiiiir Jike a lose 'we a e i neni-ed lovers. Don't l"k so surpiised, Hairy ; you have only kuon n me iih Alloc M .y ; inv last name Is Jl'iiu'.' Hut,' sluiimered Hairy. 'You are au ar lift a (licoMitor ol vnes I' 'Mi. I am got,' said the heiress. I was waiting in the studio that day lor Miss Vestry, the ceniiinj artist, to .rome and Kite me inv le-s-iu, Von uop se me to be the dicnator. I only huu o ed unir You're not vexed ith ilc limit f And Hie captain answered with u loving n'lince, which was perlectly nit i-l-inti.i y . lie was i to Iliu l,ii:.'.-s in spue i f In'c -l'iil then he had not !-jst his ildni haired lillle Alice May ! And M ss Mny K rru r lonnd her i II compelled to believe in tiuu love 'let ' Tlio MuitiiiK Tlmo. Che said. My li'-- isdr.-ary, . II" I'-'iil.'tli Pol, she said i Hhe s:t d I ion nw.-a'-y. nwe.i'y, I w. njdlhnt I were Uuii'l 1 ' . Tl:ssvs,.v. Tis ev t'inii. and I see the u . xioih taee ol a young wile at U.e win. I iw , and biiolit lived bus . 1 1 in li II 1 i ves w -ucinn ' ea c ly tor a hind's coming. The lomil i ci . , in is nn.l sue Is wirllii.-j. with b;' in b r luur, aud a mule ol welcioii'; on bei lips. ratieiu. ! II : is tht re at lait, and the our cloves. hikI til. i in lams I. ill, while nn the llin!.iild ol t lint r:i::etii!iiy called U - nie, we p .ue, ..nil may n it i liter. 1'ls aiituoin I'll.' crisp, yellow leaves Qie la'licf in t'.ie Hu ( si the tea so mils in the distance with a du'l iui ;ry mar, . liil. on, .Is a woman wutclns vainly lor lie siht ol uti expected sml. TN til the shin e. er come) 1'alieiK'eI I'erliaps Go. I ktioa-l ' l ii inter. In bis osrret, the (Indent labuis, while v i -i.uis ( I j.oiv blot out the Uilc i.s nl cheeiless S'.H.u-ie. He Wails lor Iniiie - Kiine. who comes with Ica leu ai.ibils and I'.e with I hi: (initio boots . I .Inck-ihe-lii.iiit kil er. ltienn! lie will uaiu a c:o c ol cypics or ul InUiel. It luatteis nf, Ic Vi h ell. When I look .nit into the nicut wnrM, wl II lis jar and lift , 11,1 outsell MS I Uljlllio I oi ten wolldci h nv ninny henits are, ut thu one no ill' lit, repeal ini! thu s-id teliaili: '- nm fti-.-.':i''y, nv. .:u y ; I Woill.l Hull wie .lend:" Well, il Is q.and to be (.-encrnin to a Inlleu Ini ; It id u.dilc o be couiaoeoiis, win n o In ra siinnk lioni the tt.i'i ; mil it is holy to be ehiirila'.le to the unlni tuivue but ailioti.' the vi lues that e.k huinau nature tin l bard to prjcli.e, I think Hint patience i- Hie hi!. lest one of all, Sjuiu while, 1 li ii vu lead Uh-sj lines : "Tiler'- nreii.iys of .','c p. si surroiv in i,. -,.;ih,.j.s ..f ..ii.' nr.-; Tii'T'' :i.v ivi i. ii.s,..i'.-'ii ,- inoiii -ul.s ; 't'lu av ar.' li" ill's "f in". i;il l rite ; Tli. -I---me lioiiiH.if t ni'iiii nii;, Wh.-ii i. -til's I'.-f.i .- lo rail ; But i'.i.' .u'. n. ,lio lii.llle.-a, Is : in' liil ti.".l t ' I f .111." Ahl II Is hunt !' pel severe when wind and wave are both ai;ii:nt us. From a tu.ideu strnke ot mi-lo.-tinie we may ril.y: but ili-appiiiulliieut, with ceitm-hns, iiulii lliit Blrnkes ol lulc, weals nut tbu t)UVert limit An! yet, we hive (rand examples lo clieei ys in the su lie. s.dne luivo ti uunb 1 mi. and (sine ! the paJm ol victory, or ti e cui". ii i,l in n. i ivi. 1 u in both "Jiiit 'U re. wards. Ol Mepli. ll, the Laiileulu le Is u : "lie he. it.'d Ho I revtlil'f ones, Nor sold Ids li.'iirl lo .,l.' liioiius, riu.ii.Ji eriisii,',! and seoiuvd .aud hriilted with "ll:it look ior upward, full of Kmc 11.-1 1 ciy .'.I. iiii'l, froiiin happ.v pine. (to.l'.s loiy slliole lolll nil ills' Hu who love.i lict'ii-.-.i thu lal III "Us Java id old, iw lUu coiu npeu year alltr JNT. C.. THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1880. voir, and the Irav a, f..l aud hi flowers hurst inlo blooin. Dut in the "end, he c aimed the Rirl wh .se heart was so link d In his. So happily ends the sweetest love story cf the woiUl, " Ah, wife, waitinc; foj ynir husband's slow icturu; i.b. scholar, yeainiiij; for t lie lauri is of surrey; ah, mother, lentjing lo meet your child, whom the Death An'lel led aWy be pitient lor a little whilo aiid all will yet he well; And at the In t ol tbe"uieit white throne." idinl! ut lat "I'h,' hot... All tli.- iii'mi'sli lie. I I. .11 -in . Ihef.-r- and tli. sorrow. ..f iie..ri, ilic resil.-s-s, tin.satlH- Ml tli" dull. d.;.'n I'Sin.nnd I'cnatiuit nnpn'slis'f pun. it. iriilhi'lelpbiaTlmnN. Tin: ovum; uoh n. Iliu linprriitl 'Infrily I lywiarn I. ri su r iT.N run in: ni rtii'. com no'-ki; ru k i.uiins ami i.a i ni'hi s ami tircitvssi'si, i-m:i m, m.m: BHAI.1, I.TC . HI'" Mil-: m;w i:kcmk i hi: iioi;i.i:i)i s !M"i:iual ai mv.. One ot the elcvenst ta'iiei nl the day in an atitionuiiniH aiiiplili t, just is-u d, en-titk-l "The Coniino ('town'' yiyinsf a prophciir pen pictnie ol tin runnni; Kin pi.e under His liniier,al M )"t:v, Km pi ror Ulysn'sl" It is illustrated with a cut id a'cronii, intii- ol lis hits at the leading ics'(i.,itioiiltts ate a.'lini able The glue crtuets are t.ikeu Irom 'he t'nurl .louiual, dut.! Vii-liiiitnn, Si!pli'iiiUnr 1 l!S'i and Irmn the liupin .1 Hi inditd, dated Wash i'loton. Oi'iohi t 1, IHS'i. lo which vauoiis te'i'tirims me cii'iliied liom d ITetcnt '"C ions u! i he ciiiiutiy, ellin ol In.- t'oubli-s with (ucli insu.-.i lit as niainc. Nasi iind others, 1. 1 lini lo';ii nl I i.pei uiImii, ol I lie yo ti iim ai d niniibci l.'si Iuip. iial tionpn and ol tile jfiand public inipinvc menls ptoupnte I uiidcr the K.nplie. The loll .iwiiiu i-x'.iels will I c telished b? the loves ol poli-dud i, wlmievir nii'iy be their y.cus ol Impe. i.ilism : II- IMPIIUl, MA.I' HTY F'lpr-fVK fI.VS,! I Kroiu tbo Con 1 1 Joiirmi1, , Wu-jbiiiKtuii, ."ept. 1, J IK Imperial UujesK, the Kipperor U'vs es I., ar: ompsiiied by the KniprcM t u Orown I'.ince Kiriieiirk and a numnons sin e, airived at the p.ilst'e yeste.d.i al er n Mil k's visit lo the Duke ni 1'' unsvlvania at Ins pahitial icidni.e, Cameiou Hall. I!.iiisbui. His imperial M 'jcsty, nu tie happy to aiMiolil'Ce, Is In the best ol lienllh. The impeii il CH'oii consisted of a ba tal lon (4 the (liicils and two chip pa. lies o Hie Il.iu-ehiild (' fairy. I'MH !"l"M.t!.m S'KI.I.IK. HcrH'H.ii Hiolme-s Hu-I'ni' Nellie will nm ic, urn lo KueJ mil, We are in a posiiion lo slate thui lb'! ronsoit ol Her iiouil lii.hiie-s, Ali.n.iioii Sarloiis. K-( , is to be niised lo tl.ii pruiauv titiiler Ine 'il!') of H i' I oil,, union. We lii.Jher nn ile.siand that tin K no' (iiiinton is to I c appointed'.r, with Ihe tnle of J, ,r litcu enant ol the 1'iovince ol li'inni, and Unit His ihc iniintKin . ol .thu Inipciii: Ooverutiiei-.l 'o settle f'.'OU.OOO per Miniliu upon his loi.l-h'n. A vice ie; .il pni n e is to hcMijill nt Sp in tliilil the Ii i v Ctiup. eil l-avini issued an o. . l.-i ior the isr. u ; ol the c ipitol ol thu lnr.uer St t u ol lit nois, nn. I thr iifideiire ol il.e l.u'd Lieu titu.lit w 111 he eiei ted on Hie t'-. , I.'II.D allAlio.N. KALI. OF NLVAUi, Lmd Slui'on, Kail ol Neva. In, is i pel led to in 1 1 vt it lini pal.i' e on Hi.- ,'j li instant. Ilis I .otdship. bo lias, tlii'm the p ot ii-.oe.h, In en I'Mtt'itaiiilet n mnii b. r ol the Wcs.iin noiiili'v at I. is i!.i,o,i It cnt fe-l ir tif , lit Imoot H ill. S.ih l.':i,n e5''.. is ! I -t mil lo have i.'.ie.'e.s il' v our. i i in 1 1 d the i i ' it. ition, whe'i tfs.d'i.! ill l'ii!i ninia i,iv:n4 brr asM'iit to the piop. o-i 'ions ma lo iiy the lm ft lal ( luvei tiineit. In View id His Lii. t-h p's ili '.H:.,iii-hi ii I plomat.c si'ivn cs in dins ti a mi; li e Vistij.cs i I !:.', iililic.iiii -in in the Wis'i.n pi,i ot llic Ivi.pi. , tie nst'iii lo k o-.v wliit His lmpeiial M .j. ,t coiile. i ino u in Ills L'ld li;-. Hie Imno: ol the onier ol Ihe Mailt I K'i'i I. I. un M'f's f.Mt:i:ox. k it i, ti" ki' (ji : HANS . It Is with eie.t pleiMl e that we aic enahl.'H to H inoiui"e t!,c ninvil ol I, ml Siuo n t" I'lii'ti ti. T" ii I i'i S'i;ij l. Il i.i a, at Ihc I'alaer. Ti e viiner il'l" K I an I li t son the noble Duke ol ltl'l- rvallla, c.ill liavi Ihc h. nor ol diiiln.! i h hi. Imperial Mi) est? :ouiiiiiu.v, n iu-u ihe Duiie l.t ctpci t. .1 lo a live iu loan. As ve bnvri fi'ivi il -1,f auii iuti. i 1, I, .id l-i iiou wis. s-'iiie nine a o, Hi po iiitd l y 11 lini c id, M .ju- y I", i! M:ioil 'be title ii iti ii ' it:1 in the l iii-e i.t Cn uetoti .u'. or iiiijj lo thu law ol prim ocui'ii e, I, .i 1 mi. I Lnlj Hiuiilto'i Ki h have r n'ved at the palace. 1, ir I Ham io.i will .ecelvi: tinal i n-.l ruct ions. I 1 1 oe Ins do.. pi i. ire h r K'lolaiol ss tiip. :ul M Iiuter o ilmi'snitl nf ST. .Iniii.-s. risir will not, w o uud 1st all.!, scco.ii pal. v I e noli e !, id but will remain tiiineo m ison in at tel. . Lute..,, on I It r I'D co him. Majesty a- l 1 1 ip i! I. a ll in'.''., m ki: in-li i ixois, C iid have been issued by the Duke ol Illinois lor a Knltu puny at Wisbhu iie lloU'e. the splendid lc-id icu lalilvio Mi I. d l. Ills lii. t'e. an ! to uli.i li II. s (iiuee has .. ivui H e Uniily Pim.e. lor I be tvi iimu n! tin h iiismit The noi. li il1 k", whose bom. in! tin lit n litiit' Minis Ii r by His luipi.iial M'lj.sty lus Klv't: till II pliionltid s .tishicliou III com! c l. I. s w ill, we uiiileiii.nd, enteil.iii! tlm mjr 'I"' eotiiitio tea-on V, il h ducat ho-pitalitv. II. i Sluice, the rtutchrsa ol Illinois, liom the c.iunly.lasL wtik. - , tit O. K. lll:CiTK. I'lllM'ini, I IJCKI It V. Sir O. K It. beck, who'll ilivoliuii lo the Imperial t anse aid w bos.' Voiipicli n oabnnUy at Atab.iuy, New V.i k. ttlicu li e liepiilni. ai i my mulct l'liilou was so coii.plel. 1? ile'eil. I ly t!i lu.priial ';oo s ; have dt stiivi d'y ;:niiud blui m many murks ol inipcil il lavor, Is no, we uit'x'adto (Onto, t iite c. nyale-C( nt lie itinains at ihe Impeii. villa. L'nL' Hinni'li I r il lew dais none, u tu n be. will i.tuiti .lo tlie iia'a -e to enier on bis duties as Principal Kquciiy iu attendaace ou .His Imperial Majesty. Ll'ltDS AND I.ALIK VI 1T1N0. Lord and Lady aEdiutuls I'lCircpont, ,1 .v Gould au I fl r Whitelaw It' id, ol New York, wl.o hnve h en i j h visit to Lord (leo. M ll'i'-nun, nl New Jeiscy, ai Sefor Hall. Ciir.e Mav. uitlve.l in town ves- day fur Hie tenson. . ' uhuj' .-.owm I'um na.iituKi. The mnaniflceot yncht whieir His I n pcrial lliehnets, thu t'rowu I'nnce Kud erifk, has been pleased to a cept as a preteut bom James Gordon Kenneit, K-q., of New Yoik, has arrived in the Potomac. She is named the ' K lyase," ud is i ii.ns terpie. e of naval architecture. THU UI KK AND Ul't'DKSS OF NKW VOLE. The Duke and Duchess of New Vuik a.e expee'e ! to anive in twn lor the sea on on Tuesday lit xt. The ducal icsidt'. ci , C.mklini" House, is rapidly appiiiachin,' completion, sn I proini-es in point of ur h ileclural beauty to tqual any ol Hie niaay splendid hnme nl Ihe nubility elected iu tbo capital since Ilis In.peilsl Maj- ttv a-cended the thione Aiintations will sboitly bo is-ued by His lliuco for Hie bull which is lo be ytven when Coiikliiiu llouss is (lpe ied, sn l Ihe event tu be out! nf extraordinary niaynitleenrc! l.LAINK (RNTKNCKD T ANIS1IMKNT. Kroiu thu Imperial .Stniulard. Wasbiliitton (.o'obtir 1, l.vsj.j An olli.ial trlcoram published elsewhere in litis issue limit's intiillieeiice ol tlie tiuil mid conviction by Military Commission ol .1 unit's U. Hlainr. ol Maine, and Ihe si n tenet ol banishment pa-Bed by the Com mission will in all probability be anptoved I v Ilis Imperial Mipsty. We Hunk ihc Comnii'sinn etred in its decision not a Id the mult, but as lo the puuishinunt o ihei.fT' aider. Thu tune has pase l fm mei'SU'i'S ol merry. Justice demands nun tl.ini! moie. I. dem in. Is tt rn rit.i I'Utlon for such oiTeuses as tins mini P.laine has I'limmiiled. and Hie piipitliiuriit -h ul l hnve been death. L'tlhire le iioii fl ni will 1 1 iitoit ! W lie n 20 so called l.iron f," a -iieis were shot in Cincinnali il thouhl have been a rnln'.' to the I . hel th'.t ihe'cy ol ihe imperial (lovtu nmcti not to ii2"id s tnion as chl'd's plav. O, what use is banishment il mi eh men ss J ihn Shennan, .Kimcs (I. B'ninc Bid 'iitliiiloil If. Halts can concoct I heir plots and plans 'i"n II -t Ihe sslety nl Ihe Km pi re on Ihe Canadian t-i lu yl the b.i;. dot rand tend their emissaries to spread ilis-'ovaUv in every part ol tie cnuniry? We n'e not apol"i;is's for I he coma-, thus ar puisiit d by the Imperial (.1 v. i nii.ent. We h ive been un.l aie now I t a lvnruit-. We have, aud mii-t continue to have, a ; mi y ooveii nieiil, and intion or ti n id'.ly, be ihcy iu w hat q iatter H ey may. miibt i it r per be cotuioned u..r tnlirate.l. iliu liitsocsof Hie past must not be lor "iltiti. 1 '.I X'l'l'l iN OF THOMAS KA- C. llv I ill po i ml Tt'lni:r.ipli to lb Si indard.l Niw Y.'t:K. S.-iilemiiir 111) - I ue l ist ol I be i-1 l, 1 1 1 1-1' :i p. ism ci s con .if miii I fo ileal h by the Imperial Milliary Comtnission wnicli elosrd its(iltln ;s at Oovcinoi'i Is l iu.l on ihe "Dili was txuruttd nt day iir.nk this nun unit;. Ihe condeiim. d mini, I hoiu.i N ist. !io wis a caricnin-l-t ou Hai pel's Witky bcloie thai ils loval sheet was S'lppierSed iu Jilliu Insl, n as eccused of hijili tuason by ( a i i sciolist Hie Clow u and dignity ol His lm penl ,M:ij sty and by ciiculatiuit a to. fillui in 1 1 ... Hi icpiesi iitinn His Iiupunul M jc m The execution waspn va.e, hut it is umb isiiiod that the death ws pa'Plill, 'ho wielcbt'd '.ail'd's lite lo t belli:1 txtdiel lor levnul miuutis. l'l"l l:IAI. CLAI'tt F.'lt l.ln'IKllS. 'Cll.M i, It-I'.'.N, H. C S.'p.emlier li'.l. -"f-r iniH nois have orcm .td in tins cny wi.h in the past lew dais, ciilmiii'it n last rvectni; in mi all lek ll.ioli some ol ihe l.iipeiinl tl"oi Or.le'n we e ojicti that Ihe li.-mis he em li.itd lo l';i"r ij i'iilcs. a n1 (le.iei il t i-ey tele" .ipbed in m-tiuii ti"i s in B-li:nion. Oiib-'s wi le ic c. IV". I ii.nii Hie Minister War nliei ( "li suU. it' ll Willi His Iiniieiial M.ies.y thil 'be lint be sumiiiaiily siip'iessed, mol in: tleiieriil I'ascf opened on Hie :i..ii w.lh aillileiy. (her nvinty o! the il - lii's weie killed. The toy is lm iii'et. III.VIVISO lU'.-ISIiSS-KKAIINi.V IIANUID San Ki anci-c i, Cai. , rtepenher 20 If i'iin.s a i ciiricnl lieu timl the Imcti .l (Ju nun lit cnti inp'atcs the b.lildin of one ol the In est ilockva da lu the wo.'. I it I In s c'lv, ai-.d the tniKitin Livnj publicity to the slalenienl we.e suri"iinil. d yetlt'i 'tsV bv nowds id the I vi.e Bed workin) popillalioii, who pave .epeil. . I cheers for IheoUd ti.liu;s. Il Is s.ld that over (.200600,00 will ou ix lirinled lor the wo k. Tins will di iiiin h tow aula ibcrea-ii.!' what I t'le disnfl c t ion no.v t x ts. II. inilerd. it do s not c ridicule il entiii-ly. D nni IC-irncy i,a 1 1 1 1 ) t . I at d.iyhrcak this niornni::. K NATlt's ii.i:;ni i.i.y -illnckh. Be . Paul M inn., September oO Inn lions Doiiuellv. ol lint Slate, a Ionic iiieii.lii i ol ('.'lion , is-ued an ii flini .t i. , sppeal, a lew days a,u, railing on tin pi ople "to t illv in their mii;lit, to lime oi.i'o in ue Hie ll 'U nl Hie Union and lo oi'i ilhrow the accuised tyiaut who tu. assiimul Hie Kipire." Tile Impeiikl iiihyii(i..s ten I a allot ol tittups in secine D il nelly's aliesl, but ihe or hu. I ll.d loar.U the I! .f lilvet. V ditpatcli reoeivi.l by ihe dinisterol War last evenini; tls'cs tlisi lloui.rily Was captured at M ir.kat.i tned hy ton. I niiiilial uud shot. Kit. Impeii.i: S TDK I.MPIHK LKAtillK llnll-K Pnii.ADi '.FUIA. Ta.. September 39 A spleinli. enieitaniiiient is lo lie pivin at the Kinpne le ague House - loimei ly ktinwii as ilio I'uiou I.-s"iii - in honor ot ll:s tjtace Hie Dnkt nl IViiiisylvauu, who il i jtpicted to arrive tn this rl'y 111' week. Sir WiLiiui h. Mokley, Jlayrr ol the city. IS al Ihe In ad ol the Commit lie o. A 1 1 aneemt uts, and Lmd Si. I.e. loci mid It i. on H i lion have each cout.lhui. d lm ihouiand doilais to the Iniul. Ki ll' TO TDK 1)1' HP. UF I'kNNsVLVANIA. rrniBi'iai, Pa., September 30.- Su H issed Knelt, Su C. L Mnee Hll.l a niiin r id other .lis innuitht-.l (.entlei en w ill leave here tu xl week lur Plilladi iptiia to he ptcstpt at tlit lle in honor ol the Dul.e ol Pcnt.silvauia. The Impirial lo'iiidiy ai I'V.rt Pill la now tunning day ami ii it hi caein heivy ordnance Inr the aritllciy aru ol Hie Imperial sciviie. liii-iiiiss in all branches ol trade il reviv ing MAIIOMt. MAI Ql IS fr Vl.t'R Hill. IK. WuiiKi.iNc. WitsT Va , September uO M ij r lleneial M ihuin. row lu commnnl ol tlie A i my id Hie Ohio, leceived tiniii Wiishinifton yestsiday an Impeilal iliciee announcing hi tlevnli' ii to Ibe i l erMju as Mai. pin ol Ulut Liiilkte. I'bu uublc NO. (), Marquis, it i'l be n mraibtreil, eaiord Uteiit l.onon dut ip j; the culii-r days nl Ilis Inipeiiid Majesty' by enbstino iu me cause ol the Kiupuu the service and ii 11 ! ol many ot the (list lamiic oi Viioii.ij. i. ii:ii : N.iwniiN ad Tnn iM"itniAL coin Wink is be:iii vioi iusly ppslied for waid al Hie iicw mint in tins tily replac ing the old Union cititier wild tnul ti the Kiitpue. Ihc new told pieces sin tit bthliliiiii tlesi-iii, .nd toe specimen kin. ill shown us l.v Lmd Sinuvil.-n, ol Peniisyl vsr.:a, D'.i.ct'ir Central ul the Impeilal Mints, is an (..quitite one. The coin bia t Ihe mm ol Ins Iippnenl M p'ly. snr by Hie lei;eiid. "Uliasts 1., Koipero.,' with I he dale "lft2" wluh ou the inivcise, huiii'Uii'liii the I.iipe.i.n A ins -t'.ie llai'ed I land - s the 1,1 in in srilplmn. "A ut I n -..r aul liiius," tumi laiiou ol the nieuioi ablu wjr ls ui.'cicil In Ins Impel nil Mj nly when bu stem. led Ihe th. niie. 'IB fl,l!l"'A."",tO'.'I.Tl'H.lI.Kl.,AIN Sr Al.:. unlet Shcppaid hts, weaieula.l to hmio luce, i co i i; lu i i a y I o niie. I by I'is Impe.liil M jes.y, no Imperial ilticte ii-sued yesleuinv lo the le.-poii-ible an I luiiiu'ive pu-.jlinu ol (,'"Uii C a nbe 'en. rt e iiu.ier.-Un.l llial ilis lillliell.ll Mnj"tty bus b-en i;iscioi:s', pleased tn (lir.rt llial a silnry ul f SO 000 per nn u u i ri be lixcl as Ihe emoluments ol this liuno.aMc oilieu t'OL. FOIINKV'M K.PliCl'A'l tllNJ The Ho i. John W. Fomev, of Peimsyl. vnina. snived iii town, and lmd ilic honor of nu iiiiiliinii! wnn Ilis lm pe ini M-ij sty. Col. Forney's devotion lo the Impel lal c insp beloie t tie est bllslimenl of Ihe Kinpl.e is well knowu and it Is thu i pi don in co i.t cirel s H al lb i Vt e nil jnuiii.ilM nil ie C'VC some tlllistaililitl ll:l i k s ol His I llpel oil Ml'jeol J lavor. WAITKI'SON, M .Mill IIS 01" II ifl:n 'N. Lmd 1 1 1-u i v Wntiiisiiu, ill IC. -mucky, who has bti-n on a pro!oii"id ellieii.l viaii 'hioiloh Hu. tutu hem po.tiu'i il thu Knipi.e, wlitre l is s. rvecs 'n the estnb lisiiti.eul ol the I nppiial (veriimcnt have been c owiii.l with such (tenul sucess, .Spirted lo arrive in loivn lo moiimr, and -ie uudi'lMl uud tl'itl in r 1 1 tl i 1 1 era t itoi til hi. hi illi iut polilteiil ui liu yeii enls. Ills Im perial M .j st v lias luen .;i.'irtii dy pica-, d t i C.lill" his I, uship 11 .l, .is of I' mil. nN t'M'lll I'i-I- I.t M. I l-l'l.i: A '' I' Il I'.. I II ains wete en, i i t in thu i n. ii il vis, i. lay inal ( hai'c- A. D nn. nl New Voik Ihe dirhiyal and vl.tili nt L'uliu i I, wiuis. oppo-i; ion lo iliO lupirul (all'.e was so prouoiiiicrd duriiio the Can 11 in' lire of Hi. I lipellal Mn jest y 111 ItlSO, bus b'-en in, .slid near Hull Jo Dnia's disloyal .eel, thu New 8iu, it will bi renn mht led. was inniiiaiily uippre-re I and two of it t'dilors linuspoitiiled In Nil wht n thu luiptiiai lioops eii'.ciet! New Yoik city. Bi Ki iiRit an im:"i:i;iai. ritAi'i.Ats. The Kijht Uev. Henry Wa d II eeher, ill -hop ot llonslyii, abase CMiVei-ion to Hie M. tbo 1st I'pitc .pal ('tin eli w i s'lll -1' 'llic. 'lis Willi 111- l'lli"lllll M. jcH'b acecs.iMi lo ihe Ihrnlc, tiri'Vcl al t lit? ; .lace ye-ti r.l iv li s I. .r Is1. in w ill ei cr tl i Ins .ititiis ns Impeilal Ciiap n'll anli-o'l1- (I d iv, nod wili pica h ln-ljiie tin lm trial family at ihe M K. Ciitl.edinl on Sunday m X'. nil': (i limit's ok l.iiinin'Y n r m. I hp-, nl lie ii i c ol li'.city, ivl,ic:i sir inounii d Ihe. doiuc ot th. capitol litue, h.-H I'l'i ii ink. n In v n and a cooes. tl tint ii" ol His Impel nil M . j -i. v. tin K upuioi l-svis I., is t . reuUee u. I'lii- .ut ur will be "I hr... . , a "I i- al'tr n ib tloii lo.iiishc 1 by M l.. ill - will he s'li inouuie I by a lo -ill, which nl MU'it wi.l he ill noi n iii i in Hie i iecrin ii"lii, and thus be vlulOle loi I early ."ill i.i'i.s. THU IMfiilll U. AIIMV. I From Ibi) Army and N.iv v Now. li has bun Iii tally dcci led h; the Min ti'i of War .hit tup new ti'iilorim ol Hie CiVatij ol lb.- line .In'! be t iiie.vhni tliniUr lo tho-eoi t ii (leiinuii I'hla o. I he I'lipeiinl (iiiii-ds will he mill. nine I al'er tlie -'yit '! "be lio ul L.le o' ihe Piill-h -civici, ind the 11. .US' h .id Ciuilri will r -iai i thu j'icli.r.Mpiu and .llslinelivn si le. It Is no Icisii. o.l flnii il-.e slrciu'li oi t i. atiiiy in time ol p.-aee h is been d. ci.l. I on idler a i rnlciincu id die piii. e'l' ii .'i'i-.-is ol r .i k, at whiih His Impeilal M . )"' V pro d Ic I The t II c t ye siuii.dii ol Hu Imi'. inelu ttti.j in antn, cay dry and aillh'ry, as wed s He ii ; i ue. , M", ml co. pi, uti'., will be 400, 000 un u. I.AIION NATUANI1 I. M'KAV. The new ir.iii-flails, "l'Hss 1," "Km piie," an I "I.npi rial." tlio w uk on which lias been pushed l.iiw'nd bv Hiroil Ns 'Iniiiinl MrK iy. Ktioeiinti ndent of Hie Imperial Navy Yu I. are now almo.i in i.U i-teil. and (he Fll-t L n I ol the A Im rally, Lord Oeo'tpi M. K ilicson, id New J.r-ey. iteconi pan ed by a oiiineroua suite, n .11 make an i-lliunl yitit lu the yard eaily ncxl llt'TI liil LATH IS IMPH'llAt. AI.I.Kvll INt'l. We aio niHtiiied In lac in a position to title that lieu. K 1', Roller, nl .Mn-ra'-liU-sells, has at l.itt Inken the nalb ol ulleyi inn t n hi-l npi rial M.i sty, and we am n-lii.b'y nil." nn. I Ibst it l I ie intention ol Ihe Impeilal uovcllliiieul lo place II tldiniitd in ml in a p -. 1 1 1 1 wheio Ins ciiiice.le.l aloli'.l.t will be id sc. vice l the empire, li nca' Duller will arrive al I'je, c tpi. si on ti c jih imiukt. HI A It Klitl A III) AM IMPIHIl Al. CoMMlNDKR. M j T General Ilenurcuard, ciinmninli: if Hu Division ol the S mill, i;tivc a nni) li iiipi t to a ii'imhcr ol the resident s'l-lo. racy at Mdiillu l is! wek. The i , .'. ion oi 1 1. nerai lo-.iuirc 'i i i'V ins luipiiiiil M j sly, hip1 Ins spj nii'iiin.l Ll Imperial or. ler 10 the lino rant conmilld he lin.v bol ls, ei( ed. il will be h l!:em leied. (;ifal in 1 1) u-in-in in the Sou'h. (itn'rul I'cHiirrjjHr.I, in pmposint! Ihe hed ll nf ll liiii.cial M'lo-ly hoped that Sotlt l.erl toeitly wou d alwayibe loyal to the Kinpcior-a leiitiun nt which was drund wi'b rcpcalel cheers. I'l.o l'TlNll TnKASoN, As we lio to pit its we b urn that dij- tl ttchts have I'l't liei ll reenved by Ihe Minitte-I ol r to Ihe tllecl Hint (evetai tilli.'-is ol ilie I npciul strvi.e, wh i hav. bee i lor toine ti i.e i nsl m-pectul ol plot line, trcaton, and ol hi-inj, iu coircpoud encu will) I he t'lieiiiies ol III Impeiisl M jcaiy, who placed lu at Albauy, 3D 00 30 rO 40 CO 4.. CO r o oo (15 00 75 CO Dim Year, N w, lust wtek. The arrest wit kept n cret, inn an inveitiuation left io doubt ol the exi-ii nee ol a dangerous plot to ovt it irn the Imperial u' vernraent, tnd at a c.iiit imrltal. whittk li'it-l etl its sniiiit'S v.ter-iay. five ol tils oili eis wtro lound ty tin a'l ihe chi Tg S p efeired aoamst llinu They will be ttjot at b.iybipik lo inoiriiv. niornin(;. aWWtl.lW miiS1ZZ2B3!M?n3ilCUil2Umi?mKm I AI. IMI IT Ai KU.W SIloi'KliK MAUHIXH WOUKSL RICHMOND VA. Miiiiiif.ieluii'r'S nl I'mtHblo and Statlonaryr Fnniiit's nud lioib rs. Saw Mills, Corn anil Whin! Mills, Shnfi'n,:, lianijnrs nnd Pill- l.'VS 'I'llltillio W'nli.r il'hnul. .p..l.UA.... tl. ' - -., . .... ntiu,. iti i bii.ei v, W loiifiit If,,,, Work, Brass anil Iron I'lii-lliigs, Maehlncry of Kverjr Don- t'.l iptioi. . GlNSlNU AMI) TiirtnsniNQ Macuvw A SPIX'IALTV, Itcpnirln I'rouiptly A t arcinll DtllM. TALihiTT S l'AI'KNT fH'AHK-ARRK!sTm ' 'I ht Invention ol Ihe Age, It dona nut destroy' the draft'.' It do not iiitoiforn with cleaninir the tribes. It will not i ll iko up, and requires uet clean in it. It. rfstiilrrw n.a .Uwh... t i " - " ""'"(""" n iy! whoii raiaiiiK atptini ulampor bu- 1 1 h ."-I..-, i inn', us Hny Tuny ueieitopea nnd allow s' arks to pm bi o ) It reqitrci no wior to pxtlnKull apaiks, whicii, bv coiidoinaiion, dotroy tbu ItcsiilpH, whon water I tied, If nf irl.'.' Iti.. ..ill. ,....., ta .l..u -...1 nviiporalioii nf tlm iviitor, nud Ilia boiler la kt-pi in n iiiuiy- roinnuop, ll is mi in .Id and ilurnblo and can be r- lied upon. Ileal) he iiUaelii'd lo any bolUr. No I'l-inmr nh.iuld lii w il limit ono of tLem. ' liiMinine i i!oitiiHiiliH will insure rIiis and luiriii wliro iho TiH bolt Kiiitinen and; Sli n k - A n esieris at n ns...) nl r.i. mm oharirod for wslemr burst) power. .-tT -soiiti uir iiitistr.iin.1 mroulara and prior, li-.t. Hrai.eb lioiic, ll.-ldsboro, N. C. .1. A. II CSKIl, t uuoral .M inajrer. T. A.OIiA.NUKR, Local Mauagoo. may S 'loi IRON BITTERS, A li rent Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Mure Appetizer. IMirhlT rvvmintnd-4 to tlit- fubllc fur li dl- i m r n 1 1 1 rt ii t t r u I a nn 1 vflVifnl Kl.TKf wj.'ialijf In MmtUgmm Hutt, Ztumpmpmim, rft'w, II ii itf of Ap ! f 1 1 , !. mf tvtifth, tAtrk mf f nrraMs It (! r I cii i t h blou4 fltra'Di-tht'tlt thn ! cli'ri, ami jltii new H m the tirrvvt. To ibm iik"!, ImtU-a. nd cbll iiion rviiinriDf noupr itllon, iliU vktUAbl r n1r tan mat txa loo I''.' lily rM-uuiuitnlfMl. it ntV-t Ukm m eHmt-m n Uif dit(f(ailv or ii a, A IeiHiai(ijl bftr Mioilt -Alll rtiuore i JyniHiHlu 7iuumtii TKYJT. Sold by ill DruggUli, ' MBKCnCffiKllilLCl BALTIMORE, Ud IRON BITTERS, A luniilrlt Mrf&(f"!hcD IRON BITTERS, A Vilml'la M.dicn IRON BITTERS, IRON BITTERS, F-r Pflicite Fc nn I oi. lift: J) i v W. 11 V1CK AuitiAia: axi isi ;;ii:4 MADE TO ORDER OR HRPAHUI. AT LOW PRICE. Al I kinds nf w o I woik end trimniion iloiio In e.,, ,., styli-, I'd a, Itsur.tli work dona nt Hluirl n.ti. i nu I will) n. aliniss, AH new work urmiid, Kino paintiou for bnckii". item, nt low prie. s.ln .st p.tinl used. M'tit IVI. I ll.X 1 1 (alVKNTO TH K UNDKUr.KINO DKI'AItr.MKNT. CiifllriK and Ctisosof nil sicca couitAutty on h.iiid. C.iiriinn M dorials kopt onliand nt prlto I'lilow l'litursl.uiK niarkel. Wildon N.' O. Juno II ly r) X O. T. F O It I) , Takes ploasiirn In tiiinoiintdng that htj can anil be tumid ut his stand ou V I H S T BTKKKT, Where ho has ou baud a full lino ol tbt) FinoHt "-! WINKS, II I.S K IKS, and l,K.N I'IKx. '' 1 TUHACfO, CIUAItS, uud SNI FF, OKANi.KS. AVPLRS, ' and CON 1 tiCTlON KKIES Ills H'.ook oi'l'anued Goods aud Urocei ies la uuimuiilly I'nll n n d V. o in 1 e ( Ol I I'ABINKT Wuiskkv A Fpkciai lir. FKF.XII LAOKR PKKH OM DUAUUIIT. , Ho Kuuraiituea saUtfictlou. Call and nee Inui. Nova ly., dni) Square), Two SfjiiHii s, 'riirnp MjiiHrea, Four Nii'iarei, Fouitli I'ol'ii, Hal! I'oliiiiin, Whole C'dlllllil, 3 00 I 00 H 00 5 (XI 10 0U lid (a,) H (SI I 15 00 .10 (10 id oo i ih oo as on I.i UO j L'n 00 40 00 0 0:1 .10 IH) HO 110 v ",, , J'--f'fTrt, -Taj, -a

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