IfHE ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKKTISING RATES. I ' A ! DEMOCRATIC . ' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED BY SPAl'K M 5 1h: losu a W. W. II A lil t i ( mi f 2 on 1 00 K Months, " liroe Month, " 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jp R. (1 K 0. W.' It A B T M A H , Mi r e o n Dentist. . OfflMovrrW. H. Brown's Dry (!ooda Ftore, WKl.DON.N.C. Will TleU paril-.a attlnslr homes whim desired Terms R-aannahle. ui-t 8.1 ly OEIZZ A n 1, .ATOUXEY AT lAff, i- l 1UUVAX, K. C. ' :? -'' "i ' . , a tiro In thn court Tinas. Strict attention ' nlvmtiall liranehcs of I hi1 profession. Jan 11 ly JjJ T. B K A N C U, ' ATTORHKY AT LW. Enmi,n, n. c. TTactlem In th Bounties of Halifax. Nash Sdsreromlit! and Wilson. Collections mad" In nl pansof the Hlal. Jan 1 If II ALL, tn . t ATTOKMEY A T MW, WELDON, N. C. r. ipeelsj attention Riven tu collections and 1rmlttanci'S promptly made. - - nay Kf. w . , Hunt U. MUI.I.BN. JOHN A. HOORK. Jn 0 L L H MOOR B, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. j IIALIFAX N. C. - 1 iVactlee In the Counties nf Halifax, Northauip trtjn, Ktlireaoiiilic, 11 1 1 and M-'irliu In th" Hu ffleme fftnrt of th (state and In the Federal rurts of tin Krvsr.ern District. Cull 'ctlous uin.li! Mwny part of tho Stats. Jan 1 ly 'jAMHS B. O'H A R A, AT roKMEY AT LAW. ENFIELT), N. C. "rVactlees In the eonrts of Halifnx and aillnlii iBjr er,uiitlns, ami In tin Supreme and Peit'Tiil courts, 'Col cetlonn mads In any part of tin. Hint. Wlil attend at 111" I'onrt house In tin It fn t gn Monday and Friday of earn week. j.n im ft OBHItl 0. B OR TO X JR. ATTOUXKY AT LW. HALIFAX N, C. ne Tear, frf advance! I ; Practices In the courts nf Halifax, aint adjoin ' Inir counties. In tin Supreme, court of tin , State, and In the Federal emit. Will Klv special attention to th. collection cjalinj. and to adtcMtiiir the accounts of ex color., admin 1st rator and Kuartllaiis. d.c lstf 19 1. H I M AM, ; ATtOKXEY AT LAYT. f i '" " ' HALIFAX, N."C. Practices In tho courts nf Halifax and adjoin i i lav counties, and in the Supreme and l'i di-r.il . ourti. Claims eollccttitl In nil parts of Nortli Carolina. Ofnci in lin. Court House, julyltf THOMAS M. HILL, . ,, .a,.'-! - ,- " - ..; (, m . Attorney mt Law. . HALIFAX, Pi. 0. Fraetlens In Hallfai and adjoining count Irs And Federal and Hiiirun couris. ... Will be at Scotland Neck, once crory fort v Mfkt. auasif B. BATCUELOlt. ATTOKXEY AT LW, RALEIQ1I, if. C. Praetles In th courts of tlix th Judicial ittrlet aid In tlio Federal aud Supreme Courts. V ay 11 U. m w. Miiov. ATTVBaKY AT LAW, .AHTS,gUR?,'.ir c, raetlcas In tha courts of Northampton a;.d I dlnlnir counties, also In th Federal and xu- courts. Juu8tf. i Jt. t. a. i. loixn'ori itR. t 0HIC0FFKR. ATTOUXEYS AT LAW, WBLDOX, N. C. . TractlM In tha anuria of Halifax and adlniiilni vonntlca,and In thHUireuioaiid hVdral courts. ... Claims collected l.i any pirn of North Carolina. " Una o( tb urui will always 1 found in the "(Bee. June it I y. jy . E. L. UUNIKK, IIIOEtH BNniT. - Can be found at bla olllcc In EnfielJ. Tt MUroa0lrt flaa lor th Tain 1M Estraotlag of Tlb ilwayaon baiul. . June 22 tl. W D U K VT J. B TON, ( 1 1 ATI Oil ATTOUVEY AT LAW, ' W2LD0N, N. C. "practices (n the courts of nallfax, Warren and i ladjoliiinir counllea and In th Supreme and Fid 'rral courts. Claims colluded lu any pari of , .North Carolina, June lltf sMiru, JR. V ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Hkck, Halifax Coowtt W. C lens In th county nf Halifax and a.llnln ullos, and III lli Supivuio. court of the t Jiy. VOL. IX. WALKING THE PLALK. A fcTOKY FROM THE SU I II OF TIll.OltUM i lU UIi'il OKA III. THE DESERTFD TILOI BOAT. Farti Whlrli PiaHinlly IJoar Out the njinfj; Pilot' t oitloaslon An Old oiiiiin'-i ((uccr Slory, I'or. 1'l.lluOi' pliia Titties. ELlzinntil Cu t. N. V.. Feb. Hurt 20 Tbo dyiiii; ilcrlaiiitiau ol s rui'iulic.unt in n Mirliiijnri pmilliotiae lias la cly liecn fniiij tin roiiu'li ol th f tcs, herein lio ton fin(l liin:fi'!l a iira'i'. Iitloi'ino to h0 LallHf i;an, an'l airtcil lliit he was lliu insti thai IioimmI the plank Ir mii which Tliiodnia I! ii r Alston wa'kvil oil lulo the es. For I Ins llit' iira'c declared hu was alwii)i muty, and ultliotih only uhi jitio I he orders nl his mpermrc, the tniirlcr prrjed ui on his mini!, anil the bntntiful vision ol 1 1 . i-1 1 . -f. ; 'i S usiot fsre npiiatcd ticfmo him so dlii ti th it he couhl not die in icni'c' wilhniit t'ukiu a c'c.ui timst nf it. Whtllicr li s ciintcsiimi i true or Islsc ti'inains to br pioviil, Lilt at all events it crinic'l a lrM.i ol cxfiitmiont in tics loe.ahtv, and ( ntt discussion l is tiki n place Hit oni tlie rrsirtcMils ol this city in filtition to a portrait now in possession i.f Ir. W tl. rool, til hyrie, nttio links ills- tunt Irom E'iz belli City. All thosu who b iva iscn Hie pii t lie, with our exception. ilecUre their rdttl tu bo tliat llio l.kenc.-a ia that ol Ihi! ill'atcd Imly, while ntliera, who have not bad t lie opportunity o' vip itino Kytie, but who a'c well ncqnaiutud witti the cnuolry alone the coist una its tiibabitonts are about iqually divid il in regard to the picture. Your cnrieopon. dent i:r.ilcrtonk tlio round trip ol eighteen mils lor Hie putpo.'c ol t nv'fut t th i r. the story and pvtnjr the portiult nilh bis o.vn crt. lCns;a'tiu a b;iRsy tl'.e tc-idtnee of Dr. I'ool was at iast rc iche I, un.l u No.tli Caroliun we'eotne cxteuded. TIIKOI) l.'IA lll'llll. E itcritiR the parlor, the paintir Initios on n wall lo the riht. muJ alllinuuli tlieie are many others, incliidini; an old paint- inj ol the liiihtes", Imnoiny atodrd thn rootn. the likeness soii.'ht Csn be t-injileil nut io-taii' I v, on account ol its M I ap- pearnnce ami I .rli m i n 4 In a cnciatMii ioii2 "inc.- parse I. It is atl old pui 11 1 1 n u on won I. twenty iin hi siti lenutli, in (jilt Iranie, the yild'.ns; In ng newly worn i ll with ae. Tin I ce iud (Irici in type an i the compli xi.n (In k olive. The nti-u it siobt!y ucij inline mill the uioiith what nciv be termed cl issienl. 1'hu eyes niu ilatk hroan or h i.el, nnl the hair a rich, dirk Mil urn color, with coinh 111 ba k pint and lr'7.Z"s in lioid. 1 he rhin ih c :c r-;-n t . small aud dimpled. n I, in l:ict, 1I10 v, Ii ! lace r. iiciuls u 'C ul the cn ;r 1 riutt ul II ron iu bis noiks. The Lust is covitel wiib some 1 icli white inuetiul cduel well h'n'Isomr white Ift'e, and ibe Lice fee tin to he thit'nl a married woman id three or lour and twenty Finn 111 era llaxino ceen Hie enoinvinrj; of "Tliindn- sia" in 1 1 11 vm histuiy ol Aaron liurr, I will ay that the piciinu 111 that Lin k mi I the portrait at Kjrie lia'-e Len Iskcn In in the same copy or moilel. The pnrtiat is ;ul - 'need and the cnk'raviti proli e, but Hie Ivatoret arc i-xactlv the same Askina tne family bow the picture caiii. itno t .en possession, the loliotint' siory wav lulj : In 1S09 Dr. Pool, ih n l K Mti.th City. Pllmmercd lit Nay'a lleid with his larnilv. This Is the lavoritc ei il n - sort ol Nrih Cur liniann. I) irino Hut., reason he wasialiel upon,. : n ie-Mii , II v . to visit a l ily 11. iii-1 M s. M nu, who 1 lived two miles muili fit N ik's. II a I 'urui ! lir, cllv not) i-ite K It lli.k w Inie' the United ta'ii man ol wr Hun u nu t iu i late, Ihuo'dlady was siirylivu yeu s ol , but 01 v.r bud occasion to s.ek tin services ol a ihs:ci.in lie'oie, and what ever bet complaint, whs nuw.tiie iL ctm cured her. She had L'lC it lear of pinsi. ci ins in c tiiTttl, and a Ion rbe liiciuns wi II her oiici'iiile to I).'. I'jnl v.u 10 111. teii.e"lwi not kil'in her." as she n prcss.il le:cll. Hint 'ie tod linn he could have ,o tlihe in Ihy possession ixcpl money, an 1 ol that she bit I noir. The doctor e a'e I to In r that be won!1 make no charge, but b coininc; inter, sted in the strange beiu,' bi l.ire im be. in comp.ny with bi little di'il.tc', b is now a younn lady, paid li ol I v nnin almosl daily vi-its. The boUte in which Mr Mann ro idol ' quaii.t, thout;h humlile, an I the curroiindm wetu id the same 11 1 tura. li.it w b it puzz c I the d .ctir tiio-t aa where a woman o' Mis. Minn's pnsi tion iu society could h .vu iihtainml sin b a nne old paiiiiiiii!, it liein,' i vnleiitly the pnnrttt id a bandsnine. lntiHi::enl Inly, ol hikh blau ini iu the 10, i-il woi.d .lie was 011 the eve (it q irslioring li e old woman several times, hut always lailr.l, alrai I to i-H' nd hy lo'icliinu on "nine del icate sill'j' c ; but Lis dnujhier came lo Ins reliel by layinc : 'Fsthcr, I Inive f illen iu love with that Lemtilul picture, f lease buy it fur mo." This was the fir-t nccadon, Mrs. Msnn ha I for piovidinn her L'taHtu le to ibe do.lor "fir not Y, -ini her," and overlicarini; the child she said: "Vol can linvo it, honey ; I will make n a pres. lit o it." Tlio little iirl was nveijoyud at lecoinini; Hie possessor ol all it at that time she desired most ol all 011 until ; hut brr lather was not yet satisfied aud determined to barn the. se. ciet ol that pi. line ii po.sil.io Ho ulloi many visits id a kindly i.atuto tlio old lady arce1 to I' M her story, TW! OLD I.AIiy'. QL'KUll HDIlT. "Sonic yesrs belore my marnarte wilb my first husband, Mr, Til tit," !i mid, ''sn l wh:lo we wer ronrtin,' a pil"t boat came a bnrc mar K tty Hawk. She h..d all ttil set slid the rubier was Listened. Mr, Tillelt, i 1 company with the wr.-ekeis, boarded l.rf, mid in. the cabin they Lninil th bteaklait luble set. but not disturbed. Wliy we tbouubt it was that meal was he causo the beds were not ma le up. Any how, the trunks were broken open, mid amonii the things mattered about on (he cabin Poor were several silk dresseg, a bla - ; iiioe shawl, a vaso ol wix flowers with a glass flnde coveting, a sin II resem blltiK tbu shape nl the nautilus, tcauti lully carvel, and Ibe lowly picture. Tliero was no blood seen on tbe vested or any siun ol violence, and my opinion was that the passengers and crew o that pl ot boat walked the p'ar.k, the rnddrr was tied, up and Hie vusscl tinned adrift. My luture busbaul took lor his sbuio uf tin spoils tvo dresses, tbe shell, vase and pie lure, all of whioh he prescnled tu mo, and I have kept thcin ever since. This was years sg. I doo'i remember tbo year, WELDON, b.it if was very near Ibe tjmu we weie lilniiii; the English. This is ail I know shout the picture, aud, as your lather did mil kill me, you atu wclcaiue lo it buuey. Wait a bit anil I'll bring the other thirds lor you to louk at,." The attirles meptioned were then put before Dr. I'ool and bis daughter for in spection and the yi'iliip lady riya tbete is no ilouht but that everjtlnnif in the pos session ol Mrs. Mmu ouce liolonned 10 some Udy ol culture, las'e and refinement. Tbo old lady tol. I her slniy in a Imita ting ininner and the chances are Hint miH'b r. niMinid nutuld, lotu )..ni ar tieU on Theodnsia Hurr iu llarpei'e Mon thly ol August, 1 SO t, I ijiotcd tbe lollo. iuu psragraph ; ' Thn rest is known. The vessel iiiled. Off Cape ll ilcias. during a galo lliat saept tbe coat liom Maine to (lenri;ia. the pitoi buat weut down, and n it unu iscupcd to toll the talu. The vessel was never heard of any unne. bo pctialmd tins noble, gilled, ilbstarriil lady." The above quotation is interesting, but it is morally certain that tbe nuihor was not iib.rd the lll-luttd pilnt biat when she "weut down." an 1 if, as he stntis, the boat was "never heard o( more," bow dors be know she went dnwu (iff Cape list, terns? How does lie know that there was a gale directly oil U ttteias at that pur ticular time? or even u ii..ilting there was, that the little pilot boat should be there and nowhere el c o'ong the coast just then ? 1 Iu may bnvo calculated tlie tune it would lake to tail Irom (.'hailesloti (which is another Ulistnkc, as the pilot b lit did not sail Irom then) to Malteias, but this woud be all guesswoi k, Ii r (lie wiud has a ircat drill to do Willi siuliiiL' v s-i-l, an i bis theory ul l'Siiii; down clT II altera, hi csu-e she was ntver bei d ol niter (in hi, tune) is a gho-t story. I'nl.VllNU I.N l'AVoll OF MI!J. M ANN'. It is more easily L believe Mrs. Mann's i-tory. That a pilot boat of the desirp lion of one that s-iile.l Irom tieoigeloa n, S. C lor New Yo;k, bavino ou hoard Mrs. Thisidosia Uuir Als'on, c unu on si 0 e nl Kitty II. wk nbout that turn, tin re Is no nisnncr of doubt. That the at tide taken from th" wrccs-, inclu lini; the portrait tov in the possn iou ol Dr. 'id's liiniily, slid lliu balance ns seen by him and bis daughter, did once In I 1111 to a 1 1 1 1 v ol cult 11 111 sin h a Theodosiu l!,nr --Hit re is no manner ol donht. 'Ih.t ibe Pool family is one of hnn -r, eise ty 11 'i 1 i n ' t-M i fj.ruri; no one who knoaa theiii, or who i vi r silent an bout 111 their compani, will dale deny. And that all Hie evii.eue.. ci'i'U'.n-laiiti .1 and (.ilietwi.-e. is in Livor nl the Ci'ininonsiiise stoiy tha' th.- pilot t.oai "1 ever heai -I ol" was the iibniii'iil vi" S' I Inai he I nt Iv tiy II iwk, ami tha' Ibe pietuu1 is a bkeiess o! Ann ti linn'. Inv Tile I'lnl I, time :-au l e tin 111 r in r o' dotiht. That tbe tin orlnnu'e I'lieodostii "iMiike'l tlie p'a k" there is 111 pi.,r.f ol at present, uu'es-i the B'oiy Ir.-m Mieldirsn and Mrs. Mann's niiiialive are taken In ..oohiciinn us wortliy ol 'oilii-l; hut I inn wiil tell, perhaps. In tho-e das the pen e alocej tl.p N'or'b CiiiCin-i lOat wetu M'iy rude n.nc pun Ileal than Chnstiu'i 111 their lubel- in, I ill illiisir.iii in n' this In t it may I c lite III. Ill HUM .1 I ll it N .'S II". id receive I Its uuiiie liom a huliil thu w.ck'rs had ol lns.u-1 in.' a li"t'Pi no a hui -i a In ad and p .tioiiho the L010I1 diirui : ouik ..11 I tor-nv mollis. As the Inn I'd the b -t-e the lii:lit kept swinoiiii! Iron side to -nle oivipo it ihe appi'iinnce nl 11 inn.h'ii ir v .1 U in.; IlLibt, which atl a ted the atl. 11 110:1 i-l pn-suio ves-t Is, ('susinu' nut1 1 a one to e HI" lull tilt on slot e, b"ie lift were weln md wilb cruel b inds nu I waieri ttiaves. As It i-sai l that we Lave ih'M'cti le I fnnn atari ol Inn le. nans and improved considerably on the ixaiiiies Ii by our limrid lorelntliers, so h ive the wre: k. r ol the No. th I'.ir diua com; 1 111 piovid 011 the morals and cusloms ol ih. ir nincsiors Insteal ol uloryiui; nvi r Ih-.i nii-lott iinea and diistli o sealaiink' peiipl , thry now do 1 licit utuniit to sivu hie and tn i-ine It I- now only tnre-saiy tu suite that the p.il.tiK iu .lis.-0-sioll ol Dr. Tool is s,ipiiiM-ii to be iiic woik of Y'ltnli r ii-s, who was a pni:., id Anton '.bin, and to w horn the I t'ler eav'e i n older to -n til it pnrtiait ol his ihi'ihter ascinlv as VM'i l!u: I think this theory is not ctric'. Lir Thiotoni would have been Ion yoiin;; in I hat icar to be Ihe model ol the p.etino at Kvrie, but whinvir Ihe artist w ns he was certainly a master. Dr. I'm. I hs ha I a nti'iil er of phiiti.iapli l -k 11 Ir on ibe I'keni'ss, all cl which he or his daii-ihtei have sent away to tlio-e w ho in nil bk"li I. n id are most Interested in tbu sal utnl trnoic ending ol Thendosia. A All 1 ' N nt'lllt'l DACl'.HTIUI, Out of twenty nne letteia receivd by Doiim foul I cull Hie following estruc i o 11 a lew ol ihe most ititere-ting b"iripg on the ease. Mr. lien. 15. Edwards, nl New York city, under ditc of January 19. HfTS saiK: ' My lather agrees w iib tu 0 111 the beliel Hut It is Aaron Hair's danbtrr She cerlaiuly has his eyes and Edff iH't nose." Mr. A. Pool of Chapil Hill, N. I,'., in a letter dated June 17, 178, rays: "C"l. Wheeler ia satislP il tlnil yen rs ie thn poi- I I i I id Th.olosia. lis wile, an nrttst, pronounced my phntOL'inph Ibe same per son as her cut ol Then " The Col, Wheehr referrul to r. 'be Hon John II Wheel, r, lliu historian, iuw a res ideut ol Wcshingtiiu city, and Ins wile is a sculpioi, and a lUughlei ul iSuliy, the poilrail p sinter. Mrs. Maty M, Pringlc rajs in a li-ttct Irom her iioine 11 Charleston, 8. C, under date ol J d; Ii 1 tT8 : "Anirtor is con, muted iu the pnpeis ia stating Hint Mrs. Ai-loii sailed 1: 0111 I'hailestoti. Slie salltd from Georgetown, mar which place the lamily I niiailons Welti tltiiuted." And III another letter, dated Aug II, l"), the ssine lady sUt. s : ' I do reuieiiibur her beaaitdul (yes, and tho eyes in the picture lite really beautilul." Mr. T. I) intno.'k, ol the St. Louis He piiidicsn, in wilting Iri.ni that rity on Match 7, fays : 'T am not a relative ol the Iiuirs, but have a1 ways sympathised with the under dog In thu IL'bt, and al ways tidiiine l Ibe gnllaut dn'ie.hlcr ol n much ai'iised nisi1. I he picture has an in Mill nl the '1 he odosia look that I should be glad to have her history. Is thu bait a dark, beau'ilul led, or n iuuiu I What Is the color ol llio eyes 1" The history ol the utifnrtnnato lady was never sent linn, Inr lliu reusoii that larmrrs have not time enough to spare in writing louj; aitidm. The buluucc of tbe hUm N. 0., THO US DAY, MARCH. 25, 1880. aru pi Ibe same tmnr; and pultina H d the evidence totether, it can scarcely, be doubted that the picture 111 the possessmu of Dr. Pool, oi Eyre, Paicj in:a k Cyuuty, North Hamlina. is the portrait nl Thei do sia Irjnrr AlstoD, the niftcd ' daughter of Anr.in Hurr, ol optional fiin'e, and eonstai.t wife ol Governor Alston, id South Carolina. r'l'KUUY. ! : Martins; Al'prr. A HTOHY OK TWO III MOM T9. From tho Carson, Nov., Appeal. It was nearly twenty years rro when Dan De Qnlie and Mark Twain atlaoipted 10 utiirl a paper in Mendocino rnuiity. They took Hie type aud luiV-uiial ol Jheir recently delunct newspaper cstablishmen' in Sail Piaiis'iscii, snd loadiug tbe Hull on the big wagon, struck out int-i Hie country to tclinve their lottuiie. I'liey psoked their typo just as it stood in tho loritm, tied lip the articles with stout eo de by a process will known to printers, nnd packing them cl.-sely in boxes, vowed to vstribusli a ueMsuaper souiewheie which would be the leading exponent nf pnliHcs and history ol the Pacific const. Had not 110 unlortiiitale circumstance taken place it is evident that flu newspaper which they coiiicmpliiti d lound'ng would have bei-o living to day. Their j lumey over the mountains was wholly uuevuiitlul until they reached Simpson's station, a spot well known lo old travelers on that route. Here they nu t a party of emigrants making lor Lower Cali'iirma, and the hitler ha I with them a small bowl , r, which they brought with thcui across ibe plains. Twain Im k a g'ent fancy to this imio and r lb' fed (JoO tor it with two kegs ol powdir. The emigrants were, ylad enotiuh to pa't wi Ii it, as 1 hey conclude ! the time lor its lln: had pas-cl. D.m Ihoiight the puridnise ol the aitiiUrv and millU'y siipplns was n r.ckl.ss piece ol 1 x'lnvig nice, and rn.l as tinirli, hut M.nk replied : Win n we ft rt our paper we n us' tire a sn'u'e. A icnspaper olllc.e with ariillery has a big bugle on the busi. nesa. No widl-tegilbtli'd nil! e iu Cil loriiia should Le witlioiil a howil, r. D a man co ins lot a lettiu Hon we lull limw bi n into the next county. The hnwi'zer goes. This si'clK-ed irg imriit, nil 1 the IP xt dav li.e two journalists to-di Ihe load with I tl'-1 r piiiilnig 1 in : li 1 mid nitnlery. I'lii. 111 xt tiie,ht ihev e .mpe I 111 a iiioii'i taiu raVllle, lineen miles Irom Simp-on's and alter buildn.i; the iMinl ramp lir. a. I. II ".s'e. p. A!i. or ! I .lYii ck the h.-rsrs a a'aki tied 1 iiein Ii, prniciiig a' out. and : the t wo j linii 1 -Is w.l. led to the cm cl.l n, 01 Ih.t apiitlv ol In. Inn. s were 111 .king iirranei 1111 ins Im a iui;hl nllnck. Iu lbs ile-.r 11 -lo tiliL'ht buipin lo'ins CMild be disl nielli In d alt -u' lin t a mile m ay. at ihe t ot o the r ivno . The id. a it i in'iiuuternro lu ll .n- i. v . 1 . nteie I the bea 1- (it the li'itnne srekeis, an I Hiey had no rums. Sudden y 1 n .tin l.ngu en. .1 up, rem iihii.e : The him I". 1 ! We've cut until dig but owlet, st.l D n. Well, pt.w -tit t'll n'.re 'em ; we'd load Ip r up. The piece was i III III. 1 1 1 lit el V I011I1.I wi'h il 000 I ho.' e'1-.ier ii i I ' he t w 1 iniii teii ! i. i i I ' ' " ' " "" "'. ; ' " mar nl tin' i"in would beat an iiikoii Ii 'in. al 11 In it. The piece w ,s liaidlv ii.aib'd 11 tl 1 1 placed iu p'Sllhl) wlon .roil! im 1 v nt the r. il .-kins came i-liuriii up 1 he r a v 11. . IV air, -. I. d a brail I Irom t he c 1111 1. Ii, e and w s dnnnt 10 lv it on tlie t du'.li Iwil-, u h n D ill lelle I, ll.iid Ull ! as lie liuiuni , s nil liiiiiu 111 Hie HI 1 1 ot II. e ( li.e, le ma' k'-il : I in 11 't r loose. Tlie mar ol the liowi'z t crime 1 ull Ihiou ;il the Inliely Ion si, mi I the savajes, M ','11 Iru tic cues ol I i n, ne'. d id 1 a ; I In ravine 111 w !d 1 1. illusion, iVh'il 111 the bell oi. I you put 111 ? 11-ki d Mark. A column of solid nonpatnl aud a coupie nl si cks ol lour spriPu pie uv Ihe j o. tit did the bus 1.1 -s, 1) II, (! I one ol jour geo!i'j,:.e .I i.ilcl.s n-uly fur the 111 I' chare,., mi I I .u.'-s it'll lit the red devils mil tor the present c i:iiin'.i'n. Ihe savage stoiln nilvniovd. Mi k atU mlc ! In the po ri find D id iiss -ried (he shot, so to spi-aii. .leeri 8 Pip. a' soni;. M y Montain Ho. nr. (i Ki.l lor Ihree Indiai." so. k'er in. An ..crust c by J dm l. I!i !ge, m Ion,' ptii'ir. It'll pauihr - (hi m. Y k P. Ab y 11 the coiisliltiton h.lf a Colllllin ol levied hrcVltT. Ii it Id's 'em. the .Inv, is won. Y"Ur leader on Law a i l U-der. H ivc it as a Ivt reso' '. D in pulled the II pe un! nf tin Lux-i. mid at 11 IK-1 cn unit) alter ro.unin in the l.mvi r.-r's month' in the savsi;e citii'' charging 00. Ano'lnr louinl In iii the nun, iilid Hie rcd-rklus inl.rd pver each oilier like hinldeis swept nwav by a motin'niu clou I biir-i. Mi k, iu nu ers eoy of deli'lit, pu'bd an Ani riean II tg out ol bis 1 tl ft-., Hal e l It lo i e lad hoaid nl Ihe waynn, an I was a'mit ti make 11 speech, when I ti u dusky ligtir a d Ibe foei weie once iiioiu acm moving to the alt ii k. Thcpiccu waitgniii loidi'l, nnl this lime wilb a double charge. .M .rk's leader on L'UV and Oi ler, the poll-! I an ail i.. house. Ly 1' .t.l M. l.'ieliish, as a sickener, Dili sii l. 1'. ai, k tiros-'s vetses en The I!- h. I V '1, nu uirr cullinal atiicle by Sam Seaii'.ujli, sb,.wiiig I he cl.t mi.al piopnc lies ot lorn juice us a 11 i -! a, v h nal Inn ; a mai leu poetical vfr.iit by (Liver ILirpir, mill s I'm: crsts by C.-l. Ciiinoiiy and I'nii k S iule romp'eti d thu lod. That poetry t.raihing' 'tin liist vtll tbioiv iii into coulusl hi, ati.l my t.li o rnd coiulliit un ibe heels ol thu rest will ri H ilt in a last deuior i Zilion, Il will h. like Hie I .st e iv u 1 r y cbnrii 01 the Kiench troops nt the battle of AusteilllZ For the thud and last liuiu the fnttb fill linwi'7. r belched its typegraplncal coiiipliiiHiits lo tbo advancing toe. Ti e havoc w as ti ruble. There sti a wild yell Irom a score ol savaga throats, und then the low groans nf the (lying floated up thu ravine on tbe grntlu win I. 'Ihe two niru walked over Ihe field of slaugh ter and counted Illly-aiX aboriginals lying III Inaps. The bodies weru horribly mull Int. d with nonpstlel, boutgeois, "cups," misery da-Ins and unassorted pi. My lender cooked that man's goose, said Matk, poionng lo a tavago banging oyer tbo limb u( a cedar. M cenlngical article did lliu busiinss lor him. n joined Dsn, nndiliiig carelessW at an 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 1 , whose hiad was lyuu twrnty I nrda away. The pen is mightier than the sword. You bet. Hurrah lor Faust and Gui lt nlierg. Is there any typo lelt t Not a pound. Ten days la'er the two journalist tramps reached the Virginia cny, weary, d s curageil and footsore, mid seemed places on tbe Euterptiic, Fun null Fanry. When you choose a wile, shut your eyes and commend your bwiI to God. About the most itncnmfortab'e srat a man 1111 hate, io I lie long run is sell con ceit. Von Suppc's new opera is to be cill.d "IK II on Kartb.'' Married lile set to music as it were. vV li.-n a oat gives an i nie'tainir.ent ( oni the lop id a wad it isn't (he cat we oLject to, its llm wuul. Laugh and row fat grow fat and lit. laughed at. It is a poor rule that H ill not work in all directions. An Illinois girl's toast The youtiK mm from America Their urn s our suponri. our arms their reward; fall in men; lull in The experienced never speak ofChiivign girls' leei hy Hist name. Tiny meiii inn them lis Cliicago's great terminal la:i i'.ies l!ir n wrote: ' How sw el lo be.r tbe wait h tint's h up'st burk." From whi.-h we inlei Ityron never attend. tl a midnight sociable, in a tunnel's wuleimcl n pule 1. Tbe Ii pt alinnnse wis tinted iu ldiltl and the issue Inr ISHO contains the" mine iresli and spaikbng j kis thai appealed 111 the first numi.er. D"n't be alisl l to praise y. ur servants whin they desi-ive it, remarks 11 1 1 exehauu'e hut Hie miii'itc Hie hu-hind t ii 9 III it on Hie bind uirl she has In hunt f t all ith'-i I n ne. It h is been nolice l by a Poi! ,tl ipbia iniiih that the wide brlls now worn by Ihe I tshioii .lile lein-iles nr.- ju-i the widlli o! a g.uiltiii iu's c..itt sheve. I'll not compromise niv hoi;or, sai I 11 1 . hi I vm.-eil poliiieian. No. and lor tin- s.ine iciison 1 will not rinse the cm1 i 1 Ihe hat k ol my h ad, said Ins 1 peun lit. A young man went to I.eadville about six weeks ne.i w 1 it. t e Ii eel till ly ha. k in Lis Il lends: I have g line I thn e pouii Is s pee I eani" Io n-, an I (n il.- I it. all 111 had oiniee insiiilinii nts lliveu't been shot 111 the bead jet. What ii vVir name? asked a leaeber 1 I a Ii 'V. ,M V 11 nne is ,1 ule, was the reply iVln renpnn the teach r nn jire.siv.l y sal I : Y 'U sliiuild have said Julius sir. And Hots.', I,, y I ti 1 1 turning tn ..nntlier boy, what is your naiin ? I'.il.inin, sir. They went c.iurting. What makes the -lai - shine ski ilimlv to iiibti slie and -'.till; Your eyes un so mu-h biighin; II . Illspered press'iio her lilt le II .11 I. Ti is I'e 111 1 t 1 1 ftl no v, 1 won.L r h- '. in. in, I- bsfnph Miles it would lake ! t.'ir'i tin 11 hete I t llie siars'f she stitl. ui'l n I v, tliie.il it wa-s h'lio imnijli, lie growled Why don't you talk coiinii.iii (em ( A id. s -le cam p and pr'Vate secretin ica hull!.! rtiitt- then 1 ids eaiuluH.' S -uis ii'iiil eincit has Let tl crenel in Indian 'a liioii'.hle society l y the loiloaine; ; Laily (1. will be much obliged II lull wi,l kindly vann h brr She tlnnks onlv one si L w.t'ils dmnu', but would be i;!ad if V ol woiiM send ..11 expv.1 n in't I pi ron to 11.:. k-' a, 1 1 . an, i nut inu.' lie emitted the word canny", A rlcrgyiii-.il nske f his Sunday 'rbool : Willi what r. 11011 kabli: wea inn did Sim-s-'ii nt i no tune s'.iy a 1.1101I1 r ol P. dis till, st l or a hile ilieic W is 10 nnw. 1, and tlie c ertynnni, to asi,i the children a btr It", coinmei Kid tapping tils jiw with the tip ol biitinoer at the same titni say log. W'lnt's thisf U hat's Ihi f l nrk in Hi 11 .-hi, a ;itt e lelloiv mipctu'lj replied, The j iw b tie nt an eh, sir, Three Wishes. Three ynueg suldiers, a Parisian a (ins run. and Maise litis, were walking nne siar.y suiniiiei night ou the shine ol the Meiliteri ill-an. 111.. I seeing who eoul I Iritnie the most cnloaial wish f..r a loiiune. 'I,' sin. I the I'm. Inn, 'wish this sea weiu all in! ; tin 11 I'd .lip my p. n iu it. make a Pig nine oil a sln et ol paper, all I alter Hit. nine I'd set d.iWI.f llailellt tin'il Ihe 1 ct i.n v eie dry, and Ihe sum thus w riltt n would it pi 1 sent my lo tunc.' 'An I I,' sa tl thu Gascon, 'wish that evt ry s'ar above lis iepteetili d a loi-hel I ug id lull s d or Hint lit'lnnped lo llie ' 'And I ' sai I the M irseillais, 'wish that liolh ymir wish s wire line, and Hint ymi milit (lie ol Im Kit ills. s ihe iiumi enl a'trr you had ill nle your Wilis in 111 j l.v... I'.rih Klgaro. K Uii 11 tin Wiiie-l up. Yonn. man, shun that cup inuch not s single drop; 'mill dry thy spirit up, and b!al Hit piirenla' liupe. It was 1 ur l.theik' cuise. it catisul ll.iui inimi, then, vein g nisn, uo thy cmirse, n.t h i the wine cup tie. That curat il cup ot wine fm cei liiriea has stand Hie li'iHiinger td crime has drunk the world with b' II And wilt tin 11 touch jtnowf 'Twill prove thy misery, then yniing umu, we tn treat you to let the wipe. cup by, Warrmra and statesmen have fallen by iu power yiil, led In is charms in an un guarded hour. Poets and sages, too, beneath its sway have bowed and genius iu its pritle has suuk beneath the clou I. Uld age, bloom ing youth io its sad train we see; then j 0 u n g man, be -induced to let Ibowiuecup le. NO. 1. l ulling the Doctor. The other morning as a belated member of the Ow l Club was tt ering home through the di use Ins.', which thu wnier Is reliably Inhume. I bangs urn the ciiy at 3 A M be passed the hou-e of a well known pli y si cinn. 'The ' est bule ol this icidenc was open, and 011 its si le lln: dim rnvs ol tin union, s'rujglliii; thiougli the gloom pru duee I by the elt'srts ol the Cly gas compa ny, ill-close 1 Hie 111 nn ii ol au acoustic tube, underneath which wn the inscrip tion, 'Whittle bo Dr. potts." Not wishino lo he .liso'iiie.jng about so sma'l a 111 Hie', tho t)l siuiniiled up the steps, an I, sti a I) ing hiii s.'ll ao.irst the wall, blew into the pipe wit Ii all the slr-ng'h of Ins lutitfa. Tito iihysii lan whi w 9 asukencd by the resultant shrill w lii-l'e ce .r hit Leu', nr isu. and, nllei wondering at the sinutilai nd d ol wh'skv in the rnom, tirop.d his wav to the tulie nnd sn.ni'e I, 'Well?' 'Glad to know voti'iu f ell." was lint re pl; but b ing n .1 or, 1 s'p-.se you cau keen mil nl cost pi ice, can't y. 11 !' 'What do you wan ?' sai 1 ihe man of pills, not carino to j .ke 111 Ihe airy iioth 11. a 01 his 1110I11 un w p. 'Well,' said the p my nl lb,: other end o! the iiihe, nller a lew mniiieiili' me dual toil. Oh! hy the wav, are you yoiin;; Potts or old Poll-?' 'lam Dr. Potts-tbco is n.i young Potts.'- 'Not di ml. I hope?" 'There ncier w as any. I have no son.' 'Then mil art! Mmng Potts and old Polls too. Dcnr. dear, h.iw snieu a1!' 'What do oii w .n t' sn .ie. the dim tor, who was beginning to led 11s Hi 'lili his legs wire a pair ol 1 1. iiig-.tr. I icicle i. 'You ku uv nl. I M s. Pcavinc, who lives ill Ih.: iu bo -ekl' Ye- D si c s,rl ? What': th mat c 1 D 1 you know' her ,p! too - Iii: Urn,,,.'' Y.S' Wel.lt' 'Will Iii! went Up to liridirepi.tt, shoot ing, th 9 moriiiiii;, and ' 'And he had 11 11 mod-lit? Hold VP a nruuic. I'll tie tight down ' 'No, he's nil 1 it'll' ; but begot cixly I Wo il il. ks - ci : b Iccii .1 '1111 nntll.nds. 1 lli"U,'ht y hi might like to hear it.' An 1 llie j.-ket bung on Li ihe 11. 77.V, an I lriii:heil iili a by. n.i di ;;ing u,i n i n .i'--ioit'irv ' -ri',' a I 1 1 W 11 I nm 'he ( X'Spe'ttell M. I . Mi . : 11 j -i'v ci". 1 1 .ke, my iniii I. A "ii' y 11 'ul. . -I'un-tl I ' "A I It " s . .1 I he : r I i . I blllll"! Is , p. II ill-,, lor loe.itl , A hi, I ike nn t'l-ng T-ke lliis ' A 11 I bed. re the ilis-'iist.d lonuv inan c uld n 11I1 Ir w bis mouth, a badily rum p Hindi d nu t me ol ink, ip.cac and a.-tsa-lie id't -i .1 led tr-mi Ihi! pip" an 1 ddjued hnn t -in to a I In loot sbo.it a pint mo I) . 1 1 -. ) , i.g Lis shiitlront and I'.illal. .and while he d .n. e.l lian'icsllv .-r U nl. snon. i':g lines. II idl wilh bla Inindkcr duel, mid snea in,,' I ke a piiate in the last ne', he c 11 d bear tin angtl voice I10111 above s vei I nun nuir : llise s -me ir nr. ) N ? W. II, g. 11 1 night. Come again mioh, you luiiny dog, JO'l. P. -bye.' . . Tribute l a Motliir. Cllll'lr-11. look ill Iho-e t yes. listen to Il.a' d ar vn t'e. lo-licr the Ic.-ling of evi n a s-ugte t 1 c'l Hint 's hestimcd upon vou iy hei pt-iiHe h unl! Make mil. h ol 11 wliil" y 11 I. .vp. Hint most piet'i .us ol ull pill, a Im ng innt-iei. tit t 1 i Hie inilat 1 oiua'i e love ol lln se eves; the k n I anxies tv ol Ibal tone nnd lo .k. bow ver sigh', lour pen. I 1 nlur iile von may huvo I icd is L u 1. desr liieii.ls -Lut neici will y.01 have a ; un Hn- m xiness.i,tf ,,ve ami g.uith uess l .iishetl u;ion y ui, winch none ' II' a mother le sins.a iCnti 1I0 I sigh III Ull sl rugu 1. s will 1 he il a k 'inoallllg svnlld lor rhe S Vert, d. op s, , 'inl j I h it, when, 1. 1 I'tliiii! 111 -1 Ii .4. 10 Inr lio.oni. I I si. . in-l 1 1 some i inn tn,., snita'ilu lo my no", if nl in h. 1 le'iih-r nn I uiiliring '. Hire. Krv-r can I tiir.'et her sseet glnnec eo! Iloon me when I appealed asleep; nevei herk'ssol pea-e ul 11'ght. Y.ais have l"iscil itwav siii.u we In I her b. si It: inv Isih 1 in tbu old ehuieli lattl; 1.11 1 sud In r voi e win p,"s Irom Hie gi ive, and bur me w atcln s over me. as 1 w-it sp.ila long sinre lialljAe l to he 1111 m iry ol my 11 0 Iii r. - z ruj'iii; A IMibliu ( obit) . In Pdlllni the) legal I'll iro for n shorl ride in n ptttilii: cirri i.j is nix pence, but cal by (Xpcts m tn give him -cry much dioie, nod In. ulvays gets s mieliiing in n lditi.ni I 1 tliu nctunl lire, 11 you usk Inru whit liw piieo ia he in-. .it ia tily ,'.iv(s it to your h-iu.nir;' but when you bnvt pud him, ni in ill -r how many tunes the lawful nm mnt, hi ia never s.risfi.'d. Tw i poi tlprnen in lbiblin, a week or so ug t, made a het, (me bidding that be Wouol i;ive 'iibln' such a leu that lie would ask tin mote. This, bis liicnd tied net!, was tl"t ptissi hie. Tl.ey l..nk a tub, the fust they met, nnd rode u ilis'imce of about two milis. 'II iw inuch (In I owe you?' ii ipi'ned the geiitlfnien at the vii pf the jnurney. 'Sure on' your honour can gite mn tab lever jn u like,' Mini tin timer. 1! it 1 would i.itber you woul I Hume linn tiling..' 'loot id it,,' wont, li's not for me Id say what a fl e griilli'iiniii like jpii will give mr ' Thus put to the lost, tbe 'fine gen' man' banded hi ill ever Inilf a soicici, u in e,old for n riili t' n" should m e cn t S:I,C:iCC at mo.sl. Cbty I n ked ul tbe cob , then nt the gentle uum, us if doutt ing tbe evidence of bis senses ut tins im xpected niunilicenrc ; but soon re coveiinti from bis sirprlsc, be put bis I and to Ins but in respectful nckiiow leilgniont ftl his grnti'nde. 'You have lost your bid,' whispered thn friend ns they tun e.l tn leave, lSut before be mid bis companion Inul walked bulf'-a. di .eo steps, llie dtiver, leaving his horse and tcbiclu to take cure of them selves, was by their side, lint in li.inrl. 'Well, what dti you want now? Have 't you got your lure? '8 1 I liae,' said thn driver, with ai insinuating smile, 'nn' it's yniiiscir is llie giutleuiati lliat gi f i me a fine ono this blcstel day ; but, yer honnr, hatrn't you 501 a spuro sixpence i 1 your puckel? I dun't like tu clittnjje tbe guidd I JO 00 M 0 46 Otf sr. ee ."0 00 (55 00 75 00 Ono Year, TA LHO I T A NO.VM blKJi-'KUK MACIIINK W0UK3. RICHMOND VA. Mriouf.icliirers i-l Portable and Stationary K.'gines mnt fbillrrs. Saw M 1 1 In, Cnrn and Win-in M ills, .ShafHiig, llii'igi.ra and ful leys, I'm Line Wuter Wheels, Tobacco ils 1 liii,. 1 v, Wi. ngiit Iron Work, llrusa ami limi l'iistinKs, Machinery of JCvery !- crlpiion. GlS.VIN.I AM) TlinitSlllNO MACUM-m A SPECIALTY. lti'Hiring I'roiuiillj A t arefull liom. TA I.1UU' l 'S l'Al'K.NT M'AKK-AKKBSTfitt, 'I lie Invention ul IlinAgc. It iloos not dosimv t'10 draft. It iloea not intoriore with cleaning Hut III bos. It will 11. ii .ii ki. up, and requires no eleau il'tr. It ie.iiiros no direct dampers tn opened w I on ruisnig Hleam i. lam pern be ing oi-ii't'tioiiiibln. as lliev iimv bo loltopoB, ami nliovv s- arks lo eseii 11 ) Il nipiires no wnier lo extinguish ap-ii k ., whi. h, bv lensatiun, detlrov tbo .linn. Mi.sl.ies, when water ih hi ftl," If iii.i:Ii.'I'"I, the I't'il'Ui.iicv I" tltlrovcd by i vap.iriii I tho w ater, uiid Hut bt.llor la kont in a tllthy coinlition. Il is nun pit. nnd ilnralili' and t'H'l bo re lied upon. H can he url.ifheil In any boiler, No planter should Im without otm oi l:. ecu. I iisuraiit nip. iiiies will inMiirtt (jinn aud IniriiM whore tlio l.illioii Kngjiies and Spink Ai ro.-ifi-urn used at asrne rale ua ei.itri.'K ! tor wn tn-or horse power. rsfStind lor iliiistruiej cireulnr anj price, lis'. Hraneli hop r, II. hlaborn, N. O. .1. A. II A I'sl'K, i.onnral Manager. T. A. (iltAM.LIt, Lwal Managea. Illrtv M 'on NATU RENOWN REMEDY. A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BmoaLIVER&KIDHEYST CURATINE, Voi Iliwsi Ijukiau'C. A nioxllcififU com . -iimf of k miwn VfUD ix'iMltluli g lu one prp arAt !tu ibe rurUv powt-m t- tbe vlL wijit ii iiriNlucw Ts)l dttv f.uw-i of l iw f if 004J, ttitj iArr, Ui Hitinmym. J I nrnui- in action tunl ilioroiiifli in tu eflWH. It U uni'Tirsj'U'Nt fair iMm rur. uf ull JlfoMl ramem nurh kh Hmrqfi ulti, fuitini'. Iluii, tthitttuttmn, r nut-inf fVUNlM0(, a I no 'HBtiputimmt ltiMtiv4a, I ti ti 4 prmtion. Hour htvwu aeh, Utmntiom W I rhto, efc. ASK YOUR DRUGQISi' TOR IT. MBHOWHCraiClLCO. OALTIUORC, Ud. CURATINE. CURATINE, Tut Hullify CURATINE, flit KbtiULUAttMO. CURATINE, CURATINE, ft Erf(ipr1u, 1 impl), tlloirbti, !. W. il VlOiv i 1 kki i ). i hi .(tii:M MADZ TO ORDER Oil HPll'AIREI) AT LOW Prik FsiL All kinds of wood woikninl IrlinnilBg ilium in sij,i, l'.ii.-kMiin, work diu ei ill alioil iiotlett mid wilh nonlnoss, AH new W eill w nrr mte I. Kino pnliitlnu? fur buggies ilonv at low prics.bost paml imecl. si'i.i in, a 1 1 1 m ion ;:vi:-to TUK UNDICIU'.VKING Dl'PAUl'.MEST. ,, -'"v-v'N. - - j " .'.r;:v. vV.-.- '- C.dUns and Casus of all sites coiisteuitW Ml ll.Uld. Oarriajn M itnsials kept onliand at pi-J lathi 1'otoraliuig in irk t. Weitioii Js. 0. Julio .' ly J X o. T. V (t Jt II, Titknsi pliaum In an'iotinelng that b cm sull bu Ituiiid at bis sluiul ou K1R8T NTIIUET, "no SijiiRro, Two Sijiiiiros, Three Sinnires, l-'.nir S.juan's, Konrth Col'ii, Hall Coinmn, W holo Column, 3 00 8 00 I I-l 00 5 00 lit on n 00 S (ill 15 00 I 30 00 10 oil I IS (If) till pal lo III! I 'JO (III 40 (U 211 oj 1 :io 00 t;o ou 1 Vu r;; irrfiife 11 I I I I ft tYv, aaaJ k HI y 'IW ft If b- 1 Where bo has ou band a full lino ot Ih KI ncai WINKS, W DISK IKS, and IIKA.NI'IKt. 'i'OUAiro, CIGARS, and SNUFF, OKANi.Es. Al'PLKS, and CON t KCTlUN F.UI E8 H is stock nf Canned Qoodu ai(l Orocer ies ia minauallj' Full 11 11 tl Complete (on CAiiiNKr Wiiiskhy A Hrsvuiirr. KUKslt I..V1KII UK Kit 0.1 IlrtAUOHT. lio ifiiaratilees sailsfietion. Call and soo l.icu. Nov 21 ly.