THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKUID-INU HAThla. THE ROANOKE NEWS C A I DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWS y A 1' K H , PUBLISHED BY SPA CI" a H s mm I f Oaa Tear, la nJvanoe, i MontbH, " fbre Month, " $2 no l no 5 ct. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. I1 t" T n. O BO. W. n A. B, T M A It . V 'J ' " M n r o n Dentist. ' ) OAs, oer W. H. Brown"! Pry floods Store, " WM-DOM.IC.C. f Will Ttalt parlies alllielr homes when desired : 1 fc.mis Reasonable. ucll.My Ired. ' J M. OIUUHD, '. v ATTOKWEY AT I. AW, , HA1.1KAX, N. C. . le Oflee I the Court Home Strict attention I'Wn t all branches uf tin1 profession. Ml 11 IT E T. BRAMC II, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KXFIKLD, N. C. ' f 'Tractlees In lh counties of IlallfnT. Nash ' Bdirecomtie and Wilson. Collection mu le In al pju-lstrf the NtAle. Jan t' II ALL, V' ATTOHJIKY AT I. AW, .. ' , WELDOX, N. C. Special attention Riven to collection and TOnilltanc-s promptly made, ay Uf. ,., JAMM K. MUU.BK. JOHN 1. 1IOOIIR. U L L I X kMOORR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the eotinttesDf Halifax, Nnrthamts ton, Kdirecointie, Till and Martin In the Sil innr court of the 8'ale and In the rvdnral , ejoartiof the Kasieru District. Collect ions made p tnj parjof the Htate. Jan 1 )y 11119 B. 0 ' II A It A, ! ATTORNEY AT HW. ' 4 K.NFIKl.I), N. C. Trtleea In the conrts of Halifax and adjoin m counties, and In the Supreme and Federal otirta. Collections made In any part of tln tate. Will attend at the court hnnso In Halifax . o if ondar and Friday of each week. Jan 11! f O I tT oi 0 II TO If JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX X. C. FrMtleea In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin ing eoantlea. In the Supr-me court of 111 (tate, and In the Federal court. Will le special attention to tie- collection of claims, and to adjusting the accounts of ex 1 ' ealors, admlnUitrators and Kiiardlaii.s. dec 151 f QATIJI L. HTM A,t, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Traetleen In the courts of Halifax and adjoin laur eountles, and In the Supreme and Federal ourta. Claims collected in all parts of North arellna. uace In the Court House. Julyltf IJ4U0MA.S If. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. FtMttea In Halifax and adjoining comities fea Federal and Supreme courts. Will ke at Scotland NecU, once erery fort MUjrkt. autf UK if .TO!. B. BATCH KLOllT ATTORVEY AT LAW, RALEIQ II, X. C. I rant1e In the court of the Hth Judicial Biatrial aad In the Federal and Miirrciael'oiirts. aay U It. rp W. H A 0 X . AT LAW, tJARTUBUlVJ, V. C. Traetlees In the courts of Northampton and A4olnlu counties, also lu the Federal and 'mi ; treia courts. June g tf. V. I. (IT. I.e. toi.l.inn FKil. D AT at ZOLLICOFFBK. ATTORWEYN AT LAW, WELDOIt, N. C. Tractlce In theconrts of Halifax and adjoining .aleundaa. and In th'Suiireme and Federal courts. Claims collected In any part of North Carolina. One of tit trta will always he, found In the Hoe. June as 1 y. D A. X. I., U UN TEH, Can b found at bis oflie in Kn field. Pa-re Nitrons Oxide, (!.is fir tlio 1'ain laaa Kxtrmaing of Teeth alwavuoa b.nul, JB22tt. A KBIIIT J. BURT O ATTOUVEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. j Practlrea in the court! of Halifax, Warren iml ftdiolnlnir countlea anil in the Supreme ami Fed eral couru. Claims collected In any part of ftortn Carolina. June ITtf R fcLBMirU, Jli. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BooTLAND NsdK. Halifax CoONTT N. C lractlce In the cnuutv of Ifalifai and a.lloln. tnj ecniitlea, and in tin' supieuie court of tno aie, jt jy. VOL. IX. KiihkIiI'. Soin.diodv's Hps were close to mine ; Tliti-. tempted. 1 couldn't reist . K.'i-ui-h and m.-y. a weet little month Was suddenly, oflly kissed. Seniebiidy's eyes lo.,ked up and frowned With sued :i reprnvimr -rlilliee "If Kisses were wicked V" I u-ked my pet, Then the ee.Hlei:un todaure. And, smlllnx the little miildi il answered, Ad I knell then' nl tier feet, 'They must lie Just a little namrlity. or they never would Pc so sweet." THE BELLE OF WOLF RUN. A tMiupituy ol rtrolline; phimi in a bain. The jjiriit space is lijjhte li by lumps nl ctety (Icariiplioa, 111 iu'l aiulnlious at wlmll n a circle ol li 'pis ntuck lull nl cuu (1 en. I'liis does iluiy as (lie grntui than dcliir, and is q litsi ilT clivc. cU'ntt'd mar Hie attae, lit lore which haniia a (iH'cn curiam, am two iiernma a man tin I a younti wx, ulimn, i Tn the ntiptae. tioid eye. minlit t iks as rutii! I overs. He la i tall, tini'ly -tnnni'il yoiintj fellow, with a nolilc lieni ii nd keen, spa k po blue eyiH. iSlie is tlio leuuly ol vVull Hun, laultlesa in limine and leal u re, ami with loinetliin in tier exp'osien denotii) that she is not riiiite intislinl wiilj her position, even as the belle o! the Tillage, or her stir roumlinos. Margaret Leo had never in her life seen a play, tlieieloie fbe waj prepared lo reul i.e all the emotioiis ol novcliy, tirmr, wonder, ueliabt, with which a novice looks on the slut and action of these who cuter to the prolmindcst emotions. Ol course she lo'got where she was; id course sne was du7,,led and terribly eiirrid at the love eceues, which were, as usual I'latr ute.l. The hero ol tho drama was a handsome, worthless ra'Cal, who leirtie I, lp lore the 'jrenini; was tli.ouoh, to play at our tin .iphisticiileil little Margaret, rradinii ln-r admiration in h"r eyes, and euj iyiiiu t lie smiles, tears, mid almost epoken interest, ol the 1'0'i-ilv ol W 'b Uun. 'I'lctiJ u"'d -wasn't it?' add Charlie Vance, as he hi Id her hVeey red shawl to wrap about her, at tho close ol the per form ance. Miiteiirct hal no wouis, hlie only Kspe.i : 'Uh. t,liarie : a Ihey tttuif i me door, an 1 ciiIl'Ih al ds arm; lor theie stood the hero nl the staee, Mill in Ins bespangled Tilvet fieery, and evidently tationtd a' that particular place in order to catch a uhincf at h. r lovely lai e. ('"iiloiiud Ins impu.buce. Chtt'lie V'lice iniitlrTrd lietnei'ti till teetll, Mniiant sliirerela IicIb as tiny Iff t the barn. Kveryhody was lau-ihiiitf ami taikino. 1 he soil, clear, round union -h.d its linht upon a scene ol ylvsn beau'y; but the tao spoke li t levv wolds tiiinl they had teach'd Mnijarei's home a square white houe set luck In a if inlen. 'A. little l that ioes a i;ieat wav", sanl the youn, who hoi evi lenly been thinking the matter over, I' :y stay bete a week or inure. I don't Cale to f;o eain, do yuu ?' 'Oh. I do In beve I could no every tillil. said Margaret. Irrveuily. Tlu y'ie a hard K't, Maeuv,' mid her lover, a litlle uialire in lu nine. flow do voiikno vj .Vie you sure ol that V ehii asked, raiuerly and irproviiily "Oh, they're neneinliy Ihouoht to be Well, cooil-nie lit. Muifyy;' and lie had tr Mic ten s'eps belore it '(C.utre l to him that they had parte! without a k:ss. I don't rare,' he faiil. su! ei ly, hull aloud ; 'aud that fellow ihis ul In r uncle's taveru, too. iVhy nhould it nettle me so, anyv ay ( Now Maroaiet and her cousin Anne weie almost as insc "arable as sisters. t was with a quick hcitiui; hcrt that Ilie lornier took tier way lo ihc tavern next day, nieennu Anne as usual ut the pnvate ntraiice for the lamily. 'Oh, Ma I' cried Anne, her eyes spaak lino, 'you have ml le a eoni i st.' What do von T.tan V asked Mirearel, her lair lace flushed, her pul.-cs beaiinj; t u in 11 m ly, 'Why j on know lust niijht. Oh, isn't he nloii"u ! -cxq.dsiie ) and only th'tik he ii-ki d pipa lio thai very lovely yiil was tu pink ril br,ns in thu second seat and Hint was yon ! Papi laiiolu-d and told him hU niece, ni.d somebody el.-e ru'd H.iiiicttiino very ban 'some about ynil at the laole, and th'-n papa up a"d S'lid ymi wtio engaged lo Charlie Vance, wlmll founded to ndu'.iib U-. And I (tive you my word ol honor tint jjemleiuiu turned pale' Nonsense !' said Mal'iirel ; bnt the flat teriiw winds had accomplished their wotk. an I it was haul to persuade In r to siav to diuuer. whoie (if course her lovely blushing lace did not a linle execution. Well. M ley, yvliat is it to he?' a'ketl I'harlie V nice, stetnly This was oiny a wceit aiterward. All the totuess had ioiie out. ol Ins lace as bespoke. I In e?es had lost their uracious, s 1 1 1 1 k 1 1 r. tr lieunv Ii migiit be that his chrek weie a tulle tniii, and curiainly his datk laco was llS!i;aul. 'Oh, ('hadie V she stood on the oilier side nl (he spacious hearth, dinepin and timid, her lace Vili white, and the Uree ey a stsrtled in i xpi'issiou, like those ol a Irluhtiind lane. Yon ft'e channe I, M aopy. I don't sav it alone, (Jo I help ns both, it's talked all over lie p ace. Last nieli', when I hear i niupi In nil at Dillexins. 1 bit like j;.iiii(j home and 1 1 iwitu my hruic.s nut.' . -Oh. l.' V The vi ice was mote pUintiTe, and the little ti.'iire droop e I ret lower. And il -.11 coans of that in'ernal villiun. It all comes ol your Z"iiio back and birth In the hotel, and with your Con -in Anne, to see him.' 'lie is inlng avrav to day,' flic cried, a Ijn at (i iin in her voice. And you will no him belore he gilCS ?' 'Oh, no, no, Charlie. Oh. don't bi"k so cruel. I can't see bin ni.v you know 1 ia.i'1 1 rtince vou'v- heard tint he's Rot a im e'flewliere, eh ?' Cloi'lie ! 1 d'di't cure; it lsi't lhat.'sbe answered, chokinjlv. II-.w inuld she add - It is because I h tve lound lo ill l'a-e, untrue, wliutl he steund to mu like au anyel ol ItLdit ' HerrcHipa qiivered; the tears stood larit and shining on her lash he' eyes Were downcast, her Inn Is loided with the rigid claso nl ib -pn r. I liall uevi r nv Imn a.aiti.' she , Ins pered. hotr-ely ; but i von sv all is over between in, why it oiust I e so ' I rtou'l say it nerd lie, mind ' he aai InnkiiiK pinli'lly down at hur. I can ov-1-look a great deal, I li"0 youj so cniioh, to WELDON, much I tin I in hraven only knows how much I have Uvul yoii. Hut I won't hate the lace ol that man fetwrcrr a. find I no I no ' and Ins threat shoulders lilted wflh the scarcely diawn breath, while a d:i'k red halo sni!icnd in tin uc.a'ly suit eves, 'It shall he jiift as you say,' aho mur murid. met k'y, without looking up. 'It shall he just as you tiy,' he raplied, quickly. 'Do you think you could k"rn in love ma AL'am, a httle.f ho akd, the anger all gone r-'ho was to beaulilul.. ,, 'Tiy me, Charlie. You are so stronj; and gnol and noble; 1 always felt that and one can't long' lik where tine csil't te-pe t, cau one ?' Her hand wtreonhis aim now, snj the lovely pleading uyis up lilled lo his. 'You won't sec htm (rin ? I wou't-I swear lwuii'll What ahouid I wint tn see til m lor now t the sobbed. 'Then, we will wait. This troupe goes to-morrow. Don't cry. dailing ; I date ay It will all come out right ;' anil, alter a lew low-spoken words, thu young man lelt In r, but by no means with peace Bests! on Inn bo-otn's throne. 'Mamma, il anybody comes, lay I'm out.' called Margaret, Irom Ilie top ctairs. 'Well, I guess nnbady'il be here tn day, unleis it s that Bttnr fellow,' was tho res ponse 'Don't walk in the sun,' she d led lor in Hlior and father were pioud ol their darling's beauty, and they secretly wishe ) lor her a better match than even their neighbor's son. Deep in Ilie woods she s'rui k. deter mined never to see that too fair latal Ince ag'in. He'll he gone to morrow,' she half snh be I, ho ting hrr hands hard against her heait. and 1 shall never see Imn again, lio. be thanked 1 lor, oh, I dare nit tinsi nivn 1 1. The path, slippery, with pire-lraves, led In' a IsViirite resting place- a cleared spot through which ran a cryst il-eler livtT The place combini'd fcevcrtil dis tinctively beiiilii'ul lealuies. lle:e she sat down, uiimtndliil nl the singing siriain, rl.os'dt shadows, the sweet murmuring n the wind in the tops of the treis. A 'nolstcn in it r stifled her, In the river, in i'i a n irior, she Bay a vision that h 'd become a'.l tuo dear to her a graccinl ligute clad in bl ick Velvet, 'he small hat. with its wav ng plumes, ro ll del. whIi the I'lils'r, f hid ha d thai II .Id it, in tin I I". 'eptt'S. Sue smaiig to mi b. ', a biiining 11 i-b spit'iding over Per brotv ant neck, an I Moll Si have II (I but in it lie was best U' llei in a to mi ii it . 'My be'iiitv I my darling! mv own !' 'Sir, lime words are un ui'iilt tonic!' sli'Mti'd with Mpnit, sliivug in vam to liee lie i at-1 1 Ion bis t res-trig arm, 'An in-ilit I I would die bi lme I would idl r you ail Insult, mv Iniiuitlill Come with me; I want In show you a lovelier Spot than this cunt' !' 'I will not, she said, firmly, wresting herself from him. not dating to look up in bis lace, 'II. iw coult yuu la'.low me how ilsred yon i' '1, ivc ill dare nnvthlng,' he said, gaylv, la-tetiing his pnwi rlul eves nn In r luce, and dinning her glimce up to los. 'Conn-, I ,vil woo vml like t'l nub-Melnolle.' And u.'siu In1 put no aim admit her; but, like a II isli ol lightning, tut two weie loin a-iiniier, and the until w is thro w) head long w:lli one blow Item the puncilul aim ol Charlie Vane. ' in !' he said, sternly, pointing to the Irigliteiird girl. 'Iran ssve you from li's ins. fenee, but I rannot promise to nve jmi Ironi yoin-ell. ( lo, aud think ml J ml r broken piooiisr".' L iter in the (I iy Charlie came up to Margined house aad a-ked lor her. ' Whatever is the matter with ;he child ?' qip riei! the mother. I never raw her in such low spiiili.' The young; man made no answer, but went in'n the con', shadel pai'nr. I'ms-i-nlly M ngaret came down, whde as a lii'v. Tueie w as mi unspuki n Cjde-tloii in ln-r wide, teailcss eyes. N i, I di in I kill him, Maggie, though lna deserve I it. I don't want I lio ciime id murder on my soul, even lor you my poor gul. lint I ent him aw ay us suti in d and rooled-do ii a man as ever jou ice. S it li men sie iilivais cntaiils. An I now, Msg gie you're Iree 1 ncwr should waul to think of the look you gave h:in while I held you iu mv arms, and I should have to tli'nk ol il. I've co"ie lo nay gooil-hve, lor I'm i. if !nr the Wet, ami il ever I hello!' There was a low, biokcn b, and on Ins chest Margatct lay a dead ..eigl.t. The gnl had hunted away. Well, a long sn knt'ss followed. Charlie could not leave her lying there between hie and dca'h, mid the visit u'tcr she could st' up Bettltd the mailer. Maiguiet II id cm q ie cd her vanity, whirh, niter all. was more touched than her afTcctious, and loiiu l thai there wits only one imago in the heirt that had lin n, as alio though', o loin with lonlic.iiig slniigts slid ihat was the fiauk, honest, blue eyed Charlie Vance, who ha I loved ber ever since she w as a babr. And i f coii'se Ihev were marricJ. . Olive- I.oejttii'si M l cp ii, 4;irl4. A woman's salcgnard is to keep a man's hmdnll'lnr I i nu nei d ids s-si-tance 1 y a'kiii Ial;c Ids arm Itis'c nl of Ins uk mg yours. Just te ll him, in plain Kulih, tn hand i 11 " lie may not it at ll'st, but will respect you ten lold umro Men wid be and do ust whst the women allow them to do. Mill will not to to lul-t lliy.i a man your arm and y"U will tind him very c n 11, and he will take a gieil mmi v pnvilcgis that he would net take il he wi in not permitted to do ki He wdl give jour aim linliv loving iqilei,.s and .y twists that he could have no op. porlniiity ol doing, and that a;;i"rtunity is iii' what he is alter. A few more vordi ol a Ivice and we closi : K 'ep your girls oil the s'reets, except wln-n they have bun iiii ss, Tiueli til. in Hint it is u il nt iv a.ary logo Is the p.i-t nlli e eveiy Hum tiny g i mil (litis can w ilk alum! ns well as boya Don't a In your u'lrls, H they inns' Ii ive a In an, to go nil boys mu li Hi o them si I v . m Ii pussililu Ins ill id ii iii ir n luie thai liny an- uler in their own hau ls tloin tin y re in the hands ol any mull -preaehela not l ICi pled Do von evt r expect 1 in d a nu Soapcr th t ' ill - in evei , bjd . ? a Veiciall tditoi ask'il,. N i sir, w a the iiu-wer, and I con't want t ; a nw, paper that wnuul suit evenboJy wouldn't be worth jeaiing N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL I, 1880. l iaithriil tu itb. A IVK0OTT8N nn.MANi:B Wtllfll nit4.a;'IN JLST AM) KNDI-.l) IN IrKerAIH. A corre'pondent of t be Savannah Morn jng News, writiuej ftom ibis ciiy, relates a Inigotten and touching rtrtsicu as lo! lows; Who would think nl unearthiug a thread of romance In a scrap bug? And yet few days 'ago a busy housc-wile. pjltiug togc lb puo ol those treasured in 'its, yeiept a 'quilt,' overturned a alired uf silk w hereby hung; a talu id no ordinary Interest. Ii was a piece of satin, pi thu must tltegut quality, unca white, but now yellowed and time tainted. Here is its history : About twenty years ago St. Paul s chinch, in I,.iuiiille, re in red In the po-'isston of a pnstoT who was the idol t hi Mingrgation. D iring Ills mini, (rations he iutt tils' wiTo, and, consi qin ntly as an interesting widower, diivelopi ti new chnniis in the views ol the Iriiiinine poition ol Ins tl ick. Amongst his most devoted and un'w.tving ad mirers, though personally unknown to him was a manli ti lady ol tinceiUni ae, many peculiarities end iudependeut cu cuiustunas. The lact ol ber niUiife ad miration lor a man to whom she had never spoken became known to many, and a parly of young people laid plans for what proved to be a lIKAIlll.ft 8 HOAX. A letter wsb addiessul to thu young lady purporting to come lioin the ri vtiiuil gentleman, citiiainin; profession. nl esteem, asking lor a earn-sp 'iidcnce and requesting profound tecrccy. The victim leli into the trap ut iinee. and tho corrra pandence In us begun continued until the pastor accepted a call lo a church it; S iv ilinah, win n It ctilinina'til iu a pro positi of m irriage. Tins, ol course, was readily accepter, and the llnal letter an tionneidg Ins approaching departure and still enjoining n'ctccy, uoavoidable circuma', alio ilcclaied Ins prnbalsle return at auv inoini nt tn rl .iui Ins tnide. Never did a linppy hearted girl set about the task of preparation with more delight than this trusting, dic-dved woman. Ti e greater putt nl In r com petency was ex pilided In the purchase nl Inidal Iiixiii tes, a complete aud elaborate oii'ti', liom the heavy satin ami costly bice ol the bridal garments down through every item of elegant and damty apparel In the tueiti lime the uvmstcr, soon niter in'cr'lig upon Ins clurge in Savaiinah, die I ill tha' city ol yellow lever, and ilie ainh r ol the etui I ji si, satlsli '1 with lis suiT'S-, ilmrpcd the mutter. Hit nothing c uil l THU I'KltKKCr COSKIOKNCU nl Ilie exptt'tanl brid-; her Irie ids tried to leason her nu' ol her lulatuiitioiis ; inetn bus of ihe church viitnl her and eo ileiiviued to p'ovu how Impossible it was I hat her hopes could be liblilled. Hlic liiuuii luullv .honed her lellers an I re Insed to credit lirr lovei's death, or any. thing olln r th'in the In liel that lie might nritve at any 111 unent to ei n n her As lime passed si s lott her Ineuds an I her prnpirly tlwiinllud to a uiere pft'arice She yvss thrown anions ftriuiiiis hut wlyiever hIic went she lame I ner trtis ' nil. taking It orcasionallv tmin li e trunks to mr it, and packing it Up neani ith jea'o'ts eaie. At last her ineli'iil nt.d physical ii lirinitics bn iiine inme pro: nunci o. She Uejit her iiioiii uiid a luiilie t no dm' bill Ihe lat.dlady. On her death bid she le cpi'sicd th:s alien lant to inlnrui her lover ol inr iliu'li. and to robe htr lor buna! in her bridal diess. When It was taken Iro n the trunks u win lotpid that tin c tr ip p nga were loo ghas ly lor the a yvhtte huiied womiiti. and tin v giadiiu ly ti hi n 1 their vtiiv, piice by piece, itilo olhsi hands. A II a i j Couple. A man should always be a little older. little braver, and a little stronger, ii : a little wiser, and a Intlv inoie in love with Inr than she is wl'li hiin. A imi.ioiii shoiil 1 u! ays tie a lit'le younger, and a ll't'e prettii'r. and a lit' le lime rouUdri" ute than her hildiiud. lie shntl'd be-low upon hur his worldly goods, mi I she .h oil I lake gnml can: i f tin in. lie may owe her every rate and ten Imp st that iilT.'c tion can proinit ; but pecuniary 1 u 1 c ' : i I -lies.- to In r will become u bur leu. lb Iter lire od a crust that h tartH, than a fortune shf has brought liiiu. Neith r must be jealous, nor give the other cause lor jealousy nclthei nnist encournge sen t iuetit'il In, t'd-lnp with the i pposite si x I'oileit eonfiilence in each other, nil I re He dice concerning their mutual all'.irs. even to members id their own Inmilloa, is h liist t'.ect iily. A wile should dre-s hfiat 'd bei 'imiiigly yvln iov r the exoiets In n 1 1 r t In r hiisliaiid's ey. The noin shoiil t not grow slnvirv, ev n at home. Fault fin lings long atgumeiits or scoliU ing, ends the happiness that begins in ki-s.s autl , lovr-uiaktiig. tjialc s and I'loillers mav q i I'rud' an I "liiakeup" Ii' Vi rs are lovers no longer a'ter distuib anecs occur, and married people who are not lovets arc hound by lid In t i ll .ins. II a in hi uditnres his wi;c in oat in stuped Calico, she is sidy pot to war It, - - - Nolniiioii I lio I'rriickrr. Soliiiiioii was a great i xpt Timcntcr on human lite. He tried all ways ol it. He tried what wealth, wh.t wisdom, what miiili nod music, building nt Ii u-n, planting; ol vinevards. making of oiclnird. and gardens, r mild do to make a in m happy a'ol to keep him so. And he con ducted e.ii II experiment of this k'hd upon the UrgtSt scale, and Carried it o its fur thest inKin: Disposition bin lull ft i ii in 1 1 1 ol all the means and instill mi nis of human en joiueut, and he cx-r. ciscd that co'iiniiiii I Willi' ut limitation or nst'iiiut. W' lit-oi vtr his' eyes ifesirethe kepi it n it Imiu them ; . he witlilnld nnt his hesit Ii "in anv kind nl joy We ate not to i nagine th it he did ad this at the piomp'iii.' of anv higher motive, or Inr aiiyr liginu e d II' did it as III n 1 1 1 -tildes iu bssir spheres and to a mere lim it' I ex'ent ar. doing it -lo gntily the de vi 'cs and dt sin i ol his own dealt, II it lie was all the while, though lltii'otiHCioiis l Iu tillnu' a high iind hencvoleht pur poo ol the S iprttii", mid when nl'erwards he sip broil:. lit to the love and sirvicc ol (lo I. he was din i ted t" nn on record lor the guidance and warning of all olter gen eratinns, a Ins o:y ot his earlier ex pi rirtioc Ii is iu this d .'lit, regardiu . I in in ns wnt ten Inr this puipoe, tlmt il u opining chanto'l id thu Hook ol Ecljat!i aie bu read by i very bibicsl etudool, Df Ilinna, A Iloiuilirul Dentil. The srcile cl etquisitc beauty that is pn olten sceu on the luce of Ihe deaf, that comes so often just belore thu lust lilo hnaill ebbs away, and lingers shout the mouth alter expulsion has fled lorever Irom every oilier feature- of the counte nance, has always been regarded by Chi is. tians as the result ol visions into the ui.a 'rious beyond, which those passing tmru earth only experie cc. There is n sweet ness and comlott about Ibis faith that all wh.i have stiio I by the bier of loved ones in i j -1 affectionately realize an I cherish. The idea is that those ol faith and hope, and who ate tt iea u with 0' d. in thu last slid moments when lile steal away Iw e a spa: k th it is spuit, see visions ol the n:igol land which makes them glad iu death. Il is as il the soul lingered and kosed th lips'ol the dying eic it tnek its fl gilt. It is the s in i In id thu Konl lelt upon lips still in deith. What a beairiful thought I How charming ihcfailh! How tweet the connection between earth and u cdme. K.'cently in this rity a lovely young woman passed Irom lite to the ui'knou beyond. Ktir days belme her laint Inutil ities ceased Inrever, she worn a smile upon Inrlips. No pa) n could long 'trivu it Irom her face. Driven a uill, and again, it icturncd again, and again, and rested time when she wis dead C Ulttsnlly he saiv angels around her hod, angels yvith whilu wings and plumage as whito s snow and with human 'ace), angels bright with smiles and radiant with heavenly beauty. She IriqU'iitly callcl her ni'ither's a'teiiMon t i tlie pie'itico nl these sweet hums about ller bed. an I wondete I that no line saw thein but herself. She set mc! to talk with them. Her hps would move as tl speaking, and when aske 1 what she waived she yvmild smi'u aenm mid point to the matchless visiocs that hovered around her. Willi a mind per Icc.t ly c car mid ia innnl upmi all caitllly sn lij t-: H tn tht" i xt' lit even or directing the inndc nd in hi ner ot briiigii;" up her onlv child, to the (lispos tiou even ol the ininutes ol her illei'ts let she saw these lovely visintis and smiled, an I nulled lo her latest hieath. Sometimes, among the angels that hov ered around her she saw the luces nl lovet! irieiitls gone In fine. She: aw the loving und lender la e ol a young mother that si run- I In weep and smile in the sunn moment, as if the rest paiadi-e siiuggled with her love ol child and liu--land hit be In n I Shu saw Hie bright ciiun'cniiuce an I golden Iresst s nl h wi" t bli nd Ilia' tiled ill ller tiiaidi ahooil with the m lit i le tm s ol llrst love liesh upon her tair brow. II ith seemed w ith a mini ' ol iniiigled pity and hope to bick in hri on tu the tun ut 1 1 ul land in which they were angels. At last, when the ttill hour came, file saw (roups ol angels with 7.-phyr wings itb oit her couch, angels like birds wtlh imii. wings, angel that Minimi and laughed at her. coming. Ami then a iiiii-ic as sivtet as drouiis, music tlut r onies stilt as sighs, music thst ttinl ed and touched and lingered, music that le ils over the soul like ich ics of love songs on waters hushed by night uhispeit. uiiisii; Irinn heiVetily Clinics, that she alone heard And tl.ns she died, peaceluHv. swcttiy, like uue who passes into plea-art licauis. When s'ill in death, a love'y s nile was upon her llpt. It was as it the angels had kissel her a we'eomo to heavei. I' Is not our pruTincc to idnlosnphiz' upon this beautiful death. We will not undertake yvith cold reason to aniiUe the vstoiH he s:nv, or the smile that. ling'Ted up ii I. er lace in death It is enough for us t know th it tn her death the christian hope as beau iloilv illu-tra'cd. In the svreel vi-tons she s.,v, in he br'ght smile that mailt! her wssted lace I eautilul in It lit 11 . we art' content lo rec.ngu .' a ptoll di in'" and tl hope bcrninl inultul kiMW It f. .lacks u, (Turn ) Sun. An lr!,ai'.sAS U'ctliliiig, It is not inb n led that 8 mie men Bhall mo try peitctlully Hill Skittles livei in South Atkupsiis. K ir the past si x iinulhs he has been sin ly ing for tho muiistry, arid it Declined to Itill several davs noo that just belore instituting a revival it would be a good idea lo get mariied. Hu men liouid tl.e 8'ihiu't to a young lady, ami aske. I her sham his ll.inislei nil loslsiu Iml, and ltd tiny, but the young lady sai l the had proiii'seil to many Z -b Monk the piolcssi unil well cli'iini r ol thu in li'hbni In. oil 'Oh, wed,' said Ihe minister, T am pretty will in . in ottil with .jb, and 1 d di't belli ve he'tl kick.' The yi ling laiiy iina ly iigiecd, and the veddiug day w . lixol. Oinnd piepaiu- tioiis were iniide. Ihe gn I a brolht t.- hit caught a couple ol 'possums mil the old luily hid baked nil burners sucit rotatn pic Tin- j .s,iCe n! t Ke peace ainvcd. Tne juslice ptocetd. ! w i'.li Ihe cert tunny, w In n . li M mk walked in ami daill'linlcd: 'Let no thar boss. Sty. cap'll til'll that gal loose.' 'I nckoii 1 won't,' replied Hill 'Will. I hen,' Btid Z h, drawing Ins re vol . ei aud smiling, 'I'll kinder resort to cxlrt iui ties,' 'See licit',' remaiktid Hi I, 'aie ymi in yeirnt'st ubont lilts thing?' '1 ttikoti 1 mu ' 'D i you me in hog's hea l and tur nip green-?' '1 reckon I do,' 'Wight to t urn hint I and iiibleigesr' 'I reck, ll it is' 'Will thru, you may lik" Hie ;;.i I' was link sweet milk and pie wiih me, I'm in Inn. I had a in w air nl trnnst rs ai d didn't know all it !o do w ith them. Come a llllle closer. It's tpar rib and hack b ines'? ' I iickmi it is ' Tin ll I kimw the gal's yoiirn,' and w ith a slight change In the license, thu marriage proceeded, - ''There used to be an o!d colored .sister in the boioogh ol l-'iniiklin, I'a.. the tall, thin puss, nger says, 'who was very unction, in 'pia'r ' and one lime tluring a nyiv.l sen-nil she got down nn her kueis, u aved her hiinds in the air anil shinned, 'Come down, O spemtt of the Mahster : C"ine down, O, good Lord, come right down tn u de root, an' I'll pay lur tie shiuglts I" ' You remember," said the sad pas senger, "the good brother 111 tlrcedtburg, lud., who was stid tenly railed on to lead in piaer at sotnu nneting, and opened lift pititbn by laying: 'Unaccustomed as we are to public speaking, 0 Lord, and bmn eutircly unprepared, we will still endeavor to uiako a few tumbling r marks.' " "' itOU . . . r...i It, 2.'. t. 11 ecu ins. , "" The fi'linwiiig extracts arc from o,,:D teri'sting discnoiso b, Dr, Ta'mage "" Sound sleep re 0 vul greatest linnr'f when Adam sept so exl ran: diniird V that Ihe sutgii'il incision which gave him Kte ill I not wski: hiu ; but there is no such need Inr cxtranidinary sh ip now, au I lie hu Catches an Ere must me t be wide awaki ! Dream ha.o an important meaning. They prove that the soul is comparative!.! indepi niletit ol the bo iy. The body goes into a lethnrgv winch in nil language is list d as a type ol death, and the soul sprouds its wings and nt-vr ships It leaps the Atlantic O.'snn and mingles In scenes thr. c tlii.ii-Hiid mlh s a :ay It travils gieut icip lies id tune - fl isli. a back eighty years and Ihc old man Is a t oy again in bis lather's Ii u -o. D the soul can do all Ibis I ebon H has broken its chain fd ll-sh. how Inr can it leap, whst citcls can it cut when it is lully bin rated ! ll my s ul can ll; so t ir in Hie few hrui ill which my body is asleep ill Ilie inehr, how larrail It tlv when mv body s eeps ;he Ion : slrep o! 'he giavi? If prepared lor the at ter- le.t h flight, what nu enehsnt men ! If tint pteparul, what a cru-hn g agom! Innnortn'.! Immorlnl ! M Ii lend, a n tired in captain and a 'In i-tiau, tells me tlmt nne night at sea lie lire line I that a ship's crew weie in deep siiiliiing. Waking from Ins tlrenin, he put aboiii Ilie ship, tucksd iu iblV rent dine tions, lo the surprise of all mi Ihe vessel thev thought he was going cmzy s:ii!e I on tu unotlii r dii' ction hour alter In iir, and Inr many hoins, Until he can e to Ihe perishing crew and rescued them, and brought I hem to New Yolk. Who con ducted that dream? The (1 id ol the sea. In lHllo .x ves-el went nut from Spitliead lor Wc-r India an I la i ngiipst thu ledge olrniks calbtl the Caskets. The Yc'sil wttil down, but the cre.v claniheted up on the (I iskt ts to tlie of starviith n, as they supp'Seil. Hut there was a ship Ixnintl lor South in pt mi that had the captain's on on hoitrii, and the lad twice In one night dreamed that there was a enw ol suitors dy ing oil the Caskets, lie to d bin lather of this dienm. The vessel ciime down to the Caskets in time to liud and re-cue the poor thing men. Tne llev. Dr. liushiicll in his marvellous bunk. "N at mc and the Sttpci natural,"" ivi s the lollowitig lact that he ge' liom Cupl. Yniint t n Hi i lorui i a bn 1 c nllrined by in ai V fiiiiiiln s: Cat t. Voiiut ilieaininl twice one iiigol thai lo') nnles nwiv there w.h a cmopiniy of iiuViIi ih In t. in Hi sii 'W. Hi'sier iu the In:. in ri cks ol pe iiliai bn iinilion, a u l telling his ilieun 1 1 at: old biiuter, the hu titer suid: "IVIiv I nmcitilier Ihi si' rucks, Hiey are in H i Cuts ol V .lley l'uss, 150 nubs nwiv." Cant Y. unit. Impelled by tins illeain, although I itiglied at by his m ighhois. galheied men together, took null. I mid 'ibiiiki Is, :tn I slsrti d nut on Ihe cxprdi ii It tiaveU'd l.'ill utiles, eaw lliu-e very rocks iind lound the snfl itng ones at tlie loot ol ilie rocks, and brought them back to cm linn his story. lio conducted ihat ilium! The i! d ol Hie anow--thu (jo. I ol the .'lei I a Nt V i la- ('' --- f.llO!. There ii a house in Coallmtn, York shite, l',iio!;iiul, iu yvhicli a we'qi'nj; wn m n I) is si ul to hiino over tho cruilli! id any child who sleeps in a piiiticuUr rnoin. Nay, mnrc, one bale over whom Ibis weird viailaiil was scon to bend is leportcd to (;.! into vactiury and bee ner s'ill, though tm other eyes are c in tcioiis n!' her presence. There is u house nt Citford bndo", in winch il.vcl', mild quiii' recently, n j;enlU"iiiin well k n . 1 1 in , niilnn citcli's, unil his wile ami child. The wife s.nv a liltlt! Him in n giuy f, out truss Ii l r bi drooin one nii'', and il,-npne;ir, as ii weie, intn t c clicvil i;l:iss. Stic said nothing about it, but a ii ii linn- I, in ilie siu;t ro mi, the inn so exclaimed lint slio li id seen what nnist linve bet-ii her lather's olmsi; aim knew him, she s:i;tl, "cy lias gray coat." Si ill nutliing was said to the iiinslur id ihc hiiiis.; until he, iu his turn, called up st.itrs to his wilt! in a gtuitlei voice, mid in his flight iltoppoJ thu caudiestit.l, i xcldiiuino he had sera u m ui in gruy (.'"ino up st.iirs. Here, llirr, were three iudeptviJei.t wiiocs-es of the sinio gin s ly visit r, eii lcntly onn very liliii llio ancestral specter of the Utilise? ol l molus. H it, authentic gll ist stnrii's dial is to s.iy, occutreoces vouchid for by pcift'ctly honest ohservers, wl o nl nil t'vents-, really belieyo they saw thut to which liny hear v. ilncss are endless, as uie tho t iles of tippear ioces to liienda ami relative nt a disturct', just ns llio soul was piesdnitlily, leavii g Ihe body. There mo u vast l Uniliei, loo, of whit tn tt y be called historic gliisl atones, li.imlcd down in all ihc bonks on the subject ; such Inr example, as the vijjd n! the Kill of St. Vincent; the II rcHl'tird glwst :i d ihe wilhetetl wrist: tlie iippiiritnill of (lea l YV yny nrfj, llio warning the sccoi il ,i-rtl l.ym Icton is said t i have received of Ids own doulh, and tho account of tlio ph 'St ill Ihe T 'Wer nl L iiidou, where such tt visitor, one wiiuhl thick would not hick compa ny, though thcro niihl bu a scarcity of heads auiong them Hope is like the wing ol an angel, soar ing up In heitvrn an I bcaiing our pritycia ti Ihc tllllttl" ol (bid. Nt vcr tertct mi a paHt acton, action whicli was din, o with a g n i inotivo and best jiidgiinent at the time. Kitln r thu t ii t ii rr or the putt is in every lace, and make us, it uot I'tiidy, at least uiild and gentle. wrl tin ni'jlau' The Cousiiiiiiinn rays an Atlanta girl ass.i'1 a young man linn he liked Shake spear, li i replied without a struggle, "As You Like It." When n loafer enlers tho ainctum of au oJitur and the c Jit r says, "Glad ti see ynu'er bick," docs ho mem? . No one can l u happy without t fri nd tod nu oGectu kuow whsl liicDus he has uulil be it uuhnpi'T. It ii-ru! ' 14 00 20 00 III) 00 3(1 CO 40 00 duo Sqiiarn, Two Squares, Throe SiiuarfM, l'our Stiiares, Fourth Col'n, Hull Coluiiin, W In j ! Coin in n, 3 00 6 00 K no 10 (Ml 1. 1 00 lid M I R 00 10 00 15 00 H 0(1 20 on n in SO M o ea 4.') M Ml 00 5 00 7ft eo HO 00 00 00 Ooo Year, Tll.lKH I A 0H hiiockoi: MAcmxK woKta, RICHMOND VA. MiiniifactiircrM of I'nrtublo nntl Htutlonry Kngiiii's ami llnilcrs, .Saw Mills, Corn aud Wlit nt Mill-, shafting. Mangers and Pul leys, Tiirhiutt Water Whnnls, Toliaeoii ala eliiiii i v, NV mugli t Iron Work, Braaa aud lion l iisiuijjs, Machinery of Kvery Ilea ri'iptniii. iJlSNIS'l ANIi Tlllil HI1INH M.M'IfHfM A SI'Kt l Al.TY. IC-inirhiK I'rouipdi ,V t'ltrelull llouo. n"s r. i'kn r spauk AititKnTaiv The I in pillion ol Ilie Age, It does not ili'slMV fid draft. It doe not intnrfern with cleaning tlio tubes. It will not etioko up, and requires uo cleau ing. It retpiires no direct, ttniiipora to s ope. m l yvboti raising stoam Idarapora bo ing iitiji.'etion.iblo, as ihny may bololtopeu and allow H' inks to oscii 0 ) It nipiiros no water lo extinguish epiiks, which, hv I'tiiiiliinantiiili, tletslrova llio dm ft. llnsiiloM, hen water is nsod.if neglected, tlio elVb-ionoy Is ilestroyed by evupiiriiiioo nl the wiitor, and the boiler U kepi in a lilthy condition. It is, sitiiplo and ilurablo and can b re. lied upon. It can l.fl attachetl to any boiler. No pbintor Hlioiild tin wttlioiit tine iif theus, 1 1 istu l iiiion conipanirs will Insure RlllR lull lnirtia wborn tho Talbott I'.ngiuea and Sp irk Arresters aro tiainl at a .mo rate M cl ar !' I for yvutnr or horso power. 'rSnnd Inr iliiistriiiu.l circular and price list. Ilranch boiisn, Hiiplsbnro, N. C. .1. A. II MISIIU, (ipiioral Mansger, T. A. liHA.NiiKU, Local Managua. mav 8 bin kn'Ae'.MLV IRON BITTERS, to tin public fur hII dL frttHH r ((tiirliig ni'tUlu riini I lln'l-iil -M'i hiHt ttl Stltiig. ni. Hu mp fi i mt itltt 1-Utlttcnt rrrm, II mf A Itrtit, iumm uf htt tttQth, M ark mf ff'itri"ii, ff. It au rlclif, tliti blood, .in iiiriln 'Hi tlit; iiiutv I It Klltl iflVlsg (JUW li A ( Un.- in rvt. Id tho it: i"-1, U'tli'it. Riid ctiii ' i ii'ii ri'nii iing ri't'iitHU. fill HI, tliU TMlUKlfi r- Tt i.t v fun not lm loo tnK'i'.v ri i Mtiiiuwuittjsl. It nrtm likfi h rhiiiiM u I Lis di ti fall Yj urtiAHA. I. -ui-j. tut (ul bvtitrt) n.i'.i . m iii ri innvu tdl (! f i-PpI't Myuiiiltnu. TRY IT. Si'lil ait DnifTfritti. A (ireiil luulc nun ui i until A Sure Aplt'luer. Jl I I kllUl i i -at. i :!. Vi.i.i:,,nfr. IRON BTTTERS, A V i, until.- Mori i "ti IP.On ElffERS, 4S d ..! I tt tt lTf age IRON BITTERS, It'thRceNOILSiCALCi tiAi riMonr;, M4 tb'f IS I V W. l V1CK M-"'W' I'lillKiW AM) Itl;.!i:.S MADE TO ORDER OJt U2rAiKicn Lfuv rraciu Al I kinds of wood w ork and triiniiilii; done in u 1 stylo. lUaektiiiilh work dons at nolieo and with neatiicss, AH new' wnrk yv.n ranti'd. Kinn painting for biii; ins tliuiu at low pri.'ea,best paint used. III, I ll; I KM IJIVKXTO nn: L'nih:iu AKiNu dki'aufment. fl "-'c'Vi - . "s .; . , ii'.i - ' rrfiTsTsi' ( nil'iiis aiid.Caiies of nil nice oousUultf mi li.ioii. Cirri i:o Matnrbila kopt oiihiuid at prlt liolow I't'torstiuig inaik 't. Weltloii N. 0. Jiino ft ly ri N O. T. K O K D , Taken plfiMMio In airioiiuciiig that h can atill bo loiiml al Ins Bland on K I KST HTBKET, Wlicio he has on baud a full line of thu Klnoal WINKS, Wilis Kirs, an I hllANMKs. TullAl ID, CIiJAl, and SNl'KK, OltANUKS, APPI-KS, and t oNr'KCTlONEKIES Ilia stock ofCiinnoel Ootid arid U roc-erics ia uiKiHiiaily Full and ' o in p 1 p 1 lit.ii Ciiiis:r Wiiiskiv A ed-uuilrT. KK1H LAD Kir BKKK OH DRAU(HT. Ho KU.irauluea anUsf-ietnm. Call and see l.iiu. Not 21 1 y. .t -i.s? ' I sT r- .a H 0 Bl TK. s 14 ' f TTfl'TIM,-)- wHIMIlr.eM ill Win

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