THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. RY rl t CHE ROANOKE NEWS. ' ' A; DRMOCKATIC : WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY i LONG A W. W. HALL. M . I ; Un Tear, fa a.lvaow, ! f 2 00 ? r,.nihu 1 00 f; rbraa Months, " 75 els. i- IS -. '"i - - - . PROFESSIONAL CAROS 8 o r t o o u Dentist. i I ; ovar W. II. Drown'i Dry floods Store, '. ' WlLDOS.H.C. I Stall vlilt partial atthilrhomeiwlicnileslrcil. ; tinoi Reaionehli. oct 13 lr I ; r ATTOUF.T AT I-AW, if'. . HALIFAX, N. C. flrTlce In th r,.srt House.' Strict attention Mvn to ll branches of tin- profession. i to l i ir jAD II J T. BRANCH ATTOKVKY AT LAW. KPIKI.n, N. c. '' Prertloei In the eountles of Halifax. Nash MRMomtie ami Wilson. Collections um l" In al the mate. an 12 If ATTOitXEY AT LAW, , . k WELDOX, N.C. ,X traeeial attention priven to collections ami Iramlttanees promptly made. ay ltf. VtBM . MUU.IH. JOHN 1. MUOJIK. JJ D L L X fc M 0 0 R B, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX S. C. lretlce !n the emmttesrif Halifax, Northmnp In. Kduecunbi', l'ill anil Martin-Mil the :' prtine eonrt of tho fate anil In the federal Ceurts of the Hasteni District. t;jlli'C! Ions minlc U my part of the Stale. Jan 1 ly A.M BH K. O ' II A R A, AT rORXEY AT LAW. KfFlEI.n, . c. t-ft V ' raellce In the oonrta of Halifax ana1 siHaio ttur eonntl-s, anil In the Supreme an.l Fdri-al .Murti. Ool ectlons made In any part of th. tat. Wl.l attcnl at tin- court lenis; in Halifax a Monday mil Triilay of each weak. Jan Utf aX D R T0 '"" 1 ATTOUXKY AT LW. HALIFAX N. C. Fraitleaa In the ronrtaof Haiifat. and n light ing eounttcs. In the Hupr-me court of th' tare, and In the FYtlcra! , 'iirts. Will ivi special attontl.ui to thi f claims, and to aillustbnr the accoimU of ci . aiitora, idmlnlatratan and KuardianH. dccir,if QITIX l. H IMAM, ' ATTOKNEY AT L1W. ' HALIFAX, N. C. PraitlCM In the courts of Halifax and adjoln 9Bjv lountles, and in the SiiiM-eme and Ft'd.'r tl ouru. c'laiina colleciert In all parts of N.irth arollna. Office In the Court House. julylif J0MAS N. HILL, Attornej ml Law, ALIFAX, N. C. Praitleea In Halifax and adjoining cnuntli'S Ml federal and Supreme courts. Will at Scotland Neck, onee eTerv fort If it. auic'lf JOB. B. BATCH E LO It. ATTOKSGY AT LAW, RALEIGH, X. C. fiMtliia In the cnurti of the nth Judicial Biatrial and In tho Federal and S;u reine c jiirti. May U U. IJt W. MASON. - - ATTKNLT AT LAW, flARTSBURCJ, K. C. raetleaa In the courts of Northampton and tlolnlnv counties, also In (he Federal and Su- nia eaurta. June S tf. . a. air. a. c. zoi ucotTr.u. D AT A I0LLIC0FFKU. ATTOKM'.Y.H AT LAW, "7 WBI.nO.I, N. c. Patlea Intdjeconrts of Halifax and adjolnlnn luutUa, antl In thesupremo and .Y,.'rttl courts. ' -Claims collided In any part of North rarollna. Ouaof tin Urui will alwai lis found In tlie ftc. Juiie'Jtly. D K. JB. L. U t? , IEK, MV UQEmX SESITIIT. Can be (band at his office In Enfield. , Tara Tfitrogs OT'dn dun tor th Pain less Eitracting of Toetli always on hum). J una 22 tt. KDKEVT J. BUS TO N, ATTOItSEY AT LAW, WELDOtf, N. C. - Tractlees In the courts of Hsllfax. Warren ami Adjoining counties and In the Supreme and Fed eral courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. June l'tf R H. SMITH, JK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, iotlamd Nbck. Halifax Countt X. C I JPraetlces Inthe county of Halifax and adloin- I ' noaunra, ami iu rnc Mipprmu courl nf tho 1 ir. VOL. IX. Tliro h' . tli Tf H Htnisliino, WIkti' thr . I w I i ; In t li'1 i-Mti ap', in t In- in:tii.'ii, In ihf Iml. .r in the .'.-II. Tliri' Is tmi .lc In their vU'm, i'li'-ri' is sit inlnih' in ti.i'ir lv( Anil h joy fnr.'ViT roii'nl ihrtu, Tli ft 1 n u ..-1 1 1 f r li vii'ur (lrlt (ilniK'tntf frr'ii tin' H"ft Mil" ryrn ; Flushing llit-uni,'!! the pfiirly Imp ilrnp, i'liMKiiiir Ilk" (In1 siinuiHT Nkii'H ; ijrrkiiiK' in u'h rmr!ii-fi Jtnii'lr, N st tin n ':iih rm. l-'I f:ilr ; OV"f Hit tlit IHlIf fhllil fll.'C (ilniiininr,", j;!.'un'iiu: rVfry .vln iv. I.lfft" rhil.ln'ii -', w(- l,.v" Ui-in K' r t iifi r spii-ii n I'l-n si tl vt tr Vul j'tV tlint ever HiufrH Ili'P" til. MP h.'tlll'llll!' f.i.M .t"H if,) ; Tin tin 'Mitmlthn' uf tli-'lr r s.nic Miiki-s lh luwly i'dKii-i' f;iiP, Ami tin' juilftcr' i.i ?i i-rihun If m litil- on.- U IImm'". FENELLA'S STEP FATHER. 'Ilc io !' !d Kill ll Ifr.l let n He wa a 1 1 li f at lit sunn! r-r m irnm I r --k. list tttli i', O.ctii;io his Icttei Hn, a', tlie ricHii'.i iiioi), his y nurm m.'e I (iki',1 (j ii.k'y up lio n pla e lul.iu.l Hi r ati'Minn cilTie pn'. 'On, Rilili I' cucil ktie, 'i it fioni join f.tlnrj' IIj nril le I. ilill intent, with Irowninp bt .Vi, on Ilie contenla ot tlio l (il)i'i t o n. tc paper Ffticll'i raiin; arnuii,! nn.l lone, I over hit sliouliler-a lordly liltie vi-iuu l aulumn uolil Iihit, )rHT, lout; la-iliei! e?(.a, ami pink die. k. ' iVIihi ilnm lie sj. I!nl,bi' ptio a-kcil, scarcely ahore her brfalh. 'Oh, do lull me. q nek !' IIh iajs,' rtutnil R dlcm, gloomy, 'that I have been a U1 I' 'So yo i have, KkI)Ii, iltai,' raiil Mrt. R.'.lloni, pnrsiin; up b r naiirt stiaw berry af n inoulii. 'Anl lie lurihrrninre ai ls that, an 1 have nisclo my he. I. n I nmt liu op It.' 'A svll-i viili'iit I -n". t !' ail lcl Toii'll'i. 'An, I he (loeiinca In sue or arknnwlc ls;e ton, my dear, go thrtu is the etwl of all our dreams ami tt'piiations. 1) n't look a1, little one,' he sirjoitie.l, secin,' the ha Inw Creep over his wife's jouno luce We Iiivh each other ycl I' 'Ibdluvn that, Halph I' faid FenelU, givit'K her husbiinira iiiouhlcr no nlTev ti, ii, ale little m icrz:' ; liut I taii'l forgive aifsi'lf lor esiruut;ii)j you Imtn your lolkt ' 'A loan slis'l leave hit lather an I hi' mot1 r, no I cleave unto his wile,' q iotml Mr. Iiiilhrn. Ilui Ki nelia ahonk t'lelitl'c rinifs of u hiiru i;ol i t.lial clustefe.l around her loree heal.' Ytfs. I Vr;.'. Hut,' aikid she. 'Hut it ilmi't ay "A man ehnll q'lune l v i t ll Ills In' tier Ineaio-e ol hia wile' It's all my fault. Kill'll I' 'Now. FVnov, that is nonsense 1 If yn instrt 'n 'iikmo iich a dsior'el view ol' the mn' t"' as this, I thill take y u nu' Wfl willi me.' ' Hut I won't be taken.' uu.l le.l M. s I' m. her eves aiia kliui; wiiliuliy lliroiiiih thnr mi'ty ml ol tears. A pie'tv way ol cconomizi'i tliit. won! I wouliln'i it t No imlee I ; I -h.ll 'ty liere, an I i ut nut the la ulireq nns. :!i.l iiiike the I'liintz i iivi is lor our i Ulti col late when wo l'o lo h,iil-ikieil',u'. a ol study nil the c 'tik'Tt-'Mios-. m,l e,,;ix 1 . Ill id .,1 t let me try IK v neipes, down ia her kit -lien. And, a ier a'l. It's on y llirre iH-ihths vnii aie t 'i.' i'.irii'. Tlireo lliont lis w ill slloll ois. V " ll k.iort.' 1 lit a In ave liitle Keiielln you are !' i' h 1!. 'cm B'U I, Hiiiini'.', in o'e o1 hi tatli'T's Utter loe litter tint doori h. ri c i hi'ii. 1.' Fe eils's fl i.viT.I:k,' lice was veiy K'ave wi.fii !i,t!,li hrl -i nr I .-! n li' I'oio VVi'-tein j oini'V, lind .lie Has all . Il'a all in il.ili'K,' .nl I he yrona wile to litTf-cl I I never alioul 1 have allow, d myself to mint him. iinie-s, I was j i lit; ce'tiiin IMit lile la'lmr was wi lin'. An I no his p'Orpe ts ntn lililitni, and Ins a'lowaiiee rut ' (T u'rl inilv poor lilih: n o I. II to rrctt'llin Use lllul 'or '.11 tin- tloulile 1 Oh, ils r, deal, when v.iunu j vnplo It I t lnTO. whai I.hiIs t ii (hi make ol Hu m selvs! I won't let his entire lutiire ho saci iliivd in this sort ol w ly. I'd set in it lets I't.iio'ii, U it cos s inu my ahoh: Itle lo tu it !' M s Hi I'er : I, oke.l very resolute iu 'red. O d OeorRina ll il'e n wis sitting in his hank lanctu ii one rl.iv, al out a week after Rilpll and F-'pei a hi lkis-e) each otln r adieu, on tue s:eiv ol M s. II idih n's cheap tioardmij-h iiise, in HnrUtii lie as a tall. c.'iin old urn i,,ni'io, wiih a frinos of silver nair around Ins Iml. I iii'p. sharp, iteely oyea, t h t ace i e l lo look t fi r i mi Ii siid thrn ;li you, as if y oi turned lo transparent 'jU-s i.eii;-ilh tlieir lioliU h'lio ylsre, and ilianioii I sluts i;!' in bis linen altoi'tl. r the s 'it (d an o'd eenllunian t hp regarded ivitl. il;al:i il ae and no, id lesoeci. Mr. Ite Item's li ink dctks were depiT a'e'y iil'aid of liiui, an 1 even h:s lirolher dire, t rs sre;e in I U e habit of payiti'.' sirupnloij" reo.r l I.i his opinum u,'or Riaiti r and '.Innes in o r,eml. 'Alalyto no tin ?' nil Mr. liedlirn. 'An I upon tins particular inorninn. o' a'l others, when I mil i-peeialk huy 1 1)1 jou tell he' ( is ni."-l. Siuini nd ?' Y'S. sir I III' r spin led Simiiiriuil, a liltle n d-hiirid cl.ok, attli a deep I an o,. e. '"jt a'.c I'cr l'ii!ies is v.ry partieii'iir." 'You're sure she l-n't a hook nnM J' iihe has no rarethaj. M'. He lfern, and 'ho doii'l I , i k I ke that mit o thin),',' ni l S, ili ptei int'tiijlv. 'Nor a collectoi of snlis'-riptions tonanl a new chapel, or a charitable nhj c ?' ' Well, n-a If . sir,' imnrtul the per.'ed Siinuieiid-1, I can't aj ; but she hasn't that apiHiitanre ' 'Theu show her in. and dine with it!' sai.l Mr. (li'inius Hedlcrn. Oon'ounl lhee wou.en I one can't sli-ke 'em ulT any mora thin il lliey woe Itechei !' The door ol ground ulass, aet in mill, lions ol wsied wa'nut. tlid back as uou esly at if it moved nu velvet, Dtid a lad. lovely tfirl, dressril in plain raT silk, with a iliooping-Killo pluiue ou her list, glided in. Inslinelifi Ij Mr. Iledfirn lose ani boived manhood's itisiinctive tribute lo iwect youth and leminins ursce. 'This is no brink ancnt or worn-out sub arnption hack,' he In, I himself, aa he moved forward in eaj clmir, and courte ously asked : 'Wh it cun I do for jou this morning, inadam ?' I cilled to 8, . :ik lo you about your inn, Mr. Kedlera.' laiii FtDella, vsliunilr, although, her heart ivsi jjiTing a WELD ON", of junips into her thtnal. Ioileed !' paid h, coo!r. 'Yes. Said Kenella. 'lam hf wife I' Mr, Ited rn bowed, still ni 're icily, 'Ilo not fur a moment mppaae,' added FeuelU, drawing hersell up, that I have come here to plead lor mysell. I never once thought ol that! It is for him. Ynu are angry with him (ir msrrvtng met You are res.lved to disown him 1' 'I am,' said Mr. Ke liero, Col 1 ly. 'Hut you mustn't I' breathles-ly burst nut Feriella I ove him ton well, Mr: Iled 'ern. la hIIow him to he ruined lor my "ik. ! Relator hire to ytur lavor, re eivn linn back once more info llie place in your lieatt Irom vshieh I have unwittingly ni-.s'cl Iduo, and I will gie up all chum l i him I' I) you mean th u yog will leave him ?' tillered Ocorijiui I'.edlern. I do!' 'Humph I' sneered Mr. ltoilfcrn. 'Anil this ia a luvu match I' 'Yo.i mixiiko me, sir,' said Fenella, proudly. 'Ii is because I am unwilling to lilioht his whole luture.' 'A tirl I suppose you have como hereto barcrtni lor a manitcnance I' 'No,' taid FenilU, colorinrx at tho implied taunt. I will not aenpt a cent from you, I suj ported ruys.ll belore I married him, end 1 can iiin.' 'And how wi I you do it t' I can si w, or I can teach, er I can open a boarding-house. Hat my wheieabouts tnut I u tltictly concealed Irom ll ilplt, iu a'. event. 'lUmpli !' g'uuled nroroius Hedlcrn, the steel blue ties Hill t.'uusfixg his daughter in-'mv. 'Ami you would ijive no your husband and un into exile just to te-ture my bo? to my favor aain I' Yi,' sai I F.-ncVn resolutely; I wnuld.' 'Wiiyrtidn't you think oi this belore you married him ?' Il-ciii'tl n l,i blinded by love anil folly to see the harm I was working It . 1 j h .' answered tlie young girl, with bu rn i In y. 'My dear,' siid oM Geo'i-Ias rtedferu, liol linn out both his hands, 'come here and kiss nie. Yu a'e a no'do liitle ejirl ! Hut I shall m k i no uch birsin with y i; Feiiellii's c uinteirinee fell. 'I) i ion supp I am u fl.'nd itienr nale ,' ro ire 1 out the old pcnlh uiiin, (jet tnio ui mi, I biviiiiiino to pi 'e the circutu scribed liuitts al t'io i.H'ue fl inr. 'No. tin ! nu' irnti' so bid as that. When Ita'ph f."'t uririiid. I ipposnl y ol wore a ( y lit I i! foiteii-liii'it'i-.s.. or some d.fipitit; u,i:. n lio h id er.trspped lillnirto uniiii uiony. I sie, host, ib it you no ll noble, dun. ten st, d, ivoi'iiy ol the love- ol any iiniii.' 'T'ten y.ul v. i , I pardon him. il I will t'o owuy and never tr ii'dn you i' cried Fell elk, ia I iimlv. N. ; I im't !' M , K'.lle.'U-' ,'i L-a-ped. 'I'll p u 1 mi him o.ili on rou lit ion nl Ilis bnn nno jou here to live with me.' vii.l F .tlier- in-law ltetlirn; tiikinit F'.n el a'- (1 l-lo ! Is,:- lii'two'-n ll s 'lands 'You hive :n ii. '"' ; e,,j In vu linn I t Ii t in -i ! I a laiii', all ' ,iut I- . n'e i ii'iui!h Ut me. No d.m'l ll'l 's l'".ve si v inole Is k lliu nt it Wn e io..lli. I',. ' linn to me Pick t N- Y'il' Mv eii-l.l;,' wiloe ut tli !o -r iliieuiiy, an I it wid take you , ll on- to my bo i,u and y o,s. Them on I will av un il l.e teturus -ai d ever al er, ! I hop.-' I'tir - iir'i 'n-jhts of si ' ml tears. ll If IVi.elli hoi liniliolit lielS'-ll I i L' Ve ii: nl1 'oi ll pi, s .-.ike. All I, 111 Kivinp, all -le lis I :.'.. I ii id nil 'I eel ire, Fenella. "aid Jvilph liedfein, s mio llnee or lour in mills nili ei lent 'v, Vim can no wti .t vir.l lileae with nil I l.tlicr 'I.. M t ulr in.. si ,)..i',i ...I ..I t' 'I know it,' siid Fenella, bn..lit,f. 'Aul w vn't U lnol,;li of me ever to be altuid nl him V A U o.iil.'i iul I'urrul. j I- in in i In: ir beiV Join nal.) Mv lather know ii n my desire t have a pai lot, i it iploje I K t niipoisseur to uiilce tlie puieliase. Ii was u fine yoiino yray bird, a tlh a ri'i'le lull. Win n i-he came to me, the bird bad never spoken, and it was Minn' weiKs tielnre she di.l. 1 toiiu iff'-at 'iins with her. Wlie'i she beoau to sp' uk, 1 tauolit h'T to do m ni.linctly, and l'oll s o u viuuhl the lopes ol my voice, ilp.uh I never anlicipned that (he Would hccoaie Iho clever, iute l ynu bird idie d,d. 1 1 -r ip'-akiej. powers were wniidcii il m t as a nipple imii'it on il wonts, but like a teasiniinj. t'd ikino cresture I'.dl A' s no, s-iv. iy proud and n'li-iilve. S imetiiiies I li V brother teaed Iho, and spoke in a ciin'eiiiptuous mai lp r, when lie won. d i lily sin Ui; her shoulders in. I relapse mM hilenre, as if he were quite h. neat her couleinpt. Ill dear Itiends who at that time were cnn.-t'int visitors. I'olly wisaij'eit favonlu with them, and a soiitiv ol mm Ii ain itrinrnt to both. One day while we wee nittitii; in thu dini'iiz innn the otss'ivd t'n'iu coming autoss the licld at a short ilo-tutiee, and called nit to me: "Here's W ii rut It ciirn ; the? will want their dinner Won't I. 77.; tin in a rnoe I A'l ! ah 1 won't a'le. that's all.'' ' Notisi n-e roily," 1 sai I. ' Dou't led J uries I hey am not cumin;; ; and if tliey sreie, ymi could n"t see llietu ;" uol aupp' sill) her siut Has so k"cn. "iVill, you'll see," replied I'olly. Inn e uiomrn'a tlie lull rani, and Mr. W K'ld Mr, H appeared Notliiu! could quit the biiil. She s 'emeil in an icstaey of luri mischief, ami had to be Cunicd aay into the kiti In n to the Cook, w dm, to lirr tia litlle utiiiiiy iiiiv. h id lo prepare an iniprnintu dinner. I'll e dinner was served, and I'olly reunii d to her owu place. Hy this time he was tliiirottlily excited, and beejan pisisui bersell and her dear iniitrcss, , w ho thoroughly ad u'ie.1 the bird, led H e Conversation. First she looked at her loot. "What a bciutilul loot. What a tail, and a red one too !" "Yi i, I'olly. jou are a beautiful bird, am! a clever onu as well You iw us com I in; uc ofH tho liiid. and knew we had not In I our dinner. You are a knowing bird, l'n I.' lit. ha !" with a curious laugh, "Polly Is a elrver bi,d. Polly's a beautiful bird. What a r.illj ! wlut wha'alul Polly 1" We a' 1 l.ii-Ih'iI heailily, iu which iho joiui'd I' loudest ol all. Mr. It raid: "Well done I Ynu uui lil to be sent lo rollego, to teach the iiuJciita elocution.'' N. G, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1SS0. Oi.e of tlie uioit I'.n.ilur Inatancei ol lie.r lulelliurucu and iireiiiest natiL'tilipcss was the following One. niotnini; I had i;one frii'ii home. A vouni; servsnt i.enl to Polly's cmc and. n it kuowinii that she was very savage, opened It Po'ly ll w at her baud. , The irl was friyhteiii d, li lt doer open, ami run a.vay; an 1 Hie winrlnw beino onen, Polly walked nut into the front pardon. The rook ft her arjd called ; but the lord woubl ii"t come back ; sr. ihiiikinif it was best to leave her until my return, cook watched her climb into a tree. I had h id experinnce ol Polly's perverse disposition, aud knew that only by strata gem I mid iiianai;e her. I walked down the path, and carriino a favoiite rat with me, sat down neat the tree mi I proceeded to stroke Pussy and pet her. 'I'mr Pussy! pour Pussy! You shall be niv pi" now, Polly li'is pone away aud led rue.' I otteu b I'lLjiit nor a swii't liiii-cuit, spil I hid pome with me which I Hive to the cit, s'.ill atrnkinu hei. .My rum had sncceled; I had rnil-cl her jeilnusv. I heard a rust I in:; in the brunches, and presently Polly called out, Tumy ii a wretch, 1 I did not lake any nolicr ; but ilill londlini; the cut, I said : 'tlome, Pursy, We wi.l no ami see il dinner is rm ly." Matters wete now, I ej'atico.l up, an I saw Polly q iietlv ile ccndin:; the tree ; and when she oinne, to the hottii'ii. cried : 'Polly's etil ; Polly has been a walk.' 'So I kg- Polly ran stop out altogether now, il she likes.' 'Pussy is a lool-ri horril luol.' Her tcmp T was tlp roiiolily roused. She. came (o ino clini'aed utmii my knee, an t ruliliud her pri tty bend upon my h ind. I bud her safely now. Alter fins, u; pud lock W'ns put upon her (ua, to prevent anv more tree crtii a ie. Wo hud a vi ry handsome peacock, which P-illy could fee limn her cse,e when she was on Hie lawn. It una iib-nnl to lee the struttini; bird, Ins p-ule and sell iiBsiimptiou, mil iqu'illv iio u-ino to li"tm tn Pollv lalkini; to h ill Wo culled him Itslpli, Poll tin n would sav : '(' me here. li'ilph--beiiutilu! Hii'iph, hiiuil.some Ualph! l'o nc, spread your tml ' I lie tall would be outspread, 'Oil, you bciii'y I Now stamp-samp your Unit, (jooil, clever liilpll.' One day while lis'eni ii; to tu.'h talk as this, she turned to me mid demurely said: ' What il tool that Ilalph is I' 'Nay, Polly ; Ralph i not n fool; he is a v. rv clever bird, and I like hi m ' Whenever she was ll it pleased, alls s'liuou'erl sli.'iilikrs, a it ill derision. Now I say Ita'ph is u f ui'. Just llo ii the petrol k envo one nl those aa fill tries 'litt peacocks only cm t.;ter Pol'y tin re hire nave u ,ih, r in i.niiut:.,n and bin di in; Iniiillv. sh'ii ked : 'llsl;ih is 'ni;iii:; Ha ph is iininx ! O.i, I until die ol 1 ill.h in.'.' A r. in irkalslc inslarce ol lu r j, ilous tempi r was ih.i'aye, to a p'nrot Wlill'il b id Ii en puu'ini-i' I by i lib iid, who sunt It to -t IV w 11 h US, I opin llut 11. would leal 11 to S.I ill ll It u-,'0l iti d Willi my bill Hit l'o i nii'iivid an i'.vc'tra'e d.s, ike In lb-- niieiloii. i tiiili'i it wit' conle. I, pt. ca I ii;; it all the li-' she U-i: .v. The. " '' i .."i In t' - .li-i'(;. I'' oiii ' ll iiioriiliir. 1 bad famed I, or s,' i"l Iti I B slboit ilil-iinj lall.l v wni-h'p tllst dltl never ills lllb il 11-. I ho i III. I liiiil m-t'ie va'imf sounds, m; very loll I ; 0 t l'"l y lii'ew :h t a 1 iniiso wis viiiinj Ui w av ol e !. loin ; hi r ill I re I i nii, mil, tl sbo ;.sid in a win pet : 'II'i-li. I udi ! l'e qui,'', v-nl naught 1 bi;d!' When prmr wis over, sie li'ii-t put : 'You ti'.u lit v , Wlllki d 1 1 1 1 tl ton linrild bird, ion kilo I n bud oil out, yi t out Away Wi ll VO I I' Alt' r Una, we un it was u-r'rss to employ her as ii n instructress, slid so ul thu il, Spi il bud Imnie. Novel tin ii 'S rhe h id In r biv.ui'es, and was von kind to Him. She was v. ry 1 hi i eil the cat, in il noiiiil cull I.i i to the ca:;e. Hut Hie n u t ainiMiinr I nicy Mie In. ' K was lo little iiioue. I ue wit.'er i wis very col I, mi I aa l'.ijiy sulle ed iiiip ti ; (ruin it, he '.vas t' k' ii neiy n iht I" my e I ro in. w here tln re was a li e, at'd Iter C i;e pltoeil oti a low sl ol lost il. Oi.e I li.uhr I liHi.r.l '..'Liu., in li.ip u 'i lie 1 n. tied ami bend her say : 'Picily liltb dear prttty darling. Polly won't lute you.' Wondering what she me int, f"r I w is sure lb it she was iml tal'iiu to inc. I not nut ol bed and ii cut to her C'Re. Ibmo ui the bn tom of tin; osoe, w is a little mou-e underneath the m;i-s. foe lni: tpnle rnn entedly, and without any sijrn ol fear, I ol'en ssvv 'he liny crea'iii,. co'.tie in and aut id Polly's cae, imr did i-ti rvrr utiimpt to lejure it or il'ivo it r.wtie. Her speech w is vei y pi collar when tho.i alio did not llbe wire presei.t. She bad a great dislike In my litisbiinl; I suppose fram a jeiloudy, an I aiwsys seemed nil happy when be was neui. A few months alter our umrnaue, we pai I a short v.nt tn my tit ii . r. sad one (lay when I was ahiiiu with I'.dl in the ilitiiii:; rooiii flic raul to me in her tendi rest ui e : " WI y did yu 1:0 to Scollsn I a id lesVe Jinn own Polly ? Polly loves ymi. Diu.'l ui) away aam an I leivu me! M rnod whni ma le't and ivmt aw.iy. Don't leave Polly ajall !' He ha I never before, heard her apeak in iiudi a i;in:!f mi-per, "tid k-i..ri m buss band otiteied (lie ruotr. In- tlioiiobt I was in convi'rsuttiin with a frien.1, und pause I outsnlo to listen. Helms never Inrjittrn the Imprrssien made upon hitn by that ton hltio col pipy. We h i I lo leave Po ly hi hind, under m nnoia's care and in wtlttti!! lo mo altetv.'ttrd, the told me thai the dear biro won!) ta' k a'oi'it me con t inn - I 'y. One day minimi sji.l to her; Polly I in wrinne; lo y.nir uiirlie.s. Shall I send your love ?' 'O Jib; ami here's i pretty leather E lovei Polly's Iratbeis.' It wis sent to me, and I have it mil. Hut iiiiloi'ii nately lor Polly's beauty, r tic bit rlT nearly a I hrr scarlet leathers lo send to me I When I n vinited my Inrmcr home, I took my little batiy with mu Pn'lv was deliuhted. It was souuihitiK hi loni;iii lo her .iiistress, and iimst be loved. When any one called, she would say: Have you n" n the. baby ? Such a besuty ! (Jive, it lo me. Poll wont Lite il ; Polly will only kiss it.' I IimI full confidence in her love lor me ; hul I nrcd irarcidy say I never tiic 1 her all ctntn for the little one. Shu, like nlhrr pets, has passed away, but is not forg.ittcn. All other knowleiiue is hnitlul to bilil wto hai hijucrtv aud good uuture. (Olirtl'HT. Few words in our liuwnaoe lire more i x pressive than the word "courtesy." ll i in braces in its mn ti' unt meaning all Hint is kind antl courtly, civil and chi drnna. It lirinus tu mm I the kniuhtly deeds id Hie valiant heroes id the mi lillr sues, and cilia the many kind pi-rbonvil fur in and 'hose winch wu haV' noticed donn lor otliera by our uioiloru knights ol tbiN most practical ninelvcnlh reniniy. Hutiiati na ture la ci ase'e .sly tho same. Il l not lor a luuuiri.t presume, diar n a lor that in lliesu days lliere air no biave knights. We sn one '.lie otln r day. not clad ill anuor like the crusader, who mlolity huttlii itx did iluili'lily thuds on the plains ol Pale tine, but one who was cUthed i i modem style, and whom tiiii-n was n it so iiial'stK' as to have allt ii'teil ntli'iillou in a crowded sited. N.ilwiihal.iiiiliiiu be was a line k flail' and tins is why - as bo pussul us lie aii't a poor "II labium,; mill enile tvoiin j tn till into a cart a heavy b-'X,. Tlie day was when it wtHlld i a .' u been no rent tnrk (or the viumo is aims to b ive lino a n I he box up, but tune ami cire lind pen eptibiy in. .keneil llie once etroiij impi'h s, and bnwi d a I.i-in on i:c manly und rieci. O'lf ifond k iejht took oil his cloves und put them, u it us a nai'c o! I at le il nu ut the luetiiau's loot belurc nu upplnuilitio mu n. tudc at a uay toutnoy. but s u.ply into h.s emit pocket, and then, wi'h an cticouraj; airio word iml kbit smile, a-sisled in puts tino the box in the cart, aid walked nil apparently unc.otiso.iiHis that he had ilouc a nni thy uct and made joyous a lello.v m n. O In T men had pa'snl by the old man without tenderinif him the li ut afststiini i ; our iinioiiiinini"iis kniolit o the lin e' oiilli ci'i.tury was the only one ivho Ciitue lo thu i esc ue. I'ourtesy, with its accompany in:; kind lieaite 'Hess, iis jjood htei'diii!!, had become a part id our true knight's vity Ik i r ; m that w hen occasion Callrd lor i's maiiiles. tatioii. il would rurely appear (luz.ln j; Willi resplendent In am? tothecyis ol all, even as a precious diamond, when by cliuilfe exposed in tha 1.1; il 1 1 1; !i t , Inclines rudiit.t with liiiil and loveliip'ss, 4a Home 1.11'e u II imilrril Yi'iirn .Iki. One bun Ired yiii'S a'-n n t 1 poin d el coal ora culrc toot of illiiminat tn .; yu had I ei n huiiied in the country. No iton stoves were un'd and no conttivan.'i's lor e -omiini. n ll at were e nploio ! until Dr Ft nklln inveiitt'd the irnn fiunii il liie pNce which slid In ins ha AH the eookino and Wiiriiiies in towns na well as in the r ou ii 1 1 y wne done bv the aid ol a fire kindled on the bri. k he iitli or in the lii'ck ovens Pino knots or l.tllir.v can die furnished tlie li;;ht b.r the ln:in win), r null's, in.d san-leil 11 its supplied the place id iii;;s an I carpets. The water ii'e I lor household purpm.r! w as iliatvn Irom deep wells with the cre kin- sweep No form ol pnuip was used in Mm I'mnnrv, n tar ns w e ca i loam, un'd alter 'lie coin men', oinei.t ol tin- p-esi nl c-nt'iry 'I l ore wer" no li lot im iniitches in tliosy (lays, i.y tlie aid "I winch a lire c ml I Le oa'ili kindled ai.d ll Iho ll u went nut upon llie heai'li over i.i'iht in, I the under I t'cp. so ih it tin' spark w o iM 'n l i a'.eh, :he aliiipa'iie leiiisine I id nu Hi" tliroii';h the seo.v a nu e or so t i I in row j it brand ot u ip iojlibor O-dv one toioti in aut house was watm. utile's some iin'iiiber it tlin iti'i.dy was id ; in nil Hie list the ill; pe, amp' Was lit 7 T illliltio in. lit i ou bis iii winter. The men an I women ol a hunit'f'l years ai;o umlies-ed ml went I.i thnr bid. In a t uil'Cia'ure I'd UT than thit nf siur bains und w noiUlie Is, mid t'.cv lit vcr con p'ained Illtf UljM'rHIK'C. lutein pet an n in the creati.t cvd of Hie a.'e. P is tint i ne p;reut in nu b i ir in .iv ail th' o' tie'". I' ' 'ho do vil'.s own p.-t vi. lib w Inch In- iilll o's t h w Id ; it is llie whlpol scorpions wiih which lie lasOiHlhe Imuiiil ri e. PoVirtr, c ime. and urn liie-s would be al U".t bnii'die l ho, o iho world 11 it wr'e n l l"r this divds'i ll ' tni's uia and ib-'roy-the human latnily II beets idiots in the in i ' i lier tviiinb, and pie loslinea in in nu i women to bicinii' inaiii'ies. Th" cr.r e i. u-iiv-rsa1. i'hs k mo. Ied.;e id ii'tilini'; in to.X C it llii dlillk is lln' rutins' vi lelii'O 11 ini.n's tiiveiilivi!;.ua. Tin re ate no pe nile so hsibarniii, nor so i ;iiorttit. Ill it liny have not soll.ll device lor disl'llilitf itoll. r i ' tl, Ol lllH S, n "I'tis T' ry ii know Ii 'W to 'ahric.ite tl tliitik that nip nisko drunk There is no time, no hi to lie ola, mi which ihi" knowledge wu" n .t a'tir.'U' I. T day. in i Ills i citii't y, w r know and iv.rv binly know. Hid stir p;is"i.s and jails ui.f h iiso, nl ptostitulii ii itinl phi hells of crime, imr asylum. d' a', dumb and 'insiine und our h ispiiii's at-' filled with people I ec-'iisii ol tins ir .liie In a!i.nh .die dniik We who pay taxis 1 now th it lix'enths nf ll,e bur, lens id soilely comes 1 1 oiii the same B.uirce. A l ove I.HIcr. The lolloiviiio h'br was wtitlen bv a ittltish olli 'or duriiiej tho Iti volutiii'i to un A'lli'llca'l la Iv : 'H i I love thee I (III, ib the brim ol t mie em is Ilui lijil t nl til V b'e 1 w.'irhip thee. Thy smile is the j iy . I nu existenie- lhy vu. oo liie hioh c nl mv s 1 1 1 When tliv Inn il lies in mine, ti .d tht breath is upon my die k every nerve vi In ala's witli ci'S'aiy, and Hie deep pnba. nun ol ibv bo"tn ilnills nines with a res) otisive devotion that absnibs my whole heinH'.' I would huvi tin e ss pure ns an antiel thai I i ix Ii I eiiibia.ii thy in 'i; m m, ho .rl and bow bi'loie it tis the idol nl nil in y j"V and hope; while l Ii v indiuiiiii tnd 'lull alTeet on should il, viiui ntul .anetilv my al"iation until it Ir ni-n n le i human lenl iment, and partook ol the lioiy In vi- ni in i .o'. ; 7. ' I in the llowers ot 1'iiiutliai t the dawn of r nation. This, the world will call (ret ?., but Incit'ation lot the world call it what it may it is a spill I would nut hav, brokea lr ad else the world ran u'vo Then love mo dear, with all ihy streiiL' li. with a'l thy truth, wi'h all thv ronsttincy, for i vcmnre In pleasure ami in sadness and when the earth u closed over mo, let Ihy love pierce) the Col l lutl and unite wuh a spirit that Imuers to j m thine iu its fliolit to retime ol e'rrnal bliss,' Cnnfcim-e Is Iho voice nl tbe lou'; I! ptmouii are I bo yjice uf bodj. NO. (J To Oaj' anil Tu morrow. To-day wo .juther bri'.'ht und In until' I ll iwrs -to moirow liny ate Indod and lira I. I' '-il iy a wrea'h of leaves shade us to morn w. soar und liilleN, they cruuilile he U-u'li "in Head. To. day Hie earth isC'jvero) with a carpel of ;;reen - to-inorro ll ia blown with thr wi'he-itl (jtii'S. To day Hie vigorous stalk only bends be fore the i;a!eto mnirow, lealle'S slid sapless a child tnav break the brittle stein T"idav the rip-uino fruit ami; crui i -tn-npirrntv "the 1 nid ia takino n rest af'cr loll." T"- lay wc hour the sweet sonos'.eri ol nieado-.vs and loicts, the In 77. and hum ol niviinl insects In inmrew breathu Sollly all Ii ', In 1 1' in bushed and s It i.t. To-. lav a st itelv riinioe, complete in finish and lutioiiiidini;, utlrscli the puer bv-to-inortoiv n luap of ru lis nisiks tin site. l'o day tin re are raltle upon a thousand I, ids --tn. morrow they lull by slaughter. Tin' liishli'ii of I he w'ni Id passeth hiiiiy. but let Christ dwtl! within us, and thnuli wo piss avav like Hit! faded bill and shape is- stalk tvo shall ailiu lo noenessol hie. "V I 'M'" I'V 'I ts-0 .11 : a;. rill ' at t.les, And never wit li. 'run; ll overs." Hiii riu'p. The fivindalinn nl every l'ooiI gov rn. incn' is the l.tinly I'll si b-st and mist ptospoti us ctiun'rv is that which has the l!rni;i:4t i, un, her nf happy ll eanlt'S. The holiist iii-titiil on uniting men is ninriitii,!'. It IllStllaOn till! tUC! Cllllllt'eSH Uiii'S lo cninc up to the condition ol marriaoe. Without it then! would be no civibz illon, no human nrivatici un lit, nu lib) worth living 'nr. I, Ho i- a lailnin to any woman w ho has not si cuied tlie love at il inlor i ttoti ol s une yroat and mh'jpilicent mall I, f.' ia a nu ck' ry to any inati, ne ma'ter whether l,c be mendicant or monarch, who has not won the heart nl sonic worthy woman Million! love and marriage, al! the priceless j iys nl tins liie would be as ash. a on Hie lips nl the i h i Id 1 1 l id 01' n ' Y u had beiti r be tl e emperor ol one lovipe; und luidi'r hci'T', and al e tho cm-pte-s ol vo.its. than to lie the kiiie nl the world. The man "ho hi.s reul'y won the love of oi e up"-.-, woiiisn in this world, it millers not Ihiuio!) ho die in the iltloli tn :.!;'. r. Irs liie has t een a success " Tin re i a I. on1 In n book w Inch says: "Mm is sir. iioih, woman is b -iiuii; man is i iiiiitiu'i', w npi'.ii i, love " W In u the one iii'ti luVis iho tu e woman, it it r I the 0' e woo, a a loves Ilia' oi.e tn in, the vert an;; el s leave houvi n un I CO' e and sit In that tmi, e tin I si -'u bn joy Tlie Physiologist. - - Am riliilo ol (rn. .Iloullrlo. The lollow inn iinec.dote is taken Irom this New J' isey Jnuinul rubbsl el at Ci ii'li'iui. N .1 , Fttiriiary 10, h 1778 : ' It is .nid that on the day alter the ("il bint defence of Su'livan'i I land, (Lneial lb ullil", who had the honor to coipni'iiid on i he Island, cheered Ins nllirera and sol dii is with the follow in spirited and sin t ur I iti't-iu'i ; 'My ip.'liitit ei m -'I'd ps. you son the a ivsii i,.e ol ('.i""i.... a .nl lortitode -Ji.'l h ive t,,'..rii un I baee oi n.jiioie.l, and III'' hit'e tsllow-s w'i'i lull in lito ciiniiinile ye- er I y a o now in Hetven, lidino in their their cl, units like llie t'lvil. 1 ':'l!tl liy n llnostlon oT lti- liit until . W A.'.Ti'li I luce c i npi'lent men to fill men' en s mi ihe ciiiioiul slull' ol "I'bo (In (' ly It.'riiik." "Tin- sad tircu psiaoccs wliitli callrd mil l li p iibove iidrn'riisptiiotit nro ns fol I ws ; Iti jester. lav's ((liturial column ii'ipp nc) n ii t ; t? t'int a ninn nnnicil Shorei h id nmriiel bis step.Jnueh'i r, who iv is ti'so his Coiisip, heing tin unele's il.i'ih'i'r by Ins b-itnne' ) di'tpiiseil i e's liiMicr liioo. Tho city edilnr Hi.iiiidiilessiy tisko I : "Wlitt reiiV.i'Hi no ild thu children siistuiu to llie pi-ren;-,;" The ivlmlo I tic nitouipled to solve the prot li'iii, with tetiiiila resuks "In the fust pine ," sui.l the city fdi 10', "Ihe cli'l.lreii would be their t'lithc's 1 d ui .-itlici's S '.' ti rl c iisin, ntul Ibeit i;tn'.tl iitlmr woul.l bn their pruiiiluiicle by the l ilhei's si le, wh lo tln ir grind mother W' nl. be their prntnltintit, nod also step in.i'.lior, us well us llieir fmhor'a wile liciu'c tbi'i'd be own llicir f.lnldri n liiuti uis ; t v ce n thine; i r in.thiit und I w tn c n ry I" And ilnni ho ti ;cd tn si .i I itiisrli wiih i cpyhoek. Tlii' i.iol.t edit, r said : "As lit mar lied his will 's il.iuoh'cr, ilm mother is sister In her o n chililn'o, a id her liusbai.d iint't be 'i. ir tiri'lhers-in-lnw ; n d if lu's their brothcr-in-'aw, tcii g also n C'liisni lo lis wile, her idnldien arc Ins a. CMid Cinisiuv, m i) he must be C nisiii to her liiia'i.ui I, i lie's his o-vn noiis'n. mi l beii c h i own cousin, lie m ti st hue been tl.o b;s c nisini und his H ides ami Ins auu'.s nod so do his C,p "sins nod lbs uncle ti'"l h'n nunts noil so do Ilis co'.siiis nnd his," Ami rjjht here it became necnss rv ti'.i n II c tiiolit editor into his chnir, whero I r sits nihlly r.'peati ig. " ol si do lis uncles and li s cousi'is ii'.d Ilis nunts," a hopeless idi d. Then tho editor nt'.ukfd il, and In two minutes ho minle (bit clii'dren their motlier-'p-law, nnd one nf ihem he de clared wns In r own ervilmoiher, nfter which he was delivered up to the police f'T safe kecpiefj. The problem wns taken up by tlie "comps," nnd in h;:lf nn hour evcy ninn was sitli " with stating eves, figur inf with his fi on'r on Ihe buck of his hand, and s eori'i( Shores bad mar ried bis jteitl-eratiil-rui'lller without a license, while ibu imp jumped out of the wi .diiw, under thu impression that be was bis own ancest ir." IV rrick, A mean ui.iii put sixteen hornets in a whi-ky bottl: nnd gnve it to n Texas mnn, in Ihe daik, to take a drink oit of, and tnnucdi tlin Imr tuts got in their woik as they went down, tho Texan re. mm keil Hint it wasn't real Tens whis key, i it iiitked flu). SPACE a a M 2 5 Ono S.iiuro, 3 00 ft 00 14 00 Hit Two Squares, 5 00 10 Oo 20 00 MM Tnrei' .-qiiuri'i, 8 i'O 15 00 30 00 Hit I'.'iir Sijimros, I0WI 18 00 ( 38 00 45 f Kourlh ll., I'n, 15 00 'JO 00 40 00 0 M Hull ('''iiiiiiii, 2(1 w) 30 00 I 60 00 ti to Wlnili Coliiiiin, Ons Ynr, "5 My "-" i-r -,r.-iiiiirart 'Jf TAI.IIOT r sk HUKM siiockim: maciiimj wonrg. RICHMOND VA. Muliiifiti'tiiicrs nf Portable and Stationary i; i(,-i" ps and Hnilers. haw Mllla, Corn anet Win n Mills, .siiiiiiini. Hangers and Pul lovs, Turbine uter Wbenls, Ti baeeo Ma eliiii' i i , Wi.'iii;iit Iron Work, Brass and Iron i iisiiiis, .MaobliKTy of Ever Iea cripi.ioii, t'.INMMI AM) 'i'lllll SUING MAClttMtV A SPECIALTY. K pnlrliiK 'r.ui)!lj ,t CareltUI Itouv. TAI.IiDI'T'ft l'AVKNT SI'AKK-AHH ESTMi 'lli liivenllon ol HinAge. It does not ilostrov tho draft. It doe not inlortpro with cleunlnir the tnbei. M w id not i boko up, and nqulrea uo clean imr. It rpiiilves no direct dampers to opened when luisim: Htcaill (dampen be-, ino; objeiTiiniablo, its tboy may be, oper, and tillmv a urks (o esonj e ) It ri('iires no water to extln(tolili upnrks, w tiieii, by condonautioB, (leetroje tlie Itii'l. Itpsbios, w boil wutor is used, it ni'L-leoied, Hi" olli 'Inrev Is df slroyed by ovnpoi al mo nl tbo uter, and tho boiler U kept ui h liiiliv oiiiidition. It is mu- .1 1 . ami durable and can bs re lied upon. It cun be uti ached to anv boiler. No phuili'r should Iks w Ibmit one of theai. I iiHin .uico cnmpiiiiii H will Insiiro gin end baroa wh"re tlm 'lalbntt EiiRlnee and Spark Arr.'siprs urn usml at sjtno rat a el'iircnl for water nr hnrso power. rvvsond for IMustruieJ olroular an4 prion list. llrani'li liniiri, (ii lilsbnro, N. C. J. A. II ir-sKI!. i.enonil ManSRer. T. A. OHANiiKH, Local Manage may s liin MTU RES OWN REMEDY A VEGLTABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BL00D,LIVER8tKlDNEfS. CURAT3HE, Fur O'.jihJ U.M'ikMi. A trmliclnaj eexn P"unrt of known ! (Hjiiililiiiiig In on pr at it ion i Df rtirmtlT js'wcm for th niA h!i Ii jir.Hlurn tll tjl. rMM Of (tl Jntr44 Ui f irr, hm Kiinv. )larmlriti in action kbi! ili n-uii'i In Its tffsK-C Ills uniriii tor tM OU'CofAil NfotMf tM. rtiuen Kurh Mtrm tttit, riMtiAr. ftoUa irit0r,tu$it it, i Xtlirumuiimin. atftM n i '0ttmtipftim, tU ;rvia, i m44 ('if. &tnr httnti arh, JalflllM Inn; etc ASX YOUR OR 00 CIST FOR IT. CUBATIHE. Fur Mrer Coia,jlftJiiU. fr K Juvf lJi"t-ti. CUF.ATII.E, F 'f hh 'Utiiiii' cuhatSe, CURAT!HE, Inr C'tupnlil, I ifcflt. QALTIMORC, ltd. .In M IV r. ll VICK ,,r.p?, i itt:;tui:s aid nnuuiEi MADE TO ORDER OR KtirAiKai at i.ow rmcuci. l 1 kinds of iv in work nnd trliiimlef ,'. no in K.1,.,1 stylo. Hliioksuiilh work don ,u Hlpii-i ptitico uml wuh neuttinsi, Al low work w-urr into I. Pino pulntinn for IiiiiiIos din e at low prlei's.beat paint used. S'.'V.l 111. A ll I (si VKIV TO Till'; UNDl'iUTAKINO DEPAUTMENT. .... .- ..-T ws y s-l7Hvp I tifl'.iis and. (.'uses of all st"i ornssaotky ui Carri i ;o M i kopt onhunj at psHei Iml i .v l'tilu. abui ;i ark it. weiduii X. C. June .' ly I N O. T. FOKD, Takes plciisure'ln announelnft that b osn anil bo tniirid at bm stand on FIRST STKEET, Where lis has on tiuiul a full ! ot th) Kin est WI N IN, WHISKIES, and BKANI'I Ks, to ii a cm, CIOARS, and SNUFK, OKA.NliES, APPLES, and CU.NKECTIONERIES liin stock of Cuiiiiod Uooda aud Grocof ien ia ii ii n h mil Full nnd (' o n p I e t e Oil' l'ir.iTT WmsKirv A Fn-curiTr. KBi:slI I.Alllill on DnARlHT. Ho uiiarantoes satisfaction. Call anil set) hiin. ti v-i i n . vr- -s-w i n ii m iy irso L vl ft M aJ i Nov2i Jy. .

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