THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEK L Y N E W SPAT K 11 , PUBLISHED BY UM. I'UHU A W. W. HAL I. 4 l 1 . A THE ROANOKE NEWS A DVKKTISINO KATES. -1 .IL. I 2 V '.' st t v i a One Year, in art vanoe, Six Months, " Tbrna Months, " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Y)K- 0 R - w " t m . N g r (i o n Dentlit, 0 ovr W. II. Brown'i Dry Cloodi Store, WIU,I)0J.C1. T III vlll paril at lUolrlioinei when desired Terms Reasonable, oft 11 I J J M o a I 7. 1 A U 1), ATTOllNET AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. OtiVc 111 t'i Ciart Ilnum. Htrlct atlunt Ion riven to all branches of tlio profession. Jin 11 ly J T. B II A N C II, ATTORNEY AT LAW. EMPIBLD, N. C. i Traexiooi in tns oniinuni 01 naniai nasn t,lv...mli.,ml l!ollACtlnmi lnaile Iti n I jrti of the Slat-. jan w ii W. II ALL, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. Ipell attention (riven to collections and reiniltanc promptly made. ay nr. filial X. MOILIM. JOHN 1. HOORIt. M' rjLLIti k MOORE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Fraette In the counties of HaltfaT, Northamp. ton, Bdfreooiulin, i'itt anil Martin-. In the Ku praraa court of the H'atc and In the. K' IitrI - t,ouri (11 uie natsiairu laiainci. i.uneei ioiis mane la an part of the mat. Jan 1 ly AM BS B. O'HA R A, ATTORNEY AT L1W. 1WFIELD, N. C. t Traetleas In tlii ennrts nf Halifax anil adlnlu- ourti. Collection madai In any part of the tat. Will attend at tlm court house in Halifax d Monday and Friday of aoh nook. Jan la If R OBBRT 0. BURTON JH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. FratlM In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin lr eouutie. In the supreme court of the Itat. and In the federal courts. Will ifl v i.etl attention to tho aolleetton of elahns, and to adjiistfinr thai account of es aalors, administrators and guardlana. dec Utf QATIIL IIIMaX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Fraction In the, nourta of Halifax and adjoin taut eountlea.. and hi the supreme and federal toorti. ultima eolleiitcd In all parts of North arollua. orflce In the Court llmisa. Julyltf rpilAMAS X. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Fraatlq In Halifax and adjoining count!,' an Paileral and .supreme courts. Will at Scotland Nc, onec, every fort Jf at. auar iii if J"03. B. BATCUKLOR. ATTORNEY AT L4W, RALKItJII, V. C. ' FraatUaa In tlia court of the sth Judicial Blatrlet aad In the Federal and Supremo t'ourta. . ay U tf. rp w. Hiio a . ATTKHEY AT LAW, JARTSBUIW, K. C. TratleJ la the conrU of JJnrthatnptnn and ftotnln coantloa, alao in the Keileral and Sif fraias eourta. Juueatf. . a T. A. c. zmxidirrKH. JJ AI A XOLLICOFFRR. ATTORNEY.! AT LAW, WKLDON , N. P. Practice In tti r nirta of lUlifax and adjolnlni; iountls,and In tlieSupr-in Hint Fed -ml curt. i:ialina collected In any pari o( North ( arollua. ' On of the Urm will aUayi lu found In thn . Juuc'iA 1 y. D . t. I.. UU.NTER, V R U E N DENTIST. Can b found at hia odle In Enfield. Pari !f Itrnua Oxldn U.ii lor tlm Puln J a a Extniotln; of Teeth always on biiinl, Juaa 'il tt. A. KDKitVT J. URIUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. t rraetlc In tlieoourr of Itiltfix. Warren iin.I dj"liilii' ci,un!1ei .'iii in Die supreme ami K-il-ral courts, claims collected in ai.v part of .orth I'aiMllua. Jijne pif a. sMiru, jk. ATTORNEY AT LIW, BoTLaD N,'K, iUwPAx Counts N. V Fractlce. In the county of Halifax Hll, adjoin lVuuU, and in ilio Muprume court J the K5tu. )0 VOL. JX. Years Ago. .V'.'ir h- lank i f tint I. .lie river, Where til'- W.lli'l- lililr.-i KToW . lire it iii ,1 I lie f.iir -M 1 1 , j v it that ever lil'iomr-l, and fa i 'd years uk". II, ov we in- I, and how we purled, Nm.e i,u I'nrtll ever linew : Nor how pure and p-nile-iifnried Ileanieil iii- iiiMirni:il one years a,:. Like the Ht n-nni with lillles imien Will life h tut ure current How, Till In Heaven I meet l lie maiden Fondly eherUlu'd, yeBra ao. Hearte that love like mine, forget not: Tli-y re the i-aiue In weal or woe ; And the slni-H of memory set nut In the Kntve ,,j j chts :n,-o. THE CIRL WHO LAUCHED. A Rirl was tatlli riiie roan in the tnril . Mniris (luni'e went ry to tiii work. He was f:iit,cn(iT mi I joinir, wntkirln in Mr. Mil's' employ, hihI tliin Kill ulio wiii i;n(li onn Km win Mr. Mi'la' cliuiiililer, Ploei-n. They railed her Kinere ticrmnu lirr hair was n) lirn-, ttiid thick, ami ti! ;nik', and cntlini; nliun nli waa a rliil.l like a hltlo Imnb'rt It iv.ii iit now iu a knot at I la n b il k nl litir lictul, but us Hill all nl a iLecc over licr brow nutl ub.'iit itiu llicll like uai". 'Uooil-mo: innir,' iil Monin, loulcini; at her with daik u lniinn; cjc". 'don I mornini; Iiitc'i n mB Inr jou,' 8lic. iiinwiTcd, ami liiUf,'lu-il. 'I'.nat lunjh I Slio win alivay? laUeti gii'Ulinj;, Hie apit:lul j;irlj sii.l. Jut a little biibbiu and nipt- nl iiiiinl, that Bile i'IoiciI every tuin nk ivitli, whether i;rav or yav. It was a awect, mtiur il souarl, iiml yet it nlwnya rradc Morrla un comloitiiblc. IIu l:lt in il she wua laiioh- ian at him. He wa iad eunuch nl the rose she threw it at him orer thv jiwd fence, Htid lie cniivlit it ilcxtroinl? in hi let't hand, and uliuost itivulnntatily lilted to his Iii 9, Thm Klccfe lainjlwd again, nnl turned and ran up the path. Morris walked on villi the rose in hia IimhI. a il Invii in liin beurt. Oh, yes, lin ('id live her but whit wiia this Udn of it. Il he told her she would li"o'i at him. Shf was not deep ctliuh to li'idei-taud n lore like hie she waj nothint; hf.t ii piinty, uliallow, l'iu-hiiij cruduiv, full of lun an 1 frolic at a kitten. Uu he kept the r f nil day lonnf in the purket ol liis coat. Whin the aim urm too warm and hfl threw Hip cat ni le nu a pile, ol lumber, hit remembered to dike out the n si! and put it in his blouse. I'liere hii uinthei lima I it that i.inht l.ta she to: k the blouse to sew up n leiu in the aleevo 'What old flower in th-sl' 'hn asked. Shall I throw it in the wood-box ?' Moiris was hiiio stretched upon a lounge, reading the inorniu:; papers. II and- O'ue inouti Iki looked to pleaeu liny : ill lane.y in hm brlaht drtssini; kuwii ami alipper-a, one arm uu ler his lark line, head, the o'lvi holdiii .' the paper in i n caiv, (rjcciul war, I! it the papers diopped, and (he dat k check fl i-hed 1 1 - 1 1 v at tlnu iu idcn q'.icstion Ins iinnher hud put Ma, he aaid, Kive tt to me. 1 I want to keep it, mother. Ihe mother httn.l"i! bun the II iwer, iiil stitclird awa7 in alienee lor a moment. Tin n alio aiml : 'I it l!ie love token of aoine, oiil, Alor ria ? 1 tlunk you iniiiht tell your mother II it i. I inn inittutf, old imd weary, mt boy, and very willino; t tive my duties into yr,nn;;er linl. We hsv- a pe.y homo here, and a ipiod i n, no !i um Inr unv Kill. Il you hrirji; a onod wile limiie. M oris, r.o one will i;ive a luailier wel come thin your mother.' It wai no lovo token, mother. Moiris Aid, gravely. 'Only a rore that Mills tucdul me as I paiM.I by tins mum inji.' Fio.-c: Mills is a vain, pretty, i;iir::liuj UHI, .Moiris, said the mother, not liliinu her eyes to her rim's I -ice She litis never known a due nl'aoiroiv, nnd looks upon life a? synod j .ke, and lo thinr niou he is mil liks our lieii'liboi's rtaliliter. Jane Siniih.' Not at all like, her,' uii-wered Moiris, q'ltetly, WHh lis. haul n Lading; I, is eifi liom thn lamp-iiolit, 'Jape al-vats Innlis on the eeiin'ii; si.le ol Ihumv nnd I never law her nr or ihan emiie, and t,hs ui'.vavs B -ems sorry lor having dune that.' Jsnu ii a ootid t;i'l, ? ai 1 .Mi". Ourme, quickly, 'nnd a very coi-e'e.i iiii. :;itl. Modest, esr.n st. piopcr Iti nr binavior, and viowint; life in its tale si r.-e. She would not ho pelting young men with rote', i el ane eares morn lor you, Mutm, than Fleece Mill ilnea, nr ever can ; uu J lane ii a pictlv uiil, Moiris pretty ci:out!h to plea'o any man's tii.ln' lei, I think thn i pre'.iy,' mivcreil Morris, as il he hud just lli.moiit nl it lor tlio fi'st time, which was tmc. nd i-li would make u irood i'e, Morii.' Hut Morris had no unswe' to tiii", lie m-e, presently, and wi nl to his room, and lay there thtnkint;, thinl.i.iij ills inntlier as uniwino n d, he was leccivinu a tjonil sa'a'y, bis hoiiin win paid It, and he mi tiMTity.nix years old, u would be, better all uiouud 11 hu saould tiling hoiiie a wi'e. JsnoSuitlh wai a prelt and cood tlrl. and he helicyc l :hc c ue I lor him, or nul l (flow in il he alkali Inr. She wal too p'lldi lit, t 'ii s il tie, loo to;atil ul n' of Ilia 'prupriel let" t allow berse'd to can tor any tui'ii nol'l n-ivil. II. n.,.l!i, r liki-d licr ; why not end the iniii'ir by i.-k-iiij Jane to I e his wii". Put, l-'itie- (ill, Piceer I ia ittliui f !'.tcp. I'o'i c.-, F.eioe ! anl saying the :iat"e ovtr flliy ai;nin an I aafairl, h tell u.i!cp and dteamed ho stood brlor" the nbar j I i I i t i 1 1 his vows taa Jtne Smith ; and j'it as he was about to utter the '1 will.' wliteh won I I bind him I'oieVi r to her, Kler-ee Mills pelted lion in the iiiiiu'Ii with a blood red ro-e. and llien lined aad lau.hel nt liis m.ence and c, n-lu-io'i. Me (ivcr'ook Jane .-"inilh the next niom ini in he was (loino to his work, nnd wa k d a few -quiies with her. She was pretty. Willi such 'o't black hair ami dusky eve. and -In nt-tuaHy smiled at htm onc. They piistd Mr. Mills,' and l-'ici ee was wateiini; a I. un ifi n ir basket in the open wmilow, and l.aok.d and kaid 'oood iiioinlno.' and then ! ino'te I. 'iVliata nio'liui; lrl Fleece Mi!U is,' a'd Jane, i'ivly. 'She "iKia-.s to think 1 1 to was made lor lutiL'hin.. I wonder il she eve r ln,M a si rinus lli 'iudit ?' But their h. separated hetp. aid Mur- ris as sinned a reply. A'1, we:l Jane aa I rtght his inol In I w ii riiit Fin ee was hi. I t, V mi I'.i' 1 a liineaii befell., an I j hn sua bail to thn k ni her. II- ni'Uld , think id her no mote, 111 im il food dead ul Jaui! aOaimli ( r t I WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1880. lew weeks allor that, and q itu tuade up his mii.d lo please It's mother by aikinr Jane to be hi" wile, when an (incident oc curred. Ho loll I'om a sculfoliliuti, and was carried home a helpless ninas ol br. k"n boues and bruises. His mother tainted at the ii;ht o! her son buruo by lour strong! men. Nci. lib in crowded iu to romlor -tistance. Jaie S:nilh came tn the door. 'I wmt to i nejui ro bow be il I' ihn lid, Mrs Giirnec, just rocnverinR from he'r swoon, heard Jane'- voice. Is that you, Jane)' ihe oallerl, 'Oli, e 'me In. They Ii II inn ho is not ilnml, only hurt and luiii-ed. 1 am ;!ad Juu lime i cine lo be ilh me.' Hut J arc ahonk head. 'Yoia have plinty to help ynu, f fee, -he aid, 'and il I ituy, people will talk. They will say I nil bold to thrust luysuif in Ihw aay when I was not needed. I must net I'ofijct uiy dijjnity or nx, you knoir. I wiil come cveiy few hours nnd Inq'rie how lis la), nnd if yon lined lis'p, lend lor mo. I shall pray lor bit recofury, ilnu Mr. (Jiirnee ' Sho wa turning to go, when Ionic one rushed put her into the mom. It was Fleece Mills, all wrapped in a white ihawl, ber face whito, lur blue cyi s dilalc'l. She locked likn a lisinn, Un mindful ol the preionca of any third party. he spinno to the side ol Mrs Oiirnee, and put lirr urmi about ber, the tturs Dowir down hur cheeks. 'Oh,' uhe cried, i urn no gurry for you so soriy, Ti ll me, is he dciii -mil he die ? I have heu'd nivli cruel tab j, a do,i;n d flereiit ones, iu my wuy hcie i' 'No ; he lives ; ho u terribly injured, but he will ;et well ; they t, It ilc so.' Then Fleece arose, and the old gladness cttme back to her Inee, us (lie said : 'I am no glad ii ylad. Thank Heaven I' And then she laughed. Morris, itirroiin led by pli)Kician and iittcudants in ihe next room, h-.nrd the laiioh. 'Who is V lie cried, in clour, strong Vuire. "Willi Uuylied ?' it was 1 Fierce. Mil'i,' she snid, and went tnwsi d the door, "I'onu: lp re,' lie responded, 'I want y oil I must i;o tilioU",ll ft puiulul operation; tn fhoiildet is dbli-calel, and luy limls broken iu two plate.'. I urn inter imlly in ju:eil also, a"., I a ma out live Uimuuii it all. Come ami loueh my hull I beloie yon (,'' ltu' I an not i:oiiif:. Morr's,' she said, bind ilia; over him. "I c iiue lo slay, lo coii.Lhi your mother, uu I to b.' Willi v ni while ion lien, I ill) cure. Il yod will let, n,e, I wi I slay liere while tliuy nr.) aeltinjj y nil r Ii oh. I v ill hold your hands, and if yd look nijl.t in my eye.', I ilnnk yi.u can l;o tl.r. noil it.' ', my dear youi'o lady,' interposed Ihe head pluMciuu, 'it mill be tiyuia to stroui! nervis. Wis have lorbnl ti n his mother the loom, nnd il you ' laint or sere iu. tt will unucrvo the patient and piove latal.' 1 shall not limit or icream,' she mid. I a Ifl 1 v. . Bui,' persisted the phi-irian, 'vm do i nt know the oi,!ci:. We dare rot ad niiuia-ter cliloroloira lei aii-e of ,is iri'.a l nal tioubles, and he may show s'.icti ii(;ony that yu c aiiiiot ei.dun: it.' He needs ne, ui.,1 I nbull ni i im,' alio said. 'Vju need not lor me." "(iod b'ess you !' whl-jiere I Moiris, a tall cluio to ,pr hsrnls. It was ii terrible hour, but F! rev. Nills iii I inn wiucu i r wu'.er. ;:!ie s'i;, at u r io. !, wlail" na ,1- iith, hot s i'ilino bravi';v, anil tout hi' ft tlio mil over's brow with lender, cool hundi, mil speaking li hi in in low, sinithin; tones whei the pain pnw most inlen-e. And he never once took bis eyes i ruin her tauo. 'Von have b, en very roararous, at'd davt! helped us prrfurin a most il mero is i.ji,ifi'toii.' s-iid ttie p'isietan, wheij Hn las' b..i,i,!;i.. sn ti.lji'te.l, thai la-t briit-e bathed " The Minn.; miin will livd. Tac only tear wis tlmt he had not vitility t'OouD to cany hiui tlinoich the iifi-n. liou. Now Ihiil he ii .s yoiie ihro ih it so well, hn will re. over.' And ii.;uiu Fleec" laughed- n ripi le that li'.h d tt H the reotn an ! bii-iiht a suilh! : : f o "a'i e ft.".; nl the iulV-.- e:. '(lo I Ideal that I'l'iuli.' 1.0 suid, li'ebly. 'Now po and rest, Fie. ce.' And ai seen as Fieece was ontside the door r-h.e In'nted dead a'lay. On! v h swoon, however, wh.,"'.i lie recoveted lto:u readily, aod was Kien at her po-t ueain. 'li.i v In atlli s nf that Kill to 1 ii ; h in '.he lioii 'i nl siil! tri te,' Jane Snii'h. 'Ilo.v b.: 1 ol licr to ill! li t Ii f-i 'ell upon Ihe'ii in 9'ich ii aval', I won ler what M;s, liiiiiue thinks of her. I krow Morris inns: bo diagii-t.'d.' lint Morris' coaversalinn will) his fair n ii. e a Ic.v day' lulu', did nut fiivor ol lll-eU-t. 'I have loved jou so bnpelmily for a whole year.' he said. Why didu'l you tell ma sot' the s.kii'l, il. c'mue I (ea;e 1 you would Its lie Ii ai inc. Yod wsre alw..ys luii;:hin at me.' Hire I'lee'e rippled into a laiioh Oi'U.n. 'I'.icn.. I I:rr-.r ym: t iti! I,' Mid Morn-; "It i jll t I l llil . .(,' "lini I was n t liaUoli! i-o at your oe lor mo,' she fuiiI. only nl the idea that y. u weul 1 think 1 Vauul.l laiioh. and she laughed mora than ever, and Morni joined her 'You men are so bliu I, ihe ad.l.d. i have loved you two years, ami Uied to make ou sen it. At lu-t I tinew a blond icd rose in bl uiin at you, and thuuibt jurely yon knew that meant I .ve Hut o,)U the next lay I sw yon paBsnio ,v i'h ptelty lU( k-eyed Jano Smith, and I niarly ilia' I of jealiouoy.' 'ilut I ,.id not diriiin you would marry a poor i a p i ter,' b a d i. My tat o r was a poor Carpenter,' ihe I, proudly, nnd then added, aoilly I 'd leVeia'iitly, 'mid so w,a too dear Savior, tny Mister. Why fhoull I be ashamed to have my mv--husband a csr pente. ' An I sho buried her bliuhinej face in his boson;, Momis recovered in nr. incredibly r-hnit space of tunc Irniii nis Irnis and broken biines, ami in a vurv sin rt lime therealter llie beds rnif forth bis M-ddtm; chillies. "Ol al' t' e lir'i n u n! the whole world,' si1 o. lli. iire, '. :i I svo chosen tlio I est one inr a w, la a id i r dauyhier to Jtissnil tbstFeece laughed jmt after the cleruymaa pronounced them man asd wile, Jmt I don't know how true it is. Hut cirtuin it is that the lunula Murris used to ao object to Inn become the swtet cft sounrl on earth to him. iipllonft of A CI si unil ICoHoluUons. LFtoni thn Ualolgh Obaorvor.J The lollowing is a bat ol the captinna of nets and rroutions passed at ihe sprc.tRl aessioo Ol the (leniral Assembly, conTent'i March ir5. ltii): An ac; to empower Ihe Hoard of Corn, mi" loners nl Caliarriir county, to settle by ( oitiptomne, all outstanding nnseltled Iu I n. ss lor Ihe ycais 1H7I, luT.', 1 HT S, JS7I lsTo. 170. and 1S77. Ail act to relnve the ciliiem nf Hurke c itinty trnm the opcraHnni p act ptnlnli it ti Ihe 'llivillij ol uatlle Weal ul the l'.l'ie Unil;", An act to ti mt- ii ,1 chapter 71) ol laws ol 17'J An rttt to prohibit tha mio of iiitoxicii' tinj; l!i-inrs in certain Inrnlilits, An net ! aim ed chapter 219, r.cction 1, law i ol 1H7-1 and l:j7.V An act concerning the ml,in ol Superior Coiiiu lor Ihe counties ol it the "lll- 70, hot and .Mar n. Am act In amen 1 section ''J, chapter ol the nl IS79, entitled 'All uct rai-e revi tine.' An act (,.. cla sily the public toads to ol r.uticiinibe and other eniintiis. An net to enn-truct a bnd'! over the rnkasccjeu Ittver, in Jackson poniity. An act to n in end chanter S'J'i, luwa of 187'J. An net to extend Ihn limn to redeem land fold In Hi,. State lor tuxes. An net lo iticnipiiiatc tlm iMrinim Hail road ''(iinpany. Aii tvijjo uiuke the;killin(j oj live slo-k by the ears iiml lupines iiiniiin ou rail roadi in the Sr'titc ludiclable. an .act to unii'i.d section 'J, clmpler IS I'iiii't Hevtsal. An uct lo rovi le lor tho leu nvnl nl Causis in coin's ol J 'a'ieesot the I'e .ce. An act to amend motion 1, chapter t!O0, laws of 1M7D. An net author no and rnipfiKCiiiic f'C (.'omit y ('mniiiis-ioucis o' I'iiioii county to apply iheir tnrplu tail oad luu i to the -eh" d nr general Kind. an net to am. ml I be charter ot the t'npe Fear and Yailkiu Valley K.iilway (.'om- n n v . An net to amen I tin art n luting to roa Is and l.ieh ,i i,ys. An .o t to i.u'.p a the es'iibli-hineiit ol graded c!l('0!.s 111 lint town el Silnhuiy i"d in Ihe townahip ol tloldshorn. An act to change tin time of holdiuo the courts iu Ihe Fourth Judirial l)is Inil. An ai'i to authori'.i' Jjie Hmrd nf Fein est ion ol F Jorco'ir'sc county lo pay cer ium jcliniil oia'llpK An ni l lo unn'tid chapter Coi, siction 1, nt Ibu lawn ol ! S7 ! An to I Inr the piotec'inu ol ciops in Uowan county. An act lor th' relief of l!eaii'rt cioiptv. An set to uiin nd the ch liter the Atlanti," aid I'lutl olio Air Line llaihvay t'o.iipiiii. A ii a. t to ume ,d chapter S-J. Iu .mi of l'-T'.l. An act to provide a servant, lor Hie S;i pn me ( 'ourl An act to ri-i iiticl tin act tn run and cstablisb the iiivi.lnii.' line b.lnein the c iiril i. s nl (In en nn i Wayne. A'i art ru'Cer- iii;; thu iliawiinj of j'lriis ill W ai k i county. f. net lo ineorrora!.. the town of Rich lauil a. in I 'c-l.-i. i o am v. An act lo alln.v I, M, Loni;, lulc lax coliecinr ol llulibiX county, to collect arrears of taxes tor Ihe year 1S7S An act to amend Ha-tiuli 1, chapter 101, of I lie laws t 1 I7l! '77 An act tn ii'i.tii l section 10, of chapter 7J. ol ihe laws ul 1H7!). An act b allien. I (he (.halter ol i f 1 L; I. l'oiiit, 111 (!u;l!i id criinty. An aet I 1 prohibit the sale of into x ieat ;n" 1 t...r w 1' hi;', 1 wo 11 a 1 1 . s o Kikvii'c an t oilier rhun lies in t'n. Sti.t". An ui". to .1,1'orpoi a',. 1 Ii loan of Ail mm. Hi tin: entity 1 I llaaniorl. An act to ii corp. Tie th- ll -doric-il and Sen ol'ln: Sociily id Vi'lin,in.;ion. Ninth aJaioliiiu. An net auiend to aet to prevent live stork Irom rnnniiio at larm' within Hawaii, Davie, Cuharr'ts an 1 oilier c.iunlies. Ah act to autt'iiil an acl niill.-it An ael lo incorporate ;ne tirncvillv Uai mad C'lmpt.nv ratifnd ttac lllii day ol l)-eem-ij.r. l.-'.l. An act to nun ml (liapter 1",j, lus 0! 17'.!. An act iu regard to the colleciioii ol taxi s iu l!ob. ;-.,n 1 . in -ly. All act lo incoi po utu the town ..I Mtd lilcl'iirc, 111 'ho ( -nun 1 y of Wiwreii. An ast lo incur por ale the tuivn of MelavJIe, in AI alliance roiinlv. A 11 t. I lo aaineud the rever.tii' law . An '.c.t to amend the liws of ls7',l, chap ter int. An act fclaiiujj lo r.n. Is and oilier pub. lie WOlks ill tho ('Utility nl le'i oir. An act to niovi.lo lor (he sale of the S le'n inlil'.-l in the Western Noilll tlain'.nn It'iiirmiil ','iiiini, y. It-null 11. n iu behalf ol II. W Miller. .'f.ol.n e . iiutrmtn.'ia llii- public. Tleas lirr r to issi-e bunds lo 1). A. I' ll tup, a I-mi'rslr-i 10: ol Si th Jones, deenHed. Uepolmi -n ou mlj iiiiiiinrilt. Iii-enluiioii 111 lelalia. 1 tn oei-teonial cel 1 biulinu ul the kuitlii ol (laillnrd Cu nt II..i!-e. limdiilion in reference to the room ol ti e Leeper ol Hie eupitol. F aliitmii in lavor I. W. Iteiiers, late keeper nl the eupitol and ars. nal. Kesoliition in Invor ol 1). W. Furman find Jaliii (V Syniu. He-ii. it ion to pay S T C'lrravv Hc-olution to eniiipy coun-el ti aid the G 'veiinir in ina knur cnntr.icl with W. J. II, l i.tid others. Ileniiiltien iiatii'ir In Ihn cuntcnuial of the battle ol Kino's Moiielain. Uesolution id lustructinn to l! e (lover nor. Hesoliition iu relation 10 TieiUII Wal ton, nl rauiieoinbe rounty. H 'Soliitiiiu 1:1 lavor ol NohIi H. Hice. It. solution ti ij 111111' thu Sicielary ol State to pur. a map Inr the UeO of the Senate and lot oiur puipn-ia. An ac to aiinnd an aci entitled 'An ait to prohibit the su'e of spirituous liqimii in certaiD loCal'.tll'S,' chapter Sllll lawa ol 1870. An net to uiiii'iid I'm' pirt of chnptei 2JJ ul tho lu vu ul 1679 is Inch proLibili the rule of spirituous liquors, bitters or any intoxicaline; drinks within tlnec links id C'howuii Female Instit'ite. Au net to create 11 new township out ol a portion ol Chowder's Mountain, Dalian and South Point township., in t i 1 0 counlv of liat.ti.II. An aet lo amend ecction 8, chapter 7. Hattlea Hevi.ial. An act lo amend an act enlitUJ, 'An acl to provide lor Ihe layinir off nl a rea l Irom Hunker Hriil.', iu Junes cnuni v, to a point near Tar Laildino, in Onslow county.' An act concerniiiif taxation arc! revrnuc An a I to amend chapter 82 of the luws ol 187'J. entitled "An aet tn provide lor keepiii iu r. pair the public ruu Is nf the State.' A 11 .c.t to incoipora'n the town ol W'uki Fmesi t'u!li;:e, ill Walie ciiiinty. An net to (jive 10 ib-coiil'iieturs, lb irs crs and 111 iH'iitil uien a inn li.r their i'lst du ,i An set to amend chapter f3 nf Rilt'e'i Ki'Vlsal. An set to prohibit the sale of spniMi ous ItijutiiH ivithiti live mil. a nl Ha bud Cheek, Helliliihrm ami O .k (Irove Chiirehei.', in I'uiti'iet county. An vet to auiot d section I t cl np'er 117 nl Huttles UeviMil, in relation lo widens' yift.'s snppoit. An nci Inr llie beltir protection 'd navi oation In Ihe viuicrs ul lue A Ibemin le Sound and lis tributaries. An uel lo amend seen. in 1, chapter i!C0 acts of ls7(! '77 nnd to prnl ib.t tha sile ol liq'iors within two niilei nl iMinli's Cli'i.'el. in Chatham counlv. An art lo incorporate Ihe town of Han dlctiiati's Mils, in Kai il .'ph county. An ii.-i to iimeinl chipter ((), aeclioii 2. lane, ol IS71V An act In c inliniic an art tn prohibit the sain nl bqnor within two and one hall miles ol Hank's 1,'iiupel, iu C'liiUliain county. An ae to prt renl the folliriir ol trees below the oiilivest I1ri1le.11 111 we-t bran.tii nl Nc.v Kiver, in Oti.-lo'v c. Mini v. An acl to nmend chapler SO of the private laws ol 'aS.'.l com ernini; cotlnn weighers An net 1, 1 niip 11 I chapter K17 liirta ol 1H71I '7-1, 1 nl 11 h i 'An aet lo pi nil bit the f.ale ol 1 q 10, s in c.i'aui loca'ilii's.' An act lor the relief ol 'in- bondsmen nl F.J S I'ehwell, late, sh.'i'll and tax col Iccloi ol It. uulurt county An act in piota'i-t the lidi ii tereit :n Noilll Caioln.a . No iiini ilvr til. lilK IJtlKIlN l." HIIKT..V i'oMril,iMISI-:ll ASH TIIK UKr JKUIVAI.KM taWCIttTV (CAN UAI. 17. ID We have all heard ol llie (J ieen el Shrba. I think dial in 111 isl 111 ills a he is 1 use pari ley with 11 Sunday rcb a.a li,,oi and a eiiniel Very inncli out ul (ii.awiii;;. We had siip;ios I 1I1 it ash.', ai less'. Ibo Iricnd and yuc-t ol the wis-st id linn, was ab.'V t the breath ol slander, lint hear what has lioine to!. A new opera bv (.ioblinai k h tueii bro'iehl out lbs ..ynter in Hie pinicipal citii'S ol (lerm luy. It wi.s oiv 11 bete w it II oiir i;flois cencrv a i t b-airi'ul e.'Slninss, and Ibis Is thu pi it: When S11I0 im n sent In invito (be Q in 11 to p.av him a vi. it his iiii'i, ii(," r was a vo'iii'.; mail ol u ini.iil ili-poi', but snmci-.hat Weak charai'tei, naiiicd Ass id, who was bo Iro bed lo die very pietty d tmlit -r of the hioh p.irs!. A'Sid delivie I Ills ni 'asa.;e in tho very rhoii est llebicw to the IJ ieen's r.hiiiu'i il.,,n and stuilolnii biiieluin t" ,1 -! i-a 1 111 wiliiout having been adurtled toil' lei-nr ol mi inlerviciv with bur M 1 j.-uiv. He had (,oee but a shmt dis tance, w.n ;i -ailiilci'ino out by himsell Inr 1111 stroll wIiiIh bis loiiuue were pilchiiii; llie tents lor I ! 1 e . r 1 iijaiupin. n-, he no t a lady of ureal beau'y gti I euai;. 1110 m.i.ii'M. wdli whom In. allowed line s' 1: .i I .11 into the very t cp-st sort ol il'rlali ii', dn h;a ictui 11 In .1, 1 iisalriii the Una c nl tins la ly ,. so tind m A-s-io't eje.s t ii ul he In 1.1 J it dil'.i lit 1 1 -luet his bnre, Ihe bi.'li priest's ilriuohtei, with BUll'l 'll'llt W-lulath, H id S llolll.l l. 111 a p i va'i tall. so. 11 ;;ot him lo Icli Ihe wlto'e story. I lie .Use tinto .1 us 11. il 111 iiiod 1,1 uiuke Inn iniiea nl He" nritter. an I n Ivis. ri As-ad .0 to'trel all about his li'jle si p and many S.i.o.iniii (loi Ibis was Iih lii ic's n in e) with all speed. What was Ills us tiinislinient, however, and tit it ol Assad, when Hit (.) icon ol Shcbu having airivrd -h 'itlv abcr, and havinr; tmc 11 in lucd to take oil licr veil, it tinned out tlir.t tin ve. y livily ioiiiii: pcn.ui whom As-u I had IP el 111 the IOICSIs III fa.'buil 111 11':.:. no othci than Ihe l i.-eu herield On lint lulin .vin,. rvi'linie Hi." (I lien in'icul As-.i, int. 11 I ni. ly u 11 ! 11, and his I'motiniis ovi te. iii bn; I a Mli lh yomi mall laiu'rd in Hi", Hajt.s'iV arjis (t.i veiy p et v niiisic) ami lilts ia'll .11 ' Ills HIS. II i:b I C Midi' lil'l tl I'.' ni-cvei,d by ihu hiile c.'int In spile ol a'l tins (bai iiiarilai-e piocc lie '. I';ie ce; emeiiy was pi rloiui. d by tbi: In idea 1st her in the I'-iiinV (mot 0.1,:' "U-'v in. 111.' .I,) 'ml tin- cctiunc!! ol llie tjo 1:1 nl (;s ,1 i.a dar it: bi il t'o. 1.: i !e. r.. 111 m i ll Ih il he li-.l n a lit in. I hit to b,. leiiii.v.'l ly t lie at I-11 n.uts, Ho wet nit -u p 1 o-e I to lie p, s-i s.ed o1 a ib vil, all I w ae o' ib led 'o ix alio, r lor ii inio the ibsrit iutoe nUeiiio.iii 1 1 . a 111 .1 1 1 cater tallied the ij iem with a Veiy pte'.lv tii'h t ,.,. '.,- ,1,1,,,1,-d in pi 1, 1 hei nun bind, hIii'c p ,cr Assad, who prvr s.eins to have had unie'i cm -t 1! ul 1011, was over Itakcii by n 1 1:1 I i ."I'm Mil ill.-I "t ti.e ell."'.s ol il -- .1 id Ihe Ii on. I it IV.I! llill 111 tho alms id the Itilllillll S ie'iutth, v. ho had In", nve.l him with her maidens lid tile cll'aius), Al' (Ins hhock snu-.o cnod p.;.i -pin, 1 urn toh'; but as the text is written and the iniiaie C"inpiis?d by Jcwi I'l know that Christians oiinht tn object. Dresden Letter III New York Times. --- This in the Idlest lor wedding invii.t lions: "(loiiiu nromid and sen us capture a nnithei-i'i-luw, nt eiejlit o'clock, sharp." "If wc me to lio nlier denth, nby (Inii't wo tunc, somi) certain kuowleilge of it?" said 11 akcplic to l clerjjyn rin, "Why (loia'r. you liavo S"mo knoivledgn of this world before you como into it?" was tho ctius'ic reply. The foll'inini;, iulouded to break bad iics (jjontly, uai sent to the wid iw ol a nrin who li ni j i-t been k lied by n rnilioud nccidinil : "!'. ir Mailnni ' 111 r Il g'vimj is unavoidably delaini d for tl c I present. To innrrmv mi uiiderliikcr will ! cull uuo you mill full puiliuulars," i NO. 'Mil- Yoiiiij Iudj'si lruni. Sue had a Inver whom ihe agreed to many, but she subsequently 11 lued to do 9.. lie wi nt South and died. Her dream she ( hi.s ilcsci ined : She stood at uiolit upon an etninenci oveilonkiuu a nuhiue, icy atriam Daik c!iidi obscured (he moon, and the air war damp and chilly. Poon she descjilied in the aetiii. darkness, a bunt, with a ainu'e i.cciipant, Il aaiinaj with lerrilie rapidity lo ward an immense calumet. The man's faco she could not see; but he was ue-alicu 1'it Hilt wildly, n il implo'iiiK ucoor Ir in llie late that iiiqn dc.l bun. On, went the I'. n'; l.p'i'i and lust.r ijrew ils speed; wilder and more detiritalv s'lll were t'ie i;a S'Uirs nl the unhappr man unt'i; ju-t ns llie liad b.rk s- aoout tn g-i over llie Iniiik 11' ibo aw I nl cataract into tin -eellltn.; v,a. s be "iv, Ibe ouiipanl I urn ed, nu I sec r. c lenl.'ud the laeu of her lover, wh le ! void' runi; out Irntn the c'"ii.b: "Aii'Hlier mil lost, lost - ami "'": j," I 1 ' yu! ' She hrct'.ino crav, shot her lather nd thm .hoi I ersel . All tl.H is true, and nl ri 1 nit I'lCiirta ii-c. i he It lv wui Mms llovey, at.d tile l.iver Kiietne ii, im.i, both of I, .011-. N Y. Vus ever Ihe.o a itory inure iia-uala' ... . a Tto I.oiifn Prnyor. Here ii aoiiicihini,' cu ions (nr ymi It is th Lord's 1'iuyer iu the Fnijlish ..f fur iosi ti nes, aed 11 i-hows h.iiv ibo linou,iKe bus chanced: TKH KNilt.lSn KOI1MS PFTIlIt I.BKl) 3 I'll A V ICH A. I). l'."iS. Fader lire in I1011110, halecwnm bentb tin llamti", r 11 mi r thi kiincric.h thy wills lieolh Idnri iu ho. lie .and In The a lierch d.iwe lined j;il "lis tlnlk da ve. An I wmzil ore detlcs an vis voisibn lire dettniiies. And lime ous n.Mii;li into tcmpta'loii, hot dclv vnros ul u ve I. Am. u. A. D. lf.JO. Fader our in bevcim, llalewy;'. by thi name, thi kin.l mi coine Tbi wil'e be done as in bevene and in i rlhe. Ouie uielie days Ined ttivo 11.1 to-day. And lor live 11s pure di ties, us we lo'i-ive oar de'. loil i s. And lede us no', into leniplul loll Hole di'lyvere us ol uvrl. Amen. A D. lisi, liir fiH-cr which art in heaven, mc!i Tied b ihv panic., L-t ihv kinod-ui come I'hv wil le dune, as in hev.-ui, iu ea:l. i In tilue vb-il iv our siiii. istaimai Int ad An I a ll I na u .t t "iii'itaiioii. Hut debu i m lio in evil. Amen. A D. mil. Our lather which ait iu hemion. hal lowed be thy N line. Thy killed' nn coine Thy will lie done in earth as l( is iu heaiiei (l eue us tins day our daily Inead. An 1 lo lo is not inio temptation, but deliuer 11 'n in eiiil" For thine i lh" k'liodoin and Hie puiier, and the ehpy lor eutir. Allien. - lint .Ilea iirtMl WIvoh lor. Il is not to sweep the Ihiiisk, ami make Ihe I 0 I, and d iM th ' sock', and cook lb. me .Is. chii 111' that a lh in wa ils a wre If this is a I he wants, hired servants pn do it elm .per than 11 ie. ll Ibis is l , whoa a Toiiii!; man cn'.s to see a lady, "tvii !i I in int.. the pint r v to tusto tho bind as, I ci e she has 111 , .1 -; send him to in speet the n e ll"-wo,k and be I makn e; ; or pill a bm. mi Into her ban Is an ! s 11 1 1. 1:11 to wiineai i:s u-e. S 11 -!i Ihini are i 111 pertain, and the wae yoiiii:j niau will q intlv lo..k alter them. Hot what Ihe tin 111 11 inosi n ii'i'a "I a wil Isle con paiiium hi ;, syi.ipiihi, au i love. Tut i iv ol ;i': hn miiiy lieary pl-cis ill il aiiliui'i needs a eoiiipini :i I i;o niili li ni. A. man Is snnn lin os overtaken by ini-lor'nn s, lie meets with fa line ami de leat ; Irii's and temptaiion 1 becthin.; I'.d h : needs one t 1 stand by and lymp lb'.'. II- has H. Mil 0 st in buttles to fihi with poverty, wii h men ie.s, ant it h nn a. 1 I he needs a woman lh it, while he pirs h s mms num. I her and leels that he lias s.cii.thiii;' to ii.;..! Inr, will help him ii .tin ; thai will put lit-t Ii; s to hi car 1 11 1 w' isper no! Is of r-inii'i'!, m I her hand lo li.s heart, and in part new insptrit'On. All ll ro'i 'h Itle -Ihr.Mich Mrm ami llnoii:'i Minsliine, eepllel and victory, t!i;ou::ll adveis' and tin nil Ml.; Villids -man 1. ced. i a v,i,n.,: i' lave love. Tie Iteai ea: (or it. A siler's or a inollier's lota wil baldly siipp y the need. Y.t Miany "c. l; lor potliui,; Itnthir th n sur ciss in b ni c's.rk Jui'y enouub bad ol iie-e oct u Mhmo ino-.i. The other hall siirpri'C.I above m."i-nre, tisve, obtained mii'e thta thev o'i,;'it. Tluir wives iur piiii'tii'iii bv bnii:ne; a n.ililer idea of 111a r:a .e, : . . I ij.y,'' s:r,o a trensmy of 1 Ollluei'. S'j Pipair, Bil l l.'Ve. 4ts - - II 11 1 r".l i 1,; Mu nii 11 f n Mini It r Iji, III no, "Ji rounds. si. l.. ii's roiiniier.'ial. John II ( 'r-'i ', k iioivn ai t he M.ndrirkl (liointi Hun',' as 111 U.e c iy nn way In a i licit:, hi Miuni s 'in. A talk with linn l r . ti;;-' not lip- ' li wiiin laclt: Ha was 'I 'm in K""i kv, tear Frunk'nrt a' d UnlA.d ui' 1 I.iiiivile most ol lis llie, w'ure he ii'i-i" a tie" Itttn. M-. ('lain wa nt t in- ('. nil tn.i 11 K lp .s'li .n, mid i.ln'e there, ft '. I r. s, pt; d "ilh a lino badoe, c.-isini.; Ji15 by the K.ii!'bt. nf Pythias, ol which be is a number, I'l t'n' ieserip ion tin I d'S ol !! ,1 M "i, 1C ..I F and I O O Fib Iii bin wilh It. bur th" lil'iT'lt member n' Urns- crd r 'n the I'pited Sti'C'i Mr. Cra "j ft bet 4 inches in li.o.'.h, we'"; 7'll puinds, measures 01 inches ar.. mad tin- ch'st, nMLiid Ihe waiht, 7S nu In s; I l.ieh ol in h, s; call, H inchi 1; am. 19 inclirs. There is coi snb rable tumble unnielimes in measut ipo him lor a suit of c'lr.his. While b. in'i ipessiiied for a Cent vcsiei.lay by a ta'lor in this city the latter had lo incisure pai nl the way mound Ii i 111 and then chalk il and lake a lush -tart. Tivm'.v one y irdi of cloth a-e requiied lor a sun His measnrea 73 ii cb'S. lie cannot sleep iu tin ordinary bed, and rupirrs bv 1 chairs tor a lea'. His iiiuac a a are hail and lie possessed lintn.'ii e strei,:;th. Wlide tiav-lum nv"r the aM!e.:haiiy, ilminij bis ruciit trip, he nniciiincs sialled th" hoi"cs bile cbiiibiti.' up the st.rp sbba. Mr. (Vain is very jovial, wnltby, and takes thin : easy, is kilidh. urled slid nntel lor his ba nevolr nce. (lis w ile is very laro weiehine; m17 pounds, is only live feet two iip lies in hiii'ht and measure ulneiiseio)lit ihehes aruund the na si. Tlio wni Id owes us a !iin?, but tlio o Iv w iv W;' can Collect tho debt is to pell oil" our coats mid t , 0 it 01. 1 ul ti O ul Id i hide, SFACH H 5 Ono Sqinro, Two Sijuares, Three Squures, Four Sijuan's, l-'.inrtli (lol'ii, Hull ( '.' i 11 in 11 , Wbiali. ( ' a 1 1 1 III ii , ill.UOH A!il, SlIUCKOi: MAIM 1 1 Mil WOKM, niCKMOND VA. Miinilfncliirers n Portable and Slallonirf K;n:iiii' in I Hmlers. .s.lw Mills, 1'nrn inst U'li.ii; Mills, Shatiu., H ini-ers and HuO lev . I'm blon We'er Wbe.ils. Tnbaoen M. 1 liii.ei v, H much Iron Work, Hraas and mm 1 a uiies, .Miiohliioiy nf l.'verr l)c. enpt 1011. t.iNMvi ami Tin;rsiii. Machmu A S I'lKi A l,TY'. Ui'in-.lrlii 1-romjxlj ,t C'nrclnlly tiono. rM.r.'i T .sp.l'i:.M s-i'AHR-ARRBHTMt, Mil- Iiiti-iition ol Hie Age. Il does not ibiMlroy t'lodrnft. It dots tint iniorlorn wlib I'b'Hiiino (,e tubes, lat will mil eli iko up, ami requires no clsan Iiil-. It raaiiiires no direct dnniners to la opened who'i r aisini: steam (damper baa luu- iiii..eiion:iiiiK, 11s lli. iv may beleltODea. and nllow 11: 111 ks In esciu o ) Il riqiins no waier to PXtlnKOleU spin k , wlib'ii, by Poiidniiaiitiori, ilnatrova Ihn alrnl'i. Hi nnlcs, when water Is used, if in tb et.'.t, Hi.-clllelency Is d( stroved by nvupoi -ai ion r,i thei wator, and tlio boiler la ki'lal ill II lillbv I'nlllliti.aP. It is siniplo mid iluiublo and enn be re lied np'iii. It fun be uitiielu d lo anv boiler. Nn jbinter should bo witVnit one of then, I com , Ui na wil. insure g'na ana burns ;U"n Ibo Talbnil Kniue and p.irk Ai mo used at asuio lata u ri hi" 0 I f ir waiornr horse.. pownr. r("-.Soii,l iur IHiisinitoJ cirnular antf, prieo list, llraneli 1. .111 (J. lalslmro, N. C. .1. A. II a I'SMU, (.oneral Aliinuffer. T. A . 1 1 It A Ni i lilt, Local iliiuugen. IIIIIV S loll NATUREiSCVtiS xCMKDYJ VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BL00D.1MR&KIDNEYS. CURATIVE, for flluvjj litMMtM. CDRATINE, Pur Mm CuiuiaiUi.ta. CURATINE, For KtJtivf lAnttuc. CURATINE, fjt litiwiiti.tiliia. CURATINE, For B. 1. fu bit a. CURATiiiE, tiir rtv.te.rlii, 1 iinpleA I'Uldim, rid. A tTitftitrlnitJ cota Piind of known Taint rsjiiittiniiif iu on pmp aratlun too ourUv IK'Wfw tr tli rrll uliicb motlurtt U Ai- i-U'tr, Uut Hit Hum IIrtrii.;tou tn iv U on end Ii ! uiifi'lliMl fur ih cur of ail ImmI Hi ramrm nurli ah Horn fii. luwinri, tmttmv.Sult Ithruw. itit0utnutimt Jfr 11 1 iu ViMirf ipaHmm ttrmtton, finir ijr.i. iirtrutivm V I rinv, vto ASK YOUR DBUOEIST roH IT. n!iEi:oncEinTiLaj. OALTIUORE. UJ. W. l VICIv vi.'ui icir.s ai m iM.iF.H ISIAVE TO ORDER OR KSi'AlRKI) AT LOW riiK'Bl All kinds nf w .0.1 work and tiirnnileg ilono in i;oi ..I sityle. nhi.'ksinllh work dime al abort nnlics nnd with neatness, Al new work w irr intod. 1'ino puiuliu,! fur bu'Ciea. doiiu at low pr'ie.l'usl Mint used. - , 1 . r - . i I. A'l I IXIllV .JVtS TO ITIK UNDI'IITAICINQ DKPAUTMENT. ("ntlliis an.l.C uea of all alii ennakMiUa; on li.iud. Oarri i 'O 1 atorl ils k.lal onlllllld at part boln v 1'i'torsliurs marlcel. Weldou N. a June .'i ly N V. T. F O li O , plt"nirn In nnPouneIn(t Iiml he call aliil bo loiiiid at hia aland ou I" IKST STH H E T, 3 no I s on u 00 turn 5 (HI HI no 20 00 80 0- OO I IS (ul ,'(( 00 40 aaj in on , in on 1 mi on 4n to l-" no o,, 4(l (l0 ,n -0 00 I ,'KI (hi I clcj 00 85 60 Olio Year. 75 AO ',r -ast!, Where bo has on baud a full sice Ol the Finnsi WINKS. WlilSlCIFS, riiJ ' liKAMI'IFs. 'I'OitACCO, CiaAltS, nod SNUFF, ( i r( A N 1 i E"S, AFPI.FIS, and CONFlillVnONJilUES Hia stock of Cnnnoii Ooods and Urocor lis la uiuiHually , " lull anil romnlcto di ll I'UBINKT WlllSKUV A PlITCI M ITT. KHII-ll I.A'.KU CKKil naACTUIIT. ' ho u'uar intcea niillsfaellnn. i'all and sen l.iui. Huv21 1.

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