THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY A Till L 13. 18S0. j Fatkttkvii.i.p. been made a port oi entry. J Ln'i iioitd Times : Tluy tell ns !ht pescbel an killed in tint ei tinn. f Tn distr ct coiv.!ritiei ol Ite Re Jiublteeo prtj will k-e held at Guldenc-re eo Jul; lit. Ta State narmal scli-ml will begin nn Jam it'll tad eqd on July 20:h nn', n Clipol Hill. f Raliioh Odskutfk : A rumor U cur tent tbit the gauge ol the Wistero North Otraliaa Kailroil i tn be changed. Mnt Power Llor, one of the distrib. Hon el the Hereld'i Irish lund. tele ' "aph' thnt Hint I mid in now providing llml j 13 343 hilitrro with loml. : Jnvot Merrimoa hat accepted tn in sitatloo, tenderrd bj the Dialectic Hni ty ol the Stats U.iieri;y. t deliver the Annual address buboe the two ocictu-a Juriug Commencement werk. - K rery f fere until, aocomoanii'd by tain and hail, nu'fl over a po.tton ol this county Tucdiy evening of last week doing considerable damage to the wh'i . 8:Ap. Irnres and other property. At Mt - Olive the sturri wei parliculaili terrific n I the Qraniie (tore and moral "tlu-r hui dings wrr gteatlj dataacd. Oo'd.boro Mc . eoger. I'M tCongresnioa il delegation of New Htnover connty atanda 33 lor Ma) C'has JM. fltedraan and 8 lor Col. A. M Wed -stall. Tbe Review sajs : There was vev torch m re than an atervjn attendance ttjlbusissiu at all lbs meetings, .tpee;allj 1l thia city, anil pvti-ani worked lit their especial favorites wiih z al ai d fldtlity. ps RrTllK9RNTATIVK Arnifield. ol tllf oillh din net. has introilucrd his hi ! I relating to ibe collect inn of icvenue. It provides lor . ' -abolition of tax on pirlta distilled In ni i fruit, rcducea the lux od spiiiis dintllid from grain to twenty. fife :mn per gallon jnd provides that pnidiueis of h al ttibnccn . lny sell the ismc in qnantiiirt ( not Hborethao ten pounds at a tiiuu wiihout 'jjjeeose. " H , .. Tt bill lor the recninago ol Hi hdf 4 dlar. reported from Ihe Hou-e Coinage. . fcouimlitee, of wbi. li Mr. Su-pVns is Chsirtnin, povidi a that the ba'l dollars J oar in the Treasury, and which mny le erea'ter paid into il, ol (lie piccM I "Sjtnage of 193 graina. U itil a sufficient sj-imtity al the tie halvca are coined, i liowever, it ia to be la-vlul tn pay out any ijlstf d dlara in the treasury at demand nay be made. The hull dvllur coined finder this act ii to be a hgal tender for 'l dabta and dues, public and private, ex Wpt when otherwise expressly stipulated 4 ihe cuutrary. A manuscript supposed to have hern Written by 8t. Peter Im' lately been dis covered among the property ol a man Warned Br, who died last jc ir at Jut -alem, at the age nl 109 Tho style id 'tie work bai led to tho conclusion tint it la authentic, and it la Ha'ed lint I lie Litiiloo Uilile Bnciely. wltich has ilcv ) paUjhe I a catnmittee to Ilia fpol, liaa ol ivred Bore's heirs the sum f $100 00:) f ir Its poieeneinn. Their htrs, li wever, re tote to part with the maou'ciipt. thn.i.'h .U aeetaa prab b!e that they will al 'o w Ihe raociety to rrprn tire and trandate it. i . t A brno l-in ira nn 0 li.a 1 1 nnch In' iber colt tbia spring an I aj'pcare I to It deeply gri.Te.d over tho cireu n-timcc Blie wai me'anch dy and d"reted in plrlts lor lama days, and then her clieer fulness returned. It waa di-cuverid lint ahe hai adapted the olTspi in j ol an ithrr ' aoiroal al htr own. The euri iua p. it ol 'the matter it that her ch dee had Ullen poo a call which ahe had i-nticei tmj from ita real mother an I au -k ed w i:1i the reateat care. The c.lf wag apparent'y 'tappy, and followed ita loiter mother wi'li ajreat afljctliio. When the call waa taken away froip the mare ahe made a s rnii f ght to retain it, and relapsed into In r ..former melancholy condition for a nuiii ' ker ol days alter its lost. : ' A FlR occurred iu Wilmington on Sun day. We give the following account ol U (run an exchange: A fire broke out Jbere thta morniuK at 12.31, in a Imrn lrirk vbulldioff on D i k street, between Kunt n1 Second street. The atiu-iuro ra buili f-ir ao ke ho tee. but aa ll'led wtili ay and urain. It was owned by J. II. and the rnnlcnta bf I'.eaton, CummlnKS A Ca. Thefitmea t'ii. el tended o tbe hiick store ol Antonio Kush att Fmot and Dock stnets. and Ihe lamtlv aif Ut. Lewis Solomon, who lived alv- toe i4tore, were with (tdticul'y rescue!, m reaping with anhlnK but their tii'M rcldtbea. The hardware ttnre of Oeiine .A Perk, next adj inlDX the Kuh bin I tin u in Front street, soon cui;ht Hre.ard wlnlr rthe firemen and ritizeoa wero eodeavmini( o save the stork the western wall ol tAbrena' building fell, crusbluu' in the !Fnnt afreet alorea and cnnipe'ltria those in Peck's store to make a ruh lor lite. .Wll were surcesslul txrrpt Capt. William Bllrbfofk of the lUii Nvce, whose boilf avaa lound io tbe buildinu thia inoinint; ' tnvrned to a cripp. by, with a piece nl bis mister's coat in its mouth, lav a faithful doir, which always fnllnved at btf 'heels. Mr. John Farrow succeeded in Bel ting nut, but Hill un.-nnfcmiij, hia con m tioo being still critical. Mr. J.aep i If. nV. Iters Ie1 his hands anl lace bady Clashed and bumeit. M'. (!hai Bti k .heioier in making hie crape, re el ed many bruiset .nd hid his left arm broki u In two place. Mr. Iltvant San's Inn U inl fane were badly bnriiet, Capt. CbarleeD Miers. Qeore Qtince Octr Paraloy, Jr., Frank Meir, Albert and ,-ttberj escaped with severe liurna an I ruiaea. The total oM will accurate . $26.0M on which lb Insurance uotmta $18 00). At one slaee of the fi'O, tbe wind being fio:ab!e, liio wbole block was ibreateueJ. Tn k K.lltorotthla jiaerla In no war nnonl Me fur ttie vlewi or Niatemeiita of t'nrre-ipnnrt enlit. No eoiniiiiinteattoiia of an aintnytnotia eliaraet.T will lie puMlahe.l: the real nam of (tie writer muit accompany all eoiiituiiiileattoiiM. An ime who mny feet airirneveil at niatemenia made tiy rorreiMinieiiiM ran otitain th name mt ani'Hcat ion to tin1 hilltnr. I'orreMtoinle f if m will lilease write only on ona ahleof the j.aiier. and to avoid havlinr their eomiunnlratl.iiiM thrown tn the vaHte tiasket will f urn imIi tln'lr name it'll nencmarllv for ioiil(eatlon -tmt a a trtiaraniy of frond faith. iVe will not notice anoiiyunius cor.'eaiioitdeuee. tf TARn. I ilo not Intend In discontinue the practice of law, on account of my connec tl. in with tbe RowoKt Nkws. But will att-nd l-rtuiipt ly to a i lUMincH entrusted to my care. W. W. HAl.I.. : (in tj K. M, Rorat fir nice cheap furni ture;. Walnut extenlion tabloa at E. M Bort's. NnitTiiAMrri N e art adjourned Satur day. R. M. BonT hat Juat rnooived auother lot of' nic i furniture. 100 liartels of lime, .W ha're!a syrup, choap lor cash. J. T, Oihx'H. Omcum of the Third RoRiment will be oleiHo 1 ( Uurliain on Tburaday next. Ti deairable niiiii proved t wo lta for aula on emy taruia. Apply to Jatnea T. (Inoi li. T Hi ('"Ida, CoiikIih, Urnncliltli and all atlu.'lioiiH of tli o 1iiiiK'. tako Ayer'e Cher ry iYU iral. Rkv Dii. Smith, preached bnreon Frl day li i tf 1 1 1 anil ISiioday liuir n 1 n ; Ills regu lar appoiniinenlM. Til is e it ion ia remark ibl.v haul. by at tlda time. We. ito ion lie r "I a aingle uaae ol aickriesa in thia vicinity. Kirw rnnnd bolfod meal from WcUlmi Mill, xlwayaon hand and lor aale ut tho aloru of T. I.. Ktnry. IH. I). B. 7. H.l.lroKPKR waa a day or two at;o proaoutft'l with a lino girt, W'a exloml our citl.'atili.i'uoiia. 20,0oll V. ('. C'ornn.l Herriiin In boiea and barren. Call and aoe tlnoii. J. T. Ooovn Tim militar7 had their rnuular inonlhly drill on Monday U-t. Thn iinr.iveisary ol tho coinpaiiy ia the UUth of May. Tiik rjtiartnriy mni'tinai f thn Melhodlat cliiiiiili, hiirao vestordav ami coutinuKa to day. Kev. Mr. M inn preidiii(. Tn krr wuro anrvicru in tho KplSfjopal chin rli I lit li gilt, and llntli'ip. I.yniin will pro lull this morn uirf and lo-nini. If you d i not waot n ay hiir. use Ha l' Voietalile Sii'iliiiu Hair Keoewor, wlilidi wiil not .stain t li o Mkio, or noil linen. Tub train Iroin lVilinititiin wa o:i hour Ijijh i : rt limn Monday, as a No waa llm I'otnialinrif train on ilieaaine day. b'liil a'oatill comi.ig in liw!y and are Hulling h (rh Sua I are wor'b fi'o.u 00 to 7 i'tta ptir pair, and rock are, atiil hiiir. FlKK Inauianrn of all kinda prnmtitly placeit tiy It. I''. lUJTLKii in Hiaiolaaa com paniei. Uu bo lli-ilred before it ia too late. Tiiav i l, ovor thn aevoral r tads la very Nearly every train Wiioli comes in iirmija a lull load of peuplu i.oinn in every dir'i:iln. Foil Sal.K.-2" neat, eiilmantlal and liHiiil.-ioiim t'oi tiuifK-e'a for hjle., cheap tor cavil. Apply lo Jaa. T. Uoocti, Weldort, N. I . Hit matried a maiden name, I Kva, And KHid lie never would leave. Iior, I to you really inean never ? Well, said lie hardly Kva. A iiih tneiitinir ol the Deuiocratio par IV ol Halilax county, will lie I10M In Hall IjI on rhuraday next the 2'2nd iuat. t'efl notice. W K cut oft a good ma'iy Tif our dulin q'lent Hiiliacriliera this wuuk. Wh are arrv to ilo il, lint aie nut able to aou I out our papnr for itoibliij(. A littlo Rirl who wroto an oainy on th' cow nniii ii;cd !! (am Ivfi'fl clonltiv; that tho "cow im toe ill Mt. iHnlul mitiiial ill t no world except religion." I'liore is Ihh,) lor I In cyi that ia tnarful A balm lor fie Im.irl that la aid And a calm lor llm pint 111 it ia fuarlul A nl lor ovary liver pil. Mil. axo Mhi. W. H. Mi'karv and Mi Adoio .Soiilh, paaxtd iIiIoiikIi hem lor vVilininitio i 1'unt l.iy. They h.ij buoo visiting Vu.v Voru lor Home time, Th k etote holme in tlia Imttom, now nc fli inl hy A. M. In", it Co., ia belli ro p.iii uil. New Kills am lining put iinilnr it ud il ovorliailiiiif! ia lniiiii;diiiin. ri, kh your eirinn or nm nenj riip.dra T If ao lane il at unon to tno Itoanoke A(rl 'iillural Wnrka, Wnliloii, wlmie the work will be cheaply and ex podiiiously done. 25 I lis of Family Flour, !() boxo Ann anil iiiediu :i ToIikcco, ID.UIHI Ilia, aicic and a'loiiMer meal, now on band at T. L Khky'b. Thk eountv M Ileal Ko'jrd if lloalth mi oia in Knli ild to Dr. A. li. I'leree chairman, I'r. J1I111 O. Krien axcrelarv. Wo iiopOtliero will U, a Im tru atloiidaiice. Mil. W.L. (i.ini.iri;, who hua been livins in V eldon for noiiiu limn, but now in I Jarvnburtf, baa liwui eink fir a lew rir.ya paat. Wo iioo lie will Moon be hilllaeif ,;iin. Twkmtv-Kivr On'a fir one or one Hollar l"r live liotilna of Sbiiner'a It dian Ver-nlfigo. The beat worm medicine now but ire tha jiuldin. Kvcry bottle gu irnnteed. A larire nn nbnr of pep'o were In town Kaiurday, but tliern waa little money apent Hi t d iv, aa moat ol our mop lit arn anvliiif niouev to cultivate tbair cropa and only ca:ne after Kiiano. Th K peanhea Inivo all boon killed, and lovora of th it dolic.ate fruit will hive to do with mt II or send olf al'tor it. We bopu the apriu Iroata will at least leave the next crop ol pumpkins unliiiri. WitiTKaod black peas, bnana, hoinnnv fresh liutier, calil.ano and faintly gnweriea al Kufn llaiuols,, Al-i freb oyslera ovi rv ilay ci veil in all atyliw. Call and take advantage of the lact." THKbiardof oommlHsionera drew the jury lisia fir Mv mnn m tim lnu.ri..t n nut; and also paid several bills f,.r cur -rent i-xpeuaea. They anjiiuii.ed niilll Tuead.ty, wboii business Was IriueactiMl aa UMtlltl. Tiiosb need I tig Met l In burial c.iaea voold do woli to ami I tll'lr nrdara to rt. K. Htiri.KH at Wei bm. Ha furiilHhen ill xs at tnannfaeturira priiKs. 5 pp-r ent olf lor oisb or 'C. O. 0.' orders sunt 3V i xprea. Woiik on 'be sch nil house proreaao rapidly and the buildinu will soon tie eonip nleil. Tin ia a ii.jct of riat nil Doilance to mir peoplo, and we hopn thoir umiiiiiK etl iru will be il in vied 1 1 tiio curing of a K od .si hool b re. K Fi'l tihtiom books aro now ot'n for remalerbiK votora In tlm town election, which lakpa placn on tbo llrsi Mnn Uy in May. Tin ae w.ahiin: to u ive 'hnir nam entered, hhmiid ca'l on k. K. Moreo ick hi h. aloro on First a I rout who is ttistrar. Thk season for base tia! I haa bo'n com. mene'd. and onr voting mini b,iv taken advantanH of the line weatho' to knock a lw lulls. We expnt to heir of a le cbileuna Hurintf the aeaaon. A good run now and then Iclpa very much. Mk. W. S. CornLAND in' Ihe Jaoka oi Reporter puail tlnouuli In re Tuesday i n route to Lynchburg ''or a short viil. V wiab him a plHaaanl tup. Wo know of nun or two others who would like to b.-ettlio ibv att ol fv.-a dv dyt. A HOCUKSTKH PHYSICIAN'a KxPKBI- Kf t:. K. Catilkins, M. IL. of Rochea ei' N. Y.. eertilios (let. f, h, lST'.l, that he has lined the .Nb) hl'iney and Liver Cnro in hia praotlce for diseases of the khlnevx and liver, and the teault baa Iimci aatisfactory In liio extreme. Ilnaave:'! would now preacrilie the aamn remedy to nil aimilar ly alllirteit, and yu are at liberty to ho latolnjoar teatlmoniala." To Pk hKKtTKn One or two new hliildttiKs will a ion bo erected In town for bunine-a. The trade of Weldon ia nood, and people who are a q'tainted with (lie aurroundiiiK country cannot fi-il to be impresaed with the fact that there ia no plaro any whoio near bere which baa equal facilities for trade. BlTRFMB Coi RT Dlt'UlONS. Ilv DllUrd J. K. (). Burton, Adtnr. vs. VYilmhiKton and Weldon Railroad oonipauy. I'rror. New trbd ordored. W. U. Nbielda et ala va. F. II. Whltnker t ala from Halifax; judgoiuetit modi lied and alTrmed. LoKi:li L'p. A cra.y negro waa con fined in thu lockup Hiindty inorning on ace unit of obscene and disorderly Ian Kiiaife on the atreeta. lie yelled but the louder alter he waa locked up, and came very near breaking out, lie had (Orb off tevoral plank when thoolllcera found nut what waa Ruinx on and put liiiu in another cell. He tij(-aiiii) iiiint alter a while and was turned luoee, - (ioN K TO Da! VII.LK. M r, James W. ItriKKa, who has boon f aiding here for the paat ai inontb-, left laat Frid..j morning for Danville Va., where be will succeed Mr. .fas. T. Oarvey, aa loreuian of the Danville Times. .Ilin la master ot the "Ink allng ing," buauio-s, and tbo Tuiiea ia very lor lunate to aeuure hia Nerviooa. U iod luck friend Jamii; may iiippv and prusperoiia Kiiloa attend you tbroiia'b the vnyago of lite. Fikk i.i Norfolk. A Are occurred In the Purcell il mae, in Norfolk, ot, Friday caused by a defective Huh, leadlrg from the barber alrip. flm li lara an l Iran alem paasiiuera wei i an unud at once and ttiti t.mplojcea set to w irk to exttiiKUlh tho IWiiie.--. Tli (i fire depirtmint soon canli) 1 1 the reieue aod nx'.uiiiuished the llm. I hu .lain iuc b H.d was little, but the plastering a -4 .tio-o waa rn.isid eiaUiy Injured by iln watnr from tue fire enmputnea. Nkw I-xphk s omct:. An exprea uni te wn esiitblishisbcd at (lar) anttra; M i iday with Mr. Jno. Kiln aa Client. Thn iifll t waa eatablihed by the Houtheiu Kipra4 cotii-iauv and thia ia aiillj. -lent ituaraotee that it will be us'ilul to (be good pe ipla of Ihtt aaeti n, who have long fult the neod nf nnmethlnj( of tbe kind The biisl n aa of Haryslmi g has In creaseil ao muen fur the paat year or two that it became a necessity. We hope office will be continue I with Mr. F.llia as ita manager for a loi'i; time to coma. It Is not ne.'Bsarv to keep on taii this iii..i!.'lnii coutiiiually, uini a avrniKe or do iriit nay and mailt Inr uionliis at a time thn b wela are restore I to regular 1 ly, the dii(RS'ion Htrenvthene.l, the blood pu riii id. tho Had breath ma la sweet by a short systematic ue of Mmniotia I,iver KeK'uUt ir, It leaves the system In a heal thy C' minion alter Us use, which saves th" from eoiiiinuul doaitu. ' I was cured bv .Simmons Liver Kku lator, liavintf applied for ihe medicine w bile in a most wrntelmd condition some two month , and now am ao changed a man th 't I am a suljoot fur congratula tion tiy my ia in . I v . "I-A(.' Mfl.l.lX, ,17th and Laudator Ave., Pliila." Makuifk At the rfsiiienoo of Mr. N. It. Hlckens in Halifax on the morning of the Mth Inst., by Rev. J. M. P.hodea, Mr, V. W. I'ji neet t and Miss Florence Diikmia, nioen of ('apt. K. I). Hi 'i w iiinir. After the onrenioiiy, a abort time was spent In con uralulati ins, and thu parly took the Haiti lor new lorn, accompanied aa Tar aa Weldon by enveral of Iheir frienda. We extend our congiatulalimia and wiah the young- couple all tho joy v lueksaled tn mnr ala. Tbny will apernl a part of tbe boneyin inn in the citlea and will reside In Ilslilai on their return. Nkw TlttAL UiiANTKn. We learu from roliablo authority that the Supreme mart In the Durlo'i, Coni)land'a adininistialor aniinat thn Wilmington and Weldon Kail roan has granted a now trial. This case has exolted much interest an I apet'tiUtioit Il was tried at the Supeiior court of North ttuploo county, at spring t.irm 1MT9 and a verdict for IlltHHti thousand dnhata was rondered and was alterwards reduced lo ten thousand by consent f counsel In consideration, we bellive tint a new trial should not be praye I. The ease wont up to the Supreme ciurt at June term 1S7SI and was argued. The ootirt took nn ad. viaarl until the presnnt term Mild have just ti!ed thoir duciainu granting a now trial. Tub following additional pirtlculara of tbo death or Mrs Riddick, mother of K F. Kiddlck Esq., of RnAald, we lake from tbe Charlotte Observer : The shock lo the community bv the suicide of Mr. K F. Riddick, a telegraph operator in the nrtlcH in thia city, Is mill vivid In the minds of Hie cltiains of Char lotte, and in tilth rymoatuv has been felt f ir bia yonnif widow- This will tie much Increased wnen it Is known that a MiTt while since the unfortunate lady visited Ilia mother ol bur decoiaeil husband, and tha ineotinn was so lull nf the memories I tlm il.iatti of thn liutbsnd end mi thai the mo I'Oi'a love overcame hor. The eiijht of ihn wile of her dead ann.wliom she then saw for the first time, sent the heart ikoo woman to and abe died in a few days. Mrs Klddick retur' e I to her frit lids In Charlntro wild another trace v to sadden br life. VLF.orniN ok (iKfioKKa.-The annual nb otiotl of olllunrs of tho Itoanoke Lliht Infantry wm hold Friday and resulted as foilowa : W. VV. Hall, Captain. R. (). K I war N. li Lieut. U.S. Itail.K id Lieut. A . II. Hams, Jr. 2nd Lieut. After tho elect loo of the above ollloera, Mr. John W. Sle-lg", waaelectod Si.cretary and Troaatirer, and Mr. Ii, K, Mnrecock, A nr.orpr. The O'linp iny drilled ala" on that day. And on Monday hid IU regular monthly dtois parado. Ita membership baa In. creaaed lately mid thn iirgAnlzi'ion la on a solid lnotiiie. The noo couunisHloDed nffl cera have not yet been appoint d. Just Rkokivku.2iJ bills, select extra and fa Hour, ICO hnu-s of salt, 29.0OU lbs of bulk aiiles, at H'chuiond and li.ilii- more Dricen. tM Utile, syrup, liar, oata ' 4. Alao Soluble hwiUJi Soa. Fowl, audi I ,'urtks guauo. J, T. Coo;u, ' saJWlfaS Thk Divkkrkni'ic. There is u vaat dilferenco in tho conduct of a man and a woman In new cluihoa. Wlion a woman nets a now auit, she Immediately prances down town, and for boms will walk con leutediy Hlotiji a cruwtbsi thoroughfare, recuiving fresh impulses of j iy as another woman scans bur wardrobe. Uul a man Is ao different. He wou't put on his new clothe? for tbe flrat time until dark ; thiol be goes down town si cautiously aa almost to i-rtaio thn iinpro-sion that be is sneaking along. J I ho tecs a crowd on the corner hu will slip across thn nay lo avoid Ihn n ; and who.i ha g ma into bis grocery, be tries to get behind as many barrels and box is aa be cm. All tbe time bo ia trying bia level best to appear aa If tho suit waa fix inoiiiha old, and all tho bo is making a groat failttro nf It Pkksonai.. Mr. Joseph Danielsnl Wil. son Advance, was In our office last week. Wo were glad to aeu him and hope be will never givu tta Ihe go by. Col. W. L. MMdiidara, Hecretary of Stall spent Sunday and Monday in tow n. Mr. S. Itmnaon, agent of the Piedmont Air Line, was in town Saturday . He whs on bis way to Wila in, to visit hii father. We were glad to see hiiii, and hope ban be retn.'tis Co Ch.ul tt, be will take Wel don in bia route. (leu, , li. ( ox, and Cipl. A. It. An drews, passed through Saturday. We received a pleasuit visit Iiiimi W. II. Urilllii, Ksq., nf K icky Mount last week . Mr. Archie Naw, until recently acltiren ol Weldon, baa g me to W is ilnglon C.ty to lire, John A. Moor l'q., of Halifax waa in town Monday and Tuesday. Tun Iji;Nt'ii:iN Cask. Tbe man. damns and injunction cases against Hill fax fniiti v vere heard In Jackson by Judx"(Jndger laat week and the commis sioners were directed to pay tbe amounts due the several plaintiffs. By agreement the coinniHtlonera ate to pay a: the judgments agatnt the eountv upon the fid nw term- : Sevnutyfive pr cciil cash and the rema'ndnr iu a'X mm, Iln. The Whole amount of this Indebted ness is about $1,709. Seventy five per C.iiiW of which is something less than $4. SOU, wbnn thia amount in paid out. there will be enough lift to pay all cur rent ei pensea of Ibe county and all new orders will continue to be worth dollar for dollar. And lb county Trtna nrer will take them up on presentation to h in. Our Hoard of commissioners look che-eli a'ter tha welllare of the people, ami implicit eoiitidence in v he plaood in tin m by both d ibtora and o-edltora. Since w rltiug the above wa learn that the board of (.ommissinners paid lo the creditors wbi aim J out the Iniunctlmi, about tif pen hundred doilara ao I the matter was then continued until tbe May meeting, wlen It la probable thai the whole debt will he pild. NoTioat I Norn;i;!l NoTirrs ! I ! -Jtut received a large and varin assortment of groceries for fall and winter tradi. 100 blila. new Family Flour. 2j bids, of Sugar, all grades. HO bags ofl'ofTie, ail grades. 7j boxes ol c oninon an I toilet Soaps. 10 bids o Ihe best leaf lard. 40 reams of paper bags it 4. 40 gross i f Kulph's Scutch Snuff, fit) lxs nl Tobacco, 10 bids, of Mackerel. 100 kits and ca.ns ol Mackircl. fiOn bushels nf oats. M) boxes of assorted cakes. 10 bids, of ginger cakes. Mu boxes of 'taikrs, 100 kegs nf nails, ft 000 lbs. or bulk sides and slmuldora ,tc. tiOO'lbi. ot buns, S nil, starch, ui'itclios. spice, popp -r. mustard iVc For sale at Hicli u nid and Uiltimorn price', freight added, at th wholesale and retail grocery slora of J A M t'.H T. (iOdCII, Weldou N. C. Mi t.t I A ry Sun, The follnwii.g Important orders have just been tasitud 1 ruin gunerul be.ul ijiiarteis : Sta i kok Nhhtii ('.Mini. XA, AiuuiaNr Oknkha'.'s Ui'i-nfMiiNT, Kai.kiiiii, March :i I, inn), General Urdors, Ml 17 I. Compiny H,-'i: x Kill's. "and Coo -pany I. V nice Rillo ."oftlio Tmnl Keg. Itnent of Inl .nlry. i.aving tailed to iviii p'eie their respective nrgauix illiuis, as required by tbe at itute, sre t e eby ills, banded and will be stricken from I tie inustor-rolla ; and tbo noiiimi slonaol ttioir several oiBcers are hereby revoked. II. Tbe ''(Jreeno Ciointv Mill s" sro lieieby assigned to the Thud Regiment, as Company H III. ' 1 1 1 1 eninmiasioiied ollloera of thn companies composing tho Third Reg moot will assemble ,u D irhi ii.oii tlm 2Jd day of April, fcr the annual e, tbrn of fld ofticers. IV. This election will bn behl In accird. am-e witb regulations heretofore pub lished. Oenerai Ordera. No. I. The following companies, having failed to comply w ith the nq . ire :.onts ol the law, are Hereby disbanded, and w ill b i elrloken from the mtismr rolls, via. Of tho Second Keglmeiit-tkimpaor D, Whiting Killns. or thn Fifth lU'lalion-C mipany A , Haiioviu' l.lg it Iufiuiry; Conipaui- II, Cipe Fear i. ght Infantry i Cntiipiny l, Faye tovlile Kills Ou.iid; Coinpiuv K, Charlotte Blues. II. The arms a-id accoutrements be lnu;liig to tbe State of North Carolina In p asnaslon of the-e uunpaniKH will im piomptlv delivered or ace unite I ( r aa apeniailv liirectad in each case; or ,be rn apei-tlva hoiidsinen will be held rosp uia hie on nirnr u unis 1 1 1. Dill -era receiving Ibis ropeity will make a th rou.'li insnactlon nf the same. and rep ri tha results nf such insprjti ll lo the Adjiitint l.enf nil of too Slate. Ky or, lor of tho Owv-rnor and Coin natider-lu Chit f. Jnbnsto'ie Jtnes, Adjutant lienerel. I'iniii' iit.i'.Tivtj. Thr re w ill be il Mass meMingof il.e fiemo cralic psriv at the Court houo in lla ilax, in titer.: nl dav of prll, ISHll.tor the pur. poo i.rorgsiilr.nion, Nomination nf can didates an I appoiiriunt of iti,ngato to Ihn Slate and lUstrlcl cor.venlions. jSsyKnlpld sentinel pinnae copy. April 7th 1WH). ' K. A. THDBNK, ( hairman Fx. Coin. MoNTUKAt. II Ha Hit For R. I,. n. lv nf Meotreal. Ciiiia la. 's,..,. is l"7(, tint be bail Milf rel n.riiblv from d VsllPOsla. and was cftmnlnletv ..tirA.1 l. taking Warner's Safn llillors. Hu aave. My at pet He ia gooil anil I now Hilar no InconveubHipe froin eetlng bea t loeala." These Hltterr are eiHiclfio for ti! aklo dlbCMoe, jliii ;iais POVEHTT AND DISTaESS That poverty w hich prodiicoa the g'0 teal (tistreaa la not of too purae but i f the blo'xl. Deprived ol its. lioliues-, it be conies scant and eatory, a cm iluinii ter me I anemia In in.-d cul writinr' Utven tli a condition, a trol'ulona swellings and sore-, general and nervous dob, Illy, loss of flesh and appol M, weak lungs, iliroi t diseases ami uotiBiimptiou, ire among the common results. Tnerof iro. if ymi are a atifieier from thin, fiur blood, do not hesitate, hut etiintoy W dduu Mejictl Discovery which onrHioa Ihe bio d and radically cuie. tbeao alia liom by striking at the root of ihn evil and removing no canst- For all brot.iiliial, throat, and lung af rections, severe lingniiiig noughs, weak lungs, consumption m its early stages, asthma and kindred nrfscliniia I) r 1'ier ce'a Uoldell Medical Ibscoverv is the anvereigu remady, an I has outrivaled all its etinipetitma. It Is iiarinlois in any condliinn of tho systi in, yet powerful to cure. DruggialA sell It. BIATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Mr. Kpitoh: The iinderslgt.ed a oni lllltteo appolnlod for tlie llrpose by the Medical Society of N. C, n spiel folly aa'. you to publish llm following I o ice, tor ihe Information of your snbkcrib ira : lb- Hoard i f Medical Examiii'Ts of the State of North Carolina will In the city of Wilmington, on Monday Mae I Hi li , 1S.10, for thu ex tiuiuutioii of appllcanta for llcetif 0. Without a license from this b"ard, no person shall practice medicine or surgery or any of ihe branches there it, or Iu any case presenile for lbs cure of dtseaao, lor fee or reward. Furthermore he "shall not be entitled to sue for or recover, bef ire any miglstrate court In this State any medical lull for ei vices tendered In tne practice uf medicine or surgery, or any of the brai cbei thereof." 1 1. aw sol Norlht aiolina 1 tH ' "i0 ) 1'XTKB K. UlNKs, M. D., ) W. T. KisNhi-r, M D., (,'onuuitieo. II. T, IIjumson, M. D. J COL.HII.Ml.H H.N. BL'HU WYX. THR NKW CollNRf. I ! TUB FIKiU MARY LAM) HI (IIMkNT. Willi am II. 8. Burgwui, a'torney-at 'aw, who b i been dected lo the Coloui'lcy of the Fil'li Regiment o' Maiy land, is a native ol North Carolina, and is thirty-four yars o sge, Prior to ihe American civil war Ins la1 her was a wraith; nl'.uti-r on tne li -an 'ki It vi'r, it. Kasti ru No. tu Carnlint. The mbject our sketch w n the tcond id ix sons His oldest brnlhiT waa kilel at 0eit) burg, while serving as Colonel ot Ihe Twenty-sixth North Cimlm ll'-giuirnt. Ha was only twenty one tears of age al the lime that he gallaotlv 1 1 1 1 Iu delrnce ol the 1 Lo-t Clsii.r." Al time ye' rs ol ae, William was p'ac d t Cbes nut Hid S :bool, li illlmnra count v M l , the Piio cipal thireul bring H-v. Fie It-rick (libson Froin thence he went to G'.-orgitown Cull'ge. D O, and a ter due ptepaiaMon at ill d vi-ni tab u tnntilut'ion. c itired, in 1800. the I'tuver-i'y "t N u'li ('arotin-i. O.i the Hist loc.sin ol w.r between tbe Nor'u ar.d South, young Hurgwrn j the (' oi'e ieate army Having a kO 'W le.IgH id military tacti s, he wns anpoiatt'd Dull Master, and sRcuihpatiied li s regi ment In Vug ma. In the la I id 18C1 lo waa asiuifned s Aojulunt to the Camp id Itislrtli tioo. a' Haleigh, N (! . where the North Car Itna troops wete he ng orgsn 'I'd into teg niftil". Hlio.tlv altrrwardu he way circled Fust Lieutenant and sab. s quentlv Captain, in Col Hani tn' regi ment. Col. lUnsuin. who ttllnrd Ihe rank ol General dtirini the war. now rrpte-eiits ids S'n'e in the Uutted States 4- nato. Cap'ain 3nrwyn served in He Mirr Inn' campaign of 1862, in Stonewall Jackann's corp. At Au'ictam he receive' the especial notice and cnmnirndat'oo o 'is commanding idlicera for se Z'og the Hag and rnllvtng the regiment, at a critical iiuint in the battle. He participated in all the baitles that his reginii-nt was en gaged in Ibrrralttr, and was s'lbs'q iently assigned as Cluel nl S'sfl In fjeo. Cling man's b'igade nl Long.treet ' corps. In i lie battle ol Cold Harbor. Jure 1804. he was I verily wounded, whilnl lira ling tbe htigude, on a Count, r charye. He r. turn d to dn'y in Irnnt ol Iiirhmond, in the middle ot Si plembcr, and in Ihe assault on Fott II irrion, ttl .w R rh. nionil, September HO waii ajatii wounded and was aUo taken p'iaoter. Ho wa Carri I lir-t lo IVasb'ngton city, and Iro in Iheie was taken to Fort IKI vara pii.o. riitotl;h the Inlercea-irtii nl Col. Wm Norris ol liilii.norc c mutt. tli'U Con ledi-talr Slates Assistant Cinninlsioner i f Fi -hinae, be a i TPliaiigrd, M ach 1805 Inr uu . (Beer of i q ial rank nn the Union iiilt. On ti e s un nrter rf )n .loinlon's mm', to which b:- brifade ws ihin ntlscto d he retimed to college, win nee he gradu ated in ISCiS with highest dtt'iectinn an I dcltveied the Lilln f ilut .tori a dtess. He then entered Ihe law depart ment s' Haivard Tiiivi rity. He t'radn ate 'herelrnm with the decree nl I.L 1) . in ISM, and the ratre year set'lcd in Haliimore, where alter bring adinice I to the II. r, he rstablislird hiinscll in tbr b-gal pro'pssion, in whirh he lit, Ine Very sttccesslnl. He enjoys the rcputaiii n el b ing a discreet, able and conscientious lam-yr. In order tn ihe acquiring of a liheral e due ition. Col m 174 tioknp tin iliidy ol medicine, and in Ihe p-in f 1 1 1 87(1 t ridiisled as Doctor o' M'-dn ine i'. in the Washingbton M -dical L'ulvrr sitj. On the breaking out of the Hdilmnre and 0 do Hailma I riot, July, ls7. Co'. Ilurgwyn i ll'ered hit seme a to the (toy. rrn o. and was piointe I L'rtitrn int-Col unel ol the Eighth Itt-gimeot. In 1878 thr C done! pn'd'she I a Digra' o the M irilaiil Hrpnrls. and nbtuired mm he Sta'e a lulsciipiinn Inr two hundred and fllty copies. t he foregoing ik'trh ot C'nl Rurgvin'a lite si nnr, Cut he is no ordin irv man, and til it he Is d. srrvnig of the liighrt.t t pla is" for bis acls and ncliii yen nils. At the yoiilblul age o! Illteen yraia wr bud I I in le .ving ' Arsdeniuti' lac e I shadi " to take up anus in d.'lm.-e nt bis nsii.- s l ; f,.. hieing him tli-ongli the civil mile, sp s-e him heroically participating in its hloodipt bailies, corn iiienilo I by his coin inand'i'g officers lor sprcial aetsnl bray. rv. rm'dlrp'oio t' d bees I - ol I I gn rfal sol ii rlf o induct and inerlia. wnueiled and taken prisoner Alter I o.lililirs have nia-nil wi see him stain seikng the Innnu nl knuw'adge. and gridu iMng w th high h 'nois. Irnm disnnguisliad tn-titu lions ol scienee aed learning. The Filth Keg intent f Maryland lies mid.' a happy si-hcnon In its Colonel, and tho'il I the I'll .de ol w r during bi com mand, aiimnion tie ga 'ant -rank and file." to the bn. liebl, they will be . r l y as bray- and accmunlisheil an rflicer as eter unslifa-hcd a -word ; an whii cannot hut net up to th.' lull eii aiure ol his own Isnlliaat sod boonrable n-c r I. HlOoesT market prkv paid tor cm o by T. I. Catki't. fftinfiaiili ilm ,I tit I I I'D. MuXI.I'Y rtJtitl Mirtml lit (Ira.o cliurcb, V oodvtlle, N.C., by I!, v. F u ml neten, nn tbo ,'tlst.. nf March IS', .Mr, W. It. Mux lev and M:s Alice W. I uo , d .lighter of . I. J I'ugh, F.M. M I.LOI! Y- NICHOLSON' -Married - t Pleasant Hid. N. ('. on ll e Tt li 't Apn; I y :be Kev. Mr Alien, ol I bo M. F. oh r. li, Susan J 1 1 1 u . dniitihter id lr, samnel icli olaon, and James II M-iibo v. son ot Ji.iIlo K. M. Mallory, of Hi lirisw b k cciiiii y Va. MARK E T S . vu im... K.t;. April i;.. ir..i. ' iiltoi'-Mli Idling. !' I 0 Huirar, brown 1 , ..I". " Whlf- "('" 11. (iraitulaleil ll.ilS't-. l-otT.-.'s. II 1. 1 ,6 i - " I. uiiiii-ra -I'm " Java -"i. Kxtra Flour TiiT TT. I'aiiuly Flour i- s. bai'oll sub' ( ' .'. Ilulli .dioni.l -r '1 bulk shies " Salt per sack. ) "e Hurler per pound I5.t '. ley Molaur per gallon. Norton, Vi. Apn. j, lfn). II--. .''.!'! c i's'1 rottnii Mi'MIIng 'I. Mid tirilliiar) Corii, per tntsiii'l, tints, per bushel Flour. Siipertliio " Kutra " Fauiliv, l'dnnurar). Va April ii. I'm I Cotton-Ml.blllun, Ouml tlrilluary. lirieull yliolliders ' " liauis Klniir. Family, " l-Aira. " Su).er, HiKSr. lii'auuUtoJ par 111. " As " Y'llnw. t'olfee. prime Klu " l.aa-.iavra. .Invs. .Mijlii.saeiisiiiirnr house p,r ifal " llol.len Syrup " New t'rli-uits 7 oi ,; a 7 ".I. i.vait v.. bv. 'l Ma! 1 i.i IT- . s.'r.'l ar... -.. :t etc ssamis i.u NKW AIiVKKI'ISKMUNlS. N K W FIR .1. L A BAILEY, A CO W KMlO, X. ('. W have lust apened a new and Fresh St ick of Jroeerios at Kmry's Stand bv twen Zollicoffer'a and F.nir'.s Dry Goods I Suire, cotislstlr g rf " ! I) vcov. I SU(AK, I tXtFFKK. FLOL'R. I SOP, STARCH. ; TO HA CCD. I NM'FF, Ao. Liquor Mold by M eurr. apr li ly I NOTICE . i T. X WHITK A. 1.. Sl'AI.NEAi K We foci It our il.lty to notify our fri.'li.U ni'-l tlie publ-e ir-nerally. tliat we a-e now'. to oil r Imltu'i'ili'-utH In all ivh.. w.mi to hu giiotls of any iiesi-ript ion We tiav oist ri -P'o'vuil the Li i-ff.-Ht and best select. -t if gooili ev.-r'.l in Webloli. ilur st-vk ol t'lotliiior is conn l.'te v.. Iiav.. 'be eutli-e runtr.. of Z -tel -r's siic.-i ami :ir" I In- titpy M.-rcliauts n. W'i'liloii that esn buy them .Itr.'.-t from th.- in in utaclurers. tileci-a of prints, I. .'nut Iful t : s )ust reeelv-M. Also a full line of l un'inrs :m.l drcsrf goods of all kl ds our slot-It .'iiiii.-a'-es ''. iiiileh lo llieiitlon, so If vou want Dr. ii"" Notion-. Slinea. Hats. Millinery, I i W:ll . Hollow-ware. I'roi-k'T.v-ware, llroi-.'r:c .. I'lotlilng, llariie-is uicl Sviill.'ry. W. .u mi. I VI low were. Plows, a'nl Tlow i aaillis's i-f all kin. Is. Sewing .Machines, at o ic half a linf nir.'in-i tire scllliii th.'iii. White 1 staiii'.ni'U's I;, .'t ...m Slor. Is the piice to buy tin-in W - only nsU r.ll exatuiiuit Ion of our stitch before j.m loiy else where suit we giniranleir lo please. With thrums to our frten.t'i aiel the public to.- pur j-nt r uia .. v c hope to merit a contluunnce of t he .sanj.-. Will IK at M AlVItt, K, WEUl.i.N-, . .-. apr ett MY t Kl li SO 11 tVLLiUU.'.. We are better prapared tbin ovor to supply you with jour Splint nnd tiuni" mer C L 0 T Ii I X G ;uo: EITIILT? too: iiKADY mad;-: oh m adi; ro oitunt In our Itia-lv Mide dep it lun'iit, we inive an ininiense stock at lowest (.'AMI priciM. Iu our custom Ucpailuieut wr uiako up in btst style. sju'tato tlcH.un- .1 I'ptvardc. I' to 'It-usnrc 4 A I words. SEND FOK .SAMPLE-) -.F.T.) Fl'lte19IlItU (JOODN. -isENO For. cvrAt.oncK - We hive added a new depirlinnnt fur Li vTS, MI'X AMP noYS. M. A HAMS ,t HF.K1JV, Curuvr 1 oi li and Mam Niioet and 1117 Broad Strict. hlCHMOND, VA. apr K ilm. "VyTAl UAlU E MILLS FOR SAI.IJ. Wishing to change my linii.rss I oiler for (ale Ino 'Osceola," Miba In llslil'sx county, N. f!., on l.itiU Fislihig Crei k illl tl-distelv no lb" Loiiialium and Hall lax road, thleo liiiloi west nf Ilrlol-lev-ville, and four nil i s i-B-t of Aronla. Said Mills aie In tbron b ri p.,ir, new iiia.-bin in v and ample water p w.r, attached to said propeiiy i. grist, eaw an l tl tiring mills and in a sepintc. buiidiug I'HI b-ei from Ibe mill is a new gin house with all UfM. oasary arrangements Inr gluing. Also a new store hou-e. two looms, one Tit pi loot, and o-ie bills feet, and a new dwn ing three rooms cadi III -t IS li-cr, ihiitv eiglili3si acres i f la .1 attached to k. id property. Terms easy and tea'.onable. Address IS. OMCAK II A KKH, Littleton, N. C. feb A A tn N TOl'lCKOF IIs.s;)LlTIO". Ton parltiersblp horetofoie eiia' io, be . tsvet-u H. F. sludge and I.. A. h.dley. uu dor the iiamo and sIvIh nl M 1- sledge it C nii auv, ia this day rssilred, bv Hie w itbdiawai of L. A. B.iilny from the non corn. AM parties holoing claims again-1 tne late oui.-a-n. will piesoi.t tbeui to It I'', tslc-lge lor an'lleinenlj and those It didiliid lo said c iiiciii n aro h.-reby not. n. rl Wi make paymui t t.i.lbe said II. K. S.irliie, a be only maul l.nri. d lo receipt in n ill. lUf nt. Tins IJ'b day nf March l.s0. Welduu, N. C. It. K. SLKI)l,l' U a. li.vll.LV. ;r Uf ADVKIITISKMKNTS. Ass ihcreonyerid dyspeptic, bilious ullerers, victims of ; tr utid iigue the iih'ii Uriel mseast I mi, nt, tow they no nun li sill h 33 . ehierful Fplrita and v ..... i n. . i i p:uj i liny -1 1 1 teM you by tak ng S hiiov'V Livkh KHil l.A lull, nn: i iiKifcsr n ni'sr vn r.K-T t muilv mcdicisi in niri wo.ii.o! For Dym e isia, (' instij) ill m, Jaundice, l'.ilious no.., k-, Sick ileulicbe, Colin, licpri-Ksi.ui nl Spiiitn, S0U, snomaob, Hoart lluri.s, Ac . Ac, This i.ntiv.ille.1 S mtlirrn Ketnedv la warranto I not 1 icmt.iiri a single particle of Mercnrv. or ,iuv l jutl ius wlutral SU bstillic ', but Is rt HKI.Y Vl t.LT AHLK. ('int.iinii'g ttiose Siiuthurn Knots ind Hoi ns, n hh-li an iillwisn I'rovidence bet pl n-ed in countries vt-,i re Liver Inseaaea most nrcvill It will euro ail Diseases cause ! by ll. r.t'igoiiictit oi thu Liver and II .wes l luisyiii t mis of Liver Complaint are a bitter 'mi In I taste in the in-iuib; Pain in Hu' 11 ick, Snl.'s or Joints, i bun mistaken for Hiieiiinii-i-in; S oir Ctrunach: Loal of Vppi tii -; 11 nvel ul'orn iteiy mistive and lai; Ilea 1 iclin Loss nf memory, with a p. until' scns.itlon nf bavins? failed to do nn. 'lump: wlihth onghl t" bate liet-n done. I'li'iilitv, l.w spu i;a, a th e! lelloav ap peat j"cc ol Ho' is, i ii and in ea, a dry o iUg'A nf'.i'ii taken lor coiiH'iliiption. soini'i lines insnv ut thise symptom uit-iid the dlsvise, at nlhors very few; but tbe luige-t oigin In tlm boil-, la generally Hi" seut nl the disease, and il not Hogula ti l in iluie, greit suilariiic;, wrstcbetluesa and de itli ill ensue. l I l('. As tboi" :'.r. a nil in lair of Imita'.lnna oil'ereil i ill i pi Idic, nc won d catltUJl tho i: i in ti i ii ii 1 1 y to luy no 1'owdcro or Prepared Siiiinions- Liver Regulator un lss In mir "iigrayed wr apper, with Trade Mek. Stump and signature uubrokoo. None i. tlinr ii genuine. "We b ivo icuo I ilavirtti's, tnd know III il lor Hvspepsi.i, Kili'ius-iess, and Tliroliltiuc linadacbo, 't is tbe best medi rmn tbe w 'rid ex or saw. Wo have ll lwl im lv other remedies before Mmmnni' l.ner It .'ixit I o tor. but none of Ihetn gave us m lie ih-in temporary relic, but the Iteanl-iior not otnv rodovul. but cured in "- IM. Telui;i apU and Messenger, Ml con, Ga. OIUHINAI. AM) OKNniME. M lfl AC 1 1 lit. 11 UNI V UT J. II. Ztll.lN .V CO.. Pun iiM Lrmi, I'a. ri-li's-, f t Sold by all lirugjisti. i , c parsaparilla I . i -. i.i, 1 f lie irtiii a ol snrsiv- l.i i-1 1 . inuinlfsl.e. m-IIow . h -b i-. I of pi t: li -iinl iron, ' :i r.'il;, blooiUle-ins-in-. . on l',;, -oni..nnu.: eli-mcuta. It is il. ; ;'i :. ;:. I t. mid most eifei tunl :i!t.-r r.-.e iivm'I.i1 'c to ti:c pi.l-Uo. The i.. . . i i i m'.Ii. Iim nnil ''-iciiu.-diy have pi "o:. ed n '..'u.ilv s, in,n nt bi '.I . si s i iiltiic; lion, icpitro i il. I i in s Sct olula mill nd ' :'io. tin its ili-iMvrs, I-'rsiprlns JV-r, o- t;t. Aiitliony'a 1-iro, Hliu pb1 ..ud I'm c-f-i libs, riislulca, Ulnlclii"', Ibitl.. 'Itiiimrs, Tetter, "t iocs. Soil Itbciiiii. Si-nld-hcnd, I ' i.i",-.t l ui , i leers, Snrf.M Kbciu i " iti in. Mi'ivi'cbil Disnnsc, Ncit. i:-':i.i. Ion, ilc V.'i-nliiii'ss'-i nnd I; i . !;i.l;iil ii s, J.iuiijicr, Aft'ccllnu) . 1 ll Liier, I ) spi i I 'mucin- -i.i. I I . i:: nn ii i I'cl llity. X oiel , Ii iiiimii qutili- ii li;.- f. in cnriiiptiona ii::"i' lb." !.i..rsl nml rn'tsn ;' --.-id . It stiit-.til.ilii ii tj..- s. r-'ston-s end pre i.. i'i'i. .''.,! i:' '''. i:i., Ibe ;nul nt r., -. i.f ic 'i ru. No I- fr in utiv ., the blond .'c wi:l V, ol ;;a1 Al l It's I- i... i. .- .-icl. I.'..; to e:.pirn:i'ft virh flic riu o'.pr;i--d iii:Mnr."i, witlimit :-..! v!n.ii.. !T- ,-s Llisi'.-pcr'. I'Clie il.s'-rl e '.. e ,;ies in-T'' I'llllly . Ai i.-'s s ;- i . . ui.'.li- :'.-h - . nn i.ti.i'i'.i .- iral ii e powi r, s I v i.,r 'i-c I., si. eh. .ipo.t, and r- !i .' ..' l i, oi!-; ui:'., r knowi . t-1- t i'l.- -:i'ii It-t.n, !!, ennipositlnn, nnd nl e ii I- l Ui-n widelv used mr 1 I, Itv .Ilel b.'S 0!l the t'.ll'tlllll I,,-,' . .'Hi. 'b'ti -1- nl tmlhona M'bimt it bus i...'tl.'t.;e.. PHEPARED BY DR. J. C. AYCR L CO., I i.i,;,. .1 in '. An -.! -tit-iil Chemists, Lowe. i, IVioS. - n...i...!'T- i. vt in nnrr.r. 5i 33 S iisjii'.-5r;j 9 ff".t r,.nr(i r-Mlnr nml :l!mii-,iJii n tr finuM 'iM In I'li'in i.caliliml . um., c',J .-i ll iii ii tM-nt'tti tn nil 'li"!!!'. - l'ifl-iuiiiitiMii imp idi;,,, ti,.'h;n. ij l!. fiA' tlT;il (ill.t nt rtw-ai it V t -ll , I -4 UU lM.-f tifMl iftr ' tin, I i-'iii-r i I'ni'ini'i iiuj L 'n-a-nn-iu-'Miiiii'ff riio'i-rt, ...ri ,.i"i mh'-rSi.ii i 'M't" ''i.WtUaii' ss inr M.'finaii.Vijn'1 p iiii'i; i ri.d'.s, (. irnl lH''..l.iy, r'f., r v ifc! h.- Ptnt'e H lir. I( U 0rKMU..IjJ ii n t; i p-.mii-h ."iT, li i ;i hi -i:h nn I", ti fl.K'tuit bi' in .vrv fniii- 'V'l I'l Ul,-, HI cli'HT (I-. it, Win Usf Jt.lVtl Itli I IM.i'lJ '1 sflotf I ' JiM. -i ' I f-Vit (.m-iii pt i Hi fnin jiri'l ilSV. A i j1f.. . ;r4- n I HI ICtCtlHaTtaa 0' "OTTO.N 11 IN KOKSALI-;. I have for sale a It fly eaw Needle Cot ton i i ri , in i;ooil icpair. Parties van eee ill's lint it Jo bn J, jMi.ue's Kuundry, Weld n, N.c. 4. M. MCLLEN. aprlTlf L AND Pus PL 1 1, Wo tbo mob rsicned, beiebv warn all persona hoins not lo Hunt Willi lions. O.ignor hlsbing Im-kle or nthet. wise trespass ni . nr n.iJ bounicd a' fill lows, tin I'm Kst tiv Ihe W. A W. K. K , on the S uilh by the county K'is, loeiljng from the P. A T. Fair grounds, on He West bv ( linckeyotm Cieek and on ll Ni rth by tbo Corporat.i limits ol' tbe town of Webb iii. under the ettrenlO penalty of the law. Feb. .lllU ISJii. It. W. TlAVJKL. li. U. LYNfiU, Ts L. EilKV. iv-b X Ow Mvmm m ik'a- ii. u r Lrrr t !itW"-Ul''l i a ' Mmn mini Pi-TSi'lN Irfal-TS raitPlvwR 4,1 ' ii. h. WARNER & CI), I'.ep.e-.ers. iLWIJOI? lS-.-l'-lfer IVOIiplllet