THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATK8. CAE. ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC J WJSILY.XKWSPAPp, PUBLISHED BY .. M. LO G & W.W.HALL. rne Year, in advanon, Six Months, " . 3 CO i oo f 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS; ' hit. QBO. W. HUTMAS, I '-' Dei 1 1 '( -.- r ' if. . " val si over W. ft. Brown' Tfr Goods Store,- : . ! 0 - -'f 'I WEa-DOK, K.C. ( .. ' j- . ' , ' Vflll visit Partle at their benri when ileaired. Terras lleasonabte. octimy ,...,. ,.... ATTORHF.T AT LAW, -ut, si Hr -V ,A L . HALIFAX. It. C. . l i . ( ... ...... i . I OnVe iii tha Wrt WnriiW mrlet attention riven to ll branches ol Che profession. ' Jan 13 ly . ).. 1 ... E J T. BRANCH, l ) r ,''. :. 1 ATTOUtlEY AT LAW. v; ,i r 'v.. u . t i ., aacuau.N.q. ; - , i " i i Practices n the e.iuntlet of Halifax. Nash . gita-aae-mbe end Wilton, b'olltctlont ma lain al pcof tbeHtau.,, Jan 1 tf; ""' ATTOItSEY AT Mff, 1 . C.'.i.r ;;;.wELDoy,N.c., , ,lt .L 1 t A.. -in ,, . . .-'.,' i " ' eiweial attention elvan to collection and . aaa llf. , . , ' JAetM X. IICtA?,, ., ;.; 4aW A. HOOM. - jf.o l t'i'aC i V'6.o . , ; ; ; " i ATTOREVS AT LA W ' ' 1 1baufaV.:c.' :; " ' " r-5 PeaeMee W1hn.(intlH'fvlHivnrM. YTtha-nie Ion. Bdeeen nbti, Pitt a-id tfirtln-In t' Sn- (NiHieeiii( the f'ate and-In the fevieral Courts f the Kii cm ill itrlct. Culleetlo'M ms.l jfiijprtyf th ;8,in., , Jnully T iHBS'i. C'HAIH, :- " !.'.- . ' k s. ' ATMRlKr VT LWf , u i i ' Trclljit lit the nrt of Halifax ami siljoln ' Inf cottntl, an.! in tlr1 .iMf.nm vd Fle.'ali toiirn. Col eel po ratd v In auy part of Hi tat. Wl l attei l f tW cttort liMne III Hallfat n Monday and Prldajr of each week. JanJILl , 1 1 1 1 T; 9, J 0 8. totf J K. . ATTOMKV AT HW. nALIKAXN.C. ' TraetUet In the eourta of Halifax, anil a.lj.iln 1 eiuntlea. In the Ninir-me court of tin ' 'itat. and In the Federal court. Will Tlve iicll Uentloii t !' onl!ei-tlon o elainn. and 9 irtlB'tt'Of tlie twounl) of es Btori,amlnl(itrtgraid jaarjlaua.- .; , ' . tie 13lf --r ..' i f ' ! ATTUREt AT L4W. :- ..''BAUPA ALiPAX. N.C. ' fraetleea In the eonrra of Halifax and a (Join ts eountiea, and In the Rnpretne and Fiv..ral oaru. Claims eollur.'ed in all iaru of N..rh arollua. utflee In the Court Home. July4tf rKtfMAS M. U1LL,, . . ri i: ' .. Aitwrnrj att Law, . 7 . . - , . - . K A I.I f AX, V. P. PMatleea In Ha' fav and adjoining fouutira a Feder I and S i,irm eoupti. . ' Will e at Scotland Necx, onee erer fot ftjfkl. anlKif J08. B. BATIJUKL JU. ATTORVCY AT LAW, RALKIUtl, X. C. k Praetlaea In h nrta of the Ui Judicial Vtatrlet and in the Federal and HJiTn.ueCiMirU. ay U U. rp w. jiiiox, ATTRKT AT LAW, ARTHBURI, V. C. JFrMtioaa W Vh canrU of ifrUiaiiuton awl Wolhrn ciuiniei, alt In lti Federal- and Hit re:ae ajurls. v" Jtm I tf. I. iT. a. r. imLU'iirrci. il t toLLicornn. . ATTKNKY AT LAW, WELDOU, N. (J. fraetlea III the eon pi of Halifax and adlolnln aoaitlaai4 li)MiJtiriii,aiHl F-xl nilaourU. Claim, eolieele 1 In any part of'h t,a-oJin. Oi of tlia Brui will alwaya Ik lo'i'il in the a. , JuiiaMly. 1 :jlflEOS tEJtlllT. -... ... ", (CmA ba found at bl ofQcs It)' Kiifleli. rr XUr-miO ill lf ilin Pain II, faa KxtrtiM cf I'.-ptU ajlw ivaim Umik M. una'Jili: 1 J : jMUaJlf J. K U Kf UN, . . i ; i , ; , ATMiUCIf IT L1W, VVXLDO.V, N. C. , .i e 1 ( " i - rraetlc In Miee i(p' o' II illfax. Warren a"d djolnlntmintlea anil In Ilia Supreme and Fed eral eourta. I'Ulma cui.eoled tu any part of Jtorth Carolina. Juue 1 7 f it U.SMiril, JK. ATTORfKY AT LIW, 8oTLA5D Nkck. Halifax Coo.vtt N. C Prtttlnew la the eeunty f Halifax and adloln 1rorH. frvl In the supreme coupt -if the VOL. IX. . . , . Ihvold mil. Here from the tirow of thi- hill I.look, Thmiiirh a lattloe ol h'Miirli niiJJ-avrs. . On the old "ru mill wit !i Hh Kambial rouf, And the mn op mh 'v'' UK cavm. I hi'ur the cliulf r tl al)a i walje, And the rushlnir ntvriaiiil, And 1 eee the Waoa Koala ris. and fall Aa the wheel goa alowly round. I rode th"fc tift'iD when I was ,vount, WWh uy Kr'ft on The hrse lielore. And talked Willi Nellie, the in ller'a adrl, ,' .a I aralU'clmy turn at IHe door. And while Hhe toMe I her rlulets brown, Anil1lrland Untfire. ., ! O'fce wjie.-liulh'lit ortlic liiwUnlfhtK It w.ia all the Hnmc to inc. 'Tie twenty yearn ulnee lal ! m'oo.1 On tlic Tut whute I elui'd t'l-dey, AM NfHIe the 1 wed. irnd the mtfli-r UfV.d And t lie mill and I are tfrav. Bat huth. till we fall Into rtlin and wreck, . T onrfopfnneof tntl are ttoiind : Aoal the niau fOeaaiidtheatretim llnvra, . . And Uio wliaitl movaa alowly rmiuiL (cl of (a Wouian'at Lite. rnr n ititwTitF to riFTt nK vrrrnn I T I'HoCdUr-MKI.ANCHM X IUKAt,!l DKLICIOUD IK'PFJ . JKALIJlMK! AND , ITIIliK KM(lHQ.N. 0 '. '. , ., A piQtrr'i Ilia lcln al th aire of er. ntcal ahd at IhB oge III BMy. When the rcaehei Uio aie nl II ty she aj ithtr hp' comea old woman f hrutot ti'e alrnh, 'rin( thii time ilinaf tire and twentf. Tfiefn re pf cotlrafi, i j)t;iD frnua giili beulo, lilo Tory,, much railier thin ,uttfO ' I aS-)W a foui ij til eix wita killed bf gremlmn by ter ptecocltj. tier granrlma liail a-ke.f her tn come ami lee her, aD'1 lor her"receplinii hr( ptepar. J A fent ol teed Cilte an 1 iniKl Oeuiil and alia jurch,.'l a U"ok uf; ioru, J ha uitataiL a tank iii. laiim atofira Tne child i4iiacak bat utiipetrd t Uio atme, and after R'anclnfl aritli gtmt contempt at tho IxWiktii ftilrj itorica. tlirtw It on th4 fl'.or, jmf thuthf urclttrrcil lealjuli". ;j)n;a li- c a Mit)iT.i! "bi'r ' rnimf' on '"What 1' Hiii woild c me lot" eiii krl the old lady; "improia Litr iniud l an L Wnr. at aidtwn I otid nut knntr m halluir I hid a ttiind fir niftl", Tu"'hppV raa Ion mucji. the old ia'latiik lit fcae bed and ncrer tn CoVertl '; ' ;, " " . .'. Lut uiiit giili tK'xio to live) at "enteen an 1 Irnm aerente-n to tjfty eefy figure U an a'li'tl. 0 n'a ('..Viloue, allien It nirnDt t i indi ale a I rill 'Mm " O' C .urae, lliar a'e deptti- of lliotiht, nielanrl.oly, iiltnk in. (1 Lcioun hiipe,. teaiuiuu a)ir .tione, ornlounl a- cea. ol p t i.'ii.di.rk emo'inna ..I Ciin, a.i'kc ,i ii apa.ii.a nl j. aliu-t all oak i.w euH I r tin tn-e vi ., md amDrlinet i inif , wild .iipuarui're, wluct) lantnit lie luju i, oof indeed. en idven1 to, iu voiuprclitiuve auiiiiiry ol thirty thrte yir olHulen e. Yet (lit luintrr'a i c may i t uatheied Irnm, whii'U iuat .e alirewd ennuuli tu go (Jocp wiltl nt Ixieg fiilaminoyf t. At "even tcn, Uiiu,. llie (bipki oltin of lulc; teliMli a in lve aoime ; til la Moortr'e piiem-mih pi lie i I mark ,; ; ti i r ft ' Hyimi a ! .Cf lie .utMu';' ia(a utile in company. At, eilitiM, till' limki a great MikI ol love; would Car"! rinthintj lor poverty, proviikd she had a weetheart who adored hei; in (teed, tronlil rather be vtt than rich, were "iu untied to ihu ideal itoui alio baa nut vet met. Mill read a gut deal ol poetry and r.Dteh) which dal .largely wi'.li love and the (I atll of (lie hiTii'iii"; .a9ioi) itelv l.;nd tit en dren. A' rUrietem, a little more C'liil-a'l;" tSatfal 1'ni'e"of tjie p 'tt'y that pUiatud.her last' year h Iitt:e weak ; Inv.k .'i.nit (or i;en.l'ur,,ullii r thad her old laimiilei ( dnocn every HiiCd in ia bull, nd la not r me a KHittctrlir i t the men wliii ate1 (ntr'idnce-! H Uc,r. At twen ty, ill ht lure whether. aVer all. 'it would n f, le l.t o old nuu'a dm Inp, N T.r '.L-Ubi si m rlirti in ire uni mailt ; all ll i aliy i, ens la (f "". ud the et jote her I I'd t fienid". f If kin- oi no' t twint). .i.e. in r in. lit iu ol I in n ia a fOOf f Iht llti luair Hsf prtjuilli'ee in l ivor ol povi rtj and otl.iio, y t ., wonlit 'TloF inaiet tnll Binfliy' al'ie (i,-r! oleai U uumiui hiu.aeit, .At iwt(ity-.t. thinks her yniitui r a:sur ritliet I T-v .r.l in her niHUoeii. paiiioniarly with ynune 'ten; unit 1 .1. "Uui' lo i. Hunt llrnl l lit: ' ,1. Titaitont ahioh inrmde ilm vimaifer tair-'t r are im felt act. ol in'i en.ji wliiili lOjjIe don't Want In he litimlly mtei pre;e I. At twei'ty-l'.rie It aiiini)d il unjuue fciya in bir p'l-ioni e tli.t the iinllor ut ha I 'he ir a i:e nuel. Couiea tiilit Uriii( At twentl'lnur, lanea ilolitirrHt ely lor a walat, and dnet not ninth m ml Ml It ia k o vn; flnds the cou.t in , 'of ni l n.en al wot more aire(atile Ih.n that nf youii IU-.U, ud ia Uil'orid ll huja pay Inr 'it- in'")". ,vi t n y nve, tiviii i tiiiuna b . ir a'tlW; iniitaiea llio atyio of the laatnunahlu I'Oini) ; lni)neiiily alters the charaelrr nl her c i ftdie, and mis a pp al miny dill '.uni kind, ol t (" ioi her hair A i . JwiMiiy-M; flidaiea .he liu'ri the idea oi marnui; wniiders how iilil'tntl xniun trdy eiilei a a'aie ol boi.d... ; ninka all pa-nKia il novels in ahntj nieti ate O.iiiil t . fan's, and ceae to oot'Ce i tliet p ope' ba'iiei. At' twrntl eem, tall 1i lorr ; a -out Jour hmiitln ol quiel anguish i I dptpair ; iii lata Ini.i the 0 jtit alone in her Oc t mi i.i,; i, jilied ; wl i"tint' leilera in ad ton' eivahle Hjle-, Ironi the pastionateij oratul In I lie njii.l. taerilii Ml, loiijirinc, lieatte ' tin ak 1 n ityla - nm.a , id winch art p. Had ; d it 'ja the hall room proKiainni on whcli he haa wniteo Li, name. At t areiitv eiiihl. i oi led. evrll iu apunu: -hiinllii - a ha e thin, teiolxn in ilitat her hair In t er. a her hau-pma are nik inii tier li id ; alio mru h-r hair mi one Ide At la, ply nne. dnlim a to I k pa I id a tableaux f if ant, and Ml nkt th-t Tt ol rn'er'a nirrnt lather iiimiiide t ; bei.i t' ajitt pioia) ihutt, talis, ctiat aid ketc'iia on eh .racer and he leie 'hat II the c u d nuU 11 id path m e me 'mil l ii' a novel, la a hub in nod ire. the one love ol h i lite ; find a ul'ithi r wli ai l n''hh it at her um n-k ; ae a(ju Int iiif J rhis tart lir 111 ird It ; I ie o il atop ti e'man at the lalile ii. i. B linn her aine i-la-e, Al thnn-ooe, in ienii n of.wal'l; Is n'S'akeo Inr in mnia'a toinieat' ma er ; reada lbe Iti'vim, n i ran inn vena on iilittoV a.e. A,l tbli'y two it weal li.y, three "falai teete. At thirty t'liei. (i ! iirl ci tli-h mme lot ward th nthev ute I id be aUn lb it the atyle nf dancinic rol ot.jctioji.le ; i uaually takiD .'iD 'n tipper hi nurfed men. At thirty-lour, it lold tun' tier vistit's oiut'c niaa'tr li aa rullol hrr i.lle, In tmw q tence ritrarri two jear id her lile; at ill i u- the C i-et .iQaker'a adverti rmenla and chonaea micbt cnlrre. At Unity lire, pnwdeie boldly, parta her hair dawn Hie n.iildle, givej IprfV-tiDKl hoi kiei Hie window blinds down to tavt tho furnit'iie. Al lit 1 1 j - s' x , c ucoorcrie m ilie tJuca'iocal WELD ON, qne!tioo- id wal'iei whmeier ahe ea git a chance. At thllty eiveri, is giave nbm the iuh)ict ol age ia dltcuaard and atkt ll ibe taw tut l,wk tjulla lliliiv I At U.U ly eiglit. Intra l Jhe elopemeat ,l a fnend't huaband with an anireaa, 'au.V ia m we than ever thank' ul that 1 Je; ll jnaj . in nil led; ;km an iiilncs' in i.lii-icli mat ter,, ,iil reaiiiinii that tlie c urate .la tni J np calls and eends repeatedly.' AtJ lliif-tv-nine, reuu arli iltii ks; a' 'ol! fcijt tic itch h"ke and wntl'r I c'nro RnlrtjJ t'o bed ; a.iini's that she likes ' tier 'cAinrnrtk, and rlayinlly owns that the It quite an old wfiiDua. At lor tv, likus fCalidil read, the repotts of the law cnuita ; anbicrihis aaiq to a lea 1iu, library, an I fin's that the iirowa dro-ny after a late iliuuir. . At lorly-nni' keeps a Up-d ii. , t9 pat, a parmt aud three canaries ; Uker mui h th tereat in her beallh, trie a g'cat uaoy a i Vattiaed inodiciuei, aad ' IB lulijte ia con ililU'iooaU." At 'otfy-iwo, ia unioui at aifibt, paiticularly when the wind It Jiteh ; keeps a mao tervaot, who be widille aged, highly ret peot able, and oo who is uted toatteedinff no ainglo ladles perlri fed ; loiees a lavmite cat, and has it rare folly btirnvd in the arr,n. At Imty three, I'tcntti early rieooradooa, and ho'pa to deroraif ibe churcb at Ea-tef and ChrMaial and At tho halve,! featival. At luiiy-hmr, growl a Utile frlvolnut; rhiotes Bv cap ) read eXcltinif eoveU A! lor-ty-fle, Im Is the o dd, alio Iwell lonely ; ad vei ti, f ir a lady tn share hir home ; quarrels, with tarty or T 'hf tervanti. and v iwt ,he wlfl beler live ayjnin with a companion ; her parrot il'ia; lier doctor propo.ea tu her ; the decline , bun ia a mild letter, and aya Ihri will elwiyihe dear frleada. Al '"rty-aevrn. (wn glataea of hot whiskey etr leiiring' at r.iehl ; I reakfa t iu bed; wnira pcietrv od il to the local pirn. Al any. etKht, it robbol by lie, man fervent ; floda aCiplliat been m I her, anil makes Up her mind in wear Dothinc rise ; no'icea that he' hair has groan gray over the tars A.t lorty omc, stows had lempeied and ia greitly Imul ltd with servants; another animal idea aod ia caiehi'.lf buried. At tjitf, makes her will and leaves all ber p operty lo h-r drtcfor. Unylngand Krlliaig Butter. 'Here coinet Itobov lioni bleep? Ilollow, with a load nl battel. We're abort arn'l wr Jnnat V . 'Yea. all g'n hut that bad lot anl tbey ate all cry int inr something good,' ', Rot. (it, Irnm his wagon : 'Mr. Nipper, I've uni tome hilltcr fur ye.' Nipper i I B-v an t does not hear. 'Hello there, Nipp-r ; emtio an I ire ibis butter I' Nipprr slowly rinses hit order book, di rects 1 1 ie delivery bov to bop aruuud with the cnd-fH). shilts a yellow ham, near thn 'or. Irom olio pua to aio'lur, poekt bin toveptpe hat on the hark ol his hea l, tbrutta his thumb in in. b aimhn'o nf hit ve t, ant shnfTlei tdowly lowsrd tlia itrert, aa tti()ilh nliout to iq l n' at the state ol wealherj 'Why, Jtnbby, what Jo got ihme ' . ' lim ti r. Mr. Nipper. 'Butter, eh f Now if te had irijl.t Inr, Hn tn e (lull, li. loan's lull of bil'ler.' efra I, the Is lint so I llaisy luarJ rj it a aa gnnc up.' '0 inn up! cM, yes; gone up the limit Dirk, take them turnips to Hu h BfiL'ef,' tiirmng aay. .'Won't you look at Hits lot, Mr, Nlpprl (' 'It bliy, we're (ul1. Joiia-i , jn-t snv. lug he conlilH l eiuir another Inb. Tin lom.'s gln'ted tflntled. llo' hr. and bfaps of it .pn'i,i in in New Voik, and no biner,.' 'U t tine ie mi ritra lino l.'t. limn the Inst Ire. I ol the pasiuie with the .prit'u honk in It. a In re ve u-e l In p.,, h Una'. Mr. Nippier; ntnl fJisy made il with In I own hati'ls.' - 'Yet. yet. but it Im k" snlvv likr a nkej mo iii, let tin p. yoi lee, and lull ol but'i-iuii It ; ih't kmp, liot liy. won'l keep, t'licn It Imka the gi.ledee ore aud flavor. Wliai do) je u-k fn ill' Wfll, D,iy tlinorjht as how she orUr hev ti'tien cints.' To i It ik li ; i n't buy ; trod ninrpin',' 'Sri) hele, Nippier, wlml'il yegivu I' 'U'l bv, i! I give ye leu em's lor ihiit liutlir J.maa hi: tiu as mad aa a boiled iiilmier Jonas will aeir mid ma ku tl.ii'y liit ii u'ti- an nil li.eid. ami I'm going to do it. mi, I tukt (lie coihi q ii luet.1 v II tIiuIil'ct, ronie lira' war; I ctn hliow veil mi awlu I nice I t of lui'ter ; there it is Thai', n li it I i ai; e'evant ; made by Dir B i'tcrcup, the nratett and piftieat girl in thecountry. Ins. d to tpaik her inether bet. .re the married, l-dm's demf noa;o:d Iflends, ye sie end isn't help ilea In', le.ok at the c In. -tin i'a dandelions and liiilleirup- ; mnk at the ttx iire as lire noiu lain a as -a.'W ll .kes, and If ye Rod a hair or b ig I'll make tn.i a pre.ent ol it. ?iuell ol it I dar nay jou ran ic-nl li e lover lilnttitint Taatu of it; naticr the lone, the nn llownrts, (Le areni i-i q ial lo cream eaiidv. aov time. vA bat On vou think nf it, itluhfltiger V .'Wbit'e the puce, Nippei I' 'Tu. liti-Ave ctu'.s, iu aa old eustiiirer.' I'feity high isn't ll ?' 'Tr.t depends on wliat e're bujlu". Ofeae Is g'ta.e aad buller ia but'er. I e want grraae 1 da sell for lets; but il ve want t i lav iu the be.t grade, the gill edtre, the gold leaf, aa it were, June butter butter that'll keep, minj ve, ye might go tur'her and tare wore. Let lue tell ye 1'ial t u'ter is on the line; the ion is cleand out and them New York cliups ia .nil lo km' up rouod lots. That means a loieirii di iii'ind and great tcaici J, li.' great icarcitr. W HQ ted Ilin CrpdrutlraU, The tighiuess of money aud the uncer t .inii.e nl the ('in k market do not preveut the Wa l s'rei t Iraternity fioui iudu'giug in llicir pr irtiral jokes ami more or Ins Miii'iy stories, Among I lie receut call I r! In lions to the bilk lore ol the street la a scrap nl the unwritten biography of the Hon. Jlm Pnndir. li appea a that in bis early itiyt he aai a (.lurk to Mr. Cluitt of the Me m of (Jurist, A Co On one occasion, being aeut to Uostou no the buiineea ol hit employer, he introduced liuuself to a Yar. kee mercbsnt by saying, "I fcpreieut Christ. " "Tbch-Uynu du," was the Isconio answer nl tbe pious Bustoriao, "I'd like 10 ice ji'Ui cieeDtiali.'' N. Cm TIU JIS DAY, A PRIL 22,: 1880. ' t .. ... Seada-ood riorieeai Sin. How elmit the wntd. -Oniy thtea Utlia lLUUJa.ud yut, lU-tU a..4iBl ..tuic . avvi'aiila arc cooirvrseui IU pi e w-ie ol .Su'tii, if t' e aifouicij ot hn.i!ain. All tin cnj vpl t (l. Hie mugs an t niiser- M) ol ,K 'lioiiinid yeats ol liunoan Inaloiy euiUiniieJ. pi Thne Imy, c rckiojj tjpis express it, but fill, how glgaim.-, how fe.r- lit! a tiotiateru -Slo 1. Iflark a 11 ll cnintleis millions bl borimt, and ml with oceans ol ('re. On all (TmVs heautilul earth there is not a spot unpolluted by its hideous foot tyriots) Oa land rr tea, Irom eU to pale, there Is note breeze, whore wings are not heavy laden, tick with its pi)ouuus biratll. din. Wheto has it not entire. I I Who baa cat aped il l , .. , , , .. It crept into hiavca Id aiiibiliou's guilt, ao I peopled bell aitlp devils Ita Imleiul whi-pers were heard ami. I the Irsgrerit boaeit ol paradise, ll dtabbled the bands o earth't biat tt irnaoD ill Iratriciilal blofid. It tollid the de-troying billows ol the del uye over a wnrl I lei pid in ttt tilth. It reaie I and ra ted ibe proud buttlemeuts ul Bi'.ylon aud Nn-vi h, .... 1 Foul parent ol a horrid brood Ignor anee, Poverty, Lust. K vrhrre and Murfler, War, IVstili n e, and Famine, Dinet.e, De . ay aad Death nl tin: tio.iy. mind aud oul. It hat pnU'ed out human blood enough lo fill the nce.aQ 'a migliiy useivnirt aud fl ia! all be Davie, nl ireallno. il has a ring Ironi auguiehe i eyes liars euungh to 8 I to ovtrfl .wing all the river., lakes, gut s and sva- upon cur planet, It lint extoited eiery groan and willing cry that ever pierced the ear ml pnyiiig.Oitiiuifcieuccamce Mor tal wrticlieduita Uirae. . . , . It bat inspired .11 the Nerol. Ilerodv, Cdtgulat, Dominant and Napoleont, the inousirous niiHjnciirs. the wholesale ki- ' sins ao I'pillatHlis ol biatorw. It limt reared all tee tdnlalr. us leinples, all the altars of bio. nil and brutal sutierHitton. It-hat, ago alter age, lavagi d ciliet and plains, empire eu I whole coutineots, witu lire and sword. It has swept, with carnage crimsoned, desolating tread, beneath the banners ol Altlander, ( ar, Tamberlaae, Oenghlt Khan, Wellington aud Nicholas ll has broiijrbt rlowu .li'u Ironi huavru Dp in Hml iin u I 0 rnoirah and Jirnn len It lias cnatd the gates nl everlast ing life, a id diirj n'l the cavernous pits of U lem itiium. I' has d irkuiied the tkiet and kindled the flanut of peuiitluo. It has tlin the S. n ul O nil Its aatul bur Jin cni-hctl bit gentle s nil beneath the egad olives ol Q tbsciotris III i fuel I horns rnciicled hit torn aril biidirtf hro. ' !t nmrdernirs spikes ami malleis naiied lit t n to the trie ol t'alvttv. Its r in h ii aa spe u l.enil pictced bis aide, lie diad fur tin, but n d his own. The ,iut of the world wero la d uppn biui. 8inner Woul I you e-cape the c'ulcliet of lllis dread 111 lur.'ll ill li. tlibf I k til Jesus. Jjy to Ilin only Saviour given under heaven pr ..iixnig men,1 wheieb you can be saved. Accept him trust bim, and you are fiee. He died fur von. Yonr tuny were nailed to his cross. Yonr guil'. i washed awav in hii atoning Ibr l i ve him. obey Inn,; and tlnnijh tbu nil I uiglit ol Sin may tiill hang dark over lh! ml I willn-ut. the brijl.tiieas nl the noon, day aim a ill thine aithn. "Tne lilnod I I Jiius Clinal eh arise' b Iroin all Sj.n.'' I'linrlerrs'. The Bible 1ms tun sly ed, doubt less is a book ol niysti-rus; yet It rui'ure. no piof iund tiorrliipg nl its (1-ptii., oi cjnunif ol it. printed psee, to eiiuii.'iaje the . miiary pilncin'es vilich govcin u (.' ri-iiin lile. Djvis myi, " I line is none i 'o i . i. out otie. a I PsMrots '"r V, I" perlcr'ioii th i lie l. ei-ir.o t. . Jrsiia re 's'niple I ill. I the mil. in I.-n i.;. i . ' i if Wf lake I'e ' we a i l not fn k um ...... i- Ii- ie. .i.i.. k and Ion i) a nl uap'n ti ntinii. i i t in an. I the i hi o ii ,n. hend I lieui. lie like liitell. rl i an r 1a rihnrled tdi. ilirr1i"oe to' le ipeeK'ati l piife in lii'Hi' ; In he pun e miikni. ; In .,vc i lie.r eneiiiii s ; io piil,.. i i ;,i ri.,, tc not iu.k'f fl ; 1 1 liaise i haiiff, III hneor pin 'ti'tii! "tir aniHii-r. In anririH ilnjs. ('lr at H uinleieii on Hi- lain. I Una npie i;cii;iiite euiili, the I'lnn-ir s'..inl mid pnnrd tlnif : " J lliank I her Ihnt 1 an not ns other nun are." II r I' ill .1 not vmd ii w it Ii tin- cmii U:ion ad r snriictien ol (.'..ri.t. Hn still lives and m.nirns oeer the Aw of hjj liiidh-r nmn, an 1 t ilheiiiin !n j;,r i.c i's in In- liimd.. he stand alar oil. 1 1 dt nvnrino to php k 'he note lr. in ihi.i nes .No aouder that, durirg this unsi cresa iil al'enipl. the l am n htj own et? ffowi so laige-jlji . 1,1a -liollier than Hum and Ids broad PUw aolery eau ate fiipiOtt its own " Wellib r TJie ftjaiie. nl olil.D lilt), s iha'kvdUol tl)al lii -w .a not sn el nuiorsr, nnju-t, r r up adulterer ; but (he Ph iii-e nl !-. j doetli U ibise ilnis, an4' '''l keeps en theeaotoi hnl n is arid fxailftn himsell. Ifit logic ie, 1 1 be aeao atwl taken in guilt is crime, tout tn du Ibn aot le ) neittiet in foe seen or tuki-n renstirulrl biui ' kiiiier tbaa thnn " We I, in ob'iv 'i jA 'n id the prcm til "1 be DeaCou's lYmiriailnl Out llor.e Sliar," "logio ie loait," Cnti-t was oo tcspectcr of peisens, but In tlie.e davt, the snloli ahioli deli as the h.mrta' nl net only sersaa lo cau-e tlmse of aooiber In beontnv e'eaner and aliiter. The tin atsieh in one mart Is murder bfmuns iu that nl anof hrr (n.llrial.U biii.iii. litat whb h In me It ra'led hy a grave name'in a not lor only hecoiius a sliuht imlitcretibn. We woul i thai it were olh.rwian. eul in eaiinc ovc Ihu bina.) -rand. e in in many I'UuiUeia aad in lew Pulillcau abd siuiien., that, we are ' fills d ' kb wnavler Another laying nf Da'ld't ie. that ' All men are I are." ' vVe ihould ssy no to lb s emphaMcallv. only by to saying ws wnuld be I'ke the Mih wnniao v ho wal called on the wilurn-btmnl in the police inurt The oath wa a Imioia'ered, io which she was askel to ' lell the truth, the whole truth, end nothing but the truth." Hh k'stdd tbe Umle aud faintly iniiruiuiid. "Aoythin hut the truili ''. A irnile played over the lares ol a I, w, but the judge Was weighed down with ctra to weighty to notice this, slight ilucripanry. and the wo'iisn Was allewed to deliver her p am, unvauirhid sto'y The J'i.ij.leee pie..chri Iruiu our pulpits and bellows at the tltet corners and oo the high-wayi, but still the wnrl I grows no better, no purer for their havinn; lived and honied Woe unto you, Scribes nnd Piian-eei Hsltimiirn Wa-uiMiToN, D. v., March 40. ItiiiO. A facetious old lady, describing tbe rnmbliiig sermons of hur minister, said : "If tbe text bad Ibo suiallpoe, bil eor ni"o would nevei citcb it." , . n PredoMtitittllaia. An old tinie Baptist preacher of this oily, who bat retired. from-active "Gospel dealing, but who eilt keepa a flrm eye oo Hit ltth. has jilat bad a iiille experience with a colored tnaa ibat ebUaes h'sn- to think vef v terinutly. ' Meeting ' the Ceiorril oilu tbe preaobor said; Dave, if you doo't bring that sad din bouie I'D have yoa put 41) fall. I iil; a.-, i- ' ' w I - , .. - 'What saddle b'5e.'Mineo Mr I'm i" . Theooo yo-j i'lw Iruan toe. 'Parion, 'lore de Lord, I oeber stole yer aaddltt,'; .i ! Yis' ynu dir. I' saw rtifl 'when you tunk it oft olthe yafft ledce1. J bvtfeve I'll have ypi) arreited any way,' ' ' ""Lnok heah, partooi you'ee t old Bauds', terr ' ' ' ' "Yas, and I'll have jou lent to- the penl titiiiaiy.' ' 'Welt, tn It I, ao' now ketch! de piii't rz 1 gin 'em to yer. D.r it o iu many laddlil le (ill wnrl' what ll tn be tto'e. an' rial's )es nrf nuny men 'what' li . t fc r ttatl d.-lu slde; Die Is predirpetuailno. Now if yer saddle her' lappensl'e one ob de prediBjihsed tadifle',' au' I b'ippeiis ter be ftne fib rfe pfediipiWd men klo'I he'p hit f Dar was Juitbt, rf Instance ' He cW.i'n't hclpt 'rraytnjj tic Saviour, cae fe Saviour said,"J,f.1u, ob In dia dish an' go ah'tra'j tie.' Hit wa'n't Jticlus fsult, rase lie wat ene 4b de predisposed, to ,tin1i,a ifruta de foundation oh de wort'' ' i dno't wso( a re'igtoui discission. Dive. It t,at the saddle how that I rare sir much enut.'" It 1a that yon Told me a thy lo saying that you flufuYiteal It.' '" 'Well, rteo; parson, 'tpose ! takes back de He an' k ept rte'taddle f , . . . - f - - , . 'A lie t.Dci) told always stands, Tu have lied to me, yoa scoundrel, aud be lieve it is toy duty tn bare jou . atnittJ.' ;Pariou, dar'i jet a icriain aot uot ob lies to. be tote !u ilia war,', eu' II t it. ooe ub de meu what Is prrdisppred , ter le I one ob dese lias bill put rot ', . au' I tceo't bp'phii,, .. . 'Vo go on oow and .gel that saddle pr I'll swear uu.1 a wairatH for your are rest.' j. , , ., , . . ''ll do de bet' I kin. parson, but Jar's jei a certain amount ob stole tad Ilea ter be returned o dn wotr. ' Il ft one id de predisposed men, an' I b'lieve I is, you'll fine yer taddlv hangln' ou dn yanl( frnd b iut mndown'dis eiebiuV-Little Hock (Aikjtl lelte. " , The Ulasf Im Krllpetr. At a recent meeting ol the Medico Segal Society, in New Yoik, Dr. George M Uiarirrrad a paper oo 'Tbu . Piobleiut of Insanity, ' lo which he iald : . 'It is a parndoi ol astronomy that the sua may best be studied during an eclipse ; arid in psychology the mind oay be studied be.t w lieu It ii eclipsed. In sanity U a disease of degrees ; there it ue plain dividing line be'weeo sanity and insauit. In.aolty may "bij divided into tan kinds --iuulleclUaT iiii'iAilty, einbiai:- 'Jie, J.iini In which there pre delusions a"ud tinutinpal insanity, Iu whicli Iheie'aie nS di-'ljions. Itisanily is a barorue'er ut C'vtf Zili ll, and aa e advance higher ill ails aud sclcorat so will Hi-..niy bernn.t in i i prevalent among us. Intense appli cation, brain Wink, aud indoor It e are the agencies which aiost Irrqueritly b leg I: atn ut, With ravages pf liarbaiians .there i little or nnni nl The intellectual activity ol the women at to-day I, another greal Cause nl insanity. What (he mother is, to well the child by. i'l an luliunr di i;M. feetjnliv Is Inireaatng' moat perceptibly in K' . ! and America autonf the pooiei p'i"i '('ivlliiilroo grinds hardest' nn HAS pnor. )iihtiing ihem up 'in-cose lmnes Willi bad ai' and ptior food, and nniie I tni. iheia lo imlgprv 1nr ffXislenTe. The tiaiii i uuhot always hear lip tinder tbt strHmvlnr they have lew' r. ererffions ' hnn aiiiuM'iui ni.-i hiid: can bo iiiriulgel in tor the re'axa um ol tlnir in,iruls A "if iffcrlHf 'tit ?a-'es Wtaa:s'Ki)F'Tiifa':iT! f la in si d li'u ult. The nhyslipaii iuihI knn v the si I j. i t pryrhnlnglciall) ; know Im thiiika. whnt he think-, all atnut bis giin ral "I'si'ii-lt ion, pi, )i.a. etc. I he pional il'tli s nJ,4loreln tlte ijasc ol in-aae persons depett.1 vreatly Uj)n ii"Ui advance, ni'iit u. fi e dutease when the Ireaiiiient i, beg. ii." It-t hotel il the patient ce" be tria'.fd foil ol ihe n-j!iiai, a:.j il lie ia not confined or isolated a'toeetrw line the .t nil, I, ua colics ..nd aiupelying renialii i .hpulii pol ne used when their iit-c can.Ue avplded. 'TJotll a Cionpna'tve y siipit t'lOe our ibvectjoos have tejidiT.d to 'aa iinuease ra'licrtnaa lo a ilicrraie nl in sanity. r Ol late, boerevef, the Ihvinjions have been in ibeupposiie dueotinn, -tnid ing to I'lve.sie inoie esse an I left, a., lor Xiiatplis, lievleiejlheao, ' eleVnlsd ta'U"a au I Hie i lcmc light, ll lbe lattui le per lecte t, it may alio enable US tu breathe a puier air. Ao luip'omd ayalem ol educa tion, with lets cramming,' would tend to reduce ihe .increase of insanity. The id pie ol Ihe Blind cannot lie errdicle I IlKO Ilia eclipse ill the sun, but, Willi study, invo may learn to dried it In Its first Mag'i, and. If treated early, It Died tartly (income serious' 7!u!e 9 Stints!"!., Alfleri, often before he wiote, prepared his niiiiil by listening lo oiuaie, "Almost all my ttagidiea were aki luhed in tny mind either In the act til hearing musli: or a few hours a'ter," a cirrum-tance which hat beeo recoidrd nl many others, Lord Bacon had music olten played in the mora ad'olning hie aiody. Milmo listened to his organ lor his mlemn iospirs'inns; and in title was cycr pccfS'iry to Warburton. The symphonies whiQh awnka io the poet sublime enjnlione. might have composed Ihe inventive mind of the great rrl'lo in the visions o his theoritlcal myitrrle, A celebiaied Kmncb preaober, Unrdnloae or Mastillnn, was ooee lound playing on the violin, to screw his nsind np to the pitch, prrpa atory lo ble icimn i, which, within a iliort interval, he was tn pnacb bclore the rnui t. Curran'e favorite mode nf me I i'aiion was with his vl. tin in his baud; tot bouis togetbet he would lor get hiinsell, running voluntaries over Ihe st .Inge, while hie imagination, eallec t ig its, was opening ad hie (acuities lor the coming inn rgenev at the bar. K baehful (winter refused eitunlion i i a priuting pflice where females, were ea loyed, say'tog be icytr net up witb g'rlj iu bi lile. NO. 8. Mirth with a Moral. Ao usher io the North Baptist Church, In Christopher st eet, caused a secsatino Net f iimlav itening. As Ihe pastor, the Itv J, J. Hfoiiner. entered the pulpit wan llei:kod, b-a.suddeo outbarat nl mil b io the choir gaUery. Two young penuna we iring ull. i Said Diiiby ball, ha t b e) shnwu to seatSi . The u-ln r was surprieo wheu be nuly one ul thuin rvoiovid Ilia hat lie wailed twuio time lor the ell. U'lng head cnnrillg In be feini.vid, and thin lacln il vet tbe back I a . pew and r moved It binisell. Imii eiiiile y lie ills covered, ai did many oth. r perannj. that the weirer was a y-nng lady nnd thereout entitled lo wear a hat in cimich. Above Ibe no. si of the organist's Voluiitary tcae Ihat.ol the iovnluot try mirth of many io tbe congregation. New York Suu. --a - Virtu In WUUtllng. Ao old laimer once aaui he would not bale a hired oiao ou Int lafui who did uol habitually whistle, lie always hired whit tiers, rta'd he Peter knew a abis'lng laborei to fill Inult wish bis food, his bo I, or coinnhvo of any little extra work k wal aeke J lo ptrlotua. . Buck a mao was geiieriliy kind to cinldien, and to soi tuals in bit care. lie wou'd whittle a chilled lamb Into warmth and Ide, and wauld biieg io bis hat lull el eggs Irani tbe bsro without breaking one ol ibtm. He lound such a rote rooie careful about clnslox gates, putting up bars, sec'og that the nuts on ble plow were all properly tightened before he tonk It out into the Held,, tie never knew n vibisillcg hlted an to be.t or kick a cow, or drive ber i o n rue Into tbe stable II had noticed that tbe sheen that be fed In the yaid or shed gathered around bla ns he whiatlel without fear. He bad never im ployed a wbieiltr wbo was net thoughtful and ecomrrical. Kyenlght aisid Itestdisig. How tub Injuriovs EprEtn rros the Eyf.b May be Avoided. London Tunee. M. Jaiel, in a recent lecture, trie) tn answer tbe question, Why is reading specially fatiguing exercise? aud alsi suggests some remedies for ibis fatigue. I'iikt, M. Juvcl says, reading require au absolutely permanent attention of tbu organ, which may be meusurjd by lbe amount of fatigue or by Ihe prodi ctt " ol permanent myopy ; secondly, ' bonks arc piloted ia black ion n while ground. The eye is thus in the presence nf lbe most absolute contrast wbicli can be iuiagiued. The ibird peculiarity lies in the arrangement of the cbaiaclera in turioiul liues, over wbicti run our eyes. If we Dinliila'in during reading a per fect tmmobil.ty of the book anj the head, the primed lines nre applied sue Cesaur ly tu the samo parts of the retina, wnile the iiuerapases, mure biibr, al... ailed certain ie;i ui "I Ibe retina, al ways the as in e. There must result from Ibis a tittigut! unalogoua tu that winch we upriieiices win n we make experi ments in "accidental iioiget," and plij siciats will admit Ihnt there is nothing mnre disastrous for tbe light than the prolonged contemplation nl these images Lastly, and moat important ir all. i i M Jael s estimati in, is Ibo continual vu i.i lioo of tbe distance of the e e from lbe point of fixation on the book, A simple calculation detrot Uratos that ibe HccoimiuiJuiioii nf the eye tn the pige undeigocs a diMuicl venation iu prppoi tioii as tint eye iussps from lbe begin ning to the rod id rcli line, nnd t'tul this v.trln'i "i ;a -I! the greater in pro pot lion to in i rurness of tho bin k to the eye and the Inngth of the lioi. As to the rules which M .Iiel incut. CHtes in order that the ii j irious eflVct! of rending may be avoided, with refer ence to tin) permanent application ol tin eyes, be counsels to avoid excess, in taku Loies, to slop in order tu ri fljit, or eroti to roll a cigarette; but n it to go ou I t b nirs nn end wiiliouf slopping. As lo ilia contrait between tlio white oT tlii paper an 'I 'hi bl ck cbiir icters, vnrioiis exneri iieiils lme been mad i in the inlro Juction of tol ond papers. V, favcl ad Kos if e adop lino ol a slightly yellow lint. 11 it ihe nature tf the yell s to be used is not a matter id' ii'difference ; he would desi e a yellow resulting from the absence nf the blue rays, aoaioguua tu that ol' pa, er made from n wood puiie, aud whitb is often mistakenly corrected by the ad dition of an ultramnrion blue, which pro. duces gray, and not white. M Javnl has been led to this conclusion both from practical ibservation nnd also lbe orvtically from lbe relutiou which must exist belweeu tbe two eyes and tbe colors of lbe spectrum. Ilif third ad-ice la tn give preference to tKs!! u!sxrt which cs b held i i lbe band, whicb nb'iates lbe necessity of tbe book being kept fixed In ooe place, nnd tbe fatigue resulting from accidental images. Lastly, M Jasel advisee tbe avoidance of loo lung lime, and therefore he prefers email volume, and for tbe tame ressun those j urnals whicb are printed in narrow coloejne. Or course, every one knewe that it is exceedingly injurioue tu read with In sufficient light, or too read to small print, and oilier common rules. M. J.vel concludee by protesting against at) iniidione aasuitioQ whicb has rcceolly been made "in neighboring ootintry" (Germany oodoubi), acoording to which the degree ot ciiiliXiiino of a people is prnportioual to the number o tbe thurl lighted shown tu etist by sta tistics; lbe extrine' economy of light, tbe abuse of reading tn the detiiment of reflection and observation of real facta, tbe employment nf 0 iliic characters aud of a too broad column for bonks and journals are the condition! which M Javel believet. lead to uiynpy, es pecially if eucceaaive generations bate fcetu oj?..t t j tbeee ii j uioua lS it old. s a - g t spack fi h S o j In orj o One Stier, 3 00 00 H 00 JO OO Two Hquarea, 6 00 10 OO 20 00 50 M Three hquarea, 8 00 15 00 go 00 it M Knor (Squares, 10 ou 18 OO SO 00 ii M Konrlh ihil'n, 15 00 lid (Kl 40 00 f 0 Oi Hull IViuinn, 20 00 30 00 60 00 Mew Whole Column, One Year, 75 00 - - - - - - UJJUffl K en V t. j. TALUOI1 A HtiAg SHUCKOK MACIJINK WORM, RICHMOND VA."'.'' .NUoufarlurura ol Portable and Stationary Knglnea and Boilers, baw Milla, Corn anil Wheat Milla, Shafting, llangnra and Pna leva, Turbine Water Whoela, Tobacco Ma ebiiH iy, Wnniglil Iron Work, llraae aad Iron Castings, Machinery of JXvery Deea crlption, .. . Ginsino anu TiiiiFjiiiNrj JUaciuhu A SPECIALTY. '''' " t Kepstlrlng Prouiptljr at CsvreleUly Done. TALVOTX'.I rAPBJNTrirAIUC-AURatwTIIat, 1 he Invention ot the Ate. ' ... Itdoeanot dewtrov the draft, tit dee not Interfere with oleanlng the tubet. Jt will not choke up, nud requires oo elstta Ing. i It requires no direct dampers to we opened when ralaing ateam (damper be ing objectionable, na tbey may betels open and allow eraraa to escape ) . . , It requires no water to, extlogniah aparks, wbiuu, by ooiideunntinn, deetroya the draft Healdea, when wator It ueed. it negleoted, tbe efBnleney la destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler la kept In a Sllby condition. . It ia aim pie and durable and eao be re lied upou. It can be attached tn any boiler. No pUnlor should be without one of tloea. Insurance com pan lea will Insure glna and harna where tbe Tel bolt Eogluea and Snark-Arrewtere are ned ateeme rat M onargel for water or born. power. Jsay-Setid lor llluatraled olroulara east prloe list. , Branch house, OnlJabora, N. C. J. A. HAUMKR, t.'eneral Manager, T. A.ORANOKR, Ixxal Manage,' may 8 6m IRON BITTERS, A arret Toole. IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appetiser. TTfchly hWmWwOsJejtJ toiliv pohtlc terttildlaVs eit' rntrtniftrrt.iK mttj piTVlfrH rnjrjcr fjH'in,H)f III lMiejr() Nmi, nypF-'sv, iHttttJttmnt Js vtt-, Manf mf Apm n Htmt fA9mm nf riirrv, ml: ll 11. rlciiii th wlocsd. ilrt-u.ihtu tbt n.utw I'll-, Rtnt iV uw Itrsj tu tu nrvt Tu lb krH, litlla-s). tod rlui ilnin rwaiiiiif rkwtyx. iii'ii. Ui. TaUatvUia ri'tniNly run Dflt rx too lif hif rt i umoiMitedt If nr-tm Uk a thmt-w on ilitj dictivworitiv A liiiAOt.il4 lHsXur intat) w ill rtmot vU tly-Aitpiic RjatvuiiitV TIMMT. , Sold by all Or-etfH. ' toot nniMCj, CALT VOftH, (Jet IRON BITTERS, A Cseptaru kUf whtMer. ironbers, k, IJ.J,t u, IRON BITTERS, A A Ai M ft Hjfttesa. IRON BITTERS, r f lltllrarit T em.let. W. Ll yiCK tititiA(.i:i am) iiiu(,ii:( MADE TO ORDER Oil KtVAlRBI) A LOW PNICI'A All kinds of wood work and trlmrnlar doini in good elylo. Blai-kamilb work dote at abort notice and w"b nnatness, Al new work warrumml. Fine painting for htiggfrea done at low priei-a.bent palut uaed. sJJt:iHL ATTUNTIUN GIVEN TO TUE UNDEIiTAKlNO DEPARTM.EJIT. : T' - . i -v-airaa.1 ws"useg s. .'Aia.i Cofllui au.l.C'aaeeof all e'eno eunsaaotif ou baud. t)arrme M nerian kept ouiiaad at twits below I'uternliurg market. Weadou N. 0. June I ly j so. t. Ford, " Take plenawee In announcing that key can ailll be lound at bl stand on KIR8T STREET,. li u!i an i Where be baa ou hand n full lino ot tbe Klneat WIMKW, Whi-stcrKS. and - fcsKANOUC'. . TOHAtVO. CIGARS, . , altiNUKK, Ol!AN''.E-l APPLK!s, " and CO N K KCT1 0 N E R I EfJ Hlaatoek nf Canoed Qooda and Qrocer lea ia onuaaally -'I Fall Oemplett Ol Casirxt WHifiix A rcuiim ' PltESn IAOER BRER OW DttAHOHT. ' He guarantees tatlafsotlon. Call nail ee bine. i . JfOTU 1 J ,

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