TrIE ROANOKE, NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC ; tWEEKLY NEWSPAPER! ';. . v j t Hit m j PUBLISHED HY m M. LONU A W. W. IIALL. One Tear, In advance, Hi I Months, " three Moalha, " 2 00 l oil 75 els. PROFESSIONAL cards. PK. QUO. W. II A H T II A N . 4 t - liOfiMDtW. U. Brown a Dry Uoods .store, WEJ.DON, N.C. VlH llt parti at their homes V Ttrras KmsnahU-. hfn drin-d, oci Hy i JU. UBUZaKI), ... t ' .-..-- ! OBee la t Ooart HoMe. mrlot attention f'Wntoall Lrailc'lies u( Ilia profession, an II If 1 '. tf T. B B A N C II, iTrORVKV ATLAW, . ', KKFtRLD.N. C. . S Vraettenii In th counties f Halifax. Nash dirnaa-tobtand Wilson. Collections ma le in al pjrtof the State. . J"" 12 ,( W. UA.LL, ATIOBm AT Llff, t--" 1 ' ' ' .-' ' " .ti v- ' ' ' ' WKLDON, N.C. if i. ipaeial attontlnn Rlvon to eolloctlou and jrmlUaucs promptly mada. "mar ltf. MSfll St. MUI.LHK It . .. . . JOHN A. HCORE. M CLLBIf MOORB, i . . ATTOKXFA'S AT LAW. '! HALIFAX X.C. Fraction Inihittmutir.olIuaHfav. Northamp ton, RdfracniTtW, Vitr and Mrf1n--Iii the Sn tissiwo eoart o the Stale lh" Federal CArta of tne Kasteni District. Ooneethdis mad j any part of the Plate. .ifiMBS S. O'lIARA, Jan 1 ly ATFOKXEY AT LAW. - . , . . ' 1 . KNFIBLD, It. C. Vraatlsas In the e mrts of Halifax and sdjnln Im'eoaiitlrn, and In thn Supreme anil Federal Sxmrls Col net Inns m.vl In any past of Hi atal. Will attr-nl at tlm rnnrt hwiM In llaMfj x a Monday and Friday of tiacli weeK jutiiltf It O B I B T 0. BUB TO.H J K. , ATTORXKV AT LAW. , HALIFAX N.C. PraatUM In th rnurlK of It.illht and .idinlir laf eounllaa. In lhi Snprmn murt i.f III tate, and In thn Kwlrral ivurti. Will niva aiwrlal at t ,-nt ly 111- e dN'iMl.m claims, and to adjmti'ii! tin- a-ronuu "lex catora, adntttilatralura and KUardlana. ' . - , , - i"f ltf jTriB L. Ull AN, vf ATTOKBTEY AT L I W. I HAtlFAX; . a' " ' - lratleM In tha anuria of Halifax and adjoln ! aountii. and In thn Hiiprpiiie and Fi d.'Ml aaru. I'laima ooll'eiod in all pans of N.oili arallaa. Oflloa In tli (.urt Housu. Jnlylif fJlBeAS X. HILL,, Attorney ml Law, ? ' HALIFAX, N. r. Pritl In Halifax and aljoiuin ronnll. aa' Fndcriil and 8iirinn ronris. Will a at Sco:laud Seek, uiife rvorv fort Afat. aiw M If T03. B. BATCUHIV)tt. ATTOIINCY AT LAW. . aiLsiau, if. c. PrutlMt In ttia eourta of tha lh Jndlrlal feulrlot anl lu the FednialauJ Su-reiua four la aaay U U. rn w. VA50N. ATT9KULY AT LAW, ART8UURiJ, V. C. Traatleai la tha eonrt. of NoriliMnptui a'iJ MelBlr conirtlea, alao In tn i Federal an l n raiaourta. .Jun-Klf. . a. it. lit a. c. rii.i.ieoi'i-'Ka. I0LL1C0FFKR. ATTOKSEYH AT LAW, ;X WELDO.t. N. C. Traetlca In tae nottrta of Halifax a id adjoinlnir ant Ma, and lu th-anprs-ni. and red -ml e.uiiria Claim eollerle.l In anv nart of North Carolina Onaof tha flrul will alaaya ha fmind ill the -t D R. 8. U UUNIKK, Can b found at bia olllt-a in Knhold. Fr NltronaOa'da (laa Mr the Tain taaa KXtractlnj of Teeth alwuya on baud . JUKI li. B URTON, ATTOKXHY AT LAW, WKLODN, N. C. tpaeUiwa In ftiae,nrta M Halifax, xxarr.-u a-id l)olnlnir couiiIIps ami In lh- Sui-r.-ine and t-'ed-rl rouria. rUima eolleeted III anv pari -f Xurth ( alvillua. June nil .KMiru, JK. at rou i:y at law, 6oitLA' vJ!Plt. lTLIPkX CoONTT N. C rraalliva Inth. eoanty of Halifax and adlolu l"K aouutlos, au.l iu thj fapreuia court of the 1 ly. r i ' 1 n I . A li H T a. is. . A. A. . t i ! A ' 1 11 - hi iv m t (iWM inr rsf ft (T m3 i . r i i it w i 1 1 1 . . m rwx x v z-iL .-v it v u VOL. IX. ' l uiniliuonf. frilliiwliiir poom wo inko frm the Calllt uioro Wi'okly fun. It was ritk'ii ly Misn Sim Iliildiartl of VlrKlii'a. who Is aiUcoo uflWwilllo J. llppi's, and a irr.'iit Kriuid ilau';hlor of Willla Juno.i. !' is a liriitifilut lwu and will roinl with ploasuri' by all whomipri'oiatiMrui' pootryi I. To day. witk haul fat clojod to lioarl. I razod Al'.'vo IU'' far dim uplflidor of tho land-i, Whllo froirt Iho dust tliu wild llow.-rt wi.Uj raiaf d My tlicd foot with: soft, raroKsliu; hands, ' i) ' . . . , ; i Oh;rlrR irultlon of this niid.-r world. Whore fragrant llond-l ld -s iiiiisid.sly hoal, OTswaymif grasses ilowiiy nnpoirlod. dt all 1 In in;s il null v "" I boaulimi it'l l sj , .Mi liw! I tamhOifc. Vimitli lil'.'iin down hiul. d, And wont heeauao 11 lulls ahoul my fvel! HI- The, utioen dews ujoll fr. mi the deepen Iiik a le l.o! all the lalid In u-Iumiis sliowefs Imun:Mi'd Th- Wiiloin rlne- -oh. Hod' th' waters rise. Ami-full, ami lv univaolir-d, a ileatldwj Ihiral. . IV. Ves, III in) hands I Imdxand tdntwima bear, lv linK'Tlnu fi-el the eluo;iier urus.i'8 pan llnt'iM'Vrr il'-wor shall sprin r so IiIl;!) ami (air That II shall rest Its Mi'ssouis .un ui Ue:iri THE MONEY WELL SPENt! vNuw wa ura out iulj out of debt, but we bsve cl I,0U9 ulicad, an J Ilia qnu luui is, Uov ni H "in t iuvcat it (' , Uu iui Uraliam, iiuinif just uu'sido (if tliu ohh itunr, to enjn? (lit eoo'seaa pi tlio rummer tirenitig, threw asl.lp his paper as lie spoke, and uitc4 bis wile s rcj ly. Misvfie, l uty e?er btr., ecwilig, did pet answer imaicdiatcly. 'OouiC,1, bo aitij, 'k-t tne Late yoi t tipiuion. I II bet you're made up yntt mind whatlo do with it lung apo, You kno.w the uttjin , 'A man to invc money an I a w oman la ip.nU it,' ' and lie i;iio.I naliirudlf. , Yea M t lial tnada U) bar uitu 1 luui uo. The thought l tlio tiaio n iij lhT rhaultl be cttar of dvti nn I eninu ol their euii!us i-aiinga could he ex pemli'd lor home coinlniU, bad lu lpcd tier U luukc over and repair many an ol I gar ment thai slit- wai about tn throw awar in deapiir j it li id eu:uurasc I h ;r la coutin.l with nudibeil ei lui-ouyttni ures. 1!.. t row that the lima bad nallj come, al-o :c!lt hti-uifto la'iuctaiieo about icvcaliuj; her Ihouol.ts. Sbe was upprccJ ' willi I lie lear tint her li)iio-elit;iislied plana unuht lie ilacil 10 Ihe i-ailh. IIowcTel, tl.u be juu btaVely tioiUsh I have tliMtinbt wc t-onld tppainl II 0 11 n;-e unor.e itttty cnlor, nieh us silvt-i. nty, asd ll ivt! shutieis put up at tlio win doivs lli.'rifjht ahadti n tjriivn 10 lii"m i tilzi viiili III' linu-'t! the nuue Hi tlo oteeii leav a nl tne ptipuiar iiartiMin.u with the nil. pray ul it tr-mk and bratleli- s" li ., Jennie,' tx-'laitiied Mr. Gtuliatii, there is a ioiil ei a ol paint on li e liuu e nor, AikI tlirre 1 no color it tluiKDiC u- rad U'ld, in my ixtiiiintion. 'And,' ron'mut (I Hie ailr, 'i would hare the yard iuulosed with a in it i - K t fer.cii 1 . I don't sec any use in t..,rin down that lence. 'I Im tuila an-aa pond ati.l eoJn. u twenty year ,;( Plea e don't io i tntpt me, Iliraui. I wmdil repaper t tie loonm, buy a new In grain ci.pul lor tliu parl r, and nius:in iiirlauis for the ftin lowj.' l'li'io'lef itiou ! What la the a-nv ol havine; cortait.a if jn have sliuUna ? I5n- los, thctc puiier cutlu ns answer iverj purpusi', a I cm m: 'I'll" paper iu the walla la peibutly wllii'e. It la true thn ycu have patched it cirtiU'deinbli ; but thit don't i-biiw innrli. And as lor the '.irLel -wilt, b ivcu'i you not lirw ta carpet in tlio room now f Yea, but that would bu lor fie kitting- roin. Ar.U 1 would Hate a nay winnow made oil' the a.uilh side, of the eitunj. room lor liousu plants.' Mr. llratisin ! mohed oulntht at HiH. Nor, Jennie,' lie rai I, 'I never kol any- thino ahou' it. but have a.wiya tlniJi;lit it kind of loo:i li to s.i nd hiniiieh inuny and lioiu us yo I fusj;iiij with ll iweia ow nldoorp; bill whin you I'oitio o tniike htun -U , er beiU -that heila iuc I II. ram,' taid M a. l -aham, "yoa asltet me to: 111 ' otiiiiloo. ISow please don t In- rrmit me.' V t J wi ll ; co abend.' I would have a poilico built oTtr where ou ntti hii tm-j. and a wooil-hou-e and a arj.o, cool pantiy. that 1 need ao fnilch. on tha back ol toe kne.hen. D ie putt n Ihe w d I l.o.J.e "wnuUI he linisho.l i P hero the cook b'ovc ddi'J ktand in waim wiattier ll wuuhi ie so in urn coihui lor us to i at in. U isid-a ibia, there aie s i many little a S-ira nen'.s. Mich a ptctutu, eic. tliat 1 would 't t altci ward.-.' 'Why,' ii:iai'ned Mr. liiulum. 'if we wl- e K'uno into I li tat, it would lake eveiy relit ul the lii'inev.' 'Well, we earned it to invert iu i-oii.v-tbine;. ilidu't We ?' Vn, but I want to invest m nmney in ininelhinir lb-it will tiling me in anie k iti'l ol an income.' 1' worn. I btiDi 113 the bout of a'l in comesnot in d-lUrs, but what U In tier (ir-m j iv at.d bapiiiue-i. Lift- would liata a lul'rr au I purer mi aiiiR lor in boll, ; it would 1-niio a lniiber and belttr a'tnofphc in w hieh l i rear our t ill' In n ll- i I'lu I'll lillli.lC bud lovct lo deck i's iet liltt- i t -I i h pret'y m ifei mid :u h us. Ouifht we unt I i l,a?u aa unirh lovu lor ho ne an t its aJotmnjM aa (i d's Ju::-,t mil ' 1 have ti nn llui'f! more impoil'ir.t In live for limn a liuuiniii.--liird I ns,' o J Mr. tl aham turtiv 1 would ta'ller leave a inietliiitjf m or auhsta'ilial to my i hil dron, ail -h as bond-, aeii-liiled acies, luj instance. 1 will tell tnu n I at I h ive been th'iikinu ol,' I a ea i1 with mi a t (! oae who let that I lie expression i a np'tuoo must uici'saiily bllhi! couvi.tion to ln superior jo lijuetii. 'Y-u ln-w that 1 have ajwnya watitrd that 10 ace lot l S nilhwu'd'a, lb it j on uic on t ie I'll- y ray he is haul " now, an I when he tin Is out that Iran tciike a liuj; - payment 1, 1 beliovu I can eel it tn i it t v ria-t-na lie. And when I el th'it pal I lor I hall have one ol Ihe b,t I .l::i" in ll 'i conn'ry. N what do you fay to thai!' he kc l Irniini himily. It would IUU U III dilt ao-tin,' fa d Mra. (iiah-mi. We'l, H!l,i ir"; it dill We have fwuiis; cleir Uiis lliuc easy enough, and can aain. You mutt remember that this land ha-l'y r m doan lien I liral gi-t ho'.d ol it. but the f,nu is iu - n 1 erudi tion now.' Ka-y iiipuoh.' M.. d d not repent li0 'old' !!u" ' H"f l us'iail I li d not knft til the liltie saciilieas aid ar' ol .cll-Jiuiul it bad t.nt bcr. Ll J Liter WELDON, coul J know U, anj therein lit-3 ttic (utboA ol luaiij a fftfrll! 6. , ' ' - , r. The nut aiorninj; Mia. Orabnt'i wis" up biiliiretimCj Utnl busy as usual . niiiiiUt.b1!'. Iotis(-liol3 cans, but bit btait bud losl It; llhtr.css; anil aa iitoo 1 ufldcr rbb cost tiea which ahnded-tbo lsek.d,our, churning, it scenic 1, ton,' as 11 iflhpli-'df ttlij btishtness hud cm c out of bcr hie. Golden dandelinr.a reeled in the' s Hint fin pctcil tlio yatd llko atruy bit l-f Hinsliine , tin y weie Mill bright with tae dewy nl cully Ul "Tidii(t- To the nbt Ihee w as a low meadow l iliu ; tUo i vo" tbr,a-l that thowed Wfit e a I tock ni'iitniited ' ailing, its tiny ves spatkiinn iu ibo tmrllilit. To the Ic. vir lliilils ol grain Hb lipcned h::tda liowid down, wailine; far the aicklc. The a:r was tut of liappy aoundi; I lie tinkle of distant cow-l-d'a, the Tmre 'el doincstic fowlr, an 1 the tunc nl al'.d Inr li-. ilut tut gieat ditappoiutincnt ovctsb owed it all. , 8ho could tliink of nothing but the great baru-liku bouru, painted a ktlatiti'i red, with its Inruo, tierlcaa wiudo-'. s bkt lidlesa eyei staiinfr out upon the ilu-tj liilwa". los'tle it was tipiaily as biircu of giacuor beauty; the walla were dm-e, and onailmncd by piclutcs vf any kind, the lurniture was giil'dlcsa of pain. f vaoish, with nn worka ol literature worthy ol mention berido tho weekly paper, the Bible and an klmnnuc. .' Iu Ihii atn o-iplicre (lie must live; beie 9'nj must heucelortb work on. whi e mind aid soul starve t ; here, too, she' must tear her children, to ace wo: I li an 1 luauty is nothing lhat cannot be tcpHaeiiled by nolil. What woiuler. thou, if In r thmuhu ai 1 C jos wHDdired over the- fl-ldi ul wav int Clain to win re a stately s'oiu hoii.u utouionun eminence. She knew lliete wai b. nty there ; bn c 7. -s stole into lite,c, n'r. y tomna Ihiouh lace curtain?; tln-io weie licit cnri.'L'ts, mid fuiiiiturc, ntid l.bra:y that was idmost an iulclln tual least t look at ; outside them were pleasant wallia diivci, mid a llowcr j;ar leu liiled with thn raff st flouil tn aanros ; and then hi i(.-!io I sia'tly a she tlmuolit lo licrsi II : "lijt lovu would cot bavu bte.i I lice, uud lile would b ive bieu o very little woiili nnb iul thai ' . 'Jennie, Jennie! Oh, here you are.' and Mr. tliiilum ciunu out Irom the l-it'li kilcben door and sca'cl him elf upon ibo c 1j:C td a liilwa iu tinit ha I bei u lieaed out utid did duty for t uvetibop mid em tern. It Wild not unusual l'-r lii:n to seek hi t ; he alaaya did whin he ca'ue in tl d li in it tl her not in Ihe house. It wai not a bad habit la 111- mat'. ' Ids vtty lilo sct incd biiund up Hi her ; and u!lli -ci;li be had tlla rc ulat.ou uiu m( bia neiolibora ol I'ni4 'i:lo-' in hi lun-a ti aii-autmnr. he w i- kin -l-hfart.-d al i Rem r.dia too, hi l,ia wav. I'll u lii'iimn-.! he ha I ssuiClll'ii' of iuipoi .au.-e lo c innn;nii"ito. 1 didn't tell yu last tvt i i.;,' be said, "tlul I lia-i aires ly bad shiih- 'u.k vtidi S .u'.bwe'll a1 out that 1 11 '. He' rto.loiu'i I'-lcti to a cent under 3.1M-'I Hun I icoiiltln't i lle-r mute $1 500. "'' c:nu: u'cr lo let uii' this moit.u l-, ii". I olleied td spilt the d-tleri nee. Ain't tlm' a linryair, Ibcinib ? A little ln'ttw than apen litii; niouey lor paint or piper, Jen i ic I On,' nsiu; 1 1 po, I ca ne near lor go'lin to ieil jou- Powers is lure. He wanti lo hut- eui during hunc-t. I huo Ullila fBOtloh, but I suppos.! the nunc h.-lp I hive the l-ct'ir 1 ah .11 i;. t iilun-j. so 1 told him to n H;bt to wink. 1 ilon'i supposu lie has been lo li.caK'nst yit, lii lolks nr. hi slack, id you must ret out a bit lot linn lo eat. Try B.:d hive lb l.-.nch re.df bi '.lll'l; yuil cu.i b! '.v the b un, uti.l I will cue- id Hie liieii down lor it.' Poor Jenuic ! It was like lite straw thai broke the oincl's b:r k. She haul, but tl.e tears woul I conn- Mt (irabain turn, d hack mid i.iroe lu.iu'illv to In l si lo, n kcu lie taw thai ilie Has ic tioulile. Whit is Ilia mailer, Heir f be nl-d, CiitliJ'.if.-ionate'.y, while bis l.itc, Uiu. I li md pjiile-d down hi r with a idi cartsuno touch, 'll vou n'e not Itehi'i! '.veil, I will .I n down and tct Miiand . Poweis lo cuiuu out mid help vou, 1 i;uo 1 Initer a:-v way, ha in'i I f Mrs. I, -ill in nias'cred her emotions with an ill-irt. , 'O.i, no,' ehu said, 'lb-re i.-u't anv ilmu ' M . llia'-sni lic-iiute I ; but was i ol eat it lied with tin. t xpluna'io -. I htie !' .he f -.ii d. Now, ili no u!o-i to viir.r .-:k, t-r I alia'l c-v noun!' ami 111 le- ii, she lo. ke 1 VtIV i ll a ll In Oil"' ' 11. 1. tn li -I'nim bad a In'i.l id, a i.s In whalllij in.ltei was, and w as vet ,' v li liu- In do as -he Kid 'iim lie 1. 1 t o i si lei a ll v aimovt d Holt In v.ilerould li i' seethe ad'aiitive i.-l the pi ..prist .I pur chase that woull so msteria'ly ad I to their mutual ptopetlv. An I then he tie t'i'i to wonder whit tdm waa thn.kiiii; hmtly about hil-she a'O i I bilking oil taw jiiI the distant lull. A lit ie j ulo i-y tiepl iu Willi ll C t nought. The ow-e'd.' It'll' line mail-Ion I ad ' lire been a loun idabenvsl id hi-. Tncre- could have breu no ua-on I or her choice bui the i in she So .h , Iv conle a --I t i h.i'.i in Ihe a 'It tail' ht id n summer cvurr.e; tin vr-ais us. Iloa pii-i:d and baii y the ha I leli. lie- voaed lb, I sot: should never wart lor aiiv.hitii which he could pmcu'e. lijt he had .iuUl'iiI sin.e. lie hud but I t If lo b in with. Tiny hart practiced such ro.iit e-oooiny. and to wit'eh t vey iloliar to clu.t lv, to be u'de 1. 1 meet te piunenl ne llielaim, that he ha I learned lo loti. money, tmt so iinn-h loi the (, iol ii coul , puiehase as tor ilh owu ke. When h" cauiu in .o dinner, fiillowed by his troop td banda. be cnttld nrit htl,! ii'ilici'iij ho fl ihe I and tired sin- lookt-d. but she i as us iheiliul us ever. Ti e uioiiiiiik! e nud hit t pis-t-.l, Htl -1 nilh tint swiet spud ol sell s it-uli -e that chancter I7.ed her, she had bullet her deal hope and lnk.fl up the binder of 1 1 Ic it til n, as li- st ln- c -old. ll'iam tliaham was not iynnrant of Ibis ;'u. idi e, and it toutln-d hl n keenlv ; the thoutu ol ll tnnilind liuu iluiii. llie al teiei'oii. lie t veil loruol to istimale what the p-nbib e yield pi r t'.'re would te as the heavy themes weie ( ii-ln d oil the r m platl otn and laj ro near loi;elhir on tl.u shurn cii uhd. He could not tit n v thai Ills wile hud winked aa haul aa he durioff the paft years, and the economv be h id p-ii'Hce l had bern mostly lu Inr do main, lb- she t tliat h : I a I l;ate.l li i wi.-hc u:o:e respectlully id le.t-t. li en he rjold not htl;: looking over to w here the tot t y acres lay. bat a chui-e bit of lauJ it ttuil How hug bo bui i N. 0, THURSDAY, MAY G, 1880. W Uteri i" lAjiJ pvw yhenJt wai. .1 uiosl williiu.lii gr-up, wi.i he Tf let ll yo! And evtn Were lie lo yield, to Jer. uie'sw Islltl miwv wiiuid .pot. Jf lift .flit w fliat'Tte 1ia1 .diino ) leliic'anlly and fnoaiust liia better judgment I And dur- nu the altereoon he thought the ninlUr uvc'r'aud over. 'Powcta' he tailed out, as that individ ual was leav'rij the field at hii;ht, 'll the fiilks ut bo-nu sl ate Miranda, let bcr cAine ti e in llie iiioinni),' and help my ailu.' '' 'A ii;lit, aha will b5 ghd tu roac,' waa llie amwer.; . f . , ; . , Harvest waa over, and M s llraluUl bad sock ol disebat;ino he 'jt. 'Y had heltci keep tier to help you,' mid her biijli.itut, No,' said Mm ffmbnm. 'wbrn lln re i none but my oau laitii y I nan s lbe wntk ea-v cn ol :! b a'oii 1 luliivo I like. 'In woik, a ided -he, aiitiliiiL , 'ut leart, 1 am a wsya happhal when liuu buiy.' II ' loi'K b is il.hunn a lieu you bate b'.T m to your latin i s on a Msit' he asked, alnuitly. ' five yr irs boo Ltd June, wbta slttvr Kih u w no i: ii i r i v 1 1 . ' How pio.npt wis the ai swell Perhaps she had dilute I lile lime'. 'How would you like lo yo un J tec thn folks tins lull!'" What a lijjlit is uia into her , lafe utld (lien faded, i.s sl.u 6a id, iicsitatiti(;lv, llnw can I t;o?' 'N'Ver iniiiil ab ut that. You have eaincd a p!v day. no I none of my t rnns a' l ons shall hill ler you notii enj oyiiiL' one You li.ul heitir tube, Hie chiKlriii willi ' yop; llie lulks will want lo se tin in. iVe will g i to town to.mniiow, anil Y' " fn l,e! w hut '. h -n -j s you Peed. Iihd M'ltin lu or. n si i y i nd lolp vou In ej-1 i t-ii i) y. You will want tu ktet oil aaropu n you can, tar you will want to inaki: a l; m il, loiio visit while you me alioiit i'.' lie appealed lo be aoxiom lo b ifb ll her tie ..mire; but Mia Oiaham was loo happy nl the lhou ;lit of seein.' the home ol ii, r childhood iioaiu o tiulicc ll tit Ihe tune. T.ut what will yti do without cs, if ttc maku loo itnn a stay 1' j 'Hou't mini ill-out inc. I Call keep bachelor's hull,' he added, Innhin3. 'Two wci ka idtei . and Mis. tlnibum had none, an I Iliraui Hiih.uii b.i I the t.ou.-o uli lo liin.seir. Al'er lloi lu c lit llvi weiks he went In Ihe Si.i'i HI to eel hi nil,- and c'-ildn'ii. I'liev ll ul el! j .yed the nio-t i!clil:Htil :lt and all weieplud nil I happy, and as they diov hono-w lid there wua much to be I'-M, mo) miiiy inijdiiiea to be made. As t'o-r lleaie I tl'f I..-II-I- Mis. til-ll "tu I. .eked ail 1 .1. lorA-ud while l er hiiali-iiid wati bed bet lace mid lulihtd bis Irind. toi ti.i r in ij m t ;h '. U lial waa that suit, luslious L'laV, 'li"!liiil-4 out l:o.n mil an ;x the o'eeti !e tV-.-f as she i ai;.- injf Io; ft wii- the hou-f w ph lii - 'nub i a ai d p o i i - s, ' bv, li lain 111 aham, wild hive J la-en do ny I' Mic lo.d.eil atiain 'A n I a picki t h nee ! end I he most rhatniiiu lill ic ta'e! ni l a yiuu-le I wa.k,' and then .he co.lid not keep llie t;lad tears licm coiiniii;. I'nuie .lei lilc,' siml Mr. liiahaoi. te'H inplv, ailhouo'i bis own ese innisti tied will M nip ilheti - b ippict ps, 'd-.n't luul to hi I iibont it. I iiihV have worse tliiin-t yet In tloiiv ynll. Tliele, how does lin t suit ?' be asked, ultet th-.y bad culi li d die holi-e, pnii.tino lo the bay window. - I didn't ii'idiT-:an I such thine-. M) p,t a i rk'iia'i f. Im did, emt ee ; it i all ron plite. n-idy In p'ants. Anl I tie,' In aid, li'idu-o ihe wiv lhi:nth the kili-hcn and Hirmvnii' open Ihe do ir, 'is Ihe mi I h u -e, mi I tin re,' op n; a door. Ms a paiiMy Hint tn't be beat any w h. te. A id this is (t 'tnelh'U.f T-'U (lld-l'l n 1 11 i o it ' he con 1 1 1 l td si-ntoachn:-' a in ul I -i'lk in ll:e ki t l en, iii.d, Invini; boot id tin h in lie nl a t i-tein pump th it tinn I iu line end, hp tu-lied a j t id tott wai' i w hich li II nl n o'Vi.J t-trin i, toll I in i' h. 'I. e.k thioin'h the indnw and v ol will see a eoii- e I t'rs'n l! -it tarin-s aw iy- ail :li-'e : t t ; I mo ton:;; to l-x n I- ll -e.n itr'ott'.e 'ot;r ll mer with it Yuus.el di-ln't i'.. anrbn-o with le-e Ihi-is,' le mid, s'ter lho ha. I ititeie I llie adllio-l oui, yl incniii ib pie i 1 1 1 1; tow anl .lie dinu'.-unloin.l pipir- i , the 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 ', t c. I liils'lur,' ul. I Ihn-arl-l-ti-'t t'-ip-::. I won d latln-r l:u- tn.i l -i - ll. And besldt s, ) lo ind Ihl.l I i'e Was -o ii'iieh tea! 1 1 i i on nl i i it 1 1 i, t 1" v id ! b- isei.-ii- tin I hnfc torJie el ll 0 'ctscif tor Ind. II- rt is the money llial is I. I"- iiddtd, ptisciilii.jj bv i a t'lodly bllt t li c pi --.-'in! d , ill el'.' il'sl'l. ll. ul I w ,s c niolt lo. an 1 , ni- l . n Mr, 1, ahum - II 1 II i.-ol.i l1 I'ke- '.I b:l nl l-i It li ' do believe,' sl.e ml, tu-nini; t.-w-i I h -r hii l-ti'id with a !:'ad, bipbt bn k in l.r (aie - 1 i'o believe 'ln.1 I am just the 1 1 1 1 , i- -1 VI-iu all in II e wni.'.i I' lle.lnw Inr (Hilly to I'm. 'Jennie' he said, wtie l"il il.iiAinp ii' ict lint loiiii'iie' hi n I hnlo I vou eourim p in It' tie locu-l tne mil 'in l.iii); so infill1)' nl ibat uV '"!: baiiil lio on the hill '(' II'.' i n'.y un: er v.a- a inrnv l iuch. Did l- u vtl llilnk M be'nlc (' Al- I hoil :h be I 'he t it-s on bent at iukU l,C III it ed Vel V W i-l lli'lu llllil lit r laOS fill aii iin-wt r. 'N i. yon ib ar. ilmple 1'ullio', and I am sure 1 ii. i r ili-ill nai'i and l inking up 1 d da'l t'o'ii !' -ti- rmN bad pa-i e I aw at, and i-ne 1 . . . ; h t iioiuir'-; in spr'n Mr Onham t n'. rt d Ihe b u-e. lie bad c'lunoed in Ihi se je us ; the Mi; ht InUjtllU'.H wlileh had char icie: 1. I him pre.inu-ly had worn aw i ; ilnte wt,ie nil luciea-ed dietti'v ncd manl'tirss in bin beaiini;. II s children had '.'m uiown to be a con t mt loi.r. c of p.i . jinal pi ide ami tit b,;ht. S i siiiely do t'lir inner na-urt-s t ii In-iu lo the plan ul on r (UlWaid numiiiiiilinos. He held up a paper he had iu bis handa. ' There,' said Le. addrrssinir Ins w ile, 'is Iheibelol Southwell tottv clcr Irom c cuinh'aiice. tl it l ad not been lor you,' l.e c 'D'u md, k ii 1 1 1 1 ii i:, I should bate nviiii.l it It iii ujio, and the whole South wed larm, bm, perhaps, lint I I hank Ond thi I didn't,' he a bled . 'II I had f yhnuld have been so closi) over Hie wnili-n -k by Una Hum llut I never bin ll'.d he iiblo to look Un.' With Ihe I i-l; i i. ii i ii ol the ne-v fea-o-n, , its a Kansas papf, all oui su'tsenb. n wb.i have pint up uic oue tuoie jeur Leaier llsatcc. The M'uKcii I a Wet a Vote ou I ho I'rcsiitlt-iiliitl ticMlioii. Kruiu tlio Ilurlinglou Uavvkcvo.J , The clupbant came strolling iuto the biji teut junt uller Ibo ilnse ol I lit) ultct oo. iu per ot in aire, nud the animals were ta king poluies, havioi; caught it lie. m the chatter thev bad heard in the audience They ilidu't know a gu-at dial about politics in the cajje-, but that, yon know, uUiditu, ia no. t ar to talkii politic. Indeed, no. Some ol pur t'niioressineii wl o hold ou to olll e thn longest, uti I talk tliu most and. the Uudcsl, clou'l but 1 di(,'iess. The t'epliant listeuetl to Ihe resl id the animals, lor a littlti while, ami tbun be Laid la the p.irHll : HVho ia jour csnd dale for Pruldent 1' .Mllninc,' nd'l the fitalle. 'Yta,' the elephant anl. that's you. iaur ideal are alwaya up. Youeiu't c't your head out ol the lop of a pine ttie. Just bueau'o Mr. Dlalne was so q lick to .ee wh' re Ilia ulralfu, c-mio In, Hi Dr. tJiicrlon'. tiiinaneriii, you I luck bu will pay piitlicular alleutloa to you. Yo. lake'" Caie uf yoiiise'.f, my aiistORratic Irund. V m r lienl l-n't iu luui; as your nrek. by lorly Itet. Y-nl can't come the iliauV over Mr. lilaite. I say, O.d Pa th till,' lie coiilinile'J. addreaaiu the bi! tluo in the 'Happy Piiiiiily,' 'Who is jour in an ?' The Newfonudliirid taid bo was lor John S'ertnnn. 'Yc,' the elephant said, 'because he'a interested in the curicney. II he la electid you will want the lanill put up ou doe. wood, j ut tl.u Mine tij Peruvian bark. Well no ahead, bo-vl for a bee billot mid un uni!'ii..'ed press, mil dou't whiup il veil tic beat, i.H yitl ll-ually (In Jean Vatjt in,' be went oh. Iiitnlnii to the tiifcr, ' ho do ynll p,o foi !' 'Any mail lhat torne c'.o-"' tn my cauc,' replied Ibe aini.i'.de uiiimal in Ihe c.onvicl'a suit. 'I'orract jou mo,' mid Ibe clvphntit ; 'but'you cull count me out when you beoin balloiini;. Who is Ibe next iiiiiBivl to vole!' The hyena mid he was for Til leu first, last au l all tha time. 'I'll bi t vou,' ooinmented the cl -phant, 'mivbodv in i ll b l kuow V"U would o lor n (It ad man, jou wretched apotheosis ol in Ohio inid-cal tliiilint. Ah, you SjeVen teant'i Ward to uirect't.iiiett, you'll inn ai; .iii-it a I'.ncl ville lotpedo aume l lhe.-e d us that wdl knorU tint nolle ol youiv inm a enrkut bat. Any lespii'tahhi I'll' 'll ol Ihe III' liaMe-HU icadv lo rxprcas h I pie'o cine be'oie 1 sloaj th i polls !' Thu loiioi-e raid bo was ill l.ivor of Pit. John Pol dr. "t cotirre yntl aie,' said Ibe elephant, 'ft-Csli-c he ui'iies jii't a! la t env,i !i n suit y nir pait. II bn doesn't movn lor ward nu.v livelier for the Pic.-'ilcncv than 1 1 he diJ lor (ieiieriil Pope, be won t hiar ol .. the nominations until s in ks alter the niilictinu. The next mlnpical wonlii I ::t.d livitio eunosily will att p up lively; ii ean'i keep three tools open nil iiti'b' ; wi i c pot to driss lor the evenin.; pei lo in -Iii'i-h el.' Toe "opher shouted as 111 'lily aa be coul I lor Mr. Seyi our. 'Sure enough,' aatd the, elephant, 'be cause he stays in his little hide nil the time, just like ynuirell. Well (jopber him il you wi-h ; Ibi-ii a lieu enti'ttry, all is-i-ej'l lie? iii.nauctie. w liic'l cons you ue lUarti f of a dollar every time you loidt i t it. C me uow. move ahum lively or you lose your votes ; p-JU close in ' I he wild ass the iietr'i bern stepped t the Iron! and Mated his voice Inr Mi. He I,. Matyr. ol Indiana, amid Ihe wi'dtv entbu .ia in and b U I horitlii,:a thro loiioul Ihe lent. 1 In-clepha it aii kn! nt lhe enjes with i.ith n meiry twinkle in h'"i eye. 'That', nht my buve cac'iH-c it, r.' ii? said. 'J' u me II il.irally and pioperly nut- id Do l.a M dyr'fi lol'o vers. I'-avs him no to the -kits i. y-'ll Wunl lo. Nrpn'i-Ol 's ll-hill,'- ubh- in ! et-uiitiy now. N' vl voli-l 1 l lie in-1 l( y 1'iiii ll i' s 'id lhat I lie wi r- il o v. I a vole h would V'lte lor, Prnci'-r K u.-tt I' loa ed the v. ho! mt-tii.ei le, bu' I he e'cphotit said slenil . . Tiu-ir t'o.v ; eiiou Ji ol thai ; n i iniiinbla iiniial Hie polls No no' else. O.i'., ovik! Tie d s are close! and the jorl e will now prnccnl to count the bibu' ' lie then snnntitic tl the result if Ibe I ite us billow s : (limit, Ti I. 'H i' ' ii iiuired Ihe animals, 'how does that f-noe ?' ' Will, said I lie rlenhaiit, 'it eonr s. all lh-niuie, un. i ilon'i Veil laipel it. Don't 1 wci; Ii none lltaii an Uiu iniliieiiu pin liiotthei I Whit do vou alliums kuoiv I'loei mil u a. iiiiilmii ! A Ilu- fcl.I'll'iH wela well plea ed In lb.! k tbev weir al nwt d 1I Vole Uliylln.e, all I Him were tl 'iililid thai Ibe elicliuu e us nvt r nn 1 ttuir man tie. ted. s i thev eavtithiie 1 1 e. - 6 lor lliant, ami lollrd ar u nl iu the s livv lu i.iuj lor ib . uteu ltn;s pel loriilal'i'f. ( imrtoNy ti Kertiiuli. M l V ml V I I thl to be Indlti I V I ri II I 1 0.1 tlm' real law i- j'Mt i.J ib-ollllf nnd i'nb'le-.lli'e :.a n' I Ii- i 'f 11 Sue is a eh dd ul Ihe I I ii;;. anil t ' be-i applie- Ilu- i nal a e-'ld'D!' 10 the Si l .linile, l liiiU Into thy lo i.;"b o aa th.'ll." 'I o il liw wbi. ii la tlio,i.Ll id ail, suit I v nn bub-s P'd'.te'll-", ll we nr" llollll I to love I'UI l:eehl'0:s HI ll' ill S, WT 111 B iillilli lo t M ut 1 1. 1 1 1 cou: te I u-l y at a y lai. Ilia' H one ul the lir-t ami roo.l 1 iidnii' iil jl id nlir (lil'irs lt theni. Vour inrv .nl, dear mad 1111. on 1 ittsi t; Ii !tir Hit) nearest ol a I y. ur iniolibiis fdie has a l.hl Hun, uinbir this inyal law, which is llsell li e' spirit of nil j isl I .tws, lo Ik- i.o.ihoi-ss Iteali (I by yod It is no ill ue c .u lerern mm lor you to u-e n-sp-rt 1111 I pi iu lene's 111 yoifr nit-reruns" tvith lur than it i; lor 'bet to Veep Jour ll or or build your fiu Vou aie cent ed 1.1 no 11101 tr 1H b r peaking kin-iiy lo her than you a:e I -r iiul s:t alini; Her pocket n m ikf rem. I. ll do 11 il overn yoursall 111 all vour rmi vcr-aiion wiih ihe calca iu your p-. lo , vou are a very vuleir prison. I Im maid 111 your kilt hen '.a 11 woman; Ihe ttie-l in jour psrloi is iinthlii Un -if. Will y. 11 Hire to silks and leathers and a puisa w h it you tleiij l.i womanhood? Tint . is the very issuiiie ol vulu urity. P i 1 ot say that lu : eilest M Vi r II I a your temper as Ihe seivant dots You kaow that 111 111 v ul tuo-e wh ' n Juii kici t with suiib - t II lies i'l.o.d jou whin they arc btyonl y ur si'h'. I he laws ol pood manners h I Jen lo Heal Hieir ib e ttuluesi with luibears aiicc. "hould the; uol icipnte tipinl lor leauuwc lowaid Ibo iil iu your kilelitu. NO. 10. Tliuo ( Tinh. One of Ibe moat counAuljlaltets in the t rot n in -; ol i;iris, wfi ya'a iiiothtr who has proved her lipht to bu a tenuis. illur in tliu i u;ioitaht wirk,,'i that they are unt bri.uoht up to live alono, to tlay at huiae in their own minds.' From babyhood i he ate n ab bed, loudi d,'i Biiar.tud. in vei ict nioee. I.veii yuur iu uuia are not to much its priuiitte'd to tlnuk out. the mysteiiei ul a door Unub; but an) tiuactl then little triiins ol lln.eelii iulcrru tiled, t'jeir solitiije ci-utinu illy invaded, Lit a lltt e un' W' U H In lu isell In uii of evuy d iy, Seal 1 1 1,'v'ui li.tudi who bavu some oilier o cupallim. than v. ale U( and nils viiii btr, mid ihe will inveiil buuiidiisa icsourccs and bu never ru bupjiv. B.di tiide Is a nicebsily lo thu luiiuilioii ul cha-iicti r. Thoic is fond for rill.cll'U iu tbese words lor all w ho have the ca e ul elnl .liiii. The privilege ol is ii"l U joyed by many i hildn n ol ffl in our towns and cities. If tiny u'O 10' liiii'nlinU in llie t xcitiuo labors on aooits ol llie crowded acbools, ' lit-y are playinu in t lit- stint-, or with their iuaid in tie i own biiiiie' ; mi ne un I il divelsiotis lill up nearly ail the ici.tifi: bouia ol tvtiy day ; and when there are no play males at hand ihe moth r niu-t g ve up her time to tin ii aiiiu-em. nl. I'o.i much i fl ut lo diu-ct evi ry t liuu;-li t and ai'ti m of the child, too little opportunity lot the ilcvehi Bl lit ol Its owu individuality dnubtliss QJin nr-' r-'tsoja lor the leebleiieai ul inaiiy clia ac ters. Indeed must o' Ib i to i.t)( pi-op's d our tow us lii come wholly incapable ol spcu I Itii; any lime by Ihrinselvi 8, The moment their t'oinpaiiious me out ol sip;lr, mid tin t Hons lo d-i 1 1 ilium buve moed, they Ule' reslle'S Mil misciiible. Nulhiu but nn t x -lino novel w til then to t xisli tiee. Tins is latLjcly due, no doubt to Ihe alliaction ol toi-i'il rpott winch takes bold so Birui'oly ol the lulnni ol aclivo y on ti people, but it is iUo the result in pint ol the too per.islmt watch-Inlet- s ol p irei'la 111 the c'.i'd'a lll-iet yeats by which the did I is n vm lot to it-iill or laugh', to rl.e the nvcet dcliijl.ts id siilitu.U'. This is one of the disadvuutages which the children ol the citic.i ntu coiup illcl tn linlir'. Ibe cou' tiy bnvs mid -ir s have milch lime to I liemsclv, s ; and while tb-ir of'i-ii tas k the aoirlnes.-' Hut is p o lui'eil by t' e brisk euoial comnieic.e ol tin- i Ilu s, it Is poi-.dble that lllij t-onie-luties oiiiu In v 1-,-or and power ol conccn traiinii m ue Hi an they o In nuiibU-uea and wit. The la-t is that Ilu-uiaj uily ol Ihe men and won eu v. ho me at the hea l o! all tirs In Ihe nation were Inine I in Hie I' : i . u-i I r. !ul I belt s leee-s is 1 trei ! lite lo (lie IsCl III il they A'lruto wink In their yiuuh, il is dd-i in pari, no d uibt, I the l;i'-t that I buy hud ill their jtliiu;c' ilars a o-io.l ileal of time to thick (loud Coh.p'.nj'. 4 C3-. I -lll'l ! li mi l.a-ii tt . Ton e iiitu'i!.. eia anl In '.be pu pil nl .ii P.l!stiili!i e' cic'i oil uiid.ij tcce-utly. A rising y nin,' mlisi w ho is o.iu ol the w o k ct- in Slid t h u ' c li , walked brawl)' to the pulpil b hue a rvie-o ami avu one ol Ihe mini-terx a not ce t i te id lulnie btu-d e Hon. Hie venue sue ahuul iiom; vloaed wheu Ihe yuunu uilist went lu.ward lo ie mind the milliliter that lie 11,1:1,; not hue the mil i 'e of the leinpetaiice Ilu v-tinp, do a u to mi, The inihis'. r lnt:i;cil partlou bu bis le I.iss:,e.s, P il. llio .-lij ol paper Irom bis v-t p " ki I I It. hi. ke.l da, d. rubbed Im ey.s, tin 11 smile 1. Then In put 1 d It a bieil'ier inui.sttr lie sui'le I I'll 11 I. - pi- el it to till iu lu i-1 , r ; an I lu -ni:i'e l. Then No 1 n marked lhat be would I'ke to spe-.k to the arti-l. The latter a Ivntii: tl to the pulpit, unci. in-.' 'he 11 'tie,-, lo.-kn! at it, eoloted vny rt.l. an I i-'i'l, e-1 1' s I !ti 01 .; h he1 w'uul.l h'.e to jum; th-ouh I'm win bi v. lie In, I yuin Ho- 111 1 I . r a 'mlicr- id 11 toiiipermuV llliet-ui- n I ii-h ie,, I weiii tliiiiit liko tins : Di' vii -loii-o - 1 uiu s r r v I cau't U-t you c one to s 1 me i.H '1 i lenli) as ttsu il, but p tp 1 MM in until 1 t iih k lull. hi Lot 10 rect : ve even t'l), ilrr Irieii Is lii.iihit Ilu lent -ll -0-1-0:1. IT- Illily tilB-l;'r .-;:. Ii'.u- ll int post i vol v eio.l, bin liuu you know we lljii-i-ojiali ins fin't 1; .1 back on J,e:d 1 1 hall mi- yoi o'lem-r, I bopu, when the I, ily ess in Ims on m; w hi Ic llie woodbine t a ilie'.h. Y U's wllii li i-'iid-i'.iin, Thut lit 1 1 1 c w an tin. died. J. s.'lcra in 4 l.uri li. (illioll I- ' a- th - act ul b-ipiibed hi !'; dieii nary !. 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i wi'h hoit cult lies - Inn li !; '. IU, Htteiit. -, nl breath," 11 1 1 iiuii'i ;. It i -i'lv -ti I childish 1 n uu;'i mil In re, but in e'l ireh it it ib innua'ii I v-t t hi i e u no p ace w li'-te cirffi'inr; ta un -I oi common. It is natuia! In acluml on!-, bc.l When on ' w iih in yiuim' woinen ol nun lei n an I t v en'y it is imp n ioe .bit 1 '. is Ik u li h i v a .tloiia' I. ris'.ic olvninp men w i o n 1 1 1 'ien I nuiu-t ielni, who t lui k To v ipiiii y -i.t in- -In a lor iiiaidi'itid I v nil", ei ii o i on'i opt t-r wlut llu.r 1 1. bi. evire Thev .ii; ;!c st am Ihiiio 1 1 lit' ei'tli'l.e t .e td nil aei la'ni Hie'" tuiy ' :b , ll nil .i. 1 IV nil II ll-es b o a I 11 lui i bvuiii iio y u't'n'' 14 bjbr cini Hicy .'h; .'1 'I i 'ii'i' t ne tl; o,is a bo k I in y i, i;h ; it Itie l b i(; llia l t'oiiubs i In y Kltftt.c I ll Ihe I i'e Is bun bd to s. me i lie a lit ton. not tun o tu n i ,u' v e'liiei : ii ,"iii oin' near I m m sibs out ol lepi ats llie li.-p "ti- londlj t'u y !. 1 I but nolbtiu bo', s ujll or ii.s o nili,: -mt lo a. rial l .e i Initio - and pio-ni- e a t; t; u !'. Ilotv tu yiilt-o 4.uo(l I Puts. ll you n rv ii inercliaiil an l i-li to pur chu-e a caiiiic, ptirouixj yuur hoar incelii'.iiics. P you aro a mcchauic do y nir business wiih ll.t- peoplu limu wiiom ynll nblaiD -V III, III. It you Htt-u Inlioier fprnd yur mnrit V with hoiii" tru let.iiien,au J time1 y iu aaaiit in u,,k.i'H your town prosperous. Il a liusiur.s.s in in and mechanic! and tra l small aie prosperous, the la'iorer, Ihe I ,r,i:er nnd all otuera iu a uoaiinu uty wib I bi neii'lei.. 1) i yuur t utineis in a -p i 1 1 1 ol rrciprnc ity, le t (tsuii V-Ka'.inn try to assist the oilier, sud ui tins way wi I a Irieiidly and iniitiial itlaiion exist which will prove ncinlirul ti all Dd you purchase arlmius liuiu abr a i v. itien ate mat uliictuicd at homcl I - s ilon'i do it syniii. The i. as men Ii j 1 1 inaee e cli oilier up, but Pait is diiwu: Ueu sud t lie y have Qui to tu:ter. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISINGS RATES. " si i a I ,1 l a J o" - a ' .- , i 3 00 fi 00 14 00 SB 00 & Oil 10 (XI 2U DO HO W IX fill 15 00 .10 00 40 60 10 (HI 18 00 3(1 f-d 46 00 lo 00 211 (HI 40 W 50 08 20 00 .'III 00 fd) 00 Co 60 One Year, ' 76 00 !" 'JM BI'AC'K Ono Sqoaro, Two rh tin res, Threo t'iiiiir'-s, l-'otir riqtiart-si, l-'nurtli Cnl'ii, Hall ' (Vliinin, Whole Column, lillOCKOE MACIIIMi XOM RICHMOND VA. Munnrm'turera ol Portable and Seattonary Mnnincs mid Hollers. Saw Mill, Corn and When! Mills, ,ShiifliiiL', llanijon and I'ua les, Tin bind Water n lu'nla, Tobacco Ma 1 lino i v, Wiuiiidit Iron Work, Hraaa ami Iron CiiatlnjrN, Machinery of Kvery le t-llptlnlU 4 lilNMNtl AND TllUKSllINU MAOUXItM A MPl'.lT ALTY. i Itopnlrlnft I'rouiptl) A (arc I ally lOllf. TM-rltTT'S I'.tl'KNT SPAHK AHP.RtrTBBL' 1 lie liDcutlon ul llio Ago.' It does not destroy the draft. It. doe nut iritcr.'orn with plonnlnir the tubes, k will nut cli iku up, and requires no oleM un;. . It roqiilroa no utreel tlntnpera to t n. lined wboii r ilalni- Htnam (iliitnpora b. mi; oiije'i'iioiiitliio, Ha thev iiiuy beleitopeu mid allow hi in ks to t-seai 0 ) It n t titrof. no w ater to rxtlnpnlah apaiks, wbieii, by coiitleiiaiitlon, iluatroy tint drn ft. I'lt sidi-s, w hen wutor ia uaoti, if iib'etcH, the rflldlnnpy la itealroyfcl' by uvapetmlioii of llie water, nnd the bui ler Hi kept 111 i lillhv conditiop. It is aiinplo and dtirabltt and can b re I md upon. It ciin be altaehott tn any boiler. No planter ah mid be wilhout olio of Insurance 01 un mil I -h will insure Kin aDil IniriiH whom the Tnlbott Knftlnea and ijparli A n tutors urn used at aaum into ass cl.iii'.-o I lor water ot hurso power. forStoid (or illustrated circular 0a4 pii.'o list. . 1 liraueli linu m, Onljsboro, N. C, J. A. II At'SKK, Oennral Mannper. ' ' T. A.l.UAMiEH, Local Wanagatw- liliiv H Bill vo Il'uhlr rysininut.dJ 10 Hi ti bile t4 ftll 41af c;tot riHinlrliif ft cri'B nu l Hti. ioni jTA' to.r,ctfil!y in tndifrm IJ.IM, i6yt4t fi(it iiflffrMtf Mm iir. ttantmdpw pcHtr, !. I fift py. wtm. It u rit'U!, t la bltiOtli tiif!i(iihiiiw ttio muiv rli-miO twm o 11 to ttir t'rv. Tu lb nii'il, Ini'.it. nd vltU f ion rajuirlDg tvouftN iUliOI. thl VaUttaU iri'.tjr t-Bii not i uo i. jv'Li ntcu4i.uimUd. 11 rtY tikm a cSar-M4 in Li,. Ul.t-sltvw nthauft, A ll',ltHnllfH, byh)I it;ll( Will rt-IUUVl Aii ffytit(U hyuHtouijs. S )IJ by til Uru witt, H HAL 7 IMOR. Ut iio, AdreulTouic IRON BITTERS, A Sure- Apisituer. IRON BITfERS, A CTilt'?U(njll:eBer. IROM D11TERS, 1 t'tiiJ M k lit f orntv IRON BITTERS, il.-r is Iv AY J. VJCK -Tr 4 'AIM:! UV.H AMI Ill'CiCilLH MADE TO ORDER on KLlWlltrJU AT LOW 1'KK.BA All kinds of wool win k and trim ml ait ioiiii in i- nul ivio. Illni kaiiiith aerk deioa a'. hSi-iiI n.dien and wiih noatnt'sa, Asl new- work w.irriinel. Pino painting for biiir:(its d-tiiu ul low pr'ffs.beHl p.tiut naed. MVIK I At. ATT4 lTI. CJVi:TO IUU UNDKUTAIilNO UEPA1UMEST. '--rlxsi :wi'( un'iii. uii.l.t'.isi a of ail a it-, as ctiivlaully ll I lid. ( in a tl M ilorials kpt ouliiliij at prlao lull i.V Peto.aliai UUrlii't. Wfblon IN. I. ,l olio 0 IV J N O. T. !' O It D , TnkcN pteisii nt in iirioiuieliig that b aeill bp loiind ul hia aland ou FIRST STHKR T, Til- WW U'boro be has ou baud a full lino oi tito IT newt WlN'IM, ' " W tiHK I K.S. mi J ' ' ' liUAN I'IKs. . . . TOit XCl'O, ( IilAKS, mi l SMH-'K, ' oitA.NiiKS. APPLKS, i.nd ION I'T.l'TlON KK1KS . Ills stnek orCinned Ciooda and Unxair lew la unusually ' Full u n l 4: o ui p 1 e t e Urn iMsivar Wiiiskkt A frmuitTV. ' KHK--II l.A'IKH tlKKK (lit PttArOHT. Il-i K'araiiUu satisfaction. Call anil 1 -sou l.iiu. Nov 21 ly.'1

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