THE ROANOKE NE"'S THURSDAY. MAY 0. lxflO. W pohllib two Uwi paa.ed by the txtra aeiawsn of the L'RiiUlure whirl) are. ol general rsto'fit. One it an act to give sna-rantracfora, laborer, ant) material men a lieo tot their ual dut,"iitf in net amend . log the road law ol the State, rjomeofthe eonntiei bate ipcia! adi r regulate thstr Wads, hut llalllat ) not one ulili'n. The federal It applies to thii cnuoty. We clip both froa. llale'i weekly. Tbe change io the road l are oot reditaJ, d we re gl.d of it. L'odtr the lit upiixJ Id 1879. the raadi in our aarctiea wire pot la be'ler Condition than they havs been lor jean, en 1 se lar a. wr 10 learn were well adapted to rn-cuiing fenxl hi(ha)l II the law niakin ol the Attte would allow the Ixi tn day un Changed a few mnnthl the people wnulil unileratao I th ru mors clearly, anil il emiirm wouhl ohaer.e then tetter. H.rJ'y law la paaed that ia not alter. I u: re pealed at the orxt .ranoo of the A Hem 'J. Tn lnIlonoi i- a ajnopai. ol Scnat ir Taiire'i apee.'li n Ki'lotfy rue which we lake the New Y"k Wurl.l : Mr. Vance ren l-f reKre'tiii(( tha' the diec'ianon waa likely ! Ii conducted with parti. an moiivea. The ha l"Pfe isinorlt. rrpmt ilraminr inn the attempt to rem? K .llii.'if ai one nl the rrimea ol hiilorf, had made it iiirlirlent It ruani feat that the lio-publican. were to enter the ditcn ikmi under Imnuer decorated 'Net wiih tl.a lioq rampant nor the Imp ard com hant, but tti abirl flippant, flap pant, flippant. The Incription upon the barjoer will oet he 'Iu hoc 11300 vincu,' of 'Liberty anil union,' nor E plutibui uiuiu,' hut those wurdt dear tn the his't of eearj man wbe knewi he tia. dune that which camel be lu.laiuc I lit the lift. Ilea adjudicata." II ) raid thnt a plea lor Kellogg wai I'ke a pir. lor a perse cuted horse thiel, and that (lie . merit. reert In nakini that plea wai aimoat lautaroourU tn an arrjiieicenco iu the Uct eel larth in the nujontt report. He an pealed to the It-publicani to know what that would do ha I the (Jarceloo lure elected a Senator laat winter am then bate adjourned. There wcul l hate beea ait outcry aaiont it. yet the Maite Legislature had an influitclv better right tn elect a Sjoator thai ha I the a'- fair by wbute T-Jte KiUogg h4 been tent kere. TIlOMtK J. Jill VI. Tke friendt ol the leicral aipiranti lor the gubernatorial nemieation are begin ning to muni the pralsei of their re-poct- ifo leaden, and ouieliinn (jet a little warn in ducuning the inen'.i of etch We bare always cuoce led to every man tbe right to bare hit own opinion ai to whom he prelere offi :e, and if people atifler with ui we havo nothing to aay. Hi free di.cua.tinu we arrive at bottom hrta Aa we concede the right to otlirra w e claim the right to ay whom we prrler to leal he Democratic party ol North Carolina in the not campaign , ami we lay It decidedly, We preler Tbnmai J. Jar via. There are other go id Democrat! in the State whs would do hooor t the ufli e. b it tbe race io lar aa caa be tern now has harrowed down to Jartu an I Kje le ; and without diparaiui Jil Ija Fj ie or with out tlcsiiiuif to lay auht agim-t him for he it an aaomplialieil gentleman we aay we want the einfiiiion which rwrcie in Kale gh on the 17th of June to nominate Jartia for tioternor, Q itrnnr Jar? n waa in the wa-, and b came (l iable I in one arm by a wound from a yat.kee bullet. When the war Cloird and the negroea were rulratirhiaed he lotiKht radualiam wherever he fuuml it ; nphelding deniorrary, and deiiounciug the lint and wnkednesaid the ltepubli cani without tear, and even a iiieltniea without hope. In the rotntitntinnal too Teatioa of 18(18, (ioee'nor Jaren wai one of the lew Democratic member. Though greatly in the minority an I oterpowend hj oumbtra, he repra'tdiy and con'.inualli (tagbt and desouneed every meaiuie which wai folate J up '0 u by an irrenpon aible be !y ol men who i"U;lil tn ruin the Mta'e. Governor Jarvta, it we thiuk, the nml available in an He n one ol the real tat oeianif ra In the Btaie and by h i luperior management cm bring nut a laugir nuinlier o' V itcra tha,o any other arodidate; and hia powen aa a ranvai-er Cannot bi over rated. He hai bten can veiling the State, especially the ritrrme Cait ever liei'e the war auJ he knowi a'l about It, Ue it nue ol the people and IVajea bw to lea til their I41 wla. Il Ooveroof Jarvn ha 1 no other merit, tiie oonaomioate ikill pfUirroce and )udg Rieot with wiilcb be enkneered tht Htate through tbe Weitern North Carolina Hail road Mmplicationa, by which the eaat wai relievel ol taxation- aoiV the wt.t atrorded ample Kail roa 1 lacilitiri ilt-iwi the un cUnnted boliluoi of Ibe manr ia iKneg what be bilievei to be right. In direct f peaition to evae of Ibe ableat men In Me State he called the I.egirlatnre to. Ktlhet and canted the Wntero N. V. lUil read U he eeld. He blievel It wai bit doty to rta it, Mil he alid It. Heenw how becool't iae a large turn of money to tbe State annually aad at tbe mne tioie give the road to our brethren of the well ; and be did it. Thiu4 of it. Hia Iboiiraml dollar! annually wai paid by ha people ol Kahlal county to build tiiet read. Six tbautaav! dollar! ti a large mm, and taken from our peop'e every year il a krrr.ble wetg'.f. Tbemai J. Jarvia lifted tht jokalrea our net ki and be did it without hurting the ieo,iln ol the weat. We hope thai bVatecanvealica will plaeo biro at the be I 0 tbe tioket. road i.tu. AM ACT 70 AMRM) CtlAPTKH EliilITT Te t TIIK t.AWa CY KlllllTKKN IIUND IKI) Min IKVKNTV NtSR, KKTITI.KD "AS AC f TO I'llOVIIIK Kolt KKIl'INli IN HttTAIH Til fLBI.IC UOAtH Of TIIK ITATK.'' The (I'lirrtil Aasrmbly of North Caru lii't 'h ewt' t : Skcti in 1, That chapter eighty two nl the lawi of eihU-cll buiidrnl and K-venty-nine, entitled 'an act to provide lor keep ing in repair the public ri ai'.a ol t 1j State," br amended ai tollown That the meeting nl the board n( auperviania aa pro tided in laid net ihail be held on the II"' Saturday ol Kebrdart ajdAoguat mat - ad id the drat Mndl;i 01 F;hrury, May, Auj;ul and November, and the naeben ol the laid Imardi of inperviiora ihall be cni pel led to eiamlne the raadi iu their m pective tow nalitpi only oare diiricg the year, which iid examination an I inpr tion ihall be maile d u r i n the weik f their meeting in Auguil A I the (lutui now riipircd by la to lie pertcrnied b? tin boat J ol lUn-rvirs at tl.e r mcrtinj;a 10 February and .Mitaha1! he pcrlnrmed a' the iiuetiug in Kehruary, and all tie dotiei now t' ()'iired by liar to be re lurinol by laid board nl auperviaori at 1 tin r meeting in August and N vemlir hall In: potlormed at tli ir meeting id Annual, wrh the peu iltna lor I il ,re Io iHvlofoi any one ol -md duti'i aa 1104 pn tided bf la: l', Imwcver, th t nn auperviaor ahall receive ant r iinptn a (ton lor hii 1:1 at upeitiaur ol puMir rua'a. 2 Amend lertinn lur ly ilrikirg out at the cud nl laid xenon the aor.l. ' not leu than tlirre ilnja in eai It and ttery year," arid interl tin Io loing : ' but no person ahall compelled to work mme tk n lii ditya in ant one yeir, eicept in caae id damage remltiug Irom a atoim : Pro vided, that ti n (liu ina'ead ol ix dxt be the limit ai to the counliti weal ol tht lllue KuUe. II Annul ire i n Ave ol nid a t by linking out at tlie beginning ol l I -i tirn the word! "the overaeer id the t( a I ahall lor at three ('ail in the je.r mimmon l lie hands ot hii icti o Io werk in the road," and inie-t tho loll mini; "Tlie uveneer rl the road ihH ai olin a the cnnditu n nl the road rLa I len'i re. iub ct to ilie limitati .n in the 1 rcrec ling ltd. no, aumuion the li an ill ol h 1 lertinn to work on the road, but the raid hard ihall not be rrq iiied tit work rontlniiUiitlt lor a InnuiT iioie at any nne wnrkini than two dati. and at at lenat filieeo iUm -had iiitertene between wo kingi. 11 ept In rare ol apeciil ilaaiagu to tin road reault- inj Irom a norm. 4 Auieud feellen reten bv ad lirg thcrilo the billowing: "Provided. Il at nothing lutein cortaiet hall pfte t the oteni er ol the r ad Irom proae uiing at any time alter 1 llncc haa been com muted, any hand lor failure to woik on the road, an I mi l) cat 1 ol pr recution ihall be itatcd in lua. ten rt tj t e' 10.1t of tnperviama, that (ley way net oe'r another pro"Ciitiou for tl.c ha-oe off.-nce. S Such water couraei ai are now re quired bt Uw to he kep- naien by the rei I lent along am h ronr-ea, ahall hate otir lien appointed and luimla illotu-d to ihi parti ol aurh wa er cmiraei Ijing iu then reapectite tuw n-htpl by the hoard nl iu peiviiion at tho time ami ua.'er the ami re ulatinns as ii provided lur public roa la Hald wa'er cotriia are to be cpt open loi the purpoae id iiati'ation, anil only 10 many liaadi ai are aecdaary lor thii pur pose ihall be allottel by the bond ol 1 -prrvn m, and Woik b.joiid nhnt ii 1 e ceaaary lor the pnrpnae nl keuping lich water courae open lor iiatigaii'.n h.ll Dot he required nl the overaei-'i or 'lie I anda. 8 All roada iici ) t auh ai are r.i: wayd or through ruta shall l e not In- than eigll'i-en It-ejt wi.le. clear ol trees loa and oilii-r oliatructiotia In the pnniige 1 I ordinary tenicklis, and the) tuall letm lee t 111 width In the centre ol the road way, cl-nr ol at u 111 01 an I runoeri : I'io vided. tint lection ihall not apply to the roade in thoac couutioa where ili-re it bt law claudication ol the tiidthi ol the rotda. 7. Tie board of mpeivinri alia1 1 for tli'i arcaent year, hold their incitiBj iu M iy at now provided by law an I cil. 111. all the Unto 1 at mcb meeting! 110 p e ici' e I bt law. 8 All lewt and parta ail !ai in cm fl c with the protuion nl thia art he aid the ame are hereby repealed : Piuvi ted ii-ai h cm in thii act 'bn l apiily to the counlieaol Jackm-i, Mn-on, (' ay. Ch. io kee, liraham, Serum, Haywood. Arlir. T'anaylvanin. A'li-gUanv, M c k'en'n.ri:, Watauga. M l iwell. Koraith, Yam ai. dtnkd, lKodcraon, II jncmiilic and Mad unn. 0 That the poblir road of Fo itt'i and Stukei ihall tie winked en I invelt un in till prut l;. 1111 o clupiir eighty three, lata of etgh'e n bundle I and a tentj-nioe. aa a-nemled at thii ipecial 1 1 i a and all Uwi in coi.flut with thii a -lion are hi-ie by repealed Id That thii a'l shall be in lone fr m md alter Ha ral ill -ation. Itead three tnne in the Denial ,' 111 bly, ar.4 raiifl d thii the '.'9 Ii day ol March, A I). 10. A apecial Uw wai pi-e I for Mo M n burg, Stokei and Foti t ie. but it would llil m col iiiiti nl Hale'i Weekly aud 10. terct lew ol ita rea leri, i.t iiijki:ki' likm, AN AI T Til III VK T 1 ITU I' SrilACT.'HJ, I.A- II iHUlia ANO H aTKHlAl. AI KN A I I K N KoK 1 1tk.n1 ji si' ucks : The General A sac m bly of N irth C m- una ao cnnei : Serttnii 1 Thit all iiili emlrnt on an, I Ubo-en who are employe. 'o 1 n hn 'u . null Ultima In the build in 1- or alleri.ig any hoij 1 or other improve ment on n al e-ttr t!i;i h, therenn for the amount ol luch lab r dune or material lurnn'iert, whiih Hen ihall be prelerred to the mrchenict' lien now pro tided by liw. when notice thereof alult li given hi ruin thereafter provide : Pro Tiooii, mm ine um total at ail Hie heii due mb eontiaetnri aid material m ... I not ii ei-i the imouot dua the original cont ctor al the time of ooticc given. Sec. 2. Tint aay nib contractor, Inbo 1 or material ovn. who claim a Ilea ai pro vided ia the preceeding a.ction, may give notice to Hie ownera or lraae nl ii.a r-.i eatate who aiakei the contract lor ilk Duililing or Inipri.vemrnl at any time b -oie aett eini-ni with tl.a rintnu-inr ... . the 1. id owner ir lenet ihall relue or ne . lect to retain out of tha atnoont dim n. aid contra ?tor undor tin contract aa mnch aa ahall be nut or r a mm hath. a..l oonlra-tor. lahortr or material men, the iuh-ontractr, laborer nr material man mev procce J 10 eoloree mi lien ai 11 now pranded by law, and after luch loiiraj la gives do patnuut to th rnnliaetar ihall be a orodit 00 ot dtaoliarge ol the It in herein provided lor fvo 3. Tuat tht rrntidona of eh i a n.1. lawi 1970 '77. and ih act nl .i,.rk laid rhaplor ia amendatory, ihall be ap plicable to lite enforcement ol the lies he ein provided except w' t tin the lime l-leuin nthi'Aiae provided. Hi e 4 I h a act fh-ll 11 111 Mice from and aiti-r it- in'ilic iH.-n. Head thiee tnnea 10 1 hi (ieneral Aaacm- hl-. ard ia"ll I tlila the 2 h day 0 H rcL. A. I). 18). Tim Ciiicaun Inter 0. can nyi : "Give the llepuiilican party a nan end we will not only defend him. but make It live y for '.hofe hn aiaail him." We know id ne place in Chntti n lorn where a man ( ineao an lioucal run") il reeded more than in ihe ri.k nl the Hep blicau parte. It haa ' en " lung employed in deletil inn rin". whl-kev 'h i ve, p otolll e Iraurli and oiher corrupt parti-ana that it would plei-e it in a n"Vi.l position wi re it canen upon to di'enl a ma". I nil staiwa I 0 oan nl the We. t, however, Deed have no lea 1 but it will l ave cverv opportunity to mike things "lively during the Com- inu' campaign, lor Hw Di inocra'ie ptirtv will (t to it that tlic ltepcblicam ihall have all the fuo in that liuo they may desire. ifcajUUai'lW 'WtamaT3anavaaaBVJaWHMHa1 AHYKItTISKMKNTS. i-a. Tun standard article is com x tttin l-il witli the prtitcst rare. Its circcl.s arc as wonderful and m satisfactory as ever. Jt restores cray or flcd Lair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and daii'lnit!'. It gives the head a cmilinir, soothing sensation of great coiiifnrt, and the ncalp by its UbC liccomts wliite and clean. l'.v its tunic propei'ties it restore t!ie cnpillary glands to their normal vior, prcventint; lialdness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has liecn found so cireetiial or tlesirahle. A. A. Hayes, M. 1)., State As aaycr of Ma-isachusidts, says, " The eoiislilui'iils are put 0, and carefully .elected fur excellent quality ; and I consider it the I!kst I'ih-tap-atio!! for its intended purvseH." Prtee, One Dollr. Buckingham's LDyo FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the lie.ird from gray or any other tin desiralilc shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, licing in one preparation, and quick ly and eirectiially produces a per manent color, which will neither rub nor off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL k CO., NASHUA, Jt. H. Oti j U trif rim, ui IiiUrt U MiUcUil. It N h bt-.t HLmd t'.irlrVr nTi1 t'nni!M- rv' r f 11.... t.i 1 ion- l-. nUli Tui jfiMn, n()j ,1 tlitll a (H'llfltl tH rttl i!'ai'.tea lit I'll Mil imllM III' 1 11. .M t llil w (f Itifl,t'a-1 Hi riftlural nml ni'.-.-t- i. i;t u tho rtirci.f s, r.f. tllnll .-.till Mill I Ml t . II (ill.. 1, S ft I 111 IliM .! f, tin-. ml, .iK (', r-, I 1. rri mil iih f f.r I'VUV (. I l Vi'l ill,. . fl.l' SJOIM... ,, ,,HftIj. 11 ' ml l'.t litv, M,v, nr .un. I I-a ii.,- tt1. llillri-. It la uiit'i.u.UMj a mi hjh-'H 1 tii t r.-tjn 1 ,r (. , It n.t in. .ti. ui, h ) ,,i i te,an frerv f.ini. ,,v nn l ' 'f 11-. I. HI,, nvi U.o Jt liii i.i -.I 1 1 1 m r 1 j- d.n-1 .ra.' v M.lti. lv.,v.I,Mt , ...!lU a1, j, i'j 'j in iiiiiin O it 11 d lli iih ra id in Mi ll I no rI l ITI'l ln.rj. SlH.H. WARNER CIL iri(, Rofartirnirr. T. E -pnprt kiiti I f4iiniumaii. 0 "v. 1 .1 f. t 1; .1.1-1 'piik ri.M K to iu y vnrit oiHios. Groceries! flu -a. tti.)i-.Mi ln,,l, In the . .wn,.t VVelil,,n. N e,- North CAItoi ,t.A l!s!;', ,K-r...iii. t unli-elluiii rlea ol hII Hliulaj Mrr uu ri-iih. My II.Ml I. loi kf-il Willi Mie aiol fure.t l.'.ii. r i.t. vrri .1. eri.oii. I .ill and i-e un-. 17 F SLFPaF, t'tral Nlrrrl. Ui-Man, ft. '. LOOK 11 EKE4 READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tbei ('urnor, and bny yoor CbBRp gowla from W II BHOWN. THE LEAUKR or LOW PRICES. Ha keaapa alwaya on band a full liao of Kniral iner. Iihii Iio, aiirb aa Iloota, Sbooii, llata, Capa, lirv Honda, Nollona, I'm ket Cutler.-, ltai ira, llomery, Aa. A lo a full line of prooorlpa, C'lieap for Caah. t'nruor lit St. and .Vah. Avenun. . WaIL.ll .ix, N, C. nirly 1". 1 P WlllMVfrl rT'itiiT.ia;51 NEW ADVEltTISKMKl'TS. i 'preparitioi i of IRON and CALISAYA BARK, ft...n.l finnl fit blHt 1. remalt DlitiMi, i'r-rw ar a. ii ai Iimii Tonic (inn il.-iif wi.iiiIit hrr. A bny who hint lncn il.H-lnrriJ nrtrly !' il illi fur ev- ril , an. Ii Im i n run l t( l-liit inl YrMtt iirirtit fir trie 11 x m J hi II aliTlXK'N li4 TONH'. Wlli. h rUfl her fri'in h.-r tn-il. hi-rc shi h.t't wvr tlim of your Iclnr sltv crr H'-mhA. HK(-t. . rd anij F t Ha a mm wr -.rz m aa aa ia r. mtwz.' n 11 P I . I I J ilavs' 1 J 1 1 3 1 ' 1 a 1 mm m m - 1 r-- t KNTIIRVIULK, IlfcX I ATBlt MAKUFACTUHBD BT 14 mJl. THB DR. HAHTER MEDXCIKB V. M aNOBTH aXAUi JBTK.EET. ST. MUIS. Kahruary 19-ly 1)K, M. W. CASE'S TONIC RADICAL RECULATOR FOlt CONSTII'ATION. BILIOL'SNESS, DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT, ANO ALL UIHf.ASE.1 OF THE BLOOD. AN KI.EUANT COMPOUND OF EICAI.TPTTS. ronopiIYLLl.X, SAIISPAH1LLA. WITCH-HAZEL AND HOrfl. ir 1 TONIC, A-TI III I.IOI. J, ALT Kit IT I VK, AMI ItKKOLVENT. POPULAR V II IC E S; ilnjlr Ilottle, Lnrti Slc, 50 On. Kor aale bv IU. A. H. OI.MrOKFKK. ItRO., DHUIiUISTa. WHOLESALE AND E tVKKY UOOV LOOK IIKKK 1 1 wIhIi to Inf.irm tb citlaena of Hnlifax romitv, nml tho public Kiiiiiirnlly, llut 1 keep a lirat rlaxa Iiouho In tho town of ftt'OTLtND NKtK.N. V. I hate a oomplole atnrk i f GROCERIES A CONKECTIONERIES. My bar ia atoek.l wltb tbo choieeat Kroneb, Apple, and Pcneh llramlira, alio all kimla of Whiekima, Wines, Uiu, Huid, and CliumpHgne. III-T nUANMorWHIXKIRK A PPKttlAtTIT I.aimr Reor In Itottloa and on DraiiKlit, Kmnilli-a niippliiKl at lowor ratoa by tbo ilor.en bottliw. 10,000 ( liaraol tbe. Brat Brands I hare a firat clia nFTAI'KANT AND llll.I.IAItn NAI.OU.V attarbi-d tn th Iioiih. I will onilcayor to pleam all wbo will honor me wltb tbolr pmronauo. 1IEKR HUTTLIStl A SPECIALTY. Order Tor ( ratm Filled mt Hkart Aotlrr. Tbo tmdfl will find it to tbtlr advHiitngo to order from ua. O.Oi'KNIIKIMKR, Hign I'nntral Salnon, oct 2.1 Sm. Kcotland Nw:k rjiOJIT Fit I FN Uf AT WFLOON. Wo aro bettor prepared than ever to anpply you with your spring aud suin- mur C L 0 T II I N G :oo: EITHER too: RKADY M AUK OK MAl)!( To Olll'Kll. In our Ifialy Mndu ilop.irlnient, wo have an liiinienae atoi-k at lowoat CASH prima. In onr en-toni department vt make up Iu boot atylo. MnltM Io Mfnaoro (115 ai I'pwurdn. I'anla lo lfraare l at t'pwarda. -SEND EUR SAMrLEi. i:T.i 1 1 uisiu(a' oouiim. SEND FOR CATALOGUE - We bare added a now dopirtmcnt for HATS, MEN AND BOYS. M. ADAMS A RERRY, Coruor 1 it Ii and Main Snoot and 1.17 Rroad Street. RICHMOND, VA. apr 8 .1m. IIU1K UKKATKST INDUCEMKNIM 1 EVEltoKKEKEI). M. E. K ULL 113 foTl AJIOKF fT. rETticsnntu ta. Will anil yon tlie Flnost Readv-tnale Clolblng for tbo toast money, in tlie (LOT II IV (J Tit A III:. Men and ltova Suita in OroBi v. rUi i Sunrlor Kit and Wnrkmai.alilp, Lilil Sprlnir auita of Kreneh Cjalmere, in K"at aariniT, luiv Willie I'M I ro III J.M'ta to 5.tHj earb, Striin.d Numiner Couu feom riTroa un to any prion. Cl illiinir node U) order in Iwt manmir, al ahnrtiMt notice and loweM prleea, Tolloraj Tniuiiiiiig-i, UenU Fur lilalilnu tiooda, DKY liOODII. Tbe larnoat and m l complete otork of !re atimiila, lloiiHxlira, Nollom Lvlloa Loidi rHHar and vrvlbiii, that a tienllo man, lady or rbild wean, Irom the oourNOHt to tbe l-u Kamplm Million appll.-atlon, and ordoiH lilln.1 promptly, llooila warrnnted to give aattnfaotloli, Keuiotulwr the place to call or order your Roods of M. K. KULU 145 Sycamore atreol. Pelf rartnirn, Va. J"ILLINKVI MII.UNKRYM MRS. M. E. KULL No. US Sycamore alreet, PETERSIil RG, VA. Io eeinnaifltlon wltb the aboTe houee oflers tbe lr(rvt and moat aelecl flock i f Millinery In Ibe Houtb. ot wholi4-Hle and retail at inannfacturora' prloca. Itomieta and h.iU, bridal bntinela am1 Telia, minor and chl.dreo'a Kood, obi ladlea' Konda, glove and corietH, ribbona, Main and ilea, volla, wrentlu-N ami (jar lamla downri and plntuva, mdlara, cull, and rucliinir, paraaols and umbrella holaery, allka, iiailiia, velveta, hair (jood Iji1Ioo dmaaea mado to order; gnodn and trlmmliiK furnished complete. All onion fillo.1 prornpily. Any ardolo not auilin oan bo exebanged to pleaso. Rnapoctfnlly, Mlt'i. M. K. KULL, 115 Sycamore Sin ot, j (M 23 tf ftilorabuH, Va. In combination with the Phosphates. 2T 1 1 - 1 Want ol VHalllr, Ac. It. H.irlrr . Wa .I.,,..-- lirown of hnu rc')i't'tfd ... f.ii.lir ion III sraU'lill arknowlciljfiiit iiifc fu'r the $rck bine- nm hli wifr rt . fr.tu the uic ot Juur HmN Thmc. Mr If ! Uwi. nT Inula". or l..tirlniii'lrr.l .lulUnni'M iorH' hllli. tw' t ttl- Ihon TuMf illt Iht nn.n- u I tiian U nllmr nipti- iimsI. Mir n ImulilrU will! IHriMgtmtM v from which ih It luucli rtUfvi-rt. RETAIL ACENTS. ALWAYS DELUCT THJ3 BEST.' ifV4f,Al heady ron xanttsszATS traa Ii enHnM by emr PHACmOAL PATNTER. C0VER1NO CAPAOITT a D0BABILIT7 rXCFKDAJTY KNOWN PAINT, lluildinrt raintnl withonrrrr-parrj Piinta, if n"l latilfao io'ri'" u' acpaiaiea ai out tipomo. FOR SALE BY A. R. ZOl.I.irOKKKR ItUO., June , 1 y NVel.loll, N. C. V ALUABLE LANDS KOR SALE. We heve for sain nod on eaay and reason ntiln te ma, the following valuable tracts oflaml Mituttted In Hulifax county, N. C: 1. That tract formerly belonging tn V. P. Solomon, deceased, tknown as "JClm vood," ootitainins; ahout ItHO aoroo and ad joining lands of Dr. U.ll. Macon, deceased and olliors. 2. 1 lie t rants formorlv bcloimioK toJun r. Randolpb, ami localod near (Trowells . Koails, one tract known as tlia Kodenrs tract and coiiUlning about lit) acres, tbe other trant known as the "Cuckran" or "Mullen" tract aud containing about 300 acres. 3. A tiact xltnatod in Warren coiintr about tbrao fourths of a mile from Little ton on the public road loading from Ibal place lo Warrenton, and containing about jri acres, ami aojolmng the lands of Mrs Wr. t lias. Mhliiner anj nthero. 4. Tlie tract piirchaaed by ff. H. Shields from the sdniini-trator of Jacob Higgs, deceased, containing about 3IK) acres and aiioining me mmls or w. ll. Sbields, Ueo, r. I'oiie and otliors. rarties seeking in formation as to this tract, can call upon us or John C. Kandolph Eq. All tbeso lands are iu health V sections. If not ilisi.oMid ol ur'vntoly before that timp, we hball nlTor said lands at public auction on inn lirst Monday in October. 1'iirtli-s wishing to purchase would do wen to ran upon us lor liirormntlon. Ml'l.LEN A MOORK, Alts, llalilax N. V. aprlOtf V. J. naw; BAKER & CONFECTIONER )V ELDO N, N. C. A Terj l.irK" ti).'ly of C A K ft R , CRACK K It ft . PAKDtKS I'll KMC II AMI PLAIN, H A I N I N ;, y It U 1 T ., S U T H, e. Tlie lnrir."t stock of Toy. ol every variety ever i'iv'u g..t 111 mm iiinrii-i. Or.l. r- f..ri-:in.liia ealies, Jie., filled at shortest nuiire ai .oriin-ni .riei'H. VV.t -Hilar and other parties supplied as cheap I in- rni'jit--o. ,ti- la Iy, 11.11. ESTABLISHES 1H3I. Old Urlinlile Jwelrj Klore ol ARTHUR C. FREEMAN, II AS REMOVK.D TO 171 MAIN s; NORFOLK, VA Where cm bo lound a full lino of Welches, Jewelry, Chains, lilashrs, I'.illlolls, Silver A'arp, Wedding and I'liL'S'-inni'iit Rincs. at prices ilofyinir cunipi lltion. AOiiress ARTHl'R ('. FREEMAN, Norfolk, Va. Watchf-ft flllll Jutrolro ronulr,! antt war ranted. Uooila bent on approval. on amy. V ALUAULE MILLS KOR BALE. Wishing lo changn mv linsit.esi I offer for sale tho Osceola." Mills In Halifax cuunty. N. ('., on Little Fishing Creek 11111111 iliKl.-l v on the Lnuishuru and Hall- fax rood, throe miles west of llrlnklcv ville, and lour miles east of Areola. Said .Mills are in IhroiU'li, now iiihi Iiim ery and ampto w.iloe p Wi r, attached to aanl prupnriy Is s arisi.saw and l ouring mills and in a separate building 100 lent irom 1 11 11 mill is a new gin house with all neriMsa'v arrangements fur miiinir. Also a new i-lnie Iioh-o, two roouis, one 3.".xtll icei, snu one mils loot, anil a new dwe I nig tliree rooius each ltx 18 feel, thirty eight (3S acrea i.f Ian) attachwl t aa'ld proHirty. Terms easy and reai unable. Address U. OSi A It II A RKIS, Littleton, N. 0. feb 5 8 m qotion uin For sale. " I have for sale a Hfly saw Needle Cot ton, In go -d repair, 'ariies can see :li' lin at .lohi M. Foote's Koundrv, Aeld m. N. c. 4, m. MULLEN.' sprlTl! JAND POSTI'.U. We the underKlgned, bpinby wnrti all P'Tsons wlinnisoeviir, not to Hunt with Inns, Dogs or Fishing lai-klo, or other wise tnspass on our land ImmnliMl aa fol owa, on ibe Kast by Ihe VT. ,t W. R. 1 on tin. South bv the county Road leading from the H. .V. T. Ka:r grounds. 011 tl 0 Just by Chockeyoiio Crock and on lie Vorth bv the Corporate limits of the town il Weltlon. iio.lne tl... i.A.... -1... 1 1. . ...iviiia in-iinuy ui the law. Ki-b. 2ltli l.V?f). K. W. D N1KL, tl.ll LYNCH, fob M0w T. 1 EMRY. 1 t... 1 m 1 3 r jii. 1111 1 --rixor ' 1 aa ic ADVERTISEMENT. gl'ILL TIIKY FLOLKISHI OB. A. K. ZOLUCOfrXB A BBOTHEB, DRUCCISTS, WELDON N. C. Hae lost reoelred and are daily receiv ing, fresh supplies of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE8TI1FF, PERFUMERT, SOAPS, STATIONARY, COMBS, BRUSH ES. TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, RED AND WHITE KEROSENE OIL. Also a full line of confectioneries ooraist- lng of PLAIN and FRENCH CANDIES, APPLES. OR A NOES, NUTS. cakes, fc. A p. They are tbe sole Agents here for tbe RED C OIL 150 DEGKEEN FIRE TEST. Tbey alwaya keep on bund the largest aast rtinent ol the finest 5, 1(1, and I" cenUi Clgnri tn be found In the town of Weldon, which they guarantee to be equal to any In the market, and are sure tbey oan please any judge of a good cigar at any price ranging from 2 to 2ft cents. Tbey alao keep the best article ol Smoking aud chew ing Tobacco. Mr. D. B. ZollloolTor, one of the tbe firm will remain durl g the winter In Haiti more, where bo will have an opportunity to select goods 01 the best quality at Dot. torn prices. T ey respectfully Invite tbe public gen erallv to call and examine their stock No charges for looking. Tbey will take great pleasure In snowing their good and quoting ortces, Respectfully, DR. A. R ZOLLICOFFER. BRO. Look lor Sign West side Wash. Ave, Weldon. N. 0. Prescriptions carefully tilled and pa limits treated under tbe immediate super vision ol Dr. A. R. Z illicotfor, who with thanks for past patronage continues tbe practice of medicine as heretofore and can be found at . .IlicofTcr's drug store at all hours night and day, when not profession ally engaged. out. 9 Om. QIIAVEltVIIOUMUrOWDElt I This powder has been brouirht befoee the pub lic alter lonjr soliettntlon by gentlemen who have experience in its eftleleney, and In no ease where it has been useil as dln-eti'd has It failed lo effect a certain and Hpecily etire. In several Instances when? this nobles! of all animals lay helpless. And iriven up to tile, after all other known retneilies had used to no effect, s-rni.iiieiit relief was found iu the uao of my Pow.ler. L'ion Its merits alone I am willing to rlak Its riseorfall. It Is no humbiifr, as the following iri'Htic me n, among others who have used It, will attest : Ilr. John 0. Jacobs, Rtchaquare, N.C. J 11 l.eek, K BuiiKhain, " " 1 r K HaiiKliam, " " J H Farmer, " " J W ll.uton. " K 11 BauKhain, " I, W Drew, Bryant's Orosa Roads. N. C. A Tann, " " " )r Jenkins. Roxobel, " W JCapehart, " " Thus l'nielmrt, " " John Itrowu, " W J Bishop, ' Ami iu fact, all other person, who have given It a fair trial. For all diseases of the horse It lias no equal, also lor cattle, hoirs and other domestic animals. It always causes the horse tosh-d, Improves the appetite and puts him In a Koixl, healthy condi tion JAME (WAVER. Veterinarian, Kiclixiuare, N. C. mr 15 ly This Is to certify that I naed Chavers' Horso Powders on a horse that was rtnll ami had a poor appetite and It ill J for him all that waa claimed. I think it Is a splendid meillehie tor horses, ami n-eommenil it 10 tho public as valuable preparation tor atoek. JOHN W. BUXTON. Riehsoiiare. N. C. Feb. 13. 1 have usod Chaverti iiorse powder for horses and bogs, and find it to Improve tueir condition very much. It has cured hog. of kidney worms. Miied with an equal quantity of powdered cabonate ol Iron, I believe It will on re any case of risiuia. more ia no humbug in thla menu-mo. 1 lake pleasure Iu reooinmend ing it lo all. W.T. BURGESS. Ricbaquare N. C, JOUIS HILLIARI) ft Co. COTTON COMMIS8I05 MEHCHASTS, NORFOLK VA. Full prices and iulek roturni guaranteed. B USUEE'8 CRIMINAL MUEST ConfHins all the Decisions of Ihe Supreme mnri on criminal law and all the Crimi nal Statutes. I'rice diirinu Janourr II AO al'terwHrds .i.0U. I have examined with some care Hustxxi'a Crim hhI Diirest and haaa bn III let favorab v linrireHsed bv it. 000 1 ueem ir. ni great value to me lawyer and nlhera called on La arlmlniaiap 1110 law, and give It a hearty reoommrnda- on. w. k. H. Smith. Chief Jtiatinn Annrarn Pnnrl We COrdlallv concur l.l thai aUva estamate of Mr. Ilusbee'a work. Jolt!. If. Dillard, Thou. S. Asiir, Associate Juat'ses." Addreas EDWARDS, BROUGHTON A Co, . Raleigh K.C. Jan 22 tf. XTt'TICE, For sale, one half Intereat In a flrl.i Mill and Cotton Gin on (niocln.nt a vi0t , una inns irom oiaon. The mill anu gin nave a gooa run of cusU in. Applv to A.R. BAM, or J.T.UOOiM. jan 2itf FURNITURE. We haye Just placed In our W a re room 1 A Large falvrk of New Farnltur. OF ALL KIMVHOF THK LATEST DliSiaM. MATTRESSES VERY CHEAP FUE5ITCEE AT lORrOU AUD FETE1SBUB6 PBICES. All sorts of furulture sola). UIIEAPER THAN EVER, rail and lie convinced' SL BORSr. YYKLD03, N.-C UOV Jfttl I ADVERTISEMENTS. JOTICK! MOT1CK! READ! READ 1 1 BEAD) If f 1. L. BASS ft CO. have nmovosl th( TACRANT from their old place oa First to the CR E EN FR-.ONT. r Between W. U. Brown's store anit Froaaott,5 Oooch'i store. 1 MB ALU AT ALL HOURS OF DAT FORllcti Paaaenirors on the trains can (ret raeali ekn,' and as good as anywhere elie. Pleasant roo polite servants, clean services, and eyerjtb In rlrst-class style. '- i ALL THK llKLICACfEfOF THE HEA80I, Meal on the Bnropean plan. Ton jay , -what yon (ret. , JA8.L. BASS, CO, I oell-ly Washington Aveaw, A. WRENN fc tON. ' Manufactnrersofand Dealer In allklidm CABRIAOES, UASRISS, ABDLU, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, 1 WHEELS, AXLE, v FARM WAGONS, IIORSE CLOTHING, LAP ROBES, A, Not. 14, 16, 24, and 26 Union Street, NORFOLK, TA aep 18 ly "LXIR SALE. U The following valuable real estate Iyin near Tillory's Mill, in Halifax count;, about nine miles from tbe town ofHaliui, About 360 acres including steam englit, saw mill nud fixtures, gin, gin nous tti fixtures, adjoining tbe residence of J, I Tillery. Mike Wllklns, that contains aboil ft acres. Pope place containing about 150 serai, i interest in Wade H Tillery tract, Ik wliolo containing about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attormy, : Halifax N. C. jtily 31tf . OUTUEKN HOTEL, HALIFAX N. C. J. W. MULLEN, PROPRIETOli Table woll supplied, clean rooms w attoulive servants. Meals 60c Lodging St A Livery Stable also kept where tots may be hired. Horses fed and well attend to, by experienced hostlers. The travel ng publlo will da well fjoikT at the Southern Hotel, Juae ( 1 7, W. BROWI'I OLD EILIABLI D X IT 0 STOll la always supplied with Frenh O'Bja aud Medicines. NEW (1001)8 RKCK1VRD B7BRT WlU The atoek of faxct noons, TOILKT ARTKtt.RS, LAMP UOOI1S, ILLDMI.VATIXO and LU URIC ATI KU Oil.., rAISTH, I.RADH, I.I.NSRKD OIL, and all Painters Materials will bi aiwayi fiiat to be full. Warden Heeds and Field Seeds la iiaaoa. Choice pnre Wines. Whiskies and Brands) tor Mi-illral oae. Fine Cla-ars, Lhiwiaf ami Suioklna; Tol.acco. Prompt Attention to all Or-trt by Hall. "7"irians iimaeripiiena earerauy t- nolinr-l. l,V n.n.u.l...i .l..b. -1 .11 K . . 11 ra ill , , it,., 1 tri .l M-'.-. ' or night. Call aud wa mi. ... R. W. BilOW.s, oel tf Wli.iHiN, N.C. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POVVDM' Will oiira or praran. Dlaaaa. No llosaa will die ot 1', Pcrra or Lv ,r , tta.l( KnutEa I'owilrraara naed Intlnia. r.aitt'a l'owili-ra w ill rurc anil prearnl lloo CnoLa-w y.Ktial Fow.lcra will praaant dim i ri'""i ruula-a Powilria will lacreaaa .ha quanllt' ' ami erani twani; per couu, aad oiaKa tl. tar i" anil aweel m Knwiteea will enra or peaot alma" piaaaaa o which losvca ami l aula ara auliHs-l- roi-ra'a rownaaa will oito SaTiar&OTioS- 6old lYarjwliera. daiid a. rouT. ropne. . HALTIMOUI, Mat FOB WALK BY DR. A, R. ZOLLICOFFER BRO, I y Weldon, N.C. , It F- BUTLEB. fire aad I.lle laaaraaee Ai Places risks of all kind In flrsl-cliU Companies aa low as sslejt j will permit. Call and aee me bo fore Insuring else where, at RR0W" DRTTO HTORE Wtldon, KC! July 13 I j.

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