I t i THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKRTISINQ RATF.8. ' r 4- IS- Ill k; It! "I . i . w r i - f k i i I' THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC ; W.B ll K h Y N J5 W STATlll PUBLISHED BY L.H. LO.IU t W.W. nLl. .1 .- On Year, In advance, Six Months, " , furee XmtlU, 1 2 On I 00 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. U B Q. W, IURTK1S, "' 'Dar eoii Dontlat. Offlss over W. II. Brown"! Dry floods Store, WBLnOX, N.C. Will ! varties at tbolr homes when desired. , Tc rmn Hoasoual.lii. ocUIMy J it, a b i z z a. n n, . 1 A.TTOHSEYAT I-AW, ; t ur , ' f . lUUI'AI, K. C. - Offlea In (hi f'nart House, "trlrt attention . (tlntoall branches of tho profession. Jan It ly - "H T. B R A N C H, ATTORNEY AT LAW. T . . xtfVIBbD.M.C, ?, Tractlces In th counties o( Halifax, Nash JtdRMonibe and Wilson. Collections triado In al ssKof Ui State. Ian If t ' 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, ii , t. ". ' ' V.'- WELDON, N. C. sf nselal attention (riven to eollcrtlona and fttnlManma promptly made. , nay Hf. AMI If, HBLLIM. JUUS 1. HUORK. UltIK MOOSI, y ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX X. C. Praattm Irilhe wilills'Vlr1fa Northamp ton. Rdieoeo-iilia, Hilt anil Martin In the Nu nretaoTieomt of ilho S'aW nl.ln tho JSodoral Courts of tins Eastern District. Collections imiili) n njprtof tho Mate. . Jau 1 ly j-'A M'BS B. 0 ' H A R A. i . i " ATTORNEY AT L4W. 4 . ,.. KXFIELP, . C. - -J Traevieea in th emts of riallfax and sdinln- 5ln eoantlcs, and in die iSuir ami federal (courts. Col eetkits mats in any purl of Mm i State. Will attimi! af thV rrtnrt'lioiise In Hnllfn ' n Monday and Friday of each wrk. jiin llf . I'JJ RT BollTo"!-? It. . ATTOUSKY AT LAW. IULirAXS.C. Praetleea In the nourtsnf Halifax, and ad)ln" lnir eonntlea. In the Stiprine court of t!u Hate, and 111 the Federal riMirts. Will irlve uieclal attention to the collertinn f claiina. and toailjiistliif the e il .h of ex- eatora,dmJnbtratnra and icuardlana. ' . f dec 15tf Gf7 ATTOKMEY AT LAW. ' " HALIFAX, N0. - Pratle In the eonrta of Halifax and adlnln- tar eountlei, and In the Supreme and Federal ' rt. Claims eolleeted in all parts of North tare Una. OHlea In tlia Court Hotiee. Jnlyllf tFT STOMAS X. HILL, Atteriiry at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Pratle In Htllfax and nillolninr fountle aa4 Federal and M'.tprAtn eourtH. Will le at Scotland Neck, oime eycrv fort miiat. an" If J-Ori. B. BATCH ELOK. H ATTORNEY AT L1W, BALEian, y.c. - 'E ) PraatUet In the emirtt nf the th Judicial ilnt aad 111 the Federal and Hupreme t'ourte. -- nay U t. U A O K . i' ; ATTVRtlCY AT LAW, ARYSBUR'3, V. C. - Pi'Mtlee In the ootirtu of NorlhampUm and lllolntnz eonntlea, alno In the Federal ami Su 14 '- yrama courts. June )t tf. " tf , i. it- a. c. ntLurorPER. X) 11 X0LL1C0,1'KI1- - i ATTORN EYS AT LAW, i wui.no.f, n. c. Fracllea Inthoeourfa nfHallfaC and adjolnlnrr !iirirl,aRi1 In tlia supreme and Feileral aonrli. ! Claim collect. I In any part of North Camlltia. v One of thojllun will aUavn he found In the Ct K. . U'MUMTKB, ' isSa scsruT. . Ok b found at bl nltlc in KndeKI. Par MitroaaOiUli (Jia fnr tlia Pain (a kxtraallag f Teulli alwaya on baud. Ju2i tt. ; KB II E TV 7. BU R TO If, ATTORNEY AT L1W, W2LD0N, N. O. t' Praetlre In tlieeonrts f IHIIfax. Warren and Rd)oinlnir count i,4 anil In the supreme and F,'d. oral cuurta. (Maluu otdlected in any part o( Jtorth Carolina. June 171 f 4Jl H,.MIrUJR- ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,e v -i Scotland Niiok, Halifax Cocwtt N. C Practice in the enmity of Halifax and adloln Ina; oountlea, and lu the Vuplxua court of Iho HUle. r my. VOL. JX. Burning Old I.etlor. I.niijp h,pt trcnsuroH. (tlil nn1 fnib'il, Y-llowt'.l hy Ih tfui.-li nf liuir, Kmiiirht with Hwcct ami pri-i-ioiiM inimnrt'f), WonlHnf lov.'ftnJ tlnuis'lita Htil'Unii1. n,i'T(n'iilly I now cihIk them T' tho iTimmin, ctiPliiiK flnnn-, Sliici tln'Hi' frlcii'lly tokt'iittcam'. But hiw nnl stmI utrimr tint iluty. Ami wtiflt vancil tlmuirhtM firiso A- tllt'HM Old Mlt, fH'lt'it li'ttiTM Hani ln'for'' iny tfArful cyt'jt. Ah' whHt lffin hive Uy tnairhl ln, ; ' Ah! wlmt joj.i nn1 nrmwH imnnrM ; Oir with htiw iiiiich ovi- ftiul wN.jVui, An tttcMi Hlli'iit i'(ifr'H frmiKht. Ht I lru that fri' DOnblim rrUh I ik-thcHf ittiTH In tin- tl;um ; Vor an yt'ur.i trniir rhatiiri'H tn hh, Frw tn hi'iirt rcmiiui tho umt. Hnint whn writp thi-i tfiidur DilitKtvm I'anK iih im'W lit itilt'iu'ii ky t Hum who jirovt'il uutrt Iruu anil CoiiHtaut, Now IxMiiath ttiu willows lliv Long k"i-t b-tliTi. td and fa'1Ml . KiuUi frmii f rUiil nr f tho wim, Wttll H tnoth'T'l ret 1 1? II i.f HIlillU'MH, 1 COIlHtKh tlH'lll tit till ttllllti. THREE TIMES. 'Come, Helen, dear, " "i " to 'lie memiuwi to cutuo liouio witli brother John do !' And Lilly Lranie'i voice grew pleading as she watched the ool'cr luo ol tbe jrirl who ttouil lu ibe door Itiokinv dowu icnu the rcen lawn thai Moped nwij from Iho hnuso toward the river. I wild j eclioul was not done. I, lilts whit mikes JOU 8n nbel lo-dev i' q')es lioDed Am; in a whisper, as Lilly stood looking wittlullf toward tho meadow. Bulora the toting vofeioess ceulJ an wer Lilly called : Will you come, dear Mies Utiles, aud meet brother Jo'.p I There be is.' Helen Arnold shook her heal, and tbe two niiia ran do wo to meet the lall, sturdy young man, who seemed to hriiis;1 ith htm thu scent nl the hay t tint lay IickIiIv cut in 'lie mi'udowj. The liciuiy and brishtnes ol the sututnet seemed double d al be came iid across lha lawn, lintcninn eii:eily to the char, happy voices ol the Kir's Helen Arnold stood in the (foot door- w,y, waiting with a trtmihliuK ytrniu to u.isay the baty words nl yester lay, but he t;afe her on oppartunity, nihsin in at tbe side floor ami seeing not lu noticj her. All day, a Ileleo Arnold had (oiled in the liille schonlioom she lal theilht ol' I din I. lie, and wished (oil, unw i ur- iiuntly 1) that she bail niiitei brloro sav nn lh.it N,' w bicb sail lid not tnenu, She hrg n to letl bow lanely lile could tie ev Hinoni; the pleaant sights and sounds nl the t'liuiitry. and that her hunyai cs an '. hiihtnmi ol spirit riiuitu the loiit! h ' ' ' v summer ba I Dot cu all on account l pie Mm t nil I heitltby suirouiidins. She went Into the house and up to her rntun to bide her fa' e as she brooded uvcr nil- (IfHSitit tbouiibls. i6 nl lile's yuMon oppo lunitits hud breu nil' red her, hud she hid cast it aid, mid noiv it was i;on- leiever. This was thu hist day ol her en liajeinunt as gu'erntss, and she wonul soon iorel her. Sut perhaps he intht live her a ch ince y . tn returu a dtnerent answer. A blush martled her pule clock, and the blue ivts utrw ttnui(;e!T dink and briu'ht, t she Rent In the mirror to arrange the Roid I. town huir that lell over tier neck in ti tcclnl etirls (the smiled a she aw fiA clcd the liiulll ss pictute, and lib a new hope went down la joiu the fa in 11 if at theeveuiu meal. J ibn sat iu bis aecus omed seat, very quiet a us ial, hat his esaer eye drank in the xipisite loviliness f tin- joiinj; yirl's face an l Hjtlie as she c uius mini I In her p'sce. l'et lisps he tear, in b.r downcast, tcndireyis, the ilninge lht bad come over her, but be uuvo her do intinidion l il, an I alter supper, wbcti ih rhildren romped about her aud called Prother John tn place a wreath el vt d floaera on her bcid, be showed no signs ol etnliariass. inent nr euiotioii, but talked to bet t. olly as if the ton had been his sister. Helen was a little stp;ry. Is it a wonder I for she thoii jhl he bad been tntlini;. and that she could not bear, A (Jre bl zed uu in her d'-rp blue eyes, an I burned brightly a tier so t cheeks, John wstehed her litaa'i'ul luce s1 varying color, aud irlo ed in his triumph ; but, oh, when was Klory nut huiht too dearly I lie leaned over her, aod touched lightly her tull hand. 'Did you not mcao ves I know you love mo Ws shall be very tupp.' 'Iinnudent I D)I not know my own mind 1 Love you I' Aiuer prompted the word, and as soon as ibet wie uttered -he wt-hrd they weie ii ua nil ; but John Lobe could rot know it;a'id il be bid, perhnps ho would pot have lonjiv.-n her. His lice t!iew very pale, and he turned away without a word Years parsed aay. and tntttine lavorrd John Leslie. He hecune a successlul mer chant, aud tberei'ore was a maik lor matri monial ambulation ; hut still he If uhted not bn head aootii marriage. At last tbe pleasint, ins'diilstinii ttisnimK. who lulkeil t him soswtttly an I arficiionalely nlxint 'lie dear unls who weiu their urrivic: trea urers, cnt to sayini unkind things ahoiit the 'crss old bsicbeloi' In hind his b ii k. ' Ol w n t use ws it, to be sine, to alravs behsve an prettily to nch a re sitvi'd lid fil'owt He eilnd to Care nothing t all lor Isd es. Lilly tooiiKht sit. fly at her weildmit with I)r .M iynird, Prother John would come out ol bis nl iirinenl and make some ol (he marrt lyrnldo ladles nl her a1 iiiiiintaneo happy tlp n bv, and lit did ; but it was I shot .-lived liappineHS. lor il sss a lnj time belore ho attain left till liUMIHH. The I rut Ii was but the yoiins ladies d1 1 no' nm lo know it il John L' lHo bad wanted to many any one ol Hum. or all Ol llwni tvofibtr, ha vrnult' haa a kel ihem. Itetnir will sstisfied to let iiiiii-ts lake 'heir course he did not trouble him self ruurli about what was t-Masini outside ul his liusinias, hut plodded srrdily on wsrd. Now, when he weiit out to Dr. Maynani's, be had the little Lilian to csres and talk to, as well as he pioud and happv minima, and lis isent alienor than brlnie the baby cam One day while baby sat on bur uncle's knee, Mrs. Mivnard siid : 'My old It lend Helen Arnold is romliiR lousy iwhilo with ui, John, and I want you tn run out as alien as you Can, (nr she is so very quiet and reserved that I want to stir iter up a little. Ytt mod net be alrairl nf her talking too much, She never duel Oiat.' ; " Jorin' tossed the baby, and tlia baby'. mother wis 10 pleased I ace Ibe littli WELD ON, one'i delight, that tbe farcot her brother did not i r ply. However, it wat several weiks belore he ventured to visit Dr. Maynaid'a niaim - Then it-was ooly otter an urgent eotrtsly from Lilian, ' ..'e are so loBcly she wrote.' 'The doctor is away, arid though Helen Js the best IiicdiI io t lie world, uu I bsby lovrs her fio drarly ; I want you l c io oud, I miss my (tear old broth; .- Jelio.' Do com! by the next train. I will stud lo aieet you. 'Liuas,' Helen Arnold sat at the pUeo, stpoing sold, snd touching tlia keyts lightly; aud Lilian played with the baby, and laughed at her ci'Diunu ways nno minu lha mil looked out tl (he window and Irttted at John's delay. 'D ar me, I don't ten why he doesn't come I' snd the went to lha window for tbe fiftieth time aud had almost bran lo imagine , iniiirlbinK drcatllul had 'hap pened, when she suddenly whirled found with aerv ef dcii,bt. 1 "I was lookini; at a bsaulii'ul fiUluie,' aalj Joho, iu the doorway ; and si sin sprang lor af I be canght her in hie ai and gave a return lor the catn-es t ehowered npnn him. Re'oreshe had tin i tn think ef Helen, baby set up a cry ol de light Uo, nl course. She wn such a knowing child ; and her lrie,hted msinnin took her ap, aud talking gweet bah talk to her, carried her up to tho DU'.scry, After she was quieted aud ret'.ed a little, she was left with Husan, and Lilian rim down to the drswinj-room to ate 'den old John.'i wondering nil the tiiro il bu would be pelitc to Helm. 'Good gracious I' This was nil she id, as she opened tho door aghast. What do you suppose she saw ? 1'heie rva' John, blown, handsome John, sittii'U on thu foU, smilii.ti. mid apparently very hippy ; tuid IL Ira A 'old, with a crim son lace, sat quietly mthu sheltered lis a'los. 'I'nme ii, LHisn datlinc, I want to tell otl n'out il. I have ptoposcd,' said John 'I'ronosed !' said bis sister. 'Y'.' aalti Jolir. 'This is the third time.' Lilian laughed, and as she cumo ul to her Inother be drew her down beside Ihem Tuen he told her till about il, and added : 'This time she has not said no ; and we will hasn a happv home, toe will we not, deal He'en V And he turned bis henming luce from his sister lo look t ll.e lovely one upon his shoulder, grown thinner and paler than nhni he saw tier last, but now tip's! swvet and sromKnly. as ho dtrw the en cneling arm cl ser about lo r. He did pot seem to think there was any cUngtr ol a No,' unr did flic, judjiig by the coiiliding look she itave liiui, at the same time sating, sollly :' 'I always t Ii on j: Ii t you would ak me again, m 1 wailed.' John's face was but Ibe nil cl ion nl the liiippiiuss within, us tut an swered : 'Il siemi it foolisli thing to dtt, but yet lain not terry that 1 m0-cd tlnet tipiea Lilian lunglittl, and ran ujkWiis to see the baby. Our lo( lii'tsi. Know ymi what especially impels me to industry ? My Mother. I shall rn deavor to swoetati a patt nf In r lile, that niberwise has been so iinloilinmle, ant lesseu by my help and sympathy the great sotiows Mil' III stlllcre I, Iw tier alone I owe the Itumlatioii ol my mind and hi-att. ,Ie,n I'nul K ch-ter. Ueorge Iliiliuit em : One soil mother is worth a hundred sclioolina-lers. In the bouse she is loadslonu lo a'l hearts, and loadstar to all eyes. He M-iii-trc, iu bis witlings, speaks of his mother with immense lost- and ro.n -ence. He ill scrilicd h r as his sliMiine tnother.' 'an angel, tn wham (lid hail lent a body lor a Iniel erain.' To her he at ttibn't'd the hcot ol his character, aud her ptectpis were the ruliui iiifliunce id Ins lile. ' ' Oue chsrniing feature in the rharncler ol Satmirl J boson (nolwith-tandiug Ins rough i xterioO whs the tt-nderiiem nh which be uiva'i ioiv spoke nl Ins inolher. who implanted in Ins timid the Ii st tin pressions ol religion. In tho lime sit his greatest dillictillii's he contributed uut ol bis tltntor means In tier support. Cromwell's mother wss a woman nl sp nl and eiieitfv. q;'al In her iiiih'n-.s and patience ; who-e pride was honcstv, aud whotu pi'sioo was Uvc ; mid whose only rare, a nidrt all hi-r splendor, was lor 'he sa'tty ol her son in bis dangi-mus emi ntnre. Curran spcika with girat nfl'i-ction ol bis mother, to w hose inuipcl, iety m i amhitinn he atttitiiited Ins succiss in li'e. lleu-et to say. It I posess anything more valuable than lace, or pe ls u, or wealth, it li tint a eUiar parent gave Iter chi! I a poitiun Ir-on the tirn-uie of hr mind ' It was Ary ShilTer'i niolber wh oselniu lilul leaturia lb p dute.i so loved lo up rodiiee in his pn niies, tint by grat seli di mal provided linn with the u.caiis ul pursuing his study nf atl. Miihilel wrnii: I lt uiy nalhcr tlnit yeais a;ii ; m xeilln-liss, she lo lows me 1 1 1 1 n ago in ay., one Sidlctr.l nitrt me in my povi-rtr, and was not alione l lo sh-re mv lieiter lorlutia ' Napoleon Rnnapsrte was arruitomrd to sal that 'the lu uie good or l a I con duct o a child ih pi nded entirely on i lie mother.' Nobody had any rumiuai d nvirbnn xorpt bis ino'her, who lonnd mrans, by a mulure nl tendernete. ssveiily and Justice, lo make him love, respect and obey her. Li oil lie owed aha bias of his upod and character lo his mntlur, who porarssid in a high drcri-e tbe ait ol stimulating young and active min Ii 'She was wanhy i lite I' uu c -aid Uocthe, and when ho Vis ited Kranklo t hn sought out every indi vidual who lint been kind tn her, aud thanked them all. John Kai ilolph said : 'It should have been an s hsist il it hud not In-eo tar one recollection, and I tint was tbe memory il the tune when my mother used to take my little hint in ho'S, and cause me on my kneei to aiy, O.ir Father who ait In Heaven,' Prevent! flu A poor tailor. While the lover admires tho rose tint on Jill JirliDg'i cbek,be doisu't coutt plaster. C.;:.THirn?DAY, MAY 20, 1880. 5 ! a vare -ncvti JtTtew trOW IIB SHOOK PF A PARTY OK f) Ul'M litlTJO KNiu.ru Tor KUTe ftflftattv WH telhra fBnrl nfvipr abont- a flirty ot Ktiwlishnien traveling no the plaiig before tho TuciHc Itailrtiad was ti ished.' Tbey came rainblinfr into Laianiie bnsinr the dtivtr snd the coach ind the "klolstt'il eotiotry" generally, because, they avti cU, "i here was r.o coaching outside of Ku ilsDd," Tboir roulempt ol all things ie. can was shown in the most oltrosive i n ih r to all the people standing aruuud as ey aliglileil. It happened that Rob Scntt, thi flnost tlrivet sod tbe most rtck. I d ''e-dcil on the pliiies, was to take e eosch to the nc xt ttalioti, eibt diiIci wcb.wsrd liom I.aiumie, and that (ray Jobu t tl.td thciiOiaiks' ul tho,. llritliiieis hi slowly made P ' his mind to givi tlisru a soecltn'rT ol frtmtlv- Ainrflniii ' ehachiiif; Tre stable boys lid out six coin that locked us il they Ii id never heard of a s'age hi'inre; they rer-el aid snorted, plunei'd ami kicked until t?ie noble Britons weie quite deli 'lu ii p III tbe aulisi, atinu of a line di ive. "Now, driver, yon kow, just give Vm Ihi-i - ia,ls aud let Ihem go ; dou't jeu be ah M." - . ' Yes," siys another ennour :, .ingly. My dear tellow, just go ahead. iiob mounted the box slowly while a man held eaeb ho, ; lie u hrred the leins snd said quickly; 'Lei Vein gnl' Ai.d thev did, uu I the cobs plunged and reiird I. ' liob'a i on giasp huid Iheju in. With the aid o the Caliloriiia brakes hu hold in do w i lo a wa'k lor three miles, while tile puss, nge I blasphemed at linn, lor a "fad" nnd a spoak. At end ol that t in miles I. iey t to the top ol a hill, and one I'oiloo po .ed his bead our ol the window- and hcou'i . soitit thing, but ae he' did. it wi'il' baiiftlitvi y'elt WhkeH IliatV inilV.Hiid ul t v sniie time Itoli th:e a!l,.x I t iln i c. The roach Seemed to lilt I. urn the grou I, and 1 1 1 . v c- six colls a. ted at the very beit speed tbey '.lid make. Another Veil Iroin Unit, and they tc died to in: lean' il; ilieti, to help uialteia, be dnw hit revolver aud began filing nvi-r the ll-il s heads. -Orctit t)nrl!"t lied tho Hritom, "we've g Mti u into the hands nl a blarsted liltia t(, n . ! . ' ' i i . . i "Stop! kli ,,!" they shouted; bill the Iliad team nnil er j,t di.vt r 'me to taster and faster, while tiies ige went bouncing over the ockv road iu a way thai Ihreiitrncd t pound the p,s, ngi is to pieces II nam-. i Ins ucuk over aud yelled tale the Window : ' deo'S, I'm' j'lsi get til g, 'iiij atatlid; they'll .I ' le-'fi-r after 1iriilt! ' And' he took out the lumps und hurled them at tliu I tide s with a, wild Uoui mchc vtat irhoi-'p. - The atl'i ighti d pus-engcrs presently saw the station in lull view; the q iestinii was Imw l h it team vitis to be stopped. They gave thcmsdvis up lor gone, ami hung on ile- 'laiiltig y tn the leits. It s'--ins that the hoi es were uici t 'ii.i;d tn go fight into I he i-tallli-S. cmirh and itll, and i-p they lame to the open ilnoi at tull spud. There w as s yell Iroin the aa-cmldi d stable alt eii da nu nipt t ivern liialers.tln n a Ii ibt till cr ish as the whole top id Hie cou-li went c IT. throwing Unci l'iit,ns out nnd bieakillj; two iilms aril a leg, besides nth- r slighter Hccidenti. llob c nr.i' out of the "talde smiling, picked up nil Kujjdall- nniii. and s.,ys : "Never mind, ri-; we'll have a real nice di ive to i lp' i cxt stutii ii. I w ua obliged to 'ake t In in along alowlv over that iheia had mid. Hoys, pal1 in the other tram iu a lush coich mi l give m - a coiip'e nf rockiads It's dull iltlvii g so dng-gone slow, aud I'm powerlul i i v . " Th Iv ghs mien iii't-liit d scut lor a doctor, lo t the? ill t not pill tlown any thing in Huir n do book ab ut An.cri.ati il.ivn g. -tll'T l'r rr.SlrrtiiiK. How be:int;lit' is the social tratiro in our e r kly p'S ef inj-i tirgs tin- time w Inrh is gi ii, ii'tei the d'-uitiouul i xt-tris- s me cUscd, to bl'ti'l'v g.-eelinrs sn-l irq'iity h tn i-nr will doing 'vhin frirnds and neighbors in i-it to t ilk and itipv em Ii 0 lnjr's S'-cictv Jnr a lew iii-oih tits. Tint hii.-ll"i nl Inalu is planed llpop' tlnl nin. inrti'i, Incau-e in vitv many iu-taiiees. tin si n, an I In tin Ind. I cires prevent th. ir vi-itit.o tail) other tdttn as they would like. Our daily brevl must be sought firs'; mm-mut be (Men to Its ' scrklifg. and biPPV hi'iild he be who bus Ins petition, ghe r th s Hay nrrr rltltT breartaswered 1 i i tn ii it i.i-t-kahlr anil I ivmt language of i.r Hi in en I ) K it lp r, in Hie gilt nl robust health, with s'nu', a e'ivc iniisi-lis, aud a heai t lor any l,t--. At these nuutl.igi the pastor is brought in coilui t wi Ii the repr.isiulat ive not), woineii and clnlditn id his cluiii.e, su I the al-Hi id and the sick sru iritoilii d aller ami reported, nnd the be-t imsus ib-visi'-l tor the comlntt ami reslor itioti ol th'jsick, and piitiig iiiv.Ui'.iiiiis rent to tin- absent t-l atleud, Viilu us-i I itices tlia! their pits en e at ihe-ti -MrtiiikO w ill give drhghl. An l the e, ton. Ilia ii i g, r oinkes ac iin inuances and ftii-niU among his breth- mi in i Ii o chuiclics, aud then ia a practi I cal lure-feast. - i Iu ihechuich where such meetings are in v-ii il, num.;,., Mlllt 0naell ml the s ib ret nf rccoenitinn in ITi uVhi without tear ol ht-irg i'ongiaiul-ili d by lha mm in the aiiecdole, who is made lo siv. ' I am glad to heir ii, lor llnoi appeals to be none on laiih. I have been a memluT ol this I'l iigrega ton lor six yens, and no one bai tecog iii.-d me yet." No, that taan does not attend this kind of rhiin b. Ad llpoe who do, teal'.e "how good mid how pleasant it is lor turellileu to dwell together in ui ity." ... . . . . An agent nl in iccident lnnranp'e rom psny rtitet. d a smoking car an a wrs'ern riiilii ad tiain a lew days ago, and ap proaching sn cxcielingly grutf old man, asked hilt il he did n t want to take out a policy, lie was told to get nut with his policy, and pasted on A tew mtnnte at erw-d an ' in ident fli-cutted "to the train, riiusing a Icsrlul shakini' lo the ears. The old roan jumped up, and se , ing a himk at the si 't ol Ihe car to steady bimselt, called out ; 'Whciu it that lus r anie man 1' L itest thing in boon H, les. Fwlks are naming babies after EditOD tbcj are such light little thing. . lidMsuttral Extract. ' Perhaps you are ready to sav, "O that I could euly heir Irotn him enco more I' Mount up on the wingi of faith, and yt u shall tea bi in aid bear from him rvny day. He writes you no letters no-; but iu that beautiful letter, which bis d aud nor God has written, special mention li made of our departed ones. Yes 1 you can hear fiom bint every day by thislet'er. I was looking ia it this morning, and found that be wis well slid huppv. (Itev ell: 15-17). Tlurelnre ate tht-jr bemie the throne ol (1ml aud serve him day and ass-Rt its tiitenpli and l.o that siileih nil the Ihrnnu shall dwell insiing them Tbey shall hunger no more, neither thirst anyttiO e ; B' tthlr shall th sub Hht nn theoi unr any hea', h'or the Iainh w inch li in tbo itinlet nl llio thrnne e h 1 1 leed them, ind shall lead (tern unto living louulslna ol water ; snd (ind shall wipe sway all tears Irotu their ryci (Aim chap. HV i 13 ) Isiw also that be had gleirinus companions, eves to, ioBinnetable company ef angels. (Ll-ib. xu ; i'i. I ascerlaincd that tie had put llied a tear, or.fi-lt a paiu, or seen a dark hour, oi k -wo a moment's untaini s. and he was r tlred by ti e Lord ol tbe place that he never hr.nld (K;r. xxi ; 4 and lxii : 5 ) Hew 1 ui'iDg a new lung which no one learns lave those who nre troVemed om the eai Ih ; ind be ang uuto him who hath loved in. and wa-hed us ftom - r slui in bis own blood, and hath nindu ua kin-js and prut.-ta unto Ood. Tin re was au a tempt m a in tn ilcsciue bis b i;i pineie. but langti e broke dosto under it, lor It was un'peak iblu aud lull of h'y. Tin le ir spoke ol ' t' 'lullnesa id jo?,' 'pleasuns lotivermoie,' 'a lar mote t xci-u I lllg and denial weight Ol glor;' but nl' i. ether bcynnd our highest concepti-ms. (I. Cor. ii : 0.) Would you inquiiu whether in a stale to t ew. so tlazz lug, so lut Irom dear on hitherto essentul lo this happiniss, he Is in every way entirely contented I II you w ill look into the letter you will find an answer, (I'salm" I xxi i : 25 Would ye i ask who her he still thinks of wife, sen, brolhe'S and sis ten I O yi lor pour loit D.v s did as in uch as I hat. Would you know w hether h w en over ye ir progress in tbe chria an lile I Y-m will Hud an atiswei in Unit, xil : 1. Tertians yeu a-k whether, so c'-anged and so lar away, thete ro anv l"rger pom a ef symp. ihy be! ween you Yes, v , whenever von leel like singin j ballelnah lor the Lord (J id omnipotent reignetb his song b'ends again with yours Whenever jou rejoice over unw ei ovcts couiitio o Jems you know he is rej-nciiw with yon. Is it not a plevastt tliight that one way remairs to ii el adding to liappiu 9 ul itepii' ed Iriruds iu (,'lni I, and that is by lai-otiug lr I ho sttlvatiou nt souls and lor the honor ol Unn tbey delight to praise 1 p . , I lie ritlloaoitlirr's Kltiur. The etcrDtrlc but brilliant Jobu Ran di'lpli noio lose sudd, aly up in his seat iu the 1 1 mi e of Kepleallitalives and screamed ou' at, the top nl Ins shiill voice : 'Mr, Speaker! 1 have discovered H e philnsopher's .lone. Il is uy as you go !' .nihil IUmiolph ilmppi-d many iirh gnus Imiii his inoulli, but never a richer cue than t Ii n t. 'l'av as you go,' and you nun) not Jnq;c shn lis and unnstabl Pay as y tl go,' nni ymi can walk the the itrrets with an enct luck ui I nnin'y Irout, and you have no fear of (ho e you meet. Y'oil t a'l look anv man in Ihe eve without llincbiug. You won't have tn cio-s Ihe highway to uvni I a iluti, or look in'ently Into the shop windows to avoid Seeing a Creditor. 'l'ay as yu go,' and ynti can snap your lingers tit the world, and when you laugh it will lie all holiest heal ty mum. Ii seeais I ) us, soon limes, that we can tell the laugh of a pour debtor, lie looks as lliisu. b he was in doubt whether the laugh was not the property nl his cred'tors, nnd wits pot i ii i-1 ii 'ed in articles 'exempted Hutu attacl.llii IU.' When he di es succeed in gelling out an abortion -he appears liighted and locks as though hu wou d be pom red upon by a constable "l y as von go,' and yon will mist smil ing liiri-s al h. inn - happy, t herrv-cheekpd childicn -a contented nlle.chvcilul health stone. John Randolph was right. It is the philosopher's stone. Alex'si (stilfar. It is moonlight nn the hill. From cm the tiers a gentle z-pliyr cirr S tn rob the hyai.inib id its pi-tluncd breath, aud adown Ihe garden walk tun litppo- rwiH Ulidi his un.olone of sadness lliitn the Imlo.y uigiit, Sleep, with liroodiag wings sits st ent o'er the scene. Rut haik! it is the tinkling gu tar strummed lV Iho lone ly Alex. He enmes. Ri-neatb the vine clad window in the ghostly gloaming he pall cs, aud up the ll i w t rcssi lei I wall he I units K melancholy tenor Iratight with the passionate irq itry. 'Mu-t I Vuve Hue In tu ahuiii' N-i answer returns siVe the hai.n ing icho su t the low cl,ckin; ol a distant door. The sciuu thangis. Ills the back yatd tableaux. A white-inhi-d old man lirnds over a chuired dog iidsoothi a bis too eagi r spirit as he lot s, m the collar, A low voire says, 'Siccrci k him, Rilll take a short cut aiouiol the rose.lnish.' A il i h, and li e old tuaii is aloue. The ilalter nl a laiin guitar enine liom thu Iront ; a sound like the rnh nf a steeple chase Hearing a hedge is borne hick; and neck and lin k two flguns cross tho picket fence to disanpeat dowu the min perspective ol the desert- d strut. Then the old man mci ts Hull as he rvtn'ned nn the outer walk, and re. moves in discouraged manner a daik (ih-j-ct rom bis loatning mouth, while the animal retires In his kiooel in si'encs The door opens and ihuts upon thu white lobe i lorm. and all ii still again. Uut as hi-gu ts in bed end shovrs the old lady's leet out of the waint place, he mutters, 'Hull ts getting old. and serenades tlon't pay dlviilsiids like they used to, but II tl e business keeps up I think you will he jiislulcd in Darting another palch-wutk quilt, Maria' That last ledow UU rtal cas'U.niir.' 'Wlint sorter sample did ynu ffell' 'T-lcrlilu lair. There was a long itrip with a pistol-pocket hanging to it and one gullus' but t'n ' A mule is nn physician, but he well derstauds the att qf heeling. Tbo laugh ot Ibe school girl-lie! be! hi! NO. IS Hits l irat C tall. I reached hor bou-e, and walked aronud it fo .r limes b.loiel siltumin d tulfiii. i t courage l approach. Hy some rrinatka hie nerve power I rang the bell, and a lemale apparition with an odoi ol hoi'ed cahbage lingering about il' appian-d. 'What do yrz want?' it asked. At last I cot ijuerpil it, and a.-ked if Miss Susie wa al home The apparition replied, 'Yes your card.' I was sure I had one s one where. In my haitr 1 g,ave In r a pisrn ticket, restaurant cheek end a jsca ol chilis Finally, in ih sprration, Ihandidhcr a Card, but she leturni-d it witli a gtin. It rea l: (lutidling ,fc Co., All Wool Pants ft 00' At last I was inhered loin the parlor, and sat upon Ihe pi, mi, a spittoiu and a esse of wax ll wers lufoie I Inuml a i h nr. A'hen I did. I was so surprised thul I missed it ind sat upon the floor. As I ws rising tsiisie entered. 'Won't you lit me put ye or hit on (lie rack)' shit asked as she saw mc grasping it as if it went my only trim t on rarlli. I miirtuuted a faint No,' put i: y hat on ti e Sofa, nnd, tu ru) con tettiatioii, sat down upon il. For tin first time I real ..-d what an kw.uI ll ing il was to be a oue with a str"igc gill. Shu said it was a nice day. I replied 'Yes-' Il she hid said It Was thundering mid lightning I would hive nude the same original remark. Then we became silent. You could have heard a bouso fall. I w.is in trouble. I i-bewed tobacco then but I didn't know why I did it. Just be fore cnlctlng I had tukcfi a big chaw, My mouth was gtadual'y getting lull, hut I did not spit iu trout ol Sibio, who said site deleft, d it. I began to pray fnr a lire so ih it I could spit. Meanwhile Sasij got iilTecn-'iiiile. Shu ilruw hrr chair dust! and said : 'Will R-own kissed me a scheol Ihe nllier day.' I gtcw pale. Sup pisse she would want t kiss inei She wau'd get nn n lexpcctf 1 shower bath ol tobacco juice. 'Do yeu ever kiirT she asked. I inn rum ed that 1 never did, except my mother and a venerable mnt win- e age was traditional. At hist I (tied to say so, but I am afraid I only made a few inarticulate sniiids. 'What nntkes you talk te Itinntl'she a-kel. I did no' say. 'What m ikes vmir mouth 'O hi ;!' she tnieirognti-if. 'The mumps.' I ginned feel nig ai if there was g nng to be a fl ' ii at anv moment, 'tier o-r-.iio.giii.wnii.' I remarked, meaning that I was sick and wanted ta go home 'You talk nwlul funny,' she said, 'and your cheeks a e awlu red.' I'lohalilv Sd)e spoke the truth. Wnv didn't soma of mv Iriends die so tm-y would si lid aller me I Poor innocent Susie didn't know how I was tulleiing. She ihoiit lit I washashtnl Let me leel your checks!' she a-ked. She did. It b'ol e the reservoir For a srnor,d I didn't know whether Susie wa. drowned or not. Slit nailed back in a soil ol parslvsts, and-Ihe d mr opened u d In-r mother fiiictm!. I grabbed mv hat, tid wluuher I went out by the .loot nr throiig'i the wall, I don't remember. Anyhow. 'Susie and I aie out ' We don't speak. Uut slid, its nice to be In love, aiu't It. hi s I 'Hit') fit-1 mitt PurteXl. 'JJow, then,' says Trump No, 1 lo No. !I as liny t u-ned into Motilculni Mint limi. W no Iwaul uv ii et , , thu mhi t day, "hnsi- Ihe game; lull wa k dowu thu blieet and i nig i he In II ol i-oiiiu I, oust-; when tin la ly iinsivi-ls you tell In I I tint sou haveu'l ha I -in) 1 lung In tai lot t li i dais. Il she aiiys she don't rate lell her jou an' despr" ate and ri a ly to rominit any Clone, 1 sin-sliills to s'sm Ibe thu door on you hold il open w itu your lout and roll join crs m il l-ok sav e. I'll amve jus about 'on. aud I'll t . v u tiy Ibe nc k 1 on to.i urouu I and lu ll you out m the laid I am thu lady's protector slid the hem nl the hour, you see. I'll be veil moi'cst and cl in . IT but I'll till her I 111 a trangi-r and mid a q-urter In buy low I. She'll hind it over, and I'll join you U-turn 1 the I'nruer an t divide. See It' 'Maginliceiit !' li plied No. 'J "Yuil nueht io be iii the L' lined Males Senate! Ws'l, Lure I ge ' Ho passed i'e n the street and ulic'e.t a h "nr. au I th p g a lime was c irelully tnro.vi d out until he n ache I the point whete he said he was dt-spetate. At th.t tut lit tie hill dorr was puled with open, snd a 'X out husband shot out with his tight ho I and km), ked No 2 clear otl thu lower S'ep No. 1 was j-ist lushing in, and tbe six-'oolrr thought be might as well kill two turds with rip stone, sc. lie gave him olio on the jaw. an i W'l cD tin I ot walking arout d en tip ii prostrate bod its he flung thrm over the Irnce. Tin1 tramps limped down to Ih-' Comer, hu ke I at tacb oilier iu derp ttis "ipt, au I li eu srpsraled louver. M. Quad. Tin" rptiiiiiiiic nou tii. A person who line tnado the fctniuine mouth tbn subject of much study Vol unteers his conclusions to mules with hwert heutts. They nre is follows: If her mouth ia very small there is not muili mind, but overmuch shallow senti ment. If she bus a large mouth she Ri!! pnsirsa a good rriin, hot the trouble' i iu kissii'H it, Large oiouihs put ft mail to nu nnistic test; he will be diiu-ii to his wits' end whether to begin at one corner and conclude on the other, or to m ike a heroic daili at the middle and endeieor to reach bulb corner Bui if you are a kissing artist it can be covered nicely enough. If your sweet heart has a cot.rsely-formad mouth tie will be sei mal and lull of strong, coarse points of character, and will raise row in the family, ll the bus a delicately formed oiouth. with rounded lips and ol a velvety color, ihe will have much sen sitility and perfection nf character, but not astonish by her brilliancy nf concep tion or ixecution. It is a good nmulh became it is kissablo and submissive. Shun bluc-lippr-l or thin-lipped women ; they will bore you tn death with litera tarn or woman's rights, theorize while you want your dinner, or spoil your temper by their red-hot scolding tongues. A tramp callfd bis ihfi 'corporitioDa' bwcm. tbe bad do solci. s s a' SPACE I g a N S I O H to O Olio HqiiHrfl, 300 ftOOMOOBflf Two Squama, 6 HO 10 (HI 20 00 80 64 Throe .iiuarea, 8 00 15 00 30 00 10 69 Foursquares, 10 00 18 00 3(3 00 4ft Fourth I'ol'n, 15 Otl a) 00 40 W) 0 00 Hall (Vluinn, 20 U0 30 00 60 00 6J fSO Wliole Colittnti, One Year, 74 00 - u el sS- -.'tVAi; T TA LIIU I T sfc HOSH SHOCKOH MACHINE WORICll RICHMOND VA. MiiinifaotiirorM nl Portable and Stationary Kngiiiea ami Hollers. Saw Mllla, Corn and Wln-iit M ills, Sliafiing, Mangers and Pas leva, Turbine- Witter Whenla, Tobacoo Ma cbiiiei V, Wnnigiit Iron Work, Braaa and Iron I'Hatiiigs, Maclrluery uf ICverjr Do, orlption. lilNNIMJ AM) TlltlUIIINU MiClMIUBi ANPF.CIALTY. tiHirliiK I'rouiplly db CstrcleUly Isoiie. TAI.fttVrT S l'APF.NT Sl'AUK AftREJsTiea, 'I lie luvcnlioii ol tli Age. It dnoa not doHtrov the draft. It doa not interfero w ith cleaning tbe tubei. H will not cboko up, and requires no clean lug. It roqulros no direct dampen to Vl opened w hen raining steam (dampers be Ing uiijuotiotiable, as thny may beleltopaa and nlinw ai arks to oscii o ) It reitilris) no water to extinguish sparks, which, by eotnlnnaatlon, deotrovw tho ih alt. Heai. lei, y, boil water il used, If iieglerteH, ttio rllleienev la destroyed by Hvapnratloit of tbo water, aud the boiler us kepi iu a filthy condition. It ia simple and ilurabln and can be raw lied upon. It ran be attached to any boiler. No plan tor Hhotild ba without one of tLeos, Insurance companies will insure gtna and liiirita Imro Uie Talbott Kpglnon and Spark-Arrcatnrs aro used at sstno rate) M charued fnr water or horse power. I'd-Sond for iliusiruiuj uirculsn u4 prlco list. liratieh lioitao. Ooldaboro, N. C. J. A. II A USKK, (.oueralManider. T. A. (iUANUER, Local Manage. nniv 8 dm IRON BITTERS Htrhly rwwiiaivnatoeS In tin' t'lit'llr for ll di raiii rtfjiurliiK CsriUn mu ?n.cMnl lOIC iimm'Iht in I it linn, itympmpmim9 iittr rut it I rut Wm vrrm. M Mill Apw petit , i.B mr Hti eHoth, l ar if Hurray. iita i i rlt i"i the hi ue1 nirfiiNtlitma lb I't.Mt nn,! rtvt ottw lltsy to il.ii ntrvjs. To Ht ncK'l, IhiIK-i ftrtrf rhlsW itrt'ti rvjusiluf rwcu i'Uimi, i)ii valubl n iiiti'ly cimi noi t it) hfchlr rtM-mnmatidsVl. il i IUtw m ohmtit "ii tin tll'tittv orHKnt. A U'Ubt'isunful beV)r monirt will nmnv JI tli-V.'UC UiiUllieV M TRY IT. Soli) by all Druggiifi. TIH ESOWS CHOJICALraL B.MTIMOPE, Mi A (Jreut Tuutc. IRON BITfERS, A Sun Appottzr. A - ' t- lit Stfntbttf. Jll Ull IbllWl Hi A Al'Utio Mi' Ikiu. V I ;i 1! u ft lift . IRON BITTERS, doe lo ly v. it. vicrc i""sr- e? I1 " J iiitia:s A!w iii t.raF.i MADE TO ORDER OK HFI'Allitfl) AT LOW PUICB4 All kind of won 1 work and trlmmlosT doim in good -ty lo. Rlackainlth work done at short notlen nnd with neatnoas, Al new wnrk vtarraiited. Kin painting; tnt liuggn-s done at low price, best paint used. !!: I II. AIOMIOJ (..VEX TO THE L'N'DKKT.VKINU DKPAItrMENT. t'nfllita and, Cases of all lixoi oonstaotlf on baud. CsrrliTO M ttorlals kept onhnnd atpriu bolo.v I'oteraliurx tu.irket. Weldon N. a Juno 6 1 J N O. T. FORD, Takes ploasiirei in announc-Iug that he ran still be round at his sund on FIRST 8TRKKT, Whore be has on hand full line ol the Flnoel WINKS, .YI.lsiCrKS. and li It A N IM Km, ' TOHACCO, CIQAItS, and NNL'FF, OUANt-iKS. AI'PLKS, and I'O.NFKCTIOJiliKlKS 111m stock of Can nod Woods and Urooet lea ii unusually Fnll and Complete OLB C.lStNST WBiSXKV A fPiaAllTT. KKE.-II LAOKR UK Kit OX DTtAUQUf. . Ho K'larautooa latinfa ition. Call and see linn, IRON BITTERS, nn R TTCRv: IRON BITTERS, Nor 21 lp," 3 J2 ipsatorti'4ls-.-

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