THE ROANOKE NEWS i THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY L, M. LOX & W. W. HALL. ADVKP.TISINfl KATES. SPACE i j - Fi ll ' , II -tl t- u III -' ) I ' nil! Krti ' Hr' tn ruH','' .( el if, Ti. Si!- :5S I,'- via -it. i untw i mlf if11:, (lVi 1TI0 !' One Year, In advance, Hix Months, " Tbree Months, " f 2 on 1 PO 75 cU. PROFESSIONAL CARDSj R. QUO. W. II A R TM A N, Surgeon Dentliti xifflee over W. H. Browns Tlry Hoods Store, WEl.DON, H.C. y-ll lslt prtl- at their homes when .Jeslre.l. Terms Keasonalile. ' ' ly . m. oai zzi k n, ATTOKSET AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Office In th C"rl tlnus". ft rt.-t attuntlon irlventoall tranches of Ihu profession. Jan 12 ly . VOL. IX. WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1880. NO. 13. iino S.itmro, Two Squares, Three Miiiiiros, Four Squares, Fourth t'nl'n, H;ilf Column, link-Column, a I .?! I 3 O I H I co I O 3 an UDO 14 00 MA & (III 10 00 20 00 80 M X 00 IS (10 30 00 40 M 10 00 IS Oft 3d 00 4fi .- 11 20 (Hi 40 0 60 00 20 00 30 (X) 00 00 Sa 04V Year, 75 ... ..I1. 'Ji Too I.ale. , nil mine, Oiiro v-iur heart was mine Tli- ii 1 Mr 1 ft-iti '! away. lir- MiMin,.-Th- love yell i::ivo in 1 vr.-itltt crave from )"U (..-.lay. W-'nry years have in" 1- ft mo Willi a sad anil a.'lillu,' h.-arl ; Knnwnik' now. li-n wo 1. 1 11 y .hrllmt, linust live from you apart. Yet I'm weary, "till so weary I. oiojiiiK f'-r y( 'ir sunl-1 mors Fur tl 1-1 li.v- llm y. -ii jrav.- m.-, Ami I throw a.iy ln'f-.ri-. I have Iiv.'.l an. I wnit.-.l -wailed, II. .(.in I mi fr.-in -l:iy t.. .lay ; Ktupl v arm- nr.. r.'ii -Inn : lo, lint y. -u never lit II. n :. Now my heart Is voiiri :ill yours -Mi' v.. Ii ! urn front in" :ltay, Vuiitiili," in ! Hi" ..v-. I i.'iv" j.ui; ,.. in; some ..11" "Iv I'- .lay . BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. EMFIBI.H, N. CI, Y TracHee. In Hi" counties Halifax. Nsh K.IMiomlnil Wilson. i-ollect kms made n al ' parts of this Ktai". liuiWtr V. Ii ALL, AT TOltXEY AT LAW, " pelal attention Riven to 'remitt&nc.s promptly made. - WV ltf. WELDON, N.C. eolloctloni anil I1MN M. MBLI.BK. JOHN A. HOOK. TJ ULLIS a M O O It K, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. nALIPAXSC. . Frieda. In Hie enmities of Halifax. Northamp f ton. Rilor.nmlM, I'lu and Mariln-In the Kii- prumo conrt or thn S'aie an i m inn rr.ii rin ?', rta nl Ihe Kislern llistritt. ColU'CUous )an 1 ly , Count i1 Ihe Basl.-rn Histritt. la ftny pari oi inn nin-.i:. J AM B8 E. O ' II A R A, 11 ! ATTOUXEY AT L41V. KNFIKLT1, N. C. i Praitlees In the onrt of Hallfat and a.lioln--" lif eonll"H. a:i. I In tlm s-i.r-"i" nn-l K-Oeral t ourtl. Oiliectton inildo 111 any part of the Stat. Will alt-n l at tin- roiirt home in llnllf.n f Monday ami Friday of t-ai-ii week. IH' i OBIKT O. BURTON J 11- ATTORNUV AT LAW. TIAMFAX S. C, Prattlcua In tli eourlanf Halitiu. an.l .-v.ljin" 1r onntla. In the Siipreino eourt of Hi--8tat, ami In tin) Feiler-il eonrtM. Will Kiv sp.-einl all.-iill.'n to the ei.lleet i.m f ilalmH. and toiiUnitliiR Iho acenunts of ex xtora, adinlnlatratora and Kuai-.liaim. dec f runs L. II V M A N, VJ ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N.C. Vm.Mmi in ISa enurU of IliiliftX and n.l.loill l eouiuies. and in the Siiii'.-nie and K.-.leral l-llm enllecled III all pari of .North woliua. ims in Hie Court IIoiiho. Julylf f I SOMAS N. U1LL, Attarnry at Law, HALIFAX, N. f. Prtl III Hal-fax an and F.l T il and .- it nt - Will k- at seoihuiil N.-mJrl. J08' I adloinini; r.innti" Olll'l H. k, ollee ererv fori an; i if : R. BATlJlli:L')!l. ATTltKY AT LAW. R1LKIG II, X. C. In thn court, of the nil, Jodie ' i.trlt and in the Federal and Mui-reiae t'ourla m ay 11 U. W. U A 5 O X . ATT9KNUY AT L1W, J ARTSBL'll'i, K. C. ' In th e-)iirt of Northampton an ilninlnir countlea. alHO ill lll-l Ked.-r.ll and Sil - eaurta. June tf t - 11T. A i. C. 7.0l.l.ll'UKI'-.:it XOLLICOFFKR. ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, WRLDON, N. C. Fractico In the conrH of H illlnx and adjoltilnif oi.nllu anil In IlinSllhr.llU l all. I Fei--ral eourU cuikh .r,ii..tM.I iii an. tnirl of .N.ii lll dir. .II ll Oiianf tha ll r i ii will aU.iy.i lie found In Hi me. I"1"' 2n 1 y D K. SC. 1. U U N T K K , aiiuiicoi BE.v risx Cma be found at his ofllc in Knfiol.l. Pur XitrousOt'ilo Ona lr tbe lean K l trading ofToolli alw.i on Jua 22 tt. A K'tRIW J. BURTON, ATTO.ISEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. . Practice. In Mienurt of IHIIfiix. Warren and ; Mlolntnit eoiinlie" and in Hi - supreme and red t ral couris. Clalnn eollerted in any part of North Carolina. Julie Hit U. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT L1W, Bctlad Xkpk. Halifax Count N. C Practice. In the cniinly of llnlliax and adjoin tn eoanll"-!, mi l lu the Supreuiu court of ih. EFFIE'S MONEY. 'It is no tine, niollicr, I weul.l lonnrr atiiy at boina than wear tlmt dies. aitiiin, 1 ilM " wimi ' K" " 1""'?. ami I wanlcil mnvi kin I nt a pink ilrti.a 1 coulil net nave a i(, but 1 conl.l u-C a tarlaian and li-ivu it just an pretty ae I want lor 12. link ml. It i loo liard,' K tli 1 said, almost crjiut,'. 1 am very sorry, tny di'iir. but yon know I bi'K'Ui I1"" y"r wil11 1,18 turmin ition ol nut unins inln dulit, for a thing. I am just Ki-ttinc a little relltTfil now. Ue-ir up, my cluld, nrxt ycut yon ran hnv. more pretty clothes,' Ihu uiotlit-r said. Rootliinxly. Next y tit I Oh, mother I Next year I may not raro lor them Don't you know tlmt Mr. Arthur told us Willie I'arluton would tic hum', and thn pmtj wan t"cu lor him t' There wa a hrioht d ish on the prcity fare that looned no entraulinijlj into her lunthi r'r.. 'II iw can I manago it t No wiy that I cna fee.' 'Mamma oh, I know I rieatc mamma. Mr. Stewait's rent will be duo ill let me t,.eyc9 ju-t ciiiht dav. Ask him to It-t ion have half ol it. Do 1' Her voire wnfl rHcl in the excitement ol the moment, aud Mrs, hVleiuh 8id : 'Hush, dear, lie will hear you.' Oh no, he cannot. I heard him go out ?cr halt an hour ajo. Will Ju not, mother ?' 'Indeed I cannot dear. Mr. Stewart has alway been 90 prompt' I nn h t bnrnnv it, but loi'e i-o to do it. WeH wu will see ; but d m't nvike up your m'm l to it.' Tie i her thon-.-htt ll -w to the) onu she wanted to wear the dres to pk-aie. Two yeirs bekirc -wlieo Willie wis on the ee of leaving hon.e for ft ei voyii-jn, he had told Kllie she nuht always wear piuk. And lie looked so much, and sai l not a iTi-at ileal, hut only, a ":ord ti"'.v id then, tl at with hi" linage, baa Ucin treasuied in Ktlie's heurt ever ?:nc. Why, mother, how preltv yo i Ion!;. I ilnekirn that llUts UlU ill 111 I lid ol VTllllt .lli-i. iVnlhur ai 1 tlio otner iluy -inat -H'J " not know how Mr. Htewurt could live, 111 the name limine with yon ami tint lull in ive with you that you weie prettii'r uow than hall the jniinsr gir'.s he k;ii".v. llush-sh directly, 1-.IH-. Mow eouLI Arthur ta!ko? I am astotmlied l you Kmc. to ll-peal ncr worm, u. ai i:ie 1 atinnii' 11 Mr. Stewart should bo in kin 11. . . . , t 1 .1 100ml Do g and try the u ior. 1 e-iuui be miserable unlil 1 am sine ho has Kou out. lie could hear cveiy word, at.d wh-it would he tbiuk of ynu and me f Mrs. Guirk-uh said, looking vsiy uiiuy. Mr S'ewart was in his loom, and ho hraid evciy v ord. (J in k as thought be daitc 1 aerosd the ll 101 and noisely turned the key. Now. rest ea-y ; the door ia loi kc l and he in nut. ii cou so. lull know Mtieni.e io, tlio door is nctr latenrd, Mlie said. Uo and tee if the key is out. I cannot re-t, I'm ho a'raid- An I what would be tliink ol me tjiirkly ncr nt the mom Mr. Mewnit nt again, it-linning to his Him- biur with the key not mil v to M19 1 aii'leuM a Itunt d 'tir. but with the key lo t lie little woman's hunt and In r roerve ol late. Then she does fr.i wl-at I think ol her,' Mr. Slew mt eaid j '1 urn y'u-l ol that.' Tim key is out. mother,' mi I Kilio. 1 in lel'oved now. N i, Olid, d m't y.iU err ta k or le' anyl.ody t.!l( to J ml like tl.tit a-ain. M'. pu-w-iri nn mi-jiu aortow, I know, and I Mini I not all to that b, having Mich tft'k riach Ins enrs. llllt, II. dri ll. I shnlll I like to k'lllW w Irtt h'n ttou'i'.e i ; an 1 I'll l-k 1,1 com loi t him ii I colli I. lie is a u-io I man, 1 know, and I'.n "nry euoah I -r h:m.' And 10 too Iront noun Mr. Stewart tlioiioh'. Ti,,. n, it il .v there wm a U'ht t ip on the back dour, ami Mr. Slewart attpped in, 8ayiui! : I am going out of town lo-ilay, Mrs. Fanleigh. I may L'et back to n.orrow, -r p-riinps not lor a w-ek or ten day. So, il you pleise, I II pay lur my mom now. And, luiidumc, if you woul I have ii ipiired a little among you neighbors, your would havu lotind nut and nived me tlio inorti-U-aiiunol knewiiig Unit I was keeping jour room lir -1. and 1 pound lis. thuu other geiitl-min ae paving lor the fame km I ol r a - 111 There it i lor this month, and II10 balan 0 of latt tnoitlll. Uond 111 ualnif. ilinil:Hiio.' And Mr. Stewart w out and oil be fore the HMoni-iiel litre woman cnuni oil r a wntd ol n niiin.Mraiice. Oh, how liuky I Mr. Stewait is my fairy, surelv. And it I did not know better 1 -dionl-l think he was in the rmun and hc.ird us! Elh'i exclaimed, her hiioht eyes dancing with delight. l'ain- in I'ss than an hour tlio happy n1l wft" haud. on R.r Wav to purchase tlio pink taria'aii. Iliu Id a rover hu p mao " "-. ild Mr. Seart. 'lint, unless 1 can inaurtge to steal in uuoburvid, I shall have to ta all ninht at a hotel, or -'let me see! Cannot I fix up oinu story not ..hi il. r he to tell the old woman 1 What sweet voice idia b-'S ! Ah! I have it ! I will aav I received a letur, and learned lhat the grntlem-n I had buaineis with w is in town, and tliero was no Ion per any neccs-itj lor !'""' will do. And, well pleased with the little plan lor Ellii's p!ai-ure and ins own relief, lie determined tn return huiiiu usual, and tive the ioveateil reasooi lor his not bciiii; out il town. t p. til., wu. hist atrnoinif into a draper .h.M .ha kit In-r Oris, nulled ecntly, and turniuL-. ahe law a little, pale lace wlili ru, nleadltlL' brWU CTCS tuUeJ to v. a her?. 'l'loase, oh, please, give me something for mamma. She's 10 sick, and eo cold and hungry, too !' Tlio little thing was shivering Ani Kllie caw the poer hluo toes peeping out of the old shoes. Oh, come on, F.llle ; its the "rime eld tory the? all tell. 1 am going to get some fixiugs lor the party ; are you t' said a Irk ml coming up, Tleasc !' the quivering lips uttered again. I'.'tite, do.' paid tho cay gi'l- Ell'ie put her hand in her pocket, took out and opened the poi tinniiiiaie. Noth ing was there but lw round notes. The child's eyes were fixed so eacetly on her luce that eho could not re sist. i must help her; I believe t-lic ia telling the truth,' ahe said, turning to her com panion, who, with a toss el her head, laid : Very well -I came nut to buy, not to be sold,' and passed on. Wheto do you live, child I t'-me laid. Not lar. Will you ctmie? ou will know then.' Kllie ll!ir.ved (lie littlo form as she hurried, shivering, along several squares to a row of small but decent lookn.g Imni8. Opening the door sho led hrr Inend up llie flairs to a email, almost empty room. Tears sprang to cities eyes a she tuw tho pale biro so wasted and lull of siilTTing. Elliu listened tn her story, and then liiddins; the child to stay wild her mother, she started oil" In less tli-ui half an hour she was bark a-jain, Willi a strooe, pk-as-int looking woman, bringing a ba-ket well lilh-d with Ihiiios Kllie thuiieht tho best for the sick woman. A lire wa aeon started in tho little grate ; a cup ol t a and teast were placed In foil! the .mother. Nell startel down stairs to beg then landlady to let tho girl In oil a piece ol steak on her hre. l iom the basket Kllie ux-k a pair ol r-lice and warm st'-rkinns for little N'U. When the dear, uood girl had made iheio comlorta b!, she placed the balanced (it her money in the woman's hand, telling hrr that aim must take it 10 buy medicine with. And then file went to tin I In r a doctor, ami sent him where she had been. Willingly he went, bles his kind heart, leeling never better paid than when having a chance to help God's needy ones. 'And thal'j where the mniey's gone I1 aid Mrs. Fairlcgh, that altrrnoon, when Kllie told her sioiy ol the sick woman and i.nor, I ull-naked :diihl 'Yes, mother ; mid I hope ymi arc not hurt about it. I'm not girn:! to nk lor any mote. I don't ea-e nh.-iit the pink diess now,' Kllie Slid, lucking iloabtlully ut her mother. l)-ir, child. I an not hurt about it but you were so happy when yo-i went oil to sp.-n-l your money ' '(Mi. ye-., mo; her ; Put oh 1 I nm happier now ; uh'ci-:. I am. .'"ft Ihink !mvr much my moot y has ibre.' lint their nvne.s, my child ; J"ll hae not told 111c thai ' Why, Iters, is K.eauor I-onion, an 1 ell, her little child. Hcatcelv had she tittered these words wl-im a ipiirk strp mossed Mr. Stewart's room ; his door opened, and without a kno.'k theirs, too. Take me to them !' Mr. Ptowart cried. 'Thev aio uiine-mv child and hers I Gd J - . . , . . 1 bless you Kllie, tor what you have liJiic ; No cmuo with me quickly, do 1' An hour hud hui.lly passed when a Call'iiue 1 01 if. I 110 to .'tin i',i,;n;i.i..iu.M, an 1 '"f.11 at'er Mr. -I'ewa't came hi, beisr , 1 ... 1 . . i - . . , 1 .. 1. .. in in ins arms 111s ii'iih;iiht. oi-huj 10. p'aeed lp-r iu hi. iinneliair, lielme the Inithtly binning hie, and th.ti til't.'.ng to K he 1 : Will you s'ay an 1 take ct-e of them while I -I" 11 k I i yor pioilu-i ( Never 111 llm win hi was a wo-n-in so taken bv ui-n-e as M'S I an le'i;h, when. niieting her in the b-.ll, Mr. S;e.v,,t suit. tikit'g her hand ami thawing Her into in r own loom : Mr. Kairlcir.h, il I had had a 1 heerlii! In art. I should lnvc 1 lT-.'te I it lo ynu l-'og Hi;n. Hot I could lint think ol ci-;in 11, y li'oo ii over you. No I am ve I, ami will be h..ppy il )"U will jii-l say yt? to Oay quf tiou - can yon c-ire cnmigli I'T mi! to niar.y met Mv ponr daiiolitir w .ii'a a uiotla-i's ra-o, and Ktli-) i"uht n h ive a lu her. and 1-1 want thn liH'e ui, 111:01 wlio siid. only lestenlay, she would hke 10 Cnlulott n o Da ! did Ju heart Mr.. K.iiik":;h hto-n niyini;, boi-hi'i't bke a J-'Ui.ggnl. Ve-, all -but niy iitiswer.' Ves, if-' Yes. That's ennuoh. Tliatik jou, dear Mary ' Mr Stewart 1. raising her hand Ol ceurse she promised, and was enough to do It. And, with such a be ginning, we may know belore a week had pa-std dio bail promised more than that. Mr. Slcwsrt carried his wifo to their elegant hon.e just as ?oon as their dauohter was well enough to be removed, and that was acarcelv a month alter he found h'r. And in the new homo there is to bo a wedding tight sooo. Willie doesn't believe in long engagements, neither do 1. 'Yen uu- very happy, Kllie,' her mother siid, lis they were busy in making beauti lul things lor Kllie's wedding. 'Inrleel, I am, mother, I have i-v-rv hour since I spent my money, mother, did ever two pounds bung hiipi'iucss belore t' Oli, my I -ve, it is all the reward puiu, kind and loving. ' been Oli, such of his litis ami tin n iliawing her nearer. have telt like kissing you many tunc. I it.ight us well be now.' And bilore Maty could olqect, the liis- wasiiiKeu; ami who moij nttiuo, 1... flij't slie had ever heard lltiui .Mr Slewatt, ha drew hu with hi 111 to his il.iiigbtui a si .10. Hero my daughter, is the methir nl your Kind little liieml, an I .he will vciy toon, I h 'pe, be your niolllfl, too.' 1 V!-.. '.! ' lry K ttrl. i.., was l,ee'llll. over Iii Ki-s I'.leainir, .nr. niewan '"t ami put hu aim mound Kllie, aod ked : 'Can yon make up your inind to wel come tiiu witli a kisj, little dauL'htcr I Iadeed I Cil'l.' Mild little Kllie. Wlthil warm kiss, 'and I am U-t as ylatl as 1 can be.' I'mlcr their loving raro ilaii-.fhter soon crow well lloin- nail Hi-niorj , A little babe lay ill its erad'c, and Uopo camu and kis-cil it. When its nunc gave it a rake, llntia momisu I another to mor row: ami when tho younc sister brought a flower, over which it clapped its bauds ami crowed, Hope told el blighter ones, wbi.-li it should giillu-r lor ilsell. The babe girw to a child, and another Iricnd came and kis.-ed it. Her name was Memory. Shu said, "Look behind thee and tell me what thou seest." The child answered, "I see a little book." And Mem ory said. 'T will teach tlue how to ge honey horn the book, that shall bo sweet to thee, win 11 thou art wld." The child became a vnuth. Once, when he went to his bed, llopu and Meuioiy stood by the pillow. Hope sang a melo (lions song, and said, Follow me, mi every morning thou shall wake witii 1 smile, ns sweit as the meiry lay 1 flung thee." Kut Memory said. "Hope, is there any n.ed that We should contend? lie (hall bo in 1:1.1 a. wi .n thin-. And we will u to him as .isters all his life long." So hi; kised Hope and M.-'noi j.nn 1 WAS beloved ol I hem both. hi 0 lie sle liLiicelullv. thev -at nb-r.t bv his sitle weavino rainbow tissue into dieains. Wh he Woke, thev caine. Willi the lark, to bid him good ui-iiuiii:!. and he g ive a baud to each. lie luvativ man. lively day, 11 pe L'ui.led him lor his labour, uud every night he suiirs.1 with Memetv. at the table id ICnowleJee. l'.ut. nt Itiio'li. Age founJ him. ami turnn.l kis leniiiles grry. To his eve, th world scciued allele. I. Mommy sat bv Ins r'kow-chair. like an old and tried fin nd. He looked at ii -r srr.oi.ily and si' I, M .-t th.itl 11 .1 Inst iuicl!iltn, that I etitiustcil to thee V And slie un'wcicd. ' I fear se; for the lock ol my casket is worn. Sometimes, 1 11111 weai y and si-ep, ail I then Time pur loins my key. Hut llm gems Hum ilnht give me v.'iieu life was new -1 can account lor n 1 - sec, ho v might they lire." Whila tliey sivliv cmiVfiH.'d, II 'pe put Itirlh 11 Willi; that, she had worn I 'i'l'-d under In-r rrirment, and tiled its s'.icngtli in a heavenward flight. The 0I1I iiiuti lay down to die, and wnen his soul went lortli Irom tho bo Iv, tho no gels took it. And Memory walked Willi it tliiouoli ihu open gate ol ll-avcn. H it Hope lay down r,t lis tlireslndd, a-,.1 sen tlv expired, as a rose eiv.lh nut its last odours Het patting ugh was like Hie mu-ie, ol a seraph's. She br.-ath ;.! it i.ilo tlie bosom nl gUnioiis I01111, and s-iid : ' Immortal l!spi-iu---s! I luing th,-i a soul th .t I have led thl.iugll the wolld. It ii now thine, .leans has led emcd it. Tiling llml 11 Slnrrioil Mini Tan no! Help liiniktng. That all the g'r Is u cd to be in love with him. Tint all the w idows a-e now That it I i! weia a widinv.r he Cdild ina:ry agii'l w!ic!nver lie chose. That all the i.tlmr lellows aie fools. That ho wouldn't introduce nnv lellow lie knows to li's si-ier or hn-ilmighter. 'ii t his wile is s little j- nious That she u- ' I to be 11 pretty girl. That Ins mother c.-uid bake good; fiat h'. wile ran nt. That he wouldn't tiusl most women. That it he cu'lld 1 .r siin ulatc !iu would make his luituoe. That his gitls will niver bu so silly ft" to won rf . That lot Biiithei io law may be a fine old lady, lull, but I'hat Miioke has never hurt a man yet. That with a little iiianag.niMit these seivan s wnnld always ilo well, uud uevel gi,e winning That his shut bu'tnns uie grossly neg lected. That he is going to iimku his fortune time dav. Thai hu despises old baoheloia. I IIINOS A M vuill' ii woman c.:..oi- lll.-l.l- lllISKINIi. Tlio 11 ami. Neatness is the first consideration which makes a hand attractive. No matter how kill", bony, or large jointel ami unshape ly, il it is clean, ami the tingtr mills pmp- Iv eared for. a hand can never look ilia gustil'g. ao!t, warm, piiame nanu i-us ni- power ond la'Cination. rhuu is a char acter in a large hand, timcy times lur realer tli-ui in a tiny one. A hand cor- responding 111 si.Mu the, ret ol the body much tin. r than the little ia', ninipie-i haniit, so many are proud to poe-csi, and tln-rs euvy the pos'.. ssion. It is (.pu iY a. nonsinsical to tipiii." thu into olnvf a si.e loo sinull. as to pinch the r let l lor tight boetr. A very una I no-e is considered iiis'G'nti" mt, while a huge one is a. id to indieaie linlillily nl cllala.'ler. 'Ally tint thu hiinie with liands and ha lf 1 , wuli cliiinge.i 01 time, the idea slmuld pievail that tnnall noics only were line, while largo ones weie sonieihin'g to lid", 1111J ol which to ashamed, would not llm f anil V ol hit - inanity ullcrrpt to li-.lil-e the proportion of that iniiitit-i r by Incing, or In ,:l e net'f It would be equally as sensi ble us s opping the cneuiniion 01 tne blond in tho oilier minimis ol the body. white Ilex. bio baud is ih stialile, but not at the s.-.cnftci! ol duly. Many a liani, rough hand has done enough good in the win Id to look be iiitllul io the eyes of the appreciative. Girls who shirk nil the housewoik, uiakin ilrililges 01 uieir iiioin- ers. rather liiim soil their damly white hands, need not expect to be loved by th who know it. The cillons places, nnd other signs of labor would bo lar more to their credit. I'tio b t hand in tho world is no hui-8t hand, be it hind or soit, white or brown, Jinoolh or ough, angular or shapely; an ho- t tialni that ik the h old ol a hi, 11 I with a wr.rm, h i'ty ur ip, as ii tin re weie 11 otoing in the heart to conceal, only warmth and lindinns Inwards all I'lns is llm li it and inoat bcaulilul hum in the wotl l. All l iiyi-H' oiir-iC'. We have nnthitiiz to say in fivor ol sumking; but a man who has acipirpil this unless habit seldom ha. power 10 ilucon- tin ue- it. and th woman who tolerates her husband's cigar is unwise 111 obiueting to hur hii-liand's pipe. Some wives are per' P'-tiiully roiling again t snol;ing, contti'- ually getting nt'-poinn with eviry male liiL-nd and relative, anil gaining noth ing by it but a gri n defiance, which din covers the diet that in the long run a man's will is equally as strong as a woman s when he otn-o s- ts upnu a subject with the nrui mi ceivul iletcrmtPBtion ol having his ewii wav. Then tliero is the ticivsna o- man w ho hunts at tho mnell of tobacco- smoke, an I win can detect a sinoki r a milurll; lied the particular creature, whe is alnii I nl the house and the uirniitire t-c enniing imi regmti'd with the vapor, Tin-so utinliilesophicsl wivei rush to the i-Mieinily nl driving the smoker from home to indulge in his tailing for the r-btioxicnis "weed. I Ins is wouu than Inky, and 11 gem rally the lieRi ruling nl much lia pi loss. Let the smoker have some co.- little nook to himself, where lie can pull as much as hu pleases without being con- tii tlilly loiuiciitid about it until fault- finding heroines 11 born and a dread to him. Let it he sacred to cigars ami nicer- schawl!', spittoons and pipes, ol whatever ikicriptton. It is hard lor a loyal wile to believe that the husband whom -ho lance is a tower ol Miengih is really weaker than his own tobacco-smoke, and that he is powerless to break the chains id habit; but sue 1 is t ie act. ami shu will llml 11 wiser in the end to let him have Ins own wav ct hnnii). iinltsa alio wislns to diive him to the bar-inoni or Iho hilliaid hull. a IV bv are There any I'ir.imrrlcil Uoairii ? One nl the i-reatest Siciil 'TublitlS of the il.. v is to explain whyiluro a-e so nmnv marriugfiible ivoiuen w hn never id married. Soma say it 1 loving t" nil ex .....c in nimilii-n ol wo-iieii over 1111 n, in eoiisiouence nl which Ihivo are not hu binds enough to go nr. mud. This, how ever is disnn v id by stitisttc. Take thu m.rhl and !:iires show that tlnrc areas ir any men m it a woiiiin Others attribute it t ' the cxpciisivt n 1. ii.o.l.rn lite. M-u 1-0 i-vry I ati-e a-,i,l iber c ii-no' llm .1 il. IVil the but i-i, that 110 mail who truly bivud woman ever liesitiite 1 to bei oniii ei'i; u: to her an I evenlu illy niary lier'ic ol pmcr'y. Tin y are I'.i.'d-'i nodi il in, 11. ivilh 110 iik"i ol any feeling tor H woin-11 trmigir limn languid mini ra' ion. v.'i may in- deterred Irom irsuinuig tiny 1, oard as u burden in the s'le.pu nl a w ;l. . 1 .. 1.- .. 1 1 ,1 Illile-S llsSUl- ll 01 H one: " "o most Bin not so cal. ul.ilu.g. Olln r., again, attribute the evil to wninii'i'a Ins tiditinsuesss. They exi'ii t too much in a husband, and, while waiting inr mi im-p-s''hlt shad iw, let the pusib!e sub siiinee slip through then t'mtrr. 1 1ns i a libel nn the sex As a nile, thev me n more lastidio'.ia than nn-n an-, nnd an-ja-l us susceptible a- ineii to that em hull n.eiit id lovo nli-(h lovi-ts its object with cviiy i.erlei lion and covei-i up every lau.t. So 1 rued l.,r ns 11. eo an I women u'e cone thev are as prone to u.iin iiigu now as in ,10 ne-ud nl the "oild's history .V ve' lu bes, t!i-re ere weiiieii wading Inr l.u' kinlsandnnt getting Ihtm. Thev re i.i-.iir ibi-r are aeroiiiidi-hed. they tne i" -'.-- - ' . sensible, and nn ler pn per naming I l ei woual 11 ke 1 M e h i t wives Ml I inollii is; hut llnv 11 v. 1 ret a eh-im f. Win in'im tn It m".!"l is a none ilio-eiiL-h Pie'ho.l ot br.iiging lieu and women into soi lal eouUct w itli o'.hrt. Gol.o'i lira. - .. -. . - A Krciii' In lii!l--3l. Mr. 0 .l atnoie is veif del. I.-iJt Hun day 10 th-- mi U o! tin- ..-".i-'es Mr. II- IT who -its iiiiu'c Iia-fly In h-nd Mr. '"''a noire f 1, v a Ptdi r traveling ever the hit to Ii s lar. - 1! a)! - n would delph a tho widowed and cheerlul laugh resounded again ; atnl .Ne l s meriy thioughoiit the bouse. The nislit of the patty Kflie stayed at home She loiL'ot a.l aoout it in the n citcm-nt of that day 011 which Mr. Stewa lound his daughter, and the nut al.-o. Th-'i the thiid d-.y it was to be, an i then it was too la!e to get ready. How happy she ri-1 How nappy ilw-j both were 1 The paity was iinite lor- eot mi unt.l alter 11 o'clock, when iVillic sinned 1. 11. saving : 'Thev will never lorgivo mo. Hit l.fiw I hate 10 go, Mey I come to-morrow t Will you tako a walk! And in the even, iug we will go to the cpeni, and I tun selii-h enough to nnko you proinisa that h.h. I am here vou will go with no one ol.n t Buy. Kllie. nromlse we that, tod nil go away coulvutcil to-uiht ami happy cuough, too I' - V :", S lo but he . us ik-'d. bed the ii- high lie- vans- la 1 me O'Ute a (ceeie blow. 1 -man turni d ar-u-nd in a Tlmt she was pretty at sixteen. That shu bid, nr would hive had, rest many good f lLr.s. That her lady tin n. Is ru live years older than tin y say I hey are. That she had a very line niitm. That il her hush had acted mi her Jvi. , ho .votil.! ! c a rich mr.i to day. That people think too much ol tin inks nl that M , who would lint be culled handsome ll she d,d not make I'.er- stll up. Unit her mother in-law is a very trying W. Oil 111. i'liat her giili are prettier than Mrs. A That she wmil-l IlKo 10 Know wne.rc ner busbainl spends bis cvtuiugs when lie etuis out. That lur il let son takes alter him. That Iii! is going 10 throw himselt away on Vibs Sciaggs. That Miss Scruggs set her cup for bun and did all (he courting. That her eervaut girts uie llic worst evei kn i-vp. That she has taste in dress. That shu has a gitod temper. That she pitiis old maids. tor it l-uld be 1. 1 His h si imp'ii-i nudgn hi-ii Ml I 'el! him about it, ri-inciiibere.! that Mr. C'olluinote 1 so he like I no bis band an I ht'i--pi.ii r 1 IT. U - IT didn't ami d 1 enrol. -h ii'i.l consi o'leutlv, ia l.i- 111 ss, lie hit ( The old geil no -o inn who had daicd 'o take such Lb rty with bun. nnd ll-il! began to ex plain with the gestures li e cuusn ol Ihe (ceiunricc. Kut t'ollamoie. in 11 loud -0 .-e, tlciii -m 'el what lie meant. It w.i paritul to 11.11 Tho eyes ol the whole cvngrigiitmti weie noon him, and he grew red in the luce, nnd in ilcsper-itioa cx clainicd : " I'ln-re wi,s a spi icr on your head " "A wliitu place on my head, hey t S'sp. sen tin ru is, wliut's that ti yo-i i" said C'ltliunore, "1 on H know what 11 Is lo be baldln aded your-cll 1101110 tin. It was a sil ler," shrn ked Hull', while the coiigieguli, in smiled, an 1 the peiepiiaiK.11 begin to mil idl bis lace. "t'ei U.iily il's wider," .ail t'ollinmie t. i-l " t iwoik in it tlnia noils l'.ut yon let it alone do ynu immH Vou let my lieml nl -uu 111 chinch." "M'. (' Ha renie," slim ked Hell, "theie w-.s a bug nil your head, uud 1 brinhi'd it oil -this wav," and ll-'l! ii.adt- nn..lher test uie nt Colli more's liead Thn ol I tho'igl t In was going to light him then and there, nnd burling his hvmil ho .k at H.vlT he the knnling stool on tho f! -or ol tlie pew. and was about to liung Mr. ll.v.T. whin t! e si'Meii inter Ii red. An explana tion was written on the llyltnl el Jhe livmii-b.ok. whereupon Mr. Odlarnoie apologi. d in t boisterous vico. and niiied his feat. I lieu tlio sirvu-es . .... . . proeeeile.l. Iliev iidiiK 01 nsKing ,iir. C'olluiiiore to wo ship elsi-whero. Sent ps). People do net like to acknowledge- thst th.-y aro poor except to booK agents. l'hern is a rarer named Chicago (liil but she is not so last ai you nngtit UiniK. Ilindiicks llniiks Iho second plsce on the Democratic ticket will be l'ayne full. The Arab who invcn'cd alcohol diet lik - HOJ years uzo. but his spirit Hill lives. The K niita Fiee Tresi believes that Mr. Tilden could be elected queen ol the M.y. eo by tclcgini-h; tlie truth conrs in liv mail thrtu hoiiis late. New World. Tlievsay that K'ing Giant lias bren a, ulv wlr.sthiig "Mr MarvUud" lor a iv et k or so. Now Ire it your girl with coolne-s ai d he'll like Mm all tin: better, vanilla is the -ale. 1 11 ivor. 'I h ie in one man in Uoston who doei t cel. unused f.-l 11 it attend. ng sliietl ...(ii hiiiiiiuij. llc'a a t";ig Pint. It is a wdl-sitt'ei bcli-l tlmt if Kecelier would I ci'p hi" mouth shut 110 0111 mi-tnii" 11111 lor a CiiiH'.iaii.- 1 ink Il.coid. Wire tli e littln croquet .relies such wicket things? Although thev look inno. cent thev are apt to war hoop the b?t rd t lupcts, Ir"s kihI tin- 'mloion. A Soli bll-C.llllg "I colota H ll-llllllV IX- cei ..lii.gly i lcgaiit. but many billies make 11 great mi-take in Imsing goods lor iisprmg, i-r even wi.i'er dic-es. Tlnv 111 ikuvor to mt'c'i tlu.-ir skit, or e.ft. in-ti i l ol porch asing u liade whir Ii, whit it hainioni. s we'd with Ihu color ol these natural 1 h.irn... contrasts with th-'lll aid I .rum a - picn-s - ( I -il which is calcii'atert to si t oil at the a Wantage thrie natu ial hi-mlie-; gold-11 blown hair is h v.-ly. but il lo-... s hall i'.s iilcain it !h dre-s be o a l a !p In 1 ti iM-nd: bnu-.-i'i s w ho have a "!.- t .'t al - I color in their chei k nrd ops a.e apt to !. .1 d -co nr c' re I uiibc.-o-u inn uud e.n oln'i v.i ar tints whiil 1 hi. iii.l.'. to v. In-ill tie's and ileln a'e ill-id. ' u mm 'o ri.htlu'ly belong, woilUi not .bin- to v. i'.tr. ( '01, tr.a-t, provided It lie not i-i .ring nr inharni-inioi-s. is "tie ol the 1. ir 1. id ar-i-ti.: 1 th c:.-; it brings 11110 s-ioc-' n liel u'l l. i! good in ints id laei nd li-oire. and tluows tho dt-kcls into the TALBOTT A HOH SHOCKOE MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND YA. Maiiufiieturorsi ol l'ortabln and Statloiary Kngim-s anil Hollers. Saw Mill, Corn aott Wheat Mills, .Shafting, llansora and fu. leva, Tiirbino Water Whools, Tobacco Ui- cliiiieiv, louglH iron vvora, on ma Iron Castings, Machinery of Kvcry Vlea rlption. ti ISN'INU AND lHKKflUINO IACUJWt ASPKCIALTY. Kopalrine I'rouiplly t Carelttvlly iiiiui'i TAIJ'.tVn "S I'.Vl'KNT (trARR-ARRKSTHe. Tlio Invention ol the Ago. It docs not destroy thoilrnft. It doe not interfore with cleaning tbo tubot. It will not choke up, and requires no clean -'!-' . ..... . t- lt requires no direct uampere m mm openeil w Hon rinsing Htonni inaiiipuia up iug oitjeotlonnmn, as iiiny may usiui.vpvii iiml iili-nv si arks to oseiq O.I It rcn iii rest no water to extingulaa wjinrks, w bieii, by condensation, destroy! llm dnilt. Ilesiiios, w lion wutor is umi, u noghctod, llm ellleioney la destroyeil uy eviiporiiiioii ol tbo water, mid the boiler ia kept In a filthy conditiop. ii is simple nml duriiblo nnil cau M re lied upon, it can be uttaelioil to any bollor. No planter should bo without 0110 of tr.oea. Insuriinei' cotnpaiili-H will insure rib mmm liuriis wlioro tlio 'lulliott Knglnee aua Sjiark Arresters urn used at Name rate eat marge I for wiileror horso-power. -yr-Sitiul for illustnito.1 clrculari MKJ price li-t. lirani-h honso, Goldsboro, M. C. J. A. IIAL'SKK, liouoral MaiiBgor. , T. A. (.HANdKH, Local Wuuagoa, in 11 v S Urn MEDICINE F0RTH5 DLUUU.uVLiur.iunbtj. i BL0QO.iruRKlDNEnS. 5 CfJRAT!NL pi r LlTor t'tiroi'luJut. CURATIUL l ur lii ln. y lasaeiwi. CORATIHE, fif h!luUttJ:lL curatiSe, 1'ot . - 1 -luS IJUVl. imuinti'i In 011 pwpw PtrrtilnO (IIP IWMlVt WI1I4 rrrttiiU' oil oip- ai ft) iT in" fttnrm, wp LiuriiM tn aoliun awl nrMi i- uin. Tutttarm, HhmutttattmH, Mmtr a 1 k ii i ottmtlvutimuH ,,rh. Urtuntiom ASK tOUfl DHUCGtSl FOR IT. 0 L riMORt, Ud. iloc 1-s ly r. K. rlCIv ttiti ;i;s ami iik;,ihs MADE TO ORDER Oil shad.. sn. A Ileiinlil'il l-lrnsii-. When the Minu'.iei day ol youth is slow ly nii-lu. g away Into Hie iiigh'.lall ol ago am! the shadow, nl the past year gtew du-piT nn I d-eper as kle wears lo a eio-e, ll is pliuniut to oi a luck ll'inugll un vistas ol t'lun upon tlio joys and sorrow ol cnlv eais, It wu have a home lo slid t. r, or hearts to n-joi -e with in, and lin tub who have b -n gaiheting around cur Ike side, linn the rough plu-isol our way'ar in; will be worn and sineothcd away in the twilight ol liki, while the blight sunny spo-n wol nve pass-d through will prow biighlei -an I mole beautitiil. Happy in deed, uie tlio.e whose uitetootir-! with the world has not cli iiigu i Ihu course ol tlie r holier lioliiig, or lirnken those musical chords ol the lieait whine vil rations art so melodious, so tender and S'l lunching in ihu ol ago. r.ErAiusn at low rrtiCESi All kind 1 of wood work nnd trlmnilat; lono in kooiI stylo. l;!ai-kniilli work done it short notico ami Willi neatnosii, AH now wt r w.irriiute.i. i inn pauuina iov buggies iloi-o at low paint ueoel. Many o jouti!' nun hu told hu lovoand told a belle at the same t hie - - The only prolatnty good dulge in is a little cireussing tlraeons in-saiuetior-i, "ll tssed bo tho tie that binds," was never said by the uiau that was going to bu uuiij. If he puts his arms a'onnil her liko a beat anil stops het breath when he ki-srs her, they aru not mi.riiel, but they are likely hi be. II be puts hu bauds on her shoulder, leans ferward ll little, matches tlie 1111. !. and lalla b.-u k, they have bei n uuirrie I two we.ks. Il he con, en up wall Ins ban Is in his pockets, look., out ol the wiuilow, niva: "Well, good-bv," givislnr a tasteless amark, and rushes oil, they have hoi-n 'named two years, aud life It dcseit. 'Hour IrrrrrMly i("' r.l,r'." ll'ioin tho I'lovelainl llorakl.l Dm en ll , ol Ohio, a vciy pious men was i.ute I lar ht long prayers, especially lo In family. Hue M itnlav liioitnng tbi .Icit.ui and Ins wile were alone, ami as was his usna1, cii'toiu al'er breaklksl prayer was i flered. I here bung BH tinusuil amsiinl ft Work that day, the dcaron's nraier w.-s tttort. He seized his hat a:i I nnlk-pail and started lor the barn. Ilia wile being very deaf did nut notice Ins aheuce, hut supposiitl him to be still engaged Hi prayer. On his return Irom mi king he was utprlsril lo Uud her sun Une..un. He Stelllie.l UU M llT llltl "lioiite i "Amen." when she nmiie liaiely ..rose and went about her wuik as il nolh nig hail happened. A new pair of shoes rame Imuic lor little litii-vem nl 1. Ho Hied llicni PU and I'm. hug that his ha t were m veiy clcs o niiti is. "O. in! 'bey are 10 light i isn't wiuk my toes." .. . - A due! consists id g. ing to somo seclu (rd s' il. bulging the air with a couple ol ii'isto!. sliakinp bunds anil going back lo town lor a liist i brcukhiai, aud Jet I they till us that duels am liiutul. '.'l.i III, ATI KVI'ION J IV ESI TO rni: undeutakinu depautmeht. J- Zr-, -"V 'T ?-" '" :''--' - ' t ' ' --Tti mmr j ..... Coirms un. I. Cues of all eimt oonelanWey m hau l. i im M itirlals kopt oiiliiind at ptHM i,!.,ty p,,i,ti- lot r.. Ml'irliMt. Weldon N. O. Juno ft ir J N O. that h Takes nlmsnrrt hi nniirtiltieinir can nl tl 1 bo lound at his Kami on F I it S T STREET, Where ho U:is on limd a full Hue of tt Finest WINKS, YV I',I-IC1 1'S. ami l',l!AM'!l-:s. TOHAl'Cd. CU1AU3, mid SNI'FF, (il'.AN'iiKS. A PPI.KS, nml CllNKKCTIONKRlES His stock orCauiu-d Goods and Grocer ies is unusually Full a 11 il Complete O1.11 r.iiiisur Wucskkv A S'rrciAj.n-T. KKKslI I.AliHH PI'.F.H OS PUAUdHT. Ilo Buuranteea sutlafaclion. Call nd ea lnui. Nov 21 I jr. iHB&siwlsa'a

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