THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W EBKLY N E W S 1' A 1' E R , PUBLISHED RY L. M. LONG A W. W. H A L L. THE ROANOKE NEWS A DVKKTISIN'G KATES. fss.7 ft g H is SPA CI' fz on 7" els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. Q K O W. Hi B I il A H , Nurgeou Dentist. Jljs over W. II. Brown's Dry Goods Store, WELPOSI.N.C. Svill visit parties at their homo when desired, Terms Reasonable. oct t:l lv T m. oaizziRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. ' ntTlc In this Court House. Hlrlrt attention flvnn tnall branches of the profession, nil ia ly .1 T. D 1U S C II,. J ATTORNEY AT LAW. BMI'lELD, N. C. ! rraeltee l the cumins of Halifax. Nash V. lirrtionih.'and Wilson. Colled ions ma 1" in nl .ptrlaof tha Hum. i;" I' w. V. HALL, ATTORNEY AT LIW, WHLDON, N.C. r Hnil atUntlon Riven to collection and raralttancas prompt ly made. . may itf, 1AXM M. MVU.9H. JOHN A. U00IIH. ,JDILJS M O O It IS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, n.YLII'AX N. C. ..' rrt,loe tn the counting of Halifax, Nortlianip, J ton, Rdnecomho, l'ltt, anil Marti '. In tlu Xu- prame c.onrt uf the H" - and In th" I'mlcnd ' ("eurlaof t ho Kastnrii . 'let. Collections made In any part of t So State. Jan 1 ly J A M KS K. 0' II A K A, ? ATTORNEY AT HW. i KNFIELT), N. C. One Year, in advance, Bix Months, " Tbroe Month, " . y Tratlcs In th eonrts nf Halifax ami ' i la anautlc. and In thu Supremo ami I niii-t Cnlli 'ill iolM Inadii hi ;uiv par' nd.iniii- Fl'del'lll f Mi" Btata. Will nttcud at the court noun- In Halifax 1 oi Monday and Friday of each week. Jnu l'.'t f ' II " J K ATTORNEY AT LAW. I HALIFAX N. C. ' Fraetlcns In th conrtaof Halifax, and n.lltiltt- ... lag- euuntles. in inn Mipr-mn court, oi in ' i atata, and In the Federal cmii'Is. 1 Will B-lYl) MBenlnl Kltetltloll to til' i'ol !eel . ill ,.'. ( tlaiina, and to adiustiiir tli accounts of au'ora, administrators and ruardhnia. 1 d-ctr.lf i V I If L. HYMAN, I ATTORNEY AT LAW. -? I HALIFAX, N. C, I rraetleai In the courts of Halifax and adjoin . hw ountl., and In Iho Supreme and Ked-rnl . aearU. Claims collecied In nil parts of North arolhia. Offlee In tha Court House. Julyltf ' Attorney nl Litw, B ALIPAX, N. ( Prastlcis In Halifax and adjoliilns ooiinliea and Ftdaral and Supreme courts. Will kts at Scoilimd Nock, onen every fort ljit. aiK2Kif J08. II. BATC'UEIjOB. ATTORNEY AT HW, ; ualuigii, a. c, " Tritis In tha courts of tti ittli Judicial Bialrlel and In tha Federal and Rui-reiue Courls. aaay II tf. ip W. MASON. I ATTOUItiEY AT LiW, flAitYsnuna, v. c. '-Yraatle! In tha eiurts of Northampton and adioiiilng rouutles, also in thi Federal niei s traiuo aouris. jiiu.i tf. I. tiT. AT k 1. C. .OI.I.IOOKI'Klt. ZOLLICOFFBR. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. c. fraatloa In tha courts of Halifax and adjoinlm, auutlns, and m th Supreuni and F.-deral courts 1. Claims collected In any part of N..HI1 Carolina C110 uf Iho Uriu will ahvajs In found In tin Vfla. J""" I ' f R, K. I'. HUN T K K , 19 V K E N HEUrilT , Cii be found at bis offlc In K 11 Held. Par Nitrous Oxidi Om Inr the Pain loaa Kxtractluu of Tooth alwaya ou baud Juao a tf, A K B K B 7 J. 1URTUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WiSLDON, N. C. fractlcos In theenuvts of Halifax. Warr ui an jiadjoliiinu counties ami In the upreoi" and r ' courts. Claims collected In any part . Aurtli Carolina. June 1711 R U. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, tBooTtAtiu Nkck, Halifax Coonty N. , Pratlces In th county of Halifax and adjofn iier oouutfus, aud 1 11 the Huiikuio court f the "Htte. 4f ly. VOL. X. A Mile ol'Soiis. (llitV a drop In tlie iMlek.'t, Uiil .'Very drop wiM t.-ll ; Tin' lillfk.'t would sooll I lllptl', Without lliu drops In the well.' tinlv a poor Utile petuir. It' was nil 1 had In c v. l'oit as p mors luaUe llie ihill-irs, II may help S"in liise i,. live. A few lillle I. its of rii.l'Oli And some tin's ; Hi.'V W'O' ' ted lie Pill Ihey made Hie sleli child ll.ll'p. Whieli lias made me happy, too. Only Home ouiiri'Mwn -anii"lils ; Thev wen. al I had lo sj.:iie : Bill tle'y'll help to el.nhe I h nee ly And the poor are everywh 'i e. A word how ntitl I h"ii. of eMtnf'Tt, 'I'lial cost lin- notlnti'.; Pisay ; Itut t he pour i il l man di' d ii;i ppy ; And if lirlp.-d h;in mi Hie way. (led ho'elh theehe.-r Ti .;h the it if I he What dmh It,, ihodi When they never ov fnl : ver, i r and mall ; f II lllldivll nl all A LEAF FROM A LIFE. '1 was a imtrv, uuunj laattcil yitl liko yon, tny dear ICtto, wlicti tiiu now lir-d Billed down upon my curly licail ; that Btiinv which never nielli) but onlv otos whittr, ami whiter, with each pnsMtiL; yiar, You havu iiBkul nic the story, aiul ns I know from the wisllti1 look in ytnir yt in titown uvea tint Cm mil's nlisum c, aiul this r nil) y nltirnooti liavo ran. in yon Inn" lor tnmi'tliins m. )'e ixeilini,' tloni lliu cau'lcss ilrip, drip ol the ruin nciin-t the witl'lov,', 1 will open the Ion:,' close 1 Pool oi my yniino lilc, ami year yon one nl its piijjcs; albeit, it inav ho n sail tifu. 'Only nineteen tiriejit euininjia Imil my nlml, jo, itij? eyes looki'il nnt upon this bfiiuti'ill ciulli, anil tn nio it hud imheil bene, a phiee to bu happy in. A I t h c r"a niitl a mother's love ami cire hnJ shod. led me from nil trouble, until, Imm livm;; onN in the sunshine, I In. I com 1 1 think there coulil be no shadow, a'lii uo ilmk p .tli lot my dainty ltd to trci.l. 'A 8 I re. all lliusis hnhyoii .lays, one face rises bclore me with in- rn .lislincliic tha:i any ol llie cithern by whom I was phi -riKIPilcil. It is a fire winy would call plain, au.l in lar as rei;ul'tiity nf leaturo went 1 fiippose it was uuileniiiblv so; but I tliitik even you, my proiul Kite, with your liiktbiious eye lor beauty, wunhl liavo Inrooiten to critieiae Pnilii) I'lulips, ahrn you san Ins laco lighted by his noble -oul, as it ivas in earnest eonversaiion. lie was a war.i of my father' left in his cute by ilia old time irienil, Philips, np, Une I by my luthi't n lie would have loved a noble sun of his own. No plee was quite no perlect lor me without, his dear lamiliar eyes tn look into, his warm, strong hau l to c I i no; to. Hut, aiiiK I lor me I thnipjlit it was only a sister's love I f'awi to him, and when, in his own slrniLtloi win ,1 manner hu tol l me lie love I me, and u,ked me to he his he-t diced his wile, I told linn it could never, never he, and bade him think no mote ol tinvthiu so wi! I, We would always be thu bed ol lucmls, but that was all '1 was yoiin mil r.itiiiin ic, and was lookinj; lor a liero to come wi;h an Apollo lace, a ('Hi it: n nil , "ii I rr , t uiouiiiinl d iik ( ve?, which spoke ol some hidde n soirow; who was ooinsj to o.e me .barit, ami livcoidy in tny smile. I) you wou- ct th'll W ith all the-e loo i"ll laer i. M i'.i my Kiddy b ain the calm love ol I'nil p, old rhil' us use i In t a I hnii) with w ho.n I hud hunted lor lour le ive I clovei. ambled in the wools, uiitieiin.: tile liriif lit rtowrri ol r.p.'iiio ; lai;hnl und cried with, in peifec.l Ireedoin all ti n d.i ot my "unny chiJdh oi, mid who was, t all time', the tiuntc I, uncliansii'S n'li't. should seem very unlike that nl tny iihal ov r ? 'I "ball never for;ft the stianne, slid ink on Philip's lace in I tiniiilf stole a K'ancu at Inui, wisiuno ne eoiiio eu y speak or do fume'liiiiij to bleak the op- pre-sive sreiice ivlici lollowcd my i" Icoided 'never.' lint he Moo I tlp io ( q lirt'y. pullinu the ne.h, red leaves Imm a rose I bad laeiii I In his tuition hole, wit'i a ruerty jest, a little nlr. be loin. Onlv ino slioit hour ; yet how lar I bom th.t er. was s'ic'i a lo, k set mod to have diilled fire. Iianiiy hour. Thru nl sorrow in his daik eyes, thai, oii;cltin my new t e.ii lity, and reuiembetina onlv that he was unhapiv, and 1 the cuii-e, I sudiknly leinid my head upon his shoul ler. and bu st inl.i a pa-sioti ol leiiiolse- lill tea v. Very ki oily an I tcmbily did his hand a no .lh tlie laurel cutis bom tny teir-wet laee ; and v. ry kindly and tenderly did he talk to me the while, nil my solibino ceased, ami my April teais were all wiped away. A lonu. hmo time we stood, wiili lh ' sweet bu'tlh ol the Clin s in oa lie" the twilis;ht air with their lni:!ranee. uiid slranse new q liet slealin;; over my usually miiry sjiiilt; very Kimldtu a'.er my 8'orin ol tears. Ah I that tuv.-i lobe lorolli 11 hour I Will It ever tade loin my memory t I think the icmc'iihiaccc ol it will uo will) me tn mv tiiave1 li in eds but the sinht ol one ol those pei filimd, cre imv nisi", aud in I I stand sitain with Philip, as I stood un that Imiyj m;o I line eveuino. I bar 1 woiry you, my dear K 1 c; I nt 1 dwell upon tins scene, liie.ilinn n -peik ol that which followed. However, 1 wid hasten ou. 'At lenoth Philip said he must fo ; and takinu both my lunula in his, wlmh seemed Mrati;(iy cold, said vciy kindly, thoijnh his deep voice laltete I, ' Purive me, K lith, il l sadden you aiiain, I) t I wish 0 speak once wore. 11 ml lor the lad 1 1 uiu, ou a sniped ulcch seems to mve you so miieii pain, 1 wimi yon to forget the words I have spoken 10 niylit, and be siain the winsome, rotli I 1 11 cr VM i jnu have always ' c n t me. A' d more, my darlim:, doiiotd.Nc'1 an this, thinking you inn the niu-e of ic, happiness to me, lor I would tint tint your bright life rdinul.l bu thus ' idowe t Whatever the future years inav I) iiiif lo us, remember that in mv inmost Ihoiiolu you are blauul a, and will ever be my mo dear and liu'ed Itiend. (lood-litihl ," and lie stooped and pre-sed a 1 1 u 11 t kiss on my brow, thi n drew 1110 close, Cavo mo one Icn ki. ou my li, i, and was o,one. "L k a li(jhtini 11 11.I1, deep down in my In ait c. me tile know lulpo that lie wti' deat to ni '; de ner than any i 'eal hero ! Uiy wild. -st lalicy Oh 1 had 1 but, yielded to the impulse which p'nmpte'.; no) tl en to cull in tn luck, and tell him tint I did lovu him hctlcr Hum ull thu wmld ; Imt lie went swiftly liom me, an t I stood lonkintj after lum, tliiokin how uoblu and (jm"1 hu was, and how fiiuujd that Ins iitiic Irom uie lor tutb a shod tiuiu should rb WELDON, the rnc of i's ftarance, the mooullylit ef its lilvery itlntv. 'While I still stood just. n ho left mo, a shriek starllcd the still air ; then the rat. Unit; of c.irriae wheels, and ahno't in the Same breath two nriiimnVeiit bines d ished by. while I ran .-lit a iiiomentaiv el'mpse of the sweet, pi'iiul ;acc ol i little Ktrl. alone in the rairiaje, 'A ti.oment I Hood mntionl sa. then came '.he thiu;;ht that Philip would try U s'op them, and a dea lly fear c tuifl over me that made my heart abuo.-t cearo its bcaiitiL': and bi lore 1 real .cd what I was doino 1 wa.t llyin madly afier the loa.i, ilisj In rscs. 'I rannot tell you rle irly of what fo'. lowed I have a conlined rrnirmbiaiico ' I fie'tp,' Ihem eliecked in their mud couise by a stioui; ai in ; or their icatiot; h ';h in air, mid, ju t as I ica"lie. them, cue ol thnse cruel bonis crc-dimi: down upon the te np'e o! him whosoi.oliL to slay them. 1 threw my-ell on lliu dew-wet (.'in i In,, side him, took his diur on my lap, and w ildly Hxs-might h;m to speak to me ; but al'i I he ha I spoken his lad words lo mo, and some neod aneel must have prompled him to suv just, the dear, Kind words he did when he le't me 'Thev to! I me tint lor we. ks I raved in the d.lii inui ol Ii: .in lever; ntnl when I einie loith liom in y lock room was but the pale oho t nl llie la'.inhino tirl who played with the Juuu ro-es. 'I'ne '811101)' curls' my lather had br;;yi .1 them so pile ouf'y imt lo cut. uway, ha I, indeed been spared to nie, hut I Marti' I biek as Irom a nirani;"r when lir-t 1 l.mke I in my nr.uor, lor the hair nhove mv p .le bro v w s while, t.s il the hand ol tune had le" 11 laid lie .viiy on my yoiim; liesd. Hut 's'ei'j" jiieed' eeuie nuiinl the ycir, and thev ha I hitmelit he ihno. nj 1 have le irr.el lo have a -crene lailli in 'lli'n, who diieth all things well,' and am 0011b nt. 'Spite ol tny ytay hair, my love ha' been so. iuhl bv men whom 1 believe lo be noble and Hiicrie, but the memory d that last kiss is slid loo dear ; and ro I walk a'one. 1 have many dear I muds, whom 1 love, mid wliosn alf.Tthm I pi 17." tnnre than words may tell, but the one love wails me beyond thu river, which 1 shad soon cioss. 'I.",t thW bu a warnins; to yon. ICaln dear, and when Curoil comes lor his answer do not siy him nay, uutd you are fine ol your own liemt. lor 1 .mil I rut hnvo you miiku youraell a "crown ol sorrow.' Sliect li (d llou. IV. II. Iii-lilil. I'D L 1 T I C A I. ASS I', SS M K M ".' S . Mf. S""ik r, I tuist 1 iimy lm paid.-ned for In 'spassine; upon the lime ol 'he ilouse, as I have consumed but a le v iniciile- du tine; this session ; nor would 1 row p e sttnie to txeteis'e Hits pic oeatiVo, il I did p.'i Ircl it was due Pi'.sill aii, I Pie oood .,0i';e whotl. I t'( 'pte-eni, to llli'.il' UtIOWn til. il' : ClililOCtltS ail I leellliellMl til is qiit- . lien an i nt Lets ol like 111' nr., net i'.:i' . III'!, I he M.ill-8 I'd tile I'.'Ulil I'v I 1 W I: it'll ,ve all beloii.;. And nothn.u but llie eieat, in teit'd I have in the ptoipeiity and liilurc o'.oiyol our ci tp tn 11 n roMitiy, and the Ueiiiaiid iCld n.; lovu I'htcli 1 hold in common with my people lor 1 ho Union ol the Slates could induce me 1 1 i"..iiaiit 91 li.dil an act, novice as I aid 111 p -1'iiiM, is alle".i itijj lo deliver n sin eeii to lira body, in my ioiit;h, ('1111.11, and 1 t.ust, honrst style. In tha ou set allow me to dei'iare, that I speak lor myself en'v uti.l not lor t he d. tu n 1 at ie si ie o ihis Cham bet; lhou:;li 1 Pilieve I iihall ( Np.c-s the SeCtlilielll 1 lllltl piteciples til the "lot! deinnciatie heait ol Uo; c untrv, v.'h ef throlibii'ejs aiul .lll.s'il'ons will so. I'.el' cr later Idin to iht llie now loine.t p-iitc li'is si it'iiOlicaiii-in, and ('.use Ihem in no 11 mi ish and proa 'IT, that tl'iv titll i.VCl .ha low the Allleiieatl l',.illi';elit With th. ir cicten-iiio !; , v. No ;:ovetiiiii.:iil c mi i.e icpnbli an spirit w hell tlu mai'iiitv does lot Mile III III a Iree and uti'iauimelr I t -;pr 'I Cs choice at H e liillot-'inx ; and this 1 lintee cannot b. I" e whete ui.'t.iy is use I lo over. rea( h and wav the iu.l.p tni'nU and opinions ol the e'ecioi.t It the e'lMor coiil I vote a moved by his so'-i r i idee, null!, apa'd liom the tdtnioraS and C 1 1 dpi inn 'iillui nets ol inonc ii" sail pit j'ldn f, his libcti. s a:.d rights w mild tie secure liom thu ,1 oelli'lill dc.lil- orisp i. Ihe uuiipci. Hut a Isrjjc n aj oi ly ol mankind is so i. tiled that the love id mi ni y un I power nie the niltiiii iiasspins oi their livt'i. Tins lets-!, 111 bu iti.ui.'V and poivcri-.-o slime: in lb" hu- 0 Hi lie li t, Utile-- s ole: l lit .'tf C ill Ir! dr- ij 'ed lo t ill h and bi' d.e ti in c - pioper ami letllina'e spin I e, the lined s 1:1;. line beiiel ,'!S 111, ilhd 'ltd, !it "llpp .n. is ol this tiovei linn n' cannot lon:o r loas inab'y hope lor lis papelinly, in il miitiil nil. e . id republican 1 nidc ir. We aie no b Her, il so no nl, than Ihe miliums who l.ave live. I and du d In lore 11 ; and back ileal I wo tin oh mil no a" 1, when our Lord in i M 1 r lived a.i.l ha I 11 s lot iimotp; us, (I'.'l man ns lie was, lie Colli d not. or at had did not, itoiu uuiono ail the millimis wm then lived, seicit twelve In in?! nun to be Ihe In 1 this ol His "hub its silva'ton to lall.11 man. Keen uuiono this su' til ami seiict nuuiOci' thei" was a ,(u las, w ho b.r Ihii ty pii ct") ol silvei bctiayed, and sinrt tide ed Ins Kte;; into Ihe hands ol Ills cueniic-, to bu K:oiirr ed ami then mueilicd. The most reinaikahle leature that I have eolie.i .l in this House, in public debat , mi quest ions ol lelmm, ia Hid readiuesi ami certainly til thu other side ol the Chambe , to meet a'l issues ol (rand and corruption, char",! d by this side on thuir leaflets a .d chiel men, simp'y by shakiiio that crim soned, tat'e'ed (,"iinient known us the bloo ly situ t, t he p ililical lifer lo convince the ionoraet and linini, that l.ta South is still liiiii"! ou Poll Suuiiir. In every cam pnioti treamn is llie wnichiyoid and rebel the sc. .ie c o.v, by which honest, u.isophia lie. led. patiiotie people, are UUcricd Irom vo'inu the di m 01 rain; ticket. Attempt iclorin, tir to biine; the old ship ol Main back lo its constitutional uioot iiios. f tun which it haa diilled under rc puiilic.n pilotaoi', and we are at tune taunted by the other side id the Cliainht'i , that we are but pardoned criininula, that we uru slid truiiota at heart, seiktui to do bv le;;iiilaliiui what we lui'ed to do in ar.ns, lloiv lono will this lalse rh!iie. Una iijnotile, iintnatily appeil, bo ri'sorte.l to by the other side ol this Chatuber, to !ir the bloo. I aud aiotisu the bitter leel- ings ami passioiii ol our northern country iucu against usl llow loiij,', iu thti uaujo N. 0., TIIU15SDAY, JUNE 18S0. of justice, bcloro the intelli;cnca and wis, dom ol tho Noith will p. iieliate Iho veil and lilthom ll'.c depths d these malicious, lalsn, and slanderous charoc-' Will they Cont iuue to sleep until the bit I hi iijht ol vc.y citi. n fhall ha'e In en su lendctcd into ti e hslids of a dictator; un d Hie ll ie ol the laHnis., the lUg of the Union, shall become the emblem ol the tylanl's nil') I hope not. The hopeiul 1 hi to si a the silver litiinrt behind the iiveis'.iad.iwini: clou Is, as they lower in daikne , ur. uiid them. Whether their di m is to become a u ality, is lor time to deitioiistiali ; it in y. t in the tUtuled In line, and tiny theie Ion ver remain. Tile laws upo;i your slu utc-lo .ks oH'. r a n.eiinum lor ncjiliyetiee i icjulatilies, and mall nee in the vnimis Depaii men . Von lit t e amount ol money to be cxpeeiled 111 taeh l)t pari mint, bv ill hoid lor e .. li li-, tl yeni, and then dee1, ne 'hut he slia I not use upy niote for that spccilifd tinir, w illpmi c 'me; any penal ty for its viols on. The 1 ult is tho heads ol llie Depai 'inn 1, oventep the limits" lted by law, by thruis and millions ol ib.illuis, viol tin" the st lilies, with ahold n s and d. limn u unpaialh led ill any moil utitiui"". And yet the Centre's i f the Ui.i ed t'" ,.l , who. ,: pa tier itv is limited only by i capt.'i'.y, 1 iklissiy vob i II. e d. lic'i'ii. ies bi millions mu 0 ihepiepie's t-M' In quel , as I Inui 1; h hp hi cy .new on tie nrtliwe l in sit. mis. This, 1 believe, is whip..'; 1 believe it encouta cMnv.i f,"C ce. Man must err so lopo us lie is human, or (he law. tol ntllic lim.'t bu silspetide l 01 n veise.l; thus the circ-sity lor clii.'k.i ami b ila:;C( s to a 1 Ins neb ; w hat ii Hue ol in 01 as mi itpltv.duai ss tniu of h'lll as a body 1 11 pel ile or po'itte. d'hu , it ite I h it the .'ai iiieia ol this ii.ilile syslein ol I I 1V1 rem. nl, in I heir w is Lou and lar fep- III ; 1 is 00, si .v liie licit- 1 1 y ol kta in;,' .epiiaic and dsliucl iho llcee main braiH'heM ui the Hove' tin, cut, no! nlloiMeo the one to em t.vicu or i.rneli u mm the oilier. Tin n we wt to l'i our infancy as a c.i.ircileiul'V', j.i-t riueiL'in.; iK-tll p.Mni al bondaue, w ill iii-ir;inlii ant nioliviS uiul ineetiiives io a'tibtlious -cheiii. i s lur power and weilth. H i! now we have yiown and e andeil in wclth. mid power, and lelii loi'v, in the naiiii il 1 1 subs ol the powers of IPlellioellce over ieli. 11 alien nod bond- uj', un. il u C'immirco with i's wtiallh an i civil IP4 1. Iltp'tic.' ctv"s !i-s.m,n the st ats oem thu he 1 veils, s. . 11 an I n 04 ! i'. tl to ti;e end ol I lie earlh. The 11 1.; ol thu Union, the imb'eiii id bbeilv and p. over, 's tint only ie-p, i.le I and h oooid by all the nations and kir ,dnis of the wotl I, but, by 111 -1 11 v loved and by n'l le.ll ml. To he in a position lo 1 1 aim 11 I'd 1'iC.ivc its p.'oteei 1011. i to be an A m.'' ican cit i.'!;i, I'm pi id. s' idle mi l iioti'e-l her llae bi .'l. allied lo in to liy the l ilhe::' o( the lieponli.'. ' such a H lu'l ol li c-sitii;,! ;o (!,1 j -i n, i n inn and to lh ' i;i n,'i;i U" 1 y tin I '' 1 m, j i. sei.' I and - '.vcd licui ll.e t'l id ol 'lie. lyta'Cand l'i. iso'i ui.ii, whit we!;;!i'y 1 , -p.n .1 n'tlii 1 t tl. v 1 1", ' 1 0 ji e 1 I ' 1 o ie who it inav he 10 e ee'.v ha. in ; '.he .al'i'e ,ni t f.n.i! d. .t"iy el It'.; A hu 1 ie ill I :i' .1'. S.ep l y s'ep Iris the I'.'.'entl (loveiinnt '.it in nil us hi iiii'ln s, and with all its mseh'ii- ei',' an I n s, mva in. I I'tc ar.vririen riohls ol I ho piopie, and the Sialcs, until the I'cilci 1! ia I : 'ii v I n' recently over I'lft.'hel ii !l', at) I lcvcrs:d decisions mole by it li r t!? be t. ninety yeais, n.l dpcided I : at t'l'i I'cle. il au'h 'rily can siipcrn-e tin St i:e eleeli "' ,. a i illaev a id an ir li b'lity lo coast it n! ional p' 1 ae, ;i!.-s winch in v r ci.lerct the btaio, piolrenl It' I .It f '1 in il w .1 Al inn . 1 in 1 t in Ihe I'ttiiir. s Tot.-, ui'.v he i' pos .e..s I he lef il le'et mine a i Hi--maonitude and A 111',', if. ill peopl te.-'i t veil I U' I in I, I I ..I -.iilU''ol'll. I 11 IV it. v, and b at e.nii I, linn i-l such stni cn I 111 vast imp iilacec to the ; bin I wil -ay. ii was s apt', and Iho iTo'tlt S:l.tct!ie l'odl'1 ol Hie I llited S.'il'el, lltph't 11 It piildlc :ti ailiii'.tnsl : al inn,' Willi a si mile I Pi.-plciit in llie II., pi: who never nce'Ved a li.iij"lil;' id Ihe voles -! 1 he A met '(Mil people, or a no joi il v ol th" 1 'eel. T'l Vole, or l ill i' li Hy id H U S'll.-S, to so decide. Now, Mt Sn":v.t r. il I haver nu O'l'd, in the ii'iiisiks I h.. ve a. emptcd I 1 tn ike, in In hall nl om'er No. 1 i see.l by l'Ym 1 Nu !, 1 Impel may le pirdoued, a! ha t b any c. 1 or i may have cnir.iui! .ed in lud sMc'iip:; eliis.f to toy t:'t, its 1 h ive ,. mv pallirn the 1 xiniple set by the "-iiunilit ' ol the human lain:!'-, who s.ihl, "let i.s have p' tiee, mid tln-r.' di niei --ted ei;is hnive boipcl at tile p iinl ol Ihe liayopet, and w ho sai l. ' I. el no ui't 7 milc e ipc." bet HP'ti i ler hr, u;hl all the power and 1 l!';.'t .1 ll ll letll'ii ol his siaiinn lo beat', lllat the ui"' U'tidv un; j ni ICC. l):s.;uise and e pa;ioit t:e .d Ihe 1 ht -e tl ,1 w h l'i e I r as we ciittve, tl 11 av tin pi poll in 1' e "I 1. to..; in mu ll in t no s. v. ielns '. licit tpllin nee and p-'we.- n a linin' -t' 'itiou ol wlpch lie is he t l po,v puclicfd. lint i' elivc is lo lh led'ta c Union, What Ihe liuall ii t. tic As (!"ll Ihe lio Iv, -ninliii; oul io.! iilt-hloo l ihro'p-l' evei v tueii.l'i'i', to bu btoipjlil iiai'l. I,, i! 1 11. 'lh.! mind is si i;reicd lo I'liieptt'lieiid ll.e evil le upts, p'.iil It.y toil 01 thu en. I mulls o.'ip'.ctiti a'.in'i of power in tin' hands of the Pestilent ol tlie United Slatis It tiniv in truth be said that I -,", either iliuetlv or iiniii lly, mahrs every .veiiuilvu apooiin -nu tit ovci this lima i lerii'.my, leuli'it' 110111 Ihe lakes to the Hull, limn the ooen on I he 0 . i'l U emdini . lo ihe I'linl oi t u il .iliou bey. mil the U 'cky Mntiii'.aii's ol ihe We-l. Iusii'.id ol beuij thu nocnt or chin nel Uiuiuh which too million ot springs ttilnil iiii.t How lo the reai political ocean to bo oiveti ii .ck as the wa e "I lite seas ate ii.unu'd to ihe 1 .itli, hu lies btcnme ;.e t and ilhtiii b'c ie ivmr Ur the r cpiimi o pnwei, ii.ll n nee, p iion.ine, nud levitlliP s, never to l)n sin teuilcted m disli tbilled lor Ihu "cnetal ipmil nl the pie, bid to be 11! n rod lor Inmscll, and the mo. level c iiiibin itimi nl ihe inuiitiy, and to m. iin In power Hie political oifiin i.iliiin to which he behit j, Tim is nil coiitiary llie spiiil and e,nus of on iiialiliilious, lo ihe In'.uiu welianj nf ihe people as a coil! cinted Union, uiul to the pel pt iUation ol that Ullia'i Ihia tidal wave ot Ic-le: ill-ai and t cult ah, iliou not i oiiein, and o.ithci 1 not in diet o li I 0:11 tl 0 people, bin limn idlieeln bh is and niot cy t'mi! tad leis, tome wlio levy and colli ct llie revenues ami haii.ilc and lite Ihe people's Intpi ; and Im' this reason 1 havo not whoh d spaired ol the l.epuhlic, trualine; in Hp liOnuity, iiiteuiity, patriolisui, and Intel, i- 1 ymuo ol tho people, Ulioviut', u I Uo,that when made to fee the surround inir ditnircis fiat tlireateu the ovtrthiow ol their duplex system nf jjnveri men'; that wlou ouec iitoustil Imm that luthnru'R slice, inlo w Inch Ihev have beni led bv thnr nv.i-wi'en.p- coiili lence in their leaders and in the Pedum I judiciary, they will lise up in thuir power and authotity imd d. inatid a spicily iclii 11 to Ins first principles, wiihiti tilt! lll'll'l ll.s! ConStiiUliotl If till IC should ou no coaiieii in thu i 01 nod t'nc eve uiive. Iriislai tve, and jn bci.l .Icp.rltiieii; 1 should advance as rapiiHv .01 tho 1 d tacivdi.ttinn for 'he ni'Xi ' ci n yens s lln y have in thu lst sivdec, 1 bel eve Si. i'c lie . r t tie con; and Slain ej,u..rtinicii lull ie on to he, and the Aipiii icon incut, Imm lakes to K'lll, tin. I limn 0. " 1 o ' " u, wilt bccoinc one . 11 mi idnted (;ort neni, tilled by smile (' e .1, t'looiwi 1 or I it unp tl e. Tlien to pri ' soiti liny liet onto I'i.oler il.le nt.d In'" An one. 111 pi oplu tuny tieiin nl a' tl main . in tinir manhood. pi,ri 111 !.! i, ,, ty. As beai, e -it .;(:, !, Il' til Hie pa. Mil e line ol all iii'Mi, atilhoiiiy, and , ive id n. V, sha'l ec' u slunibrr tm liyr ii'dr.s. and shall In in move in u u e wnich s ik hone It. lie hei t ol evetv pi lu'l. 0" iclu, maiion in any ol 1I10 ilcp iiiueti 'can cnio'dcelly ie ex; id. As waul ll t dowo s icuiv 111 olie n- pnee .1 I h e taws 01 14tav1.1ii.1n, o mu thii (lovi riMiient a id i t oo. 01 I .uih', speiikiu ; 'nio.e tucti'ii'i ly, -ay, so wi I lbs rcpuid'eiii patly cut,, nun 11s itictoith nieiit upon the 0 m-. 1 il. ion - t iie- ,htet- ao.'hor el a'l our hop -and the I itud violent iuv i-ion ol Hie i";li ol too l" oo'e. utiii! me". n.i'a 1 '. vc I indy a:i, I and '1' and l.ltlly, and d" e ; c I bv I lo! : tlhli a, 1 iti.'ed will oi ' ' pe ip'e ex Ihioip ll ll'.e bailol, in a iihiiiih by such a ki ii i. i.y, a to conwime cveti the hcil ol lu-i t.iinnn ,'iiunly that Hn ( iuvi , iMiiciit was no' cieitfd .olely Hull be ni'aht p i an I nil it. Sir, it vjoiil I i (i cxpi'j in"; niitl dt 111 Ml ' ipo no much nl hii!i nl itatti'f.. nnan'ed by lln: ahiitid nit ',.:'. (! ol liod, 10 even hope lor a ict u' n In I it'.' "Id land 111 a. ks, tn t,e old coi stiln .mill eii'ii.uel in whub the fin'! o si t 0 oall niily anil liiuaipli anily linn', wi.h her pe .mailt ki-'H' thu heiveti t'l'P id b.ii.-, will ii IT' r-'.-.u as bet c ip! un and .1 icl;-ou as her pilot, solotoa- inn 1 iv st nt leaders ao.l rules remain in pflwer ul ihe l eid id the (1 ov ei uuifiil, m all rue I lepar' iro in s. mid al' t he ellieinl sritions id honor and tu-t w iihtii lee i,i.t of tre p. 011 e. So Iniio h i ilie pi t, pit- me t'..i'( n'eil imd a!i''.ied to bear th uoidt is, add lo be hew en ol wood rcnl di a v. 'a ol w u'er bo 1 licit Uidaand nii tcs ju-t sO h'ti.; wi" I be Ink ' nl oppi ll Slot). Inbl'l'l v, it'll COI nip ion I. main Iccki d our I e i !... P ks. A c line lio.ii ihe h.lo'. ui above, i's nut inal slid and otioiii, so ie 11st Ihe Hon mid tctteni liti.i" li nd bid t'd ll ;i"n s :iler tiiiist rt'lo : 11 1 'l ' ti -i, or I'lo.l I I ii ."i 1 'Hale sell. 1 e i sop it, ill 11 li roia M 1 . tn n It, on II, e Hie i".!iii'ti If'in Mj le, titr ot ielnal 1 nil 1 cr is del i v . 1 1 1 v 1 1 . A-i lop; "1 lh as niei llie he no it in -"ed Mi l i'heled tl II h it, Ihe l,i,; ol the people, oie'iu-u ol lln '.r capii-'ity tJ t ilk til ill" 1 1 . 'i tiiah unp h Im tli. ir !'. li.ious, lo icw ird the r petsmi 1! 1 1 it'll, Is, to t UP Is ll Ihni l Pl'UI I , l Hill',' pal, lie p nl v in ; in ', tl ions, to pin k co leiiltops, lo maun acinic c r.dtda . I, ' tlie Inolti t nlVp'cs in Hit) bold, lo cos laws to burden iho p opie. lo ..Maul bono tie, and annul , u i lo inh a'l.l poa.-t ol c.orpm illops, t yraiif ivti vcai! epp o pnal'oiis not ol their pntiiiai's luu.1- to im. Uf lip Silb.udlp I C ll-ltn'ie- i V. .baw ti n , I '1 ib li. il licit C'leiats, I al the ! le 1 ilp.n III, 1 dp. 1 aid d . ami i':av.:.;i e. ciiii lor their ."i.; wid cmiup'ton 11'id Pleiad in all lh depi' bi .itu'lps nl the (l.'.vctiuiieii'. In eoni'lu-1 nl, nllD V pie to Pec bit nio-t 'y, thai n: only boo" 1 and 1 c p. ton' ton ol Hie Him 1. a't 10I1-111, ii.,e!! t ibilitv HI the , coin tiio i honcstv, and vo.'Pi'ts aui'.itpoi o! ihe t.ia-M'i.p Hie people, win 1 a. yet f". V : 1 ol I, .lie 10 lolel lib li " I , I 1 i 1 ' loen lei ,1, 'end. ! is 1 t.r-1 -i nuoii tlie t 1 cr o: tv 1 is. tt take in pnft is.O'i Iho in ' to I 'lem lit q cu In tl, I'V the o' tl's ', ioverinin lit. at il ! 1 : hiel.l, n.l ;i' s,n ve it ii s a pht -its acil iphfii: nu lor lh. ir , ie;.i ny. I l': ltd Pe'.ev in;d h pe tha' l.i l.oe t it llepiiblie iiietpr . into a iiuuitci'iif or dc--p.di.on. Ho si- il'cp'nr cieie'ps a.i.l ne .l"0., V IHP's ol tins 1 1 o;.'e. wll be aio'iseil ni a1 -i rt th. ir 111 an e "...', su.-u ji h, and dp;:. in, lino v . ll a!i 1 opjuesston, 'Hid pi h" yoke "' bun d t o e it to rnllt the b. 11 I Colli r.s ol I'l I lid COII-ol..:l- liifi lie w ho eX'ieo i or hop.s .u leiie Ii hi tiioi' w ho were Ion, bmu",ld up, and i-.i -it-1 e I in the pmhliesl s"i.o d id eenll d r, il'on. Will its soon see Iho h ,qi ltd clian.'e Ills rpo's or iho Ihlpopi p eineoe his km It ivou'd he a- natural to m v H e w iter in Ihe Nile or the M's-si-sipni 11 -iv up it ream "a to eii'l or hope lor reloriiiatioii under Hie pie, mil m mv possible rcpublii'in .i.lin.irsi i iliou, ! v.iiuld be a'nn-st its I'a'ni il, j 1 1 I i t--J In in H' leee lenls, to txpe. t nud hope K-r a return 10 iiii'.i-Iinsoh d piiiictphs, an 1 10 Ci.cstdntional limilatlons. ntiiler Ihe had ol the republican politicians a id eiliie b d l. rs. M iy the day al tiniveisa! peace, Itt dnin, pn'spei iiy. nn l happiness simp dawn, and 1 H f nl ll of Ipditand lull lecoiieilnitii 11 ne in his "lo. y Irom his eastern home, and culminate til Ilia ineihlian aplendoi, and shed a Hood of !i"ht, live, and hm tiionv over a poodle nulled in tlie pohliMi bond-ol initio t nn1 brotlicilv love, em Donnil loL'olher by tho common memotns id ihe past mi. I Ihe tdor'ulli iiuticipti ions aud hnpei ol a bright fatlire. i'llt- III 1t !H I llfl'C. "No mull widaver prosper who Ins Hit c.ui-e id a woman of a mined woman up. 11 him. The mm icier id the budv can be 'lied and'ed by the wmld'a law-', lull the uniidciui ol tha soul is nie. I by hen veil's laws, and the execution is su c a divim: jusli ." Aunt Uelfley said Ibis ns he f I '. .J tin! wliile halo Is of 11 licati' i ltd ejifl, aud put while II iwt'ta and "rein havis tibj'u' the naibl cbl Imehead, Tluiowusa t.ny bahe licsid.! the ; i 1 1 inother, Tha Iphim) whs hushed, and Iheiu was mouniiiir; such a few know. Hall clad that the mother ami tin! 1 wen do id, Ihe list ol id the Intni'y 11, list per lorm tin.' hull "dice ol burial and btisr tho biniilv h-iine. A hauntud hoipc! A ruined hoim! Gd tho architect and man the up. ia-i. Tin' i iir-o is lh. ie, Jan.l the dest ruyer cuuul iseapi', Wouiati'a Jouruul. NO. 11. A Mill'" tiiltl's '(ns lciii(. 1 ittllc children Imvp often very ton ilcr corsciencci, uiid uru perl'ecflv mure when they linvo been "iiiitij"lilv." A lilllo girl one tliy suul to h r inother, "I'upii calU mn pood, Auntie calls rnn good, ami everybody calls' n r g mil, but I am not g-iml." "I urn very sorry." said tho niolhm, "And so am 1," aaitl iho child ; "bi t 1 have jot a very ntitiolity think." "A naui'litv wliutf" "Mv thick ' niiiiglitv ins'uln of me.' Anil on hei motlier inipiirini; wll t s1 0 iiiru'd. she sa il, "Why, nhen I Could not ruli! yesterdiy, 1 did n it cy nor ii ti v l Ii in p, but when yon win pone, I wished the can laoti would turn over, mid tho liorsei v, 011KI run nwav, 111. d e cvil iiig tad. N diodv knew it, bi t (Hut knew it, and lln r.iunot call n good, Ti ll me, m Miniiii, how cm I le oond inside of nie ?" tnviirtl. The man who w dps hu wile, tinder hiiv riicuiiisliiiici s, i a t'.owai t. It Is not to b" drilled Hull some wives are nil. tifcly ajniav iliip;. A in ill may be tied to a woiu iti ho 11 a ditiaeo l In iyell and lauitly; the iiniv be 11 d:uukard or u (In oi'iti viitl'.o, and beitijj thu stioueci v I, ivav icteiiiul the ciis'jivuk'u oiler hod an I iias'ct ; in such a uiso, ivl en a won. tl tmsi'Vis liCisel!', 1'ie bush in I should le .ve her al oecc ; his etinliuinno I., h vp wiih si eh a ireiHi'e luiuca tl's i it upon 1 1 1 : 1 1 -l It mid chiid'eti. The e ! l'l'' nl'.v in nicilil lib' aiists Uiiui meot-ip ili'u'lil v id temper, t ut Ihia may l e . lly 'eiii'ded by yout o people tc eotninn th !.:::eh!y niq iiiiiiiel with each ie I ei's .1 st 1, si -ions Indue iiphitio mtu l'i 1 1 pi 111 is 'i v . Soot!' women ate naliilady ol a j 'mis d'soo nio. 1. nud such t lmtihl not ilia' 1 v a 111 tin ol quick trnipeticiuiit S" men n.e impinviduit nud 1 In mv nil Ihe hi.inly bur 'ens mi their wivet, and so 'he p. ace ol 1 he whole h.uiH'is broken up Hnl the old Hdi",''' II at a foil c m nnke a husband rjood, holds true new in much its w hen fust u' tered. Much, vcij mti.'li, iciiisiiis wilh tl.o wotnnn ol ihe hoU'C, an I il linil lolbear was lie i;i not ;il pi.o lo there would be little lie Inr t n HL'tcion al either party id tlie 111 it nipoilial li'iii. - A JJoi nliij; sflur ill Jli'iii'iry. The Clui 10 d'im"s rolales a -a I but henittllul ieci leiit nl woman's il. v' i.'P, I 1 li e! wmt dlVtsP U ol ill.' city there 'in' J a V''II4 e nip'c who Tree 1 .jaeeil o ou inartie.I, Imt ere the eeti'te' liad lieeti pe'l atced Im- t nl 1 111 it v, I'll,,.! .li.'V.i null that most loa' le otte' dnea-es siiiiillpox and was f.iiivtye '. to lh.. pel hoi.-e I'litilii'i' t'.e youola l, luil.a'.v.l, an I there she hiit'sid hun ha k I 1 If" but not 10 ore ot inns. The e -sc d 'U'lnp. .tl I e k now ti us 'co. I 'ie .in:.'.: h'V'"l sio-c It ie .!,. - I llie doo.ii ol 11 lis pie .le I bh -d into Ihe du l l 1 lent ,' an t li 'ii on Ins loiieh hr e o'alo.n t'til.t'h.l .ken I. In.. I. An I i!e 111'! W .Ml Mltl tic tit t paik and ..pen hi 111 hen.! ' 1 1 i'.,ja, say ' Hp: l'i. pi ', h is w; inlo Vei nal liou'iviiil. nud w In'e Hie t In 1 w ip; ou! I In ir inui. ia a s! ilw'tt 1" iii''!i, eii el au.l I !ou;;)i desln ute ol vt-i oti sha le lues are eons loveliness stately dill, 'I and wiih a l-e se 1 led h,' lh f, I, ll 111 il tlv, may b w k M ; I, ni ' v 'im' I 1 1'" i.eau' tea - uori 1 r 1 , 01 s. and b, hi : std ' a ol tl itnoii ii It- lit 11c I lo p'anei slni e 01 di i -. 1" I11.11 1 In! caniio! 1 l ,1 :''! I.I llie nun niu; in le ot fatal tin 011 tltd:l sai'h ; I'.ie tl '-Ptiiiip'iis make 1'. little d. votiou vatn to pie il uiu-t Pe, without sneli Will 1 1 1 : l --1,111. and de.i I lid 1X1,1. s- mtilitl. 1 1 ne ' cm H i. in lies s woi Id wuul I be mo 1 eiallv with tlieit icioe- 1 1 ,',",! h p'ti I- i niine sa''s'a '.-. 01 In- ,1 niyili a c ill nil hmi hi, ci-e'y e h il yot til inn. 1 , bul as ; thin;; ; w nit1,. I wor. h ii) together. H you an il', out otic ol your, I led him can. II Hv pie le .I'd not in a fos-ipin a nee Iiiend. i his w'i I no: hint mil lu.l will do hun m'od. ll will po t '.im ami Ciia'oli' hun to ad till it'! en ! 1 1, pel ha;, s, I hun he 0' hern i.-e W'lOlhl. ll your luce. I is a bu-ii.esa man and is d-'doie; with nil flits and k'uds id people, an I I.e is cai hid. rinsa and iirilniilc -i-slioit lo hts tiistoipiis, lell 11 1 til ol In eiror. M" nnv If ptt-vnkid and aunry al lor I f i li'u,' him ft Ids l.iui t. but II will do him i-i. id and rcn't in I:':! I ivui al 'a !, ned tn Urn et-d be will com:: to you mt.1 r loi.iuli L'i' that yot! Itavo pptiken Hit d oiilH, run. lid' and he wid thank you Po pein :n mi! t ) him Ills error, If vou -en ill Hi'.' social circle a man wiioin 0 1 lit ow to I a wretch, a human In-: ' M h yeon duty to adyinu and can 110:1 yoer h -tnis snain-l such a man. At i'n-1 1 1 - p't ". i ll", pnli'e icauce 1 1 11 v al ill, i-t cinvitic vonr Irieuds that you nr. Mine;, 1.-.1 .;m i people mo always ex P 19. t a", i i-1 nn l y .:i will it-et'iv I'.iai.k lor v.nir na'ti'it:'. V.o.r advice, p-rh .ps, in v Ret !:.' "rc'ivi'd in a I'lciidly the liinu w id se.i'i'ly cmiin when your ivwai I w , 1 1 ha lite la.litt i;iaiiludc and It :eiid-hip ol 1 1 teud0. When a woiifii wants lo be prilly b:' ps her Incr, au.l wlien hi c watits to t)o'y she !)un;;s Ihe door. Upon a modest (,'iavi stone in Vinccnnes ( Vint ten appeals the pbiinlivu legend; "Hi- neihooi played the comet." - - sa y The best newspaper men, it ia auid, boil d 'Wn their matter, which probably ac eotliila .'ur their wotk beiuu o will doue. . Mr. Una hid' iccms to think Col. Inifereod wotil I inaki! a very tood Cliilstntu il he would keep hi tumuli .hut. . . . Cue in idmo Null, the well known dwaif is said to have ki.-sed m mo ijirla tliatl ttt y man id A me. ica. i'o siou lh st. We did not know Hint the Commodore had tun ed to be a UionMyu prcuhcr. Jlr. Ti', 'eii'a H!ieii'"'h is so wonderful Hint the other day whuu I e suddenly shut his ii ft Ii down mi ac.i tid of tnnad a piece llew lot! feet in iho uu', and 'lesciuditi!,', smashed a iilegraph polo to uloui. Wcw Yoik Woilsl. " o c O a H One Hqiinro, Two SijuitrcH, Tlinxi Sipiaros, 1'oiic Squares, Kourth Ctd'n, ll.all roil, inn, Whole Ct liiinn, & 99 tO M 40 M 4r M 0 m One Year, ..... ,-..--,.'.a 1 1 vie e- W . ; - -iiii,.itiy 'V TALIiOTT A NO.VS SHOCKi)!-: MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Maunfii.'tiirerM ol Porlublo and Stationary Id. 1 nim's. Hipi Hiiib-rs, Saw MIIIh, Corn ami Wliieii Mills, Sbaftiiiif, llangors and I'ut leys, Tiirbliio W11I1.1 Whiuiln, Tobacoo Ma ehiioic, N 1 1 1 1; 1 1 c Iron Work, brans and Iron l iisiins, .Machinery of Kverjr Dim cril'tioii. ihNNINi! AND TlIUI'SlUNO MACHMBW A SPIX'IALTY. itopKirtiii: irmitly A Cnretnllf iiouc. TAI.r.ivn' i-" I'.Vl'KXT Sl'AUK-AIlItKSTi, 'flic Iiiveiition ol tho Age. Ifdiicsnot ilnslrov tho draft. It do not intm lf re v, lib eb.iiniiie; tho ttlbet. K will not i ll 'ke iii, uiul riquiros uo cloau iin,'. ll. requiiosi no direct dampers to b opone.l w l'im raising stouiii (tlamporn be im,' ..njociioiintilo, as ihoy amy boleltopa and n.l. w s' inks lo csca o ) It nq iiiTH nu. water to ixtiuRuUrl "pinks, w'.hii, by eondiiiisiitliin, tlestroy tho dt nil. Pnsi.lcs, w ben water is upotl, U" iiei:i,.fi,l, t Hi. e lileiioioy In destroyed by oi ap.n nl inn nl tho wutnr, uiul tho boiler kept in 11 tiilby conililioii. I! n slu. pio and durable, and ran bo r Heil upon. It can be 111 taebod to any boiler. No plantor sb.mhl bo without 0110 tf tkeoa, I ns n riinoo e- 111 pa: il. a will Insure ius ana bains w hern (bo Talhntt KtiKinos and spark An, -ti'ts an) used al same rat a ci.areii 1 for wati r or borso-power, r'.-Seiid for iUiistruto.1 circular aotl prion list. Itriiueli hmiso, fii'blslioro, N. O. .1, A. H AHSMK, (Jennriil ManaRer. I'. A . (.; HA NU KK, Local MauagM, mav s ilm A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FORTHE BL0QD,lMR8tK!DNETS: A n:isHrlnl oaa fcsmn.lof luwuti'Wlii- '.ii-iisnii-ff ia oti iintw frail. 111 tiio oawuVf pUTTR) fUI Hit TU CIH.ATIML CliRATtSt, CURATIKE, J T li'tbL.itul'jiil. ivtiti n iintlnr all d tnunuf tilf I H omit, l.tri-r, Ihe ftillan j . Tl"in?H In 0U.111 and lie'P.lWb lit IO lka, ll Is uni'levllad tut Ilk eute el all llls4 Ma. t.fii.'i nuch m iiwaA ttlif. Itttt.ora, UM. T'ltrr.Hnlt HMvumt, 1trttttluNvtM. Jrw ouriul JnfvMlM, nlmi fNNtM. rlisj'fistn. fntia. re.llult, AlntirM- ufi, .'ii'iiI4vm a ASK YOUR DRURCUT f OR IT. TKiffiowBararaiicx BALTIMORE. IM. y1 F ,r 1. f i In. iiv.-)isi rut r.o 1 in, rii k 11, 1fl,.,. .-In, o, f IS ly V. ll VI Civ l.'F - CT" I lit H I 4 UllH A Nit Itrt.OIE! MADE TO ORDER OR IIKPAIKI'.I) AT LOW PllICEa. A 1 ! kind 1 ..f wood woik iiiitl trimmta; dono 111 e;,i sty in, I licksmlth work done al tshuit iinlieo Willi Itonlnoss, AH new work w .11 rant tl. Kino painting for bui;.;if . dopo at low pr ,'cs, paint 11 sod. Sl'hA I II. A I l'i;. I IOM 4.JVENTO Till: UNMJP.U TAKING DCPAUTMKST. t minis ini.l.l ui bainl. useauf all anea oonetaotkf C.irri-i.'ti f it. irhilx kopt ouhatid at paid butow I'etorsbui'U in irket. Wilibill N. a J unci .". !y O. T. 1'' O 11 1) , Tikes pleasure In announcing that k run alill bo Poind at his sluitd ou !' I It S T S T K K E T, Whoiu ho li.f 011 b ind a full lino of lb Firiowt WINKS, WIU-sKII'N. uiul ilHANI'IKs!, TOltACCO, ( TUAKS, undSNUKK, tlKANUfi-l, AtTLKH, imd CON UKCTIUN UH1KS 1 1 is stoi'k of Ciutiud Oooda aud Grocer te.s itt unusually l ull aud Complete' 01.11 cuiisft WitusKrr A PneauiTT. FKKSH I.AUKll BKm ON DUAUaHT. l(o Riiaraiiteoa aaUblaotion. Call aud duo uiui. Nov 21 ly. s on r on 14 00 f ml 10 (N) 20 00 K CO K PI) 30 00 10 00 IS 00 lid 00 i (II) 00 00 40 00 ltd 00 HU is) flo 00 . ..rn itt li ri , m a . .- a toiri 1 1 Nil a s

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