t VhE ROANOKE NEWS. ) . - A DEMOCRATIC W fc'K Y N E W S V A T E 11 , i J' ; ; .; x PITRLISHEI) nv . LUK 4c W.W. HALX. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING HATES. SI' ACE !2 00 I no 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. OB O. W. II.UTIUX, N n r c o n Dentin. . flOUt ovar W. II. llrown'a Dry llooAs More, WEl.lHiN, ?.!. , trill visit iarI1.- al tlielrliom wlif nllriil. .i oruiH iiekeuiiaiiiw ucl jn ly ATTOUET AT I. AW, 1IAI.IIAI, It 0. ' Orne til th C.mrt flails. SrHet Rttontloii t'lven to all branches of lint p.rof.isslon. an It tr E T.HIUSCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KMPIEI.n. !. 0. Tractten In tti aountles nf Halifax. Nash Blefoinlif an.l Wllnn. I'ollretlous made In al parlsot the State. Jan l " W. HILL, ATTOHXEY AT LAW, V ' WELDON, N.C. t PI1 atUntlnn (riven to collections mid fSMUlttatios promptly made. ! itr. H Umi U. MVLI.KN. JlHIN A. MUOIIK. Jn U L L M i noon u, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , . HALIFAX X.C "Trutlc In tho counties of Halifax, North.nnp on, ItJgecoinb. Pitt, and Marlin In tin" S,il pratna court of tint N'ul ami In tin' I'V.leral Court! of tho Kasforn District, l.'olleet Ions made ! any part ol tho State. . Inn 1 ly AUSf Ji.O'lU Hi, ' j. ATTOUSEY AT LAW. - RNFim.n, n. c. fractleea In the conrts of I! ill i fn x anil lulioin laur eoauties, ami In tlm Supreme nnd Federal feurla. (lol-octions wait in any pari of He Statu. Will attend at llm court lion,,- In Halifax a Monday a nl Friday of each week. j,m lit f JTOBBRT O. BURTO.t JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. jr.' ' HALIFAX H.C. Fraklleris In the court of Halifax, an.l ndi..iu lar counties. In tin Supr-one court of ih Bum. anil in tin; Kcderil coitrn. Will Rive flpeeinl allcntiou to til" col!e,-l ton f sliiims. and to adju.ti.ir tlm acroiinii of eatora, adnalnW! wturs and a-ti:iis)ian. dr.- 1 " t f J A Y I i L. II H M A X, I ATTORNEY AT L UV. r HALIFAX, N. C. frasliess in tli courts of Halifax nn.l ndinin itar founti", ami in tin Supreme and rVilernl ttirli. I'laion coll -eied in all parts ot Nnrlli iarali-ia. Mr&jf In flit t'uurt IIkiu.;. Jnlylif Attorney nl Law, HALIFAX, N. ( Traetlci In II.ilifa and nd.loinin;; conntlo.s Ud 1'nl.T.il and Hupp'in iiirN. Will b'l at SciUaud onmi ovi'ry fi rt Jfkt. JOS. B. BAT(JU E V ) U. ATTOnfiY AT LAW, BALKIHIT, JT.C. i Traall In th eonrU of th nth .In lli lal latnrt au l in thfl Fsdural and supriMin' i;,mrta. may U If. w. w a a o n . ATTttKWKY AT LAW, ARYUURa, K. C. Prtie in tti" ejnrta of NorUianipton and iJJolnlnr fnntii'a, also In tin F.'doral and sn araruj eourta. Jinmntf. , a. dt A X k A. C. ZOI l.ll'Ut I'KH. ZOLLICOPKBR. ATTOHSF.Y AT LAW, -. : WKl.DOK, N. C. Traction In thonrla of Halini ami adloii.lmr -nnllm. and In thetiU!irtm 'H r w foin u Clalini ciilli-tK I In any part ,.f ,..i-:ll r.iMllmi Ono of tlin ttnn will bIwium P fonml In th mZZ. ' JHi,"!V. 9 0,. fi. ' t. U U N T E K , .uittii;o)i DK.UIIT mm L'-aH be found at his otlieo in KntioUI. rura JtiiorjsOx'iH Gas tnr the ruin- tn Kxtrae.UUfc- o.' Jciltll alwa.va on h.iml Juaa Ti tt. "j K 0 k"w J. B U KTUX : i AT TOltSi K V AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. . tt , , - Praeileoa In theenurla nf Halifax. Warren and -4MlJolnlnir coiim les ami in Hie Supreme and r'i-d-.ral rotiru. Clainia coileeted in any part of .Worih I'anillna. Julie I7lf U.SMirU, JK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, '. S00TL4N0 NKPK. HALIFAX CoDNTT N. C Prnctli-.. In tl: enmity of Hallfaa ami adloln 1n i-ouiitk-a. nd lu the iuprviuu court .f Hi tt. 15 1. One Ter, In atlvanoe, Six Month, " Cbren Hontht, " TOL. IX. Ami I o Know It hh.I. leu fn'' i'iit'"t tnif--1' t'linV 1 -Thr ttiii-t will ut w!i n il.i A. rs will ?S'lw, till 1 1 if ;nr w n 1 1 -Hivi h rfiiuu'. A 1 1 ' I I ii -I K i u v . Tlllt .-HU-ti!ll.' ft i It'- u'h!- 1.1.1 , I hii'k i.Vr tny !i :ti u Ml f I ttn- mn'W, Aii tin tr"-- F- r n .'w-ih! hri:lit ; , Atl I 1 ii( Uni.w. Ttml (fr'i1 uli.tll ."I'l'ttur al't vt my h-'i'l, Ami MVi'i'l .Iiin' nui't I n I n Mt M.m, Ami lrii;lit l1 i ts .in r in . v-i-y I mt A Mil I M! KM'iW. Ttiflf 1-vftiir lniirtH will tit ft 1 1 i.i.ih, Tii;it uvr Hi'' Hu ll- t. ar-. u ill ih.w, I'allllMl With t'Mt T :.'l i f IMV li llii", A 1 1 J I ic t kn Tlnil I ItiVf 1 I We rir' t v( Si nil rt'Hii- r 1 1 1 f. ..nt..j,i v) I nn-l -t .w. Wink iMMi-l-wr in ; f.'.-ii-- -!i til .., , f;iil Ainl I h"t kii"v. IT il T - I n ' inn's s t -,tt :M. hi A hWf'l Vitl.'" .-I'l'iiUs III Hi1'1' tih It W, m it'll ly wiih-iH-rg it- mjr I t-nn .'hi.it ) nliiill Uho.v. Tlmt not (ruin nil thin tun, hvliflit iUl, A fury iliMum" vhnll 1 in, That I may shll In- in'nr tti loved Ah 1 Hhull luit'W. Thuf t tli nt ki'i'iu si i Huiiih-r'tl hrtv Shah lnn nml bhaAiu nnlii and a;tcw, All'l ill tll.lt Illlpl'V IHltl'T I lll'l V.' hl'till know. LOVE TO THE LAST. Nutiie Hurnc was one ol tliu ncitiusl jonnu omeo n Xnntuckct. Her eye ure e' diip drown, Iut hair was jut black, lier Bkiti tiritnu lioht nor d iik, yet ever u;loiv witli ilic ruaj tinH ol llrulth. Ilcny lingers, a yonno tnviil pen -captain, having lici'tiintroiluccd la Nntlii'iit party, l ut c.nca cuptiviit'il liv tliu Kincm nl Una liolu-luiiitcil tlatii!', wIiohu lauoli anil von:6 wire I lie anctlcst Diihit: Hint ever 'rreti"l hi i urtt. Hi; ihinieil Willi litT aojiin nn l niiiiin, loakc I into hr lirii;lit. cxincpa vf eye", anil ttailni! tiieie llm (ilcaxirf she Icit m liiini; mlmiri'.l liy him. Th o iiiidiiiK iliil n il cm! In rn. Henry hicaincii Im t lent, visitor lit liio 110 tsi! ( I Mi? Mi.iici, who, tliu ilaiu:htrr nl B v eul'.liy Hliipnwiier. wan til 11 t aUnys a linir.u lo ree hun, ami who-e clici k uvui ijlowuil Willi plia-uru whin licouuo. At lllii s-e sou (heiu ero open uia fj icr ulc ptrt e at Mr. names' ivhiiluncv, ant) llctny, t eiun; uhvayt iuviUil, us klail to ainuso hiune',1 by rarticiaiiii; in tu in. lie wa olton ftituk with the hkillitil manner m which Nettie cotilil tli.-jjiiisi. horseU. whtthtr as man or woman, tin l how iw!y fll'J coiiltj chalice her lii x 1 till' Tiicu to aa-uinu thu lnoci ut the m ile s riifur dnliiili fiil liiiif, liowtver, mmt lsrn"'l fOntl to cml. Mr I) i; in n. r tin ivim proml nf hii niiin'J at a peiCdck (i! 111 tal, having ill C VeiBil that .'I'Tiy il pili.le l only upon Ilia piyu.s n,i'aui ol the L'u.l''l Male cu ter Sivor.l Kmli, (jinnly pav I lit outi man In nnuVi'tanil that. 104 a s .il'.r lor h il niohti r's hunil, his vi.us wiri iine. CIHIIC. 'Mil! lovers, however, t-: 1 1 1 ' I i v 1 1 1 Id meet 111 Mviiit, nh.n Heniy Umiic.l lio.i Nil t iu Unit In.r 'papa' w.iiil.it lier to mirry a pertain Mr. Hhuk'nin - a ahal.. ini captain, whu had j lit r. nin' h one Wi'h thin' llionuiimi Ini'ieli ol "peiin H'l in Lis hold, ti s.tv in. thin'' oi ihe h'lulie l tlrilliaii.l 'o him he ll i J slui.l I unay in .io.! Ii u k, 1 Net t io ,i-. I .tie. I lo her 1 -vt II- t nhi1 ' W iu 1 i ;.ufor nnrry llMrkiniip. 'i VP ohi'l to loir you my that.' tin awercl llu-iry, 'i. c.utlei iini-t suit in a In iln?-, an I it will ('rr'ainlv I r plea. nnt lij uio to k'oi.v that oii iiiu I,ii:l;li,l to yonr poor lleaiv. When I r.liiin. 1 una Idrtinine to mil;., y n r . v ile,pni vi leil yon, ot course, aru wihino.' On, ol coiir-, iitiswrci Nellie, fliltlv r link "ii- hiur.i I, lier c' elks losy Willi b ni-liei, m she luil1 turiif.l h r lilhe wa't t"Aaiil In in. (So riinin! anil 11 x Ire wni tin) pretty waisl that lliiryionil not lulp put tin t; his hi in iiiouml it, anil uivinc the owner heiil'hy ks u,:i;U her jiluuip, lul HP". Soon alter tin y pcpaialLii, ciicli pioin ia;m t n in aiii luithlul t.i tin; otli -r. Vmn iliva lu! ir lie bul 1' irh t.a? hiwlin (ml to sen, bouinl lor the A'licuii coast. Just a lie ut out of siyht ol lanl, lip came a rleinlei voiilli in in lie tiiniiiinini, in which, he ai knowledj;eil, up n bioeo lU'StioiP il, he luol sloweil hiin tll, anx ious lo tn to sen. vet aliiiul thai Inc. cap tain winl I tint 'aki; hi m. Wh it shall wb ito with Ihe la ? in j.iire.l the (list lii iiteiiun!, llivi-is -a yoiin null ol tweiitv live, wnoin iinuy ha I o'teil s.'rii nl Mr. IS runs,' an I w ho n 1m -Iron ly sujpicto.l w in'u I N .1 tin lot u wile. Tliu yonnif woiiian, while liien ily In hmi tin lieinej an acq laintance oilier tat lift a hail not cci'meil to thow any prelertlipe lot this Uivera. The latter, p'fj'icil at llm, Iib I iinlcav oifiI to pei a uni l llmry not to n-'l Miss IVii'pa, riiiiiuk'iio 'Unit po tooil until. I pini-ot it, av In r lai In r, wonlil never lit him (Henri) tinny I. is I'lliliil.'er. In aii-wer to l.u pna nt qileslinu II 1 1 r V ill I not krow what to nav. 'Vl;::rj J i ;uj b.l-.u ;' Ip. inonire I m the jomii'hier. To Nant'ieket. n'tr.' 'I'liri nts livmti l' Nn sir ; ail alone in llie worl.l.' 'Wl at ill) jnn want to lu i.lnmril my vc-sel i' 'Woul.l like to be culi'm-buy.' 1 have a i iihin-buy. I will l ave to f'll you Imwaiii union; Ihe loreiiuai haniN.' . .liiitaa ymi lnipf, kir,' amwciel the yanlh. Mniii'i.; The captain Innkeil at liial c!osrly. Wliete ha I lie ec.i tbia yuunt; lellow bt. fo:c I Hoinew here, entainiy, yet h' vainly pi;. 7.'eil hi brain" upon ti e matter 'Weil, en hirward. The boatswain :ir -on e of ihe oil s.iil'ira will show vnu what tn ii.!.' The yoiiili ran nimbly loin aril. Months pa-e f. O'ten, wlau aa'kinu' his rpiait -r -rtei k, lli-nty wonll turn h'S Imria tow ir J Ihe yonlll, anil nololer, a belori, wheia he hail urcn linn. Ollin, loo he wonhl cit Ii Hie eye ol the jminijstcr fixnl intinily upon Ii'1". In line lime li e Swotil !-'i-h anivcj al Faval. There Lieutenant Kivera pot a number of letter". One i l tl no he leemcd tn study iitorilly. Finally he mountid to the deck with tho half ruge ot a letter in hii bau.l. WlflLDON, 'See heie,' he Mini tn llie captain, point mo Id a paae ho lint marked in per fill Henry reaJ that paa",i, wliich icibcd to a'most stiike 'ltath to his heart. 'N'e'tie I'lailios lias uiaiiitit Captain U aikbouo. He a'M iLi'ioil back ii,'in t the tail. For Heaven's pake, Kivcis, can that lei r be line !' Ii must be. It in from an obi fiknd ( t mine, livine at Nantucket. The ynuuK cupl.iu nu'kiil llie ikck in;iiil'y, Ins cBiiiprm't 1 lip ami iiha-Ur i ae coiilr:isiino wiih Ina lniylil uni lorm. More iliao piie eje nmike l Li ayita lion. The youtli, William lb-nl, lemino auamsl Ihe rail lolwanl, ueeineil to watch him more e irnestly than all tlm r't. K unit I y toe ciipnan went below, llicrc to Iniliiliii hii unci in nul it ml it. 'Can H be possible i' ho uiultcruii. 'So lieaitlcMs so riiiel !' A week later the Swonl 1"ikIi win sla'' Urnno hInhk Ihrnugh a heavy galu. Toe fpray wn fi . ino to her topsail yunl ; at every loll tier ice-rail went uuiler, ami tier bow s wete "iiiitnc i'. Captain Koirs ws wa'l ino Ins fleck with the s-tianye, thought ul uir, which had crer tlistiiiijiiivlieil In m since lie heart! ol Nettie's IIPll I ille. The news couiini; upon lilm line a Iliunili'ibolt, hail clianocil the whole man. Ho wan no Ioniser the liulit-hcaneii olliccr w ith a smile an I iikm l word lor all. Open his orders were de'iveicl ill a tone and ivlth a soil nl ilcppctate koittini; of t ii c brows Even his lace h nl clii -oe 1 The bloom scen.cil lo have lelt his cheek lorerer, bis e i a weio suiikon, and some ot the j itnor oli'p.i.ts liad been heard t i i-av thej Icared he "us (joine, into eiilisiimp'i.iu. On tho pre-ent occasion he looked worse than ever. .Hi vym were Wild and h'n lllin face trniiKly liat;oard. In the waist, wiitchiiiu li'm intently, stood Will Hem I, while enoajjul m ceiling ii rope. Kuiltlenly a K'eat pr-t wm ober tl hearing djwn tiinard Ihrciit'cr. Hold en haul 1' was the cry. Ail obeyel except Captain Itou'ris, who : rene I In proni tiikiny the len't piiuil t ve liimsi'll. The it a atr'itck tlio Cilt'ir, yet not with (ho Itnce w liicli ha I been ixoucled. r'nrcih'y eno'ioli , i wn--, however, U ciiiy ttic j mil,' nmh o'crbmird. A rope itaa i.inuediati lv thrown to him by Will li.nd, who had bounde I i iiek as liishliiino, mill,- mil on - c.njj hii com ti. iii'b r !;o. t Ii" Uilpiain caught hold ol t lip ni.e, mi 1 si cine I ii'iont haulm;: h'itpi"ll lo Ihe vcsfi I, when ft look el uorjiair p is-eil i vtr h;s lace. Si ri.e'y knowing ' hat he mid in ilnv until ii .on n', the thoulits ol Ins brain t ill! I iit'e-ane-. N (i" is in irri.i I, so , by ! nul l 1 - iv ml-' I!, all I ---' 'N , no,' middi ll V iiitet i ii pi i d ihe you1 b, o the c ip'iiin cu1 I let yoi n the rope; 'i i-uol no I N e the ptiul. N Jiie s'amU loie you !' N ov he iiinni-diali !v ricoon'v, -il tin vo'ee, and hold up to the lope, hauled ll i ill -oi 1 al road. Tim hii tended Voiilh Ih'eiv nl Ins bat and a lul-e v:;, li-n u shower o cutN dp. i I'll Ic t over the silollliKrs Next the si.i'iieii I n-i' wa- ha- i!v w.i-hed a- d Ibn t a ' ft i i - o' 1 . e I k n i ll, when no I oo-er ilisinsi .1 roenteii nice nl Nellie ll.rr.r'. w ita it v. :ni-d. 'I toil not intiinlnl vet t iioikn iiivh-II Uiio.vii.' -he -it I, h'u.hiii, bill therivi' inlifin has U-en hnrueil by uri' xpicie I tyelits,' Words may not dcptibi' tin1 joy ol lb niy llooeis. i'lii! o'd a.iiile c nne bin k to Ins late, the bloem In Ins c.'i" k. 'And why.' he ii me I. I'aic vol stifi jei-le.l jourii ll to IIih onb al to (he ll nd ships o' the iiiiloi's lile I' 1 111'.. Ii I loVed loll, 'and papa wou.d l.'KC me ' she wliispired, lu li.any a mail I i!eir-'.id.' I-! veis inil-t l nvfl been Rt rir;;i 1 y ini-ill. loriin-1," n; t IT-nry, tiir-ln;: to the In n tenant, who, wnh many otlie's. had slim i mi ,n,i. m.Uii d nt the lu'ti i Vi nis ha-t taken, tli t liny wile iniabli' In Speak y.s,' Uiviis now. said, a tvaneinir. 'I was iiu.-ii lonni d. Hh ,t coiilii huvv been h" in t'.ve ot the wntir in ii I ni! me Mich a ( il ill .ni.l , I c.ii.li.it iiioiijiiie.' Siil'jiii u-iitlv, howivi.l, whili 11. vers lav ili:'ol:i 111 illonant 1,-vor, l.e conle-st 't that oe wa- ihe wr lei t.l the l.'t.r passu he ha. I -Ipiaii Henry. I'l.e iiiiuiiiieii le I man halic-ort' d t.i this toiii e,- hiipiiii,' Hint llemy would I neve' aejiim seek Nettie, nml that lie (Kivei'l wou'il have an rpinrttinity to pics his sii'l, ami pe nps evti t ually in the joiieo v, ion in .r ins wile. lliiliy mm I'jiUluete I Nettie int'l tlm r.bin, :i'il :iitio,lui ed lur to the wile cd I he etittet d u lor. liming ihe te-t of the vo',ns;e the ynut o w.iiiiiri iciipiel up art ii ei.ts nib th .t Uilv hiiH the two Uciiuiu ireat Iru-ud-i. On li e home ai l pas.-iye, the cil'ti r nir iin loin Imw at K Jul, tb-nry pcisuided Nettie to unite lie.ni ll to him the e, us lloie was itu Ameiicau ilivine then lu llie. town. Ti e twain were snon made lean and wileahoaid Ihe cutter, whn li wnsbcaiitl Inly ilirnriiel lor llie occasion with Aim riru" llsns. ll ivers ,Vi: A (iti.it iiiimbrr ol l'lirtuu-e ilamsels we'e pns' iit, with soft eves, watcnino llit ptoi i'i iln i; The inoinetit the divine proiouncfd Ilia I . ,t hi is n uuu as tiii-d. ami I he sal loir, Py a .n ( oncerlcd mtsntl, H'va tlne There ia little to add. t , lleniy s um a ipiired a posilinn which won I . i iii a Iniiob 'Hue n mpitciny (I'I Ririei, had lolbi.l.tm Nettia ti) l-V'.-r l nine 111 14 r hull nsialo, toll hi: U i'.llnt, loii bib re his death, and fent lof her nml her lu-l'ilit, n hen I l.u thri weie united ID liunik nl ill.iol hip loitV ermnre. - - -- - The man wh" pn' w nt i r in his diii k shotm a pomiiiendable dnpo.'.ilioi. to make the iiu'vt ul it. - , Eltletiv s," uileunii to a Irishman on the trim ' Yhu dou't liava any ticket?" "No, 1 travel on my yood lonk"." "Then," alter looking him over, "probably jou um't go ing toy Iw." N, GM THURSDAY, J LINE 10, 1880. New York Herald. I, mile In i'h llalh. AN' VMM A THU MT.NK A I' MIS ItK.NM-TT H hWIMMINO W Hoot. - IM.ASIHXll IIHAf. 'flux IX Hit ArlllTI Mi'TIo.V. A pictiiii-i'ie ai i nc was icvia'cd within the walls ol the I.ailns' Swiiinuin:! Acade my, corner Killcentll ftirct and Seventh avenue, jestirdny. A tepoiter picsintiil himself ut the ncepti in parlor lor admis sion, and Miks Kate llenueit, Ihe manai;ir, was seiil lor, She said tliit ((eutlemeii Were lint allowed In enter the naileries ol Ihe ieserv..ir when 1 1. lies bilhed. Hit stib.cribt.rs tepiesinkd llie beat luuiiliis. anil it w ai nn i ssnry t i c c u.le ail mitsi dels, except la.lv icpoilc a hohlino special invitations However she would cwn.-ull tier nut ts, who werv then et ijing litem Selvis in the W ltt-r Mm liellllelt bowed her-ill out and w a tl"i)e lor mine lime, when mbiluid Voices hclriiyed iliM'tlssion. At lust she up pi ait tl mi liny, and Miid that consitlciine; the circuiiislatic. a, Ihe lad cb would yield, 1)01 they wished a III lie lime lo prepare b r masculine company. Ten minutes luf-r word wasetit in that all wm teidy and a somewhat embarrassed indi vidual was us'icicd inlii a Ions; corridor opening nit i a tcries ul diikeued drc-tlu' oiiuis. lu a ifalleiy miieil it tatikul watir m veuty Icet lotio. s-.t Inrty i t tiny lathe., in hishion hie attire, whh ten dollar para sol" hc'i'le tlii'in. An anil uleainiiijj like pnli'lnal ivoiy v.int-hed belniut some dni ptiy ns ihe visitois Un tied u eoi tier toward Mm rear robing in. mis. A bricl peUstnan ellort iilniii. the cenlie aisle bcoiipjit him In a pair ot steps, mid there a M;ht was prisetiled wotih wiilknii; miles to see, Mmii In tn l-'ittli iivinue maids liiu Murrv Hill an I itieitiia'ols liom W ishiir.; tn.i IleiUht" ver cTtni-tt I Hi ilh the biine. 1'liey sn am aiotiii I us il t lit-v wire vivili-d ftatuary, they ill veil, they leaped nut ot the wsler and played pranks with each nlhei while sonic ol the nine affile pcrlotiiioil in ai velum "stunts" nil llie hoii , n ' n I bar ainl luiue.l s inmieisatilU ha k wind an I loiwurd mini the place became a son ol Smith Sea Is and blusliinj; wiih modern improvi'inc ik The lair b.iilicia weic cnca-eil in a epicles ol inoilcst ball room ce-'nnie, without trains, and in some inst inc, s the idee." ol the uaiiiii'ut IVeru oui.iie.e'ri d wil Ii lace million, which, al tlioiiuh moist, cotiliusteil pliiiiiyly witli t lie snowy skin beneath. tllM'lllKNTlAI.. The iiianiniiis ol si vernl ul Ihe yoiino I nltrs came loiwaid and took seats by Hm viniloi. and p'oceptleil to narrate v illous ktrikii 2 ilicidi Ills cmiiierti il wnh the iiiiiattic education til (heir dauehteis. "lib you -linnl'l have lieat.l luy N.-.lv sen am iitol ). II ninl have s en l.er Ki k ami ji' ui'.j t nilrun.i a hen 1 Hist hrntilit her hen ! tj 1 1 1 (lii- ,-oon ot ovi r thai mid now v ol cap'i am p bet tun ol Ihe .lo,'1 said ihe loud inoiher, as lirr . i u 1 1 1 r uli'lcl throii'.ih llie water like a nn.li.ali all I lll'ew klS-i S al hi t -.'si l In hlllil H e I'll'le.o. As Ho: I. nihil , lie alio-, mole li e in ilieti in 'V, niei.is theie ii a iliviu; id el hail - pit, 41) i iP in; i in .-I ei I, i ill, I in io i III.. I hit hirnmo liiseild ii.il llilo.ied miiio' ot tiieim -t Inaii'iiiil ban lu New Yi"k to b tve It- own way lor i nrn, ll iii I ipi.ts w en-to-sed in the swimmers, who I lluiijj them h i k aiiain an id penis ol sliverv lam; liter. M unwlnle tin- s li-i.iiius ill I ilnl not loritel linn ui.ice'lil u.olii i- -In i vi u 1 1. s thai wotii I hive broken llie ln.,it ol all Anthony. What tiles.- beauties ili l k-iii lib. ul nlt water i . u-i-e In t worlli ii eoi il'.ii', Mks Ki'c I'.i Hi t-'. t now hd ell with sum.- lancy stmkis that went elevei j nnitat il; tiieu a bevy ol Udk- lii.ke I lheu.-.ilyci tojji liu r into w'lal Uay ealled "a t.n ro.nl tiain," nil I Hoi ne.viy i-onstincli d limine s.lnle.1 ai.i-i l tiie re-ii-voir as a Ma-M'ipint. "l.il's teed Ihe Ii hi a," an.. out ti I n ,rdiiii nihool nii-a .,a -he Ihre.v in a spiny ol msis. The spoil continue. I until lie loi li s ol evening nn.l robust appetites Mliniiloiicd Ihe ball, eta home. I Itlot tint u lii;, . 1 keep on the ib -k In fme uu a calend .r of ' lie year, w il b the dav of i ncli week bv lunnrrals When ihe day is p. "..e l I diavv n y ii ncron a fp.'tire or Hie tl runs rep. lesenlioi; a d iv. U is mine, and I blot it. out. S.i far as a enliimn ot iniuurals is r-iiiceinci! I can do bo. Ibit I aui s'liitled by the word" 'I bl.-t out i di!' A day I" a wheel in the "rest lion hiin tv ol lit", a link in Hie chain of niv pi. h'li.'n It is as truly a pail mI vii d and c-- niial be inj ii" a vear or il centtl'V Ti c ,lav i- t'ven u e Will it vani-li i.l r'.y hi d.lii'isi I dnl not orii;;iiale, I only re eeivnlit. I Ii av i o in. ire power to blot it out than lo lo nit' it in. It was a L'i t ll-.vr sli odd I treat the (liver, it I could and would libit il nit li I'viK as a pr nil ol Hie lov oi the llivtw , To ninuv that d iv came not It wa on its ivtv. but Ihe i hiin look", lint Diviim kin1nps would not allow tne tn be a oer. Shall 1 pot honor tiietiiver? A day nl "ailne-s petbap". lilot it mil i for th'il 'ea-oii? ll mv kmi" m idn the s i ! pes" of the diiv, then h i that day t'lin l - 1 n'.CM'PTlT!! "f '"1 ?."'. 0-1. -r ,0 mi. Inl V I That day is w.-rt h s ivbi thit b.inos hp Ii I a voire ol reproof I'erti ip ihe da? win ! lad under divine discipline. Surely, then, I it ciu;;ht to stand lest, lihit'in" it out, nl- teiiee be st'icn to Uint who nlll els lor our ' profit. Hint we ought be partakers nt II I Iodines. A d iy ot (Jaliics". perhaps -the sky hiivht, the ail balmy, joy in liiemli. nnd all worldly onnilort; above nil, j "V in the I.onl and i;li Inc-s in His iilvain u. Shall I mar Mich a hcu'l.u! pi. tun i Shall I blot out mu-Ll a daW As I erase the fk'iire wnh a pen. shrill I diop it y(ii ol my mind is it theie had never been such a day ? Is this the kind return ? A day! That day just erased Irmn my calendar, how nineli could have bu n nc oi'mpluli'il In it! W bat a iio'iln tivi r ot hul)' enp'ti. uu inilit have rolled ihmnsili my noil in tluil niie day what lervoi ul love, ard-r in pruver. and wmkin's ol hii 111, b.iuirini; llie libt and j 'V ul l.e.vrti tinio ihe soul ! There ham:" my calendar. I cannot blot out in ti i-Ii loninr The la't dav ol lb' year It at blind. The ', inliols of whit r li.nllip nniv be eiiised by ley il iv'tnc; pen; bul Ih'C-i! links ol Ide, Hn s wavmi !,j of llie p .th to i lerrill y, theie uif s of ilnd, tlicse opportunities nl II eluluess, my jratt'uilr hall welvoiuH ihem, my love and l ai rarrt eut their treat diaiign. They shall aid In the cfabd fesult, that lot hame shall uut be blotted out l tbo Uoi k ul Lile. He ComkI l Iteuth lh liriikr. Tneie is tn old story nl a t'lliloinl i slsije-ilrivtr who dnume.l ol a join my iIdaii the tiiOtinlaiii aide undir piiih i.s conditions. ' In his (Ileum hp slatted l oin llie tup ol Hie moiiiiltiin with a o uk ol his w hip nn.l a s'piiil to Ins hoi.-es, and Hie stno rolled g'anillv aloni; the tjeiilly deeliiiiiiK rnad. Soon the rli scent becnnie sleeper, und the llnrses weie ilnsliiili; almitj liptill a lull unllop, hut the dnver, conli iliiit ol his power to ct.cik litem whec llie in 'iit-kkit y should come, Mill cut kid his whip ami iiiicl ihein oiiwutd. The slaee was ooino hI a leal tul rule, and Ihe p-.s. si neis bit-tine nil itdile l, Imt the driver on'v t'l'a.ped bis lines more tlnniy. ami I ullcd t'emlily up on them. At leni'lh e could no b lister nines. n;d llie slaci'i Itoin the hri'iloon speed ul winch hn was ilnv inj;, and he (cache ! lorw aid to place Ins not Upotl the b ake, when ho hoiliil that, it was beyond loach! To loosen his hold upon the lines would be to umi up nil coiil i ol oi cr his lrii;liieiitd lioises, i h made another and moiC .lelcrmincd itiott to leach the Ii. nk ; bill the hiaku wai still beyond his reach. 1'' .sh r .il l f i-t- r w.-nt the sliioe i own the kteep r i il aid mote and inoru Irani ic b cane the fl'-rls ol Ihe driver lo stop it; b.i 'he Innke wua beyotul his reach! .lut Ih-Iow ih. ie w ib a ill Iden turn in the narrow road. Upon cue tide whs llie solid wall oi tliu mountain heis;lil; upon the other a Icinlul pifcipicc. To p:iss that ul llie s)ied ul V ll if tl he Was noil'.; wnlll I be t ' com I iuslinit death. Once more the diiver ii ithciod all hi" en 1 1 oies tnoet lier tor one I Bt liei .ied ifl'u'l to cheek the speed nl the tl ins: sl"i;c, but n Ins! it was nl no u-e. Huc.juUI tint leicli the In ike! Who Ii iu not known men who were on ihe tlow n i;i nib) ol it. tempi ranee, and w ho could not leach the bi ikt l Whoso ilvli ntes were heighten with the lives ol neat nd dear I tends yih i'ni they were, beariiio .low u to lives of nibery mid disra.-e, but wild oonld not lc:ich the b:ake; win) sua b'cto'a them Ihu yawning abys. of eternal dentil loj llieuise van und ih. ir clnldii n.but still (lu y cou'i! not rcaeli the brnk.! Vaiina UieB, who aie drtvino joypu-i'v atiD( the 8' ut'y dei-iinius; road i- it l ot time to Itnp ml coiieiilci t ie, daniicra id that (ennui deareul Inwaitl the abyss ol in tifnpeiaiice upon which yon are jn-t inter. UK? Is u not belter to deny ymjisclve- a tew tcimiui: plc wijie, latl e' ill n encoiin ter desirnenon nt the etoi ot the way! Is it not better tn turn tiN ut while you fan 1'iiiiit. I your actions, a-d innnnt toward their loiuer liotfjlit ol Imnoi and nn. Vi n, ib'. lur than lo continue the dcMtc'id to-, w r.l . 1 1 - -1 Hi '- an 1 el ma! death I (in Kjk-Ii, ; tu'i'iil l.i-c. i iilleuti"ll wa at 1Mb inoiiienl My din e'ed to a i;rinio ol i t!h ers in f ont, iilunnK wtioiti 1 at on - n cnoiuzM (1'iiaral l.ep and IVinberliiii ueir a mnjiu p'eea oi alliHei V that hint buen hislily placed III ! position. EvciytKiiio; indicated a limn m '. ..'rent pviil, rifjnlrnin puiinpt and decisive ! aP 1 n. ll reipiire I but a lew linuutia to i -t.-Tply tile line and rlosi) inlirvds whm i llie older Koriir.il" wa" tlvn. At tld" niolliilit (leiieial toe rude lip, and whe. I nm his ho ke in lleiit and nncoVmiuK bis head, simply said: ' Twill led you, nu'ti." t lir linwept l.irwaid wilhoiil au intuul s hull; but the cry wa- lake') up limn iiii)int; and rn-e rlhfifV ihe iiiu rd U e baltle. ' (I back, ductal l.ee, no bu h'. ' 1 was it seine lleVi I to he torootte'i I'V wiinessid it.' It tiki lit - i ii v he us iiicoiot v recalls Hie i 'U'e, . l ti , w Kit head lineovt le I n like ll nt lo the Irotil. icoa'i tl,.l"C I even t:.ul I w ho low ,..n!e l-C' Un a'..l I... dl'.s ul IllollSl'lt ci i"- ol his no ti. who-c on 1 v l.-i hi. nib te. II" t tunic lllllil s (lie Ti as s bin is -i o liis hoise nnd luroeil bun (! ll. I i tl 'sln et seen s to I hi- acli Ol ol ( I n l.ee'- if I to ml . acce ,', .1 ilo ti ll s lo He It :.r. inllllia'e Ih.l an iu.li.i to lion 111 1 1 H C 'inlllS! ami H-at the "e Cat. e. t li lo h" li"t -o appl at to I he oleatv-l U'e" in ,n t;re t nou'iii n lei , i u mi- t ul i he ocrn-in i e his halm ce " li .l.n fl he nv n w Ipmi he ii d. la's ol w Ik.iii " e have lee, nl.. I in Instoiy. incluilins: Wash; mid N po. -on. in tunes ol runt peri I oi ni.l at the Clint a I in ipent ol tlie h i'l e. iw lit to thr. w t l i-in-i'l . lu'o i lit' Vei y mi I tl e p.. i flio.l, that thev u.ii.hl ihus iu-pi e Iheii sol, in rs with the necessity cnH n-n i,-ni. Ti ii'. this was dli l.ee'" o' j et. I do not doubt; mid that it bil l the .le-ln d ill et, the luftilt proved, A. C ri.liudelphi.i I lines. .lone? Ill Tin- t oiili ili t ali' trui.y. tl'mni '.lie London S.ilui d.iy Roy lew. l'or Ei ulishiin il, fpemsliv, Ihu ttnry el die Aun i m hi civ.l wsr must a'w-iys pes. -iss ihe iinst powiilul .iltrictiioi . On I.. . i tl 1 1 1 1 s Ihe piinciples involvid weie llm e w Inch most d.eply lie '. unr own niiliotnil In lintjs ; the bini;U'.;;e. tlm lac, the 1, 1 1 an ol llie ciiub t am " eie imr ow n, I he A i in y ot Noilheni Vuemii. in n ' -Hi lllar, liom the iiiiltne ol i,e ilclince it hud In nin'iitii'li. mil ihe i I a"i. ter it e l mi I -ii l'i.in .l. i n. sti .I, uu ! ll lor m'lieia' ions cimtiuitu 'o t ili-t. II. e -. unit;, -t V.- it'ish n in joii li i It 'on, 'I t Willi Ki'o'-h teiooi-v. loifli-h leekh-s. to k ill i-oi.si ipn-i c s, I,";; nil o.Ili.n.oi lo od Is, whin wa. ll "iii (he l'i..t a viv I'mihiliil nd so n be. inn i en evident v bi-'ni; Imlile, (lire mdv was It l.nly lenti n ; over and nvar n::aio. both on ibo . Il-n-ive nnd on the il'lcn-ne. it pfvi d 1 1 -el I more I h an nin lcli 'or ti ; m en 1 1 y nietii hi liiiiti" odd--. In rompooii m ie. leinbh't verv 1 1 "e'y that ol cur volenti ir rej;iiiii n's. Ts rhiets were umi wiui-e pers inal charu'ter and publm coiul'iet d s played ull the virtues mi wlrcli l'lni;,i-h men m .'-t ptlde ihemsi lvi s ; as ihe people ul Vueinia are (eihsp- the n.o-t ihor oilehly Knu'lidi nl all the many sols wh ch Ihe m in lur r icy has plan' el m ivety pint ot tlie wml.l. (biiionl I. e w . us pel 'eel ntypcol the idea! Lnli-h soldiei an I uelilleuuii) as Inainry CP show. 'St"lli IV Ilil' .1 U'ka 11 ll' tii.l.iccl, with many ol its 1 1 ci titrn iiies out scaui.iy one ol its worse and inetiiier I atuti. Iln ll-stnt'C ill ii l m'te r ol Hie rillitan leil'ltis. Stiiait, fit. ni;h 1.. e ,.. I Wo!" Il'imp ten ri oiiii.ie 1 iluife w ho cloi.e!y 'tii owcd ti'i-ir enner ul the limit iisinp'en ul Ens;! sli Cavalier lo', n'ty and suv.pl. city. When ti man lives I'll iiolhini! but ve." U'jlv.s I iv in apt to be veiy sniull -.olnloi', ' Water.' reiiiai ke I nnd old toper, 'is thu bae el all 11 nils, as Hie npuiey i- tli fir.-at Ktun llalher ul man. I lie distib rv ha. ilone or the one what i-iiilizitinn bit duue for lbs otLer added the spiut.' NO. 15.. (cni-rul O inn pill nt men t. Vny lew younij oieu will a I in it that tliev are klii(;i;r(1i. I low ever, at a liic-nie ul Wukistia lift tuniuu-r, thee wire ib .en ) Oil ut; Icllows who wished that tile) weie. A vonnu lady, a rliariiuns.'. ff nVliinu y uintf cieiime, luil ol Inn, who had b-en leanniK auauisl it I ree, surriuinde.l bt a ho ol lull. iw s, kuddi illy ireuiblid, nml hilched ani'iinl, und liimlly said: ' Is nuy ul yon a s'u .'jiinU'' Thej all Mini they weie n ', I hi n, s aid slio. liimiue, to a ymii'ir lady lueiiil, "Jane you will have to leach down niv back and eaich tint ant." Tlio ynunji lillnwa went i.wav, ami when one ol thun repeated Hit i inlaliou, (Jo lor ilui an', thou slusi i ir.l,'' the n-st all a ml, "lly shin miiiy, ili dot sol'' No car 'a. - IVf.k'1 Sun. I lie (;oiilU'iiinu Wliu WiliH. II you spenk the right word at the rijjlit time ; if you ro careful to leave pnoplfi with n gniiil impression ; if you H i not trespass titmii tlie rights of ollictn ns well us yourself ; if you do uot put yourself unduly fuiwiird; if ytiu do not f.Tocl the coiiitesics which belong to your position, you nre quite sure to arcouiptisli much in life) which others fail t". This is wlic-rc the rscc is not to the swift imr the battle to tho stronj;. It is where you miilie people feel that y ll ut c unselfish nml Inimitable in (1 lititlili.l und sniceie. This is what society is lool.ino for in men, and il is astnuisliiug boiv much men hi d nblit to w in sell -rcspptt nnd success and u efuluftss who povsi'i," these quuliiies of (;ood brepdiiie, II is almost tin1 turning-point of success itl .r;ictic:il life. ItorU tlio ltaliy to Mee. It 'b (lie sweetest hour in nil the twenty, foil i, when Hie Und mother, wiih tier led lie tied almost i ll ul her, sits down U rock Ihe baby ti sleep; when the hollow ol her aim is lull ol I an;, h.l tlncads of Hold, 'and the snows of tier o u whiti bosoiu are not nunc Inn than the prnccUll face lying against il. II. r voice may not be cu It I -vited n I fine, but It is sweet enouoli t ciojn "l'.yc biby btintitp' " lor the lil'.'e eais Hint listen; lier lace may not be ' 1 iv. ly," or ' bci'ililtil," or cu u 'bi'hl" - but il is the radiant la -e of an an tit I to i lip aim py little eyes il a', look up into it Hocking the baby lu slcep--and white she ricks tm i ,il i ns; c.is'h s lor tniliy to live in -inapjiieo out tli spotless future ol baby's I f.-, c iiiiloite.l by Hie wee litlle loim thai cu Idles so wil budy up in her ami' and 'icsled" fiom a 1 lu r dav's woik 1 kimw a ii.iill.rr that rocked her blbv t' klicp li-t ecl.; that sat in the daincncl room mid rocked the well liiht cj.'ivneil limine; ll.al mo "dye luttiy bunliti" wiih bet liciit lu l nt mn'.liei anon sli kill her tube brave and stroll:' tlilotii'.h mother lov ; Ih il rocked he. b iby sotUv, and H.-lto- still ' ami liii'd'y, when Hie old, well used i ha;r thai hud ' lov.ki.1 baby lo deep" so many Hon .- w ii -li'le ! Ii.'lii its si' n o' nu li'ii. she laid I im down i u the tiny n. filed. Pill iw. and, still "ini;ri S Illy and sloly her "P.ve baby luititini;," knell by the llt'le loim, w hi'e be went out a-id told them to luiiis; a cotlln Im their ilsillno.--C.iilierine Cole, In New Oi -leans I'ii'a utip. ArkniisHs iiikI Trtos l.ntvs. S. vciul days kL'ii a white in in wn ar- taieucl belori1 il eoloii'd i'ici otiiiUv mi t h'ir 'es ol ki'.'.ii,'; a dow-.i fie imi'i and -IcVii.s; i n ii'1'. '.V si'd th" j't-tlce. '.!. Iscks In i!N i"l e -hi!! be ivel:;h!il Will Caret Jill: "s. III.' el I l"i"s;s yrr I rut no f mil oh mine.' J id.;.', v. u h ive n i jnu tliciio i only lo I Willi!' 111".' 'Hit iiil't wotk 'lonos ter de laloiir'ar jusiiie, hut )cr sec I'se b en pi t on a a Speeial. A M'eiul In dorioht ter in, ke a iiuuif et nt S'pieiiie C Hit el lie cIium' bt.' I'n the best I t me you ran, Jtnl;e.' 'Ill 's what I'-c twine t 'r do. I'-n tin' tivo kinds ot a-i in dis court, i'e A i Kan s.wau'.le l''i:iiw I tni-rilly Ritas a ma'i de lii'.ttt to rlioo-u lui hi scf, N nv whai I nv do, s j er w nit ; de Tcias or de Arku si f I l ilieve I'd lake Hie A kan'ss' 'Will, in 'tut ci -o I'll dism -s jr lur s'e il'n' de mn'e ' Tl it k ymi, Jiidt'e ' 'An' luiu ; or lur killin-; de m ,n I lie'ii ve' .lud'-e, that I'll take tl e Tl v ...' Wall, in dnt e-se I'I di"ini"i yer fur kili n' de man ' You have a s.'1 "d I" art. .In lop ' 'An' ha"i! yi 'or -teilin' tie mull'. I'I j in ' like de Yiisiou In ah ler leiamk dill d" dill, e nc hi the l liwi i. lu tie way t St.lle, lie l !IM Ill a Milw .iikee ktnet'i a 11 ar siiilile.i man vvas Inn -box ii :id 1 1 n .1 new ap ps-SC I II p the a slf hlld a p. .1 her I. 'in. Ihi t liiel IM Ileal .-ilited in in as sbo m the other d y Mit'ul iiear In.' up. i, lit u a I uli i l l. nlally dn p Ihe hi'i ol the pail her l.re. Sill! I UU' II dif" In r bus, ' ir she had a ;o litienian s tl Ii;,' oppo-lt ! 'd pels' li I lie'lie i luiu Willi I his iitteii'ion 1 1 the li ind- '.a-cii I.' r s"it ' l.e peal .fni his c HO' tn ca k. lot hi. Ihu neiir ehlld man looked d .wn, saw I he 'i 1 i'e loindkeiehief III bis I ip und iitini ... ,-ly coviied ll up with his p ai er, h n Inno us he did s i. Then he i . seiti 'l his h ind und' r the paper, lacked the haiulkeielnel iu out ol silil, mid wi i t on leidiiio. '1 tliouolit I spider cobweb up tbero said S.ti.Ui s to Ins wife, tbo other (lav at the dinr.cr-liible, anil she ni 11,' enouoli to tumble to it.' Ii is believed that cut can be undo tender bi'tirtcd by ilayiuj; si ft, fad music to tliem, hut bow much easier it is to hii c a buy to chuck 'em off tbo 1 1 ide,.'. A wiuii'iu bad aluiokt woti tho priy, at a I. im s i 1 1 hii., wnen n ine uun h.ippe ie l tn reuuiik Hut lur biby wns crorneje I, and hud a veiy but iumiiUi. II was a mean advaiilas!" to tuke of her, but the vilban had tils reward. Whrn p i-lms puaeli iiKaiust tbo vanity ol ht'sj thin ,'i Ihe ladies know anilcll ll wliicli. - - A wa ' i"'t In hi nl an editoia's ivhiikt b 'll'e mi l lahvlcd r, "lJ be couli iucd IU uur ucckk 2 One. Square, Two .Sijuarfis, Th run Squares, four Siiiaros, Kourlh Ool'ii, Hall Column, Wlndo Column, at m SO 00 40 00 0 to 00 Oun Year, TAL1IOTT A SO,H , MIOCKUK MACHINE WOUKtL RICHMOND VA. M.iniifaetiirrirM ot i'ortablo ami Stationary Kuilliii-s and Itnller". haw .Mills, torn and li nl Mills, NhHdlne, lliiiiKom and I'ui li'Va, Turbiiin W nter Wliuel, Tobaeon jda ebiio i.v, Wimiiibt Iron Work, flraaa and Iron Oaatinira, Maohlnery of Every TJea erlplinii. ta I NNINO AND TlIRKSri IM7 MACl!l.Vtt8 Asri-XTAItTV. UplrluE Iroiititljr Jt Orelully Uuue. T A L BO I' T ." I ' A 1' B .N T p t'A R K - A It ll KUT K, 'I he liiventloii ot the Age. It does not iluslrov tho draft. It dona nut nil.'i'li rH with clnaniuM llie tuUoi. H will mil eh ike ti)i, and reiiuirus no eleau lii. H rispiires no diroct tlmnpera to b opeonil whon rnisinit steam ulaiupora be lin; o'ji elioiiblii, us Ihny may be'oltopen and allow arks tn cwcu o. ) ll r i j u i cost mi water lo exliiiftulnh apaiks, whleii, by POiiifWikiitinn, ilestroya (bo iliatt. ItiiHiilflN, w bun wnlor ia used,' if lii'tllce led, the ellii'ltiney Is ileslroyeil by ovapoi atloii of llm water, utid tho boiler U kepi ill a filthy omidilion. ll is N.mplo and diinibto and can be re lied upon. It ran bnattaebod to any boiler. No plnntor should Iw Willi. nit one of them, liiHiii'iineo companion will Inaurn gina and luiriiM where the 'lalholt Kngineii and Spark - A Trustor am naeil at Himo rate m el,ai i; l lor wniur or burns power. :m'i-s..ii, iur ilitistruieu oiretilare ami prion lii'. I'.iao.-li hiui-n, Ordiltlniro, N. C. J. A. II l L'SKK, I'gneral Manager. T. A. tiRANUER, Local Managua, nniv H ilnl IRON BITTERS, A (limit Toiih. IRON BITTERS, A Hure Apiulucr. IRON BTfTERSt A Ivmt Wt Mreo(thnr. IRON beRS, A ViSiwM.. l. ti - no IRON ElffERS,' hut iulJ ai t lUvriac. IRON BITTERS, 1 r 1'rli.al I', nil If I. IllTlily n,cninindiJ , to thtt 1,-nMir tor aii -it, i .! rr I'liriiif t cerlttia .(mi -rr- inn roiivt ' u-Ki Inl' y in Ituitprm tut VHHlvHt -ti-r. PI nttf fAp4 iiflll'i imm mf , ttlittyfh, !. mf t.ttrimt, etc. It ) rirhoR th b)io4, tliliflliiiim (hi inu I'liuhfit) fWtM t)m WH in i he in rvoi lu ib iMllirt vhll iirti n i,nirli' rruHr thin VAkukiil r.-io'v cnii Oul I I t liichly niiuni nti1. if nrtm Hkr u oHmrvi A t. .M"'fT t."fuf 1 ii itt.Ua w.H mmovtt mil .lpi'Pllr Kyiiivttoiui. " ' l TRY IT, S!i) bv nil DrivMrtitt, 1 ' TUCBkOWNCHUmaL " BALTIMORE, Mil i iv r. H. VICIv u f ( tKiciAta'.si Am m;t;ir.M i MADE TO ORDER Oil HkTAlRlili AT LOW TRICES. All kinds of wood work and trlinmlf done in iroml stylo. 11 icksiuiitli work done al abort iioiloo and wffh neatnena. AH iihw work w arrant' d. Kine paiulinic for huiJKies thipu al low pr eia.,besl paiul UMMl. Sl'ECTAL ATTENTION U1VENTO THE UND '.UTAKINO DEPARrMEMT. ('ollin- .in.l.C.iscs of utl aliet Corntantly on llSllil. Cirihi .o M ilm 'nils kept onlpind alpMe bolo'V l"i'turi.litiri niarkKl. Weldon N. a Jiinu ,'i ly N O. T. 1' O R I) , TaV.'i pleisiirn In nncannoing thai k can atilt be luiind al his aland ou KIRST STREET, " ll'v . ' I Where be has uu liaud it full Uua ot ti Etuesl WINKS. k'" Wt-l-iKllX and-l i ' ' - -J.UAM'IKS, . , , TOH.UVO. CTOARS, ftndssurr, Oi:ANiilS, ATPLES, . nml CUNWiCTIONKRlKS Uinstix'k of Oaunjd Goods aud UrocOf ios is unuaiiitlly .i iu ' .-a sis. i . , " Full nnd Complete , ur.n (MsiMiT w'liinicio A irm-uiirr,'? KKKSir LAOKIl BKfctt'oN UtlAUOHT. Hn gtinriiutoo siillsrfactioii. Call and aou liiui. , , Novi'l ly. S 00 R 00 U 00 ft DO It) On 20 Of) ,S on l.i la) .((I 00 10 00 IS 00 3d (10 lo 00 20 0U 41 0 M UO 30 111) ll(J 00 VlCbk 'iiaiiiiiliftiiiartS Wiiirll6imilHWi!SNl SW8WPWIW!