CHE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY N E W 3 1 A P E 11 , PUBLISH KD BY I.. M. LONU fc W.W. HALl. One Year, in advanoe, ,nt Months, " fiiree Months, " f 2 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. U B 0. W. H A R T H A N , N a r e o n DcnUnt. He over W. H. Brown't Dry (loot's Stun-, WRI.DOM, N.C. Will visit parties attliolr homes when desired. Terms Reasonable, oct b' M. U II I Z 1 1 It 1), AT T0I13ET AT LAW, Hii-iPAi, ?r. e. Offlx In tlm Coart House. Htrlct ftl'tltlon srtveii to all branches of (lie profession. Ian It iy J T. B K A N (J H, ATTORNEY AT I-AW. BMPIP.l.D, N. 0. Praetleet In tha enmities of Halifax, Nash EdK-esonihoaud Wilson. Holloelinns m' l al (.arts of th State. Jan 11 If w. VY. 1IA.L.L., ATTOltSEY AT I.4W, WEL.DON, N. C. Kiil attonllon irlven to collections and sreiniltanc promptly made, lay Uf. I inm M. MULI.HK. JOHN 1. MOOHE. 0 L L I X M 0 O R Ii, ATTOItNEYM AT LAW, HaLIPAX .V. C, Prellc In the enmities of Halifax. Nnrllmini. Hon, Kdirocoiiihis, I'tlt ainl Martin -In the Sn remi rnurt of the Siale and In tlm Federal Toorls of Hie Kastern llistrlet. Collections made In any part uf Uiu SIiiIk. Jan I ly ItMtt B. 0 ' H A R A, AT TOKNEY AT 1.1W. KNl'lEU), N. 0. Traetles In Hi'' court of HiPfsx and adloln-la- eountlea, and in tlm Supremo ami i-'oloral ,4)iirn. Ool.cctlorei iindu In nny part of tlm , tate. Will attend at tin- court house. In Halifax fit Monday and Friday uf each week. Jau lstf UR T V R T 1 K AYTOKXKY AT LAW. . HALIFAX N O. I'raetlees In the courts of Halifax, and adLtin Snf counties. In Mm Supreme court id Hi' jsttte, ami in the Federal courts. Will Kive special attention In tti rol'.i'i'i Inn mt claim, ami to adjusting III,! ac.'"iiiit.s of ex ,oators, administrators and guardian. iWIMf (1 4 T I .1 L. It Y M A X, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. i HALIFAX, x. r. Prantleea In the cmirtu of Halifax and adjoin ing eouul iea, and In tin' Supreme ami Federal rti. Claims collected in all parts of .North Carolina, olfiCD In the Court House. Julyllf npiOMAS N. UlLli, . a. Attorney at Law, IVUFAX, N. r. TraitiCiM n Halifax and adl iiiiinff ooiiiitlrs nil Padnral and Miiir,'in rmirls. Will ba at Sciilaud Nock, oin'o ovory fort yxlfht. anJiif J"Oy. B. BATCJilSLi'Hl. ATT4KYF.Y AT LAW, BALCKIII, X. C. Praotlca In thi r,oiirt of tlm th Judicial Sutrli'l au t In tlio Fuduriil and SiirronKii'uUTt.4. may II tf. rp-w7ir a Tola . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARYBUR, X. C. Practice in tlm conrN of Nortltainidon and oinnu l ountli'H, alxo In the Federal and u prmuc oaarts. juue s tf. w. n. T. a.c. Mi.i.ii'ormi. 1) IT A XOLLICOFFKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI-DON, N. C. PractiM In thncourta of Halifax anil a l)iliilnn uiilii'i. and in llm Snpr Mil" and Federal eonrt f'lanni collected In any pan of Norlh rarolina. oiinof Hin tlrui will alttay Ik found in the ' 0t, June july. I R. It. l UUNT It K , ft V It U E O H U K H TINT. (Can ba found til bis oflioe in Kufielil. ' f ur NltroasOiiiln (Inn Imt tlio Pain ieaa Kxtraotlug of TtietU ulwayB on buutl. Juuu W tt. A. K D Ul? Vf J. BURTON, ATTOltiEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice In tip' c-nirts of Halifax. Warren and , .yidjoitiiuK c,. noli j and in (tie supreme and Fed vcral cuurtM. (Vlaliua cullucti'd in uuy pbrf of iKorlh Canillaa. June 17tf 11 " SMITH, JR. AT rOH.MEY AT LAW, tflcn4rp Nc, Halifax Covhjx C PrAiltr. In tho county of Halifax snH A.H.tiA.. VOL. IX. At Homo From C'liarrh, TTlO 111. It'.- lift ill KtMltTttlf Idiiitlll Tlvtr liiins uf . -nr i'M f:ihi'n"il i1.iwit.-i ThHr fni.rr hici- fl Is the si 111 nl I Iidiiko - When: It'ft h lot If 1 iMtllll ! lit hum'. Hlrh In tin flfplf tr'p" tin' tof Ar' hinnnnn.', t n-y in tin huh An l-lli rtil-Hi irl,., r:nn i'nt oiit'o or twhv :tn 1 tlnn is ilttf, Th Hun'la -nmrnimr iul-t In ln'nvy slumb'T ;t!l i hi i r.'t-t, Win It fruiii ttif ctiurt-h jtisl mit of Httrht Jtfltlinl tin! i-luis i mil' .il.v nwt't'1. Tli' trJiii' .Ir.itir, tin voic-s faint Tliiit si ik thf iiii. t Imttr- tit t'tt'i' hy tun - I somi'liow f.'fl tf "itttit u'lt From Hi'inti utyslprioii.s ti'inpli', dini. Tlf iliiv-tiivntu fn'i s-anl mo trv A.uin tiM'iiI-li Hi.' tun.' that l.rih-rH No thtoiirht i'f t nipl- tti'T priiw, IWll utilyiifoilt' Vote.' th;U r i 1 1 c - . QUIET RUTH. She wai ?ci q'lii't, my friend Iiulh Early. Hi posu aain tvtrj linu uf Inr t; r .it ef n 1 form fttnl ivciy linturo el Inr pretty lace, Ttui 8 !t w ain liair, brown in tlio nlptilow aii'l fl it It I'd wiili pulii Kill, Ifti ojoaim wh. n tlio i-lionu up n it; Ihe unlomii liluu . j c , tho flraiht limw 11 very n nut to in'cnsity. Sim never biiislit' 1, or tromli'e l, or went into irsta ciet of iid'iiiia'ion or fnr nr f.n; licr milo rout' on Imt fate it'll lit it, ns Hie lu'l moon ilor tlio ky nn a r-till sii'iinu r night, and every tout) of Inr vnico kb lij ani musical. S itne called In r cold, but I. w!.o l-.i.ow her so wed, would huvc liiillhcd at thrin. In ono 6fiitenio she could emhiuly the fciitiinents another niil would have cct nil hour m delint'iitini;. In one ulnnce she could reveal a tenipfbt nl joy or love or sr.' rn ; but the (.'lanrts were tare nnd woitla in or ; but ltiillrs heart was usually a rralud casket 1 1 all iilinut her. A (i lii t interest ami nympii. they in others' weal and woe, n peaeilul 9ort ol happiness only thoto weru on iIim Mirlace, and the torrent of ciiiotiiu nlltd on eilcotly heneath. Why, of all the men on cir'.h, R ilh n'liiiil 1 have (riven hor Iteait to my cousin Charley Ciinpbell, I cotiH not uchc. How lie hrey and eiuotioinl to a decree,, net i hi; on i.'iipuiM) altoottlK r, loving ever) tlii'ifj that ilu-hed and ylilterid mid ma'le a no ia", adorini;iii iiti il music and passionate poetry, nn I alwaa nudltcn bv tiikalive, black -hiirc 1, wnltzini;, c i iet- linu Inl'i-tver tell lu I 've Willi tin et K irle, was mill a ctr.inui'r pf'd'bm. When on" fine Aui'iist evei.iu he bounced into our parlor, wlicc I was D'tliiij,' alone, and inlnrmed me, without paihy or prel nee, that he wan inoai'i.' I to Kith. 1, in my astnu'hhiiii'nt, eiclaune I : '1 should ns toon nave innoinc a in i l nun to a M n 2 dove !' and was very fi rry niter- waiiU, it wis such n Imilish, fin .'iihir niff li. i-'till, It did dt'.-cube aiy leeluios eia- ly. h cr; one wonlere l. ij'.nij uii,8 word red what ho could nee in .eii a (inlet ".nl; yoniijj nun 'w.u leie I now she eoul I like Bdcli a wi ll senpeyrni v. when, nt last, tlio came to me one dav. willi bni h hnn da in iiiine, and said ; 'Maty, you 1 not know limv ilcir he is to me -he is my lilt." 1 womb r no lonepr, lor I knew t' at Until liai uiven In in one ol those irresistible, nncon-eirnn chineca of hern, mil (hot him thioi;;h the h-an I think they wore vary li ppy a l blight adliiuin, and when the winter came the quiet contentment ol Ililh.-, I ut deep.-ne), and t'Viry rveiiu g he was al her aide, rcidlus, or aini;inn -or talkinij to her in suft. In v m tr wln-j ers. Wa' she taming down my w ild tou.-in ? Could mortal woman do Mich a H'cininejy im possible thine; I Where nit the ild oats siwo all the scrapes nvei i It S'.eaied so. The cirdes.s b.iy was iiiatnrin into the lui;h bred man, iassinnnte un l impulsive still, but with hielur ainu mi l higher prim iples. The winter rnllc.l it-'iv, the lirinht prin Ciin.e, mid vvheo tlm lni;;riiiit apple blofnonu wire upon tlm tues liuili lull mo Hint the iluv was liicd lor lo r biidal, aipl we rovie out tnoiiher one moriiiiii' to pur.'h '.( satin an 1 l o'C an I mii liu lor 1 1 1 nriili's aitite. II. inu' Il 'ine tooe'lu-r with he parcel slowed nnuy m Hie holiom id the vcliickle. we met C ousin Cli irh y, his die. ks iijihuv and his eyes- daneine with .suppress!) I uieiriinenl. lie waved li s hand to u and we paused. 'Take me in won't jou I' lie sai I plead intily. 'I lime In en t'i t ail upon ou, and of couibc 1 in 'd ion not at ho, lie. You have a sea' lor me, 1 know.' I sienillud ui V npP'oval. and he juniued iu and muted bimsell beside lin'li. 'The lVtril canift in to day,' lie said, a we drove a'oiiu. 'Did you he n lliu nun. i Shu ia a fine vessel, just Ir on indu, will a set ol the yu'lowest paen ;m you ever aw. Liver ctnnpiaiiit is as c in in - ui auioiiu Kre ch gio-e, utid pepper is the ehiil uili.leol their diet Mich lempeis as they have, loo I II wou'd pt.ZK o ltuth h riell to keep i ret Hill ill them ' 'llow do j, u know to much about thrin t I in'I'.Iltcd. 'Uli, I've betu t i bifuk'ast with una el their i.iunlirr,' rrpbe I I'hailey; 'an old nalmh who I h ic! at he la iii.'ly, and who has the hall horne t wife. I!y I he wav, an obi si hoolmalu of yours, Mary.' 'Whii li fhr V I n-k'-d. lie replied by another ij irslion : 'Do you rciiif mher Ivate Glynn 1' KiteUljnnt Ves. Is she the Oabob'a Witt- I' o: coins" she is. I mi t her C iiiiiu oil the boat tin aoruin;. 's!i" icurw meat once. We hid a desperate flirlVion lona aeo. the is one of the iii:idtai nit's I usrd to like beloie I inrt my snowbiid here, and my face remained in hei u.tiii ory. 8'ie intio liHcd in t i her husband, and he invite I me to brenkl s', I re Vi'tiUO'l mysell (or the spici s which liurnril my tontine by biirniiio the old Itllow's heart with jotluusy, and ta'kiu.! nnsler iously nt vld times, lie did not invite nic to call aijnin j but sho did, and I urn IfoillL'.' I'liarlrs Cumpbcll, I BUI aihttuifd ol you.' I add. Oh, it'i all nnnaeiisc, Maty.' said Char- ry. 'Mete is my de'iaid.' and his arm lulu about It nh's shoulder so decidedly thai i waa obliceil to chaue phicea with hmi iinmediaiely on account ul tho pub licity ol the start. Tluouylmut that ride ho penned In nveifliw will) nierrimeii.', He iinilated the old mau's manlier, hit cytiversntion snd bia Iruvn ; told extravagant Hories ol tho lady'i sin i lei and atlen'.ioin, and inado us lt;li l y a description el tlio saticrr jc8 ol tho D tboli'a b atk servant who waited UuiuJ bia cbair. UatU mailed mmt$kt WELD ON, placidlv upon him a'l tho while, and 8 emi d pcrlfetly rnntctited with his at' count ol the llirtation. 'What shall I do when you cloprj with the nabob's lady I' she said, at wo nlitthlttl. 'l'ullow me and shnot me throned the head with a revolver,' auawcrel Char ley. It woul I be easier to elope mysell with the nabob,' rttiirnel ltuth iiuietly. 'Vcu would cot be woith sliootine.' 'Well i-pck", ltuth,' lauuhed her lover. 'Vou would never bn ak your heart over me, snowbird.' Ami, sumo how, a suit ol ili-saii-lii'd tniiu was in his y dce s l.c ut teted tho words-at li'rift, I iiuaijiiie I In re was, but was (one beloro he had handed us out id the carriage, W were working on the bri lal outfit slw!y. Day by day tho dainty ".ntmciHa erew briiea'.h our I'muirs, We sal to Ijellier in a qiiet little room, lnok'tif tretu'Tiwd, which Hath rulie I her own I lia w indow opsued inward, and a ted lose! tish without lliitteied its leaves and fragrance in Uam . Solt lace whs looped about it and about tho bed. The floor w us coveit l wiili white tna'tini;. Tiii'io was a crat 'bl.'epy hollow' of a char in oi:o cut nor, and a marble stand aeainst the wall. Over tho niaulel linnji the pietuie of a ah epiii; child. It was a quill room, just lit lor iiuiil Huth, and as she Sit iu tile unit shadow nt the line brand s, ten lino the me lie io and out ol the snowy mudiu an I lunrinino a law, plaintive I il ne, I ued to thit.k ill ,t I ucvtr aw any ono o beuulilul. Cha by ciiiuo tvtiy evinini;, and as I watchid the two sailidetin iirm-in-ai in by the river side, or billini; by tho piano siii('ni together or listeuini; to each oihsr, I u-ed to phase mystll wuh fnucyini; the li in ; married lift) w hich 'ay bclorelheni Aud still the wed liui: day drew neater, and (he orani;o II wers which wcte lo deck Ruth's hair wire bud lino iu the con seivaiory. Cnail y's old unolu. a weiilihy lulchelor, who hud adoplcd In in in his boyhood, was of ti'ii w ith us. lie seemed to take an almost lather!)' pride ill Kulh's Remit' lenity and puiity. And I kno ol a tich tiou--enii which was in preraraiion ror tho c iniini; day. llow peacelully happy we all we'd I have o'ten wondered since that there were no omens in the sky, no n hispi ri iu the air, no Plat k clouds anywhere, to warn us ol the cumin o storm. I stood an tlm vo-anda one nii;ht look in;.' at I ho iihioi). Cnarley hud bidden ai'i'i'd to ltuth, mi l aroiu,; away down the path. At tl e c ate he pai.seJ lor me. Wrappi'in.; inyshaAl hbmil li.e 1 went down and stood beside hnn. Never in my lilo had 1 S' t'n snno.v seain I beside (;iinrlfv ('amj bell, but she was wiili linn rn, llistyts were heavy, hn chtekd !lu he 1, his hea I bowed upon his Ihmooi. I looked at li i iu in Ic-nr without the power ol utlot i n j a wur.l. lie spoke lint. 'M rv,' he said, 'do yoil bilieve thai Until luvc me I' A" her life,' I ans'.virid, : I am Bute ol it.' Me shook his lual. 'I am not' said l,o. 'Wlitui n w omaii loves rl.e lllhcs mid trembles ; she can ncvi r wear n rol 1 i.n I placid a lace, aj unpen ir'i. d a nitii ; she is ij'iiek'y j-aloii: q nickly move I to tears. The p is d mate love of a warm hei itel V'imiia pasfi a'l things. M try, 1 do mil believe Unit Until ever love I me, or w ill rvt r love any one,' lUvi 0'i h.i I a iuairilt' 1 a ked. hie idi'is-dy. 'A q uirrel i N' i 1 I n wn had. A q anel would -ll i.v some lii'lin..Mo be louche I. it it ti is a b' .mt 1 1 u t, lov ible cieatuic, t o. ro 'd lor a wil l fell w me; bi.t a inn nnu'it as well wmslnp inarl'h. statue, tl'ic is liiri! ii(. Micclnlls 1111'.' 'Voii arc rpeikin;; b;a-pl,t',iiy I' 1 ( i-'Jinl. 'ftut il is an aeei'l ' 'Wt ll, no matter, I'm a (oil, perhaps, (liodl've. M ity. Whether Until lo'cs mo in not, I have loved her. 1 Mippose that shout I content me' lie was none anitn: the shrubbery, and I went link to lli.lh wuh a deully horror at my heart. When bn came ai:nin he wa the same as before, and senned to have,iiteii ihc conver, itlou ntterlv. I had not culled on the nabob's ladv, nor she on mo. Wlnlt.'ver suited rncli other. 1'iit I t ailhl a l n ce ol her rar r'ake old ii, an I three lints had I iceu t'harlet's lace lonkiiio cut of the window as it loi'el by. And, nt l.a-t, a l in t bree.ili of rcandal reuche I li'.y ears, and I heir I the paire of tha' bold, harid-ome woul in in moled with Charley CunphrllV in a w iy I tt i 1 no: like Hull heard noih ii ol il, however, mid tho wtddinj; day w as close at hard. It t ime at liet. The puss's Vi em tin re. Music, and flower terbium filled I he house. In her own loom U iih Kvle, tlresstd in her fioatin;: lolu s and veil, waited lor the brhl. litnoin's euinniL' I hear I, at 1 nit by the w rdow, the quirk ro'l l a u ainai;'.'. It p iued at the i;ate. Some onu leape I out, and ru hed idoni: the path and up the stair'. T it' door W is ilstlird wilily open aud Charlcy'j uncle i tood anions us. He held a written p iper iu his his hand, and bis head with pa-siou. 'He is uaiic I' lu shouted 'Hone w ith that wicked w nnaii. lie has ducd t nrdiiaiid tell me so. 1 I 'ie dn i dieritod him. and 1 cuisc him with ev-ry ch'h Unit can liolit on insii. Miv he be! Ins bread Irom door to do nt ! May oh, (iod !' I lie wild vuicc broke, and ha t.-'t with blood s'urtin,; Irom his Hps, lull le i'th iijo i the floor. W hen we raised hi,n he was ib ad. In the letter clutched by bis uncle's s illentd lirijiers wo lend tho words : 'When v0'1 fad this I shut! be far away. 1 fly to-ni j lit with the only woman who ever loved ni", for ma she Ins li tt heme and honor, and as I havo for her. 1'e'l Ktilli- poor Uulh ! who I have d so ill that I never deceived her. I loved her liuty. but bur ctdd lofo Imze out my nir.-ctioii, pure, us 1 knew it was; while tha rrrini;, pBssiop tte heart with much I II y is mint cntiirly. Sho will soon bo happy with another I know -hup-pier thun I sh dl ever be and w ill foiiiet, tie lono, thai there ever breathed one so unworthy of her tlinuuhts as I. Cll.MII.K4 CAMI'UKI.I, There were setesini and tears aud ter ror lu the house; but thoro, Upon the fliar, at Until, pile and motionless, her biide a vsil tlabblcd in tho dead man blood, aud her rjcj closed ut thouU bUo N. O, THURSDAY. JUNE 24, 1880. wi lled never to open them. Pto lo saitl she bins it bravely, when they u her, in a littlo while, quietly and llusy as beloro. When the will waa opened, aad it wat lound that Charley Ciiupbi'll had t een disinherited, and all tho property was It-it In ltuth, they spoke nl it as an a.t ol justice, and Ihoutht that all was over ; but 1, ami I only knew ol the ranker warm eating al the youim heart niyht and tlav. Six niontl a pnsed by, and wo heard nothing of the la'se loxer. Wo never spoke of him to Uulh, or iimenij ourselves, and all the love 1 ever felt lor hi in had turned lo scorn. At lat one day a h Her reached me. It was ft) ti'iaik'd C . and was liom a ceinpiira'ive stranuer, who had written to me an I'harlct's only relative. 'hl what a lale. was recorded in (hose lines. I ran only give the ub-taiice, The two had ll)l to Kurope at fiist; thence, when dread ol pursuit waa oyer, they had le turned lo ihts country. Then fer the fnsl time they had heard id the loss of Char ley's furl uno, and poveily scitmud alarmy, t ti in lolly in the lace. Their debts nccu mu'iitcd, and the rhaiiKC In circumstances bioiioht chan6 of altection. They quar reled madly, each iepioaclii:ii tho other, and the white haul nl the woman was olttn raise 1 against tho man she onco pro licsfed to love. Sin-branded, becu'artd-, poor Charley Campbell paid the penally of his crime, and worse was yet to como. They were in a carriaio one day, ifriv in;; toward a dwelling p'ace, lor debt had turned them Irom the old ono. They wete quant'line; in suppressed xotis, and look in; In ( ha'e into each othrr's rye, wlnn a sie,t arose before them that struck them dumb with hotror Thee, in the middle ol Ihe mad. itond the woman's inju-nl liiisbauil, with a pistol in his his hand, aiming straioht at them. Whether he nn ant lo lire al her t never known ; but the ball enteied her heart, and she led loiwiinl Willi a scieani. The explosion nl the pl"lol fi ioliloocd the hur-e; he lnoame uiimaiiara'a'ilc, and ilahcd lorward down a hill, criishini; tho driver beneat! the wheels, anc. si unpini; on and maiiolin hi, a. 'We thit.k him dum; nnw,' the wiitrr roiiiii.unl 'Mis rij;ht arm ha bleu anipiitalril, and he is prnslra'ei by pa II ami loss ol lilnti I. Ho has need nl lliu Iiicuils whom hi has so much uf leiidn I; wiil you lorivo hnu and cmiio to him V Tho b Iter lell Irom my liemblin fin.' ocrs. Uulh had stolen to my bide unseen, and had read it nUo. Down at mv feet she knelt, and bii'ied face in my lap as u.ieht n (jrievi'i child. Neilher ol us lied a tear, but we sat thus lor an hem in utter sih nee, Al last the spoke. I have a lavor to ask. Muy I'romUr me Ilia) you will t.'iant it ' ' A 1 1 t ! I o ir . ilailiui;,' I replied. 'I. el me u i with you,' she murmured, lo't us Ii in -c him il he i' su 11, I i ri l; and be w;lh him to I In; a-t il he should die. He was nlmoM my hus'iiiiid unci' my dear. On, I ,ke me wiili vou '.' 'Do you reinrmlier how he has wrni'grd you. ltuth i' 1 asked. M try.' she alls ,v. red, rising to her (eel. 'd i not !iiiunitcM!aiid mi-. I would not I t hin, know ol in v tneseli.t ; I do not ei k lo hi iuj; in j ' I to his : i Kiem'u unci'. I will e i with V"il as a Pis'd ot nurse; a e.oaise itrcs, seivaut's cap, and the cur t lined lii;ht ol h sick room will keep me from his knowledge, Il lie. leeoycn he shall in Ver know Hint I have been lie u hnu. 1 only n ek to see once a;ain and on him w hat little good I rati, lor 1 love I liliti de ti 1).' Who eon; I iv it li -t ' n I her? i'e Were nil next morning by the li s' rcmeyuice. Until aire o' v Weal iiiy Hin snviif's ilicss, mid hid tin Inr: her still brucitli a th se bonnet su I vi d. 1 had tin i.otit that iiotliiiii; could h ive sti llllli d 111 ,' hi'iil' lo Cliiriry ( 'unpln-l I, but 1 wn, mi-:. It'll when 1 -a.v Inin lyin,; hi I, re inc. Min led nnd manned, tlm slni low ol hi-, hand ome sell .M v tiins itil la t. ii'i I 1 ;;-,ve I iui my hand s in tin' jl.l titce-i, whrn ti ii-te I in ln honor and vntue. He wai tliunktiil lor my pit seuce. and whi-ji-ied a f.-uut word ol w. Iconic, but b. loic nielil Ic I he was do tiliims, and knew no nue ah nit liiiil On. the bmi; days that I,. limed ! I shall never lorcet Hit in And tliroiiith all linth pcvcr 'ett Ins pi. low. Wl.e.i nil the it-; shrink irom the wilt t;ivin;'j -irnl the i.prui 'efi arm of iuin, -he t ever ivav- r-l ; no Ion, no vi.'il ,li I she sptie ; and wln n. it In-t, he Iv quiet an. I wiak upon hi-, pillow. In r h irnl brought iho i;ivii;nr. atin ilr lU'-ht an I lilted up tip! weary. In lp'i-s liand. And ihii was the heart ho hud dt i mid eo' d ! ( iiie il iy we s it toeether, Uuth and 1, brittle the win low, and Ch ill y bi'rmtd to sleep. Su lb'iily he stirred and call d to me. I bent over him in an instant. 'M iry,' he sai l, 1 have soinei hiiiy lo s-iy to vou - siiinelli, n which lies yciy heivi'y nt my hesri. II I thould die wilh. nit iittciitii! it, my soul wo.ill hevti ri-i. ..M.ry, oii nijiembei w lit tl I III Uuth V "il know how i lc!t thru. 1 I r lleVld her col I. 1 Iho'j-ht that ill die lint p is-p-ii ol the woniaii I 11 tl with 1 Ipol iiilllid tlllu love. 1 ill u-1 hav.i bet li mail. I think, for i h, how bi'.lt'lly I hue I n ml that lellel. Mary, wlu il vuu sre Uulh i'.eile I'll her this, ami tell her, too iha I oi-;, lout; since 1 have ilst:ovu,itl th d il.c wi u,y live that in thr -iui; iwny her pure w-oiiini'y itllcciioii 1 losl the riclitst j -wel in my I i If. The words wem mlered anltly, but Ituth's Cir had raunht tliein, she sttni I iu lie shaibi .v, heie liu could uoi ice her, and li.-tei.i-il. 'Tht-iuoli bll my fever 1 have thoneht ol In r,' lie went on, 'and at tunes I have thouulit sh i stood li'-si, Ui mo. Then 1 would sliive lo ask her loriveness, but tho sweet vi.-lou alAays Inded, and a traii(;-.- uur-e was thi-re instesd. Maiy, do yotl II ink til t Uuth hates inci She sh-'Ul I, lor I ill ji i ve it.' Oil! tile ititlte appeal of thrst; clasped haiiils ami aln niino i yts on the other ii le of the Couch. I knew tie r m-anino. and I answered as they bade me; No, Chsr Icy, I kinnv that Uuth Inu lurivcn yon.' 'Forgiven me ! c; for sho n an aii '"l. lint iirrer, never Can shu Invo lue ai;a,u - in ver "lull I he link my own h iCi1 has broken be ictiuitrd. A muliilaled lieo (jar, Marred in lace and heart, even were lio past blotted nut, she never could be mine. Oh, ltuth ! my injured, patient, iovino Huh, 1 would o'vti all tho wild bi'niJo to hold juu lor uuu uiomcut to my breait to pteis your lolt lips tt) mine but oi Ci at ain.' She hud stolen Irom the shadow ; ahe crept toward the bed ; she outstretched both arms towatd him, as a mother ndoht set k to clasp 1'iire nmre her but, child; and still soniethii' held her back from the bosom where din loused to nestle. Ayniii lie spoke, and this lime he in tend lur name-'It nth, Uuth. ltuth I' but tint tears were in his ejes, an I they b okc the spell w liicli kept lift Irom him. Tne coaise cup lay on tho i;roiiiid, the golden hair lell over inr whitu ('irehead in heavy clitlcriut; mamrs, and wilh a low, tremu lous cry she cast hor arms about him. pillowed his thin rherk on her bosom, ami nave back to Charley Campbell the quiet hcuit ho had so well deserved to Ijvc lorever. lie has it still, and it is very dtar to him, to dear that I believe no words would lell its v duo. Since the hnur when Hiu words wero spoken which united them forever, each bus trusted in the nthtr to the iilerniost, and there aie no happier psoplo in the wind.) leneth anil bteadlli ol Hie laud than Charley and his liii-t Uuth.' Tlm History of n Ilj tiui. "MT F.MT1I I.D.IKS IT TD TIIKIi." "iiHiioi.n i ui: i.imii or con. .mil . '.'ii. My fllitll looks up to Thee, Tlioil I. ami. of t'alvary, Nuvloiie liivii" : Now hear me while I piny, Take all my i.rinll away, 11 lei nie, from llils tiny, t lie wholly Thill". May Th" rich irr-ieo Impart M retort !i lo my f.iliiliu-r lieart, My .-til Inspire ; As Th.oi h it-tt tiled for in", u may luy love lo i'lii't'. I'llre. warm, mi l elinii.e.'le ts he, A itvniir tire. Willi- life's ilaiti licl.e I li-eiid, And u rh f- a run nil nie stireild, lie "I'lioii my uuar.i ; tlid ilai kuess I urn toelav, Wipe Morrow's lour- away, Nor let tue ever si -;ty Fl'itlll 'I'liee lls'tie. When ends life's Iriinshuif ilr.'iitn, When ileal It's t'oltt. sullen stream Shall o'.-r n e roll ; lllesl s-avioiir. then, in li-ve, Fear and iKsirc-s reniove ; A raii.-oin-'tl soul. A yiar or two alter this hymn was w tit ten, ami when no one, so far as c m e recollected, had evi r seen il. Dr. Lowell M is ni tin t the author in tli-j streets ol Hot ui, ami rcqiictul him to furnish some hymns lor u hymn mid tune book, winch in I'niineclioii wilh Dr. Ilsslinos nl Mew York, lie wis about to publish. I'l o litlle look coiilaiiiine H was shoivti lnm, hint he us'ied lor a copy. They stepped lull) a stoit together, and a cpy was ma It! anil L, I v r 1 1 him, whicli wiihoit mui h not ico he put in pocket. On sit'ini; down at home and lot kin ; it over. Dr. M i-on lid. a iie so much inicrestid in it Hint he wrote lor it the tune Olivet,' in which it has almost universally been S'lnr; Two or three days atler they unit n;;ail 111 Ilia stn i'1, whi n, acarc. dy w dting to salu'r (hi! writer, lio ciini'Stly t'Xclniiiie-l, 'Mr I' ilmer, yoil may live ni my years, and do many (500 I llnuos, but I think you wilt be best known to p ilni(y as the author ol 'Mi Kailh looks up to Tine" llvmn ami tune sunn pass il into common uc in tlm I nited Stales; and in ISI'I Hie hvuin was irtro'luc el into hiteiainl tlnoueli a ccillecili-in pulili-h"l by Dr. Andrew Hood mid is now lound in nil Kin-li-li iiii.l Scutch niiiiiuul.s ol the weiship ol recent ilutc. The rrqu-st has often bi en lilinle, bv Ici er ami o'herwise, that the autl.i r would roi.i-.niliiicats any irtemsipij lads llii' b id coii.c In his kuowl'dee In con niclioti wit li the u-o id this hymn. A c;ic. it many such farts have b. rn column 1,1, ate. I In htm ; but con-iil-rati.-i s id de' eacy w oil I l-irriid Ihe public 1 1 inn id t irnl ill many rases, and Hie number, loo. iv .nl I render it imp ssihle. He Ims toll, how ever, two, nr t'nee torn hin -f inciden 8 w 1 1 p li tuny mill m 1 x.iin li".' Djtin the lute civil itiife. and on tie ivi'tmiu piece-iliin; one id hi in st teiri hie b.tttlet ot the war, Si me sin 11 1 i 'lit Christ ui a ynuiiu n eu, w ho were lookii 1; f. rwaitl It) llin deadly tltife. iiiel ta;-tlei in ne of thtiir li nts for prayer, Alt- r sp ndii'i; some timo in couiinitlin.. themselves In Uoi, and in Chri'lian con veiaition, and ir i-ly speakin.' tocjoihcr ol th,' pri-b ibi'ity Htat thev woul I not all id tin-in survive the morrow, it was sno. Ce-te I by one td the imuiber that ttiey slioilltl d aw l) p A I riper e.ptcs.ivc o! tor t alines with w hich they went to stand lai n to lace w till iltntli. ami all f in i' ; and 1 Iui this si. mild bo lift as a tis-ini my M the lien, Is ol such ol t li till as mihl fall. This w I linniiiiiously ane-l to; arid, nl or cm tultstion it vat de ruled that a copy ol 'My Faith looks up to Thee' sh -ul ( be written out, aud that evil should subsoiiliu his na lie to it, so lint lather, mother, hrolhtr. or ristcr ui'ht know in what spirit they laid tUwn tin ir live-. Ui coiii'i- they dil uot all III sot aijaiu. The iiioident wis related a'triwaitli by 0110 who survived the iia'llo. Aonlher iritcrrslttir esse as that of an aclivu bii-ipcss man, runlin 111 llto in teiior ol the State, who was lucilst iai to visit Hie City nt New Y uuk I10111 tnuo to lime lor l)ii-ieB purposes. II, lore com 1110 on a certain iiitcasiun, hn had 0I1-servi-d a swelling slowly lurmiiit: na his person, which, thoueli nut Iroubesimt as yet. tict:iu,.o I hnn sa nu aniuij ; an I alier attending to the matters It r wlucli he c nil", ho went In inbuilt tho case to lliu judgment ol 1111 eminent surgeon. He was Irm.klj told that it woul I prove a lualioiinnl tumor, and w mid prol'tlilv terminate Ins life by the cud of a x months. This was, ol course, a stunninc, blow. 1 1 ti was au intellectual believer is Cinisrimiily, and a man tl upright life, but was without a Cluislina hope. He lore losing thi) city, ho culled no a t.'hiis tiau lily a sister, we bilicve sn,l to! I her whii Hie sinoeon had tan!. 0. part lUK Irom her, sh-j plica, I iu his hand a print .'d leaflet, whiu'i ho ac epttrl and put ill his pocket) Then he took Ihe cars on the lluiUuu Ili ver ma I, and, and when suited, task iuln prnl'iunl tliuiifjlit on Ins podion He called his pant life, 10 filled with diviue Blindness ; his siu lul little, t to ictuin tbit wilh love an I obc litiice; au l his lailuro to receive the Saviour nl loo win Id iuto his hrari. Some hums, p roups, lu 1 pa.-sed - in this way. and Ins heart had bttucuia lull el lender leelitiK, when ho leumubi-rtd the lead t ami 0 k it Irani Ins pocket. At once his eje lesluj on tho weiJs NO. 17. My fnlth Iooks 11), to Time' Tl'iott l.stiit td t'alvary I Ho read the hymn through (lowly, and many times aver, ills heart adopted ti e language, a new born lui'.h luun-l lull ai U delightful rxpnssieu in it. and Irmn thut time ha hail a tranquil irst in (io I. Tie prediction f the surocnii waa lu hUe t, ai d the poor sutlen r died joyfully ; having th 1 soiie, aunt; to him to thu very last. We will add but a auwle eimple n-ore, 1. is contained in an titract from a Unci ol an ex. client ynunn; lady, tho daughter 0 a etei eyiiinii, wh hail been lon siilferine liom a t li mn ic iluea-e ; "Onu moruiu.-, lout; auo, I awoko with ihdio than tne usual ixhaustinn.atitl a souse at discouraui mrnt nmo iiilliir; to, eleprtssicu. Do y u kuow that kind nl We quote ftom an Appendix attached to "The 1'netlral Winks ot Usf l'aliner," (11 tills h e tl by A. 8. Harms it Co., N. Y, despair so like iiillication t Hitter rspin i t t n rose in my heart j hard thonoli s ol U"d. and sititul iiuestioniiik'S. Why must il b f W hat shall 1 d .? 1 heard the lain leitirio itoiiiust Hip, windows. I knew the day uiHt le dreary, and I sialic I aloud. W hat will ihrro bo to cheer nie to-day I And then I hastily ulaneid ubout (lie room, c'adly diseoveriu thai I was alone, an I turning auaiu to try pillow wcaiily Hark ! the cluinlj ol a piano! The family must bo at inoinitij; worship. Up Hirouh thu register, us diitinctly its il brcatuul at my btsidn, came the strain " 'My fallli looks up (0 Thee. Thou I. illuli of rulvnry, MvliMir litvine." I enjoyed it, au-l listened eagerly " 'Nt w In-ar nie while I pray, Take all my sins away, ! lul nte, from tins day, He wholly Thine.' I (elt filmed. I won It t look up for cheer. I cniihl not say that dismal mnroino;. Thou.O Christ, art all 1 waul;' but I could say, 'My faith lotiks up to Thee.' Allot Ward, lor several days an I nier-u, 1 re ptated the hyniu constantly, especially the stan 1. 1, " 'While life's dark inn je I' M:.7,i was just tho word Ir mo. You know what a iitnejcd wild my path ol hi e has been." Frauk Leslie's bu .day Mag. .inc. HlVrt ol'llio Tnrkltli nnllit. Dr. Fleininj;, ol (ilaS!ow, bus pn. Rented to the Ibitish iiiedual a-sncun. a an account of some rxpeiiinruts by lie author upon himself, Willi a view lo ascertain tho ri'.'Ct et the Tniklsli bull nt temperatutu id Irom lliO" to ITIlf Fall , upon the weight, tumperatuie, pu st respiiaiioii anil seeieltous. The nsnl's showed that the iiutnersio i id Ihe b-nly io h it, dry air produced loss ol wctolii tti any extent censidi rally i;:eati!r than normal. aiiiountine, 00 tho avertiue, to ahout 40 otinrrs 11 n hour. Th s w aa tic cniiipanicd by an in the teinpri atiuv id tho lotly iiinl a risi) in tha pule rate, with ut fust a lull and then a in Ihe lapidity ol respiration. The amount nl solids sci'ictnl by the kidneys Wat III en ased, niitl coim ideutly, the annum', tl urea. Tne satu.l contained a quantity nl solid matter in solution, and, ainiine; other tint-us, a considerable amount id urr The mo;,! important rll'Cl ul thu tiatli, ho-.viver. Was llu stiiii'.ilati 111 ul the ciiiiinctoiy 11c lie 11 ol the ek'n. Hy this menus, the Hs-ips could, at It were, be washed by passiiio water through Hiem H11111 without. lliu Ini'iOa-cd pu sa r, te poinltd to tha necessity ol ran mm 111 the use ot the liatli wtieu tha cirtul ilO' ry system was ilistLSn'. m - Kotiiii ICvrt'iil ri:iilttn llltjurl c Say ' Uood-by," uot "Hood inniiiinp,'' I pon iravino a loom, one bow should in clude nil. Ne er wait over li 1 1 ecu minutes lor tardy uiiest. I'pou lntioJuction, enter at one: into c.'iue.tsniinii. A 11 ite nq nircs as prompt an answer as a spnkcii quislinp. ' Centeti" ai tl "centililj" are words ta booed 111 ;nd sucnty. Unlets in itrtly to iuvitatii'iia aheulil conlain a nasou therrlor. S unlets auii'iiu should notily fricuJt by ctrtl or by Iheir presence. At the table you uie not Ifqniroj lo ihaiik th,; une wha wails on jou. You slniuld exi'hanno calls wilh individ uals belore invitihi tnem t 11nr house. Ou'y letlets to unnamed Utiles and wi lows with their iaitisiual nan c The uslom of leav'nt; a blank niaria rn (he lelt hand tile el each pae ot a lull r is ob.nliltt. To Minn a personal ca I with r.irds en C'osrd n ail envelope nejlitl-l th.t Vlil'.iiiK between the pcirons i- eo 'el. L'nle e their is a "real dillttrnco in sue, a l4y visitino should not rise, either on arrival or depsriuro ol othir ladinr, ... 'I ( III II tUt' IV II H I O It'. The siu lie I haiilihess and CKIulty ol the Chinese penal code is proverlna', a; d il Ihe lolliiwinu ritract is taut lie ill ic It is not siiipnsine (hat the msltiealotl Chioese iinmiiaut makes not flToit to obtain ihe nnhti id Ar.eiic.n citiy.ei t'lip : "All pei-ons ten itineiiio ill ir Country and al legiance 10 tlevlsinif the Itit-aua t'ui;t'd shall be leht-ateil, and iu tha puuishnie, t nl this 1 ITi-nt e nn dislircliou thall Ite 11 a le bit wem ri 1 ciple and acccs'orie". The propeily nt all such criminal, sh -II bt en liscatcd, ami tluir wives and children di.sti ibiited as slaves It) the great oll'rers nl state. The parents, (jrandpattnts, broil irs and uranilcliil Una f sucli ciliiiinal, whether habitually li vine with them un let thu sain" roo' or not, shall be perpetually risn t icil to Ihe distance of 3 000 Uaeue , Alt those who purposely conceal er connive at tint ctiiuo shall bs Itraneltd l'00-n who iulnnn asuost eriminals ol lint rUaa shall lo rcwardid wilh thi wl-.tile of their pioi-rt, II the ctime is rou ti 1 ve .1 hut uot ti'iitt-., tho prin t'ipals are l bo tlrun'ud, and thr aeces-oties pun she I will blows ami baiiithmeut.'' Thut, wlnlu ho is sojoiun lnt, in lorein lands, Ins relatives air hostauea lor litt roiitinuiux lojal to the paten al guvrrnineiil. I waa n colored pieachir who said tn hia tl ick : "Wo have a collection 0 mako this niornior;, anil, for de glory o' hciiben, whichever of you st do Mr. Jjiics's tin keys, don't pi)t anylhing 00 fin plate." O10 who pas there ajs, 'cvtry blessed nigli ii ds cbunb Ci bo dowu h 11 b tbo locks." THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. SI'ACK o a O a ts M M 00 20 00 30 00 J Ono Sqnaro, Two NqiiaroH, Throe r-quarea, 3 00 6 is. 1 H 00 10 00 )f 00 20 00 R 00 10 00 1,1 on 18 Of) 20 00 M 00 t 00 M 40 eo 45 M fO to ii 00 7i U I' our r-quares, Kourtli I'nl'n, Hall Column, Whole Column, 3d GO 40 00 eu 00 Ono Year, ,1 IV V I sg TAI.IIU I T A SOXS S110CK01-: MACIILVH W011K3, RICHMOND VA. Mantifiietiirora ot l'ortablo and Htatlonary KiiKinoa ami Hollers. Saw M 1 1 Ih. Corn and Wheal Mills, Nhaflintr, ItaiiKora and Pul leys, Tiirblnn Wator Whmils, Tobacco Mt- 1 y, Wioiiisht Iron Work, lira and Iron I aatinus, Machinery of t-vvry criplion. GlNNINll AMI TmirSlI I Sd MAClHitlCfl i SI'KCIAIiTY. Itopalrliie I'rouiptly A CrclnUjf TAI.BUTT H PArR.NT MfAHK-AllKKSTEt, 1 lie luvenlloit ol tlieAgo. Ddoi'siiot dostrov the draft. It doe not interfere w Uli clc.iiiiiiu tho tubes. M will not choke up, riquiroa no clean in ir. It rcattlrps no diroot ilampera to bxi neiii.,l when rnislnt; Hienni (dampora boa ttiL' oiiii.'utionuDio, as thovmav boleltooeu iiinl allow si arks to rwcape J it r quires no water to pxllnaulsn hpai ks, w hich, by condensation, destroy uie until. HCHiiinx, wnon water la used, far iiKlni'ti'ti, tlits cH'n-ieiioy la dial roved by Kvapoi Kttoti of He water, and tbo bollor ia kepi in r lilihy roiulitioii. It ia Hiiiiplnand du raliln and can be re. lied upon. It ran be attached to any bolter. No planter should tsn without one of tLeta. Insurance flouipaiiine will Insure giua sad liarns wheio tlio Talbott Knginee and Spitrk-Airostera aro used at same rate aa el areol for water or horse power. rO-Soiid for IHuatratod oiroulara ao4 price li-t. Branch house, (loldsboro, X, C. .1. A. I1AUSKK. ('eiinral Mfttinger. T. A., Local MuQagea. mnv H tlul IRON BITTERS, A U n ut Ton la IRON BlifERS, A Sure Apillter. lMrhlj" rtTOttletHTfillxKS t.'!h ptih!(r fvr nil UllV t-inti-arffjuirlnit nwrttain ml i-tliclfiit TOVH't MM-ny tn inmft tion, ituvepim. Intrt mittmt f"m rr. II t mfAp I r 1 4 1 , M vmm mf htrrnptHt M.ah mf k'nmryu ll rinit'i tt btootl. MrvhK'litui ih uiu Hlltl glTM UW lift lu ili birvM. To IM s1. iHilltw. n.1 cLll il itn ruinrtiin rax-upr ntlmi Uttri va'uattl ri nitssiy ( tin not b to titRliiy r'i uintntftnlot. It nrim Uhm a chmnm oil lit int'ttv OrifttteV A If nKoufli bfursi nifii will rt'moTf tlniciittc nyriiptoou, TRY IT. Said by ill Drugi'tit . TIIERROWN CITEMICALCX IRON BITTERS IRON BinERS, A Vi.hitl ii) &ti.ilaC'ue IRON BITTERS, 'ol s dt SI IT I,. IRON BITfERS, BALTl VAI, Md. iltv iS ly AKUIa;S AS I) Itl'UCilE! MADE TO ORDER on KEPAlllfCI) AT LOW I'WCES. All kinds of wood woikaml trinimlaer In i;oot stylo. I I icksinitli work doee at Hlnirt not ico ami Willi Leatinws, AN now work w arrant' d. Fine painting fur buggies iltiiio ut low pr paint used. fcl'fctT U, ATTENTION fJIVKNTO THE UNDSUTAKING DEl'AUTMENr. Coftltis aird.Ca.soa of all situs constantly 011 band. (ari ln.'e. M itnrlala kept ouhatid atps4es) bolow l'l'toratiur market. Woldou N. C. Juno f ly J N O. T. KOllI), 1 TsVoa pleasure In atmounclne that be can still be lound at his Hand ou FIRST STIIEET, Wheio be has 011 b ind a full lino ol th Finost WINKS, Vi'liISICIl'N. and l.ltAN.I'lHS. TOtl.VCCO, CIiJAlW. mitl SNl'KK, OIIANUES. AVPLKSI, and IXiNFliOTlONKKlES Ilia stock ofCauaod U904S ud (Jrocci uw i unuaiially Full tuttl I'smp Icte Otn ristvKT Waistrv A PernairrT, PHKSH I.AilKH BRKH ON DRAUGHT. He Kiiarantooa satlsaotlon. Call alio see l.i in. . 'vT2Ur. ni fift ia