THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. ' A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, I s I a I a SPACK V PUBLISHED BY CHE ROANOKE NEWS. L, H. LOXU Jc W.W. nLL. One Year, In advance, Bii Month, " Threa Months, " $2 on t no 75 els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. 0 B 0. W. UUIUA.N, Surgeon Doutiat. bm over W. II. Infill Dry Hood More, WKLDOM, S.C. visit irll at tlmlrtionira when desired. ,'Trmi lloaannable. uct M if M.a KIZZARI), ATTORNEY AT I. AW, HALIFAX, If. C. Offlae In tha rvrt Fiona. Klrlrl attention lv-n to Ml branches of (ha profession. Jan II ljr . BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KNFIELI), N. C. Practice In th eniintlod of Halifax, Nash l-eeoint and Wilson. Collodions ma le In rvl porta of the Hlala. Jn.ii 13 t f U A Li Li, ATTORNEY A T LAW, vt WELDON, N.C. , Ifiaslal attention glvnn to lli'CI loim and voaiitlaiicoa promptly made. nr. I&ata U. HVLLSH. JOHN A. MUOKR. ULLIX A M 0 0 R K. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX X. C. ' Prattle In Mia counties of Halifax, Northamp to. Bdrocomba, flit ami Marlin-In the Su preme ronrt of the H'ata anil In Ihe, Federal Starts f lha Kastern DislrUt, Collections maiNi la anr part of the Slate. Janlly AMES B. O'HARA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tu BNFIBI.D, M. C. ' Praetlsaa In tha courts of Halifax anil adloln lH aoaatlea, and In Urn Hiipreinii an. I Federal oearta. Col ectinns mxde In any part of the lt. Will atteud at th ' court house In Halifax Monday and Friday of cacti wank. an istf jobiiTt o. vrtoxTr. ;s ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices In tha courts of Halifax, and adln bif oountle. In tha Hnprenui court of 111) tat a, and In Ilia Federal courts. Will nlva special attention Id tha collection f elaluia, and toadpistlair the accoiint.1 of cx oators, adminiatratora and guardians. ilrcljtf 4 G A T I M L. UISIi.1, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N.C. Praetleas In tha cnurts-nf Halifax and adjoin taut aountles, aud In the Supreme and Federal eoarta. Claims collected In all parts of North IsMWIiaa. ufflca In tha Court House, julyltf UAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, , X A.LIPAX, N. f!. "Prastle In Halifax and nljoitilne; couullp.a feat Federal aud stiipruuie courts. Will ka at (Scotland Neck, once av.-ry fort Bitot. aiiKiKir J"0H. B. BATC'UKLOrC . ATTORNEY AT LAW. KALEtOU, ST. C. Vriutlaes In tha courts of tha nth Judicial faiotrlet ad In tha Federal and Siirrciuatuiirta. ay II tf. rp W. U A O X . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARTSBURG, V. C. Praethw In the eourta of Northampton and aaalnin( counties, al.o In tha Federal and su yraaaacourla. iiiiflf. V. . iT. A. C. T.OI.I.H OI IKR. YJiT touicorrmt. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, WBLDOS. . C. Practice In tkecourtanf Halifax and a.lilntni( Maatlea, and In Ilia Supreme and Ked -ral c.uirt. . Claim, cdU'Cted In any part of .Nnrlli I'arollna. - umm of tba orua will aiwaya b found In the . iunn I y S. X. I.. UUXTEK, V It E O N DEN TUT, 0n ba found at hi olTlea in KnAelil, Fr KitromOtiile Oaa far lb Fain t Kjtrctlng efTeotU alwaytou bnuil. JaaaUi If. HEW J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , , WELDON, N. C. Practices In theiinnrte of Halifax, Warren and iljlnlii( aountiea and In Hie Miiireme and Fed rl court. . t'laliua collecld lu any part of Jtioflh Carullua. June 17tf H. 8MITU, JK. ' i ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8oTi.Ain Nice. Halifax Cocntt N. C Practice. In th county of Halifax and a. 11. In. "sfoiiiiUe., anj In tho (uireino court of tho je ly. VOL. IX. Nativual Coflon Excliaofa Aiiirrlcn. (iFFK'IAI.KKrOKr or comix hiivi:mivt ix tiik rxin:ti statks, MONTH KVPI1U CI.OK MAV. JOHN n LAFITI K, K-n, l'leaiitrnt National C'oltan Y.x- clmnge f America : We Iuto t he honor to unbuilt with otir approval the lnlU mg report nl Iho Sec. reinr? : TIKIS. II HUNT, Chairmati. A II MAY. VF.nnr suhknt, Of Committkh on Chop Statkmkkt To tlm Chairmaa anil Meaihera nl llic Committee nn Crop StaUmeols, Na tlnnal Cotton UtchaotiV. Qrntlr mi-n : Annelid finurtM nl t lie general Gotten Movement ol tlm Utiitcil Statin, are rcupect (ulU lubinitted lor jsur iospectien and approval. Ai will be fceu they present u leatuie worthy nl apecinl coiumeut beyoiul u I ne ther inarkeil redurtion in thionioiils iivnr Ittnrl to mills anil the ronlinueil Kinallners of the aciregatc tkini;a bj Northern spin tiers. Aeiual cottnta ol to k durinn the pa t mi titli have almwn an cxre-a at New Or lea'ia ol 10(H;J nulia, at Mobilo ol 1091 t Wilininctn ol 80 ami ut Norlolk ol 4317 32B?etaliii(; 16 0'J4 ba'ei, which have been include I in tho receipts at those point'. I hese correction h ive lieretnlnte n it bicn n(l1eil until the close, ol t lie a it- son, but as the custom interferes with a correct teu'Iuiiu", ol the mill takings Iroui tho porta, I have thonght proper to change, it Actual counts ma le it scvernl points May 1870 cave nn i xce?a of 14 40(1 bulcn, which ilul not appear in receipt until the final crop statement was citmplicJ. I have chiinutil lust tear's lioures to tho close of Miif bv the ail it i 1 1 ii n of tho above rxcers in order to secure a proper comparison. It It is li aril 1 y neceesurv to say 1 but the chango U'iviiUb to only t ihiltirip ol fig ures to uuko the monthly record more precine and that it does not alter the year s totals, which wcto carelullv proven befoto mailt) up, and enn be virifi d even in the minutevt purliculiirn. No further statement will bo issued by tho National Cotton Exchange until thu rtuuual report nl the crop of 1879 SO in September D'Xt. Fur all practical in tents anil purposes tho main points (ex cepting Southern consumption) to ba cle- velnprd in thu mniutl repoit, buvc been given tho traile through Iho monthly statements. In other words, itichiiliui; about 150 00(1 bale stock at tho principal interior towns all but a very small perc-p, tage of the crnp ol 1879-80 is now in sight anil so lar as tha interest nl tlm trade are concernol the supply to be matketiil from plant ituins anil ml nor Interior points is not likely to pru luco any mitrked varia tion from calculations based upon known lata. Th's has been the prime otject nl the nt at i stic n 1 ilep.ittnient nf Iho Cmton Exchange Irotn its incept ioo. The woik, at II rat etude, ban luen steadily per feetcd, until now a!mnt the rnllre crop movement is brcuuht down month by month, in such a manner a to put the tra lc in posae-isiiiD ol the inunt irrpottatit facta necessary to guide it. Nearly one hllh ol the cotton sent to porls an 1 to mill direot this season, ha? crinsel the Ohm and MiVmippi rivers by the overland routs, their handlings for the nine months past having reached 1 OHO. 329 biles. Without the m-ntliy state ments of the Niliimal Cotton kx"hnil",e the disposition ol a ooniil. ruble, pmt ol this a mini nt would limo been largely a matter of conjertnrn. nn 1 the cnrifq ienl Uncertainty relative to the actual pnmtinn of the Northern mills of lo miall moment to the trade. In hort, the main features of tho pres ent erop ate umv known. lis extent ran bo close'y approximated trom the ullieial lata already luiuishv l through tho .Nj- lional Cotton K.ichange tnteincnts, and tho movement lor the three, inonihs to folliw, betorc. the close of Ihn 9'aaon, will derive Hi iniiortanc alone (torn tha dis pusition of th tinumially large stncki at parts aud ititcl T points. OvKltl.ANll MoV.CMKN t DtUKl'TTI Mll.LH lit Month. Tills VI' AH. LAST V It lit. SeptimVer SJ4; S3;j O.rtobi-r 4S4d0 IIS 7l.' l'Jl 914 5( lil.'i D.remlier 1112 147 (10 1)5 J Januarv (17 W. .15 (IOO FcWuary 40 IBS l5L"i Maicti '.'(11104 OoCiitt Aprd 19N74 51 797 May 0 TCI 17.310 Total nine months 48S 873 414 H.Vi June to August . 84 !I87 Total 439 81J AUIIItlirvm TAKINIIS OK MllilllKUN MILLS 1ST 'J SO hi :tin 149 315 309. nt 37- 070 20.-1 11 'J 107 ssn 83 ,V-'S fi5 805 41 430 1873 9 S.'pteinber Ouniber 7i a i2 141 709 101 37". 131 837 15S743 103(191 174 714 1155 491 85 902 1.277 228 98,t30 1 373,381 189 489 November December January hebitiarj Mrli April Total nine nionthi 1.418808 June to August, inclusive Sout'.ein Ciiomu j tioo year, total Total U. 9. coonumption year 1,301,873 Average weiklv takings Northern Mills, nine uionili, end'g ilosn May 30 254 32,719 Average werkl? takuigi Northrto Mills for to. tiro year 20,143 The total movement si ait fnrlh in H e recapitulation below indicates that 5,275 -650 bales ol the crop ot 1379 80 had com nto light at the ports ind at points of crossing overland, hy the close of May, or in excess nl 450 208 bales over last Jar and 823 090 over Hie ycr belnre. The total movements to port! and tt mill dinc.t. up in theclo.c of May Ii r the three years aud subwi'itully timing 1879 WELDON, and 1379, c impare at follows, viz: 1879 80 1373-9 Port Receipts and Overland 5,201,811 1,313 038 to close May, including rail shipments to Canada. Ditto chmo May to Aug. Slst including cor. rrctions end 70 123 ol year Total 4,890.210 128 944 Southern Con sumption for year, exclusive of amount tak en from psits Total crops bale 5,004.155 HKNKY O nESTF.Il, Secretary Nat Cotton Exi.haugo. Nherlilim'H I'oril. Psnator U.iriliin, of (Jeorgia, his bren K vinsi a corrrspnndent uf the I'hilailrl. pliia Times aotini rsininisccnccs nl the dosing recites of the war, in which he played a leading part ns one n Ueneral Dee's corps commanders. We gtvo I his cxtnitt : I had a message Irom General Leo tell ing me a Hag of tuicii was in existence, leaving it to my ilincjrtion as lo what course to pursue. Mv men were still pushn g their way on. I sent at once to hear lro,ii Ueneial Longstreet, feeling that il he was n.aichiog toward me we might s'illcilt llirmigh and carry thu army lr. ward. I Ic'irned that he was about two milis oil' mill his men taced iu-t opposite from mine, tlghting lor his life, I thus law that llv; case was helpltss. The (urther each of at drove thu eiumi the lutther we drillsd apart aud the meto rxposrd we Ui 1 1 our wagon trams ami arlilleiy, which was parked between us. Kvery time either of tis broke only opened the gap the wider, I saw olainly that the Federals would eonn rush in between us and then there would have been no army. I therelors deter mined to send a llig ol truce. I called Mu)nr Humor, nl my start, to me end told told him that I wanted him to carry a flag ol trucu lorward. lie replied : 'Oeucral, I have no Hag ol truce.' 'I told him to get one. Ho replied: 'Oenerul we havo no flail ol truce in cur command.1 Tlieo.'said I: 'Then cot your handker chief, put it on a stick ai d go lorward,' 'I have no bundkerchicl, lieneral,' 'Then borrow oue and go fotward with it. 'He died and rcpott.'d to me that there was no hiu'ilkcrchiel in my stall.' 'Then Mujnr, use your shirt.' 'You see (leueral, that wo all havo on flannel slmls.' At lust, I believe, we found a man whn had a white shiit. He gave it In us, and 1 tore ill the luck and tail, and ringing this to a slick Major Hunter went out toward the enemy's lines I in-triieJcl him lo simply say In Oeneral Sherida that (lens uriil Leo had written me that a 11 g ol truce hail been sent Irnm his and Urmi a head ijuaiters, and tiirtt he could net as he thought best on this ii.l inii i: i,m. In a lew momenta he eume bark wi'li Major , ol Sheridan's stall'. This nlliccr sanl: 'Oenerul Sheridan iriiieated me to pre sent his compliments to ou nnd to de mand the ui:i nu'litional .-tirnndcr of your army.' 'Major, you will ph ase return my com pliments to (liii 'iul Sheridan and say that I Will H it suiiender.' 'Hut (leneral, lie will annihilate you." 'I am perfectly well aware of mv situa i tn. I simply gave (Irnend Sheridan some I'llnrmvhm no which he may or may not desire to act.' 'He went back lo his liirs and in a slnrt time (lenoral Sheridan came gid'nping lor Maul on no nnmen-n home and attended by a very Ur'C si. ill'. Just hen: an inci dent oeeuried that came near having a ser;iois en ling. As Oeneral ShrriJan was approaching I noticed one "I my sharp shooters drawing his ritle down upon hull. I at nnee cille I lo luin 1'ut down your gun, sir; this is alia,; nl Irui'i!' Hut be never raised it. He omip'y aiMlrd it to his shoulder nil I was drawing a dead on Sll- r I, lun when I leaned lorward and jeik.-d his gun lie sinietlrd with n,e, but I t'u. nl y nose I it I lin n 1 it and he slatted to u'ni again. 1 caught It again, h ti he t'jine I his stern winie luce, all l.r k"n witu griel an I slieuining with toais, up to me paid. 'Will, tiemral, let Mm keep on bis own side!' The lighting, ha I continued up to thi print. In. lew I. aitil 1 1 1 m 11 g nl truer, a ii'gimint nl my ii, eu, who hid luen lighlmg their way thrangh '.uwiid ahcie we we'e an I whu did ti;it kuoiv ot a (tig n( ttu-e, Orel into s. m.' ol She i Inn's cavalry. Tina win epenlily ttolied hawivcr. I shnwtd tlriicraj Shrtl Ian Cemral Lee's noto and he iletctiuinc I In await cvnits. He ills iiinuntnl ;m I 1 di 1 the same Thru fur lie 111 s-t tiinii, fie nirii s.eine.j to iiinter aland hat il ad meant. And llpn the poor ttiiowa broko down. '1 lion mm cried like children Worn, starved and blind ing aa I hey were, limy h.d lather have died than have stirrnulen d. At one word fioul rue they would have hurled them A'-lvcs on the rticmj and have cut their way through or lallen to man witli their guns in their hands. Hut I could not e' ni 1 1 ii. The ; diauia had been played to its end.' Oit iskii to Matrimont. The talk it dinner is a''Out vaiiou ai n iain.infc. how I hey have married, and their domestic lite. Alter numerous obscrvationi from one and another, a guest addressed the host's daughter, a little girl nine or tea jears old, who wea l a very thoughtful ex ire iio'i : Well, imi'lemnisi He, what is your opin ion about all this! Shall you uiirry or reniain singlet Neither. I think I shall be a widow. 8110UTKSIN0 tiik Timr. A viiitcr lo Dublin htred a car lor an tmur to diivu around tho I'hvuix Park. No sor ocr was he seated than the driver pn cecded to warm hit nag's ribs, and started off at about teu miles au hour. As ho did net slacken his paco the piiHsengcr asked tho reason lor such qn ck travelling. Faith, replied Paddy, d'ye think I'll be all daj driving you an hour ) N. O, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1880. Trawling on wlljniu. Soon after Circuit Coort Commissioner Ilandall had got seated in his office yester day morning, there came a steady tra-tnp I tratnpi down tin ball, and a solid bearly voice led nil with : "There's a land that Is fairer than day. And by faith we ahnll ace it afar. JVr our Father wans over the, way. To prepare ." "IIihmI morning .ir, I am poinj on lo Nebraska. '' "Tina isn't tho route," replied the Com missioner as ho looked up. 1 know it, sir, hut I'm doing a little singing and collecting a little money to help pay my way." "W hat do you sing) ' 'The Sweet live and Hyo. That'l mv gait, and it baa taken well so far. "We shall slnir 011 that beautiful shore Tin uu'li'dioua aoiiH"s- " ''Heeti traveling on that hymn clear from Providence aud it has struck 'em every time ' 'Wo don't think much ol it out West hern." remarked the Commissioner. Yon don't I Why there's nothing like it I If I had a brother, and he was a Illumed heathen, and that hymn didn't melt him light down aud make him con less to every mean act ol lug life, I'd dis own him ! Can Michigan people be worse thai) heathens?'' And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Mot a mikIi " "I belirve Ihcy are," "I think you will find that our people prefer something lively, instead of inciting, c aro not lunch on the melt i xcupt 111 hot weather. I will xi w sing the "Sweet Rye and liye," ea'd iho man si ho put his hat on the desk. ' Djii'1" "Hut I will. You've never heard it sung a it should be. Why, man, I cut across t. cntner ot Cnnrircticiit, in March and hardened old einners billowed me lor miles and cried like children! In 0110 cac 1 wcul tueniy miles to sing it lo a bnck- ilider on Ilia dying bed." "Did it finish him?" "No sit! Why, when I got into Canada they tut red out as il I had been arircua. "We shall slinr 011 that licautlfiil shorn 1 he inelo " ''Say, what do yon charge not to sing itt" interrupted the Commissioner. "As 1 told yon belore, we want oomethlng out this way sum 011 the order ol "Old D m Tucker," with a piccolo accoiiipanimen'! " "I don't know nothing about, the Tucker family, nor nothing about piccolos. I'm square up and iliiiyn on the "Sweet llye and liye." li lits tn 0. We sing right up to gether like tw in, i'.l sing it and c dlect ten rents. lietily now " "Here's a i)iiartrr nut. to sing it." "8 ly " said the man after a long pause, "I won't take 11! No sir. I'm traveling on a i;.it ol my own. My peculiar line is " The Sweet liye ninl I've," as I may have accidentally mentioned belore. 1'vn g it 1 lie ail 111, lit iloe.ii ,ine. iiml I can knock the sin ks nil any church choir 111 Ameiica on the chorus, (loud iLv! I might sell my vote on a pinch, hill 1 can't bo bribed to give my hymn the cold shake. "Ill tin' sweet I've un.l I've, llmi.'-l'V III lli.'swi'.'l -In Hie sweet, W si, all;;- - And h" Hi ver h dte I nor looked around, although the Commissioner hit Il i nt III the hues. mi.Ii a ipiaiter. 'I lie Voice. Socrates divided the quality ol a nine's voice, mind, or soul, by iho tone til his voice nud all Ktudcina ri niember his ex-pre.-sion: "Speak that I may see you." Dr. Puiant ex rilains 1 liuiucter by voice, and tells us these bicts: Wa perceive in a stutterer one that is ca-i'y i niiiited, and as easily ptci'ied, vain, olfo'ious, ipconstant, and oriliiiahly quick A person Vtlniso utterance- is thick and course, is malicious, cunning and disdain fill. A inirsc voice indicates a robust iihysi iii, a gicut talker i nck-tcnipered,though coiisiiciio!l"!y discreel. A pirceiving tine rr weak voice is ind: caliveol timidity, cunning, and gi ui rally ol ijiilt k nil. An a' tractive, clear voire i xpte-scs a rati who is pi 11 lent, sin ere, inpl ingenious hut proud and iiicrediilou ; heiras, a linn voice w 1 1 (mot barshne, ilenot, a a person who is robust tnti llitnt, ciicuinspect, and helll'V"!enl. A man piissesii g a trembling and hini. luting voice is limid, weak, vain, and sunn limes jealous. A void' combining gr at soun I mid DnniKss indicates a iiiati win is firing, audacious, rli, obstinate, mi l self impor. A sharp, tilde voice, in S'ligiug as well as 111 coiivi iMitiun, deimtea a coarse mind, inleiior j nu nt, mid ilrong appe ites. A linais" voice, seemingly the 1 lici t of a Co'd, signill. s a pi is a more sinip e 1 1 - I wi.-e, cradiiluus, IMthlul, vain, and incon stant. A lull and s ii ot voice denolia a man who it praeelul, imiined t tiuudily, (lis cnet, and sel'r.l. willed. A voice at I'ust grave ind then sharp and piercing denotes ihe quick temper id an ! prudent A sod, sweet voice is found in a prr. son ol a peaceable and suitable character. I'hImC Toe Hi and Oult'lien. Among Die passeiigen who boarded Ihe F.a-t-bound train at Holly, Michigan, the other day were a bride and groom of the regular holly-hock order. Although the car was full ol passengers the pair began to eqnci . bauds and hug as s.-on as they were it ate. I. This nf course attracted at lentiuo, and pretty soon everybody was nodding nnd several persons 10 lar lorgot themselves as to laugh outright. By and by the biiiad-shoulderril aod red-handed groom became awaie of the fact that he was bcinf, ridiculed, and he unlinked bin: sell to the height of six feet, looked up and down the ai!?, and said: "There fecma t be considerable nodding and winking around here because I'm hugging the girl who waa married to me at 7 o'clock this morning. If the rule! f this railroad foibid a man Irom hugging hit wile alter he's paid lull late then I'm going to quit, but if the rules Con't and thia winking and blinking isn't hit ten short crT when nt pass the next mile post, I'm going 14 begin on the I rout si its and cieate a rising market for lalaa teeth and crutches!" Il there were any mere winki and blinks iu that car the gioout UiJu't Caleb, 'em at H. Olil Ml and the Onau Taker. From tho Atlanta Constitution. Obi Si came in rather Into yesterday, looking somewhat latigued. Alter a min ute he said : Dis am er moughty kurus perseedin' dise nun kerryiu' on 'lound hjar wid dese lorfoljns.' 'Do yon mean tho cenma takers t' 'I hleeve dat ar' de namo dey goes by. What have Ihcy been doing now I' 'W'y iley'o bin down dar in my nabor bond Jess stirrin op mo' 'rath dan all de parsous inside do korpyrashbuu kill put down In er moiilh.' That i unfnrtouito. Havethry visited you yet t' 'Dat'a what makes mo so behin' time ter day. One ob dem rum downier my hoiie dil mo'tiio' an' tap on rle gale; 1 nxed Ii 1 m what's do matter an' he say he dune cum ter take any sensiu; an' he hain't no eao'in got hit out dan I sed ter him Jess go 'wy ftom dar 'kuso dar won't no biness in dat sliantv lur e any drummers lr in dc loonyiiilt 'sjlumsl' What did he say t' 'He say d it el I fools wid do senilis he done gwine ter put de law ter me; an' den ho Vplancd do law. Den 1 seed hit wuz all rite an' I axed him in.' How did you get along then V We got 'long purty well ontell he emit ter de colouro whar du iliilluni ate sot down; den he say ter 1110 what am de cnl. lah nb mv cliillun ? I say 'lo kie hcah, you Jess llgger on what do law "lows an' don't cum 'round byar nxio' 'sultin qties chins like dat I Mo say dat he got ter put down whether dey is 'black er merlat ter' and den vie htirrycaue broke loose !" 'Ilow was tlu.t ?' "De ole 'omaii was lissnen an' when she hcah dat she upset de table whar de lortfulyo war lyin, einptcd do starch bo l ad ober do reium au' 'giu ter holler 'Heali Tiger' jess like do foity theevea done. broke in du huiicl Do seosus man he grahb'd up Irs dockymeuU an' made for de fence ami twixt lioldiu' da oln 'oman wid one ban' an' Tige wid de odder I got mas' tucker'd out.' 'Where did the census man go f 'Do las' I seed ul him be waa up on top eb er box kvar by de Ar' Linn shop dvin' do returi ob do dialrick on do tin rool I' 'And how did yuu get the old lady quieted I' 'Hio haint q liet yit. I jess had ter make my 'skapo. too, 'kase she was gwine fer ran ler letlm de man in' and sho say dat el du Cnilod Stales wanla lo kins' rte cullah ob her cliillun she ar' bouti' ter me hit en dn eyo ob rhery niuncrashner dey sends prowlin' 'lound her camp giouii ! Shu's cr vigrnus 'iimaii, too, ler er bo'n lac I' And tlin old man got up to go lu the supervisor au I explain matter. A Ciirlousi Love Morj. telegram from Shelbyville, Ind., says ; 'Tim vill.ign of Moscow, twelve n dies ol here, in Rush r.ouutv. is just uow enj. tying a huge sensation. For I hrcc veais psst a youth by the name 0! John lluihnv, nge I niiirtHcn, son of tho Postmaster au I nii'ichint nf the town, has beon paving at t 11 1 ion to Miss Nittie Atkins, wli 1, s'raneii to say, is nine years older 1I11111 the yotmn mill in iiuestion. She is the only daughter id a widowed mother, who is ill relher good circumstance'. In this cae the age nl the young 1ml y proved en obstacle, and iho 1'inr were looked upon as most ardent admirers. Young Harlow wa lis devoted as eou'd lie desired, and it became the general opinion that till" conp'e were engaged, llowevrr, a few days since t!'e cnuitship was rudeiy brought to an end, and a consternation created by I'nrlinv suddenly leaving hi home. Then the town bceame wild wilh rumors, and there was lurnishtd much fond lor gossip. It appears that the pa'tiea a day or two bcfori) Harlow's dip.nuie had ha I a stormy inter t ii iv, occasioned as iollows : Young Harlow had an intimate Iriend, a young man namod John I'.cniiclt ; they iiad taken a wn'k. an I were seated open a toy in the woods engaged in a rnnversa tiuii. Hallow, it seems, as making Hen n dt a ennfi laiit. and was ile'ailing his love nlUirs. The exact substance nl the couvri-ntioii is imt known, hut in the niid-t of it Mi-e Atkins burst upon the scene. She had ovethear I a portion nf the in. teiview, and she iuirrediiitely opened out on Harlow in a licatcl maimer, accusing 11' 111 ol bfing undue to In r and el telling their seciets. bhc inded by inlormiiig him that iin'e-s he inaiiied li r w 11 Inn two wciks she would 'shoot him on sight.' This frightened the youtlilul suitor and was the cause of hit dissr piarance. It was inpposed that he hid nne to 1110 Home ol a relative in vr Sputhe-ti part of the runn'ty. At lat tlie lining wen an, tree to lier ileclaratno', hud siartcd on as an h lor her lul-e Invir, Mil, I seemed bent on biingiug llm boy lo tunc. She ha 1 anne 1 hersvll with a rr. volver, and unless Ihe matter tonld be amicublv settled a tragedy we Uokul lor. Tee affair has created a great sensa tion. MvsTRiiiors Kscm'K For some time past a co Inied woman by the name of Li cy llrnwii, liirmciiy owned by Dr. J II. Hutching, has been confined in our cnyn ty jail upon the charge 0! Itinnej, suppmtd to havo been caused by relinious excite ment. She appeared to bo very well ac quainted with the Bible, quoting mnv apt anil beautilul passages, and did that she didn't know a letter in the hunk, but that the Lord had taught her how to read. She preached and prayed the bent part of her time, made some startling S'atein'n's about various people in the enmity, who have died, b einjr poisoner), an I wh.t poi. soned them, and abeutthx "traves of ret ain pcrsonos beiinf robtied. When a-k d how she got thia inlormatlon. she said : ' Thy Lard thy (Ind snye so," She said he was put in jail for ligMennanrss Sik but that her time teas almost out; ""thai the would release her jnst a he did Pa il aid Silas. One night last wc-k she made her ccpe Irom the Jail in such a mystoiioos way that it amounts to a miras cle. Tt-o door ol her cell was lin ked at n ght a usual and the windows all Ic'l in peilect condition, hut the next morn ing she was gone, leaving the door locked tod the window! uninjured, and nothing tin been aeon or hrarj ol her liuca l'lUej Ivunla Tribune. NO. 18. Sympathetic Women. 'Sytupathv," s-iyi Adam Smith in bi "Theory of Moral Sentiments," though its meaning was perhaps originally the same us pity or compiiasioo. u a word that may now. without much impropriety, mo made ue nl lo denote out fellow feeling with my passion, whatever." The deliniiion ol a word round which clus eis the moat pre cious as-oci tio s of ho hum n heart a plies to much smiting sentiment that passes lor sympathy now-a-dnya, when tl highly wrought nervous system is in tl ascendant, A vivid fancy, and excitable disposition, a quick susceptibility to im mediate 11 tluetices, are ea-entially conttits units of lb sympathetic temperament Women are pre-eminently gifted with that rapid impressionability that puts them eu rapport with their surroundings. In it lies much nl their power and their charm. Many thus endowed, however, lack the sustained lorce that gives cohesion to character. The influence withdrawn that called forth tlm emotion, the purpose b.11 11 with It begins lo (lag. Th se impul- 8 ve sympalliisi rs rejoice witli Ihe happy and mourn with tlie sad; they give you smile lor smile and tear lor teat; but the moment yon leavo them they lorget you, and the object ol your joy or your pain is nothing to thcin For the time being they aro entirely Hinceie; hypocrisy or affecta tion has not eutvied into the tokens ol lending '.hey have ehow; they havo simply beon impelled by iho impassion ol the moment. This kind of sympathy snsweis belter to tho definition ol the luadern philosopher than Unit which inspired the injunction ol the w ie man, "Sorrow is bi tter Ihmi laughter, lor by iho sadness id the cotinteuiiiico the heart is made hitter." .Hurried or Mingle, If we may believe our Pans conleiipi r ary, Le Globe, tho married state is 01 e which every man and worn in should de, vouily pray lor. Not only i life prtiloui. ed, but society is brtinlited Is a decree tlist fear have conception of. According to thu statistics given, whieh ire siid to bngatheiuil Irom other coiintiiti lictide Fiance, marriage would appear to be the best assurance against death, sickness, crime and suicide. It seems, that tin Ii t ol a kiugle man at twenty-live is no bell r than that ol a married man ol Inrty live, ami a widower ot Irom twenty-live thirty is nut likely to live longer than a married man ol Irom lilty-livo In ml , In fact, celibacy ages a man by ai Ira-i twenty years, a d the slate of a widawir is still nioiu deplorable. Single women aim mows aie, 11 appears, similarly at a disad .antage, except la the case nl earn maiiitge, w .11:11 1,- iduhg stalls it a hint ui cause nl dctiih in women wlnn it is contiiu holme thu age of (n eulv ti v . Wiiloweis. according to these autistic , are much mom likely to 1 0 slum lued than widows ; in lai t, below the age nl twonlyllve tin chances ol death are three ur lour times that of married mm. This danger, however, diminishes after tho age .d lion lmty to lilty. Widows also an-. s a ru'c, much shnrtiii -lived than married women up In lmty. Willi ngard to i' 1 1 ai i'. I.ik no l'i) crimina's, Ihe piopoi. lien ol sipge lo (named is about two to one. In a population which liirnishes MO iiiuiu inarrm I rinniiials, tln-o aio 170 single 11, eu, nnd III one with 100 leuialea tho unmariied ol the same sex teach Ihe high figure nl 240. Ti e number of nn cidrs nuioiig nuglo persons, including wid ivvs and widowers, is also out ol all propnitinn to that ol married men and women, the relative lain beiig five ;o 0110. Thu saiim set ol figures point to single lile as ir,ot piejiiiln.ial lo health. Cinsiinip. linn is a disca'o which lT els single per. Suns much more than those who are Mar ried. M. Jaiitisseus, of Brussels, has given his opinion l!ut it is twice as tut a I in the rase nl widows and wi lowers th n wilh mairie I people, aud it is far m or deadly wilh single persona from the age u' iwiiiityslive to forty. Le Ohibe sums up 111 view of a'l these fads Iliat a ruariiid 1 1 lo is tho most to be desirvd, aud appeals to Us couiitiymoii to fnl'ow the example ( nthei nations and not put of ths happy alate too long. The marriage do conven anre is loo ilerp-aealrd au iil-tlttlti Ml in France lor Ihe considiTaSions set 'o tk n ur ciiutuiiipoiaiy to have m ich wiigh, and w fear lliut hnwivrr corrrct the statistics given may be, thai few reader nt Ihe paper will be in. lured to change 1 heir bachelor life and biconia good citi zens aud happy pure do lauiilic. Hridv Kon CoNvnitsi in. At ths rani) . im-lting bold al Maspc'h, L 1, this I'll 'on, tlie Itev. II. W. Wiggins, as we will ca I hill'. Inhered wilh gM'.t success, and inanv have beru converlrd through hi iiiiiirino tl rts. Tlicrnwasa young lady there who was tk!obeet 11! bis rspecinb atleiiln n llu hit I lisi d every argument in hi I ower In bung her artund 10 Ins wsv ol th irking. Hit so Miss Sarah Nklro'c could not V'C pei-iiU'le l to give un d. in. ii g end all the lileusines id a veorlilly li e an i become a staid and sober Christian. Hue night, while sitting be side hrr, bv veiv innocciill passed his hand around hrr wai.t. when she jumped up and 'tattled the good brother by rx. canning : 't)h, il it's hugging you mean, I'll be couveried." I.tnt.n Fsni's Vikws. Three vear old Freddie is the a lit tins of the Inllowiug soliloq ay : 'I don't want to he a cherub anyway. Cheilitis are little boy without any bodies nr leg lo them nothing but lltllu wings right back ol their eat. They ran't have mustard plasters put nn them, but then they don't have much lun, and ! gnc-s tho angels ue them lor playing mar li'es, The other angels are oalled sirups. They wear night gowns and gold ring! about ihelr hnada. sad no end of wing. They haven't anything much to do except to tot ainiin.! little hatps ind play tag, and loaf about an Iho clouds. Hut I wouldn't want to be a sirup imlrsi I could hive a tail, too, like a mermaid or a lob ster. t'NQr'KsTioSAin.i!, The Herald, De tr ul, .Mich, say of Wanmr'a Halo Liver ami Kidney cure: "II niUeaoy 14) kld- linv, ll vor, and urinary discuses la so lolly acknowledged that it I not worth the iiiinstinnliii!. lI'Miatldo tost luminal from welt known riiir.nn 111 pubiln and private lllo r evidence strong Bunnell lo con vioee the tuool stubborn doubter. ft 10 M 40 M 46 M 60 OB nl One Year, TALBOTT A MONN SHOCKOK MACHINE W0RK5, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturer of Portable) and Stationary Knglnoa and Mollrra. Saw Mill, Corn aod Wheal Mill, Hlmftliiy, lunger and Put lev, Turbine Water Wboolo, Tobaooo Us cbiueiy, Wiought Iron Work, Uraao aad Iron Castings, Machinery of Every Dea orlption. GlNNI.Nll AND Tllltl'iJUINO klAClMFtM A SPECIALTY. Repairing I'roiuptly aft Carelall Done. TALROTT M I'Al'F.NT Ml'AHK-ARREo'TEIa The Invention ol tho Age. It doe not diwtroy tho draft. It do) not intorfero v. Ith cleaning the tubof. t will not choko up, and requiroa no ole iii't. It rcqulro no direct dampers) to to opened when raising sitoani (dampara bs ing objeulionablo, aa they mny beloltopoa mid allow m ark to oscnpo. ) Il require no water to extinguish sparks, w hich, by cniidoiimition, deoiroya tho droit. HiinIiIiisi, when wator I used, f migloctod, tho elllcieney la destroyed by eviiporiiiioii of the w ator, and the boiler ioj kept in n lllthy eoiKlition. It is Hiinplo and diiriiblo nnd ran ba re lied upon. It can bo iittaubod to any boiler. No plaulor should bn without one oftl.oes, 1 nsiiraiico companies will Insure gin snef barns tho Talbott Kngines ana spark-Arrostora aro usod al hsiiio rata aa charco I for water nr liorao-power. rersend (ur illustrated circulars aaA price list. Branch liiuisn, Ooldsboro, N. C. J. A. II AUSKH. Honornl Manager. T. A (ill AN (i EK, Local Mauagesa, may 8 tlm VEGETABLE MEDIGNIFORTHE BLOOaUVERaKlDNiYS. A faU-tJklUaa Fur lileed Hum s LkiWW JJT HI rv'isB CL'RATI For Ursit iVai.iJut. OURATO, tX Kb I lit" J aJMWsW". CURATM, r r CURATSNE, t bi-r.'lU I'taHKsoMoV CaRATiNE, lo) riii)la. ) iimU, Hl.i'.ejios, lr. snui-ii iH'tin. m; fHav itwti of in jijm4, v Ihwn J 111 iwWm mi4 IlvVf7l lu MTVeA, Il l UilfX'-flUtt Irr Hb4 I'limi'l nil ltlriH. fumrm nu-h m Wrt Mfct. I'WtMrtfsr. llexiioBa f WIr.Jwtf1 Mkmim Nifstwaii'im. oVBrw lWi. In 44m (sfii!!, hour rwt urh. ttrtHtium 9f I rl ASK 10VR DRUQCKT FOR IT. BALTIMORE. Mo. ilt-u li ly W. II VIClv frF? craS (ARICIAUKI AN l UV;IK9 MADE TO ORDER OR RKPAIKEU AT LOW PMCE Al I kind of wood work and trlmmlaar lonn in good stylo. I'l irksitnilh work doe at abort notion and with ncatnosa, AS new work warrmit'd. Finn painting for bugitio dono at low pr ee,liesit paint mod, I I'll I AL Arrr.NTIONUIVENTO Tllli VNDE ITAKINO DEPAUrMEST. '' ,' : '.in ITS! tail T CoiTiii aud. Cases of all site coaisaoHsy on baud. CarrU;o M ilorial kept onband alpsvtoi bolow l'otorsliurg uiarkot. Weldou M. a Juno 5 ly N O. T. NUD, Take pleasure. In announcing that at can still be toiuid al his eland oil FIRST NTKKRT, Where be bo on hand a full line ol Ik Finnat WIN, VIU-sKlKS. and UKANI'IKS. TOBACCO, OIUARS, and SM'KF, OKAN'liSS, APPLKS, and CO N F K.OT J 0 N K K I US IDs stork or Canned Uooda aud Urocer loo is unusually Full aud (.'oiitplelc Oin rniKrT Wni'srr A PesruiiTV. t'HF.SIt I.A'IKR 11KKR OM THIADtHIT. Ho gnaraiiteoa satlafaotlon. Call and sea him, 'itio Sqnnro, Two Kqnaroa, Three Mqnaroo, Four .Squaroo, Fourth (' d'u, Hall Coin 11111, Whole Column, 5 no R 00 u 00 6 do 10 00 20 00 8 00 15 00 M 00 10 00 18 00 36 00 15 (HI 20 00 40 90 20 00 30 00 60 00 1. . 1 mS LeojiiP. Not 81 If, i.-f

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