4" 1 ' 'v . ,4 1 i I i 1 THE HO A N OK E NE"'S HAXI0SA1. DIM0CHAT1C TICKET. F r l'rf"' Lor wriVFIFI.Il ',1 r IIAVVK. 1' llti-WYl.' T Vic 1T. I.1- lil ' Wil l MM n l.V.l.l-ll, 1 f Iii.liai.ii. BIATE DEMOCRATIC TICKS.!. For fl..V'Ti.r Til' iM A" ' JAKVIS. . f im:. f..r l.wttt.-iiaui u v'v r : JAJIh.- I. Kc'MNfi.N, vt Mic ili. K"r rWr-!arjr i.f Mat- WILLIAM I. .h.M'SHERS, of Ut-Slote. P..r Tr--aiirer ' JOHN M W.iRTII, .f lUlui"l'll. F-'.r AT'-irii'' ii r t : llluM a-KI.N.N. 1 f W ilU. F.r A 1 1 I 1 r : YVII.I V Hi ill MIT, l.f I'.'a. yr Siii.crli;'."!.!-!.' . ' Vu' Ir.'rue; Jnll.S r. - A ill IC i'JijII, J !n 11. f -t Tihlc ii..-rli r iv.'irl : J-ill. A VI.K. l 1. milord. F..r Pi' .! at I.irj- K II l:l -I'.KK. .. Wake. J, l I I.A( II. "I iv.W..n. Nj one douOu the suctes. ol the Demo cratic ticket. Ern Republicans aiknowl c4ee that II will lkc nil II. c woik ther on put into tlit campaign to lira' it, ted then it ill tie hard in fl". iiiktu.it;.vr. We csoceJe tbe ti,lit ol tterf one te have hi own opiuii 01 and tnc right to npicji ii(ui Wo d not believ intil lug people because the? happen not be In Record with t ime oue else ; Lu'. t Is. liyht may tome'imei be aSuseil. I'eoplc re uet j'jstiticd in nr'J u b!i c j; tvcij lime lliwr oan wisl.ee ere Lot uratilkd. We notice seteta! ol nur eiebanijes isem te leal tore because ol the tie! ent ( tl.eir l.totites in the titate ronentinn, and le ram ol this thfjf charge IrauJ aiul uul&ir di. Tti is u ml np'jt. it milit Ira 1 to recrimination ami wight cml npr tlie alcccss f the party in November. Kvcry Democratic paper In the aula owes paia mount allegiance to the party. Tbeytnn ul coarse advocate the claims of any iuJi viiuat, but whou that individual in not a ucceuful, it c me with an ill grace to complain anil create cl.eeord. We hope Ibe Htale prcas still see lbs uncertain e nl harmony sol tr to preserve it rather than Ian the fhtnra ol Jeatoti. and strile, It hwi narrow minle lien to ho toured I j defeat to auch a decree at to liirgft party ft.ltf. Follow the II inoraulu Dani.l O Fwle who, iu lecJ thowi hit gnat niin I by bit great spe.ch to the convention. UF.tf. WlXI'ltJ.lt H. II A. 0( K. The Conrcntion which met Imt wctk at Cineinnati wa probably 11. c most or.ler'y ever known. While tluri; were mini ran UiJatei belore it, tliero n ro w:re mllini; and trickery between tho liitudt ol thf dilT.-rent gm'leruen, Tiieie was otic l ! lot and tho Tulc w us tuucli .'..wli'l, (u the steam) bllut It.inu ck was nnniinatid. oerly all the Stales to! in); lor Mm a il apotaneously without any ohtu al tmn agemeot whateter Tha whole country was gratified at the nniui' alien ol Han cock aud Eng'.M'i, anil 1 ', u ' a beuiin their names arc Hpringin up a',1 over the country. The action nl the Cunrei.li.'n tskes out ( (he caiiTa-a the bl.in.ly tliitt brie en. tirtly. lu lead it seen; that bjlh p.irtlrs are tired wl it. Tl.e lU'puhllcani put it asiJo wheu they put anlu (lisat, and the Democrats If nor'l it ln n th- noniinatert (eeoeral Hancock, a (ji'lant 1 llioer in the Kederal army in the ltd' war, Mr. Til len, Mi Hi mlricki, .lude Thur mao and aud iudud irery body cnnatu laled Hincoik and promised him thti: support. The nninioati'in o Hiiirock and KnjVsh h thornunhly unite I the two dictions ol lb paity In Nuff Yoik and the tuket ni l base filty Ihouaaiid ui.i nity in tli.t btate util Nuiruubcr. There is aN 1 a at rone probability of carrying Illinois and Uirou, Pl'ttiU el (ten 1 mbeily, ol lnnjl Vtnla before the Cineinna'ti Contention omlnatinK tic. lUnotk for I'remlrnt : 'I propose to present to the thnughtful coat ttration nl the l.'onie ilinn the nama of ace who on the f1ld ol btttia an atfled "The Suprrb," chrtr J j t-t wuu alill sokler reoown a a iiiihtny Dour, nor ; whote first act, ben in command In Louisiana and Tens, wai to uluto the Co istitutl D by proilai iijini( that the mil fry tula iitiaU fviir b ubiiv enL (o tlia Ciiil power Cliei r Tlu id ghtrd word of a soldier was u'eu'd by tha a"!s ol a taiesuian. 1 noiumi'e one wLoe eane w 1 I snp.ris a.l f ciii us '1 hint ,) sill b. ai.ke .ci.e(.t.hlc to tt.c N r'h .n I thu .lutli; a e.aie that will ttinll the re public ; a nemo if unnimla I, of a man that still crush the lal embers (if a tec tiol stnle and wlnxu runo will, be bailed as the drawing nf tha day if per pe'ual brnthe.'boed. With him we can Siof ewi) ur aUfi Is an I 4jt i:i nrtle war. Wecsnepcl 10 the su pretue trlbuoal of the American peuplc ajtinit tha corrap'ian nf the Kepublican ra'ty and their untold eiolalions of can atitu'ioaal litirrtt. With Intn at 1 ur inieliaia, the bloo ly banner nl the Hepub lieaus will lall from tbuir palsied iep O'l, my country nen. ia ttna supreme mo. trtent, when the ile.tinles e( the republic a -a at .lake, when the line t e ol the peo ple a'e Imperil . Toe plijjhteJ ward of thsii!dler was protcd in the s'ateontn's et. I oomiuito him !ioc lume willtup peits'a eery faction, is alike aecepttbl to Nvnb and South, and will thrill the laud fiitm end to u I. Th people '.anu bicath keaoa yoor alaliberalloo. Take lire J I make B ) misstep I I sinroinate one who can carry eeery 8ol'h"" S ate, and who can rarry 1'enntylTania, Inl'ana, Coonecticut, Nw Jeiaey. and Niw Yik-the soldier itateeman. with a reonrd as atainbs as bis aord Win field eVott Hancock of renosj'.rsnla. If rlee'eJ he will take bis ;it. , 01 it xonii:i:s. WitiT is ih luukt al the C'inciaoati nam t 'n 11 : ;r,..in iiiv r.iiUdtdphla Time? 25 nr irm.u.a lull "I inrieM Scott 11 .n- cut K as ins coin 111 not ior ma umnm eivi' trust of the woil I, by the sionUnc ou acclaim ol a United 1) mecrajt. fore ci ti a coniei tlmt under etm tlie tiiot f itorable i iicum-tatices lor (iarfield rrut be d lubtfui in Its isnies and that tives re thae eten proini-e ol a swei pinq Hancock victory In every doiibtlul N.irth- crij State. It wai a nomination that niu le i:e!f. There U but one si-nti ment among the delegates and thr..iti;lottt the il;i.a;iina'e mi n ol all parlies cten it the home nl Ci-iifie'd. and that a'-ci pti Hancock as the s'ronue-t candidate tl.e convcn'ion could hate choen. It i nut doubted, aithtf ri D-mocra's or U-puhh cans, thitUaifield will carry Ouio oter Hincnek and that he would have carried t tic State aB.itist any competitor. 111 put down IVnnayltania. as iiiite as cet tain lor H.nr irk m Olno Is lur Gatfleld. Tlie really dowbtfal S'atea of the cunteat w II be ind'ana, Mino!, Nevada, t a 1 I'tiiia and Orcson, with not more than one chance in a d i-a for the Republican in I dtant and with abiut liku chstKis fo- the Damncrsta in Illinois and the ruff.'- rt'ates. h kini i) iapuinn nt el y uvi r t'ic field at this early sUrc ol the con (1 1 ', the indications pati n ' a strongly I a Dem-KTalic I're-ident, a D.-irocratic Sen ate and a Dumncratlc llouie nu the 4 I) nl M.rch, 1391. (From tho Now York EveniiiK Post In anne le-pecta the nomiPation Is a stroni; one. IUui:ik was too brave and ptro.t c a sol lier to be chdlepijed lor II- lUiitt to the Union. la the ajaWsis ol his chitictcr not a truce ol "Oippchea I i-tn'' can be leun I. Some o' the q lea.ions which hate served the Hi publicans well are hencelerth otn!cie. I'luirlow Weed In tho New York Times. "I am unfortunately cimpi lied, if I say anttbinu, to tav that the Democrati have stopped blundering and bave made strni ticket. The ticket is the atrnnte-t selection, in mv opinian, the Democrats could have nude. It will irrpiie all w caa do to elect our tick t. It 11 a sq'ia iat'ie between the two parti s Kich pa.rty is repieaente t tn Its 1'ierl let.tial noun, ee by a I'liinn aoJ lier, both dial inj;tiilit. fur brnviry an I lojaitf. I think there will be a aulid rouili in tins htit. I here may be 111 lividuuls who tn a altempt to wcak'-a him bj brinnini; up the history ul I lie executlun ol Mrn huntlt, b.t It sar-ns't Binouut to much. He simply di I Ins duty tti' re, as he do sit cveryihc:e. I'.uiUiid (vt.) Ilorald Hop ), Jnnl 11 incm k is tlie peer ol uairJeM in ia tiiolic sacrifice and more than bis peer in aplei did aolihcrahip. Tlie I'tibm ko i we have hitherto tiaii I on the Drnioeiatu ( and dale mu-.l be shilteJ Irnin the can iloUte aud d reeled on the Democrat e ct no. Nor can we fairy say lunir th.t the South t;ive- no earnest raaou ol des re lor conciliation when the 11 willieg to vote lor a I'td m soUier whoa tin chain arm wimiL'tit at in'i h oe-tMH'i m 111 tier 1 m. k t at l,m : -1 r .' t Mid 10 our uwt The candulai'T ot II im-nck is mot lo m li able ; It w ill t in f b tlonii iiriny iin,i'i' ho ;est Union soldiers who followed hi 11. ti, who arc citatuies ol eitiiieus 111 pulse and ardent siiiinn-nl r 1 lier than men capaole ol calm ittl rtlun, who see that ptluciples, not men, la the issue 1 the lit . llU.i'iiih Spcci.il t i N. Y. Ti.nni, Jjith In eteiy Southei n Stale Hancica'a In mnj. proclauiai mu, wlieu l.c to.ik om man I in ljiinaiamt. w ill Muii-c an 1 In li. y evm Peti.icut to tie pui s, and II Mnn'i wi'l be route soli.l, il ins ili'e under the Union Ma) n-tiener il Ih iii uinlu uny r vilia'i whii ejiil I hnvi been n nui tiiiti.l ; i : 1 aa 11 test fit InVty t fio Smth sill n m In c tnpilicl t.i (elect bitiveeu two Genera's wtio aiJel in her sjlj in lion. Es-Uni!ed Sutes Semtor Jn'm T.iol, ol tins Slate, now a rem lent ol Wailiiiiij tun Cty, piibli-hi'd an inteiviev aeteral data aj;o, liikinu strnn ifrnU'id lur II m. cork on sec Hint nl the tre ilnient the Southern people hnve n-e v I at the hand" 01 the It' put'licui pirty ol the Da tiiio. Mi I'oul is one nl tlie ah'tit men the S ate hit pioducel, aid his niiiiv itnn,! Ii.eala aitimia the ill U 1:0:1 Willis an I I'.'p ib'ic na. I' he lukcs an ac'ivi: part for llinxok and c nn s baek and noernt't in this S ate, will iufl tt coiiai b rable d iRia.'e upm 1 1 1 j K pol'Cans. and lel i'ilv lore them the Kid'. Coni;reioiml Hn net, Dnw lepre aentcd by a li. puhlicm. Senator Hlaine : "It it a strong lb k t " Senator Camtron : ' It la a vcy, vny I'rong liek 't, and Iiar4 to beat." Venator lliotli: -t is a anonej ticket. in I K'iL'1 sh secures I I tm T U Wind: 'Tbo Denocrata have tupped blon lerinvj We llepn'il cant wool I lather have se n another mat nom inated." (len. Grant denies having ever tai.l he vii ui 1 1 support Hincoci. lIM-lwvtl J'ine 'Jl - I conirts'irate y in n i joir nom'tiation b r 1'iimtei't, an I prelici your election and the complete tciteiati u ol peice to all srciiona. J IIS W. FollNiiV UtioM Morning Herald (Ili'p.i June 3. Wc deem it a umst lortur.a'e thin lor the lia'ion and lie pdinci that fie ) 'n ct'iatic pa t has ic iTie I a 1'iesideiitiul c. n lida'e who it perionillt wor hv lo wear the hih at ban us witlno the grt of the Ame'lcan pe 'p e. liiiii;liaiiili ti Kt'j.ui li, :i i , l:,.i , June 'l i 1 (iiii Hapio k waa a ga lint Ui I n si ll el duili g II e Ulc war i I the le br II inn aud Ina ric nd at an oili erand a in 0 la a giiod e. Wc havt naught U sat avainst It ; on the rantrarv, w cnnjrata'a'e tic D.inoriuey lor having male ao ond a n ininatioo. We leheve (ieneial II ri. ni ck to be not only a patriotic A ntncao di n, but au li ii ti cat , well uiesnlng man. Aaiuchitis our purpose U licit In in tlnaoehout the camiaign. tl'blUd iliihl Iii'iuiror (Uep.,) Jane 26 tkfore (ieuetal liani-ack wat nominated it was mil supposed that the Republicans would be obliged t make a aenout con test lor tho oltctoial vot ol reomylvaiiia, but his nomination renden it incumbent upon I hmn to cuter upon a most active and aKKicBie camptiri in this Sla'e, io ceitam populn is Bcruons nf which Ku lal Haiico k baa a ureal personal popu larity. Il the p:y be thoroughly unite', and the caiuptiun be viymously pmsecu ltd br, Gsueral IHucick. even io the I'haiac'er of a lavmne, san," will hat no chance wha'cver to carry rentilylvauia, b it atl erwix ha mijht have tome slli-hl chsnrt, and it will b only wiie for the K-puMicsnt to leave hiiD no cbauc w balivcr. Gas, M. W. Ransum, represent! North Carolina in tha National Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, a plies be hia beld Ur lne e-its IIantock and Jarvis clubs sboold le iirrjui z d in every enuuty in the S'ate an 1 in - .me p llec'Utt have itlr.-a'lv t..,-n or tan I. We should ri' ! ! hciiio I in the wnrk, r-iit should ithic.,. one i:i evciy pn .net and have j nl mid elfieient cifli- ra tu manage : lit tu. C uus wl.cn proper- v managed can do a great deal of woik and swill the vote cans dera'.'ly. Tiik fsilowini; is a anes-ae snt to onj;re-8 ny l"ici.itnt jotinnon wtien ijin. Hancock, is-uud his laiuout urjir m tukino command in L initiana. : nM.-ni -n i.r t'.e s.niAt.. a:.-l cf tti" IUumj vt It .r.'.'iit.iTiv.'a : ' At uiliciai cu.y l the aider ismed by Maj ii-Gcn W i.lield S. Hancock, enm n.iiiaUr of the Kilt b Military Distuct, ci.iU:ii In a ' 1; iiki t ur a 111 New Oi leans, Louis lain, an (he 2'Jtli duy id Nuvember, ua reached 111 j Hirmih the regular channels ol the W'sr Depaitinetit' and I he e-wilh cvmoiunicnle it to Coojreis fur such eutien as miy aeuoi lit be pmpcr 10 vis ol all tin; circum.tauce.. It will be prrctived that Gea. II iiicv'k aun.'unci 1 Inn he mil make the law the mle 0! Ins conduct ; that lie will uphold he couiti ami otln r civil authurilus in the perturina n e ol their proper duties, and that lie well ue his miliwry p.iwcr n.y 'o nnseivethe place an ol enlrce the law He ilic'urcs Vert explicitly that th sacied rlht ol tha trial hy jury an 1 the privilege nl the wr.t ol balnat (orpus shall nnt le rulied n'jt or tiu ldm uu ler foot. He goes further, ami. in una campie cn-ive sentence, s.feitt that the principles el "Amen au liberty a'e still t ie inheritance I this pcop e, an 1 ever sb 1 ilJ lu. 'Alien a grtat sjldier, with unrestricttd piwcr in bis I.uiJj to oppreis bis lellow men, voluntaiily fnreges the lhance of itraulying his icllidi a m lit lion, and devotes hiwarll to the d ity ol bu litinir up the liberties an stroigtlicump the laws of his cnuntiy, I pre.-ents 11 ixa.up'u of the hi(hc-t p ittnc v.rtu that human nature is Capable of prac isitiej. The slrunist clam ol Wiisbnitna to be 11 st in war, timt in pan e, a ol tirt iu tho he.irta nl his C iUDtryue ,' ii h uu led on the riut fact that In til his i:li-t n ut career he trru pulou-ly abiuioe ' fr tin vinla'.inK the leual anl c i.iitilutio.ial r. t id Ins lellow ci z ih Vi inn he iw itudtreil Ins com. imsMoa to Con-'es, tho l,lel lnt of that body sp ika liu tnheit praise in tsyin tti .t he had 'ul 11 ,s r 1 1; I 1 the r l u h t ol the i ivil mi.h irllies llnoiih all (I intern ami d a tn.' Whenner pawcra'ov tl.e law Ci.ir'ad his aceep an-e, he calmly put ti nipta'io'i aside llr s ich ma ;i aijiiiious rets "I f i. In a anec he won the u u i ri ul a Imiia ion ol in mk iud. anil lilt a name liiiOi lm- n i livil in the hia'.u-y ol th w . d. "I in fur Ir m avini; ihat G.n lUncock U (lie only -Hi er nl the A neriran army who is n.llueucel by the ilimple ol Washington, I) mb l-na lh'u.ndt of them are laUhb.l y I'eV' ted to the p-incipies I. if whirl! 'he in f tie liiVi'lulinn laid down tluirliti". But the distinguished h .ii ir bi lon' to In m nl beie the I'rsl ollii'ir iu InL'h dm intiid iu li of . the I'ii om iC, since I lie t hue of tho cuil wat, who hut civen uttiranie to tlicto tinhle tent menlt In the Icrai ul a military order. "I les; ert'ullv Ulirijt St to (' 'llj'ris tnet mine public rta'nijiiitioti nl ti.-n, llauiock t p iln.itic conduct is due. il not to him. to Hie liieiuls nl liu and justice llirmiyli o il the country. Ol auch an acl as h: nt such a lime it is but Hi that the dignity iiinlld he vm lien ed and the virtue pro- c nirnil totlniits vaiUe as an ixampe ,uiy u it bj loft Ij the t.a'ioti. Anhiirw Joiinton iv .,.v.,i.,v r i' ii . iu iric?" TIIK I'l. 1 I IOICM. The D noes as of th- U.itei Sa'cs In c. invention a e ii!.l ilecl ,re, Kini A' a pi iloe oui:elves anew lo Hi c.'H-'itn'l -nai dnctriiiea aud traditions nl the Den m: attc patty aa iihiitivci b Ic.icll n.'a an I i X imple of the long line al Hem CihUi' "talis on n and patriots as em bodied in the pi iitin in nl the last N.ili. na' tlo' vention ot the party. S.c.nd tt ipatni.i'i to central'?. ill m. i-m and to toil daneious iint nl en- ema 'hnienr which tenia to conanlidrite t'ie pmveia ul all de;iart.iirnts into one an I thus lo ciea'e. whattic- mat be lb lotm ol i;ii7i-in neol a real de-piliain; no iui,iiuv y U'Vi ; s , a a1 ion ol C inn h and .slate inr 'tie good ol cacti : cou o a. I. 1 1 . i-tere I ai d pioti tc I. Th'u I - H one li lie, llone't Money, c n-i tini nl k il I and silver and pa: e c mv iti'ile in n c nn on de n m l ; a strict mil ilcnan.ie ol the .ub'n: I .itn Slate aud Natinna'; r.nd la' ll lur levi inie onlv. Fourth -Su'oonliimtion ol the military ta i h-j civil power and uctietal and tho nu.h re'inin ol i ivil acivice. FiHh Th rinit t' tree lial.it is the r i ii 1st p eici va'ive l a I righta and mn-t and lull li- maintained u every part nl the I lilted Statia. Slith - Vhe t; atin J a I irtlist rntion is a n p triis ite nl conapir icy only and its c aim nl light to sunouud ballot boxes witn trvipa au I deputv intrthals to in tinmliite and ntmruci elei tors, and the unpr. Ci dented use nl tbe vnto U main t nn its cm tipt and dtsj oti.: power ia suits Ihe i'o e and Itupenlt Iheir institu tions, S, yenth -The great fraud ol 1870 77, by wh'ch. upon the la's count ol th. el clord vot' i ol tffit Stitvs, the candi date deleited at tbe poll was declared I be I'resnleni.an I lor thr firtt time In Amrr l an iii.-i.nj ine win nl 'tie pnopie ws set sid under Ihe tlirest ol military vm Ic cs, stiUvk a dua I t blow at oursialtpj ef leprercuialne ijnv.iiiinint. The Dciu cra'ic pa: I y, to pnseite tho country Irnm civil war, aibrr.iled f ir the time in a fl i in and p.it'loiic lailh that the pniplt w juld ptinuli tins cit.iio In "ii'). This iasue piectdes and dwaifs ivciy other, ll imposes a Bmre sacred duty upon the people f the Union than ever eildicaijl the ciimcuric l a r-aiiou af lucmcn. Eilnh V'c i xecrate tbe course ol lli;s A.luiini-lralioo in making plates io the civil service a rcaard for political crime, an I demand a rcfoim by ataiute which shall make it larever iinpia-iji lor a Ce Irale I caiinulute In b ii'e Ins wsy to the Rat ul a uturiier by billctmg villaics upu (he people. (This was lead auaia in ic spnns to ileoiands and wat received with applaut.) J.'mtb The retilutioo of Samuel J. Tildm not again to be a candidate for tbe etalted plac: to which he was elected by a insj inty of his countrymen, and Irnin winch he was exclude J by the leaden ol the Republican parly, is receive I by the Denurmts ol the United Slates, wi'h sen sibility, and they dccl.ue their confidence in hi ms.le n, patiiollMD and loieurity, untl.aken by tbe as aulta of a common Ciemy ; and lhy aaaure bim ho is In', lowctiutoth retirement lie hsa clinic i lor bimaell by the sympathy hi.d rc-occt of biilellow-citix'tn. wbn regard bin at out w no, uy eitvtting tho ttamlarilt of public uiurality an I a turning and purify. iqi' the public seivice, merit Uio lastios giatitude of li'ict'intr; and hit paity. i Tenth Free ships and living chance ( r American commerce on sea anil on lanu. No discrimination in later of transporta tion lines, csrpoiations r monopolies. Lit Tenth Aawoiatnt the tsurnn. game treaty. No mere Lntnese immigra tion except for travel and education and foreign commerce, ana tDereio careiuny Scalded. ... n . .. a Twelttn I uonc money ano uur.t credit for public purposes so.ely and pnblic Itnil for actual aettlers. I hiriet ntti I he Lemciano party is the Iriend ol labor and the laboring mar nil pledges itsslf to protect lnm alike ajTinst ceiiniorants anil comtnuuis'i. Fourteenth e cousra'Ulate the Coun try upon the boraesty and tlinlt ol the Democratic tontirees, which naa reouceo the pub ic expenditure f rty millions a year; upon the continuation ol prospenty at borne, and tbe oational honor abroad ; and above ail. upon the promise nl auch a chanue iu the adminis'.ratien nf tb guv ernmint as shall ensure os a Rentnne and las iiifj ielrm iu every department ef tl e pablic service. . aaw " Mr Skciiktarv Shkbman s reported beiu bin, an mud at the result of the Uulcauo Convention, and is cutting oil the political heads of all nllice-holdcrt in In department who weut as delegates ami upp'r!i aiy of the other penns named. Ulain is also terribly sore. h-adr I and C'ooklinc ia in a sublime coo d turn of tulks. They all kept at I dignified ilistarce from Garflall, while he was in WaOnnejlun, since his nomination and he returned to Ohio with the and consolation that he might not eiuect vrv cordial I e' from either t l thein. W lm Ditan Heview. " DHOP OF JOT III EVERY WORD." l'l.KMisriTos, Hunterdon Co., N. Y Ir. H. V. l'ircfl, Ilullalo, N. Y.: Threo liiontha I wan broken out with bun" tileera and aoroa on my bodv, limba and fai'd, I procured your Ooldon Medical Dmeovery anil rnrgative rellett and have taken i a bottles, ami to-day I am in (no I health , nil Ih iso U'ly ulcora havniK heiila I an 1 left my akin in a na tural, hoiilthv condition, I thought at one t i in u 1 could not bo cured. Although I can but poorly oxprcas my i?tiititu'le tn yon, vet Ihcre i a drop of j iy in evorv word I writo. Y'oura truly." Jiiniea O. ISollis. Wa niiKNTim not to contain a ainelo particle of Mercury or any injiil 1011a or mineral Ntibatanca, but to connat ontirolv nf medical niattor purely vi'irotabln, which ia tlm rcaBnn Slmtnor.a Livr lii'uliiti)r la ao elToctu ul, yet ao Imnnlti". A pom pleto aiibaiiiuin f(,r miomel, Hliin Mass or Mercury in any of its I rnia, an a remedy for Liver lijscisn, la aupplied by Slinmona l.ivcr Kcejiiiatnr. ' I oie iniiilii inn is aeknow ledirad lo bav tin pipial na a I, Ivor mndiclnn, rontaitiirg liioap souttiorn routs and heit a w .0:1 nn all wish I'rovlilmieii has plaend In ootnitru whern l.ivnr diH(aa prevail. "Ualtiuioro Lpiacopal Method Int. ' AKVKUTISEMKXTS. FURNITURE. We hnye Jual i.laeeil in our Wareroouis A I.nrgo MnrL oT Sow Fiiroituro OK ALLKI.MiSiiP THF. LATEST DESIOSS MATTRESSES VERY CHEAP FUHSITCBE AT KOQFOLK AND PETEUSBUBO PBICEP, All aorts nf fiiniltiiro art.l CHEAPER THAN EVER. Catlan.l lie couvluei'il E. M. BORSr. W ELDO.N, N. C. iiov ur ANNOUNCEMENT. I wonl.l reapivtrnllv annonneo lo mT fricii.N ami Ilia jmblte, Hut 1 liicoiiimed inn tine ui FA MIL Y GROCERIES, ai ol wmilil lie tfUd to horvo llin.n lo any. tlllllX in 1 1 1 v lino. I Iihvk mat riv-nivi-il, an l III keep roil. MMitiy ni li.iiul a full m u i n 1 1 y of Ilaron, Kltloti nnil Nlsoaldora. PntE I) N A 11 1' I. T K K A T K I) I. A K L) HL'UAH, I'OKFKK, FLOCK, MALT FISH, voussks, NTIICP, SOAP, TO I1A('0, HXCFK, I'KIAKS, CO.NFKiTM.NKUIKS, Ami nvnry article usually kept iu a firat olusa (irueury Store. All to bo iohl very lnw fur CASH. Olvn mfl a ca'l at Uio New Mora on tho Comer next Mrs, Wllklna' llourjing Hollas. a. j. MosELrr. pril l-J ly. ADVERTISEMKNT. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Ston at tho Corimr, and buy your Cheap goods from W II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Ho kens always on band a full lina of general merchandise, eucb as Jioot, Shops, Hats, Clips, Drv Uooila, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Jtnz.ira, Hoisory, Ac. A ho a full lino of proooriox, Cheap for Caab. Corner 1st St, and Wh. Avonno. WbMion.N.C. niriTly FARM VILLE LITHIA WATER. This oelebratod I.ITHIA WATER 1b strongly recouimondod by the faculty for DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY and BI.AIMIEH Disnane', GONOKKH.r: A, RHEUMATIC GOUT, Etc., Kto. Ufd In praclii'O bv Dr. Sotnple, of Ilamp ton; Dr. J. Ilerliort I lalliornu, nt retire burn, Dr. NMiltohoad. ol Nelson county, Dr. Citiininuhain, nf Richmond, uud other Iduditig physiciana. Analvaiabv I'rofoasor Kristoo, of tho Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Address JOHN HOUSTON, Farmvillo Ditliia Springs, Fiirmvillc, Prince Edward Co. Va, may 6 ly. CEITICT THE BECT. VOrt ZKBIEDI ATH tTSa Isrrolw-I hy eeerv PnACTIOA i. PATOTrR. COVEUINO CArACiT fc IiUP.AUILITV rXCF.KO ANY KNOWN VAIN'!'. lli.iWin-a rainli-.twilhcMrrrparnl Paiola, if nnn.ilibfui; lory, will k Eepaiitod 61 cur E:-aas. FOR SALE BY A. II. ZOI.LICOPFKU a BRil., Jlllie!6 1y Welilull, N.C. V. J. naw; BAKER & CONFECTIONER W ELD ON, N. C. A Tory Urffp Hupply if AKRS, r Tl A r K F. R S , C A N D I K fl KKKNC1I AND PLAIN, KA1SINS, K U U I T .S, N U T H, 4c. Tlie Urgent Htttt'k if Toys of rvry Tftrlcty rvfr I'TMiKiii in wiih liiarHi'i. OpI'T" fnrrriTidii onMi'i, Af., fllle.l nt short t'i't not iff At NorilhTii i-rnvH. W"Mlmr nn 1 otlwr l-artlt'S snii'lli1 am rlimp as tin1 cht'iipffit. ct Id ly. lJt3I. ESTABLISHED 1S31." Old Uollable Jettolrjr Sloro ol ARTHUR C. FREEMAN, HAS KK.MOVI-I) TO IT1 MAIN T. NORFOLK, VA. Whero can bo louml a full lino of Waleliiw, Jewelry, CliHIIIX, Ulaanea, liiiltiina, Silver v'are, tVcdiliiiK uiul Knj;iixmiit Kings, at pricea dafylim cmupiititlou. AdilriiNH AKTUUKC. FKF.KMAN, Norfolk, Va. Watelioa ami Jewelry rnpaired anil war rantil. (looila aenl on approval, net iUUy. T O 31V KIli:.Us AT WLLDOS. We am belter prepa-ed than ever to supply yu Willi jour Wpring and Sum. mer C L 0 T II I N ( too- EITHER too: KKVUY MAPEiiR MADE Til OltliElt. Ill our Ready Main department, wo hiavti an iiniiii inn stock at lowest CASH irieiw. In nnr ou-t nu depurlineut make up in bil atyle. Nulls to Mouturo $15 & I pvrtird. I'Mnla lo Moasurc 91 I pwards. -SEND FOR SAMTLE3. (EKTJT 11 KNlMIIaU CiUUDM. -SKND Foil CATAUXJL'E.- We htve aided a new depirtinent for HATS, MEN AND BOYS. m.jadams iiKiiny, Corner lHli aud Mnin Street ' a 11. 1 (117 ftroad street. RICHMOND, VA. ail Q Jui. A Preparation of IRON and CALISAYA BARK, in Endorsed tiy the Stoilical rrorufsiun, anil rceomniemicj ny llicn Dyspepsia, General Debility, Female Diseases, Want TV' T llvv T PmTirti Xtnf.'uH. T.titt.. U ritl : 'Plt. tkk'h l'l.itN Tonic 1ms tJ iic wtimit rs Inn . A l.nly wiio h-nl 1'tt'ti doctaiitjil nearly to K ;tth for sev en. 1 yenrs, mis nt-tii ciirt-n oi 'un hrxit I'r-i-tntt.-n, hV the IIP( I'l i. H aCTrH'K Ii:oS foMf, whirl: raist-tl h-r from lu r ln-u wm-ri' siie Jiitii Ijin? fur li,;.: i " r--f-jm hi at u aT B i Jap 'L-w ritaf- Hirrf or 7.f ti.iiir tin iclnrs shtf t'Ver mh. It'AiM. evr.. from CKKTUhVlLi.lv, TKXA". t Zl MS 3 E . ff I Mr. Tun TZW V .3 jm B E H IT rrT- atCV M WTLM r er ( -M mi 1 itr- dtw-v, attaiai m rje ai mrm- ICS I I M I I fc Bd- THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE Ko. 213 K0B1H MAIN February 19-ly DR. M. W. CASE'S TONIC 1 RADICAL REGULATOR FOlt CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMrLALN . f X It A Li L UlltliAaGS 'f OF THE BLOOD. ! A l'.I,i: A. T (O.H'Ol.M) of I ErCALYPTTS. ronol'UYLLlN, SAHSPAIUI.LA, WITCH-HAZEL ANDUopji j" inn Toxie, Ann kimoi h, ai.tkk vtivk, and uenolvent V " POPULAR P It IC E 8: f Single Itotllo, I. urge h'lie, 50 rti. i Vor anlo bv H 11. A. R. n.I.IPOKKKK, HKO,, DRunatSTa. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ACENTS. E ,1V tU BIlUV LOOK HKKKI I wish to inform tl e cilixans of HhIUhx county, anil tho public Kcr.nrnlly, tint 1 k"ep a first claas bouso iu tlio town of KCOTLASD SECK, N. C. I have a complete stock ( f GROCERIES A CONFECTIONERIES. My bar is atockod with tlie choicest French, A pplp, anil Peach Itrandiea, also all kinds of Whi-kina, Wines, Gin, Hum, and CUaiupngue. DKPT EUANDS OF Wfllf KIF.1 A SPECIALTIY I.aeer Hoer in Hotting and on Draught. Faniilii.s supplied at low or into by the dozen buttle. 10,000 Cigars ol the Best Brands I havo ft first claas RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD 8AL00N attached to the linneo. I will endeavor to please all who will honor me with their piltroriHgn. ISE1CR BOTTLING A SPECIALTY. Orders Tor Crnlos Filled at Short laOtU'P. The trade will find it to their advantage to ordor Irotu us. G. OPENHF.IM ER, Sign Central Salnnn, Oct 23 Sm. Scotland Nuck N" T I C K. All Mirth's who havo UiWoA to I'st. ainl unv tax till piiH'hiiM.'H of tt)tt'i). nni lMT.'t y iniliilc.l tt ftp ml in uii'liT t'ath.R nUti'inrM.t of liiv auiount of their i.rrh;iisM. Ity onltT of the lo,inl of ('onnni-'s.ioiit.is (i llalifitv rouniy. H.J. LKWIS, ritrk, air 'X 1 1 0 Ml I. US' iiousi; 1JU IKK I Tills powder lias lienn liminrht tiefure the joiti lle afli'r lona Holieiiatinn hy irentli'ini'ii who lniVH rxi.eri.'iiei' in Its ellieti'iiey, aiul in no ease whiTi' it lina l.i'.'ii iis.-il us ilir.'i-t.'J tins it faileil to lOfiTl a eiTtain aii'l spenly eure. In Hi'Verut iiitiiiieea whi're this iioljest of all iiiiiiniils Iny In'ljilrss. aiul iriveii up to tlie, a ft or all other Known -vinr.lti's lillil llaril to no eltei't, ln'rin.'iiii'iit relief was fouuil In tlie use of my PoWiliT. I'luiii Its ni'rita alone I sin willing In risk It.a rise or fall. Itisno Imiutiiiir. aa the following .'iiilriiii-ii, aiuoii:; otarra who liavo us. U it, will ntt.'st : Ur .1 'lm C. Jacobs, Ulelisniiare, N 0. .1 K I k, E Uaui;!iam. " " Hi K llaiiKliani, " " J ll Kiinner, " " J W lluxtoii, ' " K It Itaiiirliain. " " L W IH-ew, lirynnff Cross Ruails, N. C. A Vaiin. " " " lir...i'.lns. RoxoIm.1, ' W .1 Cipoliurt, " " Thus r.ijM'hart, " ' Jollll Uiown, " 11 vj i;isiio., Ami in fuel, all other persons who have fflven It a fnir trial. For all ilisi'nses of iho horse It has no equal, nla i fur entile, hoirs iiu.l other itoiui'stle animals. II always eauses the horsi' IokIi- il. iuiirovea tha iiin'tite ami puts hiiu in a uoil, hi altliy cun. ti ll in JAME.S I HAVEIH. Veterinarian, Hiehsquare, C. mr2fi ly This is to certify that I nai-.l rhavera" Ilorse I'owiler on n horse that wss dull ami hsil a lioorai'iiutite ninl It illil for him all that was elaiini-it. I think It is a si'leiuihl ineilielnp fur Imrsea. aiul ri eniiiuieiul it in Die loil.lic as a valtiittile in-i'i'iiraiioii lor stork. JOHN W. BUXTON. Rlrhsiiiare, N. r. Feb s:i, lami. 1 have used I havers) horse powder for hoiaos ami hops, and lind it to Improve their condition very iniieli. It baa cured In ga of kidney worms. Mixed with an equul quiiiiiity of powdered cabonme nl iron, 1 believo it will cure any ruse of Fistula. Thore is no humbug in tins meil eino. 1 take pliasuro iu leooiniiiinul ing itlinll. W.T. BURGESS. Ricl.sq iaro N. C. TO da 1I1LLIAUI) a Co. C01T0N COMMISSION MERCHAKTS, NORFOLK VA. Full pricea ami quick returns guaranteed. 13 L CSBLKVS CRIMINAL UlUESl" ContaiiiH nil llsr Deoislona of Iho Supreme Court on Criminnl Law niul nil tho Criini nal .Statutes. Price during J.iuuury $160, afterwards ta.WI. I have examined with antno cart BusIhhi's Crimiiml Digeat and havo been in 1st favorably Impressed by It. I deem it of ureal value to the prnetic nir lawyer and others culled on to administer the law, aud give it a hearty recommenda tion, w. N. II. Smith, Chief Jualico Supiuuifi I'niirt." "We oirdiailv ooticur iu the above eslauiato of Mr. Itusbeo'a work. Joun H. I'ili aim, Thoh H Ahiie, Aasoclate JiiHticea." Ail d resa EDWARDS, BROUOHTON A Co, Knlelgh N. C. Jim 22 tl. JNJ Willi. Fi r anlo, otio ball lIltoret In a Oris Mill uud Colion Gin nn Chocknyoiti. Crei k, one tulle IrniH Wcldon. Tlie'iuil. and gin h ive u g n d run ol eu.-ti m. Apply tj A. a. RAtH, tr J. T. UOOUJ. combination with the Phosphates. of Vitalitj, onroo,IMlj.,h,E rur ten ler vim hia nmwn ntf aiknoMrleli:ii.tMiU ftr tits t-a..i s....?1 nt. ir.. r"" IIC 7I IIIMC, flv Lt lis lis IIIUI. AlIt'T linwltaa ii . rr- .. . . ItiaW inn i lie. win. i a . 111.11 iimu UIB UlitJ nf tr.sv UN I tint (.... I... Itiitr Inindrrtl tlolhirft tloclnn' iiii t.. i .f.?" 14 'I. ITs, If ili.l l.t.r t,...ra. I tl. it .7. ' "lUe- unnl, bUv vn lionlih-ti Willi lrrunuruit .. ..! . WllU'h sll; id uiucU relieved. ' mm' k A. PATIUCK 1 CtV mtf i t Bilk 1 1 i I MAJNUaTAOTUMJUU ol - STKSET. 1. LOUIS. A. WRENN & SON. Manufacturers of and Dealers lo allkindttf- 1'AItBIAGES, I1ABSESS, HASSLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, WHEELS, AXLES, FARM WAGONS, IIORSE CLOTHINO, ! LAP F.OBES, 4s, ' No3. 14, 15, 24, and 26 Union 8treet, NORFOLK, VA. ' sep 18 ly jjlORSALE. The following valuable real estate Ivlcr mar Tillery's Mill, in Halifax couutj " about nine miles from the town of Halifax. About Jb') acres including steam enaini saw mill ntid fixtures, gin, gio hoiu-e and lixtnroa, uilloinina the residence of J. B Til lory. Mike wilklus, that contains about (7 ' Heron. Fope place containing about lnO acres. ' 1 interest in Wade H Tillery tract, tb ' wholu containing about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney, ; Halifax N. C. jnly 81tf , lOUTHEKN HOTKL, 'l HALIFAX N. C. J. W. Nl'I.LEX, PKOI'KIETOI. V Table well supplied, clean rooms sal attentive servants. Meals 60c Lodging (W.. t A Livery stable also kept wber tesai may be hired. Horses fed and well attend'', to, 'bj experienced hostlers. 't The travel ng publlo will do well toilt at the Southern Hotel. June Sly. W. BltOlVH'N OLD RELIABLE DRUG 8X011 le always supplied with I'roish Drnss and Mr dieincs. NEW GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WSIS The stock of fancy ooors, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPOOons, 1LLUMINATIKH and LCHR1CATINO OILS, FAINTS, LEADS, LINSEED OIL, and all Painters Material! will b always faai to be full. Qardeu Seeds and Field Seeds la aeaaca. Cliolee pure Wines, Whiskies and BrandU for Medical use. Fine I'lfrars, Chewing aud .-limklnn Tobacco. Prompt Attention to all Ordcrt by Mail. irrhyslelana preserlptlms carefully cots poinieil hy eonipeieiit elerka at all hours, dtf or nlglit. call and aeu mi. R. W. BKOW!, "et Itif Wki.imis, N. C. POUTZ'S . HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will oure or provent DI....H. n No llosaa will die ( ii.nc. Hots or L0 " van. K Kenu's Pii .li'rBti! iiuil In ttin. KiiiiW,i,nwiti'r'lll'"ri'l""1l'rvi'iilllixiCni1ts F.mu's I'on-.lers will pruvuiil lines. I JJ FouU'a I'dwiIi ts will tniTeiwe tha ii'iaiillly el niw unit cresra Iwcnly per uU an nuao Uis homr u l'r'tm'7' I'.iwilrni will etiro or proTMit Jmosat ara , piaaiFa lu wlitrli llm. and I'niilt am suHJcea. F.wTi'a I'nwnaaa will una ATisrOTit- tild OVurl wlii-ro. DAVJU I. roVTI. rroprletoe. BAL,ltMOU, M4 rOR HALE UX PR. A. R.ZOLUCOrFER BRO, oU 1 y Weldon, N.C. K- F- BUTL K B. Fire uud I.ile Inmirnure Ago"1' riacei risks of all kinds lo flrst-cl"1 rVimpauies as low au safety will per ml" Call and see mo tcforo lusurlngy. w nei o, i 0, 1 ii p.-iw 'y r.ni'n KTOKV'.'l a tlUl'"l . July!, ly.