THE ROANOKE NEWS ADTEHTIStNa RATES. I0P 45 Mil 00 ii T 3orl . :30, 40i 9. 1 toil; TteV i o, I tatitf i 'VI 7:001 I0:0! iiirf 8:it 4: Jit fcltf a IRC f m Mi mi 8:1)1 IfctSIf IZ' 4:ls Mi QBOtt I yu Lhii avsr" ; lift ends. ST, ml r iff i 1si?r f JJi PHI ..'' wl. lsii:n 4k ' ' 11014 nd? raw nt. fell M,tt, f "'." is.-. lirb. mW 1 ' i . rt , f loi ' iin ' titoi1 r (rr , inn 'Cllf . , jiof Patf ' . r e nt S . 18. :! . (" !t'. IIM'-" r . nw ! .hp" KHi' ' ii r i nv J ch'' eri Ii" ,(r V HE ROANOKE NEWS. f A DEMOCRATIC Ml; y xfEEiiLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY !fj J,, M. LONG & W.W. II ALL. dit Tear, la advance, Rk Months, " 'broe Months, " $2 00 I 00 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 2R a B 0. W. HiRIMASi - Surgeon Dentist. i Offlee over W. H. Brown't Dry floods Store, WELPON.N.C. Will vlelt parties at their homei when desired. Tamil Heasouahle, act I? TM. OKI Z Z a. R D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, H.C. Office In III Cnart irotno. Strict attention triwn to all branchoi of the profession. Jaai u ly I J T, BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C. Practises In the counties of Halifax, Nash I?ieeembeand Wilson. Collection made In al ri, of the State. )" tf W. HILL, ATTORNEY AT M WELDON, N. C. kiwelal attention given to eollectlons and remittances promptly made. lay Hf. UXM U. KBLL1K. JOUN 1. MOOR. 1 J D1L1R k MOORE, ii ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. iraetlee In the eountleeof JUHtar, Northamp ton, Kdirecowbe, Pitt and Martin In the Su preme court of the State and in Ilia federal Ceurts of the Kastnrn District. Collect Imia mode IB any part of the State. Jan 1 ly AMIS . O'HABA. 6 ATTOKXEY AT LAW. KMPIEI.D, N. C. Practice! In the eonrts of Hallfat and ad min is enuntlee, and In the Hiiproin,. and Federal esurti. Collections made In'an" part of the late. Will attend at the court limine in Halifax a Monday anil Friday of each week. Jan lit f JJOBBRT O. BDRIOX JK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. ' practices In the eourti of Halifax, and adjoin ! counties. In t ho Hiipremo court of tli J iiate, and lu the Federal courts. Will Rive epeelal attention to the collection f claims, and toadjnstintr tho accounts of ca veator, administrators and guardians. , doc 1st f AT IK L. U IMlft, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. TraetWet is the eourta of Halifax and adjoln kur eountlet, and In the Mupreme and Fcdnml rti. Ulalma collected In alt parts of North Carolina. Offlce in the Court House. Julyltf AMerne at Law, Salifax, n. n. Praetiee In Hull fat and adjoining counties uj Federal and Hupreni" courts. Will ke at Bcotlaud Neck, one every fort' eight. auitinlf JOB. B. BATCUELOR. j ATTORVCY AT LAW. ' EALEIQII, M. 0. rraetleea In the enurti of the th Judicial Utrl.t aad In the Federal and lupreine Courts. ay 11 tf. T. w, if a a o V ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARTSUURO, f. C. Traetieea In the eourta of Northampton and ailoinina- eoijntlee, )S9 (B the Fodoral and Ku frame eeurts. June 8 tf. , . hit. i. c. tomeorria. AT I9LLICOFFKIJ. D . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I tyRLDQS, N. C. Practice In tie courts of Hallfa and ailjolnlnu Realities, and In the Supreme and Kederal courts. rieliDi collected lu any prt of North Carolina. One of the firm will always be rouim in me J 11 li.i 16 1 y. 0 It. H. h, UJ.NTEK .4VBQEOII BED till iCiaD bs found at bj ofilo io Knftold. iTara NitronaOtldo Oaa fr the Pain- bees Extracting of Tooth always ou baud Jaaa ti tf. A K D 14 E VY J, BUTTON, ATfQUIvV AT LAW, wEjDoar, n. c, fractlecs In Mi enurti of Hallfai, Warren a'n! JlJi.lulne count ls and In the Supremo and foil- .rl courts. Claims collected in any part of turin urviin. June I7tf IT ATYOVNEY Af LAW, ,UJTr.A!irj Nkcit. Halia County N. O tretlee In the flOlltltV of HftllfsiT anil sHiitin tij eonuthss, and 111 tho hupKiua couit of the lJr. Km VOL. IX. Kuowledgo In a Kut Shell. A cubit is two feet, A pare is three feet. A fathom is ftix feet, A span is 10J ictus. A palm is Un-e inchet. A great cubit is 11 feel. A league is ihreo miles. Thero are 2,756 laiiiia p. Oits, S5 pnnuils per bushel. Bran, 315 pounds per t.uitlicl. . A dnj iourney is U3 miles. Barley, 48 pounds pur tmehels. Two persons die rrery iiconil. Sound moves 743 miles per hour. A square mile cnntnini, (10 cri 4. A storm blows 30 miles pi r liour. A tub of butter weighs. 81 pounds. lluck wlii-at. r3 poiimls per bushel. Coarse salt, 81 pounds per bushel. A barrel ol rire weicbs 000 pounds. The sversga bumnn life is 31 years. An acre contains 4 840 rqnare yards. A fiii kin ol butter weighs 50 pound?. A barrel ol flour weiphs 198 pounds. A barrel ol pork weighs 200 pounds. Blow rivers flow five miles per hour. Timothy are 1, 45 pounds per bushel. A hurricane moves 80 miles per hour. A r fie ball moves 1 000 miles per hour. A hand (hnrso measure) is lour inches. Electricity moves 228 000 miles pur hour. A rapid river fl iws seven miles prf hour. The fltit lucifcr match was made in 1820 Gold was flrsA discovered in California in 1848. The first horse railroad was built in 1820 7. A mile Is 0.280 lect, or 1,700 yards In length. Corn, rye aud flaxseed, 20 pounds per bushel. The first steamboat plied the Hudson in 1807. A moderate wind blows seven miles per hour. Wheat, beans and cloversecd, 00 paunda per bushel. , The first uso ot a locomotive in this conntrv was in 1828. The first almanac was printed by George Von Ptirsacb lu 1040. The first steam engine on this continent was brought from bngland in lfloo. Until 1770 cotton spinning was formed by the hand spinning whorl. per Humor In the luinlly. Good humor is nuhtly reckoneil a ninit valunhle aid to happy hnino lite. An tquallv good and uselul faculty is a sense ol humor, or the capacity to have a little fun along with the humdrum of lite. We all know how it brightens up tuirgs gen erally to have a lively, witty companion, who seet the lidiculnus points ol things, and who can turn any annoyiinee into an occasion lor laughter. It doid a greut deal bet'er to laui,b over some domestic niU haps than to cry or scold over them. Many homes and lives are dull becsusc they are allowed to beenmo too deeply im pressed with a semu ol the rurn and re sponsibilities ol lilc to recogn;zu, its bri-l.t aud especia'ly its mirthlul, side. Into such a houtchold jjold, hut dull- ttie advent ol a witty, bumoioua Irieud is like sui.shim to a cloudy dav. While it is oppressive to hear ( e 'p!u constantly striving to ray tunny or witty tlimus, IS cooiiortauie lueing what a hrightener a little fun is lo miikc au eltort to uavo some at nome. It is well to turu off an Impatient question, sometime!, and to regard it frwtn a humor ous point of view, insteid of becoming ir ritated ahout it. "What is the reason I cud never find a clean shirt?" exclaimed a gntd but rathor Impatient husbumt, alter rummaging through the wroiitf urawet. His wi'o looked at him steadily for a mo ment, ball inclined to be provoked; then, with a comical look, she replied; "I sever could guess conundrums, I must giio it upl" Then he laughed, ami lliey D0111 laughed, and she went and got his shirt, and ha felt ashamed of himsell and kisred ber, and then sbe felt happy, and so what mialit have b en an occasion for li:irJ words and unkind leeliiiL'S became iust'tbe contrary, all through the little vein ! hu mor that cropped out lo the sur'ncc. Pome children have a peculiar laculty for giving humorous turn to things when tncy are reproved, It does jutt as well, oftentimes. Laucbter is belter than tears. Let us have a littlo uiera at home The Leading nan Must l Taid John Carboy lu Now York Dispatch. This reminds me ol an old story told of a lonir time sco Western manager. II 11s tings, who did bta own leading buunrts, and bo matter whether business was geoa or bad. invariably deducted Item the te ceipt his own salary, As an actor he charged himself with a leading msu's salary, and never liiled in getting it. One salary day there wit a sre.t row, there was n money lor the "Fates:" 'What has buceme ol the money 1 growled the heavy man, and lh rent echoed the query. ' Uood giacmus, gentlemen, as a maoas ger 1 haven't bad a cent in these tw week"." 'But, d d it, the tteaturer says be paid the reoeiiiti to yau I ' "Correct yesbut that was njy salary 1 the leading maa. He niu-t be paid Vu know wu cnuliin t get along without him. ladies snd gentleuieu 1 They hal to swallow It. Nevertheless while they admired his logic as a leailng man, they damned his houesty as a man szer. The same Ilustiucs is the manager of whom tune is a tradition Hint one night, while pUyiug Richaul III, in Lexington Kv.. he saw an urchin climbing iu lor a Iree tight ol the show through one ol the half open windows ol the ball, sperch ras a new reading, which would have astonishd Colley Cibhcr. Ku.hing down from his tent, hit eyes fixed upon the boy and window be cried uuL "Uivu tue another horso. hind up my weunds there's another boy gittiu' in fur uoth ing. Kichard's himself agiin, A Nevada paper tells us tint dating tecent gle, while boulders as big as pump. kins were, flying through liio air, and wattr-pipes were being ripped out of the ground, u aid Chinaman, with spectacles on his uoie, was observed in the rustern part ol town, seated 00 a knojl, calmly gying bis kito an iron uhuUur, will) a log eh urn fur a tail. We am curious tu ice the comments ol the British quarterlies aud tho scieutiflc societies f England en the sii:u a revcrettl ol the "urder cl natural pUeuuuikU. WELD ON, O U R Urn. Wiiiflr Id H. Ilnncotk-The.Soltll.r HtttlcNiiiitii. Hoii.H'ui.H. Enitl.Hh-Thc I'rhle of the Holstrr Stn'e Mj. Oen. Winfietd Scott Hancock, was the son tllietiitiiin! William II. l'uglish is by birth an Indi.ina man, having flrrt bo Franklin and El zibeth Harcock. was burn in Monlgnmery coun 'held thn light in 8cott county ot that titate. on Aug. 27, 1822. Hi tv.Ta.. Feb. 14 1824. Ft comes from sound the ancestral line on the mateiuiil side leading back to the English Soutb Hanover. He studied law and was admitted to the bar aud Welsh, and on the paternal to the English, Irish, mnl Scotch, beginning the piaciii.e ol law iu 1640, though much ol his time He appears the very l enu idesl of the soldier. His figure is talTwas ili-votcd to agriculture Previous tu thii he had enteied into Vnd finely shaped. His eyes Is clear, blue.inouiring.beuigiiant in politio.l lile as a memlier of the grand old Di'inocratio pa1 ty. lie reoose. but iusDiring in dancer and earnrstutss. In manners, no ws clerk ol tin In limiu Slate House ol Ki utereututives in 1643 mau ever surpassed hi in. He Is the embodiment of knigh'ly cour- uud from 1844 to 1848 ty. To his subordinates he was kindlinois his case, give conlldonce made a man made him think that he amounted to moro This was one of the secrets of 1 Uncock s Hancock s reprool, on the other hand, was tshed lor twice, lie. was severe iu his rnimremonis, unit some- gie-s by a vi-t-t ol JU,!)77 to 7 U27. and was a louttb tune cuosen inns made nil CnloncH and generals wish under the niain severity ol his talk. et tauoht. the wound was hcnle I by some attention so kindly an I popnlarity in li.s own Hutu and throughout thu tVest. His enn so gnuious, thai the object of it felt, at last, tlmt helha 1 gained Hid .ey will strengthen, flie party in llliuoU. whore lb 8 splendid by the turns iction. Where) Ihe Joke Vus. From tho Detroit 1'ioe Pros. On a Miehican Central train thn other day was a paaLcnger who hud lost his riht arm. Soon alter thu tr-iin pulled out ol Detroit, ho Ih-kiiii talking with these around him iu lugard to the p diliwil can dilates, ci iiming In hU7C served umlrr both, This le i some oiut to a-k him how uud where he lest his arm, 11 ml he ie- plied : It was down ill tho Wilderness. We Weie charging Ihe enemy's line. A bui lt t struck in y arm, crushed tho bone, and lell unconscious. When 1 was restored to cddsciouiUces, 1 was iu the hands ol the nfederste. Indeed, a toldior was going through my pockets. When he dis covered that I was alive hu aa about to bayonet me, but a corporal sprang for ward, knocked the wretch down uud saved my lile.' While be was telling Ibis a man witli his left arm gone had risen Ironi h;s M :it nd came nearer, and as the other Umstie l lie bent lorwsrd aud raid: 'I am that very corporal I I icmembci the incident as il it happened nly yester day. I had jeu conveyed lo nil old log barn over en the right.' 'Yes, yes let us fliako hands, let us embrace I Thank Heaven that I have lound jeu out. How came you here? I bave been to Detroit te ho t'eated for caoccr, but lime it no longer any hope. am going home to go to the poor house and there end my dajs. I haven't a shil ling or a friend.' And I am ceing to the poor house as well,' replied the other, 'I have consump tion, aad it J am penniless I must go and die among paupers.' Tbea they embraced tome more and teemed t weep, O.10 passenger dished up half a dollar and passed his hat, and ia five minutes a collection amounting to fX (0 wasdiyided between thrm. Every body said it was a ahumu, aud ami old man teemed willing te adopt Ibem butt, II they wonld so ao la Illinois. But they didn't j they got nil at Dearborn, and it was a qua'ter of au hour alter belnru a commercial drummer dared make the laiernent that both rhujia lived io De troit, both lost their arms by accident, and that thry bad played the same game over and over on (iverv railroad in the State. Short Kharp aud DeflNlte. Tho Platform of tho Illinois Democrats. Patriotic duty and interest demand peace ad rucunci liation through all the laud. We pledge uureclvca lo the follow ing principles : . No tanp for protection. i No third term. 3. Substantial relorm of tho civil ser vice, so that Fcder I ofjlccrs shall bo the servauta ol the people and Dot of a paity. 4. l:11ul rights to all the Status, and no Fcdeial interference with the functions af Stales, 5 A coiistiiiiliopal currency of gold and silver, aad of paptr convertible, into coin. 6. No h.oro laud grants lo monopo lies 7. The will ol the people must bo su preme, and the mainiiliea must rul under thu constitutional method. No more such frauds as that ol 18'iG ; no uioie right to Btviu. U Laws shall be euacled to plolect la boreis in the more prompt aud CilUju collections ul tuii.r waes. N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1880. C A N D I D ATE S, Anglo Suxon stock. 'was hbi rally educated, itself. He put one 'incut; as clerk of Indiana Constitutional Coovmitiuu in 1850; was think better nt himsell e'ectej to the hegislatuie in J 851, serving ai hneaKor, auu was than he suspected. 'elurted to the Thirty-third success on tho field : 0j4, to 7 8ll4. was re mil a tiling to lie vote ol 3 lul to J15; tney were any wnere out to mat niiico.ny a vote alter the hason vi Wilson. Su Knglisli State tiek. t is IkiiiIc.I BtwnnRrmmKSRivti A I. over .Awkwnrilly Stuck. Wu shad never lorget evening we vpent at Magrudet's, years ago. We ad mired Mus Magruder, and lo see her. It was summer-time' titi i moonlight, a'ld she sat upon the n;iz. 1 The carpenier hid liien thcru the d.iy Luloro gluini; up ihe italic chairs on the p null, sn we look a c it 011 the steps iu front ot Misss Magrudur; where we could g',7.0 into her ejes and iliink In r smibs. It seems probii'.ilo.that tho curpe iter must have il-it his glue pot 011 the spot where wo sal, lor alter enjoying Mis? Maglildui's remarks lor a Couple ol hours, mid diiuk ing several of her smiles, wo lned to lise for the purpose of going home, but laiind that vie iuimovalily lived to the step. Tlien Miss M .grndi r said : 'Don't be in n hurry' Ami wo told ber that we believed wo would not. Tue conversation had a sadder tone I alter that, and "e s,t heio. thii kuig whether it would be better to uk her to willidiaw while wu dismiied and went home in Highland costume or whether we would ur;e her In warm up the pukur, or whether we should give cue terrific wreneli and then raml.lo down thu yard backwuid, Alioul midnight Miss Magruder yawned and said she believed she could go to bed ; then we suddenly a-ked her if she thought her lather would have any ob jection to leud us his Iront steps lor a few days, because we wanted to tuko them for a pattern. We think Miss Magruder must have eo leitatted doubts el our ranitary, lor she rushed in anil called her lather, and screamed. Mrgiuder came down with a double ba'ieKd gun. Then we explainel Ihe situation in a whisper, and lie procured n saw and cut out the piece ol atep la which we wure at tached. Then we went home, wealing the patcli and bi-lors two o'clock crushed cut our young Inye lor Miss Magruder. We never called again, and she threw herself 00 a dry geods man Tin re Is a mtlanclmly satisfaction in riculling these memcries ol youth, tnd re f.uUing the InlVtescff of glue ;".n the emotions ot the liumau heart. Kx. Culoulut ijiirtlii'. How dnl you manage- tu win her slice lion so quickly, Dm. i Tho reci) u't werih Lnowing. Oh, that was simplu enough 1 replied lie. The first night 1 ariived al the lodging-house iu Auckland, I leuud mytell sitting next to a young wnmuu at supper, who 1 toon louml was orie of the ncwly-ai 1 ivc I ciiiigatils. I looked her over, and saw a round, strong, cheery-looking U.s with a laughing lace, and tbiugui she'd dd. I didn't kuow l.nw to go loolin' around her lo Uud a soft place but just spoke a word or two' with her, aud, when wu came out into the parage, gave her a sque. it: nd a kiss. Says she, 'How dare you?' Savs I, I want to marry yau, my War.' 'Marry me'.' flies rho, laughing Why, 1 don't kuo.v youl' 'Mo more do ) know y- u my dear,' said I; Vo that makes it all tail aud tqiul.' She didn't know lo put a cla;iii r on that, n. ahc only laugh, 1 and said she coul In't think ol it. 'N01 Iliink ol it,' bays 1, arllul-liku - 'not wlo n you'ye coiiui all t'he-je theiau .Is ol miles lor tho puipooi:!' 'What do you meant' says she. starting. '(Joinc now,' 6SJ8 J. '1 knows w hut's what. When a mau luiiiit- graliuni.fs, u s to get worK; wue:t a wo. 11, nn iii!iuugiuiioii,cs, Us to get inu r. nd. V"ii in iv as well do it at ouco.' Well, she giggled a bit, end vu ytcia iphced two (IlljS ttl'.tlWft.'do'". passing three tear at tl.e university of was connected with the treasury depart' Congress as a a veto ol - elected to thu 1 liirty-lourth Congress liy a was ngun elected to the Thirty-u'tB teu. 01 y.sua to i.iM Wt his loimer compciiior is quite wealthy an t possesses Unutunded bv l'iiinhui;. I.ove'e trbora. A pretty liir l-store tnd shell store, bun. dreds of softly-tinted 11 in I lantastic shaped st-a-she Is, aud thousand hopping, chirping h .ppy buds, an I I he e rulers au auiiatile young couple irum the Inland country, who nie so u''ihfd in each other as to bo ob. Iiv.ous to the ga.e or comments ol the winld around tln-in. Shu has upon her innocent head a dsi-y of a bonnet with unit .iin mimuiiig-i, and he supports on ins hea l no less an object than thu identi cal Leghorn hat ol his lather, who is a just ire of tho peace, yas"Htarned in. She lonks at the birds bicanse she is a womsn, and he nt the shells beeauio he it a man; and hy and hy he carries a largo cenvolu- ted shell to where she is, whispers lu It, and lava it wi'h loving caro against her pink ear. which was so pretty that it seemed a till -i'Uon ol Ihe si oil itsell. Slid listens, comprehends, blushes faiiur than any tinted shell 1 1 so 1 1 est naked Irom Its bed 011 the 0 en rhore, takes down the shell, replies to the whispered words, and holds it with hot ti liamls against tho ear ol her si al wart lover, an I then they both smile mid look, inell.ble nothings, and turn their heads au in . Wh it were those whis o-ed words that lingered, and will linger, lit '.heir hear: us loiw as trio niur- dArlis in Ihe duinty eca-sliells) What were tliiiio words that started a song iu their s nils swec'er than that carolled by any ol the hhi:; biids tl.ere when brautilul morning wilted upon thoas in purple and gold, and rtniiiidid lliein of their tinging with the rus lu ol the hreiz-s? They were Ihe old, aid words that young list will foruyer utter.' 1 love you! ' IIoiii-Nty as) a I'olicy. Gihooly strolled into bit grocer'l eslab lisliment yesterday just ts that distin guished btalcsmso wat opening a krg of golileo tiuled oleomargarine. 'That looks nice. 1 1 'a genuine butler, 1 iuppose( nono of your bogus stnlTI' queried Spillkint. Mow, this was a leading q lejtmn. Ihe grocer wat.tnl the wor.t ill the world lo til s.)mu ol Hut oleomargarine tn Oil hooly, si ho spoku up ut nucu : 'Ol conne It is bill ter. Ju.l look at at the beautilul K,iiui. i.jc G,.;y lour.a in ustry c.::: It makes one think of caws and butler. cups just to look at it-ilon't it, now I' Hut is it but'er I' is it butter?' Why, of course it is. Same people arc so tin pirious they wont believe butter is butter unless lliey lake it out of the churn them unites. Man alive i jut smell it. D , n't it make you think you no rolling in Iresb- mnwn hay t You csn just taste tho but termilk il yen try.' 'but is it butter I' He bad to lie or lose a customer. When llut Usuu wasMiuaitly put it would have been cuuimercial suicidu to have hesitated, to he came right out like a little man and said it was butter, ijultcr Iron) cows milk t' 'Yes.' ilutter from cows' milk I' 'Yes.' ' Then,' sail (lilmooly, as a sad smile pasted over bia features, 'then I don't want it,' rows' butter is no longer (u.liienable. I wanted 10 1110 ol this olve iii'irgaiino, iiittdu up, you know, of axel grease, second hand tallow aud muuilage, tli ut looks like butter, but contains organ imh ol a new kind ol tapeworm. ( don't say I like that kind ol ie'ly, but I am going to kcip up with the procession, anyhow, No you haven t gt any olco margannel Worry, lor 1 thought you kept a Qist-elasa establishment ' aud he pa'ed out like a beaulilul dicaio. Th groeir wai silent for a moment, and then lie spoke coi.tidcntially lo hi'iiself: 'Nrxt time Pll tell the truth if It burst m wiJ Deo. NO. 20. A Fighting I'arsou. Borne time since tho relations between pastor and congregation in a cottain col- oted church lu Michigan becotno to lobar- moniout that it became necessary to bounce one party or the other. At a chutch meeting the preacher was'ed a liar, and in return he upset a deaoan with a blow on the jaw. It wat decided lo tubroit the case to lltother Gardaer In the following form : 'ripnten yen was a preacher ol de goia pll, an' da levlin' elder of yeur church called you a liah t Would you whip him or loriiih him I 'If dey wants my nplnyun on dat case it can soon be glhcti,' said the old man aa he up. 'It I war a preacher ol de gosptl au' do Icadln' elder, or any odder elder, called me a llah, au' be wat lu dead air- nest, I'd light down en him like aa' ele phant rolling obcr a lamb I Yes, I would, an' den I'd tx him If ho had any Irlendt who wanted to see me wid my coat oil ao' my niucclo worked up. I doau' g a cent oa de man who gill such Ull ol religion dat folks can make a foot-bail ob him. , Detroit Free Prest. 1 The Maud lUaNt. Among the wonderlul and useful Inven tions ol the timet it the common tand blast, Suppeea you theutd desire to let ter a piece of marble for a grtye-stone; you cover the ttone with a abeet ol wax no (bicker than a wafer, then cot In (be wax, the name, date etc.. leaving the mar bio expose 1. Now pats It under tie blast, and tl e wax will not be injured at all, but the sand will cut letters deep Into the stone. Or, if you desire raised Ictteit. fli wert. etc., in wax and stick tbam upon the stene; then past the ttone under Ihe blast, and the taud will cut It away, lie move the wax and you bave the raised letters. Take a piece ( French elate gla's, say two feit by tlx, and cover it with fine lice, pasi it under the blast, and not a thread ol tho laae will be Injured but the sand will cot deep into the grass whenever it it ut coveied by the lace, Now remove tho laeo, and you have tvery delicate and beautiful line raised upon tho gla't. In thU way boiutilul figures af all kinds are cut iu gla-s, and at a small ex. pense. The workmen can held their hands under tho blast without harm, even when It is rapidly cutting away Ihe hardest gla's, Iron or ttone, but they mut leek out for flnjcr nailt, nr thry will be whittle off right hastily. If they put on sleel thimbles to protect the nailt, it will do little gno l, for the sand will toon whittle them away ( but If they wrap piece nt soil eel ton around theui they are sale. You will at once see the philosophy ol it. 1 he taud whittlei away and de stroys any hard subsum e, even glass, but does not affect substances that are soil and yie'ding, like wax, cotton or One lace, or vveu the human band. Scientific American. A MOT IO IO It ISSO. I have no sort of smpathy with the He publican party b'Ciuse ol that act, and because it justilird aud Mlstainrd Afler such nil act 1 have 110 desiio to sub lain liio Hepublican paity lo any way I wonld not vnte Inr a party that would cirrv tUroiight such a liumi. 1 tiling Mr. 11 lyes was elected by a fraud, and I do not n pan to have it laid thai nt the next electii d I had forgotten it. I d 1 uot say that Mr. II ayes committed the fraud, Lut it was cominittid hy bis party, I have no enmity lo Mr. Have", but after the Irani! by which ho beta-tie President cou'd not vote lor any person put up lor President en the Hepublican side who di uot disavow the Iraud commuted would not support any member of that patty who had any sort ol mixture with that fraud. I feel that the cou itmg nut is just as much a Iraud now as at the time U was perpetrated. Ciuiii.Ks FitANCi Adams, ADVKUTlSliMKNTS. Ask Ihe riH'overi'd dys pr tie, Pillions autTor" ors, vwliius of fever and aifiie, the nn'reii rial diseased patient, how lliey recovered health cheerful si'lrlle ami irood appetite; ille y will tell you ,y nkhiK VISSONS Hkiii 14T011. 1.1V KK f UK CljKAeKST PPKKST ANO PVST FAMILY Nkl)(l'ISl IN T1UI WUULIi: For Dyspnpala, Conatipatlon, Jaundice, llilioua atuek", Sik Uoad.iclio, C0I10, Doprosalon of Hplrila, (Sour Stomach, Heart Hums, Ac, do. Thia unrivalled boutliern Kemeny la warranted not lo contain u iliigle partlele of Moruury, or any Injurious in in oral aubstaneo, but la I'l IIELY V:KTABLK. ronUilnlog tboso Honthoru Koota and Herbs, whloli an allwlao I'rovidenoe has pUetd in countrloi where Liver Dlsoasoe most provail. It will cure all 1'iseaaoe caused by Dt ratigeujont ol the Llvur and Mowe a. 'l'he.Svtn;itoniaof Llvor t'omplnlnt are a lilttlir or ban ittsio 111 me uiouini ram in tlio Ituuk. Sidoa or Joliiw. olleu mistaken for Khetliniillein; Sour Stomach; Lose ol Appntlto; liowul alteriiaUiiy ooslivo and lux; llniidiic.ho; Lose of uiumory, wilb a tiainl'iil HoiiHatiou of liavini' failed to do something which uiiglil o have been dotio. llol'llily, Utw apirllH, a ui:c rnuow ap flearanoo ol tho akin and eyes, a dry oougu often tnkon f ir eonauinpllon. SoinotluiGa inauv or those aytnptoms attend tho dUeaao, at olbora vory few; bill tho luigest organ lu Uio pom , ih genoniuy tho emit of thu dieeasn, and if not Kogu la ted in tlmo, auU'eriug, wrotohodneaa and death will onsue. t'AlHION. Aa tlioio aiM a nuuibor of imitations ofTorod In 111" public, wo would eaulU 11 tho ooniiiiuuHy lo buy no I'owdora or Proparod Simmons' l.lver ttegiuaior un-lo-. In oiirrngriivod wrppnr, with Trade Murk. Stamp and Sigiiaiuru unoroKen. None other ia gonniuo. "Wo have) lostod Ita ylrtuee, and mow Hint for l'ynpi'psi, Itiliousness, and riirobbliia lloadili'ho, II is tho heal llie ll ciiio the world uvor hiiw. Ho havo tri-d lorty other roiiiedios ueforo rdmuiona Liver Uegulator, but uouo 111 iiuim gave list more IUhii luuiwrry relioi, Out Hi Keuul.ilor not onlv rolieved, but cuiod Kd. Tob'grayl) and iMossongor, Ma con, (J a. (iRHilNAf. ANIl HRNDIN8, M iM'ravri'HKn osi.v nv J. It. ZC1I.IN d- 0.. ruiUKU'UH, iA. Pice,1.00 Bold by all Prggs-lsta. tTWTnnrr.Tnr SPACES 5 o n A 00 10 00 1ft AO 18 00 One Square, 9 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 I (KI 20 00 14 00 20 00 ao 00 te et HO OQ to 00 , 00 (0 00 & 00 76 W two fviuarea, Tli res tsquarea, r our Mq ii area, Knnrtb !ul'n, Half Column, Whole Column, 30 00 40 60 60 00 20 OU 80 00 One Year, TALUOTT at MO .VI SHOCKOfi MACHLNK WOUKS, RICHMOND VA. Man 11 facto rora ol Portable and Stationary ngino and Hollers, haw Mine, Corn anil W limit Milla, Shafting, llanirnra and Put- lovs. I'll r 1 1 1 no Wntor W bonis. Tobacco Ua- clilneiy, Wioiigli t Iron Work, and iron caHitnga. Alaohliiery of h-very Ilpae orlption. GlN.NINO A.VtJ TlIllKSIHSQ MACIrWfKt A SPECIALTY. Kopalrlng rrouiptlyr et (7rftjjllj at eat, TAUMVTT'S rAPE.NT SPARK-ARRBtTCR, TUe iBTeDtlvta b Ago, It duoa not deatror th e draft. It doe not interfore with cleaning the tubes. t win not choke up, ana reauiree no aloaa lug. It roo. u ires no direct dampen to un opened when raiaing a leu 111 (dampora be nig ooieoilonabie, aa llioy may o lelt Dan and allow ai arka to eca.e.) it reuulri'N no water to extinguish parks, whleii, by condensation, doatroya the draft. Heaid'ea, wbou water ia uaod, if noleclod, thu efTloleuoy la destroyed by evaiioraMoii of the watar, and tho bollpr ja kept to a mttiy condition. It la almplo and uurablo and can be r Hod upon. It can be attaoliod tn any boiler. no plantar should be without one ortLeaa, lnaurnmio oompnnloa will Inniira gina and barna whore the Talbott Englnee and Spark-Arroatore are uaud alaame rato aa cbarued for wator or borne-power. f-rmana lor mgsiraiea uirpuiari ttM price Hat. llrancli linneo, (loldsuoro, , o. J. A, IIAC.NKH, I. oneral Manager. T. A.UHANUEK, Local Mauugaa, may 8 1)111 ia AfM. IRON BITTERS, AO real Tonic IRON bTiTERS, A Biiro AppoUjor. IRON BTiTERS, IRON BITTERS, l YilnsMt MeJicuie. IRON BinERS, Htrt SwIJ M ft BtVtfift. IllartilT rMmnndtid tn itit public for all rilf. mt( rHjul rtiif ft rril ia ana fiiUMwui oi7 Mnteittt4itHt 1 r mf Aw pmHtm, M.mm9 mj Htm rlcliftj tU kltjvti triia;tiipi,i 1 tin mum Oil. lld fflVtM BMW II t tu tliD nt rvajft. To ih HiftHj, ltvllt. nd thiU 1rt-n rvtilrliig rrMnipw?- HttOII. till Vltlbl rfniBdjr can tut it to tiitThik rttcomauDtted. it nctm (ihm m cS-m ontbtdlirotUTftornan. A tfniiHwnfUl b'lur niMli wtll rmovo tu4 TffY IT, ) Sold by all Druggiiti. mBEOflOIIIICALC BALTIMORE, (.14. IRON BITTERS, for DflKst retail. iloo H ly We K. VICK 28e t'AHItl ACiE) AND ULIUQIE9 MADE TO ORDER OH B8PA1BED AT W TRlCm Alt klnda of wood work and trimming dona In good stylo. Bfaokamitb work oUioa at abort notice and with oeatnoiw. A new work warranu (J, Fine palnling foi bugglos don at low pjr.oea,beat paint uasd, NPECIAL ATTENTION UIVEVTA THE UNDJJ ITAKINQ DF.PAUTMST, T-T ,L. T' Mil Sll I r - .. r V--.-.---'er.A : f V (,. agL. Jfc. , - LUiV'J C'ofnna md.Caiea of all alzea ponstaotty on baud. Carriage M ilorlals kept ouband atptsbja bulow Puleraburg tnarknt. Weldon N. 0, June S ly J N o, T. COKp, pies can al)U be louml ut bis ataud uh FIRST (STJtPBT, Wbora he bis ou and a full iluit ot ttie FineHl WINES, WHISK IKS. and - JJJtASl'lKS, fOUklVO, HUAliS, and SNUFF, OKANGES, APPT.F.S. and tXJNFLCTlON EKJEsJ nie atook of Panned Qooda and ameer. I os U unuaually Full ul Cauaplelj, Old Caiinkt Wiuskkv A PrtetAi.rrT. . Ha fuuiauleee nntUJV'tiba. Ull an 4 ee biiu. - C'l t v.

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