f HE ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEWSt ADVERTISING RATES." ' A DEMOCRATIC , ' r W tikUY .NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY ; -" : ii ; ! ;. .. -I " U.n. LONO A IT. W. HALL. A'lH I '. i , 2 00 I 00 75 cm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. QUO. W. H A B T U A N , a i 0 n I n 1 1 t . Ctif ovei W. H. Brown'l Dry OooiU Stow, WELPON.N.C. v., VIII visit parties at their nomeiwhondcslrcl. Tcrmi Riuniiiat)U. , ucUHly jT"m. qbizza rd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX. H. P. Ofltca 1 M" Onart Hm. Wr(t aMentiti 'lvn to mil branches of tliu profession. an h iy ; ' JJI T. B H A N C H, " ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ssHiKi.n.N. a Practices In th- oouuHosj of HntlfaT, Nash K1ce.orabe ami Wlswn. Collections ma in In si artsof Uie8tt. Jail H U HAtiti ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,3 WELDON, N.C. : , ; . ! , r Special Attention (rlvn to so!lo0tfons and ainlttancua proinirtly mud. ' . may ltf. ' " ' AX'S M. MUM.HK. lUUif A. MOORs U L 1 1 N A M 0 0 R E, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' HAUPAXN.J. s7re:Mr In the. coonties of Halifax. Nnttliamp on. K1ijcoidIi, PUt unit MartinIn tlic Si), rune court of tlie Stutff ami Ifi the Federal 'ourts of the Kastern IiHlrict. Colled hum made n any part of the State. , jan 1 ly T lit Vt B. O ' II A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , -' SKPtBLD, V.C. Practices In 11m oonrtsof Halifax and adjoin- it counties, nnl In the. Supreme an. I Ki .l. i al !0ptt.' Collections mal In any part of the itnle. Will attend at the rourt house in Halifax n Monday and Friday of each week. Jan 12tf OBRET 0. B DRIOS J R ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAXN.C. Practices In th courts of Halifax, auJ adjoin. nir counties. In th Supreme coutt of t ti J late, and In the federal eouj'ts. Will fflvo special attention to the collection f olaiins, and to ailjustin thu accounts of ex Mutora, administrators aud guardian a. deeistf Q A TIN L. HIXi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, . C. Practices In the) courts ofHallfax and adjoln inc counties, and In the Supreme and Federal marts. Claims collected In all arts of North lacolina. omce. iu tho Court House. Julyltf JHwUAS X. U1LL, Attorney at Law, k.LIFAX, N. C. Prictlces In Halifax and adlolniiijr counties nod Padxr.il and Supreme courts. Will kD at ScoUaud A'eck, once every fort nljht. aim its if JOS. B. BATCH ELO H. ATTORNEY AT L1W, SALGIOII, X.C. PracUcua In th court of the oth Judicial Suit rut and ill tin Fudnralan.1 Supreme Courts, pi a? II U. IT. W. MASON ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARYSBUR'J, X. C. I rrwtlca fi ttvv courts, of. Norlhtipto itloniliiir comities, alitt liha Federal and Su- jpreuio courts. June s If. H. 4T. AT A 1. C. 7.0I.LI. OKi'ta. SOLLICOFFfR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, '- WBLIOH, N. C. Practice Intbccourts nfHaMMx and ad-iolnltm oiinties, an VintM'inpMaiJ and Hu-kml if i iniins col icci tii in a'tv nan .xiri n , nr.Miu Ouo of the Hrm will always ! found In t Un mce. ., . ,' ' juuemiy. QR, I. I. HUNTIR, VBGEON BENII11 .Cn b found at hii offlc io Enfield. Pura NitroaaOxifN Oas lt tho Pain Jet Extracting ofTuslh alwayaou hand A K9BSW J. BURTON, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDOX, N. C. Practices it, the courts "f Halifax. Warren and b'lHuliiff count les ml lu thesui.rcme and Ke.l erat courts. Claims colUited in any pari . North Caridiua. June f'At 11. bMIl'U.R. I ATTORNEY AT LAW, .ScMLAsp Nkc(c. Halifax Cobntt N. C I Practlc In the connty of Halifax and il)oln-eiwvLuulfc-u, aud 111 tie Suprvina court of the '? l'iy. ne Tr, in advanoo, ix Months, " broe Months, " '' VOL, IX. 1 nurldoii l'ormi4. Oil! fi pnemrt that lU'Wrarn wriilfn, fa In the hhiiIh cT Tim .irop fur nirn' wonls to cajl uri Ami fctiiT with a i-eii. fiiwh hvnntlfiil, iM-anliful ihmi,!I Of ktrf thnt rannut tt- t-il.. HiiTflii tin woritMosH rsptnri Tli" human vyv ran hultl. Hurti norrnwfut, orrffnl iwi.mui Of tho litttirin"H ltfi- . :n t.n-.w. f Wl'pn the f I r-)W iliimii with tuirnlsh( Aul tU; hcurl m-rin i uhiifl tt'liw. hu'h hnbtt nnl ih'iil tli"-s ) hmiim Of I rni in I1'' i'Vr I'.iln atul t (lrrtnl with tliP nwiiil Mini lI Ih'Hiii ft lmtty fii'is. Oh! If I fml ttiit wrltr tln'iu. Tlif en Wniil.l iflow i' llitiM ; Ttiuy vvniilil JIy'1 f"r' ViT fiii'l fvi-r, AimI win in-' ilr;if M.'hh fniim. I tt'rliten f.irlhe UiMKOKH Nans I EXTRACTS FROM PENE LOPE PEABODY'S DIARY. PT ACrt T JCDT. Match 39!h, 1609. 1 do think boys atR the most ilrtesUnlc things in ctcitlinii I They never cute lor anything whatever, hut jiUvUig pratiku. hae ball, bunting anil llsliinn. I liiito them fell, except Jim Isuppuac every girl loves her brother even when he is a pest I. ito sod uoca on like every tiling: Jim IS just ICUlCUy. tWlUl 601UlltllUU), hut he can' never tie ns had as Juc!; Hum phreys never I Jim cills Jk "niy lav oritu aversion." 1 believe those two hoys will drive mo crazy some day liiey feut me a hideous valentine last month and a piece of poetry communcing. "Oh I Denny roysl with thv head ol iiery hair." It is what I call real mean to tease mo about a dispensation of providence that I can't helpj Besides my bair isn't exactly red. Msmasaysit is like burnished gold Hut this is not the worst f Jack, for I know lie nto tho poetry, Jim isn't smait enough. Yesterday eveninc; Lena Adnm? a; d my sell went to the wo ids to hunt lor mosses Jack went with uo I did nt want any boys arennd, for they nearly al Wa6 8)oi thinfis I told Jack as much, bat it did no coml, lor Lena bepocd him to come tod he sai. I be "was willing to oblige her. I made a f.ico when he said that for he and Jim both, pretend t dis. likelier. 1 his fretted Jack and we kept op qnairelling until I cul l stand it no oiiL'er. "Lena I am eouir home." Well" she sail, "Yu and Jack can't live together m peace, that's cettaio, so perhaps yon had hotter go, provided you are not alraul of the con's you Bre so airgravatiug Penny no wonder the boys dont Jikc you." You iu-t hush up Leu a Adams I encj angrily. ' I am not hall so high-tempered t you are alTeCtcd, every body know, and no one but a boy would hitvd joa lor an iutimatu friend." I am not affected Penelope Peabody and you nro real mean te Bay tuch a thing " "Den't fuss girls" Paid .la -k "I am sorry I fretted Penny and Bhe need not go home. I will go myself if he wishes me to." I had list opened my mouth to tell him not to leuve, for Jack can be real nice sometimes, as nice as ever a boy can be aud I kt.ew ho would help me gather Ains-fs if I said, U make aim-mis for teas ing me, when L"n staid, 'you know si e is net going if nho can fiud an excuse fur staying, because the is alruid of the cows." ' I am going then Lena; I would not stay with you another miutite if yon weut djwo on your knees to me" I will go too" said Jack." No yoa shall not either. You may stay with Lena. I tbin her society suits you much hetter than mine. Nie is not uighvtenipered" and I lclt thein feeliug as cross til possible. I hd ta cross lurmer llrown's nicadjw on my way to the village where- there were cows gruzmg. I wai about uiidillc way the meadow and was cougratulatmg my self nn my sale pass-aee, wheu 1 heard a slight noise and turning around, my heart almost stood 61 ill when I saw an enormous bull coming alter me pawing the giouud as he caoio. I m l nil and ran as fast as I cou'd dJ juat did reich the stile iu lime to jump aver, betore the bull was upun ,e. The last thing I recollect a'ter jumping the stile vas tho fiery eyes of tho bnll as he peered at mo through the If nee. 1 tell on my ankle iu jumping mi l spiai: et it Tup pain was so severe I (aiultjwhtn 1 becsoio conscious 1 leit as it lying in a mod -peddle and looking up, saw Jim bunding over me with his hat lull ot water, which lie bad been dashing iu my btcc. A cried hemUly when I louuJ I nusaale a -id so did Jim. alt'iough he denied it a ut. wards. Jim bad started to join us whtn he came up io time to sea me fall over the stile. When IlrfM 'Mm why I It't trie thirs, be said if Jack did not W.havo bet ter in the future he would "polish hie nose for him " Jim w 1' use slang, lliiwevt t 1 made him proralis not to q inrrel with Jack, lor he was awry to have fretted me b-eidis I had hem to blaire. for losing cay temper only I did not wsiit L'oa m telluie io. Hire I am in c."rseij'aence Dtnnned ud In mamas c.sy cnair, witn a sprained ankle ami no liopo ol osing in pevcral davs to come. tllMlLil 0 . 0- CA.itL IU Sl u.l. ...... morning biinging me a basket of apples lie began as loon aj be cnleted the II nn : "I say Penny I can't tell you how sorry I am thut bull frightened y 'U so (I knew Jim would te 1 a'Uio.' I lifted him not to let Jsxk kn ' I wal fiis-Uunel) I am awfully sorry I teaed you tho ether dav, when Jim told me yon were hurt hv your lall, I could ba?e cut my bead t II with relation." ' 1 was ao pleased to ace Jark sony for roe that it made mo willing to take all the blarae an mytcll, so I said Never mind Jack it was nM my (salt for losin my temper, I dout blsmc jon." "You lie Vety good to say so, Let me pore you an apple and then Jim. aud I will take you t tbe piui king'ouibioa, whe e you can watch us p'ay cn i iet." 'The two boys carried me on their clasped binds to the piaz.i sn1 placed me io the hammock where I could iwiujr and watch them piav. April 8:h: Jack astonishes mo more and tnoru every day lie is so kiud to me and as gentle as a girl He cam up tliia morning beiare icliool and said it was hi eh lima lor me to be walking, and he actually took n-e up nJ made me lean tin him while I tried to b ar uiy weight rn my ipraincd loot. The ciu wa. seTcru WELD ON, and made me feel as weak ai a kitten, J ark had to lake me back to my chair in his arms. Mama says he is as strong as a giant. I ntn not Very small end be lilts me us easily as be would a baby. People have been very kind in coming to see mo aince my accident. All tie girls at oar school have been, and Lena comes every evening ti n ad to me and tell the news ol the vil'age. She is mighty pleasant company sometimes, but fho Is afk;tcd. When any one kes bcr how old sho is, nho always icptic "sweet six teen" with iiii.li irj air. the lias been mil kind Io mo since my acetdeut aud 1 like her much better tluu I did before. 3 yeata lator May illtili : Our school cn.,cd yi'sleiclav, and to-day wu had a pic nic in the wnoui. I kill real tired to night, but must try and write up my diary. I had a teal "splendid'' day with one exception, Tho: o two boys Jack and Jim tried thera. elves. They kept me on thorns t ho whole day onco when I was sitting on a pine bouj;h dreamily engaged in baildinsj air-castles, thf'y throw n large tleid snake ncto'' s my lap I screamed us loud hs I could until I poiccived the suako wa dead. When I went with'tlm out in the bout after watet-lillles they preteo led tho bo it was ca izing and that kc t me in a stale, of rror until we landed sildy. I drew a nli of relief wheu I iouud myself safe at homo ones mote. ' ' Jack and I have bees teal good liicmli for the last two yews I would like him much Letter tlnugh il he would uotpir. si-it in culling uic "icd-haired I'emiv. royal." . Last wiotor at i'.heol, lie used to pread his Lands over my huad, to ,nn t ieuj, he la d, Ou warm days, be sai-1 be cou'd uot come mar ma being alraid of a coi.D.igiatiou Lena thinks it very silly iu Jack la bo ulnars leasing a girl she thinks we n'c bn'h too uld tatesochild-l-h I am only li.letn aod Jack si-ve'itien io I dou't see llie use ol our trying to be giowQ up yet. June 18G5 : Jsek lett heme ytstorday evening lor Now Y'ork, lie is gaiug to his urclc's to rcnialo a year And coaiphto bis edueation I felt very Sony lor bun the night be told us geol-byr, be sternal so sad at leaving home I told bun how sorry 1 wai and how much we would miss him. "If you will only promise not to forget me Penelope, aod will think kiudly ol mo when I am gone, I can bear this separa tion better" bo laid holding piy bauds tightly in bis. I can pramise you that "I said hcarti'y "I shall forget all our o'd quarrels, when you arc ono and tli'nk only of your kindness Io me." I hope lack yn l will fni-jet all the rudii-. tilings I Imvesuid to you, when I have lest my temper, only if ynu do, 1 am alraid ton will have to lar ge! me almost entirely, lor you ciascatie'y icmcm'.'er untitling goud about rue." You should not eav thit rcnuupe'' ho s.iid earnestly "I s'lftll never loiet how swtet 'lid lorLMvmg you hive p.ovel yoiv cell t hen i have woriod yon noailv to ditth I nm sorry for all that I iiv lear, but I know you 'orgivu me, mi will se.y n moro ahout it -good bre intr Denny Hi uiember you have piomised n' t to torjet nie, that will bo my consul-rim liiripg the year I am nbsetit Iiom ymi." 1 Ihlnk J k must have I el t vety a - nt 1 aving home or ho would never have! said all this to me. llo is nutrli belter II an I ibnugbt lie was. Since hi left home I ha'-e I puihI out b iw kiinNhi aried he is. Tint' are sever nl poor old penplo in the village lie has In en in tliu habit at tooling to and helpti g in various wuvs. Tin y com plained to loudly alter he I It, that 1 have tl e l to supply his fil.no as much as ,.oi si'ile. Jim savs he intends wiiling to Jack tli.tt I have tu;ne I good and hi (ra up a l h,s cliariiies since his ilepail me. but I begged Inn not to do anytlun ; ol the kind. Home bow 1 dout want Jit:'' la know anvlliing abut it. July 13Gt: Lena Adams emu ovor to day With her cousin Mr, Laogdun irnin Uiict. I think lie and Lena aro in love Willi each other, their look at each i ther io such a languishing way. It ceitiiuiy is silly lo fall in love. I hope 1 never will, it makes a person look M ' -goose Jim laughcl when I said this, and (aid every bodv did not loilt foolish shell they weie i.i love, lie said J.ick could never look looli-h il he was in love. J irk iu love I That sou ills so stiangc! I c.iuid never iungine hiin in love; but I sappose 1 ought to gut accutdomed to the idea, lor dim tells ma he is always writing about a Miss I.'im that Is ataiing nt his uuele's I i;uesi he is in love with her or be would "'! he taking tier to s msnt bs.ls i ud parties. 1 Bin vcrv sntry he will POlSicui Tke the old Jack whin be fames home.. I uiu-t uot call him Jack aoy longer lor Mia Lyuu might not ap prove ol it. JulylOtU.: Last eveninj Mr. Liogdnii and I weie lotuiuiug liom church when a gentleman passed us rapidly aud entera l nor house thinking lnui a piolosiioual ItienJ ol J i an 1 did nut go iu imaiedi- atelv but liiigiicsl in the garden aMer Mr. L.ngdoo lelt me. Jut as 1 eute ed the lioue, Jim and the geiilleman came nut into tli hall and I was la CO to (aCC with Juk lloiiipl.lcy. Involuntarily I exclaimed "why Jack, niii-ii uid y.u airi.'i: ,' "My dtar Penny" be cxclaime I, se xieg, my baud and giu ug down iuta my face, ' bow lovely you h-ve grown. JiU laughed. "There Is a derided ini rrovemrnt lef the better iu "ieU haired I'cutiyroyal.'' This is not the "ugly dock' you lelt iichiud, is it Jack I" "I titver theoght tier ugly Jim" be re U-'d. I laughed jjayly. You two may let my Iu iks, past and present, alone, I wunt yau to satiily mi cutiositv -wheu did you ituxb home Juek I ' "Just a few minutes ago, 1 came here immediately." "I did nt reeogni7. vou when you passed me just now vn the street, or I would not bate lingered in the cafitu so -long. 1 Was Mr. Lvigdon lingering with you?" qiujtlincd Jim tcastogly. I wish Jim had not said that, tor it seemed to nl- pleass Jack, He lost bis bright looks in uenmlcly and there ws a stem tone in bia voicu aa be asked. "Who Is M'. L m- doa I" Jim answered, "lie is a diiiint cousin of the Adams's - Penny pays, be t e igaged to Loa be-ause they are so "upootiej" Willi each other." Y'es, but 1 have changed ay opinion since then Jim I do not tmuk they are engaged now I believe Lii list flirted with htm. I am sore tbey Live quarreled about somcthitu 'ortboy rardy even louk at o.ch vtlur now. Juckjlid uot Bam Tcry wucu lu N. Q, THURSDAY, JlTIiY .22. 1S80. terested in thil, and after a Jew mare words ho left. August 1st; I do not know what tl msko of Jack, ho is io gravo and quick, Alter tho (list ovouing he came, be ceased to bo tho light cheery Jack of my child hood. I supposo being engaged, D;aKCj him grave I have heard it had a inhering inlhiencc en people, and adds dignity to their mein. I have not been able to call It i m Mr. Humphrey yut, but I cotupiomi.-o ttie matter by not calling his name at a I when he is present. I thick, considering what old bunds wo are, he might ta tell nie ol his engagement;, but bii bus not men tioned Miss Lynn's ciiiuo except onto, and then lie ci tai'd te take it for ginnted I knew ail obout her. Wo were mil In the woods, near sunset, ai d were speaking of (lie beati'itul lights and shades on the ilak tee) when bo said ' How much Mrs I. Mm would enjoy a scene like this she is fo fond of contrasting the dillererent colon hud lights on a dark baek-giound. She lias an artistic eyo aod regrets so much thut circumstances have always prevented icr Jtaving in, tlio country wliaro sho ooulil Indulge her taste, for Iho blun ting ol lights am! daik eohii,.mere Ine'y than in the city, where of course, the. eyo is restneted (or want of apace. ' "Yes I replied "It la to be rrgietUd, but no doubt she will Soon have an opportunity of gratilying her iisle in this respti'i." "ie Tnext summer sl.o will be hero fsrhnps, '.'iiioying this Vi V yiewj be I nd, quietly i nc thought did uot add ta my enjoyment ; and I nb- nplly lelt the spot where wo weie stami na and walked home I cau't bear the idea of .lark's marrying Ho seems almost like a In -! li r to me, and whenever I think ol Ins cngageniciil to Mi(9 Lyuu, II 1 as il I had lost my old liiend entirely. When Jack and I reached homo from that walk, we luuod .Mr, Langdon awaiting mil roluni when Jock 6aw him, he would not come In, but lelt alniiitly, with such a stein vk on lua late, it tpilo iriglilencil mi I wnnd'T why be dislikes Mr. Langdnii fo lutieli. Do is vety enteitaiuiit" and lias made a host ol tijeuds s-iuci) he camu to the villaue. Jack and Jim are the only per tons who reluse to liko him I I'd quite angry in delemlicg hi in against Jim'D ridi Culo sometimes. August 4tli : nT strangely events arc nrdeied in this lilel who would have thought a lew days ago that but I will write ml story ts it happened Mr. Lingdon, J ick, Jim and nivseif went out to play croquet yesterday morning I proposed (hat .lack anil Mr, l.angdon play agiinst Jim and inyselt but .lack rclti-ed hotly, saying ho would lather play against than wit 11 him so for the sako of peace I lined Mr. Ling Ion Jack semi'd quite despiiate and out nt soils about some- thii.g when we took our places, ho called lilt : "Mr, Lingdan, I u:u playing lor a high efitue, il I 1pm) this garni I shall en sidi r you the victor in other games tha-i Croquet; and shall tike tnyell mil ol yi-in Way - II 1 win, 1 wi I tl.at.k jo'.l to do the swine.'" "All rirrlit," Cifido ItC' tepiy. Whatever d von mean J u l,?'' I kcd in sion;a'iiiie:it : "Oh you villi lunl tnii v.hcu Uiu miil is finished," be replied. "L'au you not fx Mws I enelopo that tno leliow is jciilous of me," said Mr, Lingdon in a low tone. ' .Ie dons of you I Why he is not in love with Lena," I asid rqu-dlv low. 'He would ha. no laid to be lulou.- of nie il he was in love with iny coitsin.lil is loving you." "Jack love mo 1 impossible!' "1 lo not seethe uiipos-ilmity be replied "but I hope lor my own peace ol mind, 1 am mistaken." '.Ink is enga;rod to a lady in New Yoik. luu are grtaily mistaken, but whether hn Is or i not engaged can be if no l onseoiience so lar al you are Con cerned. It is etitiU'ly too warm out he;e and I shall play in. longer. I advise you ta return to Leu a Jir. Latiglou, she mu.-t tie wondi itiin wheic you are," mid without waiti g ta explain the cause of my depart ure to ihe nlheis, I rao into ti e biiii-o and sotigut in v own room. I did nut leave it again until evening, because I did not wish to sie any oiw licloii! 1 b'cuim mo'O calm Mi I comprised, bceidci I whs Klrsid Mr. Ijanjdon would liiiger about the house to peak lo me and 1 did uot wish to see him agiin. 1 was siltin;; out ou tho Jjoicll atlei tea, w hen Jack tamo uo to lbs lite; j and look a tv.il by me. We di.l nut say ai:y. thing a' brst.batsut watching the moon lite, and the si i;s come out one by one. At last J ick spoke. "Tins is just such a ulght ns the ouo when I Lit nome a year uijo. Do ion k nieinlii r thit night Penny when I told you good-bye out huic cm the old porch, ami you pi.iwr-td to think ol mo olleu and knullji' ' "Yes I icnieinber" 1 said Giilt'y. lur the thoughts ol the old time wuui i n k and I i mn rcli .J and uiude lilinds. tease I and wmiied each t tiier. aitue with a niali vet mv in-u.ory and lundo txie l;e.tt the tonsita tit that had grown op between nsin the Inst few weeks. II he would ou'y ti ll me about bis eu gtgement I thought bitter !v and with a stiange jiaio Hi my lirait "Wo could elill b a dear blends as we woro n ur ago- slid be biother and slater! Jack'a Voice interrupted my pnit lul rn'isinL'i,- ' Did you keep your ptomise I'cm lopel'' be a. led giiully. ' ii is no irtlticiiCB como between us to cut isn e your heart liom met'' His wi l ls roui d nie to anger. Ycj I would till linn huw cruel be was in not hearing me ss 1 h ,d a light tc expect, as any Ii n:ul cr s:;ter t'l tt rtgli! to cijwt fr"m brothi". ''Yi.il sk if aaytlnng has caused an tUanueiiisiit betwun us Jack" I said passion itely." "I will ted you yes, you jouisell mu tho eanse, you txpect me to treat you a- a 1 r o'licr, to conG c ill y iu at 1 would in Jiin, aud when I an wilting to d i tbil. to trust you culiieiy and complete ly, whut do you do Do yu treat mo ns a sisler should be treated! no you reluse nit your cull li leuce you Ireat me, after a year's ab-euco. cuolll, aud as il I Wul an urdinaiy arquaintat.ee, I euppiiae yeu think it unncftssa y to cnoli le in a s.sii'r nlcii you e ni''ajed,.but Jack, Il I bad N-cii g o'ng to get inariied, I would not bi.vc ie'. you loued it out tliiouub others, I a aid hate told you icyseli." I cou'd nol go ou, my tiais choked me. "En;ai;eil I 'en n,l who luid you 1 was K"'hg 10 Uu instriedi Y.U mu-t bo dlealuing, dear" ' ll.Liy'.oly a;.s you arc. engaged to Mist Lvnn tii.il Ji ii say- yout letlc.j were lull al lu r, an I the po a-ant t ii.es ymi weio hav ing together, o it tins Ve'y ua'ur.il that I sluml 1 btli vc t icryiiiing i veryboily alllrmed ns truth." "lively body was mis taken then, let me arstire you I have ro idea af muirviug Mits Lyuu, who it a very d'-ar friiDd and expect to be married uexl summer to uncle John s oldest 6n , and hey w,,l spend their baneymoon with rr., Jlicy be uiarried sJtoou ai Uiek get home I rein Kurope where bo i campletiug Ins education. Is that all you have against me Pennyroyal! Uicause I hsve something to tell you when yon are through. "That's all I believe, except you have been treating nie coolly, and tternly, unco yau camu liomr;' I say, not quite so angrily, "Ob I will explain that I cama borne and lound Langdon was trying to steal tho flower I had determined to wear In my pwn bosom, and the thought ol losing it made me d- pcrato. I think 1 have been living in torment the lat lour weeks ami cau eland it no longer I have determined to put my life and lovo in your hands lVniiy, to tin with them as yon iiko "Ja k." "It is true Penny I havo loved ymi always and can never lovo another. You have all my heart Dearest may I daro hope you will givs yaurs to tim V I could not nay anything, but as ho bent over rue in the moon. light, he mint bavo read my answer in my eyas, lor the next inoniont I was gathered up in his strong arms and my head pillowed en his biimd bosom. Hn lace approached nearer mine, and be gave the first ki.- ho had ever pressed on my lips. "My darling," hi whispered, oh bow tenderly "Am 1 right t do you in deed love me?'' My answer wits whispcied in Ins ear, but it srenud highly satislactn ry, fur Jack drew me more closely to bin and kissed nie passionately, my lips, brow, and hair, while bo called mi lood loolish, Uving names. My dear old diary, let ma whisper one thing t you ho said whiq the Ifavi' begin to turn yellow and lull, my lrvc, you will be my little wile." "His wilo ' Ah! bow happy I am. The rrintpr. B. F. Taylor once paid the following tribute le the toilers, at ll;o case: The punier is the a ljdtaut el thought, and lots ixplains the mystery of tho wonder- I d ward that can kindle a bspo aa na song can that cau warm a heart as no h-ipe that word 'we' with a hand-in-baiid warmth in it, for tho author and printer are engineers togolhcr, engineers indeed I When tho liltlo (Jarsicao bom hauled Cadiz at tho distanco al live miles, II was deemed the very ttiumph of engin eering. Hut what is that range to tins, whereby they bombard agis yet ta bo t There at the 'rau' ho stands and mar shals i.ito lino the fi -cea armed lor limb, clothed in immortality aud Kuglish, And what can be nobler ti'an the equipment of a thought In sterling tsaxnii Saxon w ith the ring ol spear ou shield thereon, aril th.t commissiuuing it when wo ara dead, to move gradually on to the 'latest ivllable of recordod time. This is to win a victory fiom death, for tbii has oa dy ing in it. Tho piiuter ii called a laborer, and l ie oflice he peilorma. tril. Oh, it is ant work, but a sublime rue that he Is per finiBlng, when he thin eo-'ita the engine that tl to flter a worded truth ia grander enrye thua missile e'er bufuie described l! ng into tbo bosom ol nn age yot unborn. He thrnwns off bis coat indeed ; wo but H inder, (he rather, Unit lie dors nut put Ills sbies liem off hii Icet, lor tbe place ahi iuou he stands ia holy ginund. A little song wu ut'cird snmcwhoti Ion..' au:o it wandered through the twi light maro fe -bio than a itir- it died npon the t ar, Cat the pi inter caught it up where it was tying there in aihnce 1'ka a wounded bird, aud bo equips it anew with wings, and lie rends it foith from the aik that had piesstvcj it, aud il flies lorth into tlio Injure with tho ubve btancb nt ptae.e; '.and around the world with melody, like the dawning af a spring iuoi uiuu. How tho types have built tip tin broken srehes hi the bridge of time. Huw tbey under l lie bravo utteianccs bey..u4 ,riu piliims audible and el('q,ient--hBruly (etienng the lti,o spoil but moving not a word, nut a syllable lost in the whirl ol he word -moving io cotiiiecled paragraph ai'd pciiod, down the lengthening lino ol ytars. Some men find poetry, but they da not for it as men do for nuggets of gold ; tbey see it in nature's own bau.lwnliiig, that so lew know bow to riad, and tbry render it int'i Kiiglish. Snrh lire the poem, Jur a Iwliglit hour and a noek in the heart ; wo may lio under the trees Alien we read them, aud witch the gloam ing, and see the fi res ia the clouds, iu the p iiisc ; wo mi y rtad tin tn win n tie winter coils aie glowing, mid tho vo'iime may 6lipv Ii (.in the lo gcfuthnnd, and still, liks i Veiling bells, tho p.tloJlous thoughts Will i tog on. Mcn'si yiannrra Tenanl 4;irl. The laii.eutable chanjo which has come otter the maiiiuis ol gfuthmcu toward ladies may be due to a decay al fine man nsu 'ui won an. Morally I think womrn are in. good in they ever wi re. but nur.y id them have become exclusively familiar n ith men. This fact makes it dillicult for nun to preserve towards all women thot liiienest ol tiianner which makes respect lor Hue womiiuhi'iid I bavo no licsiiii'.ii u 1 1 saving it would rot be piaper for la.l'us lo II it with the young stranger hiun tr.iy have iiict at chinch semcc, aud at tinipcr acre meetings, and who is au cutire sttan t;crtial tin ir acquaintances And it is it at all unlikely that tbey aie remalurt ininoieo t.s the roucluiiou thai lbi have lallen 111 luTI Willi him al light. He that as it may, tin woisl potdble manner f r them to roiiimcu'1 themselves to ln lavar would be to cin'gsnl tho lestraiuti ol irCnid bil.uviir. Most young men are rcdy enough t lantth and boudy words ith a my yuuug Miss, on pretty much any degree ol familiarity she may ilioose to allow. Hut I h icarci'y an exception iu soberly choosing a wile as a lilu com panion, a man will pass bv the hoyden oi tin flirt, as in bil heart ho daes not respact her behavior, eten though he may bave encouraged her Irivoleus manifestation! to lb utmost. I attended a ball uot lung ho, and I nuver was more suipriscd in all my life toitu bow yuung ladles were wal'Z. ing with yaung mm at the pnarnt day, I iLiuk tin y bad bettor bu a little mora pri vait in doing tbeir bugging, if thtf will do it any way. I don't intend to lay thai. all girls are alike, rentier do I nifs.il this tor a l. I cau iiy and will lay thera are fn,3 mrls as purs ai.tbi lily,- JAanict lo Rural Meast iger. Whea Is the rlra like a bad husband I When it gout oat at night. No one ought to enjoy what il loo gotid tar him; ha eugbt ta piaki Liasi worthy ol it. aod rise to ill level. , . . NO. 21. 1'oracrnlluB Inllilrllly. From Southern Home. Whin iufidel Bentimenta ara denouncetl, free-thinkers ara prone ta raise tbe cry al persecution, and to t-y to awaken iym pi thy by claiming that every man ia entitled to Iree thought and Irce opinion. Hut tl lociety lias a right to quarantine against yellow fever, ar other cauiaginui disaaiel, surely it has Ihe right to protect itsell against those deadly iiiHucncoa that cor, rupt tbo heart and conscience, and would if unchecked, destroy Ilia whole soaiul htbric. Menwlio!do not believe in the exist ence ol Uod nnd the sanctity of the oalb are slways dangerous mem lie is ol locicty. Ia fidelity strikes down the lalegutrds ofcivil government. Take away the belief in a future state of rewards and punishments, yon remove Ironi meu all restraint qpon evil passions and appetites. Every one will seek to mako the most of hit brisl pan of existence. Wise paitnts desire to lilence tho inliJel, not in a spirit ef perse cution, but to ssve their children from fiiin and debauchery. Wise legislators wish to silence him. lest tho sanctions of law bo destroyed. But we can assert with, out fear of contradiction thai when infj tltlity has had tbe power, It lias slwaja ex erciscd it most icmoraelessly against the Iriends ot Christianity, It 111 become It, tlien.ta inveigh agaiust the Cburch'i In tolerance of blasphemy, and the Church's ellort ta nayo the world Iroiu the horrors that attend uubelicf ' The spirit ol Infidelity Ia cioentially per secuting;. Mr. Jefferson would allow no clergynvin to enter tho Uuivorsity which In! (minded. Stipben Oirard placed the a line interdict upon the clergy in regard to the college established by him. Infi delity has legislate I against the uso of the liiblo ia the schools of tbo land and his put the bau whenever and wherever it could, upon sincere and devout believers in God's word. During the Kroucb Revo lution, it shed the blond of tens ol thous ands ol the Saints of Cod and for no other reason than that they were the Saints of God. It laid its ruthless hand upon all that was sacred, venerable, lovoly and of good report in France, and turned the Isir out portion nl Europe inta a bell upon earth. It provoked a war which resulted in tha slaughter If more thai; a million ol Frenchmen. Witney ton, the otiocitles qf the infidel Carbonari and Communists, their fiendish Ustred nl Christian people and tholr liantic ullb'ts ta ovorthrow tho very foundations ol society. With tho light of experience, we read and undorntand tho "true Inward ness'' of these enemies of human liberty when they demand free thought and bee opinion. The freedom that they desire Ii ; lit) lii'i'dom to dostrpv society aud lo dr until the earth with the blood ol those who lear tiod and kcop Ilia command, ramta. D. II. II. Treating. Iu Euitbiii i the habit of treating is K mat unknown, and w lien (me Iritud In vilcs an oilier lo tuko a drink it is under stood that each it to pay lor hii own, aod the bartender measures it. In poiut of lact, it is to go through what il wrongly called t "Dutch treat." This habit is also iu vogue in Canada, and an incident occurred iu one of our hotels last week, during the . llanlun-C'ourlney business, that by it? novelty, startled Ilia oldest in habitants. Two blucsnnses rntctcd til bar room, and one asked Hilly liurdine, "What's the plieo nl a diitik ol whisky !" "Fifteen cents," putting up the bottle and glumes. The couple of It mucks eyed tho glasses with sumo ticpidity, nud then lioked id iously at each other. "Will, now, you now," whierercd one to the other, 'I cau't diiuk thu full of ouo ol thope jlariea." "No more c.u I, ymi know," whispered the oit.ir, in. 1 they looked fust at the bland dec vf tbo haodsomo man behind the mahogany, itud then at each other. Suddenly the luce ol one bi'liteuoil ai bo tain : "We'll lake one between Ua, ru we can't liiuk two ;" and tilling one to tbe brim ho drank oil hall, passed tbo remainder to his t amidian broiler, who followed suit, nhipktd ilawu lilleen cents, aiui both lelt- Tho melancholy bar-teudar was muck numb, and it was luliy uvo luiuutei he- fore be could murnier, "Well, I'm like Itidt reek. 1 ought ta be damned." A subscribir asks if Eeecber preaches without notss. Not us long ts tbo banki cniilinnc to iasue, or seats cao sell for foU' WO a jisr. Oewcgo Record. A ynun UJy rejemhlei ammunition hers. use the powder it needed before, the ball. Maiatbou dependent. The dilT renre but ween liorte-railiih mid rtdiih borso Is this : Cue Is pot a horse at all. and the ether it a horse al sLO'hur color. GOLD"; (Irc-at chaneo to make moil- v, Wn neod a person m nvery town to take siil- icriiitlotiH for the laririwl. n nnpiMl anil lit si liliitlr.itt'il laliil Iv I'ublii ation in Hi" world. Any onaoan beC'ima a huccm-hIiiI Kcnnt. Nix olairant wurUaofail gteeti frnsi to aiibsoribma, Tho Tin pi o'o la ao low that allutml every body subscribes. On" ngont rnporla Inking 1 siibscribria In a dav. A lade agout rcporu mall lug ovor JOO cloar prulit in ton days. All who cntrauo nmko nioiiey fust. You oan diivoloHll your ttiuo to thu buslne, or Only your aparo tiuio. xoil nwa nol be away from Louie ovor night. You can tlo tins well ns others. Full directions and terms froa. Kb'gant and expensive outfit free. If vmi want nroillabla work send ua your addrona nt ones. It costs nothing to try too IhisIiikkh. No ouo who ting.igoo UiU to make grant pay. Addruas liwirgo Mlnaou il to. i-uriiunu, lUaiuo. jnly 15 ly T JTTCP business now bolorothe pub 1 J L-JkJ X Uo. Yau oan tnaKa money factor at work for ua tbnn t anythina ola Capital out requirod. Wo will atari yon. ;i:t day aud upwaruH umoo at ii "ine dv tliu indimlii'iiia. Men, wouieti, boy a and i-trU wanted avervwlieca to work for us. Now Is iho tlmp. You oan devote your wbdla lime to tlio work, or only your spare tiioini'nls. JSootbur Jjuhiuetn will pav you noarlv aa v. oil. No one willing to work can full to maka enonnaua pay by flcururiiic at oneo. Costly OntUt aud inrins rreo. A groat opiiortin ty for mating money'' easily and honorably. Addraas Jruo a Co, Auguau, wo. iuiyi)jy. r I Q H to. On Rqnar ' 'j 00 R 00 -M t Two Siiiarcia, 6 00 10 0 2 00 Thrafl Wiitiara; 8 00 15 00 30 CD J-'ourMquaros,..,0 00 J8 UO 86 00' J'onrtU llol'n, IJ09 0 00 40 0 lfalf(slumnl 2u 00 30 00 60 00 WbuloColuuin, Oca Year, ; 4 ft-: : . a-- TALISOTT A NONS SI10CKUE MACHINE W011K8, . . RICHMOND VA,' Man ii fuel n mm of Portnbla and HUtlonarjl Engines and Hollers. Wnw II 1 1 Is, Corn an!) Wheat Mills, Nbartlntr, Hamjers and PuC loya, Tiirblno Walor Vboola, Tobacco Ms chit,eiy, Wrought Iron Work, Rraaa au Iron Castiiigs, Mac'iluory of Every peas eription, ' GlSNINO AND ThRESniSO Mitcuvms, A SPECIALTY. Iteialr(ng rrnuipiij a fareltillf Done, ' TAI.IIOTT'.'s l'AI'KNT fl'AnK-AKRpsrB, The Invention ol IU Age, Itdoosnot dmtroy tba' draft. It doaa, not Interfere! with cloaning tho tube. ,K will monfl-Aa up, aod reqoirea no cJoai Ing. ' rT"' U rcqiilrna no diroot dampen to ka oponod wbon raiding Htoain dniupors bej ing objoetionable, an tboy niny be Iplt opera and nlloty apnrkif to osmpo.) ' ' It rrqiilrt-s nn wator to' rtxiingulsh aparks, which, by oondotiaalioB, dcatroyii tbo draft, Ilosldns, wliou waier la ueod, ji. tionle-otod, tbo fiUeiouoy ia dfHlroyed by ovnnoration of tba wator, ancj tbo boiler la kopt In a Oltby onnditlnri. It ia Biuiplo'and duraUla nud can Uo ra iled upon. Il cau baiittachcdtoanybollpr', No plnntor should tin witbnnt ouo of thcBi. -Insurance oorupunicH will laeure glius a4 i burns where tho Talbolt. Englnea and Spark-ArriiHtnra aro tisod at aame yato a" oliarifod for wator nr honio-nowat. JHTSond fur llluatratod olreulara and prion list. . , . . Iiraneh bouso, Ooldsboro, N. 0. J. A. II Al'SiKR, (ipnoral Manager, ' T. A. UUANUKlt, local Mauagotv niny 8 fim ' , KATURLSCW4 A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE ELQOaUVER&KIDNEYS. A rtvHci"sl n, l'jysarowDr- iiUitTrrw iu oaatrMjH. Vi a tlio uKvi - wWa yV' m p& ' Itr.",L HItW ' AAstilPfsT u fttl Mj4 i tl.T"Ui In t Hm ' lib uin'iciUit Lv IM .'rf oftll MoviffeiW MM ruvh M tturuA ttltt, fllMlOr-i, BodiSf fWfr,Ouft aiM KJkrHMUfim, Jfar MtritU M'imottwtf ; i R U U Olllwf ll((a '"lti Jflafi f yimttoti, Mour I rtnm, etm, ASK TOUR DWJCCTT roR it. ' "'. . t'ac Lliar CWt'atliU. CURATIVE, Iji EiJnty UMun. CllRATINE, CURATIVE, rut is i. iui tim CliRATIHE, Ki."!n...'i, ' I BAUTIMOIIS. Ua. dec li I y CAUKIAOtH XXD OLfpIIvf MA.DE TO ORDER Oil HBPAIltKO At L(iW THICHl'. ' All kinds of womt work and trim nil as lope iu irood stylo. RUcksmitli work doao at short nolico and with noatnoss. ' All - m fttri?io ia I L WW II 11 R 11. II i2ja m a .aria. aa ,m aasjia.-. 1- ni'ji work, warrant! J. l ino pointing of bii(.'gioa duiio at low pr.roa.bsst paint Mojti. ' I 1'T.VHl, ATTESITIOSI QIVE jjfj' THE UNUU'tTAKLNG DEl'ARTMET. (.-aRSrnj ir.' i .r.-Tr""T'" 'wi (ITiiis auJ.Caaaa of all alaa eopsUoUt n liaud. ' : MIIIA4V ..Iwitl,. k.i. l..,. bolow folersburg iurk"t. . Wolduu N. 0, Juno 5 ly J N O. T. y o u u , TkrK ple.tsurn in iitioiiiiclnj; thai h cau atilj ba lotnid al bis aland ou " V I R 3 T S T R K K T, " . Vfbeio bo has on Laud a full Lu.ii ol tea , Klnost ' , WINF.s' - - - . . WHHKIEfs. ana ' ' ' UKAM'IKS. I - . . '' TOUACf). ClUAkC?, ! !... , and SNt'KK, ... e a ORA.NtlES. AI'PIJJS, aud CONKKCTIQNERIjKjf His slock (if Caunod Goods aud OltKWf; loa ft unusually '' , ' . , ,. Full aval tomplite , ' )U CsniMT WHiBWit A Sracialjir.' . r-RKir 1 AO Kit BKKU OS BRAnont. ' ! He gimrautut' aailafai'tiiin. Call an sou tiiut. ' ' . '- Nqtsi fj; '. i .-f i t t i- "1 1 I A I; ?! 11 1 1 t ' fi a 1 i - ! ,4 ' Si j, il

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