THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC THE ROANOKE NEVS AUVKUTISING RATES. WKKKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY 8 X1 If. I I,. .11. LONG A W. W. II ALL. I 4 i-1 I ?2 nn l on 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D It. O K O. V. 1URTMAN', Burgeon D o n 1 1 1 OffIc over W. II Brown's pry (locals More, WKI.IION, N.P. Will visit parties nt tln'lr homes when .l.'lrvl. Terms lli;aiton..lilo. uet i ' ly J m. a ii 1 1. i a n n, ATTOUMF.Y AT I. Art', HALIFAX, N.C. OfH-n In tln Court Moiisc Hlrlrt At tout lull irlven to all hrauelies of tli" profession, jmi ii ly T. " K A N C H, AT IOKVKY AT HW. KNKIEU), N. C. Practices In tli counties nf Halifax. Naslt Kilifcniulie and Wilson. Collections mailt; In al juris of tin! Slate. Jan 13 t( W. HALL, a rnnti;Y at i.iiv, WELDOX, N. C. staeeiat ntl"ntin irivcn to ciuiM-iur s promptly 1 1 1 fi I . may nr. Colloe'f iollS mul lAlim II. MlM.i.HN. JOUS A. millHI!. M U I. L II M. 4)1(11)11 E, ATTOKXEY.S AT LAW. HALU'AX N.C. Practlc lu (he couul les of Halifax, Nortlintnp tun, K.l'fi'Oiinili,-, I'itt and Murlln In tin' Su preme court of the. State ami in tlo' Federal Courts tf the Kisteru District, (.'iillecllous made iu any part of the State. Jan 1 ly AM US II. O'HAIU, ATTORNEY AT HIV. KNKIEI.T), N. C. Practices In tln courts of Halifax and mlioiil- One Tour, In advance, Rix Months, " Three Montha, 11 I In counties, and in tin' Snpr, ninl Federal conns, tan ions main; in any pari ui in" Btat. Will nt (! at tin' court H nl-o; in Halifax on Monday anil Friday of i-ach week, jan istf R OD8HT O. BDKIOS J It. ATTORNEY AT I. WW HALIFAX N. 0. Praotlccs In tin' courts of Halifax, ami ailloin of tin I lujr counties. In tho Supremo court Will irlvo special nttcnllon to thi rnllee Hon f Halms, and to adjusting the a Mini of e- ceators, administrators ami Kiiariliim. Jj. A V 1 S L. H Y M A N, ATTORNEY AT l.WW HALIFAX. N.C. Fraction in thn courts of Halif ax ami a lioin tn ir counties, ami In tin Siiiri'ini ninl Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of Norlli Carolina. Ofllco in thn Court House. Jnlyllf ,rT SOMAS H. HILL, a. Attnrnry at Lair, H V LI FAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax ami ailiolulnir cniinti -s aii'l Federal ami Supremo courls. Will hi) at .Scotland Nock, once every fort nitrlit. ninr'Wif JOS. H. BATCH EL'JK. ATTORNEY AT I.tW, RALEIGH, N.C. Vractlc-s In thn courts of th mil .indicia! Biatrial ami in the Fi lcral and Supreme, Courls. way 11 If. T W. MASON ATIOKNEY AT LWW G VRYSIiUR'l, N. C. 1 Practices III th ladlniuin couullt1 4prntHcuiirts. Marts of Northampton and , also In tin Federal ninl Sii Jiin.' If. . It. BAY. A. C.,,'OI FKIl. II) AY k L 0 L 1. 1 C O V F IS 11. ATTORX EYS AT LAW, WKI.DON, N. '. I Tractlco In the courts of Halifax ami ud.ioinlnir filoiitities.aml in tli" Snprcni" and fed 'ral .Miirt-t. J Claims colleele I lii any part of North ca-ollin-Onu of tUa Una will always In found In the ,4 allien. Jinn1 ' 1 ' E. I.. U U N T E K , Co be found at bis office in KufioKl, Pure NitniuOxhs lias Inr the Pain tuaa Ktrautiin of TeotU always on haud. Juno 22 tt. A KDRK W J. II UBTO N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices In tin-courts of Hillfav Warren ami IJolulii counties ami in llieMipreine ami Fed eral cuurU. Cluliua collected in any pari "f North Carolina. June 111 I 11 II. SMirU, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Schtlaso Nuck. Halifax Coontt N. U I . I ractlcps In the couiilv of Halifax and adioln- luirouuties and iu the Jiiprvwi) cuurl of ih State, I'', ly. VOL. IX. The V'Nr Boll. Kltiff on, rinjf on. sweet vesper licll, From mil yotii- l. fty tower ; Tour silvery accents .seeill to tell How sacred Is the hour. Kllnr. for t lie day Is almost done ; And now Willie heaven's lilessill;;s fall, No itent ly, suit ly. overall, As if in answer to vntir call, Sweet vo.-p r bell, rilnr nil ! How Welcome were tile tulles, SWeet liell Oin Week a to-il.v) ! Ni' then teov niaii a ve! farewell Folnl Hps have liii.riie I to s.u ! Hmw main a s. iil to h.-avi u has roiie To win the f idc.-ss diadem ! Sad heart are ,.ft ;,,!, i, ,w t,.r thetn III tulles id slVe.-t reiUleill, Hinn, vesper Pell, rlu,; on : And Wilell a ...ill. sweet Ve-per liell, The day nf rest ,h , .1Me ; Who know. 'ill If he si II ill dwell Hi-re. Iii an ai ihiv ii.une llntt many a t.i.k w ill then tie .l-me! ' ll' llia I keep U H III h Is Care May lie. l i in,,. If, mn s. i ii I pr (, ,n ; Sweet hell ),ni warn us i, pri'tiare I Kmc on ! rim: .,ii ! rtiiif on ' THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN'S STORY. 'Captain Uiay, vihai is a Ian lutjlicr J'' The old nca riuitnii Liiiolii'ii onu ol h! licarty. tnlltckiiiK liiiifjlie, ns lu: met Hie i.".Zr! n( l lie aciiiius timvii I'VBi) lidinl Id Ins lace. A litmMublicr ? Why, my buy, tint's what tho sailors call uiiu who his never been ou Hit; wnle hluu sen. It strkes me that twi) xtry nVfiiiii lima g Hie wonl ate mtiine; clio IicshIo me now, wiiliiif; for Iheir s.ilor lti(.';ii to liri.'in Ins yam. Well, ,1 in lumly what sdall it be J' 'A true Btnry,' t x ''aimeil W iltcr. 'A love florv,' coyly u.hli-il lillccn year- o'il Alicu ' The nlil sailor hiokcl th-mhtlu a mo ment ; tlii n lie t-anl : Very well, it "IihII be both a true story m l n love ctoiy fumutLitiif which ban. ucd in my own hie. 'Tniriy jeat.s ano I v:n nnt the olJ mini you 8 'e me. 1 Ucse fjray h nrs were as blaik as Hie raven s wint' I Inn, ninl these wiinkleil rlniks hail been bronz ,1 beneath the rkiea ol many cliinej. From a m 'io lad I hat always loreJ the sea. uiui tho sen must have loved me ; lot Irom a poor cabin boy, I rose throueli haul wntk to what the woihl calls a sue. esslul man, anil the owner ninl captain ul ns etaneli a vessel as eyes c 'ulil wish to ee. I bail one ilmujliler named Nellie, the prettiot fjirl (so every one sni4) fur miles arouml. 8lio was all I hail to love, anil with a fond father's prid I fjave her the fun st n chillies uud sent her to the best ol schools. Tin 'J. when shu came homo Irom school lot ijooj filch pleasant times ns we had ! Ililt after a w hile a cloud came over my happiniis lor 1 bc'an to ce that mv pi ct ly (laughter could uot al navx elaj with inc. Admirers began to be utitiu iei tn our cosy colWjju, and one, I snon saw, Kullie lilcel better than any ol I he rest John Estey was his name, anil that he was a fair appeafiiifj lad I could not but admit, but he wfib (uly a common sailor bi lore the mai-t, and in my pi i .Iu I raid that never should the dauohter ol the optaiu ol the Ellen (hay wed w ith one no I ar eiiealhlnr. Reside, quite lately there had been another who ha I tceii and lan cied niy d innhter, and who bade mil hd 1 1 me hit w i b 1 1 tvaki! her his wife. M Ylonis was older th.n she lo be sine, by some ten ir twelve years, but he w is voy rich, mil I Ihouelil to nivsell how well Nel le, with her beaiilv and lndv-1 keuiaii; ners, wi uld ljtiiee his elegant Imntf. T hadn't lol l Nillie as yet of my I leus for her Itilnri ; hut a she had alrtnvs hetn one nl the uri atiit ol fjirls, I didn't ixptcl any opposition. lint one a't rnoon us 1 c itne home liotn the river and wa k j l quietly up the ;,"ir li'O path, hat tlmidd 1 sic but John Esley and Nellie seal, , I olosi; tooelher en the 9'oop. And, to tny ijieat indifjnutioll, the audacious lillow hul Ins uttn a . mid my ijirl's w n-t ! i'liey vi-1 ; evi.letciy tin away in mine woild ol their own, lor mv presence was unknown until, li-ca louih shell. I burst lu upoulhiin. vVh'it 1 rniid I do not remember. I was veiy ni'fjiy; hut wn'ds s""lien in passion u'o toii lor fjotlcn an 1 it is well lur us till that ii is so. T Uxo'.v th it 1 iimst l ave fa'd fomc ctuil. bluer ihii'i;'", lor n I hid 11. ished .Inlin K-icv to-e limn NilK's sole ml bis (are was vety white as he lepllnl quietly, his iu m ilked catiila-t to my wrath : '('iplaiti (iray. I oi your ilaujjhler. and hc has aeknn vie bjed that she Invis nie. Surely that Is n i cause lor the in. stiltitif? tliinus von have sal I to m.' Ju-t then N II. e lu oin to rrv. 'Suddenly his ralmnrss bit hnn. "II you wi-ie not lu r latln r.' he said, 1 would not bear nuch woids Irom you ; but as it is ' 'Ileie Nellie nunc and wound her anus aroun 1 me, when I stood nuisiuj; my nnoer. Father,' she said, 'wo love each other so I' 1 L we 1 between ahoy and a till!' I el 'laimeil ; Mull' an I noiimpiHe I' I'm n 1 Untie I to John and pointed to I he ftale. ' t).i ! I said, li-n'i'W, 'm I never runic near tny daughter aeaui. -'ho is uot lor 811. tl an you.' 'With a parting, pilvin look townrd Neiiie, who wm sohinu us it IilT h'illt wool I bre .k John went aw ay. 'The next day I lold Nellie of Mr. Mur lis' propos d, and ol his wealth and hie.h station. She lisVnid lilt I hid linished; then she 'aid i.o rillv, but with a look in ber eyeh 1 haJ uever situ iu llum bis fore : 'T love John Esley, lather, and it would be a sin lor me to marry another mat).' 'Ailer that, when it Cii'ini time lor mv next cini-e, 1 mada up my mind U wouldn't do to have Nellie alone in eur cntlaue home as I had alivaya done tilth" crto ; lor, lor nil 1 knew, that scamp (us 1 eal.ed linn) inifla induce tier to muny hnn wln'e I was awav. 'When I lolii Nellie ol tny inlanlion ol taking her wild mo she only an swered : "Wby, latlier, you know 1 have aiwav wanted lo iii with you ou a cruise, but yon never would take me ln-1 ne.' S w e sun led. 1 had her cabin fitted up as pretty as a little pallor, and the days went by merely. In the eveninfja we tat toiiether on the deck, aud Nellie would sine;, in her sweet Toice. Rocked In the Cradle ol the Deep,' and 'A Idle ou the Ocean Wave,' in. d ail the familiar sea ballads I loved The three we ks wcie cliuwia to aa end, aud 1 bey.iu lu hope WELD ON, that Nellie was Conine round to mv way ol thinking ; so I said ono moi niuf,', just ai we sirred tho home port : "Now, Nellie, like, a fjmd gitl, mike your lather happy by conentine lo do is he wishes.' 'She fl'ishcd an Indiortint, rosy red m she epiung to her Icet and toolivnled me. "Father, I have told you that 1 cm never love any but John. I would lather d;e than many Mr. Mortis!' 'Then, in my my turn, I fjot an,-ry, ' Very well.' I said ; 'we will be in port in ou bout's lime, and I have lo coi to I, (naming a town a une nii'cs distant) Icfne we f;o home. I had intended In have t ken you wnh me, but you shall Slav line all day till I return.' 'That fii;hc,cl her, us I kncv it wnn'd. "h, falhci, please do rot leave me alone on the ship, Wnat it Bomtthiun should happen ?' 'Hut I Was ol ilura'r ; and when she saw Ihat her ph adinir had been ol no avnil, Nellie saw tne fjo without another wonl. T smiled lo mjsc'l as I locked the cabin do lr. 'I'll see,' I thouoht, 'if a seventeen year old Bitl can set her will against mine.' 'So nil I went. Rut I was not sn hatd hc irtc.l as 1 tried to be ; lor lhoiic;lits ol my little Nellie locked in her cabin all slum; trotitiled me all day, and as soon as I cotlhl I transacted mv biisimss and huts Med back. It was fjiowinj dusk as I leached the dock where the Ellin (hay was momcd, and the first thino 1 saw was a oreat crowd ol people, secnnnly iim -h eieite l over s 'nirthinu'. Then I mi. ed the Ellen (iray, thouijh 1 strained my eyes I could see no siyti ol her. 'Tretnlilino and shakm;; under the the influence of a ten ibtu leal, 1 asked some one who vns p:.sine; : ' 'What is the matter ? What Is the rioivd lor ?' 'The mail did not know me, or ho cer tainly would have used more "uution. filulllf be rcpea'cd : "There's been an accident, sir. A I nigc loaded with iron ran into the Ellen (hay, and sunk her. The caplain was an ay, they say, and the ciew had (join oil on their own hook. (h.'T the ealnn boy was cn board, and ho was picked up hall diowncd, and taken to his homo So it isn't so bad as it miyht be, lor no lives are lost.' 'I fja. 'd lor a moment wildly into Ins fare, hardly coinp'ehcndiun bis words, I hen fliuo'nii; up oiy nuns, 1 ciud iu a voire of asjony : "No lives lost? Man, I am a rour dcier ! My daughter w is on that ship!' 'Then a mercilul daikuus came oici iv. y vision, and I knew no morn lor a lime. When I came too I (mind myself in a drn,"i;i8fs shop, wheie I had bet n en I li d, and I c iiilil hear as iu a dicnm hnv voice about uif sayino ; "How sad! Ol courso the poor fjirl must have fjone down with the ship.' ' I heu slid lenly I icmeiubered all, Bud cried out : 'My child ! my cbild ! I have killed my cliiltl I' ' Then 1 lost con' eiousncss for the socon I tunc, unit when 1 awoke 1 was in lied, an I somo one was scale I beside inn. It was John E-tey. Willi a sh ip pun at my In hi t, I iccojui. iil the manly, handsome lace ol the lad mv fjirl loved. No, ha I loved. A!s ! tliiouoh her unuaiii! ii father's own act her sweet young Ide had been made a -acioieo to a liniment's an;;iv passion. John saw Ihat I knew liiin, and heml ine; over my bed, he look my hai.d as he said : ' Aie you beltt r, captain t' ' '1 do not w ish to be better,' I answeird ; 'if I daied lo piav I would ask the l.u,l to let me die. tint I am a imiidue'- I have killed my child -I lime uot ptay.' ' Don't led Ihat way Captain U'.iv. How could you know whit was to Imp pen 1' Tlis ejeiillcness ho who h id such cause to bale me went sliaioht to ny he lit, "John.' I exc'i'iinic I, 'can voU fot:jive me f ir my i.ip'iy winds ? 1 see now how wi.inol was, lor I had ho'ihiiifj' Hfjaiust Vim save (bit yoll Well, not Hi ll. Oil John, bow I wish I foulil put my chilli's hul l lu you s and say lake. In r. Mv li iuohler, mv be aultlul child !' "C'l'tain.' sul John, huskily, 'arc yon sit e ol Ihat! Could siie Hot huvo utivi d by some rhance ?' His tone and the vxpies.ion of Ins luci showed me he was keetiin soun''.!ittio back. John 1' 1 aluiosd sin ii-Ued, 'wlydo you speak in ihat wav ( For lue'ry' do iinl wait il yoti liuve aey oeod news for me ! Then he tnld me how slinttly after I lind Iclt. M'cini; thai the Ellen (hav wis in poll, he had jnne down to t li t dm I., and rowed huii'i'it ovet to the s ip, lo 1 1 v and olpain some wind o' Ne he, who l.e knew hud eniie w I'll me on my ciui-e. To Ins iirnrise he had loitn I (he sh n di ttlted hv all o: Ho Clew save Ihe c uiiii-Ium, h ' told hnn that E h u was on boald locked n the .-ai m. Tn a ttiee be had picked tl o I n k ; and lial very ilay the two yotino people took mailers into their own Inn Is. an I, einne, heh r.- a miuisle:, had plijjhled eacli o.hir lhe:r vows "NVilie he'd back at fltst,' sai l John, for she h'Hicd that you would nevi r lot cive he:, lint I said it would ail come ri:;ht in tlnie, an I that il wo wailed we Uiieht be se, a ated lo lever, So she con smud.' 'As he lold n.oull this, I, who had al ways p'lded myself ou my alionfjlh, bloke down and cind like a baby. Turn came a slop outside, and a sweet voice I had thoil'jlit lo ver to hear nijiiin called out: 'Father I dear lather!' and tie ae was Nellie clasping ma round Ihe nuk with both suit anus ns il she would never bt mo tjo, aud weeping and smiliuo all tooelher. 'They wcie happy ilats, aud yents altei that, John and Neilie came lo live with mo in our cosy cof.aoo near the spjand I I ar lly could tell which I luted beit my son or my daughter. 'As to Eden (iray, I scarcely felt her h H at all In my ureal Uiaiiklulness that God io Hit mercy had kept mu Irom liv ing will) Ihe dreadful lhoujht always bi lore my mind Hat I had bei u my child's wu.deiei, 1 had uul touui to uiouiu.' N. C, THURSDAY, I'niisiiiil i:viileno-. IIai ikax, N. (; , July '-liud, ISO. EniTDKs Nitwa- I send you for pub'i 'a tinn Hie lollowina; exiract Irom Tyler's lile of Chief Justice Taney. It may be of some inleiest to the mrmhtrs ol Ihe b o il pun lesion. T. N II. The liiofjrnphcr sas : ' In CamplicH's repotts will be found, tl e ca -c of lb ed vs Cai Usi lelaiiir to ihe c p nrjht lor a musical couiposilhoi, Wint t ink place on the dial hclorti Chiel Just c I ' n 1 1 1 V . at Ci cult coin I in ll.tiiiinote, is Uiveti in a letter to Mr Campbell, Wiii.tcn by one ol the couiiacl iu the case, for my use :" I'.m.i i u jr.K. Febiuary 8th, Iffl?. .1 M Is .11 I'UIII t.eii, in.,. Dkaii Si ii: -1 can only comply in a very !fii 1 1 al Way. with your icqui'st that I slioulil lutnisli yi 11 W illi a Hal i at i ve nl Hie piocei iliiius in the cise ol tie ifjc 1'. I!ee, vs. Saiiniel Catii-i, tin d bdoteC. J Tmey at November teim, lSI'i, in the Ciiruil court Flitted S ales, iu It iitimoi e. The papcis I've hern able to find, present n Viry iiieaete rejild ol the case, nnd alia the lapse ol more than twenty yean I can not pl.lrnd (o ncall Willi nci'iiiacy the special ciicumstauees u! the tiia'. lint 1 lot nisti you with such I cm recollect. Kind w is a inns c .se'iel le. I! 's'on, and had puhl she I and I'opynoliti d an air set to the wolds o I a popular ballad ol I l.e day, cotiinoscil hy Mi-s El. 1 Cook, mi l called "i'Iic Oid Aim Clout." The ailtlior sh:p ol Hie music was (liimed by Mr I letliy liu s. 1! a Lupous siu.jer ; and Ihe pine was in ;;teit deman I. C.iui'i was a itiu-ic pub i-lier iu I! illiiiiote, w ho, avai' iti:; hiinsell ol the popularly ol the son;, had adopted to the words another soul what similar air, which he e In une I lo be a lilliTciil composition, uud published mil sol I il; liinl ho was sued by I' ed III tin' Cncuil eoiut liol iiv ( lip I .Iti.tiee Tsi.ev, lot all inlrintjeiii' nl nl the cupyi lolit. The case was ititue'y novel in its le., lines, and p'esented m me vctv ici plexinej ij leslion.s as to what eotistilu'ed "in iu inality" in miii' al composiui'ti, us to uu rifjht ol Mr. liussell lo he considcn d the "author" ol the air which hid bci.n cn:',yii;:htc,l. Thete was a oreat deal ol Inline.) nutsical ti'stitiiony anil lon nsic disctjssiun "ii these very unpo t int points, the pm tn iilats id wiiii'h and II, e Chid Jit-lice's mimes toelcon. I do no; iiiiiemlici . Ilul 1 nel 1 vety distinctly otio cii.-uni stance in the c ise which .a so pu u'iar that it c mid not easily be loifjntten. Then- was a i'letion ol I ict, wb.tlier Ihe air adopted by Catu-i to Ilic w tuls was siibstatilt i ly the suuic as which had leu tl ii-e I bv Mr, 1! i'-cll, on tins p nut, Ihe iiiiisr al i '.pel n ; iom i . d.iiit anion j theiu-rlv. , d il, red wtd dv in their testimony. Some lllsl-li-d ill it II c iii Is Wi re lib ill eal; olln is. that there w .s a maike.l and easili to b- r. coin d .lit lei i-licit le t 'en I i 1 1 1 i n .-1 1 tin i ot ll.ct ol opinion, It pio;'o-i ,l by Mi. Li! rube, who was tho piiinl ,T coiinsi I that Ml John Cole, an nol pioli-nonil suiejcr, Khould be i-worit a; i Wilnest, that tin y ueit j idi;e lor tin insrlvis whether Ihe two aits wile sunilsr or Hot. I IC iiieniber nsistini; tnosl slietioiisly on In h il I ol the ili'li n uiiil, the Hill oddc! inn ol Jlus nnvi I spi a ii s ul eynlciici ; but the Cnii'l .1 usiice nv. 1 1 ul. I Hi.' i i'jec'ion, s aiuio Ih it he w til l make a rule lor Ihe case, which he c u.-nl, n d a le o- n.a'.ih' one, liowi ycr ii 'vul a i I p cu'.i ir il ttu jlit be ; that as the jury Wire to tb o rniine w het her t'.e t v nit ' wcie sun 'ntiiiai y ihe same the In-' vidincc with til y c uiM be Im lusln .1, Woti d be the sinjjine id tin in by an c.xpiit wit.ics.. Mr. Cole aie 'iiluieiv pn eeciiel lu Ihe maiinei nub I Ihe di.i c'iiti ol the Chid Jlls'lCC, til ililol l.' I ill" tWO s.'tios slKci-MVl-. ly in open c iiiii ; and Ihe aj-oi ai nice ol tli' sin:;, r, the I nn, tit able, in ut uo.'i.) Is Cinlci c o! I . , t ' I all :, the atln a ol lln wotiis, w'i'i o a tieiily as I rn'ollcd, I in s uiii m h e iu 1 1 1 ' -: w ay ; ,,ve 0 ' I ;..( il and o I. i-ielo dar T.. i I, ..I. lie IT l-i o : i! ! im t " .Ve toithir wnh the sn.jjular and vaued i ii. ol pic i-u.e. nl .lis ipptobatie:t mi I lie liti'es n the iiiii'ical illicit. toll pie-i lit 1. 1. 1. lu ed t . v i. I'-l. 's cniolri'te lender ipi ol Ihe nnt's, wool 1 any other cue litis; m -, s Inv" c.o itcd iu the cinwd ol ln-!:Ui I, t s 'I.e. i; ihL- 1 U -liter mid C'oilil- sioll. lid! tne v tnei .1 list ice, Willi fower p. euli'i Iv Ins own, ol le-lrainiiie; iilm -t by a u ani'ii Hie sli jiiteit tiii-itcb ul ib ci uiii in his cunt, over iiwul and Icprcs-ei! cveiy deinonsi atlon ol diste-n ct bv Ihe placid and ih-n li; il atti'iit lull w hieh he lie-'.owcl Ihlollliiiiit upon Mr. tik'. nitisiv.d II rts 1 lioiibl il the s.uiio sceiiii could Ii ive In iu iu n f I u: iu. y other i-iiul without io.lin'ii'o s one at Ica-t ul ihe listeneis to lu:o,t r.i.,1 vi, l.i.te the i ii.-teiu irv rules nl .i udieial lin'oi 'inn . Ti.e case was ai'U'.'d l the Jury yrho ma I ' up tin ir uiiu. Is that there was only a dill'-ririec in the soiio. bciweeii "Twee I lii'ii an I Twee llcdce' and there was tu couli'i",!) a vi t in t lor the jilaini.ll. I am vi ry tinly j ouis. M. F. Fiiicii - . - It by Or. Ti.iincr .ol llivnrccil. Ah nl tin o'll.ik lii I a los visi'di I he iloctoi as he lay in Inline; in Ins c 't in the U'dli o y, and Willi one id tl.ioi. who wn ni.l.i.:!ji!;.U' !;.l:.Vtt in ;;i::u:a! tif neii-ui, I c ciivetsi'l l"r suiiie m iiuics. He Inid her that whcitai he dcuvc.l slieiif! h lifin cut t in the ;! of (hose who weic in su'dpathy with luui in his ta-kainlwiui Hilly belli ved in Ins iion- e-ly id iuihm', he b st cons'dt lablc vital foiei' eveiy tune lie was stibpcleilo the floe -line ol llldSi! who ii a I 11.) I ulil i:i Ii . I it . und who viewed his i X etuiient leeiely lioin a'y inotioei's s tunl point. As Ibis lafy si fined d'Sj.n'L I to pioltinU her ehi.t nd ii linilutn, Ih. Tanner soon lay hack lesionedly, closed his eyes mid laned into silence. Fven a lady, tin I when lectiuieij nn 1 1 i r ( spniisc, fin. Is a ciivi sit ion iu which Ihe talkiu is all oil one side somewhat moil, touous, so the msneellt! lady su n abaliiloned the licit I . Aib r sleepini: lor hall an hour the Doc tor woke, and siituie; up ou bis cot, tinned to the lletald rep "in r and said : T fjuess I i-.tinht b) say uiiiiu I'. ii ab Hit Ihat wo man ol mine who ha Icon uoikii".' a s. ale cent, I mc in Ihe Fir;jo Aijjii". oi en Shu was a Ivinpha'io, q'liu uhois, bllli 'US Uiuniiilt.n; suit (il a wounui, a:nl. cuntraiy to mv advico, she permsied in q inlinually ilullinii hcuell to rcplel un with all kinds id iudiei stible luotl, and hi a uatutal consi qui nee slto was always coin pi liidnu tln.l jho was sick Will, 1 stood tins k.ud ol il.nqj Ull cjuld Lea: it uu AUGUST 5, 1880. lonorr. I fntind at last that it was quite impo'siblo for any reasonable; bcine; to live on 'ertns of cnnfoit with a woman who daily gorged herself with corned beef and cabbage, pies, cheese, ci tillers, )ii'.kles, riouuhnuls, chestnuts and all sorts of imliijcsliblc tlnniis. Ho wo got divorced. N. V. Heiald, The I.iisil lrid. C INKKS'IUS I'K A lilCKOKMKl) (IAMIII.Kn-A llolir THAT MAliK It 1 M SWKAll UFt, l.eadv lite Clll'.-llicle. 'T never dealt afjaitd'' Tucic words lell limn the lips nf a grn tlcnmi well known iu Leadville, yet lew reeoon zi! in the i h-o u,t ca-y fjoine; man who coinmauds the rc-pect ol li s lellow fit 'lis. thu luce cool-lieaiied linpeilu'ba hie "ambler, who. in his day, lifjured pr imir.etitly ttlonjj the I'ac fie ('oat, and was almo-t utiivei -ally rccojjoiz ; I as the uluovde-t laro dealer i i the West. "As I r the mine's morality, that's iu ither here nor there. When I o tit upon the sq'iare it is much like, any other fjniiio. It is not to be thouoht that the law w ill Hurler men a bit il they yvaat to play, and olten they me lon ver cilied ol iluyinK when they find it doe.-n't pay. 1 dealt the tunic for twenty years, but I've quit now, I m nle tiollnno, nor lost any thine;, and, hut lor a si;jht I once siw. 1 should proba bly be a fjnnblcr stdl. Hereby batiks a talc. Let me It'll it : "Some three years atju I inn a hifrhsloncd game at a certain plat e you jiiobubly know lor it s'likes Die I saw you Ihere. It was a iqiivc "aine, as I will Isave any one to say -a llitiviiii; Ramc, lor I dealt lor hah ttie bloo Is in to. n, and olten I had as in i ii y ns live lays u! a time, with to ) much busdusi o.i hand to even f:et time to res!. (Inn evenin.o a yotilij chap sti oiled in, with a son ul cmiotis stare on Ins face, atid 1 c ine'n.bil rtfjlit there Ihat he was llii'in. He was I ut haired and had a pair ol blue eyes an I cleat-cut Icatutes an in ii.n cut lookini; yo'inn fellow il ever I sav one. It only icquireil a olatice lo convince you that he w is a stranger in I lie Rambling room, lie sn in w is al home though, lor I saw in his blue eyes the love ol play, and alter that evening ho was a condaiit visi tor. He played his pile right up an 1 up, tin t never uigwb d il his luck was hard, and mi every cud he'd stin k Ihe limits up ia blue. Take it altogether, his luck was hard -s'omcliiHfS Ihe hardest, 1 think, I uvcr raw. I've known him te lose at a sin gle dc d seven double shots. ' Il' or me, ol course, but sonio how it almost seemed too bad. I couldn't r.iy a woid, thoUfjb, and yet I liked the boy. He I ui I lots of the lil'hy ltieie. I '.i, on. l,'o,, i tin ilav he I'.-g'in he must have duipped a co d UlO OdO on Ihe game, mid he in vil gtowled. "We bin It 1 1 ii i t fjamblui;; the same niuht - he, poor lad, lor sullicleol leasoiis, and I la cause 1 loathed lliu game. It was in tuts wise ; His coin irave out in a deal or two, ami he put up a ill iiiiond r 1 ii tr just to Bee his ill lip k out, ynil know. Ihe chips soon wint. He hint a pin, a II lining stone iu massive melal. lie passed that in without a wold an I drew full) cold. So help uie Cflil! 1 wished bun luck as In m 1 1 1 v as any player thutr; but no, his last slack went my wav on a losing a. e 11" ihew l!10 uiHie. I think, on his w Cell and chain, aud uiid line ol bets ii"iin, but his luck Viaa gone. Mv (I. I ! I'd never toioet the pale, I n; i l look that cio-scd his lace, but he w is ijauie. IK- never uttered a word, and ke,il hut hair like a illar ol slow. For a ii.imirnt le- sremod do.o! at Ins reverses, I n: s'.iddi uly Ins eye caii'jht the thin, worn c 1 1 1 let ol dull gold on his little tingrr. He lool.elatit a lu'le whi'c, anil a daik wave ol Im', Ctiinsoti blond pas ed over his I ire, ler this ciiclet s.ctiied to cling even la-tor than Ihe 11 ishing gem It, had passed i:i hi liiic. He a' la-t .stripped it oil' his im ;ir an I handed it. to me. It chub re luctantly, this woni, old ling. 'What can I have nn this," he nsld ill' I don't, know Will I ils Value is, but I'll I to I at Ul it lit!) I of all.' I' mieht have i' 1, new, but it w. is worlhliss then. Still 1 pa-scd out a lilty stack in re' urn, jus! In lit him try his luck i:a!ii. lie jilanke I it ilowii ill the pot, mid then low upon lliu ( u 1 1 j he laid Lis lace iipoti his uidid aims. Well, lor a woii'iei. Ins luck chanyed, and h: Won llnee He Iflek no notice ol me as I to I him when Ihe limil bailed, and sn wc !l:iM'tl two liny on each caul, Would you believe i'f In the ! al the put woo out nnd nevei los And still he lay with his lace hid III Ins a'in. Ihe deal was nut and I shook 111 in up, bu' tiat a muscle iiiiive I, and, l itsiu:; Ills f.i c, I stinted back in honor at the glassy e.Vii s-lnu id Ills ee. lor Ihe b iy dea l! "I've u'tleii yvondricil to irvself since that niuht what lliouoi!s ninl flitting lliiiiioi his Inaiu as he bowed his heiui his lace 1 1 .m our sight, wlint jilcdoes ol a In iter life, Uriels lor a loilunc he had Ihiuwii awuy with lavish hand and loath iiil' ol Ins n it vocabl't cctnse. Who can lei,; We can but guess nt ihem, but may nevrliel. 1 1 is lace showed yeats ol lull cii'luii"! in that In i( fjniiie, but it was not until Ihe c ootid h jury sat that I learned a l. Ili lnic ihem was developed Ihe bid that the ring ihat I ml cli uigcil luck, is it did his x 'siciice, w an one jjivin hnn tiy Irs deir ib ad inother y nts belore. Foot h.'j! I ncv-i d.alt a -- . Ilu-xli'S in Hio I'ai k. The Setitnicl advises the removal ol the seat- Il flit the niiK because lingg'.ng Is iloiic on Ihem. (ileal heavers, has it come m this? Aie the ilcatesl lights nl Ih American citi'.ens lo be abridged in tins sinnm iry in uiuei ? let us call tho atien timi nl that powerlul ianir lo a clause in the ileclaiatinu n inib jionilcnce. which as serts t ha! "all men are created Irec nnd equal, endowed with certain inalienable tights among ejliich arc lile. liberty mid the puiniit ol hiippincav." When the fm meih ol that grc it decimation ol i iitepend dice were ut woik nn that clause, ihcv must have had lit view the iasiimu ol hogijinc, iu the parks, Hugging Is certain, ly a "pursuit of liaipii e. a." I'oiijiIc do not lug lor wages -tint i.., i vc.q.t en tl e s'.'gc Nobody is ot.lioul to buo. It is a s ol ol spontaneous coiiibus'ion, as it wem ol tin: Iceliii ,s, nnd has to havu proper c 'ii.lo.ioiu ol the iituiostihcra to tnnke il a Fit lies who objected to hugging :.r o il, usually, aad have bei i satiated, and aie like a lemau that has doue duty iu a c.iicus Ii inonade. If limy had a job ol huguing liny wodhl hire a man to do It I. r ihem. uau who touildMud of a, little cmtural NO. 23. sotri inspiring hugging on a back seat in a park, if an evening.witli a luuntain throw. i:ig water all over little iron cupids, h p'ohably got a goul, but ho hasn't got it with him. Tn the student ol nature thrte is nn sight more beautilul than to see a flack ol young people take scats in the patk, afier the sun has unne tn bed in Hie W t an 1 the moon has pullrd a fleecy cloud over her lace for a veii, so as not In disturb the worshippers. A couple, one a male and the other a female, will sit lar apart on the iron seat, for a moment, when the young lady will try tt fix lu r cloak over her slimilders and she can't fix it, and then Iho young man will he'p licr. and when he has (jot it fixed he will go off and leave one arm around the small of her back. lie will miss his arm ami wonder where he Iclt it, aud go back alter it, and and in the dark lie will feel around wi lt the other hand to floil the hand he let. s id'lcttly the two hands will meet, they will express sstonishmcnt, and clasp eacii other and be so glad they will begin to rqiiec.e, and the chances aro that they will cut tho girl in two, but they never do. L'mler siieh ci'cumstances s girl exist! en less atmosphere than she can wheu doing a washing. Kxc.litinge. Were it but fashi inab'c, the ladies would take ell their hair lor the hot season. lie who will take no advice, but be al ways his own counselor, is sure I have a foul nlten for his client. The three most dillicult things are lo keep a fectet, lo lorget an injury, and to make good use ol leisure. An Iowa pa)cr tulls of an immigrant wagn iasing through Ihat Stale with the legei d telling a nnurulul exj crieucc as lollows : Weill West Willi cull, Holm; Last for hash. "You must ndmit, doctor," said n witty lady to n celebrated doctor of divinity, with whom she was srpuing the question of the "quality of thejsrxes" "yon must admit that womnn was crea ted before mini? "Well, really, ninilaoie," said the nstonislied divine, "1 must nsk you to prove your case." That can be easily done, sir. Wasn't F,o the first maid ?" ADVKUilSKMKNTS. pf U I (ircnt ohiiiifo to miikn iiioii. 'lVXJlpy. Wo need n ieron tn c cory town to t iko subscriptions for the hirgt's. e' papiml and brsst iltiist ruled fami ly I'libiicition In thn world. Any one cuu bei'oinn a successlul agent. Six elegant works of ai t K'von true to subscribers. Tho The prieo Is no low that uliiioNt everybody Hiib .ci ii ns. lino agent reports taking l'-l.'i Mtibsei tliors In n ilav. A bide ngnnt reports making nvor f'oo elKii-proiit lu ton days'. All whn engago liniko money last. You can ib'volo ail your liino lo tiio 1iihIiics or only your spate tuna. You need not I'uawiiv from Lnnio over night. You can do it as yvell ah others. Full directions and tonus fieo. Kh'gant and expensive ontlit free. If you want profitable work send ui your addrosH al oneo. llj costs ilotiuiic; to Icy liu business. No ono who engages fail In make grout pa v. Addross liitorgn stimuli A I'o. Portland, Maine, July I ft ly mlyirn business now botoro the- pub iO I lie. Ynil can iniiko money (aster at work lor ui tliati nl ti'ivthini, oKn Capital ip t rciuiroi. Wo w ill start y n. fli a day and upv.ardH inmlo at boiiin bv 1 1 at indiis' riotii. Men, women, boys ninl girls wanted ovei y whero to work lor us. Now is llio time You can ileMitn your whole time lo llio work, or only ymir spurn iiiiMiietus. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No ono w illing to work c.u fall to mnkn nnornioiiM pav by 1'iigaglng ill oneo. Costly (Mil lit. nnd terms free, A great opportunity for milking nioiuiy easily ninl honorably. Address Trim A Co. Angiiula, Mo. July b ly. s i l'.V IT. OF NdllTIl CAROLINA, 1 1 ull Tux County, Superior Court. Hiehartl C Itadgor, and w ife, and others, I'lai nt ills Against W. A. Hantel, .Inn. !. Wliitllold.iiiid others lle'ltlldiulls. ) Ordor for Pub ( hcaliuu This Is a civil action pendl-g In said o nut iosiitiiti d by ttie pliinlilVs Itichard I'. Iladgor uud wilo soil others, againsi W. A. I' miol, .1 no. t i. W hll lidd, anil ,s Inn m to ri envoi "I Ihe dot'ioid.iiit V. A. I'ani"l ami liisfuri'lies the iiiiioiint duo by bun as Ihn gaiiidiati ol'llie plaintill'is and to sub ieet the land tllvisetl by tho last will and itsiaiiii'til of Andrivw Jovner, deceasoil, t the ii.ivniuntot said 'roeovery, sanl lands ciiiisisiiug in part ol tho I met whotonn the oloiiilanl .Ino. u. liillielil ro.iiiuil, sit. uaiiid In Mi'id county of Halifax near of Ihe town of Fiilinld. I lie don'.ll of said tlorendiint wliitllnld having at spring I 'nil llsil of this court lieeii siiggiistntl, and that his l-lxeeulor loscnli C. ltell.ainv, his children Mary l'anuv Kiddick. Fvelvn W. I'loreo leilant J.H.I'loreo ltobori I r'hilt!od and othors. i'1'ori seiit said dolenilai' t d niteri'sts in (his aelion ami am lb" l oner and necessary parlies lo a I uul n J tl tl I II c s 1 1 a ii il his llgiua unrein, il was or- ilt'ioil lit H iiiaau 1. iuu i i tin in il. id sin) ' d be 111 .do to ap. our by pro. per nib.' .vil thai any " mu.i nirnes are non ic cuts upon wlioiii service of p-o-cost c.iiinot b" made nersouaMv. then the said lion residents are lo be nolilioil by ptibllcation ns Is reiiiuetl law, ami the mu, res.ileucv and nil enee lioin the Stale so Hint MiuiiiioiiB i lino nt l o p' rsonallv sot veil upon tbo n of i e said Mary Fanny Kidtliok. and .l.ll.l'ioreo and wife, Kvelyi W. l'lerco and r.olnita Wh Hioltl being made t"iinii"i r by alu.lavlts as reiiiin ed Now tlinrefiiro n said Mary Kannv Itiddiek, J. II. Pier. ,i and wife, Kvelyu W. anil Kobeiui .llileltl nro noreiy n . lib I I ) bo and appear bn lorn tin ,1ml e of our Superior court, nt a court .0 be l.e'd bn' too county ol iiniiinx Malo of No, 'i Carol' ia, at the Courthouse In Ha'' a x town on tlm Mnmlny In Sop, inn .ar I 0. I ' en and (hero lo ilnli inl their nili'iest bero I, I id tnrtbnr to do nod receive w b our said court shall then ami (hero oousider ot Ilium in this behalf. Lot this notion bn inserted ir! the Ibm nuke News, a iiowsqiiiper iiibllshed In said coiiulv ol nalinys, ouoo a wuck for ,i Niici'iessivo WMtks. Wnness John T. lirogoiy. Clink of our snitl eonrl at iillb-e ill Halilax tnwn, Ibis the 17U day of duly A. I). ls--o. JOHN T. (HtKtiUItY, Clerk Superior Court, Halifax I'minty, N. C, Mullen ,t Moore Attys. for P(aiutfl, july D-iw, I 2 I 8 S SPACE ISIS M I O I H S 'no Square, 8 00 (10 H 00 Two Squares, ft no n oo 20 00 TIiipo Siimi-es, 8 00 1,1 00 30 00 F.iur Squares, 10 00 18 00 MOO Fourth Cul'n, l"i 00 20 0(1 40 00 Hull Column, 'M 00 30 00 CO 00 Whole Column, One Year, 2ft 09 SO 00 40 00 ii 00 f.0 00 6& 00 75 00 r i. t.-x-' .1 v ra TAI.ItO I I' .V HOH SUOCKOK MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Muniifiietiirors ol Pnrlablo and Slatlonarf Fugtiii's aii'l Umlers. Saw Mills, Corn anil Wheal Mills, tsiialiing, Hangers and Pill leys, Turbine Wnler Wlimils, Tobacco M cliu.i i v, Wioiigbt lion Work, limns and Iron Castings, Machinery of Kvery loa CI 'iitlilll. OlNNINd AND TllltKSllINO MACHINES A 8P1XTALTY. Hepnirliig l'roiiii(lj tt C'Arcfally llonp. TAl.DO I'T'.s 1'AI'KNT.srAllK-AltRKHTBn, 'J he luvi-iilloii ol llio Age. It does not iloilrov llio draft. It dors not InloiToro with cleaning t Im tubes. It will not th iko up, and rcijulrtisj no clean ing. It require no direct dampers to lie npi'iied whi'ii raising .stctim (ilnnipera bo iug ui'i'.eiion ililo, as they may be loll open and allow s' arks to esea e I It riquirrs no waier to oxtinguish upai ks, wliieii, ,y conilnnsaliiin, tlcMrovH llio tlnill. Ilosiilos, w him water is used.'lf iii'glecii'tl, lliu clUeinncy Is ilcMrnveil by evaportition ii thn wator, and the boiler isj kept in lilihy ciindilhip. It is Himplo and dnriitiln ami ran bo re lied upon. It t an bo ittiaclicd to any boiler. No plainer should be without one iu them. Insurance companies will insure gins anil bm ns whero llio Talliou Knginei and Spark-Arresters am used at sumo rate Ha charged lor water or horsoqiowor. -er.sniul for illustrated circulars and price list. lSraneli lioimo, (Joldshoro, N". C. J. A. II AL'SKH, Umipral Manager. T. A.tiHANtiKH, lMcl Managar. may 8 lliu iinms i,wr ait irw avMa GIH.ATINE. foe Uroc I'u-ilWtii i io'.vaic an isL.s. .a- ihf ittnmt, mm I Irar, (in HMma li.iriiiie'w in MMim mm nnsstiHii In Ma CURATINE, I'd liijnt'y Luui Ii M uio'icviiMl iar M euro isr all HltmjrlMm MtMisa nurA I i aa asTrsjaai tiJa, lyiimnn. Trlfr.tMIt Uhn CURATINE, aLNMiiNnii , .Wars, H-IJ fiWot.fMjat nlS'l 'AHfJNllMt l)WM.Ia, f ii a. ijvml tun. M.IHf astvtM. tirh. irfMllMt I rinm, rl. Tst UbuuiuAllati. CURATINE, Tift ticiiiu, !. ASK TOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. mrjoimBatai BALTlUORC, Mi. CURATINE F,tf r-,e..u. I llll lr itaT nVrs.- inj. jawsprraa lilt- IS Iv . IS. VI.CK ( -KKIUiHM ,tll ltrdiUII.!, MADE TO ORDER Oil KEPAIUED AT LOW TtUCEB, All kinds of wood woik and trlmminir loon in g.i.,,1 styin. lilaeksiniili work dona at sbori milieu ami with nnntiniNS. All now work vwin.inlid. l ira palming for buggies done at low prices, t.est jiaint used. - s:'iiii,,tirtMH en v i:to THE L'NDliitTAKlNO DEPARTMENT, Coflliis ati.l.Casos of all Blues constant! on hand, Carrtao M uortals kept ontiiinj atpi lc below I'elorsburg market . Weldon N. U. June 5 ly JN (l. T. F O 11 D , rakes ideasiiro in nntioiitn-lna tbat he can still be loiitnl at his stand ou KlUfiT BTUEE T, Where ho lias on hand a full Hue of tlm Finest WIN IN, Wli.'sKIKS. and JtKAN HI f.S, TDM C('i, riUAKS, unit SNPFK, tlAN('K.s. APPLES, -uud CONFFCTlONKKlKa His slock ofCiiuned Coods And Cjrooer io in (tuuaunlly Full aud (V ill p I I Oin riaiNstr WtusHT A tmiatrry, FRKMl I.AUHH BKKH 0J DRACUtfp. 11a giiiiiaiilee aaUslV'tloa, Cal aud sue Uiui, Not 24 Jt nil lyl1 MEDICINE FORTHlfiK lBl00D,lflR&KlCc5l " i hrfttton ILO tn