1 V-: THE ROANOKE NEWS. I A DEMOCRATIC W iBK'LI NEWSPAPER, f ,T , t PUBLISH ED BY . " r,.. LOU A W. W. II ALL. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. One Tear, tn advance, Six Months,,- " Three Months, " 2 00 I 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R. GEO. V. H A K T M A N , Surgeon Dentist. Ofllee over W. H. Brown1 Pry Hoods Store, " VKLT0?i,N.C. WIH vlilt parties at thclrliornca when desired. Terms Reasonable, oct V ly J M. (1 a I Z Z A R , AT TOHET AT LAW, HALIFAX. N. C. nfllcn In tho Court House Strict attention given to all branches of lliu urofessiou. Jatt u ly E ,1 T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In ttis counties of Halifax, Nash "-.lKceomlie sii 1 Wilson. Cullectiona made in al part of tile State. Jan li tf W. HALL, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Rr.ocinl attention (riven to collections and rcmltuticis promptly made. mv ltf. HMD M. MUU.lt!-. JOHN A. MOOH1. llJIIlLlH k MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX N. C. Fracticn In the counties of Halifax, N'nrtlintnp ton, Kn:riioiiit. l'itt ami Martin In tho Kill-ruins conrt, of tin) H'ato ami In the Federal Court ii of till Hastum District. C'olleeiions made In any part of tlm Statu. jan 1 ly A M BS B. O'U A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KNFIELD, N. C. Practices in tlio cinrts of Tlallfrix anil Bilioln- Int comities, mi l In the Hii)roin and Fed. 'nil courts. Col eel ions made In any part of ill" Btatn. Wl'l attend at the court housa In Halifax OB Monday anil Friday of each week. Jan lit ( DOBKKI O. BURTON I 11. XX ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax, and adjoin 1ng counties. In the Snprono court of tip' Btatn, and In tlin F"dcr;tl courts. Will give special aitotitlon to the collpi'Mun of claims, and tn adjust Iiik tlio accounts of catra, administrators and Kuanliaus. due lr.lf G A VI 5 L. II Y M A N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In tlia courts of Hallfnx and n tl dn lo t count lea, and In tlio Hupi-cmo and 1'edcr.il courts. Claims colleC'd In nil parls of North Jarolliia, Oillc.ii in tin) l!oiu-l House. Julyltf T HO.MAS X. HILL, At tor no jr at Law, H V.LIFAX, N. ft. Practices In Halifax and s.l.inininrr counties and federal and Mil i , -in courts. Will be at fieoiluud Ncijk,, uueo every fort tilsat. uinr 2 ' JOS. B. BATCIIKLOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, UA.LEIG1I, N. C. Practices In the, court of tlia fit li Judicial Biatrial aud ill the Fod.iral and Kuprcuic Courts. a ay II tf. T. W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0AKYSBURQ, N. C. Practices In the courts of Northampton and adloliilnar counties, also In the Federal and Su PMiuseoiirta. JuncStf. , n. BAT. C. lOI.I.ICOKrER. At A ZOILICOFKKR. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W SI. HON, N. c. Practice In the eonr'a of Hall fat and adjoining oouiiile. and In the supreme and Hvuerai couris IMnnn. .ill I in nntf i.&rt of North 'amliiia Onaof Mu ttrin will always fouu I In tlm 4n)c, Juu'61y h, U ii U 2i T E ; MVKGEOS DENTIST n be found at bit odioa la KutloM. t Torn Nitrous Oxkin Gas fur tha Pain Ions Kxtractinii of l'eotli alwayaou liuuil Juan ti tl. A N U K K W J. U UBTON, ATTORNEY AT LVW, WliLDON, N. C. Praetleea in the courts of Halifax, Varrc and adlnliihir e. 111 11 1 n- ami In Hie Suuri'lll" and Fed iiral courts. Claims collected ill any part 1 orttl Carolina. J'l"1' I'1' n AT rOHXEY AT LAW, Roatlikd Nkok, Halifax County N. 4 rrMflc tnthp rnuiilv rf llnllfnt mnl mljoln 4 (utr onuuuoi. auJ in ibo uiTLUio courL vt tlio VOL. IX. An Incident. Wh 'st a indy and ccrMrinaa wore out walk In.; one ).-: ail ii!di... n nf i rioon .lie.' lau.rd at nil i..-u ..,w-y h ..d'u - to ilns C...I111' e C iirrti. to ! ,-nliiVVs.ii'i. V I ,i o tfvl, .,h an ".'oils f;;i t', rnd l uiru y i 'rul. w i :r..n V.; m ar iiKM1!'". r 'd, err 11.: ilni 1; i'y s.o'i, sIki itkfd I": ii-Lo i v 11: ..11. 1 s ( 1 h ; I . o.'T to t ? P lit, K .it, lb V MS K? i.i t; 'I '.. n n AV. K- X T( t Uo T- 'mi 'J U.!L t'.Ulh 'i I ()' -1 'J. .1 S r i'.mi'-m y ptt lliu -t)v 3 work, o' u ,i i nit iiu'.'l. 1 l:o "ft ' 11 . r-ft '('ly oltew, Ml) ;HMV. .. t't'l'P lltTl'l t) 'uVUilii ti. 1 y iu, vHi I it?. hail f-'lt rn .. 1 4 -ti - fluirtl . i'.Lit. mill', It' t.'i hi. A ' r n . lie fir; , .t ft. t. 'ii Mu-tJ am-.'; .11 .II!. T f . tnr.'.i n, ni.' i ' BhO (i.'.i't ! "I 1 c 1 1 it,tti; o t ; Ki" 1 v: 'i iit'i ..'hi 'ti oii ; H' , , ik -' . 'V 1(V j 1 1 1 s-i. T.'i- n ti fini to Hi't'ti. .0 mi1 N , u'i1 u , ( li.i i ? I ll I V l H i lllli- it) 1; k ml i.it v ;y ,i ikI." ro ;m ft -,r't i-ii;ii;" ,hi 1 oil 1 f o n 1 : oil ih't' i mt ,.11., ,11. 1 ii.ii, Ynti r in . -vi'O, ! You t"t,.! v ', " lUMft, I. or t.i-f 1 il t uii ji! v 'lo jua lUt's evcri'f.u'. 'o wiili iiaiit'.-t, s r. II .I ly hiw ; MM.'..'!. t, wo i'm : WVi- c ( mi ii.- , , 'J'- fo'iH- ami 1 ii 1 lnt n n tf or o J ii - .1 .0 11 ;.'f f W.' 1) sir.-'i ;i-ti v,r Ho HID-, -If .11 ' I 1!. I Im 'Ui iti .i1' to is li n, . in. ; A it s, . i" ; o.'i iO-i1. " Nut l.t'm, v j; -'".v ,i i(1nt t .it-'i' (iut ; Noi 1, t.v,:! jhirt o 1 . v ; Wl'u, ; 1 . -10 tin , t'' -, 10 Oi f.-tl M'l"l-, A ( : " 1 "i- -t i-'if h Oil ! w mi v. f lii"i', 'im.i :i .'io tionr, A.hI h tl , .io:, -t iiit't 1.) V A LESSON IN LOVC. Lc n n ox III v Bia,i2 hum iliu irain anil listened up the j-iecn laiio lo tnu wijc, old tusliioucd farm tiotiiic, cairyui h;i alifO in bin baml. I wuiiJti ii Nannio sot my note ami in kokiuo lor mi!. 1! tlio I I'D 1 u last ncliimul.ou was drawn from Rny'a lips by a cluuiy, which, coming Irom aliovo soaiewlit'in, csme io sudden conlnct vith his Dn-e. Ho 1 00 Id; d up, and 111 ion, pcioliuJ Mil) a cr it bird upon the Icab ol a l.u.o old tlinrr? ticu, and lookii. down at biiu wi Ii dai.ctii(- evis and brilliant cbt;i;k.i, wm a vomit; liow tin. Linnox, come up and have .some cheniu, was biT mischicvoua (act ing. Nannie I Is it possible t cscluitncJ Lcnno-; nveiely. A:id while Kay locked on 10 stem dig- approval, the youag wi'ch swum; liuhtly liow 11, Now don't look so cHim, Lentioi, dear. lie btiid, sliii)'ijr li'ir little hands into bis Willi R CoiXill uiouoii. 1 know ilV louibotUli lo iliuil) the clieny t:eis, but then it's MH.il lun. Nannie ou should have been a boy Buid L unox I Widn 1 In; I 1 Nil, I don't either; then vnu would not Inllin in love Willi me Wlint n:a.le jou, ili'-Tl wiMi a loud 1i!nre and 11 cmessinu ipovt uiini lieciinse jou lue o sweet, iliiilmi;, an. iweted Kav, mcl'el in fnilu id biinsell. '.ilt I do n ili, Nannie, you would leave il tlin-e lioydmisli w.iys and bo inuie dllflliili d. Liko Mi-a 1-luuii ? asked Nannie. Mi-,s I.-lnnan is a veiy supeiior woman, a lii 11 would not hurt jou to ct'J y her In Biimo other ies,t'2.. The te.UH so-aii into Nannie's eyes at his tone. Th y vmm i 111' 0 tlit! paiUir and Kay took anal in aj-ieit aim eliair N 111 tue, t;'v'"H bur cutis a toss b.ckatd, went and rat don. I wish you would put up lliofn flyaway curls und die.s vonr hu!r as other ynun ladies do, said Ray. And sue brie, Nan nie, I want lo hriTe a talk with you. Yon Kuow 1 love you ; but in t'Uth, my dtar, my wile mast bite souiuili.n ol the elu (jrec ot leli:ed locie.f. Your nisnncis need polish, my deai. I came dnwn to tell you tint my sister Linra is luikinij upapiiiy 10 visit lliu uoted wateiiiio- places, aud alio wishrs you to be one ut 1 be ooailer. Aie you ni"K I asknl Nannie. No, try busiuesa will n t allow it ; but I hall seu you ecveul times Vi'id vnu go I I dou't want to rrn. I'd rslher stiiv hc e in the countiy an I climb chenytreos every day. NiDtiie I must insist upon tunro eel I - control. Slid he. co! Ily. Rut dou't send me awav, she pleaded. Ii Is for your 000 I ; Nannie, and you mu-t be content to go f Will you t I ho tupnee bell lani; at Mist instant, and fiBil- Ii"-'"- !".-n.'i V.'. Ip m Lennox, and isn out ol the room aud up etaui 10 I nr own chamber. Y'te. I'll (To. And I'll teach you one le; sod, Mi. l.ci'nui Ray ; lea il 1 don't, ehe di nrmeied It was nearly the nid I lo ot September belore M.. liiv, licaied, dus'.y, and weniv. eu'eied the hotel n he. e bis slsk'.'s paity was stoppio,;. Lcnnoj ! you aietsaid she, Yc. Wlieie'g Nannie t y lie was on the p'.i, la'kin willi a Frc icli fount, a moment a-jo. Ah I Iheio he is bv the door. Ah I laid Lennox, dropping Laura's bind aol making bis way toward the door. But it was difficult, even when be diew neat, to eu in the stylish, stately lady, whops hair was put up over a loomiroui cliiuou, wbosj lustrioys mlns i.vept ibe floor lot a jar I, bis own little Nannio ol three tnoritlis a-fo, Lcntiex st'odu up, wilb tcuri-e a uUdcu at the bcwildetiuK daudy to whom bo was chaiiiii-;, au I held out bn band whb an exer rxulamatioo 1 Nannie 1 rMio made a awtcpinif ctiflsT, and Ian HulJly extended the up of her liuiitrs, but not a muscle moved beyond what ac cordel Willi well b.cd iiidillereur.o. Ah, Kond uei.iii, Mr. Uiy. O, Ntum-i, aft) jou (-lad 10 me wet aulj WELD ON, Lnnnox, feeling that his heart was chilled within him. O, to be Bine, Mr. Ray; qtiito glad. Allow nie to present my frien , the Couut do Ituaurepsiro. Mr, Kay, .Monsieur. L'nnox hrdly deigned a bow to the Frenchman, and tillered bis arm to Nannie. You will walk with mo a little while 1 Thanks -but the music is bet-inning, an. I I promised to dunes with Mr. ISUir, II it afterward I said Lennox, the chill lrowimj colder. Rut I am enjia-jed to Mr. Thornton. When then I dtinauded Lcu:iox, wiih a ealnus pup". Really; my rard is 10 lull I hardly know. I will, howexet, try ami spare you a wallx "oincwlicie. Good heavens 1 Nanule, what affectation is this ? Blie favored hi in with a well-bred tuie. 1'ardon, I do not understand you. And taking tlio arm ol her e-onrt, she walked away with the air of an empress. Leuuox sou;;lit luc Bister. Law a, hoiv hsvn you changed Nannie so I he demanded. Yes, she is chaiifjed. Isn't she per lect J I'erliCt ? Rather too perfect t suit me, ('owled Lennox. T ininrrnw I shall see more ol Nunie, he thought. Bit to-moiiow. and tn-mnrrnw, and to morrow, it was always the same, an I that eleqBiit Miss Irviuff, as they styled her was always in druund, and pour Lennox, Irom the distance at which sho Kept him, looked on almost lieail-liroketi, varying between wrulli, jealousy, pride aud despair. Nannie, said he, one moruinj;, when lie found ber lor a moment alone, how long is this to l.irt i I believe you wished me to enmo here to improvu my manners, Mr, Ray; to ivc quire tlio elegance of society, fhu said eoldlv. Rut NuiiDie Well, if jou are not pleasci with the iceull ul your own advice I am not to biame. 1'ou must exeune mo now, Mr. Ray ; I am j-oing to tide with the Couut de Iieurcp'.ro. And with a j-racelul gesture of mlieii (.he lelt h w sick at heart. That afteinoo i Lennox walked unan nounced into Laura's room. I thought I'd drop in sit Gool bye bo I no jou went down stairs, said be. 1 have to niht. Indeed? Whore are you going 1 aeked Laura, O, I don't know, was his tarajc reply. You can take a note to George for me ? Yes il you pet it realv, bh!(1 he. Very well. 1 will write it now. LaU'H left the loom, ami Lennox stood moodily at a window, l'leseiitly Nannie catne in nod stood near hint. Aro yon miii)j away ! the a-kel. Y'es, I am. was the short tscr. And won't you led us where I I don't knov inysell neitlur kuow nor rare, he (ro led. 8h slipped her band in bis nnu, with the old fiiressini moveniunt he mucin neren so well, anil spoKe ncnily, usiiiir his 11 11 in 0 lor tlio fir-t time einco lie rniuo. Rut Lennox, dear, it vou rn away olt f'tiien hi le, w lint -hall I do ? lie turned suddenly aud can 'lit her to his he.ut. (), Nannie, Nannie! lie eiinl, pa-sion aloly, il jou would only como buck to me aud love tor trcaMiic-' 1 v ! cou'd recover my lost old not 00 niivwlicio, f) my lost love it is too Ute i Hue laid her lure down asaio-t bis shoulder, uud a-k Letu ox, dear, tell me which yon love lest, the Nanmc you used to know, or the lihiouaMu yoiiuj- lady Jou loutul here ? O, Nanuie, dar'in ! he cried c'aspiui; her closer. 1 woiildu'l i-ive one to.-j ol your old brown curls for all the luvbimia ble yaiin l ilies in Ihs worl I. 'flics you w'll have lo take your old Nannie back a",aiii, Lennox, dear. Aud Letiticx, pa-Hiouati ly claspinji ber to Ii im, brj-t-cd to be tort? iven, and vnwed ho would not exchange his preidoua little wild tore lor all the bouse flowers in Cutislendom. Tlitt Illlili.imU's t u ill ill H ul nit-11 1 H. I. I 101 11 v 1 tpua Ml, w liom ihou il'.-t xow to line, bouor ami ooev ; (or I saviu line 1.0,11 old iiia i'iiiu and luc le m ol i n U'e bk-U"'ne s. II, lhou siia't rot look upou any oii-er uinu lo love oraooiiie lion; lor 1 am toy husband, who will vit.it I'm 'n o, iho wi e upon the loiloweis ; lone 010 kiep lunu tu.11 III ul I to thy iuaiiia;0 vows. ill. 'lliouthall not baikoi u thy licit baii.l, nor si'ak I ;;litly oi liim; pcLlier halt thou upose bis lauUs 10 ins neb bins, 'est be should punis.i thv pe'lloy by a depiivstion ol oudiy I en'3, sucii as uUt iu ts. ,l.t.- es, etc. IV. Thou 'halt pu.ehafc ci's. lor il:y hualaiid riilicr lhau 1 oboes lor ihyell. . i hoii h .1: not -.0 lu the rpi-rs er eteuuiK puiues hi lioiit 1 1i y linso.in.i, tieilhei shalt thou il.iiiie too In qilei'l ly with thy "cuusiii" ur Uiy "buso.itid's ' ll'.eiids. VI Tbou shall not listen to fl atcry nor nixip. tiiukeis lioni any in nil save Ihy hul"nd. V it. Thou shnlt not pfl.j ihv blisbaiio's pockeis lor 11101KV when ho is rs'eep. neither shalt thou lend any letters 1 1' oil miijesl lind the, e, 11 ; lor it is bis bus'iucs to look alter bis owu alliiis, end tblue to let his aloue. V 1 1 1 . Tiioj shall not uiako false repio senlatinns oi the si ile of the panliy, toy puisc or ihy wsnlrobe. X RciiHuihcr lo lise ca'lf in lbs mom- in' and tie prep.uid wi b betoininn M' 'il humor to welcome thv busbaud at the bifik'sst laidu'. XI. Look for no jewcl'f from thy buss baud on the aruivcisa-y ol ihy weuJin for it is wiiUen : "R'essed a.c those who espect n illiiuo, lur luey ih:dl not bo dn apruiuted," , n0 . A in an who ill nil y believes that a a.'C.n.i flsod will come uext Novembiir to cjvi.t the wlmlo lact nl the earlh is biiililni an aik at lleUna, Texas. The. cralt will ho'd fifty persons, with food lor loriv days end (any niu'ht-, and he wid lake pasacnj'eis at live huudied doliats each. Kvery other Vessel, bo cipUjus, w ill be watked. N. O, THURSDAY, Riirinl at Ken A Nolemii Nri'iic. t v. C impoeil Fair, 1. D., Rec or Toe I! of ihe Ctin-c'i ol Hie A'Cens.on, llultimoie, liir.ii.lie-, thiol) ;h ho columns, ol (ho luicli Nt. ol this city, an intt re-tinc; rtc M.'iil ol Ins remit vovat'ii nciosl the A I nil io mi b ml I'io s cini-hip Wyoming Antid iho telH'tiil jv and hilarity which U ilu le 1 V id 0.1 Inr-1 nee in shins, theie a i.j inci lint on .nj Woaiti;:, which M, I'i t tuns de. iiU: Yo.iri o. in'-m l nt "cnt irTcral hnun rich d ij in pi tor illy visifnig anions' the S ' r 1 1 e and lo.e .nedrilfl naBneiv-ers. Adioiij the lal icr Im I011111I ilyiiu? man I Iti'iooor lellow was .om Kansas: the r 1 1 - i ,ins l lie. ai.er I., 'Mi-; all lomciUc In' o ileeiw, a Bio;nr.'. ilisauan, emcnt, I1.11I Tfi'si.sr ely lor a s'.O'iiai h com- plsoii, a ic I voy .i;;e, and be wm nit i lak- i.i't luc 11 p, ai'Coii'! in ed ov 111s sou, n Im si cil in a kind tin iievoed muse. It w is 111 ptWilc ,c 10 spuik to this 1H111! n i l ol a Sav on s love, aiJ ol Cilvarv't filvii'loD. I le it O'jil that he wa9 a "Cjh- f ,aiioualist,': but t tie cmis bad united w.ieo Denomina.ionslism niuet till be laid ssioo and lliin-t jisus, as the saviour, m.ist be the all irnpot.aut atliclo ol oui Ceil. i'nc T si: it ion ol the Sick" c ivc com ic .iuj ti'jcliiiii; to this dyint; riiiuer and when Hit moment was leached that the Commendatory P.ayni' was needed, i 9 i lemo wonts "aye as the blesncd hope '.11 t all was well. I was with bun two I. ui s liefn e death e .inc. lor the ", ea er : 1 1 " ol this time he was s. etnin ly uncon- ei!ius. I y "seemingly" lor it is Impos sible si iiielimcs to say that a nelson is al- loillirr unconscious. In Ibis Case, al i.in;;h for hours be spoke no woids, llicre wa9 occasionally an indication lliat to.neiliini! sat 1 by us was undei stood by Ii 1 in . I noliicd tins paiticutarly when nil nit hall an hour bc'orc his iie.it h, I recited close tn his ear tin: ' (! nufnriablc Wo ds" o our Holy Coiiiiiiiinion O'llec : Ihise p.eeioiis poilions ol ISc iptuic wcio so la niltur I hat even the rai, closino Im di itn, o il ni d (o he if ihtir niii.id o.ico HL'iin. Wh n the ' Lord's l'.ayer" was f id we had no d uibt ol all beino un.lcr soiod, (or steudily hu fixe I bis eves uiion me, and nlilioii ;li lie sooke imt, I full his lie ti t said, "My Fa.lier -Thy Kitiedom come lo me." iv nat a power tlicie is in the sick room nut witli the djil'', as I lie. : is at all 'iti's. in a "1-0, m ot IViycr, mid the u-'airololl familiar wmdt l New words u;e ntilviiowu luca aej new; even riil'i, -poken (Jem rally, is not reeoj;i:i. .1, be ciusi the laiius'jo is ui.kiowo, but let Hie "Jin m nl sound winds" bo tittered 011 ronlii ent or oc an ; an old ( lend is nu t. iiiit'c 'old, old Holy," and even nyini eye will open, ami a living ear uu l.ick iisell. to see and bear limn whmce Hit- souud has (i niu which telia of pmie ol .lisiis slid His t ilviijon. 1 he ni.l ol ;ho l ailliiy j.iu.ney for this wes'v liuVelir was ni ver leaeheii, but we Ini.iiiiU I.Usied that tint Heavenly, ilm ii bout u l a;;cs, had commenced Wlii e I licM bis clammy liand, and knew that nil was over, as cheui lully us I could. I lo'd tlm 1011, "Your lather bus f-oet home!" Alihoiijjli the poor lellow had k'M" up wonderiully, he now broke down utl rlv. mid tlm iwnvulsive sobs dic'aiH'l how his poor heait was brtakinj;. Lte lo'd us ol bis niollier nmv 11 wi low- and ol his liioiin rs and sUtcrs tui.v i i'he-!ets. Hud 11111-1 have been H e heart which i!id n. t le.l lor this poor alll e'.ed one. I wish I coild lully ilt'sciibo tliu stM'i'je sci nr. I bad witnes-ed olliet dentils ut tea 'nut 'In re was sum ilhi'i,; 111 Ihis which made it ol all, the i'i" ! lm-pres- ive. The tiu.o aad pltiru c... I ili'i .1 to this. The .lay was tho very atuitvir- ary ol the bn-iniiii; ol my u.vn heitt'.i 11: 'at tiyiui; i-iinow ; a t!i ini;c coimi- deocc ; wu cannot loi'ut tinao tininvera rics. The to y day la't year that 1 was bi'ii.lintj in (rayercvir III,- ilyin licli ic ol a pr eii. us darling, in what, up lo tin; brninnin ol my follow, ns tl.i !i ipptcst ho, nc on e 11 lb, lotind me this war a'.-o with tin I lyinn, bji now 1 nnd ncia,i ! My bean as lull; sorrow's butil n w:i tyloany, lull Imd s tiuo coiuloil was very rial In the'state room where ikath bad en tered, there wer only tho aou, a Icllow- passcoii:r, and G id's ti 1 1 11 let er. The door was closed, but the location ol the room was such that wo beard the incessant c'atler ol ihe gay and frivolous 0 it-i lo. who knew not what wss bciii enaitcd within ; and the hurried steps of tsilois and others passing to aud fro made moie still to us the silllnc'3 with wbiib e watched the dyiiijj. II you dmiro reader to w itness a sad "Clio, a death at sea is 11101 ol tho most sid ; nothing U more awful than it, ex cept a ' Ruriul at 81a " Fiotn both ; Ireui my heart I pray lor all near ami dear to me, Good Lud deliver in," I duto not attempt to describe tilt) Fuuural. Rolijjh weather added much to Its awlul loleuinl- tv, as six Siilors, with uncoveitd heads bote upon their ihouldcts. the birr 011 which lay the remains, tin lit ly sewn in canvasi, lariie oars 01 inm wtiuliiii:; luavi- ylhei irp'c lor its burial. As pa-sin- "eis ri vni nily waikcj in solemn awe; us r tl tlio ponJeloiis Insciiiiiii, )' nl Olir tiV ill lean. er stOiped lis up lo this lime ce ih less reiiliilious, to mark lis respeet lor what was beiu done, uud as 1 uttuc.I the words nl 0111 iiicmii pal able Sj.-tviee l. r the ''Burial ol the Dead," and especially Dial ol it, "the sea tlmll j;ivo uji tin ir dead," I riahz d an never belore, that lor rvirylhii'U the Church hath provided; and lor all places her wotiisaiid ways ato ever in season. Tlia surj'iiig water received its lifeless inhabitant, amkiiio fathoms dawn below into the dark blue ocean. Il was past our eouipri litigious how there could be lor it a resuriei lion from such depths, and yet there will bt! It not, what menus the words, ' I believe In the resurrection ol the hod;; ' ' the sea shall giyo up their dead"- Bal'.iuioioan. Yet it must have been the Caunibal Is lands, lo w bich Iliiiilet alludod as "that iindish-c Terrd country Irmu whoso bum uo traveler returns " Wn have jjensially obs. i veil thai if a nun does some mighty mean thirds when be has b en iliinkiiiK, the liijiior bad a m'f-hty mean mau t work ou 111 the Qist place. Doo't lay it all to drink. One act uf charily il north ceDtury of uluquouto. AUGUST 12, 1880. Women. Aren't they pretty? somo of tbcrn. Aren't they curious! all of them. When Adam lost Ins rib, he soon lnumi it a Miss lake, and mankind has been Mis taking them ever sincu. Not but what women arc attractive. A borse-li.ie mai'tiet isn't nuno s i. Womca well banned hair are diceilf'.il. They cover up their show rl intellect, an I a man nill marry one of Ihem cxpeelinji to have a c iod-Datuicd tool lor a wile; I1.1t she'll turn out sinarter'u chain liuhluini!, and make hi:n dauco all lbs beusuliold Inn 11 pipes. Women with bright cyua aro ilansnrnu'. They look so sweetly, and I tic laving glit ter will piece a man s soul two blocks away; but let them rhinj;e the expression ol those eyes in a'ter years, Msuy ol you know how it is. Women with poor clot lies aro iievor tat ifliwl. You may think their taslo is sim ple, aud that tiny are nalitrally cconomi Cat. Give ouo ol them a chance at your purse, and she'll dress so well you'll be adiamod to (- on tho street with her iu j our llirco year old suit. Women, canccially unmarried women, are snares on the mad to pence and hup pincss, A lellow will (all iu love with 0110 ol them, uet married, aud bsvo a lamily ol five children before bo realiz:s what be is doini. Women ol library tendencies. II jw nhartuinj-ly they will talk of t'lnuccr and Spencer, Tennysou, and Miss Unmet, Geo. Mint and her lust mai untie. And what ainiiTtinj- heavy batches of biscuit they make. Women without any literary tcnilenciei! Heaven! Yuii Wouldn't have onnof 'im iu tile house except on washing ihy. Women wiih lust yeais' batj to wcir.lnit pi v t mind, you never see ihem. They lead 11 retiied life. Women wiih a purp mo. Deliver us Irom that sort el women. They aro to t inn a to c.nivuH ion, much less convcrsas nun. Women who arc styli-b. They parade Hie struts nt ilie laslliiiiiuliln ladies' hour and Iho aii luiivy Willi tltilhi' a il-a-hall e fiimcry. ami the rustlu of their I'.i'l intr t-armcnts ia like the rusliini ol a nii;;bty wind. Hut t lie sidewalks Ret their diurnal t a'l'epinji. Women who arc sentimenfal. They as f.vtioe our Uriels, aue-iiicnt our iova tin I lasi, but not least. rci'iirocnle our love, l uev arc c.nuloit ible cruituna. W.inn n who ru not sentimental. Full of business; hard, wiih cold gray eyes thai would look a Icl'ow out ol countenance il hotiitdtu cheat the 111. Don't like th sort. Women who a c plain and know it, When we sec such a woniin, we shall bavi soiucthint" lo ssy about lo r Women wiio are crot .. lT li vable, tin eon"iiiul beircH whom we lulv ; Lot don't h i Ihem know it, please. II a cross wo man sh.iiiM know we pitiid her, wc should not care lo take the cousi rpienccs. til e itir-e there nru a ltd it 111 my varie ties nl women; anil they aro nil oiuimental ni d u-elti'; but it wnu'd tako thu whole id the paper lo pay our compliiueuts to the entire list. Women -sharer o( our friels a-ul our pocket bonks, companions ol nr joys ami om 'poveily, worshippers ol our (cuius uud ur posiii'iii, Il itierei.- ol our ps i la. and our aspirations, emulators ol our cX niiipli! an I unit ilors ol our lew viriU' S the world would l)o a leirren wusie wilhou; them, and nun would itiud a poor c'oii'ee of l.i-i'i line. L'tl us 1 hi :. k ol wuiucu in joniT.il 1111 1 one worn in in pailicili.r. - v Toindil-IR Ip'iiii'iifs. A noieipar and lieatiiit'il iiifidii.it hup. pu.o I 'ii Jacks 111 vole. I' I irt'K, n it lorn; af. Tin. In le J iiithler nt a ti'-i.ient ol I hat city was in Imliit ol daily heiiine; liUjli'liisJalo, e. I.ieh would como lo (he liotiic iv ry mornini; to tei eivc i'fl lood. Not lo'ij- iiiii 1 lie litllii eii! siikniid au.l died, and n she. lay 111 hi r c fli'i the tiiuht inhale llew tliioiijili ail open window into Iho ini-111, s.iuu 1.110 id its owectest uilIii dies and departed. An hour later it was foitn 1 ib-ad i 1 the front yard, liavnu evi d' litly peri-l-.id Irom rjucl at the loss ol its jsuiie; Irieed N. Y. I'ost. A pracisely ntnilir incident happened in CbieAL'o, lust wmior. An old man hu I been in the habit ol throwing llro-woni'., boot-jacks and what luioituie be could psre at au old tomcat (but came around snout two o'clock every tiiorninif. One lav the old man died, am as ho lay in his colli lbs cat csma around aud uttcrod one of its most deti int melodies. A minute after it was I011111I dead iu the back yard, haviiij! evidently died ol grief at thu Io-r ol its head, which one of the mourners bad blown oil' with a shot i-un. There can bo no dun it thai history repeats itself. Chi cajjo Tribune. !?;'(( iic TH us DiM lors. I'lactical mothers learn much by their experience with thu liltlc bodies entrusted to their rate. Some if tho cerumon sense fae'a Hi the physical culture ol Ibesu little "ins knawi' t the inoio cxpernncvd moth cis may 11 t come u'nits t thosu w ho hiCvo I.H.I but little e.urii ul e.hilillell. The loiiu datii.n niii-t be well laid to insure healthy ii'i l hippy children. The child must be wellshft will uir.d, well led and well bi'lc'. llv a tl o oitj'li un.lo tin liny 1. 11 I praettr.' o( thee t.mr S'liiplo ruloa. much ol I !i- physical, mental and moral siillcrinc; in lile would be avoided by parent as wed as child. Il a hnalrliy child (and a dclicito one propoiliorati ly) is rep,ulirly put lo lied nhollt daik, in a quiet, well ventilab il, r evi 11 cold, r 10111, utter a sup per ol plain loud, il will natuially awake al clnv-lir.uk, i-ood nalnred, with a keen appetite lor a wholesome breakfast. Nu tritious, plain lood, ut reciilsr hours, w ith no candy or stimulant, and free balhitisi, help the sj stern to ward nil' miny pnv.i lent children's ailmciiis, and t bear with much loss iluiiocr 1 Im lew that must tioces sitrily come to the majority of little ones I'lio child that Is just f-ivf u a little coo feotiniiiiy, ot any unsuilablu food, thou rocked to sleep, should cvt-u no aurprisu at wakiiii pecvinb aud IcVciuh. It is sim ply the result ol iiuain iry ullVcliou and want id kuow!ulK! 011 Iho part ol the one in i haroe, It w ill certainly pay iu thu end lo natch ililioenlly lor the cause when a litllo chi.d is proverbially cross. I do bate Presidential elections, said a Newto.vn woman. Kveu with two rolling pins I tan hardly make John stay iu ol Mollis aud uiiud Ihv children. NO. 2L A i'nNtilonnbTc Woman rrnjcr, IS .ccr;rm my bu i'iud, nod may bis t a " ' U and Lis irioiry bold cot' ) ibebst. D.atv the latuo's wool ol ui..u-pi.ioU twibght over b s CI s, Uiat fliuat.r.a may luck tJ him l.k) v!c iu.e, aud that in? bit's Din j t!u .-o-.hru ias jui.'.ulu me. li 1 8, oil (oi.ilUel 111' I' mill's, rats tnn Ii .7. h, mid !c; iiiy U'01 shiua on my pai :it nnd powdrr. Lnat'Io the poor to thiit lor ihrtntclve-, and fave 100 from ttll miisi'iiitiry lic-jc i. Mud 1 he lii'ht ol thy eounteaS' ce on my riimcl't bair shawl, my lavender i"k, my point lace, sud my picklacc of diiir id mils, nnd keep tho moth out ol m.v flftlilej, I bc'cich tluc, oh foitnnc! W bed I walk out belore tlio coat j ol vul car men ri'Kulntu my wtijiole aud ailJ ntw Rraco to my gait. When I bow myself to worship, crnrit that I may do It wiih iavinliiii( elcanco, an I pri eivc 1111I0 iho lust thu lilly wb.lc ol my fl, di and tho taper ol my finijcrs. Dctlroy tin uo eneniit 1 with tho i-all of jc ilousy, nnd cat up with the teeth of envy all those who azt! at my stylo. Save mo Irom wuuklca sud foster luy plumper. Fill both my eves, oh fortune! with tl 0 plaintive p.iiion nl inlatuatioii, that I may lay out uiy victims tlio men ae numb as itn it:c9 craven. Let the lily and tho rese strive tngithor on my clici k, andav my nrck swim like a L'oi'.so ou me 00s nil 01 crysiai waior. Ki-able me. oh fnrtutiel to wear times still a lit tin smaller, nnd save mo boin corns nnd huiiinns. l!less Funny, my Ian dog, and raiu down hulls ones ol il.sliuctiou 01 those who shall hurt a hair ol II ctor, my kitten. funic, oh tor t nix I must sweetly upi O Di'.k. my canary, and watch wiih tlm londneis ol a Fjiirit over my two lily white mice wiih le i 1 yen. The fnrii'iilor'H lrcuiu. A poor man was a rarpi liter; and le oltnn saiil to I) im sell and others, "If 1 was only rich", 1 would show people how lo pivc." In his dre uii be saw a pyramid id silver dollars all new, blight and hcauti (ul. Just then a voice reached him, Bay inij ' Now is your lima ! You aro rich 1 1 lust; let us see yeur goncrosity!" rt) le rose from his s.nt and went to tho pile to take some money lor rhulituble purpose-. 1 hit tho pyramid nun so perfect (hut I 6 roll! .1 not bear tn break it; he wa ked all around it, but ffound n plscc whore he could t .lie a dollar without spoilinu; the heap. Sri he decided that the pyramid s iould not be broken! and then awoke. Ilo awoko to know himself, and to are that he would bo i'cucroii9 only while comparatively poor. sanw7a jo ADVKItnsKMK.N Ls. (i " I" tlri'iu rhaiien to inako 11101,. XV JJ I cv. W need a person in every to.vn to lake oili.sei iptiuiis for the hii 'ie-1, c oaiiost. mid bust Illustrated fanil lv pii'.iiii'.iiion In tlio world. Any one can liocoinn a ..Jiieees:,lul inroiit. (Six elcgnnt works of ait ji'en I oe to aulisei ilmra. The The price Is so low tbul nl most everybody Hiibseri' s. One m-oul ropocls takinir 12ft ml'scrihors In n day. A lady m;nnt nporl niiikitiK over J-oO clear prolli in ton daya All who ciiL'auo make uioiiov fast, You can doyoto nil your tiiiio to tlio biialnea oronlv your Muarn linio. You nood not bo uwav Iron) I.01110 ovor nlirlit. You can iIj It as well as olliorn. Full illinetions and torma Iron, Kh'giint nnd exppiiNivrt out til I'i ph. If you wunt iirolilablo vvoik fu nd us your nddrosH ut niico. lljeosl i iiiillnii 1. 1 l,y tin' l.iii'ic s. No 0110 who ph '.i :.'s (ails 10 in nko -rreu nnv. Address lio.-iine Sliii-oiiiV Co . l'o'-ll.uid, Maine, .j 11 iv lily 1) j iO' j"' I'll-.ui1" now boloroiiiii pub ' I JO ! ih'. Yon 1,111 111,1 iiioney fi-ler ",t wor'; for ih thai! at anvlhlni. id sc Cipll il not r"oiiii".i. VSn wid s.url vot. ,'l.' .1 day ami upwarde tnadii ut Inuu I'V iim iii.lusi 1 ioiiH. .Men, women, bov i'.p.l t' rls Aaioo.i oven wliero lo work lor i.t . .Sou 11 iho Hum. You call iluvolB 1 1. 111 v h .'o lion) to ' he work, nr only your im pi i.u'oits. ii oilier liiinnoss wl.l pay v., n nc'irlv as well. N.) O'.o wlllin;: io work can I. ill lo nriko enormous tin v by coKi,;iiij ut once. (' .Bily tliillit and terms treo. A preil niqiiiriunily lor 1 niui'ir iiiorioy (i. -ily an I h. iiori.lily. Addres Triio it in. A 11.': list a. Mo. "iulv tft ly. y l'. I K OF 'Null iTi CA ROLIN A',"" ' Hulil.ii futility. SiiiM-rlor Court. Ilfcliard P. Iladjjer, and wife, und others, l'lainlilli A aaiiist W. A. Daniol, J110. ii. I Order for Pub' Wlii'illetd.and othors j lic.lllull l leiid.inlj. This U a civil action pending in aaid court iiislitiiP d bv tho pl.iiiilill's Itiolmrd ('. P.ud;:er and wiio and others, iigainat W. A. 1' uiiol, Jim. il. Whilllold.and nlliora liireeovni ol Ibe dnfondaiit W. A. Danlol and ids mi roinis tlio ninount dun by hi 111 hh I hn euiirili.iu otitic phiinlllla and lo Bill Iih'I tlm land divisod bv tho last will and toHiaiiiout 01 Andrew Joynor, iloeea--od1 ' the p ivtni'Ptof said locovorv, mid binds 1 oiisisiinir, In pari ol tho tract wbeiooii llio ili'liMid.int .1 no. 11. w iiiiimni rcsi.uii, an u nod 111 s.u I county of liulil.ix near of tho ton 11 01 I, nl. eld. Tin) deal b of said ilofeiiduiit Whiffle! having at sprint; term Isso of this court liuon hiiiitriisli'il, nnu mat ma r. ill Joseph C. li.illiiinv, Ins elil'dwai M.ny Kannv Itiddick, ICvelvu W. I'mren -rilool J.I). fieri .1 Knl'iiiia Wlnlllold uiidotliois 10ple.s1.IH kind ileinliduiil'k iiiloiesia in Hits ueilon uud re mo proper aim iiBees-niy pi.iu. s to a liuul a I u d I il r 1 1 1 0 ii of Ids rlithlK linrsin. It was or dnred that a liolnai issue to them and should Im iii.n'o to nprxvir bv iro per aiihUvll thai any of said parlies aie non iis oiis upon wliom sorvlcHi.l prv ciiss e.iiinol be Hindu litirsonallv, Hion tlm said 11 111 li siiluuls aro lo bo u ililied by imbiieation as Is re0111r.nl law, and tlm lion residency slid uliseiicn from Iho Statu so lliat Hiiiiiiiioiis ( minimi bo personally solved 11 pull ihem nl Hie said Maiy Funny Knidiok. and J.ll.l'iineii and wlfo, Kvelvn W. Pinreo nnd Kobeitii Wb tlleld being uiado l"iii.iMur liy Klhd.ivU.s us resinli cd Now tlioiiforo tho Hiiid Mary Vannv Uiddiek, .1. H. l'lereo and wife, fcvolvn W, and Kol'trla IVhilliold are borrhy nolllled to lid and appear lie loio tlio Jiidun ol'nur Hiiporior court, al court to tin held for lliu dimly of Halifax State ol' North Carolina, nt tlm Courthouse i i H.tliiax low 11 mi tlio third Moiuluv In 'OPloiiilicr ISM), then ami II1010 to defend llioir lntorrvst lioroln, and further to do and recivn what our aald court shall ih. .11 and there conaiiior ol loom iu this bohall. Lot this notioo bo irisiorlod in the Ron. noko News, a nnwstitipei- publlslnsd In said cmiitv o Haliiax, oiioo a week fur hl Miiecosslyi- wonka. V'iliKH John T. lii'S-'ory, Cloik of our said eoiii t at idlloM in llalitax town, this the ITIU day ol .lulv A. I. IHSll. JOHN T. OKKilOllY, CTcik Superior Court, llaiifiu Coiinlv, N. C, Mullen ,1 Moor Ally, (of t'iaiuUU. July tttlw. I a a a SPACK g s M g o I H m o Ono Rqnare, 8 00 8 00 It 00 2 90 Two rS(iiarna, 6 (Hi 10 ft) 20 00 80 M Throe (Squares, 8 00 15 00 30 00 40 M KourHqiiaros, 10 OU 18 00 88 CO 45 W Fourth llol'n, I.'. 00 20 00 40 00 60 00 Half Column, 20 00 30 00 60 00 65 09 WhuloColiiiun, One Year, 75 0 -,-V ' . 1 Is.. V. . -WM.ie ;.- .e , " -', Y -p TALBOTT t MOMS EU0CKOI2 MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Miitiufii-'turors ot PorlBblo and Stationary KnRini'H and llnilers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills. Nliuliin?, llan-jors and Put lovs, Turbine W'uter WIipoIm, Tobacco Irla cliineiy, Wioupjht Iron Work, Hraas and lion Callings, Maeblucrjr of Kvory Des eription. GiNNINO AND TiiriESIIIN-Q MACITINEJ ASPKCIALTY. Kopuirlug rroiuptly Carelally Uoue. TAI.BOTT'S r A PENT HPARK-ARJIKKTBR. The luTeutlou ol the Age. It d 00s not duxtroy the draft. It does not Intorfore with cloanlno; the lubes. It will not eboko up, and requires do oloan-i"K- It requires no direct dampers to be opened whenraialiHrste.ini (dampers be iiiK oli joetioUHbla, as (buy may be lelt open and allow sparks to escape.) It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by ooiiilenaatlon, do-ilrovsi 1 no 1iru.1t, iinsi.ios, wnon water is used, li erilnetH, the elllciency Is dealroyed by evtiporution of tho wntnr, nnd the boilor is kept in a lllthy conditloD. J( la Biuiiiiii ami tluraule and can be r. lied upon. It can be aitaeliod to anv boiler. No plautor abouid be without oue of iLcoi. liiaiirance enuipaiiip will insure Rins and barns where tlio Tallinn Knclnos and Spark-Arrosioes ai used at same rate as iiaru-ed lor walor or horso-powor. y ff-.-.oiui lur inusirnioil circulars and price li d. l.iancli lionto, f'oldslioro, N. C. J. A. II AU-IKK, (.'onerul ManaRer, T. A. CHAMiKU, Local Manager, may 8 tlm IRON BITTERS, Highly rrysomnisTtyM (Alii piiMlo for nil tn .tot nq u I rl ng cwut a nil Aicitni TOXii lccliillyln Itdinv 11 UN, Iyit9tt I H t e?f I tttf UJ jF tfrrm. It ant mAmi piitm. L9 strrttfith, I met mf iiitrrgtt syfo. It rlrltii blood, itrfiiKtlimi th musv rU. Hiid $rtm Dtrw Ills) to llio nvrvtst. lo u Affpd, IMir. n1 obiw ilivti rvtjuirlnf rvcupsir niton, UiU valussbi riiiMy enn not bt loo Muhly tvfunjmejiidaxl. it n cf Ukm m ftVt rH oil till dli-U'MtVU OI KAllt. A tMinrHX)Ajl kwfbr iiipaIh will rvuiuvs all ilyHrth! pyiuploaiB. TWV IT. Sold by ill Druffstt, TflERROWMDtlCALCO. A Ureal Twain IRONCIHERS, A Sure Appetiser. IRON BITTERS, A Coapltl SUBfUisMr. IRON BITTERS, A Vslu-bl. Modlclus. fRDK BITTERS, ibonbers, rosy IMicato rnualtt. BALTIMORE, Mi iloo lft Jy W. R VICK r . - ' t ltlllt.l.-i ANI nUUillES " hlADC TO ORDER OR RB?A1I1ED AT LOW TRICES. All kinds of wood woik and Irlmmlna? (Inun In good Ntylo. Hbirksmitb work dona at slum noilee and wilii uuatuoMs,. All new work war.ruiitid. Kino painting for lm;ios done nl low prices, best paint used. lit 1AL A l'l t..Vl ION taVENTO. THE yNDEKTAKINO DEPAUTMENT. U 'I- .v 1 ( ' Sit 1 11 '' 1 Piiilliis aii,I.Cuos of all sixes constantly 011 baud. Cirriu'io M ilorbiU kopl ouband at urlo below l'i!U)iabuij uiarket. Wehlon N. a Juno 5 ly J N O. T. F O K D , Takes p'o vsiiis In atinonnclng that be cm Mill bo Ii 111 ml at his stand ou F I P, S T STltliET, Where bo bas ou baud a full lius ol Iht I'Tni'st WINKS, )V liISKIK.es. anil llUANCIK-s. TOBACCO. CIGARS, and SNUFF, OKAS'IES. YT L KS, mid IXJN KFPTION KKI K.I lliu ntock of Canned Goods aud Grooejrs les is unuaually Full nail Complete cub cbink Wmsxiir A Pfm-umt, KIIKSII IAQKK BKKfl ON PKAIIOIIt. Uo guarantee saU.sfaetion. Call qiJ sue biui. Nov21ly. '