I - - - 1 j f HE ROANOKE NEWS. A. DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY L. M. LOS1U W. W. HALL. One Tear, In advanca, Hix Mititlis, " Three Month!, " 2 00 1 00 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. O B 0. W. H A U T M A N . Nurgeou Dp n 1 1 t (line over W. H. Brown's Pry (loo.ls More, WKI.UOS, N.C. Will ! parties t Hii'lr homes when .! I r.-. . Terms Hnasnnulilf. oet ly J m. luiizan n, ATlOltVI.Y AT LAW, HALIFAX, N I'. nfflee IX lh" Carl Hons.., Hlrli'l nU.-nl lull llv.'ll to nil branches ot till! profession. jn u iy i T. II IU .1 C II, ATTOltXKV AT LAW. EXrMKMl, N. C. traetlres In I'1 counties of Halifax, Nasli K.lirrrotillieaiid Wilson. Collections made In ill parts of thu Ntatfl. jan li If W. U ALL, ATTOKKV AT LAW, YVELDON, .0. ppi'ial attention Riven to collections and viiiltianc it promptly wad.!, may Itf. Hull II. MliI...M. JOHN A. UIIUKK. TJULLBN Ji MOORE, ATTOItEN AT LAW. II.VI.I1M N. C. Practice In (lie cnnntlesnf Halifax, N'orfiimnp. o. H'Wi'dinne, l'itt. and M.irlln 1 ti tin' nil pri'inn court o( the H'ate ami in tlin Federal Courts of til" Hasteni District. Collections made In my part of the Nlat. jan 1 ly JAMBS B. 0 ' II A R A, ATfORMEY AT LAW. BNPIBI.D, N. C. Practices In the conrts of Halifax ami adjnln lar rountt.'s, an') In the Supreme anl Federal courts. Col Hons uiH'lt! Ill any part or the gttn. Will alteti'l at the conn noiint in iiautnv oa Mon Jr. ami Friday of each week, jan litf jo b k r t oTb u r r 0 N J 11. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Praatlren In ilm courts of Halifax, ami a lloln lutf counties. In the Supreme court of the .lata, ami In the federal irti. Will kIvo spcial allenllon to the collection of nlalma, and to a.l.itistiii.r the iiei'ountu of cv Mitors, administrator and Kuanllan.s. .lee ir.tr j 4. I & L. HTMAIf, ATTOKMEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, X. C. Practice In tlin court of Halifax ami adjoin Id r counties. an.Hn the Supreme ami KeiP-ril neurit. Claims collected In all parts of North j;arilln. office In the Court House. Julllf yMOMAS illLL, Attorney at I.uw, HlLIFAX, M. C. Practices In Halifax and ndl.iinine: coniilios n,l Kctrtl an I Supr"tn courts. Will bo at Scotland Seek, once uvery fort plfrat. aiiirj'if JOS. B. BA.TC II K I,' i K . ATTOinKV A T LAW, JUL, KM II, X. C. Practices In Ilia evtirts of the (llh Jiplleial 'strict ai.d In the P.id..ral and stiiTim.'-courts. ay 11 tf. W. M iT 6 N . ATTORNEY AT LAW, eAKYMUUlW, N. C Practices In the c.nirts of Northampton ami I'llHiillIK counties, nisi) III 11 1 Federal and Nil bra n courts. Ji;ip'&lf- w. n DV. 4 C. IOI I.II'dFI KIt. D at a i o l i, i c o r r v. n. ATTORN EYM AT LAW, w ni.no. v. r. Praetlcc In the courts of Halifax an. I n.ijoli.lmr omit Irs, and In t'o- Supreme ant Federal court s . Claims colleelel In anv purl or North Carolina. One of the tlrui will alnays Im found in th" ,afllc. June td 1 y. -2 I 11. K. 1 . U II N T K K, VJ n v it ; e o . DEvrisr Can bs found at bis oirii'O in KnfluM. Pnrfl Nitrotn Ox'Jo ()ai fr tlin Tain joss Kxtrsrtlnn of footli alwuya on Iminl, Juno 21 It, A N U K E iV J. UURTO N, ATTOICetKY AT LAW, Pra.:llc..s In the c mrts of Halifax, Warren and diiliitn e niu'ies ami in the Supr md Fed eral c inns. Claim collected In .f I'art of .V'rih Carolina. 'jum1 7t f U.KMICU, 4K. AT rUCI'Y AT liAW, WiJOTLANU Nli.'IC. II .VUHAX COUNTY N. t rrartUfMi tiuht rountv of llillfax mii !lofn VOL. IX. Friend of Ions Ago. Wlit'ii I cit iti Ihi- rlil rfl.-intiu Aii-1 til-1 t'ii.y str--"!? kimw ettll. I (In'.TMl t'f (hf Will.-. kTH'tMl ttfftlt-WM, A i i l th cl.l li..i:s. lh Hm hill I Cin him tin r-ij-s MiHitniuif Al'i'Ul (h .l.-Twiiy h-w, A r:iin my ?f rt .nv--s rr- Iltn; T.t tin (ri.MHlj vt lh.; i. 1 cin my moih'-p Hitiiinr, tf f i lif.- s si.i',( ,t in itlr Imir, Ari l !: .-mil.'., :y.,- l. r knimii.;, An. I tii-r f.tr.- i- sri.uMv f.nr Ant I Mi'' i i f.ti tn-i r.-nilu. Krnm i '.I- iiiMf n his Uti'--', Aii I niruin 1 lintr Itiin ii.iviin Ah hf ur( to pra; f-r ui'. I so,, nil th ,l -;n-u,! tw, (M 1h t.fll,. ril'i H In '!!!", As I Hiiw 1 1 1 ii tn Hi-- ih'.tr ll .i.iyn t i f t - we c. ir I .i r..an, An ! I '-in" Hi. -.ii.t inn.'. .-v. r ilh llh' tn.'ihl-s 1 iih,.. t.. know, A i il in) Ih Hi t f it.." ! it1 loiTiiw.s In It iliriim uf hii ii(;m; H"W wltlrly our f'ft Imvo -Hilftv. From our old lioiiif t li-thl'-r tl-'s, Som-' nr' Im'joihI t lo oi t'un, Athl sotm1 licyoint tl K on Mv t k i. i s.iil wii li i Imil.iip;, (if I 'i- fn.-ii.ls I u-""l to know , IVrlniH nli.UI m.'ft In 1i':iv.mv All t hi' lovt'il nit" of oir,f ni:.i. THE POOR D0ADER. It' un usu talking.' pni.l Mm, (ilenliclil, oncrucliciilly, '1'iior ? Yen, I (Into tniy liu's poor ; Lut so inn I poor. I timl Dm iiinncy lor tny rent, an.) this is fix necks lie hi hint, (m tn Ins rooin, Ki i.csliin'. and tnkt! the bill ; it's high tunc the money watt paid. Mm. Ulii.fi lil was n i-liv p-nounl, liioh fcuturcil miilnin, whe-c lucu, originally plinsniil cii.niijli, liml yioAii tli-.ii ami uci.l with M'a'S ot eni7 iin:oo!ino to make both en. Is meet. X wMinv who keeps a New York tuiariliut; lumso lias ni.n'y ol opportunities to I ok nn llie shad fi.le nl llnnes, ami Mis. (.ilcnliel.i. siiiiulhiw, I. mini licecll growing mUun thtopicul lis she crew oiler. Krrestinp Iht eMit duiiohter, took llie proircictl flip nl paper, somewhat lelno t hiii I y au.1 went tlnwlv up staiis with it. She was a slif,'lit, small rtcaltire, w ith brioht bio.vD cj( s, hair ol Folt ches'nrt line and arrh, pretty features. II En e tiue (llcnlitilii had Inc'i the pelteil iaugli tcr ot a rich man, her natural ailinnlaom set off by sa an's down, si li and j. wcli?, tho world would ll ivo piououi rid her a lieanly. As it was, w ith lain an. I f .r.i.iie against li it, the could nut well help lie.ii); pietty. She knokel solt'.y at Mr. Ilatney's door and a dejected voice answered : 'C'ome in 1 E .rnestine pushed onin the door ami entered. Wallace Harney tat at tho ilipil cov ered table, his lit 11 1 testipe; on lii hands I'liu hsnitltil ol ruileq-tnokittir; red coals ylowed like a vindictive eye Itom the sock.t ol t'ne (ikto. A pile ol papcis loosely tied together, lay on the table close to his hand, with an open iuie, cnniHin iti(5 the 'respci'tlullv ilci-luicil' nl some !r'at publisher, who had never even taken the trouble to lend iViHute liar, ney'j cnr'jiully wtitlun m i.j usci tjt Mr. Harney wimi joiiiii; unci probably thirty jcara nl sci', but he lilt mu ,;!i older. He had been hhtini; destiny a'l his lile, and up to the ptcsent ui.i.a. ;'Ut hu had the worst of the encounter. No woqder that he le.lt a.nof inclined in despair. He started up, iuiwi vt r, at thu liuht sound ol lv nr.line'n lo.its'eps ou ll.w wotu rarpct. Miss Olenfi. Id !' 'You used to tall me r,rno!.tinc,' the Ssi I, brt'l lnn-jlnni. 'What makes J on so ceremonious now !' 'I don't know.' he niid, vaguely, pnh in" the d i.r,.-main d lia r li"tii his hot lorehend. 'b.d vou want anjlhiiio of me ?' Elinsl'ne ro'ore I sn.l I'c l i'ed then she laid the loll i n the t,b'.e t lose to tin incMita lie i dilcu V n He. Wallace lli i:.;, saw it, and h:s cheek ic.v as ecnlet us her ow n. 'M nnma wiihi's - that is she hopes ,' hesitated poor K u.stine, who was a very ha I hand at dcreivmo. "I sc.' said M'. Hi my, 'ytir money or your lile,' that is tin- f iln..im'.le lorinula m.w-a-il ivs I! it li you happen to have no money, what then (' I-I am very sniry,' said Kn.es. iue, meekly. '1 do cot know whv you shoul I be.' si.i l Mr. Ilamcy. It is MX werka since I have paid ywur i.io'her iini i Inn:', but it is not bee. use 1 have not b.cn working hard.' 'Mamma's rent came due lat week,' s.i I Etni'Sttue, 'eelinij in li en'iy drop ol t.l.i id in her body weie Inlaid to brd II e. 'and oh, Mr. Harney I am hi soin i' The lit ,t words bp k ' liom In-r lips as she taw the piiiicd Iook ol tnotni; Cion in llie joni)( ittitlior's lace, 1 ividunianly alio put her h.nd in her pocki t, and diew out a lustlini; twenty dollur bill. UueJe Jason (jave it to inn lor a new ilres-s,' she said, 'but my o'd one is yood ct - bl.uk silk alwajs looks well, you know no r.iatter how lony y.oi have itotn it. Pie.ise ph ase, Mr 11 irney lal,e it I' lie pulud i.way her sott little hsud, l most Htitatily. Kinestiiie I' lieriicd, pa siopately, mu not yet lallen so !i.w as to lake Jour little money.' Hut y..u w ill ptv mu la I, fo.uu day, she uracil still hoi Itn out the I. ill. 1 would iitlhcr not i k it. Then t met nivu it to you Hh, Mr Hsilli y. please I' He I Hike I up in her la-e with a sar.ln nic sort ol biu;h-tlf suit, pi'V'tv; bcht in her eyes' second to s:t ku a ip w chord in his heart. 1 id not lake it, Krnrsii-.r-; but be lieve me, it h .s dono me j.i-t nui 'l. ij md as il I spent it all. Tell jour mother I Cannot pay In r lull, but shu Is ivi '.emie tn nit noor In lonii'lis loie. 'I'hev will sel1 lor sotiielhin at least when I am qnnc' Mr. lUrnev.' cried Kmcstine, lonkini; up with wisilul mipiifo, "you me not goinc; aw ay i' Y.s' Whcf' !' 'To tha river, the railroad tisck. any lonely, desolate pine where lean end a life that ha. hitheito been ol mi ue to myell or any one el-o. that I call sic.' 'And leave mr !' 'Krnesttne. it cannot bo po-sible that you ra'e lor lue.' 'Hut I do, Wallace,'.-?.' otticd, I'.a'l U'dhliif', hil!-en.!) ittfr;s. d. 'N w t.iiie my advice; it may l.e woitli somelbini,', even thiiiiji I sin uo.'.im: but a u 1 1 1. Walt a little lotiu"i, t.nst in l' invi.lclu'e ami remetiiber thai theft) li uu at leu.i, Auj Cttitu lot yuu.' WELD ON, 'Krn;tins, my little darlini;. Hut it a ol no tle,' lallered, droppine; the warm soli paini he hid tnk.n 'Hush! time is a knock at the door mnic duns, 1 sup pi I !' It was a letter which the little errand Rlil threw uito the room as it the, ton, lully nprreciated Mr. Harriet's social and financial tatus in the r-tahiuhment. "Miis Tiny,' she encd. tartly, as she, di.l, so, 'your ma wants you to come liolii down etnirs d'leclly,' l!ut Kmcstine, (or nnre in her lile (lis rrspt ,-iJul o tK. niatctiial hehust, otooped to pick up the letirr au.1 hand it to Mr. Hartley bib in he b it the loom. Tei hups it is con. I news,' she said, to him nil blv. and then went awn. Mis. (ilentiehl was all impatient lor ti or a I lent down hi airs ; he w anted to .send to llie die-.sin.iker' abuut a diess which was tn have been .bine, and wasn't done. And the coii'eiciice stricken dame nl siino. silk snd .cissoia sat down at once to put the fiui-liiip; touches on, and ho it 'was i'iite dark belore l.tuestino reached home. 'What do you uppoo Inn happened !' a-ked Mrs. (ilentiehl, met tiny her daue;h ter at the door. '1 don't know.' said Ernestine. 'Hecks has broken another piece out ot tlio china sit. I Sllppo..!.' Mrs (fienli. Id ihoi'k her head. 'Mr. Harney has pone.' done! Whete ?' Tno dear knows-1 don't. I'aid his bill, and paid Biddy a .piaitcr (or hcisill, over and ab .ve. and In' has oooe. Kinestinc's rhetks flunrcd up, and then e.row pale. (Line ! aliir what she had owned to him that very mornine;. (dine I without leaving any (aicwell word or nies au lor her. Wed, it served her rie;ht lor so far loru'cttintj her womanly reserve and maidenly diirnity as she had done. And poor little Kmc'ine went ilroopinc about li e lions Oor a dny or two. Kinking the mere shadow o( her (ora.cr ielt. At the did ol three days Mr. llatney rjini' ba k 'Are you plad to sec me, Kmcstine V I don't know' the little damsel nn owerc I, demurely, 'I (tare say mama will be very happy to lnur how you are yellnm on.' 'I rhuild like to tee her,' said Mr. Har ney ; and Kti e-tme went to call Mrs- tiicu liel . T have come tn a 'It a crcnt (avor nl vou lUrtdim,' he said, as the worti-hmkina hoarding housu keeper cnr,ie into the loom. Mrs. (ilenfie'd shrank into iicrseK, as it were. 'Il it's lenini; money' sin) hrfrsn, lather (loubtoiisly. Tint it is not,' raid Mr. llatney, wiih an umtiK'd spaikle in Lis eyes. 'It is a much Ijrcater Isvor than that. I want yon to r.'ivn mo vour iluiifjhier, M.s. (llen- lie.ld.' 'Hut yot) can't support Iter,' ,uoth the .iowiiiiolii window. 'I can, il two hundred t!,-;u .ml i!u"a's will do it. I have a blown ctoim home ready to nciive htr. an I you, to,), if you will honor us hv hclrti; our kiicsi,' Mis. (Heidi. 1 I t.'.rled lit her visitor f it he were tpeakini; the Sanscrit lanena;c. K'nestine utterei a little cry of astonish ment 'It is true.' Mr. Harney (multiply as., soiled, turniny to the uiih 'I'.'ii icinin.. her that letter yon e;uve met It wa 'he h'tia' no tili'-ation ol the death ot a dis'nnl relative whose very eiiHter.ee I was almost unaware ol I was his only heir, and ti i .1. re i c Ir.s made me nil ol a sii.bh n, a wi aliby map. Krm stine, you owned thnt y..ii lot. 1 iii'1, whc'i I was a poor man ; ton will n .t wl'h.lraw vour pneious hcurt now that I am irn :. iiecte Kv ncli (' And what 1 1 I Kinesiii-c ..n.weri We leave the reader to r'Ucss. I'ut Mrs C'.n lic'd. boa-drne-h oise wai cloied at oik., and !iio petit ol h' i ne.liiie's beauty i pr.i cr'y t at hist. ST . Mr. Skliiiirr'H 'I it ;iko. j e., I llil, s I It is not p il.lc to pel nut it to pa-s un mciiiioii.d. When nr. incident ol uunpiw intcti st an 1 l'it-re .1 him: cupott nice Imp pens, a newspaper is ci:ip. lied to take notice id' it. Alter all, this is a world win 10 we must Constantly sacrifice nut sclv. s (or others, and w hy shoul I the j un-riso-t sin ink Iruiu any duly, however pain li:l it may be i I'lie ti.aie event to which reference has. just lot 11 luailu cud 11 t have . (' ciined in th.t-e earlier days when meial h id not yet been used lor iu Mirl, lur one ol tin pin pore which It no.v serve", fi i ihe opinion ol all arch.i. .'.oj;ists that the primitive -or we niihl I'ty toe tut In : t f ilm td the title that Is In say, the si x r.t tirst use I 11 simple tiuii;. Wi bin historic t lines si 1 i ps ol clo; h ol about 1111 inch 111 width have hteu veiy loiniuoidy u.-cl. I'.ol llovl y has in his pos. ssinn a pa'l nude ol e;i iv ''iHtoio," II that is the pin pi r sen nulic. Itiin, which were lountl in a riiimte Yoikshiru vi.laue, rn.d wjneh iue l.i l ev. d to he no', mote than lilty yens old. M 1 . 1 11 ' nl als 1 has a sinele i'liu n ade nl ik st 1 1 p ol b'n'k vilvci, which bethink Pel hi. s to a later si ...re nl h V( lop.i.ent t'i..tl tl,. It'ltr in I'rol. ll .ixlev's in. ss. --loll, an I w Inch wii- I. 11 d m ai .-a I is' 011 y l',a n, and 111 iy hate been the property ol lie .1 .i.,'i'ter ol the laiuou-nln ptittd thcreol. 1'he use nl e'a-tie webinu, in ide ul b.ue or ted si k W0V111 nvir a m tul core ol India rubber, is couiiHiiClve!y i.eent; und II is a s.-iud by t; lit !i oi ics whu.li deiniinl out re-pe t Ihst tin- nistetial is and Very wiMvt.s 1. eon sc. statistics on this v.li'le, t can be Colin ted, it at ...I, with the orea'est d.lli. uitv, and .ti! it not for Ihe lact that .nnin'i't. s o! ibis e'astie; tvi bbinc; are ntrnua'lv uiau.il iituitd and soil we should be totally una'.ic to ptove that It is in atoive use. Kvt.leticc c.illteted in c.)u u.i'tioii w I'll the up-irin id c iirini;c Is O thu la-t diorce uniri'.s'-w. rthy, since 111 luch nioia.nts the vv.'.nc-'j is almost sure In be laiim im; uu.br mole or has ex.l'c mint. 8;ill, we iinty as mini that within too Us! ten y. iij the clasrie ini.terial in iiliStion h .c '.'ill 01 very jjeucinl Use, and llial the tntred ictio.i o! u.ctal.c spiiai bands, wild her siivcr-i.laiid or pliiu, has IK1 Jet super, tiled it Mr. Skinner was id ioui-o totally ic,no. rant cl tl.e win.le cii' j.c1. lie was it Methodist divinity 'i:,'eul. 11.1. 1 in all in Uibilcy lie hud ncvi r .Ircnui.d that such an aim le existed Binnt.d any ipie-lloti, ha was ew.no that metal ivn li-e.l iu Its 111 iiiulin'.li.i-j, and thetu is not the least lea-100 b r tloulitiiiif hi M1U04U assertiun thai pnor to tho H' tut U0tiiJ h'J had I " 72 f 1 1 J If . k t N. C, THURSDAY, never laid his eyes oa a pair made of nilv.r. plated spir.l wire. Nearly all the people ol Brewster Ccnlre, w Lore he has rteided so many years, btln.ve ins assertion, l.nKI that he is entirely incapable nl pteVari. a tiou, f ol the (ttviitct crime witb which ho has so umuppily been chalet. 1, Mr. r-kinncr, as is notorious, was eiioaoUi to be wan led to the daughter ol t!u it., i iag co. 'pi r of Ilrcwslci ,it;c, und he made his litbt vi.-it to New Yoilt early last weik. It was while ',i k,;ie down the S ith avenue that l.i r jt I. -II up in a eiiver pialKil purip"si'd lor ssle in a shop win .low , and inai kid ".in ly lilty ecu's." .Mr. Skinner th niiht thai this was un ci p tioual (.pportiiiiily lor loiyino a pair ol bia'llilul In i.ci fis lot his In ttothud it, a Vei v eiicap late. The tact that (ho shop did not appear to be a ). h i':; shop, but was ib vol. d app cent')" to the s lie ol la die's elolhiny, uave h. Ill ipI IiUiiiihI ten-oil to iniaoiiie that the pair were much iheip rr than they wmilil hav,- bc.'ii lit TCinj's or c I .i win hi. lie i nli led the shop, mi l lludinu iiuoilnr pair piicr-ely luiniiar 1 y 1 1 ou the counter, l.n louk ihciu up and ,:ike. the y.itini; wmnaii beliii.il the cuuali r I heir prico Kin. linn that they weio only liliy cents, he examine I them careliiliy, and ar-ke I il they wcio laryi' enoiieh to lit a rat her st'iut J'ouno ladv lu VctMiunl. 'I he shop-yirl Mailed and replied tha' tiny cer tainly were not too small I . r any New Kii" 14I1111.I Inly. Then Mr. kinner risked il she would kindly put t hem o:i and let linn see how it looked. To Im tit er uinn.' -inent, llie joiini; wcriian called in a (light ened lone upon ' licotoe,"' a iaiee In an in the real ol the Mole, and ml mu d liim that "Ihij v.lh in" -liie'iicin; llie uu in nli.l iniiieiiit Ski:. I. et ', insulli.i hei." "lifDIiiC," w h.r w is iniliu'iy a piuclic.il tuiiti, liist r ipiiie I Mi ?i,iiiin i to pay hu the nrticle., nod then, w chniit iviiij; him the slihte-1 chance bu t X ph.u itlni,, kicked linn into the street. Mr. Hkini c- sa'.i-:',. .1 Inni-i It that both tho youny wrniiaii mi I ' tieoiye" wen lithcr ibiinl. or cr..y. aid as lie wi.-hc l to leave loitu that day he l.nboie to app,a lor ju-tite to the pnli.e, K. tin r.iu ; to Brewsler Centre he ha-tt i.e I to call on the daughter ol the coper. T.iuaily, he was not anxiuns to unit the eooji-r hcu i.'i Ur. th'.i.aii th at leso. c'.ai.ie poison was w. 11 nnauiiio ill h.s way, l.e wa i in !. teuipeii' I and inns, u! ,r, and .is such Ha noi n p i its n.t l onin -tiii,. u I r the in -,!.-.! -iiul pi niwiiary dui.iitv ' t .'. I' u'. ( r.t this lle.'s-iorl he Was, howi V-r, riad to li ic til nppoit.liilty to show the coop, i h;s e, 0 ily, and he there lore nn iilloneil that he h id br uijlrl l he I iii'..liler a pn s. ut ol r. pair nl b a. ele's liolu the ( iti-. The yniin; la ly was .lelii;ht" l. 'im! w n't. d ai.N.nU ly r,ln',e Mi S a ie tn" i: ,r .1 r I the strui); and oin tu'd the b i.v. Ji'iicie! .S . I ah! Anii!" he t xclaiiiic l,ns l.e i h .bilcl the articles. "Tho e ale what I call h n.l some, riinl want you " let iue put. liom o;i with my iw ii lui.d ti,i very :ni iiiti.'' In Ihi- sdbsi .in li! d. riTiplmn .Mr S-'.iii-net H-M'lt . tl a! It- thou ;ht r.l tl i 'loo th tl ihe wor .I hud e.ene to m in.l M,-- n ih Aim am. wi le 1 his liiti.'t . til and .tliei '. .on ate pitilioii with a I. .ml el.rbk nd a v cl ient thip aere.s his Ielt cluck. Then the Coper joined in, i.n.l rruiarkiiri? tliat it ' did su m to him that t tf so paisnns had ju-t ijope clr i r ci n , ," tork Mr Skinner by llie nape ol 'he neck hi d alter fln.l.iue h in wnh utv ul ei ei;;, "liu.l h in out,' as youco i r li ..inns. ,i, v,!io v, , . . 1 Mr tK I in .or lu the ft td be'no simt int ol the limit door. altelWal l said. I'll il. i d ill bodv ain1 d ..' I at to b's mii .l. Mi. ,-.i.in tier s.'liellt Ills I olll.!ilo-hou-e 1,1.. h . , In d, w here in il ccoin-e cl the .1 iv I. learned that in ('01111111; to p.yi.l ir ninioi he II I I ei".s'v lil'lii'nl Ml-i S.1.,'1 .',,.11. and tha' public i.piuio.i M.is.lind .1 n 10 wlntl'i'i lie a-.In, nk 1. 1 in-1110. At m,i 1 i'e. I.H en.- e'l'iiii n' W'.-.r.o..n c.1 -iii h't tepii" .t i i.i -.i as 111.11 1. ll, a 1, I Chile has c, , 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ee l li em I'm -tcr 'e rt ari . liter Lamed that he ( d Ml 1 i if Tl i- s td ( veld was ,,n,( .1 to the ..tr ..Iiii'ln ii ol sit .1 ! as a subo'.iiutc lor t.aMic v Sk iiiie r Inmrst y suppn-ed I a pair ol bracelets, and hi I ,'I.Ul ,r. d " pird t bhit.;. Nl e w is bit v n,: ni srake wn t an UllinilUlal one. He ki'evv no'hitl:: ol the real natuir o( ihe siui.e-c i bin: e'cls anil hid l.e teen in'.irined tha' toy were, we should s iv. lad he kr.own w li it the,' were, hi' w-,u.il s. ou. r l av di -1 tl 1 have toilchcd tin III. and would have p e Irrred the ra. k or the itocks to the con mission nl so hoi 1 il.lc a 11 1 tl u.'i.' as th' np.lt and public 1 II' Tine of them to Mb- Sal ah Am. Ihe tinni! is (b lie now, nnl tin e is no be'p tor it. l ot all 1 men . w lii a-l I hern .ei V e- V, in I her the piibhe ( X po-uie 1 I -nt b .'.rti.'h". 1,1 sin p 111 lo.v - i.- ( consisleiil '.villi a h 1 1: li and tiue nioiuli;y . A ricct' ill" Itoiiitini'f. Kri'eiiilv Mr. Hat. ert I'n a con pie win. were happily -'on and wife iiiolrd a lew lav- nt" unveil 'il I. it". Uofk.AiKiu' is en r Mite I 1: I'. X I'. Tue -t.ey - tied iiiat'i t. c is lather a lo ma 11 lie om ; net tha it ub em I-in Itatr-litrndth (s''ape or 11 1 I1I..0 I in liirj'e or 'ni'.ll . 1 in t it le s, but that - vv, II, that it 1- Ionian! :ei. A 'nut tour c irs a.;n M'rs i'niina Itol-l-nii; ot h.ltr.-i Hi. Vl-il.'d In r .cd III W ill. 11 ciiiintv, l nt'i.'ky. It wa. (s.i 11 iner. '. l.s -e .-. 11 iM, niel one 1 -1. 1 1; i lie "irl sat In '.lie ;titd. Il.ill c a liii'.' no I ba'! 1 canl.hc; 1 he 1 11 n r in. tu e, Kitin l-..: -'.ft rs Ku. mo r.inun I. A .hut. f : in y l.tiinb'es bee will att'act attention neywhcie. II. can m.ike Vou M. ink t!ial I.;' u t .I'.Iihl: Inn s It in your ha t. and. I mki' :; r.r md, ..',1 sc. In. 11 (1 n let t aw iv. 1. ' . 1 1 L, i : il I" a tl.i-'l -I l.e in. I h e'.- 1 n.-iiuli d' ut I'm Inc. A loot-'.ep tK.ln't ntol. e ihe ...lll'i: ladv. Ii was a vol. 0 t!..it sr.y, 'c.c: I tt 't a di il k ol w .iter i' 'I a.i 1.1 ii..- ",r. I I ''c ( biti nl a liamp le uu .1 oil !.' h net'. I1" was die-M' I m the trainp's oatii, a wuidrnbe at .nee o nt -. 1, b.ihle and indr l'.).tb!e. 'I ray . t in I u-1 lotne wati 1 i' 'Vis.' - .1.1 tl.e oili. 'M ,-' I ;! ar .und 1. 1 the e,:.:e or climb ov. t tl.e It I c :' 'lh. th. il you choose ' 'That's tl.e ay 1 ilku to hf.il' p'opV talk.' i-.i.tl tin' I'a'iip, t'.ioibirn: 0V1 r and npprurichii c;. 'Now, wl.eie's Ihe wait.' f' I'll blinu it.' Yi.u'd better hiiiii! Ihe wc'I, tor I'.u drvi r '!i:in a bam I ol Iti 1 dtvV.' T ie ,1: wen! t 1 tl.e li n: all I 1 e It'll' d iv iti. a hii'. k' t ol wati r. . li, .. ih-j imc.i hud I'uii.-h. .1 tli'.i.'..ni;: .-lie did 11 t think that ho hud ex-ikti laid h.s '.biist. In Inct she tlid not think that liucumparidun had been adequate. 'What buvli ale Juu fi'inKii' AUGUST 19, 1880. 'Mill on the K;os.' '(i.o'ra eil. I nrver liked it. All depth or no depth. I don't knuw winch. Ktrainei rharactira or no cha'aeteis, don't I.tio'.v which. The novelist has tiicd to wiite a story without a well-d. titled plot, and bus failed, ( ddsmith't success as a pintles aud thai mine wi iter was a bad cx ample.' 'You shouldn't (tar my lavoiilp honk (o pie.es. I like (ieorc Klliet uu 1 a'l her works.' Yon don't bko 'Mill on the Kloss ' You have been nod. lino tiler it lor the list hull i. our. You only pretend lo raa.1 it be c iiisc you iinaoinc that in d due; so you din inpe lit. tin y laste.' 'I think, sir, you aie impudent.' 'Un! ttuihl'.il. It' ic'sabook you should read, and the damp took Iroin his ritcd cuit a tattered copy of Ibiitoti's Analoiny ol Melancholy. 'I'r. Jolitisuu said Hint tins bonk was the only woik that eoiihl it) luce him to net out ol bed lnoiiiinj,s tuiuciT than bis rcoiilar t into l rlfciug." 'And t tint V why you like it,' retuaikcl t!ie i , r 1 . takm;: the book. 'It Pr Johnson hadn't made that it unit k you would not liu.l the work so churnuni;.' 'That's all rioht. Uiye mo somo more water.' The convi.'rs ittnn was pursued until the tramp ncccntnl an invitation to stipprr His idea ol i'liinon atitl ,'nlinou was soon covere I up Willi bal'ci cake.!. The tramp. Mr. 1'iiston. icinaiucil tl'l ni"lit. Next iii.it in nt;, when be announced his intention ol iiavint;, th'- u accompanied him to tin: spot w here she at when In; hailed her. 'Why do jou tiainp arount'; you hive no l. on !' Y s, ns to the home. Don't know as tn the ti "mpini;. WhiskfT Whisky.' MYi'v dnti'i you mil It T will.' When I' Now, und.'r ope condition. That you wili consent to be tny wile. Meet meet tno uin.er this tue lour veais fini to-day.' I will.' (Innd-byc,- nn 1 be climbed the (once and was yonn. No coriespnn leuro wns cirietl on between them. Tho manly, handsome luce id Ihu tramp hmij; betore tht'oiil like a poi hait. 1). ep, car nest eyt s aim ny la'io'.i, in compauied the turnip. S: wrii wu.ks ii;; i the ymniy; 'ady visited iitiiiint. Due i venit'K I U wivk :;!ie fit ir.. r.r a '.t'c in the vnttl where faur yi art ti'o . he n nl led over n book. Bees buAZt' I 1 ai'dind I'icsaiiie bt cs sreiiiinejly. (In her hip lay 'Mill on lite Kins-;' near her a tat en d i o.y ol 'iliiiiou's An.it. r.iv ol Mcliin 'ih ily.' A huo'ty dioxo up. A r.iati a- liol. ed an I clum-cd toft h'l.CC. "'Mr. l'rc.-'on.' M'-s I! 1 .t.d ' Tee'c was no m licat ui of a Ir tup in the haiii.'oin "ly tinsel or ;il leiinn. The ch ar, i a re;t cy e.( show cd no luiid lihl, hit. died I V Satan's bieslh. ('loped hands, j kisses, ruiewnl i I vo ib I'll nt ( vi niiiy 'be ! oiiouv wdit lo llowliii;: (iiiin. Next i.rtinii.i: a happy coiiplo Ielt on a nuithtTti t tuiiti tram. Iii.utnlluii ol Nuriu t'lriiliuit lu IH. 0 Hllll lu IstO. ISiO. 1S70 Alimame, UfiJO Ui AH.cb .iiy, S.MKi ''-1 A he, MHO OoTH ,n...n. HU!'1 U' 4JS I'., uiort. M.'iKj li'.yn !'..! tie, 1C. lift 12 D '(' i' .n.l.e. '.'I '.'"i t 1 41 2 i'n i .-, l'j 7r: ,. i ei. hi r.t l'Jt u'. w i. k, 1) b'7 7 7"1 i ..in on, '.'s ' "Cti ((in,.!, i'st'7 yotii t ,".;oii, l' .Hi? ? I"1'' ( i.vi 1. 17 SU' hll'Sl i l. i'h..in. '1' IU ...l Chowan, I 'll 1 in rokce. S ID') . ! IH" c aven. ' I' 710 iOhlil Cot. tuck, fl4-'2 5iai C,b ris II, '.Hi I 11 'J'' I Catawba, 1 1 '.if.7 ('..'uiiilois. II tVJ, 171 Ciiuibetliud, '.'il e'.li WW' i I iv, ;U7 - 401 Clevelanl, ll'.'ii'rl I'.M't'.hi IV, re. Jf.M '4 l,i:i Inon, 20.:!7.-, 17 111 I 11V.', 11 HI" "O-1- I iu, dm, Hs.-.O lTi.Vl'J I K.l .combe SB (lie) I .' 0711 'r.er-.'h, 17,"7 IS!'.. I IV-u klin, 2d 17 M do4 Catm, I'lV') 13 fi"- ila'is, P !"t, ( i-i t';i!.am 2 new tlranvrdc, o 111 : 24 Sill (!,c. iv, m.l'it HI'"'' C.ii.lloril, II ,t!-M, llalrlax, Haywood, ll.mde.s. n, lb III. nd II V lc, he It'll. .1 ,1 l.s II, .n.hli.-t.ll .I.IIIeS, 2:1 la 21 '.' H)2ir. HS'.t.i no 'jsn 2o toy lrl2i;;j 7 9 J l 10 2'.IS T lot 11 ri'.J 7 (lit 22 Ton 7 li'iS 2:1 :;-ii 7 toil n ir.'i 10 07 1 8 Ul! I 12 win 111 ill ;;;n77 II IlSft 1 1 V'J l!i'.U7 H s I 17 7SO 2l,ls7 Sn iio" ti 7:10 (1.1 15 Iti i'ol ii ti--;! IH s;i7 5 nn-! I Kenoir, I lei. coin, 10 1 Is y 57H 0 r. 1 5 h i:i2 0 ill 7 21 2'.j;i 4 705 7.IS7 12 CI" 7 .V2 11 077 S7 II 71" 7 5''.'J J7 i'17 new. 5 131 lew 7 UI5 11 170 Mac. .11, V.i I'-oU, Mti'i'i, M.-i klciburo, ;:cl.rll, 11 to.nn 'ry, M re, iMltwcll, 'A i-h. N'eiv Ilannver, N't' liniiiptou, 1 hi-lcw, I limine, l'liutlii o, I'ttsiiuo'nnk, IhuJiT, I'.' 'litnans, I'euoii, l'itt, I'o'li. r.ando!p!l, It ck'nh 1111, lioW Ml, It I'Kctloiil, lin buiotnl, U d'cvi", Sa'itpson, 11 r.l 10 451 11.711 ','471 1.1 71 1 21 b-13 Of.7 20 S7i 21 711!) 20 0(ht 15 21'. I ltj.2:ii) 21 lel'i 211 1113 10 JlU 15 till l 814 1554 0 8-U 17 27t! 4 ill 9 17.551 15 70 10 S10 i;t 121 12 SH2 10 2'i3 1! I. If! 8015 1 1 253 1 ear J I 20K 3,030 vanly, Suiry, Swain, St. kes, Tiaot.ylya.nin, NO. 25. Ttrro'l, 4 ..17 4..17S Union, lSHi',7 12 217 cVatnuga, 8.17.1 i 2S7 W Ikes. 10 ion ViWi YV.t hit)(;ton t '.ir 0 51(1 W.kc 4S 270 80 (11 7 Warrenton 22 Cti 17.7t'.s Wayne 55 041 18 111 W .is. b IC.OjS 12 25S Y'nlkln l'..4::o lOi'.'.C Y'uucey 7,0-ii) 5 'JUU 1,110, HIS IOSOD'jI Tou M.vnv II vi.vih. A (jiil composed ol ci"ht halvi s is a uritheiiiaticiyl an.'inaly. aseictililic monitrositv. Aud yet we heard one rjceiilly, within hall an hour, dulrce she was hall dead with tha bent, h it', lull' biitched lielsell lo death at soup body's iiiiulinp or blunder, was hull crriy to know s imethtii); i.b nit sotiethni; else, was hall tickled to dcalh at s4iiio liim y remark ol an ape of it beau, was hull mad nt un eir coil's presumption, and ivjs half killed by a 1 1 h 1 1 iii srii'.tehniK her neck, winlo all ol her two h al via mere -was still ulive, we'I and absurd. (I ii Is, drop all these hyper bolical ilotiscn-iii ditle.s that tlisliouie your daily walk and 1 onve'sstion, and bo us sensible as vou urn pretty und lov&b'c.--Dead wood I'loueer. ','flssiotis ate likonej best tn floods nnd strciitr.i. The shallows murmur, but the deep are dumb. l'.ettcr fall entered nnd scared with the wounds of (lory thnn to surrender tliroujli expediency to whet a wrong. llow quietly flows the. river toward the sea, yet it always readies its destina tion. Tlii is a point to remember aboii you aro trying to "ru.U things." ADYKirriSKMKN'TS. I ( I I I ''''''l ebatic" to I t V 71 J IJ cy. Wo 1 1 ... t a to iii.iki. inon ",l'"oll lo every town In lake Mtbscr lptlitns lor tin' lari't sl.c' e.ipo-t and he l illuai rate I I'llllll ly pobileiCon in tint vvoild. Aov 00" can bee.niii) a ..ii.ve-sltil iiiiuot. ."st-v tloj.-..nt works of 111 1 Kiven (roe lo niliMTtliors. The I'ho prico U -o low Ibul iti iimst ovoi ybn.ly snbserii (is, Ono iiisnL rnpnrta t'lkbpr 125 nilwcrlbnrs In a day. A l.idv ti"it litporls niakirn; t'vi.r 200.'leir profit in ton day. All who 1 siiMiro ntako inoiiev I'unI. You einib vMlo .il! vooi (lino to tho business, oronlv oil r spare litini, oii no. 1 md l.nnw.iy liom I oiiic ov or 11114I1I, Yot cn'i do 11 ns well as nth. us. l'ull diicetinni nnd ti'lTi.s Iroo. Klecllit nnd etpensivo otilti! fteo. If vou want in'oiltnbln woik rseml us vour iiihlro'ts nt mien. Itjeo'.!'' hot lime In ley tlt.i .iisini(-4. Nn 111111 who iMu'iil'i.s fnl- to m ike irroul pav. AddruMs ' ictirv,-" S 1 1 1 1 . 11 .t Co. I'orthiinl, Maine. Inly I 1 Iv mljtll hnalness nmv before the pnb )jO I lie. Ton can inai.0 ino'ioy ia-ter at woihlor us tli-tn at nivtliii.k dan Capital ii"t reijiiirwl. Wo will Htatt you. ill a .lav an. I upw trdii tnadi' at homo by tint indtiMirinus. Men, women, bova ainl (,-irla vvautn I overy'Wl.ore t" work for us. Now' In tho llino. Vou can devol" y our w lioh ttin lo tlm work, or only .vour spare nnononts. Nootlior liosincs- w.ll pav yit imarlv as well. No 0110 willine; 10 work can tall .1 itii.lte uniirmuua pav l y ctikt-iltini it one.'. Costly OottH and tcrun Ire... A r,roat importunity for inikini; money o.t-ilv and boii.uably. Address Ti (in iv Co, A'utfiHtii, Mo. July 15 lv. ct It Th" OK NtH I'M C'AKOKINA, llulirux t'ulini) . Snpcrlor ( onrl. Iticlmrd '. I'l.tinlill Itador, and wife, and olhcrs, Au.air.tjt W. A. Ihvnii'l, Jno. il Vi;ililoul,a::d nib ' lie'emt lltta. I Ordi c (or I t'llblli'ltioii I Ins 11 a i.iv ii action peiidl'.e; In said coin t 111-111 lit. d by tbo pl iititril s lli. h.u I I'. iU.lcoT "I'd H1U' '"b'l's, :i.ini'.l W A. II unci. .111.'. II. Willi ti el ! ,:ci, I .vth."H to ceeovnl nl 1 1 ; tteltilld all t W. A. Illli"l nml hi-tui' ti" the ii'iimini do,' by In in as tho.,: .1.11 tt ..tn .'I ihe pi. 1. nil. 1- and to Hiib I .ei ihe land divited bv Un. la-l will nml in lament ."' Andrew Joyncr, ilecea-e.l i tip. p ivntent nl said recovery, said lands ooii-i-iin in I art ol th" tr let who.oon tint .lelondaiit Jno. 11. Wbitllold rnvodud, sit 11,1'. ..I in .-.ml eiint'ly of lliilil.ix near nl lip. 1. nvn of Fc liithl. I'ee it t''i id s.i'd (bilen.lanl Whirlio'tl ll-niiittat -Uii.K (eriil lH of this com I le-cri -'.!:'' t"d, nod that Hs l"i "i Joseph C, llollainy, bis cliCireii Slaty Ku'iiv Hiddich, fivi'lvn W. I'mrco Vila. I .I.U.l'ler.'o U'tlittiTa Whutb l i mid . Inot ., eel lesi 11' -.11 1 defend it't'- int"tt'.'- i'l thi .(li. 01 and ai" I'm pmicr and ii.tee-ir ..... I - I .. I at. p. uie,- l-l a l.u.ll " j 11 1 11 e a i 1 i: nl' his !U:Ils heroin, tl wis nr ilo'e l ih tt iv n dl.-o i-sod to them and -b oil 1 11" Hindu l apiitar by p: . . I or ,m ! :vU that "iry "I ' l il p iiire . aro 0011 nsidonln upon nil nil service of pin- cosa catir.o' l.e tiiado poi's.iii.iKv, then tin ,-4'd (101. ti.,.1. louts Hit I.', bo II .tilled by pu nl tenli tn 111 is re.Uirid bev, and ll.o 1:01. resi.l'.nev and Kitsenoo Iroin Ihi. Ma'.e ..ilhat Moiniii'iiia (iinnoiit Im p. rsonriKy -ni ved upon th. 'Mi ..( !ho -ic t Mary l-.nu. v Kuldicl;, and ,1.11.1'ittreo rtnd wtfo, KvcIvm W. I'loico ami Itid.erla V!i liielil bnnn tua.bi l" p'-.ir by iillbbivil" ns re.iinc.l. Now Ihix. toro tho ton. I M.irv Kannv Itiddn k, J. 11. I'ti'ic" anil wile, Kvolvn W. ami Koberlii VV In 1 1 i -ll aro hotel. y notified to l nn I npp. ir bo 'too Ih.i .Imlio "f "Or Siiport.n nuirt, nt a (mill to lo I cbl for I lie eiinty of II (liri.v, Statu ol Mirth Carolina, at II. I onrth ni-.f 111 ll.ilita.v I. vvn on thu th rd Monday in S..pi,iin',ior l'-so, t.'.cn und thori' to tloiei d lie ir iot.'to.-t birelo, rtlnl liirlher to (It md ret" Ivo w hat 01. r said court ah ill th. ii and tlicro t'onsinor ol tlienl lu tins Itolir.ll. I.nt lliia notion bo insnrled iu thu line nol-.j N'ovvs, it now sp.i,oi jji( lll-l.tit in s oil comity nl H iliutx, onot) a week to, -i -iieco ive weeks. W'.fics John T. Oreirorv, Cleik of (mr -aid enurl .ililbei'in llllllnv I two, lllia thu I7di day of Julv A. H. leSO. JUrlN I'. liRI'liOllY, Cloik Superior Cuurt, ll.diUa Cou.'ly, V C. ' Mullen A MoOlO Atiys. (or I'laiutitl. July 6. ' THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKRTISIN'd KATKH. S a I ?! " k I u S ,a - a C H I ca O 8 00 8 00 H 00 M K fi iki 10 no 20 00 SO 19 H 00 15 00 30 00 40 t 10 00 18 Ofl 31 00 i! WJ 1 . 00 20 im 40 .'.o 00 20 1 0 30 00 cO 00 6i 0 Oiki Year, 76 W0, STACK (no N.innro, Two NtiuaroH, Thrwi Siidarm. I 'our ScjuareH, Knunh I'oi'n, Half Column, hi teColiinin, T.AI.ItOT I' A MOSN SHOCKOK M.U'HINK WOllKa, RICHMOND VA. M tin: Kictu rorrs (. I'nrtublo and Stationary I'lnejines nnd Holliira. Myv Mllla, Corn any Wheat M ills, Nh.,fllnir, lianircru and k lova, Tin Iniio Water Wboela, Tobacco Ma chinery, lotiHht Iron Work, llrnaa aui) Iron CriHtinns, Miiehlnery of Kvory Dea eriplion. (ilNoINd AMI Tllltl'.SIIINO MACIIlSKiJ A Sl'lCCIAl.TY. Id nirliii; I'rouiitll) A tareittf 1(IUI. T l.TttiT l"S l'AI'KXTSl'AHK-AKnBHTKH, Tlii liivciillon ol lite Age H 1I00M ut destroy tho draft, ft doo. not intorloro with eleaniiiK the tube, t w ill not clitiko up, ami n (juirtiH 110 cluKU? nil-'. it ret nir.'s no direct uauipora to bu opeiie.l w luni raisim; Ntoatii itUmpo'H be irn; itl.ioetionabln, us they may be lc.lt ppet innl nili.vv Mi'ni'ks to (wrti.(i. 1 ' It ri.iuires 1.0 water to CUtiilRolHIi sparks, which, by cotiibnisiitlon, (leatroyn tin. tliatt. l'.esi.l..H, when wnter is ucAia'if ni.leeto.l, Iho ellieioucv Ih ilesltoyrd by eviip. 1.11100 ol llie wntr, and tlie lioilur kept in a filthy conditiop. t is Hiinpln :,ritl tlurablo and can be re-, lio.l upon. It can bo ultaeh'til to any U.iefi o phtntor shoultl be without ouo of tlioia. Insiiraii.'o ("iii'kiiics will Insure ulna antj bin 1 ih vvboro tho Talbott Knlnoa autl Sp.11 k-Arii'stcra arn used at aame ralf (a, citarL'Ott for watitr or horso-powor. J9"Soii, for iduslraieJ eireular w4 price liMt. llraneli Iiouho, ()oblslvir., H. t. J. A. II A llsl'.li, Conftfiil Manager. T. A, tilt iNltiiK, Local Mango. niav S (im NATURE OWN A VEGETABLE MEDICINE rORTHE. BLQ0D,lMR8tKlDNEYS. frtnvii'nS35 -,U.ii"i y iu vuxvwwii antdoit 11 w(.sif i ovr-vrn Jt.t. Rhi w.irli i'..5i. all Jfc ofW IMnm,M l.4rmr. llm Hitimmm iim ui Ih nlofl UM rtn.T.iiyh lu itM Cis4k It It uiifir-t'lliitl ir tbf cui.Mil ml liJttmflW i'iir(f ntti'li km Itorvf tifit. Tumor, flvM lrttr,Hnlt fMrM I 141 pmia, InriN (jrmttmn, Hvur !' tfh. M-lHtitn ASK TOUR DIUIU8WT FOR IT. tci cnntTMWs btLTlUORE, Md. For Bit .4 Pwmbc. GWATINE. i'jr I.lrur LmiplfUuta. CURATiKE, CURAT1NE, I-(if liht uii.lUlu. lul bCl ,iOK iXMtM. C'JRATIN Im l-iyvtM, 1 -jpU. l.f.TTrv.., 1- lv Y. l VI Civ c.tittti ur.H i lituuit:. MADE TO ORDER Oil IIEAIUED AT LOW VKKF.. A ! I k iins of w ood w oi k and trimming d ine 111 ...d -tyl". Hbu k-onith work dono it short rioiieo Hint widi nealnxsa. All, iiew- v rl- w c rant. il. Kino painting for, buirKios ttonu at low pricte(l:OBt paint uatl'. s!'l I il, ll l tMIO ;iVK!MTO Till: UNDK.'tTAKINO DK.l'AlU'MK.MT. Asa 1 1 - aStU ( 'olltll 011 hat. t au.l.t lies of all i-i.ea coin tautl (' in i 1:0 M iloii tls kept ouh a ml n pi Ti;a Iml nv l't lirsl,;ii; niarkol. ' Wel.loll N. Q. Jtino ' ly T. K O It I , Ta!;o ph;,-nrM in iininiuuelui; that hi an tit iii Is. I' nn, I at Ins eland on 0 UliS i' ,s I' It K K T, V, hoi c liu lias ou loin 1 1 a full lino of thj Kint'st ' WINKS, WliHKIl-.-!. nnd ItltANi'lKS. 'iOUACt tl, l .ii Alt.'.', and s.M' KK, OltANt.aS, AlTMs'S, and CONI1 ITIONKItlJjg Hie. (stock ot i'ciued ('.coda and (irooef inn U iii.uaually l'ull it 11 1! V o 111 I e 1 1? tll.ll l IHISKT WlljSKV A ITXCUtlTt. KM.-H IAHKK BKKH OX pnAnnrtT. II . ,-ii ii'iiif olu aatUfactioii. Call aud see I 1 in. 1 Nov 21 1; mm 1 . r? TO 1 V 'I) I i 1 p. 1 1 tf . f Fi '1 1 1. ;.) I .' I'ril if il El 1 - ' 1 : 1 i 1 si I tr 1 .4 .