WKHBMMRIffn. flags'': THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. THE ROANOKE' NEWS. "" " ' .- : A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY L. M. LOJt I '.tr. W. 11 A L 1 One Year, in advance, 81 Months, . -'! . i fbrea Month. " 2 00 1 00 75 Kts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P tt.'OKO; W. HARTMAN, " S a'r ic'o'a" D e ri 1 1 m t .' 1 1a.M j ,3 1 n- .0 air : : Orllcs over W. II. Brown' Dry UooUa Store, WKI.HON, N.C. Will Till' parties at their homes when desired. Terms Reasonably, urt s:i ly j st. amzuKD, ATTOU1EY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Office l tho Court House. Strict atteitjn given to all tranches ul the profession. I iiii li ly j T. B tt A N (' II, ' .4)0 2 , M W , . , ATTORNEY AT LAW. , ' ! ' '' ' kkpiku), s. a Prt Iron In lh counties of Halifax. Nash liiliri-roiiilioiui'l Wilson. Collections made In ul .;ar"tsof til Slnto. Jim li II W. II ALL, ATTOKJUEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N.C. Kneoial all -lit Ion irivcn to collocticrs anil reiuittanOM iiruuipMy umdu. may Uf. AX MOT.!.,. JOHN 1. JKI0HB. t MOOUE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. .', ,' ' nitiPAxs.c. ' Practice, In tlin counties of Halifax. Nortlianip .to. F,direcniiilo, Pitt ami Marl in hi t ! Mi prcuia court of the State and In tin- Kcdep.l .Courts nf thn'Kasfeni IJmt riot . Collections mane In any part of thu Statev jaiilly JAMBS K. O ' 11 A R A, . . , AT roilEY, AT LAW. .54' I nilBSPITiiD.Wa ? Ii ) . jpraoMeex In the eonrts of Halifax and adjrjh Inir cnantlea, and in thu Supreme ami Federal courts. Pol unions made In any part of th. Btats. Wl.l attend at tin- court house in Ualifux on Monday and Friday of each week. Jan ltrtf It QBKKT O. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. Praetlct In the courts of Hal if u v. ana adjoin ing counties. In the Supreme court uf tin Slate, and In tho Federal court. Will adva special attention to the cottectlor f claims, and tnadjitstlnx the accounts of ex Maun, administrator and gii&rdi.tus. dea 15tf UTIS L. UTS AN, ATTOlllVEY AT t.W. r .r -.;.' t, 'HALIFAX, N.C, , '. Jractlcas In the court of Halifax Mid adjoin In counties, and In the Nupreine and Federal "court.. (Malm noilee'ed In all parts of North Carolina, Oince in Hie Court House. , July It f PJ SOMAS X. HILL, Attorney at Law, EtLllMX, N. 0. Practices III Halifax and .nljolii Lurr counties and hVdr.il an I Supreni'i court. 11 WOI .1 t..l!l:Lll.l '.'eU. OllCC I'VlTl' fMl't- nljrut. auifiiif J"0.S. B. BATUIIEL'JK. ATTORNEY AT LVW, B1LEIQH, X. 0. Vrantlo.es In thfl ciurts of the Mh Judicial nuitrict and In til Federal mid sui-reini? I'mirls. may II tf. rp w. "jj mo n . ATTORNEY AT LAW, eAKYSUUR'J, V. c. Priotic ' ill th i emrts of Sortli.-mipton and a lliiiuln r counties, also In lln Fe.ler il and Su j-fclri. Juno a if. W. H. 0T. I'- ZOI.I.II IM I KII. D4 V A IOLLICOFFKR ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WBt.nos. N. c. Practice In Ihitconrls of Hallfur and n.ljolnliiit fount ik, au Hi lliiiprntil" a'U return i c.iurn. t 'lamias riKtKti. In my p.irt or worm i-aroiiua t':c c'f t'l"' i,"Mt'' ''.I't P iashi't m. ' iIh jm. " ' jinn i f ni-B. I. fi"U N X K B , ' , ' " " ' r V . 1 URGE O N 1 E N ritiT... n be found hia ollc iu 14iifioKl. ,lur NitrousOxMa Oas Inr tho I'aln .iiw Extracting of TootU lwy on LauJ. . i a.. ,t i ui: A K 0 tt E W J. a U KTON, ,;i 'A a T ' : 1 XrnntsEY AT LAW, . aLPON, N. C. Practices In tliccmrts of Halifax. Warn A and .aliolnliir counties and In the Supreme anu Fed real courts. :alum collected ill any pi.rl of North Carolina. " 1 )'"' Ji. BMirU.JK. ATTORNEY AT LfW, SpiTLiso Nk;!k, Halifax Ooontv X. p Vriictlres In ih rnnnlv f Halifax and adjoin Inr routines. a:iJ in tl'o'hJPKmo court "f the l'at, ' JfJr VOL. IX. Maiilou mi (I Wrndierrock. MAIIIHN. 0 Weathercock, on the vllln re spire, With your ffoldcn feat hers all on lire, Tell n;e. what can you sec from your perch Aoow there, over Hid tower of the uhureh ? WKATIIKHCOCR. 1 can sua the roofs, and the streets be!oMf, AoU Hie iMMipie moving to and fro ; An4 beyond, without either roof (,r std'et, Tim great salt sea and the tMien, mil's lleet. I can see aJilp come snillii.ir In . JBeyond the lm.'ill.ni.s and h.irhor of I.yun, ' And a younir mat, si;,ndoi on liech, yV illi nsipc-i) liaudkercliief round hi u 'k. Now he Is irefllnj It In his lips. And mot he Is klssHiit Ills llm;er tips t A ml now Pels It: i inr and w.ivtinr ins liiiud And I'l.iM'itir the kisses towurl ilm laud I MAIHKN. Ah! that Is the ship from over the sea Thai Is Priitrfinif my lover Imek o me I Vrinifinir tuy iover, so fond and I rile. Who dues Hot chau.pi un h the uind like you. . . WEATIIKUCOL'Ii. If I champ) Willi All the winds thai Idow, It is only because t ,y linl.le me Mn ! Audpe,iile would I lilnk it woudi-oiiH st rancfl Jf I, a Weathercock, wliniild nut el. iui;e. O pretly Maiden, so line and fair. Willi your dreamy eyes and your golden hi'r, When you and your lover meet lo-.lne. You wdl thank me for looMo some o, l or ,w. II i:mc v W. l.oin l ow . SWEETHEARTS & WIVES. A sober, li'i'll-cnntenli i! "licit at the wioilow, r bi ii;lit lai'i; in t tie siieid. The wimlow a thrown oprtj, rtnil n smile ncs liotn thu luiolit .lace to tho snhur 0110, uivinu it a tii;w unrl (ilcasnnter unpert. liotn iaix'8 am youuo, thu one al llio win dow the yonusiest almost chililiiki1. Yet the wiiblow-fiirc is is tho face of a wi c, ami the slriet luce that nl a niaUlun. 'lt!C? li'CO.' How 8'ranireW I was dVcciTed, Iiulla !' said thu I nly In the alteet. lJ.'Ce'veil I How, M.ti v i Wh it do you mean Cut cojuu iu. . iyu'ic just the out I w i -j to see.' I nil: sine I siw yon not ten tiiinuUM an. rliHnp out with Murk,' mnl the ynuny Iricuil, as they met and eniluuced at the door. Oh. d,'r d ! I lir.vcii'l been out riding with Muk for a month.' ''IiiU'i'd ! ITotv's fl:nt ? I rln ' trmrmber wlun you rode out IolcUilt almost rvciy alleinoon.' Yc9, but that was before our niatrin&e.' replied the ynnnr; wife, In a foiou that maile her Irieud look into her lace nut rowly. , ,. . , ,, . , The husband lins less liuic lur .rccrca. tion than the hirer. He must five, mortt thought' ' lor buiiocsa,' rciu.tliud her Inend. , . , , , The little 'vile toasc4 her' lifid 'tih slmieiieJ her shouldu s in a ilniibllnl way, safinif as he dirt an, T doti'l know about the binim.88 : but lorers and ImsbandR are a diffeiiiut rpeciea ol t!ie tcn is lioino. The rliipo3ition lira Muiewhetu iu this ill rei'lion, I prepunic.' Ah, Bella, Bella! That spueeli doccr.'t come nitb a aiiuicil humid liom yoji lips,' rem:ni.ed the fiimd, fuiiIw )gl 9CI1IIUS. '11 iw is it as to ctrcctucaita and wiven i akd the Irimd. '1)6 they bt'loiij to the same class 1' The question appeared to reach the vou,nij ile'a tars viilh niui;istivu loic.u. HdMare was a little chaiiycd as ihu Hn swered i " ' '' ' ' . i ! 'I don't know, Tcrhaps jp)!.' The friend had beiiu scimuini' the joun wife lor soma uiomenti (nun Utiti to tout, in a way .'that now elicited the ;m tii n : ; Do you see any;hi"jj (cculitr about me?' 'Ye-,' was answertd, What V 'A picul ar untidiness Unit I never oh seived in the swmhcii't ' B' ll i j;l .need down at her soli 1 and ii.fll d dress. "My ncolic,' flic eiii.l, with a lit: lu. shoit laiieh. 'So I should tiiiuk !. Now, eh ill. 1 diaw your (iicuuu V 'Yes, il you hive an r i?-t'a latii'T.' 'll. ie it is. II ur liistiekts mid mi idy ; skill dull lor want ol aciion ir.d li eiiiiK ; wrapper belter cn'nlit'oued for l ho wash tub ami ironing table La hi us a n uiiicnl (or 111 lair pemon ol a youn wilu; no c.ilur nor ornament ol any kind, mid a countenance well, I can't IV3 Unit as 1 taw it a little while flu'O at the window ; hut I am sure it wr.. n't the lace to chaim a 1'ivii. l'cihsps it liiilit suit a hurb,uid. But I hive my lioiibis.' Bella lelt the reproul of her liiend, as was evident by the spots that lo;;".u to burn on her chrtka 'You wiiu'dii't have me dross na for b pulty tvery day ?' she s.,id, 'till, no I Hut I'd have ynil I,. "it mid ect a a yo in.' i'e aitoii'.l aU us tic, that is if sin- Cares lor thu loud tin nl lo r husband. I veiilv believe it was Mi.k I saw n limr out a lit I while auo ' JJ ,1 1 ;i 1 1 1 1 w h 1 1 ur k Haiti d l.iok upon her blend. i burn ly hull lejju It. d h r cIohiik tiii-in'c. Why di I you say that ! Whit did you mi uu ?' lio ai-Led. 1 ouly itnil H to plague you,' answered the liieud. 'To plague me !' There w i an ts ptessioo 111 Btlla'l fsce that Mil' ha I never ami Indole. IKt cy s hs.l suddenly rjtnwn nl a darker ahado and wcu ra;ei and q ies ionui(f. Her lips lay closer lo ifttlur; there were liecs ou her lo e b ad. You nro not reilly in en'ties', Maty, about seeing Malk riding out yiih a lady this afternoon,' hc said, in a' voice ami with a look lint tevca'td lully her sla'u ol sdnrl. The color had left her Uca and hei heart abook in her voice. "1 waa probably miktakeo, .Bella,' rr plied the friend; though I ha I not doubled of the Uct until 1 aaw you at the window a little while ago.' Did vo'l nonce the lady rnrticulaily ?' 'No; but let the matter pass, dear. No doubt 1 was mistaken. It la worrying you uiore.than I could have imagined.' ,i'.ella looked at her Irieud lor some mo merit.'. n'u'tttauua way ; then, giving a low, suppressed, waibiiK crv, bent loi ward ariu laid her lace upou her bosom, obbmi 'and ihuddermij a surh nil J tues bulaure ot luvlini; (hat he, Irieuji bceaine actually alarmed. You have lnhtcn met' said tho youn wi e, liltibtf her head at hut, as tlie ex citenieul ' died awsy. 'Ah, Mary, il I iliou'd lose my liuti.iid'a lot'H it would , k.l! we.' " WELD ON, 'Then, Bella,' answered her friend, 'see tn it that you neglect none o (he mrana requited (or keeping it. II you would continue to be loved, you must not (;ior unlovely. The charms that wou your husband must tint be lolded up and kept for holiday occasions and thin put on lor other eyes tliau Mm. Viu mu,st l,eep them over displaycil belore him ; nay,1 pat on new atbacliops. Is not the husband even ih aier than the lover, and his luail better worth the holUino? Look bad., Idy dear (riend. over the brief moons that liuvu waxed and WHned since you were a bride. Put youtnel' nn ti ml nil 1 take im paitial tettiniony. HoW u it bum I Mas your temper been as sueet as when you it leaning; together ill thu summer Hvi liohl, Islking ul the love-crowned future f (lave you been as studious (, (,1c nc. as then 1 as csielul to his (cclinet as le caidtil to hiH tustust I) i yxti adnm yoursell lor his eys now as when you (1iumJ lor his comini; then t As a wilo, are you bs lovable as w hen you were a maiden I Love ts not a chameleon to feed on air and Jchatioo in every line nl condition ; it must have substantial looil. Deprived of this and it languishes and dies. And now, dear, I have named you. M it your husband, when lo returns home this fvenini;, looking as lovely as when ho came to you in your lathrr't house, at tl acted as the beo ii to the flower, and note the manner in which hi a' Isce will biiobteti Hp. Did ho kiss you when he came l;opie yesti idnv ?' The lace ol Bella flushed a little.' 'Iltisbunnils soq-i lose their inclination for ki-sina,1 she nnswercd. "It the wife tematiis as attractive as the maiden, never !' 'Oh. you don't know anylhine; '.'.bout it,' Slid Bella. 'Wait until you ate mar ried.' After the Incnrts fan! i;ood-ii(teraoon the young wile went to her iom an I cued lor a en id iiinrlcr ol nn hour. Then she commenced iloinij ns the liiend hail supctcd. Uelreshed by a bath, she at tiie l hcisell in a spotless white wupper, with a delicate blue belt bindaii; her wni-t, a small luce cnlliir; praindy tvhi'er ihiin her pute nick, eded and tired with narrow a.no ribbon, was turned awav Horn her 8W13 like throat, and jnt be'w, at the ewell of I he bosom, was an ex-'l'lisitcly-cr.t ovi.l pin. Her hair, a rich unldeo brown, hn I been niarlo fi'.ossy a l lis winjjs ol a bird, and was lidded just eiiouiili away liom the temples I.) tluiw their (lelicalo rultlnpj. Two opening rnsebtl Is led and white nestled above and iu fmut of one of her pcatta-iintcd ears. Sho did look lovely and lovable as her mirror told Ii2f. M irk was half an hour liter than vunal in cominii home. Bella war, si'.l;.::i; iu I ho parlor when he came in, wsiticg lor ,id return with a new leeljng in her heart a li cliue; ol b'.en !!'(ic Itar find hope; fear lest he was ixtually becomitii' esliauced Iriini her, and a tieiublliio I'.ope to wrj him back at'itin. llts stem was nut verv li: lit. Shu noticed that, lor her cur had heroine new !v sensitive lie had caught a limp'Col her throuoh the window, and knowing, thereloro, thati she was in tint parlor, cauiu to the do r and stood there. HIcm nib I' ho exclaimed, after a mo men', 'h in chiiriniiiir yon look !' And hi' cnti)n liiinti'd, with a pleaicd suiilu oil li.ej. i,:M tal.in her I: an I bent tloAil and mm Ix.'r. 'iihioiniuu as a lose 1' he a Ide.l. bol l itio her away Irnm bun, and y , i at her a tmiiiiioly. Il 'w her luail did belt with i.e..' ikli.di'. ! Dies-ed lor company ?' There wa- j ist a ?nllu slnidu ol col Iness in M iik's voice, as he bip.'oelc I the piob able reason lor her niuulaily -iiiipruved apiieanmce. Yes,' icplied I', .ll.l, Who?' JIv husband !' ' Theic was a ten lor, he art (1 itier in htr voice. M at k was a lit .'c (n.i'i- l, but tfteally ile iscd. It was true (list he had bun til, no out thill alteinoou with a lady -a liand-ome, allrac ive woman, wlio tin o iu aioiin 1 his w.' ik, almost boyish spirit, a svten's In filiation, She put on every ehiiip in her power; while the lonl- isll wile was hidinu bets awny, and tak- i n no pains to bold dominion in the heart she had won, ami was now in thin ner ol losiuj. Five minutes before tho companion ol his lide appiared to (ancv so rhuminj u a coiupans ui villi his wile, that he ie!( no ;iha-uro at the tboiioht of iiiielino one Who, sine; their marriage, had seetne l to jrnw every day lers and le-s u'ltiactiTe. Bella was ht iueen nl hearta aain ! 'And vnu really dressed to receive im dallioo; V he sill I, as he ki-Bed her neain. aiirl ther. drew his un.i lovingly about her W"t. Yes, (of you. Could a dun wile wi.di lo look lovelier lo (dtiur i vts tliau Let husband's i' 'I shoulil think not,' he auswcird. SI.e iindetstood, in the winds, more lb an hu meant lo convey. There waa a rose tint In eveivthinK In Iiulla s home Hint evening. riooi ike cold, hall iibtiflercnt husband, Mark was transitu iii'd tn the warm, attentive lover. How many luma, as he turned her tvis upon him did she catcli look ol tender a limitation, ol Ioviuk pride! Wlr.t has maie you so charming to nibl i' lie sid, aa ho ' kissed It r once more. 'You loek as pure and sweet as a lily.' Live for my husbaud,' she answrrid and tlico a tear iu which joy's sunlight made a rainbow, stole out liom the droop ing lashes, and lay a crystal drop oa Iter cheek. She ma le no confession o( her tLiii'r!it Ic 9 neelect or the uiin by which beans are In Id in thrall to love, though her hus band hall guested at the tact that ou.elhiiijj had awakened her to the truth. On the next aHcruoiiu Maik rode out with a lady auaiii , but thu lady was bis wife. Ho was never uUervaieit in danger ol beiii( won away Iroui laitblul love, lor Bella tf'ew in Ilia eyes mote altuotire. morn charuunii. morh lovable every day. And she 'kus saved him, in bis y .uiier, and lets stable lesrs, Iroui buinu drawn asi .Jo It I'.i the ri'ikt way, and both he'solfuad him (torn years o( wret:l;e l ue.i. Them may be just "8 line llsh in the sea ns ever were ctiight, but ill t ou'jle is to hoot ibetu. N. 0., THU IS DAY, Tlic New Deimrlurc t Bobov'M t'onier. Bright and early yesterday morning a blunt spoken, hearty-looking II st citizen ol Bebee'e Corners made ti la appearance on Uttswold street to look out some law yer who would deliver the Fourth ot July oration at thu Corners. He was nn busi ness and no (oolinjr. lis had biro deputized by his lellow clt .ms to make nil oratorical arrangements, and ha had deiioUid ideas as to the i rt ol ad tiess wanted. i; was put in commnnicalion with a young attorney who had an ai dless nl 400 paj;cj ol foolscap all wti'.leu out for cm h u n occasion. After a lew preliminary remarks thu lU'leea'o bean : 'D u s your ad Inci icier to the atruiilei ol our louiiatliem V "Wit. yes; I have seventeen distinct inferences to thetr penis, s'.rug'.cs and tiiu niph.' 'inn(.k 'em right oiit th?n ; crass out cvciy one ol them 1 Every tool in I he country knows that our fori'tatheis had to snuggle. Ol course they did j it was their business to. They have, had a'l the praise duo 'eu., and liebee'a Cornel won't yivt! 'em another wo:d.' 'Well. I suppose I can have out our lomfathrrs.' humbly replied the orator. 'Verv well. Now, what liavo you in your ad Ires! Iu regit J to Uencral Wash inj(lon V 'Well, I probably mention his name forty or li tr tune". Washington was a gieut man and we must pot toilet him. 'Strike him out I' was the fl it command. 'Wash ington was a great and good mftn II. bee's Corners Is as loyal as any town in Amriica, but we've had W ashiii(;'.oii till we f an't rejl.'' The oiatnr mule a nii'e ol that alio, and tho other continued : I presume yon have put in a boom for the l: el iralitin of Independence ?' 'Yes, I never heard ol a Fourth ol July oration willi that lelt out,' 'Then you ate going to learn something new. I, 'bee's Onrii-rs would how! all day over the sight ol an American tl i; il there w as any call for it, but we're going to take a new departure. No Declaration ol lu dcpeutlcur.il in our oration this yc if. Sciaich 'or right nut.' 'That doesn't leave me five minutes' talk,' said the attorney as he made a cal. dilation. 'All 1 have lelt aie a lew re matka on the Pilgrim Falberu.' ; 'Then knock the L'llgiim i'aih 'is higher than a kite M-ue you linnet it. We've been P.lgiliu Falhcled to ileal!) in this Country.' V hat kii.i! of au oration do you want up Ihne 1' a-kel the lawyer, aa bis heart bt oau to si tik 'That's what T'll tell you, (.'an you sing.1 'No.' 'Then you are put In the cold. Wo want an oration lasting Just ten minutes. We want a seusuliona' song to lest nil' and a sunny ono to end with, l l.'i re. minks between tho son ji can nine-n all the way Irnm 'Daniel in the Lion's Dcu' to 'Pop uors the Weasel,' l ilt they mud be tunny We am a laughing set up there. We go in heavv lor connnilrunis. an I we make some ol tho beat puns going We shall want, say, ten puns, ten cumin drum", two songs and something ti war' rant about live giins nn I liom ecven to leu tegular old k'.fu-splittere, and Hie tfiin will be $!) ca.-h ou the nai1. Are voo tin) man I' 'I - I guiss not.' was the la'nl reply 'All light 'nn IT Slid. I'll move on to the next, ami il ! can't strike the chap in this town I'll stil do .vii l Toledo, Bebee'a Coruris is goiug to get up and l.owl this year, and, don't you loigut it !' Wlien it blows in ll'inia it blows hard. A man tilting in bis lion e at Shipiiu.n eating a pie, heard lliu s'oim coming a' d I in to itie door, the gale hist blew toe house down and then si i. nl tiiu lull, carried Inn through the air a ii.iniiiel yards r so. and Tindctl l.im in a peach tree, t'oon nlterward a I'licn I'y bood liom his nv, house came lloating by. This lie seiz d and .l ic. I over I.I- h ad to proi tect In in from the raging blast. I'nder this shil'er he liniahrd his pic. Thu a'mvc ia related as a veritable occurrinco. This is a nice lime of ingot toy you to Ik- coming in. ssid a mother to her daugh ter, who returned Irnm a walk ut ten o' cloek. ' When I waa like you," c iitinue.l toe, 'my mother would not allow ma out laic," than 31 7 en o'clock." ' Oh. you had a pier sort ol mother." murmured the girl. ' 1 had, you young jadel,'' said the 111 oilier, " 11 nicer mother than ever juu hid.'1 A newlv niatr'ed man has discovered that the dilT. 1c1.ee betweui an nmbrella an I a woman is that you Can sometiiiict shut up the tlinl'telii. inBTntitTfraOTimistrMMa ADVKUrHKMKNTK, JiO OJv )I KU HV" READ THIS! READ THIS! And Slop ul t!.o Corner, and buy your Chua : gooda from AY H BROWN. THE LEA 1 K R O V Ho keep always on band a full lino of Hmei al iiioretinuilisu, hucu un Boots, Shows, Hills, l aps, lrv Hoods, Xolions, ' I'oeket Cutlery, ' Jin-rs, HoiNjry, tt-e. Also a full lino of grocorloe, Clioap for Cush. Comer 1st SI. and Wash, Avnunx. Wal.fM.ri, N.C. AUGUST 20, 1880. AnYF.ilTlSKMKNm OTIC K. All parties who have fatted to list, and pay tax on purelmses of cotton, are h.reby unfilled to see, in under oalh, a statemeiii uf the aiuuiinl ef tlleir iiurrha-o's. tly order of the Board of I'oinniHsloncis uf Halifax county. K J. I.KW Kl h rk. fcprH'.' If 13 ? US BEE'S C'HIMINAL OIUE.SL' Cintalns all thn Peolslona of lhf Supreme Court on Ciiiiiiiial f.aw and nil tho Crimi nal Mta;ntpn, Prlca (hiring Janiiiiry fl.at), afiorwards ,ri.0d. ' '1 liavo pxamiiied with antnn oar Husbiui'a Ci imiiinl Dlgeal and bav berm In ist lavnnibly Impresseil by it. " 1 doom It of great value to the pmcll.iiPjt lawyer and olhers titled on to udinlllisler tho law, and give It a hearlv reiviinnioinla tion. W. N. II. Smith, Chief Justice Supreius. Courl." "Wo oontiiiily concur lo tho above CiUtnate of Mr. Btis'(xie'a work. John II. I MM Ann. Tinm S. Asiik, AsKoehito Justices," Addrea KinY AHDS, BKOUOIITON.t Co, Kaloigli N. C. J.m 22 t(. NOTICE. T- N. WHITK. A. I.. HTAINTACK,, Wi' fi'l It oiiriluly to iit.tify our f r.nls jiimI 1 In 'hMh' ni iitTTilly. Ouit wo n' now rs'i'aroi! t-niilcr tftvut iinlih-i'mciiiM Itt nil whti vi,)i to Imv ffipiHiMof liny .lfMfri)iioii ' V,V lnivi- JihI r'-c- ivi'ti tlic l inri'Ml Ait l"st si'lcrt.-il .-Inck of jr tU twr nlfi'tt'ti Itt Wt'hloii. On i ntvl of I'tttl hi n if in nun u- li.n Mm ciii in r.ini i'"l i-f iulfr'j 'sh'M'H ati'l nn Ihi- niily M-MThniitH tn U i' lil' it. 1 h.sl V:iu I'U.v I ln'iii tlirt'ft fnun I tic iii;ii. u fm-t ii tirn. l'.'R imimc- of i.rin, Im:im. If ul ntylftl ju -t fffi'lviM). AU" s full f I'Miitiii riH Mini ijr. jrt'O'l1 of nil lit iN. nr stork inilirsivn foo liuicli ti mi'iilion. mi) If yntt :ml pry (inoiN, t ir-. Nh.n'ft, tlAtrt. Miniiifi-y. IInrlw:nrt'. Tin w.u i', ll.illiw-w;,ri'. ( 'roc Up ry-w;u' )tvivi-h", Ct.itlilmr. Iliirmwi nml Sn.f-llt'py. Woml nu rtuw ware, I'l.'wu. iind I'lnw CnHtiti ;, uf nil Kiiith. St'Wltur MiU'liliii'st, nl ntn 1 1 ti If whnt n rrn t nm Mjllniit i linn. Wltitfi hiuhi'tiu'k h ll 'iiom Sloiv U tin1 I'lrict' to Iniy lltrm. W ,mly nsU i(ii I-x.iniln.uloii uf our slui'k ln'fnrn you Iniy pIhc wlicn iiikI we j nuruiif . to ti'a'. With thutikH lo our frii'ii'ls in ih. Mil'lif for pnrt putroitau Ht1 hi'l'O 1t "ihTlt u I'otilnnmlir' of tin1 nviiih'. WIII1K A NTAI MHAl'Ut , Wl'LPON, aN-I;. M-rft v. j. naw; BAKER CONFECTIONER. ir l do jv, n. a. A Very l:ir ,'i supply uf t , li II R . f l A('k. KH, C A N ' I K M lltKNf'Tt AN'1 VI. MX. HAINI.N F R i: I T.I, M t; TS. Ac. Theliirrest sb-ek of Toys of every variety ever l.roiiirlit to this liiaiitet. n-.l.-r- fi.ri.oi lies caltes, A,,-., (ilied at sholict uoiieeai .Nori hern prices, Wedtllnr nud other parties siipphrsl as clicaii as the ehe.i e.-l . ocl Pi ly. 'AZ.X7A73 DELECT TTIS BEST.' "'-UftilF.I J .... Urn '-ru-d hy evrv Pit AOTTOAL P-VHTCn. covi:rt::;o caPAniTif ej unajftiiuff rM'I KI'AKY KN'OWM PAINT, HuiMin.-t I'.iiul d tilh mil Prepar d Paints, if ,.itttiu. ioiy,will La BepainteilM onx Expense. FOR SALE BY A R Zill.l IfliPKKR . nitll . Wcl.lou, N. C Jill!, ly FARM VILLE LITHTA WATER. This celebrated MTHIA WAT Kit Ib strongly recommended by ibo luculty I'm fiVSI'FPSIA, KII'.NKY ni'd ltl.ALIIKH DiMoaj,,,', UtlS.OKKIl.Ks., KUHUMATIC fiOCT. Htc, Kto. Used In practice Iw j)r. Seinide, of Hatnp tonj nr. J. llerbort ( lallioltin, of raters burg. Ir. Whltobead. of No!",; .'iliintv Hr. I imiilngimin. of Itiehmonii, and other It'iiiling pliyslrianx. Analysis In- profpsaor l'rlst(e, cf the Coliiuiiiian I'nivorsilv, Waabliigion, I', C. AdJrnuM JOHN HOUSTON, I'm i.iville l.ilbia Siirlngt, Kni'liivllle, I'rineo Kdward Co, Y, limy v I.V. N OTlt.Ji! NOTICK! KK.tli! HIM!)!! UK A if III J. 1.. UAsa 11.. Imve reiiioved their II K T.Vl.'KANT from thetr old place on First street to the GREEN FRONT, between W. II. Brown's store, and rrcacolt k 1 l.oouli ikstom. MKAUS AT AI.L HOt'LLrs JAY FOUUiCTH, Passengers on 1 he trams lan rT"t uo'als cheaper and a.s giHel a.-anywhere tdsc. l'lr.asant niotus, polite servants, clean services, and i vcryttmijf tn lirst class stylo. , H . AI L THIS HKUl'ACiKS nF THK SKA.miN, .ieuls ,,,i the Kuropean plan. You pay f what you pet . JAS.L.'l'ASS, 4 CO,, oc;", 'j v.'n-liii.,:ton vcin.c. NO. 26. A DVKRTISEM ENTS. fT T Ureal cbaneo to make inon UJjU ev. Wo iiewd a person In every lown tn take Hiibsci Iptlona for the largnat, a' eapest and ImH llliialratrd laml ly pilliMciitinii in tile woibl. Any 0110 can berotno a successful Asont, Mix plepimt works of ail given 11 ne to Mibscriburs, Tho I lie prieo Is so low Hint almost everybody siibserlnei.' Unn ant rnpoi ' Inking IUr sulisci , bein In h dav, A latlv n mil reports nuking ovtr J .CO clear i.rolit III ten days. All who engago make money fust. You San devote all your time, to the hunlne-, or only your aparo tli.it). Vutl ned not nn away irom l.oine ovnr 11 K lit. l oil can do i! as well as others, l-iill dlrncllona and terms fieo, Klegiuit bipI expcnalvo outfit liuo. If yon want profitable woik 3end ua your nddresa nt oiieo, Iijcisls nolliiiiR in try tlu loislne-a. o mm wlio engages f,iU tn iimku gmit pav. Address icorgo Mlnauti tV. Ill, I'nrllalHl, Al Utile July to ly HCJf p btiMinoHa now befoin the pub- lie. loiiciui make inonor luster at work for na than al anvthlpit elco Capital not rcijuiiod, Wo will start von, fia a nay and npwarua niade at nomn ly Hie Indiislitoiia. Men. women, bova and girls wiuilo I every wl.ero to work tor ns. now is ttio titni). You can devote your whnln'tline to tbA work, or only your spare moments. No other biislncs will pay you neat ly as v.-oil. No ono willing lo work can full to mako pnoritiona pav by engaging at once. Cosily Oiitiil and tonus Irco. A grn.it opportunity lor making mutiny easily mitt bmimiblv. Address Truo A Co. Augusta, Me. July 1.1 ly. gTATKOF NOHTII CAUOLINA, IlalU'ax 1'oiitil, Nnpcrlor Coart. Richard 0. Budgor, and wlfo, and others, rialntllls Against . 1 Or WhitlleUl.and ctliors J Publication l)?iiid.'.ntj, This In a civil action prtndl"g In aniil court instituted bv tho plulntills Bieliaid C. Badger anil wllo and others, against W..A. llaiilel, Jno.H. Whitneld.aild oilier tn reenvei nl llio dofnndant V , A. Ihiultil and his sureties the nniniint. due by him nn thn uu 1rdi1.11 til' the plniiitill'sj and to anli- leot the land di vised by ll.u li'.st will and tesliiinent of Audrow Joynor, deeeiwed. t Hie payment ol said recovery, said lands coosisiii)r in pai'im tlio tract wueirsin ton tel. iiil tni duo. o. u liilllui'l residotl, an- uated In said county of Halifax uoar of II, e l.iwil lit I'.tlllOliI The death of sill 1 defendant WhltlinM having at aii'lng term 1SSD of thla court been Mi."'e-.ed, anil that Ins hxoeutor lofupb C. Bldlamv, hia eliiltlren Mary ii'inv n iiicK. voivn i . 1 lurco v isol J.lt.l'lcri" B'lbe.'i Wliitiie;,! end oilier I'cpn setit said defendant's il.teio-ts In tills letlon ninl aro lb" p iprr ami necessary parties to 11 tiniil h J 11 d I n e a I 1 11 11 I his rights heroin, it waa or der I that a notice Hnuo to llmm and should bo niado to npnear by pros per allbbivlt Hint any of mid parlies are non 1 iiMitinnr.M upon wnmn service or pro isa cannot Ji i;iade pcrHOually, then ibo aat'l lion renuinniH are 10 110 nouiieii nv liulilie.atlmi as la reniilrpil law, and I tie 1101. ro-ldetu'v and absiinco from the Shite so that aiiminmiM lannont bo Jperannallv served upon llniui ol tho said Mary runny KuldU'K. and J.ll.rinreo anil wile, r.viilv" W. I'lcrce and Kobertit Wlclliehl lining made t" appear liy afl davlta as required rov lliereiorn llio mm Al my I annv Itnldiek. J. It. Pierre and tall. ICvelvn W, and ' Roberta VI uliuold are hereby noiifTod ti bo Hint Lppear be lorn Ibo Judgo of our Muporioi court, at a court to Iki hold lor tho enmity of Halifax, Mbile of North Carolina, nt thn Colli thoiise iu llaltlat town mi th" third Monday In September IS1'!', then and there to defend their interest Herein, ami inruier to m and lutvivn what our sal I court ahull n and there ronsiaor nt thorn in Hum behalf. Let lliis nuticn bo Inso'to 1 in the Kou- noko News, a no.apa;'rr published In snid county ol H 1I1I..X, on"n a week tor six KtlCl'ltssivn WetdvS, WitneMs John T.Urrirnrv, Clmk of ntir said court nt oi'.'.i'o in llalilax tnvn, this the I7lli dav of.Tulv A. I. l-d. JOHN T. fiRl'.UOKY, Clerk Superlo; Court, Halifax County, N C. Million it Mooro Attys, lor fialnliH. lis I v li. 0 AM It KltV lUMCSh VOW ll.U Tills powder liai- n i'ii bronchi be tore the pun . tic after lomr solleiintlon Pv (p-nileuien whe lave .'iei,i,'e tn lis etili'l. Iiey , 1111,1 In 11 1 e- ,-e when II hn-neen 1 sed asdlrecicd lias It failed to . geci a certain and speniy cure. In s.-v iMl In-lauees where this noblest of all runni'dc lay In-lpl, .s, and i;iven up l, . 1 1 -. alt' f all ol tier known -enie.llrw ps, used p. ill, clleel, perni.tni'til reheT was loutiu lit tie' use v( 11 l'o,er Pp. n lis inerlis atone I nui wlllint lo rk lis rlseorffill lll-li.' hiiinbiu. as , he i.tlrtw.nir trentl'iii. 11. anion,! otln rh niiole ' e ua' tl 11, A .11 att. -t Iu .0 to. 1'. Jacbs, HU bs,iure, N 1'. .1 U 1 e. k. I'. l'..oi 'I'.ini " Hr tt liainrhani, " " 4 11 Tanner. .1 W llinlon, . " " K tl p-.n-i.s-e. " I. W I'rcw. I' r) ant's Cios . IV s,.s, N r A Vaim. " " " Hr b llklns. HoXobel, W . r.ipehart. " " Thos I'npehart, " J.diu Hi-own, ' " ' l .1 Ili-hop. And 111 fuel, allot tier ,erst)iis who Puvc riven It a fair trial. For all diseases of the herso li has 1.0 ciunl, sis fur cat' le, hos-s and ol her dioue-tle animals. It always causes I he horse to sle il. improves the 1 1 Mi . and puts him In a Kood, healthy eomll t.,10 ' ' J-VMEf ITIAVKKS, Veterinarian, lli.'lisnuare, i. C mr:' ly ' ' This is to certify that I used chnvers' Hoi,.c Pitw.lem eii a horse, that wns xlnll and had a I ral pelite mitt It did for huu all thai was elalmed. 1 think It Is a splendid hn Peine f, r Horses, anu rt-e,uniueii,i it 10 me puonc ns a vstltiat.lt- preparation lor sl'w-k. tfXlt.N W. UUXTON. liu'hsquare, N ''. Feb li, lesu. 1 have usiitl Chavers horse powder for Inn. sea and bogs, and find it to improve llioir 0 milltlou very uiuoli. It una cured lions of kltliioy worms. Mlxod with an equal quantity of powdered cubouaie nl iron,l bo it.ve it u ill cure any eaxn of I'i.-lula. TLurs la no humbug in this medicine. I Uko pleasure lu recommend infer, H '.j all. ' V.'.T. UVKOKSS. Kiohatlui J N, C. ' ' ' ' J t) I! I S H U 1. IA II 11 i to. COTTOtt CbXHISSlOH MEECHARTS, NORFOLK VA. Fall prices and ipilck returns xuaranteeil. SPACK a O One Sqnary, ... Two Squares, Three Sijiiaros, St) 04. SO 00 60 00 65 OCT 75 M I' our rs(iiar(s. Foil rlh Col'n, Unit Colnirln, H hole Column, Oiie Year, 1 WW rj It1".! a JA fttV kf' k ; ifjy v. a-";; Vf TAI.ItOIT A MOXS FlIOCKOK MACIHWH WORKS, RICHMOND VA. M miif ii'tiircrrs of Portable and Stationary Kiigloet and Biillpra. Saw Milla, Corn and lutal M ills. Mltafl Int.. Iluiupn.. ntt.l Mi, U liit-M Tni lnuM IV MIA,- Wlyi. 1'l..lMA Vl. cl.ii.ei v, Wt.Hiirbl Iron Work, Hraa and Imn t asiltig", Mr.chliiery of Every DeJ ei ipiion. '1 . ClNNINH A NO TllIHISIlINO 51 ACUUIK A SPKCIALTY. ltnlrliiL, Proiuptly 4, fi;relnll Done. ' ' X TAI tloTTS PA PUNT .sPARK-ARRKTEU, ti, 'JT10 Invention ol the Age. It does not destroT the draft. It doe not Hittirl'ore w'lib oleaniiiK t!io tubw. l! will not choke up, Hod r'eculrwi uu' cleaii lug. ' i ' ft requires nn direct diimpora to be opened when riiisinp,' ktuiiin ,da(;1parn be-' lug objectloiiablo, as they may be jdlfojierl ninl allow n arka to omch e ) " " It requires no wRier to bitinguleU (parks, w lilcii, by romlenaiitioB, deetrnyA the draft, llesidos, when wawr is ufod, ij licglrelcd, the elileieiicy la dfstrovi j byT evnponilioh oftbn water, aud the bcll3r .5 kepi in a lillby iionditiop. II ia Kimplo and durable and ran he re Hod upon. It mii Ve ittaolied lb ahv boiler? No plantor sbotild lif' without cqo of themi ltiHiinuico compnnlea will Inkirf-ft'giria and hnrtiR whore tbo 'J'albott Kngimia and)' S)iirk-Arresti'ra aro used at eamq ,rt ai charged for water or horae-potver." ' " (fr-tf-.Sotid for HluHtrulod oiroulara end prieo list. ....... "J Branch hoiine, tloldaboro, N. C. J. A. If A tS K K,"( 'eh Alii Mariagar, ' T. A.UltANaIC.'Lol Mafiigor.' ' may 8 6m , ' '.in' IRON BITTERS, AliKntTuuIa IRON BHTERS, A Sure AppclUer. IRON bTtTERS, ironbWers, iron bitters, Soli u r. ,n(.. Itlphlj rfoimnifn(1t?4 troti" t'HMic i..rittlili fftwur. 4uirliis rriin fliMl Uirlvit TO X it! 9 i"xiy'tMll' In Mmittw timu. MHtpppimt $HHuitiiHt I'fi a, u nut mAtf ptitr t oum mf Mtvrnoth, slnvlf mf r'it-0w, rt. It 1 rtt-livH the bluotl. Uvnttthi'tiB th MUtv rld, ni),l given iifw 11 r ii tlia (irvi. Tw Ut tv), Ift.llm, iuiiI tOili Jrnii tutjuUliig ivrup . niinn, thl VAlukbl finosly mil pi Ik tup tiifrhif rionmintitL it tirtm llV m charm Hi llmrtiit4tJvf irti, ' A (t tthiHjotif.il liH'lor ni. ni IH -r4ov mii iljnt'tli: yuii'tomi. "trv rr f S(d by tfi OfiRiit. . TEBKOWX ClilHiCUQ), . , BALTIMORE, IM. ' , IRON BITTERS, Y li YI(,IC. .. s3l AKItl4;K1 AMI Uti-xJIKS MADE TO ORDEP ' ' ' Oil REPAIRED AT LOW rUICK, All kinds of wood wnik and trimming lone in 1-00,1 stylo. Ilinckarnltll work ilbnfc ut eh'irt notice and with iieatnesa, Alt new work warratiittl. Finn pal 11 ring Jul, buggies done nt low prlcr,biv.t palntusad. H'I L ATTK1HTIOM :i V l.N ', TUK UNDl' tTAKlNU UKPAttTifSiir. 1 T(,i , . is;i iji-yyrjf ' Ccf'ln !tn d.Ctisns of a'! !C3 ''":4'w'" uu hand. " f ;' H "Xf Carriage M tterials kept 01. ban J at prK'O below Puimnbuig market. Wtddon N. O. I June f 1 ' ' JN U. T. F O It D I --rr ' " ' "f . Talon pltii-.siiro iu RniioeHicIng thit ii can attll be loiiild al his stand uu ' 1 " f r RSf ST It MKT, Wll.'.o iiu huS uu Ltiud a lull Hoj of tlo Ftn.wf A-" " )VINKI, .' ' !- f .. ' WHISK IKS. naj " " 11 11 A XT' I l'N, ' TOlt VCCO, t RsAlU, .-.. . I ' Mid .SNUFF, v,H AMIES. APPtF, " and t:uN FFCTION F.tU Eu Mir. .(oek of Cnured Otcda and Uruj;.t lea 13 uiiLmUiiII ' .-r Full auil Complete, Oi.n CtuiKrr WllikKKT A rivwuMTV. - FBKM1 tAUKB BKKll 02t IHtAl'OHT, , H suamiitrua eatlstfaeiunj. Call unrl see l.im. 3 ffll It 00 M 00 6 ) 10 00 -20 00 00 li 00 3U 00 10 tKI 18 00 38 CO J5 1)0 20 Oil 40 00 20 00 SO 00 h0 00 1111 latis'll&ia

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