THE ROANO.KE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY LONU it IV. W. II A Ll- Ons Tear, In advance, Si Months, " Cure Months, " 2 no i oo 75 els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R, (1 K O. W. H A K T M A is , Mnrgeou Dentist. tifflcr over V. II. Brown's Pry (( Htoro, VELDON.N.C. will llt parties at tlnir homes wliou desired, Torins HnasiuiMile, net i ly j "m. a iu z z a r n, Axrour:r at law, HALIFAX, N. C. nfTV'c It I''" f'ourt House. HI riot attention riven I" all branches of Hie prob-rsiim. jsn li ly T.x T. II ll A N C II, ATrOK'KY AT LAW, ESHKhfl. N. C.'s I" I'" "mull p,,l..(,ainho and Wilson. juris ol the Mate. 'S of T 1 .1 1 i f :i T , Nash ollfctiou.a made in at i m VI If J7. V, U ALL,, ATTORNEY IT I..11V, WI2LD0N, NT. C. Hi-nrlnl attention Riven to collections a.i" friiillisnf'W promptly made, may llf. U1IKS M. Miai.CK. JOHN A. MOUltE. I -i JJ D L L B N S M O O It E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. H.YMl'AX'N. 0. Practical lu the count ol Halifax. Nni'tlmuip Ion, Kilrt'ooniho. Vill and Marlln-ln the Su promt, court of t ho State and in lit. Federal Courts of tin' Hasten! District. Collections made In any part of tuo Hinlti. jan 1 ly J 1 It li 9 K. 0 II A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KNFIKI.n, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax and itttlnin la counties, and In the supremo tvixl federal Courts. Collodions ii'sdn in any part of tin tUlHtn. Will attend nl ill" court homo in Halifax vm Monday ami Friday of each week, jan Ulf JoTbRT O. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LV. HAI.IKAXN.C. rraotlro. In the courts of Halifax, and adlln In counties. In tln .supreme court of lln Ntato, and In tho hViloral courts. Will niv special attention to the collection of claims, and toad.iiHtlinr the neoounts of ex ocnttra, atlininlstraturs and guardian. dec 1 1TIK L. II I m If, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practicis In tho court of Halifax anil ndlnin in t rountlos, and In tho Supremo and Federal tcuurtx. Claims collected lu all purls of North t'.ar.ltna. Office In I lie Court House. Julyltf rj HOMAS it. HILL, Attorney At I aw, E V LI FAX, N. C. Practices In H.illfax an.l n.l j.inltirr counties aud and Suproni courts. : Will k.) at Strollaint Nock, ouch eveiy nlgat. aun lis. if JOS. B. BATCUIiLOlt. ATTORNEY T I.IW, RALIUGU, N. 0. Pr.iotloss In tho. courts of tl, i,th .Tndiiial Bistrict auj in the Federal and Supreme Court Kay II If. W. MASON. ATTORNEY- AT LAW, aAtiYsruR'3, x. c. Practices iii t'i courts of Northampton and a.t'ouiliiif counties, also in Ilia Federal an I su pfmi'DCoiirtx. juuestf. n. it. r- oi l icon hr. AY ZOLLICOFFKK. 1) ATTOReSEYH AT LAW, WKI.HOS, N. C. Practlca In the courts of Halifax and adjoinlior ootiut les, ami in HieHutinini" and h.-derai eour. s 1 claiins collect,. I In anv narl . f N'orlh 1 aiolin 1 ) of tho tlrni will always I s found in the fflca. ,une Jri 1 y D U. K. I .. HUNT K K, M U It (,: E O N DENTIST. Cun b? found at hi. office iu Enfield. Ptr Nitrons O join On fur tho Pain les. Kxtraetlng of Tooth always on hand. I Juae2 tt. A N 1) It R tV J. a V R T 0 N, ATTORNEY AT I. AW, WKI.noN, N. c. Practices in tliecmrts of II ilif tx. Warren mil -lioluliK counties and tu tho si'i r. 11 0 and Fed I. ral courts, s n lintel it. any part of "orllt iswullu, . June 17' . R U.SMirU, JR. AT TURKEY AT LAW, S:iTtxD Ntoir. U.vd) a. Coi;n:v N. 0 . ractics In tho conntv of Halliax nnd adjoin Jo counties, and ui the Sui'mikt) court " lie IK". , . JJy 3 VOL. IX. Mnlilnj; Ilolicrc. Four little lips with tlieirlnnoeent prat lie, Two liUte skills iu tile Hlllislllll.' ill ohiv Nweet liny and irirl how the tiny oiil,u,. rattle. Tireless the lelnrlli of 111,, lonir sniiniirr Omi- ' Hark for n ll lent to they ,,. snvlnn. Fairy like fato'les of fancies they weave, ai'e.sf n ioaiiees ar-' nilxeil with ileor pliivln r, Ah, for Hie Knle. Is called 'leal,llih' li. lieve !" She Is a lady in castle enrlmioe.1. I, liar de I In' Or " rons. and l id l.v n so, I He Is a kni.-rlii who I i t ;'keii f. i isnt.d l .ovel h the lady ai,.l lovi li tier well. Trill Ore the tU;ilp t 1 lr I rol h I ley ,;Ve vOoKen rass'ior tiiiou..,ii i.erlls 'lis iiard l- r loeeive. Till Ihe dra Toiis me slaoi and lie- -pell iris ,e( u Prokeu, And lio.h nr.- m::..l lielieve :' happy while "niali'ior lliej are rel.'fiilnn In Now, U:n r and ijiieeu, HOIemloV. Clad witli the puri.te'-, Pnurlous fold Fniiees are ilron -n,; r i, um. t li.-m to r-oeier Marvelous H-liMlii-i , f i.Oi, Is nh I . -1 , E Throned le i-e y, u i,e hllvcrlo.cll ' lll':a lier t:ss"ls, Uravele il .-oes' th,. nionareh r Ive Pals, s are eotirliors, Mi l t n 1 1 re n i.s v.isul-.. All is so ea .y while ' makoi ; lein e." No Ihey run on, o iov o'lei,,!, l.i'.- . ' iotrk.'!!, re et - l"ll, fonr. t : and thei lMvaiilliiir of 0;' v s and of Ml us II il Ueantliul ue iiiorle i ' hue can nol .1 n Visions and th.'trrhts we can in vr Hack in tl. years wtlh lie Ir ( iov.ii. Crosses, ollletll'le,' lies l'I'ri.''" :e e-miot relfieve Surely we eeuio n.l ihe ie;s, of our lotses All lliat lias v.ithslud w.tii "maU n ' oeli, Ve Ah. and n wail 'n tl- i Ml. Imi' sweet 1 1 u :ltl . H'e rs ilirouKii lis inusie f. r voo and for lue. K now MliT -.o , el I iloV I oe 1 1 ,i vll eo, ;i,,,.i. KnowiiiL' how ei it. ! i li - e,.l, ,. r: i m i' I. Ala for he i:ii j a.i ,-ti.H. . ee l. ior. !' h i ti ll, are laidiiess and lm "s lea; deed y.' fnd. oh, fi-r Ihe das thai are f.,,e.l lor, ver. And childhood's si eel t,,a 'ui .-s (or 0,;.,,,,, I.elicve !" A WOMAN. AFTER ALL. 'Take oil' llml liiJcous !)nn,.cl, Doioiliy. I want to bco your sweet littlo lacu wilti mit il.' 'Tliou shoul.lsl uot speak so Clinics. It IB vevy vvrontj. 'Why, liltlc I) Totliy ? Tc'l me why.' 'Thou ktiDWt'st lavor is liticiilul nnil beauty ittin. We cuoht t0 HMr leslininny nuninst tne vnnity (if iicisor-ul loolis.' Onolit wc Then tell me vvliv it plcusei) l'lovi.lct.ct' tu innUe you so licmii. tul, my small cousin.' Hush, Ctiat lf, I will not permit time to fpeak to me in this manner.' And lit tle Doiothy llw'ks. the l.inkcre-n, pu! mi tliu grayest air ami st.uofjlo.l aliaully to turu the corners nl her down K hun tlicv nanlf.l to turn up. Don t look so Heriou., i(t' gul. yon no.-itivuly iilaini inc.' Ar.'l Cim'Ici Mav- n.uJ I'Uisl into a lie irty l uieli tlial ic'ioej tliiotieli the tioiiuUr tiees in Hit: nhl i;nr- k'D. 'Now tell me, liotntliy I innst upon knowing, m a tncmlier of your laid ilv, I consider lliat I liuvo tin: unlit to lie iuturnicd arc you going to uiuny Lmuil- brim V 'l'Mvnj IUi.iirii is s:i rp'inviblc nnn Cli silts; lh)J uiUbt nol sja'.ik ul lii.n Look Dorothy, There li is. I will quote no ptnverhs, but the run ot bis l.yl just turned the corner us I spoke. N u Ion t lm k as ll you intcn I1 10 .t Leu !; to ths bouse, lor jnii arc n it urni t;. i li tell you a 8-crcl. When I was 4 L j v il to the rivers this moniino I foiito! a boil with a tempting p iir 1.! n,.i;i :, ... 111 it. an.l 1 made up n:y mind tl..' I.or-dbv llicka and her nuked, wotldiv cousin Iroai tlie populous cily ot Voik. were i;oiiik lor a row In tint very host this t'Veniug. It it neighbor lUucck's boat.' Y-c-5. Uut, Chain:, I leir il u n duty' 'No, it ifn't. You know you don't want to spend Ibis lovely cveuiiiij in the house eutertr.itiiiiR IUondliiiui, an 1 you want to uo w;"Ji mo and wutcli Ihe aur.set on Ihe tier ' Dorotliv looks d.iubtiully towm l the house anil wi-'lul'v tn'.vaid I'm Kcmtlie cii l.eitc pe'dii:',' l. no'.hv, which mean:' if we d:ii't hu"y, (! '.vroal will rntpe out and catcli tis.' (!es takes !)ono!ij'n lian.l in l is, and in a moiueut l hey aie ou tli.h way to lln: shore. I!ut, Charles, fee that rloiiil in the 801)1 li. ll there, wee to lie a florin ?' 'Hut time will not; c ome. jd n,i in.' The oars weie lilted id! 1 t Ik: io.v lo Dorothy takes tlie 111 111141 tip nl ol nidder in her hinds, and sum the? olidili" over t! 0 smooth sniiaru the tire the water, leavinej a tiut.;. ol ' V lviblio s behind Ihem. ll is 11 love.y evening. The misty shad iws ol twibi;iit a'o catlican in the ea-t a mi the wtrt; tin: clouds, bloodied and pin pic, fi'e in.v 1110 n rosy li;ht nil over the broad tlvei ; a lush lirenl is bbiwiuc round :he,r l.iees, mil waves spliia'n iiaiust the i les id 111 or tinut, like l'iw, mount ineus i:iusk Charles is l.i'k'uj about Lis h 'hi', teii 04 Dotolhy aboui lii aji.ts mi l e oil .'-us l,c has tol fet-f. lor a lon j li.i.e, and a.iiu-iu: ber will st Hie ol li. roll .;2 days aud his t lToin to usLe ins wr in his io iiasiot', whicb weie so uinon-ci -!ul at liisl. Neither ol them notices that the lue I trows lietlier, uud lb :t the I uk c'ou I ri till) muth has ovct tlie hoi!, in, all 1 i covori'm it with tlaiki'Crs. l'ltstn'.ly a In', nintieiieej ruvl ol thunder st:, tth t Hum tnmi Ihe die iiu into winch HiL :.d f.."in. I'm n back, I'liiiVs, turn back!' siria.nid Do.eJiy, t ic ,loim is upon i. !' Ihey hi.d I till I. wo o , il e t .If The river t vnj wide, mi l ihe liie.i aini; lotl.0 ol Ine wayienlli tlie to..'lt!..r is m i-tronu that the al iiopt to tuin aho t U. a!ei idilits into Hie tiny boat, limb lairs fiow pale in the muik? lioht as tlie; 81 e Hie t1iij,j--i. 'It is impo-siMe : you euu't do it 1' 'Tell me, DoioUiy, what Is Hi it dark oh ject just 1 head l' It is a Ud.'i) ol lucks, but when tiie tide comes in limn H e ?i 1 it w ill ho co eieil.'anl with alow noun Hinohy sank Iroin her seat aud covered Inr lure with her bsutls. ' A'e will try and land t'nuio. Tiio ti le will out turn lor an houi.' The effort was sueceBslu1. The le):;eis reacbed, and climbs csines Dototh? to the veiy'biohest ro:k aud lays htrjji.udy down.' Mv love, my little love,' he ctittl kisi iny; h bclplc baud, 'I hava killed you ?' Stop I' rhe exclainu-tl. 'lflc:. There il a boat 1 It is coning tliis wav.' Doio thy is npon ber knees, and a wild cry il thanksf'it U12 comes Inua her litis. Ephnam Ford had f. Unwed them. The heavy boat with its oinpla occupitit is BtrnoC tuouh to resit t t."io waves, and as he Dcara then., tliry 50 down to 1111 tt him. '1! n k !' he cii. 'I iit nut take OJt ol j ou ; it il oul tr'c.' ' WELD ON, SI". Tha grim QuiK-cr, with his siern, cmn. tioule.i Iscc, wrencbis away the slendit bauds that cliin to (Onirics, and claspiti(j Dorothy tiubtly m Ins arms lays her nt Ins own bet in the bottom nl tho boat. Not a word li spoken until limy the npppositn sliote. Tlicn hu lakes her up H::ain and cairics her to the ncaieit Usher's hut up tlni te ach. As they at 111 I within t!io shelter of the lilllecabin, T 11 ilhy looks nt him wuh wild cm's, anil a cry u( tortuio issues lioai her while lips. do back, i;o back 1 You will go hick fur him.?' '(ii) buck lor your elegant cily lovor, whoso ignorant c irelcs.ncss would liuvo C 'st J mi your bio li it lor tile i' Iototl;v liJin i-n ber nces un 1 grasps his cold hands in ne; my ol tiitieatv. Oo back. I! 1 Inek !' i'lnmisc n e li H you will not nmiry him. S.vear it as llie woil.J's peo ple do,' He lakes her bund and holds it up to heaven, and nail i lor Hie oath. Dirolhy's lips move, but no sound cimc fnin them. D uothy hud (ninled. Ti e (idiernien's wi'e takci tho uncon sc'nus cttl and I iva her on lo r owu bnl aud Kphir.ii) Kurd rocs upon ,: er rsnd of nuicy wi.h luiitdcr in his hcait. 'I 'm r-tmni lias lu'led for a niomcnl. It Chips 011 s ;rai:tmlly, s'nppitiej every n w nil t tin 11, in il to nuke the i-nth tie, 1 i ve tlii.t it wile ilotibtlul ot its power, and can aloMil to wait. Kiihiaii)) looks at tin: rky. It is still retl iu the wet ; the waves are rising stcad'ly, but liish'o'.i. Imilt boat, d iceted by Ins powerlul stionoth, tan yet tn"ke lis Ways llirouuli tliem. Tl.t'e is plenly ol tiini-; the tide will not ti: n l"r ball an hoi,,'. Kphiaiiu I'elits bis battle with lenip'n ti on and wii.S 1 1 1 0 victoiy; lor twenty uiiiintts I Uer Ihu stuidy b out plows its way back to tlie aboie, and two si'ent men sliuu.olid atiuinst Ho) wind up the beaeli lo Hie lishermitn's lint. Dorothy is wai linej Inr tl't 111 Her mnstte'elie.l urns oul I wind Ivi 9 about tiotb, but the sli'tn, look in Kphiinni's ryes icktta ned her ntid i;r nind. It is a tc y'tH kno.vs and Vhaiies :s his etea lines lioni upon Ihe liblc inutnent lor liirothy. they both lovn ber, and e 1 1 0 slnveis al the sutTciin. in bull laces. Then she rctuem''en the nath she did 11 it speak, and a wiid sort ol terror takes pos'-essinn ot her soul. !'.',. e "peaks at bint, and t, its lo thank Kn.unn lor Hie Dir.. vice he h I iluie lb 111. '."p itc in" thy oiaiitudc, Dorothy,' he co iim it.ils, in a slow, soli tun tone, pecu liar to hi" people. 'I know I l ave done tlieea service. I would not hi tr ol it un. Illicit to tnal. j tl ee swear an outli. 1 ' o'tiv, j am c 1 u not poki o. Ted un: now, tlost tl.ou .ive tins yoniiif in an I W 1 ! ' Hi u loiswctr thy ic iion. lor-iike. the li.'t!i "I t'iy (etc- iii'ori's and become t-:e id the woiM'. ieoo!e (' D ml hy's eves lo- t iwarn Chaths Willi a mute appeal. He has taved both our lives, dear.' answeis Hie jouiu man. iu replv to her cUn-c, 'nlo! woitlif o! jour love,' I'l.ea biievu seel; the li mr : ' has 1 ere: veil ids li'e liom this man'H hands, and now hu will speak no wotd lo toll him of his treasure. 'Speak. Dointby.' 1'phraim repeats. 'It i for joe, 10 1 '1.00 .,'.' ! xu 1. i'.s voit e is 1 ho', el with teats n'ol In r iii. i-l ft. iIm 11 with s.ibs, us shr iniswi t s ; It is il v ve y wicked nl me, Kpbtaim, but I love lion so !' 'J ben ihe t' e'ilu'1 nut her hr'nleiM held', an 1 Ihe soviet bps vl:l-pei, '(''la.les.' 1 V a -'n'e wo. d bid. it iK"!des her li'e. In a iiinnpnt se i in her love's arms all I lor tlie second time that n i;h'. uncirj U'iotlS. The noble nvn id the two -ms v. 1 bocot il out in the s'.oiin t) coi.ipicr his bc.ntacl.o ul ::c. - 'I li :- ' ti'il 0 1" 1 11 il . D. ep is the thi p'c, i-.'.-. l yi t it is pleas ant to th'nk tint, L,nu:;h eveiylh.nK nia t'.'li ll 11 1st dec. iv, the soul, (hat spn 1 -si 1 i.e. ti'iit patt ol I 'u: Divine mind winch is 1 fill y the inaii, tlmll live th'miijiont e'crnl'V. And, look as Inr as lie wi I liowu the dim vista ot the eonni'i: vui's, our nd ol'.- ere sies the soul id man li e In 'hi 1 and il".,h' t al 1 ;.'iv ,te;i id ton llie 1 t.l.idc le' "th ol i'H'1,1 ll. i lioii.;li in ioi.toin i' i 01 we c ill w.n i. in a in -uncut ol tn ie over t'i's fair euih and tvid "o ir v.o.i is lit-y, nd tic inch ol liiiuiii'i no, our li dte mind cnt""'t I ieri'u the v"l tint slitoitds in inyslci the .oul ol nun. And yd time is bum w-.h cacli ol us an i"sliti".l!vc kiniw'ei1; e nl : . -011IV iininonalitv, ." hel aiid know leat the siil shad live and "t 1. ... , I, I't 41,11 it t.oi.ti. f.-l ., ioo-.l I.,.- V ' ..!, I i- lit .. 1.1. i . k . t m il 1 r. a ' I .li" e -.. I , i ' '.- " And, tlmtf'ti lew, il at f, bt'.V" a i"ii'"eious m id a nie-i v isv o,, e, 1, c believe lb il the soul iioi-t l,'.ei .-1 ! hi 't'te (l is 1 1 tt", as ,1 t 1 '' !...!:.: ! '1;: f !::' ''' ' i ai'i s th it have 10P. .1 int 1 et'ii.iiy, lint .: ml hash',' a!, W'lli 101 1.041111111:;,' tint: no nd. This i i but i-ne fla;;c ol its ex sl uice. It is only l"r a day Hint U oeeoni's that it occupier tins cauliW leuedit ut, l:lU it wiiws tig way to a hioiier p'oiro. ll t turns, ca wc sit l "tie, 011 1 summer iii;;;il, and (;.'.'. on Ihe tlleiit s'ui.i, out iniiols m , :.i to I i I cuomtniion wi:l. the' villi lis ol dt p irlt d hived mil", thev iccin t" lino A' iiiniiud i s a sA 1 1 1 and holy n lli cucc, w hi, h dissipilia tlio cares of ih s liie ami btihuns the pathway to II. e fpnit lull. I'tiu disembodied Bpiiits sneak to outs In voiorlcss tlmiioli elniiiiiMit lat'it'iae, lillin i Us with a jay that cai.uot be deliue i. a liapiiint'-s 111 il lar em pas. e nvihini; ttet cm ill cnu cive. Aud we cannot hut bencve that ubove us uud around ui ar- the s; iiits ol those that have It . lorevi. . ie sli.ues td Time to winder on l'ie hoiif.nioss shorts ol Ktuiulty, Htill cxeitinu ail i fliicnee over our thoughts and ac. iocs, and blriviug to lead ua Irani tin. kites to li.ollt. Iu 6clft,'.iiij; 11 location lor a house, ad v'i ts 11 pioiiimiiit piiysioiuu, 111 iku a note ot (he prevalent wind.,, thai toef be In ill the low at d all M. aud lui itlli t tic lot jlilies, and not bom oii-siuatiu lo calt'iti to-rerri tlie uonu-. 0., THURSDAY. TU Time to .Hurry. "I'otueioid kiss HI". sweei Hiid-twenty, Yutnh'a a smtf liiat will mu eoilere."' till AKiispKAllK, Let people preach an they will, yomli is the time to mau v. Yes, early youth, ton, for he who awakens a pill's be tt should be the one to lead her to Ihe altar, and she who first fills the boy's -onl vriih 1 inilul laneiis is tho one. it is nnoe than pioioiVo. who will make bun the happi t ililini'; '.he lioer j.itrt ol li It. II anv nee wee to ibk me, "Al w hat a ;c thud my d.iuijli mair, 'I should answer : 'At he iv;e iu which bhu Cist lulls In love." J bidirvo (hat the ins1 inrls of the licit are veiy line. Thein etc eyes (bat a'e like no other etes to us when we Ibst mt.'t ihciii. Thcie aie vo1!" s that baviuir oce once he ird, haunt our dn.itiis. .Ml :he cool leHMUiini: in the well 1 is wot u1 R hen com pared lo Ihe siyns and ..1i ',s a ilh w h.eli re .'ion has nothiiie; to do -which say to us, "lie litis come," or " 'v i is 1 ere." Hut only in early youth will any one listen to thee voices, A leV oaP laic, pc'pleh'tvc b id t x peril nee. Tm y I mr v Hint lliev know Hie lolly ol yiiiJmi; to ir.J ptilce. Thi'V net on judLMeent. Tnelio.l ;iven instinct Irn h'll theni, an.l, uli, the li'ilv ol tin fi'ltetions tiuit c-niie id cool ileliteTslu n and ctlm investigation. Hh! lh : tnisctabiv I've ilir.n ol u. 't ad v;h h,i 0 made "vtiv si i.sible niHtclu .-!'' While tlie "joints" w il ' 1 loved ccii other, they c odd not tell why, are as happy 11s tnotti.'s tin he. Th? litre to mairy is while you it ro yet V011110 euoiiah to he what tho world rll I011I1-I). And yoimu people-' know their ti w n heiti ia" 111 tu' tl better II11111 ol h t people r .1 ;j . The K il at c'-'blecn is pctle, I'y Mite Ilia' X.i 1 i-the only o. a who r..n nifke In r h.ippv -not W ill. Tin: woman ' Iwcntv 1 ielit. wiih sevetal ollcis on land, I. rls tliat she il id admin) Mr. Itroivu the most; but Mr. ri.niih is such nil ixcellcut tne e! and end:'-, pciii aps, liy nw.une; M. .loiies, wliose piopei.y is l.itf,er tlmn lliat ol either. Mr. il she aeeptt ' ftmlth, per ruluailv wondels wliethtr lliown tin;;!'! not have heed bettei. T.onVe will conti' in this wotld. lull tVo-u who sunt 101 0,1 ilS p. th mali'd to tiieii lir-t lovts, e-i ire o m, my iaii);s so lliuoy eiiihittti '.) iiuinot ies, 'lie frho't ol a tnurdced love is aiwnys to be seen by lonkini; over the b it shoul der, l"t man or i.'omiwi be n 1 rtvo 11? in iv he tine limy nvoul the. baekwaul rlnnce. hut one it is lln re. 1 o't't send lo :r ':i.l 01 your hoy into lile iit'lcndel In mil, au'irrtie. ll you cm lie'p it. Thorn h doelwls prein h, and cldiily people, who lot oet th- past, advise. and there ate yo'juo notnell lidiculously kept at srimol ni livuity now a-das. Your d.iuehter i t t i 1; 1 . 1 1 1 11 is ii'iiiij old enough to be a hap py wile il il she is old einoi:rh to l-ve. M.MIY Kvi 1; DM.I.'.s. WiiiiIimI fo I iiuii" !o:irit I wciii j 1 c.irss. It V, :.'et laf attci.ioin sh itlv alter Ihe ar rival id the t'li'n a man entered a hotel 111 this ritv an I a-I.S'1 thrcl'ii.. who buyi"e; biui-c'l .Ul a pilriit bl.ill.r, U10 let's 11 . ' which lie roul I liieaue b-.i d. lUiae to the lo. 'i'.i-i'l id vnur Too n, Mr. Hit! dciiiiiiid lor our looms. Tied well.' '1 ib n'l ra.r. ro rr.iiiih dboi'l the n'dn' nart.' leplied tlie man. 'I'm foil' idl ye ni ehl, end liny been calm' abut mv hie. l.V "lIIiii' tj be an nl line. me. Well, mv, civo mo a 10 ". m room how niiicii'd jmi cl'.iij.f V .list yot:'-e!l, sil i' 'Weil i:i a natinit.' Tacntv live ttollc.s st'ji.ii, i.) C y ,ll aie al ni .' 'You tec i.'s this wit. Mv wifcwl'l" with no', but 11 Imi's s o jn r t v 'i";'t 1 coneliidetl ,0 u i-injrc it tin's way, I'd bil.e b'etkla t. my wi'e will take oitmer, irt-l v. e II I alow 11 wet or tliy-lor n'p ,1 . I'.v that uii-:.".J Wf can li d ' tl 't lo-i..l I- r oee p lice. I cikn-.i Tin 11 little Ike b. ' iliil'.n ;er y hi evel ;rc d. Kit y ilolbt's tor il.e two.' I't linde'stitn I that Polt of Y.t'i l" if, Do'li ttihrr we'd otny "it 'he ti-. i s 11. Iowi d lor ore .' f.nt. !l d.01'' butt n oed anv more lor to nrop'e to s'eeo on it tll'in lor one. l'.'ei,ot a bnl out in the coiintiy tl nt w as pie'ei: '. to mv iii c ulirii i' ;nt mimed ftV I'll be il ni d it i' ain't i'l-t about ft t;o id as I.'., idle ol li.ose o'dt.s ' '"'! led. u..'i b ;h, va 1' r posts i.'ib k'e l on 1! e :0,1s as hi;: us yi'ito? pinv. a o 1,1 ni 1 ,-:i 'he I " :i w lib ibis lu .i ned in. i-'ia'r. Mv wi 11 c n til 1 a the Co ir. I'tc luc I in 1 1: " co'iiit v n'l m It'.- l'ti i 1 u iu' ie a b' 1 little 11 010 y Is't xe-.i, 1 ennrlipl. 1 to rmnp 1 1 I v a id fpt'irco n blile. Thai's a wo, 1 in il r.s 0 the c 01.1 . th i' ha : .,11 ti.r .Mi'.e iite'i Iniek a' '.'" n-v w il.-, no I to ,;'t a us wi'ii br v,e i av conrdl fed 'n le aiil l.t a Ime '.' T..'y t'.o'.l ..s per 111011 b ia 1 ..r lia. l!o in,:, h by the yctri I a:n (;o n' into 'ti s'ic-s 11 ;lit.' '.- x bundled rtolia s.' 'l ..'J i tl ". h"',.,,ii. i,-i,,ps. w'.'i no ItoAt uiio'li h.r tell e t't T S i liinusaiol il. 'ia s. J' li m'a ti "inn' down to it. lioiv much lot tnenty y.sts,' 'I'wilvi: Hiiois'iiid tlollais." 'AM niht M.'k ire .bmn lor a rtpta c mini i'uht unat and check it id! ior twin y veins.' :'.e that cai I i' said tho cleik poli ti'i:: to ll.e hold iiiaxnu of ieiiOns w.L.ou'. li.riTCK0 rtij'lirtid lo pay iu at.- v::tiee. 'Uli, I've not Uin buoyage,' rtid Hie uta.i lied up a ca pet let". That won't C".' 'Won't you lake this as security 'N o ; e;, t nut td lit re,' 'Hut . want I boattt lu-ro for twenty yciits. 'do on away.' 'I II leave Tour ui.e-hotsi' hot:!, sir ; t ut Ibst let me show joil.' llo lilted 11 ; ll.e nrptt tiao, npiifd it and itinpinyed .oO 003 In U' veitnn.-'it bonds. 'You can play, u 'No; 1 litdltve not, 1'. takes two nitull niotiey lo put in Ibis hotel. I'll H" uiotiud and put i i ut a wa;o'i jai.l.' Kvi r s.ocii I 11:1 Al'id a clip witli a club people hujw lost inoi.ev by uot ' ! .c.iviue; the laa ol p.ditiDcti.- J.i.lif Pock (A.-k.) Gfcirite. SEPTEMBEll 1880. A -Hulc'M SCfwervod I'tmrr. This mule looked like be wan 158 years nil, and whs drnd standing upon Ins fret, lie was hitched to a pitie-boilicd spiine; waou with ft li'jjh ilii-i.houd. The 'to mi' was stan liny; on I lie levee In raute aiknee, whiln t li ( old tlaik -y who 'dnv' il Went aboard the boat. A li'imp cou'il make ft battel ol nioni-y s bino pj t iu ol that mule 1.,'oe'til 'piuence,' His lof", I! lamjj tlowt, e..t.l, side ol lie nl like wind ;-v uw.iieos w itli io.I.i o.:t ol I'li'in. lln t.ic v.o'e a t'.obcr lo'l;, while out 01 h's mcvidi I. ling a o,i'.;ue it ineheat 1 mi ;r. His lull stvinu' down 1111 fee eti.l of Ilia biutii'iiuo mot libra wet lope, wln'e bis whole Im,K- ci 1 s inoi.onli i as d( r.'l; i sell. l'i.--C'.'iv ft red h i e l n'c'iiu, with an 11 Id 1 'ot 1:1 b's ban.', wa'ko U;i ill I 0 it id I nt r 1,1 j .itij in his t i e, ftiv tint tne mu'c v. as its'- 'p H' wn'.kcl icoiii d. 1' o I into that wn oi, ovei ill' il d, ' . iinile's i,:il, and le' il 1 oinc dun 11 10 uiu to catch a ilea '1'ii lint boot I . That inula woke up so (pit k ill ho kitkiol the boy huh the ilsso'iiu ltd (.vcoly lii't, -iulo loe hh, lie i ll .ni'e I tint posi loo ol his ens 'mile I in Ii'.s h d Ins knrea, tin I l.oin ti e I. 'e it.ouidc s to up o! his 1 link was in Ir'elv unit end he didn't b K In.e I e wis i.iote 01 two yens old,tliev..ii li: t- k'. Li:';; that ell IV., U'l I'.l'li I.I'iOo WHO. I With , ;. li , lie i a I i'. nl! to i'ito-i '1, in 1 v. ti il o I tie, v I en !... n!il d .;! y ru .In' I up il c hill f'o! i'i "tit ot him, i.tid qrabbin;: him l y each c ir, rdionti d. 'Whoa! I tell vou. Wins du tnat- , r w id you i Who around at the eto v I t.' JC1 li' loltili! '.'It li whilo 1 h 'h h'ni i up to 1.11'! no's ill! yelled: "Wdlioiie ' tr biot W:i on! I"lt i K i'0 tic ,.' ; LT'.'iu'u lo'l nee ti id .al.' !, is I. nro.n l de mule." l.'-H no venleied and when vc ioit hi.' heels 1st it.pd.ed t 'to t.Vil-galo, and the nil dt key wiv. still yciiiii,'" "Whmil" -.. t.hls iii i!io ;iiritfii. It lln. rc is any one Hiitu; nnne beautiful than anoi lier In a iiin'den ot ll iwcra, that Hiipo is a licautinil pirl with a runsboniiet on her held so wi l and capneiom Hi it t"ii have to ot'. iiehl tijiiaie belo.a be . and pteity ne tr bio, lo s the L'biwiilj cli.i it- Hiut a'e s'i'e to ' e there il she is al ul' uct 's n pe l to irrrdeii walks and works. Physically, toeie e .ti be n ithiiu; better for d inh'cts. and iiidei i, lor many wiv. ; tln.ii lo t ike side ihvo;o ol ft small 11 iwer ! The b, 'o i'n.i tlel ive I I turu I'l'li risiii;;; s'.iitiiio t'.ie iii, sunlliuo Hie pin t.iori.niej air. aie liithne a uud plow Ol check inol 01 i'.httifsi ol the eye, clieril.ll ii"'is ot temper, vi;;or of mind, and pin ilv tons. 'pii inly she must be 11101 v rln ci tul and iovi iy n a tlnuhter, iiloie liiodi.ii mn'i w.'ion'.ly tu a pi: I it, nod liiotc iiiliai'tiu and col li. in;; us a wile, ll you base tut '.i c d 'lU-iaid i;roi;n.t, thin cot 11 do - ti ;..'s and p'e.nt ; tcc.'.s .'1 lUwcs It your ! iste, 'I he cin'ii'Kl ittlitition tt n iii r- 1 l rear nt' l l ii'tl tl e I'l'owin:; plant , i i iipit;! (he muni t ) Ihe cclii-ion, olle'iliiins ot i-eieiele.'" o .cl -a w ide id llilif. Vou Inilcs, pile load, li.. m! '.hi:..', ol 11 i;iil, Ih'ow ell youi inot k tie iency, pn en i;loves H you w;:l but tv u' in ti e iliwtt garden tilt your .I t In vie In r. lor wiio the blu.h ol Ihe ro"? yo'i cultivate. - - - - VtMllOIlt MlMllH. We do not I n-w iVtM'linio; Tel. 1 h iven't a doiiot thai w lien tin nliiiniis and s itti'i-ts aeite, nod ll.e tail 1 inr .1 111 sli , I I li-.yr ci, me. that ll iv.i b- to I d. on. , ib 1. id mist .m s linve tu 00 inadi and I st I" It'l'U n r rue v. 1 j Iti.ieli t oil ' s, it w i 'tu 01 1 le Tl.. v a 1 t.iit 1. 1 ;;'.' .t all tiuit. t d; ,e -ill 11 tin" d In. till. l.av. t:o It ,' t'.t in " I m v 1 n s 0: l.'t I'M .: 1 1 III- pet t'o 1 I'- I ;,i y 11 11 11 1 01 a i.oii c sc poet, "' i'.l ll V an -.'tl 1 t'lali a j I ;; 1 1 C1.H1 "itec't, a let' ' ce. or 1 ve, Ine: li in n de d t'.n:: ie 'c ot mil- if -a rr.t I lee -I. hi,., ' I'l'l upprt T I in ( ',' . 1 ' i 'Ain't I iff Lend , . Hi" .1 , T- Tv ::-i4. I-' ,'! :t Vt 1 any cm no Cl ' 0 .'1 ''HI ;'l: :: ne s is. Idol.'. K"l, tin tti, aio'. Cl s tail .1 ', iiiie.' I.iu .'.!.!.. T- . Pee; 0 I. . '..'.. .. whii . ' ot tie'. it vc in the .10 ii' 1 1 ucM i.i.'i lor r ut any ot.i.nnv 1 o ' his duty nut! ll c 11 1 1 , u t ot 1! b.i- . Vi t : e wn i.ii-'v: ll.":n Lit lb..!, li '.'.'o' l.ol.i t! '11 u 1 In I '1 let.!' tic -rdr s? be lit-.-: It. is-'.: I .-1 1 p' 1:1s. ' ii 1. e a. I Ho- la t . K. K IV I '11 iilt tl (I.i o e id Ho' I'o, let 0 iiio is ol . 1 1 w.n.l .ue, Diinur. at I.i ,h 1 m, . 1 i, l 1 1. ' 1 1 : 1. I 1) I'.n.'k'- kit " it 11. ol. tl.ffa'I '' -! 1,1 a ".ti n Ciii''! il 1" i ii ill it 'its iv. ; 1. 'I t'of pn--;.:e1, t o i'i d. I.'i-'t ret! nnd alnonl ttoMttd. oil ne h 1 1 1 tl u k ll. .f 1...H llil ll 1.. wlui u l.iiv'i; b; baited rtui si i ; "Little boy, inui't you a.'rall tiin-f ui.k i' '.'e ui'i'mi," win tie uply. of bnrj; prom; '1 o n why d in t yi u lu'o the -' I' "i c Itl'l ." Did tiny nj"j Ic'l you to w.i.t bote?" Ni, ir.aim. but tin don, it on hit own hook. Lis lint mi l I 111 unui dead, but Tieot In slii'.nl it." t-lie inoki d in see ll he was lied, and was about I.) nnil teguul Intn us Hie son td a bru .1 Inf er in .1 saloon around the f orpcr, when Ihe la 1 eSplaiotl : "The:" b" !' i" I 'Put boy ii Hie chsn I was w iStihi; I t, utnt I bnd to ait out b re to him ulicu ha tumcd ti e coreir. He's ll.e feller C't cidlul mv S'sier a poke-ey.d n.idi't, at,,! I'm poinu to jump iu on I tin anil lick Litn most lo .'.t.aii! I wish you'd told u:y bev -ti 1 can cit biile tin bini belotc l.o cetrpctts ny tliin;;." - ''ne PrfsH. lieu lyoty-handled knives yel low, tub llie.n w ii!i im e tai.tS paper or court, it will tike oil a ! the opolr aod ti'durc thei' iteofs, NO. 27. All Elotii!t I'ltssnnc. The follow inj w as Iroin iho pen cl 0 orere 1), Pienllre : "it eattnot bo tluit t ilth is man's a'ndin'! place. It eiinuot be ll'il cur life if a mere iiubbbj cast up by el'ouitj id float a moment on its wavis and itiiu sink iido uothinulca. E'so wh is 11 tnat the n'et 111:5 asiiiiatiiins wli'nh e, i like a' u l.i'.r. ti'e icnip'.e ol o'ii:'? h' i'tsie Ifiever wit. 11 iiti unvt i'l'ietl i Why i it taut t!.3 i-l'i's that I10M then. Ie :,i.l utoeil I lb.' mi id;,!:t lli'Olie rel ict iii 11 v t the p a-p ol mis r lilib, I .'iieitlti'n. toicvit umckiiit us Willi their tnir.1 pi'o.irn.'lilu 1 Aud, lltiall.i, why is it that oi'-jbt tonus ol liiunau ht'inty pte ictneclto t.tii view a'e taken 1 1 rti un le ivint! 1 lit l li tiu- in I strra'tis id ctbciou to II 1 back i.t Alpine '.cLeids upon run lie. i s? Tin to ie a tcalo wlieiu ttie rrtni- I11.1v nevi r la u s ; wln-te 'die s' .r will be S"lead out lieoii.' its like t' e 11'antU that iliii'ib.'r in the te'eati , and wlieio Ihe oc'tit winch pan befirc 01 ii'..e luws will live in our prese. ee foiever." Oil .11 and lltnN. Them ni Od'S'l Riiieid.:s y t n r ' . 11) i'.uropc A I'tiiiter in it .i .'a killin tdie flint. i 'tir dt nt I'l'Op't' '.Vho live j;) p;!a!S p'ii! llo.v tl te blind:1. Pi.vr, -p i', th r:ni'.:'i houses should Those ewa! lowed by a lliitd when nrn "fill. 'i he best way t ' keep nit it weather is to keep it on too hoof. "Take care," pays nn cSKhaPfTO. in Lot Well take it in 'mail dnse.1 if you must. Tlnse who put tin i r tnmiiy ipfr tr-U phone tdo-k matle a boiiiiJ invcetniont. A lb c It'ui r.-l nail oillcJ li!9 wile "tn-cn liuit'' In r:. tiie she ncvet iiorlr ) ix 'n'i .nn Tne ctl.e bells i'. the II 11.'. innit' -!.. inn made 1-1 us to bin mom ,e with ni" nn other. Tlie ltulTilo Courier says: I to m rot brute, now inlays, who Rives hie luly-biu "a belt." An ciolit year-old blind It1? ti"nr Ma rion, Ala., can play any tuio he cvt r bcird, on tlie violi.:. "(Mi. for the sound ol a v it " tint still," sinos Tennyson. W by didn't he 111 11 ry a de if mi l 1 im' v. in 1 ? The K.iliiih mi'sut n cent i'is a w which was foun t in r. 1: .o.l s' a'e ol m, s rivation at Thebt.s, it'ui is prtdia'dy 3 lH0 yens o'd. mfamsgweramsvf n 3oJtrsttSTrarxT.3ii'j AD I'.UTIKMKNTS. ('SOLD !y 'i "t- v. s In i' mi;' iu floiiifo lo tnnl.o nion '. Mfe in ed t pors.m in ,'.0 - 111 sel ;pt,..-i lot tl 0 ai d I . n bnl.- 1 i!.-1 ,'a:it ' ' v nl I. Any one e.tti stnl i.jeot. .s-.x c "V Hit -o, ti :'. ; 0 .- ibserilti'i-i. i'l.o V Dll.H fh.ipt -litis I ll'.....; f -ts.-ol.i (li-.t aloi'.t t'vei y boil c t "n. .1 io;toi ts taking l'.'.o i'l :t i. ie. A 1 I'll' m-mit lep irta r .': ' i' t loin nnn', 1 in ton tl.iy s. A 'I w I'." 10 ,1"V. r otdv CO" r. I. HOI,.o 'll'lll v fust. Vou to .1 I .nil tdi'" to tho Inisltieos, 'our op ire t lino V,.u noot! not 01-..wn rl(i!n I'.oiipi o or li ir'it . You em do i as i.oll let others, full iliiootiniia and loiiiis treo. Kit',; ml and :: '.u'li-i o t".tt;t Ho '. if v "1 want pn tl'ablo work send os your a-blroKti :it mien, it in his to I v the biisinnss. No onn who Olnrn'.-M f lils I 1 ItltlliC L're'lt leiv. Aildri'M" i.-ui-o -t;ti n ,V Co. t't'i ll iiid, M.'.ioo. inly lily I V-j) i no. lsitietis noiv betoif bo pnti- ,. U can inaert up. ne y us 1 ti 111 nt niivllnns o ,, Wo in ilia. oil . a ti-ts tod t.. w .11 e al le o to woili y ttl ib'V 111 11 .. ' o nn 111' I'.l'illt' C.s t: No oil : W'.l. 1' 111.. .Ml c ' : n't. . I, o r I ii- ii ' IV 11 if nl v d il : oio; e 11 ,,io r 101. : -1 1 1 1 to 1 . Add.- .1.1 V il ' ,v -liy :::' . A III 1" I'o'n.i , Mo. Iii'. s t I A l K dK Nlilil 'I ASK, i:-il:l.. 11 nuy . Siijicriii" 1 f .1 (' "ll.t'i, I'll i.'.t , P .r. r ', : li ' .'.n'l lni.l".H. .1 ii-. t;. ii tt; tu 1. tu l 'r Till-11 '1 1,-- i u li I .el on 1 'n.!'e. In tui.l el " i..-' ill.' '! i'V I'"' l lll-.tllls l(ie'l!-d . l-.i.l'ec iitnl iit'c nnil et'irrs, Pfiltist 1'. A. 1' 111 -i'l, no. 'i. inU'eol, it'lil 'biTH 1 e..-, ' ' I " n ! 'in 11 . A. I'.iiin-! :l 1 en tc 1 01 rn.. y 1 .-! 1 ' loVllt 0 L lino -ts 1 I t-l sole I Will I.!., I ie -. a-,- I I. sa-d 1 it'.'s I, "f. 11 t'l.' .1 ltd, Ml- 1.1 nl ! Vi'Litllo'.l tl's t-O'llt . Pr e. .11.1 'rn M 11 y 1 . ee v i. 1 f nod , ll its. l nt Ao . I I " I l"l iO .e ' 'A' 01: l. :IV "I '. i ll.ll t: I .1. 'nt il IV ' I'. It Ins , ei p-.'. ii .' 't! 1 C. P '! l:l Ho oe ' lo" nt .... d I I. r 1 1 III VI , .1 1 .: .Ill 1 i" un it I n ti .1 ( r- :1 1' ' , fl j II d i 'IIOII. l! !o ,e I I II. le I' ill .1 ,1 I.e.... I I' !., 'll .1' f 10 'llil.!.i ti lb 't il' V nT I- I 10. 11 1 1 1 in-ill s upon w boni ' ci... .- nn I ... "it l In rie.l sntl sa d ii.m t '-ai i. 'i'.t I'.l'.r 'o Ii otildioati in us is tup td in. lot-id -in v and at' c p.'ir I'V 1 I' ll p 11 1 os arc ,. pv... 1 1 V . .hl'tl 1.1. .1 'ti .t.lie l t.y It, nod .l.f , un tho State I :' 'is rs t.ali V , -." in o .(ed tlpoi. " . ill o ;f n.l try r .,ni,- i;, tnil ,!.!'. 1'nii en .i"t! info, Kvolyii W. I lores ni d ll'lfiia l'h C'eld 1 oiiii 11, ido I'.nppt , v Hi'i -. tvils an rcninsl. ov Hi .0 010 ll.e nnd Marv V'ai.nv Itddo li, .1. li. Pit "'oanit wile, Kvelvii W. ll"b. ! ' 1: -itl aro boi'tst'y til: 'iii bo and appear bo .1 r. tho .lm 0 01 our ..opnrior court, nt a coint to 0 I. ciii for tho enmity of llalit'ic, State of 1II1 Carol'i"!, at the. t tiurllioiiM' in I' i;'ax t wn ;i tho tli.r.1 Motulny in .v't ;i!o:tile r S" ihe 1 atnl iticio lu defend tK . ir iri'.orr'l l.t rt"ii, ami im.bor to do kid rf 'iio what our snhl couri aliali H c 11 .ai d Iho: e cnusun'r o.' Hioni tu lbi bi I . !f. I ".I fotieo t.n lt::..rlf l in Iho lto:t noko Newo a i.oivsp tpi.r pn'oiisbed Itl - lid ei. 11:11 , nl Hsli'.ts, otiOti u i.'iaU lor IX r-'.it eos.-ilo St-, La. W t : hs Joi.n l.iiio ..ry, CleiU of our kil'tl eiiill't lit I'liieo III I. ..In IX lnlVIl, ll !t.o !,..! l.l.V ol .ll.'V A. 1 1. ! si. JUt.N I. I.HK.Ut-Rl, Cioik Nup.'i ior (inn it, llaliiax Conwy. N. C Miiilnn tt Moore Atlys. fjr P! .inlib, illy Sfaj,. . THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. KTACE I a a H I C I H crj i Q Duo Siju.ira, 3 00 fl 00 11 00 20 M Two Squnren, 5 Oil 10-00 Jt). fc 80 0 Tbrt'tt Sipiaius, 8 00 15 00 SO 00 i9 04- l our Siintros, 10 (Mi IS 00 SO 00 45 0 Koitrfh t'ol'n, lo till 20 00 40 00 60 00: Hull Column, 2u oO 30 00 60 00 04 0 WtiolnColiiiini, Onn Yoar, ... 7S F".11" -'!". ''"... 1 !.LJX.LUj: T Vl.ltO i 1 .V M,1 FlUH'KOl'', MACIIINK WUKKS, RfCHrVlONU VA. ' t Maiinrietiirers i rortabln ami Stationary 1 '.tijr mi-, iiinl litnlei's. San MI11H, Com ami Wb, ol .Mil's, Moittlnir, Hangers tn J'uis) let s, 'I'm leno Water Wlinols, Tnbaeeo al IV .hii.ety Vioii,;bt Iron Work b.asa lion Ci'.t iip;: , Mi, h'no.y of Kvry l)et . r.ptioi-.. . ; 'llNNIMI AND VllKOIMMi MACUIHUJ 4 SPECIALTY. Kt piiii inu I'rouipiiy A CnrclrZIf lion'-. r U.rtii. T s l'.M'F.Nrsi:AKK-AHKE.T8iv, i, Tl:i' I in col ion ol llicAgc , '' II ib not ir, Will n in:-. not ihistrov the draft. It doe a 1 re wtlh elcaniiH' th f.i'jo'. l boko i:p, int.-, requires :.o cioaii II li.,:l..Ci no iliro.t (tnmpois to Nt Ola in:: 'Hid i d wbtui i lis, ii.; Ktienii .iliiuipt lis b.'V il'.i 'et.oti aid ", n.l they limy baiollopfiq to 0M'H 0. ) ll re, lines no water to (xtin(nli "I' lrks, wliieii, by eontloiiKiit ion, doistroya ibo dial!. Ito-lors, wlioii wit 'r is iihoi!,,I( in ,;'e ted, tiio i-'ti.-iniie-- I: U.Ml.'cyf 1 .by,, fiap-.i.titt'ii ol l bo writ or, t.nd I..0 l)oio;' tent in a 1'iiiliv enditiop, .t' -', .: , h 11 ".le ttul duiablo and can 1 re ii : t -. 1 , e in I tr 'o: aebi'd to an v '.oii.e.-. I' .10 o, stnoiol i n w lili. 11. o:iu si. iltoaA., 1 11-.. 11 an tines w ill insure uiu ;iii lm os vb-.o tin. 't'Hltint 1 Knitiueu and -park . 1 re,, ims am iisml nt aatno rntj &4 '' in -o. i'o." w.i'm or litinso powoi. , ,. ,' . "t? .Sotnl f.ii- ilbi .iratcj oiroiilarB cna prion list, ,, 1i,i;:.'!i lo II -f, H dd'dioro, u. c. " J. -. II A t' -'l'd!. 1 Majiaia,-. T. A. t'ltANt.i:!!, MniiHKOi. timv : 1i.1i rUTURESOWN Eli VEGLTABLE MEDICINE FOS THE 0 LO 0 D. LiYtR &K1 D KEYS CUrKTiS?, I?i4 j 1 1,1x4 Wukw-. . . . .ut 110.- in t uji ajps ists-st, a4 at ldl. wfilrli nnslf.s alt if. CUHATINL . l it l.ntM riw-'tiUitv far kiJurf Ixtuvm, CUPATINC, 1 (if Uhi iiu I r to .1-1,., Intiflw. .sum r Mu MmA llerr, tlie ilslili U M llHOMV 111 Ikiltll IMIXI (Tl XtSlKll III lt nAMt II I. if UM alii' 1st .11 HlMiUMk rat.s nueh kj tforsMft ia, fliMOs, Iteti, Irllrr.laU Uirm Af-tlMilfli.H, .M out-ll.i J"rtlo .!, .iiei J'iinI"'Im''. In tilt l.SJlMI, lnHr MMtt IfrSi, ililrii4ifH 11 I rinv, er. " (- fiSK TliUR DRUGtrM f or n . ' miOTSimPrin! DALTlMORi, Mtt. i.i 1. tl.-. -.. Mi. Off IS I .' - j. - "r t C.ilCUt.-li.v.S AM. UlXUtES' MADC TO ORDEP iim-Aiitrn at row pp'c'ic A 1 kinds of -eo,l wor!; mu! if tl. minj tloiio In i;i-.a,l .. 7! .'i. .miU) work dons at i-li tt it"! i.v and v lib Hcatim., Al! mm woik win 11 led. Pino p,u:i'.iiit for bitcjii - donu :;t lew prle fc,br..t puinl ur.oa. M'Mt i VI. Ti'i;.t l l7." ;1V F.N tC Till; c;K r.KlNU PKPAHTMKNT'. : liS.T, - . - -1 - i C" otis' s f h.1 hi ess constant! .ml. .11 I, bolo . 1 elttl J nno '. I ' ditlrp; ll AtisfL, Wei don N. r) i . V UUD, T.lV. e 1.U.S .1 H-.itiwtin.iur ij.;t hi c 111 still I u I i.ind ut bin stand ou ' I-..V K 1 K S r S T K K K T, 9 m MM Hi J Who ro no ties ou 1 ml k full liuj ol li. 3 Klticist lUMI'.i, :i Wi.lsKTKo, una lilt AM IPS. IvHACCti. CIJAlvt, end i- Sil I' K, OKAMISS. APPT.fol, and COSMClOKISa Ipsstos k ol'Caur.c.l Ccouuund Crooj"" It-s i ntiu .uaPy . . .. ,, ilr Full and W o in i e i o i t t.n ci tsi.v Wuckcv A P V)iK"i' 1 (.Ui In-.SK OS PVA';Hi. II ' i!iini4ineM utlsfacti.)r., CVs", ot i.ilU. Tr- : r-oy sli 7, . ' .H y, '

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