THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKUTJSING HATES. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY THE ROANOKE NEWS. I..M. liOflO W.W. II A LI.. One Year, In advance, Pit Months, " I'hree Month, " 2 00 I 00 75 ots. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Burgeon Dentlat. Clfflce overW. H. Brown's Pry Ooodn More, ' WELTION.N.C. Will vlult partti-d at their hnmno vyhon dcsire.t. Terum Reasonable, ort M ly TMa KUZ&KU, ATTOKMEY AT LAW, JAJIFAX, N. C. Offle.e til thn Ooart HouM'- Strict attention J ive.11 to all liranche of the pru'ensioii, an W ly JIT. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. EKPIBU), N. C. VneHwH In t.Ti count le (it Halifax, Nash KiliTcomliH n.n'1 Wilson. Collodions mado In ill partu of Ilia State )an U t f w. W. II ALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WfcLDON, N. C. Special attention (jlymi to collections and . reinittancos iiromiitly uiailo. may Kf. ItVH H. MULLEN. JOHN A. MOOHX. JJDLLIIN A MOOR B, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , HALIFAX N. C. Practice, in the counties nf Hallfat, Nort.hainp .ton, KdKoeouilpe, Pitt ami Martin- In the Sn- lren, court ot the Ntate aiui In the Kellers! .Oourta f the Naale.rn District. Collections mnile in any part of the State. Jan 1 ly J A M K 3 B. 0 ' U A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. rfikld, n. c. Practices in the conrts of Halifax and adjoin inf counties, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in any part of tf.e Btate. Will attend at the court house in Halifax ob Monday and 1 riday of each week, jan mf JOBERT 0. B U R I O JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. 0. Praetices In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin Inj? counties. In the Supreme court of the State, and In the Federal courts. Will triva special attention to the collection of claimH, and to adjust itur tlio accounts of ex oculars, administrators and Kuardtans. dec G A V I K L. UIMa1, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, H.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adlni lot? counties, and in the Hupreine and Feletul courts. Claims collected in all parts of north . Carollua. Otflco ill the Court House. July !,!' rjBMA!s N. HILL, Attorney at, HvLIFAX, N. 0. Prctices In Halifax and adjoining c.u.mties and Federal and Mupreme court,?. Will be at Scotland Neck, onee, every fort , tiKbt. siutf an if ATTOKXEY AT IVJV, Prifltlcns In th emirM of th tt H .TmlihJ may n t'. We MAS O F ATXORWK.y AT LAW, e Aimi; una, y. c. v,..,;,winii.d courts of Northampton and adloininYcountie.H, also tu tlw Ft-doral and Su pMiao courts. J'1"0 g tr- a. Mr. A. C. loLLIOOKKKK. Z 0 L 1. 1 C 0 T V K II. Y A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDOS, N. C. Praetlcs In the courts of Halifax and adjoining bounties, and in the. Supreme and h'e.ieral eouris (;ialiii e.iliei.l In aur nart f North ("arollna On ot the Arm will always t found In the effloj, June ID 1 y IJ ft. ft. h, HfJXJKH, JtVaOKOX DESIIIT yCo ba found at b' olfli'O Kullold. Purd MiUoiiaOaido Gas tar Uie l'aln ..eaa Kxtrartliu- of Tooth always ou baud J uue 22 tt, " N D B B W J. BURTON, ATTOltSiEY AT LAW, WiiLDON, N. C. Pracvlcn In the c mrts of llallfm, Warren ami adjoininir couutlCH and in thr Supremo ami ron fral coilrn. (.laliuH mlkfted In any 1'iir! 1 North tarollna. J'"1" " It H. tiMITU, Jit. ATTOKEY AT LAW, 8J)Tl)IU Nkc, Ulikax Countv N. C Vraclti- 111 the county of Halifax and adjoin Iik couutios, and in tho Siijmuo court of ihe VOL. IX. Behind the louW. This world is tint no ImU placo A" cmnk or often m:kt it; Hut wh'Miu'r mmm1 ir wln'tluT huA, JuM liuuHon how you tiiUc if. Thero nrc tymij.t1i pIm nhnu; i ho mail, Btil iht'ii, wiieiiPVrWti tiii'l Vui , Wf'VO jllht t'l kt'i'li ttiU I'tillill';!! UJi. l'llMS) Oil Hltll llCVt't- lUUitl fill ! "Pis truo tlio cloiiiW are nfl-Mi dark, Anl hfftvy sli;uinwt liiiii! llnm, ilill jlist hi'yi.ilil ! In- Nllu M ill 'It'iliiH, II only shiiicH iit'iMini Uii'in, And if s I'ulilty brjivi' I In: sloriu. Ami t'i tin tli-'-Htlrtl ('uly, Tlli' will Itn uk. I Im MlUishtlK? ColUO And tilt ilia wo)M wiLli beamy, Tut if w sit mul Irtty mopp, Alnl iMilhmtf ln m;iv' nnnnlilt Or. if we're homiil. on fVi'fy Mlcprt Tii Iliitl it H!t In mi iimUli, Why lln'ii, hi. iml)t. our w;iy will hi Wfil filled wllh hill H'U unul'le, Koruol mnii'dt wuh hilf. ynn net, W'.' mnk iijishMMitX'K 4(iuld;. Bocht'or yMi mi! Andtdithtdy 1uni, With re:idy .-ill tu htlior, An I lend n hund. whem-'er you ran, To help 11 fillleli nel;rl)tnr, And If I ne worn! must ftune, nt h'Mi Tflkii Irould'iM as we And ilioui ; W II l eii-i'V eve Imdi 1 hro' In- rhmdH, A lli I ee ihO 8UH iM'llllld lIlL'ill. A SARCASM OF FATE. A. very clrtiant lookinij leltcr lay in little Mitiniu Vulsor'g biinils, a letter that bore a diliciona peril) mo l Tinluts a letter mWicBseil in a fine, fliwinf luml aii'l tho etivel('i;o of wllicli wua Btmnpcil with au iutricatu moopRram, that utiles Minnie hiiiJ knnwti elie could oevor have dociplicrcil ao ftrs. Paul St. Eustacu Car tiscourt's luitidls. Tho girl's smiiU, pretty hands jjict Just & 1 1 ! 11 ! cold and ticaiblin as she took up the letter tu npen It biciso 30 much, oh, 10 much, depended upoo what was in this letter, becauau it menut cither a new, iu dependcrit lile, in which &he would not only earn her own living, but very ma terially in taking care ol the dear boys of fivo anl seven, or it doomed her to tho old tiresome ruHtioo, out ol which Minuic felt at timea alio must fly. Mis ebor looked up (rotn a stocking bIio wan ilariiinf!, and siid nothing, tscioe the nervous (jlnvv io Minnie's eyes. Thefl, with a littlci, hall dcsperalo lutiali, the gill tore open tho thick e.iti u en velope. 'It's almost like an icc-coM plunge bath, but here poes, mamma !' Sha hurriedly icsd the short, Iriendly note, aud by the i 'lick tear'! thr.t qr.thercd in her eyes, and tho milcs thbt parted Irom her lips, and tho flush that bloomed like red roues on her cheeks, it was quilo plain that thn news was good news. Then she dashed tho letter on the fi or and rushed over to her mother, and kissed her, laughing ani trj'.Bx at the same time. Oh, mammal Mrs. Cairiscourt lias given mo the position, and shu wauts me tii come .immediately-toMiunrmv. Jut .think I Jr ive humlied dollars a year, and she assures mo I iuut iimke nivsell per Icctly at home in her bouse , and she any I am to have a room to mystlf, and to eat with Pauliueand I'anlt tta, in tho nurei v. Oh, mamnm, it will bu just (jlotiuusl Are't you ylad, daliRhted '(' Her blue eyes were dancing, aud her chrt ka erowini; liko a ros.) jcai. Mrs. Vel'or'B sweet, sad voice was in such odd contrast tu her child's eager an imated tone. 'How can 1 do delighted to have you io away from mc, dear ? Beswlu-i, I am so afraid you will not real'zi jour vivid an- licipations. 'Jus outside woild, whicli seems to you bo lose-colmed aud golduu, will uot be what you thiuk ' Oh, mamma, wh it a Jon's r.nmtorter yoo would be I I!ut how can I help bumj happy pi iltctly liappv. except beinji awav ti ota you in New Yoik, in a man- niuceiit kioiito, am inn nropie ol we ill u and distinction, anil with their two sweet childnu my iuly cue? Mamma. I will ride with them, and 1 am to make my clt ptrluctly at homo, the letter sis, an I you remember what a charu)in; lady we thought Mrs. Ciinisoou t was wlun she waJ visiliuc Doctor M-ir.sNuM last summer. Mrs. Neleor siiihcd soltlv. It s.euinl so cruel to pour the chill Water ol disap poioimcut on Minnie's btilit hopes. Well, dear, purtiaps 1 am giowine; cynical as I prow older. Certainly V"U deserves a lair late, ami now, 10 luaceno to matters of c r li PU, r.030 you Sec il the beans are boiling diy.' Tuu third day tucreallcr a day fra Kraut with the atnud ol liort in Ilia air a day when the leaves silltd slowly, atals'y dowa throtitjli the tender. Koiuen atiuns pherc and the huh l mild October was over alt ihe earth and kv Minnie W'.ot went away lioin the little collate wh ha was limn an t ha I livid, into Hie wmld waitinir to red ivr her - all her all her girlish hop.s cn i',!adde?t winRs. nil her ri-Unt dicilis buutinj it) lonut real Zitioii. H was a (plendid p'acc. Sin, P ud 1 Kustaco Car riscmirt'a palatial ieiduiir on Filth avenue-- houne that siennd to Miunie'a fancy like a '.ran.latcd bit td Inity stu i, wi ll its proiu-ion ol an laee draiiciiei. 1 1 1- luxailc-i and ele'"w:ee, of which bIio h id never drexmed. and ol n UojJ u ei she v.ih eq lully 'g lorant. Mrs. Carnscouit iceived her with a rharnilne gratlnuancaH an I pattrd heron ihw tliuiil.'.i-r, aaJ tu'.J her thn hop-d she would not let hersell cot htnneiiek, and installed her in her beautilul little room, with it piiik and drab ineiaiii carpet and chentuut suit, and dimity curtams at tlie windows. Then Minnie made aomc tiilllnu lilt'e alteration in her toilet, and pioceedo I to take literal advantage ol Mrs. Ciriisooun's Invitation to make heisell at homo iu the great, beautiful parlor below, where she made a cbarmiiily sweet, litilo pictnie, as she eat nuallod in a liue tiiken chair, the color of the roiea on her cli cks, an I at which Mus Cleona C'aiisconrt lonki'd in astonished, Imperious disdnin, and Mr. Uiotlrey Fletcher iu undisguised admira tion, as the two entered the room at the lurthest entrance, T.v Jove what a lovely irl I vVho is she ; Mica Carriscourtf ho akcd in a tone ol unusual iutoie.t. Cloona's eyes lookod tinnttrrabla anger Itom Minnie to Mm, Cairiseotirt. 'What on earth is she doing here, momma ; U she rrrr.y ?' Her sharp, tntiin tone wai diatinctly heard, as she intended it -linuld bo," by Minnie, who Hushed painlully ai she rose, vinturnifj just one fjlanco at tho liaUHlitv beauty'a lacs, nnd Mr. Klntcher's eaKir, admiriDj eyes, wlioeo buMueii startled Lor. WELD ON, N. 'I am aorrv to have made such a mit tike. I thought Mrs. Carriscotirt moot I was to sit here a littlo while. Plesso ex. cuie nic; I will not como REain.' Her voice was sweet, and just a littlo nervous, snd she Hutantly crotsed the room followed by Cleona's cold, cuttiuj words, evcrv one ol which btoiieht a harp tin ill ol mortification and pain to her. He careful you make no such mistakes. Kill. Your place is among the hired help. not in tho pailois, Io good enough to remember that.' Anil even lieofl'icv Fletcher's callous hoattgiivea tlnill ol sympathv at the sitit of the scarlet pain ou the sweet, young luce. O:ico safe in her room, poor lit Lit? M in- nio loiight and completed her Qrst buttle wnii late. I'll not bo cru'hor. bv inv fitst cspcr- ience,' slie ilutiiled, icioltitely, an ham-or alter when her breast yet iieaved with convulsive sighs and her eyes wcio all swollen Irom crvinx 'I willoot uive it un and rush home to mamma -ruy (list im pulse. I will endeavor to constiuc people lui." literally and keep my p'aco.' liit tiictu came a Hush to liar cheiku that nil tier bravo philosophiz ng could not control, at the memory ot Uleoua Cai- iinnurt s cool insolence. Til not havo spoken so to a dog, Min nie said, sa sho rrptossed the bitter tears that pprang 11 wounded indignation to her blue eyes. After that there was no shadow of an opportunity niveu by Mitmio lor Mis. Camscourt or Cleona to lay any blamo to hor charge. Sue pet formed her duties an no goveiueis had ever pei formed them, and the twios progrcisd to their mother's complete satisaction. 1 Minnie never was seen in the rooms of tho family, but lived entirely to herself, Inking her solitary littlo walks when the lay a duties were cuded, and ilisciulinini; hersell into on unconscious uoseltUb, In avc, pa'ient woman. Her letters home were miidit nnd ehet'!- lul until one day Mis. Veslor was honi flud lo learn that her darling was danger- ou.-lylll; that the lever had como suil- lieu'y upon her, and t'mt in leir and at-1 - tinhness Mis. Paul fit. Kustico Curnscoiirt h'i1 insisted that the raving girl bo taken lioul her house to the hospital. 'It will kill her to move her,' I)r- I.cth- budge liiid remonstrated, indignantly. What nocieuso, mammal Cleona res tortod, looking lieiccly at the physician. It will nut hint In j to be reinovcd nearly as much as it will fo- us to keep her here. Who is nothing but the clii'dren's govern ess ; she Daa hitler die, cvm, than 10 risk all our lives any louder. You will plcisu suneiiiitwi.l bcr removal to'-dav,' she ddetl, imperiously, to Dr. Lctlibtiduc. Ho I inked coldly, almost fui.iouslv, at 1W ias Can tscoii it's lace ai bespoke. Then he bowcil, aud answered, qu etlv : I beg to agree with you. This pw, sn'Tutng child had better to dio than to lemalii among tu;'Ji inhainnn people. Aud III. l.etliliiidgo pc sonn'ly super- iateiiileil Minnie's tiansler not to the hii-pltnl but to his own Iioiimi, where Ins iovelv, while-haned cjo.lur aud sister opine! thoir hearts to tbo giil, and nursed her ba'k to health aud gtiength, and ihe sweot happiness that ever comes to a Kirl's heart, lor Hugh Lethbndgo her to be Ins wile. And the memory of those brief days was hidden away beneath the clad puo shine of her beautilul nev lile, and Min nie in her home was proud aud bonorcd, an I beloved as a quieti. Ihe years passed. as yeats hare, a tiick uf p issinp liiiiiing their burdens nf joy an I soiiovv, and to Hugh l.etlilindgc sud his wife they were ouly latidniai ks ul con tent to maik thoir fi ght. 1 hiee dear clnl lieu had come to them, and mat ion Minnie was even luiicr Bnd sweeter than the maiden had been, lor she had been benetlled by tho stein dis cipline ol einlier days. And as the yea'B went by Doctor Iti th- bridge giew (amous aud rich, until there weie no tomloits or luxuries ho was obliged to refuse to his wi'e or family mid 11110 ol those coveted luxuries was a resident goveruss, at the home ol tho children. 'I remember my own govetnejs days so well, ileur,' Minnie siid one day lo be." husband, when iliey were dbcussing the leaiiuility of secunng one. 'I leel as it I never could be kind enough to any one in such a portion in niv house. And yet all the happiness ot iny 1 1 to rcmlted Irom my position is Mrs. CiuriH'uU-t's taioily. And the looked thn gieat unutterable love she had tor him, ami Dr. liUtlibinlge kissed her lovely upturned luce tuu ilerly. 'Thin I will take tins widow lady, whom Allison rceommeiuli'd, shall I, Mn nie f lie sui s nho is ol a good Inmily, and and in vert lednced clreuni'tsnees. Het husband was a ruisoribly dmnken lellow, and sho has to sunnort both beisell anil lui invaliJ mother. Ii would bu a charity I sui nose: but of route we must aluu loiik to our own m'eies'..' Hut the decision was to employ the widow Inly AIIikou to conll fenily teioin mcmled, and a day or so altei waids an in tervifW 'rsiiil. Jn was jusl at the dusk of a winter's al leinoiui Hint ihe tcivaid aniiouiiced to I)r Lullibridga and Ids wile lliat.lady v.ished to sec them 111 the pallor tho lady whom Mt. Allison hai seut and Minnie ami lier hti'baiid went down to rmot her tall pule, htaring the 11 11 n. if-1 k bio tiaces ol iiiiseiy aud suirow ou her lacu Clvoaa Cnii-couit. Minnie gave a little cxclnmatinn of as toiiiiliiiien t. '! it possible J Miss Curriscoiirt ' Sho inteirupied qaietly. Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Geoffrey Fletcher Aud you are little Minnie Velsor. I had 110 idea 1 had uo idea I bail torgotten L'lhliinluu's name ol course I cannot have the potitiiui. It would hardly be unluial that you thould wish to belneud me.' Mia. Fletcher turned toward tho door her lace palu aud piteous, tier voice bitter and ivu.Mim. Dr. I.elliliiidge looked sternly alter hor but Miuiiie shot him an appruliug glance before sha itepped toward the departing woman 'iV'ait jut a piuiuent, pase I I was ao eurpitrsd. Mrs. Fletcher, liny sit do vn, you aie in trouble, and it we cuti bo ol any service 1 know the Jjctor will bo ilttU to auiat you.' C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1880. Mrs. Fletcher's lips quivered a second, na elm turned her pitilul eyes on Minnie's sweet, happy face. '1 am 111 need of work, but I do not f x. pect it of vnu. Y'ou can only desptsa mc and hold mo in hatted and con'emnt tor what I did to you. Hut that or something else has come homo to mo' 'I do not halo or despise yoo, M'S. Fletcher. ( ! oil has been too good to mo lor that. Stay I Doctor Lothbiidg'! will iinloue my lorifivcncss, I am sure, mid we will imiko you 11s happy as we ran. We will filled all that w.ts unpleasniit and mint anew. Do slay aud Ic.ich my little glils, Mis. Flutchcr. And Cleona 't down, overcome with passionate tears, while tlio doctor, with nn indulgent smile, and a nod ol tho head to Minnie, lelt Ihe two women alone, under the stiange cliciim.tancs into whicli the sumi. m of late had led them. ptiiruliig liriHitlM. Did you evsi, in thuuthtlul mood, notice some hit of wood l.iin long under the heating influence ol Ihe Are, until, at lant, it lies belorc you nn Ihe huiilh, a smouldering briind. wiitliing as a very, be in nl life J rinoking steadily, unl it would teem painlolly, it needs but tho touch ol a lighle I taper to came it to 11 i.di foi th in dazzling biilliaucj; neverlheless, there it will strtigglo on until itt alnngth is well nigh spent, ire wc ne it bln.c loith briohily lor a moment, and all is over. ' Methlnks It Is lil-ri human life. Ptrug glers for success take courage. l'ertcvetc iu your cherishud plans. 1 :cs nature seem to lit you for a certain culling 1 Do you wish to make yenr hlc the success your Maker intended it to bo I Then on, press on. Why may it not as well bo yon a an other who climbs tliu summit 1 "Nun is your competitor but a man t" A nun with iiko powcia as your own. Fear uot the coinpaiisoii of the lieaven-boiu gilU; the same perlect Hand i;ave both yours utid Ins. Woikl nosliiggaid gains llio niotttitain; nnr will you real'"'ii your hopei without illort. Wherever we see tlio uinnkii ol lie tn'ler, them is fotue lire. What matters it whether it lie Hie lire ol genius, or nf sim-i pie patience p'lsoverancej It is lire, and is not that vilnliz ne; power tho aiuo the world over. What it there ore discouiagi'mentB, clouds on the blight blue above? Heed not Hie passing clomb; you've no time to wii'te in idle ngiets lor evil that will take to itoll wings aud lly avuy, or, il th be clouds here ami there in your sky, sty wilh olio who has said wisely, "The heaven arc large.; I do not notice the small clouds. Alter all, there is more sunshine than clouds. Level iu tile beau1 y ol tlm pie dominant blue, and turn your back upon the ulouds. Tbcte is always demand for Ihe best woik and workmen, "itoom iu the upper stniy always. Whether this cxiinirsihu orignally meant that the head -tlio"upp stniy" WhS never so ciowdt.l but that th?re is loom lor more knowlulge nnd wi doiti, or that there ii nlivays room and d maul lor talent ot the highe t order, 1 can not Biiy. 1 ou will, at any ra'e, certainly llnd it title that your brain is not tilled. Thereinto get knowledge, get wisdom luipiovo your time, your talent, your ops pnrtunilicii. Climb tho heiuhts, aud you will then I'.uJ there is much unoccupied Bptit'.u on thu awimUiu top. riioiii'h uo k 1 ml I v hand tone lies the lirlited taper to thu smouldering brand yet smoulder 011, unaided by ony clj rts other than your own, and some lime yn-j will cunt a ptoudcr Hame than any asaint ancu could havu uivuu, W hat it it com 1st ero night cu.srs iu f jntt Ullilled your destiny, even tiiough yens wciecon iiinied VJ if a lifetime in its aecomp its' 1 oieiit. I holigll the Voilii my havo hern uot your success or yielded you a crown your Muker witmased the sliug'lo, sav yon, unu'ded, toiling otf until sueccs wai thine, and wi I not be, the, just, upright One, give you y u I r meed ol houor? lie notiloihiiii but rather "1 et u. then, tie npaiid doiiu. IVilil a tiea-M tor liny f ile. Silll Helot l - 11 . iill i'iir lOie:. J.i: i-'i t-.' 'a'.i.-r f 11. 1 U' w ,111 " A IMiill Hint llil iiotKluir. From the St. I.iuih l'o.l,-iispaleb. Yank' liibb rl, a we'l-kiiown rai'. road man, rouneclcd with the Vandalia, while in Indiauapolii, a lew days ago, had ao epeiicnce in a stieet car which he will remember, 'alik ts veiy lutnl ol a 'blulF and a juke, llo got aboard the ctr, and pat down opposite a rpnet look- log, old man. riesently lank pulled out a loin' (Vit pocket-book, cou. taudiig about if 125 in small lulls. 1 licae he lioin Midi Willi suliicitut loice to cou- cial their detiomiustion, rcminklng in ,;ud tonei as ho did so. 'I will bet f 1 .000 that Claill Id is the lirst President ol Ihe United Sla'es.' ',' I'lic ii'iiet nui j man said : 'Are vuu not a little icckl i, joune mau t' 'I gue.-s not. Money talks,' replied Yank, us he gave the bills another lUuut. So it dow,' mid the ijniet gray mnn, SB lie pr idui c I a most pietlioi 0 pick s book. F10111 llio roll tlicicin ho 'skun. mtd' oil a firtO bill tod live f 100, leinai' ing be did so : 'I mil am tlmt. iiioiay ol v-"f.i, and it you want to bet from f 1 .000 to b,000 uiotn, or know anybody that does, I will aecoiciuodate you or him.' Y'ank was struck all iu a h.ap at the display ol wraith ami cotili Ituce upon the pait ol the quiet old gentleman, aud he uieicly gasped, 'Who in tho devil are you i' 'A great many people stand ready to bet tlm sanio amount that I will be the next lloveruor ol Indiana. I will bet it invsell. My name is Fiauklin Laudera.' Yank reached up, pulled the strap, and ns he got oil flic car, iciuaiked; 'That is the worse blull I ever made.' People niaku a great mistake ubout beaveu. They thiuk it begius up yonder, but it really begiui down hero. If you can ho happy tu the basement story, you are fitted to enjov the luppinersof tho tipper stones. Put il you whine and moan hero, heaven itsell can't chanoo your mood. Tlia thing to give your enemy il fur glvenvss; lo your opponent, tol. ranee; t s, liieinl, voiir heart; to your thild, a good iXimple; to A lather, deloteuoi; to your unit lct, eoinhk't that will msku her proud of nn, lo youraell, respect; to all uwu ;hjiiy. ' ' Ilirliuit- It flirting really as injurious In its elTecIs nn men as moralist) would have us be lievet There are various opinions on this subject; but while wo thoroughly iMsap- prove ol nutation in any lorm, wo cannot say that wn believe in victims ol blighted niVt-ifion. Time, in this suit ol matters, win ks wonders. Wo doubt whether any man ever yet died ol a btokon heart. Mm aic mote vain than women. Them are ex ceedingly few ot them who are not flat-, lore I by the idea ol some woman lulling in lovo'with them. The lady lor the mo. ment nUnrds them this gratification of sell- love. Hho makes hcised as agreeablo as she can. If tho vanity al tho man loads him to believe that she has fallen ft victim to his charms, this is his limit, uot hers. riic illusion lias raised him to thu seventh heaven lor a biicf peiid, and if tin) petiod bu short, ho has beet) tlio gnncr. Iu one ol I'e Reioard's novels he describes an old captain who lives supiemely happy be- ause he luncies thai, ycu'S ago, soma oiri dud ol a broken heart because ho declined 0 marry her Ho carries about Iter por trait, mid on all occasions lakes 11 otit anil weeps over it. One day, however, he meits ti e girl, wh had not died, but married a I'l ueer, and oigotlen all about the captain. Ik is m despair. He can no lougor indulgo in tlm luxury ot grieving over the sad late nf the object ol hu youthful alicctions. Don l tint, uirls-il you can tiolp It; tint 11 you do, don't imagine that it will break Ihe heai t ol any man. It may wound his vanity, but break his heart, never I A Mumping President. The do f tcto Pre ideiit has Btarled to Calilurnia. to be absent until the first ol November, and it is ciyca out that lie is to make political speeches on Ihe way. Hut we hope, lor the oake ot the ollic.e lie holds. tuat tins staieaient may prove untrue lor it would be Oillkuli, under t-ucli or aumstancos, to treat the man with tho re sped always due to tbo i filer; anil tho pari. fsaii stump speal.'iT Who "liouui mils no 1'iade his po-inon would have no right to enei:t ids Diiiioriatic, lellow citizens to iniil.e the discrimination winch niuisen would thus fail to make between tho mau and the oilier. The Tiend ucv came to Mr. Hates in a way that it never caino to any ol his piodccesantain a way, as many neoiilo think, 111 t clieaiiened and degin dedr but ho would do more, if he should enttr the Held as a canvasser for Ins pii'ty to prosiituie that high olhcc, than any I'ii solcnt that ever went beloro hini; An diew Johnson, Swinging lound the circle,' not cipected. We sincerely hope, for the sake ul the olHco, that tho mau wlio now hoi, I, it will not be so utterly oblivious lo tho ctennl Illness nf things," and tho la ol common decency, as tu lend bnusell and thus ubiii.e his cMK-e-tu sui'li uses In conn .at with such a course, and even wiih the endued, of Mr. Gail'ndd, bow eminently iiioiut is the .h :ent and com iiieinlable leseive ol the D inocintic Cundi- dato lor 1 lie I'li-bideiieyl And right think ing people will U'd tail to iiolo the differ, erieo, and uppreciate it too. . . - YIHiige r.elt. I was induced lo sserud into the bellry, wliiiio 1 lound ropes lor eight bells -those musical tones whicli exiend tho anhcro ol the rlinicli's IlII lence bv aesoc.iatiora of plea-iire, devotion, or melancholy, througli the sunvii iline cmiBti V. rtiiainn enen tivn means ol ioneasiuif the vmpathiea ol relieion. and 1 xeiiiiiis 'licm by Hie Jirtf ides siid on Hit! Veiy pldows nl t';u people! Wh 1 thai, rs a bride, or bride jroolli. lias iieanl them in conjonctinn with tlio linit iova ol wedded love, does nt lull UlC n'c:iialdi! sJi.11 ialiona ol thoir livily up 11, nl on other stmi'ar events ? Who, tlmt tliioii'.ili a s 1 ii-s Ins otieye.l t h -t r calling 1 limit! on the Sabbath morni io, a tin: :', nid ol placid 'eelini'i toward Ins I'ud, am hi, isein:iled n. i"h'or. does mo hear their weekly mom timv With devotion! And who is'the e th it has not per o-ine the 1 1st li'ci ol I ri - mWiiii. 01 the me'au rhoU- dntiiS ot foil, ilai'o'htcr, bus and. nilu', lather, moUier, or Axr, innli r lb U'cuiiing tones ol the awlu! leo, r, ot more awiul dumb does mil fet 1 at every lei'ciiuon ol the same ceremony, a ri vival o! Ins keen but unavailing U'grota lor tlie lllouldi ling deild? l'eni'i ol' Interest, Dead iasues O d uespupeia. A man over bored -The c0i,!ui'. Kvery tr imp carries a loan'm' nose. A Initiqiirt 1ml' Heferted"--When tl fruit nnd cream ale biougltl iu. The conductor who divided bis collec lions with the company claiuied that was & lure arrangement Never look down upon a mnn because of Ins occupation. 1 he odlecior ol kilcln reluse may be an otl il nice man. 'Tlio old homo ain't what it to be, as the oi l man laid when a cyclone struck bis domicile. Just biar this maxim io f.wt mind, anil beloro yon get very mad : It's ea-y cnougli to i-park a gnl, but hard to spark her dad A man at As;;a!U, Cl, 03 receiving docKd'a bill for medicine and visits, w.-nte that he would pay for tho medicine and rcluru tho vtsita. When milk sours tc al Hun will render it sweet again. The whey separate Irom the curd, and ihe louucr is better Uiau shoiteuing iu bread, ANewi iikgirlsw.ini two inikB in thlity-onn minutes, hut while she was doinir it. however, she had to kick out like a man. Tanner' fast established one great fact viz: 'i'lnit a man. even thu poorest, net along In the world without a lunch. A Western journal heads an article can lice Lunatic l'.scspes and Martin a Widow IVapcd, eh? We should say be g"' call-in. The d ol uight hi Ips a to see the Unght starsthe dsikirss ol sorrow bolpi us to leo Ood and ucsven. Th (TC iro t vvjjgfnv ays ol goiug Ihrougl in, a 01 in woe is 10 inaau 1110 ocai 01 and tho other 11 lo make Die wout ol Those win), take th latter cou'a woik hard fur poor pay, NO. 28. The .Medichse of SuuslOne. Tho world wants more sunshine In its lisposltion, iu its business, in its charitios, lis theology, For Ion thotxands of the ni lies and pains and Irritations nf men and women wo recoiiniiend sunshine. It south s belter than morphine. It stimulates better, than champagne. Il is the best plaster lor a wound. The good Samaritan poured out into the Inllen traveller's gash more ol tins than nine and oil. Florence Nightin gale ttsod it ou Crimean batllellelils, Take it iuto all the alleys, ou board of all He ips, and by a'l sick-beds. Not a phial lull, but a soul lull. It La good lor apiece, lor liver complaint, lor iieuialiiia, lor rheu- attMi), or lading Inrlunes.lor melancholy. Wo suspect that heaven itsell is only more auniliiuc, Knowledge may sluinkter in lh memory, but It never dies : Il is like tho doimouse tiio ivied tower, that sleeps while win lasts, but awaken with tho warm breath ol spiing. Do all in your power to tcacu your children self-goTernment. If A child is passionate, teach him by patient and gentle means to curb his temper, II he ifteedy, cultivate liberality in him. II lie is sellish, promote geuerosity. The only kind ollico performed for us by our Iricids, of which wc never complain, our funeral; and the only thing which we arc sum to want, happens to bo the only th'ng we never purchnao a culiin. Thoro is no greater obstacle in the way of succcs lii lile than tritating lor some- 11 L' to turn up, iputead '. going ta work aud tinning up something. Death Is the wish ol soino, the relief ol many, ana in 11 end ol all. it sets the slave at liberty, canies the banished man hotnn, and places all men on tlio sumo level, inso much, that lile would bo a punishment I'llUllt it. It not the (tamo thine to bo wiso tint it is to understand" ; for many, iwleet', are wise in tbo things of otcrnity who cannot in any sort nrderstnnd thorn Knowledge is nought if it linth not its use lor piety. Al)Vi;imSKMKNT8. T" I Urent ebaiico to make mon II f XJi I ev. Wonted 11 ticrsou 11 evoi v town to hike subscription lor the large-Hi, 0' oapost anil irnat lllimiratou lami- piiblioatioii in the world. Any one call lii ooiini ',iei'eiMl'ul nnoiil. Hix eleuunt works of ait I'ivon lion to intiscrihors. The Tlio prii 0 iH ho low lluii almost over;, bodv siitiHi rii on. t'no ntrmit ropni la lakinirl.i ub.-ei-ilioH In a cIbv. A bnlv airoiit rnorts making over l-'UO elear prollt 111 ton days. Ml wlio onuaiio inako innnev last, you can devoto all your Hint) to tlm busliie", or only your Kparo timo. You iinml nut Imawnv from homo over nlirht. 1011 can lo ii as wi ll 11s olliors. Kull dlroetloiiH and toritiH free. Kloguiit ami rxpenaivo outtlt Iron. II von want in ulitatilo worn send us voir liddross at imoo. ItJct Bts niithliia: to trv tho lumtnesK. No one who nmiauiis falls to make great pav. Add reus (Itii.i-irn Stins. Hi ,t t;o, Portland, Iliiiiie. july If, ly 1 r."Of biislimss now boloiotho pnb- XJL2JKJX. llo. You uau niaKo mon fastor nt work for in than at unylhiiik else Capital out require, 1. Wo will Kurt von. fl-! a day and upward 11111.I0 al ti lilt) by tlm iinliintrious. Won, women, hoys ami girla wanind every where t" worK for Now is tlin time. oil cm ilnvoto your whole tnuo 10 thn work, or only your spare inoiiionts. No other biisliiiws w ill pay you nearly 111 won. M ono winuir; work e.ui la, I to malm ouoi inoos pay by MiRau;ini( atomic, Coitly Duliit nnil terms Iroo. A ejreat opjiortiinity lor mailing nionev easily and bonorublv. Addross Tiuo . t'o. AiiKiiHtu, Mo. July lo ly. 8 TAiliOt'' NORTH CAKUl.lNA, lllllilllX t'OBIll', Superior Court. Hi. hard C. ltadgnr, and wife, and olhors l'luintdla Against W. A. U111110I, Jno. U. I Onlor for Whltllold.iuid others j rubliontiou rio'uiidints. Tina in a civil notion pendioe; In u,; tl r t Instituted by tbo plaltitill'-i P.ieliai ltadiror nud wit'o and otliors, niraiimt IV. A. I'aoinl, Jno. 1). V Intllrtui, am! ntlinia Inn vor ol tlie d o,,n,i,int v . A. IJ.mlt, and Id" sureties the amount duo by him as tho fjiMritiH'l ol Iho pliiintiirs nnd to Miti not tlio Inilil iltviaiK) nv inn noil win an, toatniiiont of And row Joyner, dneeasnd. tm tlio n avnicul of said H'OMVoi y, said 1. mil t'onsliiliirf in pavt of the triiol v. hoinon tho doloiid.iiH Jno. tl. Wbitlleld resided, sit u.iunl lii nab I county 01 iluiir.ix near of thn it, veil r !' Fnlltil.1. riio dentl-i nf said tlofnilnnl wiilllloTd having at spring lerm IhiJ H this court boon HimiTo-itoii, ana tunv in cxoeninr JohhiiIi '. ISoIIhuiv, bis ehi'dren Murv l annv KiililiCK, I'.ve'vn . i"ierco wnaoi Holiorti Wbilltoht andotlioia, represent tuid ildtonil.nil'H inlerosts in this actum and tiro mo proper nun noecsMiry parlies 1 1 a ihiul a J u d I n e a t i o of bis right herein, il was or tnri,,i look, ll.'lli-tl if.i.i.0 Uj llii-tit nnd Khopid 00 inn lo to appear bv pr pnr ullidiivit ibat un, ! mini parlies nre noii innidoiils iiiion whom orvioe of pr epa 1 .1111101 no mauu personally, iimu 1110 said 1001 ruHldont-s nro In bo notil,ed bv piiblioxtiiiii us is ro. 1 11 1 rod law, and tbo 11011 retUlmicv and aiisoiieu from tho M itt so Urn t Hiiliilllons (illinon; tin .peiN'onillv served t.piui Ihoin of tliasaid Mary paniiy KiddioU. and J.ll.l'iereo and wile, Kvolvn V. l'ieieo and Koberta Wlrllield being matin to iiopnar bv allldiivlts as retiinreit Now tliorefnro tlio mild Mary Vannv Uiildiek. J. It. Pieroii and wile, livelyu W nud lioborla Wbltlieltl uio Uuroby iiiitiued to bo ami appear lo lore tlio JihIko of our Mup&rlor curt, at court to bo bold lor tbo eeimily of Halifax Main of Knrth CaroliiiH, at tlio . tiurtluin so In llalliiix town on tlio llnrd elouilav Keotemlier ISN). then and tlioro tu dufenil llielr Inlureat borolit, and Itirlher to and reclvo .wh.ilniir wald oourt aball llieii and thoro cotisldnr ot then) In thU be!df. Lot tills notion lio iinertud in LLo ICm luiku News, a iiowspaimr iiuIiIIkIihiI said county ot Halifax, ouco a Wook for t.ix niceossivn weokH, WitneHK ifohn T. ISrogury, Cloik of our aid court at r.llieo In Ilalilux town, this the mil day ul" Jul v A. P. Ism!. John t. tiiti'tiouv'. t'loik superior foiirt, Mali I'm Cnunlv, N. C Mullen it Moore Attys, for flaiiitill, julyaSw, ' Is a a SPACB I S j 3 I O H IJ) r3 One Square, j ofl H 00 U 00 Wt M Two Stiiarea, 6 W 10 IM 20 00 30 00 Throo !-fiiuros, H do lfi 00 SU 00 iO 61) Four Hqiiaros, 10 00 18 00 0 00 Bt Konrtli Uol'U, lfi 00 W) 00 iO 00 fO (HJ Mall Column, 2U 00 SO (K) 00 00 05 00 WlioliiColuinn, One Year, 75 Ofl 'I'. !.. '!'.-'-!-4 ' TAI.HOIT A HOXH SUOCKOK MACIILVK WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Maiiiifacliirnrs ol I'ortnldn and Htatloiiarjr I'jiUiii,-. mill Itnilor" Saw Mills, Corn anij Wheat Mills, Miarilnir, lliirinors and ln ln s, Tin bum Walor Wheel, Tobacco Ml 1 liii.eiv, Wioiiwlit Iron Work, It r ana and) Iron t'liHiinH, Machinery qi ('.very pmt oription. iplioll. ISK1KO A Nil TlIKKSIIIXO i SrKCIAl.TY. M4ni'K llppairliiK Promptly A Varetnlf TAt. POTT'S 1'AI'RNT.irATlK ABRKXTEB. llie luvenlioii ol theAfcr, It dotiM not, ibislroy tbo draft. It doc) it. intoi loro it lib chwiinir the tube. ( ill not choke, up, and requires no cleir im?. It. rpquircs no iliroot tl snipers to b opoaoil wliijn raiMlng Mtnnm (dainpora boi ig oiiociioii:Uiiu, iui thov may belBltopij 1,1 ilium I 'm n.. 11 iMinj u, 1 It rinolros no water to Pitincnlsh Kparks, w iileii, by ooiidpuaallon, ibwiroya llio Uiulu Kuhi.Ii,, wlion water is 11 seal, If loeiotl, tbo el'iioioiicy la destroyed by evaporation ol thei watnr, aud tbo bollpr i kept iu a lilthy coinliiloi). 11 ih Hlmplo ami ilurubln ami can bo ra. lied upon. U can be attanlintl to any boiler, iNo piaulor Nlioulil Im witiiout one oftliaai. liiHiirani'O companieH will insure letnn and barns v. hero tbo 'I a I bolt ICngiooa ami .Spark-Arresters am iisod at same rt aa ;mri;i)ti ior wait'r or norap. power. ,r-,i;oii, for IHustriitod oiroular and price list. Urniicli lionso, 'lolilslioro, N. C, J. A, HAUSKU, tieiioral Manager. T. A. tiKANUEK, Jocal Uatiager, may 8 lim IllirlilT rtHtunmMUlM to tlw (itlliltc (til All ilta l itai I ' 'ulllfiu I'm Ml n nnil fMl. i.'iil o.a,' (."("H'tnll)' III iMtiffMafV t4un, lUHirpm4mt lttrttnln-Ht Wt rrr, Mmt Am prtitm, !. htt ruoth IeJi FlieruB, ka, II a rlrhtii the bluod, imiRlhi'DI th UitM vU , nii'l rIvn dw i l) iii iitarvva. To lit mi, U.ii.'. ftntf elm; lnn rvi4tnrlii recti r Hil-m. Hi In vuluBbl rcmojj ctn pot tw 1419 li Ik h.y r iH'utii mo3Kl. If n r4 Ukm thmrm vn tliottiKilveuriftni. A tertNiMXHifiiJ U'lbra niOrtiN win rjnwf jl iijrtitic ny ntumi Titvnr. Solrf by ill DroiMi," TllEBKOWJi QICE11CALCJ, BALTIMORE, U4. IO, A Un ut Toule. IRON BITTERS, A Sure ApK!tUor. IRON BlTTERS, IRON BITTERS, Jit Ull ILIIl), 'IVUmlllllip IRON DiTTERS, rr lirlifatt rcinilM. din IS ly V. 15, VICK i AKKJ At.!'. Al UlKjGIE MADE TO ORDEr? on RKPAIKEO AT LOW f?lfW&, All kitid.a of wood work ami tnniniina lone in gootl ntylo. PiaoUsimilJi work lion it Klmrt not ico and with iioatjioia. All now work warranteal. Him lieJiitihR tot hiiKK'O" doiiv at low prlooH.bcst puiut uaed. SVK ML VI I I N I ION U1VENTO Tim UNDHHTAlUNi nKl'AlUMEST. Collins an, I. C.iaoa of all oi'tW.5nt)v on lomtl. Cirri 1 ;o M itoxl iN kept ouhand atpriy bolovv I'olorabuig market. Woldou Iff. O. Juno S ly N O. X, t' OHO, Takes ploasiiro In niiiiouiielns IhaJ) n alii 1 1)0 lound at his aland on y I H H T S T U K E T, Mi boro bo Iim on bund a full lino of t(ij KinoM!, WINKS, WiilsklllS. auJ . . , liUANI'IKs. TOHUtOO, I'lCJAIW, mid MNUKK, ; OltANUKS. APPLM. and I !) N F KtTl O N K Ri K4f 1 1 in Hloek d Ciinuud U40d aud Qrzapj ion In uuiuuully Full nud (Complete) Oi.n CiihNitc WprswiY A SeHCHlrT. KRKMII LAO KR BKKK ON DRAltom". Ho cniiautciM aaUi40tioii. L'adl auif ee him. y innM nirrcD? IIIUI1 Ull IL! 1 1 - -J1Ll , 1 i