THE nOANOKE NEWS THCKHlAT, SKrTLMIIKH , ," RATIONAL DEMOCSAIIC TICfftT. For "r-itlf hi r Kt hit HANCOCK, til I'i'ii ri i vnu 1 a K-f V ! ! lew Wil l i M M KV.I l-H, of i nj.a STATE DEM OCKATIC TICKET. y r 1 1 r Tlh'M - j IAKV1-. I'H! y 'T I t. n t -h 1 1 u. t --rii r JAM K- I. K"MI.S-...S, . f Mi ,'..11 F r d-.f-'iirr f s' v W 11.1,1AM I. -Al M'l.KS, i f i 'r.Hii.'i'. K r T r- u p r JnllN M Wi'Hlll, i.f Kan l-lpl,. ' r A nrni )' tlnii'TI : III' '.M s KKNA.V i I Wlla.'ll, K.'f Ambler WILLIAM I' Ki li MITH, i ,f i in'i'i,. K..r Mti.'i' ht ..f I'ui.hc Instruction. JnllN i ' si AMii'llul ull, i f J ..Lint. n. P'.r.tille.- m ,i r! ..r (' .iirt JnllN MI.K. (( iiu:ir,,r.l. r 1 ! !. r- .it I inv : K II I . I -1 . 1 K f Wnke. J. M. LLACII.i.f Imviiln.iti. (Jk.m. (Nix sp ike at Nashville list week to ii Urge and enthusiastic crowd. Ha will have a walk over. Km.- tin niiw be erf atalized and in lb.1 manner may be kepi iiidefinittly. Tbev cinnot bo boiled but are perfectly frrsli tnd good when Cooked iu any ottifr wot. Ki.wtions fnr State oflkeu are held fto the 12th of October in Indiana and Ohio. These are good indicators of the l'reaideotial elecliuo which occurs just twenty days later. It seems thst the Democrats in the South hac dupe more fur popular ed ucation since they hate been in power than tbe llepablicaoi, and they intend to keep oa until the public school sisteai is peifrcied. In tbe recons'iticted States paid for public schools $5 C.'iO.OOO and 1,000,000 pupils weie taught. In a few more jeirs this amount will have increased greatly, Tuk Jew'th new jc ir begins at sun set this eenina and ends at suti'el ti morrow ( evening Vt'il. Star Sjnd.ty. Mather a shuit year we think. Only twenty faur bouis long We suppose lha Hiar meant that tin ceremonies ir cideot to tbe incoming year ended on Monday evening. . - kxmitivk (onniTTi.K or Tin: dim ilk r. We call upon this Committee to call a contention for the purjus-j of decid ing whether there is to bo a candidate iu the field. It is time it was dune. We Into waited and waked hot we hare, em no action taken. We think the Coroiiiltpe should call the Contention at once. They bite not inn ri(;ht to decide in this matter. They tried that imee and it didu't suit, f ill a ('onter tlon. TIIK KU'l UI.ICW OKlit i'ir:. r..i iti:t r. (From the New Yt. k Tnli'tnn (Kepunli. ran, Atij. .h. is-ii, Tim adjustment is a shrewd one for the Democracy. It will not dit lor republicans to un ilercsiima'.e the stiength of this emilia ti nt. It nirani a long pull, a strung pull, ! rid a pull i.f the Di iimciact all to gether to c. nt the .K;slt. While there ill null be jealousy hempen ilm laciimn, the follonteiH of each will emit them eles to see which cau cat the larger loll for Hancock. Onk nf the great truths which esn'l be kepi loo much at the front during 1m f ititrf) CMitass is the fact thst nil ihw charges prefened n"aint (irnoial 'N'Hr'd nrf proH bv the rrcorrh of CnngroM and by leading jmiinsls nf his own party. General (iai field is unfit for anv nllice of trust or rcf" sibiliiv, or the leading j lurnnls of ins pauy lied about biro like a gang of Fcoundrels, seven years ago, when there wsi not tbe slightest temptation to uwer uo liutos Washington I'ost, Thk New York Independent ado eates locial equality belwcca white and black, and hopes for the time to come speedily when the difTcrenct between tb races aball vaoish ' in the closest tod holiest bonds of matrimony." What do the white people of the Sjuth think ofthac. The Independent rrdoctsthe opinion of a certain, though small clssi of people and this opinion is tbe result nf Radical doctrines which hate been preecbed since the beiunirig of the tbuliuon movement. Why do not tie uwrwrs of the Independent set the ball in motion by tak nj dinky wivrc- "r h,ie thfy n'l-adj jjn'. ih"m. Wk publish below a letter which e take from the Obsertei, written by M . V II. Young, of Saratoga, who was an old-line Uepuhlican but who has j lined the Democracy, lie gites his reasons for hit contention, lie was at 0 old?, boro during the nodus last fall, and in tesligsled the matter for himself. On his return tome the Saratcgian said of him: " He speaks in the highest terms of the people of North Carolina, of their loyalty arid material prosperity, sod says there it uo State io the Union where there can be shown better returns for labor and capital." In bis recent letter be adverts to the fact that be fought to put down slatery aod to maintain the Uuion, that he neter bas voted any other than a Re publican ticket, but he proposes to do so no longer. We now let him tell his ..tort iu his own W"rds. llo snys : ' V iii kn;jw I luve traveled exten sively for the las', five year?, through the whoie South, arid this past season I spent fie months in traveling through one State, the State of North C tmliua, was almost every coii ity in the State, and fr mi observation, com i. g in con tact with all classes nf their people, I became convinced of the wrong done the Southern people bv the party in power, and it was done in such a sys tematic way that uono can fail to under stand it if they are free from prej Hice. " In the fi'fct place, at the breaking out of the war, there were but few dis union people South, and at its close their arms were laid down in g md fniih. The results of the war wer ac cepted by them in good faith. They were financially ruined anil impovcr iohed, but not disheaiteued, as I be lieve the history of the world dors not furnish an inslauco where the people went to woik to bring orJer out of chaos and bate recuperated so rapidly. What was the duty of the parly in power? With malice toward nunc and charitv for all, as a mntto, they should have beeo sustained and encouraged What did that partv do? The began to lay the foundation for a continuance uf power, and employed the mopt dis honorable means for the same. First, by d'sl'i anchising the leading citizens, and then antanoniiin the two races, white and blatk That was the main reason for a solid South, united against tho power that meant to crush aud hu miliate, them "What did their Republican emissa ries do but keep the poor negro in constant- fear by telli ig him if the white men of the South were iu power the, the negroes, would again he put back into slavery. And to-day the same cheap mid stale falsehood is being ut teied here in the North, in their politi cal meetings. I slate a truth when I sot I believe the Northern people would adopt tbe system of slavery again sooner lhan the Southern. I have neter met a maw in the South that cter owned a slave, that is now employing paid la borer!, that did not say the present sys tem was far better iu etcry puint of view than slcry. " And, in conclusion, let me sav to you, I believe, under a Democratic ad ministration, we can become more united North and Sou'h, that feeling of d strust rcmotcd and become as we should be, the most happy and united country on tbe face of tbe globe. Aod I bite such an eislted opinion uf the Southern people aod of their loyally that I now say I would rather my right arm would wither aod drop powerless at my side forever, lhan for me again to cast a vote for that partv that under took to hum.liatc such a noble people." I.I1IM' M THIS SIM III. V oiu lio.i. (i, to's lliionn'e'il (IU.) S. 'l (M ll, It mnv be appiopiiate on this occa s'on to icier to mv tup thiounh toe Soutiif'ii S ales and to wlnn 1 lo've seen wlpie uatelio. I have been e.ji. ili-il at mv ieripiinn in ell the ii-cenO" ict'cl'i'its S,.ucs. Ipnei from IV Jul phia to Kim it'a on mv mini II u 'a. and an mv teun n c tine in via Tc . is if irn Me :i;i, thus passing through a'l uu IP belt' ois N.aies and it will be a' r ihlc in all tu know that huipiiliiy w. s to ile eJ me Keveiy city luiungh wliiuti I pissed and aco'itted in nearlv all ol them bv me. Tue same dec trillion were .ecu in nery Stale that am seen beie to-night Toe Union fl.g (limed over us evert nhei e, and tho cyrsollhe people io tho.c Slat 's are us f.miili r with its colors as yours, aud look upon it as gua'aiiieeing to them all the ri Mils aod privileges nf a free people, witnout regard to race, color or picvious ondi tion of sertituilo. In most or the States upon the recepiiou committees, i'u bv t;dt'. were the men who wore the blue and men who wore the grsy, and ie ception addressed were made in part by iho.e who wore the blue and iho e who wore the gray. We have no reason lo doubt that those who s ua the giay will lulOII all ihev have pinmisid iu lova'.v to the Dig aud the nuion." Nuw is the time for the people o tee to it that no man is elected to the I.egisla'.ute of North Carolina who will not pledje himself to do all in his power to enhrgo and perfect our I'ree-' chool ys em. This to the peo ple nf the Sute is worth a thousand times mi re than all the other matters combined thst are to come before the I.BW-maliers of North Carolina I! the tale of the Stairs interest in the Canals and lliilroads, the hun dreds of thousands of dollars of Sute I. ics will no lo er be needed in keep ing tip these roads. Our schools aie ni w few in number, imperfectly fur nished and suppoitrd for' only two or three months in the year. We need good schools a'l over the State, and schools .hit are kept open for at least ioue months io the year. The penplo are peifcctlv willing to be taxed to suppoit such schools aol they shvild now determine to have them by fleet ing such men and such onlv ns w II jivp them go d schools li.b'cal K-i Cur Jcr. TIIK I'MII'l.i; DIMl.M) A 4 II (.i;. ! From tbe New Y .'k Jnurn;,! of Com llieree, Ai'tf ,".1, If-s l. We bel e'e that n la'ce m.'j oity ol lb" peopln ol the Unite I Suites ilesire a chsone of pir'ies 11 i'te r ali mal admin- isuuiio i. Tn.-ru is a u;i!o evidt oce in our C'triesp io !e ie Ir on a'l sveu ins of the cujotr. , that the luce class of c't izens who are not ati.ich.'J lo eilhei partv, look upon solIj a cliango as es sential tit our national prosperity. And bevond this, and of still gicster politi cal sig-ific mce, not a few of the more thoughtful members of the present dominant parly are more or less "penly expressing their content with the signs indicate tbe coning i evolution, The latter hive been tivin for jean to eff ct ref Ten wi'.hin their ow i orann- lion. They have seen its wont elements in C intr,.'. not only I pir'v ou--.sores, b.i. "f pT In: iifl'i'rs 1 diti.-il ra-v inls have been giveri 1 1 ill.; not irio isly c ir rupt a'ol i icompi-ti'iit for n: s nipol mis de'o.i i i to t lie IciJers wilt lous uuin l lined their stiprmiisv, I'ri t s tlid sense mid s oind j nljinent of Jis bi s! men nf tlo' . ir! j h IV,? ok) fur n-ui'it when weighed ngamst po'ni'unl deuce and triikerv. D sp liri-ijj ol a hitler ailoii iior ition wiihoul the nterilirotv ol thooi! wlio line use, I the 11 -pubi c ins lor their own seKiili gain, ii,t. mL. nbo shnii'd bo nl the front in this (ngan-ia-lion are ready to to accept the a change as the only means of t deLting the de sire I rcsiilt. Wiiii the non-pan'son pu'.lic the feel ing is one of intense des'oe 'or a iestor aiion of that peace ai d units between the il se .lions u! tiu Connuy, a .d spetiaily belHcen tl.c N.riheiii and S luihcru Stains, which is essuir'ul to our prosperity, but which it seeu.s im po&i.olu to oht.iiii uiider the present rui ig o,; in t t:i)o. Tbj untitled uiem bcrsofall parties in all sec'ions arc eager for it ; hot ih uusci u.iolous puli ticia'i. who his n ibe bloody shirt so lonj. is ifiaid lhat h'n hold of p twer will be lost ihu moment his rallying war cry dies aaa- on tb public car. The p-utv machio w i 'n ill : i in the norui'ial o'ts at t,'i icon i' i. Toe p : tple io I; the ma ter i I o their own h e tls ii'd niniiirel llincclt in (li?sei(! nl too let liiis nod their ready tnadti tilie. It is ib is fact which ne boil I oar hnpes of ultimate mc-ess in the cam pit'g'i. The eople are not o .lv far in a dvnnce of iheir liadeis. but bio fiilcJ woh lliat ci.liitni.i-in uliith u'onu can command s'lcc.! ss by pouring the im ilm ds that deserve it. ... 'I he KuiHriil iitr- I Snlmlli'. Not a'l I'enns) Ivauians aie given over to the fu'lv of wh it is cillej protection to A'liericiii injisiry. Nil all of them belie-c iu placing the btirdei s nl one nun on another man's shoulders, or in miking ooo set of roe.i piv lor what is uted by annl'ior set of men. I', oniincnt among iheui who aru cnli ;hle oi.ig the poor inn people of that who hive bcea nvsled into the belief that tho penplo sf l't'niisvlva-.ia profi s by the pro'retite tariff, which only enrich a small number of manufacturers, is the I'biladelph'u l'.ess. It is tbe purpose of protective duties, says that piper, to raise the pine of itw goods produced by ihe protcstcJ iodiHtry. If the sys'ein is s'i':ce srul. sti.-h gitds will co-nomd hioher piite'. and tha coiisti ner nrist pivtlicui. Hi dilli', t'.ieie'ore will u t i so far as it iv mi 1 we'i nit lii i a 'id i on "joent hi h p:i.e. If he re.eive I m no d !!-,! s. s it. ,1 his iu c s j a ; -j : i-n .v 1 1' I bi p t i nt s til tie iii i v in the lost of he b ins, id's fit old not n-eke niinh different'-!. Hit dois tiie consumer et mti'od,."t sps a i rsu't of the li;gb-pi 's suie tiii ilT stt in ? Who are the customers? It is east to designate the various cVir.i's of pro ducers, but there is no special class of cir.sauic's 5I1 ot of the entire bulk of the people There aie the agricuhuiists of tho counti v, sc itie.ed through thirty eigiit S'ates and several Territoriej, who last yeir produced $i".-Ji) O HI.O Jt of tbe J-7tttl,()i)i,l 000 of our etporls io fmeio Counlr:.r, besides fc dmg and hrgtly helping m cloilie tbe -1 J,0im,t00 of p p. ulalion here at home. 1) i ttiesa tint liont up in millions of fanner t go, any more dollars bt the hi;h tariff i!m t'lev would w'uhout ii? Do's tho tjiiff in Ciease the dome, no cousuuip.iou ol fa'm p odn is? Dies it u it. on the Cinl'iiv d .iin I'm I.tniiis of ih-ir du'iaii io pav r'o.,; im: .: 14.0s for a,,' ' c tilt u 1 a I impl menu, an 1 fgr all the foniiii'idnies Ihev buy nf cve-y kind on which duties aie leviudf Ajii", aie the hundreds of thousands of arii.iiis a id mechanics, ouisido of the maoufactur ng and mining dis,iic ,'d br the p. o tective tiri.i? Does the tariff help the rural carpenter, blacksmith, tailor or shoemaker the painter, the brickmesoo or the plasterer? In fact, Ihe tariff, so far as it builds up certain branches nf manufactures, etiuallv takes the biead out of the mouths uf soma of them, seriously contracts their field of labor or diives them ioto other vocation. ltilii'h News. IIlkdvoe. the llepublicao car.didate for ( mot ess against t en. (' ji says if the Democrats pain the flections they will put negroes back into slavery. Hlcdsoo knows belter and so do the ADWUHIISKMENTS. NOTICE. T N. WHITE. A. L r-TAINHACK, We f..l ItonMlnty in notify our frkn.ln anil Hi- pin, Or n-iie rally, that w s- now r- r-, 10 ,,ir. r rr.-ni lii.lin-.-ra-ntn to all wln wish lo loiy ro, ,s.,fany il.-s,-ri,ioii. We have )ut n--riov-t tin. l.w-Bt ami l'sl K"lirti"l iork I 'f K ii i'vr . ,lf.-r.- l In W"l,loii our stm-k i f rl -tliOu' i.s pom 1 lot., wh liv. tli enTlri. eonlri'l of "is-. r' li.ieaii't an-1 to-only MiTi-hants In !. 11 t!,MV:iii loiy Hi, m illrert fri-in th- nian- 11 f.o orers. 'l2f. ..-e prints. taiitifnl s!yl" (nit roe, oveil. Also a (ull line of r,iiiitou- ami ilri-ss ..,-!-, of all kl 1I.1. 1 1 11 r s! oi'k .mnrat-o.-i too nun It In loniitli-n, no If yon wmit I try llooiln, N, ,110111. Mn u s. Hats. Millinery. Hardware. Tin war'. H illow war. Crorki-ry-wari', droe.-rlt's. 1 lot liiiitf Harti.-Kt atnl (sa.Mlery. W00U ami wniow ware, Plow, and I'low t'aatliiirs nf all kiinls. wlni; MaehlneK. al one hair what axenls ar -IIOi! tlimn. Wliltn HtalnLark a Hottino Sior la lh plaea to tiny them. W onlyankan eianilnatloii of our alork Imfnre yon Lay flat where ainl we Kiiaraiiten to pl.'aae. With thanks tn our frlmiila anil the puWtr for part patroiiant wo hope to un-ril a continuance uf the same. Will I K A STAlSIIlAt K, WKLIxiS, K.C. a-r"f -1 UKKNNIlnB'-l FKMAl.K COLLI', G K . I.NSKOKO, X. I . Tim I'.e.ii Si-h-Ioii witl log.n on tho Solb ol 0Cll-t. I' ,.; , limtlliitino ediirs au- ,foi"r l.teilit f' lor nieot t! ami uioritl euls tore, i-ioi. loto-il Willi toe ooiulorls of a i!n,-iii!it, we. I onlerii'l Ii mie. I limoes pi r session (.f,ri uioiittia : Hoard I'Selti' iveiit Hslon ami liuhtx! Hliti Tui tion in full KukIisIi eonrsn, $7o. I'.itia Sin, lies nioiier.tiii. F01 particulars applv to T. M. JUNKS, rrosidont. June 2'. 'Jin 13 I X II A M M IIUUL Mf.HANKSVn.I.K, N. C. tXubliislied Iu 1703. Is now I'ro eminent among Southern Itonnlinir Sehoottt tor liova in B20. I111111- l,.u no. I iirou .if fiulrilllllf.n T I , a 17'tr,l .siinMi.ui l evins July i!tlb. For catalogue, giviiin lull parueiiiHra, Aiiorei a, Maj. It, lilNUHAM, Hup't, uno 17th ,'tw. VTJITILs'uN t'ULK'tl ATK SKMINAKY (FOR Y O C N (I L A I) I ) WILSON. It. V. Best talent employed In all departments Situation unusually himllhy. Hour I par suhnioii ol 20 wevks, IncliiilliiR fun , likiliti Hint lurniHhtu room J 00.OU Oilier eliargeii motlernio. Kali Session lie-ins on Wetlnesilay, For oiMloifeoor Inlortnntlon, a-itirosa, J. II, IJKKWKH, l'rincipal, i'R. -w Cri',' a week ii Jtour own town.$."i outiit '.'UIMiee, No nk. Ilnaiter, if von w out a Inisiiiehs al w liifh persons ofoilher sin t'.iii mako tj r cut pay all tho tluin they wurk, write fir pa'licularH 10 H. liallett A Co. I'orli.tinl, Mo. July 1:1 ly 13 JC.SltKK'S C'Kl.MI NA L MiiEST Coginina all tho Iteeisions of the Suprome ( iiuit 101 I iiiiinotl Law ami all toe 11 mil nai iSUIutes. I'rieo duriiiK January $1 60, arierwaroa fo no. ' I liavn exaintiieil wttli Knttin eare Hustiet''a CrimiiiHl Itiest anil havn been in i! f.ivnratilv miprn-te'1 "V it. 1 I ileum it of ureal value to llio lawyer ami otherit enileil on tu ailniinixUi Ilm law, ami givo it a lo ariy rwoiiiini-inia tlon. w . ,, 11. SMITH, Chief Juatieu Supreme t'ourl, "We eoriliailv concur l.i the above ftstnuiato of Mr. lloslM'ti'a work. Joiim 11. 1(11,1 Alio, Thus, S AnmK, As.soeiato Jualieea." A", Less KUWAKIiS, BKOl'OHTON .V Co, Kal'iigh N.C. Jan 22 tl. N ' ( 1 1 K'K . (in Moiitlay tho 1.1th ilay of Sepleinlier isso, 1 Mian sell in (Do Iiikiwhi ntililer In tint town ol N elilon, 0110 Steam I'.ng'no aald to be I.) horse miwur, lovio.1 on lo aal ify an exwution In my hamla for eollec lion, in lavnr ur t lie ooartl or enmmiaaion era nf XJliIx nounty, a(fnirat W. I. Win liolJ. J AS. T. HA W.SOIf , SlifT, by G. V. liar lee, I)t pty, aug 21 .It CEXUCT THfl BESTJ ii'tnf-ums-fti tuoTiMr?vti Runmr 1 MM' wJf 'ii''V I mmPM itruv rcn ximmi :c 2 van. It m '-riH by es-iry MUOTIOAI, rAINTER, ci ti mnuii'LiTir I Xfll HAW KNOWN l'MM, I'Mt'Se-S Print' i w,lh ( urPr.jiari-it Pin.n, if rot t iovUo toiy.witl it Hepaiatod at cur Eitcu, FOR SALE BY A. R ZOl.LIi'OKPKIl TIRO , June U 1 f W' l.n n, K. C. 0 , 11 a si. its' iioit.i:runi)tit T! is i'.iM,lnr! i,on i,r..iK'ltt t.ufi r" tliepnl' I '- afo-i- oii, ifitiion i,y ,-iii,iiu,-it who Ir, vi' 1 ! re nee ill Its i Itlri.-iM-y, Hint III lio case i-ri' it has li.-ii imi'il as Oiri'i'lrtl lots II fallctl o I'llret a crtaln itii-l sprrily cure. In -.eV'-ml Uisl.ui.'i'H where Hits noMest of all ft'ionrO. la,,, al;,l irlv- ll up to tile, after ali oilii-r kii'ovn -i-iiif. Iii's h,t uno I to no lOft'i't, I'l-rui.'ii.iOit n iiuf win. lotiiiil in tl.c use of my Po.v.i.'r I'p'iii Ms ni 'rlta al"ii I am wlllliur tn risk Ita rin'orfall 11 is no huiul.ii, as Ihe followlntf i,-''ii!!i'tui'ii, anions oilu-rH Ii" tiave uscil it, will a.l.'st : I ir .lohin'. Jai'oln, Illc!i,ii,tre, NO. J II I "k. K Kniieliain, " " ir K lUiiitiiatil, " " J II KaniH'r, " " J W l.iixl K K llaiihaoi. " " I. S i.i , Hrj ant ' t' N. 0. A I'sioi. " " hr I' ll'' ins. H 'VoIk'I, u I i ii . I irt, " j 'I I! I1-"WU( " " W J lilHl ,,p, An I o, f t-I, ult . itii-r p t i o.'i who Im'o IV'Oi ii a Iiti i-tttl "'ail li'i-.i'i's .fth" horse it has no c.iil, m! . i ,-hiii,'. Ii,ui .mo ot.'o-r O oui-stii aliotiiiN 11 aovn i,-i In, ,,,ts" ,,-,h ,, Improvi-h Hi'.' ap lit.' ami pips loin In a irooil, ln-allhy con, II l ion JAMKS t'llAVhlts, V.-lerliiailiui, Hichs.juiire, S. ('. ti. r 2'' ly This it lo certify limt I nscl I'tiavers' Horse Po'.v 1,-rs on a horse tluil wiw ilnli aint lut'l a I-,., rni'i.-'iir mi l ll ill, for lorn all t tint wns i lsonnl. I think II Is a s l.oullil iiii'.tli'llie for liorsxa. atnl n o. .in in.-ii .1 II In the puhlle K a valnaM.. pis'parallou fur atoek. J'l'IN W. Ut'XTON. ltii'lisnuare. N. C Pi-li 21, imi. 1 havn used I'havera horan powder for hnrsea ami lit tg, nurl lind it lo Improve Ibinr o ui iitltm very It liaa eurnl hojfaof kidney wnrmtt. Mixod with an rijtmluantlty ol powdered eabonata ol Iron, I believe it will on ra any case of Kismla. There la no humbug tn thin lutMliclne. I laku pleasure in leeoinmeutl tivf it to nil. W.T. Ul'KOKSS, . RIoliHfpiaro N, C. JOUIH HI I. MA III) Co, COITON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORFOLK VA. Full prices ami .itilck return iriiaranieea. 1 IK ADVEHTISKMF.NTS. A NNOUNCEMKNT. T wnnlil reanectrnllv announco to ray frinidn and the public, tbat I liave opened full line ol FAMILY GROCERIES, ami would be glad to serve them to any thing in my line. I iiava iust received, and will keep oon otanlly ou hand a full supply of Baeea, Mden and Khoalders. pniK c n a n u l t e n a t e n l a n n, SUOATt, rOKFEK, Fl.ont, SALT FISH, MOLASSES, STIIUP, SOAP, TO DAil'tt, NXt.'KP, CKIARS, roXKECTIONEUIKS, And every artlele usually kept in a first- clans (irucery Store, All to bo sold very low for CASH. Give me a call at the New Ptorn on the Corner next Mm. Wilklna' lioatdiug liouso. 0. J. MOSELEV, april 29 ly. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your tlieap gooua from W II BROWN. TIIK LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Ho keeps always on hand a full line of Kciioral niorcliauuiHO, auch aa Itnota, Shooa, 11 au, Caps, Dry Hood, Notions, J'ookt t Cutlery, KaiorH, Uoisory, Ao. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for nnti. Cornor 1st St. and Wash. Avrniio. Wklixin, N. C. mr271y V. j. naw; BAKER & CONFECTIONER W ELD ON, N. C. A very larije supply of t'AKF. S. CRACKKHS, CANniKH H K N C II AND PLAIN, K A I ,s I .N S, FRUITS, N D T H, Ac The largest aterk of Toya nf every variety ever urougni io inia market. Or.ler fnrcantltea cakea, Ac., Oiled at ihorteat nonce si rvori iient pricea. WecMlnjr and other parties supplied aa eheaj iss iiir cin-Api'si. net IR ly i t i c k. AO ., ...1,.. 1...... I. II.. I ... 11.. .... ' I' ' i ' n ' l.l'll'U 111 INI , nun my tax mi piiri'tmsi'snf ciillon, are biireby iintllle.l ." .", mi u,i,i' r i'iti ii, ni iiii'iiifiil HI till' Illinium ,,f llii-lr i,ii,.,.,u.,d tiy nnb-r .'t the Uoartt nf ('ntntiilssliiiiiira of "if"'' nuiiii)-. r.j. LUtt It, Clerk npr 11 tf FARM VILLE L1TIIIA WATER. This oalebratnd LITHIA WATER is strongly reooinnionded by the faculty for DYSl'KrsiA, KII1NKY and BI.AllUKK OlseiiHO', UONOK KII.K V, KI1KUM A'l'IC GlilJT, Kic,, Eto. Ut.ed in praollee by Ir. Snniplc, nf llampn win; Dr. J. Herbert Claiborne, of Peters burg, Dr. Whitehead, of Nelson county, Or. Cunningham, nf Rlohinoud, aud other leading physician, Analysis bv I'rnfoaaor Frlstoe, ftf Hip Colutubiau University, Washington, I). C. Address JOHN HOUSTON, Fatmville Litbia Springs, Farmvllle, i'rlnce Kdwatd Co. Va, may 8 ly, N UTICH! SuTll'K! iti'1) j iiKioi! uiMinjj ' J. L. DAMi i Ci). hue Mm,, veil their REf TAfKASTfroui their olil place on First atreet to Ihe CREEN FRONT, Bstween V. II. Ilrown'a store ami I'maeott Oooelt'a store. MKALS AT ALL UOUhft OH DAT F-OIl I'TH. PatiBeiiera on the tralna can ffct lueala cheaper ami as ro.I aa anywhere elan, l'leasant moma, IHilkfaaervaiila, clean aeryluoa, ami eyerytlilpg lu llrat-claaa aryle. ALI. TIIK PF.LIOAOfKS (1 THK KKASdN, afeals on ihe Ktiropcan plan. Vou pay for what yon jfot, JAS. L. HASH, . CO., ""''Ir .Wastjinittoii AviMine. NEW A D VE sramns to.dsy without Rl VL in the world. Kor ii,.. cur,, nf all tin, l of Aoue and Chilli it has I no euiial : haviiur alotKl the test of universal use It never fall lo cure, not merely removmn for a unio tho ayinploan, but cradlcntiug the caunnof the disease, luoreby inakiug a pcruumuut cure. PKIIJliJ ONLY ?5 CE2STS MBarae(nre4br The Dr. IlBrSer IKedlclne re., No.tlS N, If alia Street, at. Lam,, Rcv.F. nacaitiism,Siipt. German ProteaMnt Orphans' Home.St.Charlea Rock Road, St, L0, Co, writlnn April 3Uth, 1S77, aaya: "7)r. Uarleft Fever and Ajtu Specific is a posiUrtt cure for Chills and Fever; haa never failed with ua." Mr. Jko. C! of Keyiport, III, aayi: "I cured a little Rlrl of Asrne of threw m Standing, with Dr. Ua.rtct't Fever and Ague Specific, after the beet physicians failed to benflt her Dr. Yormont-oon of Little York, Mo., seya: "I have nsed Dr. Uarter'i Fever and Ague Spcdtt lu my practice, aud cau bcarliiy recommend It to tbe public." February lU-ly TRADE MARK Tim Orfat F.N-TRADI MARK (il.l-'ll IVf.MKirr, A n tt n f n I 1 1 ii i? curi' f ir St'iiiiiml WfftUlM'Mr. Sp'T umtirrht'n, Im jiutt'iiry, ntitt fill tiirU'llSCt tint fl'I low, an a Kf iim'iicp f Sflf- A I ill sin lia l.i iwtl BEFORE TA(I19."' Memory, t ni AFTIR TAIIy. vi rsal'le, Palo In the Hack. Dimness "I vuinii. Preiuatiire (Uu Ami. mn many oilier jus- easi-s i tint l'-a, tn Insaniiy or Coiisutuptlou, and a Premature (rave. a-Kull partleuiara in our paniproer, wnien we lieslre tti ai'ii'l free by mall to everyone. The Speeille Medicine Issoiil by all ilriiiorlHtsal I per ackae, or six pacRiirfes inr Tii or win im n-iu. ri'e tiy mall on rei i ipt uf the nnuiey by adilreaa- IHKdltAY Mr-ltK I.s Kltt. ntccimiiies iihick, iieiruo, tiiirn. --SnM lu Welduti, and everywliere by all drtitTKistH. dee II ly ptfcitY uouv LUOH unit. I I wish to inform tho citizens of Halifax county, and tho public gotiHrally, that I keep a tirat clasu uoubo iu tue town oi SCOTLAND NECK,!!. C. I have a complete stock r f GROCERIES tfe CONFECTIONERIES. My bar la stocked with tho choicest Fronch, Apple, and Poach r,randins, also all kinds of WliiskioH, Wines, Gin, Hum, aud Champagne. BKST BRANDS OF WHISKIES A SPECIALTIY Laaer Doer in Hot Una and on Draupht. Families Kuppliod at lower ratoa by tho dozon butllca. 10,000 C'igar ol the Bent Hrands, I have a first class EKSTAURANT AND BILLIARD SALOOU attached to tho house. I will endeavor to please all who will honor mo with their patromiiio. HE K K BOTTLING A SFKCIALTY. Orders for Crates Filled at Short Aotlre. The trade will find it to their advantage to order from ua. G. OPENHEIMKR. Sign Central Salaon, Scotland Neck oct 3 Sin. w: K. l .t,,VKIt A CO. RICHMOND, V A. M.'itinfiicttit'.'rs nf K-nrln'.s ami Itnil"rs ; I'ur t.'tlile ainl Sin, itotiiry, tor all purposi'si, SAW MILLS, (1KIST MILLS, C JTTil.N UINs, ami air any purpose for which NT CAM IS I'iiEn, OASTtNIIHoK BOTH BUASS AMI IRON. Maohliiery for Uoid and Coal Aliuox, IJlaxt I'iiriiaccN, Ac. W. K. TANK Kit A C . Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, Kll'HMONIl, VA. A. II. lltl.I., SCQTLAND NECK, N. C. Aeent for Halifax, Warren, Kitgecotntia, Marlip ami I'lit (louiitlea. apr ID ly FURNITURE. We haye Just placed In our Warcrooiua 4 Larue fit oik or 5Ier 1'uruiture OF A I L KINDS Or' TH Ii LATIisT ltLSKJNS MATTRESSES VERY CHEAP FUHN1TUBE AT NORFOLK AND PETERSBUEO PEICES. All aorta of furniture aolj ClIEAI'EU THAN EYEll. Call anil Uo convincetl E. M. BORST. VTELDON, N. C. nov jotf For aalo, one hr.lf Interoat In a Crito Mill and Cotton liln on Chockayotte Crock, one mile from Weldoti. Tho mill and gin have a (ji.od run ol (.usti m. ' Apply to A.S. BAUst, or J.T. UOOCtl. jsn.2ntf "iTISEM EFTF. l N 1 a-4 i i C ,' I ifl T linaialflihl I ii ' i for (Airly In the must malarial UtsiTw lfeSl. ESTABLISHES 1S.H. Old Reliable Jewelry Store oi ARTHUR C. FREEMANV HAS UEMOVKDTO 171 MAIN ST. NORFOLK, VA; Where can bo found a full line of Watches, Jewelry, Chain si, OIbshph, 13 uttoim, Hilvor Ware, Wedding and KugRgomont Hinga, at prices dofylng competition, AdilrenH ARTHUR c. freeman; Norfolk,, Vat Watches and Jewelry repaired anil wars, ranted. Goods sent on approval. oct801y. A. WRENN & SON. Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kindaol CARRIAGES, UAEHES8, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, WHBELS, AXLE9, FARM WAGONS, HORSE CLOTHING, LAP ROBES, &c. Noa. 14, 10, 24, and 26 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. sop 18 ly JjOR SALE. The following valuable real estate lyinp near Tillory'a Mill, In Halifax county about nine miles from the town of Halifax. About ;i'iO aercs including steam engine, saw mill und fixtures, gin, gin house aDd lixturns, adjoining the residence of J. R. Tillery. Miko Wilkius, that contains about 97 acres. i Pope place containing about 150 acres. interest in Wade H Tillery tract, tha wholu containing about 377 acres. Apply to t. y. hill, Attorney, Halifax N. C.jnly 31tf s 'OUTUEKN HOTEL, HALIFAX N. C. ' J. W. Ml I.I.EIV, l'KOFKIETOR. Table well supplied, clean rooms aad attentive Bervanla, Meals oOo Lodging 50c, A Livery Stable also kept where teams may be hired, llorsos fed and well attended to, by experienced hostlers. The travd nir public will do well to atop at the Southern liolol, Juno 5 1 y, W7M It O V1T' li OLD RELIABLE DRUG STOKE. lmthvnj.s stipiilleil with Fresh rti-si and MeilicIneH. NKW U'JOIlS UKl'EIVKD EVEKY WEEK. The stock of fancy noons, toilet articles, lampoouhs, ILLUMINATINn antl LUllllICATINO OILS, PAINTS, LEADS, LINSEED OIL, ami all Painters Materials will he always fciiuil to he full. UartleuSeeUaainl Field Seeds iu season. Choice pure Winea, Whiskies anil Bramlla im iu.-uiriii uir. run1 i.iKant, t-liewiug ami SuiokbiK Tobacco. 1'rouipt Attention Co all Order by Hall. Wrhralelana rreacrlptlrna oarefnllr com- pound tiy competent clerks at all hours, day ornltfht. i-'all anil sea uiu. R. w- KKOWN, net Jtf W KI.110N, N. C. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS.' W4 . ll- Will enro or prevent hibhiwib. r No tvlll -lie nl l.imi, JloT or LB0 r TIB.H KuU' Pnwilmstaro e'Hntn"f' Koiita's Powder, wilt cure ami nreyoii t Hoo i p"' Koiml Powlcr. will provont ' ?w,f FotiU'aPowilera will lnc.rea.e Ilia Jl""""' "1 ainl cream twenty pur cent., antl Diaao Uu bettor ana, ' Foate" Pnwilent will cnr or prevont almoat DlKa to which llnrans anil Catlle aro auhjett. Kot'T7.'a powtiEita win. otv UiTiariOTioa. Salt! evrwtit'.ni. " UAVIO It. roOTg, Proprietor, BALTXMO, M4 FOB SALE BY DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFKK BRO, oct ll 1 y Welilou, N. C. c 1KAYU.. I'OKniAirf, LIFB size Ofonr next rroaidout and Vice Pres'deiite. HJ. CEX'L W. S. 1I4KC OCK. I!.. . II. EXIsMSH. -ElngPtit Specimen Copioa, 22x2S,iipr ft Hoavy 1 ,i ted Card Stock, Kent, bv uinll oui receipt or 5l)!, and your addrosa, (Two cop oa iHlo). TtIK HANCOCK PUBLISUIN'O CO. I'lalBlow, N. H. two Superb Portralta alionlii ail rn tbe I'otiis of ovcrj liuucxt cltlmon ofi .lie land. En. ' ' ' rw tmu jsnm

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