f HE ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEWS , A DEMOCRATIC ADVERTISING RATES. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY SPACK L,)I. LOXU A W.W. UALl. One Sqi, M it Out Tear, In advance, Six Months, " three Month, 2 00 I 00 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I) JlL a B 0. W. UlRTUiS, Iirgtvii Dentist. DIBeS over W. H. Brown's Try floods store, WKLDON.N.C. Will vial' parties at their lionies when desired. Terms lleasonalile. oct i:i ly U. UHIZZARb, ATTOKXET AT LAW, HALIFAX, V. C. AH la th Onirt TIoasA. strict attention Hi veil to all branches uf tho profession. J .in 11 ly .1 T. BRANCH, ATTOItiVEY AT LVW. KMFIEU), N. C. Practice In th" counties of Halifax, Nash Kils-ecoiiitiean't Wilson. Collections made In ill part of the Statu. Jim 12 tf Y7. II ALL, ATTOltMKY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Blioclal attention (riven to remittance iiromptly uiado. m:tv ltf. collections and tltii H. MtfLLEH. JOHN A. MOOHB". JJULLBN fcMOOKB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX N. C. Practice In tho counties of Halifax, Northainp ton. KlKecouibe., Pitt and Mart in In llie Su premo court of the Statu ami in tin1 Federal (.'tirts of the- Eastern District. Collections made lit any part of the (slain, inn 1 ly JAMBS E. O'lIAKA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. KMFIKI.P, N. C. Tractlccs In tlin fl inrts of Halifax anil adjoin-la-comities, and In thn Hupri'inn and Federal eearta. rolfctlnna made In any part of the Htat-v SVI'I attend at til coon In. use in Halifax a Monday and Friday ol each week. Jan hit f JOBBT O. BURTO.t J 11. ATTORNEY AT LtW. HALIFAX N.C. frantlca In tho courts of natlfax. and adjoin ing counties. In ilin Supreme court of 1h i Mate, and In the Federal eniirts. Will Rive aie-c.lal attention to thn collection of claims, and to adjust linr th' accounts of ev ttoatri, juiulnlatralvra and KiiarJlaiis. dor 15tf 1 A Y I V t. HTVlIi ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. rrairtlena in the courts of Halifax and adjoin 1p coontlca, and In thn Kiiprin and Kedoral eourta. Claims collwtcd In all parts of North Carolina. Office In tho Court Home Jul ltf rjliOMAS if. HILL, Atttrney l Law, K V.LIFAX, N. 0. Prcllc III Halifax and adjoluliiff coiintlca aad Federal and Hupr-iiiK courts. Will a at ricoilaud Nccli, ouci! every f.irt nlfkt. aiwSHif JOH. B. nATCUlJUOll. ATTOKNEY AT LIW, BiLEian, n.c. Praotlca in the courts of the (Ith Judicial lilatrlcl aud In the Fcdiral and .Supreme Coart.s. may 11 tf. T. W. M AtlUH ATTOHNEY AT LAW, ARYSBCIVi, N. C. V.-,-!lc.i In th i ourts of Norlha'iiiiton and l)olnimcouuticB, also In tin Federal and mi lro acourL. June n tf. . R. DAT. HI.UOOKFLK. AY k X O L L I C 0 F 1' K R. D ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, WBLDOS, S. C. Practice In the court of ll.ilrfax and adjolnlnt ouiiulles.aiKl lii f h Siitirenie and Federal courts I'laiins collHclcd In any part of North Carolina. "ue ot tuu Hrrn will alwaya iki iuiiiiu hi ure nice. June Ml y. E. t. U UNTEK, ,VRtiCOX DEN T I T (dn b found at bia ofttce la Kullolil. Pur Nitrna OiUl Ua (or tlis Tain taa lixtM'.'llnn uf l'euth alwuva oo baud Juno 2i ll. N D U K iV J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W3LD0N, N. C. Vractlcea In the oiirla of Uallfai. Warren ami -'), in, !,, unties and ill I he fciiiireine ami reu .erl ro.irta. I'laiuw colleuleU in any pi.rt i North Carolina. June I7K It H. HMiril, JK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, H"TI.VSD NH'"IC, U.iLlFAX CoO NT If N, C l'racti. in the county of Halifax nd adjoln iii r coantip, and in ike supreme court of the -'. jajy. , VOL. IX. The 1,1 tile Olio. Oh, when at dawn the rnllilrv.il wake, And altir up and down the stairs, Tin' rlowors and leave a k-lory take, The May II Klit a splendor share, Thai nevermore theae eye would see, It my sweet one wore gone from uie. And when at eve (hoy watch and wait To fold me in their urui no while. My burdens, whether small or ureal, Are chamied away by i-nlui delis-hi : And aliuttliiif . ul tin- world, I live The pun-at momenta life cm Klve. tat wlu'ii at bedtime round nw knool Wee. f.-ii,icr. lovinir. wlnti.-rolicd terms, With titn.t upraised in fun.l appal -Ah! I linn are hushed I i r. - a weary storms, And In-iiven seems v-rv near to mo, With my sweet, ilarlunr round my knee I TAPPED BY AN HEIRESS. A coder ulrco than Itvit tl aiiiinir- room at HiHcicst would bare been barj to find, il ono had t.avclled l.om Land'i Hud U Jjtio O'CJ.nat'a' j ai.u this cvenilul cvcDing, w'jtn the ileaiiuira of to woilhj peiiple wciu about L.king ilifluiio fro:n-- two people wlio bad uuvtr sccu ijch Oilier, and bo l.ud bwd of cicli oll'cr to cficn Ibat botU were coriouly cii;;it In nttet on this im-ioitant rvenino tho pii in room at Ilillcri'st bad mver looked p'cas- autcr or comer. A hiit' firo ol !o-5 clowcd like mollco caibuocles in tliu opon Qipplae; on t!e tables in tlin ccni.e ot the 11 ior wbo-e royur maiclicd the urowin:; criuison nl the carpot, whs a silvnr Rlnul ilpit ImU I diuoa fn0W wax lapcrs. wlioio braaiin ii;;ht contiasa-d txqjiaitul with the r u 1 1 1 1 v kIow of the fire. 1 Jcsklcs ihe able in a bio cmliioncd clmir, with his Icet tli"ist town d tlm ; on inl warmth on the Itc.itlti ; Ids iny oie- in ;own sii.inij conifoil iol ou hu puilf lo m, li 's i'il 1 1 m mi-d "leases on l;8 dosp, aat tbe owntr ol Ilillc.er.t, Mr. Abiah Ciceiiu.ilon, rich, ;;ood-naiurc J, and loud ol bis own way. O(oosite bi-u wf j the Qiiii C'8ol the p'ace liitlc, threwu-'a ed, menj Aunt C aclia, his R'S er, who, t o'-e her widowhood, bad cotno In Ilil'cii lo mnko her b;'ehe'or brotlu r'a h jme us pleas out a9 she could. That sbesa cecdid waj verf ffideot bf the wav uow in ubicb he looked up I om a li.lier be li;d ben ic.m'o; the conli- denial, kia ilv nay iu which be did il. w til er writes n enunus let er in rc9;'i)iiso to ni iuvitiitioti o eomo and Riii-ml a lew wetk4 at llillerest us scion bj liu i,e a otc( h's (ulioue (r,nn h's oeesr. forage, ailer his five, yea:s' lour ahi ad. I'll rise! it lo you.' He leiToJ neir t lie soft, q'owine; I' -lil and ou;;n the slioit, concise reply lunt Walii'i Austin had wriueu lioin hiselujj- Lit r nl the Tim pie : You n.e vc k'oil, Uoe'e Abah, lo ask Hie ilowa lo llillc.cat lor us lon. as I wi'i to s sv, au I 1 can aure you loat I liafj bteo so Iodjj a wonde,er 'hat toe idea of a home Is TCi-y pleaaaut o me. li it wnen I lake into consideration i lie peculiar im pni unce ;ou propose n.i.icliin lo my visit, I am unwilling (oac. eot. tie invila l ion. To mn. loo i'lei ol liavio; uivlin Cicj ami incliua.lnni put ioo iiatue-a, and lo feel that I am on coiKi'iu.il ilnic lo win roy wa? joto 'he good ..fis of ni? sceoad cousin, Ms,he'. whom you aic good cnomh to wish mo to uia1 y ' Mil. Cornelia iu.ertupted sh.'.rnly: 'Abiah, you nercr went and told our (.laod-ucplievv that you htu In Y.cw his insrria' e Willi Mabel V Her ttoe was eueiite'ic, uluiost lepro henie. Why not t I Ct'tainW did. I told him in my le.ler that It was a chance tor lcin he'd Dcer t,et a;ain, anil that be uetoVt feel under such icrrible obllja'iona lo take a lancy lo I'hP'a li ilu Mtbel, out lo :o,no dowo aod be cousmU, and il anything should happen, ii'd he r1 ,ht all a'ou.nl ' Mrs. CotuiUa k"i'ti(i n:;oroujiy. 1p r laTrni'er cap libunus ijutvu nt; lu I Ho mellow taper i;lo.v. AMI hae o siy is. yorie-i luni. Ahiuh C ei'i:,ion Vi.l'er is nlit. A youtu m,D doesn't like o lue ills fan cies under if' a and whin, and Hie Tery laet t!at wo wain bun lo iran will ill ike him in disKOse I in do It. Voi'vo made a pust n. ii. .ike. iu inn lie :;ouiu ..' M . C cn.r:'on loiiKta a-liast at Ins sii'if: s dtvfi iiilocil lu:o. 'Wliy, I ;e.iliy don't tuppoae 'Ol ionise ou ui.lu't. U'a only your naiu.al f uwnii y, you dear old it-row I Men ure all nl'ue Don't I know Hum like a nook 1 And 3(uve fi..ed your hopei lor JHUle aud Walter at loo ery ou set,' M. Cifl tiuiton slatled di-tonihlcd'v. '1 in cure I mount it all r t,l,i i-rinii'.;iii, Coneha. I cciiaiuly wantnl Wal-ir io know wlial a nice little n'nc she would m 'ke for a man.' Wf commeiiilaolc. iudejd J "ii'y, il you bad con-iilled me upon '.ue lei ir you cnt, 1 nioiiiu have buimu ynn io cry no-liuiH lib.)-1 M il or her chauns, or hrr expn'l tin us. I ahoni i uimpiv h tve a ked ii' in to come ami Sea us, and huso lelt the 'etd to Mabel's b Uj eyes You eCJ Ali. .hi' II t lips comprisRi'd slowly. '1 iii'iik I tee. And my hopes In thai ili.t ft oo aie all ru nei ' Tne silver iiocdies rlieked rap'dly. aid SIIOft-UMC M-U C4UIU OVliUl( 'OJt 'U ibu ball under bi r a.m. 'No. at a I. L ave that lo me. an 1 I'll ute what CiU bo dime. Ti.ist a wom in's wit !o fci.l itei bluadfi'm oU luiiow like yoii'-i II out ol a sen e.' tilie smilul and nodded, ar.il lo, ked al' lof.oilier so uiisthitvous. that M. Cmss ini;liio became quite exei.ed ovet bet lit tle in j e, r. 'Do txolain. Cornelia.' Aud when she explsioud he haned back in his cha-r, witu au expres.-i m o! positive awo and adunraiioa on bn Inc W'liata woman joj are, Un..el-a! 1 declare, it bcalB anythiiiR I ever htjid nt the whole con, to of ay li'c 1' AUer duk, a glorious winler iliv, with hete aud thcia a atar twinklnii; in tne pale 'jriy sky, utid ihe liiils and liivl in the llillerest sit.ino.rooin making an clui'ient aclooiiic to Walter Ausiin, aa be stood in the mi Jet of tbo bomo circle, tall gcutlu manly, haodaome and sll-posseiue I. Old Mr. 0'roaaini.toii w.s iu li s richeat humor, aJ he led locwuid two youutj gills. Come Joq't be shy, now, Walcr, this is your cousin. Mabel Ctc'Mnt u and this il her L'"od Irirod uud luscpatable ooinpatiion, Iiene Vance, ooiiin to help en tertain you My uepliew, Waller Austin, Ulili. Aud Ibis is Aunt u rui na you remember her well eiKiuh, Hey I And so the presomatiou was tiestly (jo' ten over and WslU-r luuod biuievll at WELD ON, N. home (n the moit pleasant lamily be bad ever known. They were remarkably pretty girl., wltb d-jep blue eves although Miss Vance's ware detidedly the deepor blue snl more bewitching and lovely, yc!loold hnlr. Walter found biinsell almirinn the flyle of Miss V.nr.s's co (l ire belnro ho hud known bur au hour 1 aod when he went lip to his room that niht ho lelt as il he Keen the two, roguish Mtbel and sued little Irene, ho uever would coma out hrart whole. For Mabel is a Rood litlle darling thou-ht he, 'and I wid taka (.rest une'e Abiah's rtdviro and fall In lova with hi', a 'id thereby tecum anenmous (hitruof ihe Cressiiig du csniie. Kad I ttnit's a happy thought r H it tbo handsome younp; gput'tuisti, wt'Dt to sleep and dresmeil. ins'ead ol Mabol's liai'.hiii? evet, ol Irenes eentlu. lender ones; aod awoko somewnclii in lh middle ol the uiht. unable to get asleep a"iin for thinkino of her. And the alter days wcic much better. Dcspifo 'he golden va'ne ol M ibid, there was somethiiio aoout Ireiiu thit ma lu iha headstrong lul'ow veiy loilislily in. diilcicntto the adyicu he bid ivora io fo'low. , Ueosuso, bv Jove 1 a 'nl'ow would have loie ma le out of tjrani o to reaist t c s.veot sliy wars ol sucb a liulo ils'l'ti? as Irene I And I'll mii"-y Per if die'll have me. and Hie mone and iho p opctv may go to Ibo-dof's. I've a bead and apiif ol hands, aud blue-eyed Irene shall not suffer I' It was mt nn hour l .ter that he met her in the hall, ctriyin" j, eat boughs ot holly, with a inch to lesio.in down ihe walnut 6tiiitva.Je. 'dive me your hurde.i, Irene,' paid be. Why did yon not Itll Die you wsie pr"' ni to uhiIkt it, and let mo 'o will ynn 1 It is uliooe li,r t o hoavy a bntiUn lor jour H' r. to bi t-.' lie msuu;;cd to pet the love'v sprays linai his s ii but it leij'iiied na iinniinf a i' mi .h of ts om si on nn p ut, and shy, e. t bid U"if on hers. 'Answer me, I-ena. Whv didn't vou Itt ire co with you? Wouldn't jou have I ke I ii I' He dc n n Ic 1 ber answer In (he mnat cipt'V.i ioo. I r .1 1 v wav, and she (liopped he' e.t'jiu etctt couiuiou. Y (V I h-o, why sre yon SO C'Uel to me V I a n n it cue! lo anybody. Indeed I .( ".o no.' Wa'.er ptsced hin.selt srjnarily in Ihe imv. a il nas looking down at tier ro?e I'.iied luce. No, you ran't co yet. I-ene you nn cruel, or ja would never dep-ivo mo ol the eppo iUu'iv to enjoy the blessed nt ss ol you, aoclciv. His voice lowe ed tenderly, and he (' opped his head ui s'lt- her jolileu curs. ' i ou know 1 thick it cu-1 in you to ou Stints, ant, and sin', aud reserved wiiii ire don't you I ene ? ' i-oe s-h i ik a ay, her loveU lor:n droop i'V' like a I iy, her cheeks htui 'mih cut thi if bioi's i,. I'ltiivss am en u-ion. 0,1, i!c ie dmi't talk so to mo Indeed I must '.o! Mabel is v,'ait;ni; lor Ilia hoiiy, ano ahc they won't like it if' 1 w nat I I thov Had you and mo talking an fou(ideniia,v toji lhcr V 'Not I mean il I don't t ike Ibu holly at once ' Wiil er nnt his an a'ount! her wail bfn e she knew wlnt ha was doing. 'I ene. look un. You shall not gn until you let me see in your eves il yon Invo me us w-ll a I lore yoTl Iie.'ie. my dear 111 lie t;i I, 1 no love you ver de t. v I' hue w.ss 'cut lor one sec ul, and be taw the i'ir ni her red lips, l'lien she isiie I lo- i'c id shia-iy. Y. i.l love me 1 Oh. WMtir. what ill iher aM -.v 1 1 m't you know it is M ic you s -o(i u say that tot 1 icn oo-ioly, an I M I'l'e is mi Imi'e.H ' vVa iet hsd both e'.na a'oon l h ir by this l oi'. and was 1 lokin a.-deully io her glowing I .Cf. 1 kno V Matile Is an hetresi and a nice Millet'"' anil 1 al50kj.1v ton nui a i' 1 -li-iji Sod tl'O o'llv j.'rl I ever a'ke.l .0 uc m wile, cr o.er shut' ask I Sij yes, pot !' 'Anil yon can deli leiately givo up so mtii h 'ir on'v just 111 j 1' lkr woiiile I'lis ets met lit 1 brave'v now. a id III llt d him with ihe lose Ii ,hl in t'leut. 'Only Just yon mroitn il lu! Wt'v you r.'i) mo o than alt the wo d to m Uotnn, wu will go and lei1 I'oc'e Ah:sh at oiiic. Just 000 kifs Oist yiiu ra i-t !' A id be had m i'0 llian onn or two, bi'" "o'e he led he, M-jalil'i''. will tea s t em blino 01 her I tslica, like ilia-noti.1i 0.1 a ejoloou ih eaii, 10 Une'e Ab ah. who pal io h S '"b .1 V ni.li Mia, Cm 110 -o.i id is. ou-lv lonk-Oi ovel a KCeipt bonk. Tun? looked pp .i ad p-'au as iV'sMer tuaichsl in, l.eae 0,1 hi- a oi a picture ol eon us on, I iu i.haie. Uncle Abiah, I wsil your bin'. 110 and c.ii'iliul ennsrut 10 nci-ive th s I'ti'e i. 1 1 as your nice. I love h,-r and roe hives me. ' U e'e Aoiah looked shrewdly over bis cla-- at M'S. Cmnei a. We '. s-.-le'. what sbill we ssy to lins ymi' u's di'n and I' n U ,it. it I titi' ii Hi, li'xl cime ; and let Ihem k -ow iniir Aunt O'tii'li i.'u'i a lo il. il ibeir Une'e Aouh Wrl e' looks! on f'lonishcd and lelt Iieuc's haoil iiioinlei-n his arm A hit is P, ileir f Hhcs-in'ed t ,n mi h her tears as she looki ii m ,1 Ii'. iii'iu-tirir eyas. O 1 Wahe . I miii at. ai t yon will be aniitf. 1 a 11 Mu'icl alter an anil -ami And ton 11 tve made love o yo'jr c lusin. ihe in e s. in mi.e of yuu'ecll, my boa. Si II 'iciest is a iipioue Isie, alter all, till' Dio't -i'l, plea-e, Wahcrl' Mabel pl-aded in a low voice, with her blue ejcs iook'iu iu;o li s. 'As i, I could scold you inv love 1 Sioce I have yo what nee 1 I ca e ' Ami M s. Corueha inraed over the leaves ol ih) leceipt nook aniil kIib ramo j the 'widJin cuke,' aod aveis thai she uiadu the ina.ch herecll. Do you bcl'ieto in scoond love, Mr. Me Qindet Do I lioiieve in second love! Ihi i.phl 11 a man buys a pound of suar, inn t it HAtcti aud when it is goue, dun I he waul another pound, ait is.i'l Hint pound svteil loo? 'Proth, Murkily, 1 be luv; iu i c d I 'ova. Tho joung man nl the piriml is wIiom career has come to a lull tlop, one O, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1880. A Thrilllnz Niory ol A Mtamned trUuir,tloei). TEN THortiANI) ACRKS MOVINfl. What is that t Look causer and you will sec that It is a gnun1, grim wolf, crei piii' out ol the little grove ol cottnn-woods towards a Ilull ilo c ill gaiuboliug around ils tnnther. 11 line your eye a liltie more un.l yon will see that the piaiiie buyon I is alive with Ilullilo. Count theiii. You mi,'ht as well try to count Ihe leaves on a slant maple! Tnry are moving foot by loot as they crnp the jd.cy grass, anil living waves ri e and (all ss the heard slowly sweep on, Al if out to the right and lei; -lucre specks on the plain are the l! iiikors; bravo old liul lalots, wlncli catch A Oils ol griss and then seill lliu sir and scan the h ni. in f ir ladmatiou ol danger. Tliey aru the semi ncls ol the herd, aud right well can llicy bit tii;s'r,l. The vvoll creeps neare'l . All Iho attcruoon the great herd has fo 1 in peace, tin I aa it uow shnvly niaves to ward the distsnt river it is all urn' meious that danger is near. Link you well and waich Hie wolf, lor yon Kio 01111 to nee such a si;hi as not one man 111 leu tliou-a mid tvef beheld. Creep, crawl, sku'k now behin 1 a knoll, now drawing bimsell over the grim, now lantng its heid ab ivu a tniKile lo niaik the locality ol iis vio i n. It is a lone, slHtiiblioi', sknlkiii ' weir, lame and soiio ul and treaciinriiui. W ionding or uiling be has hern Kit ulone to gel on 11s best he may an I his greeu eyes I ght u,) with fl 'rcer bla.o as ho draws ncarjr an I nearer to his unconscious prey. Third N , he is yl too f ir away. Creep, ciecp, creep. M iw ho Is twenty leet awav, naw lllieen, now ten. He hus ihu c.trlli, gadicis hiB leel under him and he boiinds throiiiiii the? vr as il shot Irmi a c in. He is r-dlmg ihe call over on tne ;ra-s in tlireo sflcnu Ii ii'lcr he springs. Now watch! A cty ol pain from I lie cill-a fuiious bellow Irani the mother as she who -Is 1111J chutes tlij wo'f-a stiiliel niove:n at Ir un a dnz n of the no.i.cst iinim ils, ami a rush b gins. The one woll is tn looithnl into a hdiiil'ud, Iho him I'cd into a tn-.i'U and. Slioit s'l irp l)'jllo,V'i,sniii is ul alutin, a rosh, an I iu il : 1 y tvonds niter the wo I has wet Ins laos with blood, mat livirn; tua-s is in moti nn t et away trom an un known terror. The waves rise higher as too contusion s, reads. One instant it swim 111 11 IU u'J soii'i ncies i iira.ua wtie moving b nlily away a:;ain wiiwi liso ami la'.l us Ihe cowards In 0111 1 ru-h upon those in trout who wad to soill the air and lran the danger. In ono niinme lilt! nl Kill 1.1'li d.i vu ih hor l t the le i I- crs lUither than lliu etc can sou and Ilia eniiro herd is fcoing ill at a mad gallop, heads down, ryes rolling and no lliiiug:it hut that nl ('scape. It Like K ie weie to las'i itse'l a-ain-'t a wnM ihe shop!: wnti'il be nn g'fii.ef Ih.iu tho mvlul in 'h wiih wh'eh mis mass of l.mll'ig I10 I . shatp ho ih and Ii ii' V I'odiel vV'i ll I lie. el 11. Too 1 ln.er oi iio '.j an I ntlir ol horns would .Ii 0 AO the no: -c cf a hi 1;; elo ol cav - airy ga!liiiiin ovm a slone paved road. Hula out on thnir trail. Ueio, where the ttampedo first began, the ground is lorn and Inuowe I as il a tnousand can nons had been ti'in - solid abut at la'geis. Here ami to ere aie calves which havu men gore 1 or eiu-hcd -hero and the re older animals with tuoken lc;s aud disibling wounds. Here, wheie the ucaid was lull ly 16, you might aa well hunt lor a gold doliar as a blade ol grass. You look lor ihree mdis as you look across it. It is a trail ol dirt and du.st an 1 luls and lurrone wh"."u Ii ill a h'ur 11 411 was a c irn t ol grce.i g a-,s and S'lii ioo i.ve s I !u most d. us lull cyclone ktiowti 10 niiii t'ochl 1101 havo luit itiore ho'. iiile sous hehin'l. Miles a vsy, 011 tuu backs id ton Wind in;;, growing livei, urn Ihu e vv iipc-loppcd ciiigrunt waqo.is. A canm Hie tili.is up lo boil llie ke llea iiieo, women a id dill ibcn (..iiid soi.it, pec, iii; ovir iti.'. c. 1.14 sun at the diat mt niuunt.ins, a id g'ad tlp ir 1 iii'iiey is a'iiio?t dom'. U,il"e 11 ej come s.i'l ; on wog, tho cricsit chirps ehivi'y on the t.ra;s .in I llie eij',les sailim; iu the blue evening, air have 110 waioin ; to pivc Iliil.! Is il it thuodet? Men nn I wo .Hen tufa la their t'nik us Ihe loo i 1 v nn lor a clou 1 in Iho sky. I ll it lum'il) i'-hiti a "in in liev loo't lu lo i nch oiher'.s hires. It ,Mvs Iced.r c.s w 'ineii i.i-ii pa'o aa i men leictt lor their irosiy i ll . Tne nuiad t cnildes, and alar oil' ceno's a il"i which si.ik'-s loinr 10 Ihe heid. lu ll:. 11!" ibey wm-p-r. No! A toon 1 cut tun -s 0 tier ior Iheni il nv age I' V ni' dare I tide do vn whe n tlic-e lutig-li.c leled I tl.-J C-iuld speak a (leidu-u a pi s e til I's'np, -, si.iiiiiieile ol HolTi'oo!" gi'sps one fl tho men as he r.i.t lies i;;;lil ol the advai cc gu ud 11.1 'ct ihe awliil cloud ol dii-t. 11 llisa'c ,e..ly ior a shot, and the chil dren ch nn pp on ihe he.vy wi.0111 wheel-, in f o the s.i.i i ;e prnce sum gad 00 by. lice H117 c uiie! C aca! d ick! c ick! Irom lii"ic iii)-1 uti'l a shout .ii' ii ntiihi leli. Next ti'S'aiit a rha';ev iic.nl, hl I wil by a iliiat-u iiwnt'd bod ruuc.l through the camp. Tbcn anoiher and an other. The n.en rhoul and sva I neir anus, Ihe w.iumi a'iil chti'l iti tui'i pder vi t. The roar ai.u iltn shut out eviry Oiler sound m l th"! vvioocs jar nn I t m blc wi.h the rniu'iis-ion. Now ntiollier sh i"gv heid another-h "If a do, -n a s oie -a luiad'cd g it living wave which sweeps tiling wi.h the poaer ol a uirnailo. In. lowed liv olhilS uo rc li- and aiienir an 1 Iho calliu is blolU-d "-IT tne laci ol the llie ctrth more ttunplelelj thin bv anv po.vcr id bcaien. Noihiug ti he aein no shout to tic heiird. Wave lollowud wave licms ihe spot over the bink-iito Ihe stream and across and when thn last ol the herd had p.is,eJ the keenest hiini.cr can tlnd nothing on that spot ol wood, or iion or cloth, or flesh ta piove that a (I a-n men, women ami cuii tlien wero thure wiped out ol txi.tenre and icduccd to silted aud du.t. Dulfoil I'lco li 0 f. Mv wile, who has no children, remarked a oromineut liisnulactnrcr. never attends auction. She went once, and serine; a Iricnd at t'ne otv' a le side of the room, no I led very p.dilely, Whi r' upon Ihe aur tinnief knocM-d down a painut cradle, uuj asked lit r where alio v.ihed it delivoicj. An nmsteur farmer sent to an egrirullu ral society to put bim down on the ptciui uu) list for a call. They did so. Tstkins; the CUnucm. HOW LOCOMOTIVR RNOtslilRUS LOSS TUSIB NRIlVlf. A man talks as easily at tho rale ol sixly miles au hour as he dots at an or il nary att-riioon dinner psce, su I a vet crm i.iiiioad in a 11 who rat with his Irct corkeu ou aa udjoiuin,' chair, on the O lio ti.i 1 Mi-O'sn-jipi la-t 1 r-i in, I, t li "f re. 'a'ltelions and g'"iip fl iw co'ertalii. inoiy 10 a LouUvillo Ciiu'ier-Jouiniil ie- poll" 'Kver in a Bmash-op V asked tho vet eran. 1 .Clinically. ISuvcr I' 'That accounts lor your lurk ot tier vouBiiess. A lipid ntvrr ilrcmls the D o until he is bu ittii. and (0 it is with every kind ol dauj.6'. Thete ae 10 cla.ful of tiigmcc's, mho ate known on ihe toad as 'i.uod runniis' and 'bad lunnirs A good tin uer is always suit out wiih special tir.lns and in olhtr caxs wheie fast time is 10 be made. Ho is an enoioeer who knoAB the 10a I ami his en" in1, and will gsULO Hie sptcd byqiiiil'ny ol tho Irnck. taking a good n any clianceson safely. I know 1 ne ol these fellow 8, who was re pu le I ns the coolct and bmvest mnn in iho busiiic-s. He WiiuliI take a lightu'tng soci i il a safely throiiL'h sssno her would a lie gnt. Ooe daik mulit ho was hauling "he night vxpies a'o'iml a curve lko a iiHieor. A tree had been hlowo scros the usck by a stot .p, an I he rsn upon it be 'oie it coul I be seen, Th tr.nn was smnshed and ho was badly hint. He g'it well in lime, "nd took his place at woik, hut lost it, and he could not got a pas senger train 00 any road. The accident killed bis 011 vu,' and he couldn't takes tiam through on even fchodu'e time. He was always lagging and In-hied time. That is the fato of a gteat many A bad aeri deut to a tsit itain uearly alwajs spoils a good en .incur.' 'They arc always in danger,' said the ru" porter. 'Yes ; if there is an accident they are al most sure to be kilh: I. They ;o throtioh life on Inith ninl cool luck. O iu day, scvoral years ngo, I went lor a day's limiting iu tliu com. try. nnd made ar raiijcmeiita for au engine to be sent lor Die at seven o'clock. It came, and, with three ol us abo-inl started to make the run of twenty-five miles an hour ahead ol the regular Haiti We goi out a mile or two aud iho headlight flickered aud went down. Tin engine was utopued and the lantern was tinkered with, aod wo started again. Wo 11m a few miles, and had to slop and linker with the confounded lamp again. This lime it went out cle.r, and to our honor wu ili.c.ovcred that the regular tiaiu was within live minute ol us, and there was mi a il -1 ra' k near. It was as dntlc as original chaos, not a slur out. Tliu etiuin icr started i aielullyworkud Ihe throttle out gradually, and, all ol us clinging to the cab lor dear I1I0, the race began. For all that we could sec it was a plui'gi: in'o pace. Tne engine snorted and rollcd.and lair'y lio-.v along tho thick, until Iho wel come light ol the home yards (ell upon us. Wu bad tuu thirteen miles upon pure faith in uiue minutes, and tho regular train was au hour Hud lorty minutes behind tunc!" 'Tlut was a close shave ou luck!" ' Y. ; I "Uu't waul te rula un Icr pres. su'e again." 9rNl(ii nnd HrHiiljr in Creation. The adaptations nl natural ol'jec's, the wonderlul coutiivaucc, order and beauty cverywlioc apparent in nature, il is at lice ihe duty and ineasiiru ol the true tia- turiltsi to ni'iiiitaiu. I reiiu-niin r that iu tiuuci d-ivs, hefiKU I had ibenUil w lic.her bi.iing c I or guolgicul s'mlies had Ihe great- r ultraclliitis, I hud occasion lo ilisn-et 11 iii'iy il roitul liuinmiiig Hi. I; and 1 ne ill an vividly as of n tiling ol ji S trrday tho imiiicsiiion wliich tint mnvel oils rlrur'uru Ulailo on me. To see all the parts ol Ihe bi.'lieo type, in a t.ietliai it. I iHiiut of view, ot the vcrieliraie animal. ton ieu. t-il iuto a litlle cre.tuie whoso solid body is not so huge as tin) lat joint ol urn s litilj litiocr, aid to think of the pow er, the swifni'-as, tho grace, the varied in stiiicta an' inlc ligf ore 111 iniics'ed iu that tiny Irani"1 - all this was aulh. icnt to liavi, 111 tile one a o. bhl p the lirauiilul Intle lauy as 11 ono il our aonlhiirn aim lim s actual.. ly di I, wi re A not sul-jcot to a.tel lent, to di atli an I to "lei'ay, and were It not an obvious 111 tiiilcatation ol a higher iionei. Who. vi r has riglnly nptoei'l Wed the at I not 11 ra-si ninl powers of a hiimming bint has l i- 11 introduce! t " a niir.clu id de sign. 1 tip innliipliciti'in ol that miracle in liuniiiel- nl dissimilar species by no iiuuns lessens its significance. Ou'y a iiieiit ii iiipaiiir.-tiiiii diseased can si'O the universe ai a ch-.oa or n lailuri; hut wo imrd Icam to know that, alter all. It is hut a la. nt shadow nf the invisible gloiy, an. I It would be ail (ipial y lulal mistake to exalt it into a go.l, or because ol its do cet-siry impel Iccllou to tail lo p'reoive its Dtviue original. lircrlitl VVomeii. Iu marrying, men should 'ek happy worn 11. Iliev mnko a terrible niistr.ke when they mrry lor I eaii'y or lor style. The sweetest wives a'e thus." who possess the mgic secret ol being happy undoi any or every circumstance. K c. 1 1 or poor, high or low. it 111 ikes no difference the btiejht little touutain cf joy bubbles up just ps niusipiil'y in llicir hearts. Nothlrg ever t'oes wrong with Ihen ; no trnutilr is too si ii.ua lor tin m "to make the b-st ol !;." Was ever thu stream ot ralamily so dark and deep that the sunlight of A hap py face across it turbid tide would m t awake an answering glcamf Why these joyous tempi-red people don't know halt the go ut tin y del No matter how cross and crabbed ynn Iccl, no u.attcf it your brain i lull id meditations on "slflxting dispensations" aod your slupiacb with oie liciucs, pills and tonics, just get ono of those cheery face Women ta king ta you mid wa are uot nlraid 10 wager anything tint flic can cu'C you. The long drann linn nhuut your mouth will relax, the cloud ol settled gloom will vanish -nobody knows whuie -and tho nntl tiling you kpciw yon are inughing. Aid what bin.- sini'S aie those happy women! How ntlen their littlo hands guide tho poodcious machinorv ot life with almost an invisible tonclil No one knows, no onn will aver koo, until the day of judgement reveals how much we owe to Ihesu hopt-lul, un Cctcplaiuing, happy weuisq. NO. 29. Col. RoBrtnr iNartnsni.t. Bats. ,-I bad rather live in an humble eol with one I lave than sit in a ceid state a emperor of the world. Children should be reared by love and kindness, Tbe whip should uever have a place cither in the bo no or the the school. Truth is born ot conli lcnc ; Ilea are begotten by lear. A He is the child's only means ol defense, the only breastwork they can throw up to protect them Irom a duel parent's abuse. Treat your wife as a Splendid flower, be civilized aod don't beat and ahusa your children Bo honest ami independent, and treat others as yon would wish to bo treated. Lot Ut havu dee Is and not words." IlitAWTf. There Is soniothing in beauty, whether It dwells in tho human laco, in the penciled leaves ol Dowers, the spark ling suiluca nl a fouutain, or that aspect which genius breathes over its statue, that makes in muru its ruin. I should not envy thai man his feelings who c mil soe a leaf wither or a fl iwer tall without Borne sentiment of rcgrut. This tender interest in the beauty ami fnilty of things around us, is only a slight tribute of becoming grief anil aflnctmn; for nature in our ad vcisilit-a never desert us. Bhc cvuo comes marly to us in out sorrows, and leading us away from the paths of disappoint metit aud p iic into her soothing recesses, allays tho anguish of our bleediug hearts binds up tbo wounds that hive been inflicted, whispers tho meek pledges of a better hope, and iu harmony witli a spirit ol still holier birth, points to that homo where decay and ilialh ran never come. A di aina'.ti'j author who lias a habit of bringing out las pieces nnonymously, meeuiig a mend 011 tho H.iiilcvard, said : 'Well, how did you like the new comedy last night?' 'nuloro answering that qnes'ton, I should like to kow if you are concerned in it authorship?' Why?' 'llecanse, if you ore, it is charminc; if yuu tire not, 1 think it is rather thin.' 'Well, it is mine ' 'Thou let me congratulate you,' said his friend, iinblushipgly. 'It is charic iogl' Ami yet the author didn't seem sat isfied with the eulogy. A P V Ell 1iTkM KN TS. n, if I (irout chance, to mnko mon VHV XJly oy. Wo nood n poraou lu every town to takn nilisorlptloiia for tho largest, c eannat ami lxl llluslniie t laini ly publication In tho world. Any ono can hncoiiiti a MKiCsHtul huh 11 L (Six nloni t works nf ait givou Iron to aiibsoriborH. The I lio prlco la bo low Hull almost ovoryiirwiv Hiioserii OH. tine ugont rtipoiui uhhik i- nuIihi'i iliors In a day. A linlv ngout roporks niukliig over f.tiM clear profit 111 ton olavs All wini I'liL'igo imtkn npnniy faat. Vou "Mil dot oto all V"'ir Hull" to tho litlslnepv or onlv vour sparn tiuin. You neod not tin away Irom l.omnover night. You cim do it as woll aa nlliors. Full dlrnetlonH mid tonus fioo. Klogitnt unit expeiiHivn outfit fron. If you want pnilitatilo won Bond ue your addrras at onne. IlJc-eU iioUiiug to ti-y the loudness. No one wbo enuagoH fails to mako grout pav. Addnttui tloorgo Htltiaon A Co. Portland, Maine, july 15 ly 1 3 IjCJ'P busiimss now boforetbo pub- J J LUO A li". You 01111 make inoiioy faauir at work for ns than nt anvtblnt else Capital not required. Wo will atari vou. iii a "lay and upwards inudn nt homo bv lliu Industrious. RI on, woiimn, Hoys and girls wantod every wlioro to work lor us. Now is tbo Hum. You run dovoto vonr whole I11110 to tho work, or only your spare uiotncnts. Mo other Iiiimiiuis.s w ill pay you nearly as well. No one willing lu 'woik can full to niuko (mormon pay by engaging at oiico. Cosily inilll' and li'i'ina freo. A groat oppori unity for making nioiirv ea llv nnd honorably. Address True ,V Co. Augiiata, Mo. july l.'t Iv CJTATK. OF NOlll'H CAKULINA, llallliix omifj, Superior Court. Richard C. llador, and w llo, and otboia, I'luiulitr Against W. A. Daniel, .Ino. U. I tlrder fur Wliitrioid,and others J rublicilioil Do ond.iiits. This Is a civil hciIoii ponding in said rnnrl Instituted by tho iilalntiir niclisrd C. lisdgi'r ntnt wife ami others, egiinst W. A. Daniel, J no. li. Whttfudd.and oilier to re 'ovel ol llio "lidond ml . A. I'Ainol aod lil-i soieiies Hie iiinniint duo by bltn as tin. cnardiaii ot tun plaililllls ami M Hull iiiet llio IiiiiiI dlvisod bv tbo last will and to liiinniit of Andrew Joyuor, drctimol ( llio piyiiientol said roc .very, aahl lands eoosisilng In purl ol tho tract whiuisui the dcUo-.datil Jim. It. VMillllol"! ro.nluil, ail- uatiil 111 taid coiiuly of llalltax near ol Iho town of l.iitii'ht. l'lii" death of sal 1 iiofrnilant vvliitlin rl having al spring loriu IKSO of this court 1 1001 1 Miiggusied, and that bis Kxoeutor Joseph C. Kelhuriv, Ills ohi'iln n Mtuy FiinnV lllddic's, lAi'lvn TV. l'lcroo vi'ent J.H.l'iorin Itohurta Wbldiold and nlhiirs ut:iw.i tit -aid ddfur.Jan'.'a IiitprcU la ai'tion ninl nro thn nrnmr anil p.ecsj-ary par' ios to a linai a j u a 1 11 c a 1 1 o n of bia rlcl.ts herein, It was or dure 1 that a lmtlco Isstio to tin 111 anil slnmld lie niado to aprxutr bv pro per afllduvtt that any of said parllns are lion insiiiiiiin upon w iioiii Hirnci" 01 pro cess eaii'iut be mniln personally, tlinn Uic iid no't riinlilnnts nro to bo notiliod bv piiblli'atloii as 1 mintred law, and the inn. roisiiliuiuy and ale-i uce l'roni llio Stati ho that aiiiiin.o.ia iiiiiu iiit bp 'peiaotmlly srrved upon tlieui ol llio said Mary rannv Itlddlek, ahd .1. It.t'uiree ami wife, Kvolvn W. Pturco and KollO'U Wh llleld boiiiu tiiadu to appear by aid lavlui as room rod. Now tlmriiroro tbo saul Alary raii'iy llldilick. .1. it. l'lnrcennrt wife. Kvolvn w and Roberta whitlield are hereby notiliod lo is) and appear Iw oie tho Judge nf our Superior court, at a nourl to bo bold for llio omnnty or itaiiiax State" of 1 orlb Carolina, at the ,ourlbouas- in Halifax town nn the third Monday in Scpleinlior IhSO, titers and tlioro lo dfund Ibolr inlerost heroin, and fMrthcr to do and rrsvivo what our said court shall tin. 11 and ibore oousiucr ol Ihem iu Inn- 1lmll. f.nl HiU notion 1o Insortod In the K.) noke Now, a newspaper puUWhnd lu said coiiiuy ol Halifax, onoo a week I'm .ii sacsiosaivti week. TVitmsM iiihn T. Orcgorv, Clmk of our said isvnrt at ellleo In Halilsx town, thn- tbo I7th day ol J nl v A. D, iswl. JOHN T. (1KK.U0HY, Clerk Superior Court, Halifax County, Js. C. Mullon it Moore Aua. for I'luiuiiU. julysov. 2 S 2 I" o a 2 O H ao J ion son 11 oe sett 6 00 10 (10 WO WIN 8 00 I A 110 SO 00 46 M 10 (HI IH OA M 00 1ft M 15 00 20 00 40 tO SO 00 20 00 80 00 6000 600 One Year, 76 Ot "LL. 1 !i. Li'!.!Jii Two hjuariiH, prime Miiar, our i'o,uarwi, niirtb Ool'n. Miilf (Joliiraii, Whole Col umn, TALIIOTT ANOIVS FHOCKOH MACHINK W0RK8, RICHMOND VA. Maniiractiirnra of Portable and Stationary Kngines and Hullnra. Saw Mill, Corn and Wheat Mill", Hhafllnir, 1 1 angers and Pill leva, Turbine Wntor Wheels, Tubacoo Ma- ciiii.i-iy, vyiougiu Iron Work, Bras and Iron CaalingH, Machinery of Kverv Deav. cilptioii. OlNNlNO AND TlIltKBllINO MACTIIMU A SPECIALTY. Hi-pairing Irouiiiy A Carclsilly aau ue, TA1.U0TT S I'APF.NT SPARK ARRRKTKR, The liiTfiillou ol the Age. It docs not dostrov the draft. It dooe not iiitnrfin-n wltli climiiUig the tnbea. It will not choke, up, and require no cloau ing. It rcsitifroa no direct dampers to bsi opened ivlion rnlsing nichih (dampers bo. ing iii"oelionablo, aa they may be lellopea and allow s' nrks to menpo.) It nvjtilrPA no wntor to pxtingniah upailts, wlile'n, by poiiilonsatlon, dodlroya 1110 iirait. ni'sioos, wnon water la unou, 11 iingleoteal, tho eflleleney la deatroyrd by ovnporalinn of the wutnr, and tbe boiler la kept in a liltliy ooudillon. II Is almido and diiriibln and ran be re- Hist upon. It can be attached to any boiler. iNo plautnr ahould lie without one oftbeus. luHtirnncn oouipiiiilna will Inaiire gins end luiriiH where tbo Talboti Kiiirlnus aud Spark-Arrcstcra are used ul aaine rate as hnn;oil for wntor or horse-power. ,7r.Mend for llluatraiod olrcularl and prioo Hat. Ilraneli iouo, nolilatioro, N. C. J. A. ll .MISI'lt, i.enoral Manager. T. A.OUANUKR, Ical Manager. niny 8 Qui , A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOaiMR&KIDNEys; , Ft 114 InasiaMvsS, j guratIne. Foi Lint rsavplaliiaa, GURATINE, f It leo.y Uat-easa. CURATINE, fur ItsWuuioUMu. CURATSNE, af tfciftlVA UietaAr). curatSe, For KrvnueU. nmpUt, HIoiVIim. aW. Vinninaf'lTj t)liLK urmmm (bo outita vyffilr4i pnxliKw M dVa ittiti tf tk.' tHmmm ft I4t-r, iht KMmm ljrTUl(M ill MM Oft mtmj (husnjttnh In lis ad! It U ttiifillnl tir tb mre, oi Mil toeW. eamm aurh mm 9rrJ utm, Tmmrmt mm44f 1 f t-r,AWtl Bil l HsBH tthmummtim mmmm wWl fmimmiUttmS alio inmHr44mmu VmftmmpiHmt Mn4m Ul TOUR DWCGR1 FOB IT. ICEBEflUQILISIifll BALTIMORE, Mi. W. It. VICK t'A K UIA (a EH AND UlUUIUI MADE TO ORDER OJt HBPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. All It llld. nf WCMIil wnrlr .hit l.lmmlMM bine 111 irood stvlo. lil.ieLamilli urtirlr iltmA at short not i co and with iieatniw. All now work warrant! d. Kin painting for bugging done at low price, beat patut uaod. N!'E'IL ATTEN riUN UIVENTO TIIK UhDERTAKIN3 DEPARTMINf. fsv-yj-' i?VC-'i'ww;SBtS v- ,. .--i in aur-a-n-i-a-eWyrj Coiltn an.l.l'ssna of nl f st;ps ctttStP.nt.!? nn baud. C-irri'tso Matori ils kept onhaiid alnrlce below I'ulorsbiirg market. Weldon N. - Oa . Juno b ly T. F 0 H p , Take pleasure In announcing that Di au el.lt be lound at bia aland on FIU8T 8TKBKT, Wber he has ou band a full line ot llie Flnosl WINKS, WDHKfvX and liKANDlKS. a TOHACl'O, CiaAlt8, nn.tNNDFF, okaxubs. Arpr.K, , olid CONFKCTlOiNKKIES HI stock of Cauued (loads Aud Grocer lev U uunaually w Full and Complete ' -4 . !-.t Oi.n CtMNSi" Wnissst A frxctiMTV, - fRRSll LAtlKR BRKK ON TtRAUOHT, Ho gnarantoos satlsfactloti. Call aiiij te mm. Not 2; J jr. FlltfeTURtSOWMl Hta. v h ri n 1 b sw : 9 1 aW H mm n mm. WT1 aM 11 y t. ri a aaVZriJ 1 J 1 C?il