W.illttWWM...lHllMil..ftHfc , Ml Vl.mm ..w,... ...... -rit , f 1 n ,,.. fa, Bmiii i. .11 "f 1, -i 1 . . . CUE ROANOKE NEWS. " A DEMOCRATIC ' " t ,W B K K L NKWS I . APEE ; Trrc no'ANoi;:: :izv POBLISBED DT 8PACK '.! a O L. M. LOSG & W. W. II ALL. On Year, In advance, Bis Month, " , . three Monthly " f3 00 t 00 75 ots, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, iirieoa Dentist. . flflltu oyer W. tt. Brown's Try Hoods Store, . . . , WKLDON, N. C. Ill vlHtr. partlM ettholr homes when flesh-cd. Term Reasonable. , octroy T m. oiuzzard, . ... : ATTOUSEY AT LAW, . HAUPAX, It. c. Offlne In tho Cosrt House. Strlft attention flven to all branches ut ths roffliii. an M ly : y T. U U A K c u, ,, , !.r Attorney at law. .( ,1MKIBLI,K.C.' r . . . . . . ' -' Trrtt1n Irt th eountls; of tlsllfax, Nash Kdgeeombsand Wllnon. Collections made In u! partanf MielMat.Q.. . ; .: 4 ' Jau 11 tf m; ATTORNEY. ATHW, WELDOX, N.C. H'lnclnl a"tfjnlfon a;lviri tZi 'colloctloni ami may lit. ,V l H "T Us . K(fLV!!C. I1 ,1 1UK ; r I,. . 1:1). "4DO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . ' HALIFAX N. C. .. . . ' T"rantln In the enmities of Halifax, Northainp ton, itdgsenmha, Pitt and Martin In the Hu ptiiai oart of thste mid In ttuv Fed'Tnl Courts ot th-astern' District.:, Collections made In any pajrfraf tbo Stnle.' ' j4 ' Jan 1 ly - . jj. : s JAMBS K. 0'IIAP.A,' . ' ' ' ' '' ' TroRSEY AT LIW, PnfirVM In thT?olririnUtfx and4 Vfljoln-ts-.iuTllcs, and In thn Hiipretiin and tfVderal eaurt Col nelinnt made In auirtof th Rtato. WliJairtiwd at Ilia contt-noiWA.rn HalifnJ ea Monday ami gflday ot gnwank. jan IStf Ti SIbTS b t O. OR to N JR. ' :i . ATTORKKY AT LIW.. , . ., ;, ' " . . ; . BAtwAx . c. ; . Pratl(H In tlt conf tn of Hallfat. apd adjrtln" ln,x wnntln. In tlin fupri'nm court of tlu Btntn. and In thn Inderal nonrtfi. Will irlva apne.lali attention to thn eollcr.llon f ultima, and toad)nntln(r tho annnunta o( ev talars, admlntatntara and guardlana. declStf G ATI K LHIK1I, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAL1PAX, K.C. Pmatlona In tho eourta of H'tflfai and adjoin. lnonnttrt4, mid In Mi Supreme and Pednral aonrta. Claim enllaetril In all imrtji of Nnrih Carolina, pitted In tlio Court House. Julyltf fK.VlAS N. HILL, Atloruey at Law, K vLIFAX, N. 0. Prtntlci In Hillfa and adjolulng counties anil Cwlenlaiid 8itirui i courU. Will bj at, Buoilaud Hm, oueo every fort nlfhtt' autrSHIf JOS. B. BATgUBIi'JB. ATTKXfiY AT LAW, RALEIQU, N.C. i r - - Praitlrn Iii tin emirM of the dth Judielal Bmtrlct and In tha federal andSurruuieConrta. may 11 tf. ,( ' TW. M A S O M . . ATTORN KY AT LIW, ' i- 1 . ' a ARYSBUR'3, N. C. ' Vractlc- In thn 0111 rt a' of Northampton and adiainlnif eountlet, also lit lira federal and Su pru ajoourls. , June 8 tf. - W. n. BiT. , A. r. WI.MCOKFK. TAX JotUCbPfBR. 7 1 i) vr" . ATTORN KYS AT LAW, " ' ' WkUDOS, N. C. Praettcn In the conrta of it ullfat and ailjolnlnar m .1 1 ... ....... w...i...it ...i.ii. . cull ill nil t ill 1 II" ;i 11 i mm-- 1.1 1' 1 1 1 " CUiim e.ilteelel In any pari of Norlh Carolina. iiit'i ui (no nrm win aiwnys mi nmmi m ni lUOtt. . Jilii'i j. , 1) K. B. I.. UUNTUR, lr.t.. 1 . . rt ful iVKOEOS DEHIIT. . a - -u!iii rin ba R.uhJ at bit ofBoa la Knflold. Pnra MiuucsOi ds Oaa far tha Pain. Iefia Kxtraliitf u( IWh alwayt uu baud. Jttriii ... . ..... , A. N D.H 15 W J. .a U ft TON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I:, VVSLDON, N. 0. ratlcsa In inrt of HallfaJ. Warren and Alloinlu uuuntlaaauil in UiHupruiand Fed utal vmirts. Claim collected ill ny part of Aorth UiniHii. Jnue lltf 1 R U.HMirU, JR. ATTOIHIEY AT LAW, SoiTtvsio Sawn. Halifax County N. C Praetlee In the eountv of Hullfan ami adioln ln eiiuutlea, and lu the yupitiuia ort "f the Kliste. M )y c IWI y .'.'. t . . . , - 'it , ,i , r .1 - "VOL. IX. TO DEAR OLD TOW, I've a aecret to tell you, old fellow, Which I nsk yoil In hiiep, If you pleitee, Xlionjfh you tlilnlt In ansofl ndMunllow As the apples that irrow on the tree. To (H'nln 1 I'm Just tek from (lie mountain; I remained rather loiifr. 1 eonfese; , But strolls hy the rlvi-r and foumiiln Were the enuso of it all, 1 Kuesa. But tho sweetest part of my plessnro Were the rides 'Heath the m. ion s. bright rny, Willi a K-Irl - well, Ti.in, she's n trensuia In every orl of away. Her eyes an- brown, Slid her faeu Is as fair As 1 he lilies that (trow on the plain ; And, ohlstieh a li.-ad, with Kolden h;i!r, And a heurt that could never cause pain. Her ways are so sweet and winning. And her lauth ts so happy and tree, That 1 (' It 1 would n.il he hIiiiiIiik 111 'I'ai'hliiK lierhciii't. to love uni. Well, 'mtd rides and at roll l.y the rtver, While anjoyltia; the plcusnre th.-v hrln, I Inoseneil my 1nvw from the quiver, And can-fully tlKhtenrd I he struiK. W wera sltllno; one nlftht 'nealll tha willow, And hir face s'li'ui.'d so swuet and fair ; Willie my arm was a surt of a pillow. And her heal, Tom, was rusting ther , Tlint I adjusted my bow an1 mv iirro x, And Willi aim aiMil Cuiilil'silnrt, ; ' As tli'iHicli on Uie wind's of it sparrow, 1 Deep Into her trusttntf heart. ' Well, to tell you the truthold fellow, . t'll oolites I'va not, truMtcd you rurht. . As you say , like an aiiplu I'm iiielliiw. . 1 For I'm (roitVf to Im married to-itk-lit, I declare to yuu, Toia. It 'a a pleasure . fa hope for a (onir happy lid;, , And to have siica .1 ih'iir little freaauni - ' To liivu, mid to call my o.vn dear wile, :r-THRILUWC STORY. ,;Aii'8 SOMM auo.aK I was ftilinr on nn (Jitrf)HllB-wyrailwauVi orfu iil tlia old ailLim'iittriit'jjir of aottie tnorjlj (rorier 0u tu,ati, I wat ery lu)liftnii.yeil by tue iiwosKant raltiinit 01 ins vitr wmilows. 'Tiawitd Ihat mesery Iovm (smtftay, ntnl I ai inti HtioiiiBii my luot'iig ou itie sutd-ot to the passeunQr bimlile .tun a uiiJ.iio (HjbJ, liuiiuCHS.UjokluK uiun wLbeliJulod bttvli:i ... . , ,.?.: i !..... 'Xuh, it is prbtty noisy, but It don't maun' abyihltiit, nnrl ain'i dnporoni" !; 1 'What 1 1 shouted, tbiukinii bu lihd not oaugbt tuy uiuaiiin. 1 ear it perlofiliy moanrnulasa. and don't mean uuy uiiscluof,' be sliouted. Minlllng, Wbat tbe uiiHcliief do vou mean?' I bliontod. You probably nevor board a window talk rationally, uot to Bay lutoUlgoiitly ?' , be mboutod. 'Not thai I can ntmooihor ' mini T ,1 little Irotiloully.'DId your '1 liuve,' Mini bo, and as soou aa wa stnn will tiol only tn.iku a window talk, hut possibly (rot au atiHiver from aotuo other vrlndow.' . 1 buuitn to Ihitvlc that I bad lot tho man ood me lout; onouuli ; and became very ; much interoatod iu tho oceuery along (he ; roam. j 'Centravillol Twenty tiiluntos f ri dinnorl' shouted the brakesman opoi I ig ttirior utter screwing up luo old waa lonetl brake, ; Wlion wo liad Htonpcd. mv noliclibor tnuohfld me on the shoulder and said, 'Now just lot mo ait by that wlm'ow, and 1 will Kliow you soiNeiuiiiK umusiiiK, and afterwards tell you a slory for thorobv hniiKS a tale.' 1 olianirod Henty with bun. and ha. t.ik Ins hnbl ot Ihb window, bepm to isttlo it at a lively rnto, pausiiiK ov nry lew peeonds to listen. 1'retty soon, I was siiriuiNed to bear a window at tho oilier mid of the car bt bind us rattle in thn huuio imtiiuor. 2ow,' Maid tba slianuor, 'ask mo a question about the back of aomo apcuial person aittiiiK behind ua wilbuut eltuer of ua InnkliiK bohind.' 'Well,' aald I, deaerlbe to ma the ap pearance ot th buck of too beatl of, aav the outside passenger In tho third soat be bind us.' He rattled tho window and then !t teued to the answering wiudow Then bo said i There Is no person aittlnor J nut there. Try strain.' 1 Km. KM anil sure euoiiKii uo was ntsiil. So I made it tho lll'lh seat. Short black hair, parte l behind, one aide gray, high shirt collar, and coat ool- lar tin ned up. Haili-ond tiektit In Inn baok ol his hut,' a dd my ooinp unon as b.i listenoii to the wiiniow Stopping back I found that tho descrip tion was correct, one sldo of the mail's liulr being turned white,, pndia'jly from disease. '.Mow did yon it?', I o-ikod as I tm k UlV SOU t II! 'Hill. Hy toleiiinph,' said ho. ' at lirvt sounded ibo single word 'Kirn!' over and over till it oaui;lit too trained uir of an operator in tho other end of tho ear about tine.fourth of th i men and von on understand tolegi-:iphy n in -a-d:ivs -mid he toltgrapbed v. hat 1 wanted to know. S you hop that a window in iy rut'.lo in lelliuilily.' Yea,' said I, 'and now about tho tain which baagi thereby.' i He was about to lmi(in it when the train started, and the unintelligible rattling of the windows, suippe I Mm, s" b'' tloforro I it till we arrived at tho ioetliin where we wore to wait a few hours for another train Then wa tliras (i,o oVher operator had j dned us) seatei ourselves ooiuloi la bly and the sira-ignr b i,jan. 'Ton years bo I was tulegraph operator at a smiill town in New Jetsny, but my health failing, I gave up mv situation, and taking an ligencv, tiavell.d westward until I dually reached taw K. aociso i. While tliore I took a fancy to v: sit, the mining regions, so soloellng suitable goods la II among the miners, I went, tatisll-'d my curiosity, made a li.tle moiiev and was intiirniiig in the slate coach, when the incident I am nlionl to relmo ocuurrod, or at toast began to "coir. 'There wjre liesl lea mvaoif llireo Inside nnssniiuel n : HO old 1'Ootlemtll of s.XlV and two roup ilyrlresvM uiun, apparently miner, Thuso two men sat at oppoane ends of the coach, not spiiearl-ig I" k-tow mnh nlher. while tha old teoll unaii and myself sat olnsa together. I notleod that the old irenlleman liad a beat v tin or Iron b is uetwuou his legs, winch ha eemed to be anxious U keep out or s ulH. Afior a sliort oonversstloii wi'h him on general snlij-iola ail iwed myself to drift gnnly Into a Hon: aim wuuo in unu coo dllloti mv ear. trainel as It was t the in- lollignnt sound ol fhe teloiirtpli instru meot. caiiirht a faint lie. tie, which re solved Itself Into the lollowloi! words : Bill, the - ruing one is eoing to sleep and I will tend to him whim you pUeii tha old one out over 'ha iireoii n wnon I mka tha aiirnal and secure the box.' ' 'I was now as wide swake as If I had been 'called' tv art operator irt receive a massage; but I protended tt be still dor. iog while I listened Intently,' Then heard the window rtttle and it read 1 All rlKht Bob. Wo will hi f the Dig Jump In twenty minutes and tUuii give the word and out be goes.' 'TaUinir a eaullmw. I nk fron bftweei: toy pyoUds I suw that one of in i villlnna wa telegrapuing oy vitiratmg a Kiitiu- blade betweuii biateeth, while tho otoc.r used the window for that purpose, no'.ttiuf ol them utipeaniu to tiottai t lit olhnr, I knew tho pruuipioe, to which they ro farred, a torrlb p ae- where a miuer had onoe lumped oil in a fit f dcpair at Ilia hud liM'k.from which It waa known as tho Uig Jump, llow in oomiiiuuieale to the old irunlleinaii I w is at a loas t deter mine; but llnallv I look out a newspaper and underscored the words In a'loug'.hy editoiitii Vihicb. il nu cousooutivuly WELDON, S.O, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1880. would read, 'Bo cautions, sir. Tbe two villiaua here intend to murder and nb as In ton minutes. When lerueyou a' In k tho one with the inoustanb and I will take tbe other. Kill ir necessary I then banded tbe paper to the. old gentleman, saying; 'Have ynu read this, sirT' It's moat excol eut tdltorl.il.' 'Hi took tho paper, put on bis glasses, and oommnnced to read. Moon tho un derseorod words drew his attention aud bo begau to study them. Then I saw him grow pale and t'eel for his box with bis I'u t, Handing mo bn.k the iiaour be said siguineantly: 'Do you behove that, sir V 1 ' 'I know Jt to bo true, sir, said I. . "Horrible I' said hu, slipping his band in his hroast pocket, a stern lunk coming In bis fane as ho added I 'I beliove that I'd toei liko (hooting some one.' 'I saw I bail ii man of courage to help me, so I oared llulo tor llio villsluons smile which his rouurk brought tonne of the rutll m's face. I saw wo were near the Hlg J u nip sod woio going down a steep grade at a lively rato when one of tbe villlani telegraphed i , '5owl' The next mlnnto I was on bint, knock ing him solisflless with my revolver. The old giMitloir.an did equally woll, tbe ruT flails being taken coinjiletolv by surprtso at our siiifilon attack We bad passnd tho precipice now, and ctlllog to the drlvor lo stop, be and the out) ;outldo itwsotigr, helped to bind our prisoners, w limit we left Insido, while wo ctlmbod to the top. liut when we arrived In Sacramento wo fun nd that tho r-folibors' Ijt'lw ruloased eachtlior and Jwl'l'oJ WLslliing the 'Tboolil gotitloril.bi lut.-ofncd' Jiim Jiimsnlf (Is MV. Slumlord, a Saeriiiumilo banker, and Insisted otj 'my nccVpting the hospi tality nt his homo, buying that I had s-.vud his life and a .Imgo auiounl of utonoy. I o-msHiUed, and waa ilrlyon w i' tt him to bis handsome residunun on IJtutowMkirtoi sfilba tity.'where t wrts) in- troduued to Ins wifo and two d.ttlgbtors.T voe e.i-iner a Rina. motnftrtv woman, nnd the Jailor a bajidituij.e bruuotle uud prsttv blonde. ' 'Tbreo week''-' ittav at Rose Hilli' Mr. Slum ford's home, with Its lovely walks amid a wealth ot ironical fliwers, and the society ol K1U and lUanche Siatnford, lovelier irnt moro briaiitlfur than the (lowers which hloomod. around thorn. only served to maku in wish for a longur etay; ami when Mr. S'amf.ird uTer)d "i a p -eitlon In his bauking-iiouso,,! riost gladly aecopti'd it, not tailing to ta"te itiniire rroin the evident dollirii', of the lair Ulanohe (whom I thong it the lovo Her of tho two sisters) when 1 told ber of thu ol'cr and decision. About this time Mr. Stamford, at his wl e's request, replaced two Irish aer- vants wiili two l hinaim.n, much to tho former's violent dsuiinoiat.o t. Mrs. ritiimfrird was loud In 'her b alsa bf lier n iw help, who seemed to be quiet, active, orderly follows always ready, .tlwavs willing, aud always to be fonud at their p. i.. ,, . , 'To those two 'spoon gobblers, as tbe Irish uiiU called Ah Winn and AJi lo. I somehow conceived a do-uded avorslou. I'heie was, I thought, a sinister look nliiMit thoir eyes (which seemo I to be cut less on t lie bias than usual with Mongo lians) wptoh soul a chill uyor mo .w,b.ou evor I tnot their jpiiK- ' " '' .Nouo ol the lauilly spiv uded in v ill'- like ol the I'luuamou except lilaiicho, who NBomed to think exactly us I did (which I accept as another siq of eucoiiraveiiitiut,) all tho rest attributing it to my dislike of the Mongolians as a rsco. 'One quiet summer uight I bad retired to my loom In the see ml story, and lay thinking of the happy possibility of Hlimclio Stamford returning tun love 1 felt foi ber, wh-n mv attention was at- t noted bv the ralCIng of a ball window. fhero was not a breath of air stiiring to produce such a sound, audi was about rising to ascertain the cause when It 'Oisod, and a wiinlon on the next floor begin to rattle, I'lion 1 caught tho mean Inir of II. Some one was telegraphing n llli the ul.cs, I listened and presently tho sccond- storv w in low leleri unite ; ' ' Kvery! lung m i io' up thero, IVih ?' "tJ net as a slid'. Old one blowing his horn, llow Is tho younker down there?' ansivnrod the up hl.iir window. '.Ml iju'et on tho rotornac. Are you eadvf a-k -d the dowussiairs window. "Mot ouicl yet. When I wnto 'Uu' then do yur bust, bead men tell no tales. As boo u as vou finish your man oiiiin tip buio and help mo with tho woman. II was our old singe-coach robbers nt work licain, no don in. Mow t'leygnned access to the house 1 eas :it n loss to ao cnunt for ; il was guarded bv a burglar- itlarui und a w.i-cli do,. Arising an I partly dressing, I took my revolver anil stepping snltly out in thn hall appoarched the window where I tolled All l,no stand ing. What are vou doing h-oe V I dnniamlud 't ome to lotkio see. Hunk beih some in ins h'ippcJ out lltu w indow,' Mil i J bo, blandly. . vVnll.t-etlif I, 'VcHi at 'd rWu-sUIrs and Cot Ii mo n g'ass of water and a lo nun lo tit V loom- All litol, inn will, said All I.en as lie glided down lliesuii way. Ac soon ss bo was oul ol hearing, I took Hold or tne Window and telegraphed. Y nuker isawako and miming up ala'rs. tlo III lo in the ball chisel nil be comes back.' All right,' auswuiod tbe ui. 'lairs wind-iw. I hen I went up stairs softly In my stocklini lect, snd soltlv turned the key in the hall comI ; alloi whh-li I tolcuriumi-d Willi the up.staiis window. K t unlet down there. Ylitiker I up here talking lo olJ one. Ili ln In the lllirarv till he coinos back nud una lo bed ' "(iocs he suspects anything" come ha ik froin down staii s. 'No.' answered. 'Ilnls telling Iho old one tie Is. oniim to Kilsci early lo thn morning, iii to I Ua Is c lining down stnl is. "All right,' csme biek, and arnnslrg Mr. buuiiind. 1 Md him how mallei stood, and ileeion.li d d-iwn s! lira and tumed tho key in Iho hin-.u y door. I he desperado heard tbe click of the lock, and becoming Kiiihteniwl, raided the wind iw to lump oul j but I leaned out of the h ill window snd nrderod hltn back, l-'or an answer no turiieii unu tirvd at mu, me ball grazing my chock and slitting my far. . Here tho r.irrator pointed to a long scar on bis left chock and bis cut ear, and continued 'The next moment I fired, uud tbe vil lain fell hciirtlotig Into tho garden. We then returned up stairs ami secuiol Ah Winir. from whom we stripped the paint mid other disguise, ravouiiiig on i of the etiiiifl coach robboi's. All Leo, whom r-e toting In Ihii. gardeu dcil, piovud.o b dtie oilier onu. The la lli s now undo their appearnnco, lerrtblv Iriulitentid, and we an nsi htn'a' tionciuld lie given HUncUe rushed at mo, liur face pulu Willi tear, and oalcuttig i;,e tiy the sua erit-ii: ' . "Oil, Charles, are you hurt ?' 'Only a noraich, Jil.ttioha,' I said hi low tone, but she did not bear uia for she bad fainted iu mv arms. The next day we notified the author! t'e", to whom we delivered the prisoner aud tivo bonds lor our uppciiatKe in itt gard to killing, from which tho coroner's jury exonerated us by a verdict of 'Justi fiable homicide.' 1 " 'It was nearly noon before I again aaw Blanche, and then she tiled to avoid ma ; but drawing her arms In mlno I led ber to a pretty summer hnnse. snd said : 'llianolio, I Jovo you I Do you lovo me In icliirn ?' '.Sbn bid her faao nEainat my breast and wbispored : 'Oh, so much I' 'Three months afterwards wo were mar ried, and I never hear a window mule without, thinking of tho warning it twice gave mo, being tho means of saving it number of lives and gaining roo a loyely and loving wife. 'This, gentlemen, is a Iron story, snd vou can rciiout It a such without leer, for the names 1 have iven you am Uetillous, It being not necessary to give the trtto names,' Such was my fellow-passongai's story. Ilulf an hour litter wo pitted, each going his own way. Wo lnvo never met since, bnt being reminded of his story by a rat tling wiudjw, I have endeavored to give it Just as bo told it, names and all. What .Seiiulor KayurU siayxi Wllhouleairnpst devotion aud unselllsh and earnest allonllan by hnnost men ami honest women In public affairs there its little chanco of malt iaghls the safe gov ern metit. .-; , : ,. ,- . r The ntattors I have lo sneak ol aro not trilling snd aro not to bo settled by chcors but by thos.rongost InlelleoturHl endeavor that each -mo ot us o in exort, snd we should bring to tho discussion of those questions that g.-avity which so groat and oniy a cause uimianiis. I say that iu 1870 this ureal nnrtv of which you are niombors polled in tbe Union 4,rxw,00i) of votes, Thero was a popular, majority of 'ZiO.Ono thai would have prevailed bud not the suirlt of revo lution, and. despotism possessed thoso ill clmnreofonr Natloiml Government and by fraud su fores prevented the honest results of (treat elosaie by tho people. The f SOO.OOt) votes polled for Tllden and Hendrlck In IWI will grow to 6.0flO.OOO of wotea 1 i 188 for Wlnflold fsoolt Hancook ami vVm. 11, Kegllsh. I say that which I bolieva, that the current of an honest pub lic sentiment-what I may terra the In stinct of self preservation, will cause snob an expression at tho polls In .November next iliac tin one wili lie s i wlckel and daring or so dishonest as to attempt to defeat the voice of tliegreat American pio us as it win more and then bo so positivo y ox pressed. ' l bo doctrino of tho Ivepnbllcan party Is to feed fat tin o who do not no"d fattening to make the slrniiir strontrer at tho oxponan of tbe weak, to make the rich richer at the expense of tho poor, snd 111 prpof of Uils .''point ta those Ivid Ria bv sit of 'Con gress from ISt's) un lil litwarntlo Bii-Jor-Ity In ths House put a slop to thorn. 1 Can recounot Hint wnen I first entered !tiiures, twelve yeara so.bew the Inbhv 0iwnUd itself In lliu face of tin) nulille. lubsidesanil crimls of all sorts were dis tributed with a lavish band. No won, lor tbe svino ran freely and that Wnshingt in was a "gay plloe," .nil that the. Republi can pirtv was popular with a class tho ela,ss thst wns ftitti uitig oil this corruption wnoti the tieinocriits eiinn Into power In IHT.'i In Hps llnuso find ml an end to all Ikolr t'sml dinners. lladly onluNctl. A Houtberu paper tolls the following t Soon alter tbe battle of Pralrle Grove, three Oonfedarste ( (lloors of rank caiuu Into the Union army to negoilnte for ex- ohitiiKO of prisoners. Threw Union olllners were netale I lo negotiate with them. Ono day, while tho com mission was In session, an old gr.ty-hnaded, grav-bearled Arkan sag farmer walked iu and a-lred t 'K tins the pro vo's otUs I' - Some one attempted to explain, bn' tho old fellow, being vory dual, did not Under stand, sn l said: Yes, I m s ir od loyal citizen; I've got my protection papers, 1 v hnen and got paid lor my loruuo. li s all riht. Look hero, sin I Ool. W , of tilt Onion army, vou h id better bn careful about, what you nay about your loyally, don't you see thoso gentlemen over then.? pointing nuross tho t ihle to wln-re thu O ui federa'o olUeors sat In their gray uniforms. The old in iu took nut a pair of dilapida ted spectacles, and fitting ihom on his noun closely examine I llio gray uiiilornu will) thoir velvet collars mi l brass stars. His bauds trembled violently, and hn siemed Quite friKlileuod, but ooihsitihl iliiiselt and said lo thu Oo.tloler.ttos; Well, gentlemen, 1 nieanl no olluuso. I luln t know lad ts, 1 ve alius lieen a S-iinhiirn nan. I've lost got run son, and bo's wil'.i Mtnnadiiko, The o I other nun L-r iwn lu my lamiiy thai a 111 I sarvismv dsrtor .Sallie'n husband, and lie s with Hector, mi l Hold or,, old lellaw! cried Colonel w - what shout your being a loyal clli.o.is? He looked lit the oilier side of Hie talilo. Then he re idlusted hH spnel iclris, scanned tbe blue cults, took off his handkerchief Iroin his neck, biew bis nose, leaned bolb hands on thn table, and said. Well, gniiiloiiicu. lliis a 1 it; lo niuod. but yon ist id on ami a;iit it mil among yourselves. I oau Dye under tiny govern- Illt'Ul. , . - The K liable Hun. Of all Iho qualities that combine to form n good rhaiacier, Ibnie is il 't ono moro imiioilaiit than reliability. Most em plml i tally is tins true n the chsracter of a good busiiie-s iiiiiii, I bn world itnelfeiiitiiHisis ill tru ll an I Ipmcsty nud th" reliable man un!-!. iicco.i-arily he liuihliil ami honest. Welsee so much all around us lb . exblb Is 'ho ab-tmce of litis crow ning (iii.ilitv thai we sre tempted lu our bllloii iiinods to deny lis very esisteuoe, itnt thero are, neierlbnloss, relialtls mon 1 1 bn deponilod upon to be trusted, In whom you may repose nouuiluuen, wiiose worn is j es good as their b ind, and whose promise Is I ui lorni iiii-i). if any ot you know siicii a instil make hl n your friend. You can only do so, liowevbr, by ssdmilaling bis i-harieter. I 'ie rcliatilo man is a man nl good judgement. lie does not jump ut conclusion.. He ia tliniigiillnl. ile turns over a milyoct In his intnd and looks at it all arouuo. He is not a partial or one sided man. He sees through a thing. Ho Is apt lo be a very rolusuit iiian. lie docs not have lo talk a great deal, lie is a mod rrate into, not only iu the liahiis ol lu ly. but also ol min i. Ue U not a passiuiialo uiun, II so by natu p he has ovuiyoino II by grnee. ' Ho Is a trustworthy man, not a plotter nnd a sobemer. You feel salo with four piOpurtv or tho sdmliilslriilion of your nftairs In bis hands, Ho Isa watch ful, vigilant man. You feel socuie within bis protection. He Is a brsve man, lor hi ("luulusious ore 1- g call)' d-xlnuud lrom the sure basis ol truth, and he does nolleai' Ut maintain them, He Is a good man, lor no one pun lie thoroughly honest and truth ful without bo ng (jon'di Is such a quality attainable? Mu.t assurredly so. His not born; It Is imtdo. Ohiiracter tuny bu formed, ot e.iurso then its ooiiiponuiil par, ni.iy bu uinibilisl to that lorui.illt'U, ' A poet asks: 'When I am dead and low ly laid, . . . And ulods fall heavy from tbe spade, who'll Ihiuk of me?' Don't weary. Tailors and shoemakers have very ieloiilive uit'inoi ics, and you'll uot bv loi-gotwn, , An F.rtltor'a Dreaui. . " Tbe editor fell asleep alter a time, and lo be dreamed a dream. And it seemed 10 him In a vision that having armsd bliiuolf with certain papers and books tin turned hi steps once more toward Ueaveu and , knocked at the gate. ' 'Hello, is that vou againT laid Peter. What do vou wish?' Let these persons again o nus f.nlli,' re plied the editor, and Peter m ids them all pass through the gate aud stand onisido. I'liey came as before ami uttered the same cries a before. Why didn't you notice tlio big esg I sent you? yelled tbe (irst. 'It was rotten,' replied '.ho e nor. 'Why (ll'lu't ynu write up my aula foun tain?' cried the druggist. Ynu had your tickets pi luted at the other olllon,' calmly replied ths looel man. 'W hy did you write about old l oailln' son's bens sod never speak of my new gale?' shouted the third. Old ivmllnson paid lor ins advertising tnd you didn't. Here's tbe bill, said tho editor. 'Why did you spell mv namo wrong In the programme?' groaned the local talent. ' rake a look at this manuscript of yours and see for yourself,' said the odltor with a grim sin ile. The rest of the company yelled their complaints In unison, and the editor calm ly sorlod out series or bills Tor unpaid subscriptions aud presented each with one, anil it was so tbat wbeu Ihoy bad ra oeivod them, they all lore llioir hair and rushed violently down a steep place to the son, and Ht, Peter, taking the editor calmly by lite hand, led ului within the g tlo and said: 'Coma, friend, those chaps managed to slip thrutigh hero iu spite of ns, btillhuuks to the press, we uow kuow what sort of fellows thuy are. Come In and slay, we tiood few iuoh fbllows as you iu lioio.' ' ' ' The Tower ! Kisses. When Charle II. was making bis tr. limp ha tit progress through Kngland tier- tatn co inlry ladloa who wore presemo I to him, In-dead nf kissing the royal band. In their simplicity bold no their pretty lips io ue k isseu uy tue iving -a Piunuer mi one would moro willingly excuse iban the lover of pret'V Nell Owynn. floorglunt, uueness ol i)yonuire, gave nteel, tue bulchor, a kiss for bis vote nearly a oati tury since, au,d another eq-ially beautiful winimu, janti, ituciioss ol Uortlou, recrui ted her regimimt iu a similar manner. A kiss from bis mother male Benjamin West an artist. "Kiss mo, molhor, before I sleep?" How simple a boou, yet how soothing to tho suppliant is that soli gen tle kiss, 1 lie little bead sinks oonloiuudly eu the pillow, for all is peace and happi ness within. T110 bngiis pyns einve ami the roHv Hps am reveiliaer. ini. the britrhl and sunny dreams of iiiiiooeuno,, Yos, kiss inother, tor thai good-uluhl Kiss will lui. irnr In thn mOiHorv whmi tno 'trivnr lies mouldering Iu the grave. i The mtifiory or a gentio uiothoi's k-ss lias cheered many a lonely wandnrar's ptlgi image and uaa l.ocp thti beiie-in It2t tn Illuminate b s desninl heart; life has malty a stormy billow to ciuas, many a rugged path, to climb, ami we know led what is In htoio fur ttje litllu ono so swootlv slnnibeniig. with no mar. ring euro to disturb Ha ipeieeiiil dreams, ThepaiuhuJ and teverod lipi will biioouia dewy fttriilii as reoollectioii bears , lo tip) sullerei's conoli s tubtliei's lovo,' a moth, m's kiss, Then kiss your little ones ore they sleep; there Is a magic p iwer in that kiss which will endure to the end of life. , Tbe Miitlleloe. ' Tbo mistletoe is seen In Kurope, north from .Sweden to the Mo llierranean, and Iu America from the Ohio rtver to Texas. n It is common In the wuslom nnd southern . . i r .... , 1. . 1 .. COUflll iesoi r.uuniuo, w iinrH it Er'mn on va'ious kinds ol ir-es, nspe la ly ths Hp pie trie. In cider disirmts it ndiii t lines liMoiiuie vurv diHtriiOLive in th i iircliarila. It will live as loin as there is the le-isl life in the tree, slid die after it baa killod the trunk that sustainvd it.. Ills mil snplir-od lo gerininilUKpontaieoiiHlv on the b niuhs bul ui be piai Led by birds thu'. fisi I on its I.erriiK lu their atuitnirt to wipe Hi dr bills from the iiiiIii, ttiu attaching seed t ) the balk. The species railed the snored mistletoe, is found ini.ro rarely grnwimr uu oak trees th iu any oilier) li.-oeo that which grew on the oak a lC-artled with rollgloiis fervor, Il was thn holy plant of the Orsil.ls Ou thntixih day alter tho appesraniw .of the cio-i-ent mo m, at thu beginning of each mouth, th plants were bored on a priest's while rohe, "lid dislrlbote I ainonn the people, and wnre preserved bv thoni a charms. In Noitlt-rn ill ylholoyv, the ml-tl doo repro-o iled It.iul lor, thu boiuti Inl, the In o 1, and th. curly lost, fr'nr him the hollesl llruide smigbt in the most sol emu ooreiuonies, In the new moon, the tmstlu'i 0 on the oonsoctniod oak. The d'B covery of the plant on thu oak was balled wl.lison , nnd tho saerilloe of k white bub. The plant was g.th-risl freni the boughs with a knilu of gold, and caught In the white robn, and on no iCMmnt tiiusl It fall to Iho giuunU. Snittll Wo nn si. The power of money is, on the whol overiiiinted. The greatest things wnl. Il Imv b'sui done l-r ln world hay iioi lieun m:c impli-ilicil b rich nieii or bv si!bcrlpil -ii lists but men generally ol small ptounlary means. Tne gredtst thinkers, disejvris,isveiiloisand artists have jiimi uien of inodiiraLo wealth inanv of them tltlio raised above lite condition bfi manual lalxirers, In pnhiusf worldly olr ciiinstjtucos, - And It will always beat. Klc.hu aro oi tenor au tuipediineut th in ,i .n'.lmiilvs to S'-tlon snd ill many cases tin y sre .ull as Diileu a niisti rtune ss a bios siini, ,. The youth w ho Inherits wcail'j Unptjb) have Inn tun. In to i easy for tiiin, ami be soon grows sated with it, because be has indhliig left in desirOi ' Having nit epeoial nbieel lo hlrnpi'le for. lie rtnits lime linmp inif he.ivv on bis hands, remains morallv and inenttlty asleep, and tils position In Hoclcty Is olion nil bluher than that of a pnlypiuwvei' which lliu t,ldi) floats. Mi s X. is tolling Mrs, Y. about bet visit lh Oonoori School, 'it was do liglnful,' she said, 'There bio s many lovely drives and walks alsint ('one rd ami such tiiaiiil old bonses.'i 'flitl what ol the lectures ?' Mrs, Y. asked. 'Alii' Mrss' X. replied, 'nf (soli-si) I don't uu tlersUnd 11 sun, but It was chsrrritug to sit In that quiet liUlu, chapel and listen to the crlckeis outside I's-lloston I'ourior, ' . ' ' ' ' " Annmberof Protestants In Salatllan, Mexico, were stoned and several killed, when inaugiiriiilnga bui'd n 'or l'lolo. Uut worship a short time since. r- . . yinetoeti mule! iu drove of thirty were klllud by il Jlash of liglitinlng In W.ishing',on ominty, k v. They bad just buu purohsM'd f,(t fl.s'il, , , ', ; , The 1 linit llilugs iu bixils- nlocklngs. , 1 be most obarmlug bridal veils are tif luusiou.. TtomU Hut are hard to re-lojin vugs- ' LouiU, . :no. 30. : Ward Worth Rrmemberinsi.! J We know uot tbe Worth of. water till tlm well is dry. Thero are calomrrios tsainat which even Innocence loses oournge. - o . , t 1- - . I Rellnr be nprlsbt and want, than wicked and have a superabundance. - Industry need not wish, and he 'who lives upon hope Will die of fwiling.ti, The fullest and best ears of wheat nans lowest toward the ground. . i They nro uover alono that art) aooom. panted with noblo thought. In refraining from being moan to others you mo good to yourselves. A year ol pleasure passes like a floating brecse.but a moment of inlsfoi tun seems an age o( pain. , Life, as wa rail it, la nothing but Ilia O'luo of the bouudloss ocean of existence. He that cannot forirlye othors breaks the bridge oyrr which be ir.n ht pass bltrjsolf. Huccess Is full of promise till rhrn got It, and then It is a 1 ut year's uasl frvin whlyii ths bird U tlowtl, We onmimmne by .being In love wllb our own thoughts, and follow by sooklng to iniike others worship) ihem, . . Ths romnmbrsfiee of beloved mother becomes tbe shadow of all our scUoas, it cither goes before or follows. It is oaslor to dlsnonso' with riches when they are not uoodod, than not to at ttich oorsylvos to Ihom wbou we. posoas inoin. . -11 r ' r. .1 Men trust rather t their eyes than to thoiresrs, the elfsct of proopt-i Ihere- fojel.nv sud lodlous, whilst that of tx amplo Is summary and elleclual. He wbo Is false to tbe present duty breaks a tine id In tbe loom, and wilier the effect when tbe eAVing of a lifetime Is unraveled. .' -. I ' : 1 He is but u weak man who cannot twist and weave tbo threads of bis reeling, however firm, b twevor strained or bow. ovor strong, into tho groat cablo of pur- pae, ny which no lies mooroa to a point ol acllou. , , , ,, , , JCverylbiiig In nature IiuIuIjo in amusement. The lightning plsys, the wind whl itlo"; trie tlinndor rolli the snow (lies, tbo waves leap, and, the holds tinll. even uio onus snoot una inu rirsrs roil. ' . 1 .if; !H:r .1 , :; ADVKRTI.SKMKNT8. .L (1 AT I (lreit jjianoe to make mon JkJ LjU cv. We need a person tn every t'tWn'le taltn'iiibsilVitlbiis" for tho larjresf, e. eapesl and best lliustrsteii rajt.il ly loibilo ition lu thn world, Anv onk'can I'ersime nMuisssHsful asrent. hlx- :lrnani works of ail given tree to ubsnrllir. Tbe The price Is so low that almost every hotly subserlt es. Ono agont rtifhifis taking 129 sulisnilbeiH In a day, A liulf sgonl reports Disking ovor JJOn clear prollt lu ten day. All who imgagn niaitQ inutiey fust. Vuu can 'dovrtfo rid your lime to the busrues". or only your spare timo. You need not bo away fiom l.oinoover night. You oau do II as' well' as others. 'Full directions anal leraia free. Ulegant and expensive ontut fieo. If you want prolitablo work send us your address at once. Itjws: unthlng to try the business. No one wbo engsgae falls to make groat psv.- Addraoa tluorge Nil iison A Co, I'ortbuid, Maine. , July 19 ly , i.. . j, i . r i AlVI! busineaatiow belorelhs pub. lie. ion can make money fa-ter at work for us than at anythlui else Capital uot required. Wo will start vou. (12 a day and upwards raado at home iiy the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work lor ns. Now Is tbo 'time. You can devote your wholo time to the work, oronly your spare moments. No other business will pay yon nearly as well. No one willing to work can lull to make enormous pay by enuaulnir nt once. Costly Out lit snd tei ins rreo. A great opportunity for making monev easily anil honorably. Address True it Co. Augusta, Me. July 15 ly. gTAT!! 01' NORTH CAROLINA, HalifaY County, Kupvrior Court. Hit-hard V. Radgnr, and wifo, ami others I'lllllllllIS Against w". A. nnntol, .Tno. tl. I (nder for Whttttetd.snd others j Pnbllcatlnn Uo'i'iiditnts. i This la civil notion . M-ndl' g In snid court iiiHiltuti d by tiiu plsliitnla Kiohanl (,'. ltadi;er and wilt) and others, egiilnei W. A. Dunlel,. Inn. H. Whltrteld.and others lo recover nl the defendant W. A. 4anlul a- tl bis sureties the amount duo by bill) ss ths ituarilmn nrlbo philntlirs and lo sub sit the land dlvisod by the last will and toduniunl of Andrew Jevoor, tlecnasod, ts the iri muutof mild recovery, s-aLI lands ennfl'lng In part Iho tract w bio eon Ibe lolnoiiai Juo. U.W'hittlQliI residud, sic- uatnd in sai l county of II rillfux tiQar ol the toM II i f r.llllillil. The dos'.h of ssi I delsndsnl vVhlllleld baviiirf at spllig Utim IK,Sl of tliSi oourl Ina-ii fsiiggpstrd. aud that 11 Mxeiiulor Joseph c, Ililumy, his otil'dnn Mary KaeoV HltliUck, Kvelvn W IMmvrl wl'eot J.ll.l b n e Knlsiru Whlttl Id and ethers, reproseni said dufondanl's lltterost in tills action ami sie inu proper sun nei-essary parties lo a Ilnal aJuUilleatioii til hln rielitA. hereto. It wa nr. tiered that a notice Issue to them and should be made In appear by pro- pur alllduv", that any of said parlies are noo ii-stdnuis unon whom lertkenf Pro cess tailtiol bo made personally, then tbo aid lion risiidutits are lu bo noiilied Iiy pubiicAilmi its i required law, and thu nol. roKideticy Slid atiseuco from the Stale so Ihat summons iaunn.it bo persnnsfTv servnl iisiu lUum M inn said Mary rnuy. Hitldick, nud J.iU'ierca and wifo, Kvelvn W, 1'ietie and KoberU Wb I Hold being made appear by slli.liivlts as inquired. , Now Iboieforu the taitl Mary Vanny llld.lick, J. B. J'len-eantl wile, Kvelyn W. and' UoUrta . ' Whllliold are berwby H4ifiiKl , t., ,bo,.stid -.appear. . bo i lore tho.Jtidge of mir Superior court, at a court to bo I old for the esunty of Halifax, .Stale o ' orth tliirollns, at the I oiirthouse tn lUiUsx.lown ia llio Ui r l Monday, in Neplomber ISsO, Ihen and thero to ilnlend their Interest borolh', and further to do snd ro ive wbatntir snid court -shall then and there consider ol them iu this isiiinir.i 1 v' ,c ' - Let this notluo be inaorto4 In tbe Roa noke .Now n, a nowspapor puVie bud lu said comity nl Ballliix, oiu'tf a Week for Is successive ssak,'1- - ' '.' Witness John T.t.roKnry, Cloik of our said court st idll-'H in llalilnx tjw n, this the 17lb day ol July A. I. IS.MI JOHN T, HKKUORY. Clerk Superior Conrt, ,' Ilnllfsa Onunlv, N. C, Mullen T Mocre Altys. fcr Ptalulltl. -Itilv SO-, H m U M SO f so tm M 00 4 M One Squitta. " $ m S n 'S fiO 10 n 15 M 20 Oi) l wo ciquares, Tlnee isojtjarwi, io w 15 00 is m 20 00 8n . w t in 7a CO I'our hqusros, Fourth !oJ'n, Mall Column.. fa'bole Columo, Oue Year, i-aitfn inw e ii iian a i mmzmks&wmwimii TALBOTT t KOKS SII0CKUR MACHINE WORKS, , RICHMOND VA.f Mannfaoturor ol Tortsble and 8latlonary Knglnes and Hollers. Saw Mills. Corn and Wheat Mills, (shafting, Hangers and Put. levs. Tut blue Water Wheels. Tobacco Ua- rhlueiy, W'mughl Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Maehluory of Kvery Dee nrlptlon. Ginning and TnitiisiitNo Macuinu A SPECIALTY. Ilopalrlnf Prouiptly A Carelnllf ii. TAI.BOTT'8 PAPRNT PrARK-ARRRiTER. ' Tbe Iurentlen et tha Age. It does not destroy the draft. It doea not Interfere with cleaning the tube. It will not choke op, and rrqulrea no clean ing. It requires nn direct dsmnera to ha opened when raising steam (dampere be log ol'Jsellouable. aa I bey may beleltODen and allow sparks to escape ) It requires no water tn extlngnlsli sparks, which, by oondeusatioa, dtstroya toe until, nesinos, wnen water is used, if neglected, the efficiency la destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler ia xopi inaiBitsj ronartton. i . .n ii is simple ami durable nfl can ae re lied upon. It can be altsobed to any boiler. No planter should be without on of U.sn. ' Insurance companies will insure gins end barim where the Tsmott naiues aa4 Spark-Arresters aro used at ssme rata aa charted for water nr horse power. ' - j&-8end for Illustrated. oJreulara and prloe list. . Uranob honss, noidskorn, Tf. ' , J, A, JlAUHKR-tiepersl Manager. , ' T, A, CKANUER, Local JVlanaaer. nan fi l!.t . ' - . w fSVV, 1)0 lltstily rsysnmann1.a In Ui. puiinc for all Si. J ruajareqelrtei crtal d Sllll tUkiulal 4)frit$ , rss-iu:ylii Jnipi Uoh, lj.la, I, . c A OroalTUDlOa :IR0N BITTERS, A Salt Appotisor. IIOHEMRS, . A CoaptoU ISMfUM. ihoubWers, ' i- ' a VskisM IMMH, IRON BITTERS, H m lnr. irohbWers, rsfnsiiHf.Ni tw, trHl ata. ri. X uf Srr-nij'A, .i mf ?!?, rt U i ioii. lit kU4, tiwiitn lh utaJl eii and (in rw ui, to Hi n.rra. 'Ia tsia sirad. l0tM, m4 ckit dro HsUlrlli( tvifmr Uon.. Uil vahi.bi r.i)iisty cut rsh tsi Us tiighlr ncoiiinnil4, il Mei lilt, m rArtarw UU Ul.dlRS-litIV Olti.ll. , A tirftafaouiirui SHIir ' niMl will roiaor. til ilyts-ptlo syuiptoui. ,. TWV IT. .. Sols by all Omrriitt, ' iHEEcwicusmai, BALTIMORE, IM. Ueg IS ly W. It. VICE y 1 . f 'AKiti(:r. a sid nruQics MADE TO ORDER OK .UKPAlItED AT LOW rUICES. ! All kinds of wood work and trimming done In good style. Ulscksmltli work done itt short led) to end will) nestnesa, All new work warranted. Klna lialntlng foe buggies done at tow prlei-s.best paiut uaed. !ri: J il A t rum i ion givewto THE VVb'ERTAKINa, DEPARTMKUr. 'Cmn anJ.Caatiaef all llaea Oooalaotlr on hand. , , . . . .- CarrU'ie Mtlorlals knpimiband alprlra' bo Low I'utorsbuis; nntrket. 1 ' Wehlon V. "JB. JlllKI Jy . ... , r ) , ,i . ., r . 4 IS o. T. rOKD. Takds pleasure In'aunrtiinclng 'thai' be oau still be lound at lilstbuul isi s . : - 'flRST iiTRL'BT, I.;' , Wo-rc bo has ou baud a full line ol Ua l-'lbest - - WINK;', ' " ' '' ' ' ' ' " i i-'Wl!I.llitrf.S..:aild . v ,-jt, ; ,,, )HiA.NI'IK:V , . , ,, -1 , Toll A ceo, fT'SAUS, J "" ; imd Nl'PK, -'.--" : ' .-.' ' OKA JfHBsl.'' A t'Pt.fS, ' -.1 c Hutl CUaSJfKtfi'lONKUIKS . Ilia stock of Cimutsl Ooods aud tirooer loa is uuusually . . , Full and C o m ; 1 t ' Ha Csi.KT Wnistsy 4 fririatiTr, ' FBKSH I,A(1KR HKKH 05 DRACOHT. II guarautuce saiKfaaion. Call and see lain, - sNuvil 1 v, saissff--4f -i fcli I Sit . i : 5 1 - i -. " H -4 O I!

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