CHE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY L. M. LONU A W.W. HALL. THE ROANOKE NEW5 ADVERTISING RATES. fl ' If Oat Tinr, In advance, 8ix Months, " Niree Months, ' 2 on I 00 75 ets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O B O. W. HAUTMAS, 8 a r ( e o a Dentin!. OHlee over Vf. II. Brown'H Vry Hoods Stun", WBI.nON, N.C. Will visit parties at tlu-lr homes whop iWlr-.l Tcruia Reasonabl,!. ort ly J M. O R I Z 7. A. IV4, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, lUUPAX.N.C. Office I Hi" dart Koine. Hf rlct attention piren l all tiranrliesuf III" profession. an U ly Til T. B mm: U, ATTOR .iKY AT LW. EKFIE1.D, N. C. Practices In the counties of Hallfst, Nash Kdffecotnhs and Wilson. Collections made in al pirtsof the State. Jan U tt V. HALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N.C. Spsclat attention given to collections and reiulttaticis promptly made,, . may ltf. lilll K. HVLLIM. J01IM A. MOOHR. llDLLIH IMOORIi, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. n VLIPAX N. c. fraetlon In tho counties nf Halifax, Nortliami tan, Hdgoenmhe, l'Kt anil Martin In the Su preme conrt nf the State anil In the Federal Courts of tho Ktstern District. Collections made la any part of tUo stale. Jan 1 ly UBS B. O'HARA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. XXFIHU), N. C. Practices In the eonrti of Halifax and artjoln llf counties, and in the supreme and Federal teorts. Colectlnns made In any part of the Itate. Will attend at tlie court house in Halifax a Monday and Friday of each week. Jail lilt R omai O. IDRIO.I JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. Praetleei In tha conrtaof Halifax, and adjeln Inf counties. In the Hupreino court of tlu Slate, and in the Federal courts. Will flT special attention to the collection f claims, and to adjusting the account of ei etaUri, adminlatratera and guardians. de lltf G ATI L. IIIUU, ATTORNEY AT LAW. H.UIPAX, N. C. Practices In the eonrta of Halifax and adjoin Inc counties, and In the .supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina. Office In the Court House. Julyttf PgKQMAS M. HILL, Attorney at Law, IlUCAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adjoining count aid Inderal and Sunr-me courts. Will be at HcoilauJ Neck, un-e every fort- alt-it. anir ss if JO,. B. BATCH EL'Ml. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BALElllFI, N. C. Practices In the courts of the (lih Judicial latriol aud in the Federal and surroiue Courts. ay II tf. PIT vT, MA (J N . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ArtYSBUK C4, K. C, Practices In the courts of Northampton and a lloiuinj countiea, also In the Federal and su -ro.ueoourt. June ltf. . B. DlT. AT k k. e. tm.i.inirv'KK. XOLLIC0F.FKK. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TSI.l)ON, N. 0. Practice In the courts nf Halifax and adiolnlii aoiinlins, and In the Supreme and Federal courts Claims collected III auv part of North Carolina. Out of the nrm will always tin found in thu jOc. JuneiCly. P it. K. I-. MUSTEK, ,H V R U E O N DE.UIKT On ba found at hia office in Enfield, Ban NitrouaOi do (Ja Car the Pain imi KxtracliuK of Tooth always on baud. Juae Tt tt. K B a vy 1, BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOJ, N. C. Practices In thee uirta of Halifax. Warren and ini... ...... 11, tli, stiitreine and reil- ral courts. Claliua ' oiilleeted in any l art of North Carolina. )""' 11,1 U. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Soarni-o Nacic. IUufax County N. C Practleee In Ihe county of Halifax and adioin jocountjes, anJlu tUc i-uiirviso cuurt uthc VOL. IX. 'dost in Tin: ijate. Now, Harry, pr.av, dull"! lall ;!i at me loli wlnn ." e;., I wish j. ii would I ' To ii-vcri-lain th-. (.il, FVrP..-ssl.. Pst, And s i d.i-s I, To t.-ll iii. in-n! , every lil on' km. :lit. VI ,1'U They heard It s! Oil I II' -ale. 'Twa nearly fen la-t ni-lit, you Ininw, llll' II, iw 'tis Very la i' - lYVe'vc i .ilk, ,1 al'.oil so many HiOks) - II, do -l.llll I :. ,;.,,, For all I li-' ne: I,', .rs IhMr'ni,' Will sae out- In! u i',. fa.,. We've 1 II .1 M-II.I..IK. I l o,l will I tie I, .i.e. It Km t Imii : li if Is a 'I v - 1 ule 1 wlsli l liat I hia iri I" eiuivass Well - ., At least t'o Wliell III ' Ymr i',i; i'Ii To hear i, ! Hll'a lit 'illill 1 il Kilt 1; " 1 mil alu.ii II I he i: a and .y. JOSIE'S NEW HAT. Tho it uom ton of a tow liat is it uprimiH OIIO tu Hll (lirls, ('Veil Ilu5su wlio linvo rioli iiiins inn', hill nitrons, in Junto llerno 11 ha,!, alas hIwhvh Iiwii sprimis iinostion ltit una t-ori n miimontuUH ciceHsimii, nbniit to tin iles. ctiboil, ils soriousiioss was beginning to iwmimn npp illini; profio? '.ions. I Ins iins tho whs it was : Tho Nowcoiiio girls hail p.i' ; imi up n lawti-pai ty, led on t i il l so l,y l!io ox.ini. plo iir sonio li ii'iuls a lin Inn) lint roeonilv roturiKul I'ioiii n iiioluino'il ri'siiloooo Hlinnil, anil who Jiio'ai'inl lliiit lil'nin Uin oonnt.'y wits nut In lj iMolni-od wiilnmt lawn p irlios now iiml llion to u l evo its todions innnnloiiy, Tho Ncweoiiii's worn tlioir'oit peon'o of t'diilrovillu. Thorn won) it hn!f ilr..en girls f them, anil llioy wore io y nien (tirls, ton, in llieir way j raihor sh'nwv, :t littlo liiinl, littlo hIiuiuv, itii'l soinowhat ilisposoil 'to put on airs,' us linn anl in t HI'll'lJVlllO, lull, on till! wlnilo, nooil mil ti rod nml kinil-lio.irled tfirls ; uml lililo .Insio Homo, wlio whs llio ilanmor of thoir tiiuaic inaslor, had olu'ii loiinil t itt"ii ho. . I Hey woro Oi Hint .lr 1 1 1 V uiviliu Imr In tho honso whim hor latlior imiiiu to Kivu ihoni lossotis ; they iifiim inviioil lior to toa uiiiro nfiori llian ,l.isi oinl.l i ei'i'pt, forBliolml so low ilii'ssos, uml sn di s sho hil uoro not in a vory li tio staio of preservation, tiolwiilisi.inilioir t iio eaio aim took of tlioin. Anil in sniiiinor, ospns cmlly, kIio Iiml ufion lo rcfnsu inviiat'ons Id tun, wlion sho wonlil verv Khutly liavo niMoptoil tin m, licoaiisohor Hinnnirr w il robo oonsisii'il ni two i'lnap f n n k1 in riiwiis, made iiy hor own HKi'.iul liulo hands : oaeli ilniesho wont out Hiivw hein it wim noiiossary to iin;iosr in una or llm oilier of IIibho piwns, vniuluMy litutnli io,! by Josio linrsolf. And how fresh and" pretty tlioy loi korl, too; uml no one aver dioumoil how flushod nnd tired Josio had hoon aftor the ironing, or what eeonoinv aim had prae liced to pimlilo nor to liny the e.Mra hail pmin.l nt siareli, Itut sho didn't niind lint, not n Int. aftor tho task was ii.vonip'isiii'd. Mio was just lis liappv, unit iMii ivcd liorsa f proliably miiiMi mmo than any or.o nf thoso uirln Ijoiio dr 'ss,m worn so nianv tliat lliov would liavo Imon pnz, e I to nimiU'r tlio m ks a innro mat. or of mom orv. , , . lint sometimes evon llni slrVifst ocon lli y l.dlod lo In iiiK in t::n i-k ra siareli; and hs Josie was hor I'atimr's iioitsokoopnr, and ilid all tho laundry work as well as hor own dresses, and the i is'kme;, house cleaning, xverytiiing in kihnrt, and kept tlio tiny cnltaije as noil and trim, hs it tlowoi ,'iiiliv, it h tpponoii, occasional Iv, that sho couldn't even allor.l i I it- linio lo (i up to tlio Nowoouic'h tianit lionso In enjoy the lio-spji nlu v ll.nt was jirotloicd with siicli lioailv ti'i id will. HnwnviT, a liwii-p.ul.v- I hat w:t'i oinri I 111 nif Hint Could not lin lolusod. l lii'io foro it was acfi'inod, and j;'a lly ion, f, r Josio IloiiiA li'iiid tho so.'ietv of youi'i; people of hor own , and ei ) ived 'a yood limi?" ipiiie as nmcii as h:i, youoit, liriulu luippv itirl could. lint oh ! llio hours id auxiel y that licspt Josio nlicr tho loo teinpiine; iuvit ilion had liooii a,'cc)led. All Ci'iilrm ilki w.iu'd lio thoro, of courso; too .s'oweotnns Inl tho line t lawn in Ihoiieltih, rlmd, andcvcrvl) ,dy would 1)0 chin lll'lli; v ilivsscd. Suoli HO oppoifiindy lor llio ibsplty oi sunimer toilets did not occur ev cry d..y, hint when it did. nf course everyone would laUnad vaiil.n;o ot i'. J.,. 10 was nul n vain n il, and only moderately loud of dress, hut fir a lawn party a liat was an Hlwilti o necssiiv, mil what 111 tlio woi hi was .site oin 10 lo for sho had In on wvino lier daik s.raw, Irimmed witli 11 b inlil wi'iL'e i lililo bird, all Ihe spi 1111; and so far into the summer that ou'.v a iiatiii u v luu nette eouii!excin eoiild have .stool such eh so acunaint indo with the sun. Cut thai hat w ith a liitlit muslin dritsa would never do tor a lawn paity. t'on..oiUiiol ly, poor J sin was in despair, at le 1st as liearlv so as a loiuiit, honeiul, ltiit liearted uirl of her nitu could im. I musi overhaul mv,, be 1' !.e tllollitht, Hie dav after aeeeteltu; thoinvi Ihiioii ; and wnh a comic tl Inilo unmace aim lidded. beini;s.) ex ensive id'cmiiso I may Iuivh for-jdiou tnsiiv lliin-js no doubt 1 ahull find iiist wliat I want 111 it.1 Next dav, accord inulv, iu H ) 111 as her mo.-nine;'s work was over, ami f,er tlio onelioura practicn on thelinln c ttin niiiio, wiiinli she reer emit e.l, Jhm proeis'di d to oveihiul her wardmm) as ehe had u lid. add l'' 1. ill v to Imr hii se, j noiwilhstandiiitf Us liml'el prnpor, ions, si.e aetuallv loiitid two mice, nl wlmul she hud been uocnuss'ious. I hwe weic. llrat, a leyliorn hat, VO 'V el l, vt yellow , and bavitnr a verv wide bnni; ho i sc.Miid, a drum nf lltiu l!;.!:a ni'.i.dlu, tlinn atalnod and atili,,iiaujd In 1M11, hut -o IciiH and wide In lh skirl that .losie'K ijiiiek eve Inetantlv It, In Hie minor of hor mind, ripped, bleached, ro made into an elegant dross nf thn pionent d.iv. 11 till acliel' s had loilotmcil In iho pis fi y yonmr mother dead so many years hio, ihatevo'i tho mmnory of her was like the lleetlin mist-like dream t .Josie Heme, lint tlio w arm te ns dropped from lier eves, and she kished the h it mid dresa as she took them up reverently in lier hands. 'Hear little mother I' "he murmured , and thouirlit, perhaps, that mollier'a apirit hovered nmr, anxious fiat her little girl should enjoy her day of Inno cent pleasure while aha waa young and happy. The lint was broken and worn rnund the nilter e.ltro, but so wide that it oould bear Willi Improvement, a couple id' Inches tsken from the brim, aud then, when pressoi into eliaie on tho post nl the old fashioned bedstead, it linked, as Josie Jaiiithintrly aa-nred herself, like a 'Lund new fi'Hy 'f Ihe latot aivie.' What to trim it Willi became thn next inomuiitoua aiieailnn ; aud alter Ihinkini; (lie matter over all dav whilo eii(t aned in bur other duties, Jnsin was nblincl ti Kivo it up, leaving the liat stiilpoi .ej on (lie end of tlio htd-post, CinaoliiiK ber aelf with ibe lioiolul reljectiiiu : 'Well, I'll 111 mane it soiiieliow-Home-thinu will lie aiiru to turu up In lituu for the lavrn-pai ty Meantiiin) the yellow, tinio-atained India muslin was ripped, and washed, aud blfucb'.'d hko tho now luilou puow, WELD ON, IN". nnd Ihon made into a clmrniinir (ostunio Willi rutlleii and kuil'e ile nines In the newest m yle ; and indeed it made a dros handsoino ououi,'h lor any occasion. Hut, aias ! HotliinK In Ihe shape of trimniniir lor Joiie's hat had yot liei.n lomu1, nnd ill despair she had almost deridod nil a wrealli ot w ild nviii s and (jr.iH.iw. Tlmy woaid lie nppi - pi and lovel v -for a'u hour, porli iis ; hoi ul'ior that llie'v would le failed and w, and terrijv sue. it"stiVo nf a L'enliol iiiakevhlit. I'.oi a Kinu la o, w no sniely wails youiie; uh Is, i-amii in tlio rescue oil poor On llio ,.iy In , .ro that II xo I for Hie 1 1 o p iny, .Insio was haiioim; nut In r few limn la s to dry on !hn rosnloish in lioul oi tho lions.' ; and wluio slut did so her clear, fresh voiin? voice M114 vMy 'l.iin 11 liody ineot a body t'oinin' Hho' the rvn, (lin a Led v kiss a lenlv, Need a bo ly cry ?' 'X', Indeed, ' t ii,iii,;ht a epnd luoklnn youtli, who was jiisi passin.-; 'lor niv own part I'd he more likeiy In sniilo.' and he snipped and looked I mi; ami adinir iie;ly al tho prnl IV gill spreidin lier lill In liii" of laces 10 dry, ilnui us she turned toward him Im doil";ed quickly out of siL-h:, and at the same innineui a wandering loei zo cauaht the loose snk liinilkeicliiel caii lesilv knotiel about liis tlii'oU, bio it sirai'ht toward .lo-oo nnd dropiied ii al her lent, whl'o llio owner, I inuhiii'.; to Ininsob, passed oil li'lcou- sci'ills nf his loss, Willi a crv ofde'i.'.ht J.isio cuiht up Hie soli, bril iaut sipiavo of silk, with ils bonlnr nf Koiu in coloi s. and iu lier plate ful Joy pressed it to tier lips, 'vVheio could It have conn) from?' slio asked, iiloud. 'Su civ must have diopprd il '.' And lliCii. w tihoiii a init lor an niriiiir for it house, up s airs to lier Nouie nond 1 11 iv Hi .ntilit of look , she ilcw into me li.lle room, nnd snalelied her hll. whe n It still li iiti n shape. bom ihe beil-iosl biece; T1 d 11110 Josin's costume f r the lawn o n ly was Hreat sin ss 1 indeed Hie so, 1, 'while India muslin was llio im i n si dress there, and Uin old I'lshioned leomril hat, wilh hs 'rimminsof two hall handker chiefs of brilliant silk wound scarf-wise about il and nod ill 11 bow 011 llio side, was declared r hoiiiio the most btiitotn im; heu'ear Ih it lia.l over been in Ccn 1 1 evi1 'e. 'I note was one yoiniK neullenian tlimn who scarcolv look liis eves from Josie's hut lor the llrst half hmir atier lier up peatancoun llio lawn; then lie seemed to diseovor Unit her bright, dark vduhk face was even innro atlr-ctivo than her br ll iaotly li'iuinicd hat, 'KyJovo!' thought Arthur Moorland, Mi's iho pretty little sirl who wanted 10 knuw il hoiiiK kiHsi d was a thing to cry about. I'pon my word t would like to iiuike a practical demons! ration of her fool in us on tho subject. And that's whoro I lost my silk handkerchief. I'oor, pretty child ! how nuid I am sho four.d it perhaps she wouldn't liavo benu hnto but fur that lucky pull of w ind that blew it away. The jirin ay she's as poor as site's I'har'iiini;, and if that be truo she must ho poor indeed.1 Arihur Moorland was 11 rich b.i'f spotled coild of fashion, but his heart was id 'Hie t 'lflit place.' as nren Ins dntiMOtors were 1 1 l 1 '-;..ii to admit, So win n bo asked lor an iiiii'iidiiction lo Josio, and ib vnli.d liint .I'M' to her for the rest n; llni dav, K i,e N.iwcniiio said lo Iter sister liessie, Leave Ail iur alone none nf ua want hbii, lie'a too elegant and fine, but bo's a aplanibd follow. And l ho is really ainiiuui w i' li that do ir littla .los in, w hat a tun; mliccul .liuitf it will bo for her.' . ho the course ol fain l"vn was poi iii lii j li Klido mi wilh almost piDVokini; suiooilioess, and one day Atlhur told Josiu Ihat lie couldn't live any longer wiLlmut Iter and didn't intend to try 'ilh, Atlhur!' faltered Jos'e, Iniishimr 1'Uo a June rose, 'what's to ho done ihon T f r you know I'm iho victim ot a rash vow, and I'm afraid it would bo wicked to bieak it.' A vn ! what vow? qucuionod Ar ihur, 1111 uin"; pale. 'io, llio nuili is, Arthur, Iho day lie. lout I 1 n "I vn it 1 loiiud a lovely i-.'k Intiilken hief, and U was such an nhs 1. lute uoil-seud and rose, in 1 me from such a i caudai v , in at I nifcn i 1 1 111 v sell iltat I won i, iii.u 1 v none nl In-r II1111 tin' owner 01' mat h.iiniketcliiel', if 1 0 11 d evi.i 1111 ei linn, aud he should a-k me 'And Voil shall keep Iho vow, 111 v dar Ioil; 1 am, or w.., Iho ow tier of thai i.aii.o.creliiel,' aud ho caught llio blusliiin; Utrl iu bulb anus. You -will, I have suspected it. from tho wav you I.K'Ued 111 111 y hat that li i-t dav -vou Know vol j'Ct stand, Arthur, mi l alter ihat ou look to looking ut nie, you know !' Yes, 1 know!' laughed Arthur, and then he made a t il'orl o Iiml mil Josie's opinion on Ihe subject id' home, kissed, and I liat youiiit in.udoll d.d not cry. A Itiiby oim'Ii in Iho Hull. A 1 ihy ran iaj;o in tho ha! I. Tim l.apniesl p, 1 o !u :' 1 1 1 1 11 1 1; ta 11 anv bouse can Im isl, alw a vs nial. iiiu an lum oralde exeepti, 11 in lavor of III ' eradb', The b.ibv cirrnije 1 ms a hotno. Wilnoui it. -nil v a place to stay 111. It liii-ms a "ib ar lutlu dimple dat line," thai makes sunshine all the time when it hasn't not Ihe d lie. It means a happv inoiher, v-heiso lile Is I'.l cd w ilh a I t -inter care, nil sweet re si.iesiliihiii s, ail wondei lul hope lor Ihe I o 1 11 1 1, ll means a father who li l is his bead up tun oi it tion Hh Hi" k tatideal dignity Hut any in an inyv know. To iiiolncr it N "I'.al'v." '!'.) fi'lu r :-"My I" y " That baby carriaK'o in iho hall means all Iho wealth ol rosy liottis as mother sinjfs lullaby annus-pel haps, "Ha h m d IP, I) an -els r. 1..- s! ! lv slatulier, nard i'iy 1,-1." When all the lime she is Ihe auttel thu (!od ap)oinled to puurd It, as liuiiu of all hinli heaven's host could un, U meatiH a word of plans and projects winch all centre iu that one little lile. It ine ills a lather that studies his bink hal ince Willi w ondorliilldiliironoe, fur '"My inn must have a i( 'Oil educaliou, aud a (nod atari iu l ie," you know. And i;oes home and catches the lauitli inti toddler up, and reddens tho dimples with his whiskers, and then addressing hiiD wiln comical (Utility, asKs, "Well, (inventor, where shall we (ro now T" And althoii;h he only rails him "Uny. cmur," tl.e neither's heart savs and Ihe father wiiuldii'l deny it were .he to put It In winds- that more likely it will be l'res. ideal, in that, dim, beautiful and cortaluly very k'i and future. Her choice, though, would be that be should Im a "jood man and a happy one. Ilctwi en them bid h 1 1. ey parcel out lor bis manhood's years nil that makes lifn Wot ill the liviliff. That baby earriarje iu the hail means a Hoed ileal' i!o(M it not? It u.eaua every Ihiiitf tu tho lather aud lin it her. It means more than ran he told. II you have such a piece of liirnituto in luo yon knrtw nil about it. If vou haven't it a a waste u! law lualu- ' iuI to boljcr you with. 0., THURSDAY, i lie Orpliiiii Kouiiiln Home. . A few dava uno n boy nboiit toil years of wit", lame mid aiekly, who hud been liviini with his mother iu room in the Htv, found himself alone in the world. The la I Was 1,10 ill to rido in one poor carriage which followed th body to lli cravo yet 110 ooe thought his condit ion set ions. After the funeral 11 tin 111 Ion- i f persona nailiered In the poverlv-slrlckeu room, whine he lav weeping, lo see what dispo sition could be ill l 'e of him. "If ho wasn't lame I'd I ike hltn Into my fmiity," obieryeil one of (he men In a tone ihat seemifl , 1 rrtiw tlmi lin blamed llio linv f ir his in isiorl 11 no. "Weil," it's aw iul hard, " sighed one nf llio women, "Imi 1 know ho couldn't alotu; wnh my children." "Nor with in inn," inl'led llio second, "If I should tike lum li"' 1 run np a big doctor's loll on me," said a man as be lilloit liis pipe, 1-1 led no, 1 every euo had some qjifusc The lev heard llC'tn all w ithout a w u, but wnh ,iiiv,'l lin chin Hild eves til t nf U'tt s. I'tnler one pretext and anolher all slipped out and li lt hltn alone, promts, no; 10 Have iniollicr talk In thu iiioruiiu, l'lohaps that nlt;hl Iml'ote llioy closed Iheir ovos In sleep, homo of them llioiuht ol tlio poor lad l hij in thu dreary room alone and allium helpless, but if so, 11 un nf them went near lino. Late in the morn inn a w oman 1 1 1 11 it on the saute ilonr went in 10 si e il ho lim;ot nut want 11 bile to cal, and the ipiesiioti of who stioeld take care o' bltu was se, tied. Hod had taken lum. I In-mod close id ihe wall, us if ho featcd (he mi Ititlit sliailows, and with e- clashes yet wid, ho was dead and cold, no hunter II burden to any one. Thn boy loo lame to Im taken care of on earth inn feeble to earn Ihe crust some one would have tiven h id a homo bolter than llio best. W hen lle'V knew ho died alonu, women bent over littn mid ivopt. When titey linei his wasted hiuiy from tho bed, men's con sciences sniote 1 hem for their haish words but it was loo late, lie bad ejoite front ourlli feeling Ihat there win no tnercy in till) li 11 11) 1111 heart, lietroit l''ioo I'lesa, About I'rrsiilenlH. Thn I'niled States have had nineteeti l'rcsidonls, four of tluuu of Irish descent J.icbsou, Tyler, I'loreo and lliichanan. Tito rresidont holds his nlliee for four yeara. Ho must bo a native of loo I'nili'd Stales, and must liavo attained the aire of Ihirly-livo years. In most cases, iruin 17S:l to 1821, the lb esident was otccted by the legislatures of the dillorent Slates. The original provisions nf iho Constl lulioii provided Unit Iho porsou bavitiit ihe next h'utltest number of voies casi lor President should bccoino Viccl'i'ei dent. No Komtin Catholin haa evor occupied the I residential chair. All the other prominent roliKious denomlnalloiiH have been represented, tlrant and lltiycs 1110 Metliniiists. Williaiii Henry liuriison, 7.acharv Ta v lor and Abraham Liiijoiu were the onlv I'lesidi'iils who died while in ollioo. Harrison assumed his ollioo March 4. IMI, and died the next month. Vice I'residont John Tylev smcccded him, 'i'avlor atirved until July 5, la.MI ; Md lad l'iilnmro served out the term, co n was shot nil tlio litti-enth of April, si j, .Andrew Johnson iaUui"; his place, Washington, Jelleisoii, Madison Motiroo, llarns'i'i, I y or and lailorcauiu from iiaiiiiia, John Adams and Ins sou, John lymncv, from Maasachuselta, Van Huron Irotu New York : i'loroe from New llaanpslilre, Kill more fiotn Wary laud, Jackaon. 1'nlk aud Johnson fioui feu nesseo, Lincoln and t.iant fiotn Illinois, I'.ilchmi an Iroiii I'onnsvlvuiiia, nnd 11 tves Irotu Olnii, Weaver is Iroin luwa, liar. lielil Irotu ( iliio, and Hancock from Ponn i Ivaiiia. a!ihoiie;li hi) lives on liovernor s island, i lin l.ut I'cinori at to I'lCsidctit was .latues lliichanan, elected 111 H opp'-nent w as John 1'. 1' touiout, the ll l' candidate of t ho It' 'on hi can party. Ten of iho Pi esideitlH liavo oeivi soldiers, and 111110 lawyers, 1I xv r.i ror Mil) Kv K'uirt'l (lov. Si m M il To Hi1-: (imi.s or W iil.t.s I'm '.i'o I urge upon voiii'Htli ntiott, habits w li , ii u nl a id to y .tir h i,pi:te s lio oii It... I 111 not wuhbidi. Ihe tact that all ofvoii will make, all will in,.. 1 riots ,,i ihioicht ,0 ici- n, ell v e il sillier so IW's. Al.sllilj luiiej. an old itian an I a, r savs lo v-oi ou this day 111 iy In- tecalle 1 in your mind and uivo vol! Initio and colli yoe. Tin-te Is no sot tow end ue I in I he rihl spirit w liicn voil Inav not make iho source nl the vn lues ol inn lenee, ut ti-ness tied kindness toidhei s, and these will bum; b iek l'ss llo;s lo voilisolves. No llllrtirtkes ol jnd;,' 1 1 it-1 1 1 , if Voil w ill but leant the.r lessons v inch will not make vou more wise. Is', ei 1 era nor nils jo. ,s no winch vou may be I- d. it hotiesilv delt. with nnd vai nest!; resreiied, which will not lilt yon up t li cliiT planes of morals and vittiie. i'eni im., c 01 ens lh loot s of lea v "ti . You all hio tin- inn villous power of,o lini; e il into u 10.I, I h:s !Vei ili.t as- uiaii,- Hid who .1 I s ail Initios, works Hit us wlit'ii f men in tlio rluhl spl' U lo bear our iillliclioua wilb pntit lue, lo nam w isdom 1 1 , mi oui nils, ikes, and lo w 1 ; 11 "r X' 1 it ties out of our et rors! While men 1 f cictieo may c.ann Ihat lliey can traeo tun ilHveloptneiit ol the wrorhl from I Ihe lowest :o llio Inchest .,rma 01 (,X)v) I once, I In-ie are no links by w hich ihe I seisoiw-s moll id can be cuingolid wi.h I me eoiild imi: It thai men can ll. us cur.ui 1 I evil lilt 1 coo.l. Lei men ol serein ) lea ! .nit as ili- v will, every truth liny mil dd, .-very Ii ;ht I V throw upon 1)111 past, ad that tfev leach vs, wdl make deeper and s runner Iho roiiTielioii that w ii iio. wem cteale I by a supreme power, thn! they tile Unveriicd Uy onulllileu w tsiinni, uml limv were desinii'd lo pmionle the wellaie and happiness of all beings w ho inhabit them, llial chanis mean iniinortalilv, not ills, lr ici ion, and that all pinois ot an mn oal p 1 .1 i; v evidence of an eteinal I'.tluie. Wi will use ihe facta displayed imi in le ich us to look downward, but upward, to reis 11 from nntnro up to natiiie'a liod. s in ii ( Hoy. 'Well, sonny w hose pijrs nialhoseT' '( i d sow 's, sir !' Whose sow is il'." '1 il ,1 in iu s, sir.' 'Well, then, who iu your old man ? II y.m ll n.inil the pirns, 1 11 run home and ask the old woman.' Never mind, sonny. I Mailt a Binurt Ixiv, what can vou do?' 'Oil! can do more than considerable, I can milk Ihe geeue, ride tho turkeys to water, hamstring the m asn-h.)ix rsi, lipjut tiros for Iho llies to court by, cut billions oil dad's court when he is al prayer, keep lully for dad and mam when Ihev scold at a mark old woi))iu U aN wavs ahead li it aiu' hrolhnrt' lacs oi 'em,, ill named Hill except Hob, his name's l.nrrv, but they call mo Lazy Law iijoeo, lor shorttiess.' AoM, you'rii ino-l I oo stn art. dor tne.1 Travel on old sink in tho mud, 1 shan't bneyou for a boss to day. The Nabhalh Is tho ureen oasis, the tinle. irra-sv miadow in tho wilderness, w hore alter the week dsv's tourney, tho pilnii'ii halts lor iclicshmcnl und re l'U-V. 0CT0HEII 7, 1880. Truiiiil. There l a story told of a lady and peri- Ueiiian travelling loyei her on an I'.ncHsli railroad. Thoy wero at rangers lo encli oilier. Suddenly iho e-cntlinnan said ; .Madam, I will trouble you to look out of Iho w indow tor ti lew ininu'.cs; 1 am "jo. Inn; to make s nun chatties In my wearing ipparcl. I ertaiulv, sir, sue replied, Willi irreai pol iieness, 1 tsin: m.d tinning her back upon him. 1 0 a sh '.-l t line tie sa,,l : "Now, madam, mv t'liatngn iscompleled, ml vou inav .iistitue Noiirowu seat.'' When Iho lady liirnnd she beheld her In.i'e c impanlon transformed Into 11 dab" ina I'ldv V itli 11 veil over her face, ' Now, sir, nr itiadain , w hn liever yon like," said tlio lady, "1 tumble ynu in look out the w indow lor I also liayo solne ehanu'es to make in my apparel." L'ciUlnlv, lund im. arid the iieniieiiiliil in lad's aibro iinniedi.tlolv complied. Now, sir, oii uuv resume your own seat. To his cieal surprise, on resntiunn' his seal, the gent Ionian iu lemale aliiro loiiud his ladv companion t niiisloruioil into a matt. Ho laughed louillv and said : "It appeals that we are both anxious to avoid lecok'tiition. What have you dune? I have robbed a bank " "And I," said the whilom lady, as he lexturiou-l y loitered his companion's w ri ds wn!i 11 pair ol hanil iills, ' am Do tcciivoJ , oi Scotland Yard, and In fe male apparel have shadowed yon lor two lavs; now, iliuw inir a revolver, "keep t-nl I !" Curious I'ltdi About Wilier. The extent to which waler mil"' es with bodies, iippaicnily Iho most solid, is very wondcrtul. Ihe ululeiin;; opal which beaiilv wiars as an ornaiiiont, Is only Iiml and water Ol the 1,'Jnu tuns earth w hich a landlord has 111 his estalo, -Inn are xv a or. Tlio show capped siitnini s of our he;hest inoiiiiuins havw many millions of I , us ol waler in a nulidilied form. In every plaster of paris staluo which an Italian carries tiiroue;!! tnoatieeis lor sale ihero is one pound of water to lour pounds nf chalk. Tim air we breath con lai'is live uraios ot water id each cubie foot of Ils bulk. The potatoes nnd lur id, is w liich are boiled for dinner have, in their raw slate, the one seventy-live per cent, nnd Iho other inneiy per cent, of water. Ifn man welchlntt lid pounds wero sipieezed lit a hvdiHiilio press, sevo ity pounds of water would run out, the bal ance bctn,; solid inaiti r, A man is, chemically speakinir, forty live pounds of carbon and other elemenls, w illi nitrogen d lliised LtiroUith live mid and a hall pail fula of water. In plants wo find walor tntiiojed no less wonderfully. A sun Mower evaporates one and a quarter pints nf w aler a day, and a cabbage about Ihe satua quantity. A wheat plant exhales in l?."i days about lilil.m I) grains of watoi . The sin of plums, is tho medium thioue,!) w liich tins mass ut ihiid is coii vevel. It forms a delicate pump, up which tho watery particles run with the rapidity of an ift sin-1111. Uy llio action of tin- .sap various propciies may bo ac 011 111 ii Im 'il id the ui"W!i,e. plant. Timber in I'lancn is, for instance, dyed by var ious colors mlxnl with waler, and su tnkled over the roots of tree. Dahlias are also colored by a siniilai process. Fuurral ofn SliOHiunn. The Charloile (ihsorver i?ive an Inter- eslinu Kocoiitit ol iho funeral of Ihe dead showman a ho was i illed by an elephant in luiil city, on tho nie nt ol the ':, in. l lio liineral coneno which followed to Ihe cfini-iery Tuesday atternoon the re mains (if John K 1 11 e;, the keeper 01 ani mals iu llobiiison'.s citrus, whose liable deain was recorded Mi.mliy, was a soinn wnal 1 eioat kable speciatla. 'I lie body lay in a ma :nliii cut and was c irrted to Pic ut x cvat I in a lu-iiso to wiueli ivas .nil, led lour 1101,1--one wnto no-i I 'lose noon the be 11 se I. din wed 1 ho 1 1 , pel elenh tu s ol lilts 1 1. 1. 1 l.o-'per, "M 11 '" iCld 'Ihe ll. 'V," w hose si i, o r ttciii 10 perl -cl I line w ,1 ll t he ilH'co w Inch I ho liand was tl.i 1 (':. seeiiied I 1 iiidn-a e thai lite into! b-eel nni'iuils l"!t liiii solemn!: v id Hie Oecisioo. r.C'.'otnl luo leattll'M lolled there w is n 1 r ,1: -oiav. au-l tlie fuue al was condin.e't in a in 00 or bi.dilv ci e.l it il-lr lo l he propi 'o; ic . it 1 li stioiy. I lie Inner ill s.t tc-"i to-k pun I- ill the I'a'hmii clou di ami I no senile 1 he' o was. In.-oviso soletnii an I impm - ire, I tin pnrioi luors and laborer", Ircsli 11,011 the i.Simi.s and :: no ol the circus, in their lou.-h 1 very day Co-lie , Imi with t ices t-especi in ily cleansed li 0111 Ihe 1I11 -l and punt nl lin aiena, were all t rest nt. Iho new were mid bv Key. l ather H'l'o 11, and Ihe body was lutei red iu the 1'atholie buryinn K round. An Old Pnrlii-j's ( iHciU'Sv An import int ease w is tried luilotethi cri.niu U c mrt of the );-.lrte! of Cnlunibia A tl n'l 10 lot 1 ,1 111 Itl w:e oil ti'O w t I'es. s I he d, strict attorney inter' uml iln, vit-ss; -w'hil is y -nr n.i'ue'.' .1 ii n . ' 1 mis . 1! " "A ro V"ii Ihe John W li aui . v. In was s-rt to tlio Alb.uiv I'ei'i 10: ;nv lor larcenv ? No, s;,h -not tins John." -'Are vim the John Williams w no iv as 'out t 1 tlio dis'rict (ail for s 111 I V ' No, sili -not tins .1 bn." Are you lot J01111 W'liiiKtis was c-.iivic-"l- s.oon and .sent t-i tlie DahiMion retoilft . irv 7 "No, sah lire. I nl Hskmir ! 1 11 it It ss iiuesi Otis, the disliict 11 lie t-v s ldd illlv pel :l le I lin; into, "H ll 0 yell ever boon in Ibo u,iii uenuarv "Ye., sail" All eyes weie now lurutd lipoal'.e Wilness. The disiln'l attorney i, iled e,iiiii! iccutlv, unit resumed: Hoe I ni'ioi- utiles liavo vou I, ecu in Die petit lenltiry?'' "Twice, s ill," "Where?' "In I'.illiinoie, sah, "How him: were yo.i tiime tlio ti tit lime?' "About tw bonis sill."' "How I il'i- the sei-ot t lion ?" a-ked the all -tuev, ralluT ciest I. e'en. ' An hour, -an." I went ihere lo w ioiewasti a ce'l lor n lawyer who bad robbed bis client. Ihe attorney sal doivn, mn ut tho laughter ot llni spectator The "ilid nit hi Sinn." 'I ho spectacle ol ' he sun shining at mid iib'tit a; Iraeis mane foreigners lo Swed isii'.iinl Oil ing tho in 'lit Ii of June l'or six wcaks Ihoio is scarcely any ntitlit iu Iho iioiih of Sweden, the nun never tyl.s and llio soil, cinisiaiillv heated, pro duces in mouth and a hull Oarinv anil other cnipse. At that time of ihe yrar llni Laolanders pell up their reiudmna and move their hula towatd thu eultiva ted fields. Ileiini verv hosnttable, th drool with j v iho a rival ol tourists, who nouorally ineol ut Mount liellaware, 14! kiloinelora iiom Lni.-i. Fieui thai hill wliicli Is uiiitets high, tho beautiful spectacle ol llio "niidniglil sin." can I in I in 1 1 i ii o; Iu bettor c.mdi'.ii ti. than from any other pUo.o. 'llio twchlvTmirih. of J line is I he day hulcutod lor the akcensiou , il im (lie lou ;est uay in Iho year, the sun lMii-g twiinly-nr" Honrs above the bori . ui." This year tho twenty-fourth of June was not lavo ed by lino weather ami, owing Ui a cloudy sky, theauu was not visible at i uikloiht, hut the followlni days travelers weie well rewarded for I their trouble, tlie sun .shui!i.j brighlly al I und nigh). 32 . . (Jnneritl Nrxt Condensed, Six Kentucky small bora pulled pl.tols en each other the ulhur day, and half of Iho number loll dead. Tw o cotton mills In Moliilo paid last yosr eeventeoii per cent on tlie capital in-vi-s'.eil, tircennp county, Ky.,hasa pear tier which bus yielded two crops this season and lias put fortU blooms for tlio third. Extensive rnlns are prpvrllinif lhrouh 011 1 Texas doluK Rroat ilumafre to the cot ton crop. A colored woman In Jasper oiiintT O 1 , recently gave birth t two girls and n buy. Jim Curry, the not lrloua Toxas mur. det er has sell led down to work in a ma chine shop, nl Yihoonnca, Indiana. A Hancock and English, Club, com posed of Krcncli Canadians has been or. Banlr.ed at Concord, New Hampshire. Nearly twenty thousand men vver in lino at thn Democratic demonstration al Philadelphia Sal 111 day night, Plaistod la guiug to outer tho onnvaaa In Indiana. A Torro llaulii inulo has boon provided with overalls to keep from iloinidisliiiiir the s irroundlni; neighborhood In ulteiiipt- 111 k 10 seep on 1110 nies. Sanifamnn counly, III., beasts of a veto ran, now oiji-hty-lwo yeara old, who aslioi t limoaco wont litintinir and in nluulueii sliois killed t vemy siiuirroU. It Is esiimated tlist (hero are now In tho Uuiled stales about 000 miles of bridges upon our railroad 1, ol which, perhaps, ono- Ihiri! are pei inanent slruclure.s of stone and iron, and t o-lhir Is at least ato tern porary alrueluies of wood. Tho larcest pump fau.orv In the world is saiti lo no null nl mn Southern pump com pauy at East Nashville, Ten 11., w here a couiplute pump Is turned out every two minutes, iinnr wctK. cover lourtoon acres, and employ liii men. Words ol' Wisdom. It is a lively spark of nobleness lo lies end hi most, favor to ono when bo la lowest in u HI u-t ion . To reloiea In another's prosperity la to elve content lo vmir own lot, to mitigate an. liber's grief is lo alleviate, or dispol your own. A world without a Sebhath would bo like a man without a emtio, like a snin mer without Mowers, aud liko a home- stead without a garden. A man la uu ill husband of bis honor ihat entereth into any action, the lading wherein in iv disgrace uiui more than the curving of il thruugli can honor In m. A helping word to ono In trouble is ulien liko a switch on a railroad track- but one inch bniwoou wreck ami anooth rolling prosperity. To oomnilacraio is sometimes more than to give, for money is external to a man's self, lull ho who lit stows com pass in u ciitiimiiiiicates hia own soul. Heard (lie ICoiuau Empire fall Thn Iiemepolls (Alnbama) News tells Iho lollowlng story i Our census eniiiner alor reports a colored woman on Martin Hloe a placo nun liundied and fourtpeii year's old. Seeing that Iho old woman was proud nl her recollections of antiuui ly, be asked In-r Homo questions touching I ten . Washington 's horse and the Kovolu tionary War, all of which being satisfacto rily answered, ho said : "til, I l nlv, you must have heard Horn. in l.tupire when it leer 1 ilon't ziic ly i.ieniner do cir cunistnnce vou upoke of now, but I a mighty rumbling' do year do Hers fell and I spec' it must a Lion dat. Things was constant lalllti'dat year, anil If ll mil In Nort h Carolina you bet your bottom rap, honey, I was dnr!" l'ills end shot: A doctor being nut for a lav's -liimlllir, took mi errand bey to'ear- rv ibe uanie, tailoring a lieid of luriilps tlie dog pointed, and tlie boy, overloyed at iho prospect of his muster's sin o-ss, ex- I. limed, "Lor, master, thorn s a covey, il V II ,:t t m ar em won t you phvs.o em 7 J'h sic tin in, ynu young rjiscal. what tlo vou meai..' siul Iho doctor. "W by, kill m to bo sure," repliisl ihe lad. . SBp. ll Is astonishing hew much more cotton Ihe South raises, while one-lnilf Ibe u I-nre-1 population is being; murderel and b aloii and outraged, and the oilier ball Is hnltng in the w oods, than it ever did w hile the iMloietl men were permitted to work, ( it course the lin.tnel.ll success nf the iniir- d'-r ami outrage program inn doesn't justi fy it, but il makes iho business easier of o uiiprohension. lbtroit l'rco rjess. He was a ':iinple-uiln.l"d old man, and principal w itness in an aggravated assault else. Alter the trial was over lis was paij hi. w itoess leo, l..',(). He expressed ureal il-dihl in re.'eiking the money, and ad dressed the judi-e, "Your Honor, 1 am an ol I cil'.on id tl tlve. ton, and have a large I im 1 1 v mi my bauds.' " eb, w hat Have I got d ) in. that T" "I only wanted lo sav that, il anvil. lug of Una kit d (mils up again, voil w ill please ilirow It ill my way, l . er v ll Uie helps, 5 oil know ." .!YK!tT!HKMKNTS. COLD Ureal chance in make ill . 1 11 -ev. We need a person 111 every town to take subscriptions for the largest, c eapest ami best illustrated fami ly public ituui in the woi hi. Any one can become a sueccsslul aitent. Six elegant works of ai t given Iree to subscribers, Tho The price is so low tnat. almost everybody subscrres. One agent reporla taking I '-i siibsi-rlbeis In a dav. A ladv agnnt reports making over ".uiclcar prmit in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your linio to tlie business, 01 only vmir spare time. Vmi need not be away from borne over night. Vou can do 11 us well an o'.lpirs. 1-ull dlieclious and leripu line. Kliganl and expensive ouini free. If you waul prniitalilo woik send ua your address at oucn. It'ciats nollnntl'lo try tho business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Addreas lioorgo Stinson A Co. Portland, Maine. July lf ly 1 rTsi'P business now botorothe pub I5LjOA lie. You can mane money fa ler at work for us than al anvihui) else Capital not required, Wo will atari yen. $U a day and upw ai'da made at home hy llni mdiisirious, Men, women, boys and go Is w auied every w i, ere to work lor us. Now is tlx lime. Ynu can devote vour whole time to the work, oronly your spuro moments. No ether business will pay you nearly as well. No una willing lo work ran lall to make enormous pay bv engaging al mice. Coaily Oullti and terms free. A great opportunity for making nioiow ea-lly and Imoorablv. Address !'ruo i C-v- Auguaw, Me, July li y. NO. I a s i k SPACE a a .S S I O h to 4 One Sqnar, I 00 I M MM tt 00 Two Mfjuarea, 5 00 10 00 20 00 M 00 Three Squares, 8 00 15 00 30 08 40 t'our Squarea, 10 00 18 00 3(100 45 00 Fourth Col'n, 15 00 20 00 40 HO fO 00 Half Column, 20 00 SO 00 60 00 65 00 Whole Column, One Year, 75 U0. L'....J.'Li-! TALHOTT A HOXH SIIOCKOn MACIILNK Y0UK8, RICHMOND VA. Miuiufaclurers ol Portable and Stationary f.nginos mid Honors, saw Alius. Corn ana Wheat Mills, Shafting, Hangers and I'uW leys, Turblno Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma lm, wry, W inught Iron Work, Urass and iron I'aslingn, Machinery of Kvory Dee triptioii. Ginning and Tnuwinsa Macuixks A SPECIALTY. Itrpalrlun 1'rouiptly A t'arelnllf muiiv. TALHOTT'S PAl'F.sNT !'ARK-ARKKHTKB, Tbc IuTeutlon ol the Age. It dons not destroy the draft. It tloei not intnrfero with cleaning tho tubes. It ll not cliuke up, and requires no clean ItiR. It reuuires no diroot dampers to b opened when raising stoatn (danipera be leg niiioctionatue, as tney may beielionea und allow sparks to escape.) It reuuireH no waler to extinguish sparks, which, by Condons alien, ilestrovs ie ilrntt, Itesides. when waler is used, if neglected, the ( illciuney la dt stroyed by evaporalinn ot the water, and the liuilor la kept in a filthy condition. It m simple and durable and ran bo re. lied upon, it can bo attached to any boiler. No planter should lie without mm of Insurance com panics will insure gins and barns where tho Talbott Kimliiew and Spark-Arresters are used at same rat u charged for waler or horse power. l-er.semi lor Illustrated circulars and price list. tlraneli house, (Joldsboro, Is. 0. J. A. 1 1 A ITS K It. (.eneral Manager. T. A.tiUANUEK, Local Manager, may 8 tiui IRON BITTERS, A Urvat Tuuia IRON BnTERS, A Sure Appciixar. IRON BITTERS, IRON BiTTERS, A Vulunhlo M0ius. IRON BITTERS, IRON beRS, Hl.rhl) wmnin'1fNj to Uit jmt'llr fut Mil tiitv t'liKHM ri qiitrlnit t -pnol ti mill i'lVi lent Htytt 1 "wty In iMff tion, Ity mp ri i a , lntrtnittvHt t4'l , Mn mf Ap tt rUtm, .aif of lr9Mith, lmvk V Httf QV, 94 it ia Tieiitti tk blooj, LriiM)i?iiB tli U1.1 rlo. iu! fim nrw U tn nrvf. To Ck4 nM, IndliH. and Oron rvur'rlng r.H'iiiiw nlli'ii. ilils valu.Usi fi'linMf CM1 lint tH Us Iniihiy rcuinmtui's(. II net Hh tt uhnt 1- t tlif tJUeftilvv uth i. A tciuipMnifUl bsf r Inoitl" wIP retliOTit Ltj UKM'HUi tllplUUL, TRY T, Sold by iM Dfjcflli. tihi:;::;!:!!!",,; I !.:, It, l-Sl.l... ih'C IS Iv W. It. VICJv (. AliKIK.Ls AM) III' Unit MADE TO ORDER 0t REPAIRED AT LQW TRJCJia. Al I kinds of woo 1 work sod trimming done iu gi oil stylo. Illacksuiitli work dons at short police and with neatness. A I ( new work warranted. Kino panning for buggies done tu low prices, best paint usod, HYIA 1 1 L AT ri:. I IOM (IIVIIIV TO THE UNDERTAKING DEP.VRIMSP, -. T -si ' - . . - Collins and. (.'asoa of all siies no;-sinritl oil baud. ( atrtiuo Materials kept onlund atprlc below Pelersbuig ulaikel. Weldou N. 0, June .' ly J N T. O K U , Takes pleasure in announcing that h can still Imi found at bis stand on KIKS T S T K i: E T, Vfhero Iio liaa on band a full Hue ot 14 Kinesi WIN IN, WHISK IKS, and liUANI'll'.S. Villi A CCD, (TUAIW, and sNl I K, OllANHES. AI'PLKS, and CON KKCTION KKIKS Hu slock ofCunfied Uouds and Grojp,. lea is uuuaually Full n 11 d V o ih p 1 1 1 a fi.n Cdixt Wiiikhjit A Pibtiiutt. FKHcll LAOKR KVK OK TRATH1HT. He guarautoisj jt)afnctIon. Call and see lini), KoV'V. .aU.MiNs,

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