THE ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEWS L DEMOCRATIC Apmiiuiisa JSATE8. wkekly 'Newspaper, PUBLISHED BY L.M. LOMU A W. W. DALL. Oa Year, In advance, Six. Months, " rijre Month, " v 1 1 1 r 2 no t 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. Q BO. W. HiRTUAH, lar(on Dentlit, "fllee over W, n. Brown's Dry floods Store, WELTiON, N. C. .' I' Will vletf t'rtl at their homes when desired. Terras Reaaouehla. ocl S:i ly t M. ORUIARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. c. offlco l the Cnart Hoimn. Htrlct attrntlen ttivra to all branches of thu profession. JanUU T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BHFIBLD, K. C. Fractleae la the eountleii of Halifax. Nash Klcoinraul WIHon. Colluctipue mail in al parti of the Htate. Jail 12 tf V7. II ILL, ATTORNEY AT CAW, WELDON, N. C. Special attefitlnrr pi van' to collections anil iromitljr mails. way fpt. ; . .; .;- i HUBS M. KVLLIN. JOHN 1. KOOKB. JJu DLIIK A M O 0 K B, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIPAXN. C. ?Pratlee III the enuntlss of Halifax, Nortliam) lion, Kdirmtnintm, Pitt and Martin In the Sn- preuie eoart of the Slain and in the Federal c.;h. Is ef the Hasten! llmtriet. Collections marie 1 at y part of the H Lata. Jan 1 ly rjA una e. o-iiui, ATTORNEY AT LAW. is' 4 ' BXPIBLTl, N. c. 'S Tractlces In the ennrts of Halifax ami arilnin tt eoautles, and-ie 11iUHJie.ine.Auri Foriu-"'! Ionrts, Collections, maria In. any part of t tato. Will attend at t fconrt hrfme ,H H-illtax a Menday and Friday of each week. Jan lilt.. R OBBRT 0. BURTON JR. ATTdRSEV AT LAW. .. . HALIFAX. M.C, - Praetleaa In the courts of Halifax, and adletn Inif comities. In thn Hnirim t'ourt of the Htate, and III Mm Perioral onrts. Will Hire special attention tn the collect inn ef clajmi, and toarilnstiun the a.e.'UiiU e( cx Matsrs, adifllulstraters and guardians. - .., daeistf jjiTiiiiiimii, i- ATTORNEY AT LA Wl . . .',.HA,upAjCiN.c..' ' ; l i , . . i' ,r i i - ' Tract lens ia the Jourts nfHMifax Vft edlnln In, and In t'ifl Htitfetnn and Federal ceurls. Claims collected In TI parts of Norih Cavrelloa.. t)31c In the Court Home July Iff LULL, Attorney mi Law, IkUKAX, N. 0, Practices In Halifax and adjoining eouiitlcs ad Fodirnl and Nuts-ninn courts. . Will at Heotluuri Neck, ones every fort, Blrht. an Half JOS. B. BATCH ELOB. ATTORNKY AT LAW, KALEIQH. N. C. Praotlees In the courts of the nth Judicial Klttriol and lu the Perioral and Hui reiuc Courts. ay 11 tf. W. U A O ' ATTORNEY, AT, LAW, ARYSBURO, V. C. Practices In the cnurts of Northamiton and adainlnrcain(ia, Hie FmlKrai and Sit proiueodffrtl. ' ' Jane 8 tf. W. iT. 4. r. r.oi.i.u'ui rKX, zoLLicorrmi. D AT AfTOREYS ATLAW.Vo VTBLDOJI, X. C. Practice In thncoiirla of Halifax and adtolu n tenniles. anri in theSutirnisonit rclemKunr. Claims enlleelH.I In auv nart nf North I'ar.iliua One of the Urm will always 9 found la the .nice. . . June jd i y K. K. UUNIBR, s1 V R U E O N DBHHT, c;Cn be fouud at bi office In Kn field. rra fitroUs Oxola Has far the Paln r..V't Extracting nt Teolh lways on baud. Juao 2U ll. . ATlOUhi Afi .VpVi.i ti WKLnON, I, c. Pra'tlces Hi tl,") (J-Mirta of Halifax. Warivn lnlntnTi5iiiM.!a ar,d In iluiMuirriueaiiitail ,eral eoiinsj claiuiS 1IC(.I..'U in lliir list i I ' .'ime ntf R .irtli Carolina. U.BJIirU, JR. ATTORXEY AT LAW,; ' , ' Noti.4xd Mica. Halifax Couktv X. 0 ' PYaAler Hi die ffiiHiity of Halifax and adlolu InecTmiitiee'aipl In the fuiircuiu court of to ijl!e. Jfly. , VOL. IX. Itxhv AS'WMAN TELL. He tol. I me hin love tIiIh iii'Tniiiir, Wit h IiIh dear tl.iln! i'lll . i nif liilne. And he NHiri: "llml speeil I lie diiwnilrr, When, sweet, I may cull ( le e mine." But my foirri aucrt iemMnnl. softly, w ., ; Tllnuh luvilii: hull t I'll-, nlel well, Will III li.veoiitliist all ? Ah ! how ciiu a woman lell ' When the years shall I. rim; tin i rlaU. And the ear.-s and t'ie paln 'l.j!t Tlieji.ys ill the lillle h,.e'.ilri. K el.m.i lnh:lit .d. rup- t!:e .1 IV ; Will the hand Hint ha held mm- (h lly, When In n.!en:y liU ..'f. I, A eanie.Hl ly hhield fr..m s. mow? Ah! how can a woman till When the silvery threads are cree Tlirnueh my In se.i .y cue ; When i luse my yi ui li a- d ipt.amy a tilllr.y a lie lias it. 'he ; Will his lie.m he inn,,, ii- truly, i when in tie- ih.ftrrt d.-ll He itave in,, inn ti'tH,...! .r..miie Ah! how can a uom.iti tell ? Pins 1 1 :,. on., it.- li in i .1 , ..' 0 ' UNCLE VERSUS NEPHEW. The bclloof tho soason, nt Ailmitiu City, this year, was Artrlomie Vail; A daik oyed beauty, with one of thoso rich, wine-warm ontiilox!ons that re mind one of Kiryptlun t'loointra, lovnly rod lips, anil whito m ills sparkling w ith cordons of procimis hIoiios unit bands of loa l-i;old : und iit Ui purpln liKht sif- Urn aottinir sun, as slm sat thoro In M 'Jor BrHbazon's baroucho, with tho loam friiigoa of tho sea on ona xldo. ami tint vol low nauda on tho olhor, bho was as beautiful as a drflam I Nor was she utiobaorved by tho stream of day promonadom along tho idiore. 'It's a furoKone oonelusioii,' said old Doolor Pounce 'Sho'll marry Brabaz in, of'said Mrs. Alloyno. '.She'll marry the riohest man who pro sents liiniKell, no mattor who ho Is,' ob served CapUj'i pagfin, Hjiitofnlly, , 'Tho Itrabazons are a VvMiMliy family,' reiiiarkoij Doctor I'minun. 'Not that this young follow Ims much of liis own, Imt his iinolo, old lUriioy llrabu in, is (ho richest planter ill Louisiana, without chick or oblld tn inherit his wealth.' ' You may dopond u pon It, Miss Vail has taken all that condition,1 and Mrs. Alleyne, with the quiet nnlim which onn woman often exhiliiiH in Rpeiikiin? of me othor. 'She's tho most uiert'enaiy croi tnreontho t.v film nloiio !' Mrs. Alloynubid spikon. if vindictive ly, mill truly. Adrionno -Vail, with her angel hp'o and voice of low t uiccl ti.iisio, was railier inclined tn ow mankind th.'DUjjb too dollar-ami cent nu Jniin. . Jler faeo was her fortune. Klin hni been educaled by a scheiulun motlior, who, hersolf pinclind and er.iuipcd by pnrpoai .1 want, had resoivi .i ilisi Adn pnne slioulilbrini; hej- radiant beauty to the best p-iiaUiln fn nn'i Ihnt 'riv doeni the low ostato of tho latnily fur tunes. Adrienno'a girlhood lisd nut boon liko that of iOttier ehildionj Iho bud tnn'd poverty, and boon t'aitioil in llie bulialf that happiness could only bo attained by means of a golden spoil. You iStniri', liuG ,-ra1 most Jnafi'.y rich,' .wUatU pr(vpt wliinh lior inoilior was perpetually dinniiitr into her enrs -nor was ho likely to lorutit thu battlo ci v. how that Mho W4s oil Urn actual, tiui d of action.) I . ! j i , , 'And T mippnso,' sId Mrs. Alleyne, bltlitcj lief Hps ii .hq bnrjownl roll bAKal, 1 'enoriyemplexsineit' (Untjher walking withoal any ,OJfl i !!) bsioh, Kratiaz hi'm Mil etMiizh tM Wh(A o'tli:t she reHv l6vo him for' lilmwilf. v Yes, Itisbazin was jost sm i a f iol. He was madly hi.lovu wi'h tliq be:iutilul bfiurette lie as in a pnrailmo nl Miss us Innit ss slie sat b ilf and .hooihI oa lum with llviaia wotidpilnl. oves id hers-. dd he .tivoily beH' vod that, with the niannettstii' of Iriro love, she .shared his every eniotldii, 1 riiov wl'f eiinuiN-d lb it is, aiil Joe! to old liiirn'iba-s ni's approval, f r Adrionno know lint her you'nrsuit ir had uo patrimony ofhls own, and she h id no niiiiil to risx 'Iovb in a e.M.uun even tor the suko of iiaiiJoiiio A'U'i I'.iulm'.oii. lie stands in a fithoi's place to yon, Allan' she said! "and my stantlarj ol tl lml duly H hili.1 Ilocaon"! In-lp ii.lmi itiir you when he comes,' iloeiareii Al:a i l.i Unit m, who had already writieu In tri unclo upon the ubeot. Old Harnahas arrived al la-it-a yellow. sTiinued, billious-lonkiu; man, with irm- rrav hair, ruinol'iil in a errs, on tho tdi of liis head, and a p lir of black eves that glowed liko ci, lis oT I; mi beneath I. is shaiy por.t-lioiiaes of brows. 11 is tvOHS) was of noiirso lirown twwsi; Ids booiyllnck ; I, is li.ilu It ippiti 1' uni'ii i, which half eoncoiled bis blunt- features, lie t his li'ion was fvijulisiielv (Inn, bnt loin ll w ith iliaiiiond sjiarl, i, hi.. I on li s finiror be yvoroan emerald ri'je; which reo resatitotl almost Un vtil'io- ol iV king's ransom. i .'.Vk'ell ?' qnolb olil liH'-n ibas, Dxins u iiiojijlrlilir nyo oil his nephew. I'nelo,' cried ilia yoiini? man, anlhlk- aslleallt 'alio IK HIV nil !' '., if. 'J'K.haro a look at her before niuke it, my Inlitd (ill Ilia ub1et t,T said Uncle Barnabag.' '" " ' '- "; a. Jin aas taken to nail oil, Miss .Vail, ami liUu most other HOiiilcinen be 'went d '',vii', at the first spallilo or her liijuitl. ilaili eyes. Jiy Jupiuir, Allan, you're r ijshl J' said Uneie Haniabas. 'S.m'a tho pmtueU (jirl Law saw n my liWJ Hoth, IV Mason train rn.ji eiasii li. ill i eta and iromboaoi, ai a. in KNial-iaKirti- In Uie iIIsihuou of lli tarTfHrii.'iJ'i!rr plve1 ard ; battwillieanr tlnfr iirw and itriive t" rfjiiveiiiie'lieinsulvoi orcj moro In Ilia ft ;iaiiii f the sen ,i!r ; p v.ty ftirls tlirtad ; handsomo cavaliers bold ans and bouquets and uspper cor -don's itlVi'iiled 'all sons of facts for Iho New- York amr PhilachilphU 'dvly proxa. Audastiiuu uut by, a m'nod credence, to the iij'uut Ha. . Uii' N ISa.-iia-lias llrabazon was uukliiitf lii- neidiuw from ihHi'tloctiotis of tin) bea';tii Aliss Vail. - There!' said Mis. Vail, lier witch like nyuulvnaiii!" assuiunnf a railiaot otpros siiin.' 'J-U'lH il is III lil ick ail I while. Ail oll'or or iiuiiiiiKel My den", you'll bo the richest wotuuu south of Mason und lrlxoti's lino ' i.lrh.n.n iln in' l.irollf di silirilll le ot' while l.4liufcio ial rovlaihk.ii'l'oiis,i sat looking at the lotior, w lUi souifUiiug Mrs. Valti .'''. li ' , u ' 'v hat I that old man ? 'Old muni' sorennml Mrs. "Vaill"''"" tialiest x planter in J. plysiaoa J , by, eUibi, eyiiry (luluou4 thai .ho., wuaia Is a ibr'h.i it fts.) f.' : 'Hut l rlmVt lovs hfin, phadod Adri enne. In a low voice. Ijivb-bah!' sciooi licd the old iady, Iwliat dotal lovn IUolJ'l ton ll'""; si, ar ami lionev, a low sweetmeats, and starvation for the re-t 'f your life. 1 inada a love inali h--Biiif im w hat a (Irudirit'K oaroer tniiie una bcon. Atlri i enne, don't be a l'ol! You will never have Mich another eliiinee as. ttis;) 'au(l Adricuno hosi'ated. I f .ince a HiK..,.. "I V 'l . 'I l: I v.. v i... I .. til... 01 W.ELDON, N. n r i r ' U f r i ' 'Miitnma,' lie sai I, I am en Rani d to Allan, and -I love him. And I will be his w ife !' 'Hut, child, don't von sen what ruin Ltuat, will, brini" upon usV' brealbltosjy ! crien .mis. vail. -Allan nivsii t u J'ouuy of his own, and if ho I .(rends his finel,, .-' ' Mlecan wink for a living, mamma, : like oilier linn ' 'Work -.v. ik fir a fivltii!' RttSrlei! 'he ' old I i ly, displ iyin a set o yellow tei '.li that would h ivo done credit to a bvi n i 'And you bvi-in a ll-U, and do up 'your own laces i i tho wish-bowl Pi mivh' iio lauiiiliesi' bill, ami torn your own klk lie-ses and d im your husliviri's Ho i k ions, io liidncn Ihn expiitis 's -you, t'isi li ive (he clnoco to bu,t m yon.- i .vn , ; ti diamonds, and live In apiilace!' ' M itniua ' cri'i I Adi-icono, ' psl w'ulil life In a pilsa 1 be wor, 'i wi.lvmi tlieui.ii Villi love? I won't in a., y eld M-, lia-zin, n,nl I will in i . ry Al'in, i, I hive to live In bovaeks wu-i him, or liio around the world in n lii-'in w.i';.ui y Ami this was the end nf Mi-, '.i,i's 'tiieieeo.n v' ci-eer. slvi woe r ,-o-lu.o 'lii'o not to Mr, P.raliaz in, wlpipie mother in lulled In a o,l, i.hi.d-hi.ineil lit ol hi'Mcrics. Tno nolo was w ur.le as follows : '1 !i';o you very much, lint 1 . vt.l Al'an loeir bet To I ever mw y..u, ail 1 don't mink I can In nippy wi n uk , m but All in ; s i, it yon .(, Mr. Li tln l in.l must declii'eyoui- kind oiler. An. I P'ui pruv, don't bo any iipii o anp, -.-with metliii you can help.' Mr. Iliab.iz in K id tno Utile, lei, st lined nine, and folding it frpnlv no Went across it. tlui, huiol wh iio Ins n 'p. hHr s slwine-, - 'IA 'Well, lad.' sail he, 'I have ofored my self, miiid, iho richest man in Lou si n a io Adriennc Vail.' 'Une'o!' Allan started to his feet, turn't.g altor nalclv red and pile. "And she has -refused nie!' " ' ' ' The yoiiuir man was oe.i.'ly whito now. Uo scarcely knew what he hail fe.ire.l or hoped--hn only fe't the inte'ise relief of knowing Ad 'ion no was si1!! truo to hi in. "My own true love,' ho muUorid, bo t ieeu hist li-tiJi';' aiy lifiln flaik eyed jewol ! -IfiiliB bed 'plavvd me lalss., uncle, 1 believe I hliou'd have bieu leuipied lo I'uiil'till Miiciile !' I' .iiph iiin,ii! ' ir.-uiiid lliic'o II. ir. eey. 'Lovo-lovel' How thee voiuu e,ipleta'k! Ami what, may I vonlu'o tn a-k. do Jim ii.)em oi live iiii'," '1 cio uuia, llec'o l.nnui, for h r n ke' ? n.l AMao, Imi e' y. 'Vi ' C we'i,' s.i'd L'iicio Hiiney, '.,'s U' I ..liil lei- h . r -.1 ' A'lnenne was lookintx Jo.vel'er than evov, ith lliihi 1 ehofka, ovoi luloniK with ezciteuioii I and rse.ioi lips. 'Hew is this. Viiiit u woman?' de maieleil 1'iu'le Itsrns'ia. . 'Iiivry one at A 1 1:1111 Ic I'ltv tolil ine von w.'rO itVortune li inter. And vet I've ot! ire I you a for tune, slid you have u; and down lie oloied it ' : a Miartaiifo I ktvoi I Alias absttpr ,.(ian all the lil of ( 'nl ! fort. i i !' said Adriiiniin, W illi drooping ov ol.i-iin-.. 'I 'nine hero and ki-s me, my il 'ir.' said ' ruii liirnalias. 'N-n you imndu't , be afraid -1 shall no ni'il.e lm-n to ymi anv ninio. I've llvii'l til be sivt, viais old without m hi" rv i in;, ami I W"i:l.ln't wo I the 1lneit weiri5 all ye. If y..u ' ein't ri luiii( nie, I Khrtit d lion run oil io tin Sandwich I - lands to e-c.ipo ins! 1 1 moiiv.l Adnenne opeueil her lovely ejus very w ide. .'l l,,,,, I lull. .1., ' vf do ' yoli iki me 1 she i -1 . I I""' Haul. Hiilil4j. Aiyslieii) to itjiike jertarn:4Hit vf.ii 1'ive Xltnri lor fiiirlseli slotm. Vol he lja'i--i TJ'i V is 'j neDhciv M.Gls rich une'e. .JUl i'U sat 1st! nil ipnv !' , 't do five )n, it,' sail A.liicnne, witu fe ifs in her ere-." ' Ami I love y. u, l o. Uuole llarmiy pply 1n a iliilornni mt vi 'I'm unite s.illslio.l. mv dear.' said I'liele II uti'i'ias. A n.l I shill Inks H npi n myself to pel. lliaf. neithor of you perish of wa d.' - ' So Adrie ine Vail 'married ll.'h' allr r all. itich, li )' oulv in niuo 'V mi l minur planta: vm ', r -h ii io"o and liuo ill fuclion. Happy 'it 1 1 o A lrlctiue ! - - a-: -' -IS ii. lo iiml Iliallli. Il Is not at all w linlesiiioo to be in a bur ry. I.oc iiiiol ivcs h ive been ri-poi led lo have moved a iu;le e m mule tor -.holt diss Inures.- Km liK- eai'itivas have i!H n ouno to irrii l hv such ureal nipidily. Mulii linli s In their h is'e pel licit .no mine.) eveiVTi-ur. Tim men who do ilnntrs ma tit'V y 'll ,iiy, ilfUiiorate'y, a' e tint men n li.) ol;i ne- t niccci il in lite, p . p li i are ti.ti.ltinllv in a hurry a n.'ly b iv.i to d ilnns irtiil- over. 1 lie toll i-u Uf it Uie liii.u a luU . St 'iv mi n a loin k.i .ok. ile Ir liniios n il .' I )-.).!. I'. :.-. lev ari injnrlnns ( healili. inn all forms o' n0li'i'liive; siaady labor in Ida held is 'lie best fviifi.jsuiiii ill the world. Kiihnr l.itioi-ur i x. r.'No, , arrV I I ) ex IkilfOioi; or prisirs i'Oi, or uvea fteil llioduev, tiire.i-s..l l;y ''Lrtid t i.L," nl wn s doi -i ni'u'e hnrm Clvni tin' pissi-joiis oteroisn 1ms rlnno (ji'ocl. Al1 rnniniii up 'hteir or tu pateh; up with a vutoi.tlo irr io ry b"iit. is exlremely iriiinois lo every npS- anil sex anil onmliliou of life. It oui;bl in iie llie irlost priissiny necess'iy which Hliuild imiiiou a porsoa avitr fif.y to run nyni tyiijeq or niteen y inls.. I tmse 1 1 o louiiest w(io'ur(i diiltbeiatn, wliuio acli itis are lnoaiii'Ml, wlnl tiOfer embark in miy enterprise wilhoiif "sl'pniK over It." '-ml w h ) ptirinrm all (he evory-d iv nets Willi ciilinnes. Quakers a") p'overblallv culm H'linl people, und (Juaki is Bin a thnfi" bilk, the ttoiiil.ovfr. 1 se.. a'ol r - - a MS. . , w.vii.. U'harotnfni t aiiil bavpirtoss of home mi.l buma latHrnnirea ilepetlil very iiiiinll on the kindly irnl ai :-Mi-nei iraiuinir "I 1 1 . voice. Truuble aiid fur'-and xati"ii Mi.l an must, of course, eoni", but tei tl.too nnlcicen li.t ) your yuios, ,U''. .V'lly, .our WlnillW and happy 'feelings bo i.i our li'iinea.-Let thiiiiT" ho, ll for no oilier Treason, fir Iho litilnrhtl(lrii's sako. phfsn si.nslilvr) littla boiny; am rxriwlint" lj .siiaueplible ' Ilia lollie, J.l't u bave uiiiisderii'Hi lor llimu. As -wo .advance ill years our life beiioines more inl'eii. 1. Wit s'H nb-ttaoiiui ti.nn ouiward -H'epes and soiiuds,. Wu -Ihink, wa rniM'.we bi-Uin iriadiiallv to ileal Willi lip pit-il -we bavii loiuieily lived in t ll 0 pre-enl. I nir oir ijrows dull to ox ternal soun I, i1 is tinned inward ami listens chielly I'M Mo islines of past voieiis. Wee i' eh no nuiiw Iho iimi'iv lanwhior of eblldieii. We m ar mi in .r l!m ii' lrs f the neiriilnjT hlul. The hroirii lliai used to pi atl In so khiI v lo us rtis-tie-l'iy un'remlerl -wo have forftoflii , ttlmariuMiiuW' ' A rt mil.. I'lfiiilr.n,1 rpine nlii r, s gsillvifly 'he u them il l. Mark Iim at eei"rx'un t-tlm jmnnfjii-h'd starts apd Uli'HS and lin.fist ml Ihn-.' w ith rijuiil sensitivcin s4, does it onieh tin" lone", of hunian voices. lloiy were It possible that llie lrn p tnnl busty word, tho fiell'nl slid complaiiiin t one, hIoii1i nj.t t slaclli an'V pal;'." ,V'V' depress, the seiiKjlive ii'.lle lieini Miy-I" burp ol l:u, so jji'iiU.v ami ili'lit-.itoly hlrnriii, TxhralJf.j"eviii ti Ibe n. nlle hree.e and irilllnjr sensitively over to llie tones ol suolrvokes aa swaop aV iVv."! ll Let us bo kind and chuui fit I spoken, tlion, in, our il 1U1US, I1 lG.t -THUJISDAY, A I.lltle I. i dure. r Sr.TMS fI,r)i-M.rfi IM iHR WOHI.T l "" -.i .... i Aly iluar, love if fiio Taw; It is a dual asiur I i not into it than U get mi'. g4in. heieaio iboiK-iiida of wavs for ilm tor- i)i;butas for i uo la .lor, itean'i bo line, iiviivs. Tike my ailvivn, inv ileus I ever blioie a m ii bsiei'O mamai;., hiiU i In ver i tiHt U n i pr it. moo, mv dears we 0 to pay, lihii forvaoU, lor evei vtiuoir tin y IikAii, iiioy . hi do t ! Rn food of lii'e.iklir(ill',r ti"i i f.-r eve. y pretty mrl. tiM- ,t. iim I 'l.iwii ol a Kollt-Kiiiid l ointio'i Sitinu. my git .-, sj.ili.-i audi a ru'ioitM ani'Miiil uf bre.ik ie-. Win, 1 Ihvd K i w o a man's hen io brek as n. eo a- an A'li' ii in hoik, an I y t ha wo.nd 'ipeii .no nexi d iv with ihv sunn bi ,ss oi u on e is I en ...i w n i'll yen eounl jo.ii il ieet ' A- ii aoce," h l I ills heart itet e.o un I--o . io.; .re si 1 1 a aui 'iint ol e ! '' wi lie u e. lie-lite, w oai b"- 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 1 i lo-.'KeO il I . 1 slioi.ld like i i hfio ? Win re (1 1 may ill1 u'.i 1 1 ? Alloo'A.ill l l'l ojl ,1 1..IM. 1 MlpH'SI, or i i ' i- ttav el' Mil i em c iiii.oi.v, inii.iiN nu l . i. w iiv o n nli ,ll in plus thu are e ..i, ll III' I. I lei s D.'ii MlOllgll Willi II p1 ', 'iks ili'i eiin' i isri-,,s in 1, in ii-4tni m . Toe t s no i e el 1 1 ic I i .Hi I am sin e, my ilc ' s, tioiiu ,. cli 'o-1 ii ' a tin -1) imt , A wo inio's ln-.lnci C Mioiilly rui ies her lu Minn' lain1 iu n H-. Hit tins 1 will till ivno, tu t i.iuv i.i ' t, Ultlei as niueli as Hee- , but ue so.,u'. iiiiiij, is iim a. ways iii iivii-l 'I ho s oiei viiu r hiisluiiit, tiie ni l e p i ible ymi will IMd hi'li, anil ad iuseaMr- Io'' ywi u iwuri. uiuv aronml yi'iii iii. In liefer' If liui-bancs uusieil ina.c t ) tueir wives and Iihh to ibeinscU ns la no would i uiore bagpy uiuciume, o.ii. until ib'j.u icai-i what U due lo our M'X a i l Hni lolly prhparel to pay it, that I, 'la. no will never exist in a house li e l wixeu to the husband should be the K oi oai ol as much oy ss a hiia-e balam-e Is n rits btnkw's.'bitt it (iTosnni the with Is not allon ed one, or to participate in llie iilier. I will conrluile, my dear, with Hii in yo.i a few rules witu reirani to the ciiiiicu ol mis i ,udi in l.tiio. ill, ami tUouch oi y oei s, I liMve never ventnied on the iii' in v s ) is ol inairliiionv myn lf (heie ine. ,, iiiotiii oi '- on"! si ibUy i.einliloil -i ii e ti-i'i io.) siill I null wa'ched frmn t "ll s io.rti'i oi Mit"leliloHeilnos many of ni" Ci ami b.cizis i.i.iL have l.iKOn p ii'ini.i Hiiun a id oav'o oe iv 'd .iri small i' l Jul die iiiiuic oiiq .-bi,i w i i cl-s ifi I i.i c iu-eii!eni'o i I them 1 1 .o 1st 0.11 ' " I s , I-. IIIH'',l 1 III!! Oil 1 1' il)D i, It ')f i, i . i alt i i i-e wii'i a i j anxious - ,bn I' ll."" M H o-. i . .."ir" inv . ti-i-, va 'oos, my it , - ... t i s l, .11 cire'e a l' In V . ," ei Mien, sutn u- I li.u i - o ia! l !).., I . OH lo I I III. t I I I i C. 1 . Ill SO 1 t'C In- r' io toe tionr mil iv-l- rt' i-itinioL; in i i .on t i-n in it- ho sure li-- w ill iji .1 t e.t ,,, ,i ,. lm-n -nil. I a - an nil - hi li f d-i lene i tils It .1 e- wluli' I.i . li", "i- tc i iiisy tie mi o i n w ill be a ' '.! ii l wt s s- ,) d. 1 i .1H Nti i fl w hv. a .)- .tl' mi..' w... win not l-i f1 -HI. ' Iwl (1U i-i n i nr.. urn. ' i.fco- s ni ( t W III ViHiC.l. ll I,- "l.i.t W'i't niako ii ii.ecih-, Q-h' isiiaii'i. tivi.ii w n OH Voll W l l .11-1 i n "linivii" si it in nor, no cntsl si ie i.'.i u Ii i'.e er nl h iipe, l'ne in ln.l'S, Will) yi I ..IS OV-'l.tinvs .111,1 i. too il w ;iMi' o,; liluisi'lt wed In oi i ; i ,i i iho i.j,lit air, o il' no .iiiiKivii irooii liivaiir hnslii mas. is sl ips si, hioiif und ts riisit . no my el 'I iiiueil w oli ships. 'I'l.e mun who wati-hes ine kettle ami oioven.s u boiling over will not 1 ill, un dears, in his married state in exoicisiii k llie a.iHiu cure lu always k .epiiir iim put iiiiilimr. The mail who rloesn'i i .ii(i tin, i I Mills ihn cil. I k es sfiutl ti'iil sl.imlH wiiii bis bok to Inn tire I a o iloi w 0'nn 1 wool.l no: adrisn von, 1119 ileus, ro mar' c n sin a iv' ot.natdnni I'.ui .noirfi. l ive oi io y, tint iiiohI uS'i'iiii a il loriovo. lue i i lino w tie i c i i - oi tie i, (iiseo . enpii in ive 'lil ii. , i-s-ji-e ,n miitn Ine -l iies- I i "i V' oa i ii ikiS b r,-,-f..e'. l! I the if V o ntf"' '.'' ; f ,1 oe b.. t i.f ni i.i r-'.i ! iw . M y i. w 'n'i you mei'i i i ti sueli n iiiso, Oi i nt (ii'M to p'a i y liini. I o I n p -c v i w lite- r I n niniltl u-.t mi J oio . ,., jt it u ,. . - . l.x iim ut'l'.utl It-isiui;. John Quiiicy Adams und .losiah f,1 ilip'v Sr.. were onihii-oaHiie nil i. . cues nl iiirly risiun. I hoy pi acllend Al Ir.illl boyhood, ami ail'ioilte I lo il their physic il io. in old skc. J ii lire St u y, w ho was an in 1 1 in lie Ii ',i nil, lo v t I lie ii i a u i nl mun iiit: nap, aim their oiiposite t. pinions niton invii use to sharp and witiy diSiiia-ioii.'. 1 m one oeca ion. when Ihn lw einineiil Hum I: i l 1 1 1 1 : i . 1 1 Willi lb. i jii Iv;.', l o invite I lliem io iinotiui pun n him lo llie Un Scaool io t'.'imlirhlm', whero he was to deliver a lecture, li.t Invito.! the in I'i im.liMit t I ilk lo the students, and Mr. Adams uiade inten ilunr pist'tictl leuiinks, I nu Inn Hiii'in oiUt-r titpics, tea li. . fuvo. iio tin ui ol earlv risuiu'. The pi.tti went on w ilh Ins ii'i-iuro. Thu a' tei n , . ii w as U. t ami the lni:t u i o-room iiIumi. mitl luwaiiU lo" c!u.-e ol tho litcluiK, he not c ,1 thai the i-i.iss were iioiliiim; to en. li' and smil loo l.ooKlne rirsl on his r.uht h ilnl inn in -n mi Ins loll, l.e dis nvci ed the snctol -I. ll" U uioi i iluonl, lor Oglu ol llu ilistiu ?nsi il visliurs w. i o .u-Ii 0,1 ami nod lilt.' He coiil l i.ol roMst the Icinpl it oil to ndi a post -eript li Ins leeluin. "Y.nnirf uete ta ineii , I call voiir attention to llie y-isi ble proof ol (he evils nl curly lisini,'." The lonu luiiiiii thai folluwinl invoke Hi" uontle men, but they did not understand Iho joke that caused ll. Tlifi'o al lanll w lib , s nun Ilepuli'li-iin who li ( Iiii. Hiim nek" bee. ni-e l.o h.i been pihl fit the iiiiyei'U'Wi'tl'. Ui( Ihnnir. i Ices ho i in don d it .loh.i S ie- uiae, in a -p'.'i'i'U Uigittner iiijj'i, look i ee.i- oo to m ike a .I'.tv tl!"iol Hut foil, n'er'ina to i".i. U lac l'k lis '.i prist ii f I ami .'! 'Ihfil I V ilio ii vt rnn.i'iil ' John Slier mii'i ;s eefi.iin'v uie let person who uuJ)'. 10 l-ii,"itiivrliinif arniut li .it.w'nvi I e li",l iim wl. ..It. She ui an luni'y have hern t O'ls.iiii' i-s mi lue (tot'1 ro iii'i t ill their b . Pe a- lo.i I'I un li.nilo.' of (iln i . l.-e vi d : -lie, i. Han cli e u or I all b Ku'i u"l . and In ro-il it nt the nsk of lus 'if i i'i.4l.u liriu't ti'i) J, u lnle J i ,. it irilel'l wis ea.-ni nr his "by speikion ti) lliiss Mioi lienl in fivor of a lolleii p ivtuiont Juk).' . , "The Doniiier its have reilucetl villalt y lit elections to n -eienco, saj s tho ( ev I mil LeSilnr, A leinliiii; Kepublican or,iii oiihii. it the mail who wrote tliei liiius is a supporter of the canilniiitii .for President w bo -aid to Ciller llurrison of ('hliL'U ''-e tiav6 the nirds In our own liaml-i ami e wll plav them."' MrtHiitiii Vv- ihla (loll, thu Iteiiublieaiia - bad iiisjnriiy in tJ. lulmdoral College and Xhal lliM'.it.iiunviiiieai l uocli i in ni ins i in it n. I "ive il to lliive-i. 'I I. is tame taaiisiar trnlit vuiaal la lwliiiwt-Hi rnmr we-e iat,ii(iti, attl 'th'inl; ii( ifj. nool a"r. tstiiy tn-iiuw now su cntiiiu in oi.c iori tenuy he c mid be. lark I wains i s lue only itr.r'niurlion t o a liiisnrv audit ucn dial he -cnu'eil lo hi'li llie hl i hid I In lie ri iht i l.tiiea leal impiiiilioi) was as l..ii,.y-: 'l.adiis and itomle-iioii, I shall led waslo any unueeessiiry Unit) iu this intm dueili u. I llmi't know anything about tins man ; at least J only know two Oii.iya a bunt inn oun Is mat ne never noon i Uie peiilieutmry. ami iho olhor is, I can t sad wby,' OCTOBER 14, 1880. ADVERTISKMRNTS ' on tn M . ri tflKUIllME TBADS MARK TmV. (iKf'AT K.N - TRAQt MARK i.l.i: II HI Ml PT, n un f i I iiw- run1 f. r 'iiiliml Vi tikn."s, Hi"-r-n.:iltirrli' ui Iitl')ir', nil dim Ahs 1 Nat 1 1) v. , ait a " (1 lOllr'i- M S.'lf A lilllM HM 1 OHM C1F0RE lA-IIIO.' f M.'tu.Tf. I'm AFTcR TAIIRQ. rfii l u'-xiuM-', ruin in in imi'H, iMinnths m iHinii, l'rfiiiatur" itll Ak-'. h mi ui:in I Imt 1h is M I. -nil 1-t lii.-tiiiilty it ('otistitiii'tit'ii, in itl rrvm.ituh um -Knll 1'f.rt li-iilnrn Id our Aiui)ili't , wiiieli w tifNtH' t Hnl frri !y timtl tn rvry out. Tup Un' M' 'li' lit It h.'I.i l nli -Iniiv'rstwUnt 41 .r -irkfiio'. 'T y:u kii.'t f f.-r r v. ill he m itt n'F ly instlnti r'f' :pl n( thf iiii-itry ly i,'Mr"H. Iiirf lllKdHAYMIt'li'lNKto. Mi ' imnh x Ul n'K. Ih lMII, Mini, "S1'I In i l lun, ihl rvrrv v, Iht l-y nil IruKirlHiH 11 ly .10 it nam-:. The follow liig valualile real eslato lyltijr near Tillerv a Mill, In llnlllax county about tune uillos trom the town ol llalilax. About .'Mill acres inclililinn steam onirlne, saw mill and tlx lures, gin, pin house und llxlures,ailjoinin the rivsulmico uf J. H. rillery. Mike Wllkius, that tontuins about Ui acres. Pope plane pnnlalfilnc about InO nerps. I iiiliirest in Wadu U Tiller. y tract, the whole eniitainiiiK about 377 acres. Apply to p. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C.Jnly Sltf. L TTKN T I O N. TIIF. I.1TT1.K (II ANT COTTON PRKSS. ) . .1 t i IIYURAILK PKKNNIIIl E. Tho only Hydraulic Cotton Press for plantation use. FIRE IMM KA( E. Hieks pluend in nitST. CLASS COMPANIES. A. !!. HILL, Ar'I. Scotland Neck, Halifax, Co. N, C. apr 'J'.i If A. VRENN fit SOn. Miinufaeturersiif ami OeaKirsm iillkindsuf ARkIA0K3, HARNESS, SADDLES, HHIDLI'S, ('"I.I. A IIS, C.v ll'I S, WIJKl.LS, AM.Ksi, l-'MtM WAUHNS, 'HrKl;K i'TniV(i', LA I' ItullDS, Ac. Nos. J t, lii, Jl, aiul -i I'tju.u istiui NultKdl.K, VA. Sep IS ly i;ti. Es t A B 1. 1 s u 1 1) isiTT. Old Iti'llulilc Jewelrj More ol ARTHUR C. FREEMAN, II AS KK.MOVKI) TO 171 MAIN 4.T. NORFOLK, VA. VN'horo cau bu lound a full lino of Wahihnu, Jewelry, Chains, IJ'llssCP, , Mtut'iins, . ! . Silver tVari!, .... Weibllnir and ' l-'ntl'i.-iiiuoiit Kmyrs, at priofs d ify ina; wMiipi tit ion. -',. AHTIILUC. KKKI'MAV, i.rlnlk, a. Walt'lies mid Jeweliy rup.iired and war ranted, (loods sent on approval, net anlv. N '(irii'K ll.MLRtiAl) STUCK LOST, Ni.ti -e is hereby Kiven, I list cirlili "iln of slock iu the V i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 . 1 1 1 ,V Weldoii Kiiil - roiitl Coup my, luinnor sevoii luinilretl and cieveii, Issue I to I'". S. Mir .li ill. bus lioell hisl. The S lid Slni-k WHS lleyiSfil i v s od 1'' . S. Mar-hall lo Ins Vlfo .Nlaillul M. Maisliali, ot whom 1 nu llm Ixcei.tor iiii lei lior will. All persons am berobv litiiilieil not lo r ive said ri-iiilii ato, and lis delivery to Ilio uiitlor-inetl will be duly rewarded. vi . ii. smith. II;.- Mullen A- Moore, Attys. sen 'J tl. N 7 'TICK. I hive leased from N. M Lonu for a rin ol' five vosrs, ihe exclusive pi'iviiilto ol h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it? on his lands In llaltl'sx rounii', bounilctl by ltoiiutike nvor, Ihe town i.i Weld, in, thi Wiluiiuutmi anil Wrldou ltailit'ad. Ihn I mils of S., the lands u the llic'iart'a bens, the lands of K. I-'. snd. I II. Wlniohoid C.J. (leu and II. .1. l'o o. All persons are prohibited uiiiler the penally of law from huutiuK with kuiis or duii on sauio, 11. J. POPK. aiiK IVllI J)AT11U'K IV lilt A ll Y. I'NOER THE POST OttK K. It it i. r (' o s s r r i. v us Hasp LlijCORS OKA I.L liKSCKHTIONH. in. I ' 'T -in i u.-r and II uiirer W hiskies alwsvs un I, me I lr,-li and s.-olfh Wlil-k.y, '..l.t IJ.-.-r. W He's, I'K-ar- l.iinitii"i-i, Toliiii , Jlu Hunt fiirsi'l Post Dl'.ii'e, Hid pi. ice the OKK 0E, f'OMK A I.I. Mixed liriliks ufall kllnls. June 3 tt 05M.AJ5MM0HS' OUMES IsoKifinoN, BiuousNEsa, BiokHeaoachc ' OomveNtsa, i CURE9 t0TPPfTrrf, our Stomaoh, Foul Briath, . Low arr, DvapfPstA, rin. .is ' tsiooMtae wwwia) k SPLCFM Sv a.V3 IE 11 lsri-rsr0ieold"rt. and only reiuilr fs..n mens Miitl.liu- iMiw In inarkel. 1'n by (' K.SiSMiiSf r'o. UHlu-li Itl.rk Av. hi. l.isin, rm'.miT. In M A. Hi man in, M. U. In 'JO.- and lllitittlvaudiiaidMiiiili livid bf all l)nitiu.' Sepiriiilier Ililli ly. y A R 111) KOU H 11 Hoi' S li luyrllevllle Mr'ci f, Knlrlttti, . Teruiii to mill the t itm-a. .. U. W. lACK.NALL, ITeprK'tor. 4m . '.a : NO. 33. ADVKIM'ISKMKNTis. ( . ( T Uceiilrbsuoe to niiiku iiioii tvlil py, Wom ed a person in every town lo take subscriptions lor-the larjjosi o rupe-iund Pest Illustrated fami ly piibllc.itinii In (he world. Any onn can linoonio a MiccrsHlul Huoot. Six clny-mit works uf ri t given Inn) lo subsei iliiirs, Tho The price is so low that almost nvorvhodv silbscrlies. Oiiti spoilt repoi ts taking I'J.'i subscribers In a day. A lady intent rnpnrt-s m.ikinn over JJuo clear prulil in ton days. All w hu ent itle mako num. v fast. Ymi cm ib'Vutesil your tlmo to tf u huslnes-, or only your spare num. You need net Iwaway fioin Lome over niirht. You ran duitai well as others, l'ull iliiei-lluiis and terms lum, Kli- ;nt ami expensive lUllttt fieo. If you naul prolltalilo woik tend ue your ndilress at once. 1 1 iv hIh not li I ll k lo ley the lu-lue-s. No one who emraitos fulls to make roat pav. Address (biri;e Stinsun ,V Co. Portland, Maine. July l.r ly 11 T.Q'P bnslnuMS now betoretho pnb J IjJkl L Me. You can make inoiiny faster at work for us Ihan at anything else Capllul lint rciiiii ed. We wiA start von. Z a (Invalid onwards matin nt home liv lh Ituliistrloiis. Men. women. Ikivs anil xirls waiib'd every whore to work lor us. .Now is the Uino. you van devote your whole time lo tho work, eronly your spare moments. No other business w ill pnv you nearly as well. No one wilhiiL' lo work can fall to make enormous pay by entraiiliir at once. Cosily Outlit and tm ins rree. A Kreat opportunity fur makinn; money easily and honorably. Address True A Co. AtiRnatn, Me. July IS ly. SALE OK VALtTAPtR LAND IN HALIFAX COUNTY, N. U. f In purauance ol a decree nf tin Super ior Court ol Halifax cuiiuty, Hcpteuibcf Tottu 1S70, the undersigned as CoromiM eionrrs appninten by ald court, will sell tor diviiioo amonuHt lueatiw. on Moutlny tho 1st iluy of November 18H0 at lhc Court hoiiBU donr In the town ol IlslilnX that valuable tract of land in Halilaf county, lately owned and occupied by tl late Capt. Rice It. Pii'tce. Thin land ifl situated lour miles from the town nf Halifax, ami five miles lroin Wclilon, is highly unproved,, uul is well adoplcj to t lie jfrowih of all crops raised in this atrtinn. it enntaiot bttweeu six and ervon hntulred acres, and is ennsids rred one nl the brst rmtoo larmi in Ilia rounty, it it also well timbered and well wa'on'il. Tlit'iu is upuu it a tmuiuodioui ilwillini; two nlli es and all neoi i.aur j out hoil-es lor farm purposes, luihI orchardi eo. il water the ucinhboihonJ l ealtliT and (he people intellicent and ri nti'd 1 his laud will be divided in parrcU to auit purchaser!, lad a map gliuwiuiT Iocs Hon aim boiinilartrj will nu ixliibilid on the iluy of ale. Or.. A li Pimoe, ai d Mr. lit.ertj C. ('icii,c. who jive u ar, and ('pi. A li. LmicIi who ruid s upoo the pliin'stinn. will show tin' laud th any per (un ho desi-e, to see it, and any tit her Inl'Tiiia'toii deiredcaii he had' by arldreii' mi; thu ituiniuhsiooers at llslilax or Wcl.len. Tcruit of the mile will be tweuty-fire per mil, ol the l utcharx' ( y ia cash the luiiaiuu iu three ujual itihtallments pajablc in six, two'vu and el(h ccn imuithn, or the drfcrrcd payments tin purchaser will br rrijulred to (rive bnnda will e('iirc1 bes i nut uiiiht per (tent, in tiri-st lioDJ day ol rale, and the tulu nil) be rc'uiuud until all the pntith i'i: moro; Is paw. W 11 MIV 1 t t '.-in--' iVn tlemniiaiiioriori .1 . .11 t 1 11 1 .. Villi, i fUlifiX, N. ('.Sept. SO Tt-it. ' POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS nv. a Will tiiil'i Nn l1.n- mil ill VKii. If Keii'.'s 1'tis r.eit.'it I'ewilt m iv l or lu-ov .-iu itmt'fi.iu. nl 1'', ll.ris or lia- ai e UMi'l In Uliii'. I, ,tr ,, ..ti.i. ii! Hue Cmiwat ill rrevi'itt l. u a- is I o w i a. f,-n.-H ,iili'nt H I'liiiii's r.twilio-t sin ui. i o' tilt' niiullIU i'i ll'Ot u.l iimki' ll.s I sit. r ana met rre.uil tsa'il'.V ! I ce-il. "eai lWlcr. will rare or rrfv.a-.t nt n vat p.,n,s r, w li II. r.' ami I ill!" '''' u'')''ct. Kei l.'.'i I'.'itiiKllJ ll ILL Oil M rfAiTlOS. belli cvvri wl'-'ri. DAVIU fi. roVTZ. 1'nn rHiler, UALTIMOIIH, Ml FOR SALE 11 V I'll. A. K. dliLICOl' KKK .b lli:0, eel '.' I V Woid. .ii, N. C. Ol'i' a v OUb fee ' a w i i-k iijivur own low n. .' milt' No risk. Reader, ll veil w uiil a business at w li eh persons ul eiilitt sex can inahn cieat p iv all Ihe limn '.lnv work, wriin f ir pat(eulars to II. Ha. loll id I n. I'orilMiil, Me. July lo ly lAWtltiV. t O. RICH M 0 N I), V A. Miiliiits.-i tirers of Knirliies an.l i tiiMi'itiiil MlalUiuiiry, fur ull puritoiies. For AW MH.M, (HtHT Mll.bN, ItuTTO.N OINrt, and 'or any piiviiuse f,,r which STEAM IN V S K It . CAHTlNHriOF BTIl BHrVas AKI) IIHIN. ,1Iaeliiiir lor Gold nut! f'oaJ .Mir oi, I5lnst FiirnnceN. Ac W'H. K. TANNFU AID. Ciuiiil.sli.iet Imni .si-clli to Siycuth. , KHilMoNfl, VA. A, li. II U.L, - Wori.4.NU NKC'K, N. C. Aio nt for II ilifax, Wariru, Kildeeuiube, Marthi anill'iit t'ttiiiii it-a. iipriu y ' -it . i ' I.i so Fa .. s s SPACK t , M I c H m One Riaar, 8 40 If) N f Two Sonaroa, - 5 00 JO 01 SO M ThroHSquiiros, 8 CO 16 00 SO M four fiijuares, 1(1 00 J8 00 6 00 Fourth t?Qi'u, i.i no eo on 40 to Half Culuinii, J20 001 SO 00 ( 0 0 Wholut'oluran, Oue Year, M Ot 4 M 45 M : o oo (15 04) 7S tt TAI.IIOTT .V teO.VM t-'HOCKOK MACHINK W011KS, RICHMOND VA. Miiniifaclurers ol Portable ami Stationary laiituirs and llinlers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheal Mills, Shaflinir, llanunrs Hnd Pul- evs, lurliiiie liter wlinela, Tobaeeo Ma biiti iv, W iitiiitbl Iron Work, Krass and lion l'astiii(s, Machinery of Kvery l)ea 1 1 pt iim. liiNMNO and J iini'.siiisu Maciiimm A SI'IXTALTY. UipnlrliiK rrouiplly ,t ('itrefallj)' IMIHl". TAl.HOTT'S l'APKNT HPAltK-AKHKSTlin, 'llie Iiivi-iitiou ol Ilio Agr. It does not ilostrnv the draft. It doe imt interfern with eleatilnir Ihn lubei. It will not choke up, and reiiulree uu clean ink'. It minima no dlreot rlampera to be opened when raising steam (dampers rm if niileciionaliin. as lliev may be !e tcrxa ami allow si arks to escape) it roouirrs) no water io extlfurulsh sparks, whieh, by condensation, destroys ine uraiu iiesiues, wnon water Is usod, If neiilecleil, tho etflcieney la destreved br evaporation of the water, and the bollor la kept lu a tlltliy condition. ll Is Nimplo and durable and can be re lied upon. II can lie attached to any boiler. rso planter should be without ono oftLam. Insurance com pauies will insure clua and barns where the Till butt Kntlnee and) Spurk-Arroslera are used aliaipe rat wt eliarifed for water or hurso-powor. itsr-.-seiui lor inustralod ulrodlara aaal price list. Kraneli linuso. (lohlsburo, It. C. J. A; II A US Kit, General Manager. ' T. A . ( i K A N li IvH, Lycal Man agor. mavMrliii NATURES OWN rtesJEMEBY A VEGLTAELE MEDICINE FOR THE IfeLDDaiMR&KlDNlni CUMTIKEj A fnnlhStof QUV '- iiitnnl.i'ltliuv .NaniaiiHuria in ml . a lvliuwil"wis'- seniaiiHiilh Gnu ii!W J'if Utinvi liuHiama. mel.itii llie ruD)i IIJ4 'tuiwrss Ms- Uie ei ea CUHATINE, CURATINE, l4 U ,Jlt..y OUtSMSI. Willi U prtsluist ail (US- , u l, ie ni nufMe.i4.UM lArtir, lie frUlnr wa. U .irmltiee in ailleu eirt Ues-tsifh In us ISH-.M. It la uiii a.vllisl La u rum is" all Ul,fuimm M,re stlrli ae eSte-Mjl Mia, fwrnaif, iliWfa. I rttf.talt Aims) IClHeWMMJlSlSM, JfrS. ' iw.-iiji liim..ns nine Itnijt.flf'.Tfi'au, fVflirIMlM. ISSI. tf(s.iiiii.aM-MeM. -urh. ItrlUiat V I reiie, 4e, ASK TOUR OrWCCtST FOJt IT. PALTIMORE, M.1. CURATiNc, KiM'UUtaU iKAU 14 Kii fUU CURATINE i 1 IUi!4), dec Is ly W. il V LOIv ...IT"!?. -1 C AUKI lOEs) AM) lUU.UIS MADE 10 ORDER Oil UEl'AIUKI) AT LOW I'K1CE3. All kinds nf wood woik en-t trimmlnd; iloiio ill k oil stylo, LUcksmilh work rlov. at short notico and with neatnos'i. All new wark warranted. Kina paintlnif tnr buogi,..Miiu ui low prii'i-.bost jjaiuMf-Hsl. f!j:cl.lL AT 1 EVl ION OIVBNTO Tin: UNDllUTAKIlSa DErAUTMSHr. "V'WAufiss to '"l -CT-.y.-i H iy y.. e. y.iMry.1 ai Collins ail. I. t'asaa of all si-eH entisiantis mi hand. Carrine M iterlals kept oiihand atprlof bolt PoiorsbuiK market. - Wsldou N. C. June li ly J N O. T. KURD, Takeji pleasure in aiinouncluu that h can still bo lound at his aland on V I R S T SIKHJiT,, Where ho has ou hand a full lice of Ik Kin est ' WlNfc:,'' ' .( i lW,ISIIHt and - , s . ' " . liRAXPIIN. ' luHAt co; rl'iARS, anil SNL'KP, ouaN(;es, apptks, - and CtlNKlXTlDMvRlEaj Uis stock of Canned lioods and Uroeer les is ubusuitlir ,,..f, ... . , E u 1 1 und (.' o ui p I e 1 - flip CASivrr WHisaav Prw-uurr. ' . FRRsll I, All KR IrKKIl ON nilAW!KT. 1 1 il urii iit-ii t1 nnm am Lfi,ii:.. r ti ' V jaa.OAsl,nail, i" 1 n hni ra rr aw -k?w ii i av m ri n b r"r fsJ tl u t Bhi azsai i u

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