THE ROANOKE NE'S TUUKSHA Y, : : (KTCBKR 14, UJ KATIOSAL DSMOCBATIC TICflT. K, K r !'r.-M.i.i WI.NKIH.1i "ri'TT IIASl''" of ' l.-,!.is.. i r V' . it. - I i UI I IWI II r.v. 1,1-11. i'li.:t: bTATE DFJinCRATIC TICKKT. V..f'."m r 1 !I"M 3 I KVI-. pi r l.l. -i'. t i; ..v.ti . r JAMK- I H..1 I . f M . I:. p. r rr. ' in . I 'ai WILL! AM I. -M M'KIl-, ( ( in . . . Tr ii. nr. r JnllN M ill III. t ( IUi..V ! !i. Y r V. ri --y i.-ii.-rI : TIl'iMAs-' KhNA.V if W.I, .1.. Vr';t..r: willia.m r HoiiMirs, of Ual'-H. ForCurin!..nilHii' ..f Put. lie IetrtnMI"n : Ji'li.N r . iu; 11 i.f J. iii.,r..ii. Pur In ' . mii rl re. art : Ji'lCV A i.SLMKIl, i f i.'illf r.l. Y r l.l . '.t. t .arirr T F li. I.i -i;kk. r wk. J. M LLA ll.of Ivi.l- n. For r.M.rrv,, Sor.rd Tllstrlrt. W It KITTIUM. of llnlifsj. All ia ft tor of good free sehools, pat into office mch men n tbe Hon. Wm. II Kiichin whose record is unimpeachable. Tboie who beliee io wis and ten enseal administralioo of aTairs ihoald support II jo. W. II Kdshin fur Cor grcv end f pier Whitaker, '.V. H. Pi? i t! M T. Savage for the Suto L'gis 1 t.ure. Votk for men wboso record on til qnestions are undoubted. Sicb ire (be men who tbe Pomocrats of this District nd county have put forth for the Buf fugei of the people. Will you elect ttiero. or persons who cn J j yon so good even if they with to. Titr. Deomerats of Pennsylvania are wide awake io the present content and re Tjikini; t determined eiTirt to cayv the Statu. U ie il' the novelties of the canvass is promised J,y one nf the clubs of Alleotoa-n, when it tii's U-.idiog, Belt Satur Jay, when it proposes to march in iticb thipe as to form the word "lUn cock," the big capital letters to be com poied of uniformed men. Friinih, rcmembsr tint you prnfi-m 10 bfl actuitle 1 bv principle ici support -in: l'eiiKicritic p:utr. Well, if tint is ", you must he ac'ua'ed bv principle in supporting c'"li I i'.e .i:i.l I r j the mrn alio repiest-nt yiir public:.! i principles, iiiil !m hue b.-ei nomina ted as yours 1 : . ti',ei t-itues. liiu'tle' little personal lt-e'.'.;ii;s nf il'.sl'ke, spile it ieen(;e. keep sou fintn mppnuinu the Peniicr.i'..j inuninii's lieniiniber that i he s C nl. J "in IcpodiMil" enmh il.itc will be claiond in i t:inni.h lor llie l.idicul parly. I' t. lioidiboro M"icnjer. - ... ot'vrv r v.MH i 1 1 s. We bate been informed that the cm diditea fur Shrriit'. I'.e'ttrr of l'eeds and probably fjr Tieasurcr no the IVm ojia'.ic ticket in this county will woh draar, leaving only tho candidates for Legislature io the field. This was done w are informed after m iture delibrrr tioa for reasoos that hate not keen Dale public. We lute been ail nlot.g io fator ol fjll straight l.m 'critic tickets at etery election, and if we arc beaten we can keep our colors flting as we go down; and tl seems thiil the I tn.'crdCf in this Count) thi'k Lk! w .In tt the delt pstr. in (Viivrmi in on the 2 d inst. de mindd an;) tnTl n lu l tuket, l h meter It is th oiglil hel n i' t i hate j full lick 1 1, or if it is lh"..-St tn be a bopcle s cotest for ;nesn rtlices, then we bate nothing m uc to sat ab mt it. V ' are salitfiej wi'h wloitener may be d..ic'iiined upon. Wc nil a need our op'"iioo, I U are not wed led U it b ' v n a .a. Wc hope this moteinent U for :he best. We shall continue to ke.p the full ticket at the head of our Columns until notified oMkially that they re uo longer candidates. Ib this Connection we will say that wv bop vigorous canvass will be I g'., and continued until the day of election. Lot the candidates go all over Ibu couuty aud talk with the pen, pie txplaMtrg tna priociple and doc tri'iea of 1 'nmcricr, 9' d the corruption uf the IV;publicsi purty, bi ih Siat and 'attjiial. Siuco wi!t; u this wa bat.-? rwel-cJ Ittte.J fr irri Mess s. G. .irj riuj I'uil, dcclijio; th1: iiomii.iti"t.s.. DKTIOdlATS AMI) TI1K I'REK Hi HtSOLN. Tbe free school system at ' ill aeeeaa, rily ifnperfcct and inadeqiate has been greatly improved slues the adteot of tho l'jinocratic psrty t power, and it is the intention of tho party to still fur'her perfect it to thit in lims the system will be suit! :ieot to educate whether while or bluck. )j this q les'.ion the record of the leaders of tbe Djmocrscy is cleir. Gpt. Kitcbio our repr :e:itatiie in C t. grets, BLrikes the keyuote of the whole matter. Usad bit record en this matter : And that this people may becoose in te'ligent, useful citizens, wise aud able defenders of their rights and the inai i.Miuble rights of the States and the 'Icnrra! (ionrntiieiit of which we are all aierubirs, 1 urn convinced thnt ll e nisest Hi d most economical policy tie federal tiovernxent Can puisue lowutd tiiC poor nt'd ignorant cit'tens of the S'.a'es is to di,tnbu'c the proceeds of nil its puhhc lauds for eduiu' ion'il purp si S among the seteral StrUes aic utling to ignorance and population upon some judicious plan. And I shall, with my limited ability, strongly advocate tnih p ilcywhcn the plan flinll have bet n ma'ured and brought before the House, as I am formed it soon will be, be lieting as I do that the funds arising from the sale of these lands c uM not be dedicated to a nobler, more benefi cent, useful, and glorious purpose. The above eitract is from a speech made by bitn at the last session of Cjo gres. C AIT. W. II. KITC It baa been said over and often that the lemocratic party has been an en emy to ihe colored people. That th I is untru, it is needless to say. No one doubts the I'emncracy of Hon. W. H Kitchio. He is tbe Representative of the Democratic principles and what be says may well bo taken as tbe senti ment of the pe-iple he represents. In speech maJo in the House of Represen tatives during tbe last session of Con gress, he says : Mr. speaker, here are four millions of p'oplejust ushered into tho light ol day ; just born into the kingdom of freod m. They were dc'itcrcd it seems out of due season into the kingdom of light and liberty, betore the scales had lal'foi from the r eyes, and there was no Ananias to touch and open, but bs the weary footmin windj around the mountain, as he gradually ascend) to the summit, so must this people, by slow degrees, step by rtep, advance in the field of knowledge and information, nd githeriig nrou id them the safe guards and shields of defeose which our race now pn'sesses by the :cumulated wisdom aud experience uf oter two thousand years. Having ulready at tained the heights of intellectual and moral grandeur, and of wcutth and op ulenc, standing as we do, as a t: , upon that hi;!) and lofty eminence ol adtuocid ciiliz itiuii, ought we not to rea-:h d wu btlow in the taller of dirk. ness, and n iioral'uy nod led a helf inj hand 1 1 this p iverty-strkken, un lettered, degraded people, robbrd by their pretended and aelf-cnostitated guar dians aid deserted by their false and heartless friends? Lst istice be meted out this people in the golden scales of hoee-ty and virtue. Of all the peo- p'e on noy cml fd portion oflhis eirlh of h.cli we have any record, the con iition of l!,p people is the most deplor ; aillioiil hollies, ith ml ptnpntv in their nature, the kiodnst, most geoer oe and syeapatheiic in tbeir feelings, nd the most tractable and easily managed bv their tuperima when kindly treated; and, unfortunately f-r both the colored people and the whiles, ihey are feartul, doubting, and ignorant, which lead them mm blind superstition, idola try, and fnu:isc. It it fur these marks and trail)- in their b racier they w uld k- most eicell-nt tilii nt, and those are gradually disappearing before the star of utilization, the light of ('hristi- tuuity, and their rapid advancement m ADVERTISEMENT. NKW ADVEHTTSKMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. miMsywrt"! it?, TeprmawU. fcsvfllilf, rs mA. Vsyaw- m n TTiTK W KITE & S"T AINBACK, MtalltBf CaetMvrt M 1 ( sajasst-ai bsl. Miensn at arm, vww M. r. HART. W. U. HarrIT V4l CRAND FALL OPENING mmWl LEADERS OF L 0 W TRICES. TT!L " 'i. .TIL. iTw a.. t JZlm mm m Fssm : oo : AT : oo : . Heplember liilU ly IN THE BOTTOM, VYELDON, N. C. learning and general information; and VTOTICK. a. they have, by tbe results of tbe Ute L)Uri md M Klftcut0 of W. H. straggle and tn overruling Providence, nancuekail nfiriionibavlnceUimsagalnat become an all-imnnrtant factor in the bl eslate are hereby notified and reioet polili,. of the country, this improve- Pn, .rdutZtS 'D''el 'tuclt ' meni ana eicaumi in uie cio ui iuici- or infore the ISth (lay or eK I'lemnor, ligenceis the mure gratifying In the I 1. t'eraona indebuwl to the enUte are hites of the is luth, and we hope this r,uu ,',,A"ul,1" AV(" i k" HAT JJABUUotf Having Juat retnrned from tbe Northern M.rketa where tbey bare pnrchaaed large PRKSCOTT AND OOOOH'8 OLD PTASry. spirit of advancement and accuranlation will continue to inspire them to new efforts and lead them on to final and complete success in nil tho departments of science and learning, and to their gencrul elevation and good standing among men. Now breathing such sentiments as the'e sentiments too that are endorsed by the whole Pr-mocratic pa'ty of the country, how ca i he or any Ilemocral be charged with enmity towards the colored people? The cha'ge is false, nop 9 !w JAN. K. HANCOCK. I'er Kitchin fc Dunn, Atljs. .ukki lionv i.ok iititt! DHY GOODS. C L 0 T H I N G, HATS. CAPS, I wish to Inform the eititen of Halilax eoiiuly, and the public generally, tint ll koep a tirxl clanH nuiiso m me town oi NCOTI.A5U NECK.N. '. I bare a oomplete atoek f and those who trake it know it to be false UK0CKKIE8 4 CONKECTIONERIEf). but use it to place themseltes in offi.e j regardless of the interests of either the while or (he colored people. That CapL Kitchiu's record on this question is approved by the Democrats of this District is clearly thowo by his j re-tiomiiiatioo Let every one vote for him. A K V K 11 1' IS K M KNTS. T K It L 1 M U H. U . K Y My bar Is stocked witb the choicest Kroneh, Apple, and Peaeh Rrandles, also I kimlH of Whiskies, Wines, Uln, Rum, and Champagne. DRST ItRAKDH OF WHIHKIIW A PPKCIAITIT Iuer Reer In Rottlea and on Dranirht. Families supplied at lower rates by tbe dozen Dottloa. 15 0 0 T S. shoes. hardware. CUTLERY, S n A W L S. DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, BROWN DOMESTICS, AND EVERY THING ELSE FOR CASH. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOOD?. NEW GO0D8. NEW Q00D8. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, S 1 0,000 Cigars of the Bet Brand. COT T OK AND ALL KINDS OF I have a first class country ritonrjCE bocoht HERVEY S OLD STAND HALIFAX, N. 0. URHTAURAST AND BILLIARD SALOON attached to tbe lions. I will endeavor t please all wlio will honor me witb Iboir pHtr"i!HKfl. iser.ll livl llAXli A at ,11 A Li l x Order for ( rate Filled at Short Aotire. The trade will find It to tbeir advantage to order from us. n 1 1. i ik iio- IROCKHIK. RiwiTa, RHOKS. HAT. CAPS, All Sli-a. All Ur4a, All Prleai, All KtlM- M KN'H CHII.HRKK K. WDMK.1? AND MIKHFS Oct 3 3m. G.OPKNHKIMKR, biltu Coolral saliun. SeotUnd Neck NOT, C K . SIIOKH, NIlOEHi V n vine qnallfleil as eioeiitrlj of R. C. Ilswhlns, all irrann hsTtuff claims airaiiist his I stte ar lieiH-l.y utitin.-d In i.respnt Ihnin to I in--or to my attnrio'rs Kltrhln k Ilium, on or I iH-rnr mt mi ay oi, issi. ivraoim in debted to hl es1at are rejiii'Ntr1 to make Imincdlste Hltlmenf . oth.-rwis.. artlnn will ! Ikkt-u arlnst thoul. This the Utb daj of Hep- leinns-r, iuu. MRS. K. S. HAWKINS, I'er KITCHIN k IiUNN. Hit. IS l l, ALI'IU.K JiL'lLDINU LOTS l'OK SALK. 30TII OF NOV F. 71 Aimin ls or family irM.-Tle on hn.l sin lo The Kxecutive Committee of tbo Roa. arrlw Ntiirk new. Just I'UirtiMvd I nokn Lltorarv aoeioly will Hell to the Iol'Ii- mt niil'ler at polilic auction on tbe "nth day of Movemher lHo. aevoral hullduiK lotH tn theliort of Weklon. Uood busi ness yls'iils. Terms : One third oaah. balnnea In three annual eoual inaUllmenta, with in. torest at the rale of oiiflit twr cent. Title retained until wbole of puroiiase monoy ib paid. J.T.EVANS. Chairman Ex. Com. ep 16 lOw AT HIGHEST CASH PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK. ACENTS FOR MILE END SPOOL COTTON, OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST EVER BROUCnT TO WELDON. BANDOOXl AND WBLL BELHCTBD OOODH OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. CLOTniNQ OF THE LATEST 8TYLES AND AT THE LOWKST PRICES. We diulre to Inform our friends and the pub lic generally, that wo have Just returned (roa the Narth where we purchased with carta select stock ol (roods, consisting of ; DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTniNQ, AND HARDWARE, ! And everything that ts usually found In s lnt cliun store. If ourcuntomera want a SUIT OFCLOTFIES We will have them. If they want Shoes for Ladles, Children or Men, or Boots of any style, they will always tie on hand. We keep ZEIGLER'S HAND-MADE SHOE. Our good and prices will bear the' closest la- speetloa, and we Invite our friends to glv as s call. HABT t nARimox, Washington Avenue, Wsldon, N. C. Hept 13 3m WHITE & STAINBACK V ALUABLK LAND FOR SALE. fr.uu the Northern MrW.s. i-n ly 8 st (1AHT. ItlhfSK, C. (SIMMON rJ, a a III parsunui- ti wi"'"r' of Halifax county In the special proe.edi mrn en- STILL THEY FLOURISH. iSSS m) A 1 'ni T TPnT?T7T?T AVTI TlTfOTnilP KIL'MTVffl.Hi'ii. JX J.., -v. iiVlJIJlVVJL JL Uili Illli' i,;ihd .nfDecembi-rlMO. Selllnone orinnrt parcels, as may i" ""ii" ""l'":"'.','-. i-r.i n,.i,ilc auetion In the town of ncotlaad I) It I V U I WILDON, N. dr at pnlillc auction In the town i i n:J0T.:.X, which thVsaid Charles C. Hhlelds died aeired, lyln? lu Halifai eoanty. a hi- villi. 'Ut business ipulirkiilioiis, edoe Hon oi knowledge of any of Ihe d ll'ei e u t blanches of the. ciincrs, willi no ri piit iti in as n people, no record as n tier, no t.i-'.oiy ol tlifir i.wn, and im 'toiiiiits up-iii n'ncli 1 1 rest any hopes . f n prosperous, bright, and (;lorioi,s I'tme si-p it .ile ftod npuit fiotn the n;-l i-S ixon race. fii thi r on in the sime speech nl'ud iog to the condition uf the colored peo ple, n nd speaking uf ihe ln-lp ihev si o il I receiie from the w!:tc., lie i-as: Mr. Speaker, I can siy for mjsolf and my people whom I endeavor to repre sent here, that we are in lavor of the mo tlb'ral and lenient pnlicy toward our emancipited slaves Consistent with and not repooimnt to our repot ui m and standing ns a pe iple and to the future advancement, prosperity, glory and ban piness of till classes and both races We are now near ihe summit of the Ciiu i of bunijii wisd on, kii'ild-, attainments, t d eipeneoce, and we I vite and encourage them l full w mir l.ini pii iis in thu beaten mi niaiked and b'sifd wi h ji - i isids and beacon light pointing i,h uoeriiiig critiiitv t i ihe mil., sii'iliuiei ami lu'lv einon-n hi (he fi-ij ( loitosii nchiev.'rT e'O and er li leur We wi'l tint nl.out !:iC", and oiiI'lIi iI..a i li in ..or l.i'i p .mIi o. t uned lliioweh t ul, and ll ' nl, into the clouded vall. y bel.iw, but will aid liieni all in our p rr to piss fmm tins re pmu of diikiie stand heathenism ll.r iii;h ihe '.nuns and user the hills to the tieih's tiled as the end of mi cii evernenis in I'ns lite. M loie we would nut tarnish the world wide fame, our dim the luminous g'orv and mago' fu-ent splri'd r of the ond rful achieve inei Is of mir own to- gue and bl.uid. yet we wo shed all thn liht, renJer all tbe a'd ., and rue a'.l the eueonniierueiit poible to this people, that ihey may liavel tbe tame road and seek and nb- uin the ssn-e reat ends in life. If it be the still of "Jod to so direct and si pros per them in their efforts as to accom plish in great and noble results. In cnncluding Ins tprech Mr. Kitchin P'.yi a deserved enmpliuinnt to llio c .1 orfd people as a race, lietayst 1 conclusion, i ruust be allowed to say. injustice in the col xa J pe oile, to' whom I hat,, the d-jepesl )(iipuhy, lh ol all pepli; tho cdorrd are '.he mos acC'.'inoiod.uine, yieldinrj, and jralcftt' II ivln - r.-e. urty puri'liasi-.l the wti .li- stuck of t I Tl n.rt-i 11 W llrs.wi:. 1 wilt . G. J- MOSELEY, Kiep9 oouitantly on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMILY CR0CERIE8 Hiii-li aa .iiriir. r.oT.-o. Kl oir. Ttaeon. I.ard. M'-ilsiwea. efnip. rlali. Snap. T.'l.ace.i, Snutl, All t I'lKSrs. A Full Unci ofCouleetionerice. DRUGGIST WELDON NtC. THB LARUEHT AND BR8T RRLBCTBD STOCK OF DRU08 HKDICINRH, AC, IN HALIFAX f! n II N T V. DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER 4 BUO. HAVE IN STORE AND ARE DAILY RECEIVING Jwo'hund d tK'im F RKSII Stri'LIES OF DlltUM. SUCH AH '' SLr".Jll,,.,.ni .?." hSflmito3 tie uvniPTWifa paimtq nit a nvi? QTrrwa dvsTttucdv an a rta BTiTfAxirnv I. L--.,iBr. kv iM tu full t(pw of th in u tiv ai i n fcw t t.v, vi ij.-v. wm aiti i g, i ur u.uuist, uv.i i o i n i iis li 1 ( uw" l" Thi i i 11 known for ltl H S If If I Sll K.H rflll.KT A T ' .KH LAMP AN 1 I. AMP IflXTITII ITS I biiiiu:. in n - ii... uin.lnna. rv ftiul Primitive Bnptlt. M'tho.iim aim . .1 1 .1. av tiitis unit lnilHof Vine Hill AeaJeiny, where, there la a (rood male ami tenis!. aehool. The said farm is well adapted to the KEHOSKSE AND LUiiRICATINO OILS. OF THE BEST QUALITY, ALSO A VVl.U LINK OF CONf EtJ I IONEHIES. fsUUH AS PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDIES. APPLES. ORANGES. NUTS. Ac. Their stock nf Drugs, Medicines &c, is complete, and they respecfully Invite the rtSlItTjwV, public gcncrerally and the phvsicians to call and examine their stock before pur-1 me.e itweiiunr hl,"l'jJ;15jn i cnasing eisewncre. axx uoous 001 in smcu can tie naa in nours notice IIOUBH allil HOTOW. urewm nf the imrihiwo money to ho aid out lie ilavei They would most respectfully invite tbe ladies to examine their stock of perfum- ery and toilet articles, as they are sure they can please them. Their stock coiuiet iieareia-iit lwr'eent interest fnin day of aaMji r ' ' r aeuis-l hy well secured Ixmd of imrchaner "I slnnt 7lh 1SM1. nil" til" .:iitiisa at tin) OLD STAND- My st. rk l-.oii.t-ts in jarl nf s lull lln,. f MKlili'lNKM, VA'NTS, titl.S, liRUUM, l.AMri tsltklnils.l KKIluMKNIt, MAt'lllNBdll., French, and I'tatn famlles, Pakis, Crarkers Ji-llli's, t aimed lioodu, kc. M story ,.f Tin warn, W d and Willow ware i nK-Ki-ry an t mass ware Is am-icelled lu th TOWN Of WELDON. I have Inst r.-t nrn.-d fron TU!thn"r and inv s..ek I 11 r riiilete, with atl if'da usually I'UIIU 111 FinSTri,AN;(lll()('KRT HTORB. Choice Famllj Batter for Tab -AND- SKLKCTt RKAM CIIKKfi A i'-lltydurlnn the winter season . PBIII DTJHDTO V T .TOO. t-Trmet the earner neit to Mrs. Wilkin.' IM TOUT I'D EXTRACTS AND COLOGNES SUCH AsJ Farina's Gkiiman, IIoyts German, LrmNs Kxtuacts, Florida Water, and all other colognes ranging in price from lOcls tu 1.50 pei bottle. Their Toilet Pow ders embrace all letlows goods, Lily White IIouoes Fuantom Powders, and in I act all that any one could wish Io tbis line. They always keep on hand tbe largest assortment of the finest 5. 10 and 15 Cts Cigars te be found in the town of Weldow, which they guarantee to be equal to any in me market, and are sure tbey can please any indue of a sood ctear at any pnee ranging from 2J to 25 cents. Tbey also keep the best article of smoking ana chewing tobacco. They are always glad tn ace their friends and will take ereat pleasure io showine their gooda and quoting prices, whether tbey sell or oot. Mr. 1). B Ai llicofJer, one of tbe firm will remain durioa lb winter io Ualtimorr. wnere be will Dave ao opportunity to select good at bnttnea prices. UK. A. R ZOLLICOFFKRA BRO. Look for Sinn West side Wash. Ave . Weldon N. (1. Prescriptions carefully Sited and patients treated under tbe immediate super vis toe oi ur. A. ll L illienffer, who witb thauks Tor past patrooage continues the practice of mediciae as heretofore and cast be found at ZollicolTet's drag store at .III . . r ti . ii uoura mgoi ana oay, woe oot proiessionaiiy engaged. stp S3 1 f l'Uriii&Hi'ra. eerJO IOt Xll.n I. ' . . uiit.I Td W. 11. J .. . Executore of Charles U. IMiields. 185 I ESTABLISHED 1857 i:i::'.si;k.-i H.'Sr-liiiK llmise. april 2) ly. ) J MONF.1.KT. I'VK STt Fl-'f, HTAT.',Nr:ltV, I'KRKPMKM, HO A I'H, N K w STOCK OK liOODH, STSNOS TO OAT WITHOUT I RtVL IN TMf WOULD. "ii me cum in an sinus ui nus aim tains it has V. IV, I'AK I Tf H HlOltK, HALU'AX. N. 0. A coniileto New Kail Rtnek of good at lowest prlotn. And la tt vrytblnf that may be called for in ray lln. A Boe lul of rtiewrnc and Homklwr Tohareo, 1reth and Clrara of all brands at ali rleea. New kiksI eelved and to arrive, liuirk keft Inlty up I. th stan lsed of a flrsl-s'as Arnjt rreseripilons a s)e IsHy and will he put np at all li 'iirs. s. 1 1' 'T R T. filMMotjri. I have Just rnttirnesl from the North and ean onnr inooiyiineiita Wi Durohaser. iiignvai .aan price i t cotton, aoed and "uu u W. r AWl KIT. Halitaa, M. C, Bp l mi equal : havlua: stml the test of umvursal use for Hurty vf'in ill the n.osi malarial .-uf It astr falls Is e. nl ravre y rvmuvlui for a Umc the svuinuims but rl.-ViinV ih. 5i Ui. dia-aav, iUru, wauug SHn VWw,! - . - - - ST- WW W- W f K t' tH ,...,w. m, p., ssevsae w4iu c -e, sis V. Pfff ir, uu MwU, n it . . "" CoTwrHli . Aori! ah VX.?" T' 0U:"''s Ilnnio. St Pharies Rnek Rnvl St ?.nnl la my pracUce, aud can heartily recuwujoBd It to Uic publlo," m Febr uary W-ly "t'TJCr; Fnr aale. ana-half InUnut in a firi.t Rv V. 11 IT fP T V 1? ?.i,,.,n, CollOB Gl " Cbockayotte X 1 U 1 iJ li IV, Creek, one mile from Weldon. Tbe will ana gin nave a Kod ruo ol ouau ra, Fire aii4 I He Imsurauec Agent. (iflluu 111 Ihe Larkln RulldlUK, Vi ihjs, J v. RlfSKIKHTS, Nw V..rU rnd.-rwrlti-ra. ' AKrh-iiiiiirsI' nf V st. rtown. K. V, Wi's.eru, f T.iniiiiii, ( anaila. I'ainlleo, of TartrnM, N . I'. -f I yncht.urir. Ta. Iviultal'le l.if.. ini-nr.inre Co. of M. Y. Will dre rl-ks In any other R."id eniiipany at low lil'.' T4ls Jilv I.i ly Apply to Jan Ktf A, 0. BA, or J.T.UOOCH. JODIH HILLIARP A Co. COTTOW CQKMISMOR XKRCIAHTS, HO, It P O L K V A, Fall (irteca and quick rytarns guaranteed. V. j. navv; BAKER It CONFECTIONER. WELDON, N.O. A very larwa sorely 1 r. OBAOSJRRR, C A If D I It R r R II NO B AND FLAIR, E A I 8 M R, fSBIT". KDTi, ki. The laraant ateck of Toj-s nf every varty ever brought Ui this market. Ordi,f 0r oaiidl.'i eakea, e., Oiled at shortest ntlret Morth.-riiprlrea. W.'ddina and othsr parties supplied a eheau aetlicr).-i.C9t efl ly. octlly R. WP AMIS'.. V) WrSh. Aveuo. Vhldou, " OTIOrl, Jstaaary lat, 1857. RUFI W- DANIEL Hlaatnek of Liquors, Oroeerles andCoulvS- tiourrlrs einhracs In part FKKNl II, APPLR, BLACKDKRRT and WILD CUikHHI biukiirl, WIURKIKfl. FORT, HIIERRT, MADEIRA and CUAMVAONK WINU OJOAR.S, BACOH. jfJjPfjB, MfllAWRS, UPIOB, APPLKS.JKL'-IB.', PirKLF.S, BR-V"PT-FKACUE! and. POUTNEIfN V,4C.IAK BEEB 0 ICE. And maiir alhnr artwlas too auaosroas t ' tAH. N The anderslmed wHInn Ihe ltk dar of (Vie )r A. U.,ll foreak to the hlh. l 1''' , initille auction at the late realdenee of Tiwj " ' M.crowi.ll, all the personal inperty h'l"''"L, 4. to tin. and CMwell. aS the time of Madeatn. ei sistlinr of hnusah.ild and k Heh. n . frH"r'(. .nn fannln and' nienhaiileal toW-' o" 7 wtirh, niii-doulilx and two amule lee Jaua, oue eaarlaire. ais.iil tweaty ran e- THO.M. C. UUilOElJfi AH"'