THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING BATES. A DEMOCRATIC nn WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Roanoke News la i I I H SPACE , J S - j J One Kiiuarrv, I M I 00 14 00 Wl AO Two H(iianst. 5i It mi i o ) tt Three (squares, 8 00 IS 00 MOO 40 Knur .Squares, 10 (M) 18 00 HO 00 iti OA Kourtb CoI'd, 15 C" 20 00 40 00 fO 00 Hall Column, 20 00 30 00 60 00 6.1 00 Whole Column, One Year, 75 10 PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. 13 no 1 OO 75 cti. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J R. GEO. W. H A U T M A N , " Sargeon Dentlat. Gl&a ovsr W. H. Brown's Dry floods Store, WELDON, N.C. frill visit parti" at their homes when desired Terms Reasonable, net n ly U. QRIZZARD, ATTOK1ET AT E. AIT, HALIFAX, S. C. one I the Peart House. Rtrlrt attention given to all branches of ths profession. )n II If E T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SNPIELI), N. C. Practices In tin counties of Hull fat, Nash Edirwoinhs and Wilton. Collections inada in at parti of the mate. Jan 11 tf HALL, ATTOItSIEY AT 1.4,7, WELDOV, X. C. Riweial attention given tu collections and remittances prompt! made, may Iff. liUKSI II. HVLLKK. JOHN 1. llllUilR. M' ' 0 L L B N k MOORE, ATTOHXEY AT I. AW, HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the enmities nf Halifax, Northamp ton, Kiliroenmhn, Pitt anil Martin In the Sn prntni court of the Statu and In the Federal Csartsof the Kutern District. Collections made iu any part of thn state. Jan 1 ly JAMBS B. 0 ' II A R A, ATTORNEY AT til W. KNFIELD, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax and srtlnln lag counties, ami In the Supreme and Federal conrtH. Cnl.cctlons made In any part of the mate. Will attend at the court home In Hitllfiix a Monday and Friday of each week. Jan 121 f jOBBRT O. BURTON J ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin ing oaiintles. In the Supreme court of II) ' Stat, and In the Federal courts. Will trlve special attention to the collection f olalms, and toadjintintr the Recounts of ex atari, administrators and guardians. dec llitf lATIK L. HTMAN, ATTORN EY AT LiW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In thn conr's of Halifax and adjoin in r counties, and In the Supreme and Federal caurts. Claims collected In all parts of North Carolina. Olflce In the Court House. Julyllf rJHOMAS X. HILL, Attorney at, HVLIPAX, N. 0. Prtctlces In Halifax and adjoining counties and Fnderal and Supremo courts. Will bs at Scotland Neck, oneo everv fnrt Bl'tit. aiir'jtlf JOS. B. BA.TCHKL') K. ATTOUXtiY AT L1W, ftlLBO K, X. C. PriMrfirtM In th courts of th Jn,lrl1 ittrlct !) In tho jrVdrulaud.'Sut'iomi'LNiurt.H. may II tf. T W. M AON, ATTOIKKY AT M Wt oKYsiiinv;t n. c. PwtIm hi "ii r. virf-i -if N'.ttf'm t.iit.m nn.1 l).itutnif r-.tvit.-', aI.i in tip Htiili'tai nil Sn lr. iMcjiirU. iuiii- h if. W, . JUT. 4. 4. ZOI l.k'OKKKK. K T k Z 0 L I, I C 0 K K K II. ATTOKKVH AT MW, WKi,nqar. n. c. PriveM fn t1i.'f.)irN of H,-tllfat am1 h1 J fnl n,f 'iiilln-i, In i-vii.r.'iu-' mnl K- .Til .. irf -., 'Uhm r t(.(it In v part of N"tth!n:i. f tlm Hptrf ftll n(riv4 tc foiin-l i tti.t IJod. ' JuiiM I y. . I.. UU.VTKK, OJRU K ( . l R riT rvan be found his ollm- in K.nll"! l, Pur NttrousOt ! lor Ihe la u f Kxtractln of T-eih always on band. itlniU tl. JK q U 5 W J. BURTON, ArrtttfuY at tiw, W2LD0N, I. C. Praatlaea In th0ui't of Halifax, Warren a"d MJoinlpiroountles and in the Hupreme and a'ed '! courta. Clalma Calhitlnd u any part of Marth Carolina. ' June ptf ATTORXRV AT LAW, 8iotho Nu.iic. U ictvix CoONTt N. C Pruthhsi in the county of Halifax and adioln , inyeonutlea, and in Ihe Suptauii) court of the tmn, - ' jajy. ) Year, in advanoe, lit Mtnchs, " Three Months, " VOL. IX. TIIK ItUOKK IJH. I nrtw fflTi up thy frl iuUhti, "I'm a hnrl ami t-ltd-r tiling Bur mill'1 s a nature far ton prni,l Tii lhar i,Kl'rc hIIiik. 'Tin a Intt-T lrsiin aililol ii tlmm- alraty Irnnifil The hnllMfit fwHntra of Ur lirart Aro ofh-iifrtt nidi'ly H uriifMl. And ! I do not Mam' thi'f. Tin' fault in really nilin ; I naw tlif- clad hi vlimu(H IVrtia4 lint truly thine 1 di't iiit'il Ihirit lit'art vrw.1 notih And tiMhlrra m l it ftwn ; AIh-, 'Iwii- but a mirni My un) hud run ml tliff tliMwu, Hut no! and yi't lu'hivf nn. Ah I l.rvafhi' (hit htst far'Wll, No thought of itittiTTi'-tH ir m'urii Itoth tti my troiioi!) dwll. Ton proud to m lii'tfl-Tti'd I can yi-t 1n triH to then, And lr'ak th.' link inlpforttiun F(rK"d to ffttrr nif to th'. The world ! trim! will hrinn; aalu Ah In ilH pntli you nlray, A lovi aM K.'iillc nn the oim Ho liphtly cast away, (lood lv. In "Hiliirn not In wrath, I br-'itkthiNlliik'slrhitlu. Lt'avtnt; only what U writftn On thy faWi' heart, thy imniii. LOVE AND HOPE. 'A queen of lioiirts," Such was thn name Hie ailmliers of Kstello Olyiulon hail Kiven to Iter, itn l, piatml an I prtiseil lor her Kraen anil l,iiiv as hIi hail al whvn hchii, it was . 'ilivto bn woiiilerul at that tlto uirl, hail iidiiih to I lie h-h of ij;liiHoii with a oiivictiou llmt in t lot her wer thn trials f liii". s li sliiiii'a now i.finnitli the lmi ot i,e old o k wlitcli 1 1 1 ii 1 1 her l ivoriln Hfat, thn ni'iMt (Msiial ohej vor e-nlil n,,t help but prii'iounru hnr rurelv tieaiitilul, lint the lovely tiioiitn is n.l by a Iriunhi.v expression, us with nvert.i I hnnl she listens eohlly to t ie ounn man nv er iile. It is lni'i rt-s M ii-d mal l, ami in ear est lone, he is sie iki'm tluu : "nil. I'1-IoiIh can ii lie Unit have il ceivei! ntvae I 111 tlliiikin toat yon careil lorm-? Ami ml Hum Hum ui'sr. in wlnoli have been mi foolishly happy, hive vmi ii t v been iilavinR with inn? It eunuot bo true; you cannot t) so hoirt.uss) I have been toM thxt Fusier Seveine is the favored suitor who has siKierseiio I mo; hut I aaiil that until yon continued it witn your own lips I would not lielievo it. Oil, my darling, wh in I love more than life, do not Iih no cold! Look ii, .slello, and tell m It Is talso! Kstelle Im-iuiel. D.ilv til" previous dav another had laid his heart at her lent. and with it tliu richest (orliine in all the country round. She had not in van nor ansei ; tint In her younif heart pride was very stronir, and hn It-ll that to bn uiisliess ol I'tii Kims would hu an euviahle (losiiioii. DoiiK'ass Haorlv watching her exprns siv feature, uoiijm'turvil her thoughts, "I heel' he exclaimed; ' It was true the report I heard. You Intended to marry K ister Severne- ilissiputedumn ol the world thoiiuh hn be-linpl lieuause he is rich in tils world's kooiIh I I came to-day to a-k you a (Ui"-tion upon which a frreat deal depends. Two opeuins are before til" one 1 1 ei.H In uu honorable ionI.ioi. in my naive town ; the other to uo itbroad, tar away t the dUiunt. land of C'hiim. You d i not lovo in my choice is made This will b ' inv last laren ell. To morrow will see me on my way to a lorniun Hhoro.'' He g rasped her hand, wrunir, il: then without waiting I ir aiiNweniiK wonN, turned and left her. She watched his tall form till It paed nut ol sight. Then NHd only, wim a lightning Hash, the knowl- due ol what she ha I done rami to her, and fh realised th-t in rej 'ciina lloiiulas" Mac'loiiald's live hu hail wrooked beyond retrieval the happiues, ot her life. That evoniiiK we aoo her in the midst ol a fashiouahle throuK. As lie looks down at the woman nn his arm, Foster Severne's heart leaps triumph mil v as ho tiiinkshow proud he will be w hen lit can call her bin own. As II' by accident, lie leads her tu the conservatory, where, amid the splash of f Miiilaiiis and fiuitrauce of Mowers, hn can epoak uudiMurhcdlv. There once in ire ho oilers her Ins h ind and heart all that Is le.'t ol il mnl, never doubiiui; what it will he, awa'ts bis answer. Not a inninmt does Kstelle waver. Her reply is iincnmpiotiiisinii: "Mr. Severne, I cannot b- couie your wile. An anttry Hush spring to llio yoiiun 111 ail's face, "MiRs (ilviidoii you cannot mean what you say I Tiniilt a little looker I You inirely do not mean to refuse suoli a pimi tion as I can jsive you T" . If Kstelle Iimh been leail'ul that she will cause linn pa'", all much Idea is swept wav bv his words, and rlie cannot help onipannn him to ii.e lover w ho in her false pride she ri j'Hiiod. When aha reuohel lioin", Katelle Is called upon to bear auothei inal. Truly the day has linen a hard one for the girl upon whom hitherto lha winds have not been iiiltered to blow l roughly. ' So you h ive refused K'-amr Severn, when v. ii know It was Hie d 'erest vi-li I o,v heut that I . ? I c: i o 0 l ive Co oi . .-Ill lM 1 v I I 'I ome In d hi. I ! .ill' I I an hue i fi i iar p i' i am "a.'h'iin. Hii'l ii l ii,.' CI i- 0 at oa id. eve; Ksiello, loerii is let tiote; re'rael rnur re fosal, bdiMine Mr. ,everr"'s wife ami a. I will be raved," K-m!ie Ireuih e I as her lalli n's wni'd, iir-i soiirv and III.. I iiilorio, fen upon h r etrs, ! Il aoiiI I bo a lu worn I i m i v h'lti. I I I, VI' Unoili-i." Julian a ' u V u-suie. Mr "Jwilni Uia.I' A ... i' :..r i..r l : '.hen i!:i in f. c amaii hi, h r ii-e.1 bis hand lo h a head, taistfore l, an I tell M the II ior. l'oor Kst"i! (Inter were the dais thai folio vc ' On thn verv ve f h n inline liirf:i''i Ws stricken iih nmiyi and l.. f le loii! lb" tf rl t.o.o.l o rs i h i iH'h .s ill I dm s 1 p n i ess Aner the lir.i l"n. mi p ' h o I iie ii' Id- il lo i ' l; : - i'l i " "": ii. ii.- t - . ,o'. .it T ' .. 1 !' sal sp atu ' i ill'- -oil' to l n ol i. lint sol i h - i id -.'Ii it II ncliii hU WtO'l.l's ft "' HIT.. r I. einoloi oi nil i i the lo I I. lor ov I sol l ' : wi oi. ,-i h l CI I d . r.s in le 'is r a !e I - loo o Oaf pai ei-ts ; and a she fci.tnt bv Hn b d hre He lav calm jitd i-ti 1 1 , lni Hot tti-l -ho wis, 'iideid, aioutf lioiter to is ss ho ), poor and haril wnrked, than llB iiovpi4 if o K. ler Sevel i.e. It ws evenintf, a let in "iim later. Tho Itreeta wore wet wi ll the fast tailing ram. t'la-olog a lare parcel In her ar na u ui'l Ish (Uure eaay to cross a crowde i lli.u -nitfhlare. A carriajje awlftlv passes Thoie la a cry in a woman's olce. Then, amid a lxle-1 of voices, 'Mlnw ead I" ' VVho Isahet' "How did it baiiie J " a sllnhi form Is b.ori.0 upon inen'a arms Into i he neai o-t hnusw There Is ho cine by whlcn to tell lh i llje qnivnaci'ine (jlri la. "It does not matter who nr wlt she Is." aava the kind minister Into h .e house theaiiaiiKur ha been carried. "We will care for her." And ho, Instead of b- Inn ent to the bwplul, the aullurer r uiaiuod at puclur fcKowari'a houio, WELD ON, N. Anothnr week went by. ai.d one morn Ing, with a beaniinn Nee, old Oocmr Siewnrtcame into the room where hia wiie and hstolle were sitting. 'W hat do you think, wifef-nur bov Is coming hmne Ho will bo here this week. Isn't that news. Tears ef ) y epranK to the old lady's eyes. 1 '. Mv dear boy! how glad I shall bo to see hliu !'' When her husband loft the room. Mrs. Slewart explained to Kstolla that it was her dead brother's ami, who was as desrlv loved by tier husband and herself as tlioiitfh he bad been their own, who was thus umiiny expected. "It was a sad blow (o ua when he went so far away," she concluded, "and wlnt mad It sadder mill was the noble lad carried Willi In in u heart full of pain Some fashionable beaiitv had bewitched ! i ti) and then had ,llll,.,,. .1... i out Ins Happiness llui 1 h ,im and trust tie win return cuied of his heiri wound. K' telle in ceil as she listened. Tlied ivs passe I until thn one oatno in wlncli tho expected uuest was to arrive. Clad In a simple dress nf white. Kstello Was leclinitlir on in llm lil.',.. u .r ---- --r ....,, . 11. wiii.ii the ctrriaue wheels miit.l.i - II "'U lllT ?ravel. She heard tltn esimr r..i,na r ...i . , - mh-oiiij and then ihe voices approached the roo o in which she was. Ti... .1..... 1 1 t "i'i-iiiiu. aim tliem ol, -r and Ki-aver;, han she reuiein bure I In in, but still the same, atood Doiw Ins. Macdonald K-li'lle " he cried, "my darlingl I cam- tu seek yon, and I have I und ymi! Oh tell IIIM (Mill f Itlll U'ttlo.lllkA ou are Khn to see me. I ,inv laleh I eatd of your rel'ii.lng Mr Severne and of y-mr uiisiort unes, hen In niv heart a faint dope sprain' into existence, and I determined In return and seek yon ami trv mice up re my f ile, hi It in deed be 1 hit my hope is not to prmo in vain?'' Kstelle lil'iel her eves to his, ant In their luminous ,,iHh Doni-lass read his ansa-er. I.aer, evervihing was ixplaltu,d to I MUla-s, how it astht. he had so uiu exveeiollv 'ound Kslolle iu his uncle's h nun, and all that had occurred anion they Had parted "M ileir friend, you little thought who was the lashiooaide, heaille-ss girl who refused your boy's true heart, "said Ks'ede softly, to old Mrs. Stewart, as the hapoy group nf four were drawn t 'g"tlier atmiit tho lamp ttiat evening; "init vmi will for. irive her, 1 ain sure, when she promises 1 hat heticolortli 'Hmt bovV happiness shall be her foremost care, ami that she will li v to the inmost of Hir power to renav him fur the pain which, through her foolish, wicked pride, she once caused him to auller." M IAY Itt tlHWU. The lllble, VVho coinp , shiI the foil iw ing dcscripilon of the llible was never ktiowu. It was found in iVesltnlnistnr Abbey, nameless and daleless, A nation would be fulv happv If it were governed by no other laws than thone of the bles-e 1 book. It is so complete a ays 0111 that nothing cat, be added to it. It conlanis everything needful to lio Known or done. It gives instruitlion to a aenalo, authori ty and direction lo a magistrate. It contains a witness, requires en Impar. tialver.ict of. lurv, and furnishes the Judge with his sentence. It sets llm busliind as a lord of the household and the wile as a mistress of the lable. tells him h iw to rule, ami her hnw to iuaiiaii It entitles honor lo parents and ei j ins obedience 011 children. It prescribes and limits the sway of Ihe sovereign, the nilnr. and auth iriiy of ihe master, command - the siiHerts to honor and the servants to oliev, an I promise the blessing and protection of the Almighty to all Unit work by Us rules. It promises food anil raiment; and lim its the live ol bolh. It points out a la thful and eternal guar dian to ihe lcp irting husDsitd and lather, telle him witli wli'itu '.o leave his father, less children, and whom hU wi low Is to trust, und promises a f ilher to the .inner and husband to the Inter. Il teaches a man to set Ins house in or der and know his will; it appoints a dowry lor his wile; and entails the right ol Ihe lirst born it 1 1 1 also shows how the young branches shall be let. It defends tho right of all, and reveals Tonueanee to every defaulter, overreacher and trespasser. It is the li st b ink, and the oldest b 10k In the world. It omit mis the choicest matter, gives the best Instruct! 10, all irdslhe greatest pleas ure and RHttataeli n that evoroniovc ', It contains the best laws and most pro f und nivMei im th it ever were pernio I: it brings the best 0 iinl'orts to the enquiring and disconsolate. It exhiliits life ami lrnturtalitv from ov-i lasting, and shows the only way uf glnr. It is a briet reel'sl nf aM that is to coins. It set; es all matters in debate, te-oivos h 1 1 doubts, ami eases Ihe mind nod 011 se'e "- o all scru -drs. Ii r v s the on , ivni'ind tmo 'Jul, n.'t ti w to -a toll-.oi. oil -e s s ! I it' it' 011 d n ilc-e 1 1 mi , I'l V I IU V ol j ilti-in nit i roil lu sir 11. 10 ifi ir. it is a h ioiioiUA- to sh iw right and wrong; a b 10k id' is loin that c nidemna all f. . 1 1 y HO I III ikl s the f tiidsll WISH a book of truth, tiiat dutio ts all lies and confronts ail erro s; and a h ink of life, tint shown the wiv Iron everlasting death. I e 1 it dos the m st a icient. ant iijti il iss, siia-'go lie tits, w oi'lcrlil iii'i'ii- is ti'it-, h -i to e di an I 0 uni'V ideie I w ir. It dos 1 'Iks the on e.l,al, ten 1 est rial and Intc tia! -a nrli:-,itid 'he nrlytn "f the angt I invi'iHila, bum. 111 iribi-, anil devilish Iu glous, ItoMK A Nil 1 1 tJi-KKN. I'liiirn is pr'd.i. tov - 01 so uni e le ted nian nr wonsn ' ' I II g. W Ito line-- I --' fi"'l I h -. ti e - v -e-HSt e 11 . i il 1 It illnl 1 cii ee a -I I of ' "1 e I ii ii in Hie l iv at! ib-oj N of it m I I ere a ' nn v te v who to noi 1.1.1 i he u n os Hid Oilti I hi ihe ir'Ci Hi it lu or-d n'oiiii I tiunr ei i ' es lor whit, m i" g od Itt-ri' in I, in- til Itn-ir (f ar actors s'do inVi o l.ioe on e I iiito'i i 'hri t ' i -I ii i i 1 i :e, is s ft i I -' 1 1 , i .i.wi i to' ion Ml l h O a an or. st 'Civilllfl pi dao !: v i W v -r i Horn I'l I i r nn Ii' I ,.i .' d . 11 i ices m i islit,,. -, - C' nioVi'.ve (-il Inn, l b.e losllocis ol i. -CI' 1 V . I th a realm woman la Ihe queen. It tskesitien n si d nun Irinii her. I! aha is in Ihe hst sense woiinnlv If she is true and tend'', loving and heroic, patient and self davoted she consciously and unoon. scimisly organ ii s nd puts in operation a s. t ol influences that do more to mold the destiny of the nation than any man, tie. crowned by power of eli-quonca.nan pons! lit v etl'eot. 'I he men of the nation are what mothers made thetn as a rule; and the voice ihat those men apeak In I lie ex. predion f power is the vi ice of the wi man who bore ami bread them. There oau I no substitute for Ibis. There Is no other possible way in which the women ol the uallou can niganix- their influence and power that will tell ro benellcialiy upon society and the state. In the llr-t transports nf , delight, the bappy father rushed ir 'h. room eit claiuilug, "J'ye got) n so t, boy, C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1880. I.ia usT I.KAVK.s.-Sofilv sighs the wind ti-night around ur dear old home through the apple trees, through the oh! locust, trees and among the grap'-vlnes ni'i nng eiiisci v ami lovingly in the old brown weather-biarding that baa sups poriMii iiicui inr nianv vears. Hid you ever listen to the wind in the locust trees? It does not have that dolo rous sound peculiar lo 1' among the pines, nor yet the llippant tick-tank-tick that accompanies it through the oak trees and the beech; b it a sweet aong it slogs, that the heart can translate but not the pen. Many and many a time have we heard it slug there, but oi-ce above all times dime roiiititiil.or ihe notig it aniig to ua; how solt Iv, bow sweetly, how solemnly and sa credlv Its accents stole upon us through all of (hat September night w llatene I jt was as il thn angels partisl the foliage if ilieir own Irngraot trees ot Paradise, and whispered lo us of hvaven. One other listened, v-hoae heart was braver. at romter and kinder than ours, and still to bis ear the rustle of the locust leaves is music. Iearold locust tree-! older by one year than we are, your lite giving shade was the Kdon oi our childh.vHl; still at your feet grow the.) ihnnv Jump-up and aweet Williams our chllilish.hiiuds gathered from the woodland and planted there. - 4B - Kksp insiiiimtiks.- It Is a high, solemn, awful thought Tor every lodh-id 1.1! man that his earthly inlluence, which his a ooHimeuceiiietit, will never through all sgos, were he tho very meanest of us, have an end ! What Is rtotis, has alrenlv blond ed itself with the boiindle s. ever-living, nver-wnrking universe, and will a. so wotk thoie lor good or evil, openly or se cretly, through all time. ISul the life of every man Is llm well sprb g of a stream whose small beginnings are indeed plain to all, but whose ulterior course and dos liim'ion, as it winds through the expanse of infinite years onlv the u nnlscient nan dis. 'inn. Will it mingle with the ncigh b iring rivulets as a Iritititary or receive them aa their sovereign? It la lo be a naineb ss brook, and w ill Its tiny waters among millions of other humks and tills increase th current of some world's rivet? Or it t i be itself a Khine or I'onait, whose going forth to the uttermost Ian I, its I) mil an everlasting b niudaryllno n,i the globe Itsel , the tuilwaik and hignwav of whole king loins and coniiiinni? tt'ii know not; only iu either case we know Us p uh Is to be the gi eat. ocean. Its w aters, were they but a handful, are here and cannot bn an nihilated ui permanently held back. CoMtNii Auaisi. The ascension of Chri-t is interwoven with an angelio promise that he will ooiiie again. No words 0011 Id possibly bo plainer than the message which angels brought to those grieving hearts of tho little group on Olivet. "TdU same Jesus sh all so come in like manner as ye havo seen him go loin heaven." And this tunssa :e Is in perfect hirmony wl It the repotted utterances of the j,ord b. fore his iiruciilxioii. 1 have no ihenry upon llm subject. I am satisfied with the simple word of liod and am willing to leave the to others, more than satistinl with the stupendous, glorious fact that be is coming to crn-b Satan and de tth under his feel, coin ing to claim his own, who will be caught up to meet bliu iu the air, c tilling to reign on earth as In heaven, coming to in ike earth a heiven below. Do vou ask whiiii he is coming? He has expressly told tin we are not to know this, but we are to expect him every dav and hour, and this is to be the Inspi ration of earliest mil and patient wailing i Ho is coining end may ftoinn to dav. H i you ask, how he is e -ining? I onlv know so tar as the angels have told us, "In like matter as vou have seen bliu go into heaven." Tim clou. I of glory will form his stairway e.irtlnvir I its it once was bis stairway lo ho ivenward. K. VKilteicdgi . WiiatMakis tin.; Man -Ma ii v pi pin foi get that character urows; l hat it s not something to put on, ready-made, wit b woutaiib iod and luiiiibood, hut day by day, hero a little and iheie a liltle, grows wdh Ihe growih and strengthens with the s'renglh, until, good or bid, it becomes almost a coat nf mall, 1 rompl and euergei tc, when dn vou sunoose he developed all these adnii-atile qualities? When he was a boy. I.el us see thn w ly in w hich a boy of ten yea's gets up in the morning. Works, p'livs. Undies, and we will tell vou lust what kind of a until he wi l onike. The boy that is late at breaklast, and lale al school, u mis a ionr ct anco lo be a III ill. Thfl bov who ni glecls his duties, be they ever so small, and then hinineli In' saving, "1 fnrg i! I dido'l think!" will never be a reliable man. And Ihe bov who tinds pleasure in thn sutlerliig of weaker things will never be a uotde, gen erous tu in, kindly man a gentleman. A boy in a neighboring city was hit i n the head with a st .ue, und be died iu a ' minutes. The physician who post, inortvtned the body found blood c'otteil at ttia base of the brain, caused bv the ruplure of a small blood vess il;but the (?orouei' iory said " cause of bis death was an over-distended stoma, h " Nolh inj will cause a bov's a'ouiacti to distend Oiiicker li hi to hit him on the head with a stoo , Mltlioiigh souin physicians may not l e i ate f ll:e f.ct. s V "Well, I've sold in v dog," said he as he le tued iijauisl the door J unli. "Have you bough? How much did you gel?" In quired a bvsia nler. 'Seventy live lo. lars." " Wi II, somebody got bit on that ti ade," remarked hvstanilor No, J. "oh, no, I lloew iu aeriHjilel set, an old eaiii. piiigu II ig, mr last yean,' fishing laikie, au army overcoat, hihI let mo see. Oh, vs, let quite a g"od second. baud btiggv l'o with It. Oh, that's a mighty good dog. He's worth all I gut for htm bliu." i w stwvavxaaBMaasaraHaa sasjssaBMB ADVKUTlSH.MB.NT.i. (1 J" Ik Ii real chance to make moil. JvyLilev Wo tu ed a person in ev-ri lo vo to lake subscriptions lor the largest, e capost ami l est llliisnated fauii ' v i nib lo it i' ii iii ill wo Id. Any one can be "o nn a stieeesHlul agent Six elettaot works of art given tree to subscribers. The 1 1 e price Is so low that almost everybody sob-, rl es. One sgeol reports taking 12a -iibseribeis to a dav. A ladv agent reports ma', jug nver $ni clear profit in ten days. Mi who engage make nionev fast. You in devote all t our tune to tho buslne-, vmir sptre time Yoi need not on away from i otnn over night. Yon can .In i well as others. . Kiill ditectlons and terms free. Klngant and expensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. Inc h's nothing to try the business. No one who engages falls lo make great pav. Address (ieorge stlnaoii A Co. Portland, Maine. July I ft ly "13 Ijvj'P business now betorelbe pub lj J-JO L lie. You can make money faster at work for us than at anvlhini else Capital ii"t required. Wo will atart vmi. $li a day and upwards made al home bv ihe linliial t'ious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is thn time. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to work ran fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outllt and terms frco. A great importunity for making money easily ami honorably. Address True 4 Co, Augusts, Me, July 16 ly, ADVKHTISKMKNT8 fll-ATi: Or' NUHTII (AKOUSIt, HALIFAX COUNTY, SUI'KRIOK COrUT, JoYfiiibsT Kcrlnl Term, lstNO. CALENDAR. Wl DNKSDAV, NoVKMHKII 1 0 III 1 880. 0 K U. Ilalger and wile el a Is, ti W. A I) nu-l il alt 0! J II Powell ct alt vt It N Ivey et si. '.'S M A Willrnx et all Kx I'trte. 33 John I Leach a Imr. John Wille; yn J n Mmith el a. 41 Jo-liu W L;. Ivs vi J'.bri VV llcpiiti. Itsll 44 Ah Kinder Mar-ha'l vi Andrew Stone 41 Ptillf llmlgi s Joseph llmlgcs. 40 State ex rrl .lesar LCookr el ux ct all ti t) V Hsrd.e et alt. 47 N M Long et alt vi J T Oooch et alt. 48 J din Amnglon & Sent vi W II 8iuilti 51 Mit.lrn it Mnoro vi Cuuitntieieoeri ol Halifax County, M A Uaribaldi vi 5 W W liricke-ll'i Eteeatori fl'l (!. o W Ownn A ton " " OJ Jss A Pope and wile et all ti 0 V, II ,rdie 70 II. tile Itunn A C V-K lit Levy. 8'i llraiich and Pope vs Frank it Adlrr Tlll'HSIUY Novkmiiicii 11th 1880. 71 W W Hall ti K M llickt sad wtlo. 78 M Whitehead Trustre A J Ouibv ti Paul Ciary Admr rt alt. 77 John W Hcptinstall Admr It B r.irkcr TS J II KviTttt. 79 Cotnm ssiunert llalilar CnunlT T N M Long et all 101 ll O icr & Sunt ti CemmistioQett ol llaltlsx Count?. 102 tl O .cr Jt Sooi ti Cotnmiisioueri ot llalitnx County. 82 D.rby A Co vs K M Hicki a i;I wife iii John T Uregor? Kir 0 tV Uireot vs II V KMit et alt 1S3 W W KMit ti John T Uregotj Kxr, I) W Oreni. 8(1 Hi such A Pope vs Hunt PurnellttCo KmtuY NoTKuiuu 12m 1880. 110 John K tlsry ct all vi Jat L 34 K S Williami ti Vtugnati Itarnet A Co 37 J 11 llilclicloc et all ti U F Whitsltrr Ct sll. SS Thomas Ah xsmlcr Ti A flrsiwcll et alv 1 11 M McMshon ti K II Itrnwnintr. SATt'itnAT NovuMiiutt lrn ISrO. O'J Home Stvtngs Hunk ? Ctiilliuijaioo- en Hablax l!oiinly. 1811 Jit T Kvsnt Trii-tee Winliel I Emr; vi J I. Howell ct alt. 01 W T Catttr v Margaret (1 Carter. 103 Heiry II irvej yt Isaao NicholHorj. 104 Ib rrr llarTe? ts (Ieorge Nio 'Olson. 108 A ll.iibalili Admr II J Ftittoll vi 11 J llettey. IHO A (laribaldi Tl II J Hitvey. 111 Anlcr-ou Futrcll an I wile ti all ti W II Shields Admr. et alt. MnMlAY NoVKMHKII lfltl'tl 1880. lilt) Hue K Wjll.ox Tt Coinmisti.iorri of llslilsx Conntji. 1S7 State ix re I aol use Lucy Popi Ex Patii 188 1'ittirk Inchan vs Cniiimiiloneri ol Hahlsx C'liintf 4 Kxr, M 'S.a Saul. i John L. K teliin. I Kx . Mosci Smith t Ma'g.rci Ltwii US Stale i x tc' .1 f, Kitchin and wile rl hN vs VV H IVpin-i ( alt 01 WnsiitMd Siriiicit Co ti Wiffldd A Knity. TfitflltY NllVKMUKIl lflni HOD. 41 S a'e i x rid Miry W P. well vrl Kxri. I. II II Whi'uker. 41 S me x n I Nat A Urn vs Km L II II hitnki r. .') W () Dunn ft ala yt F M l'urk'T Kxrt it a t. Wl UNKspAY NoVKMllltll 17 I'll 1880. Ill Sia'e ex re I J II Col lu VI A Uari- hslili i t a's. 14 II C Klann.igan A S in Tt N R Jriikim, 1.1 It (' Fl iiuisoa'i A Si ii Tt N K .litikini Oi .1 ititi'i M Muilvii vi Muichiton aud Co tt als. 1 OS Stale IX rrl M A Hitlliltoll ft I I VI J T Dtwaon ct sis 00 A I' llruce A Co vt Jntc II l-l TlirtltDAT NllVkMIIKH 18 III 1880. 81) Kvrs M imi Smith iluoeascd Tl Ilo'.etl M Ssva.-e. 03 Kxn Mot'i Smith dcccasril vi Itthert M Savage , t al-. OH J nn r (Iregorv vt Kx't W II S.niib 00 .1 K CUtk vs W A W It It C i 11 t; Our and S ns vt J di i I" llipl ;'! A l'l i roll and wile vt It II S am 1 1 It Ktr. 53 M Mi'Mihon and wile vi Hi K. T Pat rit k M Ly in h. 74 W It Cherry ti K T Clark Ti Jai II Pal ki t ti Ssrah Allen rt sit. KlIIDAY NoVKMIIKH 10 I II 1880. 78 Mary L Carter vt John W Hcptlnttall" 100 Kxn ol W W Hi itk.ll ti W K Asr. D Kxr ct nit. 118 Itob rt L Mullen Iterr. Tt II P Ellit. 1 10 I) r' War? Admr W C Ouibj ti Paul (laiy Admr. r: alt. 1 :17 John W lleitintiall rt a'l ti Tort I. ' C rt sit I'Jft Mary .1 Ciillnm vt I) W CuHum 1.1 J State i I II I Thomas L e Vt J I' Daw son -,,.r 121 It ( Hinlon ,!r Admr K Couigland K P (ireen rt al. 111 I hmnst Lee ii J r Diion 8!irn(T, 124 Fuck and C v- N M L ng it alt. Mi) Thn list L e vt J VV ll.-piinriisll. 167 C VV (la'iett an t Co et al ti J Ilium gsrtn.r ami wilt. Satuhhay NoTMMii'HZOin 1880. 101 Kii.liv Itol.crtt and Co vs John 0 II. ptiii.lall. 113 Kxr. VV VV II ickrll Tt Cemmiitinnrrt II 1 1 x Coiinu. ltd VV II J .n s vi ConitntMionert ll.,l.lax CiiintT. 132 W K Pntutati ct a'l Tl W II Slilrldi Admr ct sis 13.1 T' niuis Young Tt John II Monte. 130 John It Moore ti Tliomat Young. Monday Nuvrmbhii 28nd 1881). 139 John II Wilboro T. N M Lnu. VJ Noah lliu'L't Tt Dtvnl Cluk. 01 Louis Hilllartl and Co ti J II Lawitnc.c el alt, 00 Ens W W Brirkell TiCatheiins Ddi ri a'l. 07 Bennett Alxhrnok Ti Wm Hodgrs. 127 John V Cuxlm tt alt ti Jat II Par ker. 128 Ma' Fcrri.ll ti R Q Uur'.ou Jr AJuir. NO. 38. et all. 129 P L?nrh Ttiitteo M Ferrall ti R 0 Hnrton Jr Admr rt a's 131 Norman ami Vioauu ti 3m W Jenkici and Co. 1113 J P B II ti Nat Dunn. I 111 A II Davit vt Nelson O.vit. lilt) Elwsrd S.bcock ti Nalsoo Otyit et alt Tuksday NoVKMHKII 23llt 1980. 140 Willi tu Smith Tt Jamil Adanil. 143 R 0 ll irton Jr Admr A McDanlcl Tt N K K.ncett. 147 J L llowi rt vs W L Pavsgr et ill. 148 Catherine Williami Tl Allied Wil lis. mi 140 Minnie W SpWry ts J , SplTeT. 1.'9 llen V Lewis ts Mtrgsret L L-wii. 151 K I, Juvtier et a! vi It It llndjert. 134 Mary W llstvcy rt an ti McUiItsiij Legctt ct sis 155 State if rel Murgsret U WhittbtaJ Tt M L Siva e. 13 Stite ex nl Eio lus Pittman vs E C lliggt et all. Wkdnkhdat Novkhiiku 24th 1880. 142 Sterling Jolintt n ti Wm Cirteret i i 144 Jsi L Arlington and wile ti W S Aaron Exr 112 John A Cullini Admr J II Branch Ti P A Dunn el alt. 157 M Whitehead Admr Eliz. Oweoi vt John T Gregory Kxr 101 Cary llsmill vi Nicholas Hamill. 1H2 Unhi L Mul'cn Itcoeliur ti N M Long. 103 Uoht L Mullen Iteceiyer ti Jsi T t)o"ch et alt. 101 Johanna Battle rt als vs E A Thome and wile. 105 Hobt L Mullen lU'oivcr ti Itobt P llcrvi'j. 1 iuihiPat NuVKMnKtt 25m 1880. 170 Thoinst Person ts Eden Peraon. 171 Jat T Uoorh A Itnr J J Lonu ti C U Ward et all. 172 Irwin ltaw't ti Juan Itawlt. 173 A Qaribaldi KcceiTer Ti John C Ran dolph et al. 175 It E Hiddick ts W P nuriictt et ad. 170 J E Men cnt'k ts Thos II Chriitis. 177 J W Hcptinstall ti Jake Harris. 178 J T Dasis,in Hhrriff ti Geo W Oraffl n 181 Simpson Hut ami Co ti Ruid and Ilnute. 182 Singer Manulicttning Ce ti Itaac Kobtiini. 184 J J Bull ti Hamlin Allen. 223 .laroci P Lewii vs Nan-j I) Lewis. 225 Jno C Ulake vs Commnnoncri al Hali'sx County. Huiiors and wituettei will only spnesr on the d iyt lot which their ensri are ict and tlierealter ss mav be further o'derel. JOHN T CItKGOHY, Clerk Bupefinr Court. noy II 4w OTICKTO TKAVKi.tClUH. 1 am now running a dally mall from Scotland Neck to Halifax. I hsv a com fortable two horse back, whlck leaves Scotland Neck, eyery morning for Halifax and returns same dav. Will take passen gers and express packages at reasonable rate. 1 am also prepared to entertain travelers, promising to spare, no pains to uiako lliotii cciuforlablo. Kospectlullv, W.'H. K1UELH8. Nov ilOtf. IOItSAI.E. The following vitluablo real estate lying mar Tillcry's Mill, In Halifax enmity about nine miles from Ihetown ol Halifax. A b nil liilu acres Including steam engine. saw mill and tlx to res, gin, gin house and tl xttires, adj. lining the resnluticu of J. U. Til lory. Mike Wl I kins, that contains about 07 acres. Pope pla"e confab lug about 1,10 seres. Interest iu vVado II Ylllery tract, Ilia whole containing about ;tT 7 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. ('.July :iltf A ' T K N T I O N. HIK I 1TTI.H UIAN T CliTT'lN I'llHSS. II V l It A I 1. 1 V V K K S H 1' 11 I.. Thn only Hydraulic Cotton Press for pliintallon us. Hisks placed In FJRSTsCLASS COMPANIES. A. II. MILL, Ag't. Scotland Neck, Halifax, Co. N. C. apr 2U tf A. WRENN t SON. Matitifacturersofand Healers In allklndsof 4 ARBIA0ES, IIABRE88, NADDLE8, H H IDLES, COLL A KM, CaKTS. WHKKLS, AXI.K-, FA KM WAOONS. IIOHSK CLOTHING. LAP HOB KM, Ac N). II, It), 114, and m Union Street, NORFOLK, YA. sep IH v ' OUREQ rsraofiTioa, BioouiHua, BKKHXAOAOHf OolTIVIHTIS. ' OURE9 t-CsjT AtelTlTI, OUR iTOMItOrt, FOUl BsiATKj , tow tPiaiTt. OviPCPCta, V . I , inwwus-iw I ItltsriTr.nUitoMMt, asdO' ly sonnies Sim anon. Medlelne now In niarkst, irvrstrilonly tif I . r.KiManntaco. Xie-ll (lark At. St. Ixsilt, nrcslMertluM. A. HlDUBent, M. I. lo1lan4 At bvtust aa4 yaOwMi i tkad til OmMiMo' Mepieiiilici liitli ly. p A TRICK II. UKADY. UXDEIt THE 1'ONT Ot'FII'E. Ritrr constant i. v () Haxd LlliUOKH OK ALL DK8CKIPTIONS. (ilflritcmiaer ainl flanirer Whiskies slirss. nn haul. Irish sml Senleh Whiskey, t'olj lie.r, t oies, i.iaarn, Mjminons, Toiiaeeo, c. tfVS I10'"'' 'orirct lha plae under the OTIK osiE.cont, t 1.1,. Mlxrd UrtuUa of all ktuda. JuneJtl A Bl II Ss vicrvii w MliiMiiii 1sW V'rj iLi Aijtj iff TALUOTTatNUllll 8IIOCKOK MACUIXK WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol 1'ortsble and Htatlonary l'':igln d Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn an 4 Wheat Mills, .Shafting, Hangers and Pul leys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma chlueiy, Wimight Iron Work, ilraaa and Iron Castings, Machinery of Every Dear c.rlptiou. Ginning and Tiiuksiiino Maciiihw A 8PKCIALTY. Repalrlns; Troniptl Catrelall Done. TAI.BOTT 8 PAI'RNT SFARK-ARRRsTtll, Tho luTentlon ol Ihe Af. It dona not ilAatrnv rli. a..A t. a not interfere with cleaning the tnbe. It will not choke up, and require no clean "it. It reolllres nn it ! raO Hainna.. IA nnaiinil whim mi.lini .tunm i , I , - " ""J".n iii.iufivi. lTl lug obieotlonable, aa they may be lalt opeat '..... di si., si rnmi).) It requires no water to estlngnlsk sparks, which, bv noiidniiastlnn ,i.,... the draft. Itualiles, when water is used," If iiegieciisi, mo etticiency is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the bollar Is kept in a lilthy condition. ii in simple ana durable and ran m ra iled upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No plantar should be without one bftUsn, Insurance onmnirilra will i,i. j barns where the Talbott Knglnes and Spark-Arrosters are used at ssma rat charged for wator or horse-power. XafHend for illllslratad elrn,, I... ..j price list. Ilrsnoh house, Onldsboro, N. C. J. A. IIAU.SKR, tieneral Manager. T. A. URANUER, Local Manager. may 8 6m IRON BITTERS, A Ureal Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Hurt Appetiser. IRON bTtTEHS, A CiaitH. mtaiM, IRON BITTERS, A V.lmhl. Illeiu. IRON BITTERS, Hat oU m lUfmf. IRON BERS, r.r Ihitifaii- r-milt-i. lllshlf rmmnivaoasl to Hi. ptihilf tur m nt istte. riQitlrlnt ttsiriaia anil rlllrlrnl tl miwi lallr In fMilf0st. Hmn. Ity'ttrpmlm. IlrrUf ml IT. Mr, Maf Am. CttXIf. J M if timmmlh, TLmmk Zr tnmgw. . ft vlV ri.iu. ti,, sie.JT tfssiirtktm Ult ii uL ftMi.iiutl slsssi mtn u!W lo llm nr.rv.aL tf (mist, tudWss. and sU ilren r. s" rlnf rvcittHls allon llili TistusM renitslf cau net b in ttlfliljr ris'uuiuiMnaisl. It art llkr m lAsns mi tlitiHsrattlvvurKSiMi. A l....iSH.n ft, I ... Itienls Hill nniuv. all uj.siiie avnipUHUa, TRV IT. Sold b ill Drugjriitl, TiltBEOyfNfJUEKICALCrJL BALTIMORE, Md. dec IS ly W. II. VICK t'ARKItUK) A SiD II I' (JU IKS MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW TUICES. All kinds of wood work and trimming done in good style. Waokamlth work dona at short notice aud with neatness. All new work warranted, fme painting for bnggl done at low prlce.,bet paint wed. MPM I IL ATI KKTIOSI OITCNTO THE UNDEIlTAKINa DEPARTMEXr. Collins and.f?aana nf all aIsam n..nul i. , , ws.b.u.IT oil baud. Carriage Materials kept onhaud at price below 1'eteraburg market. W eldon N, C. June S ly ISO, T. K O It Fi Takes pleasure In announcing that bo can atlll be luunil at his stand on FIRST STREET, Where' he has ou baud full line ot the Finest WIN'KS, WHISK IKS, and iJKANl'IKS. TOBACCO, CIGARS, andSNUKK, OUANtJKM. Kl LKS, and tX)NFKCl'4isj'wiF43 Ills stock of Canned Op iea la unusually .,s' OLD STAND. 1 1 rt Ivev U with me ami wo.Ul n.f. r.- h' friends, titn i Very Rospectrully KR-- ROItT.M. WHITKHKAI, 1' ... Uallfag, NOs si oct 14 tf tJim?

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