THE nO AN OK E NEWS . ' ' i TIIl'ltSn.Y, ',: Nl'VKMTlKR 23 1S. r!Arrt?K'8 snajority in California rangest Ir.m 87 to 14). KCTTKR if now made or rard and it laid I') be txcelleut. Tu euterpr is it it thought will be profitable. Gnu. Gxfitrt .ays to bsrgain wn nii between Gaifieltl1 aod tbe stalwarts wIipb they fisited Mentor during tbe It it laid that tlx Ki"(Uh fester ii preA'lin2 111 L luisians, arid AJabams, at. J buudrcJi uf tolirJ people are g"lng Writ Imiti llme S'ats. John Shkumvx is candidate fir the l'ui(w) Statu .Senate from Ohin. Ill it Ibonght t be tbe strongest Mao yet roeuluxied in counectino with tbe place. - . - Faiui; ff Ri'siikk accnrmiig to tlie News and Ojserver report, receid a larger nte in the State a elrctur than any other caudiduie. lilt mej irity is M2C. - NhW Yult i: still drnnunce Kelly, ei.d a miiie n ci.l la no rout to renr. garnie tli c Iieirmcralic pany io (hat cili. Ve hare little sympathy with the as and care little whether tbe; reorganize or put. Hon. .Tvskimi K. RiinwN, wss last week elected I'nited State Senator from Genrgii. He supported Grant in 172; but it considered a leuacrat In a speech sinee his alectioa be de feods bis former course. A i oiidino t tbe report of Second Auditur Fcrriu to the Secretary of the Treaaury , the cuai of the late war al ready dishorned amounts to $1,558,138,. 54 I 88 Tli is includes all appropria tions up tw Jiae AOtb lS7:i . . l- Tnc Governor of Louisiana has ap point T. (' Manning ITi.iled States Senetnr-Vicw SpofTird deceased. Mr Manning waa furoterly Chief Justice of the State. Tbe Hun. John Manning of Chatham it his nephew. -- Ski:ktap.t SiiKiiMAt will, in his annual report, rrcoiii-nend io regtrd 1 1 the stsndiij silver dollar that its coin age be disc intiuuod, or if the coiuag is to be cmlhucd, that the wcig'it be in created, si as lo aaaks it cfj tal iu value to a folJ dollar. TltK etpenses uf tlie (ifurril ft . ernment on accou .t of pr-usi mi are im aurnse. List jear the pensions paid anniented to over fi.'tyscven wiillioi s. and since 18'il four hundred and fi'ti fue and three qnarter ojiHioiit hate been paid nut. (immi-.uiVi;ii U.u m hat ordvrrd the ('villector of the filth 1, luiti.ina dis trict to invade the district with an armed force ih iuh Mr. Ivng its mem ber of C.ingrm mm lh"re is perfect peace and q i and no vi ilttion or dispo sition to tiolntp the rights of any one. Il'lll I'll) l ', ;, .; . 'hi- . I 1 oi h i ii i i.l i t ,n "i 1 1 N Y ! n i Kid, llotfst It , t c lii'l";i ",( tliCtOill v.tes n( Ih it S: ii.- . . r I i . fi I : ? the pr nes! sh .NI . m c , 1 1 -r .,1-1 , r -t . . C , . ;rv Sakaii Iti us iAi:i. !' tre has ainve. I in N 1 l .1 il 1 1 . s bi c one the f.'.i 'n. Tli" l.ict 'hit she Ins tn llli'illipsti. Lhililren serins to make but little to New Ynfl ra She is wined and dined, and re. cetved by all as if no dingrace rested en ber. Cx'V. 1 1.1.1 a Ms, of Indiana, died SilurJa; after long illness ahich his friends fur some time fe.ued would end fatally. He i said to hae been most eicelloni man whose plainness of dress which obtained for bin the name of ' l)!ue Jeani" was not caused from itTectatinn, but was characteristic. Tiik two fiictioiu uf the Republican party are already at war in regard to the incoming ad ministration ol the gov ernment. The (irant party claims to bave ettcte I liwfi.'ld, and wants control ofevery thing. The Anti-Graut men isy they cause! the success of the party id they are entitled ti the spiils. Between the two Mr. Garfield will have tough time uf it. Sumk of his admirers want In give 0 at an income by rawing a fund, the interest of which it to be paid to tbe oldest living: Vice President. Others want a law passed to snake all Ks-1 'res idents, (Jailed States Senators at large. We ate willing for any body to sub scribe to the fund wbo desiret it; but don't put any expense on the tat pay art by naki.ig Grant a. Seni or for life. Tiikiik ;h a gain of seven and a lots of eight in the lower II mse. iu this Stale. The pains are in Cumberland, Heiufi'H, Ghernkee, Ilmdolph, It ibesoo SliiLrt. and llit loasei are in Granville, Iaiilnn, Gatior, Gailford,. Mitchell and I'ender.-r Southern H me. And the S luthern fi me mijjht have addej 1 lint there is a gtio of three in lialifai cm- ty; one in the Senate and two in the bnnse. Jon' C, IIamiltox, no nf Alet andar lltmillon has prevented to the eity of New York a statue of his father. It was unvailed Saturday w Central Park. Hamilton- was probably the greatest financier ever a', thv head of klT-iir in this country, and haa loft an enduring mon Trieut iu the treasurf system of this country. It dots not Io ik well for ti e paople to have neglected to do honor to hie mem iry until his own s 10 fi ll the neiflict, anl Bored in the matter himself. Tltr. Stateswlle landmark says ! Our licnl interests must be sedulnutlv guarded. Ij'cnl self government mint henceforth be our shibboleth. The South is snlid and she must ao remain. NVe 11 ust tiike rre nf mir Sttte and cnun'v govt nimenls anil itb these in the hands nf our own people no great harm can c one I 1 us. h is idle and fitke t'isajr 1 hat all is I-M ; ull tuat is nf prime imp-'rt nnt e t" tbe S iutb has been suved. We would rather have lost Hin cmk ihan Jarvis. we would rather have lost Congress than the Lrgisluinre, be cause the Legislature give us h meat magistrates and honest magistrates gives us hnnttt County Commissioners. TllK Southern Home, speaking of the chenge nf gunge ol the Western North Carolina K iilroud to conform to that of the llichmond and Danville road, says: It is hard to tell j 1st what will be the material res It of this change. Of one thing we are sure : It cannot work to the advuoiage of Charlotte or of this sec tion. The lest can it benefit Wilming ton. The entire freight which has here tofore found an outlet in this direction will be turned off at Greentburo, and thrown into Richmond and Norfolk, and thus the millions that North Carolinians bave (pent in the Stale's best hope, will go lo build up the cities uf a sister Stale. n luiMTit iTt:. Iu our last issue we suggested tbe plan that tbe people of the several townships hold meetings, arid recom mend magistrates to the Legislature. This plan is opposed by our correspon dent "H" who gives good reasons fnr having a meeting of tbe whole county. He ssys the msgistrstet are not purely township olfictrs, but are uiTi:ers of tbe whole county especially when sitting at a board of magistrates imposing taiet and electing commissioners. We are not wedded lo any part:ular plan, but think it is a matter for the people to decide in justice to themselves aud ibeir Representatives ia the Legis lature. ADVKU riSEMKNTrt. Q It A T M A N A It 1 L K. I X A I. K H a IN WATCHBI, CLOCIS, JEWELS T, MI.VKIt AXIS Pl.tTKI) WAIIK. M'KiTAI l.fS. KYKUl SKS e. No. M tin S . IIim-I of Maik.-l ,S.r. NORFOLK VA. The lt..i.lriiu .f W..ii.., fltx-ks, Ji-wi'lrv, A.-., n --'allv. f-sT" I'nt'i-rtirliitf .1 -tie in tli Ii.-hI rnsnnr. II iir .1 .!. it y II. In I I r. II V K v . LANDRETHS' SEEDS": BEST 1 It e-J I id s.stir ls.s-n....n IMhl . ran fl tl.ewn l.f mail f'r-Tt Ui ft f-tiitl 1, ('!- tl.vMnl.ym. 1 Orf I I II I I efU lT,. e ? A' llldrll m.t a.! flrSfW I) A 1 U LA Ml U ET 1 1 A HO N M, Tnin in. .P, 0 1) M K 11 N K, f ) M K A I. I.. TtiMt rrtiKMiisa thr riiu ifiiKKitti it I litke pleasure In inforinlnif you that I liavn eoriioieiiiiti Hie inen-aiitil" hnvu.esa in tliu tnn-iif IUI1U1, M Hie ml fur ineriv ncriiplM bv Mr. N. It. Inrkent of thai nUm., ttli.-r uu will II. ..I n. ) llnnf uauall v kepi in a General .tlerrbawd mr tlwre. ANn at tiih tovriisT rRH an Llgi'ORS. WINKS, C1CAU.S. AND TOBAOOO. A SPECIALTY TllK HtIIIH"T ntli'K I'tm Kiill COTTON IS tiiii k u 1 on iiAi.h All I Aak la A Trlwl. Kamamber Ilia plaea, DICKKNS' 01.0 STAND. Mr. To'iert Ivar la with me and would be glad lo tee his frlnnda. Vary KmpArtfiillV KOItl'.M. Will TKIIKAH, Haliaa, N. C oct 14 tf m II U4 AHVEBTI-KMKNT. "IIKADQUAUTEUS." RKOW 4k ItttltlHAY, WHOLKSAI.B AXO RKTAII. WttHlUlrlTS, A1 rwaWrv Is GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are dally reealviiig r H E S II Hl'PPLIKS -or- KVHT TlltXrt JJ OCR l.l.tR And Sell a I.ww wv the l.wweal. ORDKRS I'ROMI'TLY KILLKO. Prencrlpt'nna aoeurately enmpouiiiel at anl In 111 r. itri 7 jr. 13 T . .SIMMON H, D R I U U I SJ T , WILIIlis, t . 0. IIsvIiik rvrontljr urtliM,l Ibo whnlv vlof k of of t'run. t.olonKlnto H W. IImii. I wlUfoo- llnui thf r.iislneni at Iht OLD STAND- Ui i.k rarwltu In 4rt of a fall Una vt MKIl'SIU, P:.1TI. OIIJ. liUll.S, I AMI'S lludj, KKnoKBNB, MACtlllllOIL (MM Hi, II RUSH an, HK iTlTKn, NTATIO.tKllT. rr.Rrrsms, BOAris. re. ito. Ami In fet evvrvllilnn thai inj rallW ft Iu inj tine A flu l..t ,,f ( h-wrn? ! Hinnklnir Tvbavvo, ntarviiei sn.l riKari ..f all l.rsuJi at all frm. Ifo-xls rccilteil kn.l loarrlt. Ktovk kp full up In (ho lUa.IsM nf a Ant ilra sl.Tf. I' a t.riitr an4 will tv t bp at all hmirt. "I" '7 B T. HMMOltn. J J K A II i U A It T K It K O K (J ROC Kill KS .iSD snor.s. t . OLAXK, 01 THE BILL. Keeps coimutillv on hand, all kinila of FAMILY CROCERIES. I.lyl olls. TollAll'O. ,M7f, A ml everything that is usually round in a FIUST.CLASs! GRWKttY. HHOKlOr ALL KINDS ANDHTYLE.S. Call and exsmtne before purchasing etvnwhere, K. CLAtlK, wt T ly Waldon, N. C. AWKKTISKMKNTS. Jll (LAItU, JK. A (O'fl BKS T SIX'CORD FOR M ACHINK OR HANI) L'HK. THOMAS Ul'tfSKI.L Sc CO. HOI.K AUK.MTN. i 'It HALF. II Y WMITK NTAI.NBAI K. KV HOIrV I.OO li. lltKKt:! I wIhIi to inform theeitlmna nf Halifax enmity, ami the pulilic Kiinerally, that J keep a lirnt claa ln.une iu the town of MOTLAXD SMK.N. '. I hava a eomplMe nwii'k 1 1 tllMVCKKIK-S A (ONKECTIONKRIKS. My liar ia atorkrxl svilh the choiceat Kreneli, Apple, and t'oarh Itraniliri, also all kimla ol Wlili-kina, Winen,(iln, hum, and L'bainpaie. BF.ST nilAM)fiK WH1SKIKM A HVKHAI.TIT l.Hffer HnAr in lt.lll anit nn T)riiul.t Kaniilies Miipplunl at lower rate by the unzen onitiuit. 10,000 ( iEaraol the Ui-nI Brouda I havu a firit rlasa KK.-TAfRA.NT A.VH fill I.IAItll ((.M.iiii.V attarhed In the tinman. I will enileavnr In please all wbo will honor inn with Ibelr patri.niiue. HE Kit IIOTTLIN A Si'KCJ AI.TT. Orders for rtr Filled mi Nhort Kwtlee. The trade will find it to their advantage 10 oriiur iriini iim. O.OPKNHKIMKR, Miiru t'enlral Nalaon, oel 2.1 Sin. cSi-iiU:i, N k j" W H 1 T K Ii K A 1 A SUN II A L I V A X, N. C. TIIC rAKMKUM' MKIli'll.VXTH. O W K JJ S OLD HTAVD. A ciiinplelv stock of MIT (toons, HIM. MUKv CI.OTIIIMI, U011TS, ellnK. HATH. I APS. NOTIONS A I'ull tanrtrlineiit f All t:oo4a lo lie found in III" li"Kl Inr, and pi Iciw aa low II not lower tlmu any.Hlore iu I.N Tills srrrioN ok TflK PTATK Hov all Kinds nf Country prodin-e lor the hiulitiHi ritMh pru-r-a, tail .lint eiamlne. M. WIIirKIIKAH.t SON, llalifas, N.O. rplIK HKST SALOON IN II Al.IKAX. 1 M . W II I T K II K ADA S 0 N Opposite Ibe Hotel TllK I1K-T IIAR KHI'TINHAI.IFAX All kin 1a nf I.liinr, Winna, Rrandlea, l.liainpaKnu ( lilur, lrgr Deer, ALSO CIU AIM AND TXHIACCO. Ml ind drinka of alt dnscrlntloni nut no In Iho II K 8 T 8 T Y L K. Call and net a ennd drink of anv thine that you lour rail fur. M. Wlli rKHKAI) A SON, lUllfax, N. C. p II K K K R R V We have renls l the Kerrv aerns din river al llalirax, All pnitiea In Nnr.h- amptnn cnunty will II ml it in their advan- tane to traxle with ua, aa tbev can iietadia- Count on larry llckelM. eerry tickeu kept at their store In Hali fax an sale, M. WIIITK1IKAD A SON. ilalifui, N. '. net: It. NKW AUVKRTISEMKNT8. HANCOCK PLATFORM STILL SOLID. CASH MONEY WILL TELL. II K A I Q V A R T K R S AT Ii. A. FARIN HOLT'S. DRY GOODS AND HATS. CLOTHING A SPKCI ALTY-BIO STOCK. BOOTS AND PHQK.S A SPECIALTY. Vert Lahob Ptock or Zitiolkrs Snor.s Sold at Citt TititEs. lie sure to rail and get tbs beat goods fur nov. 4 ljr WH ITE & STAINB ACK. to; L E A D E It S 0 E IN THE BOTTOM. Having jtiat returned from the Northern and complete mock of DRY GOOD S. CLOTHING, HATS. CAP 8, BOOTS. S II 0 K S. II A It D W C V T S AND EVERY THINC COT TOR AMD ALL KINDS Of AT HIGHEST CALL AND EXAMINE ACENTS FOR MILE END SPOOL COTTON. OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST KYER BR0UCI1T TO VELDON. HAM-SOMB ANI WKLL HKLKCTKl) CLOTH I Nil OK TllK LATKST STVLKS AND AT THE LOWKST PRICES. WHITE Oct 7lf. rrmnim, rntalranan tovcr. 11 vcrvci otry uruuN lra a Tunic It Manufactured bj THE DR. HARTEB lEDIC!KE DYSPEPSIA. Kuliruar; I'J ly STILL THEY .i.J "A"T" f I"?"7 ' r"'!rllr.n of or Iron. PrruTl.n Hart anil lh Phoa. Jhalr.. M-i.u,l wllh Ihc Vein-table Xn.mi.llrt. r.n.lorw.l b, ll r,,r. o ., .1 rit lmj,.lLl bjr ilM-oia.r BrreWl-"- S.kllMv. ..!. wi '", 'JVTJt 1)11. A. 11. ZOLLICOFFER AND BROTIIKR, DRUCCISTt WELDON N. C. THR LAIKIKST AND BKST DKLUTKn fTlVK OP DRtJOH M KDICINKN, r IN H A UFA X C OUNT V. I. A. K.ZOLUCt FKBBAnilO. H AVE IN STORK AND ARE DAILY RECEIVING UKkJII K I.IH f nu J, W ( si tm ME'mM l!m,'N,T2J NTUFKS. I'BFUMEUY. SOAIS. STATIONI-'RY, ( OMIIS. IIUL-IIKS. TOILET ARTICLES. LAMP AND LAMP FIXTL'HFS 5 vn IhbhM 'NE i K "KKOI-IONERIKH. HXU AS PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDIES. APPLES, ORANGES. NUTS. Ac. Their stock nf Drtip. Mi;-inM .ti. U ..Ui. ...j .u . .. .. . . b - public cenererallv and the nhv.lrl.n. t . - . . . r cnasini elsewhere. AST Goods not io J hej would mnst nan-if.ilt. it.. .....j. i. .ii f -J ery and ilclef. the, ,re luri . I HI'OHTKIk EITIiir-ra a Kamna'o Gkrmah, Hoyts Gr.itnAN.LriiiNi KxTitArr. Flouida Watkr, snd .11 other CoIupocs raminw in uric, tmmm in,i. ... I .n I. ..... t.. m ! . . , - ,, - i ....... ... mi muiia, i nnr I OHM row. nlT I.T, ,1Ttl0" 7;IS I'" V Wll.TK RolOKS I'llANTOM 1'oWDKUS. .nd ii Iict all that mi ft mm l.i .:k .u- ' hj wiii iii i in The? alwAti kfen on hind ik Ligm It be found m the town nf Weldon. in the market, and ara aura the. ran - price ranging from Jj 25 cenll. Th.y iuu cut wing tooacci). Ther are aUavs dad tn a. ihl. t,.r,A. ,l . , .' . the-r good. ,d quoting prices, whether Mr n II 7 li: o- .... out oi the hrm .U remain during the winter in Daltimore. wnere he will bast an opportenitv to select goods at bottom prices PR. A. R ZOLLICOFFKR k RRO. f'fA-.?'"'"'. ih tb.nk, for r.,t patron-g. continue, the J. J" . oeretoiore and can be r.-tind at Zollic. (Tet'a drug store at til hours .cht aud day, when not professionally engaged. iep 231j your money. L. A. FARINHOLT. L 0 W PRICE S. WELDON, N. C. Markets where they have purchased a large A It K, . L K It T. II A W L 8. DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS. 1$ It OWN DOMESTICS, ELSE FOR CASH. I O V N T It T V It 0 9 V C K B O I' U It T CASH PRICES. OUR LARGE STOCK. U1HH).1 OF EVERT riESCHirTIO.1. & STAINBACK TBB BLOOD. rH t' utuuutj CI, Kx 213 larli Ka!a Sfxsst. St. loalw FLOIIufsTT v..m,cic, iuu iiiey rrapvcm it inv te IMP ,.M .J L . rioin. mrir imta oeiort our stock can be had in 24 houra notlr . .. ... raaraine meir ttocn ol pen urn- he. can please them. Their stuck consiw wn -m nnr ..k.tMA. r,i.i . ... . which the guarantee to be equal to anv .. i..a..- ..t j . . . 3 '.- i i.ui'v in . vimu cinar at ini ,l0 k ' " :ti ..l. . . amf treai pleasure in inowiiif they sell or not? 1 . ADVEKTISCMKNTS.. M.K.HART. W.U.IbSSJ- CRAND FALL OPENING :oe ;AT :e : H ART a JJwins I'BRHCOTT AK0O0CH'8 OLD PTASR NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NKW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS; NEW GOODS. NEW GO0D8. NEW G00D8 NEW G0QD8. NEW GOODS We desire to inform our friend and tbs pit. lie nerallr, that we have Just retaratt f the Nitrth wher we purchased witk sarsa avlet atork of irooda,eonslstinsof ; . ., DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ;' BOOTS, v.'.. SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, AND HARDWARE, And everything that Is usually found la a Int. rlass ttnr. If our customers want a ' ' Sl'IT OFIXOTnEII We will hava them. If they want 5hovi far Ladles, Children or Mn, or Boots of aay stfls, they will always he on hand. We keep lEIGLER'B HAMIIIAtBSHM. Our tooda and prices will tiearth slosasl ls apertlon, ami we Invite our Irleuds to fits ail ratt. HAUTatHARBIHOIf. Waaliiiifftoii Avenue, Weldon, It. C. ' yALC ALCAKLK LAND FOR CALK. Tn rn nance tit an orrler of taa flaperlor Oar) f Halifax euumr Iu the apeelal proearalaaw as llllr.l w. R. aiul J. l Shl.l.l. ai .ieewara af Charlea C. Hh Hrt aud in their own rta-Kt anratl W. t. MrDovrrB and wife au ohM tkw (Saw kaiiif to aM real eilatv to make aaaetatfaatf) ment of OeMs of 4erease4. We wHaa-li uth rtay of Hi-wmkr lo. 8ell in f axu I'arrela, as may lie alvis.itle to the higlrtat M .Wet iHiMIr auetlon in the town ol ftwUaiA Neek, the following laiiillo wit : , The tract of Unit of which the sail ChaflW r Hhielils slii'il aeired. Irinr In Hallfas: eoaaU? known as the Oulltierrr Plate, eimtalniiuv akevt I two huiirtreit alitr (Ito) arm al)olulii llialuM or noan Jlia-ff a. ja. u. wiieins, Mrs, aUiUr sal others. The naM laiul Ilea in half a mile,! Utt town of Scotland Nerk ruid In full view of ttv ame. in a neighborhood well kuown for 1 health and (food nociety; very near the Mlsslona ry and Frimitive Baptist. Methodlet a ljiiV lal rhun'lii'a. also wllhln one mile of Vine H1IH Aeaili-uiy. wlwrti tli. ro In a gnti male and fetnalf I'hool, Thr ealil farm lit well adapted to tit rult ivat Ion of cotton, corn and other farm prv ilurtn. There In also on the place, a irood orf harS nlre dwelilnir and out housea. alao a irood ris lioune ami acrcw. TennsoJ sale, cuie fourth f the purrliaHe luoitt'y to.e paid on the dav 'ol ale, the ri'Mttiti' in tiwulvo months and two yew from said day. The dt.ft-rred liialallmemi t ln'ar i'ilit prr cent Inten-et from day of aaleni siTiicwd l.y woll Herured bond of'. I'uruuaiii'r. huh i.i.i 7rn iw. W. II ft J.O.HHIKI.HIt. Kxnoulorx of t'harlva C. rilrlelda. i SO lot 0. J. MOSKLEY, Keeps aonstantlsj on iand A COM PLKTE STOCK OF FAMILY CROCEftiJS' Such aa , , , . Huirae, roffee. Flour, Tlaeon. Lard. Molasses, , Hyrup, Klsli. Moap. Tohaceo, Ha ull, ,. and I'iKan. A rail LI we rCoatertUacrlte. '. rrenrh, and Plain Candlei. okes, Crariwi Jellies, Canned Oooda, e. My stock of Tin ware. Wood and Willow wats Croekery and Qlaaa ware ia unexceUeAin the to wv or xi1Dfn. I have Inst retnrnrS from Riiiim..M n wf .. lock Is now eouiulvte. with an- ..wi'i.iallr ' found Iu a .... - , ' . .. .'. ... v ;, ... -M-,; TI R.HT (LANS n ROCERT HHTOHB. " V Chwlrc Fstmll BaUer for ' -AND- ,-r PKLKCT CRKAM CIIKKHI -A specialty during the winter aeasoa' . BICEI BOOKD TO IDIT ITOTJ. w-Try me at the eorner next o Mrs. WHala U..arilliiK Uiiuae. ' (i. i. Mtmr;P"i.i' spri!29 1y. '" V. J. NAW. i BAKER OONFECTjONERiv A Very Ucirn of ' ": .', .,. PAKR. CHArilIRS, TANH ! ", PRKNCII AND PLAIN. KAMI'""', , r H p I t '. xt'Ti, a , ", .i . . stack of Toys of every variety nnniiriit to this niarkct. ftrderv forcjindles rakea. Ac. fillad t shH'' not ice at Northern prirca. , ,' f Wcdillna-au.l oilier i.ariles aupplleil as .H1)'" . arnlir t'lD'apcMt, i11'1 "'