f HE ROANOKE NEWS. DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. ae Year, In advance, Mix Mentha, - thro Months, - . $2 on i oo T5 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Nnrgeon DonlliU OSct ovsr W. H. Brown's Dry Ooodii More, WRI.nON, N.C. sJTIII visit. psrtl'S at their homes when desired, Tnrins Ressonabls. net Is t.V TM. a R i z z a p. n, ATTOUVEY AT I-AW, HALIFAX, N. C. Oftles l ttis'Onart House. S'rlot attention irWon to all branches uf the profession. 1n II If ATTOKsJEY AT LAW. 0 KNFIBI.li, N. C, rraraic" ia oouio.,,.. i.i iiiitim, m-n Kdsecomtn) and Wilson. Collortlnit made In al partsof the Stats. Jas 12 tt tpartsof tlm Stats ATTOKXEY AT I.4W, WHLDOX, N.C. Issalat attsatlon given to eollestlons and rscalttansss iroiaptly mailt, mar Hf. -fAMPS M. MCLLIN. JOIM 1. MOOKI. -J DILI H A M 0 0 R E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIPAX N. c. Practise la the oou titles nf Halifax, Northamp. stea, Bd-eomb, Pitt and Martin In the Mil ram eonrt of the. Htata anil In the Federal sCssrtsef the Baiiarn Distrust. Collections made ill any part of tha Stats. Jan 1 ly JAMBS I. O'lUIti, ATTORNEY AT LAW. B7f PIBXD, N. C. rrastls In the ennrts of Halifax an sdlnln Bf sesslles. and in the Supreme and Federal .arts. Col eel Ions made In any part of the tats. Wdl atteN I at the eourt honso In Halifax Ksaday and P ridsy of eaeh week. Ja Itl f JOBBKT 0. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. Frasttess In tha courts of Halifax, and adjoin' Uf sssntta. In the Hupr-tun court of tha atata, Ill tu the Federal courts. Will flvs aaaelal attention to the eollaetlon efelalias, and toadjustlnar tha account! of ex awHit, etsslnlstralsrs and guardlasa. deo 15tf I T I H L. II Y U A If, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, K. C. Praotlcl In the courts of Halifax and adjoin lar aoastlas, and In the Supreme and Federal (arts. Claims collected in all parts of North Cardial. Oltlea in the Court House, Jillyltf rpaoHAS N. HILL,, Attorney at Law, IlUFAX, N. 0. Praetleea In Halifax and adjoining oountlei aid Psdsril and fsurreini marts. Will ba at Hcoilaud Neck, uiieo every fort Blfkt. aiiT'iflif J"03. B. BATCH ELOR. ATTOIUKY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N.C. Prsstlm in tns eoarts of the Ith Judlaial lislriit and in the Federal ami Supreme Court, assy 11 ti. W. UAHUN A.TTOKKKY AT LW, OARYSltUR', V. c. Praetleea In tha courts of Nort ..vnptnn and dlolalnt eoaiitles, alo In tha Federal an I Su sri.aesosrts. jtine If. w. . nr. a- c. im.i.U'Offsk. D AT A ZOLLICOKFKR. ATTKKYH AT LAW, WKLD03, N. C. Praotlea In tha eourta of Rallrax and adjolnlinr fcsallai.tnd In theSuprein" and Fed-ril courts. Claim eolirctsd many part of North Carolina. Otiaot tha Urm will always ha foun t In tne atsoa. June 51 1 y. jj K. H. I., ii i M T U, H , . 0 R G E O M M1 FIST. aa b found at bis offloe in EuCoKl. Pir NltrouOxll 0 for the Pain fean Extracting or Teeth always un band. June 22 tt. jKIIliSry J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V7SLD0N, N. C. Hrae.tle In tlm r, lurta of Hallf.1t. Warren and adjoining aoifiitlea and In the Supreme and Keil ?ral couru. cutn,a oulluetad lu any part of North Carolina. Juno I7lf R h. axiiru, jk. ATTOUSEY AT LAW, dJiliTl'!'D Ssoit. Halipaz Coontt N. C fBouilty f 1. 'IWi.'m In the conntT of Halifax and adjoin- The VOL. IX. III 11.1)1 J TIIRNAND. 'TIs well to woo, 'tis well to wed. For no the world hath done Hlnee myr-h's -rw and 'a Mt-w, And tnomttiff hroiiKht the hum. But have a ran. y youiiff and fair, He mire ye pledge with truth ; Be certain that your love will wear Ip.y.iml the ita.vM of youth ! F01 If you (rive not hoart for heart, Ah w.) an liaiiil Inr liaiid. You'll llnd you've playeii I lie unwlaepart, And ' Inillt t 1 . 1 1 tlir Hiiml .'' 'Tla well to snve, 'tlx well to have A iroodly alnre of olil. Anil holii I'liouvrh of Hlitiilnar Htutf, Forrharlty In rold But plaei- not nil your Impe ami trust In wli.it the d.'i'p nun.' Iirlti (h 1 We I'flnnot live on yellow diisL ririilx.'d wiiii 1 uYnr thliu : Ami he wLo iilea iii wealth alone. Will ofl'-ll ilrive I.. noii JJeHiil,. la enlter eliet 1 own luiilt II I -n the aand." Tin (toed to api-ali III k'ndly Rtilne, Al'il Hoothii vhe...'r wi ciltl ; Fa r eh hIku-1.1 lend the liutnau mind AII I l'IV- I Ilk lettl) tO IIIAll, Cut toi no; at tne nentle word. j l.et Oi.i-iU with lllti ruile iIm ell; The one who pities Hinrvl'nr InriJ Sleiu'd Mi'.'ltt.'r rrtlinh as well i The iiien-y tlmt Is wii.-in mid tent! Milt lelHl II lie 111111; III, ml ; For t In wo who tnlU yet f:i,l t 1 do, Hut "liuild upon the ti.-iiiil." . THE LOST LOVE. 'M v fii. ii 11 Is iiiuiIh, sU,or ilelle. Ulvo 1110 yen r nppi in al,' HhIIh Liwhiiii lo il.fl l ae.'ious. 'Sieii.i ' hubs i',l 'I'm jinn, Not Hint I Iiim.- I'lii.-ivicii Moiikbiiw any ill-will, but i ll i 'it, cm h' O 1 ot Hiii'w) kn lie n pour 111 10'a w'le, liHiiiiiinliHr ymi are pioml, aim i)v Ijocn re 11 en In c iinlo t. l'ollo.v III V Kiii lie aril marry llu.irv L.ikeiii in, 'Nil, belli; I would. i'i mm ry lloury I. i'A'i ,11 ui 1,' ho was a liunJred limes rirlmr 1 ban be ia.' .Sue Hiiii,:en 11 ii'e 1. re 'ih ' Its e.ivelope, wiiii l.i.i ; ijiiiiii o ilia v.e.v it i'u i:il: ..' lovuli' n' .ce.' h aibe l, ai'il 1 woi'lii I lie m hve llie.e.' U i.i'i bo loo lusty, SlnMa. If you (o.et li t p env bomu uf Ilonry Laku Uin.i'a, hi 1 opt 1 .' 'Ji lt I loi'a Cla etire ITenabaw I prefer imi';!8 wuli li i in lo a nutiaiou with Hoiin.' hie Li,' Rhe contnilied, ev q'-a -elv, 'I have hi! t'J ilio pa; t of a imuhrr for iinitiy ye.H: tny wish litis ever been tiMt you I n in a wcaitnv marr:atro. Ynu love luiu v, yon eo.i'iy iiipl.iv, and I am m t n"iU 'on iiiiii'li wlie.i 1 Mil, I tlint vi. 11 wir-ij .( noiiiiiiiil Hnpare . Henry L:ike innti c.in g ve you uli .uf those. 1 laiic. Hi law c 111 not. Tnioll w 'I of it. I Htii Jet you bavu your own oiioice in te fai ii 10 mai r'He.' 'My mi id i 111 A '0 up,' Siolla respnndod n 'liiiv. Miu M'.olt up v tin view, alipninu a lo.IlT I'lio eireliie wlii'e ehe npoke. 'If 1 1'ivoied ma milt, 1 waa to kreo It, aiKi.er IJolle,' abe cunlinueil. touo'ilnn tlm cili) ol 1I10 w apier In her r.Mv lips, ami nkiiIiik it wiiii a lieav , a!ap of I'm iia.nl. "I do mil, you wd observe. 'I'll never 110 fcor.y, I koow,' Khe inurinii'-od, turn in ibeuuvo'ope to look at us an.is-sonp- 'on, Your Imnpltie'ia la within yottr own 8-Ksp, .Stt'lia. Vou'll rin'.ill 111 v wnrda riitnu day.' Anil will a man ly gait Itullo liiiwsnn left livr. tiioihi run li.-.'iilv up Ilio Ht iiia in hoc own room and touuiioj tlio bell In uru-H I .i".e, 'You will obMRO mo by nmllltiK this at on .'ii,' fclio aaid ,u .lis aervant who an-awe-ed bci' eail, baiid'HK liiu I his ve.'V e.ivehiiie, 'and,' she aaid, linl'liiK and biiislilne;, 'becurefiil of itn-, ' p lit 11 11 an other lulier into bis hand, 'liitave tl with no o.ie bi't Hie peraon to whom it U ad drevaed. Mind 1' a'ne called, ",o o'oey.' Tbiee montha 1 1IU1' llioy weir iniirrled. Tiieywe,ea bnppv and bopaful touplo. The life iipoii winch thuy h ui entered waa like a new and I'nexplored eoun.ry. but I'l.i once um.i t to work b inl, and felt I i" t lo or 110 doubt in riv;,ird to their future. Ho had been a bead hrnkktepor fir many years, and hid tlie promise of aomothitm a 'ittle Int er vol the couiIiik aeivin. Mn tbu t'u at lv mm I lis ol tliur mai l ted II e Mil ainootiily. Tbev reiuod a limine in a pleas tut p in of the oily, kapt a aoi VHiii, and Molla wm'e the preiey eliKiitw wli'oli had been provi l I Ht the lime ol br mar, iai;e, and wondered wbv tisier Ilelle b id Miieli iiiiiuy votmi's aiiotit 111 iv.''ii'i a 1 r .nan. Dm tow ml in" el.iSM of the 11 . st vuar of II. eir ,, leil I i lo, his li-:n was said in lie uniie- I'o.'vv liabilii'es, .itnl ti nntiiver sar." of I'icir nm.'rhio found tlie boue Iiiiiki npl mid Claieneu out of a altua ilon. tie nppl:ed at tills nod tint, pla -o, but inn. lib nil rr iiiuiitli slipped In' iiiel be found 00 oooiiimi;, TIihv iuovhi! out of tlio liotise and took cheap'ir room-s in ao ouier pirt ot ilio euy. I'.v this litnetliw'r funds bo. ran to run low, aid Sella iva iii' l s 'iii.'iii'nu now lor Ipt wardrobe. Alreulv Hoe had lit';un to 8'iow ai;-ua of tiiseoti.i'tit. 'I hba'l lli.d sotNnil.inf! by and by, fie bu-band n.dd brave. v It, was ni tm I .vine '.linn lliat a l"'.le s pee It of Ii 1 1 ' 1 1 ,i 11 ' 1 ' w.is put hi o holla's I'rtns, ami i.s b'O' v lo'd t iai be 111 fltonyioi'itv of ino'lHo-H, d wi. h "s. J am ihe iii.iiii't 110111 'live.' t ;n' iii'o exelamind, ea-cs -fi: vi.i niolelii d. 'Toe yen liippie-r, bo ie;,. :;. ii a.4 .in, ki- i . is die li.ibv Ii "V .et ni'de go lo tlm dots S o l i,' he a lilnl. roino liorinit lb it, 1.0 v Ii s r. -p ' si, n;i v was foiuir Ibiri li lmi'. i'le'v wa t worknietl 111 lli.i noi etlv bdi I' I l.'k'l ll.V IMIII'II4 '-ii Willltil'll IIS l) e;ld 'low ci'i '.on 1 r. pe.'t ni . livea'ipni sneii Hiirrouuilii'LTs 1 'lareori V vas lo r at. peil wueii Him liiiso:lnd hfaH'-'d ol her lo bo of eoi il rSiei'i". Ii's e n.'l in von,' iin solibe l. T want 'o bo lin k in my old lioitih mil ing my own fiieiids.1 Tom W..1 ni u'"' oi'ii.i 1 bis fi n, a:i 1 hn ilre v her lendnrlv towards bini Willi nit a wort', bet tlie waa a look p'.o ill t- ee in ins natplso'iio n.-es, w.iile lua rci'lvo wns lo wink Mill binder. Tin"" came a div, later a M.''e 'f r wiinii ilavi must lin dirk an I WBa-f wneu it, did seoui til it maltera bad coino to a ir'l!. I.picv bal' was floNliol Ions nTi, ' no Odd Kiii W8' building C'liiio'e e I. ami llie lust B'luko liad biun t Iveu lo ihe new ebu-eli. (Maranro must look for a nno iii'uit "fW. Jennv, who bad 'nieiiel t'i edd J l ii' 1 w 1 or 1 hren in nit is, hid ,0 I' i, and al1 Ihe b"Ue'iold iaiOs full npm fuel'a's bai da. Thev bid innvod from place t n'aoe a'nee F.eddv'a birth, bnoiiu to fim' a lion ,o with w hich S'.oll 1 woukl be eon t. ni. 'Kilt thn-a pontile are all a'.il'e.' sho aa'd, !and I may as well be l-i one place aa apoiber,' w is lie.- rooly to Clareure, when be aiiitgnstod Unit they tuov 1 ioio a new bloc k. It wis unwomanly In her to a,av Ibis, abe knew, ibe 111 iiii"i't tb words lud os ivijed hor lips, and alio t'l iubt to Imvo run after her husband a"d 'nn bis for ijiveness, but Just then V" 1 ly eam;ht In her diess, eiii'siuii her to fpill the al"f alio was pourinir In tbe tea-kottlo, which only increased her vexation. 'You troublesome little thlnul' ahe aild Impatiently. 'Tako that!' lavin Imr hand lieavily oa the little bare ah'uldera, 'I am aick to do lib with you always batif Inn to my sklr;a ' Freddy, with Ilio prln'a of her Onpera still rod on hi nock, toddled to box sidot -Roanoke WELD ON, K nd tried to ellmh Into her lap. But she pushed him o(T e.-ossly, with 'On piay wiih your bluets and horaea; I don't wai t you near me,' and her turn I was raised to lay on the roy cbeeka. 'Don't, do anvlhltiii yoj'll be aorry for ly-and-by, St Ha,' Clarenuo tald, coining Into the room Just Uien. Sotnetblng In Ids face a ayed tier hand Jii't on '.lie m i'iieot, and alie re to be. fnnt, Musi ing with shame, and aniter. 'I thought you'd gone down town,' al e ranlind. Mnc plv. 'Ob, deart If I'd minded ater Hl Id 1 minuldo't have been here. Sho was right. I bad no buslm-aa '0 marry a poor man. 'Y"U are tint 110 in yourself this morn Ing Stella,' and his nvns were lull or un. a led teara aa h nuitiit sight of the re I marks on their baln'a no k. 'lo vou aupp i e I can endure every HilngT' "ho cied spl efcilv 'Yon a.e iiii tuis ami iel dear, f'ouie Iwie.aud be put mil Ins Ii mil tnrlas,. her. Sh 1 uHd d f'oiri him and went into tlm adj lining 1 until. S oneiiinig wei full on the hiv'n lnnil, and Ii" pre,s.i.l hrn cl iseiv to bi oisoin, as he eauglii Hip .min i ,, br sohoing 'I have boirii a miol olog new this 111. iro I g, S ella, liu t;o ng lo New Y.nk by the t.-1 in.' You're alwavs boa-ing ,f amnelhlng new,' was li "ritiick inplvt but what does u anioiiiii, .1.7' Si I am hoping fir somelhiig be ter, and think I Inve f uiml it now.' lie rooked Kre tdy to sleep, put him Imo hi- criii, ami then went 10 toe d mr or bis wife's room. 'Aim mil !-oi,,g lo kiss me good by, Stella?' no a-k"il, opening the door ven v aofjv. 'I 111 iv Ii imi'io ad ivorlwn.' N . s'lo .cp lui cobllv, 'you'll bo back soon ehnugn.' 'Iwd'Riuin as 1 ni as I ran; but I might nnvor return, you kiniw.' See if vou ar not bii-k as mu as you can enino, with Ihe aaaic old storr.' Clarouce lurne I qun klv, bat Mlio aiw i look 00 his lace, and oevor rorgol it. Sho hcnril liiin omss tne room, and know hn hem over r'roldv'a crib, and l.'-sed the I'ltle s'eeper again and agiin. Hu ll come liiii'K to 1110 nefore hn re-lly goos,' Hho wnSp.ired m lie'-aolf, hi artlng up and gnliii nwrd the doors but a turn in 1 he street hid him from sight when ahe cached the window. Ho had gone aad for tlie 11 .-st ii:iie without kias'ng her p,nod byn. Sho 'at qui 0 still until Fieddv awoke, then with a rrv nf terror she ran across Ihe hall to tha nearest neighbor, wit1!. 'I'Ichmo como, Mrs. Wilson, my baby's dying ' Mra. Wilson ramo, for though rough of manner, she was kind of hoart, 'lie's in a tit,' she aaid, tlio liniment, her eyes res to I 011 the little auifnrer. 'Bring ine some water, quick,' slit, called, 'anil help to get olTliis clothes.' Mella obeyed. 'Hold him so,' was her command, put ting In itl Into the bath; 'I will run home and getanuie medicine. Such women as ynu ain't fit for mothers,' she eontiued, returning with her bunds full nf bottles. 'O. Freddy.' cried a ella, dropping on her knees, 'if you'll only got well, I will trv so hard to bear everything.' 'And what trials bivo you to bear?' iifked Mrs. Wilson. You have a pretty bouiii,' looking about Hie room, If it was put in ordor.' 'It Isn't like tlio houses I am used to,' 'Young piop'o don't oxpoct to begin where the old ones left oil. They must make their own homes.' 'I never uuderi-to d it so. slater Belle Is the only mother I ever knew, and her advice was never to marry a poor ill an.' So you keep finding fault and com plaining when your husband is trying 111 every war l i make an lio ieat living. It is a wonder lliat ynu haven't driven tilm to drink In g ago.' Mv liatiy will got well, won't he?' was said pleadingli, and Hie poor thing soli be a again as II er near, would break. 'Yes, indeed.' ' And you will tsy with me through the nlghi?' forgeiiing she waa ono ol 'those pe 'pie ' I'd stay with you a whole bin sed week, replied true hearted Mrs, Wlisui, 'il l rnuld mike you a wiie wnrtliy nf your husband.' Ml through the Inng night hours, while Kred lv lav li 'iwcui inn and 'loath, Mrs. Wilson worked over hint bravely, ai.d t 'id to the girl-'iiotlier chapters in b,r own lllc-experieiicos. Thorn wore pa-, sagos over Inch Sled wept bilbniy. sod when 111 ir' lug d iwt.ed, giving bvk the child from danger, in place 01 tlie llcklo, unreason h:e, w.un m,tU iro w is nun rea iv to meet hf i'a wor't wall a linn purpose and strong Inurt, 'I do wish Clarence would come,' she kptavl g next morning. ' What detains hi in? sh" nitinii",, w in the clonk was on tho a. r M nf two ve n'cio, k. VV hat if -' and her heart lav IlUe lead in her b is mi as a in re mil. I tlm look sh 1 list saw 1 11 his law. 'What II bo never c . mes ti.cil' sue murtn rul, g iintf Into hm -I o r ' tn. M is .Vil-,111,' she called, 'w'ler i is tn v hn .Inn I.' In a 1 in-' on tli 1 !' tr 1 1 sen .vii '1. i " b"r rj ' i.ig .1 n 1 id t"ui.iny on tne a him: 1. 0 1. 1. I t 11" b" ni' 1 w ni'i ! "sii" ln link f tn sav .im 11 Inl ii-i"i ml 1'iliiil ui ; lit on II m S .11 11 I, a 1 lh.ii I'i" s elm t nil col idel nil ihe .ii Y ik b,n. 'Her hul,and tra.eU tiv ti t.'lnl beon lier ciuie,.sion si-lla csiuht at her a'-in. Hie so 1 id of her voice answering Freddy, and, with a i v a'i lull, I'oor, tnel. l'lexperienci 1 wife and mi'llie l A' as the "ideal so ordered? Willi llie holn ' f a e.ghb ir Mrs. Wilson lull her on the bad . 'Run for a doo.or,' sho said lo Miss wiM'sms, 'But vou don't know' 'I 1I1,' she Inti rrttptn I, 'Mrs. Honshiw will have a run of nervous lever and wI.eih'T her husband ia dnad or alive, I can't say." Wneu Stella opened lrr eves egain it wis nearly night. Slie knew no one nb nii 1 he bod, nuttslked to C'larenoa mid Fred, ily and sister Itelln. I ,iit h that evening CI irenee eamoln sight nf home, t'out rar v 1 1 M 1 s. Wilson's c 111. jO 'iure, he came by a dill'crent route. II hid ilimigut 10 tnleg-aiih. Mint S'.ella ou't worry.' hean.it Ml I a u late.' 'I'll" light laded fioui bis eves and 1)1 bs lace turno t ghatly white wliou he leu knit mt 1 the room. 'II01I1 gone?' hn gr HtiOd, walking from the bed to the min. 'No. im,1 Mrs, W.'s m said cunf irtlugly 'H:it'. 's liof.iii' .m l y mr wife will ooino out of ibis. '. II sb ' ne . Is is g od iinring and ahe sha 1 ha on,' turning a ido her head mi l diyiiig h r e is with lue corner of her apron. It wrs painful In 11 -'on to Hm wild talk. 'If I might 011 liim It,' tHanuit'ii said so tunny 11 lies, Wneu at iong h .Siolla awoke froni tl.n terrible ilrci:tis,tier lills!i.i;id was bendli g over her. Olauuice.' she said very snftlv at llrst, 'ClarenC",' sho repelled, pulling bur arms about his neck, 'if you'll forgive mo for striking Freddy, I'il ki.sa you, O, i many limes.' Foolish follnwxl bo orlod like a baby. Listeti, Stella.' lie said, as soon as le oould command his olo,e, 'llstenl I did gai the situation, and you caa have evena tlilug you want, touoblug bis lips to her 0., THURSDAY, eheekand forehead: 'and you are going to have auch a pretty house lu Hronklyn.' 'All 1 want Is your lovo,' clasping him obse, and that Freddy got woll. I'm ready to be a poor man's wife. Do Animals Rkason? In the Tenn Mo.ittilv W, W. Kiualev gives fuels to show ibat o r poor relatione, the brutes, a.-e endowed wilh the- faculiy of reason, A olHigyman tesitties that he observed a Fox plav'ng in au enclosure where (here were swine and their young. At loni-th be sailed a block abmil as lari'0 as one id .he pigs aud dashed lliroiigh the fence, of e uirse wilkotit aiarminit the motliiir sow. Find that Hie Hole was largo enough, and thn ha was tint pin ni", I, reiurnei and carried oil a pig without exciting diatuib ctice. liislmp Wilson know of an elephant wliosn ii i nl eie w is enilenr, "ii by a sue. ge tn phi lug the p inr b 'st In yell, but curing hi ll, r.y and hv the other eve ha I tn no opera.. I up 01 w til nitrate ol silver, and tnev fc lie I In it the elephant would Ily at the sime d .ctnr; but be receive I 11,111 kindly, and mib nillo.l al onco In the nperiitinn. Ilnber one day saw s piece of noinb tal' 'n a hi ve. bi r nise the sopp rls were loo wo k. I'll ' bees tlrt Used under It tetn (i irary upioris, then l.isiene l it seciirel v 10 the s'.ie of lbs hive, the 1 cut sway the plliars wnlch obstructed their pathway. I hey probulily never had sticli an exigen ce i,n", fo. lustmcl would never lul l Mig USi.sd bl'ictkiug lip tneir own ronl to ton 11 Hilled combs, and than there must have .lenn Home consulliii 1,111 10 enlist their whole fori e in the work, Iirkao ok t ik Okavk. "Heath woul bo sii ipiied nl ball its lerrma il it wasn't for Hie Oread of the grave,' said an elderl una ihe oilier clay, ll lo.'us to uil id in. 1 de nil "fa 111 is', hcc inipii-he I wntii 1.1 known t 1 us, a g y vi taiy lo ihe la-hiinis and Inl ids of I'le, ami w ho, lieu .old siie was Ii, iiiud to die of iliptlieria, bounili'd li 'il bed and vowed ahe would not ilio. ' Ymi alian't sav 1 must d'o!" she cried at the doctor. "I will not die! I won't die!" and 1 uahing aero.s the room she threw up the window aud would Imvo leaped out, bin sue was res, rained by friends. Tl alio sent for a gentleman Irie id, a nia-rie l man, and held a sicret Interview with him. It was ibis. He bud I isl hud 11 new vault completed, and she be; god him to promise lo Imvo her laid In it, Hint the (I mr unhid. o,l, and Hie top of her colli o not hc owe 1 down for tlio hh.ico of thne days. And he promise I her. Sho died 11 bard and ten iblo iloaili, and true to bis wo-il, her gentleman tiiend did as t.'io asked, aud at the end of the third day she w as taken from thu vault ami placed in the droatiod g-ave. Similar lo this was Hie ol I gontloina i who died no ir (loMs 0 ro since the war.and wlioe colli 11 retti d In b's own woods on a cotiplo of pine tre.as sawed oil and tho'o it reu'ai'icd un lis liirbod. It was r ght along tne Mini of Itai1. r ni, I, and became qoiie a point 01 iuierust to the passengers as Ilio c.rs passed. There It was 011 two large pious wo saw It. Koli'svl'lo Tniies, ThbTr-tof Loyai.TV. The dally lift of i vory one of us teems with occasl n,s winch will try the temper of our courage as Hcnrchlngly, though not hs terribly, as battlidleld or lire wreck. For we are born into a Htale of war; witli falneli ioils nnd diseaso and wrong and misery in a thous and forms, lying all around us, and Ilio voice within calling on us to Ink 1 nor stand as mon'in llie eternal battle agilnt these. Ami in this life long tight, to bo waged by every ono of us, ainuie lisnde 1 against a Imai of foes, the last requisite for a g ind lubl, U10 last test and proof of our courage and uianfiilnes., must bolmaltv to Irmh the moat dilliciilt and rareof all 1. 11 ill in qualities- For si, ch loyalty, as It grows i;i poifu'tion, ask ever more and more of us, Hiidsets biilorn us a standard of m mini, ss hIwsts rising higher an I liigher. And Ibis great lossnu wo learn Irnui l lirlsi's life, the mure earnestly and faithfully wo study It. Holies' Matili iiens of I'ln ibt. If ynu want to enov a great) old ago live on your income while you srs young. A deiit Is liku a drizling rain which ins k "S vou iincomfoitable all the U1110 wli'lo bills all receipted and a lurk v pen ti v laid up f ir a rainy dav tiniLes the heart warm w hen the mercury is at .or ', Falhei Mere ymi hive only been mar ried lour units and iilumst every day ynu Cnine tn tne wuli complaints sbotlt your husband. Ynu oiiuht tn lie ashamed n! yourself. lUugliter Hilt be lighsl moult the lime. Foolish child! II veu't ymir mot her and nm been lighting every day for Ihirty years, and don't we get along peioab,y nil I c'iielly wiiii eu'll other ? , She was a four veir-ol I blonde, general ly quiet and tra iable, but iiiinuia had provoke I her. I don't love ynu any more, m inima? V' r weil, dear, vu need i'i. We I, 1 ,1 .n't love vmi. All right, doiri", in unniii w iil trv lo it"' ahinj Well, I ,lo l"V0 v 1 1 ; but I don't li ol jip-t like It now . 15 Mop Orgmift, Knit II. ihs mill outlier Only Sti5 -Host in the I', si. Open V'i'ir eves wldo before you hoiiiI North l-r hi tni u mis, Opioid eiirlea l v e r t i se 1 1 1 . 11 ' s 1I0 nnl alwava led tlie ex 1.1 triiili Holler Instriiiiients a sumo 01 lens prices can bo had nearer homo. See these "llers: Orpins In Stops, 4 Sols Heeds, S ib I'.lsi Hllll CiiUller. Ileautllll1 l'a-0, 1 1 ily $iia ; II stops, 4 sets, Reeds mill filll ; 7 Slops, S sets Weeds, $ 1 1. stool and it 1,1k including. 1'iamis 7 Oct.. la lire -!Z !i!"h rt"-T""'1 I'ase, onlv H7o 7 Oct., largest six", 011 1 v .'nnj 7i Ocn. Sq nire (fraud Kxira I irge, Mannlllceiit I'ase, only f'JVI. Stonl and Cover in clilded. All I rum old and relish 11 mak ers, and il 'V giPiraule.d ; la ibivs test I rial. Wo par lrei''bt If not HiiliKl 'i'lnry. Posl lvclv Hie best birgilns In the V. s. No mistako about Hi. a. We mean busi nesa and "ompeiitlon with "i( world. Send for Fall I'rics lb-) It w-iil pav y Address l.uild.m A Hat. a' Southern Musia House, savauuiili Hi. A, VMENN & SON. Manufauturorsofaud Dealers in all kinds of CARBI&3ES, HAUHESS, SADDLES, BUIDI.ES, 00 1, LA IIS, CARTS, WHEELS, AXLES FARM WAGONS, HORSE CLOrillNa, LAP ROUES, Ac. Noi. 14, 16, 24, and 28 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. eo-313 ly News DECEMBER 2, 1830. ADVEHTISKMENTS STATE OF .OKTII 1'AltOI.IW . H ALIFAX COUMTY. SUPKIUOU COURT, .ovoiiilicr Special Term, 1MN0. CALENDAR. Wl ONKslMV, NoVli.Mlls.ll 10 1 II IH80. 0 II C. Ha lter and wi'e ct aU, v W. A I) nicl i t alt 21 i 11 Powell el sis Vi 1! N Ivor ct a!. 2, M .V Wtllaox ,t als Ex Title, John 1' Leach a Imr. John WiHcy vs .1 . S Smith ilas. 4) Jo Inn W Ljln v J"liii W Hcplin- sull. 41 Ahxmlcr Maflis l v Andrew Btoiic. 4"i P 'Hy Iloilgn is Joseph Hod'ci, 4(1 S'ate 1 x nd Jcsie LCo. ki cl ut i'i alt fa 0 V Ht l.c ct als. 47 N M Long i t sl v J T Oonch -ct als. 48 J din Arringtmi it Sons va W 11 Smith .11 Mu lie iV Moore v.s C'oiiiiuisMniicts ol ll ililnx C'oiintv. S5 A (Inibaldl v " " 51) W W Hrick-ill's Kv-utorf II I Geo W Owe n A Son " " Oj .l is A 1'ope and wile ct als va 0 V, II rdia 70 Untie Itnnn A Co v E lis Levy. Ha llriiiii-.il nil I 1'ope vs Frank it Adlcr TlllllI'DAV NuVhtdllKK lll'it 1880. 71 W W Hill vs E M Hicks and wife, "t! M Whitehead Tiustce A J OlHhy vs Pull G ii v A 1 1 1 1 r i t sis. 77 John ileptiiihl.ll Ailmr li II Patkur s J II Kvcnli. 79 Ciiii.ui ssioners Halilax County vs N M Lng et als, IOI tl O 'er it Sunn vs Corumi'sioncri ol Halil x t ou'i'r. I03 G () ci A S mu vs Cominiisiouers of II 1 1 In X l'"UIIIV. 82 Dirby C vs E Hic'ts a "1 wife. 2.'0 John I' Grcg.nf Er U iV Oaruiis vi II F E lis et als 183 W W r.iii.s vs Juliu T Gregoiy Uxr. (1 W O v. ns. 80 llt inch ,t '..pe vs Hurst Purri"ll it Co Fhipay .iVKiilMit lint 1880. 110 J bn H Gary ct als v Ja. L Ou-by. 31 F S Williams vs Y iiigitau llarnus & (o 37 J II lutein lor et als va II r Whiltiki r i-t -Is. 53 Tiimn is Alci nidi r vs Ilraiwell ct als 115 M Mi'Mthnn v E I) Ilr-wning. Satiiiidav Novk.mii '.it Hint 18J0. !)2 Home Siviii-'s Hank vi C. ui 1111 eioa - crs II 1 1 1 1 11 x C ti 11 1 y . 180 J T Kv.ni I'm. tee Wihli.l I 4 Kmry vs J L llowi II 1 1 als. 95 W r Carter vs Ma'gsrct G Carter. l(i: Itcirv 11 nvi y vi Issue Nu liolB 'ti 101 I!,-rr ll irvcy vs Gcor 'e olmin. 108 A Gniliuldi Ailmr II J I'utic'l vs 11 J Hi IVl'V. 109 A G ni'.aldi v II J Hcvcy. III And. r 1)11 Kill roll an I wile rt sis vs W II Shields Aduir. ct M iNKAY Novi'Mnuit 15ru 1880. 100 Sue E Will -ex vs Ci'ihiuisaioners of II lilt ,X Coull'V. 187 Slat.-1 x rcl sil use L1117 Vopo Ex I'm to 188 Pii'irk L'nchsn vs C itnmis-ioiicrs ol H ilil'H t' lnuty 4 Er. M S' 9 S mth is J. dm L. K tdnn. 5 Ex Mmci Smith vs Mi'g.ret Lewis 38 State ex re! .1 I, Kiiclnn and wile it als vs W It Peppei 1 1 als 04 Wnsii ll ld 8 etnc it Co vs Wiiiucld it E.ii'y. Tin;i.Y NovKMiii'.u 1 tt r 1 1 1880. II Sta'e rx rcl M irv W Piwull vs Exrs. L II II W'hitaker. 41 S a'e is f.l Nit Al'eu Vs Etrs L II H Wlnt-iker. 21) V O Diitui i t .iln vs K M Park r Exts 1 t a s, Wi i)Ntc-l)Y N ivKMiiKit I7i'il H8d. 111 S u e i x rcl J II Coliuis vs A Uan baoll et n's. II I! C ri .ciiii ; m ,t Son v N E Icnkins. I'i I! C Fl 'iinsitiiu it Son v. N E.l.ukiiis (li J itt'.ei M Mtiiii-u va Mutt'liieon and Co i t als. 108 Si lie, x rcl M A lltmiltun tt a's s J I Diason it nl-. lid A 1' ll'UCi ,f Co VI J18S1! Ill-iS. I tlPllSllAY NoVI MIIKIl LSni 1SS0. S'J Eirs M ims Sin n Ii ilcna-id va K.t'ieit M S, ;. I'd Evr M ii'S Smiili ilcct'iiscl vs Itilicrt M S ,vil"' 1 nl'. HJ ,1 .tin I' ilu-.'ori- vs l' a W It Saiiih !i;i .1 V C.sik is W tv W It II Co 2'i G . r 1111, 1 S 11- v J ho I' Unwell 20 A Kiti II a d nit - v It II S mill Kxr. .VI M M. M .'I'm an. I wilt vs III It, v P.1 I '1 k n Li 10 h, 74 W 1! ri. ru vs E T Vk 7J J .s II P .iki'i v S nah Alien i t KllHMY NoVI.MP.lll 1 9 1 if lS-O 7 Mny LCar-e: v. John W 11. pliinlsll1 1 ml Ex-sot W W II n:k li vs W E Aaron Et' in h1". US Itoii it I. MdHcn It er. v. II Y Elli.. U!l II I'll.,.. Adinr W C 0.by vs Paul G.i, 1 Adni . e: als. IS? J.-i.u 'V 1!.,.ii,a:;.1! tt a'- TJ Tom I., e el sis 120 Maty J Cullinn vs I) A' Cu'luni, 152 Sh x t'l Tlioiins I. e vs J 1' Daw son -he II. 121 U 11 r.n'ton ,!r Adinr E Couiglsnd vs E P linen it nl'. 151 1 human L-e vs J V Diason Slier IT. 124 Fork ami Co v- N M I. Iig ! al., 1511 I lin.na. L-e vs J W II pilosis . 107 C W G iH. it ii'i 1 C 1 it a s va J II mm garim r and wi'r. SATl'ltDAY NoVhMll tlt 20lll 1880. 105 Fndi v Roberts ami Co vs J dm O lleptllls! a'l 113 Ex's W W 11 ickcll vs Ciunniissinncrs llsl'tHX (' nitilv. 110 W II J ..a. s vs Ci'iiitiii'sioncrs il.lilax C'tintv. 122 V K Pntieati it a's vu W II Sliit.-I.lt A-linr et .ls 135 Thoitiis Y 'ltn ,' v .1 'ha H M ante, 1S9 Jnlm It M'uns V Ti on a- Ymtng. M iMi.vY Novkmi! 11 22s:i 1880. 133 Jnlm II Welborn v. N M L-mg. 52 Nosh lli.j'-a vs David Cl.rk. 91 Louis llil'lard ami Co vs J H Ltwrcnm et als. 90 Era W YV Iln. kill vsCstherinu lid ft 11. 97 Beiinc'l Alslirook vt Wm Ho.ljrs. 127 John V Cuxbn t uls vs Jas II Par' ker. 123 .Mai; Ferr.ll ti HQ Uurtoa Jr Adair. NO. 30. et sis. 129 P Lvnch Tiu-tic M Fetrsll vi R O lturton Jr Ailmr ct s i 131 Norman and Vinson vs Jos W Jonkiri and Co. ins .1 P 11, II vi Ne' Dunn. 134 A II Davis vs Nelson D.vis. 130 Elward S.lictick v Nelson Dtvis ct all. Tuksuay NovKMiittn 2Siti) 1880. 140 Wll'iam Stiiith vs James Adami. 143 rt O llurlmi Jr Adinr A McDsnii l vi N E F 1 licet t. 147 J L How, is vs L Ssv ii-e et al. 148 ('atlicrinu Williams vs Allrcd Wil liams 1 19 Minnie W Spivt y vs J L Spivey. 150 It.'tii V Lewis vs Mi'u'sret L L"l'. 151 It I, Jovner et i'i vs It H llnd jers. 154 Msry W Hatvey rt uis yiMcGilvany Lcgttt ct sis 153 State ix rcl MiroaretQ Wluttliead v M L fivs c 13 Ptte ex rcl Eo lus Pittman vs E C H'g.'s tt.ais. Whinksday Nnvi'-MiiKit 24 ru 1880. 113 Sterling Jolinst n vs Wm Carter rt a t li t J is L Arlington and wile va W Aaron Exr 112 John A Collins Adinr J II Dtancb va P A Dunn t t at. 157 M Wlii'cl.ead Adinr GHz. Owens vs J din T Gregory Exr. 101 Cury lliimill vs Nicho'as Ilamill. 102 Unlit L Milli'il Hi-cciter vs N M Lone. 103 Hobt L Muilvo KicciTi-r vs Jas T Go -ch et als. 104 Johanna liattlu cl als va E A Thorne and wile. 103 Hobt L Mullcu llicii?er vs ltobt P llcrvry. Tiii'h-day NnviiMiiKit 25ru 1880. 170 Thomas Person vs E ten Person. 171 Jas T Gooch A imr J J Lon vs U H Ward it tils. 172 Irwin It-iw's vs Juan HawN. 173 A G.riha'.di Id-ceiVcr va John C Ran ilo'ph et al. 175 U E Hid. lick vs W P rtiiroe.s n all. 170 J E Mori cork vs Titos II Christie. 177 J W Heptlns'tiil vs Jake Harris. 178 J T Dawson SlieriUvs Gin W Grslllin 181 S 1 1 1 1 (noti ll'is' and Co vs lluid and House, 183 Singer Miinu'actti ing Oo vs Iaac Itoli'-iiis. 184 J J Uc!l vs lUui'.'t:! AUm. 13 James P Lewis vs N n y I) Lewi. iii J10 C lllake vs Comniiiiioncts ol llali nx Coilntr. Sui'o s ai.il witnesiiei will only appear oil tin il ys l,,r whu-.li lln-ir cases am set and thctc liter as nitiv he fntlicr ordciol. JOHN T GREGORY, t'lt-ik Bupi-rior Court. noy 11 4sv OTIC'K TO TRAVEijEUS. 1 11111 now running a daily mall from Scotland Neck to Halifax, i have a coin fortablu two hi rro buck, wblcli leavea Scotland Neck, eyi-ry iiiorning for Halifax Hinl returns Hame day. Will tako passen gers and express piickages al reasonable rates. I am also prep, red to entertain Ii 'VderH, promising to spare 110 pains lo mako tboiil cotiifnrliil'le. liuspcilliilly, W. U. SHIELDS. Nov nlltf. Y?Oll SALE. The following valuable real estate lying in ar Tillery'H Mill, in Halifax county about nine miles 1 1 cnn the town of Halilax. A bunt Hti'l Hi res inrluding steam engine, saw null 1111. 1 llxtiires, glu, gin house and Il xlures, a.ljoluing Ilio residence, of J, It, Tillcry. Mike Wllklus, that contains about In' acres. I'npe place cnnlal- log about 150 acres. J interest in Wade II Villory tract, the whole containing about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Atiorney. Halilax N. C. July llllf A1 T IC N T I O N. THK LIT f Ml ill A NT Ci T TON fltUSS. 11 y i u a i' 1 c r ic 1: s s r u :. The onlv lly.lnulio Collou Treats for pl.iiilatinii use. i'lltV. IVM llt( K. Risks placed in FIRS r-CLASs COMPANIES. A. 11 IIM.L, Ag't. ciHiiiid Neck, Halilax, Co. N. C. spr 2!l If 1 Issl'P li'islness now bi'torellio ,nli I JO 1 lie. You can 11111K0 money fa-ter al ,,, k lor ns than at a ivtliini e!s" Cni'lial ) t required. Wo w ill Mart y, u. tl-11 dav and upv. aids 111 ade at home by ihe iiidusi ri 01s, Men, women, bnvs and o ils waved everywb to to work lot ns. Now is the time. You can di-votf 1 our wh tie time lo the work, or only ) mir pare momenta. No other business w ill pay vou nesilv s well. No 01.0 wlllipg to work ran f.l I to make inn rmonp pay In engaging at once. Costly (iiiiHt and tonus fiee. A greit i.-i.ori u n it y for making money en.ilv and honorably. A. hires '('',, l'o, Annsta, Me. Jnli-Alr, D?M.A.SIMM0HS, CURES IHOIOESTIOM, DlLlOUSNESI, Sick. Hcadaohc CoSTlVtHtS CURES tOUT APPfTITt, Sour Stomaom. Foul Diuatm, ... Low Spirits, ; ENLARQM'T OS DrSriP.iA, Ooua SPUEJlAol SM I IIS) VH5.ETADLET mm It IsSeyrarslheoldeHt, and only genuine Hlm Hien. Mp.llrltie mo In mariet. rrvparedonly hy I . r. Simmons A Co. Ixln-ll Clark Ar. St. laxit., te-cr..r. l M. A. t-lnuatns. M. 1). In Xh- and 41 botiiea aud padUKji. belli tl all UrejcxUI' Sep, (un 1 11, 1 it,i iy. p A THICK 1). lilt A b V. I eSDI.lt THK I'UeiT UFrifK. K k X 1' C II N S T A N T I. V OH II A N U LUjtHHt.S OF ALL IiKSCKIPTIONS. Oi l "leininer sua Hanger WhMiles always on hand. Irish and Seidell Whiskey. Cold lieer, Wuica, Clgara, l.ciiiin.nis, Tobaci-o, ie. VVi ,,l,,l'l '"rget the place under the ks2 Post Olllee, co.it: OejE, oriK t ll. Mixed Drinks uf all kinds. June 3 tf - Ai'-eV- fill' THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING P.ATES. I a I p- SPACli II & i I j Onesqnare, SO I 00 M ifla Two Squares, 6 0 It 00 30 M SO Throe Squares, 8 00 16 00 gg 00 W M FuurSquaros, 10 00 18 00 36 00 MM Fourth I'ol'n, 15 00 20 00 40 00 It N Half Column, 20 00 30 00 80 00 UM Whole Column, One Year, 76 CO '.- - - - IU ': IH:Vl Tit ) ; tW-:?Ttii -(--,-- -i- iil I nl Ii lit TALIIOTT A HOSH SHOCKOK MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol Portable and Stationary Knglnes and llollera, Saw Mills, Cora ana Wheat Mills, Shafting, Hangers and Puk leys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma cblneiy, Wtotight Iron Work, Brass and Iron I'aalinirs, Machinery of Every Dee nription. GlNNINO AND TltHI-MIMNO MACniXM A SPECIALTY. Repairing Promptly ct Cartlally Done, TALBOTT'S PAl'KNT Hl'AKK-ABRBSTIE. The Invention ol the Age. Itdonsnot destroy the draft. It doe not Interfere with cleaning the tubea. It will not choke up, and requires no dean- inK. 1 1 rnmilrea no ill rent HennaM In opened when raising steam (dampers be ing oejociionaiiie, as iuoy may ueieiiepea and allow si arks to esrae.) It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, destroys the draft, Itesidna, w hen water il used, If neglected, tho elllcloney Is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler Is kept in a tlllby condition. It is simple and durable and can be re lied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should bn without one of tieai, IiiHiiranno companies will Insure gin d4 barns where the Talbott Engines and Spark-Arresters am used at same rata aa charged for water or horse power. tT-Send lor Illustrated olrculars aa4 price list. Itrancli house, lodsbnro, It. C. J. A. HAUSKR, (.onoral Manager. T. A. GRANGER, Local Manager. may 8 tin) IRON BITTERS, A GnalToulc IRON BTrfERS. A Sure Appetiser. IRON BTfTERS, A Cuffl-Ma WimiH hsi, IMfhtr irommtpi tn the mi lu I c fur mi til. iivhvh ri-i)ti1rliirwui ninl vliU-ltlH TOXICt p 14-1 aM)' In lMifijjrtv lntrit,htmnl vrrm, II nnt f Apm ft ft it, M,mm mf Mrvngth, mf t'$trrgn, ti. n f IW riatitfi lb ilJL srt4PllKritT Utrt Wijf- clM.mt firm iww n to ihe narrtv r f Ntod, UulWn. m1 'irt'ii iTOMinu 1 ittlon, ihla Tajuiks I il IIIUI1 Ull IL.1IU1 highly n-roninion(to4. itnrtm ilhm Mtvrm 011 tin dlKtlvj ora. A truiKiunftil bvltjrv iniMlfi will rnio aUl l)PJ"tlC ItTIUpUMUsV TWV IT. Suld by ill Drurtpitt, TIItFEOWSCnUICJILCJ. Baltimore, ma A Vftlusblii liotlu-iae. IRON BITTERS, tot SpU at ft nrr4. IRON beRS, T"t IMtctl rrnslM. .-.TJ.'J J. I IS ly w. it vicjc t AUHIAUK AMD HtUUIK MADE TO ORDER Oil REPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. All kinds of wood work and trlmmlnir. done in good style. IUaokstnith work dona at short notlco and with noatuesa. All new work warranted. Fine painting for buggies done at low price-, beat paint used. M'L'.t I II. AT TEVriOM UITEM TO THE UNDEIITAKINU DEPARTMSH T. i -1 .--a .. . CofUns and. Cases of all sixes oonstaotlr nil baud. Carrlago Malorlals kept onhand atprloa below Petersburg market. Wuldon TX. C. Juno fi ly J N O. T. FORD, Takes pleasure In announcing that Its can still be found at his stand on FIRST ST11EKT, r-TfclR rw T - o:. 5.3, 1 Where ho has on hand a full lino ot tat Finest WINKS, WHISKIES, ami HRANHIF.S. TOHACCO, CIGARS, and SNUFF, ORANGES. APPLES, and CONFECTIONERIES Ills stock or Canned Goods aud Grow les is unusually Fall ana Complete Ot-n OAtirsrr Wntfmtv A Pro,uirr. PRR.-H LAIIKR BKKR OK DRArOHT. He guarantee autlafaetion. Call ana 00 him. Hoy 21 iy.

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