THE nOANOKE NE'S w. w. HAr.r,, ? J. W. SMCDUK, PnomiKToBS. THl'RSlAV, : r D ICC EM HKR 2, Isn, OI K Ml HS UIHF.K. Minj of oar subscribers have paid Bp; but aaacy still owe m fur Ibe paper, Tliii ire know n not av much on ac count of any deposition not to pay, but imply because it is a small matter and people frequently forget i', or put it off, thinking they will pay on the first op portunity. If there were only two or three of rbi kiot we could aland it ; but there i nflkient number to make it important to uj. A hundred or even fifty people, each o:e owning two dol lara make a great difference to us. We Deed saooiy; editors alarars do; and we mutt Uk tit is method of asking fur it. It ia disagreeable to hate it t do, hut we can't help it. (ir subscribers cai evoi.1 it by spoiling us the amount due ik as a regntered letter or by poa ral order. It would be very little trouble and help us a great deal. A (ood way to d i would be tt tend what is Hue with two dollars additional to pay fur the paper nave year in ad vance. We hare no doubt that who er would do tbis would feel belter. It it taid llmt a great many accidents k"lh by land a:-ii by sea happened i thaiiksgiirng day. ' Mast business men at the North are diacussing lb edviaibilily of another btnkrupt law ; and k is thought a petit ion ill be presented to Cong rest asking that such a law be past. Col. John I). Camkkon who has been clerk nf the bonse of Represents lives since 1871 it spoken nf for the lane position in the next legislature. Col. Caw.eroa it the snao for the place, ad we hope it will be given to him. Pin. I'. M. IIi.r. is nut in a card asking the member a of the Legislature t' re-elect him public printer, Mr. 1 1 .le haa been a faithful worker, and hai discharged his duties as public printer with satisfaction ti all, We hope be will be re-elected. A new census has been ordered in South Carolina, and Mr. 11 .tteifiold su perviiir of the Vermont has been given charge of it with Instructions to m ike a thorough report, paying especial at tention those districts U which the large gains hare been reported. BS. Tiik Charlotte Observer prnposi a that the next Legislature the Constitution and submit it to the people, prohibit! g eterv person in the State from voting whi has nit pii.l lis poll lax. While we w luld be 1 1 sie such a law, we think th pe ''It would bot ratify it. a. - - Wk learn from the Itileigh News and O'isrtver that a Cue occurred in Kileigh on Saturday which destroyed Inn planing nulls of Messrs. K'hnytoti nd K oyster T :e b.iiln.;' wis n1 i d tw i st- r es Irg'i () .e . r t- ..'! r b'iddinet ere als i I nr. id T I il lo-s boat flrt.ooti Ins jraoc.- f. ihn) It ' sold thai (ien (iufil.l ha' lot k-'d any one to ruler his cabinet, a d that he aill n t d i to nnnl a very short liistfl before his inanijiiration It is probiMe that between the Mai svartt aid the other wing of the Itcpub lican party GsrfieH has hut I'mle peace of mind, and lianllv lino n what to d i or to tay. TlIK passion play which consists of representations nf a rues from the life of the 8 iviour, an I which has been on the hoards in New York for a short time has been withdr awn hv the mana ger io deference to public opinion. Nearly all the ministers in the city op posed its presentation. If public opinion ia Itronklyn would suppress lteecher another evil would be gotteo rid of; and morals improved. Tub Warren News saji that io six pound township colored miuitter, George Nlcbolt n wss denied the priv ilege of preaching simply because he nted the Icmocratie ticket. Nichol on belongs to the colored llaptmt thurch. We hope and bclice this it an Isolated cave The colored people gen erally do not allow politics to be aiixrdap svilb religion ; though in doing to they would be following the example nf many white people living beyond Masoo and I'lxon't line. TlIK Colored people of New Tork it it said, will ittue an address and will tend It to President K ect Oar(i-U, asking h'm to recognlie the colored race in a substantial way after be Is Inaugursted. They tbink a million and a balf of voters should be represented in the cabinet. Mr IVuce will leave the Senate on the fourth of March, tod then the colored people will have no offijial Representa tive. The address will remind (ien. Garfield that but for the thirty thnus suid colored votet in New York be would not have been elected. , The New York Herald pays it s respect to Mr. John Kelly eiery dat, and we dou'a if Mr. Kelly can s rtive k. It is none of our business and we care not who wins - Ani now it ia tail ttmt J hn Slier miodilnot piy the hotrl tills en traded t y his acpiit at ('!i;u,jo during the National K-publica-i C intention. The bills aere for rooms and board for his managers, and delegates who they thought could be iaduced to vo'e for Mr. Sherman. Cnarlie Foster is ac cused of hating paid these brills out of his own pocket, but alien it is known ."that Charlie i trying to delent John for the I'uitrd S airs Si-rule, people will d oit.t if (his tale be true, especially as .1 lin li is access li the public purse. Mf: F!m mi it's ass.n lution with H b Ingets .1 ici the l ,te canvass teems to have,chaeged his rrligi us 'n, if If ever had any ; and we suppose hitfl'ck will as umiuI, endorse his platform. In a recvr nt sermon he J : 'Win u vou si-t the battle in array ag ii. st it fidelity I lliink Christianity is always crippled. 1 have lot doubt that in the end the course of pkiloS".hy il j istily it, but as it has been devrlnprd in llieolnnt( as it Is represented by that lor more than two thntwd years, candidly I d-oi't think on a field nl battle Chris tianity c in meet ii-fidelitr, beca-ise ttiat theology which is supposed to be the 1'iield and armor of ibiisliauily is in lataly defective." Ji'iif.K Tft'l:ft.t:'s character rs he pinning to be known, it seems, elsewhere than in North Carolina as will be seen from the article below which is taken from the New Y ok Sun. It says; The Spiingfield Republican calls Mr. Albion W. Tourgee to account for some misrepresentations in one of his political ro nances. The point stems to be well taken. Mr. Tourgee should correct his book in accordance with truth. There is another matter, however, ol more importance to Mr. Tourgee, respecting which he would do well to offer an early explanation. We refer to certain allegations, set forth nllicially, in doc ii me t Number Klevrn, published by the Legislature of North Carolina, under an act passi-d in 1H77 appointing a commission to inquire Into charges ol Corruption and fraud brought against various nflicials of the Stale. According in the report nf this com mission, made upon the evidence taken before it, Mr. Tourgee does not eij iy that cleanness of his hands which might qualify him lo sit io his judgemeut upon other men, AUVKUI ISKMKNTts jj II A I' M A N A UAL K, i k a r. k n a I tv WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL T, AMI n.tTI'.lv WtltK. M'KiTAl'I.M. KVK-il..sst:-i A.-. No. 'Jon Mam si. 1 1 .t. 1 of Marknl N.jr. NORFOLK VA. Tli Halrinit of Walelms, Cloeks, Jewnlry, Ae., a Spni'mlty, r-r Ktik'ravinn il .n In ih Imst inannnr. II nr .iMwiOrv in I.. t-i on. r. nov IHIv LANDRETHS1 wit a i"y r . riM.ii ...i jb.j li " s 4 I 0 "1 (I M K ll N K, f tl ,M K A f. !.. Til. MY KRIKXIis TlIK I't lll.lciiKNKllAI.LI I p einire in inf.-rmini: v ol thst 1 li ie i- iiii.iii i io I tlui ini'ii ai.iilx liosn.iwa In tlm . n ol Mat. lax, ll ttie aland ( r- in-nv oivoi I lit klr. X. II. Inrkiois ol thai I am, h li-re )ou will tind e . rr Uiiiir usiiail v kepi in a l.eiirrul tlrrehanidiae Jtore. AND AT T 11 It 1. (I vr It i T P tt I ' li S. Liijroi: WINKS, ANI TOII.VCCO, A SPECIALTY tiik ntr k rvm khh cotton is 1 II H KKIMilt IIAI.K All I Auk la A Trial. Remember the place. DH KKXS' OI,t)3TAXH. Mr. ItoSort Ivav Is with me and woo d tic glad to ph lila friends. Vnrv ltii-pe'tfilr HOIH'.M. tVHITKMKAIl, Halifax, N.l not U ir TOTICK. Aa I have more rati etiiiln In the town of Weldon.tlian t wIhIi Ui bold, an. I inv oljm- is atill to eontiru liniirormu and iil. ir.K In the town, perarma wImIiIiik to buy a dwolllmi or a iril atorn at reasonable rates would do well In nonsuit lil.i I am now prepared Willi nood aratoned Innilwr and other fac.ll lea u do any aniOUIlL Of lllllllllllff al kl...t nnlmil mIM.... In Woldon or nl r towns. I still con tinun hit revrnlar merchandise, bustneaa in the town nt Weld in. o- n. r. snrns. AIiVEHTI'KMKST. "lIKADOUAinKUSr n It O W Tt Jk I'tltltAWAV, WIMl.F.SAt. AND RKTAII. DRL'dillNTM, An.l lral-rs In CENERAL MERCHANDISE. Wo are dally reealvlnt; F It t fl II 8UPPL1E 3 KTBItT Tllt.Xil .t OI K US It And .Sell as Low sis tlie l.osvrat. OUDMRS l-HOMI'l'LY FIM.KD. l'resr-ript'or.a aeenratoly romponniloil at ll liourn. ooi 7 y, "' J T . S I M M () N S, D R I" U a I T , W Kl. lux, Jl . C. Itavinir isf-iitt 'urrtiKK-t llio wool itufk of of !niK l-luii(iniy to K. W. Brown, I wUJ rem Itnwe Hit Ua4lntt Ik iO L D STAND My stork fumuta ia .srt ol full Hue n MKIlli INKS, I'A'.ITK. OILH, Mll'lil, l.AMrs 111 kiDU, MAi'HIIIIOIL cimuh. lllll HMKS, HYK STt'KKH, HfATMNHRT.'is.K.s, 80 AM. ITT, IT And In ret rvarjrlhliin lha! luar li vail,! fur In mr line. A fln lot of f'lniwiinr and Hinokln Tl.o, I'la-amtira and t'luan ,.f alt l.rainls at all artaaa. Mrw K,.,ls r-cl.a anj in arrlra. BKKk ka4 fullr ui. to th atand-irsl of a Drat-:.. J rajf ntorr-. "r.-f rlptlom aaportattj anj will r p alt honrs. 'l'MJr II. T. HIMMOSa. J J K A I tj U A II T K H S F O It GROCERIES asd SHOES. I. OL 41 1, OR TR1 HILL. Keeps constantly on hand, all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES. UVt'ollH. ToBA(St), HNt'PI, A nd everything that la usually found lo a FIKST-CLASS GROCF.IIY. SHOKSOr ALL KINDS AXDSTVLF.S, Call and alan.lna hafnra norxl,..ln.. elaewhore. F. rt,ARK, oat 7 !y w.ij(M1( r, (s, i ADVEKTISKMENTS. JOIISI I. It K , JR. CO'Sj mm B E S T SIX-CORD -FOH-MACIIINEOR HAND USE. THOMAS Kl'SSKLL t CO. mom: aukntn. for hale iit W IIITK lsr.I.XBAt'K. i-rt 1 :nn ;Vr.ltV 1IOOY LOOK lit lib ! I wish to inform theeitlxnns nt Halifax county, and tin public Knnrally, that I keep a Ural clan house in the town of MOTI.AJD HECK,. I have a com pine stork f (IKfX'KKIES A CONFF.tmONERIFS. My lr la atoeked wlib the cboireat Fruneh, Apple, and Peach llrandina, also all kinds of Vki-kie, Winnv, Gin, Rum, and t'liainpagna. ItF.ST BKANIIS OP WfltHKIRH A HI'KCI ALTIT I.airnr Rear In llottles and on Draught, Families aiippllwl at lower rates by the dozen biilllea, 10,000 fcarw ol th Hew I II raw at a I liave a Aral elms KRsTAirHA.NT ANI BILLIARD KALOON attached to the house, I will endeavor tit please all who will honor ine wlib ifaelr pairiiiiatrn. RIKR UOTTLINd A SPKCIALTT. Ordrra for I rwlpw lllrat at hawrl K til ire. The trade will find it to their advantage io uruer iroiu us. O. Of K N If KIM KR, M(n I'eniral Salaon, oet 23 Sin. KeollanH Ne. k Will T K H K A L A H O N, II A L I F A .X. N. C. TlIK PAKMK1IH' M Kill II Alt TH. OWKUl1 old staid. A completettock of JiRY (itMiiva, (IHDCKRIKS, L'l.OTItlMl, IIIMITM, HIIOKS. HATH, APS. NOTIONS. A Full Aanortmrnt of All Ule, to tie found In the best atores, and piice as low ii not inwar tliau anv.atore In IMTIIHHKi'Tlow of TR K UTATB. Hot all kinds nf Country produce fer the liii(hel raali prirea. Call and examine, M. WltlTKII KAI A SON, Halifax, N. C. PJ1H K 11K8T SALOON IN HALIFAX. M . W II I T K II E A D A SO N, Oppoalte as Hotel TIIK IIKST HAH K KPT M HALIFAX. All kin la nf Mqiinra, Winew, Mramtiea, IM. ..n. ....... u . M l..- I la ' i.iiiI".Kiiu mur, iairtir leer. ALSOCUJAR ANI TORACCO. Mlsed drinks of all duacrlntiona nnt no In tlm ' II K 8 T 8 T V L K. Call and net a good itrlrk of anv thins thai you mav eill for, M. WMIVKilKAD A SON. lialllax, N. C. II K Y F. R It V . We have rented the. Ferrr sums (lie river at Halifax. Alt partiea In Nor.h ainpton enmity rill And it lo thfdr advan lane to trade with us, aa thev call Kotadls. count on lurry tickets. rerry llckets knot at thalr atnra In Ball. fax on vale. M. WUITEUKADA SON. Ih.lkva, H. C. oetTiy. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. W HITE & STAIN B A 0 K. L K A I) K i: S OF IN THE BOTTOM. Paving just returned from the Northern Markets where they have purchased a large and complete stock of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, SHOE 3, 11 ABDWAR K, CUTLERY, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, BROWN DOMESTICS, AND EVERY THINC COTTOH AND ALL KINDS OF AT HIGHEST CALL AND EXAMINE ACENTS FOR MILE OI'H STOCK IS THE LARGEST HAMWOMB AMD WM.L RKLKCTKO CL0TU1NU OF TUK LATEST STYLES AND AT TUB LOWEST PRICES WHITE ocl Tlf. raver. 11 Mnrcs r purpuM wkers a Tomu Kinofsctiired bf THE DR. HARTEB MEDICINE DYSPEPSIA. Ftiliruary lU Iy STILL THEY DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFEU AND BROTHER, DR0CCI8TS WELDON N C. TUB LA1UIKST ANDBKNT VKLKCTKII KT(HK (IP IIRUUH M KniClN'Kf, Ae IJ HALIFAX' p. a it m t v DU. A. R 20LLICOFFER ItRO. RAVE I'HMH Nl'PPlll'a COMIH. HUI'SHK-1 mil VT .liTirr KKIIOSENK AND LL'HRIOATJKO OILS. OF THK IIK8T QUALITY ' ALSO A FULL LINE OF CONFECI lONKHIES PUCII AS pi I UN ' AND FRENCH CANDIES. APPLK8. O RAN G ESN UTS . j'c! Their Stock of Drucs. Medicinea be i rnnl.i. j .l r .. . .. . . T . 7 . . public .r,erer.llv and th. phvsici.ns to Chaaine e seahere. Aw Cnnm ,.i ,, " , , " au ue nan in y nuurs notice lhey wnuld Biosi respectfully in, it. the ladies to emine their stnek or perfum. er, and toile, .,t,cle., a. the, .re sure Ibe, can plea,, them. Their stock wSt INPOBTED EITBArra r. , ., ,, -..uuMBHUal r ABINA 8 tlF.HMAS. HoVTS (riiatiM Ijhivi l'rr.... V tn . . .. , - ri.uiiuia sv AT Kit. and all other cnlogoe. r.n,,ng u. pr, fro. 10t. to 1 50 pe, bottle. Tneir T..i et IW ders embrace a II Ttloi nnA. 1 .. u ,.. n n luw . , . .. "oit.i.ui.uM i iiAjrxoM 1'owdkus. and IB fart all that n. nna .au I -l-L. I- .L:. I' - ' i'. iio, lua Thev aleavs keen on band the Urira.t the'marVe l" "I Wd""-"hih ? 'r.nte. ... be equal , ll) m the market and are aur. ih.v fan plP.,f it;y l,lds8 nf , Rnod c;, J price raneine frnm 21 tu 33 eent. Th.. .1... l ' ".. . h and chewing tobacco! ' Thev are al.avs clad to aae th.;. C,.nA. their enod. and pU,,i,X ltoTr ' P'e"Ufe her. k. .ill h ' 01 n"B,',n there be ..II have to opportunity to select n v , , u '"''lilCOFFER . IJHO. I. . , I'"0" '"f 8' Wfst "ide Wa.b. Ave , Weldoo N C PreKiinttons earefu v filled ...d n..;...i. i...j . '; . ' u . i- of Dr! A It. ZollicnrTer. .hn i i h i h ... Sll hours Ulpht and dav aih.o ..... JT K W IITOCi; Or tJOODS, W. fAt CKTr'lt RTORB, HALIFAX. N. 0. A. anmplaU New Fall atook of Roods el! I llAVfl lllMt PAVllftiai.l C.nM il.- W i w--- - ...... ..s, ,,, iur.n acq 0n oner itidurptunnm in purchaori. ikignpsi v mo priw rrottnn m4 and 'int. fi. W. VAiirrTT s,p!.,t Weill.., rf.C. :o:- LOW PKICE S. WELOON, N. C. ELSE FOR CASH. COVNTItY PK0VCE BOUGHT CASH PRICES. OUR LARGE STOCK. END SPOOL COTTON, EVER HROUCHT Tl WELDOX. (lOOM op- KttERY KHntlPTbKf , & STAINBACK. TBS BLOOD. la aaccMary. le Callto sal CO., do. 213 North Main Street. St. Lsolw FLOURISH. IN 8T0KE AND ARE DAILY RECEIVING rnr.,u ......... " u irj . . .V.. . LJ V'. 'J "IT'OJI1 . ".:, nou mrj rrsprciUIIV IOVlt the call and ex.ine their atock before pur. .....l i.. l j . Pul im -w si... ,.... .r .l. c ... . . n ... 8",cia BI0kl"6 ..A : ... ,em,m du,io lhe "int i DaltioiorP, gnnds at holloa, priree. a Sim . : L . r. """ . '""" P" n . ' " "l -'I""'1""111! engagea. Sep 231 T. J, JARRATT. iOtiniNSJO !rKKI'IIANT, NO.JS X. SYCANfOKf; STBEET. Htrlut persnnal attention given to Ibe sale f COTTH.N, PEANUTS, TOflACCO, WHKAT, itx. and phoducb Ratnrns made pmmvtlv. Btrln anil Ti. furnish..! at the lowest at. "J", , 3' ADVERTISEMENTS. M.K.UAKF. W-UHAli CRAND FALLOPENINQ ! : oo : AT : 9o : H ART JARUlRoiy fRESCOTT ANIVOOOCH'g OLD FTASd' NEW G00D3. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS NEW (jiW NEW GOODS: GOODS NHW GOODS NEW GOOD! We di'ulri- to Inform our frlrinlsanil tks sis, lie Kenerall', that we liava Just rrtnni4 (Ma tlie North where wa purchased wltk tsrii select stock of Kooiln, consisting of : DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, AND HARDWARI, AiKl averytAIng Chat is usually found In a Ink ulaas store. , jf autcuntnuuam want a St'IT OF CI.OTIIES Wa will have them. If the want fikoss hi ttadies, Children or Min, or Boots of aar tt;lt, ther will always be ou hand. We ketp ZEIULEK'M IIAMU H AIIEMIIOM. dur goods ami irici'S will bear th eloatat Is sirctlon, and wu Invite our friends to girt ail. call. HtKTA IIARItliO, Waslilntrtou Avenue, WelJon, N.C. Hept 83 ,1m r ALl'AUI.K LA Nil FOR 8ALB. In pursuance of an order of th. Superior Cvsrfc nf Hnli'ai county In the special proceed Ids". titled W. H. and J. (1 as eincirtori r Charles C. Shields and in their own rlht asatasl W. O. McDowell and wlfa and others th .. kelng to sell real estate to makeaaaets for p unit of ileMa of deriiancd. We will es Ik. k'lirth day of IiecemtxT HWA. Sell in one or men parcels. n may lie advisaliln to the hiirlie.t kM at piil.lie auction In the town of eeotlul Ni t, the following land to wit : t'lw trai't of land of which the aal:l Charlei C Shields died aeied, lyina; In Hallfas conatj, known aa theuulilu rry Place, contaiiilnir itwal two hundred sisty (jit(i) acrea ailjoliiiuir the Isad. of Noah HitKs, Jas. . Hhielda, Mrs Madry sni others. The aaid land lies In half a mile of tti. town of Scotland Neck and In full view of th same. In a neiuhliorhood well known for In health and irooil society, very near the Missions ry and I'riinltlve Hnptiat, Methodist and Kpl.e iwl churches, also withlnone mile of Vine Hill Arademy, where th. re is a Rood male and fem.l. aeh.Md. Theaalil farm la well adapted to tk. cultivation of cotton, corn and other 'arm pre. ilni'tH. There if also on the place, a xood orctisrS nice ilwellien and out houses, also a irood aria house nud isw. Terms of sale, one fourlk ol Hie purchase, money to tie paid on the ilsv ol sate, the residue hi twelve months and twnje.n from said day. The deferred installment. t near ciitht u r wni Inten-at from day of sale,ul secured l.y well seeiired luiml of purchaser 01 purchasi rs. This tiept ith ltisn. W. II. A J. ( Executora of t.'harlea (,'. IShleldi. sip 10 lot "gTj- moeleyT Keeps constantly ou hand A COMPLETE STOCK Of FAMILY CROCERIES' Such as Sugar, Coffee. Flour. Bacon. I.ard, MolasMl, Syrup, h'lsh, Soai, Tobacco, BnuS, and Cigars. A Full MneorConloctlonerles. French, and Plain Candles, Cakes, Cratkm w-iorn, vnuiictl uooua, c Mr stock of Tin ware. Wood and Willow wars Prookery and Ulass ware la uueacclled in ths TOWH or WILDOI. I have just returned from Baltimore and atock Is now eomptete, with ail goods usaillj found in a FIRST CLAMGROCERY HTURR. Choice Family Bolter for Teb'e- lue. AND HKLrX'T CREAM CItEEgi A spacikty .during the winter season,', PRICES B0UKD TO IDJT ITOO. -Try me at the corner neit to Mrs. WllkIM' Hoarding 11, imo. i O. J. MH8KI.HT.. april "( Jy. V. J. NAW. BAKER Si CONFECTIONER, we i, Day, n.c. A Very large Biipnly of Parks, crackers, candi" feesiii and flain. r a i 8 ) If R L I T S, NUTS, At. fill) largest stack of Toys of every variety ' lirought to this niarkct. Orders for candles cakes, c, filled at hr,,,,i notlceat Northeru prlcea. jr Wedding and pthar I'artles lopplle.. aa ''' njthr cheaia-st, " !iet 'T- I

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