THE ROANOKE NEWS I) f HE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISE ED BY HALL t SLEDCE. fae Yr, in idvause, Hn Meuihs, Ctir Monthi, " $1 00 I 00 75 cUt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. O B O. W. II1UMO, lirfcon Dentlit OBe over VT, H. Brown's Dry (looils Store, WRI.TON, N.R. Wl vlitt psrtl'i at their lioui when desired. Terwe Reasnaalile. ortMly M. QBUZAHn, 4TTOUVF.T AT LAW, HALIFAX. N. C. Ofii la the Cnsrt Home. Strlfit atto flven to all bntneliai of tli a profe ulna. . it ly 1 T. B R A H C 8. AT rUSIKT AT LAW. ESFIBLD, V. C. Fraatlest I tha enuuttas of Halifax, Nasto Hdreeeiuee nd Wilioa. Coltrctlnm male ta at parts ot to Rial. )aa IS tf VT. IT ALL, ATTOttJSY A T LAW, WRLDOX, x.c. dtiewiaa etteatlon given to collaetlons and ,raaltlaaa aroiaptlj maaa. it nr. ! H. HIT.L1K. JOI 1. MOOKK. DLLIN a 10011, ATTOKSEYS AT LAW. t HALIFAX N. C. Freetlee la tba eountleenf Halifax, Nrirtiinmp. 4aa. Bdfeeouibe, Pitt and Martin-Iu th Sn -rata a a art of tba State an. I In the Krrtcpal learteef tke Raa'srn District. Collections made 4a eey part f tba Stata. Jna 1 ly J- A at B 8 R. O ' H A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RSFIBCD, H. C. Practices In tba eonrti of Halifax and A-dinln-eef eeaatUe, ana la the Supreme and Federal aarta. Ooleetlona raada In any part of the A late. Will attaad at tba ennrt honsa In Halifax aaUeeaaena Friday of saeh week. Ian Hit It HIT O. BURTON 1 R. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIPAXN.C. PraetUee la tba aoarta of Hallfai. and esinln tag ewaattes. In tba Hif'iui coart of Urn tele, aad la tba Feaeral courts. Will Ua eeeelal allealloa to tba eollectloti ifeiatau. toadjaatlair tba acesaatt at ex aamaara, 4aatalatratara and learaieee. e.elStf G A I B L. 1 1 II 1 1, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, M.C. Fraatlaaa Id tba aoarta of Hallfat and artlnin far Meat lea. ana la tbe Buprerua and Federal aeerts. Clalnia tillee'ed In all part of North Parallaa. Offlco In the Court Home. Julyltf aOaiAS N. lUL,Li, Attorney e.1 Lw, X t.LIFAX, N. 0. Fraatlaaa In Halifax and adjoining ooiintlei aad Federal and Sasreies aoarta. T7III be at BcoHand Neck, ouae every fort, alrkt. aufMlf J"03. B. BATCUELOI.. attoky at law, RALKUHl, N. 0. -Praetlees la tba enarta of the tth Judicial lllrlei aad la tie Federal and gupieiasl'uurta ay 11 tf. T. W. MASON ATTORNEY AT LAW, aARTSBUR., X. C. Frartlaaa In tha e.)rt of N orfia niiton ami dalalaeoaiitlea, alau In taa reaerai ami araaaaaarta. June I If. V. I. iT DAT ft c. ioi.i,corrt!K, Z0I.L1C0FPER. ATTRMEYN AT LAW, WILDOM, N, C. Praatlaa In tba anuria of Halifax and adjoinlmr eaatlaa.and In thaNupremaaiid Ped.iral eourla. Clalnia aoil.etaJ lu any part of North Carolina. aaaf tba Brua will always ba found In the falaa. )unetl y. S. I, U','MTSR, ISIQEOX DBUI.T, fUfl ba found at bis ofllr in Kntleltl. Fir NitroaiOxld Gal lor the Pain fa Extraoling of Tietb always on baud. JtaaUJlt. ATI4ltW J. BURTON, ATT011S(E,Y AT LAW, WALDOS, N. C. Fraetlr.a In tha a.iqrla f.f Halllai. Wacren lyml adinlnln .A..nll.. .,,,1 In I Im Ml. nreilie aild Ked ral aoarta. tllalma colloeied In any part of Borth Carolina. lue lllf R B.8MITU, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ofLAD Nbck, IIalipax CoonTT N. C , i .(liatlene In tha eonnty of Halifax and adjoin i " .uHea. and lu the Uuprvnio court the The VOL. IX. a lioon mother. She ma le a neat for seven of us, and kept the f. unity together till nature bid us fly, full grown enough to ear,' for ourselves. You wee her the dear old mother Hi'r banded looks mixed wltti irrny, An she alts at the Hiiimli"t window. And Hiinlea at the ehiMrfifn play. She has tieen a'irh a fniriifiil mother To in. hi-edl.. tfirU aod l,y. That Iheli.e,! we ran do my iiiMKlitcir, la to multiply all Iit joy. She lmll have, when the winter' nrellht Shitu l.nvrht on Hie parlorwall. With her d"nr one an around her, The cosii-Ht aeat of All. And th" 'yAl p'n f honor At the Inlile. spread, r'hall he her- lv Aerliiina I, it ; And tile whlte.Ht.downleKl lied. Khe hrr-iK'ht n through path and Nlrkueia; We'll eherl-h her for t lie pat ; Hie irive 111 the home of ehlldlloud ; We'll alndler her to the lint, "I ahull not l,e lomr nmoinr you," Pthe Knyi to her elil Idrendear, We pray thee. oh. death, to spare her For ninny and many a year. For her preeloit- f:ie" irrowa wneter An the nut II III II NhadoWH full. And we need the d.iily eounsel Of one who In loved try all. BLUE EYES ARE TRUE. 'LIiim. il i von rnii)o::il)or hut lumls inn yoiiim HtrinK 'i' wo u"il to no Inn isiioii oili Willi lail ima lor our w-tlka? Tim im" you .n;rl In iko I lilco nPilui oin ili -irii .' 'Lillu" frnnk faeo gl iwml with a ii,,li,n to'lliln rfl I at linr fnuil ' . jiie-lloi). Sin hi t (Minp eteit her Mliidiea and lolt the pnnoiiiiHt yt'ir before. (rn Imil tu pronou Html liiili 4.' So, iiUIiiiiiIi they had kept up lirik niuflpi)nioiii" , (irin'o h i t not li'i tnhl nl the roin iiii: whiiii li ul iik Is her lifnol Into h mm like a drearu nl Kiiiui ; lor 1.IIU ka'.pw thai lipr Witters must bn rea l by Malai.g h't r tliny ei mil re;o'!i their iloHMnamu, and sh Mil il unveiling her tii''i inoHt prtNiioua Microti 1 1 111 -e jjil eves. The worlt which wnnld h ive now en lightened her were ireiii'iliiix up in UIUV tn'ijttiei du'. I hoy reimineil uuap ikeu, for Cir.ii'o tattled ou willinut wuitin lor an swer ' Well, I Kuw 11 m yo'tterdny in the Art Uiillerv, where O ironio's lant pieiure la on exhibition, ami lie w witn a yniiimirirl to whniii he mm iti i ii perlectly ilev doil. I'm sure he eiiK tuecJ In her. So, M ih l,iln, I m i j -1 bid aiiieii tu t'jo Ihiu'V wlneh I li ivn been hurbnriuii admit vnil lint bim duriiiK ll tiieae lonp umntlia. Hut wtint ii Ilia mutter 7 Wi li ami.'(htv rtt'irt Lilla eaiiijIil'Jt her elf-piisealnii. and a-ii'l. wi'U a itrave at auinpiion of mini' Aie vnu Mure It wna Hie ha no per ui, Giiiee ?' Sn e I a n Hi it tint aim ris'ia ami antx. W ho elan aoiipl nave lint ki hcm oi vet (lignilled poihe nf ibe beulf ora lire h'-tuiNoiiie enoiiuh to hve been rut from nmi'lije, and yet wnli a 111 II . w rii'lioe-i ul' oolnririf, whieli make me aNii imeil in oiiinperuiK it to auvlliinK ant'olilT (iojie with me tnia afiertimin anil you see lor yonrielf. 1 lieird In in in ik hi en Kaueinont to be there at 4 whit j mi eliall wo play Hie spy upon a Mir il lover- 7 I here wua a Hlranise ex'Cinii In I.ilUN even as she aseu'el Ln UrA-.n' pbivftll priipiiHt'iou. Hut it was not no need, and o her ureai. rebel Uraua aoon exen-eil Ip-rseif, ami alio wai alone with her t In hi nl)i. l.i la wan an onlv anil pretty child. IJer parent a tlrit nhject ana In make tier huppv. and ihey had yielded til lior wmii to remain abroad a lew years, so lint aue n ' lit aee aouini hlii of the nnut lorei.i world belore returuiiitc b nne tilietoAii beauliltil America Hut. durum a r niible by lh rominlin VAiers o Constance Like, l.illa li 1 met her fa'e. A pur ol eirnet. eves hid thrilled t Ilia uinHrinisl aaimluary if her pure brart as in aimwer to her lithe s iiitni.lueilon, elm In 'ked up til mzed In thoir po--e.ior one whn ba i Ionic beeu familiar to her (bough, a althoimu nniivnrillv a strai'iier. For l,oon Traoy bud nneu the uiie'e'sl ni'linol i: i ! . aslir.oe hi, I nii i I. upon her daily wins f.r nm cie Willi her e in. mil nis, mid linl con ceived a paalnat" Milin.i.i'"il fir lie sweet f ice ; a i lli.i. I a iihv p.ised w h ha oiita-iKhl i f II ev il at A ili-l in e il aa lost ill v in hi'". N'i lokoi lul l been rX' h uiKcd l deed. I,e ,11 knew int. tnat Lill i ha t nvi r se.oi linn Hiu il w is altb a a'liiiu ' new ueiinbi in her vei v exiatot'ce that I. til l hud her head thai iiirht upon her pillow. H-r ba i miiih lor I iv Hint Ai Iat si e know the unknown born -that her dear "Id lither. loo, had satu lioneil the Hii la ntii'ice. F ir, lenient a. nl Indiil u'ent as he a in all eis-i, l.ilti iinileiatnnil well tnat one Intel he good Hii'i ol a wiible iiaiuro to h )n ll u him sufli'iciil'v ! be bro.iibl wi hm tne acred prtcincts f the hon.e circle. Mo she gave unreaistlng entrance to the sweet ilreaui which was k:iockin nt Ih dour of her heart. A inonili had passed since Hiiiv had become engage I, a id eac1! dav had hrnuhl i'h it - 1,1 '' e .,.o ami ti est in her iiobla )"it K be t r, r! in, I . lint now ! (Iraco'a words had burnt in uieiii her like a whn-lwip I, which I meat. ened In uproot all the tender l iwer win. I, h ul 1 1 tie. i r nit iii her lieu I. 1 1 was uer ljrsi experience o' tint must fatal pa-sinii-joal iusv ; mid iiiinur Ha baleful promptings gentle l.illa Was iransforuied lor the time Into a character ivunpleuiiy at tai iiinco with her real no. I. Yes! he would see with her own eyes ; and if II hut the sentence rfl named tin finished. There was too lunch inv. Ivid in its iiiiiclusioii. Min would wait -ami then f l.,oe oidoelc esmo I'noetilai to their appi ittlu'ent i'' c ami umi wn" io,..-, KiAlinnel wh'in I lii-v could ace wit lout being observed Iheuisn o. As III" Hour so interesting tu both but In such a widely different way drf-.w near. Uracil p.aylnllv 1 1 her eoii-io II irann, who bad go nl-naiurediy uuimnnaBii mn n of escort I . i'n yni will miss an lur.inriam ciinnie i.f educat'nn. as the letrn.-n ones mi a. n .....I H.oi't I'll at once ami maae a eeriona of Kanhiei'a llulv liiiully I'l tile 1' ii in 1 1 y ta ller gillerv ' Horace lie ku.l at her somewhat mo- fullv 'Am I tn take that as a aeiitenne of ban ishment bom imir Mietei i T or am you really aiuimis In have me distingiii-h myself as a" art student?' 'Kb her,' answered liraisi. 'so that you ,., h, an Mid,' and lb V ting na I wenl with a parting fxhurial.n to cue not to get nun iniscliief during bis ab Suddenly I.f 11:1 nave a Mait anil caught Disco V t ie snn with a force tnat al most made her cry out. I see him. It Is Indeed Leon! Oh, ii a, tike me linme.or I shall die. That man is beir.itbed lo no ! Tne false, fabh , ss heai tj' . In mute liifltnv Uisce Iniikeil llltllorll. r,,ct toward winch Lilla's despairing face vyaa turned, and saw a proud, hand some heat bent low to catch the whis pered words id the beautiful girl who leaned upon h'a arm Hut she hail tint tune lor a second glance, Inr Id I In had fainted. It was but for a moment that bUu losl bor wbciviusuor, Then ",. Roanoke WELD ON, N. ra aid herself ami si nod white and still. ' Take tue hnmo Urerie,' she said plto ousi v. 'Yea, mv poor darling,' s-id Orawi nr Toualy, drawing a linv vial contalnltlg salt from her pocket, ami-ll that while I go for Horace.' The pungent "dnr kept l.illa from yielding again to tha deathly leeli ig winch was struggling for the tn istery, and In a lew mmnouta she was passing through tha throng, lo. mug on Horace's arm, ai,d scarcely conscious of anything but III heavy, anguishing lieat lug ol her heart. Then, in her carriage, with iirace's tender arms about her, and Iter murmured words nl syinpitliy in her ear, dully conscious that she was going home. Once there pride awoke, 'Promise me, liracn, as you wish tne tn feel lli il you aie m v trie friend, that you will not mention what baa passe I,' 'I promise ' subtle tirace. IrighleneJ by l.llla's s I fnee end siuiy calm. 'That is my own Urai- Si, dear, go ami leave mil I ah ill lin best atone.' Ami llu re. in (he silence of her nun rwi'ii.-loj louuhl Iter battle, and came liuirih mitwarillv calm to mom her pat ents. I h y should i.ot sillier liv know. In, v hat had hi at en hoi; and ahe kept her res.dve. Ilmiigh it , ,ke tearing li r heaa Iroiu her breast lo carry it ou'. Father' she said, 'if yil love me, I w iht y mi o take me away fi inn here at once. I do n it want to meet l.eon ..giin, i io Is not wh il we have tip m gill him.1 The old giintleimn adjusted bis specta cles in surprise and e n corn, tu get a better It w ol his danghle, '. lace. Are ym su:e7' hu asked, lucre, ills loilNly. As sure iis that I mil mnr own Lilla. I never want lo see linn agiin ' Well, well, I'm sorry,' and actuary Mr. b'enn Pit a Hidden moisture In Ida eves, and had to e'ear his voice Tig ir nualy In procee I. 'I couldn't liava III u lit more olihe young in in If he bad been 111 y snn. Hut don't cry,' as l,illa broke down anil hegan in sob 'I'd go to siitH-ria lo niorrnw il ym: wish it.1 I'i en. her lalher's (onsent to the sudden start gained, Lilla went to her room, givinu iirdi rs n it t admit any one to sen Her. Her maid hesitated. 'If Mr. Traoy call.?' sho said at last. 'Tell him I am engaged. Hut star I will write a note for you to give him.' Then she aat down and wrote a note, telling l,e m that Willi her own eves she had seen bun rnaet ng a lover's part to a OMiit In the Ar (Hilary, ami that sho give him his freed ml. I lie next day Uni mansion that had been their home fur si many pleasant months was closed indellnitely. S i (bn happv love dieam vanished. Lilla did not expect, ueithsr did she find, hafipiiiewM In siiange scenes tine face w constantly t elbre her, with its blue, earnest eyes and frank, ami thrilling ex (iressiou. She wnuld awaken frnm slutii hers which bad been brightei.ed by vis ions of his presence to dull, odd sorrow for was he not false and perjured to his piomlses. loving anoihet, and all Ihe while wiling her into believing Mm sba alone was llio chosen of In r Inatt? she never held in her h iml a cluster of blue ICnglisli vtnleta but she tlmught i f Leon; for mice, In a pliu ful dunuie -ilimit the color i if her eye she hid ra'an I nia of the fragra' t blossoms t i his (ace ami tnllllll thesliade lo lio the h min wt'h Ihu Diisbieg orbs sniiiii g down iiuiu her, 'lit ue eves are true.' she wouid a ght 'so the rhvrue lava whv wore Leon's falr Once asalti she was In a gallerv of paint ings, but in a land where the soft music il lla.iatl language no longer fell upon the ear Her father and lumber had sccom panied her thlihsr, but she bad wandered to a lulls distance Ir on them. Suddenly her heart gave a great bound and then stood s ill Hi fore her siood tie beanti fill girl who hail beeu tbe una luscious CAii-e ol her iiuhappiue is. She was, hs before, leaning upm llin arm of one ah iro face was turned tow ird with her i n a r of chivalrous d-Voti ul Tliui' worn coining toward Lilla, wh had no alterna tive hut I stand erect a' J haughty until thev should re mit ail, I pas bar. Th y were too uni Oi eiur isse,! witn each other to u dice Lilla until limy were directly m fnini ot her, I'lion the genlle tiian cauce I to clauce in tier direction bin wl bout any s'g.. id rnisignition. Aid Lib i i e sioo I tors moment as though tr uisil xe I. I'll i re-o uld mes w is tru'v wotrlertul, but 111' so e es wera bis. k as mi Uniti', and Le m's were blue. I'li'ii. legirdtesH, or, In Iter iigitilion, tin . conscious of wh It sh. i ,li. Lli'a stopped li isii.v 1m ward and laid her hand upon tne ttan n'r s snn. 'I'arduii me,' -he s il I, in a low voice, 'have you a br. the.?' I b" 'gentleman liirue I courteously to waul li' and answered: 'No, y.u ig ladv, I liava not. Then as his eyes rested upon her face, be roused into sudden interest. 'May I ask why you wisli lo know?' Lilln lluslied and faltered. She had be come suddenly and Int'inolv coi.ioua f Hm position she had placel herself In ami that t in. in a country where a young gr .'.d. ;.ortiuoiii is governed bv a rigid etlij n tte which cm only be broken through with the lo-s of respect. M uch to her raliel her lutlior came up ami pu' mil his h "I I c 'r ti ill V. (in! h know the g.uit Hut her lira I droppsi low in confusion as he sirfikii. He had inide II. o sainu mistake as lo the s'rangoi'a iduulily, but bad failed 10 ill-Cover It, '1 hla Is an unexpaele I tdetaure, Leon,' ha sad. 'and I Impii you Lilla have tnsle 11 all 1 1 jlit betw t vol Nee whal a pale, IiiiIh sprite she has chungod l.r' 'Kalbei,' said Lliil, who at laat bad found her voice. M l not Leon. .Mo. n is it"i Leon liacy. said a deep pleas itit voice In answer, 'but it la his c uisin, i lareunii i r u'y, an i mis is iiii wife.' As L'lln acknowledged tho Intruduc tlop, she mi lersioiid all. Sin had yielded loan impillaa and hid destroyed notniily her nan bapptiiisH but Leon's also. What must be think of her? Alter s time she as' e.t tremulously nl h s isoisin, 'vi here Is Mr. 1011 Iracv? 11" Is oil wi ll nil exploring pnrti , po ir follow! He is sadly clniign.l. s .me lilse, lair-taeo l la'r, ch n vtea!..i as the Ireach eroiis will o'-'ihe wisp, won h i hesrl and ca-t il aside ai worthless. Hut he'll onnie nut all right vt. He's of too guid meal not to sis. id llr .' I'll oi LHIa ga'h"rl emirag i and lo'.d him I e truth ami iH'I'ne iiiauv hours a mi-sive was on lis a iv to Lsnn to tell h iu ti n' It w s all through a sul and fooli li ml t k tint pi- b .p s had been so rildelv hla :e , mil III it Lilii had but one li pe-pat he wo.iol fui;lvo, and come I, .ok to t s ,1 . I he m 'on bad r sen su l ws silvc-ii.g every iwig an I sp.av nilhil- lUu tvo magic. Lilla had wandered Into the gai. lens wlih'.n s.ue .1 nut b'oeilll the bilonnv upon whn ii a fmiily puty weie seated. Il-r h"Ai t was tilled with an in tense, longing to once again lui K up hi Leon's lai e, to hear Ins loved voice. Hut it was a bopoie reeling. Surely he would nsv r 'ii'give her! Muddenly te i ler vnine whispered in her car: Lillat' a glid UU cry bs (un;ei. 0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1880. . 'Ob, Iion! forgive me!' Hut she could not say more, for Loon'a kisses wore on ber lips, and she was nest ling in his arms contented and blissfully happy. And again the moan's being nsnl fsiss s.nlleil down upon them, as in those p.eeioiia meetings beside the lap. sing waves of the beiutiful lake beside winch Leon had first breathed his vows nf devotion and c instancy into Lllla's h.-tou- lugeAr. Afler a time rxplana'ious wore ex. changed, and Lilla learned that the very evening when she itemed herself to lier lover alter writing her cruel note, was set for a call w hich would have brought bur face to faisi with the cousins, w hose won. derful remeiiiblauce bad misled bor. Clarence had bill Just reached lbs eltv ml hla wi tiding tour, and bad missed I Son the previous day an that be had not 'tiiowu of Ina arrival until after the vlt lo the Ait Uillerv. Hut s niU'ltlcviiiia fate bad aeon fit to tingle the too siuoot h threads of (he r lies' l ii v, and teach tlielll liuw to Value the r hipptnnss by its transient Inss, 'Hlue eyes are true,' said Lilla, play fully, smite mouths alter to Mrs. Clarniica, her cousin hv marriage, 'I w.iul.i't have a black eyed husband!' 'And I wouldn't look nt Clarence if his were a dilfarent color. Isn't it a happy thing, little Litis, that we all have such dill'.neit ts e-?' Yea,' said Lilla. a ihering down at once. 'How thankful every one should he that our lives are n .l guided bv our own weak wills. That there is an overruling I'm, deuce that shinies nur ends, rmijjh hew them as we will,' A MI IMM.KO It I! I'Olt T Kit. There is a reporter at the Times olllce at Thomas City, who writes wtli equal ra ppily with (other band, lie Is an am bidexter, and a bold, bad nun at lint. When liters is a rush ol work al the i.lUce, and the devil Is shouting "cnppoi " like a llend Incarnate, the useful reporter sits dnwn al Ills desk In full company front, and with a pniiill in ach hand, s inga olf loci' happenings bv the yard He writes on two sheet- at once, and don't let his rlulll hand know what his lefi hand is driving a'; but I 's driving all (lui same. Yesterday he he got a llllle nt) his cen tal base and attempted lo write up a dog light and a wedding in high lite at tin) same time. He g t things mixed. His hands ran clear awav ith the gray matter In his skull, ami things became terribly nonliised. litis Is tha way his Items tele scoped each ntber : " At (Irace churcb last night, the iilir" tials of ThuiiiAs Johnson and Miss Julia Lawrence were celebrated In the most inagiiillcent style. A c stlv 11 iral horse shoe helng directly over Hie sltsr, and when the yellow cur saw tho tl lines of anger darting from the eves of the briudlo fvste he op inn I wl h ths Impressive strains of the wedding march. As the nne c li i In walked down Ihe aisle the excited crowd began to gpi, Irani c, ami Iheie were ells of 'Sii k 'em, Hull;' 'al bun new Towser,' as the spisiators lav OAllie in uresteil ill the light. The III tile was elegantly attired I i pure while gar ments nf the most i! 'si I v labries, and she wore the traditional w bite vail and wreith of nraiiu b nsHoms, had blm by (be ret k, and hi- tongue began to loll nut and his eyes lu turn s.iineisaiills as if In the cus tomary bl.i. k suit, white gloves, ears cropped to his bean, Hu was a dis reputable lo. kli g dog In the h.g. mill g, and 1'iighi to have been whipped f r be ing so hotiielv. He Is i f a good family, and Is engaged in nne nf the most cxin siee uianii ta.'turitig in Ihe West. Hut iho yellow cur seemed to l e getting the advantage, as bo had had now succeeded lu securing a death-grl.) on the big brlndle ami when he tenderly klssl llin bride, According to I lie ancient custom bis back was covered Willi mud, and his i If hind leg was terribly chewed up. As tilting the costly presents received by ths happy pair were a tine grand piano from tll'ilither of Ihe bri le, hair hid Icon scaldol from Ins back, and one eve scented lo b ive boot ilestroved bv sii atijer Al ter a snort bridai lour the haupv pair will settle down to oils ol the hsr-lesi fought bullies the repm ter has yet witnessed and wlndi d ,g has l ien puiil-licd worst. The llhl ended at ex iictlv 4 is, niter having I n blilerlv con tested fir b on and a Inlf wen driven to the residence of the bri. lea's patents, and In whs taken to I. Is owner's home In a wheel harrow. He will pml iibly never re'iivcr.and if be does be will be busily blind H --Idea t.eing permanently lame in the It'll loud leg 'he Leiulilul lit lie re eolvod the cotiyraiii ations of a host of Ii lends, Tbe groom is one nl our most promising lining men, ami Ins owner dreads the possibility ol Insing him. as ha can neier replace linn. I'Se lather ol Ihe bride is one of our wealthiest merchants, ami the yellow '(v-to limped oil with a know ing look in bis eye ami a saucv curl of Ihe tail, as mueli as to s.v. "Who else wants lo try ine?"-N. T. Weekly. Evk M KMotty. Look steadily at a bright object k -cp the oi e hum iv ahlv mi il for a short time, and then close tlimn. An linage nf 111" object remain-; it becomes, lu tact, vi-ibli to Ihe closed eves, Ihu vividness and d.iruti oi ol such Impression vary c uisidei ail V with dill' .rent imlivld uals and ihe power of retaining them inav lie cultivated. It isidns Ibis son i f ret'nal image thus I i pres-ed, Ibere is anntber kind nf visual imagethil may be obtained by an ullort ol mem .rv. Certain adepts si menial ariilnnotio use the "mini's eye" as a substitute lor sialeand pencil bv b tid ing In visual oieiiior pictures nf Hie II g s urea up m which they are operating, ami those nf their results. In HIT youthful dais I was Aci-.ainte I with an eccniilric iilil man, li i then lived at Milium i i n rv, where lis surrounde I hiimelf with cm imis old furniture 'eputed to have ortg b tillv I otoior., I I I'sr.iioal tt' .Usi. and w hich, ss 1 was tub I, he bcii'leithe I to Ihe ipleen at bis death, lie w i- (he (ben cell luateil but now In git I nil ".iiuinn Thompson, whn in his eirlv days was s town tiavcier ifoi a biowry.if I leniniiiber rightlvi and who trained hiuisnll to the performance nf w inilnrlul leases of the eve uimiory lis c.uld close his oves and pic ture wiibi'i liimsell a pitioraino ol Oxlonl slreel, and other parts of London. In which picture ovt ry inscription over evei v shop was so perl'sH a ul roliible that he cnuid d isoribe and ccrlil'y lo iho iiutiies atl. I occupations of tile hliop.kceplng In InUdtAiils ol all the houses nf those slreets at certain dates, when post olllne di'cote ries were mil as ihey now are. Although Mom iry Thompson Is fnrg .ttiei, li s s,ie ctal 0 cully i-just i.i ' to. eiv iiig tome at teiithin, and it Is proiosed In specially cul. tivalo il In idenientarv sob mis bv placing objects before die pupils for a give i time then taking them awav mid r quiring the pupil tn draw them. That such a 'acuity exists and may be of great service is tin. quesiiiiiiahle. Nvstnmaiie off... Is I i edii c lie it, If successful, w ill do good service to the rising itnueraip.n; ami, even -houl.i tho proposed training UiTord smaller re. stills than Us protector aniicipste, ihe ex perimeiila. if c.irelully made and regis tered, cannot lall to improve mir knuwl edge of mental physiology. Unutleinaii 'a MiigaKUie. Three lhi.B lo love courace, gen, lleuei.s and atfettion ; three thine, to .kink about lif-, dealb od tteruii. .NEWS A I.irrt.K tiiHi, Who Ciiauma Hibbs. The-e lives near llarrlstmig, Ohio an out nf the.way place lu Hancock county, about three miles west of Mount Itlancli ard - a veiy remarkable child only live years old. who seems lo have the power in charm turds nt her will. Iler mother lirst noticed this strange fascination tbe child possesses about a year ago. The lluleg.i l was out in the door yard among a bevy nl snow birds, and when she sre ke n tin-in thev would come and light upon her, tw ittering with glen. (In taking llieill ill her bands and .stroking them. Ihe birds Instead ul Irving t get awar frtnn their lair captor, a 'iml d to he highly pleased, am! w hen let loose would lly away a shot I distance and immediately return In the child. She took several of them Into the h nne to show 111. in to her imih'T. who, thinking she might burl lliem, put them out ol doors, lint mi sooner was the door opened than the hints Maw Into the room aj-lln, lit upon itiogirl'i head and began tichlip. The buds remained shout the premises all w inter, fil ing to tin little girl wb'-iiiiv. r llin ilnor opened. I'lie pi rents ol Ihe child became alarmed, Inibev lug that Ibis a range power was an a 1 1 nuieii, and that the much-dreaded visitor was about to visit their Imu.e. Hut death did no' couie. and during the last summer the child li a had ill in v pet' birds. The cti'ld liai, dies the birds so gently (hat a Ii il m in 1 1. g-in nl . once in her hands does not tail to return. Last winter a bevy nf birds kept her c impauv, and sue played payed w illi them f.r h nirs ul a time. I' very morning the bird- Hy 1 1 her win dow , ami leave only when the sun sinks ill tho west. The parents nf ho 1 Hals girl are p inr, suporsiiii. ms pe iple, ami have been reticent about the nutter until lately fearing tint some great calamity was about to bet ill them. Somk Mkn IN ;v s. Three moil of nealib meeliug, mil long siuue, lu New Ynrk, Ihe nonvcrssll hi iiirnid upon their wives. Instead ol Hiding fault with womiin In general, and their wivoa in par. tit ular, eu.ii one obeved the wise iimu'i ailvico, and gave honor' unto his wife.' 'I toll v.'U what ii is,' said one of the men, 'ihey may say what they please an.iijt iho u-elesoioss of modern winen, hut mv wite nss dnnn lie- share In so"iir Ing mir su c as In life Eve y bo ll knows tint tier lamnv was ari-lo. i alio, ami ex clusive, ami all that, and whim I man led her she had never done a day's work in her life: hut when W, it Co, (ailed, ami I had to coiiiiiiuice at the lout of the hill B.'iiln, she discharged tha servants, and 0 wise o it a neat little cottage, ami did her o vn housekeeping until I was better off ag'in ' i n l m .' wif ,' s aid a eo in .1, 'was an onlv d iic'liter. ciiossflt and petto I to death: and everyinlv -at ', 'Well, If lie will main a dolt like that, he'll .in,k-i the greatest mistake of hla life,' but w hen I came b imn ihe first year nf our mart iage, ck with a fever, she nur-ed me luck to health, nipt I ucv r knew her to murmur b '.'au-e ihmight we c nihlii' allor.l any bettor stvlo or more luxuries. Well gentlemen.' ctiiine, I in a third, 'I married a smart, healthy, pretty girl, imt she was a regular blue stocking. Sue a hired Tnnni a m, d i'o I on Hvrou, road Knu rs oi, sc. I nvned llpi li si b abv It ilph Waldo and the se 'im. I Maud; hut I tell you what 'lis,' and the speakers eyes vrew auspiciously innlsl, 'when we laid linle M in I in bor last led t Auburn, in v po.'i wife tiad no retne iibrunees nf negln i or siiole I motherly care; ami the ' little Ircs-es that still lie to llin locked drawer were all umle by her owu hands.' Journal of Commerce Oi.n Ssws Kr.sKT. A bad lliitlg never ili-a. A ba I I ck iiiviiin a burglar. A bald lie. id Is aoon shaven. A clean hand wants n i wishing. A bad 'lav never has a gun. I nilit. A black lien w III lav a while njf. A constant guest is never wotn olio. A c xitente l mind I- a conMuii . fe ist. A I'ed wotkolan qlliriels will his tools. A b uisler and a bar llrcc-ll ii-ei tu A Ii" k t Im remains c, .se, is but a bio. k A bad lil - li is bolter thin in iijien wiM. A c itele-s watch luvil-s the vigilant foe. A cb til th man is the true I we of Uo.l A clear cousoiiiiion laughs at falsa accu sal ItlllS. A o minimi J erer may Inivo w il but no r is. loin. A courageous toe is better than a cow iirdly trl ml, A is known bv its note, atl I a man bv bis '.alk. A y.uiug harbor learns l i sh ive by sbav lllg lools. A cii I: denial Is belter than a ni.lit com pl ance. A broad b it does n.l always cover a voiierabii head. A b.r.l inav he cnilit Willi a siiain that w ill not be shot. A broken I. icml hip may be solderod. but 111 never lie sound. A bridle of the tonkin Is a necessary pieco of Itiri.ltiire. - Can Yon Tmi.i.? fan you (ell why men wli i cannot pay small bills can always ti nl oio'iey lo buy liquor ami treat when among Irlend- ? Can any . tin tell how young men who urn always i.ebind with tin ir landlords can play billiards, night and div, anil al ways he lealy I r a gaum of Curds w hen money is at stnk ' ? Can any 'mi teli li iw men live and sup. p irl the r f uiilli s, who have no Income and no work, when others, who ureludus 1: loii", are halt starve i ? ( nil s .v i. ue In I hv lour II". lis of tho young ladies prefer a liraiuless Inp. under a p'ug bat. wnli tight pants and a abort, In a man with nralua ? Can any one tell why it, is that some mothers ere slwsvs reply lo sew for the d -t int h'.alhcn w hoi'tncir own children a. e l ag o I a ol ih rl v ? I an any "He 'oil whv a lean who Is al vi .IV - -lit p. h in log (n -l cannot nil oil so sulisciibe for the lucid newspaper, and ivi'v e e -k borrows it from his ieiblior, cm nil .nl t i attend every Imeiiug show that coiHiis Into town ? ... o A t. noils. nne cntcieii ti lrv ontls Ii niic ninl i. q lired lor a "liov,." The poli'c clri k line himself back mil re marked thai he us at her tor ice. "Yis b il I a t a bi 1Tb in. not u giecit m e," w is the reply. Tha inu.ii n an cut on rut asiiritt(i goods iuimediately. A man went In a tclcrnph (Tice, and dcitn d lo scud a dcspatUi lo bis fneuds, a oi tii 'eg the il 'cease and funeral nf his wife. Tim npeiatnr, hap pening lo he an i. li in u t e n q laintsnve, epre-s'il svuitisthv lur In u and hi-niuili.-r.s childirn Co up. gino liimsell, alter an oulbm t of an)j ,i,n, he l ink n pen, iiiul with ticni Im? Inml traced inn im .wini; telegram: 'li", hu dead She w is worn mil like in old selling he , 8 le died without a kikk.' Why were vou late this morning, air? ssld ihe .scher rather sharply. W ell, air you ;! heard that a i t In fellow next door to us wss going tn hive a dressing down with a hou-cord, and to I Wallud Ul bear aim howl, NO. 31. IS Nton Ort-BiiB, Hah Heaa nl t'onptrr Only (jtA.f-Bcst In the 1'. N. Onen your eves wide lief 're you send North for in-tru.n-uits, Spreid oigleatN vertiseiuents do not always tell the exact truth Hotter Instruments al sainn or leas prices can bo bad nearer homo. See these ntf-irs: Orgms l.'i Steps, 4 Sets Heeds, Sub His and Ciuiplor. Heautifiil Cae, () ilr "l'i : l' stops, 4 sets, Keeils onlv H'.l : 7 Ships, .1 sols Heeds, .i, Stool and Itoo li Including. Planus 7 Oct., large sl7.ii, Kieh Hniiiwooil Case, onlv fl7ll; 71 Oct., Isrgo-t i, onlv J'-UKi; 7i Oci. Souare Urainl lixtra lirge, Magnillcent Case, only f'iVI. Stool and Cnver In eluded. VII Irom old and relish e mak ers, su l fu 'V gu irautei'd ; l.i days test trial. Wo par lr ighl It' not satisfactory. Posi Ivelv the best barg ilns in the II. S. No mistake about tins. Wo mean bus), nssa and coinpetilloii with "in world. Send lor Kali Prices IM.H.! It will pay you. A IdiesH 1, tl Idoi ,y Hal, s' Soiilhurn Mualfl II ui-e, Savsnmili II I. ADVKKTISHMKNTS. TOTICKTO TRAVELERS. 1 am now running a daily mall from Scotland Neck to 'lallfax. I have a coin- forlabla Iwo bursa hack, which loaves Scotland Neck, every morning for Flaltfsx and returns same day. will lake passen gers and express packages it reasonable rates. I am also prepared lo entertain travelers, promising to spare no pains to uiake llioul comfortable. Respectfully, W."U. BI1IELDH. Nov 30tf. 10 R 8 ALK. The following valuable real estate lying m ar Til erv'a SI III. in Halifax county abniit nine tubes from the town of Halifax, About :ittl acres Including slcaui engine, saw mill nn. I tlx lures, gin, gin house and fixtures, adjoining the residence of J. B. lillerv. Mike Wllkins, that contains about 07 acres. I'ope place coutali Ing alsiul 1,'sl acres, 1 Interest In Wade H T tilery tract, III wliolo containing about .'177 acres. Apply tn T. N. HILL, Attorney, Halifax N. C.Jnly llltf T TKNTI O N. T1IK l.lTTI.Kill.NT('iiTT(M PRRMS. II X l K A I' 1. 1 V I' It K !S H I' II K. Tho onlv Hydraulic Cotton Presa for plant Urn ii use. B-IKK UM ltAXIK. Risks placed in KIUST-CLASS COMPANIKrl. A. It. HILL, Ag't. f-'oothind Neck, Halifax, Cn. N. C. spr !fli tf 1 ) Ij,C'rP business now belorelhe pub- IJ Ljo L lie. You can mase mm fa-ler at wotk for us than at anvllilni Ise Canlial not r. ired. We will start von. f li a .lav and iipwarda made at home tiy the industrious. Men, women, hoys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is tho lime. You csn devote ii r whole time tn the work, or only your snare liniments. .No other business will pay you nearly ss well, .-sii one wining to work can fail to make enormous pay bv engaging at. mice. Costly Outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for mallng inmiev eaotv and honorably. Address 1'iue .V Co. Augusta, Me. July l.S ly. DmAJSMMOHS' CURES iNOIOEITKSt, DiLioutNiie, Biok Hladaoni PosnviNisa.. 0URE9 Ioit Apwrrrr, OUBlTOMAOM, FOIH. Bbistm, ... LOW ICIBITS, Dyspepsia, ismsasi T Of 1 IPUIM ,y.inoki.Jii HprspADI r BNEBM It lnsnypara the oldest, and only itennlne 8tm Inenii virilli lnr new In market, rrrpaml only r.y 1 . K.SlssosaACO. lHWICUik A. St. lasiti. to M . A . HIiuuu'S,. M. II. InVraiul u botusa ami vaOweei , tWW tj all pruuiM' St j 10 ouel ll.Ui ly. It S H T A U It A N T . TO (ll'H riilCNlIB AMI TUB I'l 'Hl.ll'. We take pleasure in informing yuu Ih A via Uave recmiuy npeueil aa K 1 1 n g Naleei, Ith a liar room and Hilllsrd Table at. tii'hti.!, hiro yuu can thing In a: .vaii. .oii.a- K AT i) H 11 It I N K Cur iHiites w ill lie siippl iid Willi every thu g that the northern nisi kets.-ao nlforil. III r bar will be slock e. with the fines Liquors, Wines, and Ciga:a, Mouth ol Nw York. Homiiiitier the place, al the old stand of I Kills ,V .Neville, pp site M. Wbllchoad A sinll. M 'ala at all hniirs. polite and atlenllve acrVHlit". J. J CO. nov 41 f Proprietors. Ji A T H 1 0 K P. MK A 1 Y. i win; ii tiii: roT oiri r.. Kltr (' n s a T A s T t. T OS II A S n LHH'OUNOF ALL DK.SCKIPTIONS. Old "lenuner and llamrer Whlshlea always on hand. Irish and Hentch Whiskey, CoM Horr, vi luea, iiigara, Loinuiona, Totsv-ro, ae. Hon'f forget I'eat OITtee, Hie plaao under the CO TIE OX K, COME LL. Mixed. Hrluka ol all kinds, June lit i v uuuw . bTP -W , I I IK. mi ADVERTISING RATES. s c 0 SPACE a One Sqnsrst, IN IH KNiaia) Two .Squares, & 90 10 Ot) ant BO tl Three Squares, 8 On IS 00 80 UO CH Foursquares, 10 00 18 00 Sfl CO 44 M Fourth I'ol'n, l.'i 00 ii no 40 00 ft H Half CPliimn, 20 0(1 30 00 B0 00 S3 M W holeL'oltiuin, One Year, 78 04) TALBOTT A HUSH SIIOOKOK MACIIINK W0RK8, RICHMOND VA. Mauufacturora of Pnrtsble and Slallonarjr Kogiiics ami Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn ana Wheat Mills, Shafting, Hangers and Pule. leys, Turbine Water Wheels, To bacon Ma cliineiy, Wiought Iron Work, Brass anil iron t astings, aianliluery of a.very lies. oriptioii. GlNNINll AND Tllllr-Hllln MaCUIIM A SPKCIALTY. Hepavlring rrouiptl at CarsjlBillw irour. TAt.noTT'f l'Al'KNT fPAKK-ARRRHTBR, The Invrnllon ol the Age It does not destroy the draft. It dean not interfere with cloaniug Iho tubea. It will nol choke up, and requires no clean. ItiK' It requires no direct dampers to ba opened when raising steam (dampers be ing n'.juctionaiiie, as inev may be lell opea and allow st arks to esra e ) It requires no water to extlpgolek sparks,, by coiideusation, destroy a inn uraiu iicsines, wnen waier la urea, It neglected, the rllloleucv is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and tho botlar II kept in a filthy condition. It is simple and durable and can ba ra. Hod upon. It can be attached tn any botlar. ISo planter should bn without one of ILew, Insurance companies will Issiire gins id4 barns where the Tallinn F.nglnel and Spark-Arresters are used al same rate aa charged fur water or horse power. X4ronii lor Illustrated oirculara ajx4 price list. Hrancli house, Uoldsbnrn, N". C, J. A. HAUSF.R. (.enerat Manager. T. A. URANliKR, Local Manager, may 8 ttin NATURE'S OWM il1 .EMEDY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FORTHE BLD0U.IMR&KIDNEYS7 aiaiet,at oaur JbsninaisT k re sn saX-Vp- Fur UUksl li,awa. curatIne. Ina mi one rsvv UK ea Balks ka- Uw era! ri lir.sliirsi i.Uu JHw lirsliir sN dftv Fi Urm Coipiaiaa. IJmrr, Us MHmm9 U sriulisw la aasUsia ais) tliiassitli la Ma 4B ttM snexrvllad l UW rura is" ail Wml. a im ats-lt as arras, wiw, gsnna.ia1. tlwSia. IMVsr.asiM M 'jiiii. atAMW.siHaii. JBasaj tmrtml ISX a) al," VmmmtitHiitmm, fiafspsss4, m at I O.ln n . fe.ur srfswa eMM I rskss, a4a. ASK YOUR DRUCCiJT FOR IT. iTEEF.ovni cnisniMn, BALTIMORE, Md. CURATINE, CURATINE, CURATINE, Tot Hcfi'Ali 1I4M CURATINE, ajjejjr,-rtiiia-jaxjssi doc IS ly W. R. VICK C.ttt It I A .: A X l III (GII.N MADE TO ORDER OJt RKI'AIKED AT LOW 1'IUCm All kinds of wood work and Irlmmln done In good style. lUsckamitli work don .il sliorl notico and wilb ueatunsa. All new work warranted. Fine painting for btiggloedone at low prices, best paint used, aiVI.UAI. ATI K.MTIU.X UIVKNTO THE L'NDKliTAKIN'J DEPAlUMEXr. I'l'l rnW-T ts-r-vw ,l""i iLisis'i -- '1 I i.g f n Cnfllna an.l.Casos of all elxea oonstaotlv ou baud. Can ingo M aturlals kept unhand at nrloa below Pelairsburg market. Wuldon N. 0. June b ly N O. T, FORI), Takes pleasure lu auiinuncing that ba can still lie hum. I al his stand on FIRST HTKKET, Where ho baa ou baud a full line nl t'.a Klnesi a, V'.Y iZZ- WINKS, WHISK IKS. and BKANI'IF.S. TOBACCO, (TUARS, and SM'FF, OKANiiES, ATPLFil, and CON FKCTION KRIES II is stock of Canned Uoods and Urocer. lea ii unuaually Fnll and Complete run riaiKsr whkt A Ht-touurr. " FRKSH I.A0KR BKKR OM BRAUOHT. He guarantooa natlsfaotlon. r.n ..i sea htm. Not 81 I y,