THE ROANOKE NEW 3 ;HE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WIEKLT NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL It 8LEDCE. ' Tr, In advanae, t (sntb, " 'ra fynths. " I! 00 I "0 75 eta. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. H A 1 T M A !f , art? Dt 1 1 i a t, Giles vr W. n Brawa'a Dry Qooda Mora, WEI.D0,H.C. WHI llvt nrtl"a at their koines wken desired. Ta'aaa Reiseaabla. ectnly j at. aiuuiD, ATTORVKY AT l.tff, HALIFAX. Is". 0. OBm la th Caart Naase. ILrlct satiation sdvea t all hraashee at Iks profess!. I ii i E T. IlilCI, ATTOKtEV AT LAW. C. rartlcos In flu daatiaa ef Halifax. Nxah El--co.ubax.vl Wilaa. Cellsatlous wade la al vtitf tkeHta.e. Jab 11 If ATTOCNBY AT LAW, WILBOt, N.C. neisl al'.eatla fli'i t elltloas ant fr. VI srcaetl' aaads. if i r. HUM at. MVLI.1N. JOIK A. 00m. Illll kHOOIl, ATTORJ KYI AT LAW. HALIFAX H.C. "riit'ee In t'i cecnt'eaof Halifax. Northamp ton, K 1 .. Pi t and Martin In the Nil-pr-ine 'on a nf llm Stai and In the Federal Con ' s o' .in Khiiti OMstrlet. Oollections made la a.i m l ' .10 Sta e. iaa I 1 J SOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, X ALIPAX, N. C. fi-iet ,i Halifax aa.l adjoining; counties and K i1', ,.'l a. id Su 'iv. n i court. 'I is at mjo laud Mack, onca eve-v fort nl'.dt. ant 2 If p W. U A S) O N . ATTORNEY AT LAW, AfiTSrlUrV.. K. C. r-.i- t4 e:f of Northampton and '' .i f can-Lies, a'. i In :ln Federal aid Ku .;.(:. . jane I tf. w. a. . A. C. T.Ol.I.ltOFKtk. ILLICFFBR. D ATTOR KYH AT LAW, WM.ro5i, .v. c. rV.yrllo.e In 'he Wi oT Halifax Aod. adjoining Co-ni. ' ;. and 1 j ' lie iii n' and Fed-Tat fourls. m it oll":i s 1 'a -iet of North Carolina. Oao! . .i itrm will always be found In the He. liuttMr. A f I L. I M A IT, ATTOlttKY IT LAW. HALIFAX. N. C. ".actloes la tha eoura of Halifax aid adjoin In r .ou.i' lei. and la the .Supremo and Federal ro". a. CUI-ns cellee.ind in all parte of gorth Ca.'oli.i.i. once In the Court Houae. Julvltf I) K. ic. 1 . itUNTKK, H It U I! V EI TUT Caw he round a' hia otflr In KuSeld. Pur NitrousOx de Das lor the Paiu- ess Kxtrae.t.iitg f Teeth always eu baud. Jan n tt. R H. SMITH, JK. ATTORVKY AT LAW, CTLA!eD,NKC; HALIFAX I'oONTT N. C Practice In the enmity of Halifax and ad idloln 4 the H W lainouniiea, and in me supreme court 1831. UTABtlSHIO 1M31. Old Urllablr iyrlrr More oi . AiTHUR. FREEMAN, HAS BEMOVi-D'lVilTl iM A,MI H t. NOiyOLK, VA. lVbi can be louud full, iine of Watchea, .Jewelry, Cbaina, Glauses, Button, Hiler Ware, Wedding and Engagement Ringa, Ai price defying competition. Aildresa ARTHUR C. FREKM AN. N.vrfnlk, Va. Watch and Jowelrj repaired and wat fatitml. Uoodi aeat on approval, octlOly, GREAT BARCAINS. Wa are now reeelvln oar new and beautiful Tnodi reeentljr fuirhaaed of the"'r, lid eordlaliy Inxiteyou to rail and nee them. The and b- i aeleoted atora of OOI.n WATfHF.S HKT8 tiF J KWFI.RY. BAND BHAi'hLKT. OFKKA ANIMtl'ARD PHAIff. PIAMONIt AMI HV.Kl. lllNnM. rlf.KKVK HI'TTONa AND hTlirt. BOLI 1 ti Lf EH MFDONI. FlIKKN kc, TbD Best tlO Caalor and S (lob RVKKaO I. I. Dae Young'! P. P. Uletsea and liui rre your feaiRht. Watchei and Jewelry rei alrert hy the beet ajoranien. ngrayl;ig neatly done by t- ?. P vi I iy Fi-tenburir, Va. y A k4 vattflwto ItlVI TO WIDUM E, ar' f klpitn Mil wBlpltl ""IMk V tap -f m. ltlo a wilt, tirfancw W VjI'- TtupirAaMiti, .tfniitv, A u PMdi ICm .. tn i. Ciilwm. ( l.iaiia leHM. a -' r ta aOm k7rivftU MaliMai Adrtawr tm. rt fMklM tfm MMfl Mlkl fttaH4tlM, iW lH-tfH M IMiaiMMW k.V -. Iwa,Xaa at Ta M- aa afeki amf raaawaa ai vetm r- ' " t annul awMwaa A kaA ' i imIiim. Maa ai aM ka prMaaa. at ai ir 1 kaJ wtjaew aanaaa a W at aar If aMaj tktt M 4 a aaa h-A. aol taaaM Ba. taiiaill rvM la - AaaaaT-4 a--iaa aaWlUt l tea k.a M tMiMa.. 1 tfepteniber 101b ly ftpT Outfit ent frer to ihnaa wb wlh to VJ engaitsln tlio moat pleasant and profit Ubte bushiest known. Everything new. Capital not refill rd. VVa will li)rnsh you erythlng $10 a day ami upwards la aaiiy madi without, atayipg away from oomeover night. No risk w b.alnver. M"y new workora wanud at mice. Many are nxking lor tune- at Ihe luininrsa. Ladie ake at much aa men. and young bove 'd girl make ereat pa.y. No on who ia willing to work fails to make more money vary rlav than en be inaile In week at ny ordinary employment. Thoae who "gage at once will find abort road to fortune, Addei H. UallMl e Co., Port land tit, nn HE VOL. IX. MORTALITY. "Snffi-r Little Chi'dren to Come unto Me ami furbid them not of sudi is the Kingdom of Ileut'en." They are Koine; -only irolnjr - Ji'aua railed thrill lulu ao ; All the wintor time they're paaslnif Koflly as thi-fnlliint w. When tlie v iiileta ill the apriliK time L'atrll the alire nf the Uy. They are earrled out to h ii'iiil. 'r ttvreetly where the Tliileta lie. They are iroins; only iroinir When with ntiuiiner earth la dreoaed, In th' ir cold handa Ih l.liiiir roue. Folded toeaelt alien! hreaNt ; When ihe auiiiiiiii hanira red banner Out above the aheaven, They are ffotnir ever iroing Thiea aod fan! like falling leavea. All alonif the mighty eitee. All adown the aoi -inn time They ve taken up their homeward inarch To that 8erenercliuie ; Where I'le watelinii;. wait lue a- sols Lend them from tile sliadown illin, To the tirifrhtness of His pi- ie Who Iius called them unto Hun. They are ffiilnir only (join Out of pain and into hliss. Out- of aao and alntul weaaueas Into perfect holiness. 8i:o'.vy brows no care shall shade them, lli'tKht eyes, tears shall ever dun, Itosy ll-H. no tim- shall fade them. J. -Us culled tlieiu unto Him. Ml tie heart r forev-'r st unless. Little hands as pure as they, l,lti le feet hy an ,' -Is iruid-d Never a forbidden way ; They are u"inr -ever Kolnir. l.eavini; miiliya lonely siot. But 'tis Jesus who has called them : bulTernud forbid theui not. 'MIGHTY TO SAVE.' I low Iiiiim we rMliz lie great power nlv-o to little ones who have teuliy en tend the n-trrow path whiili leuls to IlIii tternal. A atreel Arab as wainlnring walla ill Una city are c.illed lieioogipg to the M lasioti w-liool re.'i'ive l huh , lav a car ', insi rihed upon whieli were the word 'Mighty to Nave.' Ilo pill ll in llio pocket nf hia rKga I coal, carried it bo ne, mill at. nluht be ore closing hia eves lu a!cei, ho epello.l out i lie worda al-iwly and with great etrort, but lie did not understand ii. 'Who was migliiy to s.iyo?' and 'vihoin would he save?' 'and what would lie aave tlieiu from?' wore tlie queries which chased iliKiuli Ilia weik brain. He re-ulved to ask t e tnacher at llm very next m tiling, and he did si. Shfl looked at the child Madl. and spoke vetv leiulerlv, lor little J i. n was a utile iltticienl in mental caput ity. 'Soli lieiled Jim,' I ho rudo courl huv called ii i hi . And vo. in spun of thai tact, Jl. il was all lit I r. i tivu hoy. So the teaotmr Hi tight aa she looked at hia Irauk, kinoly I'acn and loinler giey eea and clustering lirowu hair. Mifl explaiunil to nun as bos' ahu could, the nieautiig nl llio wouderliil words. piayiuK (a a. lent praver) menu hi'e, that (iod would let the hied I'u d rntiancu Into llm child heart, It did. Iflt hid not been an lieiullfully pB tliellc, it w.-.tild have been ludicrous and pro. ocali ve of laughter, to have aoeu llm peculiar way Jim took to i ring wander era within tilt f dd. Ilia fattier wa-a no torious drinker aod Ins mother waa nearly as bad Jim resolved ttiat Jial limn in h s own home, Uih work ahould to gin. Very I rmi Uldii work il would ha e looked to meo's eves, and a little Jim I "ikel about hia garmt room he did ot know wnore lib. gin, but he would not falter, not he, 'The teacher aim aaid, Hun I hat's mighty to rave me and hold uih ii, givealellei strength loxna lellur. iiul His great sirring arm uh.HU a littin f.-l er liko e Who ud bo 'franl with the Kings sarin loun' biiuf Nut Jim Car. to'.' And an Jim ait a moment thinking here to hegio. His father waa awaken ing fr in a drill k"ii deep; his mother 1 ,v moling heavily; little Tom. whoa lea had been broken hy his f ither in one nl his tirrihie speeea, and who after weeks of agony wi,fiiat able to ait up, wi-s leaning upon Ins clhowa upon his hard bed, Ii ying to count the stilts and holes in hia iinit. Poor Tom,' Jim said, going over to hie little pale faced hroihtir. '1 pity yer, little loin.' ho added laying hia grimy hand le. derly on Ti Ill's untied tltxuo hair io yerf I rn ao glad ; gat mo some thin' to eal, .Inn, wunt ver7 I wish I ktiowed where to git it, el ma am tic only win up no tuie sn could get xoineihiii',' an I ttib-i aa a light broke iitit his mind, he s.ud carnetitlv, 'Wait, .ill In Tom, 1 Khou du't wonder cf I Just got 'iiaii'ted Willi Homebody tint ud help ;' and g mug over to ilia comer- he knell down and prnye I, '(Mi, ilear Jesus, mighty to nave, will yer te. I a p tor taller where to get a fnvv cruata or Hiinieihin' lor a po r foller'a liule brother who ia auk and atarvinT Do, dear Jesus, and do it quick.' Then Ji:n ahtipnd out, down thn broken st nrwav and into the atreet. Ho did not waste, any time in the court but rau nn fast, until In a few momenta be turned into a neat, pleasant struct. The auow was ten inches deep ..nil wn anil fat ing Jim ha t no in li.lincl feeling oi being odd, but Tom had Ihe lirsl place in bis brain, hungry little I'oui A lady d res-el In deep hi mrnl'ig openeil ili front door of one of the Apr-ttv girl follow I. 'till, oio lit' eielouiol the chill, 'look at the beautiful mi, isn't it lovely V 'Lovely Indotid, dear,' I tuiihed lu lidv, 'but my first Hi night wax a on-lhioj more toaller ol lcl wlio will clear ulf the porch and wlk. while Jack m ilck.' tin, ma'am, can I clear on" our w:k-f It aaa iiiticj lilllo Jul) asking the (ilea ( Hon. Yon! why yog are suuli tittle fol low. VeMim, I'm little hut I'm strong. He thil's Mighty to save l golu' to hnlp n1"-' 'Why, what does he mean, mamma? wliitppred li e little girl. I hardly know, mv-oif ' he answered, and then looking at Jim ale and, 'ktep in the ball a lew inoioeiiis, it is too o ml I stand talking here,' an. I afterward when ihe boy all od near the hall stove warm. lug, alio anked him what he meant ny nn atiawer to her. Jim explained, ana me lady waa ) touched ny ma tiuipiiciiy and earnestness that she ooulJ not epeaa when he finished, .-she went out loin toe kill hen and returned with a lunch, 'Kat tins, dear little Jim," she aaid, 'and tb you can clean the walk. J . . .. o. lu A-.,, ft nil... 'I Will Cl-an iiiu w ai in -i. i-i , ma'am. I'm In a ourry to git homo to Tom. Jim worked Industriously aod soon returned to the door, where Le ie cejv.ij a paikige wliich the lady lold him van imv tor dim erioe. no ioig"i liewau a diunkard'a child, In 'act ihe ,.i, ild of two drunkards. He forgot Ilia rae-a, his cold feet and slinging fingers lie ill 'light "lily nt little Tom and the ha would bavo. Mil my, I sniut it's gi liiniii, that b 'oto-lul bifl.d and k meat the lady brought in to me In nli Jim. her xet got aometbiu' for mi?' little T III asked eagerly as Jul) o...rM,l mo d.e.r carrvlna bundle. illiiklij' whispered Jim pouninr l" hi lather and tiloiner wuo tu(i iay ino,.io ,., an .nii.arances. J'un opened the box ud In spite of hi resolve not to waken hia 'aluer. he could hardly retrain from snouting bis delight. As for Tout, tear p4 itniiea fbeJ oyer tin wblte, pK- Roanoke WELD ON", tnnt farej hp claspod ami nndasp ! Ins thin hands and then with, J.vfiil f.ce aakeil, 'Oh. Jim, where did ymi get til these irood tilings) and thou his voice iiruw ead ax he aiiiled, 'Jim, rer a irin.,1 brothnr Ijtelv an awful good dr. thor, an' I love yor, lull yer didn't atoal those, ill.! vetT Yar know ihe Cnn.inai .lmm,t vr Icaiiiiil at llm r I an' i(.n,oi inn ' 'N i r co, Im e T in, I'-l M'lirte f ,- ! meal, ho' i' inn h as ,.vo mi I'd ra her y ml a'ar e t n, rnse w ' I gn up here you km. w.' ho esi-l po-nlliu- up ward Kat awav. Tom, Hun tint'. n.fli! 1' nave nun mo thi- ' Wheie dot's bo In-. T Is he ' n ai.gelT Tioii nai.l iiui r'V, 1 1 v uri it lik a alarveil mimal mm f 'lie ili.l m lis a f aii'iwich - wlileh Jim ha I brought. 'Me a beiier ao -iron Iban ail tlie angels He'- Ihe Ki g of lleav. spoke r vete'-l' v . Jim "A In Jim wher i- nl I hiio? ' o n i- -el .. . do -i k-, A to I t f - to- .r .1 .( i o t' e it -e o,. i; -. J., i , to 11 10 .11 d r tv.-d to ho so a aeen , ... . to- I.I .o-n h-, I. loth. T, hollllll' t lit I nod I" .It.- Ins siai- oik loin, I'll never i... 'Irai I nf He had 1 he 'r ml I live - n i iioihio'.' 'N I of m kn-ii km:.' ve o er the an1 ihr .w li ' sticks hi ' ' o n-.k"r m nglv i"io coci? 'ii .Ii -, ' b ol Ilia', w o.'t (.?' 'No, nevr!' Jl '-facea-i- filrlvbeoi. lilnl in it exp'e-aoi, ,, i-,,u, , rust in the ' linen w as higher' tha he 'Win. I' ninv. di li'l I toll vol Ilia arm wis aroiio' oi-? li,n' nt yon I was a follerin'? K' fa hi slut I kill iii- ' Ins voce .ank lower it wouldn't In u e lav in' here wii h tim blood -pm tin' on the while lace n' Ihe rags. I'd I'd be di--Toinrnv, IM I'e no in His arms Jn.t rlunk of that; ain't it oooie.rii n', awful coinlortiu', to think of ilnu that's migh'y to save.' Hut the father waa m l asli'ep: neiilier w is the shlttle-s oiotlior. Tnnv h ldloi -o awHiin when Jim entered, but closed Iheir eves feigning sleep 'to hen what then; young 'uris was uti lo- Thev knt tiiiet lving still and listen. in ir on Iheir misiralile cots on nppnaito sides of llm room They had heard all and yt made no sign. Timy opened tlieir eyes just long enough to sex .Inn ettiug a svidw ich how good it looked. Thav felt so 'goto-' that a bite would have been acceptable, ami so would drink, but Ihe last cent was srjuaitdored. Toniin" lav back on Ins lied with a sat isfied In. k after he hid ealau three sand witches, nml Jim began to gither up tlie llinigs. He ah o. k the crumbs out f the box. and out dropped something which nude a ringing sound, lie picked It up. 'O Tom, ii'a a silver q iitrtor; but uiebbu it's a mistake.' 'Here's a paper with wrttln' o-i Jim,' and Jim spelled out slowly, 'Here's a nil of uiotiny for vou, Jim, ari l when you need help 'Oine In me. I servo Hun too, who is mighty to save.' Jim's fxihnr was Jusl Intending lo call out lo him to bring that monev to Sim, 'he'd have some, good drinks now,' bill he lietril Jim say, 'Lei' save ll csv two big slices will) Ihe nice nieit 'tween 'em for father anil innthes; a ail we, Tom?' 'I'm w illin' 'but they'd rather bave sornetliin' to drink.' Poor lather, poor mother.' M) es vor pity 'em. Jim?' 'Pity 'em an' love 'em, Tom.' 'How can yer when they're ao cruel to iia-healiu' an'jtwiu' an potindiu' every thin' aroun'?' 'I do, cause I do,' Jim answered simple, knowing no oilier reason fir his tender neas to those degraded beings, 'an' Tom meliha Him Hint mighty to save Till do aotnethin' for them. I'm praying for them.' 'He wouldn't for Ilioin, Jim, Ituy're too bad.' Tttchertald lle'tid aavo to thn utter most. I can't remember all she said, but I think they's the uttermost, an' ef Hun that's mighty to save ud put His arm about 'em, He'd lift 'em tip. I'm g -in' out now, Tom, to git soiiielbiu' for father and mother.' Jim noticed thai his father and mother h id turne I th-lr fice. Imt ha di I not know ill it Ihev were weeping biiterly. While the b v went mil and Ii night cai I nl c II-e, and ereu a littla milk and augar wiin hia silver quarter, Ihev lav thinking in agony. 'Migltv to save! Oh, I learned that years ago, but I f-rg t it; lorgot it, ami what a life I have livid, and I pullol her down, too,' the wretched father Ihoughl; whi e elm. t in mother was trembiing with reinor-o as ho Ihoughl 'Oh. why did I folio him down hill? Why d'dii'l I look up to Hint who Ja mightv to savi?' The coffee was billing hit. Its aroma fllledthe little room with fragrance. Tom had drunk a cup of it, ami so had Jim, and they were wading lor the father and m dlier to wake up. 'I wish they'd wake up Tom.' Mebbe they'll pound yer when they do.' aint 'fiaid with II ins, yer know.' 'Jim. little Jim: it was the fathei call ing, and Jim ba-ttnnd lo him, thinking somel hing strange had occurred, I r his I it her had never spoken so gnully. 'Jim, G"d b'ess V 01, Jim, Hi ll tint's might,' In save is near me, li .y, I'. u going pi fdlow .' 'till father. I n so glad, an g ad.' the boy said hi lap! tlie. '.Iiin, -il v ti"or Jim,' it was the mother sp-aknig. and the child emasedj Hie room, 'voiirug'v mntlier Is g d 'g to tolhiw too, I followed him tour la'ber down hill, I'll loin, w bun no. Wil lean on Him who is might v i' save ' I'li-v dr. oik their c ITee and sin hr t. ao.l arose iiened lo begin a dill' rent life, Tnevboih k i-a.-d Jioiainl each 'her, and lliev weie no maudlin kisses hut llione nf awakened love, thn nv thai had lain dormant si long that no one but (he Palher knew that it wax Null alive, Six months have ml lod away. We do not liud Hi" reunite I family in their old quarter. They have not boeii able in nit " riixter street yet, out we find them in a roomv, pha-ant corner- on the Oral floor. Men lo and lo. k lor vourseil. I liat l Tom sitting In that s-if iv-cnsin mod chair hy the clean, bnghl window, through which the aim tie ins In ao warmly. Y)u do not reo. Ir.e him. and it is not strange. He can walk aleiul the rieoiia aain, sod l Is huibsare growing stronger everv dav, tint he Is testing now. His cheeks are lull now, and Ins eves are bright, and thete is iio happier child in all llio groat city than Tom unless It is Jim. And wtiere la Jiitit Ah! he la working, ear nestly working- Actually he has risen to beafaithiul lillleo erk to a market-wo man, who a-ilu her rheumatic reel wrap. i,ed about with an old shawl, watches bun with eyes of Inyo. 'Hnr voting feet,' i-ha oalls hi in. Tlie blessed lathar. wrks ntoadlly at his trade. He is a maaou and Duds pleoty lo do wilb his strong trnis. And the inothar, we most point to bar and then stop. Look thiough the open dmir of ihe room whore dear little Tom ails, into Hi small on in the rear. Husily engaged in polishing flue linen shins, for which t-ha good pay, ahe tops nne moment to glauc liilo th room wher hir boy sits, she amis him Ii. lh autishiue. Kke amells ihefragruniofue letn m goranlinu t the window. Hb nee th preltyoovreil tnbl with the Bible, and ihe paper on top. Sbeeceslbernpaitia lb csmforn- N. C.. THURSDAY, ble chairs and the cheerful olock upon the shelf, and her heart broke fi rth from her lips in glad song. You may not c I her voice aweel, or her singing cultured, but Tom, llsli ning Willi wrapt attention llip-ks he never beard anything so swa t as his good mother's song, selected. lkiter riton 'nkw nKIKII. KoUT V ISOATK, New MHII'o. I Dec. nh Irxu. J Mk-bhs. KpiToKs t la reported that Victorin has been killed, but It isnolfue, tt was Ins sou. lie is snll leidlng a baud of llosnle Indiana and Mexicans around til" leoiintains. I'tnce is a lug reward fir h.s Head, In-Hi bribe Tinted Slates and Mexico. One ot the soldiers who has just c one in fro , his Hail, br night a rlti nl Vic'i-rie Jr., which aiisweta in the place d bis scalp, and ' easier li carry. The Noj .a ( av'Mi-) are now expect I to gi o i me war path. I ne 1 1 oni, and . It. K. II.. the cm no. atmn ol ihe Alkcr -n and Tnpeko and -m. ia Ke. Ilnlioa I, Is b log rapidly gra teil. il is lei-out lo i oi. tractors all along ill" I. ne. 1 1 is to be limit to Mama Ago. I'aliloniia; through the timet barren coun try ol the Unlleil (States. when trav, ling this way, are compelled to carry w a (u along with i hem I. di -pie ,a s t ic Indians veri lunch lor tiie I . be run Ihroiigu tbuir lea erva'.o . II has been very edd at Ft. Wingaie this w in. H. , siiowi g iininlly It na oil u been Ifi below -on. niuf every night at . r Lei w '.!. i-urii g the i ay II is quite p ea-ai.l, hut the infills aie very e ei i ti. I oiupauv, ot 13 h tf nt y n -w a- ti .ne I at I'V Hn-g,i , .. i. . g , i Wa-nnig ion to 'iai llnhl . inaugorai 1 m M O. 8 a aaTe VI V. Ill II, At IDKUV. ."C'lLANO Nl-.CK, N. f., Dec il, IWtl, Dkmi X Kw s - It was in v p eaauie I I 0 pieselit lu-t Klidat nighl at the i I mlng exmciaes ol tins school, and Willi your permission, 1 prop . to say a lew things in lef'iueiice to the cxhildiloii, and also tlie school as a neli ml. I'linciowd l.i al tend. nice was veiy lirgo. an uioai ot them had to sta oi during tim entire ex ercises, and when I sav mat tb-y M ere or derly and well t eliaved, I at otn-e mil mat" that the program me was very Inter esting. llio femalo school hern presided over by Mrs. L. W. llaglev, whone place Ins been tilled for the last qilaiter ny Miss Hoi ecca W. Shields, and Miss LenaSiiinh il' ite I with the main school in the closing exercises, and was un small ptil i f the programme, The iiiu-io of the tnung laities on this occasion, consisted of m slrumeiital solos, duels, q iartcites and churu-e, aod il was goueiallc agreed among those who know, that tliev were elegantly and artistically execulid and, won for each and all ol Ibein, the pr.-lsi. and congriitulatioii ol their in - y I minds present The exercises coiisia.o I of do. clamatlnii coiino resciutlotia, ilial-'gu s, original aprcclit'S and Vocal and iuslru mental inn ic. Kvery thing was done in an admirable manner. .Some ol tlie c nine recuaiious and dialoguea brought down the house. The declamation was excel, out. There was noon-thing new coti-lsting of original speeches, and a Latin speech I think I but express Ihe ooiuion of a I present, wlie i I sav that this speech has never been surpassed b boys of the anile age and advancement. The tirst, on Ihe subject, "Kleiiienl of success" wax so Herring Jr. that il must have made his Irinnds Itol proud of Ins present attainments, and thu bright future w Inch surely lies before him. I could but think also thai his Instructors must have felt folly repaid for Iheir labor w hen they heard ilia einviuiniins ol those competent to Judge ia such matters. He luo K.usl have fdl proud ol the laurel won on this, his appearand as a p ibltc speaker. The -ecnnd oilginal speech w is by A. II. Hill, Jr., mi the is 1 1 1 J c "Our I'm oi I'm--pecilvely." K was really womlerful lo sa how one so y.-uu could dive into the Intricacies of government au-1 point out the dangers threatening It, and Miggiml such wholesome re'iiedles, I could but think of the bright prospect of our U'li .in destine I to let ruled by aueli mn as w have had for the I ,sl lilti on ye ,r. an I men like thn spe ike w i I unke. Tin. s o would do h n- r o older heads and , ak C', . Tne las'. Anginal apeeclt was by Ri harl Nel. His subject was "pool pi lilts on llm sands ol lion .' He II nd e I his sut-jsct very gra fully ami impres sively, showing us that as turn nun mis Knot prints in thn natural world would of animal i, birds, .Vc, in the foim nf losslls, ,vc, would remain. He Is young in age, not yet foil rle in. The Latin speech was by Charlie 10. Brewer, This young man did well and brought nut lolly lbs coiiilneii tal pioiiun-' ciat i hi, which is now being so entirely adop'ed by ntir beat schools and college., I lis' e spoken nt the-.e young ;pen not because they deserve more praise than the nlhers, but because l heir pari was a new feature in an exhibition. Mjt.t.KlS.. Woman's Wit Wins A Lmtlii iiepa(ier tc!li curinus slorf about gentleman who pr -p sed dinner pirtx t the lurly who ix now hi wife, lie had been a I ner for a one time, but had rrrr q'lt'e pcr-utlr I himself tip ' ht ill poppmc Hi 1 leslttm. Iluring the ecnlful iliiinrr be learned fmni the person next him llisl ) null inlilii'led Unit evi'iiiiip o m'lie an allelic upn his Ifiilcinra'a heart. She was lilting al otiia distance from him at me tabic, and the rival at lnr side, lie mis equal In the emerjency, huaever, fur Ifiring a half-leaf Irom his trntcbiok, he wroie Uion it i "Will you be hi v wifel Writ ''ir answer, ex or no, upon tins piper and return it to me." Cahli. waiter, the iogeiiinin lsver sent Ihe missive to ''the? lady in blue at the end o! lh lable be very isrelul' The servant dii ax directed; but Ihe lover in hi m.xietv forgot to send his pencil. The lady bad presence iT mind, however, and luckine the note iuo her bosom, laid to the wai er t Tell tht (jenllenian yexl" Appropriate llolldey sVIS) Tar Hualral l"eolf, First and best of all, an eiegmt Piano or Parlor Organ, that wilt afford exquisite pleasure (or a whole lite.lme. Next.a won- lierltil Musical t aoiuei, t a inotte, or r iruinette. Dial a child ca i play. A 'so Ch 1 ilren'a Pianos, Metalophones Music Roiea, Mtislnal Albums, Milsle Folios, Musio Books, Voins.t ti ilrs,AoeordoiiB, K lutes. Fife, FUgsolnis, Harmonicas, Drums, Banjos, Piano Stools, Piano Cov era, am last, nui not least, a year a euo ecrinlion to the Southern M nslcal Jrurna. Prioe peclally rluoed lor Holiday trade. Send fur I'staiogues. Lud len A Bat' Houibern Musical Uotjo, Ssvaa- otb, T, News. JANUARY 0, 1881. VKclKRAL ctKH'K. There are said to be 5-3 cauuer cases at one place in Arkaueaa. Hon. s. S. Cox, Is seriously 111 In New Toik with throat aflecllon, llento , Ark., has manufacture I, since the lirsf of January, ISI.iUI gallons nf stoneware Tlie waters of Maryland are known to harbor none wild pucks than thoae of any other Slat in th Uumo. The town of Darlington, S. (' charge two dollars for the privilege of using pro fane language on lh liu s. Hie. I. lent Haves Is ex peeled n) visit England next May, and will attend g-eal meeting of Wesleyan .Methodists In September. Uoyernor Farhatr.. of Vermont, has veined a bill praciica ly doing away witu the grand jury ami giving llio indicting pnwiir to tim Sta e AU. rney. Ilutfilo Rill drew nearly $1,000 at lh Howard A t lintiio i in. Boston, last wnuk. where lie appealed In John A, iS'.evoin.' border drama, The Prairie Wolf. Mrs. Mary Hardy Is leclnrng ar Hind llm country in regard t i vming W unen, ami -he tells mutheiH to bawaro of the yotmg man who tiiivesa lust horse. Tnlrtt -one sttales of the thirty night in tlie Union now have bientnat sesei-ms ol h 'Ir l.eia let ores and I wetitv eight of llm l.egi-laiurea will iii ict tins iu intii. A farme' reports lint he xeeps his ho-sps froe trom epi. .otv by A liberal usMofsliced apples in tiimr teed, .'.tany h hive been cured in Ill's war without the use ol anv olditioiial prepare! ions. A New Y ok paper ssrs that although it Is supposed llm imprisonment foe debt his i.nen all .lislind III fiat Siatn. there is ai ilns limn a large number ol persons in pi is oi in the city lor dob:. Colore' children in Ihe rub'io ai ho Is in llicbni id In I, are not allowed to S'o v llerin in, a privilege granted tf all H ts (iilptls, so I Hie friean Methodist Chu i h will bring suit anaiust the local seho ol bckrd. Several farm'ra in Wisconsin, who not l-mg ago o oopi e I w ith importuniti' s to ign a lemperanee pledgn, are being as-t-iiil-hed by the pre-imt (lion of pronnss . rv note-, p-omisiog to t-av c.i ,h lustoa I if t i pr sci ice to al abstinence. The (le'awaro river, at Ilitrlington, N. J , remains f i r.' n solid, excepting (he elnnnel, where ice lugs have proceeded as fir un a llrdenlo n, and opened il for the purpose, i t lowing the bon's which were ft. xen in al llio locks there to Phila delphia. Hon. A. T. Akornixn die I at his home In t'artervll'e 0 1.. Tii'nd iv night, after a week's sickness from lull nil nil rr rli u nliiMiil He wis Attorney Oennral dtl ting President Dram's first term, ami was thaleidur of the Republican party In De.rgta. In view of ths recent shooting of Collec tor Wilson and ether outrage by Mm Moonshiners, in fleorgia. all the collec tors in the South tisve orders t make no raids without iheir carbines and a siilll cient forco to protect tliem from these out laws. Father Rvan Is nalivn of Not folk, Va , was bom In Iftlland Is described as cntn psclly built, with stooping shoulders, a high forehead, dark blown hair, dreamv grarish blue eves, a face meditative and somewhat sad, qu el mannoi and grace fill speech. A led in (In rgl wax arrested as a sua peeled murderer, and to eacaoe the gal lows established an alibi bv producing a witch whjcli he had stolen al a i-erttin limn anil place That brought him in nn n ei-ant proximity to the point -nil irv and to dodge th .t is un ho proved that he had escaped from Ihe lunatic asylum, and was ct ii r not! lo his old quaiters. J D gle, agn I J!), and li s wife. Kmma, age I .11. residing at Hint-es Mill, Ndr h ampto count v. Pa, worn killed w ith an axe h .1 i'u- w Sovder, a boarder In (he fatuity Hundn V.S h Hec Knvder wanted to mar rv Iheir daughter, but i hey refused the r cm eni I - th" cere m 'ill, He chippol their he nil "P"o an I Ii-lined them. The mnnboer w is lynched by two hundred neighbors. ProbaUlv llio first case nf Iwi fems'e lawyers pilled against each other in cunt will coine from Vm r riuc an i.whore Mra t'lara Foil has ben nngiged for the pr is. edition and Mrs, Laura Deforce Dordon I t Hi slefeiice in the case of Deo. A. Whnel er who Is charged with strangling his slste r- in-law and parking her body in a trunk, The two women were once very coie fi lends, sleeping in the axrne bed, but lain ly a coldness sprung up between them. lo the recent carat sign they were rivals nn the political slump a they are now at the bar. The great cotton fair, which is to be he it in Allsnta, Da., In September, Onto her ami November of next year, promise lo be an important exhlMlion. A perma nenl organiMlion has been rfficted at At lanta, under the name of the International Cotton Klpnsinori Company, cf which Senator Joseph E. Brown has been chosen president, with representative board of directors. It is proposed to raise quite la'gn fund ao as lo make the exhibition a notable disp'av. not only of a raw pro dncu, tmt ot machinery also, ami of in 4.1 uficiuigd fabrics of every sort. Henslor Firm and not Henalor Drooine as Is so frequently published, Is the young est member of the present Senate. Mr, Hruco Is throe years the l.inior of Mr Droome, Senator Hamlin Is thn oldest member nl the duly, while Senator An l lion y has served in ire years continuous ly than anv other Senator. Ho is now serving Ins fourth term. Senator I'. I mnnds, th .ugh genera, Iv regard" I as nn of tne "ld"sl In years, is, on the cmlrirv entitled to a pla.i among the Juniors nf the senate, there noing no less I nan 45 nf h s fellow m-mbei'V who arn older than h. Senator Thnrman is filtetn years oldir than Senator Eimumls I iltle Freddie Hahtnr, nl San Aiilonlo, Tex a, aloie squib cake from the pniitry, and was sitting mi Ilia 'eoce eating It w hen sir ke of lightning knocked dim He had been told bv his mother th'. Iio I would punish him if h tiiislived, git ho is now Ilnu believer lu bar dovtrin. 1f"f 11 1" T) Yourselves by making mon. ITS IjIjL ev when golden pprluni ly is i, tiered, II retry always keeping pov erty Irom your d'lnr. I b 'He who alwav lake advantage f Ibn good chances fit making- monev thai are off red generslly b'C'ine stealthy, while tho-e who do not improve audi cliam ea remain In poverty We want many men, women, boy and girls to work for ua right in ibnir own lo ralitiea The business vll pay more than ten limes ordinary wage. Wa furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need, fre No one wh tcngagea f. x to uiaka money very rapidly. You can devote your whole tim lo tne work, or only your apsr rro menu. Full Informatioa and all that l needed aetit frno. Address Stiasua Si Co, FArt!nnd, Me. NO. 31. ADVMTlSKMENfS. QUIRIOUS NEWS 1 Far I'lano llayera. Iaxrga Reduction In prices of the f' or Itn Southern Detn, the most popular Pianos In A merles. Over Ml euo now In us. Hold hy us for II) year past with splendid aatlsfacllon. 7 Oct. larg an, Itosewood Caen, beautiful tone, only 17'.I. 71 Oct., largest six, great volume nf tone, only 2ifi, ?i Oct Kin- tJrand, I stilngs. Magnificent t'ss in neat made. I only f'iU. St'Mil ami Cover with each. At these price the best and cheapest Pianos ever s- ld by snv dealer North or H mlb, h dav teat trial, fi years guarantee. Easy Install ments, with small Increase on cash raUa. Buy a Southern tleai, and you ar abso lutely certain of getting bargain and a reliable Piano. Address fur Fall 1KH0 Price List and Catalogues, Luddon A Hates' Southern Music House, Savannah, Da. OTICKTO TRAVELERS. 1 am now running a dally mail from Scotland Neck to Halifax, i hav a com fortable two bora hack, which leaves Scotland Neck, every morning for Halifax and returns same day. will lake passen gers and x pr packages at reasonable rates. I am also prepared lo entertain travelers, promising to spat no pains to make tbeui comfortable. Respectfully. W. II. HHIKI.DH. Nov 30 tf. JOK SALE. Thn following valuable real estate lying mar Iillerys Mill, In Halifax county about nine miles fr inn the town nl Halifax. About IW) acres including sleam engine, saw mill and fixtures, gin, gin bouse and li xlures, adjoining the residence of J. H Tillerv. Mika Wilklns. that contains about l7 scies. I'oiie plane containing about t,V) acres i Interest in Wade II Vlllery tract, the whole containing about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. H ILL, Attorney llalihn N. C. July 31tf A T T KXTI O N. 1 1I K I.ITTI.RfllASTi'OTTOS rilBCS. II YOIUI l.l( r REIKI' R E The only Hydraulic) Cotton rraa for plantation us. IIRK IVNIKASCE. Risks placed in nit-jr-cLAsa companies. A. H. HILL, Ag't. f-'ootland Neck, Halllax, Co. N.C. apr 29 if T) J,C'rl', buaineaa now belore the pub JL) LJO I lie You can mas money fa-ter at'-work for ua than at aovthlni Ian ranltal not renulred. We will start vim. Iii a day and upwarda made at home by lh industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ua. Now is thn time. You can devote your whole limn to the work, or only Jour soar moments. No other business w in pay you nearlv as won. one wining to work can fall to make etmrmon pay bv engaging at once. Costly Outfit aod terms free. A grnit opportunity for maxing monev easily and honorably. Addres Tree, Co. Augusta, Me. jnlv 1. Ir. DSIiiAaSMMOHS1 OURtS btOlOtSTlOs, BlLIOUSNIS. BlOK HCADAOHg Oosrtvxmsa. 0URC9 lOT Aperrrrg, OUa tTOHAOH, Foul BrrxaTS, LOW eaxiT. DyagetiA, ft iHutaxjary aa Oouo, t l.m.r. the oldest. d oorr avnatna Him tnon. Medlrlne now In market. I'rr.l only by '. r.Riwon, ('(. lit-l (larx At. Si. Limit. anrreaKTl to at. A. Slmmen., M. II. Inttrsed a. botcsa ud packAgc. . Buhl tT all lniUs iO.U 1 . it S l T A U K A N T . TO OCA ritlr.NIi A0 THE 11 Bl.lf W tak nleaaure In informing you that w bare ttcanily eppensd a I "JbiISb1, Ilh a (Ur room and Ililllard Tabl al always gel torn- lached, where you eat) thiug la FAT OR IIIIIM, Our tallies will bo supplied with avarv thing that the northern market can afford. our bar will las Blocked with lb finest Liquor, Wine, ud Cigar, ftwajtfc ! Mew York. Remember the plxoe, at ths old stand of hills ,t .Nevlllo, cptxatie M. Whitehead A Hon. Meals at all botira, pnlit and attentive servant, J.J 1'ANIKLdtlO. no 4lf Proprietors, p A T R I C II P, BR A D T. I'NDER TIIE VOHT OFFICE. Klir COHITAHTLT 0M U A B LIQUORS OF AI-L DF.SCRIPTI0NS. Old "leramar and Hancer Whlsklea alwavs on hsnd. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, OohJ Beer, n .lie., visa's, bvtuiuuiin, iuuacco, C. Kg J''t 'erget lh ptac under ths r us, wiuco. CO TIE ONE.CO.nE JLL, Mixfl prlnki ef ;:&iast, Jupeltt li - . lhXw ' xttfl!l MMImCIE aW. aT - am ra- "I -4 ADVERTISING KATKS. a s a c I f- I a I 0 3 00 IN UN AH 5 00 10 on SO M PB s) 8 (10 l.'i 00 00 00 MM JO IIO 18 00 36 00 44 ts) 15 DO 20 00 40 00 UN 21) 00 30 00 CO 00 & M One Year, li AO i n-Sf SPACB One "Jijnure, Two Wqnarea, Three fvjuares, r our SquarttM, Fourth I'nl'n, Half Column, WlioloColiimn, U4 H ii -J . ' i-swaaxoe TALBOTT A MUNM 5H0CKOK MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturer ol Portable and Stationary Engines and Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn an 4 Wheat Mills, Shafting. Hangers and Juk leva, Tuibine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma- i hir.i iy, n tought Iroti W ork, iiraaa and Iron Castings, Machinery of Kvery Da nriptiou. filNNINtl AND TlIUKfJHINO HAOniHaat A SPECIALTY. Repairing I'rouiplly A CBrafalljr imiiic. TAI.IIOTT S l'.M'KNT M'-MIK-ARKKaTKaV. The Invcution oi llie Age. It does not dmtroy Hi draft. It doaa not interfere with cleaning the tube. Ii 111 not choke up, and require uo claaa- mg. It requires no direct damper to bar opeued when raising steam (damper be ing ohjoctlniinblo, aa they mar be lelt opa ami allow at arka lo esra e. ) It requires no water to extirgolafc sparks, wlilcii, by condensation, destroy Ihe draft. Ilcsides, when water I uied. If neglected, the efficiency la dtatroytd by evaporation of the water, and the bulitr I kept in a II It h y condition. II Is simple and durable and ran be ra iled upon. It can be attached to any boiler. iNo planter should bo without one of Ueaa, Insurance companies will insure gins stul barns whom the Talbott Engine and Spark-Arresters am used at aaine rat aa chargod for water or horse power. jfxrsiinj tor illustrated circular bm price list. llranch lionso, t!n(iioro, 1. C. J. A. HAUSKIt. t.enernl Manager. T. A.tiKANUElt, Local Managea. may 8 dm NATURES OWN REMEDY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOD.IMR&KIDNEVS. rnjAAv n..iinrturkn'WnJs- MDiliiiuiiK tu one pnQ otint ii m ugi runt i . curatTne, Ft LlTAW rlJ'lsaaJjU. "'Wt-n Utr U. vVl wlili h prtatlnr- nN Hi t i f Ihv II.Msl.llN IJrrr, U. H4inry LJrTinlr in aoitOD lilij Ht.if.iiti In a HTi'tt. Il lt niit-irvMiMl ftv Ua riii.-ol nil Mmu.lHm- 4laf HCU Vai MtsV ii ft. T'MfMor). H4tM. 1rttrr,U MMr-mit Kiriimr.aVfM. Ht tHfitii i m m i'nnmtipntimH, iymtpmim, M trf i t mtHm. Nomi Mmmir nrh, Hrlrution f I i'iir, r(f, ASK TOUR DMJCG!ST FOR IT. TTJE RROWH CIITJIilSnQ. IILTIMORE, Md. CURATINE, J isT K i-ltiai V lHH CURATINE, ftsT lihsJUU.31 CURATINE, 1,1 K.i. tula l'.a CURATINE, far CriPs4u, I mptta. iatn), ! dec IN ly W. II V1CK r LX. ( AltltlA;K yn IU'4iUIES MADE TO ORDER Oil llElWIUEH AT LOW flUC'EI. All kinds of wood work and trlmmlr don in good style. Hlsckstinth work don al abort notice and with nratnoss. All new work warranted. Fine painting for buggies don at low prices, beat paint used. i!'t'.( IAL ATI F.M IIOol GIVEXTO tup. uxi)i:;iTAKixa iiepami Mas r. I IfHt . V.t-s- vis .. :"JI' "Is I. . C'ofTiii ati.l.C.iws of all sixes oonsUnl)- "ii hand. Carriage M a'erialx kept onhand at Driest below Petersburg market, Weldon W. 0. June & ly N O. T. FOR 0 , Takes pleasure in announcing -t ba can still ba found at bla ktaud ou Kl'RST STREET, I I J I I II st2?s. rlfalTflr sCHII II H ' M aALII H I 11 SnJ -rrs--ra Where he has on band a full line ol ta Finest WINKS, WHIsKTEsi. and BRANDlKs. TOBACCO, CIGARS. andHNUFR, ORANGES. APPLPS, and CON FF.CTION ER1ES Un slnok of Caunod Goods and Grooaar le ii uuumally Fall d Complete ' Old CAm!rr Wgifitr A ErtoiAiiTT, FRESH LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT. H gusraaloci njUsfscaiou. Call oA seas him, Kov SI I y.