t THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W I E K L Y NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. One Year, in advance, Hix Months, " Thres Monthi, " z on 1 no els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1) R. a 9 0. W. HtSTIIAN, fi r f n Dentist. tt evtr Vf . H. Rrswn't Dry Ooodi Stort, VTKI.nOX. N.C. Will visit parties st their komts when Aeslrtsl, Terms Reasonable . ortHly J ATTOKMP.T 4T LAW, HALIFAX. M. C. Oslre Is Iks l.'osrt noun. strict attention (rir.'ii to ill trass tot (Hit professlou. an 11 ljr E T. BRANCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. EMI'IELD, N. C. Tretics hi t'n counties of Halifax. Nash Ileeo nl nd Wilauri. (Jullsctious made In al jrU of the Stale. Jaa 1J tf w. VT. HALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WRLDOX, N. C. 'Hn.elsl att-ntlnn (rives tu eolWetion and remiuaases preiupMj inadt. war ltf. riii.mm, joh i. iiooRit. A 0 lb L B II AUOORK, .ATTOKXEY AT LAW. UAMTAS N.C. rVreflriu in the counties of HalHm, Hortluunp ten, Kdw.o'nhe, I'ilt and Martin In the Hit preine court of the Stale and In the Keileral nVsiirt. nfuhe Hatters District, Collections made It o nj rTt ef this State. Jaslly i MIMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, H V.LI fax, n. c. practices In Halifn and adjoining counties sci Federal and Hiiprntna iinurta. Will e at Scotland Neck, ones every fort ti'uht. auir 2R If ATTORNEY AT LAW, AKYSB17R4, X. C. Practices Is ths cturt.s of Northampton and Adtinhif esaallos, also In the Federal and Hu prtiue courts. June A tf. ' W. . iT. A.C. lOI.I.ICOKFEK. JstLLICOrTBR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. iVsetlr.n In tfa courts of Halifax and adjolntns eoeotle. and is the supreme and Kederal court s. CUlms collected In anjr part of North Carolina. Onset the llrm will always b found in the Bee. June 2(1 jr. dQ R, E, I,, it U N T J K , IIRQKtN DEI TUT. Oaa ba found at bis office In Knfield. Pure Nitreus Oxido Oas for the Pain less Extracting ef Teeth always on hnud. .Uuaa 22 tt. E H. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, loaTLAMD Nnoi, Halifax Cobntt. N. C Teattioei In the coiinty oif Hsllfsx and n'ifoln tlMoontlel, and ip tile Supreme court of the 8ta. 1 ly. MifiCKLLANEOUS. OTICK (CO TKAVKuEKS. II ara now running a daily mail from Jficiiland Nack to Halifax. I have a com fortable tv-o home hack, which loaves Scotland Nextk, cyory morning fur Halifax and returns same tiny. Will take passen gers and express package at reasonable ri4. il.ia also prepared to entertain travelers, promising to apara no pains to ,make ILwm comfortable. Respectfully, W.H. BHIELDB. aiaf sotf. jjlOR SALE. Tha fallowing valnaMa real eatata lying near Tillory'a Mill, in Halifax county about nine miles from tliotown of Halifax. About :W1 acres including oleum engine, M mill and fixtures, ici". Ki houso and fixtures, adjoining the residnnce of J. B. Tillery. Mika Wllklns, that contains, about 67 acres. Pope plant) containing, about I.M) acres. I interest lu Wade II Villory tract, tha whola contiiiniiiR about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C. July 31 if GREAT BARGAINS. We are no receiving oar new and beautiful foo er.'nlly pu uiliacd of the maniifactnrer.t, and eoraially lavit y.m to call and oe them. The lar(rt and b"t selected etvi k of aor.n wathiko. 8BTSI)r.lKWF!l.rtY. bkh i.iiA. i.;. OFKHA ANII HII Alin TII AINM. DIAMOND AND SUM, MINUS. CI.KKVK lll' l TONS AND S'li llS, fi)l.ll SILVKH SI'OONS, HdltHS c. Tke Bent 910 Cuafor nl $S i'loi k K VKKS L l. Cee Young'a V- P. ulesaea and imprve your "wafchis and Jewelry rovaircd liy Hie best Torktuen. Kngravinir neatly done liy J. T. VOI'NU A IlIUV ortlly reU'Mlnirit. Va. T ' P.. . . - iv i a u Anna m WEniiW Tl4 hd. Salatliob of m,t r.niaoiu of Vlriin tlf, TivptraMnU, Kifnlily, AtH Ib Prid. i . a W SHMa. fw naa fiiM A Be"" -r -4. T--ae lrt . Ow-lM fr-Wm, It h4 " W'f. Irf' . aMaTkM. intwi,). aw. I A Id- ! Hh ' V. a..f H H (MUM Ik M4' hit AJMtH'rin.t Hfdioal Advisor R 4mmm rt aliiu tttm ipft Miatl .otiahoei, t" i ad lf-tl un M hM. af u --.--- .(Wbk ! J 4 V aJ . -jma,. - a."rr f .M tir- J 'man. aa M-al f taaa iua' avt . aaa UeOgk tma aaa IM Daaa lapana ToT tlTL.JlnnXl. HlMtBt fva in-TTt 1 alWaW. aafMaV 1 -.a 4 wut.wn ajwlHV aUaaa.a-ur , tieptaaiber ltitb ly A jw Outfit aetil free t" those who wish to tyfJ engine In the moat pleasant and prnfi. table buaiuess known. E'erythinu new. Capital not required. Wa will lurnlsh ynn averythiiiK. $10 a (J.iv and upward la easily made without atay'i'S away from home over nijfht. No risk v- tialover. Many new vorlnvr wanted at oncn. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much ai men, and younir boys and girls make graHt pay. No one who Is williuir to work fnils t-i mako more money very day than cut ba mmie In a woeK at ny ordinary employmant. Tliuso who niraga at orice will find ft Bbort road to fortune. Addrcm JJ. Uallutl Co,, I'utt- VOL. IX. I SAW SWEET MAMIE HOME. In the sky Ih' lirla-ht stun lltt. ri'd, (in the enow the luonuliirlit f.., IIiisIhmI the souuil of devllirlit't bustle, Closed Hie pink eyed l.imperel," As ndown the snow-trod iiut-path. Where thiiNt eotirtltif lover ronrn, 'T triiin mint Annle'e l.lrlhday parly 1 viae seoliid M:iuue home. Jet rlnirlets eoftly (luttered O'er a tirow as while as anow, And her cheek! Iliveunsel scarcely lind a wanner irlow M l her parted lii.s' vermllhon. White teelh llsshed liUe eeeoo f.inm ; All I marked with pulse thrnldiln, While 1 saw dear limine home. When the nut mini tlngi d the greenwood. TnrnliiK all It leaves to irid.l. In th Inwn hy vines slmdrd, 1 IIIJ love lo Minnie told ; As we stood together t'liuur on the slur Lessen,.-!,.,! ,ioie. How I l.lesseil that lovely evening. When I saw sweet Maiiile Imuie. White ha'rs mitifrle with mv tresses, Kiirrows steal upon mv hrow. Hut a love-smile cheers ami Ideasos Life's li'-cllnlin,' mouieiits now. Matron, In tliy snowy kerchief, Closer to Illy posolll come ; Tell nie, dost thou still remember When I saw sweet Mamie home ? SYDNEY. Outside, in the starry twilight of the Juno nigni, nr. Carroll was walking tip ami down Kluiiriiig through the open French window every time h pase, litem, for iinothor look at Sydney, and wondering who, of nil the ino'n who Vieni so bewitched by her would bu tint happy slave Mho ahould elcot to carry her bou quets to balls, have his break fast Collna criiiniel and sugared bv hor duintv hands, and ot joy the doHu'lit of paying hur dresHinnking and millinery bills. A fine looking fellow, with a mouth as sweet as a woman's in its tender expres sion, yet, lor all, stern ntnl decisive to match bis temperament whon occasion detnundej. A lisml, niiiii fellav, with blue eyes those psrtim'ar blue ycs that, when you sco tiium in a man, which yon r.irely do, indicate sweetness nf dis position, a chivalrous temperament and proud, commanding tenderness. ( am t-inkinic nl' lnst such a pir of blue eyes now, as I wtile-bonny blue oyis I kpo.v all about.) Ho was fairly t 11, splondidly bnillj he bad curling brown hsir, ninl ljxui'iaiit beanl, antl IiiuuIh fair snil huge aul strong and Ihrohbini; with heultli and vi talily. A thorough gentleman a thorough man, and head over cars in love wuh pretty Sydney, sitting inside. Inside on a low hassock directly under the bluKing chandelier, reading some now novel, Sidney Clyde whs making an un conscious picture of herself, with bur while dress lying like foam billows all around I er on tho gay 1'ersian matting, hor beautiful he.nl and slioiiMma r lieved against tho shining oriins n linen ofa cliiur a low feet back toward the shadows ol 1)1 it spacious room. Sh! was one of Hjn.-n rare, pale crea tures whoso beauty is apparent et a ll rat. glance, and ho, unlike Hourly all posi tively beautiful women, w is alilo to con tinue the impression her JovoJy luto promised, Sydney w as fair n a Illy hor com plexlon was absolutely colorless as a rose tliit blooms in llio dark, yet suggestive of health and strength In till its purity if pillor. Ucr eyes were riark-a rich,' Ills, trotis bronze-brown, ollen b ack in tiims of excitement and repressed inleres'. Her hair was like jet, so perl telly black and shining, and sbo wore it always and invariably in llio san ft way nppie I If her pretty forehead, w here a few c qnst- ttsli Hairs were allowed lo remain in soil little dinging tendrils, and coiled in loose graceful braid low on her head, with 11 silver or a goldiiii or a coral comb. To-iiight it was coral-ihu ono bit of color about bar, except her lusoioiislv-rcd lips, and Carroll wlelicl her, almost hungrily, as he passed ami rcpusvcd tho windows of tha room whero sliwsat read lug, unconscious of the passionate sur veillance to which rdin was sul jceled. Presently, a Hmnll boy st.pped up lo Jr. Carioli with a mossage that one ol t he bearders at Ihe ho(l hail been taken sud denly 111, and would he poa'i come? Of course ho went, anil as he returned, half nu hour later, the sound of voices from within told him thai Sydney was no longer alone. Ills lhat detestable puppy, tirnviti,' ho sal I to himself, bitterly, as a pleasant, melodious laugh wnimioil disliucllr on the still summer night. I meant lo laka her Ihe flowers,' lie thought, further, looking halt angrily, half disappointedly at a loroly little bunch of mses and hellotropo and ge rauiuin le itos h had stopped at the green house In buy coining hack Irom his pro lessional visit. 'Hut if lhat mnlumplabjo (icruion is there ' ho frowned, then set his handsome mouth together lirnily, linn tilickeiibd his stops, almost deli mtly, and Tisnt straiglit in, putting aside the lace curtains as if they weie mortal enemies to lie hewn Irom his progrussivo way. Nvdney looked up, coldly. 'Dr. Carroll,' alio prouoanco I, indiffer ently. 'Ah, Doc, gla ltis'o tou be.m quite a natural curiosity lately, hiveu'i you Whoi havs you kept yoursellT' (icnnoti'a eisv, proyikioglv familiar voicu was almost beyond cn luriocu ti bear. 'Miss Clydo, good-evening -'ib'I , tior moo. Mr.. Dctiiarcsl, I am i;la l lo ncc you.' tiermon turned lo Mrs. lienn.-est, Svd- nes sister Aug isla Ihe p limp, Kood hiltuoroil Itttln lualton who bid opened her lioiisu fr a 'few select suuiuiui boat ilio Thai's rough on Miss hvilner, I lo clai e. D ) l.tu'l tflad to see any but tou. Nevermind, Miss .Sydney, perhaps be will compensate by the lovely Mowers he has drought.' Willii. ui a word, while in irrepressible tiennnii was talking at the rate of Ion knots an hour, ai was usually the case, Dr. Carroll stuppcd up to Sydney, ailtinc a little out of ti e glare of the light, look ing like some swe t. serious spirit, in net unspoiled wli'to robe, and laid his dainty llllle oltertng rerereoii v o nor hi,.-.-. great rioli bloom of color, warm glowing pink, and royal purple and tender emerald. And. with Just a glance, yooeT sou IooIt ornnir un from her cluir. and toa'd the 11 w irs through tha window. Mrs. Doinatest looxe.l on in inuiKiiaiu urtinse. 'Why. Sydney 7 Me r:rnwm. fur once In lifo the first and last lime, hid no word equsl to the occasion. While Dr. Carroll, wnito wnu niin. PTcnto his very lorencau, wauou .. tij. aoeniwl III fill Will yi u pleBso explain, ans t,nu r And then, Sydney, who had lingered at tho window a seconil, tnrnoi nacs. 10 Ihem all again, cold, calm, porfeotly self- p issessed. 'It was nolbing-mucli. A bun was among thm-I delost bugs.' No apology, no regret, no thanks. And Dr. Carroll bowed, and left tha parlor, and wandered around awhile, with feel ings more easily imagined than dr.. scribed. . And then, when bo hoard Sydney ana (lermou and soino other c tiling, ha rtislnii off bp.'ond oarshot-into Mrs, Dsmarnst's little aitlitig-room, to which he had free entree at all times, and ihrew Inmseit down on bur Jounce, ailr turn, lug ou) tLe gas, UOANOI WELUON, N. Thpn, because tho hated sounds per sisted in occasionally coming to him, lie ilraggod the allclian over him-over head and ears and succeeiled in shuuing out the oulelde nol.es, biln the inw ard com motion seamed more than-ever agoniz ing. Until now he had not known how pa' sionaloly be loved Svdnoy Clfde. lie had known he loved her-loved her be yond any doubt, Willi all his heart and soul, I nt until lhat rebutr, until aim hi I shown him, ao cruelly, so needlessly, lhat he was more Ihati distasteful to her, he had not lullr realiesl all il nicant thai theta was no kope for Inin. And, strong, proud, brave though hn was. m trembled liko a worn in na he lav iheie, grappling with and stnv ing to con quer Ins no row, I rcsetitlv the music died away. Thci hn heard the gentlemen saying good night lo Sydney, in the hull; and then, two or three minutes itlmr somebody came softly, svillilv, into iUo dusky room somebody who was already herahle I by tlnit tauin ilaintv su.'gaslio'n of Ihe tragi mice of wood-violet, sninebody who wenl over lo the lounge and kneit down besido it, and laid her cheek on tin iill'gban, and throw one arm across the pillow. Somebody who said, very beseechingly, very charmingly : 'llussie !' And, of c-nrn In mi instant, this treacherous, hypocritical fellow (of course you will think he was all that, ami more, Inn I don't, for I ii ii remembering ilios-. eyes of his; understood Urn very natural mistake proud Sydney had nuule, and allhough his first headlong iiiipulso was to immediately inform her of her error and announce his own identity, there came a s ennd, still stronger, more head, long determination that, since liestiuy had evidently laken this affair in hand, Destiny might carry it. on. and ho Woii d just lie still and say nothing. '(liissio, dear, I 'know perfectly well why you came oil up hero by yourself tou aro vexid with tun because I treilrd the doctor so.' And as Ihe downward pressure nf the arm on the atlgrati increased, In-. Carroll whs conscious of a very singularly de lightful sensation that most rllcctunlly deeded him that this strange frsak of Kate was best left to ilsulf. 'Are you so very niigry, dear?' Syd ney wont on, In such aweeilv-n isiing tones as he never had heard In Ins fe 'I know il is just because I threw those flowers out of the window, hut hut (iusio If you only will forgive nie.atul ploise sp"ak tome, I'll tell you 1-ain-so sorrv I did it,' lint '( I usie' did no! answer the pretty penitent. Instead, the wretch under the nllgiian was going through the strangest, experience lhat ever yet had belailen him. 'I think yon are too severe, Cussie,' she went on, with lntle delicious bmilts in lier oie, vet y suggestive ol com ing teat s, iii'coinp.iiiiod bv atlrtctionato, coaxing llitle pats on the shoulder, 'lor indeed, I did it on such n hall lerr li d a' d lidi cillous i in I ill No. Hut, I am so son y, and 1 won't ever do it again-and I do just perfectly ha'e that (iurnior,, tiussie.' Still no answer -only tint guilty fellow under Ihe iilfghan wondered why she couldn't hoar the violent auricular and venti icular commotion beneath t'legiv I'oriau stripes, and then the swonl iimvlli lb. ated nearer his fa v, tho snuet lips almost touched hisclifoiks. I know I iloscrvo il, and then great sobs eaiii, and he fi !t her firm tremble as it honed against tiio lounge 'but, I cau'isav anything more, cm I? Yes I an you'll forgive me if 1 cm less I love liini (iiissm. I do, I do, I d , and --co heio-I went and pi 'ksol lip his cleir II iwera alter the gentlemen went, mid I'll never gi them up again. 1 do love Dr. Carroll, dear-and beo-utso yon have so often spoken to mo ah nit libit, there, isn't anything unwomanly in my con fessing it to you, is there? Ilo is so spieiulidf (Jussio (lusie! you must answer me ilou't ba ciuel any longer, learliiissio, you hurt mo now by not speaking. Sister! Why-why-!' And limn, as stiu teinieriy, wisuuliy rc.ir lie I ..er br hand to I ni 'li Mr, De.u arest's face, it enne in contact with ir. Carroll's wlii .k.M'- thoso eletni, curling liiaiinant aid i-wliiakiits Vt hicli nhos iad- admired. She sprung to her fc 't, with a thrilling scream of horror, just as Mr, hunvuos' amo in the room, herself alarmed at the slim It ol fear. Syilney I liat is the uiatlor what it the matter, child ?' 'i,r Sydney was clinging t i her li'ie a friulncued baby to its in oilier. 'There s a man- a burglar-oii the lounge"' A ml M is. iussie suddenly lurnel on thegas, and revealed Dr. Carroll standing beside them. 'It was I. Mrs. liemarest -SydueT.' And despite the tin illiugly iM-smiiful int'in.i'ion d I er name, by w 1 1 i - -1 1 ho never had called her, the one look she dated tase in his (sen, Sydney audd 'oly felt a scorching hot tide surge over her, then an icy cold wa-e. then, sh i knew shu faulting, lor the very tirsi lliiie iu her lite. And, Dr. Cirr ill sai I a w r l or si to Mis. Demarest in tiial tit uncut or t-vo of Sdue ' pale iincuisi-iou .ness( that sent her smiiiug nut ol (lis room. And when Sydney's lovely eyes opened, they saw Dr. Cirroli's f.co near hern she lar on llio lounge ' V ui aie liettoi ,' he s li I, ko gently lhat il i prilled e eivliberif being. "Sydney, mv darlnu, tell me I was not dreaming when I heard you say you level me. Sv.lnry, "sy l-vy d irlin;; is it tro, do you love me ?' His I iocs grew husky with amotion as Impatiently wailed while, lor oini sec ind, she cjllin led h 'l'self 'I love yon, Sv loey lie'ter thsn lif it sc.f. I want yoii will you g vo yourself tome? N ill you enne to me, and tell mo once sgiin ihnso swoel words 'I love you, I do. I do, I do ?' And she struggled up off the lounge, snd laid her head on his bi cast, w hllo lie wrappd lit, eager arms about her-his own, at Isst. 'I do,' "ho said, scarcely ahriTe a whi per, hut Dr. Carroll knew lhat h:s highest uappino'is Ind como to him. In llio Senate Mr. Itlair (T.ep., N. Il h is Introduced a j nut resolution propos. log ail amendment to the Constitution, which wss re.sd and relerivil. It pro dibits after thnyeir 1 in 0 (ho manufneiuie and sale anywhere within the United States and Territories of distilled alcoholic and intoxicating liquors, or sny intexlci tine liquors mixed or adulterated with ardent spirits or with any poison what ever, except lor mtdical, iiio.hanica', chemical, sod scienlilic purpose. It also prohibits ihe exportation and importation of such liquors ai d their transport ittcn through any pait of Ihe United Mates, ooept for medicinal and tcienlifio uses, Ac. Queen Victoria has a suit in the United State' circuit Court III New Votk befoie Judgo Wallace and a Jury. The action is against ono ,1. D. Dt's. and is for there, c.overy ot i-ouie f L'.fUO, In rioioi of the d nominations of one and two d dous, alleged to have been stolen tu IS7S from the i 111 'e of the as.islant icctlTer gtllClsl of Cauada, at Toiau'.o, C, THURSDAY, the "UEi.m: or the kill, A TOCNU VIRIIINIAN AS "MISS M'lVOIt, OK SAVANNAH," MISIIKS TIIK nt.oOPS np IIAI.TIMoliK Al' A t'ASIUONAIII.K Kl:l HP. TIOX. Tho game of a man dressing up In wo. man's rig anil playing the llusive mi Itn upun another credulous chap is rat her an old one, but ih're was acise of it nt one ol '.lie failiionabbi receptions in tin city last week, which, lor mastodon conception inonnnieot.il cheek ami g nier al iuiineiiHl ty, leaves all tho otheis far behind. Voting M was from Virginia, and was mi a visit to his con-in, w ho boanis on Charles sticel. II 's cousin was widely known aa a "young man about town," and know nil the "boys," was a lavorite among the girls, and cousi quent. ly was Invited out a great deil, and uni versally dubbed a g mil fellow, Koeeiy. ing i ii v it h- ions for the swell alls irs which caino nil last week, as might havo been seen by the daily papers, he set himself to obtain invitations lor II , the young cousin from Virginia. 11 was about nineteen years of age, with a leirdloss face and singularly beautiful complexion, llesnlos, he had large blue eyes and a rathoi lull nioiit.i. Altogether, he was Hie sort d a man upon w lioiu one would remark casually that he would have m ule a heller looking woman thsti man. The idol sudden I v seized upon lluwnumii Hint it would ha a J illy game to dress li up as a girl, take the Iios'ikb into Lis con tldence, and (day a tip top game on tho boys al the same time. The cousin grap pled the thought with so much eagerness that ho sliced oil' a good-sized piece ol culicle Willi tho raz r with which ho was shaving himself at Ihe lime, and he forth- with coininuiiicale.l the plan lo II , wlio also tacklvd kindly to it. The cousin then went oil', and taking an intimate young lady liioiul into his confidence, borrowed a full ball-room rig from arti ficial II ers clear down lo red satin gar lets. It w .s gorgeous. The night for tho big reception caiuu nr. mini, anil II doni ed t lie ctisliiuiii and hire I a tlioalri cal liioiidu wig. Then, with ihe aid of a couple of panniers and a little raw c dtnn ho "made up" luu iningly. Ho really looked like a unwillingly hainlsnmo wo man, and after practicing a few simpers and some passes with his tuiin, under Ihe delighted and enthused tuition of hi Mia sm, be was charged and piimed, ready to go nil. They hired a hack and waul el! -together to tlin reception. Arriving thoie, Ihe hostnsM who had assented rather un willingly, II. must, be admitted, lo the hoax- met lliein at the door ntnl received them graciously, sha was astounded w hen aim first laid her optics on H , and would not believe i liist that ho was n man. She reg ii'.lo I him dubiously for I he remainder of Ihe evening. They had arranged that II wa to bo called " Mr! vor, Irom Savannah,'' and accord liglv ' Mi-s Mi'Ivoi" was .arried around and introduced promiscuously, and, be ing en iiceoni plishod tlancer. even danced iua figure ol ihe gi r u i mi Willi a yotinp man. 1'Veling rather aw k ward and nu coinf ii tahlo do ri ng t lie curly part of the livening, however, "Miss Mel vol" ro maim (1 with hor cousin min-li of tlin timo, and w it li him visited a certain liutl t so r 'gtil.trly that, under the mellowing In fluences of Amontillado, Ac., Ac, she tell in f ir anything, and resolved to sling on a little st vie and captivate one or t wo of the jeutins li m s who tlo",t"-l atoit'id. There 'was one particularly goml-lo king young iiinti - win), by the way, Is w el! know n on 'Change whom Miss Melynr resolved to ensnare li si. Slin obtained iui introduc tion llirntigh ihe medium nf her c itisiii, wlio ml led, holto yoce, to slores iiil good lonkii g ouug man, "Shu's up lo u tiling or two, mv boy; go in foi some fit n. "Too good looking young in in, whom it wore best to call I'vrunius for sh ut, took the so.to voce advice and went in for a flirta tion, "Miss Mclvor played him like a tlsh. and led bi n like a lamb to the mint saiion. Theydineel a I'uuro, and Miss Mcl vor thought it was so warm; couldn't I liny go into t lit) conservatory and cool nil? I'yi sinus said ha hs way down 111 tho depths of his diaphragm, and they went t tbu o .nun vat iry. They sat d nvii In a ro. tired nook, under the shelter of a large group of potted ferns, and there thev staid tor a long time. Then it is alleged that I'vraituu made the most desperate Inyo to M iss Mel vor, and Mi-s Mclvor rcp oidcd to his fsrvid utterances w ith words of shy but not lorbiddiuic remonstrance, and liually gave way and allowed him to pot bis aim around her waist, and even to kiss her, which would have been an exceo I mglv reprehensible proceeding had Hot Miss Melynr heen but no matter, they had a royal old ll rtalioo, and after the dashing young hello bad g .tien all tho lull she coi, Id not of I'yraiiius, she led In n gently back and set her not to catch other li-di. l''ive b!ine I lambs in swaliow tail and u lute tie did sue lead to tint lul low ed seal in the c niserratory, one after ihe mber. She pursue.! the saino tactics and got -ill 1 1 in business of Ihe role nf "beaotilul atid last voung ladv" down line. Thev a. I did es icllv tho .same tiling. Who would not have done so under '.he circumstances, ill much less pioyocation than what was, u pai utl v, a lunula e young lady fiscl'iiitingiy "up to sniiM?" , 11 c..ur -c, eii'-h ot the "lill'g ids mi w heels" who were "taken in, ' came nut and eontl ,1,1,11 1 tllv but isptiironsly t dd Ins Intimate ti lends about the dashing young d itue. In tins way It was wlii-pend about, and 'M ss Mel Vol" b eiinn the oonitti of a !ar;;o ciiele, and prove I an rp is' ilde i-Mgiiot to the tivui an an I o'j ct of super cilious look nnd spills ol the lesl young bell s, wh i w ci .1 very bitter aainsi. Hie yniing lady wlio drew lim moo away li un Ihetil. Ill short, tho 'young damsel fairly laid waste the male p u lion ol Hint assniihU.;" and had theoi running alter hor and suing for ''.be next wait'' or "a Irtle et t oil'' by tho score Never did a real, bona line h"lle achieve a more brilliant a icec" Hum did this young rascal under llio guise of "Miss Melvor, from Savannah;" and when Miss Melvor laid oil her logs that night and once more assumed tho person- llf. ,,f II , from. Virginia, ho and bis cousin rolled un the lloor in convulsions ( f delight, and then sat iitull broad day light wagging their heads and poking each other in lint ribs, or Imrsling with volcanic expl ions of merriment as It recounted his droll adventure. Tho story le iked out, of course. It alwavs does, and young II actually had to due the lown I cscap'i tho vengeance which Ills nraged dupes vnwe I to w reak noon bun. And those same dupe aie idmiit 1 1 it sickest men In town just now. If any one wants a quarrel, let him go up lo one nf them in llio street, button. hole liitu and say: "Oh, by Iho way, o'maii, did yon moot that blamed hands nne blonde at tho a the other night? Her name was hum, hn : let me see -; oil! Mln Melvor." That sat. tics It. Knot. A stiilemont likely to attract wide nt. tuition Is innln by the) Portland Press is an article opposing a movement to yivo a Idillonal stringsncy to the Mania pro batory liquor law. Tt airs lhat during tho twenty years that that law his been in operation I here has been an alarming increase in crimes nf a kind usually slti i b ited lo druukeduess, and that at Hilt timo llieri aro more dunking saloons in Portland than ever buforc. On the nii t lority uf Nval Dji the number Is giil News FEBRUARY 17, 1881. "IU.au old l'A" w.vs Tin nr. It w as dark In tlin depot one day last week when the evening train csiue in. An olderly farmer was hacked up against the partition, watching In open-mouthed wonder tho big puffing engine and the ye low covered cars as thev discharged their pass nigera, when a haiid-mne young girl in a sealskin cloak dashed forwsrd and throwing herself upon the h nest granger s niauly breast, iuipiioted a kiss upon his sunburned chock and x 1st mod : "Von doirolrl pa. I knew you would bl waiting for me! And how's mother, and how's J unii in and how's .lohn and oh! I'm so glad to get back and Where's uiy trunk mil oh! pi, you take the chock snd let's hurry." lbs granger was old and kind of dried up, and he had never known what it w as to have n Wife, much less a daughter. Ilo mistrusted Ihe young lady In the sealskin sack had made a mistake, but instead of summering and hemming and hawing, he came gallantly up to tsn scratch, and tlirowi 'g both arms around Iho lair crea lure, ho made up his mind lo bo a father or die in the attempt. Imprinting s kiss like tho report nf a pistol on hor cheek he enthiisiaslio-i'ly i daeulalod : "Ob, yer mother's well, an' John an' Henry an' (smack) an' Jauo an' Susan Isinank, suiaok,) in' Horace an' Halindy at,' Calvin (suiiickl, nu' Peter, (smack, stnai k,) oh, they're all smart an' hearty an'" liy (he time tho young lady's friends could got to hor she bad sli I into a stony laiut and thev had to lug her homo In a hack, w hile the aged granger, as hn lin ibid iho third round w ith her outraged young man and sauntered out of the do pot, leaving him with a bad eye and a ruptured mat, chuckled to himself : ' Tho o'd mill's gelling old an' stilt an' careless like, but lien any young females wants to play aify games o' Copenhagen, they'll find bun right to time, an' I shouldn't bes'pnsed il it rained 'lore nine o'cloclt. U'lang, Kate! -Ilockliiud (Mo.) Courier. N EWM Of TIIK lAY. Tha Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio llsiU road Is to be sold. Charles A. Dana, of tho Now York Suu has gone lo Cuba. Thn Democracy of Now Yotk have not j ot completed lim now oig i .lz itloii. W. A, Trotter who has been otiviotsd nf killing a uisn in Uresnvill county Va., was sentenced lo iinprisouinvut fur oue year in tin) enmity j ill. The Virginia Republicans will maintain ilieir organ zilioii and w ill not bo ill 01 god with the lisxdiuslers. An address has issued to pvi fou'- she nrganir, ition. Repst'ts of luidjos Hiid houses carried away anil of d inger to property bv II n d conies from all pints of southern Ohio and Indiana. The losses will ho very liotvy. On Wednesday Iho 9 II Congress iu olnt session opened the electoral return-, and duel no I liatlirfld and Author elected. Tin) v..t.i ul (iooigia was passed over, In the United Stales Sonata, Saturday, House joint lesolutloii was paste I invi ting tlm government and people ol France snd tho descendants nf the family of l,a favelio to Join l i thn Yorklown colobri tioll. Ill Nnwcistln county, Delaware Judge Comegvs charged the grand jury reeoin moiuling Iho indictment of Cul. Robert lugersdl I r blasphemy. Col. Ingots oil recently delivered iu Wilmington Del., hi lecture "What shall ,1 do to be saved ?'' Oliver, Ih i Caiinrnn csndidatfl for Sen aUr iu Pennsylvania has withdrawn from tho contest. Mr. drew the anil Csineroti candidate has slso withdrawn, and thn candidates now are linn, H"aver, Cameron and 1. M. Payne anil Cameron nominee. The Herald thinks Stanley Matthews might to ha rejected. Recalls' ho is s re lative of Mr. Haves, because be has tu t a Judiciary mind, has no thorough compre hension nt uoiisin ut i inal or ecmomical piinciples and lastly because he Is Irotn Ohio. Archbishop 1'urcell i at St. Martin's Ursuhne Convent, in llrown enmity, Ol io. Ilo la paralyzed as to his hflsido, hut Is In lull j) issosslon of Ins ino'ilal fao ulii"s. The feeling of Ins friends is di vided between hope for recovery, and fear lhat it will ba speedily fatal, lie has just incovero I from nil attack nf ptieu 'moni I, and witliin a f irtnlght bo stood at tt e new grave of his b 'lovcd younger bnither. ADVERTISEMENTS. rFllE SUN V6u"l881 Everybody reuls The Suu, In llio edi tions nf lilts newspaper throughout llio year lo coiue every body will find: I, All the world's new s s i pre.i utol lhat the rcidur wiii gel llio greatest amount nf information i h the least improl'. .ibis nf L i in n :l 1 1 1 1 eyesight, 'I'll Sun long ago ilia c.iveic I the g Udell n can between redun dant lull, en. ami unsatisfactory lu. nu ll. Much of that s.ii t of iieu a which de pend lis up in it rci'-'.n Z" I imp MUiiee than upon its interest lo mankind I mm morning to morning Ths Sun prints a o intiuoed storv nt Ihe lives (if real men and women, and ot .heir deeds, plana, loves, snd troubles. Ti is slory is more varied snil in ire intoroinig than anv romance that wns ever devised. II I. ind wining in every column, snd lisitliness, nrisiinilry, securacy, sud de corum in (he irratoielll nl t'Vcrv eilhinct. IV. Ilouost comiiiKi't. Toe Sim's liat.it Is to speak out feui lcs.ly about men and things. V. Equal candor in deding with o.ich political parly, and equal readiness to coiiunend w li a is praiseworthy or to re- luike w hat is blamault- In Deuiociat or Hepllblleall. VI. Absnluln ludcpoinlenco of partisan orgsiiizitlon, but uiiwsverlng loyalty lo true Democratic principles, Iho Sun be lieves lint tho liovernuient which Iho Constitution glvos us is a good one lo keep. Its notions of duty is to resist to Its utmost power tho elf oris nf men In the Keniilillcaii parly to set up another tnrtli nf government lu place nf ill it which ex isls. The year l.vsi and Ihe years inniio d.atelv follow ing w ill proiiubiy decide I hi aupiomoly luiportant contest. The Son belli ves tlisl Ihe victory will ho W illi Ihe people us sgainst Hip Kings for monopoly, tiio llinga lor pluudor, and llio Rings for Imperial power. Our terms aro as follows : for the Daily Sun, a four pagi sheet of twenty eight columns, lim price by mail, post paid, is ,'.i cents a moiilh, or ai.'si a jear; nr. including Hie Sunday paper, an otglit-pago sheet nf lllly-slx cnliinius, the pi co It ii" coins a month, or 7.7i) a year, postngo paid. Tho Sunday odili. in ofTho Sun is also furnished separately nl Jl.iOa year, post aye paid. The price of tha Weekly Sun.elght page flllv six columns, Is fl a your, postage pild. Porcliiba often setuline; f lrt o wllj smnl au extra (sipv free. Addsma I. W. ENtiLAKD, rub, of Tha Suu, New Yolk til A NO. 40. ADVERTISEMENTS. If you leal dull drowsy, debilitated, hate frequont headache mouth taste badly, poor appetite and longue ousted, yon are siifl'orlng Irom torpid liver, or "bibons ness" and noikmg will curs you sojsslt Iv and pormanently as lo lake commons Liver Regulstor or Medicine, T b o Chesnest. , Purest and ll.l"i Si's. Kaiuily Medicine in tho Worldl An Elfectusl Spe. clllc for all disnases of the Liver Stom sch and spleen. Kegulato the l.lror ami preTeiit Chills and Fevers, MaltrlouB Fevers Howil Couijilalnts, Restlessness, Jsuuilico and Nausea. HAD II It EAT II I Nothing is ao unplcaiant, nothing; an common ss bad breath, and tu nearly every case jt comes Irani the stomach, and can bo so oasily corrected If you will take Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for Ibis repulsive disorder. Il will also Improve your Ap petite, C'oinpivxlon, and Ixuioral Health. 1'ILES ! How many suffer torture dav after day, making lile a burdoii snd robbing exist ence of all pleasure, owing to the secret snftering from Piles. Yel relief It ready to Ihe hand of almost any one who wlil use systematical! the icuiedy Hist hat permanently cured thousands. Hiuimoi s' Liver liegulalor. Is no drastic violent purge; but a gentle assistant to nature. ovsthmtios i Should not ho regarded aa a trifling ailment lu fact nature depends the ut most regularity of tho bowls, and any deviation from this demand paves the way nfleu lo serious danger. Il la quite as or ce-mry to remove impure acciimmulalljiia from the bowels as It is lo cat or sleep, and no health can be ex pec ed where a oottlvo habit ol body prevails. M( K IIKlD.t CUE t Tbit tllttresslng aflliotion occurs most Ircqiientlv. Tho disturbance of tho stom ach, arising from Iho Imperfectly digested content", censes a severe pain In tho head, ai-o uiipaiiied with disagreeable nausea, sml litis constitutes what is popularly know n a Sick Headache, Beware of counterfeits, lake only the genuine In whlto wrapper Willi red Z in front prepared by J. II. Zolin cV Co. Sold bv all Druggists; ati "7 ly s TKILI1U II. UARY HERVEY'S OLD STAND HALIFAX, N . C , Mill) IS itilisJKKIKt, BouTi. IlluM. IIAT.S, CAPS, All Sum. All Grids,, All Tricea, All Stylus. MliK .SCUil.IIRKH H, WoalKM 8 ANIi;ISSlW H II o k n , H II O E M . All kindaof family xrocerics on hand snd to arrive. Stork completely nsw. J nst purchased from the Northern Market. S M (1 ART. nep.sniy nallfax. N. C. A T T U N T I O N. TIIU 1.1TT1.I1 (ilAN f COTTON rrtKsa. II Y U It A 1' Lit' V It V. H n V It r. The only Ilydrullc Cot ton Tress for plantation use. IIKC ISl lt4' E. Risks placed in FM3T-CLAS3 COMrANlE.-i. A. R. 11 1 LL, Ag't. Scotland Neck, Halifax, Co. N. C. apr 2'.i If 'IM115 l'LAiTt TCI 11L V VOUH UOOHs! G r o c c r i c s! Chctpu they can be told in tho lowoof Weldoa Mrs NollTUCAHtlLINA HAMS 11 perpoond, t'ourrrtlonrrirs) ol all Hinds Jflce uil trcah. My n AH Is stocked with tin best and Purest l.liiuora ol every descrlpllou. Call and see me. 17. F. SLEDGE, ITrst Slrcrl, WclJs.ii, S. C. sir tf J ADVERTISING RATES. " I I a .a .a . "rAca II i I i i One Scfoirra, IM M ! M Two Squsxoa, b 00 logo an(N) mm Three Squares, H 00 16 00 10 00 M Eour Sqnsres, 10 IM III 00 WOO i M Fourth Col'n, IS 00 20 00 40 00 tt M HairColtiinn, 20 00 SO 00 MOO MM Whole Column, On Year, 7 M c OKI ONE, 0OMB ALL. TO MY PRI HMDS a THI rCILICOIsIMALLT I take pleasure In Inforaalar tot that I have comaienoed the mercantile bnalnaa In tb town of Hslilai, at tha sUud for uierly occupied by Mr. a, B, Dlekena of thai place, where ou willQud avartbiog usnany aepi in a Vcaeratl Herclia)D4la Itor. AMD AT Till L0WB8T rSIOBS. LIQU0R3. WINES, (JIC7AR3, AND TOBACCO, A SPECIALTY- thr HinnrwTrRfr'R patti for cottow m TIIK SRKDOR BAL. All I Auk Is A Trial. Rsiu'mbtr iba plaot, DICKENS' OLD HTAXD. Mr. Robert Ivay Is with ma and woold Da glad to aaa his friends. Vary Reepactfnllv . R0BT.M. Tf H ITKIIEAD, Halifax, R.C. aot M If JOUN (LARK, JR. at CO BEST 6IX-CORD roll MACHINE OR HAND USR. THOMAS RUSSELL k CO.. HOLE AUENTM. TOR HALF. BY WIIITfl 4HTAISBACK. or I 7 ia w. n. vick CAltltlAUEsJ AID BVUUIKa MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. All kinds of wood work and trlmmln done in good style. Illsoksmilh work dona at short noiire and with neatness. All new work warranted. Kino painting for buggios dote at low prlces.beat paint usad . M!Et'IAL ATTENTION GIVKIT THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Com nt and. Cases of ail aiiea eonaUnMa' ou baud. Carriage Mabarlals kenl onhsnd iIbiIm below Petersburg market. Wabtnn . at Juua 6 ly NO. T. FOBS, Takes pleasure In announcing that k can alill ba lound al bia aland on FIRST 8TRBBT, Where ho aaa on hand fall ltc Ot MM Klnaat wink. . , WUHKIKS. and . '. , BRANDIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, and SNUFF, ORANCSs). APPI.WI, and IXINFKCTIONKHltS II is alock of Canned Gooda and Oroaa loa is unusually ....... Fall mud Complete Old Cimsim Wbbktt A PraxstALtrr. frrsh laokr ebkr o rtiAcairc. Ho guarantees tatlafaotion. CmU Smm sea him. Not 11 Ij.

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