HE ROANOKE NE"W3 ADTEimSINiTTvATK!?. ' THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY N E VS I A l' K.tt . PUBLISHED BY HALL fit SLEDCE. fine Year, tn advance, f ix Month. Three Monlh. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pa. I .B.IOI.I.ICOITR11. Ml. ri.B. snf.MCOI'I'KS- J-H. A. R. Z.OLUCOKPElt 4 BRO., i VlIYSIt'l VXS Xn RI'REOXS, ' v k i, n o x. n. v. Drs. A.R. ami TV B.'ii'llaoft-r. Tisvlrl iml'M hs partner In tin- practice o( ni-dMnc umlor the style ami firm .( Dr. A.R. Zollirnlfcr 4 lire. VfUr their iir.'trsrnnal .rleaa to Jim Plii'liC Jrenerally ami solicit n share nf lli-lr patroinm-.', thev guarantee c ireful and prniunt n' t m t i"ii to patients. (1 10 of ilm firm will always h" foiled st their oflli-ff InZolllcolTar's l"ir Ktnrn vvh.T" ViaHonta will be tr-i'M at all hours ami when - pecessary, both wilt visit an I irlvo Iheir atten tion to n'litcnts without extra char,!-', mrlltf. Yy A L T K ll K. II A JC I K L, Attorney mid Connsiollor At Law, w k i- n o ., iv. . rrartlrfs In Halifax nn.I il.lotnliiir counties. " Rpcrlal ntten'iiin irlv m to collerim's In lallpsrt of the Mtnto and prompt return made. (.t. n l y D R. UK '). W. If A R T H A X , . ' "' i V ' S ii r j e n I) e n t i t . OS?'! over V. rt. Brown's Dry lined Store, , , WELVOS.K.r. VIII vlsb nirtis at their homos when desire, 1. ..; Tonus lleasiiiuMc, net 8:1 ly J M. 0 K I Z i A U I), ATTOKEY IT L A 4V, ..... , HALIFAX, C. , .ft.flKi la thn Oisrt limn Strict attention riven to all bruiciiesof th. profession. Smi It ly T. BRA X I' II, ATTOKVKV AT I. VW. EN'I'I F.I.I), X. C. 'Pratlc" In t'i tinH of Halifax, Xash K isc.vuhn ml Wilion. CilU'iitiom uial- in al spirts of the ft'at . Jnslltf f iTrOXVBY.lTI.VW, WKf.DOV, X. C. Sn-lal aftent'lon riv-s: tu collections and f ralltaoiies promptly mailt. -J wav Itf. ituta u. mn.i.KN. jous a. uoiiw: 0 L L Ii N i MOORE, ATTOltM'.YS T LAW. 'I HALIFAX N. 0. i Frxetlei In His oitilI of Halifax. Nnrthnmp. Inn. H Ir-e') nli, IMH mil Mirlln In tli Mil -.fpram coirt of tlii Mutt and In the l?V'l"r:il CoirU of th . K n'eru Dtstriet. Collect ivi in'nlp I u any part of til ' State. Jrui I ly ' - tttoriioy nt vMITAX, V. rrwtlcn In IIiHf-ix ail atlnlnin? countl-s at K.i lent a 1 1 Hiorvn- eonrts. Will ki at SfjM.iiiJ Xee i, once evry f i't nliht. amrisir T w M A s N i ITTORVHY VT I.VW, ' YllY-lHUIt', X. C. . V'li!!??! in t.h cinrts of Northampton and . a 11 ilnln r coiDitle.H, also lu tin Federal an. I Su . lrj.oco'irtH. JnucStf. . H. HAY. A. ('. ZOI.I.I'Jori'KIt, AY k Z 0 L L I C 0 F K E It. D i ATTKS AT LAW, WELDOX, X. C. Practice In thrt courti of IL-illfax a.nt inljolnlnir nnttns.and In thSnpr'Mii-aml Federal coiift., . CUIina c ill"cto I In any i.art of North Carolina. . Onoxftho Arm will always be fonn l In the efflee. j 1 1 r i o 2 fl 1 y . m Q R. E. K II U N TEH, IVIIUKOV D i: .V T I K T . Can bs found at tils offleo in KnfiffUl. Pur Vitratu Ot'iln ; lor the Pain llaat Extraelliiij ofTee'.U always on band. J line 22 tt. li. SMITH, JK. ATTORNEY AT I.VW, OITI.AMD NKOK. tl W.IK AX ('otlNTY N. Praet.len In th ronnty of Hill fax and adjoln . igayountloa, and In the Hupriune court of the 10 ly. MISCELLANEOUS. OTli'KTO TKA VEi.t US. 1 am niw rnnnlna; a daily innll 'mm flootlatid Neck to Halifax. I hive a com ' fortalile two hnrae hawk, wlilota lttw Scotland NcW, every nioriilng for lUlllat auil retiirna aitiue nay. Will take aann ' guru ul ex prM mckii;os at rcaHonalile atea. I am alao prepared to entertain (ravelnra, protnlnltiK to apare no paint to nake then) ootnfortaliln. Respeetfnllr, . W. U. 6IIIELIXS. t Not SOtf. Jj0KKAU:, The following Talnable real estate If In ifjoar Tillerv'a Mill, In Halifax enmity b out nine mllet IVom the town ol HalifHX. About 39') i cres Including attain engine, w mill and Bii.ires, gin, K,i bouxtt and iA xlurea, adjoiinug tUa realdeuca p( J. K. Tillery. Mlka Wllklna, tbat contalna about 97 tfiarea. Pope t)la '6 nontaliiliiE all nil l.',i) aeras. inloreit in Wade H '."illery traet, thv Wuole oontalnlun about 377 aurea. Apply U T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N, 0. July It Itf GREAT BARGAINS, "W are nnir roeelvlnir nnr new and lieanllfiil (rood, reently piiFclniaefl of thn inanufaci un-rs, and cordially Invite yoij to call an. I sec theui. Tut largest and lie,t selettud stutk ill iOOI.T) WATCH KS. HItriAnpjKWRt.RY. BAKU HRACKI.K1N, Ol'KRA AND HIIARn PHAINd. PI A M 1 1 5f u 4 n 1 1 H K L K I X( i S, 11. K K V K U I) T Tl I N S A N I ST t 1 1 W, AUL1D SILVKUSPOOXS, KOHKS U, Tiae Beat 810 rmir mud 85 Clock . EVE It NOLO. iSn'Kht'1' V' (ls" n4 hm nre your Watchea and Jewelry ronalreit t,y the liest workmen. Enrami iiemir ilonn i,y ... J. T- IJ,fi HHH. fi I' (leienlmi-.r, Va Fin VOL. X. t yflll-. CKUIVdl. , T'llllk Ri'lltly Of 'he errimr ! Know i.oti'flhe p-ovi r Wdh wjhlfli lai-ilnrk leinpiiitiou came, . In tt'iuc iinauai'iU ,1 lun,r. yemty ii'rt kw.ivv Imw earnestly flim rui,. -r how w.-ll. Until Ihe h itirof w.'iiines c:une, Ami udly tlniH they lell. IV a I -enlly Willi the erririr: oh, do m: Hi. .11 for.;..!, Jl.nvi ve U.i i U! v t i Lii -il . . It" l thv hro'lUr vt.i . i Il- irii, liie ,..lf.,a:,,. I.0 it..:.-e ; Child of the s..f iiu-Mlo I. II" I : t ! i hilt atliiiiliM.d I Itie p:llh, Thou h:t In llvai4lie. tiod. Hpeali -r Millv t.i t'l nrrin r ! Fol' Is it nut ell'HU'll Thv Inuoeenei. ai'd p"oe have jfune Witlweil thy eeiMiire roit'h f It sure, uinsi i... a w.-.-iry l t Tiuii s;ti criished heiiit to henr. And t h"y wtio -.ii ii- ' a lirii'ie m' hit e Their I'liidio'is well ni iy epaiv. rtj'eak kindly to the errinir I I'hi.ii v .-I muv '-I . ill I ie in kick, ..M'ilh le.iy W.....I' i t .ii-. of l.i.e, I'r.'ln inisecy ? tlinrnv trai li. l'.-rfT"! n.-t Iti.i.i l.:i-l .il'ie.i sinned, And Blllful ;.el til 11 t Ik ll 'ill ifeiitly wltli I he erring one, As l.o.l Ii is d.Mll wit Ii ti : A WIFE'S CRIME. Tlw) I" 1 1' - w i, ' 1 1' t il nm si .-. Hint ol a I r i ililn tra-n ly nhi-li nemirred in Little ISoek, Ark . nvcr foMy vena Mi;, ami liie Hi'quitt il I' the wifu who (l lenileil li r lim nr. will Im Iioi't I out' of tho m.-at I f iinrkiilile y.'in ol iho jire-vtit or any pro vi"U co it u rv : I ulull noar f lrgnt mt fir.t vision of W, Ilium Itiiioii. It was in tho I'mirt Hi live, in l.iitio Ruck, Ark, in the sum mer ol IS. I. The oi'iMMiin itself poa sn-ff I it Un i ile iulnitist, i'l unli'ula'cd to llx in thn irln noi'v "f all its. circiim atanera, A V .M i i.i'.eonr-e of apceiut ir.s hid n'iiinvi!eil 'o wiltrtH tlutihl of a y. n ti , r a ..I o. y : c i i :m:I itrl, mi iciin d.' t'liHtit I' r uuiidur. I lie .Indo wared at the moment f..r tho Slienlf to I, ring in tli.i T Honci , hihI the , es ol t Ii i impa iioit miiliitinlr miTly w.itrhe.l ti door lor the KXie idol udve t. when Mnhienly :i sli linger ent -r" I w!i -ii rn mai k:il:l nji irntl' riveel universal attention. Ileto is lhn port rait, done a actira'.oly as llio pen can skeich i ; A ll-pe tall, lei'-, sii'i'wy an I stniittht as an ;p-rov; Iiimw niii.stvp, ma in; aini am n'lli as p li-li.'il m irh'n. interseetn I hv a I u t;e b uo ', mil . f Tk J.l I Ik . ilia ti.iiu of a 1.0' v nt; ees I'e' dish yeMow, lesoin lilini: a ivrulhfiil l a'n 's. n lirilliaui, as fearlully pien 'ii.ir; a i.1 Hnelly, n in inlu nliitlit, o il. I .mil ktieio Mte -him livim; Uui lioiiimont ol u i. U " ithe I .'ur-H- 1 Ho w is h ill i u (1 lii In ii hor urn i hi ile t altor the lasliion ir 1 toll ui cjo st nun s. n itll 1.0 t Is ol m n v it'. lor i f !lii riiu'in '' Kiliort iio. Ii'h v iv pr-oi 1 1 v mi 1 si .v v llin.neh ll.o lliC'ili:!, I 'll s--e.M nj v. alio Hethor lllii'oo-.iois in it he wis icrii'i.'l a pli(iiiintii(.ii:i III it nee le i expiina tioti.ihl snu'.tr li'in nd vaiice-.l, mil with Ihv Ii inliiv air nt a kin l.r.u i; Ins thloiie, H.'ale I Ii inseil' wilhio t in lor. ITOWiied IH I' Ma Willi Hid d Selj'l 's n Coke and H i kst 'ii", vo.-er i! ,. wn on it whs know ii, os' cued t ii-tiis I', es tar su- pet ior to IhoM' Id f-moils .'ins'-. is. Tlia C Oitra'-l 1" t il l""ll the i';s.. lilt till I'O'itli n ii.ee ami out: cult s i cc ii I' i j st m , r ex cited n- pei'i.il ' y tun n-io It y ..f tint . j Vers, an I ilm jin'or ociCem ..iii ,i ! KU 1IP sse ililiii, ivlti-li .oil e ,n r , and loiid'-r at'ocnt mi I'treio I n i iloulit'esN foippo.s' d the inlinler lo he nt'Uiti i ild hutiior I' itie ui'.' int. mis vvh.i ii ijuvor ol 'To hovn tsei ii 4 1 thn li.nl 1 I jiiMtce. '' IiiKtantW ill" I'.ci-n an 1 fi' I et i f the lauuht'i' pern :ved it. 'ruining his (mid t;iiidiiail , Unit he miijh: irivo oaeli Uiliihler a look of li'llnit" sc rn. Im j e III iteil Hie sii'irle word, Sav.ii.'iis !' o 1 e:i n ties. 'rtim tiin uospr ik ihle maliee. I hit ih Ii .ol I ! CO ivtiteli hu iiiiv into llmt liirnt ; no I 1 1 1 l; 1 1 . y; u can (.prnss tin iiiliiiial Itiior of Ins utlm men. a ihi'iuh 11 hurl I y iX'ee.lcil a whimper. Jlxi t it Rcc mle ', el 1 i v lot 11 r as if it wore, a ai-paiat cmish mi m tire that aeori'hi .1 his quivering 'tps Inyini; nonttdn cuiphisis on I he '.1' Ii illi nt the iMmtiin and cm! of 111. 1 word It was a 11 1 1 x 1 s inu.l, lit ti'ruii'di.'.le hot vi xt I lie ur.nvl of a re I liner and llio Ii id' a r.n ue snake "i.iv HK"x !' Il c. red evciyhody u( U;e dispn kltjon t 1 l.iiii.1. Tim uoi.nr.it fr.7.1', Innvover. wan then di vet lid by lliu a.l vent o! 1 hi. I'.ir pi isoio.r, wliocnmuiu mjit uniilid by In run ml. Thn apparition waa eiioueli tu i, iv rvon a eyiiio mail, for hein ivaa 11 stylo ol beauty to bewihler 1I1 1 !a nest imaiiri ll 'ii and uii'lllliu u oldest Inurl, leivino, in bntli tinairuntoti and lioirta koiuiiiii pii'turo t-iuii.c.o I Willi liie, nod lixcl in a liame of jj'iol In in the slut s, h was the spoil 1 f an en. 'h in; 111 nit to be lell 111 well Hsaeeti. V u iiiitlil leil it in tho l! islns ol Imr c ititri'iiaMiM, rloirasih i aiiniulit, brilliant i. the i is ; in the el i-iif c uilour of her routine, sypime'r o il us ifeutwith an ari'M ' i htselj in her hair 11! 1 ieh rtno,. lets, Il iw.im wnlu lit a braid, sofier than si'k, liner thati i ssitnei; 111 her 01 es, blue as tin heaven of sntitio u suminer, larj:e, liiiiid, iln'imv; in Imr nininois, eme-llll, anioiuiiiiK like til ' K u.t a u.il turns ui . tntl''" w'iiij. in tho sunnv air , 111 ber ti.'ttre, sliuui emeri-ai a sylph' or 11 hetaitn's, an-l uioro Ih.in all, in ihy ever lasting ailiih a d the r '-v i:ps. ho ii iuU, a Helena, ho like am ' lit lit, and vet 1 lirill ili the siml a . 1 su ek of o h 1 net v, Aa 1 l.o u .1 milium i;n l, mi t.i s' 1 1 u 1 1 v dresai d, so 11 u iiiip'ir.iiil'i as lo U"r"iiil I'liurina, ealnny t 10k lift' place bolurn tho tar of tier jd.Uo, a inn 1:1 ir of .1 Imlia ion Briirt f'oni II111. 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I it, will 'Ii the prompt intnrp alti.iu ol the t'onrl eonhl ai'areiily " rupiesf from aanlliinr iutn 11 (liHh i.n g 1 luer. The m 11 rill if was f.,1. loeil b a I ui I, tiueirth!v nrnti I10111 a aolilai y bos vn, as nl s mi 1 one in mul.il anKuill. All eyea were ctneie I 011 llio aiiaiK'T, ami u'.l eyoi wme euuek wi h turpi stt add wonder, for Ins features wmlied as il in tor tut e lortu ro that b e ram ol tear, coind not aiiHe, Hot li it c.hiU hi' tbs raavti 1 1 U! i uU.Uui umoii oil1 I'ould an' ooiini'i'li m exi-t between bi n and tliat fairy i;. 1 1 , more beautiful th cia lilohantn of au :ti mer, and In countenance Uulealinl aa ti'ii ? The .finljo turned to tha prUonnri I'mina tiiiM'ti ivoinl, the i'mirt lina been Iiilnrmod 1 1 1 11 L luur cnnnsel, i'ol. l.iutoii Is niik, anil I'lii.not ulteinl. Have you uui pioyi d any In (ly? !rle ans. voted In a vnlee ko it as llio wurblo 1 f a iilif tiiiit'Ie an I clear aa the aniisf nf h ikvlvfc: "Mv . enemies have bribe I all t lie I i.vyoi s, oven tu own, to be sick; bul IJ id ' will defend thu Inno cent. Al Una rcijimse, o tni:cliiiir in ita simple path is, 11 poiiioH of llm ait.lno.ee bi...ed applause an I the rest wepi. tin Hie iiiKtant, liowiver, the It-auier tol.B I t rat. iter, whose aspect hid prevloti-lv cieaiedso inucli lino nun lit, apiiroiclie.l ihe primmer and whispetoit so.nih:tif In her ear. Is lie biundoi aevurnl incliui frnni tuo II ior, ittteinl a wild shriek, then stood palu mid tro.iihllne; n if in the piesonceofa Bhnsi fr uu llio t;ravo. All now could pel con 0 (but then must bo aiimo inystui iotia' Pol liectioti IntWoeii the two, and llio cetin a-suiuel the piofoiiml Intuteal id' a K'mtiine roinai ce. 'J lie a'.riiiiitor aib'rosai'd thet'ouit lu nccetils us aonornus as tho lone of 1111 01 nm. 'May it p'ease v-uir honor, I will de fend the leyal rinhta nf the yianr Isdv.' 'What!' exulalmeu tlie astouwhod Judge; 'are von a licensed attorney?' 'The ipiestlori li Immateriul and inaln. rant' ri'pljed tho almntt'r, niili a (beer, Roanoke W EL DON",' as 011r atatuto entitlca any iiorsoa to act aa cmiisM at tne re'iU'st cl'a pnnv.' 'I'. tl does tha prtaoii8r-irnuol It?' askwi Ihe .1 udi!0. Lu her apeak for beraolf,' said tiie strimer. 'I do.' ira her anttver, ij a Ions drawn aiu'li 1 se iped, lint seomid to roud btr ver,' hear I Mirtni:. ! 'Whit m your name, aa It must be p'lieod on tho rueuid?' iuloiTotjated the J..HK.'. , Willlim Denton,' replied ti e traiirer, 'I no case Inline iialnjv, t'ii,i;esa"J. Wo will lirii 11 V eillnn!. thin airbaiaheo of trie evidence About twelve ui'iilha pre vimislv the ileleiu'.itit bid arrived in Hie town an I iinennd an establishment nl iliiilioetv. Uesidinu in a email, back room of the shop, an I all alotio, slm pr pued tlie var um Hrttclia i f her Iriidn with unwearied toil ami poosummale laste, !!or rtnbita were Mo'ludml, 111.nl st Hid i"!ii mi;; ainl lienco situ miitiit hive It'.po I 1 1 iiM'.ipo uolori tv, but fir llio pa en 1 1 ir 1: i ft cf Ih.l x:reoriliiitirv beaulv whu'ti to'i ol'fen t 1 ih 1 eior and nieudioss pr 'Vci a eiire. Shn was hooii a mi:lit alter by limine my lire-Ilia, ol fabhui, the bnsine-s of liosu life overyivheie In eluciioii ami ruin. Hut thn hiiiillilul ait'in it 11 j 'c e 1 t'e'iu ml aliko with un utt.'rah'e sc .ro. ami lov'iinj;. A'timiij them ti -app inled nd nirers viasoiiw.f a eharai'lcr Irom whicli the fair mi iiiifr In I everylhinu to fu.ir. Iliia ti Shorn I" lot ov',1 to a f.ioiilv at onoei piilenl, ii 11 ,11-11 ; 1 il and di-sipalod. lie was liim-ei' lieimiiinis, bravo ami rn vee.C"lu!, and 11 .luoliat of es'alilisno I an) ten ih 0 I line. It, was iruinrally knuwu thai he I'.i I nniil-i i.dvnui ei t' win the fiver of the lovely K'tuni, and had shared ilia Into ol all lior ulher w.)oois-a disilHitilul repul-o. A ! i'cIoc'.i, on t'hrist maa I've, lS'N, llio people nf I. ittle I! "ck wore etirileil by a loud aoream, as if ti n n soma una in mor tal be tor. whin I' ,i 1 '.v 1 1 1 jf !i c, w.t'i hinlly tin ioterva', enne i.i;C'issito 10 p'lts of Hi,- r 1 s -om , two, thtei-a il"7.en ilcih'iiii' extilostoiis, I h"V 11 nv lothesliop of ih,' intiliiicr, w liemin tin. .iiiiin eni.it a id, ami joi-ho I back Ihe uit'a-ltv.e I dair A den iful seme was proM'tited, There slia sto , I in llio centre of the ro"in, wlih a rovtp'vtfr In etch hand, eveiy barrel d is, I, ir.'eil . her le ituros pale, horeiei 11 ishiuj wibllv. and her lips panel Willi an awful niile. And there at bur lee, iv. lei ic.i; In his Winn blind, his hnsoin lite allv rid Ho I wuli shot, laid the ill diet ie.) iluoiist, llniun shorn. 11 aspiiii; in ilm la t iiuiiv. He iii"ula leii but a sinr;!.! aniiton 'e, 'Tti I my uioiher ih it I tun lii'ul ami mo to boil!' and ill s'.. mtv I IIHI'I il. 'In ii t':i name, who aid Ihh?' ex e 1 .1 1 me I ' Ii 1 p p 1 1 led s pel at r.s, ' l (III I' ,' s ii thn loi'Mll'nl illiH'lier ill I er wtrt, itlvory ai cu-.ts, '1 did it to save II V II He. I !' -'tch is a hriot' abs' r n't, of tli essr.nti il c r ''I list: nee., -ilerelop'-.l on II ri-i im in -lim of witt.es.es Tim te-tuumy ol 1-r.l an I the pleadinj; benau. Fi's' i f all, I-'. .iv ',. l iUe nn.I ( i I I'iiii oi I.i .vvi r.s at that time s 01 1 'ui eM ) hp lv. in sueeeM' 11 iro,. 'uli. 111. I hey iite 1 1 it oijU'lk ti teed their olniiinnni betwixt 1 Ashley in thn lor the p art i he pi 'h o it a., d Ii 'i' Vs. Ill such sar C'll" ;.. to IV li. l he- ll 01 til'-tl ' 11 tf i l' ulv 'oin nii; Hi-1 I i ter raillery and ndi 1 m Iter ol d Hiiu '! was the pn'.y l.mt"-t, leiwever, e si. lit st ntte'l lit lemaiee I 1110. .'1st 11! w tl , n ko it l,,s el.o s to ).. or. I to pav 11 'I I lion to bis nop uieics 1 tion'p-, w ;: h his ho e.ie 1 1 b wl on tits h nidi, lii'e 0:10 bui iei in ib-eji ih 'iii;hl oi iu siiiiber. A l.O'l h'.a tillli Ci!!l '. h IV.IVel, In Slid dn:y sprit'io io his . d. eros.-d 'ho t.c mil t- k .1 i')tt,Hi a'mo4t lottii'iini; the foemi'i of the j ire. 11-' then con mmieed in a w I i er so wild, peeuii iilv ami ttnl'. c i t tin v disl 1 net aa to lit tho II 1 ir bom h ill to ualleri. a. At the outset ho I" i t l l puro lnRie, nn a'vitmi: and eoinlniiitin Ih" proven tains, Hit tin whole mass nt cu fus, d ev i 'enco I"-. he. I t r.'iisp.irei.t as a i:lobi! uf ctvtal, thfiU'li hi.'h Im mii-'Ceneo nf hisclinl sunno lumltiintM na a auiilieani, while the iuinrs iiodde.l to e.ieli ether s'tins nf llior oi.;li c- n i tion. That Hntllim ivliip ), ami cinieentr itcl aii;i:'iient, ami I I'lituajTH siniplo a villi I's. had iltsi ',l tl 0 .loin mils of t 1 ti mt.'lo'ct, a id this, too, lii nnlv Iwonfv minutes, i was like tlie w ok nl a m:il!i(! 1; illctl domonstra ti lie llio, 1 chani;id his posters ao aa to iwe.'p ilm lar within i;l nice, an. I, like a faiin-i lio'i, rush" I up m his advi rsf.rtca. I" 1. 1112 and re nin, tncir a iphls'ne, into atoms. I.iisillow fica (jbiwed Itko red hot iron, tho f irk:' I h!d" v 'In awoliud ami wiithod in li;s 1. 1 0.1 11 eves, rosemhlrd live coals, and bis voice was tho elinnr id .1 I I'.itupl i t 1 hivn nevr, belorn or iere, lisiri.ed to such iippaliiin? ileniri eiition. It win l:ko .I 'Vo's nt'iii chiru i ti u a ll a'k ol i' ,. H was like Jove h uis.'lt Inn l;n.' t'.niiiderb ilia in llin shnd ilern'C eves id in ctior uo is. And V'-t In Ite Inchest leu. per ol ins lury Im semio.l w 011. lei iu'lv enlpi. lie employed 110 ne-1 .1 ro s iv : on ,., ih" (1 ish of a Imiti, bon v folitii mt dire '1 1 v at 1 1111 pillll flees of his , ir ;l loc-. Ho pamteil their venality ami iinui.inlv bismnss in eoalesciin; fir luotiey lo crub J't 100, Hess fern no, nil n shout if st ll al wrath broke from 'Ijo innltilitde, imj a m o 1 f the aworn eel in led s'loiiin !' ami thus the orator hid car nej anoi'n i' point h 1 1 rousial 11 perlo. l storm ' I iuilijna.i in air.iiust ilm prosecu l"rs -and thia, also, iu twenty 11. ins no. Ho channel his theme once morn. His voice K-tew iii-'in e.f.il as 11 funeral ilire and I. is eve libe l. with to '.is as ho tiac. d a vivid, luciute ol a man's erueltioa and kciiii'u'ii wrongs, with special apti'ici turns to tho nasu ul his elii'ut, till lull I ho audience Wept lino ehllilien. Km it was in tho peroritlon that be re.iidio I the 1. .n'lh both of inrror ami sub l"nitv. !i; 1 h a: ;;t ,,s ,i,i uvrl as ilioxn of tl eoipse, his vol v liair aeemed to slam) on 1 ml, Ins nnrvos nine k u Willi a pa. -v. jo tosaeil his bauils wildly toward leaven, each 11 n i-r npro.id npittaeil ipii 01 im.' Ilk- Ilm II line of naiiille, as ho 1 I used wuli tho last words nl tho do. oeus,l llinni) Hhorn, 'loll my niotlier that I am ib'.ul and U",no to Ii 1 1 II Ilia emphasis of llio w.inl hell e r.bodied the eleinoii'K nl alt horror. Ii was n wad of iirnnoiisuiablo ilospiir :i wild Inwl ol iu linito t irtur . No lii'uami can depi't its ell. t nil all whi heird It. Moll Kruno I w 1111 111 shr ok id. and the poor mother was homo awav in oonviilsioiia, '1 Im e.itirn apeeo'i latled but an hour. The j 1 r V rolurneil a verdict uf 'not B" i I' v ' without lo.ivnii; iho Iiok, and three iretiieml ois en em, like am'oesstve sliocus iifar, ratihijtiake, shook tho eomt-hoiise froiii rloine lo corner st no, tostiiybm llio joy ol the pa iple. At tho same moment the be.tiititiil ititliiner iioiiiideil to her feet and clasped Ihe triumphant advocate In Imr arms, ' xehimin, -uli, my busbatidl m? I usiiand!' Iionton aniiled, eei7.n 1 her hand, whin, pe,ed a word in her ear, and the two left the liar toupihor, proceeded to the landltiK and em narked on a aloimh out bound tor New (li leans. It seems that they pre viously parted on ii 'coii'it of Ills caiisnie Jalonsv, alter which she had aasintied a false iiHintam! eo ne 10 I.lttlu K ick. How he leiniod her dntiKiir 1 umtld never as certain.. A binimi fjctory bus boon t'.arlod In L'lia.' oiicivillo Va. N".'C, TIIUJISDAY, HoriN on WnKKt,s.--Whon the LI11I0 r.ock train which lolt Memphis at p. m., Salurnav hail naswiri Kdtnnnaoli, a tab, lat.k male specimen ol the Sequalohin val ine product approached Conductor Charlie Mjllonald and wbisparol in hia oil ear 1 "I ay, miator, you're the nondnolor tiianf" The addressed Indlvi I, nil "reckoried" ho was that Inierestinir parly. "Wall, I'll tell y ' 0 uninir nearer and gMwiint more 111 li letittnl "mv old wo rn in over th ir's ub nil t ml. I to tho popu lation n lheo here steam koers." "VVh w hsw ha a I's lliai?'' replied Con doctor Charlie, suddenly seized Willi Ilm hto 1 1 hat he was faoltii; an s aped 1 11 nut 0. ivnv, mm t you understand? ' this with 11 Uimckinu s'hni of !lio broad, round ahotilders ".Mai ler's u'olnis In bo coulltied, and 1 tfiiess you'd boiler put us ml' nt the 111 x! sl.nl ui! !H naute'.i tiiilltn." "Oil, oh,'' said Iho comtucoi', nt last Cotunrolicn lini; Ilia old man's nieanlni;. ' l':i s is soun tiiini! new in my line. Hut I c in't put i on oil in the ivuds, V 1 n ' , ( all liec.jto ileatli. Itettcr iirrancn fr a lull" episode riht ucrw In in c ir ." "All tliiht, cap," returned thu on pedant lather. ' '.-pi, so you'd have no objection in using that luiio room in tho corner over Iheie?,' "Nona in th world. In faol, I'd ralher pred r It," was Hie reply. I ho old man and Ins wife retired to Ihe pi. ice 111 111 1 1 1 ui Pi I , and a hall hour I ler the oars nl the pas eiiHots In thn cir were ureetod with ilm li'O'ilo wnil nl a new born infant, whiiiii had entered this vale of tenia al tin rate of eiirhlcin miles an It m r. Nome tune altera ard Mi's (Jtillln wtia removed to a hastily improviseit tun com lot table bed in tlmear, where she rested very lioinl irtanly iluriiu 'hi niyht. Til" infant sliimhnro I al her side, ami lar into Ilia Infill, whim tiiotiniii was tliiiuderintt 1 1 1 r 1 1 l; 1 1 Iho Citchn 1 iver timt nn, thu wo. man's shrlllv piped nnl; ".Inhn you John! irit me a toddv; I fool's If I nan tone bid ! ' 1 Im drlihled paienl for llin seventh time, he Inul observed incidi lila ly dived into the recesses ol an niic enl lookuiK If 1 ipsm k, brotuilit lorth a nlaek bmilM, a spouu an 1 a little pickan of suuar in brown paper, and beuin on til l desired loddy. iVhilc doinx so ho imparted to a little nmu p nf p isyinners the tact that I hey worn "movers" f inn Iho St(ii.itclii Velb'V, 1-irtst Tennossi p, and ivro 'iiwhie' ti I'eX is -sumewhar near Cotsieain, 11 h ir every bo, I v iils 1 icli nnlv su lde.il. 1 Me 111 while tho an. 'bmt " M trior's" eves hrteitotit at the pmspo.'l of the stimulant lu Ih" Huh! tin cup, th 1 nil nit Miimbere I lie. ie filth' as il Its advent had taken piano 10 a palace, and tho drowsy passengers in dul el nt reveries on the vlei-si uilei of llle. Mcinpli a Ava itm he. AN I Nsp i'.kki'I I IN o.' I) ins. --shfi-i Heel Inn I ei 11 m i 11 tu h excited f. r sume Iays past, l,ast I'd lav oik'lit al) oil J o'clock as M r Ital I a in, id tin li nil nl W. II. H ild w in ik. t 'o., w , s retii niinr from acr ss luc Clink, iilwu bo had boon lr.ui-a,-l ink sntiie business, inul when ho In! reiehod a i '.ill no . r Mr. A M.Mel, mii's i.s leu , ll 1 w as til n k d by 1 or J'- d"i:a, I hey hit 1 l.e u re ho was ridim-, c tuuht the mid lo lu lln-ir teeth, pulled the stirrups from Mr. H'slvt mid nude I'l.intio ithris to tear Ii in Iron tin s eld e. r imlinif ih l In c mi l not -c.no Iho 11 nit', h" put sipura in Ins horse ami r abi I n- his I. In, followed by the el pi ,, bark I'i'j, bu 1 ik p 1 'k of cms into tlie hi at I ol llin t"Wii, their itU'ln1; eyes nod protrudiui; tongues p-ncl.tim in" liiein bout up 111 Ills desi nnii 01. I'l e ell 1. lis were nrou ed 111 I 0 mm to Mr. It ihl w m's ri-seim iv ith i;uns and plsiots and the In 1 11 1 t iled hru im w ei e e nnpoie to take the wood-, w hem thev remiletl until Mnnd.ii , nt'.:ickin4 and ei tpjii'ir; o;iiivii f.ittlo. Hy ll:at time Ilia ex iiletnont had lliown si huh, aid the danger so 'mai.il'esi, tint th" Shoo Heel Kilo worn o'd'T'doiit ti hint tlnnn . liiey succee 'e I in scatierinn Ilia iaeli, and tt.is (Monday! 1 1 r 1 . 1 1 1 r iinnt one. ninte reo aina. Tlio doi;s b 'lonrf to aimosi ivory I olv, and have hitherto ba hived III," sol er, ii'dmti ions canines lilt must h ivo iehlo I t 1 bid counsels. Many incidents, amusing and olherwito, connec ted with mis nprt-in;; nf doos, nitijhl bo 11 , teil bul our limn will not permit. Hut there t an bo n 1 doubt thai our cliihlre'i will 11s 1I11 y tint their ff.ind children iipnil their k ne. , relit o to litem the thrillnm n'ory of" The din; insitrreiiion at iSlioo lleol."- l.uuili Ttnn ItobcHotiiati. fini v Ktm. The tfrey l peculiar to the eye ( f woiin in. And h ri wa meet with a I aneiy rn unjli 1 1 p iz.ie S ilomou hiniself. We wiil pass uviir m sileui'ii thn sharp, the shin.vdtsh, the spin ful, the cold ami Iho wild i;rev eve; every 0'm his a 11 l.'iom too ofien, poih.ipK. Hut. Ihea, a ain, tie euro sumo b nu:;fnl enough lo d iv- 01,0 mild, and It ismny ihiui iyiii.ii woiiioiu. 'iln-re is tho il ir, sleepy, al in m.l-sli.i; 0 I K'my eye, with I 1111' hi i'k lishes- .t o. s with the rarest- l.ico on I' 11ih--lh.it suliina like bea.iiv with ji b aek li.ur, and a c imphixio) that is nonh er dai k nor I ur almost a ereaii'i color, ll Ihe truth must bo told 111 I a ft ami rich ll- the leafol the cill.l I'.thl ipia ilsnit. liti o.'i ,v imposito to this is ttin enltn, tie in i?i ov ovo -tl.a eve ii it ro is ins, when thn milv leois. It, looks yon iaieuy 111 the hu e; it view, you kindly, but alas, dts appoiuti'dly; pismm nr iv lights it, and love t ikos Iho stua ly blaz. 1 nl friend-hip, when ho ti les I.i tilde within. Tho owner nf that eye is nui:(lit. linns i-mtioHs and piiy ing Ins lellow men, even wlili at a loss to ilinl-rsl mi Ins valines, ll Istlpi eve tor a kind and oonst itra o pavsiei.in, lor a o insoiMiuoin lawyer, ill kinili a D1411 llieto be,) lor a worthy vilioir 1 pastor, lur II It n-inl as l.utliiul us any pour hum. in b lti can bo l.a-t nlilio i:rry eyes conies Iho tn 1st inlseliiev'ius; a aofi nve, with a larK'e pupil that conraeis and dilates with a wind, a III on;lil, or a ll isli ot leelnii; an eyo thtil i iu.'hs '1 it suiix tlttunai, l...it l.as it suii lii;lil, its iiioiiune.ima, ami Its storms; n wonderful eye, thn wins ym whetlvr you will or nut, ami hoidi you even after it has east you 1 11 Nn 11, alter whether llio lien be lair or not no 111 liter if the leu; ores be Irregular nd complexion varyitiK, tin eye holds vo.i caplive, and thou liiUo'ln al your very otuiiia. Tu K "I Ki" ok T,IFH.-W:iat a pitontlal word is that little "If,' without which all things in. ghl be dill'ei em! If Imsbum'a and Ives studied inch other more, for example; ll cacti ronieinhered how do pendent wo alt are upon kind words. If they would only strive lo will ansiv t eil day ihe 1 iye In the hi arts of their w ives, wliu have given thorn ad thn wo nan may give, hor love, her life, her present and eternal future, an absolute surrender of nil but a nominal individuality, if thev were ss loving, ami as solicitous for the weltaro of their wives and their happiness nn they were for the Mivoollieaiis in their lover days, bow many a broken heart would never h ivo broken, an I how many an utiliiiialy gravn would no ba empty. And on the oilier hand, if wivos Would re. liiein her that their ' stiands noeu a llltbi crumb nl new love each day to ati'eligi Iimi them in tnoir battle for those ihcy love, and If th "V would bul send ilioin lor h al mm 11 and woloonio Ihnin at pighlfill Willi a wife's blest wor is and kiss of olieer, bow many thousand eyes would brighten, am! how glauly would lliey violoouio toll. vheroas now ilieir only hope of t e ico or rest is Hie grave-n linnl homo lo whUdi uiti uuly too jjUd tj ), MARCH 31, 1881. Ma uui rs His Si-ti'h. A talo so nail that 11 would bring torn a to Ihe eyes of the most hardened, has just enrne to I v-'bt In tha Bounty, Some years niin a man and wife purled, on a count of fiitiiUy tronb rn, sepatated, an only (lalieh'cr it'iliiir will! the lather, while Iho sou 11; e I behind to share the I t of his mother. The untitle- nun removed to a iipiirhlioriuir Stao inul eiiL'ai;i) I In an aitrtoiilturnl llle end anou mulaleil consumable property. His wife In thn meantime had drifted awav to "ao Krinii-eo, California, Yi'irs rolled hv, ni.it ilm gentleman died without ver ro venliuii the li'iuht ol hia early life to his daiiLthter, she limn; too ynunit al tho time nl tha separation ti remember anvtlilnu about It. So in aflnr tha mother died, and the son having 110 friends 111 California, and vearninir for the love and ctinli.iouce of tho li lends and relatives of bis buy hood came back and settled in Kentucky. List su miner the vomit lad v ctmo tn this .statu 011 a visit, and white speu liu", fin season atone id our wad ring places mot the y.iunii man, and, attracted by his polish' d manner and ciiliuto.l mill I foil in 1 w i ll him, He, (i iiil'v hs ch irme l by her witisnmo la 'e and foinluiiie gram's, recip rucateil the i'i ciing, and after a sh u t cm li ship limy were married, Imth totally nitio- ruiit nt tha terribln miHtako thev were uinkiiig. .1 luiv daya atro tha eld family law ym uf (lie yiiiiiu w in 's father, who, by Hie way, knew all llio past lite of hot' hith er, came tn a e Ihe young marnn I ciuiple. and during his stay leirued lim history ol llio young man. Struck bv Ihe eiuideritv ol Hie young hush lint's history and that nl his wife's f.i tier, and half bbllcvinK tho horiilun truth, he set lnmsell to work ami lent ued eiioiigli to convimio bin that, llio daughter of his ni l friend had married her brother. Tha low friends wha have learned Hie young coutile'e Had predica ment have 0 .included to keep the K"ret nnl let tin-id livu aa mutt and wife. Courler-Jotirtiiil. R EW .si OF l'HK I Y. Ha-v ird c ullega has had auoilior gift of SlUh.UiH. Tho Kuiperlor Williint, of 'iormauy is hty luur, Grant has resigned llio Wm id's fair. tho l'li'sidi'iicy of Since lit VI India has had a f.unilio every four years En-I'res'ulo'tt Whc'ler lias g me Routli for a six weekk visit A council nf regency lias been appointed in case lite t .and Ho-sl.i should be killed Tho iiruhilnuoii bill lias I can tlofoalod In llio biwor hmisa of thu Tox.ia l.ugila turd, C d, Thom is a Scott ilm Hailroad King has cii-n i l.eiii) diillars to Washingto 11 Loo L tilverslly. lion S.i ou.'l b'. I'hil ips Ins been np polnlud a Jildo . thu court, of u is inn: II is saiary is j 1 1,1,1 Tho S ieale I) 'inner ili caiici. i has eidol In rcsnt lu every I.i 1 r way change of ellli ors. dc thu Vet ino it, al' tie nf III" Xew Engl and S aio-, d a" not tnako Wdshilljl li'a till ih (I y legal holiday. $H),n(Miid have bom lu (Id V .unly bv in d 1 v Id u ils for ,1 ce it ion at put poses dur ing ti-.o la-t fourteen yeata. I'iie 1,'tieoliisliirn 11 indicip was run In Knglaml mi Ilia .'ind Crawlor I s Hu liiamin came out lit st, and lim ru l.nril- lard's M tsinko second. A" op ri ll inse at Nice c I'lgSl tee dur Ing n pei tor nun, c, mi the -I'd, and borne.!, ll Is snppised (bit It ll.lndiel inon and woin n pert-ho l. TI11 Ilemoc; attii SIVo ("n:iveill.iti of Itlimlo Island last y k passu 1 reiolulion di ti'iutui-ig ililtatih a coiirso in voting with tlit, It 'piib,ic ins In the Senile The repsi'li it 1 ti Senator from Virglnl sln-ws up well on Iho comm il I es, Mr lahl1tle Ins nun eh nrm inslitp and a plac on inn o oliu r cutumittuw, A li.ly In Sin Krineis '11, win-no eye was put out bv a rocket 011 the evnii uf the limit!! of July, has leeovered .ne lloii-aml tlo!ara daiiinges fro:i the city. A g "Id and silver mine Ins been ('is. Civerel in Hamburg, a few miles from Itullilo. N. Y. The 11111117. viel 'a tliiily ounces uf snvor and uji ounces of g nd to tile Ion. .1 din T. Crew no of I'm edilo's of llio r.ilt'Uiore Siri, die 1 ol appotdei r on 1 ho '. :l nl. He ill I been on the editorial stall cf t l.o Sun 1 1 1 i 1-1 y thio.1 years, ntal was sixty nine ye us md. Sotno en'crpri'iiig (radars run fillitii old lin1l'veomlis wi'll ftuctwo and shipping lliem to Curope Inlud'ed 'Cai foruia tuinev.' At pn'M'tit the cnlctpriso Is ai. 1 1 bo very pn li'ablo. Th" President his in tni'i Co 1 Uin. H, H-'b rti at In lai t'lllii 'Uir ut tho 1'oii id New Yntk. li iber s mi is Ihe head rti il fr uit of the Alii Maeliins Itnpuhileans 111 New Ymk. Tim Maiwarts aie ill. Iro Mid. IV I.. Mu'idy, the evangeli-l, w ill spend Ibis siiuimer a' Ills rural ho, ne in M issi. eliiisetl, wluro ho ia lo bold a sort ( I select c imp inee'ltig or iidv;ince, ltib:e lio ars and 111 tho fill ho n ill ugaiii visit Htitope. Alien flow Into a liottaa near It ck cisile, this State, tin other il iv, ami knocked down a rill 1 that was hanging on III" w ill, which was disch ng.il, killing a preacher Ih it w is vl-dthig the family. lninville Courier J uirtisl. The Pennsylvania Hulli'iad has nenlv cmnpleied a monster I motive, in . t"inle. to limk" Ilia run b-lwemi Now Y ik and I'lnli Inlehis tn nlnstV mill.lie.. hieich ol the driving wheels, including tie lim, wvl'hs two l mi and is six luot In tliatuo'.tir. A short time since a party of tourist were swindled bv the American consul al tl ual hit. is west Indies who ma, In thorn iay lor Inning pass polls 'vised' after thev h.td nlroilv paid the legal lees: The consul was made tj tlisgnrga by the Spanish authentic!. Tha coronation nf Alexander III Is not tl take place until after the period of mourning, and tha Nihilist, threats 1 Hi it It iihill never occur. The great precau tious taken to guard the li e of iho now Km paror show that there are s"rl"iis ap prhonsions t at llio lata of his father ia closely puisu.ng liiiti. The World anys I halt the prominence given tn Windmn, Hie repudlatnr fioin Mii,es ii, and to Mahoiie, Mm n pu.liator Irom Virginia, has tended to Hlieiig heu the repu nslloii parly in Arkansas, liie ittipuhlicau partv llnds Itself in an auk ward p anion bel'ure iho onuntry in vtuw nf Iho teoord uf ilieso two uieu. A young woin in, now in Montana, was adorhd at. six teen by a young man wtio was disliked by hor paienl. She reclp r'catel llio tender feeling, buf was an uU'eclioiiato datmhttr and Would not marry bun. Uui aha sternly resolved to lei them know that lie w-s a blighted being Mio cmtlliual to live with her 1 I'a'her an 1 mother, b it nevoranoke again j She is lUirl v-otio bow, but is still as dumb ' a, aj oyui r. NO. 11 niibu wild dynamllo and other ax plosive matter are tieing thrown etiont in the street nf Madrid. Spiokh author!. Ilea are uuetsy. Dearest Harold, I lovo von with all the deep devotion of my sex. Your image la tutilaceably engraven on the tablet uf tny memory, and In my heat the love I bear f ir you can never, never dlo. Hut I am nxtravazant, wildly ambitious to ebln In society, to sli beside the Jeweltad nueeua of fashion, to dazzle all eyes with priceless ueim, ami so, iiiar, dear tl irold, 1 must marry the pltimbsr. A I) V E R H S H 1 K N TS . If you ti ol dull drowsy, ilohlli:a(ed,hve frriiiinut headache mouth laa'.e badly, poor apiotite and tongua voalisl, you are uiiU'oi iiig irom torpid liver, or "bil.ous ness and u iltilng will cure vu go anecdl Iv and permanently as to take Milium lis i.ivor Kogiiiaior or Mcdiclna, T Ii 0 Cheapet, 1 Putest mid lli.ib-nw I'Viml v Medicino In the W.ubll An Kifcotiul Hpe. ei tic f r all diaenaea of tho I, Iver Stom ach and spleen. Kogutato llio I.ivor and provout ( hillaaml Koveia.MaUriotia Pevara Bowel Cullll'lalilU, jtcallusstieui, JuuuJk'O and Nauica. It VI ItltKATH ! Nothing U a unpleaiant, nothing an 1111 iiiuti aa bad breath, and in nearly every case it conies (rem tho atniuacli and can be so easily c irrocted If you will take Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sura a remedy for lb a repulsive lisonler. Ii will ulso improve vour Ap potilu, Ct.nip.exnm, and tioi.eral Hcaltli. rii.v.si How many eulfcr tiwlure 1l.1v after day makii g Ilia a burrioti and robbing axial die nt all kleamiiu. awing to lh a cre! suit 'ring from Piles. Yet relief Is ready lo the hand nl almost any una who will tis.i Hi'slem uicallv tho remedy (hat baa permanently cured Ihouaaiids. Sminio Liver Keguhilnr, I no drastic violent purge; hut a guutio aasislant to uaturo. t own i' a 1 ios l Sliould not bo tfljarded as a (rifling ailment !n fact naliiro depends the ut most regularity nf the bowls, and any d, nation Irom this demand pives iho way often to s'-rt'iua danger. It la ( iite as ni ce a iry to remove Impure aeciiininiilati ma fiom the boweis as it is to cit or Hloep, and no health can be ex pee ed w hero 11 costive hahtl ol body prevails. SICK IIP. VIM CHE t I hia distressing nftliotiin occurs moid Iron icntli . The disturbance nf Iho atom aeh, arising from the ImporfiK tlv digested contents, causes a severe pa ti in thu head ace mip. lined Willi UlMUi.ei 19 nausea and this con-mutes what is pnpiilai ly Known as i-ncK tieiiiiictiii. lleware of coinilorfclls, take nnlv tho gem. Inn In white wrapper with red . In t rt nl pmparod by J. 11. .jtlti iV Co. Sold bv all Hrjggists. jan 27 ly T I, K I, I U JI. U A It Y HER VEY'S OLD STAND FI A 1. 1 I' A X, N . C. r 1: A I. H a IX unncKRIK', TtOiH's, SHiiKS, II AT. C All i-s. All (Haiti's, All Trices, All Htylj mi:n srHiLDRHN S, woiiKN s ANn;Missi:f H II O K M II O E H , All kinds of family jrrorerles on hand ami to arrive. Htock eoniplrtely new. Just purchase: (rein tli Northern Market. S M II ART. Halifax, N O. aep .m ly A1 r K N T HJX, THU limi; ill AN I' COTTON TRESS. II Y O It A I' 1. 1 C r K K NSIR E. Thn only Hydriullo Cotton Press for puulailou u. FIKU I SSI 11 AM K. IUsks placed la F1U3T.CL.S3 C0MPAXlK.-. A. n. II ILL. Ag't. f-;rotlanJ Neck, Ualitox, Co. N. C. apr :i) tl SPACE I a ti One Hiftiaro, Two Squarca, Three hqiiaMS, 9 00 5 00 '8 00 10 UO 15 on 4 ft M M 0 M 09 , MM Ms -4 our Hnuarea, Koiirtb (Jol'n, Half Cclumn, Wbolo Column, 20 00 One Yj.ah ,. r - .-----$,. KYEKY BODY LOOU ItEftEI ' I WlRh (0 Inform th bltlkeo of Hatlfaaf county, and th public gouerally,, tht I koop a nrst ciasa oouao 10 to town or :. 1 t, -. sjjs l ,,.., t.i ! KtOTLASD NElU.Il'. C I have a cdmbldle stock ( f (1U0CKKIE8 it COMi'KCTIONERllia. My bar is stocked with the choicest' I '".! I'Vonch, Apple, and Peach Brandies, also ail sinus 01 wnisKios. wtnoa, uiD, Bam, and Chatnpagao., ., . IlKf T DHANDH OK WIIIKKIliS A Sl'HCl.VtTlf T.Hger fleer in Unities and nn Drangbt. Families supplied at lower rates by th dor.on bottlua. 10,000 Clears ol ihe llmt Brantls, , I have a first ctasi .. i.rii !7 11E5TAUHAXT AND ElLUAUh SAtOOjf attached to the house, I will etidoayor trt ' plrasoallw ho will bouur me will- l hair patronage. 1 ''' Orders for f rti Flllesl mt Shr Rotlrf. , ' " ' : ',. f a Thn trade wilt find it to their adrtbftMt toordorfrutu.ua. ,:, ,., ,...., 5 ,,,1 1 'i "', 1 O-OPF.N'HKIMER, , Sia Central Salsnrt, Ccotlstid Naeat ' oet 23 5m. ps mmrMi Gl'lltl TO tbUxt. 1 roBtinn( ( hjHfr 00 A ( aytupattftl 1, fiMMKB m mm jftM ( m Tirrraa rmriratr.ititt bitnirit. A4m tn Inak paw -. k n V r-a-AV-.i 'a. ilkaay 04 . i k4-f -- -a-aa . Ews -fa U.m. (a-rtasvsa, 4. 1.. le-atMaklss. 4 ff ' .-.., fs-a-i I .n, -mt..l. Ij. ..M..riuJ Dstk, K iiVitoftS l'rtii fciwd'l e I 'Art via t iim tu.tirif Iron impurr trt'ial aitrvittmnk, apt on t1I ibutty ! rx i"S.' --..li 4 a-rt Am HV ,m M.ysM, Hat.wnk, Jk at , - at t .., .--l-'- ar t ' f 1 J-r-" iJ rsi-- a jJS Jltmi. k -sBiLkC (p. Nu.,-..iM,u f s ,m"-'- tm UVrT W,tMMlaMika1IMIalW 'kitta irFTTII te Wa t-ak Scptoinber Itltli ly 1 IO'I1 business now belore the peb- 1 J-ikJ 1. He. You uau maka uioney bister nt work for u than (it anvihln;' t'lao Caplul tmt rriuird. Wo will start yuii. ti- a day and upwards tnado at home by tho industriona. Men, women, boy' and girls wauled everywhere to work for us. Now la the time.' You can deVota jour wit lie time to- the work, or only jour spare moments. No other boslaeaa will pav you nearly as well. Mo one willing; to work ran lull tu make enormous pay bv ' engaging at oiiou. Costly (built anal tetiu. Ireo. A grott opportunity for making moiiev nn-ily anil honorably. Addrt-a Truo J: Co, Augusta, Me. July 16 ly. V. K. VI Civ CAUHIAC.E AND MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW miCBS. All kinds of wood work and Irhamlij, done in goud stylo, Ulackamtlh work dons at short notice and with neatness. All now work warranted. Fine painting for buggies dmiv at low pticoa.beat paint ussd , SPECIAL ATTENTION G1YEXTO THE UNDEItTACINCI DErARTMEK T. HSi'?f?' ColBns auJ.Uasof all sitesi oauskanU ou baud. Harris ia Materials kotitoabatid at arias bolow Petersburg market. ; Weldon X. " O. . June ft ly ritfc I'LACIi TO tiVX ,Y0Utt UOOJJB. Groceries! Ulicap aa they can be sold hi tUa tows of Waldos. Met KORTH CAROLINA UAMHliH )sr pound. ft 00 14 00 10 00 30 00 15 00 JO bo " 18 00 IS 00 20 OA 40 00 80 DO C0 00 Conft'i-tloneriea of stl Klads KIef .' aatl Eresh. . , .. c : , . . 1 ' .. '.' 111. It 1., , . - . Sly HARI stocked with th best and Purest, Liquors of every description. ' ' 'cn,.decc.o. B F SLT,DEr: First street. Wcldess, K. C. ' air 2tf v , 1 1

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