THE ROANOKE NEWS. IIl'RSDAY, : : APRIL 21, 1881. ST ATI. MalTrK. Col. ('. M. Sfedman bis been tendered a ulille dinner at Bursi. " The vote on the new county of Durham re plica ill a iiinjurlly of 1412. W.J. Munden, Republican legislator from JiRtitotank, doped last week with another jnan's wife and considerable tnont-y. ' The convention of the Vrutcstnit Fplscnpal jpliureli In No. ill Carolina will bo held In Kaklijli oil Wednesday, the lSlh of May. H'.ntfon Sriillnel ; 24 emigrant tickets wero iiurcliascd at Ureensboro the week by cit .'ti nf the Unite, removing to ludlaua au'd Hher ryuatcru itutc. ' ' C. T. Iloi t foil among Hit. maitljnorv of Oliver's saw mill near Melton, N. C. on the lull aid was crushed to dvalb. Ho leaves a ylfcuiiil four children. Hickory CYm-flntoH : Iron for the Road to J arils Paint Hock Is continually paasfnir up. everal csrlnails til a week. Il is said the rack will be luld by the first of July. We put on our oxclianjrc. list this week the H thinlitl Aihuncr. printed at (lohlsboro. ltev. W. M. Koliey is Kdilor In chief, and lie ecU put a (food paper. We wish It succesij. More fort liners liaye pit-pit tlirowi;!, Sciy crn Ibis season declined for the inter! r, (Inn has ever lierclofot c been the ease, and more have been used in thl Immedlite vicinity have been in any yearut the pa-t. Noivbcrian. ' 'l'lin late I.Pirlslaturc made, an appropriation for a Mo uni 'iit to Hoy. Caswell, Norili Caro lina'! tl'st Unicrnor. It is state.!1 I hut the Mntiiiiucut will be Inaugurated in Kinston on tliu 4' li ol July, and thai 0 iv. Vance will de liver an Address 0:1 the occasion. Rilelah A w OWmr: From present I1 dlea Hons tl(C, expntis." l(i, Hiilliiilual im-ni tn-rs of the ! Guard oil account of the Yotktcwn trio v.ill b very small, within rattle, o""" ihe 'means i f the poorest. The nrrunjr no'iils for transpor tation there, iiiiirtcrs, ralious, etc , will be complete. A cenuine Sou h American pelican was killed the otb,cr day .X(r. J. C. Wairiier while :. fly nif across M isonb iro Sound, below Wil- minimi. Tliu bird meiisuicil - seven feet and elirht inches from tip totlpand war. four feet hluh This feather d sir intjcr had doubtless Insr.'lila eompassand couseiiienlty his bearingi.-lferiew The fireenshiro Ptitrlul says that last, week , Judfe Dick of U. S. court, sentenced I'll bVun, W. N. Steel, lieore Oldliaii,,' Jesse Johnston for illicit diuillln.; to four months in jail and $1(1:1 Hue each, Jack Thompson for counter ' Id I mil' and John .M. K 4ie for breaking Into a tost olliee. three years each in the Albany pen itentiary. Jasper Stanley, a merchant at Whltcville, cnlmijUled uiichje on I lie I7ih by shooting oluivjlf with a pistol, lib made two attempt to kill himself. Hid wife he rti th'e snap, .'( .cap, hut before she could ire I the o e ','1 e pistol was discharged takim." effect in the head. The ad is supposed to he the result of ni"nUil tburatiou brought 011 by ixcessive drinking. t -a 1 Wilmington Star: We learn from a private Wcjrrain received here yesterday that two col ored men, and brothers, by the name of Ha s, ftit into a dlllleuliy at Magnolia, Duplin . Bounty, Wednesday uiirlit, when one of them cut the throat of tiie other, from the etl'ect of Which he h is liuce died. The two men were . Id the employ o,' a gentleman by the uauic of HollinKsworth. Raleigh (jWitr : A correspond' nt grilles qs from vVa'liiut;tnii that (icticral Ka 1 aom has prepared a speech on the dead -lock, ml we may expect thai the (icneral will put his bestfoot forward 011 the neca-loti. Our cor respondent denies the statement (which we Corrected last work) that the lienor il is against tho confirmation of Kohci'lsou. We do Sot'uudc rituud that any Democrat will oppose; "his coiiii.'itcUoE. ' 1 1 : Oxford T.nrMbfit : The Torchlight Is an in dependent Democratic newspap r. thoii,rh it 'does not claim to bi the oriran of tho Dcino , 'eratic par y or the special moiitiipieco of any 'man, and as louj; us It continue. 10 bo pub lished wo propose to sp.-ak of men and metis- "tires in an imlepe.idcll'. manner, uccordiu Jraise and ceusuie, where eacli alike is 4ue. - As tho las Legislature changed the law in Wnard 10 praulinji' license to li'iuor dealers by County commissioners', Icavini; the matte.' optloual with the commissioners, it l iiuv 10 look as If he a'M to have prohioitlou lu tho fetate 1 VCr, before Ui election. Las; Monday the commissioners of Mecklenburg, resolved to refine 10 araut another license and if they . stick to Una, every bar roon ill Chtrlottu and Mi'ckleuburi; county will bavu to cjosti on the first of May, as all liccubej expire at that time. Concord Sun. ' " A f-publlcah cditcr l:r, luterticwrd the President' and repoiVs tliat' his backbone is us till as a bar of iron ;thal lie is drtei iniued not to yield an inch In the Kobei tsoli ca-e, that tliu President s ml he had uot sought any contest 'With Ills party lento. s, but us it had been fqn ed upon bim he thou;ht U the best policy to have the question as to whether the execu tive or the legidatlvo department is lo con trol nominations s.'tt'ed at the beginning 1 f bis administration; Ciat '.he 1'n-suU 111 w as d ' furinlucd to rceouizo all the clcuicnts of bia party, and that be had h'togu'.cd the two factions in New York with the view of restor ing harmony; that he would not wishdiaw Robertson nor would he accept a compromise la any shtpeor form. - t v 1 lh u.t u n r.Krj il;. ' At a hiectliig' of the stockholders of the Scotland Neck linn h of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Conip iny, held at the lowu of Bibfax on Uni lull d iy 01 Apiil, bsl. James M. Mull' 11, Ks lre, was filled to tho chair, aud tiee, 1. 01m nuns elected S.e reiaiy. -On motion tho following gentlemen wore lee ted directors . 'Messrs. Thomas N. Hill, J.un.'S Nl. Muller, Moiilrevd'e Whitehead Joii'u T. li'egory uird Sterling V. C.iry. Ou motion resolved that tlvi S." ietary send I Copy of lli-o proceedings t llr. Johnston. Beer'tary of the Hoard of direct ns, f-coll.iud ' Neck, N. C., an I ro tho I("anokk Nkiv. - ' tino. I'. 8iM.'M,SeeiH.try. CO I.. (I.AItK I OK MI't.ItlM. u:iit.roi'siiit)OM. ': Mi'ssiis. EntTor.H: I wasgUd to see in a late Issue of no: r valuable , apcr lli-l one of tour corresi'iv lentt Migi'Slt d the mine ol O'll. D. r. C:arK, as a am aide pcr-on lo II. I the olllee o! Sii'i intend' nt of 1 ur futile Sell 10U B Of this eoiiuty. 1 hereby second tlie slices lion, and liereiiy endorse tv.ry word ot your 'eorn'spomleul In rcfeienee lo Col. Clark's ttil ity and lliuens fm t m olllee. "He won d be the ilgliluian In the 11. lit placn" an. I 1 would tie "lad to 8' e hiiu chosen lor mat utllce by our minorities. A friend of the lV,l!c Schools of Ll.tleton Towiixlnp. -. 1 1 ! I IWil. j ,i - 4 diVRiT to Tin HiiiiKa. The follow ing lei er spa ka f r itself: f-m.viui.k, Va , Ke. "ih.lsSI. l1esrs. Luiiiruiu 1 t l.ilctidald, Abing don, Va, ' ' . , You una I not and His "li iliy Fond" (Wrannuui) ordi ri-d c you A f. w d iva e 1 as we hive found soi(I'tliing tmltcr. e (pt out i.f th mediciu wo h id bm-u fifing the baby for tint la-t m oi!h or so, ml we happened to have mime of your Iron ik1 Alum Miss 011 liuid. I per tt'lel my wilo to try It Mile did art and 'it acted liko 11 cliann. We Inve loi giving It to hiiu now about week, nnd (ha hss 4 brtior aupjtlto ,md rosla bstter ut titglit than for a lung lima. If it mn tiuus to do hi it goo t, ws shall iwt need ny morn Hiby Food,' corn bread and tgrayya(-i wi h him diuee he his benn Making the "M ' and we cm now yet a 'prlly good iiigbt'a rt. Tours truly, 1. Wm. I!UCIUN :. Vorailcibr R. T. Slmm 01s aud A. R. Ei.llooffer, & l',o.j I)i ugKiu, Yoldn, C. '' HKhio'a rv, t int' anj cl vor kocJs Sot islo lly J. 1. (JuvOli. Easter eg:! in. New York, were worth rc b''h as l.'it a piece. Tammany, or at least a part of it, are anxious to get rid of Boss Kelly and from present in dications they are likely to succeed. We return thanks lo Senator Vun., for a copy of his speech in defence of North Caroli na, extracts of which we publi-hcd last week. t 4 At the recent election in Tammany for olll cts, for tho ensuing year, H iss Kelly was elected by a sllgl t majority, and he lioidi the fort for another twelve mouths. -- Tin dead lock in the Senate contlnu and will nut be broken unless a compromise, accep table to tooth putl:', Is afed upon. VYhelli s this Is probable ts not positively known. When tke dead lock In tho Solium break, there may be be sonis confirmation of appoint ments. Th country cm easily wait for Kbldle b.'iger to gi t his position. am a few states, compared to a Secret iry of the Senain. Pc.Jarnetic was acquitted at Danville on tio l'.ltli 011 the ground of Insanity, The Jury re mained out twenty minutes. This was the second trial. The lirst resulted In a rrr.lict 0!, guilty and a new trial was granted by tho court of appeaU. . It Is sal. I tint ex I'rcd.lcnt lluyes Is tired of private life ami shows a disposition to be the leader if I be Temperance pirly in Ohio. He comes out as a total iibstinenco man an I the t'jinperiinco peop e lire talking much 11b ut him and his tempeiunee record. - 4BV The Wilmington St ir sajs Hi it the (ieueral g iverninent controls ubout 10S,(HM oTices and tint negroes till about (U((. This is doing the negro jusllee with a ven genee. The Republican party loves the n.'giocs gteatly iut it loves the otlces more. It Is said that (i irflVIJ is ileterm'ii"d not to wlth l-iiw Uoberison's name for collector of New York. This is wise lu tiartleld, us ll would be the end of bis management of nHalrs. If he yields now, he will be nothing p,it a tool for Conkllng who will virtually be lrcsidei,t. The plea of insanity in minder trials Is be coning common, an 1 possibly, after a llioe, every person v l:o kills anoiher, nny be proven liis:ine. If iusiine people woulij only kill lliem sehes, It would not be so bad, but it Is hard for some people to be destroyed by lunatics, to graiify an unreasonable pleasure. Tlic great Republican pirly bjlieves In uni rersal suir age ami Is in id with die South for alleged intlinidaliou of voters. Hut in some u, the New England states there is not universal sullragii, and In the District i.f Columbia, gov erned by Congress Itself, negroes arc not" al lowed to vote at all. Mr. Hum's putnuster at Bdlliuoie one (ieii'irul E. II. Tyler, is found guilty of very indecent behavior towards Miss Murray, a young lady an cmpl lyee in the pobtoftlee and is asked by the Court to pay .i,(KK) for his bid conduct. This Is a well merited Hue for his unorous dc.noiistralioi.s. We hope lb ; canvass between the prohibi tionists and lh" lienor men, if there is to In due, will be conducted without any tiiilcrnc e or animosity. Neither side Ml! gain by b 'ln g r inbinkerous. Discuss the subu i t fairly 11114 let it go before Hie pn.ple 011 Its merits nnd th.'ji grin and bear whatever the peoplo may dictate at the polls in August. Wo surrcider our editorial spaco to the speech ot Senator Ransom. North Car. liua h id been c.ilicd a repudiating state and her credit had been assailed. 1 lie Senator who is always on the wa'cll to proteU his State fio n false charg , arose and proved by facts that JJ irth Caiolina was honest, .matcr l!;'nsiui Is always raily when needed. In a test case at Milw iukeo Sa'nrday, .Iiiil ;e Millory declared iuoperotivs and vol I t ie antl-tieating law icenutly pisse,J by lheis cousin I.egi.lorure. Il was dscoiercd that the law was Inoperative because of an ei-or in the text of its enaetment-the bill 11.1 drawn specifying ihe repeal of an old law that was dropped when tlu Statute Were recent iy re vised. Lord lleaeoiistl"lil died on Tuesday at l:r.lf p 1st four p. 111. IliiilMtli 4S so 'sud den. Lord l!eaeoiisie'iil was seyenty-liie years ol I. Ho was lliirty-two before he entered pa; li.iinent, forty-eluht before he held a cahi-et podtion, sixty four before he was IVuno Minis ter, ami seventy two when he was mailt an Kirl. A wonderful man has gone; a man whose life shoin the power of will and detenu ua ti n. -v -- ltev. S. M. Andrews, a Nor th Car, 11 native of Rowan Co., but for the last fifty years pastor ot the IVesleyicriun Chunk at Dovlesti w it, IV, (lied ( ( n :ly. lie was a Sliced fill minister, was educated at the North Carolina University, and w;'le iJiere was the room 111. ite of .las. K. I'.dk. When lie look charge of his church in Do)lestown it bad lull members, when he died it bad l.lliu mem bers. 'Ibis speaks volumes 'er the man. A South Carolina plantation s (,-, rcteiie Chinese laborers from Sill Kra-iciseo by way of experiment. They are to bi sent, time under th.j' ivprrvision of an over seer, who is to S' U to it that none of tln in tke sih-anta.o of li ning their expeme. p ild to il.c Atlantic Slates lo siii uwuy and n'tile down among their countrymen In one of the lar.-er '1 ics If they prove desirable laborers i t ers w .II I lobably follow. ' ' li I- siinl 1 let e.i'..r Hri"'1 was offered tl.c llr.i.ilcin Mi-si'in aud declined. Ti e New York 1.11, a stale ait ii'r which harps on the ncessity of doing jiidieo 10 Ihe negro and al I i.viiig hi ill all hia r gilts, speaking of lliis olTer says- America l, of course, a while man's coun try and Anglo-Saxon, lis civilization' sml its religion and Us customs are all Saxon, and Iheir is no African among ua who in any w ay can bo called a representative of the nation, An Interview with an alleged Northern Dem ocrat, publl.-hed in (Saturday's omW, shows that the Nordiern Democrat ; ares little for thr South. The Democrat whoso name Is not given, sau : ' la my U'kt with iuj neighbors and friends at hoiiie i se . clearly N01 thei ii Democrats are coustai.tly more iiilta'.cd and disgu'ed at the solidity ut the Soiiiii and weaned from their parly, i v a feel ng, w hich I regard is 1 xeus.t tile, that this soliuilr Is uiireasouabl' and mesni some bidden uilsehbf to tl'.e coitntiy, soum purpose in IlieSiuthcrn men who . ) c.ireiu ly nurse it, of which Wo 'Northern Democrats know nothing, but which ought to bo opposed and put iloun. ' . He eudc the intei view by saying : I waul to sec the Sout 1 bioke i up, and I don't cire who sulfert- oiiporai ily in 1J10 pro c ss, and I tell you that I Know th a is the. opin ion of every No.theni Deuiociat who is li liher a protectionist uora soft money man. Now I h ivo told you a I 1 huve to s iy ru this mallei." Wc do not believe all the' Sortberu Dctno c.sts 111. nk this. If liny do they ought lo bo Kej'U ilis.nis a! eti.e a:d b; done with It. Tim EJItorof this pperls lu no way rcapon! tile fin 'Hie eiew orsialemeuls of l.orrt'Miiuil cuts. No cinniumeail'iiis of an anonymous character wi',', tie jiuMisheu : tlie rest nauif of the writer must ftcciimi'au)' all eotiimuii'.csitor.s. Anv one whotnay feel airrii'vett st statements nm i" to- eorrestionitetiis can obtain the iiams mi apolieatioii to the Kdilor. rorri".iiin.b'iits will please, wiiteonly on on siil" nf the pier. and to avolt hsvinir thetr eointiiiiiiicafliiii thrown in ttis wasiie Laskef; nil! fiiriiMh their't iKeesssrtly for I'liMlesunn but an ti guaranty of izood fjitth. A'e wj;i not uoiice auonyiUYa.s correspondence. mrX PARD. I do not int nd to discontinue the prse'iep of law, on arrouut of my cornier lion the Koanokk Nkivs. But will attnd promptly to a I business entrusted to iny care. W. W. HALL. Ij O jV Ju . Sphiso U:r Is are making their appoar. anoi. ' ' ' PiuTiy Kirls and n'tractiyo costutuis are pltnl,iiul, ' Ksikkiii'i ( are yory hoivy over the aey fra! railrna'ttt. Tiik greatest nvuhnn iihtially turn out the ina ct potatoes.' Mat fl'iwnra are already Mourning on dal ity hats and b inneta ol finey straw. .Us; received, a nice b,t o genlleeieii's iau4 inaile. low quailjred sloits, for hale al Hall II 11 1 lion's. Siiiiuni, LU'M and tMittirc'iini sbonld be now opening fio spring with beau'y an I fr iniiiea. Mil. J II Til. him in. delivered a leetu-e l i I itrrsi'Y Halt Tuesday nlgl-l for tho beneilt of tho liaptisl '.hureli. Thkiik will ho nliout forty in'mU'e rr. and (li.icg tea l Hie Dialrict CoiWeimioe", besiiliw in h)r visilors. ' ' ' Two valuable town lots lor salo. Terms easy. For particulars anp v' lo ' W. V(. Ham.. ffi; had n pleasant rill from some vmini! lalbs (lis wick. VVo only wish limy v;oi;,d coii,e ofiHiuir and stay loi ter. To K M K was a Milliliter of peo'dn In town Mon'dav iroin iln ciunliy. Tim dtv is lo kci upon hs c holiday ill this metlm. 1 1' is not what we inlonil but what wedo that nittks tm 11 1 11 1 : il ia not r Tew fan I wisbeK lint a Ufa liu g sliugglo that makes us Taliiinl. Knit a good well flivorcil cigar call tt It. V. SIk.Ikh's st'irn and ssk lm l.a p -tuna and you will have pluaant smoke. Price live cools. Tiik dein mil f or guano Is so great tint the lactones cannot supply il nod it h probable that a iu.iulier of our t'a(iiicr w ill bavt. lo lo without il. 1 Partikh wishing t Insure boil lin or goods against tiro ran have policies writ inn in icli ib'.H iiiipanies, by applying to W. W. Hall, Weldon, N, ;,' W. K. Mi;i.Kl,nf Iliillvue, OJiin, sava : I haTo Iimiii trouldi-d with' Aslliuia, ami receive! no relict until 1 procured your "Only 1. 111. g Pad." I can reee 1 ineml it Jo any oiih having the asthma. Sea Adr, Wu retn, n thanks to Thomas !". Hill, Jr., for an Invitation to n 'jut d lilts ol tli'i KaliittliHiliu am) hiieoi,( Soeio'ies nf the llliigbinn i.eho'il, li ho hold ou (be Jith insi. 1 . would give us grai pleas me to bo lliero, Tui: Pliiearo Hir rr t Sewin? Maeliini s inauiifaet ari-d l.y Trher and Swctlaiet, cob nnehltie thoroughly v 1 1 nii'le, a ot tltieil wilh utmost exactness funiNheii wtf 1 n e.-rtillcate of warrant -e for 11 .e y-ars. r.'iyio.r a reu's vi"!... t .1. It. 'as -ley, inr, church Nt. .Norfolk, a. Seiiivt! ami Si u 11KK C1.0 rittve . - As the h'Is 11 S'tvanees we wouM reuilii I our rea le'rs I11 want of 'elothlnr to pi i,r MhrbT llros., lsi) Main Hlreet, No-folk, Vii. They have the lirest and II nest a-sor! m -nt 1 11 the city, ami will sell theiu '.n per cent, cheaper than any other home in Noifolk. Plenum rtoN M nun sin. We Ir ani that meeting liyoring the a lop lo 1 of tho pro hibiiory Imv, ;ill le !;eij" In ilill'iiri'iit parts of the cnijiity during the tiuin pre ceoding oteclion day. The meeting nt Ha'il x, estorday was llu begiuning ol tlieso iiiuetings, v I'osriMM'li. - Ity 1 i f . renee to adverlisnnent clscwl.cie it will be seen that tl.e sale of Ihe 1'etcjibiirg Kailr.iad, which was adi'ertis'd to t ike place yosterday, is by decree of the Unit (1 St ites circuit court postponed until the Ot It day i f May at J o'clock, p. 111., Ill the ei'y i f IVteilui:". Pni 1 Uii;.-Si ilar al iroubles will s 1 111 110 in soasoit nod our ciC7. -lis siioulii begin t't prepare lor it by cleiuiiig their premi ses, lull 1 1 i 1 ix :lll refuse matter and pulling lime in Him low da np places. As linioly a tohdaiiee to lbe-o irat'ers woliUI save doctors' slid drugglsU' h lis, not to epe; k of sickness, pains and mlfei lug. I'aiiki'.k v W. A W. U. II -This was an ac tion fur damage for the killing of Parker nt KuHeM sometime since. The c.oe as lilid in the Superior curl (or tl(j tcJii'- and for ro ne cause the right, of uppcul wai last. Tho pla.ulilf petitioned the Siiiireme court fora writ t,' ecrliorari, u lid w e see from tho Observer fiat the court oil Monday filed a dcii.-ion g-ai:tln;; tin. writ.' A (loon Uor.k Dkai..-Oii last Friday Noah Il'iiss K(,., of (scoilaiid Neck, bail several nice lioisca Isk-n In til tho cats hoi 0 and ittio ot them was taken sick be foro iio loft to-.ti and was left villi Maj. Km 1 y fur trcatmo'it, but bo died in h lew li ons. II is cli.ea-H hv.s lung fever. Tbi' dl-eie is very la c Htimt'g b uoi in ihs soelion nnd w 0 n-i t will not l-eeoiu an o,u leiiiie. Mr, II'l'Hs' i lbei h 'I ics were 111 a got (I coi.dition. A lltu ictr. AIU10 late t in of tho Superior ci'iiit of North 1 uptoii conntv wo Hie In formed, 11 suit was triti which Involvol 111, largo amount of six e 11 cents. The i'laintill naka.l fur that aiiiom I as d lili.ij.e I'oi li ehpMsis nod liie jury ie fusol il. As tlie c fce had been pending fir several yours, a heavy bill of costs re sullo I, Hmoiinilng 10 three hundred and eighty dollar, b ell lit e plmniitr had to pay. It (HC ipie I lour day's ol tbm larm. S iTt.ixn Nick H.Aii.noAD.-Cn Mon day Meshia. l. K ImolldKtoll, 'A. ft llilo and Wilson Alxbmok, ot Scotland Neck; tho (.ouMiiitti'M appointed lor the purpose, passed tliroiigli liere lor Norfolk, to solicit subscriptions for the Scot I and Neck branch roitd. Tliey are cuntl lout (hat tho leqnircd auioiiiit w ill lin raised and ihe road built. T'liey iulormel us Cil tho coiniiiiites wbieli visited Kieliuioiiit o3cnr0il five tboiisnod dollars wilh no trouble whatever. Success to t beui. 1 SttntiKN Dkatii. 'V'e are informed th it on .Sunday last Rev. J. W01I1J, who lived in Oroenvillo county, V.i., noar the North amptoii line, die I suddenly ut his resl (loiie9. M r. Wood, wh 1 was ubout ftfty live years of age wan apparently 'In g'md health and conversed witb yisll rs at his house lor soinn litt.e in the afternoon, T.14 .tor left an I his wife went lo a ii"ljiilt or's to pnv a visit. In a abort llnio I alter .vard Mr. Wood was lound lyini; on tlio H tor lu tho ball dead. His lace was , alniosl pin pie and It is kupposij bo bad I au aiu k ol aopoplciy. Pe r.exri.R SciiiNo av HsnR. 4 1 1) . gentle spring am nlmost hen, le sun am gitlin' hiirli ; De snow am gently tlidi'n' out, De ice begins lo Ity. In thirty days or dm' abouti Da grass will tuke'lts tcrceii ; An' all of us kin sloth aroun' In April mud an' rain. De room will begin lo ro'i, De blue bird will feel blue ; De crow will crow-bar on liu v,s.y, Do bu.zinl luz anew.'' IJoiv let us all feel proper gtml, An' lose 110 time. Indeed, In cisilu' round among our fileuds ' TV) borr-j onion seed. Tim KsTKnrAtNMKNT. On Monday night the entertainment was given at Col. l'reseiitl's as wo announced. About (l o'clock the rooms" vrer-well llilcd and the programme- for tho evening begin. Tlu ro was mmlc. 'yoosl and I'listriiiiienlal. The former cctisistliig' ol ruins, ducts, and trios a-.d clioru'scs. T'iio latter, duets 011 the piano and pieces' by the string band. Tho reading and recitations wero good. Among (hetti wero " The' cliargo' of the light bilgnde," reVcclions from '"Tho Culprit Kay'1 and "The World for rale.'1. These ' were well rendered nnd those present were' well pleased. Tho next will be at the residence of Miss Kmlly Campbell 011 Monday week 'May Sir.!! Wc re peat ll: it 110 Ilivit iMnns lire' issued but that everybody wlio'Hishcj, can attend. PRoinr.irioM Con vkn rtos. An effort la lii'lng III in to inliirtaui delegatos who V.1I1 attend IJio prohibition eonv,om..ii In K.tli-ign tlie '.'Tin lost. TTi ,i,e win w ill le enleitainnd 11111 d sen I their nam to the chairman prior lo the inoeui.ti of II. e con vention. ' l.olU'C'l rules bayn been gran led 011 aeveral railroaM-., and 11 r. il'oil, lo-iily ex peeled that nil the ion, la will uiak similar arrange. iient. i'eleg ites 111 ml Inquire tiiolr rospoe tive'depots lor r.llilrl tli'knta. I'ivdry pHison w ilo Imi Is a sulll le:U In. leres; :n .bo eai!M' to HliuuJ will be ad iniiiVil' as' a do egute. ' Tbo ooiivi Ijiicn will bond Iresaw) liy eml nbnt citistJiil".' ' "P. K MuNNUit', ilmi. . 1 . Miutai.y NKWs.-Vor tho iii,'oniialioii of oiif limitary company, we piilili'sli the loliowlng front tho (M.terver. Tbo Hea noke Light Infantry s'boubl at once begin to drill an. I perfect ttiBinsch es ju their duties s C 'fore Ootobir every cimpmy In the Stun, wthoui oxeoptioti, will lie sul J olnd to a rigid inspection. Those ur gaoi.cioin bieii tail to come 11:1 to the -tuidaid ol (ijinpuiMol iiml soldierly abili ty will not Iih oeiiniilcil to pi to York town. No it hell .lives every conipiny lo bo o'n its inoitle. 'Hid liuar.l is to re'pre .Mil North Carolina, anil must do il we'd. Tbo ailnnllon of en pany rioir.maii.Ters ia caileil to tbo fact I lit L a bifjli ''nran'iUrd ur csollci ci) will be expecto.t. ut tliu itispee lii'iis aud, ol eourso, at Y'oi klowu. ' Pi;;;soN.i,.-Jv4dl;o Sliipp, adj uirned Northampton court on I rnlay evening and stnld in Widdon umll Monday. Miss Kosabol KngVbard of Ualeigli, ia viailliu Capt. and Mrs. l'av. Col. T. IS.' Kenan pissed through hero Monday, The 11: my friends ot .(r. It. E. Jones will re fit l lo know the, he leaves Weldon In 11 few d iys to accept the po-itl ui of stewai'. ia tho I'aeille House, Nanlasket lleaeh, Ma-s., the C 111 1 pi'sllion held by bin: ill the DaiU ll..u.-e Willi so much s.ilisfac'iiiii to the travelling public geui ul y. Mr. Jones w ill be pleated 10 s 'e his many friends of Nor'li taol a at the Neita-kel Hoi. st'; ii'icr Jutie 1st. ut nlilch time the lioiise oici's. " Coiionkus Imi ih T.-T'ba case of In no lici.le w-i U li 6 iciioiiij week was Invciig end by 11 coroner and jury, I)-. I. K. 'irci iiade an exam n ation Hiid show I ib u tlie lungs of tbo Infant bad pever tie. 11 lollaim! which, wan -11 0 .ideuco that lb 1 child bid 'never "been live. In u, 0 .rilsiicn v illi tlun (liilence, 1 10 Jury retuuiej leidi'-t. T'.ic coronvr, woare told, clu.-geil 11. p jury, lb, I if ibiy lound that Ui iuianl was killed to le urn a verdict of guilty, but if tboy he h'Vtd ( ie d iat'1 was, to In in:: in a vor diet of not g'lilte. Tho liny ici'icl and in a sbori tiiro, rel".rii"d 'a ver.liet, to il till mother Ol 1 In ileid eli.ld was not guilty, TI.U is 4 senslliie verdict Indued, I liey seeioed to think I lin woman was 011 trial for Inr lileatnl no doubt she is oblige I 1 1 thoiii for M'liui.tln In r. - (Ht ltev. J . M . Hho les on Sun day nigol pre.icnc.1 a sermon 1 specially lo tbo youi g men. Ilosliowol Ibil 1 barac icr was all I nporiant to youiig ni' ii and thai Iroin early clmdliooil its loriiiaii.'ii lioaiiii and continued tb.'oiili life, inl'u O'lelng peoplo for ;;uo(! or ivil as Ibey were trail ed. Il w'as a good sirmoii ami luipiosi I all who beard it. As lieietofoi p h'.ated, ihe iter. Dr. Pi itch crd will occiiiiy tliu pulpit nf the llapti I c'ltiruli in this pi in uuixi Sun.:ay. lli-hop l.j ma, uf tho KpHcop il cjiurch will pie 11 li in th.s .-eclioli at Wis fotlawiii times and places : June .0, Mouday-Ilalirax. June '.'I, Tuesday -Scotland Neck. June tit Wednesday Hamilton. June Si, Thursday Wiillaiu lon. June '.'I, Friday iloly Innocents, llerllo Co. Juuej i, Saturday Windsor, tler le Co. Juite'J'i, Sundcy -Woodi'iile. (irdinutioii. Jilne'.T, Monday lloxo'ocl, HerlieCo. Ibey Coiuiii'iinoii ut all 111 lining tcrvices. C iilicti iiis for diocesan missions. T'lIK I Alls Full l ,11, Tbo ureal 11s tronemtea! eveiii ol tliu preninl luomh is tlie twenty year C"i'ju;;.'i.bii ol Jupiier a id h, on tbo 111 h i. ing 01 bn 'Jjtnl. Tlie pianeU jl l-H toii .-lest. I 'l llitl soil lo bi v tible, bii tlie cm jucitoii in Ml b' itnpoitaiil on tit it aeci'iiitit, iit'itsoiueb s only once or twice in a lifetime do li e iwo worlds ol tliu solar system appear to' meet in Hie sky. Arminil tins copjuuett in the astrologers have cliistotol lbeir ' worst propbualB:;. Tboy Lave drawn a Jioroseoio for Ilia ivo'rid which u.igU well make a iieryoua man turn pale. The astrono mere, however, taki a purely iiiatlnmiail cal pleasure 111 tbo coiiJ,niclioti, unmixed with any fears nf famine, plagues, and bloodshed. W hoever fcazes al the betvens this ruonlh will n'.o that a great vhango Is going mi. Tin atari taut made the winter evenings bi'liuinf are givli.g plnco to these that adoi li't'.ri aummor niglits. Aa Sirlus disit peara iri the woat, Vejja risos in the northeaV, glittering in the Harp, fabled to be tliu very instrument with whleli Or phous 1,1 a de 1111 ka and trees f 1 ilaiicH. Just as tbo lasl brigl t star In iho giaul Orion sinks from sight behind the Orcfigo hills, over In the opooslle (u'ar'ier of Ihe sky a vory rod, 'dashing, sltr may be seen rising. It is the Fl.-.r'. of tba Ho r pion. The fable says Ibis ik Shi Soorplon that, with one doadly Btre,ko, killed the al moat Invincible Orion' ti a v tinge a w man a wrongs. i when 11 rises Orl m disappears and thus year after vear the chase is kept. v,p ao.iOa the sky. .., EsriKi.n Itkus. Tbe church of the Advent, Cplsccpal, was taxed to Its full capacity on Easter Si;rtdav to seat Its largo congregation assembled there. Tlri church has recently been presented will, a handsome organ, costn g over live hundred dollars. Mr. Shcptirdsoii of Richmond, and Mrs. B mil, of Scotland Neck, presided at the organ. Tl.o choir from Scot loud Neck church, Episcopal, was p:es"iit and sung the church mude In full such iiiu-le ns F.,itldd never had before, and the wish Is mo.-t gc.erally expressed they will come again. The cLiireh was 'appropriately drested for Easter wilh tttwers and calla liilics. Dr. Smith delivered a most impressive sermon. Mrs. M. E. Hill, daughter c' Hle lute Mrs. GoV. Branch, flicd suddenly last week. She was interred In tlie no cemeteiy. The young ladles of Whitakcr Town gave rn eiiteitainuieitt last week, coiislsiltijvof (.lisnulee snd Tableaux, for the beneilt of Whlti.korf Chapel, ll was quitu a Ptiec-ss, An luvitatioii has been exleud :d to repe it them lu KutleM. " Mr. Sa n Mcli wlgan Is to be adde I to our list cf merchants, be hut) a lino stock of family gro ceries, and Is doing a large, thriving business, Mrs. Wooten sends out her cards liiiormlng the puulle of a new millinery (tore til our town. ' Fanners aro coinnlalulng of lite barkuiiiil Uess of tho se toon, Some corn has beer, planted, but 110 cotton. The ai li crop in tciiurally re ported killed, but in our li"itteli.itely neigh borhood there Is prouiLe ut 11 ubuud. u c. ' X. A is Till'. D viti; One night last week while the f linliy of Mr: ltd. Pope, who lives ill tlu lower portion of this county, were out nt tilpper, some one cub-red the house and sccte tc,l himself In all unoccupied ro, til up kltiit? I ate In ihe neil .'io. I'., iVi'.s invitltctud l.y r.'.l unusual noise up stairsj nnd liforii,iu;j theT.ijs1 ban'.! iif her belief th it some one was in th house, they got up, took a lamp ami male a search. T here are two room up stairs, lu one of w hich one of the children was sleeping ill Ihe time, and llniliug nothing amiss heic, lin y e. nil into the next apartment, used as a sort of ti'.tiudcr room, and still 110 sign of 1.11 intruder was t i be Si en. Tliu husband and wife were about to return, their fears dbp tied by tie fruitlcssiiess of their icareli, when Mrs. i'ope thought to look behind tome boxes uud bariols piled 111 one corner of the room, (women are always cartful to look every where i.ndcr, bureaus and liliej when to er liortor saw a man. Willi a scream and 11 bound alto started down slilrs, leaviiu Mr. IN pe in Iho dark (.-lie was carrying I lit lamp) to comb it with the I t trader if need be. Mr. Pope placed himself on the stair steps lo prevent ihe man ci.uilini down, nnd llniliug escape by thai way cut oil a id dole. Hon s a big him In the fee, Ihe w. u'.d be thief Idled 1 window 1111J jumped to Hie round, about thirty feel below, an! made good escape. II 1 w as h uvf mled an I the ; tints of lilt heels were plainly visible ill Ihe ground 'next tinjru!i i. Remarkable to stale, ucll a full 'on ljiafcct did nut kill hint, us be was 4 uero. Had bo slriie't on bis fioad there wotilj have been nlhlng strarge ul- iut it. It is not n('csarv to k' p on tab it g this me I'l'inecoiitiiiu ilk , usittg a n i me. "1 d isli gdiv ami nlalil lor mouths at n I11110: Ihe bowels inn test te.l to ngu ar liy, tlio dige-.t o n ' tieiig, li lied, tbo blood pnrili'ol, Hid bail breath 111 ide sweet ttv 11 It "I a - a 1 to ill ic o-e if iiiimoiiH I.iier H'giiitnr, it leivs iiim system in a boa I (In 11 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 m r 1 1 s use, which -.'o the p n noil IV. en c o. 1 in il il d -ing. "I W -. i-'.l, Mif iV S OI II 1 IS I. Ver It gtl lator, lavn'g' aopliol I r tho ttiedi'Tne Wh In III I ill'iat W'r"le ia I 0 i i h. I ill s mo two'iri tti'lis ag 1, ati i 11 ttv 111 so ell it ' v 11 man t'ld I a n Ht'ilije t lor cong'r.itola tlon by mv 'amity. 1-s Aii Mi i.i.KN, ll.'l 1 and I.muaslei Ave., I'aola. N:W ADVr.ltn.-KMKNTS. an . ,v ,v it ''"I, ''. ( - 'SXIL- -i'.i.;"5 1 . , 1'ie'K 1 oiyit I'K'L'lll Kx th in Tonic, Alierattlye ami Diurn. tie Mo In al a; ciaiiott, Lyio bburg, Va, l's. d w ith great bonelit 111 Malaria nil I I)ittberoi Sticeo-Hfiiliv usn I In dyspeps'a, clironio ('.i.ti,;.i. 1 anil scro.ul 1. 1'rol. ." Jackson, M. li., I'm.. P ..on. lovalii ible 111 a liurvous tonic. Holt. 1. C. f ivv icr, T'-tin. Itee.oti tiiende I as a pro- Itvl.t'Oie in ma lai i il iltstii"ls.-I). It I'.inex, M D. N.O ti-slips ilebi itato I vsi;iuis .t health. T. C. Mcrcor, M, I) , lo I. Adapted 111 ciii' ittio 1I1 tnii'ior., s.-r do U , nnd i' -poji-l 1 ti 1 1, T. 1 1 1:1 nso, M . D., N. Y, Su -sful itt iliptho'ii .ind ncii'tilgi.l. .1 P. ii-e. M. D , X . V. l'xoello d for cert (i 1' ili-o ises pe,: i!rir lo women, l'r if. ! . J . M oor.naii, M . I)., Va . : I'riHiipt in ro'iHi'iitg hnij ii-l.c, si U iltol IterV'Hts tlov. p. I'.i-d w lib glee' .1. Me I la ph. M.I, -..lied I . IT . ell ,;esive org ins; .1 . D 'it . b it- in i ilypi p i i, -S Ol ill o, M. I- . I'a. t no I .li-ei I'-. K .null-.. Ala. M at valu lido t etti'i I v k i o f n dlciMi. .Inn. P Alel.ciur, 1. 1)., feiiirtlc 1, i 1 Ot g-o cu r (t l e r u, Th 's.l'". Rum. ' (ltd. l. I) . xl. I Iboieti o i in ittnritie ilei-aiiei'iiiei . ai 'I iii .Lu noia c'liiiniii'ii'. u M.'V .il, M . I'.. IHo., Cti..; iniog on tiie c .mplexi .ii, inskl g it in milt, clear, snfi an t r "vj Miss M. of M.I!. I he prim f mineral tmlos. Kritiols (J'llialll, M . I) , X. c. I iioiiin i'iIo as a I n lo an 1; vo. II imtor McUiili-i', M I) V.i. h loe apot r. r and blood pcritier. II Kisder, M . II , (Is. Very beni li. i il in liitproving a rciu-e ! system. Ill-liop ISockw Itll, i'l ti l. Invalids here tlnd welcomo and heillli Hev. John ll'intion, Into of La , now o lticliinond, Va. Pamphlets l;ee, u;i n appllcitior:. Water, l a esse. .'.Mush rnd PJ!I, li5, t'O, 75 cents. .-ilt (.nyubcre." tS din in or sn ioii of Sprlims brgiiis 1st Int o. i:i."i a in 'i th . Address. A. M. D.W IKs.Pros't of Iho (M 78 Mam SI, Lvnebburf, Va.P.O. llox 1.":. , ' MILD HY It. T. l)lOV, UK1. UU, H. !. apr, 21 ly. - Jia- u l I1 T I (J K Tbe regiattstion booki for ths town of Weldon are'iipeiiel st lbs storn nf It. O. Hisslil. Partios wl-bioii to register fir Ih 1 1 own ; tti tii cstt'd i o by lalllcgat Hie vo mentioned pincn. .1. 11. McoKU, Register. Apr I 13ib, l?.'t ' apr. 11 ;t. (,'ij'J,'A''"s 4 t iiiwHin it taw 111 'jut. jirra.rwLiiea.tJ ''.ir3aiaatfc Wt: beg to call the readers Bttentlai lo III) advert im incut of l'r. Ilarter's Imc T nlc, wnielt will bw foiud i l snotber ((f , 0n (.fthsHVS Wl ki V conbiiii ti .il wiili the pbospt sien, end Is liuloraed by the medical r fission, and recoui m luted by tl em I r ityspepsla, (icneral liebilily F'cinalii Complauit", Wnnl of Vitality, i'!e I' ia nimiti'.ietored by the Dr. Ha'itir Mid line C nipany. No. 2111 North Main Mtrtet, St, I, ui, Mo. It ) certainly the must viilti tb'e remedy in iho market, ami 110 family sir ni l f-ll o keep II In the home. Toledo, Kiltie,) Northern Damoorat. lor. ID l-m. HEW ADVKin'ISK.MK.NTS J,Kl KllSUUll'f KlILKOAU I'orrclonure Sale.' irctiit court of the Lulled Matct for ll." fourth .1-nlicinlCirc.ill ami ihe Kaleru Inlr.ei ot Vir.-litln Atkins, l!ro . Co., aud als. Vs. The Petersbur,.; Itallroad couii'.my. fly virtue of sn,1 pursuant lo a 1 it.t.-ni.-ti f ami decree of fio-eeli isitre ate 1 -ale rendered nod en tered on the s'h day if M pteiiil.ei' ivii, ami S'lieuded I'V il.'irree enlei'eil nil ill-' t) h day id lie. oul'iir, l-"i. l.y said coil I, in He- itimv . en .',1,'d aetl. o l.c 1MH cl el Msstc, tii ;,-,t tin re In ti. sell all and s-neiil.-ir th tool t i,, . r"iu ise .. fi-nuetil-..' an t pr p -rly. real per .of nl, im I IlllVeii. no -tit , ne,! In lli said J ,i,K lll-'ltt and d'-crc. pin-, hmiIi,, n, me ,-, weetloti tle-reuf heinif (l.c same o.oiIk'.i ted, "I till elei' d SO to In til lliouia. I'.l'illieli, ntld I'dlll II luvis. tl-ll-tees liV deed l.elil'llia dale ol the l..t day ot May, 1,7'. do ll -r 'l.v irive ll"! iri ttl'lj I'll W I-'. 1 1 Mil 1 1 V viif '.'I'iN rnvor Aeiu: ,,Jst, lit V. M nl III" f I "HI . I. " ! of Ihe eil-t"ln lioltsu o' t le loiil-il Mates in III" c ty of P. ter! m r , fit, 1 f HI 'I I''" ''"'1 I" -ell ut lOltili.' mil til HI. t. th" biirli"l I i, .d r. the f dlowin,- ,1 s-rdi.-d .e s.ilctl .l.'(i''l'li'-v: . j.t.1. i;,:; , am ) tm 01 iiie e: t::i:-ii. n:i ii.ui no u i ..HI'lW, ' Ine itl,ni;till 'he bands and Ileal I'.st 'i,,' oi sai l company in the coy of I'etei'sloirir, Slats ol b ;iol i, mid at Weldon a, id (lasion. X. c . and Abut.! th" line ,d I Im is uii I . hud ll loin: t he line i d t lie r isd b"t ween s ltd t'litc s nt Ihe e onil i -s ef ll.iiwlil.lie. I'ritiee ( Su s 'X and i.r 'ciivdle, in t ti Stale ol V'ir.f tni.-i. nnd Nun b.'ituplcii and Ilalitiu. in I'.e State of .Noi l li Cninlitia; losei Icr wilii till Im prov on. 'ii. s mi said lands-, all rielus, iivivdeir'-s. an I i.dv uila.'e- th r to ajipert liinii:-; it ut i t-. I'.nilr. a I and Truck: tl ntir" Hill in f -tuck. Miehiiiery. Fixtures, Tunis, 1 ,jti i nl . and lin lie, on) -upi'll"--: all ntlier io-nperiy, 1 1 ; li t -. ITiviteires. a. I I teaoeiiises tii.;i..'tnhi:u'r to vt d ll-i'lintid iii Hie stu'm nf Viririnla ami Xnrtb Carolina nod ets-'Where, to fully sel forth in the s a il .iiid.'iii''iii and d era copi-i . f which w ill li . fariii-li to t" r-on spp'! ic ' t her- for. Sal I sale v. Ill 'ie made i,n,.u'H lenus tllf.l In tin ,.e t o.'s i!.., d wine l.idi;ers w,lt I 'k- not cs.tittd -ii ', .l et to crtnlti suli-l-tiito' oio- liens ti) mi ih" j tuts s eirt eul irl i desertli. d In til, saal In.liroielit ntld .l"i".c -l dnieni. I t of wh eh eau i' seen e; the elerlv's olllee nf tie nnl court i -"l'to lie' sal", ntld 'I III" pise- of mil" enthe dnyoi ;.at.'. c. p. UA Msii;. ' Mast-r. III. luuol'.'l. V:: , Janit.'li'i 1-lb. Iti'l. )a ill Ids IM'TISi'.l..vj KT. Ity virtue ol a d-er f I, s. ch-cult Court sillier In Hleiiinnnil. Va.. litis April p'tli. li, ti,.--at.' ..( the .-aid Pet,,ir,f It illrninl nd.-er tie t hi,, ,v Is postpone I to the pith .hi,, of May next st x o'clock . in., uf suld -day, ai'd al ihe Ii ace advertised lllmve. C P. KAMSIibl.l.. Master. JQ' KW OOODS! NHW liOC'DSM R. II. D A X I F. L k CD, HALIFAX N C. Va Invito ll") 'alloiitlou of the rlt'Z't'l ol Cli its iiml lb a 't lining coii'ittQs to our laigoaiid we l .i tii.'tel stnek. XVo have no hind eveiyibiiig usually kept lu il FiB3T CLA81 ESTABLISH iEM. -We am mi'Jiif a specialty of rv -ry thin - nitYin) im, x in ns. imrs sidiks. i.a HIKs AMI MIX 1-s Kl ltXIS'MXi) tl in IX, till'iCIIHIKS. II A It I V A UK. CHOCK UK Y. lit I'.U l f It 11 I'ill 111.- H'iiii!m ol A. V () ' o II It C I r 1 7, K X s. XVo arc .'.l.cM-ri";'.ui eri Aeiils'and have alwayh'on bit id r.r . W X KIV'S CXHTS. MKTXI.IC m il! AI.CAM.S A.MICASKI'.Irt ot ail descriptions, wpich wu ctci low as can bo bought in any p'noo t a NOSTHEN If A R K ET. II iving bought our tills wilh t lin cssli a' Itock li 'ti'ii,, t-'iituros -wu guai iidtoe in ui;'(t -nt slaeliou t t all win pn t- lasb Iri li' us a i t i P3I0E3 AVD lUALITY. In tlio of i ii r st no It oi-e, M,'-.sr4 I. I'l. 1 1 ii 1 1. 1 iV Co. btvK a It. N'miraiii. w lure c in I e lotlti'1 as eli Heo a .soleclion ot I. i lors, i inns, .lit., as in any bouse oi:o ol It.iaiiiioro, 1'itCa li'i(diia ttoi-r IJi'e-li e.-crv (I (y. 'i'hc, pobli" w ill li i I one o'cra- cvir c i'li Mouis snd il all I no l .'..a y a d i il ll' I" show tfooilH. ' ' 1 ' XVo ask oni- J'rioiiiis I", eei-nooiir. . nt d tli" cm il i a i fiy put 1'1,'islii); o us, as we catl save Ihctti ii';:ti(-v.' 'I Inn'-, log in, i puolio lor the very gener o i . palrtiii igo Int. e: - d ir. hes'oivo I upon us wv I,' , i. I j i ll r I ones; ilea leg, Ju nun it a o .,t the itins. It, ll. D.X.S I . I, ,x CO. apr 7 I y ENLARGE AND DEVELOP THE FORM. If -shrunk win. lly or (n purl frvui iintnri1 or illi tvis.t ivlr.' frrf. I'l-scrtlH' cn-ti' Kii-I si'inl tuni 1" I I' - I .. In,, A I buit.t, ( fx. N liiirnlmj, li(U- t'.ti rt'iiTt'in't. CurnsinjuvU'iiwi vimi iUt tu Inl . inr. :i t 13 K O XV . A f ,i l K A XV A Y, A 1. K ft ;i IN I'M I..--. .X.I.Iil l.Mls. CIIUMIi Als, nis, ( nl, V..i ii.s.1; -, !Xyc.tulT-, Kinr otlul N.iapi, I'aney H it.-- (.ml Toclli II. u -lies, l erfuuiery and Kancy r-i!"l -Vitiebs, Truscs and So iiiider lliaeiis, Loiter Pap r, puns, Ink, I.u V -u pes, Oiass, Put ty, Carbon 0.1, 1 ainpt.'.'liiiu lisyt, I'hys. pounded. i.ii.-. l'r, s .riptlons accurately com- , lll'.V L! hrttei Gtnh We tnrcbssa ilicsn seeds direct, from II a F.xli'ii-n Seed Kartns ol the Nio-irs, ilreth.and Ibey sboalil lod b.) cl isneul wilb tba seeds leu i-n C.ontnitnion tiiroughoi.t tbe country lie l.siiiiritlis' Seds, aud i g rnd Vegetable Uar.lcrt ia assuied. net 7 ly " 1 O U SALE. A Nf VI Kbit OXK (LofK CAHH1AGB, LI.ATII Hit CVltT.UXt, IiniOLPTERl p IX MUE WITH VV1IITU HL'CK. rtlUMILY pxixTF.n. cheap eon cvmi. ai ri y A i misornrj;. advkhtiskments. g ( V T II f. .V It O T ?. L, Ti. II. DItKf.SS, ProplMtf, HALIFAX. N. C. It. 'fill. . I. rerfllt ted and thoroiirThly srranirtj for en;nf,,rt l'ii. lea supplied from Norfolk snd Wiliinnel .ti markets' (Mod servants ami K I 'ate I iSiiforlalde rooms for all. 1 have also a I.lverv, wlier liorset are promptly sttemied (.,, vebiclm hired out oil reason 'hlc terms to purties v. inbiiiir.flieni. jaii i: ly . , V. J. XAIf, . X i , BAKER & CONFECTIptyavl!. WELDON. N. C. A very Lirjre sutdily nf C A K K . rn ACK II BS, 0 A N n I K I , KK K.N l' II AND P I. A I X. R A I S I X S, , V It I.' I TM, f! U TJ, Ac. s , The l-.r;;est larfc of ,v nf every variety ever- l.r-'UKl.t I ) this i.mrk't. .. .. . ... o-ler- f Te''; i'.-,ki-t, I c.'. filled at thortest r.oticr at Nor'li. rn prae.. s , o e , r VX' dddi-.' a n 1 other pari ics supplied clmtf) as Hi,, cheapest. laoltly. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMERS' "BONARa. ' Mmtko, H nv wgaM lA Trrftti MAi, rllflVfln frtjut iiu) tiilntf t'v-fr Kcuvt it tcrf , ilnJinaJiu rw uf k(l, Ijituil tuitK ti y mail 'JUi-t. iopT. Hoy lU'ttii of J;p in. half b.ii Imlf u. by obm- Ism 10 be ihii rlrbuHt tiuniai) filial kuuwa. Fill ftHMer, lt. St-iMl. i rt. a Pipt-r. (iitmi (J 1 1 ct'ii .ih'riiii'lon, un Itnportoil. iHrg.nt Talr er ktowii iii V. S.( Itrm, liHci.mi, rnp n-l miirnry ; intsi lo ktt'ii or nliip. 'JTt rtt. pptr ir 7l nli. ti i (Ti fttr I. Wry M:,rre. l.on-ut- Wt)4 Mtiikiiiflnti, I uifi-ii knnwti, i lol fHi ltn-llni .(, t'itrly uti t prtillfle, l.'i CU n nrfr. I'lllT..? 'iutiiMtn, rh lifti H ivor, parly, pn.lillc. wirl'tm Cjimlt'uin ev.'ry , I t-. ft psprr. Wliitn KcVP ti;tn i'ru umtii tin Nil.M, "ifl'ls lntiiitnMtiV in tin1 tiUii hyrt' nihcrrnrn f.OK l uctjunlil for In. li' ur HhH'lc, ' cli. a t"Pr. ' rid. pouml, 1 VuHiiilf .mil' ic I (t-i -Isiivtiw IWixi i. IU U)(i.P, tiiifti, Li ctKa pAiwr. ruT'-.i t 'M-n, (iriii I iU. tfliff, h III. Ui(4l S'-.'tt Will lirlllB fRIHllO iK ItTiCsM, lk( (1, it p.ip r, All Ih" Aitov wiit fur $l , n of in ti fur 93, Attlr'. I. -IJII.lttr KTA IO. A(lnn(n.UM, U-'f'T-'iic: Hon. W. 1.. i'ultiuuii, Mnyur c( All.uiix tlf mr. Sly. 4 ff T V. H. J3R0WN. T II K LEADER o r low prices; i lmvo j,t.t reeaivcil iny Fa'll And Winter Stock, W hidi is fuller llian ever I -fore. Special atten tion to ... , BOOTS AND SH0S. I keeps full line of .KI'II.KH S I.toe tat liuttoii stoics for I ailles. I have also a lar-r atoek oi , ,- o . i H.xiti.Kiti riiiv,.ii.t',:f sii ik pi;ksi:ij(i I i ill I.A I): r S A Nix 1(1 i.l ill li.s,, -i; t.i My Stock of ' DRY .00!)S NOTIONS, J UXV L I It Y. Is eoiii.lie. Also a couniletc Una of trf Ho.i.K XVorsleil. Cssinier ', SiU Tf llllinlnirs, Kritore, lintti.tis. Corset-., Hose stel Half lias for l.silles nu, I dents, all f CI1KAT FOII OAS II. Call anil etaiiiine my stoe'i before parcbasinif ( 1' ev be,' . , Coiikt hir-l M ., an XX ashlu.rloii Avenue. i nov ll ljr. DSMtAaSIMMOHS?" curies Indigestion, DlUOUSNESt, BlCKHEAOAOHe COSTIVCNCI. . DYSPEPCl, j CURE 9 L ost Apprrrrf. Sour STotssod, Foul BRtsrn, CNluMlOM'T m Couo. SPUIIU&a It Isnnreiirsihsolilctt. nnjrtnlv rifiln ft mens Miin,liniiiowlotHSil4. frvlMiniloulrtl . K.SIM suss A Co. vsa-ll chok Av. St. lawl. mtrefssors to M. A. Slluuiuns, HI. ll. luVVe sn.t H tniuita sua packages buiit by all IiniKgttu ."V i clliliel Hilll IV. LAflDRETHS- SEEDS;: BEST 1 Ii uni y in t'Hir .".in. vim 1 .ill afl't tliftll t'V tlll. (l.iUI 11 l)A7uisAliiriTH'i1l' HON'H,rBiL4PA..Fi. Kov 4 I V ' ' .' i r i ' ' .i. 1 aui happy 1 1 Infor-u toy ;nr,ii, (rle;i.ia lad the pul lie eei-.erall. . ili.l I sin l illin th irn eery aiut lieu ,r aiili''.'i VX'r'ibni. N. C, anil will be plftt.j in i iw.-ii iiJiiH)t l .ain a)so m cr"il in the ;ioie bus a,, iu Frai.kau, Va.. as silent fori. P.. luilkiuit. T , inr 17 tin J. N.JII1KIN. c II S. ALLEY V XN'-K.xcr'-K.'ll PK TA'b ilsn! and Retail COM I-CTIONEH, AMI I1KAI.EK IM ritb'iTs, ciu.xns, '.ciiAcco, jtc, c , V N Svcatnore Strtwrt, fElKKSHURii, V,A. mr. 3 tf. , ELEGANT JEWELRY CHFIP To liilnntite,. nnr new slvles tn1 nit)'iiieirsite e make llie leluminii lineal tllelnl ulTfrs fsirij sit. ti lone: "llu. Il.'iliii I'n'keiri.nltlnsstoli I'lulnl w.r h eiitoi, nu.ic hhssl n, U.lyV tht Kanl sel.kv etr, , sen ben curl billions. coral nsrk' ln. c.sel .iPi-.u, .i. M ,j ,,le bond rlnf . rolltr l.iitl.iii, key rint. ji. 'I, initltnen .tike lutii-lwereliler, jw-n, ;.eue.l, ri.lnle wnvtlOtM ami VLilotnearils. All 1 1" -" II. I. (I tl j'eu r.x Ske, In HS'Ol.s; I .;i,'k, , .,r uU. cu tl t.-t'-a at r..,; j: i. , Tlie lleyati ,.kei eetitalns en ti,rsr4 amtthyat nn. el.itsnl cuml liri iu li set in ,c. fanrv asek Iv-e. cnfiil tleevs b llloiiK. encravml nnt4 nlalil traevlMt. liw scurf illl...lil l lal. C. '. vt , felrt f.! ate niecveliiill.inv lien ye. .til Ultr si lids loitlr n.tsi arf I'lii.r.i.ine- I'tritlsn illsmotlj llud. Maltnw ernt wilh IV .I'sigeiirt ccDlor. Iwaulinil lei ileevn li uiiHis, .iiiti collar button plaifst link waleli eliiln, .l,,,i, ,, p,t r,,ti nobby cainsii ruts. M.ilie Kr-rlnt) with , diamond aettlucs. 10 nls' lull i-oiiih. acifll.yil.tti, lailrM full inaiptl set wilh ,i,lr .e(i:i,,,)M raiiieii err inn. cut;. I ilat lr t huttsnt. Ilia ttleile ut Hilt mC.ullKj.,,l eel !, lion tent .,, , ,, ,,. , nu ai, I nil If. s. v i uJ ... . 1 I ' fn lu- Aadrtst. 1 lilt Ati. N r Cioir tays: " This eorflptny I perfectly r Malile mi l Hi., uiuoiiul tll.'i jrlva M jour uwicj ia Miouuainjf." . ...J?" tnr. 3 ly. N JF.W HVY. INH-OtJODS, V. W. FAl'CtTT'3 STOKE, ' . . . ,' HALIFAX, N. 0. St'ait, I AJLD Et JItlEK VOPDS. K Eiq J.OT Cl' I. AWN si, BKE5S QOODB, kc. KfSeKs ' -. X I W A I h'tvc jus' returned Trom the Jfortb tDtt emi olfer liNluflomflrits to purohaseri. Hicfbost Oasti pricos paid fr nil kind of emmtrv proditi-o. - C. W. TAUCETT, , ' ' Ualimi. N.C. rpOtf "' 4 '

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