TH2 ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W EULY N : r. .-PAPER, PUniJ'jIJEDBY HALL & SLEDCE. fli)' V 'r. In advance, ti Ix Months. I'lir-e M-nths. a en 1 IK)' 73 eta- PROFESSIONAL CABDS. p-l. 1 . II, Zll.UCnl-TKR. nil. n.H- IOU.KOH'RR. jyi. A. U. iWlUoomsH BRO., . W 14 I. n O N, N. C. Iin. A. R ami I) B ZiilllnoltT. bavlnr united s i-artunrs In Hi" p'-artlee "f m-'-IM'ie umbo "he s-vb- and Urn. of Hp. A. 11. Z .llic.'r.'r Mr... filer their professional "n'l' to tnr Jiiii-th! , 'iv-rillv and solicit a sIirf.- of th"tr itr.iiHiS. Yh-'v I'lisi-a-i' i c ireful Hint prom-it attention In WlmiN. O ie of lh tlrm will nl .vavs t... found V their nflee In Z.illlc iff "r's lirinr Store li-re y.atb-iits will Ii -tr-it -it at all hours ami when ii-cssarv, b till will vlsil in. I kiv their alien ti hi In nV leuts without extra charge, mr 17 tf. A L T K 11 E. I A N I K I Attorney anil onuHcllor At I. aw, u i: l i o , x. r. Practice In Halifax nii.t adjoiiiinir counties. Si:-fial a't"tltin:i niV '11 to cnlh'C! tons In ll parts nf the ,-ilttle ami ,.roiiiit returns nuid". fcti. IT 1 y "ri,"o v.o. w. n v ri t m a n , 8 n r ? o a n I n t I n t . OHo over W. H. IJi-owu's Dry Hoods store, WF.I.llON", X. C. VT'H rUH tivtl-s at their lionies when r-.l ' T"r:ns Reasonable, net -j i ly J M. O It I Z 7. A R 1, ATTOK'i;Y IT I.AiV, HALIFAX. N. 0. nUm In th do irt H-nii". S'riet attention RIVi-ll t' all braUC'lCS Of III I JM'tlft'S.iiull. (an U ly jTr, B B A N 6 H. A XT Oil KY IT f.WV. E.N'FIEI.H, N C. TritlvM In t'i ei'i-i'b's of Halifax. V l-li K 1 'i-; i u!. i.l Wils-.i. dteet i-m- .i.l it pirn of fio Nta-"-. I'i'i ' tf W, II VLL, 4TT0lKY AT l lff, wei.ddv, v. rt. Hn'eKi at-nfion rlv'n to collect ion ami leiuittvie-s iroriiptly mil' lit'. UMKS M, Mn.l.ES. jon.s x. v:u)i:f. M (J L r. H N t M o a K K, ATTOU'KY AT MW. IIM.IP VX N. 0. PraetlM In t'n- eonntlesof Halifax, N'orthanip ton, HI ;'eo nlie, lJitr an I Manin !n Hi" "n-pr-'-ii-i court of tho 1'iiic ami in the IV I"". I Ci'lrls of t!i Bn'crii tlistriet. ll. 'lice! ions inaile u (jy imrt ot the Slate. jail 1 ly rpUOMAS S. UlLb, Aliornry Law, HYLIF.W, N. C. Prietlcis In llilifix an 1 ailioiniin; coLktiea Jin I Mini it'll Sn !.- 'in curt-. Will l.) at Scjilaml N'i'', oik"! everv fm'l plirlit.. mi,' is if T. V. M ASU1I i AT TOJSSKY AT I,AW, SAIvy.SHUIl 1, N. c. P'a-tics In tV cmrti of N'ort'iamplsn ned inlliinlu f eoantlKs, als.j in the ) leial ami sn i' u.' e i irrs. J ine s t(. T. U. DAY. A, e. ZOl.l.ll'Ut'' l-lt' ATTOJIXEY.t AT LAW, WSLDO.V, N. C. Prartlee In t-c cmrti of Halifax ami altolitirJ eo iiitiei. ami in Hi" snpreni" ami K-l nil c in ' Claim i eoll-cte I in -my part of North rami in i . Onuof tlio Urm will aUaja Iw toiin I in the .efflor. I'liCii 1 y. QttTEn.. UU.N T li K , Hl'UQKftN l E JJ T I T . Cn be found at his ofliee In rnfltiM. Pnr MitronsOx'do lan lor tlin Pain If Kxtraotiilii of TuelU always on iiainl. fil ft 22 It. 11 H. SMITH, J R. AT rtMlVF.Y AT I. AW, Scotland Nucif. Hai.ipax (oustv N. C Prar.tlrn In the rniinty of Halifax ami adjoin lili aountiea, t.iii in tlio Munremo loiirt of tin' JLIP-CJ-J .... 1 MISOKLL.VNKOUS. ni ck 'ftjTr it A V h' " K iUi . 1 am now runnicit dally &'"i Ro'itlmid Noek to Halirux. I hv a until fortahle twit bnr haek, wlii. li I.irvks Sootlniid Nnok, vry mnrnin I'm Hulilux iid raturiiH Hme tiny. Will lk neii r and ex)rHj pai'''" at rea-mi il'lo ratos, I sin ni'" pri'ptiP'1 to . iiti'r.ain jtravfllorn, promi-lnn to spare no puiim t" Hnlie tli em ooiiiluruliln. Kospiiotfnlly. W. II. SlilKI-PS. Not 3Ctf. The f .llov.ins valnatilo real entate .Jyinn tnear Tillerv's Mill, in lUlii'.u eomity about nine riillea from the town nt Hnlllax. About Sin acres Including uteam entfini', rfiaw mill and lixlures, gin, iu bouso and dlxtiinis, adj iliuuj the rosiduuco of J. l. 'Tillery, Mike Wilkins, that oontaina about W .acres, I'ope pbi.te cnnUlidtiii about aerc. Interest in Wade H 'ITIIory tract, tlm iwhole containing about 3T7 acres. Apply tu T. N. HILL, AUnrncy. Halifax N. 0. July 31 Lf GREAT BARCAINS. Varenowrecelvinrour new ami I rani i.ul recently imu'lias'-it of the nniiuifa.-liin-rs, iutl cor.iially lnvlt you t" cVI I t"1 ", '' ''"''" The largest and 1- .t aeb-etiil htoLk fi tVOl.TI WATCH BKrrKiK.IKWRl.ltY. li.wn it it An; i. mn. ...... OHKKA AND (Ir Attn THMNS, . OHAMtiNII AND SKVI. HIN'iH. . . M.KKVK rfI'TI'iiN AMI S'l I I", aVJbll) WILVKIISI'DONS. KOHKis''- Tlie K'4 10 tux lor nml $3 tlorU I". v f. ie s o i. . t;se Yoniiii'a P. V. Olc.snea ami itiiprve your .eyesiiriit. Watehea ami Jewelry rei alre.l by the best ,worliiiieli. Jtiijravnur neatly .lone by - B, .1 T. YDllNd . ltlt' f h " Feti:rLlir,, ,Va. JL JLiL VOL. X. OM.Y. Only a ur.ninn w,ii iKhlntr ha-t, That wiM in th. Mr.'l .-lit 's hhir. Hint fat"? hius uuv.'ii for hrr. - Only n woman, with hM" H fluln Aii'l lutrif.l within wr lutnt, T)i:iT vnlih's tiri- t'ii'ns;il rrfrain, Ami "iily Iviii- fur rl. Only ii w-'Tiinn In wnm.tii'P iri.h. That Mti'ii'. wii- n Icr h'-jirt is ii '0't Hii:t(t t-lVv lyr huuli anU J .tt, '1 na: L.t I.IA in l:f U fi. (1. Only (i wntriMi Hint frrlvfs jilon Aw:iy frotit curi'Mii v ; tirn'V f"i ''ii-' v. ho f-I.M'p-, t.vnllit Out iiinltM' Uia iiuiutnu sktt h. Only 1 Wimhhii ttnil fuiu V"tit.l IfiT H T ImmmI t'.v tilt' fl"fl I fth's si '.to, Ittn 1 1 - r t !::in Kv-' u l.f"ii'i i,f" That Hits ovontxl". REVENCED. 'Hi! will Ktirrly fiiiiie, for U lirmn'cd mi'," i'. l.iin. I'd iniiiii 1.) lc, in iili fin' lirltlit will. k'X)K'cUtiou, aiiil ''vi s aclow will J .v, "lie i;.i;'..(l ilo'A li Mil' l'i';l;l which 1.(1 to tin Inu'll. She. win t-'.iuiilini; unddi hi. upl' Uiui, how Udell with fragrant lil.w'nia, an.l I In-1 .vajiiii; bmiirlis, truili t mi with iiii'ir fair Iniiilfii, Fi'i'nu'1 n lillin1; f in i ii n for lliti fair yoiiiw irirl hlainlli i; Ihi i'i' ; so lnvi'ly 111 lici' iMcr wah hli'i'. her I L'i'cat liilli' i't' so filll (if happitit'.H. 8onu' tiiiie sin! dU.od iliii i'. A tinub.i'il lo.'k c-it t I into tin: sweet eyes, uml Ihn tniihs Id'. Uv-r face. Finally she sees a !r a. ileman's form in the ilishi'i c, and will a cli'p cf In r haul-, sl.c eads joyfiilly : "llicr,: in: i.s 1" ami dails tor wi.rd a .-icp. As lie appi'oin her-, her lips ticinlile Willi (lis -n poini, 'mil, ami eves e;iow dim w illi nn t.!nal tears. 'I lie sirani;''!', a lall, dark y'Oin man, of iiliont twenty line, doll's li s lial ami s:iy : "Can yon lc'1 me. win-re Mi'. I.yle re sides. "Cei'lnliily. sir ; tins Is liin re al i.i e," t'an e'niL' lowaci tlie io,-.s.' nuir liy. "i).i you wi.-li to sec him y'' 'Is iliis Miss l.v'e ?'' lie a.-aiu ii!i)-ilri-.l. Ml is, ell.- i'i p ics. "I'lien 1 wiil tell you tnv (rand. Mi. I.auicrt is olilio'd lo id io n to lie i ily in Hie linn iiinir, an 1 as i very liu-y i i .u ' i i r for his d";'a','!ure he ai,-'d ine to dciler tins to ynu," mid lie h tmN !n r a li-Mcr. lie Hatch, s Ilia yoiiii'.; pil l pale, ci's tlie lips (U'Vcr, ami thinks lu lionscil': "till" la u brills' ! " "1-lie coiniii'.' hack V" she fa'tcrs. ''Ii-- . .'.s utuinoin'd vcrv suddenly l,v a t 1 cc'i'ain I'loiii his father, and Was veiy luiy in pli p.ll 1UU 1" leave." "If you w i 1 cxen a! Ill", sil , I will IV'd this now, ii- p ik. ips I an an-w. r it l.' yu." "t'cilaiuly," and lie watch' s Iter as she has Illy hreaks ihe se.l. Il read : "Mv D.uiuv; W'inmk. - How can 1 ray what I am niioti. to ? And jet il must Ii" Kaid. Tins lnoiniii'' I n eeli'ed a tel' i 'ln froni my father ri'nueslniL', my iiiimediaie pii s'ine in New York ; anil now, U .nnie ei'iues Hie liar dei'.l p irl, of it nil I was.-miiieil to a in JJi' York, lii-ton.' 1 rv. r knew you. 1 know lew base mv cinidni 1, has heeu, and fori Min ims ile.-li i- V'-ll should li -ver he llini". I mil a lirulr I ask no uurev ' lean only sav a lot farewell ! t-i V 1. v M ::i; I . ' Tin" youu,: soull'un in wal.l iu li- r, .-aw In r row i...l, , n.i , s!a';.-er. I m-n w . Ii a low moan t,f pain, lur head tiuk up ni In r h'.inU. It w.i puiuiiil to .-"i' hi r irri.-f, ami with a pin inc !"ok, be hin.-'J i-w.iy. I'les.iiily he fi',1, lb .:'.it loin ii on !r. i.rui, and tuiii'ii.. o her -ii 1; p lie fin'e mid :i.ihi-il eyes, Mainline-hc-iile l.iui : "Tliin, sir, shad he Ids niisu'ir," an 1 laid a plain ".old i-i'i'lct in his lint -1. "Willyoll not p- nil il liiest'r, Katie, to lie your I run friend ." be asl.'d, ucii'ly. "Ilo not ask me ; vnu ar" very kin 1 to ciTcr il, hut I have no faiili let; " W nil a low bow , lie I. uichcl hi- hat, and w. .Ike. I away, while !-.- i-u'ercd liie h u-e wiili a slow s'ep. "(iii Lmierl ! yi;a aro a uiiseralili brute!" lie evelai I, as n .'li-liu 111- w.iy slowly luv'i to ton li, tlie nil l':- sorrow slricl, u f ice ro-e ni: In foi i; him, ju.-' us sin" stood theie, llm apple blossoms liainiin; her in. -'There she is, i i nv ; isn't she hoelv ?" ml ( I csUu Faile lomhul his fiinnl upon inc ai in. "Yes, he-s a licaytvj, who did vou nyslie is?" "M:ss I'.ev. r , Unit wealthy Mrs. Ih vein's ii'.-, , ami h in, r he is the l;eV nipi.-.ut. ( liarley I own pi'-ini-'d ine nu in 1 1 .ol in : i ii. I'll to ami it. I heie in- is," and iTie.-'er I'.aiie iiinved away, lie was lall com tu null nir in appearance, (list iuiilsln d lookm:; nnd a f il -ii itc in society. (lily Laineii slieal still, ira.iu? Ill ndrnlratinu nl Ihu Ii luitiful MMini; ladv piented out to In in. sthe was tail ami hei snfiiliy f uiued. iler face was proud and cold, mil. ss slie nu iilca-'ei' at niuu-Uioiir, when il 1, filled up, uml fi-e sweet little moiiHi woitl t tie wre iined in Le.viti'hiiU' s nil- s Her fea.ur, s were e ,.f 1; ml as Hose of a eaim'O. I Hedlii of Hi" nn i'.t of ''"lib II ll it . w ,iv X nil r uie lovi iy brow, ami a pair ol iari;c, nine. .-,. mo a lieaiilltlll pic lire. , l-rtsenily l.,iy ;-, 1.1- ?n.;nd I'-'s-n Id, and i.ii- lime I.,', r in Hi" cM'iuui; he en I ( I" tt r iua n Ucil, lie MIVB, "II V'lll IIIIVC ll tn.'Ulciii in st lie, pui'jio-e voii Introduce no to Mi, Uevere ?" "Willi liie v, slot piv.i-uie, tinj," ll ' I - plies. line itiki'S Ibe room wi'l; him. to the t lace wlicre Mi-s I' Is pre-"lit, su rroiimled by! I,. !' ii-ii il circle "t a ll I, r is. l b" eic.coj.e n lo admit llieui, and Mr.' rl is ics. n;, ,1 to her. , ! rib" lifls Ilea i-r.'i.l Hue eyes to Irs. nnd i Ph I a cliarmier finite, in '"- '"''" ' " 1 -ii.e her. One liy one tlie oilo i.- ..- r. -, iiniil In- i left alone wiili bt'i. Th-y clul gayly f.m e miiu lime, an.l Dually lie : Miss lli'vcre, whi'iicu-r i looK in you, I a-n reiniliili'd of soil!" inr w ll t il 11 I can not ( id! I n,in, I Hut. I am auru I have liner mil y i.l b fort',-' ll'-r i-vea fl-fh for an iim'aul ill' il i iu .' h llu' ditupmu la-Ins. Finally she says: " Vie Mill ili:!i' sill.' ' Yes. .pail" sure Hid ! vi'cc met, I could MeV.-r have f.iip.t )'. Sin-l twel, ill nio. kini; ackiiowlnl r;iuilit nf hill ColllplillH-Ut. I "Yes." he coiil.iH.-'d, ' your ways pci -.!ev ... j (....'..t.W.. I.l" I l.iuiot. I.llt llol llllle. eoiiciiiile of wliom lln'y reniiml in e." Well, .Mr. Fnile Is coiiiltitr to clain. the next ilaiicu. J ii u( "-e, no ' wad leave woi lo tlseovcr of whom I rctiiliid J'-U, a;.d l- 'wii a, fullv. (.lie I. ft ki"i. Vour vear. buforo. fc.iv Lmicit hnl niri -I ,1 Me-. l.'S lcic, of N w Y'-ik, a wcilt'iv, ul- 'crted v.iiri ' lady. T'levli nl tfoee to l erope. After one 'nf happiness, elm had niul. ! 'lie curt of two years lie r. 'iiii.c.l t i N.--,v York Hiram. "'"I '"'"'" "' '"i"'" seieial months wlii'ii th.- I 't I'Venui bad m-einrvil. ttt li w a'clidl Mrs Kcveie. ns .if hew lieln d, anil when a vacant a-at could In' nht .bieil, he was ul ner mo -. on i .o.i(, i .. , e.l a ilcMite.l wolslHlycl' ul lur shrine, lie ami Mr. rar e v. -re lu r it fav ored suit oi's. , . , , WTied -prinit c.inie. ami me wiih wnu -u.-i aunt loUcirbenn'ofiil residence on in- ' inn he found It ui in v.-iy i" iiii a in livinir near. . One iiiornmi; si. ' to-i- a "'"";- "" .l""'" to '.he side of the h"'! e, aeate.l h- rcif uiiib-r a fpis'iulinir apple fee. .""' 't Her i iyoiiu. Ililllllls. A suiieui iu c"'i'"-s '".' I'," e ii'tlin ii'liuirnliou at Hie lon-lv Maimi f. al"'l 'lli-re while a hewihlcr. il lock rrofse.l Ins face, ."bo raised her head at I lie R"ii"'l of Hi" npproacliiiii,' footsleps, and saw (Tn sl-r I'.mrr appro. ebbnr. A f.dnt color ateala bit ) her elicek fjiin rose anil exiciiiu u ncr ii.iuk. "Mr. F..ule, J did noi Know ynu were in the P''""'' " . . , .ii.- "I had il lew ilnja leieuie, and com umled to Come up lu re." .,d I am i.urethey will all he"! i.l to 5e "Are vou ?" lie asksd, cauotly. '(A'liiiinlv 1 am." , , lie uniletl. and llxlnir lni l t licr Hid, It) u Uealtatlli;: tunc . WELD ON, "Mi's Uovcri', wore you ever in Mont-vill-V "I liavi' hnni there; Imlfnl, I llvi .l t!i-i", tnilil my mini iiil"'l",l hip, fouryeni'8 uso." . "a i a viiv im-itv place. 1 pi nt a siioim "r therf onee wi Ii a frleinl." "Iihlei'dl y.-s, it is a incllv place. My hoiiii' w ,ih a shot I Uislanca from lliu ceu'reja lii-'iiiifi'.i oiil pl'ii'r. with a I' liilM nM O!' rliaiil, Id wh'ch 1 ilcllil.ti'd to sil.- Ynu sec I have ii"t ont.rrown my fioiiliief for it," auj she vImih'.1.! laiiirliiinr at the pp! trw niider Wliich lliev were, sf itiaj. t Me looUcil at' In r el itely. Sil lilenlv Lis face 1':;!iIm1 up, mi I pulling out his liaiul iiiipul sii ly, cxc'tlinieil : ''1 M'e now what tins Pn.:!ci me bo Ion;'. Y in arc M is l.vle !" "1 c '. Miss l.yl" ; hnl liow iliil yon !m".ill" do' u-keil. fiiii i 1 1 1 , in she i'v!. mini her whin? lo in 'Cl his. "Vijr Mirr'-nniliiiirs, the niple hionsomn, mi I "iir s'on (!.'ci,". me "Y"-. 1 as Mi." I, le, lint i can hai'llv real he ii." "Veil t'lTii-ied mv I'fTcr cf fiiciuN!i!; cnee ; l'o loll f:. ..' It Inoi ' ' " V ; have I l:.i !!'iea. u'ivcll yell Illy fliell.i sliip ''" she rcp'j, cl, lau ;!iln. "Yes, tint il docs in .1 sa'i-fy inc, alMnnich it h.i 1 i i ry s'M'ct. 1 cum' fitcn Nci Vcik to I' ll, to l. ll how ilc'pty uml truly 1 love yon My uoi:i mvav aualn, or rciiia iiinir. il,' p"inN upon ynu alone. Winnie, my ilarlin.;, -Imll 1 ::o or s'a' V" II.,,,,,,. u .. I , ,.,,,,,1, , a nl'l, f.,, 'I,,., A f., ,,ltlk v,At,i Xl kU.,t. , ,,,. f,.,. 7' na rni ln' her j;n ;:t- blue eyes to his, ilu an in. I''. J : "I'leiise s'.:y, Clic-ti r i" Let t; h'r.v thi'ni f-r a f,-v h-'Uis, ami iv 1 ti ri, to Hn l Wi-inl" scii'il in tie' pa' lor. alone, l'liia'ly, the s TV a u t Hiinoutlcrd ti I.nnert, nail lie euier. .1 and laid hie re-peels to Miss Keif'.' You are alone this cveii'ii:: ; of whut were ynu -o tin ,ily thiukunr In-n I ci tered '' lie in iii'-''d, wit'i an iiiienipt ni pl.i rulnc-s. "i T in mv lliines, M r. 1,'imei';,'' ' If I d Hi d tu.t In p" I occupieil a part of tlicui i" lc s 0 I -en iui-'ii a'lv. " oil did," -he I'cplil d. slllilllli:. ' tl'i, Mi-sKiveie -my d.ii ,u'z ' I mi:-t t'l! von lio.v deeply I love ou ! Wi.'l von In- iniue, d.oii.e,-?" "N'-v.-r ! Mr. l.-iiivrt." "i 'li, you e innoi mean it. You are eiuel! llh, M innie 1 take hack your an-wer,' he en tr.ii.d. "N1', sir!" fh- icplii d, i-oldlv. "I an you Dot a! leu-l (jive me llm hope i,f heliiLr a'ole to win your love ?'' lie ini loi ed. 'l can i ol ! ' ' M;-s Uevere. it e, nn d he pi foible you have I; Il li I'liir w 1'e me nil th"se inoullin; have HI ml in c pal I ii lc of love f. r me ''" "N t oi.e paitieie of love!" idio upl!el ;i: a u. " U li '1 have I I'.one to ile-crve filch treat Itieni ':" he a-ke.l, Pi, k- i.'v. 'You a. I, mo We'll v',;i tell yon," and unci i-piu.4 a lockcl s!ie woie, lielil il up to lliu. Winnie I. vh !" he cxelaioieil lnt-l-i'v. "Y--: W iiini.' I,v:eand tUmnie K-Cv.- :'i'e in. c ! IM"I1 a-k liu'liow, )o,i Iiivm i!. -no V" an 1 she tlir w lier bcii pr llv. I "u!i, W innie, h r.,' in rev, and .ilv nu' ! I did lo" yju -ludee I 1 dd! Let Inn ex p! llu "No , 1 will lisieu lo no cp'nii.olo'i ; I 1111 lil-l nnl il ad. You ll-nl Hi" poor l : 1: .- 11 1 coiiu'ry L-iil, :olr yur powers 01' fa.-eitui 1 ui upon. I ';"!i, when sin' liu.-t'd and lov.-.l in, V - I 'ii d -" 'i"i, and t'li. -v lo'i a-idc for a lew toy. 1 do pity you, but ilo not love Mill " "Hut vou CIV1 -.vj one did." " I nl" ; hul 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 o 1 now. W h'l';: : l;o , a, id away, w lieu I li allied your faiinb-sa. IICSS." "Win- c .limit yoit tlve mi li p - y m for give iiieV" "Yes, I foi-;;lv" voii, hut 1-'e niio'h.-r! ami In r ":- sli one Inh'.llHv as 1 lie-! r all , V, ill) 11,1-1 :H-l "tile l I, c O'l" f " a .r 1. "1 see a I now I" lie re'.uiiieil, luokcnlv. 'Ym in iervu Lc , i in' Ur. liili i- my ii.i i -! I 1" W I'll ll.H.e.1 li.'a.l. he 1. f Ii i' I o,i-e, ( an y inrr i'li liitn Hie pu n, re of tlie two l..t ;. r.ici a b ll bi-h.iid bun. ,o . ..... .,ri.-,-,fl .SLYIIX ItaUab' Al X ItlUlli, I ' ' '. I"' e ."-'.. Tiv r j,t:, -,, ;1 ;...-;.il i. Ul.nn, some ilav-, ao, HI win II ll a- slalcl i a Wie'iiii liviii"; In .!:'(.' soti co'iuv h Id I L'ivcll In! li lo s' vc;i "irl l-,i'.;es. Ill eourf., tin -e w'l . lead lie' meet loii-i'med it ll ne P liter ( .k", :iti'l di-mi--el it woli.uit fur thcr III. 1 1 II 1 w I - He- t, V".ra ti iu, I'.io ll.c s;a.;iiii' aiiiiounciueiil tlint I il I s.' w iih niany in.-;'vui a lo P ; tiutli. S in lit ui, ll i v.'-.-.-i-. I lni-e It ui co i vine.'il that I iv lolu v iser lliau I knew. From a uent ennui' w in. has ;u -t airiv.'.l In I, li- cil V from Hie liel.;lll).i!lioo.l nil -r t 'i is I', - -uiaik.'ltie woiiian rc-ni'-s, Iu Ja-iivoi c tuuli, I len'lt lie' follitl'-liii ficl- : I nui under proun-o lo s-ipp-fcss Hie ii icics, as the has j .ml , i-vi; -1-iiniv seusnivc on Hie subject ; Altoll' two we -ks -inc", til'"; 'Iltlell; in .-'..ite-, he ' is ali. '.lh"l to alt. oil II o , io. k at Ip .bt t t "O f .1 a '.'.v-iei 1M fo- .rs. I!, lie e fi ".Oe , t , 1U1M , ,,ril, ,... ( . 1 n- I I.I-iim it, iii-eliviuil-.l 1..0 l.h)4-'.lll, -.11 bis in i , : ,.,. VN li -u tlu-v urnv.-.' I ,,,, ,!,, y;N, , 4-.r a .-,.., ,,,,. lV(.;v mime, lintel v in ide to dei.v- ll ' V'.i ".'III Itllo tie! ills, il I:. 'iln iei.l lo rel. He III." ell Id nil" horn. but. smL'lllar lv cnniuli lb" puti- ol hli'OI' co!.i .11 a-d. An I'Miuilua'i"!! e iivi'iccd Hie pli v-tii'l.lll Ilia! llnec were jwt, iiisl'-ad ol i ne, ami Ike wontiai was ..inn del'veitil of tlie s- cond cl.ild, li.illi rills. t ol'lllieed. ot c .lll-C, lllllt 'll -lc W.:H II I t'lliil' l II. cd of III- :l-i-l tele ('. Hie plo-l iiiil'.VC oT 1.1. !l .In i , "I n- a- to H: : . .lc "1 I-..!! ii.o'licr and rhll Ire-i, and n p:l.e I to take lo. l av -. o r,, rt.;,,,-. his hor-c, however, a; ihe e it i .jji ;,. ,lcliv.-n-d lb" u iiii.iih. I an- .ii l l-;i!v. A .-niu tic plu-ieiaii look his I. .ive, an.) ;.; Tin !" was r-'clli I briluii -t ! i , ,lt n n,,, L.. hithv. Tins was eoinid 'icd rem kal, mil Ho' l.v!eun wa. ui . pi,,-. -..ed over 11. e ui.itt'i-. It , liowi'V'i-, con- tin li' di d the In, h in. I en lo- ", I fortune :, I,, I .:, i.-.l f.-r home II l, -I tone m oic Hull a b ill mi'" 1' .!: In' " "Vila:,- ll !.. ,1... ,.v "'cl I.l ' I of III,' Ul-llMII Wbil ,r,.. hll, ,, ...f ,r,, , ;, ,i, tlu-ie : wa. still anoi:,. r i ,ii I to I"' h Ii(-I nmi i, .;., ,,.v ,., iii Unc lo n.d III I ,p ,,,, -. I',,-',.-1 ! I'I .-r her lil.h ll.,'l. II'- p!.j-n i.ui w a - t In u " i". - i.'l on by I lie bus- .'t.l .,11.1 f.tllt. r lo si n du.uu '" lvn...!inl- r j i f Hie nubt. IP-wa, n-.t n.. lo nci epi me ! hoi' iii i, nml -,'t ! e I" ' '-H dc I . n i--u I -. , ,, n,,- eoi,'-c i-f III'. -ii or l,i.:y iniinPci be j was m: nu c died to the bedside of tbe w en iu, ""d i-n - '"' li"' "v.h ' d-i-'l w.i- I." a'l.ue, Ike j ..-vi!:il l;f". : d u n-d ami me .let: j tor M-.k Lis l-':'e llnv.i,; ha.l no si- p ilitrlni; ' Ul,. ,- . n,, .-If a.-r th" b-l. on ' los m-.i.-l I r,"'il " "''"I'' , Ai.ou' s o , l... I. be w as ;in n-d by Ins ile, nn,. :.,!.. d Hi .1 Mr ll , was .r tne ","'. j ,,u. wauled I" " f h.ui im":- " ' ':' --W lull's iiintier tea? ' ai-k. i Hie d I ,,r. i-.,' Bp-ears to be ejiuiiir-joii Know, rc p,.ul Mr. ll. W h d! aeolhcr 11111.''" exclaimed the iloctor, eveiled;)'. " t inu's il," said Mr. 11., a smile sprckalluK hi- 111. oil li fioui t ar to ear. Tlie doctor mounted his lirirse and wnl loon at the liu.ise of Mr. II. lb- was too late, how ever, to be of any -n ice in Ike seventh . iiild, a );ii!, wan born ju-t a few iiiunitca previous to bil.l.ival Tlie ilo-'tor li'liiained alioilt ll.L prembes duiiiu' t',.i' rest of Hie day, hut Lis services wine not hl'siu neeilnl. The if'iilleiiian alio iiiudo Uie abovo alntc incnt, ami it is linen almost In hia exact wolds, saya lie has seen liie acven latino sevenu uinca, m, d wlillu liol 1 hi lit -wt ii4iiuur iroiu 1010 10 live pounds cue!. they appear to be, Ii -nllliy, will ileve'opul elil'ibcn. Tin- occurrence Ima ci'caletl coiisiih f.itile ex, lleini nt ill tlie tieliib ht.iboo.l, and the people for miles around ll -ek to see the woman ami h-'r bibles. The hus band Is described as hem: small, I" '-"' '" cccdii.k'ly thl", "Idle 'lie w"1-' ' "'lU1 l" h(s htriinit uiul healthy. The pli)-ii ialia hue are 1 .,.,!,!,-..,-,..!...l .,,,-r II.k nil. or. and lollie i ure lalLiii uf iii.yiii"; the l.uuily Tisil. A N. C, THURSDAY, most s'lurnl ir fcilure of th- chihlreu is, that all of them have With eves, nml so i -lonely res"in h!e each other thai it ia hard to tell "which from tin) tlbr." a ,: j 4 :.i j, ,' , j ,1 ,. N5W?Ttems. - Five Jaiaucsa liiiV( osta'eli-hi: I a factory at No .f town, Itoiiu., whore tlicy will tnake Japa nese ailul 's. F-ik-Ciiv. C. C. Washbumo, ul W Ucotiaiu, . I at Km-, hut his bealili is mil inn eiially I111-prov-il. I'lie 'ireinia iiheat crop proves excellent in .Jii.ili'v, hut Hit tpnialiy 1111 nu 1 ells In (j uniiuiy. It 'K esllin ited that tin- t,,t,,l receipts of cot Ion at No-folk, b'foii. Hi- expiration nf tin; y- .11, wi.l leu li ;.ill,no0 balej. Sioiue of the nrclie.l lirl.l;c Imllt hy thp II 'iiiiini ai-,-now in u-e. I lie Folio iiolo i.t Koiiic wa., e.oetcl 1'W II. t. Two Ih.slon woincu, iiL-cd Ii7 and i'-'1, ln:d a 111 -piiaie I'ulit in Ihu i-lri-ct, mid ou un killv I I y linn,' ku n ked In'o a ocllar. The p-ri 0n.1l .-(T.-i-'a of llu lit- V!c- P.o,l d' lil. VVi'.s.mi, wlil' li were nui lioiu-.l c!l al Nilli-k, !,,, ti;e oilier 1! ay, tenlied only alaiul ,s,lt)'i. I'i of. ll.'urv Uraper I. ii suecc. -fully pholo- uriplied the l'oui"i a' his iilHci vatoiv on 'lie Hud on rive:'. '1 lie picture will tie d:-ti ttnihal to men of si icuce tliroui'lioiii the worlil. The r. 'Vcriiineut has spent t'JV.lX'fl In invci tlatini; ill" Imud, itrn y worm an I trr:i-s liopp. r, nnd Hie oiilv r- milt 'hns far reporie 1 is tjialnoia: .0 llieui wear spiclaclcs. The linn ot M, nml Siukey the ureal rc vivaliits, lias rnernily ilisgolvc.l :n i'ons.'iii.nce It is said, of a i!isae.'.-e. -incur about He- ilivkdoi, of proliis on Uie sale of liyiiiu books. T'li-J V-'c, 7 ',-,.. in-hti ,-ivk Ihe (u,iiter of a inillnei d dt 11 s r 1 ; -o.l by stiti-i"-tpti u for e I'i '-i.l -ul (Ir.i'it li .s ben iuv.-.s,-,) in Tnil il la:cs four p -1 cvi't.i , and i. lo be preaculcd to l.i.11 j :- I'.'-iy. A Nihi!i-t (.("i-wr. If. ut Most, vvh ' w.n con victed in I'iuirlan I nouii'tlme 11-0, for puhli-li-iu at 1 h ics ("le.uiraiii; Hie a -ca s, in it ion ol llu- l .'.ir of iiusua, h is in-on j-cnicuei .I 10 tit-'i'ii 111 ni. lis iniiri-,iiiuiuiit. at hard labor. notil'eaU.iu1 of conlc-ls f,,r lifcen H ats in the lloii-e ..f 11- p:('n n'oiiiv.--, In most aecompaiiicd l-y voliiu.uious lo-onoiiv, are now no liie i-i Hie cl.-rks oilie,- of Hie 1' m-e. Tliilteen of Hi.'.-e coll'. -ted ca cs mi-fri.iii '.!:'-; i- utli, Aiabmia a.-ui.' bavin; f.eir. Cadel Whilaker h ns h-'cii fan ml niliy of an ou'.rai;e up ni liiiu-eif at West Point, 11 1 1 1 1 tbe I'ourl reeomniel'ii- ins iii-mi--sa fr. 111 liie A 'i.du'iiy. Shjil'l Ihe .IiI'Il-c Ailvocate rcii er. . I approve liie liu l.nn' of Hie 1 '- il : 1 , V, k-'i's H i. lids iiilc'ul 10 'o lici.u v tin' l'le-iiletit ami usk linu to din ii, r.'Ve il. Mrs. I ; ' n - ll.'i-don, Hi" nn eh t of Mr. tin-li liordon, Allan a, 'i 1 , w!i n lo-- dillieii'iy w 11 ii Hie COrresp 'tliieli' of a llliel,; piper ill fe " lid tO tO'' Sl. ll I' " ij( )-, Wii'tl' to ll'T 81.1 fioui N- v York, sayiinr : "My sen, k-i p c i.'l 1 ( 1 uo'.liln 1 i-!ily, I lit revn'' liie '.n-tiU lo your fu ller al all li.i.idii. Your n;o:her.'J Th" K"v-tone I'o.o'.'.e sni: ( il.-m md has rcceiiHy sjii!!!. no for tin- paoer car a ti U. I iiev ..ia.' i -ui - il- i ,-d nl'l- .iuriliic, t'i"iir;!i nn ire i xpee-ive, ilinu Hi" in diiiai v iiou Will"' I. The V.I.I U 4 nt" llol utile lo liil Hie oi.lcra. One I'.inip.inv liiriie I nut at. their works nhoul lol.i'l'd nortli of car v livila it) ApiHv of i'l'l l.ll "a,. 111. I'I liili'ers c ; ii-- ie I In Wi'Lc-hine, Pa., iroiu oii-lrr; i. -i-e, ii ' iii ilo v-ilo i in I w i-biiii; il, (loan Willi bad w luskev. 1 tn'V atioted to return lo 'I'D in ill"-, a'il won- iil'.-ruaiiis Itiuii.l - ..t t'is I I uil; ; i, is-..I in Vni 'iis ' n;. i of m-s-n-ihi'i'v. I; i- iipoil'-.l ll-it b.c of llieu have ,1k d. . . , , , , , '"'ml. 'i', n a !..'l v. ii'l.e-r he pn p.", I io - .1 l-i 'a-'iili-liou , l pile i w, till-ill' i. ,-n-i" Ci.' n - t, u lie di 1 not nM! n;..- l . il .ic'ils lie it il. W i,- 11 .' ll u l.p.v mi i a'! I f " '.' I s .-vld.-n t'laMhc ;.-ii-u! im ' '-' i-) I'l'l p- vc.o 1 "mIi I...- Ii L-'lden. ' '' eenv t ' 'Ir. T! ' 1 a l used In s .ui, din,: fr en a ve -cl ll-ll ll' V w ei l- lb ul t f. -Ill 'ecu p" . II-Is. loll in de- j- .--'.I M lltldilu- 11 wt ";'. .-: . ..I 1. llu, 1 .,0 poll!;. I, 1- Hell. t'ly (li p!.. I'd. .l,c has 'teen lau'.-ly u-i'd f. r a line, a. it u:..kcs lets fii il.'iiin sinl'i-'"; tlirouuli It." wa ti. Willi hc-.tip l-'i'i' .1 s'.nki I Ul wv,(,lil is r"ilit,i.iii, . Iw.-i'e mi tilites iu I'.'nclJiie; Hie liot'o.m In I, .l'o f. Mi. una of wale-, m i.'cnl is 1'ic fi u ii, a .,: Ihe llli". TI.- -i ! a liraii 1 i f ei.ari ll-'-i iu wli'iclii n r V dm : .pm. , i va . to i,c ns, t to a fnji ful e'.'.-lil M ";s of Ilo 1-. Utiles inc soil ll'l-m ! v 1 1 ... h :l -.' ' - it- - ii an ;nn;i '" id ii v. !.-: I' "'I Hi ui -a'.-l a il -v. ami Hi.- pi-ii:. o t l. ( ,e i: of 1. 1.' bt.iud ale i-.titl it. i.t a no!;. on d Ii l- a v .'I, nit aia'i mid -.- . f o;,:u-n n e tv'. u.v. lv n -- cl in ll I' VI 'I' ll' iu.. 1. 1, s une c,.:a 'line of ei;ai. ttt In 0 III A 1.1 "t imna-lant diss. very hm he. n math'-in S,. ,0., W ll.te --II "J.' I 111 w ek ll'T llli- lend 11, at s in Hi" p.o.oiee of Scholia, s.vt'llly iinli-i u-.rliia -st , f, IV- minors loiml ail en'i'i'.c" nit 1 . all itiinn n-e t 1 . 111, ill wkicli : In v f"'i!! 1. Up -ii an ni d.u eo u- .si nml in lb" in": ! ..( -t .! e; 1,1!, s. live km lied -ke! . Ions of !:n-tu an 1 woimu. 1 . 11 w .-,1 si. .ic.l a-d ,' if ei .-kulls of a lie'.os-"iii' type lial-' ti. 1 11 ole. line-1. 'Ike i' Con -I o' V'-b! r.n 1ms juit re n let.' I ai: imp. i tat. t tl i.-io.i iu a cj'.eii L' iin-'liioi c is '. I' ! p .r'y b iv In.,- let Hn-r 111 niey, w iih iiieeuii ut to sua: ti I ;,. n'olit -, In ui u: !e upi to . et up 1 e u in r n-i whcil, Hie I. !l del -lie. I to ll' Hie y luck. 'I lie .' .11 t h.-i.l tli.ll ,-n Ii .-, -n. I. l, .1:1, .11-, 11. 'ucd ii-1 ., I., ai ;' lie 1 ' I n 'T '' tl: e pi :, e 1 f any 1,. t .-l! . f .,f", me ll al. d ,u;y 1 : 1 1 ' 1 . y' ad v.itii't I iu the puich.i-e of sir ll i.'tilr.u't can 1. it In it'coyi'i' tl. A i,"'.'.i! in lis t'i' t 'ii. v, ', 1; -1 ! at III lonoii I, a , I a stiii 1 1 Vt liia;, Iii c pi css - 111 pa' Ii V lor Fi 's ie.;l'i .'., al which .1 "pee. li of nur v.'l.ois l-eiini an I pn.v, r wa, l.y III. il -o,., Ho- I, u i illllne. T In- II i -, H,c or ;,tn of I ii" si il a n' t p " ' -, i 'i-i 1 1 '-.'.. I 111 all at- laei, lljioll I) Ilo;;". Now, lis a i sc. pi, Hue, 111" III liuiol' I p.. ' 1" ni" ill' In amis u.'.iin-t ihit paper for ri attack. An iiidiirnatain'c'll:, I ll. 1.1. The Li.iii'l irv nf All.'ithanv couu'v, l'.i.. fo-loll line li.l's iH' l.l 'Jl-J nil. to 1 k a wis . r M-1; 11 li.Uor w i'Ii. Ut' 1'ce.l'". Mo-I if no' a 1 of the r- o.lcrc I to pay a license of i.'l, winch has lull, ei to ben lakcn, hut. which wa. refused tins time on ar -ouut ot a law- pas-ci 111 lis. ", ninkiiiK Hie license of All "Lilimiv en.iniy :1I'0 A a co ise pt-nco, hut, few Hecns... were Issued, the dt' dels ile.'riu lo tct the valWity nf the law 111 h.TI, 'I';:,' rccoiJi '.Hill purtle sellliij; litiiiorwillunit licctue. The fourth scenis to h ive been a fnlnl day in Ualiiuiore. Mr. M iry Ann l.iblin was shot ami killed wli Ie she was looki-i ; out a viiido v by III ' ae 'ab'iilal shot from a pistol i.i the h.imU of a y. ai'if in iB who w.n inline; on the Htr-ps and it to a companion. A llltl" tol iiaiucd ( anie tsoaic tihur. waa thot fa l llybya ilninkcil prlvaic w itrl'.mau nami-.l Win. Cuddy. Isaac Curlli, rob. red, was hlcl Iu tlie ati.loii.Hi iliiiinif a ilisi 111 lutiicu ainoiii; sulci) ilarkeys. Win. lieeker, a (lerinan, was shot, tvice Very tt:iii"-musty ey a iie.-io i; .t-iied Ihoinas 11'. Iloss, who was . I'.r.ueil Iu a row wilk some oilier negroes, llet ker w.n iu (march of Ins little rliildi.11. Sidney Hnln. nion, ''t (I 14, shot bailly with a toy pistol. John F.dlolt, iiL'ed I'I, ae-'iilcutally shot by a MraV bullet. Sonic persons were lltlntr al a mark, lie is V. iy h-'dly wouu-h'd in Hie ri::'il liiciist. A man n.iiunl Tcam l stalihi d .loku i,.'.iL'el III a sal -inn. Wound serious. Therr were nine other woundd 111 vaiioiu ways. Tim will do for one day. JL. i 3 A V V JULY 14, 1S31. W'ii.i.i!u 10 l.i.r Han Hgi'misrs Timoluu Tho 01 her uinlil, soon m'ter a wai.l inectini; hml opened, one of I h eleetnrx pn-seiit ticirau cileln for I i- door as if lie meant ki leave the p!nci lie lias s ioii sloppi .1 l' 11 friend, who said : li ni't lc.irc us now; 1 waul volt to hear wlml tint speaker L saunr-. II -nr ilia'! lie say we inust trtum'li or tin- cut, dry is iliiomed. Yo", 1 knoa , but I've cm to cdirc iilo'.ii; to ivaids Uoiiie, waia lhcrt,p.'y. Iloi'ie? lir- at betven! liow y m talk nf I" nine home until he has ini In il ibat speei h' I licic he i;o-a aijiiiii! lie nk if ynu w ml to see U.UI..S nlow.n iu Uie sUie's ut our liiie.i 1. Ill fci'.i!.' fauns i. liir u il t i Hie wild -.rness our f iiiilllcs crowd ine; Hie poor Iiuinn'-i tiiili) tl'ive I, no Ion. '.er room lo r. eeive niio'lieil- Nn, I ( I. n ' I Know us I w.mid, lull I c,iirss I'll cnl'l o' Work luy wiiv cut. W-it li-'tccn' in.nuics .-ii live - wait- until he llinthe-. Tlu re il Is nmiu! lie asks belli er y on inn a fn f. nan or a slave: He milts to kunw Ifjvo-i li.u e fouolten I lie 1 iotlc prin-clpl-s ib fend .1 I'V tlui li'ood of your crainl--1, is - f.u -.i;; I en the sou ml of lil-cr-iy ii.-liy ' I ilon'l know an I have, hut 1 must rh-'y 1 iuut. lie ir that -h"i,r that! llu my join colli) .ry iy ill bless vou, 1 1 aii'l nay as to Hint., roplh d I lie ui 111 us he irowil 'd ni, ni", but I'm dead mire that Uiu ulii wuimm v, ill if I don't pil liouie Hi lime to pill 1 i;.U'.,!l tu soak for luenkfa.-l. lirct :;uu.! hul do you pref -r eodll. Il to li'.'crly: cm kiilncd Ili'-Joilur. Id ,T 1 u "V lis 1 do, lul J ,it I'I He of i'. Ami you w .11 see Iki.-, country 1' luicj e In r l;o to ilisli in 1 ion? I'd he kinder s.ii' V lo M-e her po down hill. ',ow tv 1:,.! i..i!i pie t.i.i In' rca-.1, u Pie door, but if vou had a wife who eotiel t'" l"il s 'oldo, ; al 111 o'clock u id 110' lo-e a 11. 111 uie 11 itil dj)il-'.hl, and llieu end up Willi 11 !; I siiiiisii of riockery and a lit ot livstc-ics you'll kunl o'.l iii-I oir'as 1 do and let Id 4 i;!orloiis old republic souvcx.-i tlimiish e')nii' iui -;l.ty line l.u -l holes. &m - lloja-Is ilie la-l thin ; tit it dies in a 111:11 ; ami lllouuh il he cM (. liie; y .b( 'll.'lll vcl il I. oi llli- eood IH" III II '. Hi II- C 111"' Weill.' tlaM'l lie ; I III oull life li I' liid.l - 'I II. nil (..'-.. : llli more ph-mani way to (,... Jm:,-i'n : eml. Tlie tl'lily ; a! co.:-i 1 1 i ho 1 :h v III iv win Hie of 1 ;..!, a-nl , . c .01 'y l ' i..t of lb ir in, n 1 ou-i o nee; h oln-.; dun' Hi I . th.-v w .uld wdi.nlv c.iiu-ili Pe l!ie ;;o id I'pii'K'.i ol II. ir feliowu:.:ij, - Words si,. Hi tu- H-ji:;--.. toil "1 -V sli-II, 1 1, 11,1. We utter lliciu so e.i-i:y. Ill .1 we a:i' apt to (or. -.'el lloor hid ten power. Flllv s;.,,k mi, ihev act in,-' Hie Miu-hiiie '.lie dc.v it n 1 fie f. ililiini; rain, bur wlieii uuli lv, lil-is Hi-' fi ist, fee h.ii', una (je'-a-l.iiiu.u tcu.pisU. What Is the i.icaiiin of a h n k liilei" a-ke-l a ip'ntlclll in lit a siundnV srllo.d ey.l uili.lli 'li i Iii- wa." a puzler. ll vent Oown II. e i ln-n '.nt il H came to a tiinplc uieliln, who raid: "I'cih '.lis il's a Ilea." . - - - - - A ce'laln oriilor at n fair, iift-'i' a l-.-nr de- I ip! iV" of Wleal '.'.i.-. to tic seen 11 i Wlllld U',1 I'V VIVOI. M 'p ill, ellll.'lll.'li, Sle i-i! Tat.i' in woi,lf..rM, you Ltl hi;hlj ik li.;h!c,l w ii"u you com o.u, A spooney new ly u: i! ried en pie u -re ove.--in aid I i liil i u-ll im.iii-'. l!"-"A'l:'tt vou,. ,'oiee do if'pidvyc tlle l." Si, "II ,1" too 1'. ne-, . .-, w cl " a', n i!.c-'!':!'. i-eiei -, 111-) 1 -'en t.'lii. - oH Iloirorril it ml It.'csf. Win ll a b : 1 .1 of pliy-iciiu s end ( lo III -IS IilltloUIIC'd llli! tllrCOll I r Hint by com billll!", Mine Wt 111,1,. tv 11 Mllll.Ol" I'i llieti tin- eio-l woinititiil ine.litine was prottio . tl. t I cli w nil. 1 uie such a w id" i- i;. of ili- ei-. llio-l nil ..Hi 1 lil'.l'dles c '.ill lie dip. n - 1 ('., imnv wie .-'.'pli. .' ; In' pi o 'f ol II -- 111"! i'.-. IV III". II .1 I , nil has .1.-;. '.1.1 l ilolll'l. II' .1 ! ' il i Ihe ill -I .Heels of 111'' .- . I . . i. .. , Hot. I. ia, is, a-e I. iv I ami hi. -i d l. ali as hem 1 iclor-. l ,. , -'. Kmet-wsiratssr. .tim.'.'".. -xitv.k.'i i: M'll THFGROT fi -I i-J l1 ti'auratgfo, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Govt, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swohi.'js and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, f rested Foot and Ea,rs, and all other runs and Aches. K'V l'T. r-arntk ! '''' . ia'- "X Jc-r.- f:t 1' I j '('-,'', ... eip 11:1 I .'".-' I v-' . I,. I ..- iy A trial entails but the n uipHrHtiM lv irnlin.: talle y i f no avniis . " ' .-. rv " 'i' .... v uli pn.u ' 1"'-" "C ' : '''' ' i r ! llirectiolis iu l'.toven !a.:ie -in.p's. fcOLD BY ALL DUTJOCIfiTS AND Di;ALEr.3 IS KblUiTNi;. A.V0GELK11 & CO., Jltil(ifi..rr, 31.1., V. A X duly T I v. 'iMit-; ri. cl 10 11; v is. fit tn 11 ins (r r 0 cc v i c s! ('heat as theyi'.in bet-old 111 tie.- town.-l Weldoii Nice NvRTU I'AiloLuNA uAMSi.:, iter ..nil. t'oiifcf llourrlet ot all Klnrtst Xlt Uli I I'Csll. My tIA li ia sin. ke.l Willi the b. .t and 1' 11 rest 01 e cry ut 1 script i..n. Cull ami nee me. Firat Street, Wfldou, . f. i. pi :t f NO. 20. ADVKliriSKMKNTS. 1J1 y Outfit went frfic to iIkinh who wiah to 'J oiinu iii lliu moist plnasiint anil profi tali e l.iislr.iKK known. Kvcrv'liinsr new Capital tint rp.pilrod. We will lurnihli ynu I'Vnrylhiiii;, fill ,1 day 1111J up'.rnrils is I'lsl y niadr witli nit istaylni; away from louinovur inelil. No risk w liulovor. Many i-w nnrti -rs watit 'd nl 1 nco Mn.iv a 0 niHklliif f'irtiiiios at the tiiHluesR. l,adus make as lliu. di as men, and younir Iiovn nnd tirlM make 11ro.1t p iv. Xn nin- V4 I1O N willing 10 wink tails t'i limko 111 irn money everv day tli.iu can lie luado in 11 week at triy nrdinurv f 11; plovinoi't. T it isn who nniiairis ul oiiro Will tlnd a sliorl road to fiiriiiiie. Adili'.aa II. hallott A Co., Port land Ms, I'tla I t l lO V So imiroroil-i are the ildvelopinelin nl M nhi I ia thai people coiitln. FllO.1t it illv Kiill'er from th e noxious poison when lliev la t in aniiie It ia Mil.tltllt luik'iij-in their fy teni. Chills nml Fever, lleadaelie, liiii.riiiuieni Fever Uoniiral Dtddllty Hilt. his Fever, J.iwsit nali", Typhoid Fevr, .luaen, AKK ritK FAINFOI. 0FFSPRISCS OF KALtBIAl and have their origin In a discovered l.iver, w hieli, 1.' 1101 leuuliiied 111 tune, Itiext siiflerlup;, w retclitilnosii ucd i!a'li will eijuuo, MJinONS I.lVllll REGULATOR, IrfllF.I.V VEHKT Atll.ti,) is aliso'.utflv eertain in Its remedial elTects i'. acts inori 1 1 in in I-; I v 111 ciiii.ii all forms of Ma unal diseases than c ilomi'l or loliill.e, Witlioiil ml v nl Iho I11J01 iiin coil- a ipiunces liieli follow llitii ue. If tiikoii occusiona'lv hv persons ox noted lo I, In 1 1' w ti. t. t; rur, tu k 1'oisom n; i-uotsct TIIKM FIlO.M A I I'AI'K I Aa evidence "eo extr o-t ironi W. IV Vntc-' letter, wbnre th" ltenuhitor nlfordod I roliiclion 1 1 -Mil the worai ami tnosl .leail. Iv tvne ol .M.ilai . town: i ellow I ever. URs; I have st-ino tlie fcnirin, in lour epi.leinles ol llm Yellow Fever. I bud il Hin lirsi visj nt .on, nut niirirs t no oincr tlnoi I used your medicine. I was run t p. u ill v in Uie rooms of ibe sick and ily- j (.,. qio.l. I have b id severi'l to a, ine now i cscapm; i mm uiu o .sits nil owiiiu to the virion of vnir Minniona Liver K-irnl itor, II the Fever was to In. k out a jam and 1 bad bottle nf vnur Kvcnlatnr 1 would leei aa Male us ll I was 1,1.. I. miles a iv. M"inpl:ls, Ti'tin,, 17, loT'J. f 1 h v 1 1 1 l; ni'iilnrlie-d the poison nf M ilarla iu aueli ftxtrnnie, it can bo re:i"d on a a a-'ieic'vii npecdiu uml auiidoiu in ni i.der lorins. .sec, Hint yon f!t tbs (lennlno iu v lu'e Winpp-'i', ill) red ., pieiiiiitd by J. il. ',! in lr C . ti ild by all lr Jt;tzsisj Jnn -SI ly MOP BITTERS (V llcuielne, ni t a In Ink,) C"i '.Aisa HOI'M. l'.( i'lli', alAMIHAKi:, JIA dlll.lllN. I v, tf Ve, . - t '. ' t l',. 'r'.,,l...l 11 ! til.- "! V. I. Hill.!. II. I I K .a. tii i:v i t yip ,..r ii,, - n. -,a;(( il-" '"' : 1 "'-'"' ' ' I J, OIWJ I.J vOLU. IWin be -. '' I f a a (;,-.- - I ,.r . Ill n- I ee-s' c ! Ii I, ';', "I .t'i' '.'.:' I ' I -I' :le ul il.Jiii., il f fj 1 ,oel-. Hi .. ff t-k'M'-.r .li"-r.'l-I f.-r I" ii '.."t -rmi-tl. t rt In ui l-eiuiv Jen si . a. Tulic 1..1 Oilier. I ,f4 j I'lllli ten, It-" ( "t Hill, l jl'Ut l it Uliil a,,- ..,' IJJ l . I- a. . V . ' . !. V. V ' T npr. 7 1 y. ( T t: li I. I A G JI. O U V HCRYE V3 OLD STAND KALI p A .X, N . C . 1. lb1! l.Klr.-i, r.OiiTs, HK'ltt, h.T.-, C I All ti'-.-.-.., Alll,i.l', All Frlcea, All hiyl.; M I.N' S C'lll.I'Il KN'S, WOM l-115'le AJiD.MI?s! S II O K , S H O F. S . Ail kinns - fa itily uroc ries on han.l and lo arrive. Mn.'k Conipleleiy new. Just i-uivn.'l fMio Hie Jiortlierit Market. - - ? t i MtY, Halifax, N O, ep 3D ly 1: O 11 SAL E A MlMUKIl ON'K CI.OSK (AUlUAli I. HATH Kit (TKTAtNsl, n'llOI.STllKl'.l) IN' SIDE WITH WIIITB 1HTK, FUF.SHLt VAINTKll.rHEVPKOU CASH. AFrLY.iTTIllsoFKI.'i;. THE ROANOKE NEVS ADVERTISING KATES, K?ACE a O a 8 Ono S tnre, 3 00 Two K iiari'g, 5 00 Throe (cjiia.rts, 8 00 l'our Squares, 10 (10 Kourth C.-il n, 15 00 Half Column, JO 00 fi 00 10 00 l.r) 00 I S 00 20 00 u 00 20 00 30 00 88 00 26 ( H do 40 46 OQ 60 04 40 00 ca 00 30 00 (16 00 75 PI Wholr Col 11 ra il, One Year, 5 v,t K ) -"Si- '-v ' J H) 10 en 1 ujvb UCkLtU' Kscrilcnt Tonic, Alterative and Dinr lie Moilical as( .'iatlon, 1,) nclaliurg, V, I'Ki d w iih rent briulit In ilalnri f)nf Iiiptlifrlii Nui.'oosisfully Uipd In d.vHpepilg, ciironii? ilmrrl.'i-1 and MTorul.!.-l'rof. 8. Juctsou, M. 1),, t'niv. Ponn. ' Invaluable aa 11 uurvou tonic. Uo"J, J.j C. r ow ii-r, Trnti. Tieeoinnieiolc.l as a proidivlaelin In tDSf l uinl Iisst i.-tst. 1. K. Fulrex, M D. N.Q, lti.Mioros 1 nl ' 1 1 it 1 to I avuteois to lioallb, T. C. M- rcor, M, 1)., I nil. Ailiipted in chrnnio .tlanlioea, aerofula. nnd (lyspnosla.-C9 1. T, Harrison, M, D. Suc'eisful In diplliorla gnd neuralgia. .1 1'. Ncso, M. 1 N. C. Kxccllont for rorUio dliMsen peonllar 10 wonioii. l'rof. J. J, Moorman, if., DH Vn. I'mmi-t In re!livlnp; headache, atok nrj nervous. Itnv. 11. C. Ih Isun. I'-e 1 willi (jrcal In nelit in dyappn6, J. Mclfiilph, M. P., I'a. Suited to l-rotiehilis nud discaso of dl i-i'siivootpnii. J. I-. Uotigliton, M. 1) Ala. Moat vain aide reuiody known for fatt,ja disease. Juo. I'. WotlPttiir, M. D,, L, lu U. Of (.-rout cur.iCvo vii'luo. Tbos.F. JSuWf bold, M. 1)., Ma t - .11 1' li in I in titnrine derancement an 4 11 1 m I hi ious uoiiUitioin. . 0. M. Vail, M. p., tihlo. Clurirdiift m tho, making U sinn. -Hi, clear, soli u. id ry MUa M. ojt M. C. Th pr!nci of nilncrui tonics. Franof Oilli. iii, M. I . N. i ." as a tonic nnd Ulorailva, Hnnt.-r Metlnire, M. I). Va. i-'iue and blood purifljr. IJ. I' lstior, al . I' , na. Very lioiu-lieial 111 improving a redtftVSiJ -ieni. rt-iiii-p ni-eaw 1111, .11 tn. Invalids hern find welcome and boalth. Hev .loliii H'llilion, Into of now f)f li K 'Il 111 'lid, Vt. r iini'liiets Iree, upon appllcntlnn.,?lar-. Max and Hill, 3& '. T.i ernt i. Mont tv-st-pald unvwlwru. " Suuiin-r Kci-ini of t;prina beua fa nii(, t a month . .Inos, A. M. PAVII'.S Tres't of tlieCM, Mji:i '. , l.vnrliliurir,'.O. iiox lli. sold) It Y II. T. ui;i,uo, x. c. apr. Cl lv. .1 Ti m J (1U.IIV KUlV IOOK I IF. HE JI 1 wldi to Inform Ibo cltlaens of ITaHfW cntiuly, nil I the public Kiu.nraily, UMAt, J. nttji n.v tins., u'.ynv. it. vt.-j Lfyt.l MClXlMi .VlilK.S. V, I bnvo a complulo ilmk if R0C-i:KIF.3 i CONJ'T.CTIOSERiptl,, My bar I.i atockod with tLo cboloeaJJ rniit'b, Apple, and Feaeh Hrandlea, ,fcLJ fil him is 01 VV hi-d 10s, Wines, i;ic( ii::n, nud Champagne. UllriT i;BASI'!i.'PWUKIK-J A WIUMJ. UJ I.wircr Iloer In Holtlos and on fljauftul iiiiiii.'.s supplied 111 lower rats by LU lo.en bnttb-s. lO.OMfX i'nar ot the liet prnf I have a lirst class Kl'T.Vr RAe. I" ANJ) IHMJAnj) tAI.CH.sfs attaoln d to the house. I will endeavor to pit use till who w ill honor mo wlU? kfaetr nitreiiiuit. 11U11I1U A s.KClAL.lI.l Ureters lur tr Filled ajt &l.ier n viivr. Tho trade will find ll to their adv&sftcet to order from us. G.OPKNiIElMFR, ! iUiU Central Salaon, Keolla-jd Netk oct 2J Bin. DRi BUTTS' i r-.t lit Liirontp Inwanoii, nnd ojo oaUoiv i.l '" ii mi-in 'hru! tN cur 1 ni of coc(li"'t.sTri,-fc , i'v-'Ui lllU llli 41, m ItsT Utt-f t, UtMtst Vs iUl SltA i', .iinr M.irxijijror I'.iI-boiiuuh M'ticiiiM. YOUNC MEN ho r '-tninniivftufiyt rmr,,mi , iwm vobv. f n tlit-v-net tU a unlit IU v tun im iMitiiifoft (ir nnrriiu-i, iH rmiincrtHjF rami, FATIEHTS j RE Aye , aiiMnpn'in, ipiwn jt mmm 1 il wler. pnMibls, t'f t, ..It tie., in,., 11 11 1 r.1,0, .1, wl.tru I'URB ..' Ivll ,1, Lt.t.s .BcliKM.a It It, lt.U(Jn,ma tti.i.l m. ,i!r,l It.. In any !tr on, YI'tH,.M wir.rlSR fr.. KsrtNM.It.isltl IMswII "s-ft .n.l leant .ttawlhlna la lit, Ir atltaH.afo, 11 la Ml aisaajr llu... ,-,iu . a. .trice, nwh l.ntl.l, at.dil.uuij b aatlmasa lilt III I TS, IU Aunk Oik SU. -l. funk, Moa j Scptetuhtir U!'.h Iy '1 ? IHCifp Iniainess now before Ihe pabe jJiLjoi He. You can maae money faster at work lor its (ban at anything else Cnpllal not required. Ve will atari vou. U a day and upwardi wad at bom i 1. v the iudu.sLrioiia. Mnti, women, boy and pirla wanted everywhere .to Fork for na. Now la tho time. You can dovett your whole time to tho work, or only ygnr spare momenta. Mo other business wi$ ptv you .nearly aa well. No one willing lo work ran lull to mnke otmrnioua pay by enKiiiiiK at once, C.wtly Outllt and terma froo. A Kreit opporttniity for makij niorlev easily ami honorably. Addre True A Co, Auuta,,Me. July i5 1y