THE ROANOKE NEWS. A i)EMOCRA,HC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. pne Tsar. In advance, r t Month. (:ir Months, 15 00 1 (Ml 75 eta PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . I .lt.ZOI.MCnFPKR. HR. U. I-101.UCGFKR, I)' A. II. ZOLLIOOPPER 1 BRO., i. , ai . . a, . as atv n A V d WELD O N, N. C. Trs IV and IV B Zolllcon'-r. hswlnir united is -.,artii"i' ill tin! practice nf m-di-i'i" under the sfvl.. mid nriuof Dr. A. R. Zllinotr-T A Brn. h!V"r thi'ir professional service to I ho punlic ..nurill) mi.l -i 1 if j t , share nf th"lr patronage. I tn' v rui-ii'it c ireful nml prompt attention In ai h. u io of ihc linn will always ho found ill tlvlr nine- In ,nlllc ilfer' l)nu Wore where ,:iM"tiU wi:l lv tr-"H -it at nil hour mu1 when ni'.M:irv. ii nh will vlnit an1 (flvn tln'lr attc.ii 1 1 mi In 11 1! i 'lils willmiit extra chaw, nir 17 tf. y- 4 1. TB 1 K. 1) A N I E L, Attorney anil 'oiitieHor At Law, W KI.DO N, N. V. p.rartlcm li; Hillfai ami aljnlnlne ciiintlc. Spmiial aii''iiiin iriven In collections In all part of the Slalo and ptiiiui.l returns inadit. li-li. 17 1 y It. OB 0. W. H A tt T M A N , S u r j ii u DnntMl, Oltle.' over W. H. Drowns Dry (loads Store, WKLPON, X. C. W'll visit part!- at their homos when desired ' Term Reasonable, oct'skil. J M. O R I Z Z A R I), 4TTOIlEY IT I. A (V, HALIFAX. N. C. (lien Ir th Pn'irt Home. Strict attention (riven tn all branches of th j profession. Jan 11 ly E T. B R A N I' li. ATT WHEY IT I.UV. EXl'IKLT). N. 0. fraetlei In th e mutln of Halifnv. Xasti E 1 fan iib'i and WiUon. 0 ilh'i'tioiis tna I- in ill irlnf Hie State. Jan 1 if twuvLL," " . ATTHSfEY A r I,VW, WF.LDOV, N. C. Simelal att-ntion Riven to collections ami remittance iroiuitly madi. hihv nr. IAMKS M. UIM.I.RS. joiis' a. Minnie I L LI N & M 0 0 II li, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. 0. TVaftiC'V In the counties of Halifax, Northamp In Kit"' iili'. ltd! anl Miriln-lii the -s 11 -prune court of the S'aie nipl in the h'odoral fisui'H of the liH'eru District. Udllcuinu uud" iu auy part of tho Slate. jan 1 ly FJlHQvi Afc N. inLt.:, AHorucy at Lav. HALIFAX, N. C. Brafltle In Ililifit and adlniifina cquutie. an I I'e.l iril an.l S11 ir mi court. Will b! at S0'i tan I A'eck, ouoe, every fm-t-plsrlit. an fin if T. W. M A S O N . ATTORXEY AT I. AW, (S.VHYSBUR t, N. C. Vi'atie! In t'l" C)nrt of Northampton ami a1)eliint? eoiintle., also In tin Federal ami Su pr n.! e )itrts. June 8 tf. W. H. DAY. 4.C iOl.l'UHif.R. D VY ZOLLICOFI'ER. 4TTEYS AJ WRL00N. N. 0. Fraetlce In the eonrt of ITalifaY anil ii)niiiln 0o uitle.i, an 1 in th Supreme ami Keilenil nuirM. Claim eolleete I tu nv part of North Carolina. Uiouf the linn will al-vayn be fonn.l in tin- tflce. June Sil 1 ' Q R. E. I.. 11 USTEK, SURGEON DBS CIST " Can bo found at bis ofttee in EnfioM. P.urs Nitrun Qx'dn Qa lor tho Pain l""'Kxtnieting of roetli always on band. J U q 21 tl. H. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT I,VW, Scotland Nsck. Halifax i'oontt N. C Traetlce In the enmity of Ilallfa? ami a.ljoln Ib eountlea, ami In the Supreme V""!-1 "' SJtute. ' li )' t-.-'-LJ- J i'-A-! M '- '"" ' MISCELLANKPPS. I an) nivr running a lil mail from 5o itland Neck to 'lalifax. I hnv a mini f'lrta.hl lw home hack, whleli Inavtm IC1Uii1 Noe.k, flvery innrniuK for Halilnx ami r'atiirtiH Mjiiue liay. Will take paa-nn. aar ami xurH mcl;ai?n at nvHunalile rata. I am alo prenuoil to nteriuin pavaleir, Lrn!iiJlnit io'I"iie no J)in to make tiiO c'lnfurlnlilH. lUipctl'nl1y W. H. SHIELPS. Nov JQ!.f. i'0R SALE. The followlnij raluaMe real nutate 0'lnit fT-ar TUInry'a Mill, in lllifui county ibHit nlnfliiiiloa from the town of IIhUIhS. Abutit Hti'l acre incliniinit Rteam eimme, (fivy mill an I fixtnr, ((III. Kin hoin-e utui Ktmrmi fill iluiuK tbe rwtdnuce of J, H. Tillery. Mika Wllkins, U;at cpntains about D7 jHCrna. Pope plaee contaltilnu Mi ml loO aere. 1 IntBrost in Wh ie H TlUery tract, llie ,YvUolu cntiiHiniiiK about HT7 acre. Apply to T. N. Hl'LL, Atlorney. Halifnx N.'C. July 31tf GREAT pARCAINS. We are no rr-fedvinv onr 'W a'' h'Rutlul oodn reeeiitly piirehati 'd of the niallllf n tgrer. fiiiit eonlially Inviteyoii to eall and then.'. The larifost and heat aelet nl sto,(k i:f (OOLTt WATCH US. HKTHOFJKWRLnV. BANII BR,M'KI.K,l;, Ut'KKA ANI IICAHll CUAlNtf. Ill A MONO AND H K I. KIMH. ' Nl.kKVM HIT'PPOVS ANDr-l'LTlW. tOLin siLyat nrooss. forks e. TUe IUt 910 ('HMlor ami $3 C fork K V K It O I, . U Yoiinjr's r. V. Uleases and linprve your , ylht. W itehea ami' ilewelry repaired liy the best .workmen. Kngravinc neatly done hy J. T. VmiN" PRO. i lyfl rvlerhluiro, Va. J VOL. X. PARTED F0HEVEH. We mot In the sweet month of roue, W hen all llilncs pmu lovelv ami fair ; when nature In Uuiiiv ri'nii.e. And Utaven is briui'lu-d m the air. Oumoiiln were in tune with the jchsdii, W iili iiinl, plum ami iIuwit, uml nun ; We puii.-i'il nut toiiieiioii the reifoii Why our epiriu eoinuiiiileil in one. l.ilie the wilil, dreamy odor of II mers, 1 tint tilow in a Iropieal eiiine, l.ove eharuu'd into iiioiin ii's hour, 'I ill we lunyhejiil the roinpiiTor, tine. We v,er thrllleil with a pushm so tender, 'l ioll IKavell fieelued p-venied m liyhuiee; And the old earlil sihoiie nut itli a splendor Like the Hold ol u Miiiul in hm trutu e. Our love wn m true ami pure hieu ted "io lie envied hv alnjels a .ove ; A ii : w n y i.iii i u iii mir ow ii liaitd- h 'Ve p;ii'ti' ine ii, hi i nil ...iiiiiiiii ..I., i 1 We threw iiwny tnnill y a treuMiro 'I hut ihoulil have Loon miarileil with euro ; Hut youth hu I, no w isdom to iiicunurc Tlie value ot jeiveN bo;. We lioth nuraeil a proud, rimlMi npirit, That would hot foiive nor relent. Ami Iheienilile woeHtloil vveinheiit Have tiiughl i, loo late to repent. Air Hull t were the onmei to sever Two iintM so lileinli'd In one ; Put the mmI of hu tiiviul torever li slumped on the deed we h ive done. CRACIE'S LESSON. It wtm (iraee Kiruiton'a wed lint; J ,y, ami she stood fully dna-ed before her mirror, takliur pne last look, Willi a little ji.irdoiulilu y.iuily at the petty !iiiiv r. llected theie, In iiteitlier hour rhu (.honld be MrH. F. m l Ke.liave. 11 iw h iri( it w.n to rctl, ize She was a vain anil rather filvolou? L'irl, Hut deep down hi me depth of the hcl.' otl lly l;e.ut win ii wi;ll of 'rue love for Kirne-t. If tlie hail hud In eke up all thi on unto show, Kin" would lnvu liee.i ipiile eon tent to have none idt n! iilouu with liilil, ipid uoved lioiv true a wife she could be ; lull ti, ere was no occisinu for Ih's. and pe h.ip.s even liraee h TSelf knew not how wiiolly slie loved him. Kl;e u ih a aoiled, pefeii eliild, and that any solemn duties were entailed in the estu ii(i.iti will, h rim was Jtist fill erinix, slie die not p use to tliink. tor four wei"s she ninl K.irne.t traveled; then ihey ciiiiie In their nwi be iiilifiil home lier father's woldlm; tift to her. Here a routid of tetlvlties ait iitt;il th.-m, so lint the youm; couple for thiee inoiitl, J, no single evenili 'o tlieuiselvs. !'l am tired Let in stay at home to niej'it, diti'liiu," i-ai 1 KnineHt one evetiint; diiiner, us (imee w 's iiltuiit to leave him to liinke her toiiel f ( gome p;i, ty. 'A'iii'd, K'luest.. You a.e pd prowiu old air inly, surely ! I! 'ldes 1 puiiipsed Mis. llli'Ssiiiirtoii wu woti;d c one, nun 1 ea-iuot ills uptioiut Iter. "1 do Hill IlliC Mrs. Ble9ill't()!l. wlh you were mil so In'.lina e wi h h..i';.in.l really my li sail nohes to-iinrul. Stay at Louie like a (joi 1 Utile u!il. For u mioiieut Oaoe wavered. She looked within the v, v. tii: h sei tiled so warm an 1 inviwnij. She eo. lid f.iiii' v K.uiiet sl.e.hid on llie rofa, while t.he beside him, n.uiiiee Lis fo'-ehuad with some fi.iijr nt eolomie, end thought what a sweet eor.y ereninj; tn.-y uiiehl ll ive. I hen i-he tein,'in,.iered soinethnu' M, s. cssjnU.ti Inul i.aid about bi'oi ii.; n-'it, u.;d i.'i easy it was to bejriii, and how se!lili they (treir. It was well eunuch for Farnest to spoil her. That was to be e::in c.ed ; b -.l us to soo lini; him no, i.nleed ! So she ran up sleiis, 1.1II1114 baek over her ilinuliiers as sl.e went ; "Come. F.u ii'Sl, we lnve uot 110 lime to lose. Anil as to that hotiid pi'i jndiee uf yours try ami Let over ii." Th ie e.nne 1111 nwfnl tern"! tioii to tin' nun a .:iiiii a. ion to can y mil his nun will, 'nit ;oio-r, ii'iiv'er i,e' .nj swept dvit l.ioi as a iiiei.lal v s ii n of 1 He ;iiel.y Li;,l.I,1., face passed liefo e hiin ; nod ha f Hi) limir 1.' or he flood In f. ill diess wei Ip ; the rdveut of ike t'euuiiful Ll who, nil unconsciously to them bolii, was sleerinir her fiuil vessel ot) Hie of luiii. led tuisciy. A yea- p is-ed unit Mr. a id Mrs. H' d.'i:'ve weie still in tl,e i;ny vortex of f.ishioiislre Jife ; hut lii the niao's sjiiril ii. had rowii uu ulieni'i y vve. iijionie.. "1 1110 1 1 It'll for a inline, (miciv1 l,e said ni d IV In (ju.itle cxio.-tu ailon, but do I see of my home ? ' "cjuil.e c'loic'h to satisfy a reus mihle nun. Why, I fhouldu't to be alone with y.u all llie l ine, K n nest. Think how 11 a tally tired we should soon pd of c 'ell other." Tlie Ihoiulnless winds st. ibie'd Iili" a k'lif ' hut he in ol iliem no repiy. Dn y lliilcveii iicj, for the Hi's! lone, Mrs U derive went to tome Lav nls' iniihuc alone, Jler liushainl h td refused to iieeoiupaiiy her. '1 ai;( .tied," l:e said, "bill do not let me iletiiiii yon Mis. liic.-sine.lon Is teen tim stantlv without her hii-baud." "because ho is a bear," iiimvert'11 (iraee, pniiti (J. Ncvei Iheless she wen, and aficr Unit it was no 1111 MHiinoii 'hin for F..11 nest to spend li t eveniinzs wnli his Pools tint .iioiio,, w l.ile Ms le.uilll ll !" went out inone. "(iraee, 1 wish joii to trive M's. ISiessinijtiiii up," he said t.) her one evening as luey sat at diene . 'Xonsciis ', E.i.' "'si I cannot do it if 1 wished it ever so much." liu' you must do Ii. I will m;t lure you go to that woman's Ionise 11 -. oil." "Uul, Farnest, 1 have ulieady ueeeptcd 1111 i'lvn ilii,h 10 a d 11111" put) there for Tainiday cveii"i;." ''I 1111 w ile ami decline. I do not nsk you willioiil li.iviiju (ood cau-e, lilili. liiI; but tliiues liave 'eeenily come 10 my luarme; iv i;arieiii til's lailv, 11'inl I do not wi-li my wife's name coupled woh het." (ince made no 1 Plv, bat in her own hunt her deeis'oll Waf Il iaiU-red. Ite.-iu !o vie). I !o a nun's whims inid wheie wimbl she mil Of couisi! slie thould (,'" She had been married inoie Inaii a year now, uml so far, had always had her own sweet will nod way. Tips lime the Infer vvs unexni'etcd'v lifule eesv to her ; for us Kainc t I iss. d her (jooJ bve on Tiiui -Cn i.:orui.'. 'i lie said : '"I sli m't In- home lo d'uiier to niht, (ince. Yon had belle, ib'ic at nioun i's. Hythewuv, ihi-wn Mrs. I'de-so 1 1 hi s I'ilit. loit have il 'id1 ! Unit inv , 1 hi ':" Tue li st fear t 1.1. she had ever felt i f Far nest ei' ii. In o lie-he iil at a new look the sh,v In his 1 H's, and it d.vw her Ufai falsehood lJ li tm l -iiiii lips .', Yes," she uliswer 'd. lie stopped ami kissed her nioie tenderly. ' I'd nuke I), up to you, d..rlin:f. Helieva ji:e, I do r, it sk It wit In ml L'""'! '':l1""' ' She oe'id ipian si. 'I ufler lie liaj ii r. She was hu f iciiiiitcil vej lo obey him ; but -pshaw ! Ml'.'il ,,nilscl!i.e il was. o, i.t 7 o'cloi k the ca. line;.- stool at lr;; doci, 1 ml in a bewi. i-Ihiii; dinner den, sue was ib.vcn to llw house In r bus' and had for bidden her to cuter. Hot 'lie liinaer dinged not but ill it Mi's Itlossinejou'it eA h d done himself in" Hie ci'euit, or 1h.1l lief mP Rt f nl' il in Hieirpiit. llie iiou'.ile lay only wiih.M.s. KedL'iive s seif. la van she a'love to rally; eomphnients palled on her, the lipids tiled Li-r. 11 1. ,10 . i.'iie I on her I.e. ut : Suppose rn,nest should be seriously ills- j pleased Well, v l.ut If he were. -Mrs. lilcss tiiLlon had ton! her imw sin1 hud inuna.eid her liu-ha, id's Hist di.-pleasiire. Never ilcld! she ndvifcd. "No'.er ihow that you ar'o suiry and you'll Boon leiru mil to foe soi l v." . , , , . So when, at 10 o'clock, she ImJe lier hostess tooil iiiirm, she detei mined not lo show Hut she fcltanv reisrel. A li-.'ht in Hie library told her Hint her lius hush.iiiii wa.i at home. Mie hesitated a 111 idiuil at tlii1 door, then went liolilly in. ' Fullest Blonil wilh his li.iek lo Hie tire, his eves lived ii-'.i her, but lot her K rues I. 1 he sterimess had Rone f.oni his 'yi, hut no smile was 011 Ins lip-. Over ad his fare was an ex pressiLii of williniin; conn nipt "You huu1 1'liJoM'd 011r eveiiliuf, madam," he slid. "You loid for It the relish of jour i falsehood this miiinluL' " , , Oh how wroiiij slm ll"' ueiunue mi. t-mplcd to co to him, nnd creep Into Ins arm-, and or him lo forelve lu r, but tbe ruiirm bend Mis. Blt.mKl -. dv:cv. .Roanoke A WE L DON, 'I es, she sdd, "1 had a clurminij e-veniiip ; but I am quite slcepv now. Good nijjtit. I an: L'oiin; to he.1." She turned to leave the room, but In one stride he was beside her, and held lier arm In a crip or st. -el. "Coward, you hurt me !" she said In sudden nicer. He dropped lier mm then, as though she had s'nr if latin . "Yon ineaiit Hut word -you have eea-cd to lore me ! Why did you disobey me, i:.acev" "li e 111-e 1 do not propose to be a sla.e to, your e.n.i ice -in"- iue 1 hive had in v oini wav u'l my li'e, mid 1 in. end 1.1 l..u.' it,"' "And I .i y you shuM hot li.'le. II. Cliouse belween Mr. Illess'llloll mil 11, e -be ween your iniwii. il.y f,,eud and iuir liii.sliaiid -between uuir uwn will ami mir fiuiiru happiness on tin liptaut 1 lino-e :" "I In'.ve made n:y choice; I nbiile bv It Wliea joa i.iii mole teiisoiinble I will iisl.ui fm liu-. Now, l'ooiI nl;lii I" lie made her 110 answer. Slie lingered a liniment 11 tin' head of the stairs, hoping he Would iuk lie; 'ill, but all w.l:!cr.l. "How na,. fill I v.-as ! ne 11 1 t s.-lf. "A If I woi'lil no! give up tif y Mis.l'.le-s ngiou's lor ni;e Kiinest. 1 will nivc her Hp, too,' bill i ll do It in it.y own way." Once she iniloi lied Hie door lo go down. Hut. tin it would undo nil that her hiuiiicss ha I aeeompllslied ; so llie night pas.-.ed, tu her a sleejiless one. Ill llie early morning a servant brought her a noic. It wus from her husband, ui.d It I. ill thus : "At I) o'clock I start for Imll i, to be absent for six months. During that time my lawyer w ill consult you in .vpud lo our sepa'aitiin, and make il. as easy fni- 011 as (lossbde. 1 lure know 11 for along lime in it our tastes were disnicli le.illy opno-ed, Hut all 111 v sweet hopes nf home were wrecked, but not lliai you Would ile.'y and on! 1 age Hie love which I so freely Bale you. Ho not think 1110 haish in leaving you withi tit. a t,ned bye, luit 1 thought Il would be less painful to us both." Willi tear blinded eyes she glan cd up nt the clock. It was just ciht. .She had one hour in wlneli ;n uei. I) was lint the work 10' f 11 ini:mos .0 order the ut'THeo', make a hasty toiiel, swalli.w 11 cup of coll'.-e, then issue her lOllnuatiil 1. 1 the 1 0.1 '11111.01 ti drive lit any speed, bat to r.'.ii Ii il,,: i.iuiiniis before the cloeii mi lie . nine. 0,1c hour b.; Undo wl,at miL'lit lie a life's f ' . 11I work. Hut Inne waits for no in 01. l! was (cumin i:ti,s p. si i :ie hour wtieu the terminus was reai'iied, u.'id ulieady llie train was speeding oil its way. ' V,.h a low cy nj aii.ii.y (,1-aee i-cali.ed the who'i': ; tlicn Hie strain relaxed, and ;h" fair young Tell back upon La silken cushions in a dei d faint. "A leiiy fain ed ! wa the cry which reached n g"iidi.iuaii Liv.t'if some directions about, the lu,.i;e winch he. had countermanded being pu la llie mall t iiiu. lie tu-iicil There stood hi own li i scs, his mi 1 ca'.iiie, 1.11. 1 wiihiij il tlm lovely face "f bis unconscious w fe. It whs llie work of an tiisianl to spring beside her ti"d lift lier on his hi'oast, trying to revive lier with Lis pissioliale kisses. At. last the beautiful eves opjjied mill wild iiieiedillous teeogiii tii hi. "(. I am dreaming"' tin; 11, ui 'inured, "Finip'st ! don't leave me !'' ".No, darling no ! ai the last moment n;y heart fi leiiied. 1 thou ;hl perph ips I had mis jutl '.i'd you, or thai 1 had been ion severe, and Iiuiie;-J inv liiL'..;age to in: trkeu mil of the 0.1111 ninl lei il s:ail willioiit me. My w.fe, 1 luoiiglil you Jul not love ine-llnit 'you pad ch. i-eil the woil 1 ; In cause, my daniiiir, 110 woin.'ii tinds it haul to vie d to tne mini whom siie , an le.-pei'f ulld love; mid bUl't-ly , (, you do not liu I me 11 tyrant." Hut n:e ciiihl only sob uul lpf (den for for givemiss -a idea u'l loo easy to era, it ; and i even leais me sweet wleu kissed away by love S lots. Mill (i hco n.iver fiu;;ets J;er I.'-un. F.nrl; e.i'' llomc e -,,e. s mi ecu'. , iiioie p. cel. uls; a'nd some of ,,.e ,.ts'ing 1.. a side iiolld Is slmt uway; but d ace misses no.h pg. She las found her vvoild within lie- husband's heait, Hint knows that l,e U well content Unit il:e slioiild nestle lliere. AN EDII0R OS THE FLY. 'Inch Las been said of llie I v of tin period, but few vv.lte inioiit him who ni'e bald headed. lieu, e wc say 11 woid. It. is of no use uiiy mole 01 deity the Ion 1 tide truth. Alili 'i,.'h us bc.ill.iilll as peal ill other way-, our tress.;, mi lop hsve stieeiiiiihed to the Inclement y nf the wealher, and our massive brow is sh v ini: over tuvv aid tin' back ol our i.eek ly ereep Nature 111 ikes ail things even. Hainan be possessed of sileh lavishing lieainy 11 nil sil, h winning iiis power iui!;lit beeoiu-' dangi roils, si akes bun biild-ltea led. 'I uat i's our li x. Win 11 w e have our hat oil n"d u.,'ug down the sir. ct w itli 1 1. 1 c nnel u i'ie 111 nips I veiy line ll-ks who til.ll no.ile-lno',,11,' Apollo wnh llie deep meianehollv eve is, toil when we me al the nlllee, Witti mlr h it hung up nil III'' Flem ll W limit sld. bo. I'd, mid the sun collies so. lly III llniiiigli Hie 10-i'wood nhuilers 1111, 1 llg Ill's Up Hie she'lac poli li oil our illlcllccUul dome, w e me not : .1 10 el 1 v. Tin 11 it i- that Hie My, with irent'e tread and sediieiive sin z. i'"in, s and pro-p cts a.ound on our bump of si If eslieiii, und Ueklcs 11 , and Us Iliad. lieu wc gel vvhc.e forbearance censes to be il vliuic, wc haul olT and slap the place where In was, while ite urns ove: lo III'' ink-.-'.!".! end siiiikersal 11-. Alter he Ills wa,k I 11.01.11d 111 (".limine b k awhile lie itoes back lo llie bump nf spi.ltuulity and nukes some ri d luiii.s over ii. Iluvii.i 1 il l off his claim under the new mill iuir law, be pni-eeds to sink on ll. If we write iiiivl'iiuu oil'ei days; If we say 1111,-lit of our fellow 111 1,1 that i disagreea ble or unjust, and for which we afterward get Hi ki d, ll is because al Hulls weget 1 xusperalcil mid are not r. sponsible. If the ay we.e huge ami webjlied '.' Ill pmllld; mid e.iine'lii here and told us If we didn't lain heck what we had mid about hiiii he'd knock nut the winnow wiilioi'r ioniums ami let fall loo f. ct iiiio ilie busy sheet, il woii'du't wmiy us so nun h, li'-cau-e H 1 'li we could slui-igle him W Hi nlle call, I, Willie ve e role 11 'll.llll I dlto- n.d on Coi...liiik wnli liie olln r. We do I i .1 1 fu pienily. Hut a lit ll" fr 1 ll.-ins, ci, w i,h in ei ne iiuii'no pneiils, ami only four or live tud I, in 1 Hi 1 . hers mill sl-li"'s, g ill's mj co.ilideliee mi l then t ickh s our scalp all we he ye lo w rile vt iili s sheet in tar-100", ig over our he ld. 1 hell lie ciillli'S ill III). I helps lis led (nir proof. We ib. u'l waul him 10 help, but he Insist 011 nuking correction and putting pino'itiHlious in the wrong pi ice, and putting foil slops vv In re Ihey kllocK tlie sclu u all out o, li e pili'ligl'.ipll. If the l.y .' uli ,:e r un;. T.l from our ."J.'a way we would aLing in our Joini.eV lo the loinli in a way thai w ui'd be the rny and u !"..u.i'ioii uf t'ne cis id. d woi l I. A- it i-, we we me , 111 1l.11 a yeiy handsome reeorO. 1 HE FLEA. This It-sect When l.e gels nt your sleeve bi"ecl' leave. bilmigs to th" genu Pnlex. on v uir iinn y,'ii l'ul-excidetlly You tire iiuxioils al-o for (be The ll -a Ii is a s'rotig l"ve for 1 nun. but he manages to get ov.-r bis ii'tiieu IPenl. lie is a le,er. 1 I oldi II ti.lie Ihey Used to d Ive llie leper out or I he synagogue. Whci, thc He,i gels on vnu, he sees sin tigog In y our lie. nt I In, Ilea is a parasite. You have md to cross the oci'ini, therefore, lo see u Pans sight. Fleas ate very plentiful. You lemenilier that Mary ha I n little luino whose fleas were while ns siiuw liiniieleiit n ties, however, llie gol den N-us were very s 'nice, nnd eonseipiently iniieli sought nfier. There euu ho no doubl about (he habit of this social Insect, for does not the Hible speak of It us tin "Men, from the w - nt ll 10 ( ie?'' And ugai.i In it referred lo as the "wicked Ilea" which "no nun pur-ncili." Hu' we pr fer not to dwell on this sunjeet. Neither do w e wi-h to have this subject dwell on us. A'e might, ere long, have a Bea in our ear should we not stop. Four pr'son rs in jail at Ozark, Ark., for murder, named Divis, le e, Casey, and Holland we-e liberated llie other nielli by guard I mcd i"'l, and eicaj'cd, N. O, THU1SDAY, NEWS TEFS. Orant's Income Is sail to be not far from (." 1,000 1 year. K.Jiiins call doctors by a name which means "enfpenter of Den'li." Miss Qenevra Hawkins, ct Carroll county, Teim , is a iioniry public. Tildire Holiertson has taken charge of the jew Yuik las; 0111 house. '1 I.e. electric light I eniulntr Into use In in my cities an J is giving tuilLfuctlnu. Prince Louise 1 cipected lo return t i Canada llie lirst wees in September. The large Iron liiani.Tai.tiiiies In I-JilladtlpliLi have more unlets than iliry call till. Si' lug Hull wan; the I'nlteil Slates BiiveriP tileiit In give huu a man to wail on him. There a-i no free schools In I'tnh and the Mormon schools are of veiy low grade A I e a,(ville (Col.) newspaper boy has put I l.iHiil In W.o ti uik, hckldes being a mine owner. Twenty nine Nihilists, main and female win be IrieJ In Kii-sia by eutrl 111 irtial lu Septem ber. Alex. Stephens Is siil to he writing a hook, lie ihiu't want .Mr. Davis lo be even Willi li 1 111 . A postal card has hdeti patcntiM wllh a pocket attachment for enclosing stump for reply. Hildivi.i county, Ala., with a population nf O.f si lias not a resident lawyer and hut 01111 doctor. A chilil was horn in Tennessee iccctit,!)' with, out eyes though it had sockets where limy ovght lo be. The Wilmington Rt'ir say the Prince nf Wa'i s is not tit to succeed his mother as king of F.ugbiiid. Sarnti l!eniliai'ilt is a great favorite In London si,iu.y Slie receives more Invitations than she call uccepl. The liolel and depot of the l.'evr York an,l Hrlhlon li, cell railroad at Couiy Itlaini van Liiiiied week. New York State bin n law, Just passed, pro Lilii ing cliil.licn under lil'leeu from galheriug rags 111 ' he streets. A huzird's: eirg was Maeed iu 1; s'.orc show case al. Wi ie.liiVi.lo, Telas, ivgeully, and m a few days ll Latched. French graves are sometimes decorated with wreaths of black 1111J while hoise hair selected tor its durability, Mrs. A. Siiijouun, tho deputy sherlll nf count v, Tela-., has been lined f .' and costs for dressing iu male iiltire. Sixty black sheep ill Colorado were eo fiL'hicncd by 11 coyote wolf that Hut they tutneil wliite ill one night. The Deniiier.i's of the New York I.i'glshitiira on llie las', dey of lliesession id iieii rded liei . Mai cock's 11.1 111 11 for I'resnl.-ul in isS. Tiie litenian in (,ov. Cobb's rolling tmil i.t Helen 1, A a , vv as taken sn-k recently so the (inventor shoveled for three uujs. Mrs. Howard found a r.itlltsiiaUn In the bed with her al Km liiu'loii la, II. e other 11!;, lit. llie snake wus killed before ll till lier. '' le't'eis iioni I.tstoVjOi in Tralec, LJut., I've luiles ap.nt, have to .rani sixty miles by sugo und '.lain before they reach then destination. Il Is fi',1,1 thai Texas Is iihliv. to irodiice ten million haics of cotton annually. It bus only lo be opened up and the Lud cultivated to do litis. Hovels, the cx Sena'or from Mississippi ha bc.-ll chosen t'lesldll) Kldcr of Hie .laeksou D s.ilcl by white Mctliodts'. conference of 1 liu S.aU. The wharves nt New Orleans are to I13 Hinted by cleetrieity, so th it vessels may be unloaded at night, when the hot sun is not shining. (i iinble 's b iiiisbeil frmi St. Louis bv llie new law emUrate to F.isl St. Loins 011 the Il linois side of the river and carry uu their busi ness there. H ildwyn county Ala., Inn, C, ;;C iiil. iLltiints, and is as laige as tlm Stale nf tvimlc Island 1, 111 has no lawyers and only one doctor within its limits. afi'. (...tilling My lie Is dope with polities (low and foiev-r and iiileiuls to ilevole ns time ami tue purpose nf his life lo Ins pin f.ssion. The church bouie for v-oiueii and an iu li, nu.v nre to be established al Louisville, Ivy., ti;si, being raised by benevolent iieoide for tLj pu pose. Ai old soldi -r named Capichel at Jouioe, N. Y , has u-t eoimhe.l 1 1 , a pici f his at in v i-t.t! wli'eli was carried into his iviugb by a bail lb years ago. C iiienss'iin pel o'eiiui lus be n analyzed and is found to it'vh IU per cenl. more Lght tlin Ame'lesn, a'tiiougli llie S'lecilic gravity nf the dinner .- grealer. A clergy.pan Iu New York rseentiy attacked Sj.iaioi L ip', mi on lit ilriiikin; habits and prayed Hi 1; (i id wotld spue llie Slate llie dis crave uf being represented by an inebriale. Aiphonse Algero Hradl-'V, a ncL'ro 'aw crnt St Loins. Iu- ;,een d'sliaiied ffoiii', icing in the C on I of Criminal Correction f r appio p.iitu.o iiioucy wliii'h a client KAV Liiu lo piy a fine. lien. l.oinlreel his replied llirougli the I'll, liiiL'Ipl, la '',,' lo r.i ivis' s'l'ieluie up 111 leni. He closes ny saving "M-. Hivls ns frtiiinu is Liie uiuis,cil suiiicsa ot liie nineteen b ceiiiury ." The colored H iitl I rhitn I) nt Sniniip'rvill , S. ('., n e. Illly pll Sid ri solul PUIS cousiistul -ling 1'rei iil-.'in liarllelil on his probable re 'ni cy, and line, I! ige .' I on his uiliiiiuUtiatitiu nf St t'e ull dis. Ti 'in Is on'y one tjeinnernt left on Ibo I ' .iite.l sta'-s Supieupi Court since the d"atli of .liiiUe Clilfoid -Ja Ige FndJ, nf lu'ifm ill:'. b ire several vacancies to be tilled and 1 f loiirsi! lie publicans will tie appointed. Much damage to tlie farm I nnU and slid -iug In c Otic at Ling tl 'audi, N. J., Is Liiu; eiustd by the prolonged dmt'ght.. lhetinnv I worm il. rives on Ihi! pirelKil' grain and rlovi r i Helds. A rep-lillou or' )ast suiuuier's terrible drought is feared. Many papers believe Hut the President lu' mil hail no,er lr. Hliiieiil,ii(i Hint Ids true coin! I h is never been nude known. Dr. IldsB Is in t looked upon as the best sergeou iri toe couul-y nnd recently Or. Hamilton, of New Yolk aid lr. Aeiii w, l'lilla I Iplda Itiivu been Called ai d one or liie ntlier is "oiistiniily w it!) the Presi dent. T he A ) nri was(liist ly ruUcd the qui-attun ns to .lie treutmciit. Jtc IV(N unl Uiippy. If roil will s oil all vour cxtrsv'agiint and vriuig notions lu doctoring yourself and fam ilies w itli expensive doctors or humbug cuic itlls, tin' ib. harm always, and use only Pa lme's simple remedies for all your ailiueiiU you will be wise, well and Imppy, and snve great exp, use. Tlie greatest remedy for this .1 .. .. ...l-.. ...i i u..o . II I. tl.... , tiiegreub, ist- mm (-in.,, win i 11 jolt, ti xaup i B.ttrrs - lily ou It. -;'.. .Sews AUGUST 4, 1881. O00D BYE, SWEETHEART. A lMCTCllEeiJl'R PAHTHsil-A Sl'FNl! TO Tulllt.L A lll'SKT nl-' hutitiiHf C'jurir-Jonrnnt.l There Is n nidncs In parting which Is heroic; there la always a sorrow iu saving farewell, which rnusrerutea the moment to viilue. "My Native, 1 ioiul Nmht," was not the Irony of the exiled libertine, but the sigh of (he de pai I niLr poet. Those vlio have heard "Fare well, My t wn," w arbleil by an exhausted tenor Willi Hie last "l'lmifore" tuiiipe nf summer can iipieei'l 11,1 the inetl.itile stillness o! ll e thought. The pleltiri is jno story nf pin ting betwea'li two young lovers of 1. bus soincliow (;rowu lo a wlii-per, mid is causing a aeusaiion 111 ecitaiii knowing circles of this city. Several days sgo a young uuu, who was about "sailing out Into the wes'." Iu search of foitnne and faine, found tho day of his departure at baud umt a fair young girl with bluck eyes to be left behind. They were "sweclhi'in'ls" the approving smiles of parents, mid he wa going Wesl to Illlike a Hi'sl Bolliewlli"!! Ill which he would lu time Install lier. Hut the brightest Lopes and fondest evp- nations of the future 1 oil I d not dispel Hie sorrow nf parting. Two nr 1 1 1 r years, though induing lu the life work ur life .1 ippluess of the young people, is a tli'earv Music to those septiriileil after dally coin pati.nindiip of years from chiMhuud, to uiulgii (y. And so he was cast down ninl she was al) red with weeiingiind nervous with emotion. But, brave girl, rhc vyould lint let him gee her sor row; she would bid him (md speed wllh a biiglt face Hud cheering woids. And so resol ving, she eilyd herself to sleep I lie night b. fore. The next morning she arose laic, anil, anticipating the ' si call, binned to make her self fresh and br nl for hiiii. but ipiiek on the heels of her c iug, 11 carriage da-hed up to the gate, followed by 11 prolonged pull nf the bell, and in a luinulc tuoie the departing lover was iu the p.ul"r. "I luive ju.-l ki.oe.'' he said Li tier mother, breathless. v, "to bid lier good bye nnd cat ill the train. "" "lint!" ciied Hie mother, aghast, "she is in the bath roiiiu." " I hen let iue -hake hands w iili her through th" 1I001, for I hay,' but ten liiiiiilt' S lu which to get to the depot." 1 was 11 critical moment, bill wilh her heart full of sympathy to: the two young people, dim mnlli, r said yen, nnd leading ike wuy through Hie hall and upstairs, showed the (.xpiVlaut young man into Hie room of his adored one, (I ',, us the sbiine of iniioceiii-e. I'be white d.aoeiy of llie l ed li'mbltd like the erett of cboppeil sens, lold of recent nsii.g. Ly ils! a pair of liny bonis uml 11 llltle limp mass ot cnloi ed silk mutely teslllied to an uucoiiiple'cil toilet, which oilier ctrciessly llirnwii articles ot sin red invsleiy lu leaiiile titine shout llie room proved. I hu glance of 11 tiiouiHiit can led this seene lo llie young man's heart. II, 1 was on sacred giniiiid, in Hie 111 st ot puri'y. A few wotds were h istilv called lliiinigh the door by llie mother; there was a Utile siippresud et'i'ctim, and then llie. door, opening uuicklv but c.iiilioiisly, let "in 11 dainty Hide hand all rosy Willi llie iiiiiociit b it -l which r.turtlinj fioin the heart vveiu llnilling lo every tip. Just the hand, Willi s glimpse of a while aim. So!, eg 11 he coy, red It w ilh kisses, saving f.iiewell the mean: line; the mother standing near. Suddenly, llieie came a crash, 11 scream, til 11 dead slleni e fioin I1..I0W. Th:: Joung lovci stnnd ll ll III I'f oulldnl (ll senilis lldtilTil one's inottier praeileal to the core, rush out of the to, uu to the scene of the disaster, leaving him w til; ti e hath room door at ir and his weep 1 llg swceih.'iirt behind il, mid her warm liniid in his own. Talk of ummeuis weighted with sen sail, 11. Noi nil of 11 1L-I1 of eailv clieiiiubeis in the reiuoiselill stoinieh nf 11 dyspeptic could pro luce tlie half nf tnhiglul feelings w hich to iscd ll;e yocug :r;'ii t. In ii't lis in a b! mket, ricssliig her I, md, be ki-sed ll ugkln ami' tig.'iln, lliliimii.lng how bard it was to leave without Si'lillg Lei. The llpllllte Wile IHlllg, Hot Lister than lie- hem t beuis of the loi'-r, its the door . vi ung silently and slow ly fuiihcr nnd furlhc; iijae. The lo-y I111111I was followed by gh 'til ing anil l oi'id aiuj while us marlile then the iliuipi d elliov,' and a slioiildt r to soil, so wi'ining m curve and color, that the fciilnteror p.dpter uii.lit h ive stood Indole it and sighed his hi url out for the weak vanity of bis dreams. And on !he shoulder, resting hue the snowy fringe ot a blossom iig.i'nsi the blushing cheeks nf a peach, lay a while huu! nf linest linen mis tily pioloiigui Into a ben ildei iug Lucrty of ev illsj,e lace, node,' whose tiny illlci laelugs till' siaiiled healing of all innocent ciipilioii Hill top d like a t! in-; Move 111 tl.e tiiethes of a net. A ml so the revelation came w nh the Irresisti ble' Hood ol those two heails heating ugainst the obstacle. Above mi iu ami shoulder peeped 1111 nu ll head Willi closed eyes am. Iirnlcd black hair, the face owilahl wilh 11 uiodesi red. Then snowy neck uml throat like the ibift of snnw, t vvhleh i.iioiber liiiml clitlelied 11 mils. ot luce 111 treiiililmg eioifiision . liu, when ', mis vicnt lo tie' bath and (imll- va lode iu the midst f her hair, Olympus and ltd Hie , 01 Id closed Hi, ir eves. Ami It IS lies'. 10 eios" o-ir 1 ve.. upon tills s,elle ot itllio nee ninl aitle-.; sun .w. '1 1, -re was 11 ipiiek llisiiing i.igelher of Hie bps, u moment of tint tcrnig 111 a p til of manly anus, and tlicn, bouiii!- mg down llie stalls IlKe a deer. Ihi! vntlllg mall il 11 led iu, ! I- 1 il l ill:; J .Old w as sooll speeding behind a I no, 110, ive a mi f mih sway ftuiii ni ml-Intel piclHlioii of bis union And tins w is an mcIiiiI oeciuieiicc in Loilis- y lib- M-vi 1.1I day ago. The atta'i.u., often Hi ' S'lllli f our gn at tl our greatest son desires i iv 1. AD KltTlSKM KNTS. l'llll RHEWFtlATISi, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swellings ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily fains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other fains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Ft J irons flu si a iiV,wre, (mi(eanil eirttf, Fileriinl lleluedy. A trial entails but the comparatively Iritilng outlay of till l enla. and every one mllcrliiK v lib paiu can nave iliesp aim isiiive (insu in !' jayius. Directions In Eleven Loiiituimes, BOLD BI ALL DKUA0I3T8 AND SEALtC3 IH MEDICINE. A.VOGELER &, CO., JUiiltimort, itd., V. 8. A TltAUB kMOiK4j fr V 7 '. 1 NO. 23. ADVERTKSEMEXTS. O Outllt sent froe to (bose who wisih to O engage in Ibo moat pleasant and profi table buMtiosa known. Everything now. Capital not roqiiirod. Wo will luniinh you evurything. (10 a day and upwards la I'lsi.y uiadi" williout KtHyiiiK away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new worker wanted at inco Many are 111 k i mi forlunn at the liiisiiiess, Linlir make as much aa men, and vounn bova anil girls make great pay. No one who Is willing to work (nil tu 111, ike more money every day than can l union in a wm'k at any ordinary einplnvmet't. Those who euiiHge at ohop w ill llml a short road to fortune. Addrtwi 11. liallcll i. Co., Port land Me. I'KO I LCi'ION No iiuuivruus are the lUivelupinniits of Mala- 1 la ttial pcniiio c intln. FROM liallv Mil Her from this noiioiis poison when they least In ajluc it ta .UtLAItll! liiikinijiu Hiuir sys- - tcm. Chills ami Fever. Headache, JtitMiniltenl Kovcj Ujiinrnl ILlllty 11 1 1 n mi h fever, l.assitmie, Typhoid Fevor, Mausoa, AKtt TI!S T.AINFDL OFFSPRINGS OF MALARIA! and have their origin in a disieovorPil Liver, which, if not regulated in time, moat suflmlng, wretchedness and death will ensue. MHMOSS LIVER RECULATOR, (I'UllKI.V VKfim'AIlI.E,) 1 absolutely certain In efl'oiit ami act. more promptly iu curing all tonus uf Malarial iliseasos tliiui cnlomnl or iiiiintiM, without any ol the Injurious coil- a (iiiouiea vvTiuili lollovv thou use. If taken occasional v by per)..:; upptiiHl iu iaii ia i - IT WILL KlI'KI. T(R Fo,Hi)U AND rtlOTKOT Til SIM FIIOS1 At IACK I As evidence ee extract from W, IV Ynti's' letter, where III" Rnguiator alfnrilod I roloelion from the worat and iiionI dead ly Ivdo of Malaria to wit; Yulbiw Kever. Si us; iiavo atoou tne atorms ol lour pliioinlcs ol the tho Yollow Fever. I Ii nl the Inst visi atlon, but iluncL- tlie otiior I In n I iishiI your i ii o.i i i'i no. i was eon inn. illv In tho moms nf the sick and il v nig, lull I eeipsl. I have Had several lo a.k Hi" Low 1 escaped; I (old (he " it w as all owing to tlie virtue of yogr WmmiittH ,ivnr Kogiihitor. II tlm lever wa to bri nk out again und I bad a iioltbi "I your Hegulator 1 would leel as Male as ll 1 was uul) mile away. iMeinpllls, I'tmn., 17, 1.,;), Having neiitntliz'iit the poinn of Malaria In fiiieli extreme casus, it can he relied on a a sovereign siieeilio ami antidote in nnliler lorniH. Sue Hint vnu ant th flenulne In White Wratiner, w itli red L, protmred by J. II el. i ii V Co. Hold by iIl Druggist: Jim 27 ly HOP BITTERSN (A iltedlclne, not a Drink,) B COSTAIS HOI'S, ni'CIir, IUANPIJAKI!, DAMlLI.lON. ' lAaOTus PrsmsT asp PrsTMrnrciLyALi IlMUriLl. UlllMHtlll 1MMM. THEY OUUE All niriiof tlirPtofnurh. BnirrU, pioml JUIMT. iviiiiuiB, ti'i i riiinrruiK"--. " VumiiCW. Mi rlrillfaNtUll aiCt.luIl ten ml l1 tumiUalul. $1000 IN COLD. I Will he psM for a rse thrr will nut cure or t Oc!- or lur sin lam it nni'iiru ur usurious lellllil IU lllem. lskTnnr dmcelst f"r ll'.n "liters snil Irvl In in Imfoie uu tl' ir. Take uo Ulhrr.l 1 1). I C It n aliRolntf unit 1rrMiBttI0trur foil liiuuki ,uuvw, udp if nttuiti, tubdtcu itutl uarcot ui. Skxd roi Oiuctlai. bilUn Uf. 1 .1.. K- Ss-tlfr. y. T , A T.trwtf-.Ont I iiju v i y. K It 1. 1 , U Jl. u A ll V HERVEY S OLD STAND 11 A 1, 1 T A X, N . C , r t a j. t n (.Rl.OKIllfco, COOT!;. KUOts, ll AIM, C , .USi;.s, Alldradea, All pices, All Style SI LK'R CHtLDniiX S, WOM Kit s A'D .MISSBS I H II O E S tf ii o i: h A1 kinds of faintly groeeii, s uu IiluJ and Ui arrive. Stock couipbitely new. Just purchased from Hie Northern Markets. P M. fl ART. sen iOljr It difiix. N.-C. FOR SAL iC, A MJMEl.rt QSK ,CLOSB ,CAJ! Kl AliK l.KAJ'HKU CtltTAINS. CrUOl.STKllKI) l.N HIHK WITH WI1ITK 1IUCK, FRESHLY l'AINTKP, fUEAP FOR CASH. APrtY AT TBI'S errors. wm I THE ROANOKE NEyS, ADVERTISING RATES. r? 1 8PACE a I if b I 03 R 00 11 00 10 00 20 (MJ 16 00 30 00 18 00 S6 10 20 00 40 00 30 00 60 00 a O Ono Sqnare, Two fSciuares, ThrPe hquarts, 00 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 l our .squaroa, Kourlh I'ol'n, Halt Column, Whole Column, One Year,. ,.t-i,0'o. TO thksi I UIVU lltALTli Exedlont Tonic, Alterative and Ilnr tic Mndicnl ass c.atlon, Lyitcubii'ir a, Uaed w lib groat benefit in Malarii en Dilitlierla. J Mun'psiHftillv used lu dvapepsls, ihronia diarrliin and scrofula. Prof. 8. JackaoD. M. H., Univ. Penn. " liivaliinlilp m a naryous tonic Huu, 1.. 0. Howler, Tetin. ' " Kcfommemlod an a prot hvlaetic In tnt lail il dlhtrlclH. 1). K. l'airex, M p. N.q. litiMiorcs iioiiiiiiiiiuii svstoms 10 uoaiio. T. t Morcer, M, I)., Ind. Adapted in chronio diarrhoea, crofu!a. .tnd dysjiepsla. Ueo, T. Harribon, hi', l.) Siieeossful In iliplliarlii anj uojrr.litla. J I'. Noeso, M. IL, N. C. ' " 1 ' l'xeelltvit for certaia diseases peculiar lo women. Prof. J, J, Moorman, M. Dw Va. Prompt in relieving headache, lick (nd rvonsi. Hoy. K. C Doilson. I'scl w ith great bcpofil iu dysrepsi. J. Moltulpli, M. I)., Pa, ' huilod lo brotichili. and (liaeanoi of dl- gesiivo nigaiisi. J, F, Kougliton, M, I) A in I a. I .... I I I I I .. (P.l ,,1,,, Juo, P. Metteaur, M. 1)., L. l2 In :;....! Of grout curatiTO virtue. Tboa.F. Blim- lolil, M. It., Ma ' "' lloiieiicinl in 11 tori no derangement end m alarious conditions. 0. M. Vail, M. D.J Ohio, Cbarti-.lng on the oomplexion, maklnar It hiiioi Kb, clour, aufi and rosy Mis M. of 3. o. T he prliioi of mineral tonloi Frinc Uilliam. M. l '.('. liicstiinaiile ns a toule and latoratlva. lliiiiter .MeOuiro, . 1. y. ' r inn upoti.pir and blood purluer. U. Fislter, M. I . tia. very Lenelieial in Improving a reduoed syslein. llisliup ltenkw nil, ot (.is. ' Inviilids here tind welooiini and heallb. Hev. Jolni IIhuiioii, Into of La., now ot Hiclniioiiil, va. 1 I'ainphletH tree, opnn applloatinn. v, at. , , c.i-o. Mass and I'lll 2. .10, T.i reiils. Sent poht.pnid anywhere, Miiiiinor KijisKin of t'fiiuga bruina luiiii. f:ln a niontli. Ai'ilress, A. M. DAVIKS.Prea't of the Cn. ;s Mam .St., l.vnehliiirg, Va.P.O. Box 17. MiLH BY 1!. T. MJMO, V4 EL.UO.M, ti. O. apr. lii ly. 3 It Y IIOUV LOOK IIEUEl 1 wish to inform tlie oitlzem of HalfJai county, i.iti, ILo ptiblio goi.erally, tlal 1 koeji a lust class iiinisa in Lho towu ol I have a complete stock (f (iKOCKUISS Jt CONFECTION ERIEj(j My bar ia stocked wilb tbe ciioioest Froneh, Apjilo, and Pouch llraiidie, alaJ ull ain't nl iiisKuh, Wine, Ulii, Rum, and Champagne. ' " niiST DUAXbS OF WHISKIES A SPEnAIt;! ... i Lager liner In Unfile attj nn Pranrbf. Kiiinilles Miippiiod at lower ratoa by lb diuuiii bottie., ' 1 10,000 ( lKuru vUlic Urnt Brauf, I bavo a lirt class ui;rAi'it.Nr am miLiAun vamk.)) atlnchid lo the hoiisn. I will endeavor I'i pit asn ail Lu wilt honor me will tbelf (iitroimgn IILI'.K ltd I TTdVI J. yi'fcCJALA.l OrUom fur ( rat l lllfil at Short Antler. ., s Im1 tr.i.To a ; f. o,l ii lo iinir aavaa to ordi.r from U.C.rNHEIMlt, tsign Central Halaan, fScntlaad Mel m l 23 Si. DR. BUTTS' j5! lrt nil Chronio ptwam, and nior luUnlL fcl rf..(itntii.n thrmn.-h lUticurlnuof mroi itctid o Hi, u .if tliaMo,.t1, nkuiur Mi CftHatTwiti. M H(vtititiiiiiiMtrvitryor I'oiHoootm M t let (. YOUNG MEN "Iliiarr-liilllrlitiAjlnHUtiWi-fitH (wmniMM ft (littiMs thiU un lit it. tint lor .'ius .ir ninprtpfi. tMrniuHuiilCTinMl. V PATISrYjSpFAT H - -i,-,il r... ,.lii ii i, .irirtd. wi.Kk I. rBKI MS te.S t.1. I id pi qucMioDtlu ls,.Mw.r4sl S ssl'.-M Stwrtf, HmMI Strnt I,m lii any fi ll,, B aprW.ISsa, ' (IVr, h. .ulrsrlst fpun KupfMrt .Sw-W mm4 IS-l-.Sii AV m4 Ssms MM.Ihl-f U.MItf-. It a I M, wJ Cuti.muiiir ,ti,,., klrict't r.HiSi.ntl.1, .KjahotiM l ,aii ,,..a lK.Ullla,, . 8opti!tubor lGtb ly m."rtrp buainem noyy before tbe pib: -iO JL lie. Yi u ean make money aster al -work for ua- than at anything else Capital not reijuirod. We 'will atsMrl von, f Vi a day and upwards made at horat by the liidusirioua. Men, women, beysj and girls wauled everywhere to work lor Ui. Now Is the lime. You eah dtvoM .your whole time to the work, or only yr apart momenta. No other business will rav vou Dearly as well. No on wllUat to work ran fall to make euormoua pay bf ongagiug at onco. Costly Outfit and term free. A opportunity for Diaklaj monev aasllv and honorably. Addraa True ct Co. Augaata,lMt. Jul 16 Jr. 1 .. ; .-.' .J 1 : s,x f t1 ' --MfJ i t I ! I- ii to . ii '' ! 1 1 I i- V s I (' U

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