.iaaBiwawiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiii aaMiMaaMiMiwina HE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING KATES. CHS ROANOKE NEWS. A DHMOOItATIC WEHKLY N E W S V A 1' K K , PUliLISIlKD BY HALL It SLEDCE. Roanoke HIT, I a a I a j-w SPACE S S I m . 2 I o tx I 5. 5 One Square, 3 00 00 14 00 0 CI Two Squares, 6 00 10 00 "0 00 DO Ctl Throe hquana, 8 (IU 15 00 30 00 40 00 Foursquares, 10 00 18 00 30 00 46 tit Fourth I'ol'n, 15 on ".il 00 40 CO 10 (W Half Column, 21)00 30 00 CO 00 65 0 Whole Column, Ona Year, 75 ll VOL. x. Vr ELD ON, N. C, TIIUJiSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1881. NO. 27. fine Yi"ar, hi advano fix Month. Thr.-n Months. en, 1 INI 7r. ots' ADVERTISEMENTS. v i , v El- THE GREAT rtnf lliiiil l-'Oll RHEtllftTIBIi Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation mi enrtli pqtiiils St. ,T irons On, ts n HafffMitn'tsimfiKwA Woui Kxtc-tiiil kenu-ilv, A trial entails but tlio comparatively triliiuo. outliiy of BO (i-nts, ami every one suilen'tir ilih pain can have cheap anil positive pruul' of iu claims. Directions iu Kleven I.unimiiiri'S. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER. ic CO., Jluttimori; 11 J., v. 8. JL July 7 1 . l'KU t't:CXIO. So numerous nro tho lie vi lopim-tits ol M ulii 1 iu lli.il people c.iiit.ii- FROM iiuily siill'e.r It i this n"Xi his poison when tliev i i.nuine it in .MVI.AKIV! lurking in Hum- t-y-e tctii. Chills nnd Fever, lieiiiliielin, i m r in i i ton r. Kevor Ucmvul Iv-ldlitv Itilioiis Fnvm, Las.sii mlr, Typhoid Fevor, Njiimm, a m '. rn i; PAISrDL OFF3?Si:iu3 OF MALARIA! mid have, their origin liivnr, which, if not ret in si tlisioiivured tiln'.od in tini", pi-nit snnnrliiK, wretch l I i H I - and ilu.tUi Will ensue. M'niS LIVE it REGULATOR, I l'l ltKI.V V KUKT III.K,l Is absolutely certain in Us remedial directs timl nets ni'ite pr-inpily in eitriiiu' nil lot in m of Mu. an 1 1 ti ise ise. than calomel or () i in in n, Willi. 'lit an v of the injui i ui in ti ki qniim-iis whii'h billow ('i it n-c. If taken occasionally liv poi'sniia exposed t Mi'ali It will kxi'ki, tiik Poison am imiotkct I II KM KKll.U a itack I A a rvliliMirn -vn ("Struct from V. H Yams' letter, linr 111" rtenuiiitnr Hltorilo I rotoi'ti ii from tlio worst iiiul moht do id. ly type f Malan.i lo v. i: Yellow Ft vor. 'sin: I h iv o moo I tlio m 'i ins of four epidemics nl I lie the, Yellow Fever. I hud II the I'nst. visi aiiou. I tit durii'H ' 1 r thru I ti -'! vmir nicdieiiio. I was run tinu ul v in tini r' unis ol th sic'( ami I y inn, hill I eseipol. I h ivo li nl .iewil in HHk III" lllHV I iweapl"l, I I I I I In' t w.i Bl I ow inn I" I.:ih vii Inn of vnr Siii.iiiuii LiviT Iteiiul it"i '. II thn " I'Vvnr w as I" break mil im.iiu an. I hail a IhiiiIh "t i ' in Kfuulitior I wonl'l leel aHiln us if 1 wai l,(i: tl miles uw.iv. Mllipllis, 1'ellll., 17, lxH. Ilavinu iii.'iitr;ri'"l Hi" poison of M ihir'm III suiili wntriinin imsms, it win li.i ro h'.l mi Rs A aovci eiijil Kpei'lllo lil.il lllillilotn III tnililnr lornis. Son Unit voii cm lh linniilnti In Whi'o Wrapper, Willi rti.l ,, pn au.l by J. II. n in A Co, Holil liv all Itl'.l'.'.'l-ts; ;lll 'J7 Iv O ririC I'D Tli.V V Ki.KIIS. 1 iin n 'vv riiniuiii a il.iilv ninil 'in S'! i.l'i'i.l Nhis to :lahfix. I have a c.'in-r-.rlihlK iw.i llor e liaek, whi.'h Ioims Siiitii'i'l NeeU, e cry iii'Tinmt f..r MhIiI.u' an l r.mi'-iis s mi" ii iv Wilit.iUn pus-en. tfurs ao't ox p' f.s pneka' 's at reus.uiali r ites. tr iv"i '11 1 1 if I .1:11 also prepi o to eiiierialil r s, or i ni -in i i -p i' n no paina In i . .. - n i ii ' ihie, f-"-sr"i c rss. I i W.lsvl.-s '.. I . I en,'- s 11 11 II .. .t ml i . ) ,1 in ,' ,1 , SURF." ,;,:;::i-!:', -, llllli, of In .!, , ! i YO'.ir.T, i,1'-H ' tit Ii I T lie-ls- S O; P' .... I PAT It NTS TUSATT I ,.il i,,i,,.. t. ,, e"''"- ' I. l.oief ,,,,r.t.,i. C,ov, r, 1 Ii, -i.l me'.-l le i 11. 1, , - . . ,1. 11. Lie e irv,. , I Til . ; 1 1, . e ,,lil U.'-J. r.- i.lrs.s.xv t 11 IruK.Jr 'vrsniiK -nlTsrlnir tt 111, K ),,lii,-, O, iuil Irnoi JL on, ,,,a 1111.111 11 , U.Noi lil bill bt. Luul, I. tSiipipiiiiioi' liiili ly ' JOU S LK. Th foil uvint; vil'in'iln roiil ei-talu lylnis Hoar Tillurv's .Mill, t" llaHlav ooiinly bout inn" iiilins Ii 0111 tlio town of II ilil.ix. At) nit :ltl'lBcrus iiiclii'liiiit Mi-mil online, unvv mill mi l ilxtun-s, K'"- ami tixturei, adj .iniiu tb I'lisidiincu of J. W. Tillorv. Mike Wi I kiii-t, that eonlains ah ml 117 Herns, I'opn pla eont il' liu'alunt l."n) uerns. J iiunrosl in Wado H '.'ili"'y tract, til" hod., i-nnialniuit h'i nit H77 acres. Apply to l X. Itl LL, Attorney. Halifax N. O. july SHI T) TT'O'P liusliiess tuivt liHIorotlio tmli JjllJOl lie- You nan mahU money fa-tnr at win Is for us than at a'ivilii"t else Ciipllul ii' t reijuii'dd. Wo will Marl von. Jl ! a ilav am) upwards inailo ill liome by tl iipliisifious. Slen, woiii'-n, liovs BtiU girU wntitO'l pvniywlirtra to work lor nit. Wow in tho tlinn. Voii cm it'-i'imi your wlmln tlinn to th work, nr only "r npn.ru iiKitnonts. No otbor liiislm-aa will pav von nmrlv bs well. No una willing to work can lull to 'i nl.e eni-ruin iM puvliv nii-iiug at iincp, CHlly Onillt ami tnrnis f np-H.it (innoi-i unity for innkinK li. na ilv nn.l liouoribly. Aiblrus Tru .. Co. Augusts, Me. July 15 lj. LIFE'S SWEETNESS. Sweet i. the Min!ii:lil en i t ee.liie sliliis, MH-el are Ihe Ih'ive..- II, ul he,-.,, in ( the muni ; pweet aretlie kissesim Die th nr youie,' lip. 'Ihat nieei "in- on it when l,.e'is neu Iv horn ; .w.-et are the l,ell that ni,-i,ioi v rim;. In vain ; 1" e. 1 t e J'a-t with till its iiiii-he i l,,ln.; SVI el. Uitll a SWe. Hi,-, el y uilie.l III plllll, I he pi il ami! uf Hie l.iwly-l.i.nii; lluivcrs. An, I o my heart; sweel were Ihe L-lrli-li eves 'I hill in ihe piM l,,l,e, hue inlo n,v null. The iii'Mneiih. vani.li. itn,l I he lia,lu,v ihe.; 'I In' eh,,nl iiiay vihrnle when Ihe mains have ll"ii ii, Aiel yet ihe niii.le lin-ers in Ihe life. 'I I ih Hilleli of il. I i r.. 1 i'ie!,ly ilepilll, Sweel i Hie l.'ve ef .MeetlMMl'l or ul uitV. l-weel, wilh u Mvtvtm-i kn.iKii hnl telhe heart. Mill ilowii ihe horizon ilim the ships riwle; 'file .llllsel Kllilx no more I heir I". I . I i 1 1 jr hMi'k. hile sail., lelnrn !" inn- Peart h.iiv iinily plea.l, Kroin their loin; imaginf lin y turn net lin k. Sweel ale Ihe I'll . 1 1 It ur ll.ovel'., Willi peil'iilne rite; Se.ee! i. the sennet ol ,h nr familiar le, t, J-weel me ihe clamors of Hit- l.olini; lile III sweenies, hern, hill they lire hiller sueel. " ROSE GERANIUM. "I H it:: tin- mini-!'' Han y I'eni v'h ilio; i;, rum inn whieh he In m er him. It was en II lal'io: lintel at one n" ln pi lees, ii;i,l Ins v' p' ll Ihe I iny spray of rose I'1, uinl a liu 1,1, r r-epi lie w l ie, ;',,ol vei.nnla ,,f tlio la. hioiKihle w iter -inj' mi, en was Mis. War- hurl, ni, a voini in I lovely wiiliw. She lookeil l i nil i his li.nelsoi. liar i; ai.ee from under her lu-he . wi.h , bl. a eeu k rye- "Why, Mr. l'eniyili," nhe ciied, jr.iylv, " hat .ni id.-a ! To hale a 11 ni er !" He tried In sn.ile, but It in.lid in a fail ure. "I will hi! yon. Mrs. Warhiiiloii," lie nn llllsw. le.l. "all, I then, peril . ps, you will ini.h', tdillld IIIU heller. In ihe lint, pl.iei'. rve'l sin, e 1 fan .otll' mile- even when a elnll-lli" o,l I, nf rose i,e ai hiin cau-i s a einion-, siekenio M'tisi, ion to el eop over nie. 1 lannol. uinler ftinid i;, U is a mil of iiiiiimoiiisni, or renul f ion. for which 1 fail to iiciaiiint. llien lu',,1- " lie pan i'd, mill u fai' U'Uiv look Molo Into llis d.nk eyon, us tlioii::li iee.,lliiii; Hi" past ; u lent lui'iied il iw n on Mime p 1.1 of his lue-lns- to "1 had a ii T er ii "an oilier, (le, ers ; model lear friend oni'e," he wenl on, ', "i il in friend I never bad mi ld Hrooke. uinl 1 weiu like br, nil- ill. ions of llaiiioti uinl l'Mhtiis ' lie V llsud lo call us in the eollene whom we wcie eollca.eil I hail 110 hopes or a.pii.ilions iipail It'iiu tji'riilil ; uitll his In crests w,re as ilea i' to lue as my own. No. him; could hurt liim which did in it burl mo. 1 lonre.t.'d cy- ceedill'.ly-l'ei'.l'ei I'd w:.! stl'.'ll ie paoir of J'-alon-y - w In n at l.i-l. ill lb" cum sc of 1 v. "lis. tiiT.lbl fell in love. Ihe la y was en" whi in lie h id in t while leave;!!!"; f,,r ,he Ihniwlii h eiuploycd him. I ih-v-t or t Mi.s iieloroie, hill 1 lea 11 'd slli! was be p,.f, elloll of - .i.e and be 111. y; ;.ii cieu'.'.nt 1 10I a cnipl,. " ,' Wolllllll, l.'IU Ui I.. I, Ul! l-'t.'l.i l ,il, ',!;'. lie Was heil, .le - :.! d lllip i'if'lple ;ili I .i'li'll h:e.u,,ii': 11 1 ; I, lid's Ic 01, c I' . '1'' 1 ' ' '' mid sys.eiu .icily. Mis. v. .I'.ui "i, .'1 I woniiiii 1'. a 1 11.-c r ainl . .h' innni' i. . ." t , ' glil Uronl.cs iis 1 1 1 11 1 1 she II 11 l il 1 lel'l 1 i h m i o". ti c.llii, for she bllLtho d h s i ,p -. lliind h.s 11 a 'e ami lilieil him 0,1 a, 1 fa . ii" ei f.ll sullies, ion', 0 r i.! . us h sll . y, 1111 . '1 be colil'ess. d his lev :o .' i , ), , l.e , l'! LO'i a,, n.'hle, lll'ti'i le r, 'U ',,'.' n , on y ,0 he l.i u Li I it-il lit and I'M 'reie'i thi sii 1, 0 mi 111' evu ol tuiiri.,! W..I1.1 d, 1 pii e',1 inillionaii'''. ' Now Mis Del,, rule's fayoiie peifume I lot ,1 i i ul tolu me w ;is ro-o 'er tni'.iui S'm' wo:".' .il.' Ilowcr freiillelilly ; il , s, a'lel spike, ti'ov iui, iu vi ill felii f in the braids of lo r j i - bill, ii hair. t'llebow I ivillll' lo I ssoci lie lile two ill" woman and III" llowcr whieii I so uiiiiceoiiiealey ilM.keil, and a fecli.in spi'.in lip ill 111 V be:', t for Ml.-S llelorine wlncll ;iew mid llou. i. lieu line I lie blossom iiself a i'cel inir of siioni; aversioii. "A ml so ' :me 'vs.,!, and iioor llerild was ilady fed wi'h false In, ties and ill,i-ioes until at l.'st llie nloW I, II. Hull belli in Ins place when ,hc know leil.'c of her baseness came lo 111c I should have sou. ned her us I would a 110 ions rep. ile f.om lev path ; but tier.'id was inn mad" of us stern s.tilT as I am and so he eotil 1 not recover f oui the shot U. (iu; Mr-. Wai billion, it was an awful blow lo ine wh-'e lli. y odd me tun dreadful l.ulll t l.it liei.l , lirool.es had iak'ti lusov, 11 li.'e ! "It all ii'i ui r il in :li" f S ni II, w h r' he was il'.ivi iliu. I Sim. at 1 lice hi' Irs ho.lv--hour, uiiiidered hoy; It. e line. He lo ih'd like a marble nut tie. hi:'.' tb'ie, wlib', c 1 I nod deuil, Ins llalnls folued "VI' i'.o he 0 ,hal li.ul Inn! w 'th true and faiibful love lor ti wolliall wlio was ihe calls" of all li.'i. .0 I clasped in Id. dead bauds I foinel a s;.i v 01 rose I'ct.iniuui ; 1 tore it. f 1 111 bis i.'i''p; I euilil llol see his body de-eel .it. ii lo t', 11 lie had .oitcheii or cnul f, r. Krom in 1 h ic I h ive lulled 1 he odor and hl'Ii. of lb" 1,1 - o n Willi UlcaleC ili el'slIV III ill I VIT. 1' III. IV he iliihlifli and wei.k 111 111, ; if so, I cm my we ikin ss. b it I c .eiioi re- i.l il ." II. p nisei mid res 1 d his b unlsoine lo'ad on uiie whiie, sl'.-pely hand, ll.ni.y l',.ii.li w.i. yollt'tf and u e.d; hy. mid ininy a woman hid i-iiile.ivor.il In iiwukeii a li S 'tnislvi- clioul in his heart ll'i; a'lli'iiiull II" moved in !!) vieiy mill Was colli le. ies lo all, and III ..'111111, lo sonic, no woman liud ever rca'lv 1 " in lu i 1 llis he ill until I e had inel sweet Idly Mo' el.ni. Ilul I', h, 1 War. ui, ni, tin- rich yoinu' widow, loud Ii'iii Willi a 1110. t wdd, 11I1..11 iiiiiLt ' p.'s- si"ll w ll'c'l c:oi led cy, 1 I'l'll ii ' Mi' It l ue IT fiV M s. W. 11. 'I'l on soon lli-coveivd that Pel',' W fS 110 lie: ". Ill- II! i'M"IM le.We.ll ,. t.i ,0011 ill,, I -I''. I'eiiiydl, and "ael.e.l ller In. iin for so 1,1 ui'lho-l of di eiicll.ni.i'iir It e v,,iui oi l 111 uiie,' hi. l ue (or l.dv iiil i ine,-e,i, and Ol-I I.e. mule Hi- y I'eii' th le' t-l Ihe .lory of IPs fi'ieiol and 'i-- .1 '-ic t'oalh Mis. W aibui I. .lis fa e ha 1 tr 'wn yei v w lii.e ; a wild, haii'ito ' I.,..,, -i..l. in'o lo r eve-, mi' t III" liitb- baud, II ll ell held ll 11 11.0 v 1 - I y 1 t( Mil" uli invinll-i 1) in. I ;r iiiiil. il. ..vv. r aw.tv. :,fll- S'l In I ,1. - )!' Itl.'' 1 Hi 1 nil. M.'CU 'lt ll ill) huni'-iv, ll M '"I f,.Vi ef 1 I Ill I ' I de .le r 1,1 ll. le 1 1 11 1 1 .i-u- Pi:, -.. .v. -'ehat i ii lii , il In- Ihe Weill, n ll he lever .in. ! Ami I e I. il nil, I il ' ilari,. he. lll- l.iele In. ...Id . e . , Hill I ' I ned (. ,u l!:h. I l I ' , -, d Hi-,...:,., I i ve hill! ! I iu il I t"r ii '. shall Will I pl" .found everle ll Ul one ll Ii i d up -l'' u. e lllll d. "I bed. Vi her ! f.l f she e '1 ll li e il !'' can see my I e w v t hai nle-lH Mrs II I b'.l'l.ol -t ""I h 1 no Hie in, nor iu her room, inland for the lip hi ll Was o '..liv" place below s. n. s. She W is n ;;.ii , ill eleiini sa in and laic, with while io..sin her iiia-t' lii:eiit bl ' k hair, -ho i.ii'l" d slow ly Inward a window wl'e'-e a pot of ro-c 1 1 - uiu was si tin and si.i ipoi; over it, broke n't a mass ids - i'l. I nl i. I lo n hu u id -'Illy lo bc'Self, she left i he liiolu, eio-s il the wide ; t'uriidor, and lill-pi'd at a door. 1 "b;ti'!n!"rni''la Hw.-et vol"", il Mrs. Wnroin lo;i lurio d Ibc knob and ciiloro.l l.:!y Moieiou's room. How lovclv you are!'' sloi inn. I, rni'ttir-, ii'i-lv, a je.ioll-''.i ".' al her li'"!'', ill-ana hiln. ns her eyes (II on lb" si n, l-r ll:iii" m wine, lace mi l penis, "llu oh, I. ill. mi l"V" I ' 'he uddci, Willi a L"isi of .ipptieui sioeeii y. "why do you y..u , tr pearl-? .s-e ! I have brou-bi von sot f my Invoiit" .lowers. I r.,i-ci iheiil inysi'lf. 1 iuiuiiil. wear tlo-ui with llns postuuie ; ri d llll'l yellow Wool 1 b" to i Ijol'ae. mis for me, and I ilo tbiii - tins dn-li of scu'li't with V"iir lovely whim lane "uni no ioo prel'v'for iiiiyihini;. Will you wear tlicin, n j The yoiinit trill limkeil plen-U'l. She was a swu' t, t'-ii.icr-bcaiicd III le linu.', incapable of deceit, lllld, Iherefore, tins II -ji.-etlnit. i y,,ii nre voi'V kind, Mi's. Wiirliiiilon," sbo replied; "indeed J will wear them " So tlie wily wulmr laslenu I Uiu ml blossoms In l.llj's (rolib II lii.il' ami al In r llu- ul mid wuUl us conspicuously us possible ; llien, Iier work uiu'iuiii.lislieil. sbo llined tiwa.V. When Id y ib'sceiided In llm Ti'iiti'l '''"" ' below bhc was joluul at once by l.uty I'cui t li who olTered her his ai in f, r n proini'inid". A pair of II I bin,' hi. irk eyes followed the two us they moved slowly lliroali the rooms, ulel a p. or of rosy lips eurled with a strane;.. smile lis she saw Harry I'enrvth irize ll illy at. his ii up iiil.iii, and turn pile to the lery lips. The subtle i.i.t net whieh so stian,'elv uirected Hits voum; man was slowly but sHi'ely entering Ins heart. Altera time Mm. Win burl. oh.ervod Mr. I'eiirylli making llis way ilironi,rli the crowd to her side. He looked p ile and Ironhl.'d. "L'oino out, and walk, Mrs. Wai biirl in, will you not "' Ii" s ml, olT Tin ; her his uriii. Willi a triumphant loot; in her eves she aiose, and they i.H'olled , il inln Ihe iiioouhehl. "Wheie is Miss M inion ?'' tpierkil thn widow, iiii'hly. '1 do not know." ho replied, a trllle coldly. "Let lis sit Ii, re," lie ad, led, pointing to a rus tic seal. It, was a lovely niirlit; his pnitipaimin was heauiiful and f tsein.ii inir. lleuve'i only knows of what fo,,i.iness 1 l.irrv uiielit liave lli en L'uiliy. hut jnst then a voice f, li nil llieir ears fl'Ull till' Sll, ilhbe' y near. "Ah Dnp ml ! ' 1 1 ied a mini's voice, inula wliiil of eiear s in,!,,! tl iaiedhy; "why didn't you n il in ' 'the I) hu me' w.u liere-" "I 'loi ni ?" I'.'l ni'io'il his cotiip.ini, in, "I d m'. kn ..v .,f vloen y,,ii are speakin:;." I he ii', s, . r I aiuhe.l lightly. "Y u'r ni mhci' Hi" wouuu that jilled Itro.'k, s, d ',i'i you ? P,i -r (ieiaid ; h" was a llot-le fellow! Wed, .III! aflelwai'd 111 lllie I , d W.irt'in Ion, the million;' r , uinl woriied him iiiio liis iitave wilhiti il year, Mie's a fas i fuatili wi.lo,v. and tlie yoiiuc; men ( wlio do not know Ii-ti II n k roiiii 1 li'r like mollis in a candle ! I hear l'eniyili is the last victim '" "Indeed?" hiulied the oilier; and two pit-s, d on. Ilinry I'enrvth turned on his comp uiion a fieeoi niarlile iiiteiic.s. "What, does thi. mean?" he ua-ned. Answer tuc ; arc you K; In I II, -I e " ,siie 1 1114I1 -it reeulessly. "I- il fa r I 1 pl ice 111 forever lllld'T a hill?" she asked, "j-is: hecau.'' a m u whom I never e nil I loye was fnol sli enoii;li in eii.e for me? Mr. 1' nrv'h 1 was mil 10 blame, li.n !'' 1 llu-!i !" he mill, st -i nly. "Don't attempt iiuy p , I ' ' 1 i 011 , Kn.l I lake you hack to the llou e, Mrs. Win bill ion ?" And Kthel Win hiiriou knew that- It, wan nil oyer, tli.it the jr.iiuo was played, the die thrown and l"sl I Alone on ton sat, pal, the inoonlit vi'ianda, I.l'y More and sad. Ilany I'oiirylli came to her ss,p "l.ill. those :-. 1 Sh.-s 1 1 1 , 1 I I tenderly over her. " 11" w lli.p, red, "wllere did J'Otl (;et e oi-rutll II ill ?. y' ' o- el -lull iv, and 111 -..lied. Wai till'-! .111 ve llieiii to Hie," sll" ro fi i il ; 'w ll I sh" hoi, I ? "Vol then Ik filend 1 e ll-led r si ni 101 r," li" an.,v, r il, drylv. II" sat down 1 1" lly iin I lol 1 her tiio at ,ry of Ins m l his 111 r;e fat". II fore It was con sh.' h ol I -in the lil"-soius from tlo ir pl ic s a ,,1 I, I Iheiil over tin! Vt'lMll- 1" I li -v to I on Hi.- L'la-s pl 'tbt low, i mIiI at ihe f, r ',-o;,.i. ir; III f Kili.l Warhii t ui. Ami 0 kneiV ttie truth, kllew t' 1! li.T iviek, il wilt's li .ul not succeeded, and all w .1- f si . And sue was liejht, for before the season was ended Ihe nevv-p iji.'t-s announce I the. wcldinc. ol l.ily Moreiou and llariy l'curylli. BILL JENKINS' TROUBLE. 1H)W lllll .le YVl'Xli l.ADY I'lirilTK. ) HIM. n' ; w is 1 v ty ni ' ie.l. man, and a! 1 iiii,'4 "1 v 11 ii 1 1 iv 11 el at h ir i ns sod ul 11 my of ine rl o.'.'.r.i lie, 1 111 i. ", e s-1011 illy e f mod, "I -I , e y -- 1 Ii M i er p I ia li ladies, lie 11"' llbleil wll 'lieier III. ni. Ii ho b ei!' - b'l' pl ees wle .ie, .. ,1 ., tile C '.lipil a "ic. y 111 vvio.hi speiia .0 111 11, uinl loll i.K" a iilllil'l. al Hie st mil wlo-l ea led tipoii ti S"i! "Mi-s S .mil-Si j iioni"." Hill could ii -v-r in pl on or ;u 011 11 1 f"i' thi-1110. 1 so'ir il ir Handily. 1 1 wouhl sin.', f. olio 1111,1 he a- 1 il l .is n II -v-r .un.'ti men, b.i, a political won! t :i:iii"i ,e linu In-. ami,-. 1, icy Ann l-e.','ins Ii 1 1 "set h-r ei;i" f ir HI", a. ol was ilet'-riul'ieil 10 ' lead hi 11 ur d.c.'' 1111,1 Ii Ho-.iiitb, loveil l.ucv, I'll', waa as 111 1 -11 :i hie i 11 1 of Ii r comp in y a. bo was li'in-l in il tm . 11- 1 1 ''poppei.' .In- ip--,sioi," Unit nil. iulj'o-s lile. I.uey Ktlit ptll.ei, In'iii'ut! I llillnlio I' ll ef-.. W ili.c.1 U is lid irive til 'HI lo .le'ikuis, 11- '11 n s u ral i;old l'in,'s, but si ill 11: ll won d no prop ..e. I.uey id .red lo III 01 1 e ; ,0 ,t eu ly 1 1 il' sue loveil him, iind lli.it she w.i- lu.s ril'lo wil.ll be Wis iilis.'iil f eu her, and le r liappiiless in life dep. one 1 up in 1, 01114 hi- uiie-bi:. Ihil was uuiii-i. ,i la-t I.uey was de ei Oliiii'il tll.l, he snoilld "bear llititnii 1." and wiit'ii be next vsiled nor, nfo r s.nn 1 pi" 1 ,ni,ia,- s ,fi I. ilk on li r part, silo very lllf 'e.lo laiely sa'.d : "Hilly, iin' u ar. w o l are you toln r to :i.-k me to iii.ir.y von ? for I want lo my diess lead'.." poll faiiiM d 011 the spit, mil hartshorn mil water Were iipph at loi 11 llf ail bull' beloiii be W.I.. "naliv lesloi.-d "Wli.il il ls l.eeu ihe III it- !-, Mi.s I.lley?'1 "1 1- I! 1 lilU lun.'li, voii la, til, ,1 w nen Veil were a lii or lo a-k 111 . o 111 II I V oil -t'llt ,1 I d I y .ii v ' . - ,11,1, oh! ll "' b in 'V w w ul ha w Io n we me in.iiiieil! I .ili l.oe i ii so ileariy ; and as you srl next l'lt"-day, why I .1:11 idi it I lie w i',, Iin-.' -non d be lb' u -uiv dear llillv, bow 1 d 1 love ion! ' I "I am n dlui'', Miss I y," was all tint ,len- l.ins colli, I amen, ale, unit, l.u. y aluiosi kissed ban into tils. Waal 1 'loiioir. yte ory. II r- we oiiL'lit 10 s.i.p. hut j'Hlte. 10 our li-il . j ill e.s ilia; .ve Menu 1 p ll tO 'VI I n --l iv 'ri! cnin ', ;ui'l tr- inlrir .1 ll lfl'lliiU niili I'MllM I' IH'tl lit ih" up li ha I' . iv. ni d l U 1 hi' iitui I, :i'nl In iin In 11. 1, t'M-ii, lii' nun I, : i-iiUMh - - ''' I i-il'.Ms, . .ti.)1 V , I l llii it'l l " oil 1,1 e mil t , .,, L'"t in riled- wny, Ii t-i;-ii-iiril ; illol lulellei I s lid Wl-ll Ilia ,1 noon lue el, e i ie iel, kins eii r up! ' ,i, ' r. plieil Hill. " l;,-inc. le. -i.i up t, ' .if.iiiV -ueli it ii.'.iuufii', 1 11 I lit in f ;ts H l.s-t Iiij4;illi l;f W Ml t I ll V llivf ll'-Wi 1 i;'i lui' ; t iir -i up J Mi y "i -loii't know what 'IN .'a. i I .;, t 111.11 1 led -th it Is le p .niii.-.li.ii,' I k,l W 11 I of oil 111. II! I llelel' W.ll 1 II. v rt ill .1-1-1 me. ' i. j ..... 1 -,, mend ' mi 1 if I Will endeavor lo loll, Iel" .y o in ill -: t . li i; t e 1 e.l l I m al.VI,, ,1 . i l.-.p; ,111 V-e all W .III p e ,. en ,0o, lidl.e." 11,1. J..,,, lid ll w.i- lo- Uinl ht.v . !, .1 e ,1.011. lb- .ton 1 Killneoll b too ll 111 iind le i,lle. lie nil. I llol pn-S li. an i. d, nn.l II.- I lo lo llll-t 0 I lllll.' ml i a ii I lieu 1, el e in il.lll. e . tiud iliey Were inarticd A 1 1 eiiy, til" l.i il ;o Ih ' son -.. ib - , Ii it a id !: e Heel, il,, , luely I'.ii iy until iui,lui-;lii -I 1 1 1 no no ',1 lo , I i s pel - e; illol ill one o eli l'k 111.1ns was iell Mlllt O'V 'O. I alone ill 1 ie baP, I. v A Ii. IV I, e.l. "lid her I ill' I. -111. Ills mil I'.i.nil. lliil was now ( lll.illipll Ills conlil'V wolliil I on wii. a pceiili.n- uiie. Ile e nil o 1 ill a 'II p Hill W ili'ie 111 llill . II - il 11 er: ill Inell d be, 11 t llll 1 1 1 Cl .l.ts l.tll V Ann s r. ii i ii a. it he ha 1 I.. ..11. Illl, I even ii.iii 1 1 ie l "p. i-t two o'ol, lek " and , a--lill ill .lie, iiiiiI uppn. eiitly ell--aiiu :iii o;, inula in-, which bv e, ll iglt itl his colli po, io't. All old ii le, i-.l, led iii ine laiiiily, h id '.I I,;,.. II I, i llu- la lies. W ll , ie nie, d li'l.ie --. lo.li'W I. llll Ills In il-loonl. -.1 ia .. r I.. , i .lea', in pl l. . e ,.l ,.- .1 -I, I'. .leliM'n vi-. I I, c... m l -.. 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 Kt-1 her-, II lo hllll 111 a- -he veil n.lll'l. a 1 1 -'i,'. "i'l ' I '" "'1 " w il . I 'm i o.lii! It. Hp iu a few i.l in. M il. re s my hat ''' l- in Mi l. i.oi I I.' . i-""i,i . sir. y al can L-et It Mr. .1. n lull-,' why .lull I J"U '..Id Wi'llinil -ei I llou ul. ill : il. Oil I b .1 f .lelil.lli-, lllld pin., nil h cull , Mi-, in ,1 -he I ..nt ol the hall, nii't Illeup'IU llpo I llll! liilil- I lo p il ll.lll ill 1 Inlet v ibiil-s em-- - H ie W l- ll M- I d l .l-. toil -ll w as l.liev s, ioo;. I, Illol ill.' lle -I. I he la- -I t iv:i! llill til .b nf llu- door il his liilliil, loll lue oi'l .1 i, in ) .laoi'ii.-it -,,i.i i p. i lo look Ihe d , I1 olll-l le lln-y irell'll,leil ti h.) ;i-l,.ei. b il that ""1 ot ;;anilil' 'll wotlbl lint, nil sw er . ul l.i-l she sui I My d.nir llillv. w li.il is Ihe matter"" I vv nut my but !" "en iitni d leiiklns, and I.uey, knoWli'ii hoi lll'-d.-ly, Icap-d out ol bed. all, I iill. -r eiiii's-ilu bliu lo'r s.iiiie liinii, llillv went in bed Willi his clothes and hints ml, and H'liubled , till inoriiiiiit. , , , How .lenMus siibs.-ipielitly Mieocpdi'd III lot tilC'over his ha.lilulness, e III hi! kllnW II by lip- tele iMiill I,, lllk ib'ill' I Ill'V .Villi. beii'l, r. -tiaii;-!! n- it nniy uppoiir, ti e ai Jt'iikbiM s nil oyer tne wui iu. Kuockcd on tlm Ik ad - A uall. Unit lu Ret I1. Kxpnsp yoniself day nn.l nlnlit, eat too iiiucli w itlioul exercise ; work' Ion lianl wllh oir lest ; doctor all tlm time ; lake nil the viel nostrums advertised ; 11 ml then you will want In k'io How to (let Well, which ti muwcTiil tu tbrco words Take Hop Kitten ! k'sjtrett. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ay A I. T Kit K. 1) A N 1 K I., Attorney iiikI t'iuisIIor At Law, W K I. I O , N. t'. I'rarllees In II illfax and a ljolnlinr eoiiutlea. Sp al a'li'inion iriv m to eolleei loua In nil p u ts of the Slate and prompt returns made, fell. 17 1 y I II. (! Il ,). W. II R T M A N , M 11 r ( t 11 11 I) e 11 t I H I . Oillce oyer W. II. Itrown s Dry (loods Mtorn, WKI.IIJV, N. ( Will visit p i-tl s at their litnurs when ,l"s!reil. I'enns ll.'asonahle. oct H I ly J M. (I It I . . A K P, ATfOKVEY IT I. W, II I.U''VK. N r. nil 1V.'- I'l I'l" I' II, Ml if III I strict attention ofea .1011. all In-no' ian li ty r. 11 it a n (. 11 Ail'dUVHV AT l,HV, K.N I'l MI. 11. N. I'. Pri'ilh! M K, I r" tuiii pans. d 1 i,' I'l t'l e. iiiutl, 1,1 1 Wihon. r t of llallfux. Nnsh illeiit ions inad" Iu al J in li tf stat ,. M A M O N T. YV, rroiti:Y at law, HAUY-mUR'l, N. C. ii-.ilnt'i 1 rt , of Northampton anil 11 ; e eiul les, also III lb l Podel'al nil, I Su en-is. June 8 If. W. II I'l- .1 II I 77. At' I'lMtN'KY Al' l,W, WI'',l,DO, X. s , ...i ll ni r oi'l ni irlv -n to colleetl, 1. 11 1 r 1 1 ic 1 pi- i.upily inridv. ni iv III'. o,s and II. SMI I'll, .III ATrKNY AT MW, ,'ort. NI" Nlil'IC. i I M.I V X Cull NTT X. 0 IVa.n iees In t V 111 r count les, ail' Stat". county "f Halifax and adlolii Inth" Supreme court of the la ly. PIIOMAS X. 1111,1,, Vtloriicy l l.rtw, HVI-IKVX, X. :. I'ri-tie an I ;' I Will b ul .-hi. s lu 11 it. r it and ll il l 1 S'll!' '.11 ' C at Se 1 I 111 1 Nee: ndloluliif eoiiutl-'i nirls. , mien tverv fort tlllt J" if H Mli'S M. 111 l.I.fiS. John a. auiuiK S 4 M 11 1) ll I A l'IOItMiVS T leUV, 11 1,1 PAX N. 1". I'l-a.-'i,'" lii th i- nil i.-s nf Halifax, North-imp- ton, t; I .- 1 I'.l' and Mucin -lu the Sli er 'in 1 nirl of III" S'nte iind III tho Kederal I'oin-ts ,rt'i" Mh'o'ii liistricl. v'oll'-cl Ions inii'to in any p let of lie St.t'e, Jan I ly w. u uiv. A. C. Zol.l.li.'lll'KKa. , I C O V F E ll. IV . ) I. A TTOItT.YH AT LAW, Wid.U IN, N. C. t'ri.-'l"" In tie-courts of It illtnx nod adlotnlnit ei 01 11 1 les, an I in lb" Su pr" ill" atol K".l"r-il courts rl urns e .lleele.l In -uiv part o( North I'nrollna ii'i-ofthe 1lr.11 will alaays lie found In the mile.-. June Si) 1 y iv- I'l 1 . 11 U N T K It, N I) It U i: OS U V. X TINT. Cm Ins fotiinl ii his olMoe in KiiHpIiI. I'urii Nil roils O ila Um lor the I'uiii less K tract 1 11 1 nl Toelll nlvvays on liiinil. Ja in :i 1 1. I Z-ll.l ll'ol I'l 11. III! A. u. Z'il.l.iril'l''i:it 11. II. 7,ll.l.ll'OI -KII ,X HltiV, IV 1MIVNK 1 S U St lUiKO!l, W I'. I, I) ll N. N. ('. irs It an I H 11 . 'lib- CI ' t. li'ivlinf unl'eil n. piii'tnrs in lh pi-lei ( in -.lienp. under i..- s vl an I llr I I r A. It , 01 tf r , llro. olf t t o'ir prof sl.oi al servo-to tlio piinlb! ir -n r , liv nn.l -lolict' a shar" of til 'Ir pnlrolui-ro. h o iii i-a-i' e e i f 1 1 1 a ' i I i o-oi u , , al I out 'on to pin ll "l l.a'i I , ii,.- ,.f 'li il-'ii will il v ays ti ti I Me III . ill . illolfi' , I. lb wil' v i -ills with -If 'r s llrur Siore wiieri III s I 'll all hours and wlo-n ml an I cive iheir atteii nt evlra ii'iarite. P -ti I., i, i on-1: ir. MHi'l l.liWKDIN Ihi'll'urist mil Hi-,1 MiiliriiK tirr ,il. Aoetniiiinsu n of Hopa, Buchu, MnnH trnkto ma unnueuun, "'"'""I' n .. pi I- III.-, ei ill i.nirr unwn aiL..svVtleii.'11'.iii si Blood Purifier. Liver RottUlXn'or.sml I ill-nail llistlllt lU-.lulUltfi vi u, via s 1 " No itlM-iue c sa rs-i-.ll.ly Lmr ,H whm Hoi lilleiii nro iis.'U,8vTai iiHt uiU perfect mn Uieli liill,.aa. 17 i hit ll Vl ml Tlc:r Is til I'll isl Stlnn. To nil whoso ti&'i,l'l"Tl"-'iiti''Ausfi Irri-irularl vrtlinlstn..nrAv Ui 1111 n urKMis, er wliii ro-l iulit-inl Ai's.lli'T.'linli! .,n,liiitl'ltiumiilaiit lt..i Ittltcilu-cluvnluulili'.withOUt Intoi- IcnlinK. nraziV ISO IIIUlliT Wnftl J elir I, -rilll - .Jii,p,r ,irewlintllii)ilisi.iisoiirr.il-' iisi' H"li Hit ler. lii.n'twiiiiuiitllyi.iis " ,i-lt but If you ,UT li'i'l bill! er intsi'mlil, - iseoii-ni av. onro. It limy mil your life. II ba-1 " ! InindrnU. SQOwllllsMinlilfiirarsl"" 'y u noi r I, ..I.. ll.. n... ...IT... miirer.tiut usuaiiJ ui l-o thol",u MOP Hiiiiu-n r. Il..p 1IUI.T, I, moV"1'! flnwsl lninkim nestniin. lint tin-1 -iin-st 11 l''"t Meill.'lnsi'vi i iim.h-: llm "IM'll.lllss. "WW ami llill-K" mill ii is-omju or fAtnll, Ileum Iii) nlllinui liit'iil. C. Is sn nlisnliiti' mut Irri'slililo eur. iniki iK'ss. ii-i- ui iipiuin, i.uuiceo Knit iinii-'ill'S. Alli'l'i I'V inilirin-is, Heud ,iri iri-uisr, uvp iiiiivri mif. vfc, ItiM'liestcr.si.x mill -l ort.nlo. UDL GREAT BARGAINS. V"aro now ri Ivlii'tour new and lieaiitlful iro.-ds ree-'iiilv iii'cb;isi-. of the inainifaeturrrH. and "ord l.tll v in vile you to cull and see l hem. I'll n hli'K' al and l"t seleuted slunk ol (0I l W ATI'IfllS KKrsiiFJKWRl.HV, HANII lllt.M'l.l. HI'S, . lll'KltS ANIl HP Mill rllAINB. JM A Mi IN II AN 11 SUM, Itl MIS. M.KKVK IICI'I'iiNs ANDSTITIS, HiU.lll SH.VHH SPOONS, PORKS kc. Tim K o it $10 ('HNtiir anil $.1 loi-k K V K K I I, It. Its - Yoiiik's P. P. tllesses and lint rvn ymir ov-sll,'bt. 'W-ii-'lo'S ntul .b-w-elry repaired by tha best workmen. ISiitfmvliiK neatly done by J. T. YOUNH PRO. orljlja r-,',rt'ur, V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAT Bavin Just mlurninl from New York lid Uoatoi' wluirn I hnv Tha CnEAl'EST AND BEST SKl.ECTED STiM'K t'ustoiiiera THE (IIIKAPFNT GOOU.N EUU (1001) WOOL HATH fSi'ciit.i nn.l up. PfllK I.INKN TOWKI.S 10 toSJOiila. BUST i 1'I.Y l.I.N KN POI.I.Mts 111 to 'ill (VnH. VANTS KltoM Sixty ('-nt.sto Six Holhiri. BKST WAMSUTTA TIIIIKAH S Peiita per Tloiten. COATS' AMI CI.AKK H THKUAD SCeutsSpool. IT.IiAK UIU NIDI-IS ! (Viits, StIOUI.DKltM v(.'ants. CL'tl AH-cnilll) HAMS. IS', Ju IIOXKS NO 1. 11 INi'll TOHACCO S5 HI.S BUST A MK 1)1 l!M FAMILY PI.OUU 8 TI MICKS 1'iniK LKAK I, A llll Now In itnro and weekly arriving. A LARCE STOCK OF A ItEADY-MAPK CLOTHING. Ill fact cverylhlnn- found la a first olasg Htor. Call and examine at tlio old Stand nf VVIutb-ld It Kniry. 'oiV KHpoclfulIy, T. 1,. EMRY. T . UOOC H OllOCEil k COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PR-DUCE, Hiri OH II AMD A GROCERIES PROVISIONS Which will be sold low for CASH. GOOD FOR Jlir-'i'i THE C K L K H H A T El) AV E 15 S T E K WAGO N. Nanniartnrrd Al Ulniinilavillo, Went 'lrini. Each Wapnn gold, Acconipnnli-J villi a Warrantee (ur Twelve Months. apr 8 6m W- W- HALL, Fir and I. ile lnauranr Agrnt. Can be found In the Roanoke Ncm OOlce. Wki.hon, N.C. New York Undrrwrltnra, "A rrleultural" of Wntnrlown, ft, T. Wesiern, of Tonmto, Canada, t'nmlu'o. of 'I'krtioro, N. ( Lyiirhlmrii, of l.ynelibiira, Va. Kiinitatile I.lfe liinurauee Co. of X. T- Willi plae. risks lu an Other god fenirinv it lew la.crutr". juli nr PURCHASED FOR CASH. IS TAK MAltKKTS. 1 am urepared to n.-il to my OIFKHIU IS THE STATt. lunl.IlSKWUKTl-'HKSU VA MOUNTAIN BUTTHK LADIES' FINE 'ULl, STOCK OP DRESS COODS. 0 F COTTON, CORN, &C. FULL ITOCIt Of MOL ASS E S , NAILS, iV C ALL TIME. l t i.arK'estoi-K on nana lor Sale by J. T. COOCH, WKI.DO!, K. c. Y M r 0 It T A N T TO T It A V t L K R 8 GUI: AT ItKDI l'TlOo! IK I'ASMENOEK RATES -J-OKKICE SEABOARD RAILROAD. rorumouth, Va., July 7th im On and after July tho nth laat. ami until fin- Iher notice, the lollon Iiir passenger rati-a w ill be lin.i-1 veil i.j- mis isiiiipanv. cblon to I'orisiiioutb 'isi Clasa a.;,,n. " " tllil " i.KII. " Porta, ami Return Ii.ka. ( lilhlren Mween i and 11 veam. half raiM. A corresponding rciluctlon for lo, al travel te- iween way aiauona lias also been niailr. K. ti. (ill to Supt. Ttan.-poitatlon I'i'T lilU IKV. p -iff '.' rr"',.'3iii!1. ,3 P 10 -rMHH 1 OIVS ILHALTS. ' i t KxeellpHt Tonic, Alterative and Diana tie Medical aha- elation, Lviu hbu-ir, Y, I'aed wiih crout boin llt lu Malaria L4 Ditlierla. Huocesafullv used In (lvRpeDsia. ihronl iliiirrliii-A and aerofula. Prof. 8. Jaokion, iM. univ. rami. Invaluable as a uorvous totiIo.-Uou. I, C. Fowlur, Tenn. , i Heeninineiiiioil as a rrot Uvlaotlo In ma. lariul UlatrietH. I). U. Falrei, M D. N. O, Hestoroa ilolillitatoil aystcius) to llOallb. T. C. Merror, M. I)., Inil. i Ailapled In cbronlo nianliofa, aaroruli. mid ilyspopslii, lao, T. llarriaou, M, !,, iN. X. it .StipooHsfiil In ilipthorla aud Deuralala. J. I. Niesn, M. I)., N. C. i Kiccllont for certain dineaaen peoallar to woinon. Profi J. J. Moortnau, M. V., va. . . v Prompt In rellevitiK udadncbe, akk atij norvoua. Itov. K. C IXmImoii. Used with urt'iit heuulit in dyanepala. J. McHalpb, M. I) l'u. Kuitoil tu bronclutis and dlaeaaaa of dl goativa orjjmia, J, F. Koughlou, M. V., Ala. Moat valuable remedy known for famale dmoases. Juo, P. Mvllcaur, M. D., L, U, D, Or (treat ouratlve virtue. Tboa.F. lata bold, M. Ih, Ma lleneuclal in uterine deraneiinent ana malarious couJilioim. 0. M. Vail, Al. Du Ohio. Chariiiinaon the oomplexlon, makibk H aiiionib, olour, soft and roayj Mlaa li, ef S. C. '1 he pilnoo of mineral tonlos. Fraucla Gilltain, M. D , N. C. lneHtiiiiaiilo aa a tome ana lateratdve. Uiuitur Mctiiiire, M. II. Va. hine apetiAor aud blood purifier. ' H. Klalier, M. I) , (ia. Very bencliclul in Iniprovlnn a red n 04 Bystein. His hop Hook with, of Ua. . Iuvaliils here Iind welcome and health. Hev. John Haiinon, Into of La., nuar ( Kii'liiiiond, Va. Faiiiphlots free, upon application. , Water, )l a caso. Mass and Pill", 83. M, 7u eenlH. Sent poat-pald anywhere. ulllIllnr unison of arius be. ma Ul fu no. .'l,"i a inontli. AridreHH, A. M. D A V IK.Pres't of the Co. S Main !St., Lyiiehlnirir, Va.P.O. Box 171, " tsoiil) BY ; It. T. KIHtlOXS. , H IXUOS, 9f. O. apr. 21 iv. JVl-.KV BODY LOOK UEUk I . I wish to Inform the citlicn of DalUat county, and the pulilio Kenuraily, Ihat ( acep a urai class uuune iu ine town el SCOTLAND XEIH.X. . I have a complete atoek i f UROCKIUES & CONKECTIONERIES, My liar Is stocked with the choioeat French, Apple, and Peach Brandies, alse an aiiina in i nistios, wines, um, Hum, and Champagne. DMT DRAJUhS OK WHISKIES A SPECIALTIT T.BKor rinor In Hottlpn and on Draaeha. Fa in II lea mipiiliod at lower rat on h ffca doaou bolllu.s, , i i ; 10,000 Clcnria ol the Ucst Brands I have a first class RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SAIOO!! attaclird to the limine. I will eudearer to please all who will honor me with tnolr piitrnnaue. tlIKH JIOTTLINU A SPECIALTY.! Ordeta for Crate Filled at Shri nonce, Tho trade will flint It In ll.ol. .il...aa to order from ua. , Q.OPKrtnEIMKIl. '' tSin Central rial eon, Kcotlanil Meek: oct 23 8m. gTEKLIKU lll, UAU V, aj a" ef m . .. HALIFAX, N. C. -00 D I till V OROCBRIK.1, BOOT?, SUOKS, HATS, C' t. All Nlaea, AH Oradei, All Pf Ices, All Stfl , ! - o: -i .l- MKN'R CHILDREN'S, WOMEXS AND .MIB8BS B H O E S , SHOES. AllMnrtaoframlljffiwerlca on hand and to arrive. Stock completely new; Just purchase from the Nortkern Markets. M 1 ART, Uallfai.N, .