- - ----- - ---A THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVEUTI.SINO RATES. frfE ROANOKE NEWS. A DKMOCKATIO WEEKLY NEWS 1 A 1 V, K , PUBU.SU ED BY HALL & SLEDGE. f, Moii'lu. " " y ,r M ui'hs. 1 i ADVERTISEMENTS. ' r'r IE GREAT l'Olt Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Lars, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prepatauna on cnlh equals St. J .rniu On. ns , ta'"tsur; iMife luid i'icm' lti nnil helm dy. A trial eMails Imt the nnep.tr'uiv.'v triliiin: i.niiu'y of BO 4'enlu, ami eviry . i linir iuih pa.h jean have cheap and jtos.tlw pi.'uf .jl' i'j ut.:uis. Directions iu Eleven Ijiiipi.uns. SOLD BY. ill DKUC0IST3 AM) lUALEKS IN' HEDIUINE, A.VOGELER. & CO., llaltlmort, Mil , I. Jf. jL July 7 1 y. e - j I IX 1 IO. So nuii.tirt.UH Hre ilio developments ol Mnla ) in that p"iiio ciinliii FROM ttally suiler from tins nox i HIS poison when they loasi imagine it is jfl HiAKIA ! linking in their i-y-t- Uin. Chills nntl Fover, ' ji"m1ai'lin, Jiithriniiiiini Fever (j.jiieral rjnbility Bilious Fnvm, iiissit iidr, Typhoid 1'Yvor, ilauaea, AUK IITE PAISFOL OFFSPttlSOS OF MALARIA! stirl liavo tlmlr origin in a itixi'nvoreu Jjivar, which, if tint regulii'nil i'l lime, reit Honoring, wrt'leln dmiss hpiI death u'ill ensuo. SIMMONS i.iv; REGULATOR, (I'Ulllil.Y Vr(li:TAI!l.K,i ii absolutely certain in its reini' linl cll'i'ids and ads. mine fir- m ! 1 v in oiiiiiiu' nil forms of Malarial disease llian calomel nr .quinine, wit limit an v I 1 1 1 1- inj ui i uis con sequonens which Inllow llnii no. 11 taken cscasionallv liv persons nxjioseil ITWII.L KXI'KI.TIIK I'OK 'N AND UtOl l.tT TIIKM KUOM AIIMI'K ! As f-vliliincw cxtr:!'! from W, II YatBs' letter, wlixre til" Keitu iitor all..nliiil rr itPinii.il from tlie worst inn! r-ist ihul. j tvpe of Mal:triu to v ii Veilo;,. ri.f. Lave stoo I Liu" fitorms of four piilemins ol Hie the Yellow Kever. I hail it the first vici alimi. tuit ilnritiH tlio oilier tbre- I tiseil our iiie.lii tiie. 1 was eon tiHU Ulv in tlm renins of ti; sick v- ' ini, Imt I osc'iue I. I lif.vn li t.i seven to ni- how I iseapHii, I toll tlio it was ll nwiiijr to tlio virtue of your .Simmons Liver UeuiiUtor. If the l-'ever was to kn-ak out nuaiu nntl I had a holt In of y ur K'cnlntor I wotilii leol us Mate as i!' I was M' tl miles ftwaj'. Memphis, Teuti., 17, l.iT'J. Hvni HButra!i;.!il thn poisnn of Malaria ia audi extro no. eases, it ean bo reli vl on n sorei eiiin sn,:-llio anil untldoiu in Uiil.ler loriiiM. Sen that v hi o: til" liennlii'i in Wrapper, uith ro.l pn paiud by Zlhlll A (Jo. Kohl liv U Dr.liiLtists; i in Wlii'f J. ll. Iv N oni'ii id ti;a vkij:!: 1 vn n w rnnnin? n il iily nmil from fio illaml Xn,;k to 'ilii'.i:, I luvis n coiu fartublB two Iioi'sb back, w bi'di leaves Sciti iail Nnek, t vorv morniiiir for Huliliix tul returns Haino d ie. Will taktt pas-i n K8rs uml ox prnss pael.t 'T'is at reason il.lo I runs, lain also prop uml to I'lileriain iravHlnrs, pruiiiisin to sp.no ir) paina to hab thiiiu ci'inloi talilo. Kospeul to liv, v;. u". sin nuti. Nov Ml.f. r-s.-nrsfsiA t Us IT.-...'-!! .-iii:--n-l-.'T..X-rTy-Kl io-iit nil chror.i'l D'sense i. n.nl eii."s ii n 'i n. l o-i'iilnor.!, tiirotih tlluiiill'i :i f e iiii'O .t slr .. lBOJSCggTON..rt-XPOSUKE-,"-:- imaiu .iAik..-f.4-Mrw.Wfa.-w--.. kuv e- ' ' islioijy i;t u,ti hi,,,,,). .Am,.r u i.e. .led uiili sug- ithmiMiine Men nr. er I -sew M-"l ' JOUNC MFH O.I.I s " mil, oe f" 0. lo. . . It f---ot'a.'ait-.ii "( n .I.-." " ..l neiiis it. vig- (lil'H !n-lei.l!.. mu, . , l., . . .... ee . . e.. il PATIENTS TRPATPO"' ,K""."1 i.iei'l .i.if.i.,.,,, u.Vi'ietM.c'r. 1 I , I j' . .iti .i n.s I'. ! Mit n.,l, H,.. , sv ,11,, ,, tu .i, ,ii ,. (ei-sn.iT,rlllt ttii Hi, . Ill's O,. nil m ' 1 1" I'' I'Mr ".V -ml li-.m ,m-Uit.- In III. ir ii.ii " r. II I- " l'-"-" (.en.,',' i,, t , .. i ', .. .1-'. - Hit. ill lis, W.Wlll L-.U'l., rti. Luuls, jlj. .Wi'ptniiilier liiili ly ,!?'USALK. ? TUo follnwlni-; vitliialilo real t'Htatn lyitnr r31'' lillnrv's Mill, in Halifax county -ib'iul uinn iiiilni from thn town of Halifax. About Hd'i aces inelibliii.' stoaui oiviim, w mill an flxturiis. L'iu, ttln bouse and iS-ttnrot.aJi iliiici; IbxTcnlniicu of J. W. Tillcry, ' Miko Wilkini, tbat aonUiiix about 7 .teres. Pop pla 'i- contali Im nil nt l.'.'t nrros. I Intiirest in Wadn II Tilloi y Iran, 1111' bol) uoniainiiin ab nit i ami's. , Apnly to 1'. X. II ILL., Altor y. Halirax N. C'.Jnly 31tf BEST1 I busiiiKss now bi'loroibii pub ii,. v., ii ,.i'n oitik.a moiicv Ustar al work for usi th in at ii 'Vlbiot ' ' Capital u-it r Wo v.dll aiart fl- ilav'niid ?ip','ardn iinulo nt.IiouiH b.v 'V"' Hi lilsu ions. Nl mi," vvoii.en, bov "'i lfirl wantHil avp.rvvl.tirii t"' wor'.; lor U. Now ia iho .tii'iip, ' Vou t'H' df vol" your wlmiH 1 1 in u to tlin work, oroj'v your pare mnuimit-i. No otimr liiisiiioss will ! von uo.irlv as w ll. No ono willing 10 "rk pan Ail to oiul i ii"rn o i pay b "nll'iHlU at otiue. C itstly dnllit and tonus , A lir't iitipoituiiitv f'r inakii K '"ey adlv ami b in .r iljly . A biros ' ' t Co. AugiMt.i Me. j 1 1 1 y 1 I ji . rM iff "I GIBS l"S I tansy (Jul mmmim. c nn jl iiJHj VOL. X. SCHEDULE OF PREMIUMS OK THE K. IT. 1!. A. (-OfinV. K O It I I'M r IU OK IbSI. Dhl'A r.VFST A-AjrU-ultural I'.odu.tt. W. II. HIll'.l.lKs, fuprinlti dunt. lHVIslUX 1-Fiel.l Crops. COTTON. For tho largrit crop of Colliiiuipon Iwn ('.'I aeres or iimti; of iipl.iinl, imt. lens than cinlit liiiinlicl pimiels (.Mint to tlie ai-re Willi nme. tneiit ot mo.lu , f viltlv.it :.n, aiinmnl :iml kiiel of iiiainne in. il, tune of pi inline ami variety of eiKton; the laiel (. he nn a-iin il ami the in hi to he vmielieil fer In iilliihuit -one hale to U' (iXhlluleil : First l'ieniliitn -Iiiploma. rt- eoiul I'rciniiii - I lipiuin:!. For tarsiiMt crop of colion np.Mi nm; acre of laud, rejjulatiuiis minn: a: aliove, Ihpluiiia. I'oiiij. Fur tlio Inrunt prop of eoni crown en two neres u laud ma le- than llf'.y lniliel to tlm i.P'C, n uiiiiIoiib aauiK as fur ruttnii; two huel. i Is to lie exhibited us f ample. First li f in i ii in D.i.lin'in. fecund Freijiiuiii ihplonia. WTII'AT. For the lnrL'i'it ylekl of heat from two ai res, not lefs th.ii! forty hnshrls to Ilia aeiv, ini.li r k.uiil' rules and leulatioiis as for culum uml corn, ell" liu-lei to lju i-iliibited : l'leiiilinu D.pli'iiia. 'lOllACi'D. For the host prop of toh.'.ei o n p n not than one acre, uinier e.iiiie r i:iil..ti..ini ns tcitton. ten piiiimls to he exhp ite.l: l'lvniiuui Dh'!en:.i. leu fr 0T For larpel yield of oats not le than fifly Imiihels to the iu ie, name ri einutieus as uboe; six liil-liel.s to he e.xhihiiiU : l'ruiuium- lilploiua. For larsjost jielil of rye, not less than tnvnty C;.' buli.-ls to Ine acre, same ri j;uistiolla as uh ive, one bushel to ho exhibited: rrtmniui iJipluiiia. rontons. For larrjt (Top of MVect potato1!! rpon one ha.f aere, nut less tb hi io liuiiiiii d ami lifty bu hels to the aere, to he ilti, and live Liisiitls t ) he exhibited lis .ample. l'l'i 1 ill 111 11 Diploma. 1'ur lar si ei'.-p o ri-h potaloes unon one i)ii. r er acre; koiii, reuoilainnij a.s for sv yet p'.1 talc.r: I'leiiiiiMij ilipl.iina. im:a.s Ac. For the l:ir:'c,t erep of uro'-Jiul Jm'Ss u;;on o;:e ae'i e: Premium- Ihplouia. For the largest yn l l stml: nease upon one aere, four hu-liela to lie el.:hileil uml. r baine ri U'llaiious us eoltou' rre'inuiu: lliploma. 1 or lareit yield of lunui's upini one aere: live bushels to be exhibited under same reLrula- latiou as cotton : l'reuiiimi Uiploiuu. hay. For lamest stock pea vine hav upon one aere, one b ile to hi; exhumed: I'leniuim 11, plum. i. For largest yield erab irrais, one hale In be exhibited, itiality innl tj u amity to bu cone d civil: IVi iiiiuni Diploma. For ImiiPsi yield red clover to one uere; una tale to be exhibited: l'remiiuii-Dip oui.i. For larj'ent yield eultiv.iteil "ias-es upon nun aere; one l:a!o o uc exlnliiieu: I uTiiiaiu i Jl pl'jina. nisi n l.ANDM'--. For Ureal i si yield on any farm per hor; i!, oj mixed crops 'i etnmui-- lliploma. For the nest mineral uxluUitiuii by any sub Li'.liuali; er;ui;,:e'. l'l-i'iniiin: -s:erliuj silver pl it e, value fii d. !l the Vila's and n. ;;uhr.iuns speeilieil in the fori "oine pi'i'iuhini miit he eoinpliea with. Allld ivits ami eerlnl.-.iti a, aj reipiiied, to le filed W illi Hut S erelary a lieu the articles mv entered, ol iieraise the Awai'iiiiij; CoiniiulU'e Will ivilhold ineiniums. SI'I'.ITAI. I'llKMtt'MS. Special piemiiiins w ill Im rei iniemlcd by 111 I onimiitees, ib'siiiutcil by a wh.tp. nblioii, cu i '.i et lo the uppioval of the Kxeciuive Coiu IjllLleU. 1)I ISK N '.'-Samples of Field Crops. hiain ami t: i: i : v best lariely hre.id corn. 2 hiisbels l(e.-t variety of slock corn, 2 bi'sl.'els. liest variety wheat, 2 biMiciii Itest variety nuts, '1 bushels lie.-t variety rye. t bushels fie-t Villiety bai'lev, 2 lu'.itlels lest Mirieiy Held peas, 2 I ll he!; It. si half bushel N. (J. raised clover seel i no i uu li no a nu 2 nn J (in I.M I'.e.t In, I auihel N. ". rai -e I bin i:ri '' IV Jl st hall biu-hel X. (J. raised millet seed ill, I una, i I1 II st half bushel S. ('. raisi'.l Herd's gr.i-s seed '- W Dust half bushel N. C. raised I'iinoihy seed test half bushel X. C. r.iir.l Orcli.ir.l pa-' set .1 It' st ami i;ie ite,t ai;. ly of above arii; !e i r.ii-. ,l oi e f nn 1 llcsl half bushel Coifas 2 CLASS II. CuTiN, TollAi eo, .t 0. r. .t bale of Cotton, C.'C 11. s, :.'l upw.irds pi i 0 Sc b It. lb 1" ,1 ui,.l 1 -t IW st s;n mnim .'i o i s'.a Us of I'ollon as s.imp.e 2 10 im. u s of l' tti'ii. .'i 1 In. in s- ed 2 no mi. n le .d I'ob.ie.'n not less ih.ui st sp, r - u nm, tcxl ..i c, sa t c,le , .tlid be. ill : i n ty II st spcelin"!! Sweet Foialins, one 1 1'.-ti us -..nap a CLASS 111. Fi OI'H A s l IIH I . J- .( specimen Wheat Flour, onp 1; irrpl e, ind I.' i sl specimen of Hour, one ban. I II. st sp ' -hii 'li ('"in Mc.il on" I'ori l T.i" I..1 ia i cl, I o'i the III isl lnen'o pii-.I !,o-i." sl iniliri-r lb Id proibi"l ''! I'' D.pU'iua all'1. ' CbV-SlV. II 'M V. 2 10 2 n i I ni;est onudily of Hon. 'V from 1 ,U:iui , wlili iiniiiaer "f proiluelloii. Idle best 3 lie JK'.'l'A ,';''.I'.V' .' - "', .''' J GICD. . Hi: A Ni ll, .s.ipeunl. uiluil. DIVISION I.- li n.ns, Ac. ( LASS I. Tinii! ii oniii'.i:!' nouses. Well authenticated od'sirce must .... :;ee. ,11)1. Jill tilt Cllt I V. I CTi'lV Vi K ' 7 on 10 HI ). sl sl ilhon oler 1 lens old. .'eon,l best llest. shillie.il II years old S c n.d I". -I best I,;. J uiaic, over i )' ft uo , old and colt 10 CO ft no I (:n 4 If 1.) nil I I Hi of i'lonnc'hhrfd S conil test ncd colt b-'.-t maiu Hyeaif old S eoiul best H .st 2 year oli,'. best 1 year old He-t and hii''ct pxhihit Mares and Colts, not ie in (1 nilli cerldud 2ft Wl ., ,li i-e,. 1 " , CI.ASS II. W'MIKINO HOItsps OTIIKIlHIA'- TIIOKOIOII MIIKO. llcsl pair niaiehod laini uiun-s 1" JJ Second best ' 11 C! i.ehlilu'liurse ' " Second bcl Diploiiw. CI.ASS III. 'lint 1'ltAl.tlll AS') SAIIIll.R tll'RSKS NOT THOU- cu'oiinuti'. lb lb Iti It at : ,. " r I subtle ll'irse, man: I'l s' m'"S r I pnre irrnie.-hoisi or inaiei 10 01 t iunle b .rues hoiso " V" Bo -I in io and colt (under 12 inuiillsi 10 OJ ft tit) .-coliil best Ib'st I 0 ir old C'l'.t l.ai I c.ir o'd coll l.u bt..t-l.;h.i!;ettCll.L 10 (10 7 00 en cf utJirt Roanoke WE LOON, N. n i l po'.ts, other than ftorniglilirril li Oil In llilf , Lis. hnhmlual pxei lh nee in f irm, aelnm ami disporit ion will uc r- Ki'ded as i llief oinl u( lileiil. , (. I.A-S IV. .' .'m anii Mt i.rs. H- st J.iek 10 on H' t p i;r mitlps ,'i oil II -I uiuU: eult, j yean old 10 m li' t mine eo,t y. nr uhi 0 t 1)1:1 :i li IWlkS l L'Jimu-Iu A ..n.uii. .'HUN II. JF.AI., Kiiperiniendeiit. DIVISION l--f.nlle. CLASS I. nir Tiioine iiiiui;i:n or Ar i'iin:i .1 t'll'il over line .1 MMrl.nu In, II t eoa ow" ;i r year old ! I INI .'i on 10 on ,i oil 0 01) ill. old !l .1 e ov oyer '.' jeais old It'-sl ye ulniL' en I'l.ASs 11. Jl llosaliS Oil NAI'HliH, ll.it con over 2 yean old, 5 00 su'eontl best ' U in) Ileal heifer JCiUS old i W !M.'ei;tiil best I .)SS!II. l MltV ( I'W s or AST K1M1. For the b, si e.ov, fi i'iu w Itieli thall have been prodm ed in thii ty sin eessli e ila k Ihe. Liiacr ipi inifiy of I'uMer, ipiahty as well as ipt.miit) cn-iilcied, v hicli niiall be cxhibilcd at the I in Si nil be- Villi d via.-: In oil ; hi) lfiplollia CLASS IV. WoliUINU LK. st M)';e e .lnl be.-t l 00 111 II) t'l.ASS V. rvr i iin k best pen of imt hss than Ilio Ite-l f.,i x U'-l l.il row or heifer II --I and l.ircsi show of calllu by one i rsou, 2o to uc I'Xluluted CI.A-S VI. Hons. best lot of phs under 10 months, not ss tlnoi I in nnuiber K"'t pir, inner 1 inonths of aj;e r.arue-l fat In:; in in ? no 5 uu 2.", 0'., ( ) 4 (hi ft nn lle-l sh.nv ' L"e.s by one peison net 1 than ten 20 i.) heal Ihoroitelibrcd bear of any lice 1 i.ver on year old ' ... 1() (hJ S' C'li.ll best Jiiploma It - t thor.iul.biei; soy.' .,f uny 1,1'eud 5 bi) Second best Ibplom i lb i boar lint :liuioci;hbrcd ; on Set .it.d lii iiipliiiua If.-si sow, not Ihoroiilihred II no fecund best Ibploiiia l-OWT.S, lies! pair Ilribin i p.'ulias Su'oinl best Hr.ihina p"(;tra3 llesi pair lll.ick .sp uiisli best p.iir ( ' o'li in China bet puir ll.iiubu'ir lb s- p ir bile Dnrklni; best pair (jr.tv Ooik.in; lb-si p.iir I'ol.ind It -st pair uaiiie nf liny variety best p.iir Aylesbury Ducks llcst pair Mu-.cov.is It -st. p sir (oi se, leouunoii) 2 n" t i 2 IKI 2 ml 2 (Ml 1 ot) 2 nn 2 on 2 U'J 2 nn 2,01' 2 ill) 2 Oil j no 2 00 ;i on i! pair .1 p ll .1 pair d mid I (I'ol.ind) I'lll'l.e' s Itroii,'-) Do ne lie I'urueis arrest exlinul by one person C.Mt VIII. sunn'. sT.CTitlS: l-l.Liii-v'ol.;. best Ilu -li ft vn Seeulid bet buck Diploma best I'lV.I u (i Seeoud best lJiii'imia II sL p. li hie k ewe an l.iuib 5 CO SF.Cl'ION'J-Mbldlewoi.ls. SOI'Tll DliM Ss, sllOI'SUIIi: 'S, OXI'oHK l)OieS W ll.T si,!llK. Itest bill's- ii (," 11 -I ewe P II" 1'e.st pi n luck, e,ea.il lunl, ft UC bliij Hi IN a-ilerniocs. IVi'st buck ft do It st ewe II on bed pcn---buck, ewe ami l.unb 5 (.'0 SFClblN 4-liriules. best buck 3 OC t! st ewe 9 no best pen -buck, ewe ami land) ("J SFC'I'IOS .'i- Natives Jl -st buck S ('0 b.si ewe 2 t'O I si i' . I largest exblbil o! norouu'liureil l' by one li r-m (ll"l less lb, in .'II.) 10 00 II sl and I n. -I cMiil.il of N.i'ivcs or liadetl bi an.i one pcis.'ii tnoi less Ihau 10 (N) i W ft iy 5 no b ( o II st and largest exhibit of C outo CI.AsS IX. ' II 'sl Ml ,1'iu n 1 1 ,t I l.i II b, I'S It -: - ... ,il nl l 'ill n 'li bees ties; ,-n ai n o' 1 1 nr 1 lift iV. r,.t J. - .. . -U.l ."'. '-. T. V. M Vsl) ., .-siiiii'i iiiteniielit, M V() ., M VISION I Urea. Is, ,Vo, CI -n l! s--s 1. ur bi" rl lo if ,r rolls ball do t-.st sp. no lies! spool men ll 7.011 no 1 nil .1 III. (5 im 4 ("I I l..s, speo; men corn he-it sp 'I, ne e iKy I; -t Ii nil c iko llcst , ,1,111 I I li O In cut 1,'llf li '.t k,iiviii,:ii honey, s rainc I hhlf tfllnul Ho. I io Hies, preseivos, pii'.ikis no no no j,.iis.. (..ilsiips, eonli us, ,Vf., o.i'll lt"-t noil nuati'si vai ii-lv inado anil exi'ih led In .ailln linl I v id i: ll lh -i. spoei'lii-ol of Ilio billowing j ll I- .' I f'-llll-: p' .li'lli'S, : Mis, i'e;s anj Bill. b's. ill l,.l less tli.lll ball t'Lslul en 2 oo 2 (0 lies ri 's, . lies t spoeimnn yiiini's, plums, oher .f II I less ih in III p .nods, i.di t sp.-iu i i.,l uioilMst v i ml v ab"V dried rn.i . ma in and i l " I l s um, iiei I v i I ii il i Ii n I. ii I s an. 1. 1 ,."'.n Is l Ol IU " tfxlnt :t o i 2 no 2 U0 Host, box s,,!j, ll inn:. , Il io llesi l"l t'li.et so ii, not less than ii in tida 2 Of CLASS IT. tlo'.. Mill 1 KAIIIlll'S, Best cu'in'erpai'0 Soe, mil I" s'. v iliileipuio l.l'sl llllll eoltou best ijiiilt sila It est i ) 1 1 1 1 1 w rstod. Host bear b rut; S ml bust dearth riyf J f'.t pllie e.illoll bosj C"s; bun nu t II ..I i ihco ten yards woo,;oo cloth It ist i.oiiileimni's sliirt li.isi J.loiiiostio pariutiii;, not loss than ton yards Host ib.oii'siie fj nun Is, plain or twlr ed not less thin t"ii yards lies' il nliostie Id inkets l.iritesl and most inoiltorioua nuiii tier "f "i th'Vs Iu tlila rbiss DJV IM0X i -Fancy Work. g 00 2 0 1 2 no 3 CO 2 on 2 no 2 on 1 (0 - Sou 2 OD ft t'O : oc s tO f 00 CLVSS I. onoKicr yohi". II, -t ti.lv Host sin. table mam Host Miawl 11. si loni'l inai Host oollar Host nuibroi'loro I yoko Host embroidered iiamlkr-roliial Host oinbronleroil collar I'. ist embroidered sacijuo Uuil Cioell.'t MO-1 UO 2 CO 1 in t pi 1" go i o 2 0'1 2 It '0 3 0J C., THURSDAY, Itot o Tibroi lero 1 cliemiso 2 00 H'.st in rant's oloak 3 00 M.it etui ronii-ru I suit fir iliibl 2 no Jliost crocbi't llowcra ii 00 I'l.iSSII. XIII.I.INK H(. Bust ami hand -nun st Vvilvet b ni- llnt 2 ,1i) ll"s and bunil .o nost slr iw but 2 ni) 2 ( 0 2 (il) 2 00 2 CO 1 0'J itet ami hanil-nrncst ehil I's hat tp-t Htid band -o;m at IhiIv'n ivp best and h iiids imest b'-a I dross lbs! and ll indsomest liillll) tj it Must uu I I n iT 'si ilisnUy In tins il"p in iiieut special lira ilkiunis will l,o awarded moruorlotis arue os no! ui"i lioiied ulwvo. li m .,.., ;t ..- .. I.,',, .,i ,.; .,.',n ' .'.A.'. J.W. CDl'lOM, .Supeilnliunliiiit I'1VII()X I. (1, ASS f. Bust 12 Viiriolies llo worn otitS 0 paoii W OfJ Smt nnl 1, 'st 12 variitlos fl iwom 2 00 Best iMlleeliou yargled loaf plants I CO liost collection itHliQnotia platili 2 on Host Inn, in,i 1 nn r.o-i ilcsien 1 CO U--I and Ii uiils'iir.esL vaso of dl ied grasses 1 (HI He. I basket with llowurs 1 on ll 'sl vaso 1 00 Discri tiotiaiy prctiiiiiins in tliijj do- pailiiicut. CLASS II. wax lira 1. ami shim. I. ncr.u. 11 'st basket or m mill f ! 00 best specimen w ax ll wpr 4 no fc.vt spoeimo t Irlilt ft ('0 I'.o-t spei en shell win It S i 0 best Cli-ts shell wnljt 1 01 Hi st fr.iino shod w.,rU 1 0 i lle-t pine burr baski.t 1 I'll llesi shuck I. i-Li t 1 Co best muss dn.ien 1 o ' best K I ll Hill' ( I II Best v-fiii'ly atiilb'.l bird's 2 Ji'i li.-st piano' U no 'I he tool' nl Ibp lifslriiineii; ns wi ll ins tho art s'i n': nei inn to bo o insider. 'd. I he ex in bu ,n nl other uiusiciil instru ments is invited. Liberal tirciiiiiiiii'j to be iiw iriiiil. ciiAvsnr. For tl.o P 'l'pci Inn nf ililleroni ooii.'r.ils i film Male Uu linln ir I'oal, iron or" eop 1 or i. io, 1 1 mi's .ni', mail, peat, rs"it, Ac, disii! bliohary pii'mitim, 'I.vs IV. I'AIMINdt, PlAWINlls, 0. Itiist speeliuoil oil pail. til K f.'i C'l Host spec, men tiifi Ian pall. ting il IN) Best uppe inini pa. toll 2 10 Best spi enni'ii ilrawli'is'H 2 It) Ito-t el.ivi.tl drawing 2 (HI lb hi w sier pnlor 2 nO 1) s Ti'liiiiiiiy Ti' i il I il til s u lids class !KVA HI VI'ST I'. M eh.mL-l. J. S. li It A N I' SiipMrinton.il lit, lilVlSION 1.- . f i leu I: oral InipUi uenl'. CI, AS I. IMt'KOf I'M I NTs OK A ol'. I' 'I' 1,1 Tit I. 1 M I't.K M 1 : M s , To Mm pcrs in v o l sLclJ oxj.ijjll any now or improvnl Aiiricu ilu i al luipleuo'iils, nl bis own iuo'itioi, which shall, in thn opi iio'i of Com" 1 1 1 1 1 i-. mm it u pieuimin thall b itAaided a Huvtr Medal. Cl.VS-4 II. Best oi l Ion muapPi' tst piiiiun eep lb st ei.t oii il 'W L"-i v'v'' oi luiinw for 1',,'st s tl I K 1 Oo .v be t tomli cnliviltor Bust Ion ina f .r al! purp, C'J a ' 2 00 ft ml :i i n f en l o ft en ;i oo l.tictf Bui I v k e.:, oiri half d" nl ' in r t ii ialo ' priss bialet, one-half ij"-(.'in " and lai'.-est variety ot AriT cullnriil Imni'iiivuis, iiiaiiiifaolnrrd by oi under i xhibitoi's siipervHi 'ii, ii.it cm o i i n l' I wo ol a k i ml or such as aro brouelit for elock JO On CLASS III. a plows under tins bonl to be tried in field iiinj r followniK rou .i li his. (ly oor l i luroisii to nn anil j lun man. ami following pelnta to tin c insnlioo -: 1st, Weiirbt nf plow, 2nd, li auobt. did, I'i'i' Ii ..I lurrow 4'", IM ami I. ii, -I instruction, durability Best c .st in ml, I board plo-.v 2 'i 1 1) 3 CO 3 10 I iy l.est east llloiihl l ai d pb bo' ll.'.l borso .Sub. steel ii.'iuld I" a'd pb ,"il plow of a.. mil e bust i low tnall V" . III ,is trial lo lec Oi I'llal oil Wedlli iiy- IU VISION 2 Machinery. CLASS I. h.Ka; I' iw f It. r, sl intins f'r iiKiieuiiurul pur i i-es ill o;k mi I'm iriound not I X ii 12 n nse power Sue .nd best .,o oo 2i,( V CI.ASS II. ii illsH l' i w It 11. l.s sweep b' S. p .w er ' 10 TO ' s ia ut.,1 ifi isi mill, eo j and ' b ci ii. her, and Hin'slnng maeliine, aeh 00 l.i'.t I r . id.' isiine; inaehino f.T IMHIK b I;, si .ii tllsl. Itlll'l ,tl). :it m ii'lllllU II nil ;. ml ;il 00 li on ft 0 4 en ft en M 10 5 no .1 no .1 on :i on 2 0' 2 CO 11 00 e. .1 1 i. ii t I l h' Coll, c, d 1 1 whe n r ress l io ae lino hi ehopp: r ill pialile; i pianlor i r.Lill 11 corn sheller " sirav uml shuck cutler " corn p anter or drill ' eliiiiii " lilli' u pump ' f,.cio pump " w asbina ma' him All sow imj m aeh no coit'f mine In vitnl loexbilul their iii'ich ions, und overv faeill'v will bo i llordo I Inr a oroper exhibition of thn sumo. LFl'AMMt'VT " Vimi'ii'f'iivi Qthrr fmi 'leH. f,. A. II. DAVIS, .Siiperiuteinient DIVISIOM I, CLASS I. JTAI1M OK mlilNO Vf llll'l Ht KXHlDIItlCtl 11 THK MAMKAItlUIlKlH. Boat two horse waumi V 00 3 on 2 no 2 no 1 on 2 oo 1 oo 1 oo oo " one borso anon " ono li'iran cai.l, lutublo " ox cart ' one w bool barmy " duinpiiiK waumi " pair of init'Hi ur plow Uar..is ' cart saddlii " win 0 s ' phaeton, rnekiway or toji btiKitv Best upon bngi'y or sulky, cch ' y.ko 6 oo S no ? uo News SEPTEMBER 8, 1881. CLAS4 ir. HADni EllY, HAnSgst, 4. I'.pst ant of carriiijn baraea ' ii on " sot ofhiii:gv or Milky harnost u oo " "oul'a .sinl.iio, bridle ami mar tloitulo 5 oo U 'st lady's saddle, bridle and mar tini; ilo ft oo best car', liarnnsi 8 oo " p air Ktntlomoii's bfiots 2 no " p ur o I Kent omoii'a ahooa 2 oo " pair ol In l:s' shoes, calf 2 oo " p air of ladiea' Aboos, kii) 2 nt " j sir of ladles' jjiitora 2 oo Cl-ASS llf. hi! .vim IKS. Hosi wnodwrrn (hollow) an brU Pts, tubs, k Headers Ae. 3 oo lle-t lea hor, sole, kid and naif II oo " sl io nl harness leather 2 oo " bt of baskets fur bin;) use 2 oo " lot ol lin lyuro 1 oo " lot ol inanuliii'tnrtU tobacco, I'liPwIn ft no Bust bit tobaeon, moUlni; 3 n.i " lot tallow candles ' 1 oo " lo' k hand o f broom-s I i1(v,nn I oo ' speeioion of bricks, 1 dozen ft oo " axn belyos, bail ilc.ou 2 oo " bio hivo 2 oo CUISS jy. r I'lToN YAK.NS, .10. Best Hiimplo of eo'.ton yarn C'" 0 " bale of botvv tlsnaburg II i o " o.iil of cotton ropo 3 oo l:i:VAin U:SV ll. -JlummltunJ VVwiud. T, l,. ICMBY, Siiporiiitoudont. I;IVISK;X 1-llortieuUural J'roductf. CLASS I. FliriTi AHAI'TUi To TII H ITTH. Host ami irioatest Tarioty of ap pb a Ii il I bushel J I oo Best und hi i utost varioty ofpoacbos bait bushel 4 oo Boi und L'roatcst variety of pours h ill bushel 4 llesi and greatest varioty of liis, lllll bushel 4 oo eo Best uii'l i;rcslost vaiicty of iptiii ee, oil' eiia; i 4 oo a i,l Isict yaiiety of yrapes, oiiu ijuiirt 1 4 oo CLASS II. m ill 'ir.:K a:;a t l i t) MK Not. list and Ui'K".t variety of apple tlo.'S fl oo ll. st ai d lingi.it vurioty of pear ires 4 oo Ile.tiind liirisest var'oty f peaeb ' tie 'M 4 oo Bosi ami laru at variety of ijrapu vines J oo PI VISION l. CLASS 1. VKed'.l AJ.I.KS. Host six sfallia I e dorv fl no " Hues in ad - oi eaulilloiA cr loo " twulve earmts 1 oo " tw elvo tab'e boota 1 oo " lwle pa'snips I no " I w i' 1 1 o oi i i 'lis 1 on " tw il vn t nna'io's 1 oo " ( ,'ivo ears si ed o irn 1 no " thi i o bo ids ealibauo 1 oo " ball pee!: p"tat os I no Si"imd beat hall peck po'iios 1 on Best vai leiy id seedi'n; patutooa loo " tu i-.i bmds br ii coli 1 oo " t wel V" w iilt-i table turnips 1 no " two purp'M r-ttsr plants 1 on ' Hall pucK limn beans 1 oo " ball peck Windsor bea"4 1 oo " l.uneli il uildo I'srsley ' ! ii" " Ih'eH si uiish sumiuui 1 oo " i In i " iua.,li, winder I oo " bunch lo, t .en 1 on " two puinpailis i on " ten gourds 1 oo " uml larui st exhibit by r!i o;in pniNOII ill Ibis dep.il't.neiit. lj oo ( LASS II. W !.Nf. B"it nml birtrnst varioiy nf native sun's not o.ss than ten hollies) lo be exhibited lo oo ;.' i i.M'.vv , TIIAS-I' IllTA 1 loS, li. II B I'.ICK I'LL, Siipprinte.idiMit. All m t'ers pert lining to 'rriinsin rta tion w ill bo il iter ibn iinmodiate supoi v isniii nl t ho Superui'oiob'iit of Ibis in put nun i , who iviil f: lo tf,e sal'.' tinliv ery u iihm lh" I 'oiiuils, and the rotillll id all articles sent f ir ex Ii i bu ion. Toe no st atvomm.i lain n ai i anceiiieiits yy il be made wilh thn various railroads biiiliuix i-i iho erotii'ds, b"tb h-r tbo t' ansp.irla' hoi i-f ueie'.'s, .nil tur tb ni- vi' i.'i.e,' ol ! ho visitine, pii'die il spe'i.ll a -in m i'i o id C'-m : I'l' iii i;e itionimi 1 1 a v -i ik' I i'i'i pp-nn!rd to make llipse r riiiit,eiuctit.s J '.':'' I .'.' I I A ",'. !! A N'slll M I K I ('!' 11 A I'tl. II. .1. I'I'I K, Sill erilltOII'lKllt. The iiian.iveni"iit i t the (iiilet will bo entiii'lv uinier iho eiuurol of iho n pi r- in icnd-iil and I'vrv in i mio-tni-iil wnl be mid" tins year lo have tbo lii.lo nccom llloilali Hi "o U"l eonv.'iii.'ii:. . i ,' '. A'. .'". '.'. A A BOX l'Kl si o 1' T, Sui eiinteiiilent Si ciiMi tD A r Tuns lay al 121 n'ciiiek A." M. I r dung race mile Ilea's to hai nt's-s t,p ,t 2 1 i 3. I'll i in in, e vn 2 no Sei e il t ' ns eive ; oo At. 2 i . I'b'i'k sens day, I'urso f I. ,,(,, riiiiniiiL' lien, bull in 1 1 1 and ItO'Cal, lol all liues First to reeeivo 2"i oo .Shcii I lo receive 1ft on r,jlul Day - A e lno.ilay nt 12 o'eloek. I'm s" i.i oo. Kiiui'ing race. ono mil" md rnpi al,l'or ml ugo.; I'll ,! '," n ' " ft ) no nd t" to " if) 2 i oo At 1 o'clock sumo dav, Trolling rneo III ll.it I i ss I urso l.l" no, M llll bl'l's bes II III ft; th'i e or llllllll to einer. I hi en to start. Tune 2 lo to reeeivo 1st money: I'n si to mn' vn loo on S, eoiul t" itonive fu no At 3 o'clock same day. 1'insu 7-i o", liasli 1 uiilo and lepval lor all aci's: Firi.1 to ropolve fio oo See. nd t l locolVS 2 oo F' UKHs I'Ai -Tburydky fcl 11 o'clock, rrotlihs! race, milo bus 'a 2 In ft to liarnosa, i.niiainej horses uui driven by J mkey : J First lo receive llo oo Veei.ii'l to receive to oo At l: o'ebv k inns day. Kun uing r.ioa. Tilrse" U, one mils ami repeal; tbroo to enter two to tail: Fust tn receive loo on Second to receive fto oo Al 11 o'clwck P. M , Same day Run limir nice, two mile dusb lor all (get: Purse ll.i on Klrst to rfci lvo 7o on Sen. .ml to receive 2 i OO hu m DaV Fi iduy at ,12 o'clock Trol.ing rani to barueei un a beala: First In rn. eive 4 I oo S' emu l" ii 'v0 lo oo At 1 o'oioea P. M , untie day, run ning race nil' end repeat, for all age. I'll I ft F;rt '.j leoilvo 4j u NO. 23.H Seeoud to receive 15 oo Ai 2o'o. k P. M.. eame rlsy, run n plriee, half mile dash fir saddle horses, three to start: r Irst to receive lo 90 Second to receive 9 oo In all races, not otherwise eppoifled threonr in re are roqulied to enter m l two to atari. Kiinidnii races will be governed by thn ru es nf the South pk.i))ii Jockey Club In trottlnit rape, for netraitiol bor s, tho horsey must be driven by thoir owners, at no profo-sional drivers will be allowed In that race. Lntiai.ca f e, In ill cites, Io per cvnt. Spy. lal pretnlittna will be awarded f r any uioi itorioui article that may bn on ex hil.ii Ion, sod that may not be enuiueraied ill this premium list. Tlio awarding oouim litem will L seloetoil on the iiroiinila. No article exn tilled aball colilcm' lor morn than nuo premium. 0'F-.KP.. II A IX I tea. The olllonre of the Society ylil be de tinned as f. Ilowa: C r i fin I on I , white rnnelto: Vioo-Preal-donts, red roamto; Mombei a of the lOxeou iivh Cominl toH, bl.jo rofiette; tspcretary, blue roNi tli', w'h white coi'.tre; Trrasur or, ureetj r isttio: Kx F:residanii, white riwetle wi ll bliiecoulro; Snperintendouts ami I heir emplovoea, nblioii stamiit d With position belli by woarer. The shark hss to turn over on Its back before It can seize its prey. Tlio shark Is tho genuine backbiter. Tho elani has a larger iiioiith, 111 pr .p irtlon to its sle, tha-i a liu'inui hi'injr, yet a clam invcr talks about Its ii.'Lditar. "Silence is if.ililen" sonii.'tiines, but when a low l itis lo rc.spnud lo a dun it looks more like brass. A stroke of lightning generally spares the rod and spoils tin huii.o. It is iillo,'elher a suppose lli.ti dyed c' inifx. aVr;rs tntr-ru.sajrjij to ;s afe laid by sick heiis. Which causes a jjirl Iho most plensiirp; to hear herself praised or hear amjlhcr irirl run Ooll Whi'ii a bit of cslrieli featlur Is found by a a if" In her i.usbabd'i; beard no one. Can blame Jn'F for bi'ii-g dtn oi: lilui. An Ii.na weman put staiej: in her husband's beer, llilukiin; il was'arsenic'and wnt surprised b .cause It d.dn t stlllen hiia. ' A Diper, Iu (Tlvini; an account of a ihootlin; uff ray, says the woiiiiilcd man Is expected to recover, us the pistol hull loilircU Iu hit "dluner pail." I.itlle Johiiiiy run Into the house the oilier day with the perspiration slreiiinini; from every pore, and sh. oiled, "Mauiuiul Uiumiua! tlx Ule; I'm leaking all ovrr." Worllilisis Mull". Nol so fast my friend; if you could see the s rung bi'iMliv, blooming men, women anil children that have liccu raised from beds of sickness, siilTcilng and almost death, by the it-' nf Hop Hitlers, ymi would say "(ilorluus und Inyaluahlu reiumly. J'liitaMihit 1'nx.i. AD.V KTUKMEM't;. " VV II 1 T li 11 K A 1) A 8 o If A Ii I I' A X, N. C. Tin: i'-Ar.vi:!,;s' mkucijant:'. OIl'KXSI 91,1) ?TiS I). A comploto stook rf BUY .i,.iis. (il-'il Lltlbs, .' lairillin, "1 n ITS, Mb ). HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS. l ull 1-ss.oi'tii.i'iii in" All CoiiiN 10 bo 1111 imI 111 tho b"st tstoro, and pt icos us ii.w 11 not town man any sturo iu IN 'IllaS MICTION C,K THK STATE Buy all binds of Coil . try proiliioo lor 1 ho I'luimst e isit prici a, Cali and oxaml'io, :i. win 1 i:hkai A SOX, lUIiluI, N. C, rjMiic iv:sr sai,o(x in haufax. M . i' ll I T I', li E A D k S O N (mkIIi I lie Until THK HKs T H A It K KIT IN HALIFAX. All kin Is of I.liunr, W.nnt, Braiidiea Cl.aii'p ignn Cldoi', Liirgnr boor. ALIO CKiAHS AND TOIIACCO. Mixd di inks of nit descriptions put up in 1110 T i' h E. Call ami irot a Rood dj ink ol any thing that yoii u: av call I t. M. WIIJ l'lCH F".A D A SON, Ualilsx, N. C, f: k f. r u y . W'e have ri'titn.l tlio Kerry anrosi lh river at HrIiIsi'. All pal lies In Nordi amnion pounty will fnd It to thoir advan taite to trad" W illi us, as they oan got a ills ooiint on lorrt lieKols. Ferry tickets kept at thoir storo In Bali Tax oil sail'. M. WHITEUKAn. SOV. U.i!ifa, S. C, octTly. SPAc; I ! ! S I? II Ono H.inara, S 00 fi 00 14 00 2d (.J Two Siuarea, 5 00 10 00 20 00 80 (0 Threo Siiiaria, H 00 IS 00 31) (XI 40 l'0 Four Squares, 10 00 18 00 8li 10 4ft 00 Fourth I'ol'n, I'i 00 20 GO 40 00 IU 00 Hull Column, 20 00 30 00 bp 00 66 MI V, hole Column, One Year, 75 df PROFESSIONAL JRDS A 1. T K 11 E D A N 1 l I, Atlorurjr nnl Connnollor Ai L w k 1. n o n. :. Practices Iu II ill fax and tdjolnllnr cnuntlna. S."elal ati'Mitlon kIv ni to collepiloua In all earls of the statu ami prompt returns di&dqi feb. 17 1 y ''!,'p It. (I K 1). W. II A It T M A X, H n r o 11 l f 11 t I 11 i . Oili 'e over W. II. IJrowii's Dry (loods More,, VIU.HJN, N. CI. Will visit pirtl's at tlii'lr homos when rli'Slreil Terms Iteas.iiinble, Old ly ' .1 M. (I K I . Z A K II, AT rK'KT AT I.A W, U Vt.IK.VX, N. (a oniee In I'i- l.o'irt Hons". Strict attention riven to all branches if tl', ' profession. 1 ' lan li ly ' ' P T. 11 It A X C II, AIKMIVKY AT LAT1T. liNFIKLD. N. fl. . l'rvtlr-'s iu t'i enmities of Halifax. Nash x. Nash id. in al ,11 is if K 1 rec 1 nl" an I WIHori. i.'olleelions ma le parts if t:i" S'nt,.. Jan I rp V. MASON. AT r)lt X 1. V AT I AW, GAltY.SBUIt'l, N. C. 1','ie'i'. ' In Ci eaurts of Northampton anf! 1 lloliilu r e. unit ies, also In th. Federal ami hut !' ins. 1 'f. W. li VIiL, ' " AT TOltMKA' AT LAW, WKLDOM, N.C. S-.l Ill att mMon irlvn to colleetlon, and tan-' 's or mini ly ms'ti. ' uilttan.' 's pr III. IV lit. II.SMIl'H, JR. AT rOHMKY AT L1W, SnoTLANn Nki-k. Halifax Coontt 0 Prnelfees In the eniuitv nf IlallfllX and eilloto- Imr enuiit ies, and III tlio SupMmu court "' till i,.i Klv.Tl IU0MA.S X. lllU., . Allornpy mi l uWt ' H A I.I FAX, N. 15. l'rieiii'.-s 111 llilifax ami sdlolnlui eonntlei ami Kederal an 1 sniir,tui . eourtt. ' Will hi at Sc iiliin l IWk, mine every rort- ulnht. autisir iamvs M. Mii.i.ry. JOUN A. MOOfl ..fee T I) I I. U X 4 M (1 0 Ii K, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW. riAI.IfAX N.C. l'nii Ike In lh. 1 eoiinlb'sof Halifax, Northamp ni. K I ,'"e 1 nb , I'll' and Mart In In the Hn- preui" e.ilirt ot ill" IS'iuo nuu 111 nie reuerai 011 i t s .r 1 i" 1. Hiern Hist net. lanu'ciiout mau, In any part of th stste. Jaoll. W. II. IHV. A. I'. i'll.J.ll.'pirH. V Y Si IO I. 1. 1 C 0 V K K ll. ATTOKcSKYS AT L.1W, 't W Kl.niiS. N. c. Practice In lh" courts of Halifax ami adlolnlr. countb's.aiid In theSiipriiiii" and Kederal oniirraf i'l alms c .iieite,! in any part o norm raroiiaa. Oil" of the tlrin will always lid found In the lib'". June Ji 1 y. J K. L. J.: 11 U N IT li 11 1 ' ' HlltU'.tt E . T j S T ? Can bo foinnj nt hie olllce iu Knfieid. Porn Xitroua () x -da l.iia lor Uie Pain 'os K x tract ing of TootU always on hand'. ya 10 11. It tll.l.U "! KtK. ItU. n. U I'UXWOktrt. I) II. . K ZOI.Ui'OFKEU k UUO., IMIYSKIWH AM) SUM;HOfl, V' fc 1. i o a. n. r. tri. ? R fttK. ! R . itlioolT.T. hnvlnir wni-f iiHfi ii'T ill III.' ti.- if in liifint .iinlrf ir-T Lin'ir nfi's,s,(l,iial Htr ,( li tin- jultltj 't 'timitv mi-I -tittii'K T.ur f . "1p ifttr.iitftiri. thv riiir.init f irv'fiil nn.l r"iiii( Mt'Mition.tb H'l'i'MiN. of 1 'ii-tlr'n will slwny' li founl i:M'iif wi'l Ik tr'.itiv, nt nil hoiir wlift (-., r. 1- it, win vuii n 1 kiv 1' fueir attotr .'it to nuM.'iiM with tut chfirff?. ' tur n t. MISCELLANEOUS. rtult'or itin-i Itrxt llrtllclne ever Xrttl Anf inhlnnlfon nf Hopi, BuohU, Mttn-1 m-Milc un UK' iiti'1-.Tt ki ! mi olhrr Juturm.1 iiikritViiirHt 't Blood Purlflnr. Llvr i'i (UiiNoo1.n t-iwtllily lotrff mW whor ftov Hitlfn it xir I,-kju tvU tuiil jtcrfoct r Uttir ivniuuiiii TI07 i7i :i w U Vi vie? ts U ipi zi l&Am. Totllwhiw-f- eVvtm'c'NtiPu Irrcirului ' yof thet.iw'tiior''iii,ry onritns, tr who rt- ')inn' nn Ainniui-r 1 onto ,im inlld ttumuuuit n..i HiiitaiuiiiT(iiiiUo, without intoi (OHtlng. ttKxk nn inmiia' vTnm Y.-iic fi-mrnri or rntsitnm' ir.hftt 1 tin diMirMk iit(. ! urn Hop Utt- u-r. Kn't f(AttuiiiHmi'" "''k but it? you, ml) fc- llsnti or inlw ml.l.' uuifn otnv It lUM-y i .jUFhlf.U Utit-l "kv oil Jiuudru.k' B. 111 x- .t ti 1 t iuiii'i m- - iiit.ir.hut uflKhiHlurit lln-mV01 P ....1.. 1.. 1. w or iti vmr riinii.i, M t ...h.. r ft ., ii ii . . i- ,. el-Mtn si' i!rti"Wt-n n..!.ttuiu. but tlw SitiillW B J iWt n)U iiufi" aitii im Imiiuvoi r fmtiily HUMIl let,' lllitMll I nt'llt. C. IsRTi l'fl.'hit' an-1 Irntllilit it. HllIlkx.II. r(lf lltmilll, tulliU.'l'O KIlil tui iix-xiieii. t sipi ii iirn lllWTH'Kll r,..! Kill 1"H'IIU., VUfr, )mmmmmmsnmamnmmxaat Apr. 7 l y". ' Tiilj ii j 1 'ii 7ro si hawhiye, IHS1. ftSSsle The ninsi famous paper weal .CMntUro. A newspaiier id ihe air". Always al' ti' Ihe (tuioa. Abl) eoietuet.-.l it furnishes Hi newe, and no one has ewr cbalb nued the refutation of "The tM'St paper J 11 Iowa." ' TliE i;Vj;j.l.0TQ MKKT. Is more quoted from tlirunrhout the United sta'esaii'l Canada than any other paper " Kublisheil. on see.. nut of He original anil timely niiior, wit and sains. The dots, sketches and letters of the fameui ftuuunial. 1 - ' A M'AY.'f . B!'RDFTTt Appear In no other paper. The weekly will tm S'-nt to any rldreia dr I'J.ixi per year: tl '' for six mouths. News Oeat ers sell It ever. where. A.'eiil.s wanted in every county la the United States. Send staimi for Mulct" pnpv and terms to s,reul. A.l tivsa I'll L H AWKt TFCO. ' Builinstoli, lo- ( i it .T !: 1 if! H '.' 1 i - w. 4 r i ,e. . 1 1 is If

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