THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING HATES. SPACR K a H 8 Cno Squara, Two Squares, Three Siiiari s, 3 on 5 wi H Id! 1(1 till ir. on in no R 00 10 on j., 00 is 00 jn 00 SO 00 14 00 UO 00 an 00 :i 10 40 to t:o 00 2n CO W 10 40 HU 45 00 10 tH) I..'. HI 76 10 1' our !(niii'es, Kourtli Cnl'li, Hall I'olumn, V hole t'oltimn. VOL. X. WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 18S1. NO. 29. One Year, in advance, Hix Months. Tlin-e Minl Iih, J on 1 im' 75 ids Oiiu Ytar, THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC ,V K E K L Y N H W S 1 A PER, PUBLISHED I!Y HALL & SLEDGE. The .Roanoke News ADVERTISEMENTS. 1BADK M.Ui.'"4lfj f - m -n m m jyiEilltHlS. neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, .Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No rropnrntioTi on enrtb enuals Pt. Jaouk On. ns a air, smcc. .,Mlie unil rln np r.xleini:'. Kelucly. A trial entail but the cninpnrntivi ly (riliine, i-mi-iy of ftO rem, and every one MUlir-i; a.'h (ul.ii can havo cheap mid piiiivi. proof ul ib claim!,. Directiunii lu Eleven bnnir, mires. BOLD BY ALL DRnr0IST3 AND DEALERS IS MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., lialtimtm; MJ V. 8. A. Ju'y 7 t y. l'KO l lX' l'IO. So iiuniurous are lbs ilVf litpiiifiita oi Mala ) in Hint people, cntilin FROM uiilly Hitll'cr from this noxious poison whi-n tli.'.v liia..l i manioc, it is 91 II..AKIA ! lurking in their sys tem. Chills and Fever. Hcadst-lie Jiitfiriiiiitmit rover UoikmhI nihility liilious Kovei, Lussil nils, Typhoid Fi-vor, Nausea, Aim rim PAINFUL 0FFS1MISGS OF MALARIA! and liavfl tlndr origin in n disoovoroil liivr, which, if nut rikruWiol in timn, grout miflerliig, wreti'hutiio.ts ulhI doiUh will entitle. sm.noMs mvf.ic REGULATOR, (ruuKi.v vkiktahi.k,i ! absolutely cprtnln In iin rwnoilliil od'ooU anil aclN mora pmniptly in curltitt nil forms of Miilarliil ilini'Huoi tlinn milnriinl or qnininn, without any ol'lln' liijnri nis cou Bcquonefia which follow tlitir u. If taken occasionallv hy persons pxposcd to Mn!i in IT WILL KXfKLTliK 1'oHnN A N I) I'lUITIX'T TltliM KiiOM ATTACK 1 As pvliliiiicfi "on I'xlrniit from V, Ii Yates' lt'tuir, whurp Hi" R.-Kiioimr ull'.irdeil protection from the wnrt anil itmst da nl lv tvne of Malaria to wit: Yellow Ki vnr. "Siks: I baveatoiid tho at. inns ol four epidemic of the the Yellow Fever. I limi it the first Tii-i ation, hnt ilurinn the other tb run I 'used your medicine. 1 was con tinually in the rooms of tlie sick and dy ing, but I oscipel. I havh had soveri.1 to ask iu how I escaped; I told Ihe ! it was all owing to the virtue of vour Simmona Liver lit Kttlatur. If Hie" b'over w is to br 'ak out auaiii ami I had a botlln ol your I would fool as mm as if I was 1,011) miles away. Memphis, 1'uno., 17, IST'J. Having DKiitirt.iiirtd the poison of Malaria lu such extreme casus, it can ho rnli"tl on as a sovereii,!!! i-peciii.' and auiidoie in Diiliiur lorms. See that yon (tot th i lunuinn in Wliite Wrapper, with red , prLpaied by J. 11. Z. Mill ii V Co, Sold bv all Dr iuaists: Jan '7 ly OTK'li TO TK.VVKi.KKS. 1 am n iw running a daily mall fioui Bootlainl Neck to 'lain tx. I hae a coin. fortaliln two hnrso hack, winch caves Scotlainl Neck, every tooroitiL' f"r Haitlax and returns sanio ilav. Will laky pn-cn. Bura ami Hxttrtm iitifk.Mf-s HI ri ilsottalile rates. I am also prepared to ctilerlain Iravnlnrs. nroiiiisinir t . sti.iienu paiua to uiake them cuil'iruMe. Hum j 1 1 1 1 w. H. siiiKi.ns. Nov SO'f. DR. BUTTS' '1 ul, 1.1 mine J' . e:".. . . .'I I' -s 11 Una. Ill' iNniscffn'o;1 .rvF.-si BnXiMUk.1 X' A. a m uoui i urn l)l'l, "kiiioi U-ih . in, wllliottt u-i-iif t- i. '.1 er I ..i-.m.'i ii. .1 vim IIU . t..,''. III. . lPJ1jn',:.,.::i'J::;Ka1;i PA T I NTS T R FAT? L :!, jil,l-Tr',M. : f. V'M"' Mi. I...I or -IU..I. H.l..'( . .1 rr 1 1 1 ' I"' l"nl nu.l. I tr . IH'.v 1 1 In' "' ' r ' f r.r.,ii. .ltd, rlni. frui Il.'i.liirt- I.mi I . ' In. -ul Iraot ..m,lh... .n Hi. tr'.liiK'. 0 ' 1 1 1 M i.aib.Ir-rt'l'Inwi.V II i ii.a lri...F , I ii.n.U I " wl lill. lill 1 m Vin'j sita MeptcinloT l'l'h ly 1 v 1) U 1 I 1' Thn f illowinir viilualdo r"nl eslAtn lytnir near Tillory'a AS ill. I" Halihiv einiuty b iut uiiio mill's l.tiiii llin town ot ll.ililax. Ah nit W I acres incliniin,' -team enniuo, w mill un I fixture", Kin. in hooso and lixtiresjatlj liuiun thu riisidouuu of J. I. Tiilery, Mtko Wilkins, that con'ains about Pi acre. I Pop plaoBeot.tili.ini; ah "it 1..0 acres. 1 inter-st in Wa in II 'i'lllory traot, Hi" Wboln eiinlainiiiir ah ml :"" acres. Apply to T. X. liliai, Attorney. Halifax N. O.jtiiv .Uif "T ,n businias now h.uoinilm pub JjlliOl Ho, Yiu can maim money laotor at work for ns tlnu at a vthioj (dsn r.rdl.,1 M.rf rei.olrn.l. W Will "tart ym. $1 ! dav and upu nrds made at Iioiiih by tba ludusi) ions. Mm, women, hnya ami girl wanted pvorvwl'."'.' t" "'" nr Ua. Now is thO limn. YOU can in k""- j-our whole lime to tlm work, or only "iir aparn moiiiiints. No other bu-limss Wnl pay vou nnarlv as w dl. No mm wllltnir to work can fall to mnn nn 'ruious pav lv nst!i'ii; at unci'. V a'.f Dutli' and terms A ureal niinot tuni'y f.r iniiUirK "i ov nt-ily and lii iorably. A. I. Ires . " ) J! Cu. AUb' isW, ile. July li !y- CP tun. FORGIVE AND FORGET. I linvc tlmnirhtit nil uver: the word. I 1,1 full In llmt ittolliv 11 1 f t 'rt!'1" I eniuiul recall, Hut along with my 1 li mli i nnd mv bilter regret I piny Jim forgive, II yu cannot l.'.rcci. I have thoip'ht it all over, nilil hied linn! to find I n ..une m-i ,, i.. ii -mi r--he I in in y niin I A ur 11 Mold -.'uuid sullen it -,.(. liul in Vlilll; mi loi if i o. It ynll i.u t liMK' li) Ymi know-llial my fi ii-nd. hip und deep love for ymi VVcrc iu;il mi 1 fervent, iin.cltl !i mid tine : 1 hen liv did inn try me, when deep in your il.i.i Fur in "I s -nke tot i; in. 11 vl.ii en ii n t in l,n. .v. nil my 1 1 1 in v ..ii , A ml I'.i. ii l'i l'i- i W Ii.en.l-h . KM' 'Hull I pl.ll ynll l'.li;i. :iii-. Hum ih. tin' ,n In 111. .1. And ..ill' Ii (Iih e 111 n. : t.-Il nil I liill , il deep . I. I II I.-I'P. BERENICE. Mm. Clii'll-;.';'l fipcii. il l!ic dour of IjiT nil t tc Hllll ( .Hilt' Otlt lilt 'I I t)l III tKt of I up tinmiv, H rt .;:ti ii. n'W.i iil, i-ii . hiih on ltr t i ,t, miiii riiiii.i Ii r luni, rinMisli h;"nl to lii'i' iikiiilIi, felio, "lic.i hi! ;. u c ! 1 fM-Mlly liii-fi! (villi! h .niMivcr. "Vrs itiinln'i; I am r'htiii.i."' A s :lilll..liii!"iis tiill tin i.S'-Vrr f sliinlv lll.lf Ii ,IM' HflJifJ.'fjd UpUtl till! tnllil.DU (if fl.l lev'l "Ah, lli'iniie I have btvn so anxidua, aiitlymi HJV cuttl." "Ni't :i Inl; lull I ion!; a lmivr n, uii.fl. Uiit iiilv inn f.) -His; ilu'v'ri! it cU'.r and vu Ii :u liulir ! ' Kml itu tulu , i. 'i-ti-. t mlVHiifeii. ilruwiittf iitef liiia u s1 1 ti . iu-.i ed wiili jthir kno'H. 'I lit' (iHI.'ll'rt W.lll, Itlttnn'illt f.H'O hi up ,o i.ii'i.nii'i', mi. I u liMnlci ()('. iti m Ild'ru il'.' iMllllH'll fOlU lltT IV.U, I'' .-V pv s nn i ijey i t s cti on Um hoy -a t. i! v .1. bill )'y lullt.. follow, loljcd Hinl Wi.ipjh'il Kf ni) l'Mu'itiiau, will) whi.t- hau iiihI fii ihhr , manly Lu c. U' li CliUillriliV own hoy ! Wlu-u iln'v li.i'l noi'il lliu .iin'isiiol.1 she Ui-M'ii iiiui. jfu-'idtf t.H' lot -kit on Ih h:' w, ' WtUH luvt a aL Inv t. ii, ami ihi'ii fell to uiito.idiii his sU-tt iiu lie iiiir; Ilie Jhi; Will f; -;ulv 1 m-i now, molin'i,,M li'i K;iU, h 'iif. rotl'lv hi; ".(.' tvhot. u J Llic uroail eli nni -v, 'is 'L ih:'t nit t1 Now you p!m!I sit down and uef ri'ul kV:i'in, ami I'll makn ilu' Iim; I'm a b (MIX lYH.lW I lll'VCi L,t.l lillMl.'1 Ilriiuic tl.u'w ou !': oil f.'v'is mid -rot o it !i ill. i in in. 'I i-ii 'i iiiM'i" In a nii! iiini-. IT, Ii v a Tii.iMiiT (htl In r trv hut mm imw .m I. ilit );-;ii.ff, f 'Hnl a IncV iuu il hi s . II i (M,w ft' i'ull of 'hi-, mm'h will MMHJMI-;, and ii!u' cv Inrd. l.i'ul wrt no ' k'J ln I (In"-, w.nidi-'vd lu. .-vi-lv !o ms nio: f n I n. Alovi-lyf' i'. f '.r Mid mi ', a f.uui lii't in ii,i':(ii iilooiii, ui'ii ah if r.iu co'ki, tti'fj itiiTaded, anil ml iiiil kii im-.i j;ol.. ItlnWil I) l'i M.'l i.l I H I'O'V, III 1 1 t II.' 0 U''t il Vt" V .u-;hi. In'. IJiil. ti'tw, an ! .so ;.i .U'?)(. r u.i blv !o f, I i-f :ni n.hivni.; m-iim I nc !d'- t'1 i" I'' fl i .i 'iiiotrl's (,,-iil; ti1 . ' t. io i1 1" w a i i 'i 1 Ii--. mid l.-K f 'cu j,iev to'ionn , i .Ii t v , ilii. ii ' I U'Mli-i , ' MmiiM1. in.! it ih i i- , J " l'11' ' . J 1 H'liVt'i in in- v-t betwi M-oUi ni i.lL u.l 111 111!) her V. I" Vi rtn O , !0 t'll't' ... I II I, fi-' 'I'm! moil'. a ifn iii'i ii; rlM't'l"-, I'liil hi t- d o.i i u Si Hiiii;ii.Mi"'';i 1 I'd 0ol. I' , I I o II" ll'l, ll'T he'd l'.; .Old. ll.ld ll.l . I an i ll'1!! ejeiv d 1 1 I'. I. 1 .1 1 v I pine niu fr-ilil. unil on 11. tlh itn.ilicr ! pno', ih ir tiiolln r I'' ho who. r.lee.i l..--i"i noanil It would lill I 11 hn,..i"iv tni ? ntid 1 mei.i.i!!; 'I'm so mii 1 y I loittljev on he 1 did n't lliink you no She drew ll ill lo her hmom tnilli.ohi.inir. His i-iiililiMi i lien. ion had nil her heart like a knife. "rt'o n all i sit umi her mill fa. In r wneu In: Weill aw.'V ?" A ', no ! II wa-nil wi o,i". r.inl umv, llodpoy uei ! ii was loo line eer to iit.tkB it In'' I Wl'.ill,' lilllKl live ilnoi; ,li all time, mid e 1 1 ll. i i , peihaos ! H.ov vividly, hIi.'hiu' there in lite iii'S.'v ;iininer nt Ihe li"e!i.;hl, did Mie leineni die la.t limr. weary yiMi i -'i ! liwniitv w;U hul a wee hid, llie.i, und liii falle i'. "H" had followed tic cC i nil liis ll.e, was in, in; on 11 loliu' Vov.l-C He a p.ll'. l'"! oioie iniooi'.aiiee, pi' i-.-iifv mo', or aotne liinK f ho kind, and canie to ins wie mi it. 1',,' e.uei:, in'lTiiy loiUwde, had I'l.'l, in e of nil his teipeiH nuil all Ins tnonev i-mm Ine Hi st il.iy of ih. ir hanpy man late, ne 'n't..; a rut, ealehs, loving, lie y he.nlell .i"'.iw, il Bailors uiinliy me. lint llereniee w.i" ipi n' buy iliat inoriiiin. ireut'ii; ins on in in ii.nn ttcss; mid Hie March aittiN l.lifiered uie coil. n;e ehl'i.nev. mid pulled tlie S'l'oke mid italics about, ami iitl her out of humor, mid. pe hap, foi all hel wel, clll'ilw av-an I ce L.-.iinv. tins V'" il if" of ll it ldiuiiei;li'i was a li t impatient tunl tjiiiei. ottu .. led by iia i tire, or ncciusc of Ion 111 .n il pel lin; , .11- lnl.'.'liee; ii l of.en. f tin. i ie n' "u.V r.e, after ft hisiy m' iu Ii for Mi- no. e, n ilei lau n til. t il civ. 1 1 1 n"l l'i' finltel a. ll I mil It mil been In., lived lo her Lccnliis. lien 0.elieU i' i ll nelvinc klue 0)CS 111 tllliau'llielll. ' hv. Be culee '' lie said, not a hitco-.t. on'y de'. i.led. ' you ke.ov I IMVil ii to von. I ain 'i '- ve you lii'i'o I rti"ii 'ke i ' e . f. ' "A loo' -"h ll." ih l "', ie. I lie e. so!ic(ullv. "IVi.v ma ..I .1. m y.uir c.f And vu in.iv li.'i'e iler 1 '"'' hale mv ii,-k eroiviled wnli anv Mich ni ."i-li,' mid , , . I .er wool, vie to, it ee p pern nhi- h ul uei a mv I .oMie; o a in- ll ". 11 -a looked il. 1.1 a i I to- p .'in - u nl lo'in. I',,...- w. :e l. e .'"i I h i- "' 1 ' ""' ...,.! il 1,1 1,,1-e loi,.., and l.ii - "l filled ii.. in,, ',. ,1 i,i-.d liel'i-eu hull in.-il ii... ' i ii In the il iv, of ll "' eour -in .. kl iiv lr.v " i- 0. .' in. 'H I ' ' f " i ii""i; n v, oi... iiiis.iiiiIv he ill .,( n.'.'d sli an I his Mill I ll, l.'.V. ,Te saw l.l nil iil-Mnf l.i' I"' 1 11 1 l rt a ', im ,,f 111 ."- im.Ii lie p v .t. v or n i un i.".-"' lo Ull'ke l.'pi'.Hloe '" he wo n ' he., i ye.. J ,. i ii, Mill n.."l- WO l'. "1 . , oi't look snodier I. I. '. -.d-l. ide w..i li.e un -ii )oa Un Iv, pasliniir Hi" I p.e'lv fo". "I v. nl.e.ilV. Vollho.U warleM i 1UC b I, h.'f 1 "I'iu if.ila; ""', thru, II ;.m..I 'Ve." lo at le , In t i! oi l not evnn nun i" .VO" sin from Hie r.inui an . " nt. 111I0 the do. il V. I Hennie was .I;'Miil l" i""' iierillii e "I Old "Oi I'lvinali" ,1m enil'l SO'1 a)' ' liood -hye. bill ie ' Ii.'.l1 J l.l- Hill li"V tn lliotlier, lion l m Ui-. , i. , ,. ... il... 1,-1 U h uf it a luo'iiviit uf slunlied hev lid' n.K'ill, l'''""' " ''"' door, lie was i;om. Hi)' ll- Wollid eoilit haek. 1. I'.. ....... on her kit' All dav loll'.'. .11 ll It OVe ', she l' r i.. ,., ,M e,,,ii.' n.iel . iiiidtiiey wi'uid an i ui '. " lu-.lrt:ihU.f'. -ml In tin. dmU of ti, ami in tliu "' w r.,. i,.. h... ... 1. 1 n . 11 or ran e 11 b and', sea cl,e,t. l''eei.eas.oo i..nudi...d seu.diva toi.-kaquclio P;-nil a I e - , it the Ion-.', l'.neiy n 'jht S'lhd.led ll. l I" '' A so.,,. .. II - Mm ' "a icr , ilown to. be pier, whine lis T.-.-l lay. I ...It was too late-tli- craft had mild utd.j i i -, iiinl her liii' was cone. ir,, Moeil, loll.iw..i nu.iiib. y-'f """1 year, ail I llelenieil Ul.d 10' ' " ' dy lad. never for.elll.i- Ids fell"' s t a i in. u.t a iMitii uo i" ie V" "V . " ".:. : iinairet led lb Vo- III. i . "." i '" ' 1 ' ' , Uin, so like Ills fuller's could not .1 ..i.i.. L,,...,w fionl tier 1,1' di' ve the or Hie all... of ten. imm l..r lieailj Aiid iieiv al. I it ,v I he l.lnzln lire, vni. .... ........ ." i .... , u ,tful. lntllL"V lo.'k I" i; t; ;.; ,;. ,; his bed 111 tin liner, in" a hirtiuniii. ilui Ihe child cml'l ind s eep. II" lav led- f the wind-, I hev liiaie) to the V and wLus'.led '.hmui'li Ilm i' It'.U, auvl tj tlio ciMM'losH moan and thmnlor of the ten, r.ii-inir hi lirad vr and mion to lok nt his motlh i' whiin. sad fmi and wondt-ritu; in Ins C illd't lo'arl, if (iod ftiid his nnt-U wrrfi bo Lroi)il and iicrt-ifiil, why ihoy iliil not iln noniit thlnp to roinfoi I her. A sirnni;(. terrihlc feel in I'.init' over liiiii. an ilntble iri-scit;ncc of Miihf-ihtiig to chip. ' . tllior ! ' h oallnt, i;cnl!y( up In his hcil. (h, moilu'r! Alnil Is it I can't it?1! Vmt I ft-i-1 ffomrlhinj;. IndceJ I do mother V BJHnt n(n diil not hoi'd him. Thfl ohl tea ilojj lifted his I'ointi'd en and lilo n"l Inlout Iv; Mien In nro-i' nnd pit I -il ncioss to thft rln d's h.'il, wlih i iiK, half human In hi i'v. Ih nni- laid ln chi't-lv his sliajr K h-..l. " - h t ii !," Tr!ti!i ? ho w!ii!t'r"il. 'I'he .1" li-lcned th.-n Ih' h."lli.l'' 1 to the tu, In1, ,ui to -n all h and Binit Ik'Ih'.hU il. uii, utittlM-r I nioih-i !M c.illi-d lleiinio, in urn ,1 ftiai. S ii- hi i iv' w it It lit'mhlln h tmU aid a de.tlli Hi- ..' f ,1'M. ' , v mv h iv, inv il ohn.'!n whUni id ; Ih- n Mn ui'nt lo Hit- d i.r ii'xl oMMn-. .1. T ..mi -oi m I mi 'Ii l'i t'.t' vrrct M'.-l hi Ml U 1 i.h , lo 'tn' Ll'Ollnil, then Ih . tl'. 'Ii- Ii' Hi-, ll'l I IIII.'! it 01T, : -h.Mi. I. Hi"-!!' .1 l houn'l'i w' on- I'tf, l'i ih l' OW II Will. Hl-M'UK'l' fol- 'd n. ami I'noi, alT- ht' 1 lil'.k1 Ih-ii w.iM irf, ;, t . 11 m, onjh tin wiM. d 1 down t. Mi- hi. m!,, it-v ch!l I.!,' H) 1.. IIH! ih'Mll.lU' - i'Ml Il .11 ' vi.l .' drli ii.'d 11 ) HiV, n ir V uv .h.' fiirm of N' inii'if and o:i, f,in n'-nii, pin.-itiv;. ih'Vt slon.iHi tn loll i ii'll -A h;- a wil l m If w cut. i, innl hit i-L Dim a in n, il I..,. I'li'vi.,. k. i.iii i Mi 1 1 ; ami 11 vr . Ol' WOllJl'I' ,11. tli'.V 1 tin- Ml h.ra'.ll': and ('(irl'';i IU hit (Vn, W .11-11 hut; nwnkc to life n-.iin ih" : ill Ih" Co;,;i.:c. Uki'J: llooll Ifl !!IHf'l Mil" h"d, Willi tin- uiiih-i if Hi.- li-idiht U f' n lit"', n 1 lii'ihi t lii in If js h 1 1 1 lt; 1 1 1 nU'C h"i', 0.1 ' i in; lii-r I'ln'i k1 noli Ins tii niihy an-1 i- u; h' ' V';in i(tn'v, his blue eye nh'iii 1 w i r n a ("Hit I l'V It Hi IM' tli filK! klM'Wil. Til 11 A wild, v.tun,' hiir.i- ilnilicd ihroii-ii lie:-, h ml slit Si M ,t'd in iot fi'-t w'.lb it i-iy that; abuva tli'- di.i of '.In- -1 i 111 . "Ye-, iiici' Ii- Mi'o.l, In'oni'il ami w i'ii and c'l iliej, htll Willi lior i-a.ih- ki d!y c"- Ii U (.MiiiiPio-ii. 1 1 ( 1 nun hiiiii.inil. lie hi-ul uiiL hi atini, hut hlu' went d ovn pr'Mlr.iU) aL lii-t "Oil. lien ! 0!i, my 1 kno.v liml h.n, for n 111-! oid ! f..r Hiie.i u r'Vn me 1 il l.a.'U 10 u.i:liere.l IliT I'M a li'.'.lf l:l And !! lie.' up in Wildli', n clulil. 1, RoMiin li'.o' a W"iu.oi, liis k iMiii; a "iih, kissing ii tiiu elu.ix to llinl hio EUGOY ILEIBICITY. HOW A Mi:l N'r.'I"l'K Vnl'Xli MAS AND ln.oNin: i.iim.may he v i n.i.iin. "Sinee Ibe clei li e I U'it hat proved a mte.'r's I for l.siilinar l-'U'e hnndin-j, il Ii us ni'it d lo a h. n In llii III.. II of i hi I l. y that ell'e I n'll V ; I'oll'd l.e nsd oi! wheeled Vehi. le. II- k H'W I i.v i . i ! ii'ii-e lli.n. I Ini'i nil always tnoie or! I' (, 1 1, etiiedy w it-led-for lnsanee, wneu a! vouii' roupli' were on! riilin-', so no p . ju ri- 1 tn-iiii'd. i ii -1 sc. alio were em on Hie Vni,i- hh li.v I I Sii-id iv evenln:', mav have i ii.'i.i lied il I he lliiil vi..: !';;.ii iliat I i-ih of lie und i- a '. i'- i i! and I .-v p. .. r. v i of tue iwo oeeiiii ii, s of I hh i M' Uie w'io l.iiil t ' e pa oi.-.'.ve.l r lie e ii 1 1 'e. 'I Ii.' f-" M.l.l leat. led HI.', a li'i adl yoiln' man h ul eie; t-eil a lill '-v at S 1 very s aide for the cvi'tnn",, so he htdicl Hit' lively until lo nilo.v Ii mi lo et neriiiii'iit on the hii'.- v. Tn vmiHir Kcieninl nul a small el .a i.iiimi iiii ne low.-r no' of Ice divii"i"d i iiiil, of m..IiL of Hie il-ivi'r, mill ran smalt eoii i-r woci to ihe n.i.'k of Hie stai,. ll Is well vll lo i he v uilenl of tut ine iliat wneu a bruiie o yoiiut: iniiii mid a hloiidi i;ii t( ho net n-i Hie iio-i. ne and Ihe nu-a. n't ill ', is. ho is posi tive Im will put Ins in in a otiii. I Iter, mid sue neunives Ihe nt a .niircilH'iit tlloi.:; nt li st, ii in. ei I. use is n t- ,,un c eel'i'' sill i . il.livied muiU in ii f. Im; of eil p.' ii' 'im i. iiv oi-h.inded. Von I, ve nil fi '! I i.i don't houli. , I-, '...e V" 'i' in i" i-'.e' i.-.l. "i or in. un- v. .in' ri.i'.y hone on Hie nf a iiie, en nr. Wei', .ins w ile win t'l. il I (.ilillltliu is. .ftil on,i; people 1 h il. ,l,i-t ns ii.ev w. ie pi-i.i- 1' woiiM ' - in to ivlil'- ib. up, ,e hv Hie inil -ale, I m v .ii mid !i, ., tiic.V -" 'i I. I'll'1, mail's hllllll ll. lo In OW .'Ul ll,lll. II. e. he i.,ir-ti' l.el and U 1 m llio , v.'.-'l " ' , sii.i ui" yon"'.; P' O'd" Uil Id le went tin ie mI ;nr ie alum ns -tint 'i Ine inns.' was. Tili'V it.O:1 h,C ;tn iii rt til a I t in n, H id lie ! -i I went tln-V woii ii l,"L ne ;r W IS solll I) t lV (OilO v 'ij mid uiev h nr ened no oiH I.V' ry I., lu wi le roeeilier a. id Kiis " a 0 .if sh'i' mill sum e..-. and iniineibnie'v ine h .a wiiuM hi i.e up Tiie n'wl w.Hiedfi .hi. 1 iH-tl, nail it'MS fd oil the V'OlnjJ malt sn.ii on - of ti. lui ".v. :md bp a iu 'e f i -u eni;!! lue llrst f:v imna that ihe li-nt ll . ti' i''i;i)i.ta' lieeameoiit lo hii he is -oi, lo tni-; if i! tu'netl ni-nt itSo day; mi in: we.ii io Uiiu to her ah. nit tne horse, lie id ; ue e wee tmne Inn vii 1 t p n i4ji, i 1 n ,. ,et ,liev 'nt W. Hilled till ti 111 l! fi-Ull e .viusi ine) -hed liuht all : - oi in .uei and the t lee, . U ( und. T ie t iln-v rt- un I'poa"-!, 1 fiir an lion.' lev lode aloiu In Uie -ven- -hl J he youii'; jeu'iniM a iiuiinn r of lion - in innmit r Hi i wd s 1 1".i i h ! i f -ii,. v. . t f u' a ' i em, '1 ... . -i v :'.i.M.yed :;i di ' id w ,i -in i ail'ioi I.i V Hi t sail ii" i Ve Sae h i C ipe r 1 in r ein! neL linn', when 'in v .n . i a pt:-ni oi il- l.o. 4V. I i Voil - i ipirei I il J not ' v in u w i t u .it. h.u , to U i' s -"loe. M n. tL Wit 1 n: I'.n O I 1 X .d l e w m l a . a' 1.. b t I o l' . I I..H w 1 re. I w . I'll ll : .1 lill IH ,1.. i.y lu ..!....,;. EKMALE UAKBKKS. nil l ily I'. I.. a f. l'l He H.'i'i . l'i Ion i! li'.ed, and we ii. 'l of Ira le. I .. ,'...e. met le Hi. 1 IIIO'C other lo L--t t s .., . ' '. ns . Hie mil 1 was tl fi sialc in e not 1, 1. u lliel men W II WhV. Hi hel el. ill 1, II III u; isftl Hi ll l:e I, a- Hi ii sti.ue vi ho o al a .n s mi 1 . 1 j.1-1 1 inn' ,. at d .I,- h ..ill I mi's I.ei I... ids ll-Vi 1 -u l.e li d n.ia -h .'- uie I ', k 111 III jl hlill-elf 111 IIS if I'll'' ie t'i;,- In r fi!i--.-s ur mil I Ins 1 1. s linn in..! r I .e . hill w Hit Ihe 1 .In' ua.,,'.-, Ins I. lo... I -row hot und n Im . .,' ml t. ll -li, l.n-le. Wild- Ills sea p pil' l.les 11 l.l- 11 null' 1. 1 ll'll I Hell When .h" s.lps one uilll lllld-l Ills le id ai d -r.ihs 'nil t of IC' "T ear. slid d aws lilt' l.i.'ol P. -1 a: lio.i 1 .1 , In' feels like p.lia.H.e . .-a nu d. ll - Ii id oil ill" het Ves, -tint II 'a Hu e. I hen -he haul, his f u e nv r to.l'ai.t h-r and le u.- f .1.1 a d. hi i.i .mi his n i-e I , is to clean Hi- oil si 1 ip in; Oii.t her. of his head. T hat i. H e nine w lieu Ihe in ul calls up all lo.m .tn mid his coin aire, recites hp Hi, laralioii uf i miepi Hih in e, inn I di 1 r . ntid Hie harem ul Ihe Hid Mail .mis uf of the t tin. eels s.i weik he lal cs i, an oil, I. ai i inn and a cut tw ice. , and lui hit hair A M n i: Cun ti' - After :e nnd L'lH'' bevotul 0, 111, iiinl s. an. a pie" y f "' .' ,, ,ih o, ii nailtloiL'. 1 o a man rem lies tliiitv- . nut lo he too etitl- i. a. t ly a. he due. a mv it, inil ihe mo. I 1 1 ill, I l e.l eolinli'liiuiee lf not IlllTC 1'cal.. IV or ri tfiil ii ilv of on I ue. or il iwhn; complet lull Hl-lil'-t " inliiftll. i ll iriuin-; vvn. Uilll III ill". IV, , I'd is .In' who ll.l- wll 't Villi c.lH 101 ldotll. Ill f,,.,. (in that tell. el" eveiy einot!',i. s the 1, q, id water. In. k Hi" i'lani;iii! emu. I, Hie pis-tin- object, tfii'h a face its never end In" i h inn; I' allures, it fasein iIumiiuI poriiavs in .urn tli 'V-elnt!; of Hie lu'iirl. ll il swccUy tender, t''!f lovniL', be' ic, and ei.slavca l,V IISV.'IV V'llle'V. it e call imagine Hie S'lll- .t e i a 1 1 v.." of .he Nile, radiant with love, as her man clad A iillmiiy clone vt H lull resell of her Heu'p iiretl amis. Mitel, ii l iei had La Valicro. '. ... .. in. f. .,,,,, t r..l. I mim in bond- U 1,11 I. It lill I 111' , ", n - - a-e ni l .!, ti"d all toiler dames o''K. ..e. Wjshliii;'.'!! Ci'l'lUi ul Hie old GYMNASTICS. N KWI.T-M A R Ut Kl MAX GKT1ING HAM) IX FOIl KAITI.K. II IS "Pay, 6trani:er, kin I tjit a liijht In yore ? be akt-d, hKikhiij: cautiously around and wctilnx hist hands in a premonitory sort of way. '-What kind of a llht would u like? ' askid the l-arkcepcr, eyeing him utoornl y. 'TMni, kuifi', ii-r, to. uli, ttiivthinir. I want to live un to the prcwuliu1 6!ic. Suit yuielf, pard'ier. ' "Well ohtcrved (lie hott, piekimr up a ha- hall nat, "liow 'iM hi-i suit you? Like lo ti y "oinetliin in ih"' "Ilavu'l MM' iot a suoid, or k cleaver, or ft bni'iaw, or Mimciu! l1 lintL yer ran rely onto if we u;t elo-o tn.-Hicr Ain't theic Mime wti pon til-it u' lil"l'i' into Him i;uri' liiisnn's."?'' " I h s w ill d o me." 1 'pN-d I lie I' u k'epiV, wal.uii; MVt i' the h. if Hiitl il.nii tiling 1 h 1 Ui-ini- eioin viiilor a iin-.t Lie wall auyt lihri lielh-r i U it : in," at.d ti Ui Cm -ft H hrrr I lli'e QQ 'liot f'loil "I ain't uot slaii.-d il." s.od il I).. u I ii' .'d I'.ini'tl him strange he lifn- I the h-.i keeper mrr llientoi-t "Ih.n t :;it iiiipiiirut. I'll u.i'm up m a teroud,'' und he h"U . i h i.- an' .tut over ihe bar. "J M ludul,e th.',i' ver f iIm- itan-; I'll t;o un le the citiiu l"i a heal ni a union.'," und he hau'e.l the ha:-l i'M" t.iit hv Uie ear ?:id hiok,. h ,f t il '..'ii eh:ii' wPh him. ''i'll roiiM' up pomv p; fk no.v. (i.iinie a til'hi time.' an. I lu ll meeil a Ii n 'iptp 011 It1- foe and ihen pin-In d hi i i in i: ,!i l ii larK d ot "Now I'm I -e'ln' lite lu-ptiMM m. W hoop!"' and h kirked h, Cin in v u titler I :n p. u i ii. "Mi, Mf.iii ;''i ! A :n 'I thi .f 1 nil T.dii aii ml, (Shi"H V-'i'i.i nl.'sj 'ainh and pea.- t- l!i;V.'' and he li ed the unii ijv h 11 keeper down reiki r. " Wiiai an your .-L hi u. 01: in 1 ine" iKm tin' t:i,opci h.i;krv i iae. l-'d uiit and SeL ine hoillc and 1; lo II; 'at , tin lie 3 on tlie "Ver see, iaidner," s.ii.l t'l tlie lu tue iii iin, ai d ho Iran,' lining 11 1 we. -Il :l III" eye., ,.li I Uie lillt. "ver ,'.', 1 111.11 led ! liionl !, .111 w.1.1 ted t Up i Ii .ill for I lie 11. .11 ne e. ..' only nei ti 'ie winin d I'liele's fiini Ii. ii rootii-i t.viAl lleie ai;d inv lioll-e, iniil liv .lie tini" I ill ili.ii' p.i-li.i-: and in. its will he ou!y an itpiieuz r lo me. Mimed man, paid nei:J" "No," replied llhe I'llrkeeper, pllovill tlie ln.ll le tow ud 111 eneinv. ' I'm not, I'llt my fai her was. I know how it is." DOES NOT WANT TO BE PRESIDENT. Ill I.I. N V 1'" DECI.IXIC.s TIIK XHMlSAIlnS ami i;ivi:s HIS kka.isstui:hkkii. II. i?. not an enj ivaid-' Ii'.' it s 'iii.-Miiie lo he tic i ni . -1 a l i piioiii "inn- e.Miii l;n unity fill in 1 1 ei, -., h;i I l.triit' ami Hp- n on liif u iio;e inii'-li p r in u d and ill of u.uul pe lickuis 1. 1 W! ll I- I M l""ll"l. than hi'iiiu When u row anion .tii'l worry, d In a ii i- inort I'uiuf'ji l .ij; i eiuK in . 'em a boy, and s it i it: ia'e h.i.r tl w tli- l rh.-l.'d ' UiilLlll'llil Mil at tue'V )o, i 11 I i i i 0 , u a liitn- ' teat uer told lis to i Ve up. i .! . an ! V died vt'i'ses a w ek mi luat we eoiiid oe u e. blent, we inoniit thai utir ullled ealm inn! u in veisal anpiMhai ion noon iiie ma-i who r urei'f ally rose lo he tue eceiti;ve of a "real nut ion. With yea t'i and arrtnninii! tied winlo n, h-oy ever, we eii im-etl imr ui. til. Noiv we h uL our tle.-k ami wine Inn mn uuN for I lie p v s t iiat will he and keen w a, m h'tn,' a uer we me t n rued to ilu-t and ahe-. We w ri e hei v ar tielesun ihe ('oik olillook, and!,V eoiin.u..-f.ii.ui.-:tvi' Ileal ise on tlnM'liiih .1 iuilT, wh ;e men in o'her w.dkt of hte eo out ntlo Un- j lieaHh p'dniotine; iiiounlain-i, eatehmL; ImhiL und w.fodHekii. UurJo; is not ueihapjj a ,tov tms oi;o a ttrt eltei- Ihroiili ihe lou.i; tlnly days wilh nnr sn .pendeiM haih;iu; in limp fes -toonn down over our ehnir, while we wiehl the death eea mt; nun, but we. dou I waul Lo be piVMiletil. Our salary h sin dler, U i true, but when wo jn't tluini 'li our work in the nil idle of ihe uihl, anil put on our pliii,' hat uud f-p ke tail mi it and steal home lli;'"ii-l) the all perva'i'ii darkm s, w - t.taiiK mir ularia, a1 we sp'il tue kiuillniL: and li - down Hie family inn e. ' on tin1 ;j"r low, a'. ) null v, e iii ay in' It tl l.y j the in iwewr.ui ;o tad-y, our (.'.Hi n - i-.i.d lot Iv ana. se.. 'h"ie i - a iia.nelej... juv s. ,lh-s ilown u.-on u - I a.i we retin' luj.ntr snuuli" iMiieh on the o it ! and jutd (.' bar donrH over int to keep un wm in I w hi 'h Ihe win 1 I ran neither :ive or take aw a v. e plo.l itli.ii;' fn. i day to day, slienu' --eat wad- of in-nial p Imm our Ini'ir ns i" I tell ret, lie wr nun mu it iu oi eonipl.tiiiiii:; w in n 1 lawyers and phy-dei un put on i heir hro id lei in chip h it- and ipi out to ihe hieev eaiiyons ami j the hU.idV j:leiih to leain their healill, We jn-t pliiL; aloiiu bom day lo d y eatipir il j bitnbh Mh'd vi' from one ham! w lnle we wt Ue a se.tlliin eiitiit-itii on lliu uie tiansil !o:ia i furumher with the n'.her. j No, we do not crave the proud position of j I'fv-ddent, nor hanker to eliitili to an altitude where f.uty oi Ilfly millions of civil: 'd ieoile ' ran di-tinelly ;-ec wIk'Hh'I' tat ili.aid U' j w h a kisif or in t . l)iee in aw hih, however, In the Millnr of ! lb" nidi', wc kiek tin' cover ofT and mo u in , oiii di i am - a, w e iinanie I we in e lh i r.;d'ii! , Ul.d We W ike Willi til'' Colli t,Wi-'ll nr pe'-. na il on, a-, tlie cue m -V he. -lalidinu mil of eVei y p. ie, only to li . d il we ji" no; I'u-'i n-n,t , iiitcr .i I v an mvm-. iieliu.'i majoi i. id ste.ii aw.iv 1 a d. ink, and ; .. s'e.pi-O, , lo the la ;., li.i, k la a ;in r 1 ii .1 .10,1 I' klioil'i itieauiU' TRT: INDIA?' HEAVES AND VXW. 'I he det e-ed I Ol ll-. J.V..- t to I'. )' lie 1. . p 'a Is. I.v t lies ili'll ! 'I l e 1110 ; 11 luti; pi. i-h"d. wli 10 11 It s ,, H I lill'., 11 ui'l-t 1 ,1 1 pi I of ,1 ill nr ni in an p is--, iv, Hi ;i ii HI In., till, mi ni I V I' i.I. e lilt", tli- -ruliiiiis. and eu'i of i'l-t::ai voltlll and siren w .. y . ileu, a l ooi i li'i .'.' ' f ,l li tin. .inil 1 ,. pa.s. . hi. l.n, d iiiui. -. a id I, "ut 11 s Hi happy I" Ii. Hi , Id I ll- l-ill 111 ,11. U hell he S', I's lip" (at, el . iiiu - h'Ues ,-s- I! ,', nu I falls into I h 111. .1.1; .li.v-- le I , III. id , v, vv 1 ;' itt'1,1 tin '.-r is in-inn- wi ll H ' k-; a he - Hie . n 1 Hon- de id li-ll I" ,1 hv in-r -in in'! id i.'.l. Ill' I I... ll. , ;i ni tli" w ,ti r mi. In; h'.',. li.e i ii'" l'i Ii . k 1 u 'h im h 1 i lie 'I' , . SIC W I I. pol.ll, i iii. w i Ii In- 0 l. M'alu.s 1 iln- di ad aie nil "' v, nnd Ii ti .! l" b .lu.' live a il... ...ed l.f. iv'iel'' Hit. I . wuli ! I C -ll iot 1 he .h iv. me coveted " Hi, ,u. ami of ih s- im eiitpv b -in.- , 1 ho elinii' it;, lo ; ! a id on ,' l Hi' I' 'lv; liiniiiii" nrouiitls. !,l Ii Hiev can m-v i cub r. BAD tUThiOH'IS. Ii.,1 lliiill-h s, if che i-bed, blht Vlltlie, lle-lluV pa i , and 111, I, Hie stil'de-l fullnil all ies ul cuii'-ael'-i-. I hev ll.i like loi ill tiilihe,; like la i in i.otl. '1 in V eat Into the m oi. And w lien ilie pitiei-.s l.i.s l'1" "' on fur aw !nle. and ihere e nil .- H.e si r, -s uf an mil w.nd t-'tipi ilt-'ii, down t'.tev io into a in i. s of llllll! fli!p.l!'l "01 I" " . '"I l-1'KU' Wl'll fie-h i'.i nt. Ilirirsai'a all spiend and sie.tni'-r.s llv-ii-, and neve! i oin ' lin k, never i -hpoll. Why? 'I Inv met ll sl'U in a", 1 went d ,wn. In . (1 use ihev were riilleti. I'lider tlie piiint was llernv! .In-I Ml bad tlioULis, tie-, illlPU e tllotihlsmid ,na-;ln:ill , rot Hie titaulv oak of chai'jclcr, rust III". Iron of principle, sluekett all Hie Slavs of vlitne, an I leaves Ihe nis-J, the woman, to Hie violence of temptation, wilb no interior or reserve p.iw-r to wilii-tind Hie (hock. Hid tliouirhts fed aud falletiod am tliu built, ui. vice of society. Then, is no argument in t.'hiist's relLion a pi ti I, I a pule, il,d,le, uodly 111", Willi ll s horn of Ids Mini-it. Nullum; a,' vepeU. ilisiru-ts. ai ,1 hardens tin' iiiironvi-i led ns d uly i t u t with tlman who profess Clni..liauitv mily to make It odious. Let us nil Im watchful; for il is certainly possible to live 8 i rinse ly to Crist, that when tun. shall sea us tiny liil i Kalis. 1'. L. t'uyler. 'l'nr.r.B will lie a ?; t 1 aiu.iciiuiiis ul uur iku l''.n IIKll) now NEWS ITEMS. The rniurall ill En)lunil is cxcesiife. The Jumc6 river i$ lower than it has boon for fifty yean. A lirliiish uti-iini -r with nearly 'Ml pouotn lot on ihe coan of Aliie.i. Cm;n-siiiiiil Ileiiilrick B. Wright (lied at Valiiuiou City, on llie Ut liul. M.S. (iaill .1,1 Inn heeii.r iiU'n'i'.l ilh tl'B.i 10 In l ulled M.uet liovi'i imn nt foar per ten In. Dr. Howard, QiHrantin.' riiv-irian of lid lliuoie, wan iicic'iilelit.illv (tiuwuid on tin) .'111. An); n!ii. ('.a, lilllill -S lit ll'T him now tn opentii.m I7,loo ol'. in tnil.11, rein-, eiitinf; mi til Van! IIX'll t of jij IMI,IK.), An Arkann umi roih three hundred mil to h ti I he eh p ho i-li liicd in f,t!lnT i ft hoioii u ale, F.nal alljclion cm Dover die n lli n. i''iiutiy. Win U the Old Te!:linent l-t rovined Htll m I nil 'e, it a ill pi'l y h t if that All un ul li'i e i Mm ; un H!'ph, r e "i ved or.l bin re.-.naM-in won! I Im ntveplc I. eua'or lien H:li't t-muo i ti u 1 1 e;'v'ni; hi ii Ii'.uMe hi'e.oi-.' ..f In c.iiireroiii all'ee ti ui, untl he La- re'tiin.d lo I'hiladelph a for coilUn.Uiuli uiiii hi.i phy-iv iaus. O-ear Wilde luu h"on Invited lo visit H s!on. I'leiiiie a m ii, who dine1 on a t:!.isj if wa or ami it illy hilling do. hi to a dinner tf polk and beans. It wnt I'rmklin who said: "A handsome nr ft r'rh widow it the only ee..iiil-!iind article t!ial brings, a lb ,' e1.,; pn. e," l iiere are sued at tin: d,!T ii nt Mi'iimer n m-rti. "I'aiii'iii'i' hv an llliii' hi- ib ad be tll'MI dl-lMV on a monument." ban heeii beaten i! V'ti'l'. w ,b'i,t on Ihe e; ave nf .veil for Iwo h '.mln-d ni'n. and le i that it wart the -j ave of an old vol: it U int niii tint V trvin, Uie ll'l. ji .lv ' HII .', Ill Ul'jed four, i An I vet hev M'k ii'ioiK the la him ! l'ii ran have ilt tet ioi! in in. red fe;t.r en women plinishii'i; lor Mieh a I ' I'wardi of t wo tnlllioutt of live per ecu'. i- -'''red hoieU have heeii 1 1 i-ir di pal I ment for rede e i-Mied lJ' eL'.utaiy .'nd till. r.f iveil at Un nn! mi und' r the Vi in h):n oil the Ill.itW'tvmeii In Call'm nia t d to wreck it ti'.t i In- n. In-r tin, fur t,t -'.j Million. uie Kaii-, lo i i. iii am a lio.-i u,;e ui) he paid. 1 he pin eitn of e whom Un v cilee!i'd I iimvv lnuld J.'iT'i oi ),vi n'ri cl at v,i,' t!i" on ,'iprr 11 rnard II l.iWI'V'ol, fi oin N'-w is. lie tn !! in .1V at the Ad. -In Iln declined to h ; ."d heal!h. A'.er u ii ll.'t.'l he left for 1am- In'tn ii-Wvd. .hoit loll. j W h M I'm mi i ,1 n i nf i new hi a id a and !i-- 1. .'la i r-..:! kiek ttn'iv si e'im to be ;,o.l;l H'l. I lie he, i.i . c uir.uiu.; in, inner. : h d! in ,.. les-dou llllU', 1 ui.ntl aniill ll' rv en-' ti -i. r. lie n -in : in 10 .'Hit It' nil!' 11 i.i a The New Orleam l .,. .,'!,. I says iliat Ihe Btatili! Il.ll oll'll f ill'.l Is I' I lli talk an. I rv a..'.r'i'i'aIioii. I' mills Hill (l.ivi'iii'.rs. Iiavai In a ii sin'i.1. d on Ihe vkini it i i ' U nf si'tiiiin-U' lalliy, iilioH li law and turn lliiei'es, Imii uin! iiiiiidt ier.s louse 11)10111111.' enuiiuuiiily. lars Sillini; Hull snvs he wants to be free und "pn iilionl w lierever I please nnd have a iinilei-" I' reii v soon lie will want to pint 111 Itair in ilie middle, spurt 11 sinule iiiiiael eye'-'liiS', and wear his wnlcli rlialu on the nii'sidn nf his coat. I hi 11 lie shoulilhe ;iv;".i tt li y plulol In play wilb. 'I'll a New Oile.inj tui-.s ri beeoiniii- ;l IV 1 'lint knit ink, oid liny pipulir .1; nipern'il" 1 n-r he t t le eH"l! HI llip inv I- I.I..-.T beer. -'I l ISS VllV old III- ual inili'iisll. emir- of t'lne. Koit'ii'ss s Not if we know it. Vou 1 Aral. ;:iai - a milk on us U.r .Not by a Jugful. New Oileiliu lliH -Wleeil ei n III . he .ll.'diler.nni'il'l frilll Ir uie. 11 11! i ill' 'hi", have lillidt'il II h Ii 11'ilreil nnd i a en' v lliniisa id Ii . ri nu'io-d liiunn; ihe III. 01 lllli'C I's of tll'MI p. s a.. I I. 'lion-, nnd nhout 111, 1 1 huii have been bi tiu; Ves.t'is. iivilily Iholl .led il ill' l.y Mr. I. ml!. i v, the proliibi'loti e.uididile for (ioverii-.r of ' llil'i. is a nniii'if lelii1 er "f ei 1-r mills. Yel cnlcr will li-coinii "Intiil," ami ulieii in tli it coiiilill'.n I11-. he. mi known t 1 In toviiiii". Mr. i.u in. iv is in f.V'f of proline In,' a I. -wi .! a-. I then proliiliitimr its use. He 111. iv a. -ue H1.1l u.U-rhiit inn icctil ues. 1 'uii..;n' l'.. writ, s nf l'i 'Ue . no te":: nv. 1... I Ii. A e hear "f t" 11 im -. nf iSoi. : ire lie. d-ll llnoll doi.l .. H ll'lli- Nuiwe Jims: or , t loi'kl is 1 11'". iL'Vn'i d I ll In tuns III :i an 1 How and a. I'uv iilllinj;' to '.It. ir I o Id'.. Kv.l t' li'lin .h 1 1 1 t.kllll -li a:i. 1 dv Hi . e.l ll.ll I'd bv li.,' ll.;.t " i r, i in r, i nf '.'.I , I tl-. ,;) iw e . Old hv 111 ',1. .- pi... Ill pl'oilttc.ii.i s. Ale oi 'ri- ii lui country. M el Ml V l'i d ll'T bus l. ind tu i l one i Ion .. I Hi!', e a tea. In .1 il full . ..lull" W lilt I, 111 iu'ii!i!:i'l! V. ilnd id r.l.lip S nil. 1 Inn Ine 'i d Vi lli I,, r ti. 1 s'l I 1,1 be l.l " . 1 , . -he i'l-e I III' ! ks her i;ra ve Is ie ids I lies : ''. 'er, Wi.l nv n' i ', mv. A a iii.t 'J. Illtel led ll- ,'.'' .del of I! un-,-, No ", 'I! nf lb 1! I it 'I, d lie I" 1 f .s-il itiein .1 ui !i. .1 umi h ili-u il-- ' h - 1' r t h' n li III -I in -n il n. i , i -. I Hi it I iitli . v in. 1, ., "ll d 1 i h IV ! - l ' fit I , , .-i ..r : fi ..' hi. at tut i, a ' Hi ." i 'iiii '-. ' v- (;. 1 ' What S Wi.t-tl 'ui '" Nnd I. 't n -t w ' nu iiiis. fuiii, I in a hd i t , il fi - ui Hi- n:i ,'is it t o'tn'i'd iv. . i',l n, -e , , v , r , mi -his in life, cur eti II, !.' ' ,. li";l'i w o. fo.-ll I III, .-. Ii - of:- tltl-S.' I , f '.lie I lie, I p -o and oniv I. 1. I .!o WO!. HI..,, ov.-r. Hull oil's is Hut the which animal forms have eili l'he papers have s , id so much iit'.jut M ny Anileui'ii's liiubi, h in ; -i.u ,'ed Hi at she (old lill illlel Vll-Wel hel' opinio:, of ll-f n IV II de feel.. Sdicuvs: "I n in nil id Hie fail til l' I would led appe .1 to lid.-. oil.,;.- ill H.e l-a! et, but lb .d -nv- tin-talent mil l ip'Tlnl I, itlllf lo do Ihe h. l.oi ','. and It II .111!.' III de S failure of lie. par'. I am li ,t 'o li'.aiii , for H T I. It ju.l to eiilit i-e 111 (.01 ! uv-r whie'i I line Hit control y C:i'ieisil Inv uil.l,, my V. .ire, inv u'eslines, nv thirif you w iii. only pi, ibi a't allii le to inv Ibntn." Loin; an i weal vised n.-wapuper men to keep lb ir hmnU of? Ill's ailbj 'i'l and lo attend atiiellv l' MiUV's voire mid k-' siures. We d.i not cure If her le-s IIH- like rol l llr'at -d cupper !l-!llni,u; I'., Is mid bowed lik" a p u, i,; Imi' ril is what I . .lie Im s us. 11,-r soulful ey.-s and moil Ii full uf eilui are ' ll'iu.'.h to in ike s in i't atnka In p.ireuls. Vlek-buii; ( Miss ) II r.i'l. Pm-ir.MiK y.'iir tliu next I-'.ut a flu lis in lime fur 1, vou want to I'tijoy ymirsi r.', cciuo tv llio NVtlJoii l''.iii. If? Wrllilsw M.iir. Not so fast my friend; if you could sec the strotu: lienllliv, blootnltii; men, women and ehtlilreti Hint have been raised from bed nf sickness, sell rltnj and almost death, by the use of Hop Hitlers, you would mv "llloriotls and invaluable 'on.f. '.'on V,u. . .. ''tin Du. llaiiTi.ii Mkiiii ink ( omi anv, of St l.ottis, Mo., is one the imed tiouorable and ilistanlial csliil.lisliineiils In the country. Mr. Halter's Iron V'onie is one of Ilie alit ilard niid in. .st liiL'hly esii'eimiil pie paralleiis of the day, and (u t!v cnos a wide and iiiereasinr; lain, 'his is bioiiuht about l.y the hicti merit of tlie gimils and the Judicious and extrusive manner in which thev are advertised throuuh oul Hie c.. unity. l.mnUlorv miliums niii;ht lie oi lly written tn their prai-c, hut with so a'dc to Speak for tlli'llis-lves. f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- I.n'ls S'lVe lll-ller pll rpuM. I). , J..,,,.., le.".,) 11 tn- i ioii J.jurn ii. J line III ,1 lit. Tin; nct Kiiir l'i ss. ill In: :t t -anil sue- AIV Kirn.-K.MKN I'S. , r Will T i; 11 K A Li .V KO N' ll A 1, I V A X, N. C. Till; I'AHMI'.l'.'i' MHIU'IIAXT!'. O W K S S I. 1 !li T A sj tt. A c.iii)ilotii sbwk of IH'.V liiinlw. l.llil.'l.ltlliS. il.irnilNn. HDi ITS, Hlli iKS, HATS, I'Al'S, NDTIOXS. A full AMwni'liiiciil of All liootlst to ln foiii'il in the best store", and pi Ices as low il mil luwor (ban any store in IN THIS s I'.i Tli IN' OK TIIK STTK- itov all kinds of C.iti'.try nruiluco b I ln h ii;lu'. c u-li pi ici u. Call anil esiioiiio. M. Will I i ; ! 1 1 - V 1 .V SON', Halifax, N. C, Mil-: lll'.sr SA l.l ii )N IN IIA1.1KAX. M . W 11 I T ! II !: A D k S O N l'osile tlip Hotel TIIK 1 : 1-1 l- lllt KIIITIN IIAI.IF.W. All kill Is of Lbi'lors, Willi's, t'li imp i j;io i I I-r, l.urur fir indies liner. ciiiAHS ANI Tl'llAI'l'il. M'scl i!riiil;s in tin. f a'l ilea -r i j lions put ti it k t s t v i. i: Call ami m t i iro l ,lri k of any lliine; Hull you iii.iv call for. Al. Will I'Ktl I) t SUN, llillilax, N. (. J, II K V K K H Y , Wo liavi. r-iited the l-'crtv across tin rivr at 1 1 ai ilm. All patios in Nm-.h t m 1. 1-,ii cunt v v ill lin t it to their advaii iaM to tra il' with us, as they can i;, t a ills count on li rrv tickets. Kerry ti' kt ts kept at thoir atoru in H tli fax oil sale. M. Willi laii' A') A- 0N. llalifax, N. e, net 7 ly. m s.wa: ov, ukn r. I'lir Old Pnt OHIee hltlldllO,, ItoW Uliowil Nf the Vlit i-4 club Home I'l.e a!oc name I nrt..erty will (. Hold on i-.vt-Ai.mtit.le terms I lined to;tK""d tenai forohe e:tr. Ai'flvlo m,, woidou.aVi jail J I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Ty A I. T K ll K. HANI K L, Allornr)' mill ComiHollor At Law, iv k i i w. e. l'ra. tires 111 It ilifat mi l adjolitimr counties. S tal aM.'ii'i l-Iv -u to III all parts of Ihe SI and prompt returns iiiado. tel.. IT 1 y yi. l H W. II A It T M A N . N ll r ( t 11 tl l p 11 t I n t O tic - nv W. If. !l -nvn's Dry Hoods store, WKMMN. N 1'. Will vlsl' pi-t! nt their .:l....!IS'.l.'. nitlies when di.s'reil ni t 111 ly I'tTIr It d M. U ll I . . It !'. a r M 11 i:y at law. It M.II'A . X. i'. 11 'le in ti.. r - li t It nis- Irlet att. ision. ii' ion 4iv ell J.'lll I.' ! Hi prof i: T. II K N ' il, AT rKH'i:Y AT I.UY kx ki i.i.n. x. 1'. I'rt '! Hi Hi . . ill I Will- nil of Hallfa t. Sss'i et :011s iiisd," in si !an li !f I.'.d 'a,-.. all. r. v. M A S O N ATroits:Y AT LAW, ; vi.Y-uu'R'i, f. r. le. iln t'i' emrti of N irtlisiitpt'ni ami a e unities, also Iii tin Ked-ral and Mi. nils. JuinOtf. Vi-l- v7 w-" VLI" AT rtltsJKY A r law, '."l.ll stt till. 111 -Iv.'ii t'l rollei'.tloiis and r pi ly nia l.i. reinilla i.'" p to iv III. ll II. SMiril, JK. AT rilllVKY AT MW, M'oti.vnh N'i:i-k ilM.tflX e.illSTYi N. 0 .,.-H In the eo.intv of llalifat nu l adjo f llalifat slid adjoin. lim-e. uiul i. s, and lu the Supreiii.! ourl ot uei hi ,11 ... wiy. T uom.vs n. una., AUoriie)' t I.uw, Hiai''AX, N. e. 1 lu llilifix an I a tloltiint counties il vi I .-i.tpr en ' eo li'N. at Sei'lll l N !.., niiee ev-ry fo't'.'sif Pridle .Hid K 1- W'ill h nh;'.it. lAMkS a Ml 1.1.1 N'. I. ti N JOHN A. iHuUiU M 1; 1. M o 0 ll ATTOIIXKYI AT LAW. It.W.U'AX N !'. le In tli- idles. if II ilifas, N.irlti.vnp. ri K I - ...,i no . Pill .'I'l l M irtlil- lll the Ml- pre n ' e ourt "f til- S'ale and lu th" K -dersl Courts of Hi P. 1 1' .'I'll 'list rli t. Collections luada III .mv pari ol llio'. )n 1 ly iv. 11. 11 w. A. C. .ol.l.ll'Ol'fHU. I. 1) I. 1. 1 C 11 1' K K H. I)W Al'l'O :itKY,1 AT LAW, wici.ioN, x. r. Priftlt'e In thee i-trts ,,f Hal I fax and adioluliif iifilb's.-uid in l!i'Sii,r.'ini' and I-' '.l-'ral courts, Cl.inii-i .'..',.. ei, . 1 In my pari of North Carolina, ii,i-of (lie tli-ni wiil ala.iva be fmiud lu tint lib--. Jiinejflly. I) I-.. I-. 11 UN TICK, s c u ti i: i k x r i rr Cm hi. foil mt nt his olllce in RnflpM. Viirn N'itront Oini-i (its lor thn I'nin. Iei Kvtr.iclinir ol 'Teeth always on hand. Ju in -Si it. V. li. . Il.l.leol i t ii. nil. Ii. tl. 2o.LH'iITr.H, I) H. A 11. Zm.l.I 'ur-l-'lill 4 lill ).. I'll Y SI I I M) MiltUi: V ll I. i '1 N. X. C. vrs tl uilll tt ..Hie ,'f-r, Inciter iinl'e.l n-il it, til s') I il" ! ti' ' I ' ! Hi ir prof,--.-' ,-raili no I -..lie i ."I l- nil e . it- -nt .. ' . ( 1 1 , f I t . !!-!,,. ,l!,,bT tt 7. .lli.-nir-r Itro. t Ii ! ..-rvle-s t" ttl' pill. tbl st ar 1 ..( Hi -ir i n! ruiniire, I and pi' mud att-ntinn to ii- a w.i! tl v.i, i I. f.'il.i I it -; 's ,i-a ; Slur-' wh.T.i la' all lioiir-, su I w-ieti Lit l-id i:iV ' their atti-n- ut evt ra eha r-.'e. : ir in dl i , I 1. - I r 'a'. . I, nb " ib v ' I -it s with. Ml.-e.KU.ANF.nUS. 1 hi Il'uristaatUli -illi-lup etrr Hade. Ai'e-.!i 1 1 rn k 1" I D:-.rdrboi',' : a'"..! tli.-h.tan.'. ,i, I, , H, . i t rlli tin r l.-tler, ,! ' a'cid Purlflf r, Ulver tor.'". I la'.-, oil ll-.Uli. UvkliUif- I'tsvil.ti lotiif t.t tn iT lie; 1 is, vtuiid and wrlftl arv Uliil t.f tlielH. )' j'tltv It . Aei Ui ur-ib. i r 'i -t iit.i stn-i-.i'iua without Intov I"!' i.u t i ,,rv li icatinu lUif or pyiitpt. ft" or nl.-U l'i. 1. 1.: U Hit m 1'Ut if yo'i .rv I' ii iv t i uniii ii .i.lT t,n l h ul er ii iM ial 1, :4i-tiim at oner I It nmy Me -f'tir lite. It tl. af et hun.ttwL. ! f500W!U'-,tn'.'i-'iir' m... r li Ip. Im n -t nint. r .u.ui.lut '.M-a , I u-,;e tl- .1 ii. N r, II' ll U. )v U .tnit.lh- ti iifMi j m, Im4 (hi' l' i li'tjetirft'lflli H to 'iMt Hnp B & J He.: t mn rv,T l"il1i ; (h 1V tups. o .! iiort ii- ' i" T-Hn or fmiiiiY ttt.lit.I Ik Wltlf'lt I O.I.C. ,,etHRM' iHtri- I i I i.'ik, ii. , II - e. I, lit. 1,1. Lf ll . .Alt W l'i IV lllUtM-lst. Nli, n iniinr. u p n tim m. llii'i.t. T,. tuisl iv.roiJtsHOiit, t iv-.',..' to 1 il;es V ''' S,eu u l ' V.-. ..l enV Is..,t..vuV I ' l.-r.ili .a l .nll li. .,' ( ll.j t -M..-I :Vt','",." ' ,1-'iuM '1 . I 1- iV I niTV' ,i.l I m pr. 7 1 y. THK III ti 1 OS 1 1 A U K E Uf. issi. 1HHI, ThtMnctl naper w."f of Ch'u fiv4pnpr of i ttir Alwuys up to thi 1 1 men. eoii.lli' t' d it ni riiisheii lit Hew-, ttu.l tni nib' ha I'V-r ehiilteim d the reput.ltiotl vt "Thi li. si paper Jn nwa." 77 A' .77.7..W; I'oX IHTvA'V:. N more (jn 't-'.l from (hrni,h.tit the Unite l stftfnH and (.iiiiiht Untn any other j 1,1 per tiowr putiliuli- d. on .veniiiit ul Un and tilue, humor, wit -t ni tir". Th'Miot.t, -me'ehes and k'itera of the fumum humoilst, il 7 y. ;.' A'PA777; ,ppe;tr PUIO other pajef, T'ie weekly will I. it seiil to liny d'1ril for i:. per ' ar. ! ii ft.r ix tuoiiths." Nevi'-t deal. er- Me 1 1 It vvery svhi'r.'. A-fei.t-A want d in every county lu Urn United STat S -nd H'amti for himHe rrv nnd Terms li a-ei.l-,. .d a ct TIIK H VVK1-Yfc'. iiuritiijt'tuu. iuw.

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